Apr 5 - St. Edna Catholic Church


Apr 5 - St. Edna Catholic Church
Saint Edna
Catholic Community
Saint Edna Catholic Community desires to live as
a reflection of who Christ calls us to be by
welcoming all in Charity, Justice, and Hope
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday evening - 5:00pm
Sunday - 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am
Weekday Masses
Monday - Thursday 8:00am
Communion Service
Monday - Friday: 6:45am
Friday - Morning Prayer &
Communion Service: 8:00am
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday of the Month
First Friday of the Month
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 8:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm weekdays)
Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sun: 9:00am - 1:00pm
From the Pastor’s Desk.....2
Faith Formation................7
Easter Flowers..................8
Parish Life.......................11
50th Anniversary............14
Building Committee........16
Informational Meeting....17
Human Concerns............19
Furthering Our Faith.......21
Kids Page........................22
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday of the Ressurection of the Lord
From the Pastors Desk...
Happy Easter to all in our parish family. I would like to offer a special
welcome to all of your relatives and friends, and to all of our visitors. I can
honestly tell you that there is no greater feeling inside than when I see our
church filled with young and old alike, worshipping side by side on this day
that truly celebrates the miraculous act of Christ’s resurrection. This truly is a
sign of God’s ultimate love for His Son and what is at the heart and core of
our belief as Catholics and Christians. Today we are reminded that not even
death can ultimately separate us from the love of our God and each other.
What a glorious reality!
After a seemingly long Lenten season, and with a real glimpse of spring in
the air, somehow Easter has a way of reassuring us that no matter how
difficult life may seem at times, there is reason to believe things do change,
and they can and will get better.
I personally find comfort these days when I reflect upon what Jesus’ friends and disciples must have
felt after witnessing the trial, suffering, pain, and crucifixion of Jesus, only to find after coming to His
tomb, that He was not there. At first, they must have been confused and perhaps even upset that
someone may have taken his body. Remember though, Jesus had prepared them for these events so
many times and in so many ways, but because of their state of mind, they were unable (at least for the
moment) to put it all together. Even the last line of the gospel today tells us that…“they did not yet
understand the scripture that He had to rise from the dead”.
Despite this confusion, I can’t help but believe that in the back of their minds, there was some
glimmer of HOPE, that just maybe, their friend had risen just as He told them He would. Of course,
we all know the rest of the story. If it isn’t real clear to you, continue to join us throughout the rest of
the Easter season and beyond and you will hear this GOOD NEWS unfold.
The comfort that I find in the events that led up to and followed Jesus’ death and resurrection that I
spoke of earlier is in this: each of us can relate to pain, anxiety, anguish, and suffering in our lives.
Whether we experience the loss of a job, the news of a life-threatening illness of a loved one, being
the victim of racism or bigotry, worry about your teenage son or daughter and the crowd they’re
hanging with, alienation by your family, etc., the list goes on and on. In all of these life experiences,
without the HOPE that they are not ends in themselves, we can get stuck, feel trapped in a bottomless
pit with no way out. It is the victory over these realities that Jesus won for us. His resurrection is a
real reminder to us that these little deaths and even our ultimate earthly death, are not ends in
themselves, but opportunities for new beginnings. This is hard to accept, though, when you are in the
midst of what seems to be so painful and with seemingly no way out.
Look at Christ’s disciples: it took them months and, I’m sure for some of them, even years, to put
Jesus’ words and final days into perspective. Enough, at least, to bring some sense of comfort and
HOPE to continue living in spite of their personal losses and pain. Enough to continue on the journey
April 5, 2015
From the Pastors Desk...
of life with all of its twists and bends.
This is what Easter is all about – FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. FAITH to trust that somehow God has a
plan for us much like He had for His own beloved Son. HOPE that despite the challenges and
obstacles life puts before us, God walks with us to embrace them and overcome them. And LOVE
that the depth of love Jesus had for us, to ultimately give His life for the salvation of all, is still ours
From all of us priests, deacons, Commission heads, Ministry members and staff here at St. Edna, may
you have a happy, blessed and Christ-centered Easter season.
Just a reminder…for anyone interested in learning more about our quickly approaching October
pilgrimage to Spain, France and Portugal, our last informational Meeting will be here at St. Edna this
Tuesday night, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the Hurley Center Rooms C & D. At this meeting our Travel
Agent and I will be present and you’ll be able to hear about our itinerary in more detail and be able to
get answers to any questions you might have. (If you have already signed-up for this trip or attended
the last meeting, you do not need to attend this meeting again). Brochures are available in the Narthex
at either of our kiosks or at the Parish Office.
May God bless you and watch over us,
Fr. Rich
From all of the Priests, Deacons, and Staff,
we wish you and your family a very
This Week At St. Edna
Bulletin Deadline:
Articles for the
Sunday, April 19
bulletin may be dropped
off in the Parish Office
or e-mailed to
Sunday, April 5 - Easter Sunday
Office Closed
Monday, April 6
Office Closed
[email protected]
no later than
Tuesday, April 7.
Please indicate the topic
in the subject line.
Please note
the following
Office Hours!
