Special Edition SULC E-News - Southern University Law Center
Special Edition SULC E-News - Southern University Law Center
E SPECIAL EDITION March 28, 2016 Vol. 14, No. 8 A. A. Lenoir Hall -NEWS Southern University Law Center Welcome Back Home... April 6-9, 2016 Reaching New Heights of Excellence SULC IENDS ALUMNI & FR Round-Up 2016 Schedule of Events April 6 Health Law Symposium and CLE Seminar Student Professional Workshop & Reception April 7 Judicial Wall of Fame Ceremony Distinguished Alumni Reception April 8 Chancellor’s Golf Scramble Admitted Students Reception Alumni Mixer April 9 Alumni Hall of Fame Gala Southern University Law Center (SULC) will host its 2016 Annual Alumni & Friends Round-Up on April 6-9. We invite you to join us for fun and fund-raising to support our worthy law students. As you know, now more than ever we need you to support us at a time when we are facing tremendous budget cuts. SULC’s state allocated funding has diminished by approximately $3 million, which has had a tremendous impact on the support and activities that we are able to provide for our students. We celebrate “2016: The Year of Charles J. Hatfield III” in honor of Hatfield’s courageous act 70 years ago in sending a letter requesting admission to the only state-funded law degree program in Louisiana at the time. That act became the cataylst for the founding of this law school, an institution of access and opportunity. We are calling upon our alumni and friends to help SULC continue to provide its students with access to the financial and educational resources necessary to excel in the classroom and after graduation. We are an institution committed to producing lawyer-leaders. For more details, contact Cynthia Reed, director of alumni affairs: [email protected] or Tanya Freeman, director of development: [email protected]. Welcome back to SULC and the opportunity to help us maintain the strength of our legacy! Join us as we bring together alumni & friends for Fun and Fund-Raising. Round-Up Package: $125 • A LA CARTE Pricing Also Available • See details on page 3. Sponsorship Opportunities on page 4. E -NEWS Page 2 2016 SULC ound-Up IENDS ALUMNI & FR R HEALTH LAW SYMPOSIUM and CLE SEMINAR 12:30-3 p.m. / Wednesday, April 6 / 170N A. A. Lenoir Hall 12:30 Presentation of Health Law Scholarship by Dr. Anthony Ioppolo, ’09 Moderated by Dr. Lean Cullins of Southern University School of Nursing, the symposium will focus on the theme, “The Emerging Legal Issues in Today’s Health Care System.” Panelists and presenters will be Cindy M. Amedee, ’08, Taylor Porter; Evening Division law student Roxanne Jackson Childs of United Health Care; Ryan R. Domengeaux, ’09, Schumacher Clinical Partners; Raine T. Thompson, Crescent Care Legal Services; and Alma Stewart, Louisiana Center for Health Equity. STUDENT PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOP & RECEPTION 4-5:30 p.m. / Wednesday, April 6 / Workshop-170N A. A. Lenoir Hall Reception Immediately following in Faculty/Staff Lounge Workshop panelists are Colonel Michael Black, ’90, Legal Adviser to the U.S. Inspector General, Washington, D.C.; Lieutenant Commander Demetrius Cheeks, ’04, U.S. Coast Guard, Alexandria, Virginia; Colonel Jona Hughes, Baton Rouge; Major Quintillis Lawrence, ’01, Baton Rouge; Lieutenant Colonel Howard Matthews, ’00, U.S. Army JAG Corps, Washington, D.C.; Colonel Donald North (Retd.), ’83, Baton Rouge; Major General Harry “Skip” Philips (Retd.), Baton Rouge; and Major Steven Sumbler, ’06, Oakdale, Louisiana. A reception will follow the panel discussion. JUDICIAL WALL OF FAME PORTRAITS UNVEILING CEREMONY 4 p.m. / Thursday, April 7 / Manship Theatre, inside of the Shaw Center for the Arts, in downtown Baton Rouge A testament to the contributions that our graduates have made to the judiciary, the Southern University Law Center Judicial Wall of Fame was established in 2010 and is located in the North Wing of A. A. Lenoir Hall. Join us for the ceremony to unveil the