August 9, 2015 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
August 9, 2015 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ● August 9, 2015 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ● August 9, 2015 The Second Collection this weekend is for the Building Fund ST. MARTIN DE TOURS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION 2015-2016 The monthly Building Fund collection is one of the ways we are able to finance the many projects we have underway as we celebrate our 250th Anniversary in 2015. Registration packets are located at all entrances of the church or the Parish Office. The Second Collection next weekend is for the Reduction of Church Debt Sunday, August 16th @ 5:00 PM Date Time Eucharistic Ministers Lector Sunday, August 16th @ 5:00PM Grades 1-6 Saturday, August 29, 2015 $ 7,080.00 $10,000.00 $ -2,920.00 $ 1,816.00 Altar Server Grades 7-10 Confirmation Formation Program COLLECTION REPORT General Offertory 8/2/15 Weekly Budget (2015-2016) Difference Indian Mission Classes Begin: 9:00AM-4:00PM First Sacraments Formation Program Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:00AM-4:00PM If you have any questions please call the office at 394-6021. Intentions Daily Mass 8/10-14/15 6:30 AM Kathleen Durand Buddy Hebert Mon. 8/10/15 Rhona J. Barras; St. Anthony (FG) 9:30 Nursing Home Mass Helen D. Romero (BD) Wed. 8/12/15 Our Lady of Fatima (FG) Thurs. 8/13/15 Lazard & Thelma Romero & Anicet (Louise DA); Jeff & Louise DeBlanc ; Marin & Joanna Conery Durand; Our Lady of Lourdes (FG) Fri. 8/14/15 Georgean A. Babin; M/M Louis Granger (his BD); Donna Hulin Stanley & Della Tuesday 8/11/15 5:30 PM Marilyn deMahy Fred Foti Murphy & Lena Latiolais Family (Murphy DA); Lawrence J. “Pee Wee” & Lillie Mae “Dottie” Barras & Andrew (Lawrence BD); Nolan & Etta “Peta” Champagne & Marilyne (Marilyne Owens BD); Ethel G. Oubre; Georgean A. Babin; Tommy & Leslie Louviere; Jesus, Mary & Joseph (FG) Saturday 8/15/15 4:00 PM Kathleen Durand; Tuffy Resweber; Howard Boyer Dianne Jayce Latiolais; Champagne Alec & Gracie Latiolais Ada B. & Rodolph Sieber (Ada BD); Kathryn “Kat” Watkins; John Wesley Dugas & Darrell; Therese G. Delcambre; Jean & Yola Poirier; Walter & Angelle Trosclair & Leona T. David; Antoine & Eursule Latiolais & Family; Georgean A. Babin & M/M Lucier Angelle Family; Bolden Haydel; John “Noonie” Viator; Larry, Toby & Todd Bertrand; Ivan, Sr. & Ella Boudreaux Lavergne Family; Edna & Wallace Theriot; Ethel G. Oubre; Irene Dugas; Raoul & Beatrice Babin; Fred & Margaret F. Bienvenu & Don; Pat Theriot; Fr. Kenneth Morvant; Jillian Johnson; Isabelle Duhon Sunday 8/16/15 8:00 AM Lucille Theriot; Louella Champagne; Buddy Hebert Marie Patin Nyles Thibodeaux; Reggie & Brittney Cormier Myrtle Girouard & Roy Breaux; Elmo, Mathilde & Lucy Bourque Family; A.J “Bon” & Leona J. Champagne; Joyce Douet Theriot; M/M Freddie Champagne & Irene; Vincent, Rosalie & Joseph Milazzo, Sr.; Priscilla Hulin; Marian & Joanna Conery Durand; Theophile, Maude & Maryann Marks; Barry Blanchard; Mitchell Daspit; Donna Hulin, Stanley & Della; Tony & Donald Thomas Sunday 8/16/15 10:00 AM Irmalene Gaudet; Becky Patin; Donnie Latiolais Shirley Akers Lillian Latiolais; Connor Durand; Maci Kidder Ann Gardemal Judice & Lynne Viator Judice Family; Nolan & Etta “Peta” Champagne & Marilyne; Garrett Matthew Tabor & Lilly Belle; M/M Edmond Laperouse & Family; Hubert & Lorena Hulin; Murphy & Lena Latiolais Family; Luke Joseph Olivier (BD 8/18) & Nerry