Sunday, April 5
Office Closed
Monday, April 6
Office Closed
Tuesday, April 7
Grandparents Prayer Time - Hurley Center
Transformations - Hurley Center
Religious Education Classes (2nd Grade Only) - Doherty Center
Religious Education Classes (2nd Grade Only) - Doherty Center
Spain/France/Portugal Informational Meeting - Hurley Center
Snack Theatre Rehearsal - Lower Level
Human Concerns Commission - Community Room
Rosary Group - Church
Wednesday, April 8
Religious Education Classes (2nd Grade Only) - Doherty Center
Parish Life Commission - Hurley Center
SNL Rehearsal - Doherty Center
Choir Rehearsal - Church
Thursday, April 9
Young at Heart - Hurley Center
VIRTUS Class - Doherty Center
Vicariate ACCW - Hurley Center
Snack Theatre Rehearsal - Lower Level
Peer Ministry Team - Teen Center
Rebuilding Support Group - Hurley Center
Pre-Baptism Class - Community Room
Friday, April 10
Saturday, April 11
Snack Theatre Rehearsal - Lower Level
SPRED - Hurley Center
Worship Commission - Hurley Center
Sunday, April 12
Liturgy of the Word for Children - Church & Hurley Center
Snack Theatre Rehearsal - Lower Level
SNL Rehearsal - Church
April 5, 2015
Worship Commission
Mass Celebrants April 11-12
5:00pm— Rev. Rodolfo Ramirez
7:30am— Rev. Rodolfo Ramirez & Deacon Jim Gaughan
9:30am— Rev. Rich Yanos & Deacon Jim Gaughan
11:30am— Rev. Tony Muraya
5:30pm— Rev. Tony Muraya & Deacon Joe Yannotta
With Sympathy
Andy Wiszowaty,
brother of Barbara Choinski
Thomas Joseph Kohn,
husband of Denise
Altar bread and wine
will be offered in memory of
Rev. John Hurley
donated by Tom & Judy Cooney
during the week of
April 5, 2015
Florian Wasik, husband of Elaine
Baby Wyatt Owen Wetherholt,
grandson of Kathy Sieracki
Frank Lescher,
brother of Carol Mulvaney
Angelo Sacco, father of Kathy
Meets: Monday –
Thursday 7:20am
in the church and
Tuesday at 7:30pm
All are invited to join us
to pray the Chaplet of
the Divine Mercy
and the Rosary.
Worship Commission
cultivates the
liturgical life of the
parish by fostering
full, active and
conscious participation
of the community.
Gary Daigle
Lisa Oslovich
Phil Bares
Peg Connolly
Lorie Crepeau
Dawn Cummings-Fritz
Cynthia Havlik
Lara Lynch
Anne Mura
Camille Murray
Deacon Jim Pauwels
Paula Pollman (rec.)
Mary Salm
Marie Schalke
Frank Starshak
Brian Watkins
If you would like to remember a deceased
relative or friend in a special way, here is
your opportunity.
We are accepting
donations for the altar breads and wine that
are used at Mass for that week. Every
week in the bulletin we will post who the
bread and wine was donated in memory of.
Suggested donation is $25. You can drop
off or mail your donation to the Parish
Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.”
Make sure to include your name and the
name/s of whom you would like to be
remembered. Requests are published in the
bulletin in the order that they are received.
Worship Commission
Worship Commission
cultivates the
liturgical life of the
parish by fostering
full, active and
conscious participation
of the community.
Celebrated the 1st, 3rd & 5th
Sunday of the month at 1:00
pm. Parent preparation class:
2nd Thursday of each
month, 7:30 pm. Please call
to register.
Arrangements for celebration of marriage should be
made at the Parish Office at
least six months in advance.
Available first and third
Saturdays of each month
or by appointment.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish Office
to have a family member
who is seriously ill or
elderly receive the
Sacrament of Anointing.
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held
on Sunday, August 30, 2015, at 2:45 PM, at Holy
Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago,
Illinois. Couples married in 1965 interested in
attending this celebration should contact the Parish
Office at 847-398-3362 by May 1 to register.
For further information, call the
Marriage and Family Ministries Office
at 312.534.8351 or visit the website:
Mass Intentions for the week of April 5, 2015
Weekend of April 4-5
7:30am—George Tokarczyk, Walter Mundala, Ron & Bill Snider, David McAvoy
11:30am—Marv Brenner, Bob McCabe
Monday, April 6
8:00am—Mary McNichols (A)
Tuesday, April 7
6:45am—Communion Service
8:00am—Isabella Mannard (A), George Nelleson
Wednesday, April 8
6:45am—Communion Service
8:00am—Judy DeGrazia, Bob Heer, The Parishioners of St. Edna, Katie McGowan (A),
Jim Durham (A)
Thursday, April 9
6:45am—Communion Service
8:00am—The Souls of the Faithful Departed of St. Edna, Mary Laskowski, Frank Sulita,
Peter Kurtyka (A)
Friday, April 10
6:45am—Communion Service
8:00am—Morning Prayer and Communion Service
April 5, 2015
Faith Formation Commission
Congratulations to those Newly Initiated into the Catholic Church!
We introduce you to our newest members, who on this Easter are joyfully received into the Catholic
Church. They’re faith-filled! They’re generous! And they’re happy to become a part of St. Edna
Parish. They were attracted by the goodness and faith and warmth of St. Edna people. How very
blessed we are to have them as fellow parishioners!
Our Faith Formation
Commission fosters
the life-long growth,
of all, in the
Catholic Faith.
Heather Daudelin
Elena Grzenia
Cynthia Jochum
Matt Marcheschi
Suzie Matusiewicz
Katie Stuercke
Michelle Stuercke
Ann Marie Thomas
From left to right— Dan Ellegood, Melanie Matijevic, Jeremy Ma, Jordan Bassel,
John O’Brien, Misha Bogdanov, Chuck Leach, Ken Sistler, Reena Mann
SPRED Family Movie/Pizza Day
One of the goals of SPRED is to help our friends with special needs realize that they
truly belong to the community of St. Edna and to the Church community at large. We
address this through all our sessions. But we feel it is also important for them to
interact with each other, family, and catechists outside of the sessions in a more social
setting. So four years ago we started our annual Family Movie/Pizza Day. All current
SPRED students and their families and catechists are invited along with those, and their
families, who have gone through St. Edna's SPRED and have now "graduated" to the
next age group at St. Al's.
