Mercedes-Benz USA`s Baltimore Vehicle Prep Center Receives
Mercedes-Benz USA`s Baltimore Vehicle Prep Center Receives Concours d’Elegance Isuue - Spring 2009 Mercedes-Benz USA’s Baltimore Vehicle Prep Center Receives Award at GWS-MBCA Holiday Party In this Issue MBUSA Wins Award .....1 Upcoming Events Spring Social............5 Spring DIY...............5 StarTrack..................5 Tucker Tour..............5 Deutsche Marque.....6 A/X Social................8 DD School...............9 Summit Monday......9 Drag Racing...........21 The GWS Board of Director’s Award goes to Mercedes-Benz USA, Baltimore MD Vehicle Preparation Center. A/X in MD............21 (L-R) GWS V-P John Heflin, MBUSA VPC Production Foreman John Bielecki, MBCA Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Werner Fehlauer. June Jamboree........21 Car Show...............21 StarTech 2009........23 Calendar of Events.........3 From the President.........4 Pylon Alley.....................8 Maybach Review..........11 GWS Celebrations.......12 Tri-O-Rama Report......16 RC-Imports Tech Day .17 MB Driving Experience.18 Ab Driven Car Show....19 MBCA on the Web......21 Trading Post.................22 MBCA Application......25 The Greater Washington Section awarded the Mercedes-Benz USA Vehicle Preparation Center, Baltimore MD its Board of Directors Award at the January 10 GWS Holiday Party at National Harbor. GWS was very happy to have John Belicki, Production Foreman attend the event and receive the award for the VPC from Vice President John Heflin and Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Werner Fehlauer. “The MBUSA VPC has always been a member favorite, and their staff have always been most accommodating to the membership of the club for tours and information.” said GWS President, William West Hopper. The Holiday Party was also the time when a number of other local, regional and national awards were handed out (see page 12). For 2009 GWS members have a lot to look to forward to, with a social event at the new Mercedes-Benz of Fredericksburg on 3/8, a Do-It-Yourself Session at Curry’s Reston/Great Falls on 3/21, a tour of a rare collection of Tucker automobiles on 3/22, and the Driver’s Social on 3/29. That is just the month of March, April kicks off the 2009 GWS Driving Season with a special Monday at Summit Point on 4/20 and the Autocross Season starts Sunday 4/26. If you enjoy the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, others will too, so always take along a membership application (one is in the back of this newsletter) to give to a friend. Better yet, keep several in your glove box. You never know when you will meet a fellow Mercedes-Benz enthusiast! So fasten your seat belts! GWS has a great 2009 planned for you. Whatever you are looking for chances are you will find it attending a Greater Washington Section Mercedes-Benz Club event this year. Calendar of Events Visit our website for the latest updates and activities: All dates are subject to change. MARCH 8 SOCIAL: Mercedes-Benz of Fredericksburg Eastern Regional Social, 3400 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA Contact: Marianne Lumsden 571.225.0169; [email protected] 21 TECH: DIY Session at Curry’s Reston / Great Falls. Contact: Warren Bain, 703.906.9658; [email protected] 22 SOCIAL: Tucker Collection – Alexandria VA (limited space) Contact: Virgil McDonald, 301.894.9565 [email protected] 29 SOCIAL: Autocross Social-Everyone welcome; M&S Reston VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] APRIL CHARITY: Walter Reed Army Medical Center Car Show 18 WRAMC Complex, Washington DC Contact: Janet 703.765.9405; [email protected] 20 DRIVING: Summit Point Raceway-Main, Summit Point WV Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] GWS BOARD: Contact: Marianne Lumsden 571-225-0169; 23 [email protected] 26* AUTOCROSS #1: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 29 – 30 MBCA NATIONAL: Committee Meetings, Section Leadership Meeting, Indianapolis IN Contact: Greg Magnus 804.915.7379; [email protected] MAY JULY 12* AUTOCROSS #4: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 11 TECH: DIY Session at American Service Center, Arlington VA TBA* SOCIAL-CONCOURS: Eastern Regional Picnic, TBA 19–21 MBCA NATIONAL: StarTrack, Beaver Run Motorsports Park, Pittsburgh PA Contact: Dave Fabyonic 724.327.7361; [email protected] 25–26 DRIVING: Summit Point Raceway-Shenandoah Circuit WV Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 26 SOCIAL: Sunday Parade Lap -Summit Point Raceway WV Contact: Janet 703.765.9405; [email protected] AUGUST 14-18 MBCA NATIONAL: