Territorial Days - Prescott Chamber of Commerce
Territorial Days - Prescott Chamber of Commerce
Prescott Chomber of Commerce OFFICE USE ONLY NON-PROFIT SHOW APPLICATION Spoce Territoriol Doys,lune tt-12. 2Ot6 # Amt Pd. Colck/cc A.L.Dote APPIJCATION NOTE: You must be o YAVAPAI COUNW 501c3 Non-prof i't Organizotion. PLEA5E PRINT CLEARLY, FXLL OUT ALL PERTINENT PA6ES AND RETURN TO THE PRESCOTT cHA^ BER oF COM,I^ERCE NO LATER THAN oNE ,I ONTH PRIOR TO THE SHOW DATES. Pleose read Rules & Regulotions carefullv before complefino application. Nome of Non-Profit Orgonization Contact Person: Phone: Moiling Address: Stote City Zip- E-Moil Vehicle Informotion:x 114o1" / Model Color LicensePlate A copy of the SHOW PARKING PASS shall be displayed on the dashboard of all vehicles related to aplazabooth space. *This regords the vehicle you will use ot the Show - TYPE OF BOOTH: HAND-CRAFTED ITEA^S Prescott Chomber l,lember RAFFLE/GAI Prescott Chomber AAember XNFOR,I ATION ONLy Prescotf Chomber Membar E LIABILITY STATEMENT I (pleose print your name), orgonizotion ond have reod ond agtee to thot we will not encrooch $t25: $125; $75; Non-lAember $200 Non-rtAember $200 Non-Itiember $175 om authorized to sign for my non-profit abide by'the Courthouse Plozo Rules ond Regulotions. understond f exhibitor's space. In oddition, Thereby release ond hold hormless THE PRESCOTT CHA,I BER OF CO,l MERCE from ony ond all liobility including, but not limifed to, thaft, personol injury, bodily injury, strike, public enamy, or oct of God, and to indemnify it for any damogas arising from our conduct of on Arts & Crofts Show. f further understand that I am liabla for ony charges resulting from damoge done to the Courthouse Plozo by my foilure to follow tha rulas and regulations. fn oddition, os the signer on this opplicotion on behalf of this non-profit orgonizotion, you ag?ee thot it is your responsibility to moke sure thot all volunfeers from who will ba helping with the booth hovebeenmade owore of the show rules ond regulotions, including specifics obout WHERE to pork during show hours. Further, it is understood thot ONLy Sister City/Caborco (with Prescotf Chombar of Commerce) is permitted to sell or offer water or soda. Signad on onother Data There are a limited number of spaces for Non-Profits at each show. Rev. 1/2016 PLEA5E PROVIDE 2 OR 3 SENTENCES ABOUT YOUR OR,GANIZATION. Please note any speciol needs your orgonizotion has best to occornmodote you. regardingthespace to be assigned and we will do our Attoch specif ic show opplicotion(s) to this poga ond submit with poyment. This opplicotion is for: Territoriol Doys (June 1t-12) Foire On Tha Sguora (Sept FallFest Cost: 3-5)) In The Park (Octob er 8-9) Cost; Cost: TOTAL ENCLOSEDT NEW for 2016: AZ Non-Profit Signoture Moke Checks poyobla Tox I.D. to: prst.rtt # Chomber of Dote Commerce, P, O. Box LL4T,Prescott AZ8fiA2-1t47 OR Credit Cord: Card # QUESTIONS? Coll Scott or Exo. Date: Securitv Code Jill Currey at 445-2OOO xtt?: or e-mail [email protected] Applications may be FAXed to 928-445-0068. Notification of spoce ossignments will be mode, by moil, 2-3 weeks prior to eoch show. There are a limited number of spaces for Non-Profits at each show. Rev. 1/2016 COURTHOUSE PLAZARULES OBooth space is 10 x 15 feet (150 square feet) maximum 2' must stay within the marked borders of your space. x 15'storage space behind booth. You lNo stakes or displays may be driven into the ground; nothing may be leaning on or affixed to trees. Bring weights to secure your booth in the event of wind. Tent weights must be SUSPENDED off the grass. OBooth must be placed flush with the curb. (Exception - timeline spaces due to permanent flag poles.) and boxes, all storage, must be raised 3 inches off ground io allow airflow and minimize damage to grass. Bring wood or PVC for this purpose. lNo flooring unless the grass is wet. In the case of rain, only breathable mats are acceptable. lvehicles are not allowed to drive or park on the brick driveways or sidewalks (referred to as I Blocks) lUse of Plazapicnic tables, benches and trees to assist in your booth set-up or display is prohibited. lExhibitors are responsible for handling, erecting and removing display materials. Use Dumpster, not lCrates "pedestrian trash cans." aNo equipment or materials are provided. portable flre extinguisher is strongly recommended for each booth. damage is determined by Yavapai CountS the exhibitor willbe responsible for repairlclean-up cost. lsecurity is provided each night of the event.. ..Exhibitors leave their work at their own risk. lBooth must remain open during show hours. lNon-Profit Exhibitors are allowed to distribute literature promoting their organizationonly. They may not add materials from religious, &aternal, political, or commercial organizations to their display. WATER or SODAS may be sold or offered onlyby Prescott Sister City (Caborca) andlor the Prescott Chamber of Commerce. lA llf i Parkins o Exhibitor parking is not allowed on or around the Courthouse Plaza except to load and unload. Exhibitors shall move their vehicles as soon as unloading or loading is completed. Event parking shall be at Mile High Middle School field OR not closer than2 blocks to the Plaza. Mile High Parking will NOT be available for FallFest In The Park. o A copy of the event PARKING PASS shall be displayed on the dashboard of all vehicles related in any way to a booth space on the square. I any goup, or representative of the organization, found not complying with the rules of the show may be asked to forfeit their space and may be excluded from future participation in Chamber of Commerce o shows. I Provide a copy of the rules and the parking to all personnel associated with your booth space. Space Assignments Non-Profit Space assignments are made 2-3 weeks prior to the show. Please attach a note to your application with any special needs your group has in regardto your space. Check-in Times Check-in begins on Fridays, at the Gazebo after 4:00pm. Set up will start AFTER the Judges leave the Courthous e (app r oximately 6 200 p.m.) SHOW TIMES: (2-day Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-4 (3-day Saturday & Sunday 9-5, Monday 9-3 show) show) Ouestions? Any questions can be asked by e-mailing Scott or Jill Currey at scott @ prescott.org or by calltng92S445-2000,x ll2. Please use email when possible. Prior to mailing your application, make a copy for yourself for future reference. FAX number 928-445-0068. There are a limited number of spaces for Non-Profits at each show. Rev. 1/2016