Our special fun day this year took place on Saturday, January 31 in the
Hurley Center. Eighteen friends, family and catechists enjoyed the movie
Rio 2 and were able to stay and share pizza and dessert and each other's
company. It is wonderful to see how comfortable our friends with
different abilities have become with one another and with the adults in
their lives. This transfers to a greater comfort level when they attend
Mass and share in the Eucharist. We are ALL par t of ONE community.
It was a great day and we wanted
to share that with all of you!
St. Edna's SPRED Team
A special thank you to all who contributed to our art and environment by their generous donations in memory of deceased friends and family. Through these donations, we were able to provide beautiful flowers and materials that create
a prayerful space in which to celebrate.
Joey Marsillo
From Sam, Deb & Anthony Marsillo
Joe Chase
From Ginny Chase
The Brill Family
From Alyce Martinez
Charles & Helen Wilges
From Pat Freeman
Marvin Brenner
From Doris Brenner &
Barbara, Matthew & Noah Meyer
James Compobasso,
Florence Compobasso
Joseph Parys, Julia Parys
From the Compobasso Family
Don Cummings, Edythe Valaski
Ken & Ricky McElveen
From Dolly Cummings
Jane Kerley
From Kelly Whitlock
Leonard & Helen Ray
Judy Hettenbach
From Linda Fieser
Rose & Louis Ucman
Eleanore Ucman, Virginia Srodes
From Mary Lee & Paul Srodes
Dorothy Polovitch
From the Lynn Family &
Frank Polovitch
James Boss
From Ginny Boss
Ed Bosshart
From Milly Bosshart
Edward Cameron, Janice Killmar
Gregory McGovern, Sr.
From Greg & Camille McGovern
John & Mary Jane Faulhaber
From the Faulhaber Family
Maurice & Shirley Dean
Lloyd & Martha Luken
Tom Clark
From Trisha Dean & Don Luken
Randall C. Boness
From Geri Boness
Jenny & John Bombicino
From Jean Bombicino
Bernice & Marion Janczak
From Barb & Mary Ann Janczak
Agnes Pavel
From Agnes Lorincz
John O’Conor
From Betty O’Conor
Jim Trausch
From Patricia Trausch
Joanne Eckert
From The Bonk Family
Liz Koral
From Gene & Rosemarie Koral
Jose & Trinidad Mercado
From Shirley Mercado
The Mullen, Kennedy &
Calderone Families
From Nick & Peggy Calderone
Richard Kantzler
Gina Giancola & Roger F. VanWazer
From The VanWazer Family
Farrell & Carmella Arseneau
From The Doris Family
Bruce Doris
From The Doris Family
Ernest & Virginia Kemnetz
James & Elizabeth Kennedy
From Ernest & Kathleen Kemnetz
James Morrow Family
Joe Scarola Family
Margaret Horan
From John & Cathy Morrow
John & Barbara Kellen
Jim & Alice Goggin
From Eileen Kellen
Jerry Mancuso
From Maureen Mancuso
Joseph Tomal & Edward Pokrywiecki
From Stan & Anna Pokrywiecki
Carol Amend
From Robert Amend
Boleslaw Walaszek
From Wladyslawa Walaszek
Louis Stauter
Alice & Francis Waddick
Josephine & George Stauter
From Mary Fran Stauter
Thomas ’Donoghue
From Marie O’Donoghue
April 5, 2015
Raymond Sobyra
Grandpa John &
Grandma Rita Heiderscheidt
Grandma & Grandpa Sobyra
From Mary & Theresa Sobyra
Angela Vermiglio
Mr. & Mrs. Al Vermiglio
Sister Mary Humiliata Rykaczewski
Christian Borowski
From The Nalepa Family
Pearl & Donald Kaczmarek
From Steve Kaczmarek,
William Glewicz &
Fr. David Kaczmarek, T.O.R.
Nalepa & Glewicz Families
From Marie & Anthony Nalepa
Daniel & Arleen Moriarty
Alex & Lillian Maloni
From Mike & Mary Lou Maloni
Robinette & Cifuentes Families
From Luis & Nicole Cifuentes
The Lapetino & Root Families
From Frank & Jackie Lapetino
John & Elizabeth Rudny
Ben & Eleanore Zablocki
From Jack & Kathy Rudny
Donald F. Bianchi & David Zyzda
From The Don Bianchi Family
Edmund Daugird
Edward Ehlen
From Patricia Daugird-Ehlen
Joseph & Janet Przywara
Lawrence Krenos
From Bob & Marilyn Przywara
Josephine & Walter Adamek,
John Gross
From Marsha Adamek
Bob Schulze
From Mary Schulze
Walter O’Hara
From Joan O’Hara
John M. Bauer
Walter & Caroline Bartoszek
From Loretta Bauer
Ronald Beeber
From Greg Beeber
Gordon Hjelm
Walter Prusko
From Camille Hjelm
Rosalie Andrews
From Frances Sandock
Lillian & Edward Cypcar
From Kelly Krawisz
W. Ralph Fitzgerald Family
Lesley Larish
Elizabeth Burke Family
From Mary K. Bogart
Ralph & Josephine Tassone
Nicholas J. Funk
From Dolores Falato-Funk
Jim & Anna Falato
Therese Anne Ragano
From Juliana (Falato) Schulte
Edward & Ann Sumonka
Anton Klodzinski
From Henry & Marilyn Rogge
Nancy Cozzarelli
From Angelo & Eileen Cozzarelli
Bob & Michael Immen
From Eileen Immen
Ronald Albion
From Holly Ebner
James Moran
From Rosemary Moran
Bob & Darlene Korbel
From Laurie Nick
Irene & Frank Doczi
From Barbara Doczi-Baboian
Matthias Eichhorn
The LaPorta Family
Bernice & Gordon Nissen
From Roger & Eileen Nissen
Julia, Les, Bruce & Judith Stailey
Blanche & Frank Bernard
Julia & James Ryan
Sarah & Will Stailey
Elizabeth & James Cassidy
Martha, Edward & Patricia Ryan
Rick Taylor
Mary Ellen & Stuart Levine
From Laura & David Stailey
The Pictor Family
The Zielinski Family
From the Thomas Pictor Family
Janet Herrmann
Joyce Fredericks
Jerry Herrmann
From Chuck & Mary Fredericks
Ernest & Dolores Stephan
From The Karch Family
Dorothy Neighbor
Helen Sacony
From Larry & Julia Sacony
Robert & Annette Grimes
From Anne Grimes
Faith Formation Commission
Our Faith Formation
Commission fosters
the life-long growth,
of all, in the
Catholic Faith.
