Rolodex Album - Leisure Arts
Rolodex Album - Leisure Arts
ng it. can’t go —— 4624_body2.qxd:Layout 1 7/21/08 10:47 AM Page 63 a lifetime of memories Rolodex Album ROLODEX ALBUM I wanted to scrapbook umpteen boxes of not–so–great holiday photos without spending 10 years doing it. The Rolodex album is my solution. Not only am I scrapbooking dozens of sub–par photos that I just can’t W throw away, I’m also reducing the guilt associated with my failure to scrapbook all those events. So go ant to scrapbook umpteen boxes ofoutnot-so-great holiday photos through your boxes of photos and pull one photo from each event you planned on scrapbooking—— you’ll be surprised how liberating without spending 10 years doingit can it?be. This Rolodex album was Donna Downey’s solution in her book, Yes, It’s a Scrapbook! “Not only 1 am I scrapbooking dozens of sub-par photos that I just can’t throw away, I’m also reducing the guilt associated with my failure to scrapbook all those events,” 3 4 she said. “So go through your boxes of photos and pull out one photo from 2 each event you planned on scrapbooking— you’ll be surprised how liberating it can be.” The Rolodex album is from Yes, It’s a Scrapbook! (#4624), a Leisure Arts publication produced by the editors of Simple Scrapbooks magazine. This 224-page book presents more than 65 ways to capture meaningful memories in creative albums, photo decor, and decorative journals. Visit to sign up for our Free E-Newsletters and shop online at FREE FOR YOU from Leisure Arts, Inc. ©2009 All rights reserved. These instructions may be photocopied and shared with your friends. They may not be kitted or sold. We have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and complete. We cannot, however, be responsible for human error, typographical mistakes, or variations in individual work. 63 4624_body2.qxd:Layout 1 7/21/08 10:47 AM Page 64 KFFCJ JLGGC@<J ) (Ð+o+ifkXipZXi[]`c\Ifcf[\o -c\e^k_jf]Xjjfik\[i`YYfe jXe[`e^YcfZb YcXZbdXib\i Xjjfik\[k_\d\[Z_XidjXe[kX^j Ifcf[\ogleZ_ ilYÆfeeldY\ij *o+g`\Z\jf]ZXi[jkfZb jZ`jjfij gXg\iki`dd\i Xcg_XY\kjk\eZ`cj Xjjfik\[gXkk\ie\[gXg\ij 8;?<J@M< D 8K < I @ 8 C J OpifedXZ_`e\ gXkk\ie\[gXg\i:_Xkk\iYfo#BXi\e=fjk\i;\j`^e#d\dp9@> `[\Xj# .^pgj`\j [\]`e`k`fejk`Zb\i#d\kXcÆi`dd\[kX^jDXb`e^D\dfi`\j ilYÆfeeldY\ijB@D\dfi`\j#8lkldeC\Xm\j#:i\Xk`m\@dX^`eXk`fej# JZiXgnfibj Z_XidjB:fdgXep i`YYfeDXb`e^D\dfi`\j#DXp8ikj# F]]iXp dXib\iJXbliX Visit to sign up for our Free E-Newsletters and shop online at Page 2 -+ FREE FOR YOU from Leisure Arts, Inc. ©2009 All rights reserved. These instructions may be photocopied and shared with your friends. They may not be kitted or sold. We have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and complete. We cannot, however, be responsible for human error, typographical mistakes, or variations in individual work. 4624_body2.qxd:Layout 1 7/21/08 10:47 AM Page 65 ifcf[\oXcYld jk\g$Yp$jk\g ( JK<GFE< JK<G=@M< Ki`d\XZ_g_fkfkf) (Ð+o+ Xe[X[_\i\kfXZXi[%Ki`d fm\i_Xe^`e^\[^\jn`k_ jZ`jjfij%Efk\1=fiXn\Xk_\i\[ cffb#lj\XjXe[`e^YcfZb kf]`c\\[^\j% KfZi\Xk\\m\ek[`m`[\ij# gleZ__fc\j`eYfkkfdf] Xcg_XY\kjk\eZ`c%<dY\cc`j_ n`k_i`YYfeXe[Z_Xidjfi kX^j%GcXZ\gXg\iZfm\i\[ ZXi[jY\_`e[jk\eZ`c[`m`[\ij% , JK<GKNF JK<GJ@O GleZ__fc\j`eg_fkfj#lj`e^ k_\_fc\j`ek_\ZXi[XjX^l`[\% KfZi\Xk\fk_\i[`m`[\ij# X[_\i\X*o+g`\Z\f] ZXi[jkfZbkffe\j`[\f] Ifcf[\o[`m`[\i%Ki`d\oZ\jj ZXi[jkfZbXifle[[`m`[\i Xe[gleZ__fc\j%I\g\Xk n`k_j\Zfe[g`\Z\f]ZXi[$ jkfZbfefk_\ij`[\f] [`m`[\i%CXY\cn`k_dXib\i% JK<GK?I<< ) 8[[aflieXc`e^kfk_\YXZbf] k_\ZXi[Xe[\dY\cc`j_g_fkfj n`k_ilYÆfej% JK<G =FLI Lj`e^gXkk\ie\[gXg\i`ejk\X[ f]g_fkfj#i\g\XkJk\gj(Xe[) kfZfm\ij\m\iXcZXi[j% * - JK<GJ<M<E =`c\g_fkfZXi[jle[\i Xggifgi`Xk\k_\d\#\%^%# Y`ik_[Xpj#:_i`jkdXj#Xe[ jZ_ffc% + Visit to sign up for our Free E-Newsletters and shop online at Page 3 FREE FOR YOU from Leisure Arts, Inc. ©2009 All rights reserved. These instructions may be photocopied and shared with your friends. They may not be kitted or sold. We have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and complete. We cannot, however, be responsible for human error, typographical mistakes, or variations in individual work. -,