Mid-America Caravan, Heartland Park Topeka KS Contact: Dudley Smith 913.338.0766 [email protected] 23* AUTOCROSS #5: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] GWS BOARD: Contact: Marianne Lumsden 571.225.0169; [email protected] SEPTEMBER 13* AUTOCROSS #6: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 1 MBCA NATIONAL: Board Meeting, Indianapolis IN Contact: Greg Magnus 804.915.7379; [email protected] 26-27 DRIVING: NJ Motor Sports Park, Millville NJ Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 2–3 MBCA NATIONAL: Star Tech 2009, Indianapolis IN Contact: Terry Fenimore 317.878.5584; [email protected] OCTOBER 3 CONCOURS: Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance Nottoway Park, Vienna VA (Rain Date: May 17) Contact: Ray 301.388.0141; [email protected] 24* AUTOCROSS #2: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 31* Defensive Driving & Fun Autocross: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] JUNE 21* AUTOCROSS #3: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 11* AUTOCROSS #7: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] 18 SOCIAL: GWS Annual Meeting American Service Center, Arlington VA. Contact: Marianne Lumsden 571.225.0169; [email protected] NOVEMBER 1* AUTOCROSS #8: Millbrook High School, Winchester VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] TBA* MBCA National Board Meetings – Saint Louis MO Contact: Greg Magnus 804.915.7379; [email protected] TBA* GWS BOARD: Contact: Marianne Lumsden 571.225.0169; [email protected] 11–12 Marque Madness – VIR Danville VA Contact: Joe Wozney 703.437.7866; [email protected] DECEMBER 20 JANUARY 2010 MBCA REGIONAL EVENT - JUNE JAMBOREE Mercedes-Benz Concours d’ Elegance MBUSA HQ Montvale NJ Contact: Lucille Chabala 973.731.9133; [email protected] * Indicates that the date is not yet confirmed 6 TBA* TBA* SOCIAL: New Members Reception. TBA Everyone welcome GWS Holiday Party GWS Board Meeting Signup for the GWS e-News at www. gw s- m bca. or g and receive advance notice of events along with reminders of upcoming activities. Metro Tri-Star 3 From the President Bill Hopper [email protected] 4 With 2009 Change is in the Air! Change, No one likes it, but it is a fact of life. No matter what it is, we always are hesitant about change. When MercedesBenz changed the E Class the body style with the W210 – everyone complained about those oval headlights. That was the same time as when we bought our W202. I had several people came up and say, “thankfully you did not get one of those new funny looking Mercedes. At least yours looks like a Mercedes.” Well now, look at any Mercedes-Benz, and it’s not just the headlights, its the whole car. Yes, we adapted to the change! Change comes to all things, and it is coming here to the Mercedes-Benz Club. We are revaluating much of how we do things. The Metro Tri-Star for one! Now in an economy where we are always looking to save money, and in an environment where we are looking to save natural resources, it makes sense to move parts of our newsletter to a more sustainable way of getting information to our members faster by means of the internet. less paper overall. But don’t worry, you can always get up-to-date GWS and Club information, be it pre-or post event on our website, To make sure you get the latest GWS information go to and submit your e-mail address (remember to keep it updated if you change e-mail addresses.) That way you will be up-to-date on all that this section does throughout the year by our periodic e-mail blasts. For 2009 there will be a lot of great events you will not want to miss. Be assured we keep all personal information our members share with us secure. Over the last year we have been experimenting with our online e-mail blasts, and have found that when we send out the e-mail blasts we get more members attending more events. Even though these events may have been published in print a month or so earlier, people forgot and then missed the event, because they needed a reminder. On the other hand, having something to read (as many guys say, “library reading”) that can be shared is not something we want to lose either. Because the club does so much, I encourage each of you to share your club with others that you know who own or appreciate the Mercedes-Benz automobile. Hand them a MBCA membership application – on page 25 or better yet a copy of the Metro Tri-Star. Benefits of the club are so many, from receiving the STAR Magazine and Metro Tri-Star, to discounts from sponsors and dealers, to the many special events the club holds, to the MBCA Member Loyalty Bonu$ that members