Gospel of Mark Reminder
The Gospel of Mark, which was postponed
in January, will begin the week of April 13th.
Mark your calendars!
The Youth Ministry Teams will be having a Cup Cakes for Camp
Bake Sale after all Masses on the weekend of April 25 & 26.
Come and support the teens!
Come One, Come All!
Join the open discussion every Tuesday morning at 9:00am in Room D of the Hurley Center
to discuss the readings for the following weekend. It brings us together in prayer and
friendship to renew us spiritually and bring the Word of God into our everyday lives.
Registration for Religious Education
and Youth Ministry has now begun!
Registration for the Religious Education and Youth
Ministry programs here at St. Edna are underway for
grades first through ninth. Religious Education classes
in the fall are held on Tuesdays at either 4:30-5:30pm
or 6:00pm-7:00pm and on Wednesday at 4:30pm5:30pm.
We also offer a summer intensive program for Religious Education from August 1014, beginning at 8:30am and ending at 12:30pm. The grades that participate in the
summer program are 1 and 3-7 (no 2nd graders!).
Youth Ministry classes are held on Sunday afternoons from 4:00pm-5:15pm.
If you would like to register for any of these classes, please go to the St. Edna
website to download the forms.
If you have any questions about Religious Education,
please contact Heather Daudelin at 847-398-3362 x307,
for Youth Ministry, contact Nancy Holpuch at 847-398-3362 x341
April 5, 2015
Parish Life Commission
Save the date!
Snack Theatre is celebrating St. Edna's
50th Anniversary with their special production, "50 Years of Gold" that will feature songs
from the last 5 decades.
Performance dates are April 24 & 25 and
May 1 & 2 at 7:30 pm. There will also be a
matinee on Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 pm. Ticket orders will be taken following
all the Masses on April 11 & 12 and April 18 & 19. Tickets for reserved seating
are on a first-come first-serve basis and house capacity is limited, so be sure to
get your order in early for a fun evening of memorable music and toe tapping
All Grandparents are welcome to
gather for prayerful support for
your families:
Apr. 9, 2015—
General Meeting
Noon—Hurley Center
Apr. 22, 2015—
“Anything Goes”
at Marriott Theater
May 12, 2015—
Potawatomi Casino Trip
May 22, 2015—
General Meeting
Noon—Hurley Center
Parish Life
Commission fosters a
sense of parish unity
by organizing and
welcoming all to
Diane Thomason
Christine Desmond
Jenni Falk
Jackie Lapetino
Kathy Pellettieri
Betty Rickher
Gloria Vosburgh
Tom Wuich
Tuesday Mornings 8:30-9:00
in the Hurley Center
Young Adult Ministry presents...
“The Last Four Things:
Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell”
A presentation with Father Paul Stein
This talk will address some of the ultimate questions: What happens when we die?
Why do Catholics believe in purgatory? What was Jesus doing in the three days between his
death and resurrection? Do dogs go to heaven?
Please RSVP as soon as possible to [email protected] with number of kids and adults
so we are able to get the right amount of babysitters. Babysitting will be provided,
but we can always use volunteers!
Parish Life Commission
Parish Life
Commission fosters a
sense of parish unity
by organizing and
welcoming all to
April 24-26
Snack Theatre “50 Years of Gold”
May 1-2
Snack Theatre “50 Years of Gold”
May 21
Women of St. Edna “Springtime in Paris”
June 28
The 2015 season is soon to begin for the St. Edna Men’s Golf League. Our golf
league promises an enjoyable day of golf on the second Saturday of each month
at Cary Country Club in Cary, IL.
The dates we will play are:
May 9, June 13, July 11, August 8 and September 12
First tee-time will be at 9:30 a.m.
Five rounds of golf, prize money and a season ending golf banquet for a total fee of $350. We are
adding singles and foursomes to our league, so new members are welcome.
For additional information, contact Larry Moser:
Phone: 847-398-2539 or Email: [email protected]
St. Edna Moms Plus
Welcomes You!
We meet on Mondays from
9:30-11:00am in the Hurley Center
at St. Edna (and other locations).
We hope you’ll join us!
April 2015 Schedule
Apr. 6
No Meeting - Happy Easter!
Apr. 13 “Books” Talk
Hurley Center (babysitting available)
Leaders: Emily & Justyna
Apr. 20
If you are interested in becoming a
member of St. Edna Parish,
please join us in the
Doherty Center on:
Apr. 27
April 19, 2015
after the 9:30am Mass
during Sharing Coffee
Registration will take place at this
time. Registration can also be
completed in the Parish Office
during Office Hours.
We look forward to meeting you!
Money Matters
Hurley Center (babysitting available)
Leader: Justyna
Photography Tips
Hurley Center (babysitting available)
Leader: Christi
Please visit our St. Edna website,
for an up-to-date schedule and more
information. You can also find us
under Parish Life / Ministries.
Questions? Please contact:
Marina Pavlik: [email protected]
***Note about our babysitting: Babies are
always welcome to stay with their moms or moms can
take advantage of our wonderful sitters who watch
our children in the St. Edna Nursery.***
April 5, 2015
Parish Life Commission
We invite all young families, empty nesters, single parents, newly marrieds and interfaith
families to join us for our small group meeting. Our small groups meet in individual homes to
reflect on bible readings and discuss their application in our daily family lives. We also sponsor
service projects and family outings where the whole family can be involved.