portraits of the 2016 participants who will be added to the 40 judges who bring pride to SULC and inspire alumni and students to strive for a high level of excellence and achievement in the legal profession. The 2016 Participants Judge E. Adrian Adams, ’92 / Gretna, LA Judge Lee Faulkner, ’92 / Gretna, LA Judge Erin Waddell Garrett, ’06 / Shreveport, LA Judge Marc Johnson, ’89 / Gretna, LA Judge Ethel Simms Julien, ’82 / New Orleans, LA Judge Tarvald Smith, ’95 / Baton Rouge, LA and more DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI & FRIENDS RECEPTION 5:30 p.m. / Thursday, April 7 / On the River Terrace at the Shaw Center for the Arts A picturesque sunset on the Mississippi River coupled with live jazz music and delectable hors d’oeuvres and cocktails create the perfect occasion to honor the 2016 Distinguished Alumni Honorees. The Distinguished Alumni & Friends Reception is always a memorable evening for reuniting with old Law Center classmates and colleagues. CHANCELLOR’S GOLF SCRAMBLE Friday, April 8 / Copper Mill Golf Club, Zachary, Louisiana 7 a.m. Registration 8 a.m. Shotgun Start Bring your best golf game and challenge fellow alumni and friends as we “Raise Green on the Green” at our annual Chancellor’s Golf Scramble. You will play on one of the most beautiful courses in South Louisiana. Copper Mill Golf Club will be the battleground for teeing off to see whose expertise goes beyond the courtroom/boardroom and onto the greens! After you’ve completed your round, enjoy refreshments, lunch, and raffle prizes as you await the announcement of the Scramble winners! The 2016 Honorees Ron Austin, ’95 / Harvey, LA Jason Brown, ’01 / Baton Rouge, LA District Attorney Bridget Dinvaut, ’05 / LaPlace, LA Ronald Gathe, ’00 / Baton Rouge, LA Barry Roach, ’92 / Lake Charles, LA Larry Roach, ’92 / Lake Charles, LA Brian Smith, ’94 / El Dorado, AR E Page 3 -NEWS ADMITTED STUDENTS RECEPTION SULC ALUMNI MIXER Please join the Chancellor and other SULC administrators, faculty, and students as we welcome the recently admitted students and offer this valuable networking experience with alumni. It is the perfect time to network with these individuals as they contemplate their law studies. Meet and greet the newly appointed Chancellor John K. Pierre. Network and reconnect with the strong network of colleagues who want to actively engage in supporting the mission and needs of the Law Center, its students, and fellow alumni. 6 p.m. / Friday, April 8 / 130 A. A. Lenoir Hall and Atrium 7 p.m. / Friday, April 8 / SULC Atrium ALUMNI HALL OF FAME GALA 6 p.m. Reception & 7 p.m. Dinner and Program / Saturday, April 9 / Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel A League of Their Own! This year we will honor five alumni whose distinguished careers have positioned each of them for induction into the SULC Alumni Hall of Fame. The 2016 Hall of Fame Inductees Boudreaux Caubarreaux Chet Boudreaux, ’03 / Baton Rouge, LA Brian Caubarreaux, ’92 / Marksville, LA Debra Page Coleman, ’88 / Atlanta, GA Coleman Pfeiffer Stallworth Marcia Graf Pfeiffer, ’91 / Jennings, LA Prof. Arthur Stallworth (Retd.), ’75 / Baton Rouge, LA 2016 SULC ound-Up IENDS ALUMNI & FR R REGISTRATION FORM Name________________________________________________________ Graduation Class__________________________ Spouse/Guest (if applicable)_________________________________________________________________________________ Additional guest(s)________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payments can be made online at: Join Us 2016 Alumni Round-Up or you may use this mail-in form. Mail to: 2016 SULC Alumni & Friends Round-Up, SULC, Post Office Box 9294, Baton Rouge, LA 70813. (Please duplicate this form if you are also paying for a sponsorship.) Registration Deadline: Monday, April 4, 2016. Please insert the # quantity and the $ total dollars amount for the number of full packages and/or for each event: EVENT(S)COST QUANTITY Full Package $125 #___________ Health