July 24, 2016 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
July 24, 2016 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 24, 2016 ● 17th Sunday In Ordinary Time Fete‐Dieu du Teche Eucharis c Boat Procession Monday, August 15th 2016 The Special Collection this weekend is for Catholic Communications Please use the envelopes provided in the one and only passing of the basket. St. Mar n de Tours 5:00PM BENEDICTION 2nd ANNUAL EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION ALONG BAYOU TECHE Fete‐Dieu du Teche Eucharis c Boat Procession; Monday, August 15, 2016 (Feast of the Assump on) The procession begins with Mass with Bishop Deshotel at 8:00am at St. Leo the Great in Leonville, makes stops for Rosary and Benedic on at Churches along the Banks and ends in St Mar nville at 5pm. More informa on will be made available as we approach the procession date. Follow ac vi es on Facebook: h ps://www/facebook.com /Fete‐Dieu‐du‐Teche‐. Date Time Eucharistic Ministers Lector Altar Server Intentions Daily Mass 7/25-29/16 6:30 AM Pearle Bienvenu Marie Patin Mon. 7/25/16 Rhona J. Barras; St. Anthony (FG) Wed. 7/27/16 Our Lady of Fatima (FG) Thurs. 7/28/16 Mama “T” & Nina Maraist (Both DA); Kim B. Signorelli (BD) Fri. 7/29/16 Georgean A. Babin; Helen & Jess Weimer (DA) & Elizabeth Tuesday 7/26/16 5:30 PM Lou Sonnier Dianne Champagne Georgean A. Babin; Ethel G. Oubre; Larry Decou (25th DA); M/M Andre Delahoussaye; (Mrs. Andre DA); John & Loritta Daigle Family (Loritta DA); Maria B. Granger (BD); Sister Maura Theriot (BD); Chad Murdock LeBlanc (DA 7/24); Jesus, Mary & St. Joseph (FG) Saturday 7/30/16 4:00 PM Annie Theriot; Amy Borel Howard Boyer George Choplin Luke Durand; Hannah & Luke Bernard Ernest & Antonia Theriot; Kathryn “Kat” Watkins; Larry, Toby & Todd Bertrand; Elizabeth A. Bertrand; Dennis, Lucette & Walter Hulin; Ethel G. Oubre; Harvey Pelafigue (BD); Paul Girouard; M/M Homer Hulin & Darrell; Jean & Yola Poirier; John “Noonie” Viator; John Wesley Dugas & Darrell; Larry Westcott (BD); Georgean A. Babin, M/M Lucier Angelle Family; Therese G. Delcambre; Lisa W. Bernard & Family (Lisa DA); Elizabeth & Linden Champagne, Sr.; Beranger D. Theriot; Maudrey C. Landry (DA 7/21) Sunday 7/31/16 8:00 AM Frank & Marlene Castille; Louella Champagne Buddy Hebert Bailey, Abbey & Billy Poirier Mrs. Euclide Landry (DA); A.J. “Bon” & Leona J. Champagne; Theophile, Maude & MaryAnn Marks; Roy Breaux & Myrtle Girouard; Mitchell Daspit (BD); Hubert & Lorena Hulin; Elmo, Mathilde & Lucy Bourque Family; Donna Hulin, Stanley & Della; Priscilla Hulin; Marin & Joanna Conery Durand; M/M Earl Bienvenu Sunday 7/31/16 10:00 AM Kasey Theriot; Allison Theriot Blake Douet Julie Hulin Conner Durand; Brielle Barras; Elizabeth Hebert Lynne Viator Judice; M/M Alfred Landry; Yvette Romero Cartwright; M/M Albert Landry; Bolden Haydel; M/M Edmond Laperouse & Family; Nolan & Etta “Peta” Champagne & Marilyn Owens; Garrett Matthew Tabor, Lilly Belle & DeBlanc; Pim & Pecko Eastin; Genevieve “Jenny” Theriot & Ben; M/M Desire Delahoussaye & Betty; Russell & Jeanelle Landry; Harvey Pelafigue & Valerie; Cliff Durand; Dr. Lon Latiolais; St. Jude (FG) Sunday 7/31/16 5:00 PM Tommy Romero Barbara Romero Adam & Kaden Berard Leonce “Cas” Jr. & Cory “Cas” Boudreaux If a name is not printed above due to human error, be assured God has received the inten on in heaven. ‐ Canon law 945. If a daily Mass is cancelled or subs tuted with a Word Service, Mass inten ons MAY be transferred to another Mass. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Fear Closes, Prayer Opens Believers To God's Surprises Prayer is a key that opens the door to God. Prayer unlocks selfish, fearful hearts and leads people from sadness to joy and from division to unity. Prayer is "the main way out: the way out for the community that risks closing up inside itself because of persecution and fear." Prayer -- entrusting oneself humbly to God and his will -- "is always the way out of our personal and community's closures," Vatican: www.catholicnews.com 6/29/16 Solemnity Mass: Monday, August 15, 2016 at 6:30 AM. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION 2016-2017 Registration packets are located at all entrances of the church or call the Parish Office at 394-6021. Classes Begin: 1-6 Grade Saturday, August 27, 2016 9:00AM-3:00PM 7-10 Grade Sunday, August 14th, 2016 5:00 PM First Communion Classes Saturday, August 27, 2016 9:00AM-3:00PM Confirmation Classes Sunday, August 14th, 2016 5:00PM Rest In Peace Dr. Lon J. Latiolais, DDS 7/9/16 The Blessed Mother Statue will be at the home of: Darren, Cathy & Alayna Dore July 26-August 1, 2016 COLLECTION REPORT General Offertory 7/17/16 Weekly Budget (2016-2017) Difference Reduction of Church Debt $ 8,751.00 $ 9,600.00 $ - 849.00 $ 3,537.00 CONFIRMATION 2016 Why should I be confirmed? Confirmation completes the Sacraments of Initiation in our Catholic Church. Those who are confirmed receive the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit to assist them in their lives. Canon Law is clear that those who wish to serve as sponsors (godparents) at Baptism MUST have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Diocesan policy also states that those who enter into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony should be confirmed. Anyone 16 years of age or older can register to participate in our Confirmation Formation Program which is required to be confirmed here at Saint Martin de Tours. Confirmation Classes Begin On Sunday, August 14th, 2016 5:00PM-7:00PM. Jesuit Spirituality Center Retreat The Jesuit Center will offer a personally directed retreat beginning on August 1, 2016. Participants may choose 3 or 5 day options. The center specialized in these personally directed retreats, which are based on the Spiritual Exercised of St. Ignatius Loyola. Solitude and silence are important aspects of the retreat experiences. For additional details, including cost and registration information, please contact the center at 337-662-5251 or visit online at: www.jesuitspiritualitycenter.org Sanctuary Candle: Barry B lanchard Consecration Candles: Law rence J. “Pee Wee” & Lillie Mae “Dottie” Barras & Andrew; Roann M. Romero & Zoey; Georgean A. Babin; Alcide & Loraine Trahan; M/M Andre Delahoussaye; Lally Babin (DA); Lisa W. Bernard (DA) & Family Altar Flowers: Garrett M atthew Tabor (BD 7/ 24)
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