Parish Life
Commission fosters a
sense of parish unity
by organizing and
welcoming all to
Christian Family Movement
Friday, April 10 at 7:30 pm
For further information please call Jim or Rosemarie Fagan at 847-540-8757
I wanted to send a sincere thank you to all of our volunteers for all of your help in
coordinating our St. Joseph's Table. I think it was a great success and I am very happy with
our turnout. I hope all of you felt the same way!
Hopefully we can do this again next year. I appreciated all of your help!
Thank you,
Lorraine Caposieno
YOUNG AT HEART is sponsoring at trip to Potawatomi Casino!
Everyone is welcome to join us for our bus tr ip to Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin on Tuesday, May 12. Cost is $25 per person, and includes round-trip bus transportation,
$10 Firekeepers Reward Play, and $10 Food & Beverage Credit. **Seniors 55+ will receive 3x the
points earned from slot machines and 50% off the buffet.
To join us on this trip, you must fill out all of the information below and submit it to the Parish
Office along with your check (made payable to Young at Heart) by April 16 or until the bus is full.
You must also bring a photo ID (driver’s license or state-issued ID_, and oyour Social Security card
is required to claim any winnings over $1199.00. (Potawatomi will need it to release large winnings,
per IRS regulations.)
1)__________________________________ 2)_________________________________________
Birthdates: 1)_______________________________ 2)__________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone (if we need to contact you): ____________________________________________________
If you do have a player’s club card, please include your card number
(if you do not have a card, on will be issued)
Card 1:_________________________ Card 2:_____________________________
50th Anniversary Celebration
We Need Volunteers!
The Directory Committee is looking for volunteers to help
with checking in families on the dates of photography.
Shifts will be in 3-hour sets, and all directions will be
explained by the photographer on the day you arrive.
Steering Committee
Camille Murray
Gloria Vosburgh
Christine Desmond
George Eggert
Pat Freeman
Evelyn Getty
Randy Gross
Sue Jackson
Jackie Lapetino
Judy McAvoy
Anne Mura
Lisa Oslovich
Kathy Pellettieri
Kathy Romza
Ann Rymsza
Marie Schalke
Theresa Stoklosa
Michelle Stuerke
Ann Marie Thomas
Fr. Rich Yanos
If you are interested in volunteering,
please contact Kathy Romza at 708.899.9440
or email [email protected]
Don’t Forget:
Sign up for the
St. Edna Directory!
The photography sessions will take place
during April, May and June, and the directories
will be ready to hand out by the Pancake
Breakfast event in December. Each individual or family which is photographed
will receive a complementary 8x10 photo and a hard copy of the directory, so
let's all make this directory a memorable one!
The photo sessions will be:
 April 13 - 15, 2015
 April 28 - May 2, 2015
 May 6 - 9, 2015
 June 2 - 6, 2015
 June 16 - 20, 2015
 June 23 - 27, 2015
**Please note: photo sessions will be scheduled
between 2:00-8:00pm on weekdays and
10:00am - 4:00pm on Saturdays.
It's easy to schedule your session! There are two ways:
1) Go to our 50th Anniversary web page for the direct link to the sign-up
site, and follow the easy directions.
2) Sign up manually after Mass on the weekends listed below. There will be a
kiosk in the Narthex for your convenience. **NOTE: AT THAT TIME THE
You can sign up after all Masses on the following weekends:
April 11-12
April 18-19
April 25-26
April 5, 2015
Parish Administration
As stewards of the St.
Edna Parish Vision, the
Pastoral Council acts in
an advisory capacity to our
Pastor, assists in
prioritizing needs, and
provides leadership.
Our Alms this weekend will benefit
St. Edna Outreach
Our Alms on April 12 will benefit
Pastoral Council
Daryn Waite
Tom Wuich
Thank you for your generosity!
Robert Berhinig
Kevin Ellis
Kelly Fagan
Jani Graziano
Mike Lilly
Kathy Mannard
Matthew Marcheschi
Christine McNicholas
Paula Pollman (Rec.)
Marie Schalke
Denise Swanson
Ann Marie Thomas
Deacon Joe Yannotta
Online Giving Available at St. Edna
St. Edna now accepts donations through GiveCentral. This electronic
donation service was custom designed for the churches, schools and
agencies of the Archdiocese of Chicago. It provides a safe, secure online
giving environment for paperless contributions using a credit card, debit
card, checking account or debit account. Charitable contributions can be
set up as either one-time or recurring – and your account is accessible for
you to make changes to donation or personal information 24/7.
To sign up, visit www.givecentral.org. Or log on to www.stedna.org and
click on “Donate” or “GiveCentral”. Enrollment forms are also available in
the bulletin racks at the church entrances, or at the Parish Office.
Finance Council
Jean Justie
Mary O’Brien
David Diol
Pat Freeman
Wayne Fritz
William Lyne
John Pelican
Theresa Stoklosa (Rec.)
Jim Williams
Moderator of Councils
Deacon Jim Gaughan
Questions? Please contact Pat or Helene
at the Parish Office, 847-398-3362.
A Message from the Building Committee
Building Committee Update
Recently the Building Committee met with JNKA Architects to discuss preliminary
plans for a comprehensive parish renovation including the new Parish Life Center,
renovations to Hurley Center basement, renovations to the Doherty Center and the
new Prayer Chapel.
The purpose of this meeting was to review current pre- and post-Value Engineering
plans and discuss options to be incorporated into the final design. Discussions for
the modified plans included:
Increasing the overall size of the Parish Life Center by enlarging the
footprint. The enlarged space would accommodate seating for
gathering/athletic events, dressing room and storage space. Also a
consideration to increase the overall height of the main building.