Law Symposium and CLE Seminar, April 6 (Complimentary) Student Professional Workshop and Reception, April 6 (Complimentary) Judicial Wall of Fame Portraits Unveiling Ceremony, April 7 (Complimentary) Distinguished Alumni & Friends Reception, April 7 SULC Alumni Mixer, April 8 (Complimentary) Admitted Students Reception, April 8 (Complimentary) Alumni Hall of Fame Gala, April 9 A La Carte (For alumni not purchasing the full package and for all guests) Distinguished Alumni & Friends Reception, April 7 $45 per person Chancellor’s Golf Scramble, April 8 $150 per player $600 per team Alumni Hall of Fame Gala, April 9 $85 per person Enclosed is my check for $_______________________________________________________ TOTAL $____________ #____________ $_____________ #____________ $_____________ #____________ $_____________ #____________$_____________ Contact Tanya Freeman, director of development, [email protected] or Cynthia N. Reed, [email protected], director of CLE and alumni affairs, for additional information. E Page 4 -NEWS 2016 SULC ound-Up IENDS ALUMNI & FR R Sponsorship Packages Platinum Sponsor $7,000 Exclusive naming rights to the SULC Alumni Hall of Fame Gala Six complimentary tickets for the SULC Alumni Hall of Fame Gala Six complimentary tickets to the Distinguished Alumni and Friends Reception Complimentary entry fees for two golf teams for the Chancellor’s Golf Scramble Plus all the benefits of the Gold Package Gold Sponsor $5,000 Exclusive naming rights to the Distinguished Alumni and Friends Reception Signage at the golf course for the Chancellor’s Golf Scramble Four complimentary tickets for the SULC Alumni Hall of Fame Gala Four complimentary tickets to the Distinguished Alumni and Friends Reception Recognition on the SULC website Signage on golf cart Plus all the benefits of the Silver Package Silver Sponsor $3,000 Two complimentary tickets for the SULC Alumni Hall of Fame Gala Two complimentary tickets to the Distinguished Alumni and Friends Reception Signage on golf course hole at the Chancellor’s Golf Scramble Logo featured in all promotional materials disseminated to more than 3,500 SULC alumni and other supporters Recognition on the SULC website Plus all the benefits of the Bronze Package Bronze Sponsor $1,500 Complimentary entry fee for one golf team for the Chancellor’s Golf Scramble Recognition during five events during the Round-Up Recognition in the Hall of Fame Gala Program Golf Team Sponsor $600 Hole Sponsor $500 Cart Sponsor $250 SPONSORSHIP FORM (Please duplicate this form if you are also registering for the Round-Up.) Sponsorship Levels Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Golf Team Sponsor Hole Sponsor Cart Sponsor Cost Quantity Total $7,000 $5,000 $3,000 $1,500 $600 $500 $250 #_____ #_____ #_____ #_____ #_____ #_____ #_____ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ Total Amount: $______ Sponsor Information Payment Options Payments can be made online at Join US 2016 Alumni Round-Up or you may use this mail-in form. Mail to: 2016 SULC Alumni & Friends Round-Up, SULC, Post Office Box 9294, Baton R ouge, LA 70813. For inclusion in the Hall of Fame Gala program, please return no later than Monday, April 4, 2016. Sponsorships received thereafter will be recognized at each of the events during the Alumni & Friends Round-Up. Name: ________________________________________________________ Contact: _______________________________________________________ Sponsor Recognition as: __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________ q Enclosed is a check payable to SULC Please charge my credit card in the amount of $__________ Circle one: MC Visa AmEx Card #:__________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature: ____________________________ Print Cardholder’s Name: ___________________________ Contact Tanya Freeman, director of development, [email protected] or Cynthia N. Reed, [email protected], director of CLE and alumni affairs, for additional information.