My `Top 10 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite`


My `Top 10 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite`
My ‘Top 10 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite’
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My ‘Top 10 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite’
‘Easy Everyday Ingredients To Help Get A Slim, Sexy Figure’
Eating certain foods can help you feel fuller for longer while still
maintaining your energy levels.
Keeping energy levels high is important since when our energy slumps we
tend to reach for a ‘quick fix’, usually processed ‘man made’ foods full of
sugars, preservatives, colorings and other nasty’s which actually work
against our weight loss and weight maintenance goals.
Eating well-balanced meals and snacks are important for maintaining a healthy
lifestyle, keeping our metabolism kicking along nicely as well as letting our
liver – our body cleansing organ - do it’s job properly to keep our digestive
system and body functioning properly.
If you find your meals aren’t keeping you as full as you’d like and you’re
rummaging through the pantry over-snacking between meals then here are
my easily found everyday ‘Top 10 Foods that Suppress Your Appetite’
for a slim, sexy figure.
These are just a few of the tips and tricks I teach to everyone on my ‘6 Wk
Trim & Tone’ Online Pilates & Weightoss Program plus some of the
healthy ingredients we use that make up my realistic, achievable and easily
sustainable Weekly Meal Plans.
As a fully qualified Natural beauty Therapist with a background in health and
nutrition, along with being a Certified Pilates and Barre Pilates Instructor, I have spent years studying and
researching everything to do body, health, beauty and exercise. Combine this with my lifelong passion of
healthy eating (without ever dieting) to get, and keep, a long, lean body with defined feminine muscles.
I’ve spent a total of 20 years trialing and testing every health tip and trick there is around the world to be
able to bring all the answers to you now in my Online Program. I know my Weekly Meal Plans, Recipes
and Online Pilates Videos work – because this is how I live my life everyday and how I’ve being keeping
my body trim, toned and ‘red carpet ready’ for over a decade throughout my media career in Tv and Film.
I know it will work for you as it has for hundreds of other woman that have joined my Online ‘Trim &
Toned’ Community.
You can read some of their Success Stories HERE -
My ‘Top 10 Appetite Suppressing Foods’
that keep you feeling full
1. Oatmeal
A bowl of oatmeal in the morning will help you stay fuller longer
and give your increased energy to power through the day. Plus 1/2 a
cup of rolled oats contains 5 grams of fiber to help keep your
digestive system moving smoothly. Oatmeal can help increase your
body's levels of cholecystokinin, which is the appetite-regulating
hormone and can help control hunger. For extra staying power toss
in blueberries, which have 4 grams of fiber per cup.
2. Mint
The scent of mint is not only very calming but also an effective
appetite suppressant. To help cut back on over snacking try adding
mint leaves to a glass of water with lemon, drinking mint tea when
you start to feel hungry or even burning a mint scented candle can
help induce feelings of fullness.
3. Water
Yep! Believe it or not a simple glass of water can curb that hunger
feeling, plus keep you hydrated for glowing skin. Sometimes we
confuse dehydration with hunger so drinking water before you eat is a
good habit to get into and you may find you’re not as hungry as you
thought you were.
Also try having a snack of fruits and vegetables with a high water
content to help you feel satisfied. Apples are great (good sources of
fiber as well) along with watermelon or cucumbers, which can have the same effect.
4. Apples
Only 80 calories, but one can be as filling as a meal because of the 4
grams of fiber and high water content as mentioned above. An apple
makes an ideal morning or afternoon snack as it’s a great source of
fiber to keep you feeling full, plus its high water content helps fill
up your belly as well. Apples also contain pectin, which can help
prevent blood sugar spikes that spur hunger.
* There are many apple snack variations on the Recipes List of my ‘6 Wk Trim & Tone’ Online Pilates &
Weightloss Program – Find out more here -
5. Natural Greek Yoghurt
This yogurt has many health benefits and is an excellent source of
protein plus its yummy taste will leave you feeling full and satisfied
for hours. Greek yogurts found at supermarkets have almost double the
protein content of standard yoghurt brands. Choose low or non-fat
Greek yoghurt for its added protein and for the added benefit of its fat
burning potential.
Greek yogurt is versatile and can be used for many dishes including
savory and sweet. Due to its thick texture and rich taste, many people use it as a substitute for milk, sour
cream and even use it for baking. (I love it with my mashed veggies and a sprinkle of turmeric to make a
delicious and nutritious curried side dish)
Greek yogurt and other fermented foods, such as buttermilk and sauerkraut, also contain probiotics, live
microorganisms which can help improve digestive functions and boost the immune system.
* Jalna – Greek Yoghurt is best (Available from leading supermarkets)
6. Eggs
Another protein-packed food are eggs, which studies have shown can
help you control your appetite for up to 36 hours with the protein
element helping to starve off hunger and give you energy for longer
than if you had cereal. For just 70 calories, an egg delivers more than 6
grams of protein. You shouldn’t consume more than 2 whole eggs per
day because of the high cholesterol content in the yolks though.
7. Avocados
Avocados are full of healthy monounsaturated fats which help
keep you full. These healthy monounsaturated fats can help slow
the rate at which your stomach empties research suggests. Plus
they’re also loaded with folate, potassium and vitamin E. Foods
containing these nutrients can be more filling than others. Add ¼
Avocado to a slice of toast for a filling breakfast to keep you going
until lunch. If weightloss is your goal then don’t have more than ¼
an Avocado per day
8. Beans and Lentils
Eat them and you may end up eating less of everything else. Beans
and Lentils are a low-calorie source of fibre and protein so they are
a good choice if you're looking to stay full. High in protein - about
7 grams per half cup - and high in complex carbohydrates, which is
the type that takes longer to break down. Sneak some beans into
your smoothies, lentils into your veggie burgers and add to soups
and salads to help control between meal hunger. Red Kidney Beans
are great with lots of recipes and are an ingredient we use lots in
the Meal Plans on my Online Program.
9. Chia Seeds
The Chia Seed is a dieter’s dream come true as they are very low in
calories, have virtually no taste and swell to more than 5 times their
weight in liquid to keep you feeling full for hours. These tiny,
nutritional dynamos are the single richest source of plantbased omega-3 fatty acids you can buy and are loaded with
antioxidants, protein and minerals. Adding a spoonful or two to
meals will help you feel fuller faster since the seeds swell with water
to fill up your stomach and your appetite.
10. Nuts
Nuts have the perfect combination of fiber, protein and fat.
Nutritionist’s favorites are Walnuts, Almonds, Pistachios & Brazil.
Apart from containing healthy fats to help keep your cholesterol low,
these nuts are also good sources of appetite-killing fiber, which digests
slowly so it stays in your stomach much longer than other
carbohydrates which equates to you feeling fuller and helping provide
energy. Don’t overdo it though or you’ll calorie overload. 6-8 nuts for
a snack is ideal and contains four grams of fiber.
Summary – ‘My Top 10 Foods That Help You Feel Full’
Natural Greek Yoghurt
Beans & Lentils
Chia Seeds
I hope these foods and my suggestions will help you feel fuller for longer while also
maintaining your energy throughout the day. I look forward to sharing lots more of my
health, fitness and Pilates tips, tricks and secrets with you.
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‘6 Wk Trim & Tone’ Online Pilates & Weightloss Program
Copyright @ 2014 Tania Zaetta Program
All Rights Reserve