Removal of existing Hurley Center Skylight.
Upgrade athletic surface to Teraflex Flooring.
Addition of a second canopy to building entrance into Hurley Center.
Preliminary review of plans for existing Doherty Center/Hurley Center
basement renovations.
Preliminary review of plans for new Prayer Chapel.
The current design aspects for the Parish Life Center were accepted without
additional changes:
Flat roof as shown on most recent design drawings.
Kitchen area location and design as shown on most recent design drawings.
Precast concrete walls as shown on most recent design drawings.
Increased parking area for 73 additional spaces and a turnaround as per
original plans.
 Finishes in the main corridor as per most recent design drawings.
The architects were asked to incorporate the changes into new plans for review at
our next meeting.
Our general contractor, Henry Brothers was contacted to request future construction
cost estimates for the new Parish Life Center, renovations to Hurley Center
basement, renovations to the Doherty Center and the new Prayer Chapel for a
potential 2017 start date.
Thank you for your enthusiasm in "Bringing Our Vision to Life"
If you have any questions,
contact Mike Maloni and the Building Committee
via the Parish Office at 847-398-3362.
April 5, 2015
Informational Meeting
OCTOBER 5 -15, 2015
Our upcoming Pilgrimage to Spain, France and Portugal is filling up quickly and the anticipation is mounting
as well. Come join us for our 2nd Informational Meeting here at St. Edna on Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. in
the Hurley Center Rooms C & D. At this meeting, our Tr avel Agent and I will be pr esent and you’ll be
able to hear about our itinerary in more detail and be able to get answers to any questions you might have. (If
you have already signed up for this trip or attended the last meeting, you do not need to attend this meeting
Some of the many places we will be visiting on this trip are: Montserrat/Barcelona/The Basilica of La
Sagrada Familia- Antoni Gaudi’s unfinished Masterpiece/Lourdes-site of 18 apparitions of the Blessed Virgin
Mary to St. Bernadette Soubirous/Fatima-place of the Blessed Mother’s appearance in 1917 to three shepherd
children/Lisbon/Braga/Santiago de Campostela-the shrine of the beheaded Apostle, St. James where
pilgrims from all over the world continue to include as a must-visit destination.
If you’ve never travelled outside the United States before or if you like to travel but don’t like the hassle of all
the planning that goes with it, this would be a great opportunity to experience international travel with a great
group of fellow travelers. If there is anything that we do it’s to have fun with one another and see the world
with all its wonder and beauty as well. I mean this very sincerely….if you’ve been wanting to take a trip like
this, now might be the time for you to do so. We usually average 40 to 65 people, of which half of the group
are regular/repeat travelers, and the other half are first-timers who often times become regulars.
For centuries Christians have made pilgrimages to places that have a particular spiritual significance as an act
of faith and in the hope of experiencing a deeper religious experience. In medieval times, pilgrims walked
hundreds of miles to sacred sanctuaries that held particular meaning and even miraculous powers. The
Cathedral at Chartres was one of these medieval sites along with Santiago de Campostela in Spain where the
shrine of the beheaded Apostle James was venerated as it still is today. In modern times, pilgrimage sites such
as Fatima and Lourdes have drawn countless numbers of people of all faiths in devotion to Mary or purely out
of curiosity because of the phenomenal things that have taken place here.
This October, I will be leading a pilgrimage to some of these holy shrines – medieval and modern. This
spiritual journey will be educative as well as inspiring. It will take us to the beautiful lands of Portugal, Spain
and France. We will pray, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company as well as the good food, art and culture of
the areas we will visit. In many ways this experience will be as much a retreat as it will be a pleasurable tour.
So, please consider joining us on this fun, exciting, beautiful, mysterious, and inspiring journey. We all look
forward to your presence with us!
Stewardship Council
Stewardship Council
strives to inspire our
community to express
gratitude for God’s
many gifts through
service to God
and one another.
Brent Johnson
Deacon Greg Beeber
Bob Amend
Vince Caffarello
David Clark
Nancy Holpuch
Karen Janisch (rec.)
Stewardship Bulletin Reflection
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
“This is the day the Lord has made. Let us
rejoice and be glad.” Of all days during our
Church year, this is the holiest. It is on this day
that we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection and our
salvation. As Catholics we are all called to
holiness, and today is the day on which we can respond to that call most
Jesus is with us today, and He is with us through the Eucharist every time we go to
Mass. As we approach to receive Communion today, and every time we do so, we
need to search our hearts. We must remember the suffering Jesus endured for us.
He shed His blood so our souls could be spared. We each need to thank the Lord
for giving us life and for providing us with the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us.
Together we cry out “Alleluia!” St. Peter, in the opening of his first letter, put it this
way: “Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see
him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy.
(1 Peter 1:8) Christ is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!
[email protected]
April 5, 2015
Human Concerns Commission
St. James Parish &
DL Comprehensive Heathcare present...
Human Concerns
Commission will
witness efforts in the
areas of care ministry
and social outreach.
Diane Mulroe
Diane Yannotta
Admission: $40
Admission + Raffle: $100
2 Admissions + Raffle: $120
Bob Amend
Paquita Bares
Evelyn Getty
Mark Rymsza
Ann Rymsza
Bob Rokos
Joseph Yannotta
VIP Reception: 5-7pm
Main Event: 7-10pm
For tickets and more information,
call 312.842.1919 x213
Small Group Faith Sharing Opportunity:
How do we follow Jesus’ life of compassion in our contemporary world? How do we reach out to
others especially when we have limited time and multiple commitments of our own? Have you ever
thought about visiting the sick or homebound but weren’t certain where to begin? Would you like to
be more engaged in the life of our parish? If you have pondered these questions, consider joining A
Compassionate Heart: Ministry of Presence small group and discover what Scripture and the
Catholic Tradition have to say about compassionate service.