Dore; George & Laurence Sieber; M/M Desire Delahoussaye & Betty; Genevieve “Jenny” Theriot & Ben; Pim & Pecko Eastin; Harvey Pelafigue & M/M Paul Melancon; Suzette Bienvenu Judice; Walter Hulin (Walter DA) & Gaylon Champagne; Lally Babin (7/29 DA); M/M Albert Landry; M/M Alfred Landry; Russell & Jeanelle Landry; Cliff Durand (WA); Brady Family; Mary & Lloyd Maraist; Alfred “Yumpy” & Vivian “Sue” Delahoussaye; Yvette Romero Cartwright; Harold Poirier; George E. Bulliard, II; Craig Baudoin & Doug Baudoin; Mason Kole Boggs; Ed Theriot; St. Jude (FG) Sunday 8/16/15 5:00 PM Debbie Latiolais Elijah Bernard Adam & Kaden Berard Leonce “Cas” Jr. & Cory “Cas” Boudreaux Saturday, August 15th at 8:00AM (Not a Holy Day of Obligation when it falls on a Saturday) CONFIRMATION 2015 Why should I be confirmed? Confirmation completes the Sacraments of Initiation in our Catholic Church. Those who are confirmed receive the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit to assist them in their lives. Canon Law is clear that those who wish to serve as sponsors (godparents) at Baptism MUST have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Diocesan policy also states that those who enter into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony should be confirmed. Anyone 16 years of age or older can register to participate in our Confirmation Formation Program which is required to be confirmed here at Saint Martin de Tours. St. Martin de Tours CANDLES PRICES The price of candles in church has changed: If you or someone you know is in need of receiving Communion at home because they are ill and cannot come to mass, please call the office to set up an appointment at 394-6021. Silent Retreat for Women August 21-23, 2015 Members of the Community of Jesus Crucified are conducting a silent retreat for women that will inspire and challenge you to fall deeper in love with the Lord. During the retreat you will have quiet time to pray, opportunities to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation, Mass, Adoration of the Eucharistic, and free time to stroll through the beautiful Retreat center grounds. Because the Community wants to place no obstacles in the way of those who truly want to make a retreat, the retreats are conducted free of charge. To register contact Cheryl Moss at (337) 453-2385. NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH There will be NO 6:30 AM Mass on Tuesday’s from August –September 2015. Tea candles: .50 cents Plastic candle (six days): $3.00 Glass Candle (six days): $4.00 Sanctuary & Consecration Candles (1 week): $5.00 Lectures on Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Caring for Our Common Home Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center ● St. Martinville Mater Dolorosa Chapel; No Cost & No Registration Required. Friday, September 4, 18 & 25, 2015 ● 7:00 PM—8:30 PM PARKING: 103 Railroad Avenue, St. Martinville. For more information, call Fr. Champagne a 394-6550. The Blessed Mother Statue will be at the home of: Becky Patin August 11-18, 2015 Sanctuary Candle: Lawrence J. “Pee Wee” Barras (8/11 BD, 8/9 DA) Consecration Candles: Suzette Bienvenu Judice; Lawrence J. “Pee Wee” & Lillie Mae “Dottie” Barras & Andrew; Georgean A. Babin; Roann M. Romero & Zoey; Andrew “Tuffy” Camacho; Lucette & Walter Hulin, Donna Hulin; Leontine L., Theobald deLahoussaye & James (BD); Ada & Rodolph Sieber (Ada’s BD 8/13) Altar Flowers: Lynne Viator Judice
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