For more information, contact Diane Mulroe in the Parish Office or email at [email protected]
There are currently over two million people in prison in the United States.
Some of them are there justly; some of them are not. But regardless of
their guilt, we as Christians are called up on to love and forgive those in
prison. The love that we are called to express is active, not passive. The
St. Edna Prison Ministry team actively reveals the love of Christ to
prisoners, by donating books, Bibles, and toiletries. We also have a small pen pal program,
whereby we send encouraging letters to those behind bars. We are looking for other
parishioners who are enthusiastic about sharing Christ’s love with those in prison. If you
are interested in getting involved, please see the contact information provided below. If you
are unable to commit at this time, you can join with us in spirit by reciting the prayer below.
Father of Mercy, the secrets of all hearts are known to you alone. You know who is just and
you forgive the unjust. You alone are the Almighty Judge. We are not worthy of judging
anyone. Your mercy is enough for sinners. Hear our prayers for those in prison. Give them
repentance and let them believe in you. Give them patience and hope in their sufferings, and
bring them home again soon. Comfort their near and dear ones. Let them trust in Jesus
Christ and live with hope. Amen.
To learn more, please contact [email protected]
Human Concerns Commission
Human Concerns
Commission will
witness efforts in the
areas of care ministry
and social outreach.
“Pray for Our Sick”
As members of St. Edna’s parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in
concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate mass with us each week because they are ill.
Those who are sick, in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We
experience many blessings because of their remembering us. And so, please remember in your
prayers the people listed on the “Pray for Our Sick”. Marie Acorda
Angie Alonge
Debra Arend
Rosalie Ball
Theresa Barrett
Hildegard Basgall
Robert Basse
Marie Bataska
Pellagia Beckfeld
Geri Boness
Ginny Boss
William Brill
Sean Brown
Sebastian Buemi
Martin Caraway
Virginia Carey
Jane Carpenter
Dolores Castro
Robert Clark
Sandra Clark
John Clancy
Tony Conway
Ken Cybul
Joyce Dawidczyk
Marilyn Desens
Marge Devereux
Aura Diaz
Antoinette Diliberto
Craig Doner
Pattie Dorner
Anna Duski
Holly Ebner
Javier Elias
John Ellis
Veronica Ellis
Amelia Erickson
Albert Evans
Dolores Falato-Funk
Carl Farinella
Jane Femal
Richard Ferguson
Regina Fizier
Virginia Foley
Rudolf Frank
Donna Freiberger
Dick Freund
Evelyn Friese
Liliana Gagliano
Barbara Gamble
Seth Gamblin
Joann Garcia
John F. Gaughan
John Gembra
Robert Glen
Michael Angelo Go
Mary Ann Graham
Pat Hansen
Robert Hawkins, Jr.
Father Phil Hensler
Loretta Herrmann
Walter Herrmann
Kaylin Grace Hodgdon
Raymond Hohman
James Hrovatin
Fr. Willard Jabusch
Lorraine Jassak
Jim Jeffer
LaVerne Kaczynski
Jackie Kelly
Bob Kilbourne
Robert Kirsh
Donna Klegier
Rich Kozik
Thomas Kozimor
Jordan Krech
Peggy Kriss
William LaPlante
Lou LaVaccare
Susie Leach
Pam LeFeber
Lorraine Ligammari
Charlie Lodosco
Johanna Loos
James Luce, Jr.
Bill Masloske
Pat Mason
Tony Mason
Debra Mastran
Robert McCabe
John Mellenthin
Geraldine Mick
Barbara Miller
Bonnie Miresso
Asha Molve
Owen Moriarity
Krista Motley
Shirley Newkirk
Brigida Norberte
Ray North
Donna Novack
Mary Lou O’Brien
Janemarie O’Neill
Mason Orchard
Lorraine Penczak
Guy Perna
Barbara Peters
Sabu Philip
Peter Phillips
Alma Pini
John Pini
Thomas Powers
Mary Rice
Mike Richardson
Margaret Righi
Dolores Rokos
Simone Romanos
Laura Ronan
Marie Rossetti
Tom Rovito
Sharon Rovito-Macklin
Frank Salitore
Renee Savage
Bruce Schoumacher
Janina Schoumacher
Caroline Shepley
Charlie Shorthand
Baby Zia Siegel
Veronica Skonieczny
Martin Sliva
Olivia Smiley
Marilyn Smith
Maryanne Soltys
Ann Soulje
Warren Swegle
Aileen Tansey
Harriet Tantillo
Bob Tennessen
Doug Tesnow
Terese Tesnow
Charlie Thill
Christopher Trinko
Steven Trinko
Dan Tsutsumi
Doreen Von Bargen
Marlene Wielgos
Martha Wrobel
Dorothy Yacullo
**** If your name or a loved one’s name is not listed but you would like it to be, please
contact me via email or phone. Alternatively, if your name is listed but no longer needs to
be on the list, please let me know. Due to the privacy law only names that have been given
to us from an immediate family member with the permission of the person requesting
prayers will be printed. It is always a privilege to support you in any way possible.
~Diane Mulroe, Director of Human Concerns
[email protected]
April 5, 2015
Furthering Our Faith
5, 2015
the sacrament. According to the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, “The principal fruit of receiving the
Eucharist in Holy Communion is an intimate union
Tell a tale of new life!
with Christ Jesus.” Don’t forget that the living Lord is
If you’ve ever had the experience of coming face to always mysteriously in your midst.
face with death and have come out alive, if you have T
: Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24:13-35
ever been given a second chance to undo past mistakes
because someone you hurt has forgiven you, if you
have been given a new lease on life after a physical,
emotional, or spiritual trauma, “Then you have
It all begins at Baptism
experienced Resurrection,” said Cardinal Joseph At an Easter Vigil, the bishop preached a stirring
Bernardin of Chicago. Exultant as such a moment is, it homily on the waters of life, the waters of Baptism.
is only a taste of Resurrection. Can you share a The entire congregation was panting, eager to feel just
personal Resurrection story today? How were you “left a drop of that cool, life-giving water after renewing our
for dead” but raised up by the hand of God? Then bear baptismal vows. Unfortunately, one of the priests (the
witness. Tell someone your own new life story today! sprinkling was shared by several priests) was so frail
: Acts 10:34a, 37-43;
that hardly a drop ever left the sprinkler he was
Colossians 3:1-4 or
ineffectively waving. A lesson in deferred gratification
1 Corinthians 5:6b-8; John 20:1-9 for some in the assembly, but also a reminder that
or Mark 16:1-7; Luke 24:13-35
everything in the life of the Spirit comes to us because
we are baptized into the body of Christ. On what date
were you baptized? How about celebrating with a
corporal act of charity?
Truth prevails
: Acts 3:11-26; Luke 24:35-48
Everyone knows that one of the ways you determine
the truth in a court of law is through the testimony of
witnesses. Hopefully, you never have to go through the
ordeal of being that kind of witness. But you are called
Mystified? Let it all sink in
to the joy of being a witness to Christ. The sacraments So much happens during Lent and Holy Week. The
give you the grace to be a disciple—a word that means Easter season is a time to let it all sink in. Newly
“follower,” a follower of a way, the way of truth. Jesus baptized Catholics partake in a process with the
is that way and truth and life. Live your testimony. Let imposing name of mystagogia, coming from Greek
it be evidence of God in the world.
words meaning “to initiate into the sacred rites.” The
: Acts 2:14, 22-33;
ancient custom was for experienced Catholics to spend
Matthew 28:8-15
the first week of Easter with the newly baptized,
helping them absorb the mysteries they had accepted in
their Baptism, Confirmation, and first Eucharist. But
we “old Catholics” are called to participate in the
Proclaim the word!
process right alongside the new ones. Take some time
Did you know that the 12 apostles aren’t the only today to marvel at all that you have seen, heard,
apostles? In the Catholic tradition, we have honored witnessed, and experienced these past weeks.
others with this title because they embody the T
: Acts 4:1-12; John 21:1-14
fundamental spirit of being sent forth on mission. In his
teaching on the apostles at a general audience
(February 14, 2007), Pope Benedict XVI recalled that
as early as Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century, Mary
A gem of a sacrament
Magdalene was known as the “Apostle to the Apostles” The sacraments of initiation are Baptism, Confirmafor being “the first to announce to the apostles the tion, and the Eucharist. Sometimes at the Easter Vigil,
words of life.” Let us go do likewise and proclaim the adult candidates receive all three in such a liturgical
words of life!
tsunami that the sacraments seem to happily blend into
: Acts 2:36-41; John 20:11-18
one another. This is even more striking in the Eastern
rites, where Christian initiation for infants begins with
Baptism followed immediately by Confirmation and
the Eucharist! The Latin rite separates the three by
Flesh and blood
periods of intense preparation, usually from early inCatholics
of fancy to adolescence to adulthood. Both Eastern and
transubstantiation—that is, that bread and wine are Latin rites reveal these sacraments as multiple facets of
changed into the Body and Blood of Christ in the a single precious gem.
Eucharist. The conversion is not merely symbolic, but T
: Acts 4:13-21; Mark 16:9-15
actual, through the power of God. And not just Body
and Blood, but the risen Christ as a whole is present in
Furthering Our Faith
strives to post articles,
ads, and reflections
that will help
strengthen our faith on
a daily basis.
For kids and adults.
Invest just five minutes
a day, and your faith
will deepen and
grow—a day at a time.
©2014 by TrueQuest Communications.
TakeFiveForFaith.com; 800-942-2811;
[email protected]. All rights
reserved. Daily email sign-up and App
available online. Noncommercial
reprints permitted with the following
credit: Reprinted with permission from
TakeFiveForFaith.com. Scripture
citations from the New American Bible
Revised Edition.Contributors: Alice
Camille, Daniel Grippo, Father Larry
Janowski, O.F.M., Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M., Joel Schorn, Jennifer
Tomshack, Patrice J. Tuohy, Sister Julie
Vieira, I.H.M.
Just for Kids
Children’s Stewardship Corner
March 29, 2015
Michael, Kate, Matt, Tony, and Xavier gave thanks to God for the
blessings in their lives by…
I did my homework.
I put my clothes away.
I helped my neighbor trim a tree.
I helped take care of my neighbor’s dog.
I went to church.
In addition to their good deeds, the children donated $7.70 to Saint
Edna Parish. May God continue to bless each of you!
I feel good when I thank God!
April 5, 2015
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St. Edna Catholic Church
2525 N. Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Rev. Richard M. Yanos
Rev. Rodolfo G. Ramirez
Permanent Deacon Couples
Greg Beeber & Debbie
Jim Gaughan & Sharon
Jim Pauwels & Therese
Joe Yannotta & Diane
Faith Formation
Lorie Crepeau
Heather Daudelin
Nancy Holpuch
Lorie Crepeau
Gary Daigle
Lara Lynch
Human Concerns
Diane Mulroe
Parish Operations
Christine Desmond
Patricia Freeman
Laura Kniskern
Helene McNicholas
Tom Panek
The Staff of St. Edna
Associate Pastor
847-398-3362 x337
[email protected]
For RCIA information
For Baptismal Preparation Information
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Director of Adult Faith Formation—x325
Director of Religious Education K-7
Youth Ministry—x341
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Coordinator of Liturgical Ministers—x325
Director of Music & Liturgy—x322
Coordinator of Children's & High School Music—x342
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Director of Human Concerns—x315
[email protected]
Director of Communications—x321
Parish Manager—x314
Office Manager—x305
[email protected]
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[email protected]
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St. Edna Catholic Church
847-394-5226 (fax)