of a year or more can receive upon the purchase of a new or used Mercedes-Benz from an authorized dealer. An added benefit is that you can extend your membership by a month for each new member you bring in as well as be eligible for prizes from the National Club. All you have to do is put your name and member number on the line that calls for it. (Found on your mailing label and your MBCA Membership card!) For 2009 we will be reducing our actual printed-on-paper Metro Tri-Star to four issues a year. These newsletters will be printed quarterly and focusing on each season’s events. They will be supplemented with our e-mail blasts and information posted on our website. This means more information in each printed issue, but Always carry a couple of extra membership applications in your glove box to hand to someone who has a Mercedes-Benz, and tell them why you belong to the club. There is no better way to share your enthusiasm than by letting someone else in on a good thing. Membership in MBCA is one of the best things out there today! Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue Upcoming Events Eastern Regional Spring Social Sunday March 8, 2009 1 - 4 pm Mercedes-Benz of Fredericksburg 3400 Fall Hill Avenue Fredericksburg VA The Greater Washington Section and the Central Virginia Section join together for a spring social event at Mercedes-Benz of Fredericksburg. The Rosner Automotive Group has recently purchased the MercedesBenz of Fredericksburg dealership and are excited to host an open house to introduce themselves to the members of the Club. Cost is free, but RSVP is necessary. Mercedes-Benz of Fredericksburg, 3400 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401, 540373-5200 RSVP; Marianne Lumsden [email protected], or register on the website. Spring Do-It-Yourself Session Saturday, March 21, 2009 9 am Curry’s Auto Service 1202 Downey Drive Vienna VA 22182 Here is your chance to change the oil, check under the hood, and swap out the brakes before the spring/summer driving season gets started. Get a tech inspection before the 4/20 track event at Summit Point Raceway. Curry’s Reston / Great Falls location will be hosting our wrench and parts wielding club members. Don’t be intimidated by the full tool boxes and cases of Mobil 1. Even a novice is welcome to come out, lift the hood, and peek inside your engine compartment. This is the perfect time to learn more about your car, or swap out the whole thing, as long as you can do it in a day. Cost is $20 per car, to register, go to the website for a form. Curry’s 1202 Downey Drive, Vienna VA 22182: Contact; Warren Bain, 703.906.9658; [email protected] StarTrack July 19-21 Pittsburgh PA The concours will be held on Sunday as part of the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix which includes over 2000 cars of all types from early 1900 to today. Classics, Sports Cars, 50’s and 60’s American Iron to today’s exotics from Maserati, Jaguar, Lamborghini and of course Mercedes-Benz. Driving events take place Monday and Tuesday at Beaver Run Motorsports Park. We place a special emphasis on safety and welcome first-timers with special instruction and introduction to performance driving. You are welcome and invited to participate regardless of your experience. Our goal is to make the drivers as competent as the cars. A black tie banquet on Sunday and the Driving Awards Dinner on Tuesday top off the events. See for more information. Contact; Dave Fabyonic; 724.327.7361 [email protected] For the latest event information or to register for an event go to: w w w. g ws -mb c a .o r g Tucker Museum Sunday, March 22, 2009, 10 am Alexandria VA This is a great chance to see a fine collection of rare American automotive history. David Cammack’s collection of Tucker automobiles and memorabilia in Old Town Alexandria VA includes numerous Tucker parts, engines and rare items pertaining to the Tucker automobile. The highlight of the tour is seeing three fully restored Tucker cars: serial numbers 1001, 1022 and 1026. Mr. Cammack began his collection in the early 1970s by acquiring and then restoring these three cars. In the years since, he has collected many artifacts from the Tucker Automobile Company, including original factory parts in boxes, original mechanical drawings, and many letters, pictures and special objects. Preston Tucker was a car-crazy kid who hung out around auto speedways and grew up to create an automobile—the Tucker—that was years ahead of its time. He was a man Metro Tri-Star of pioneering spirit, ingenuity, and daring who revolutionized Detroit in the 1940s with his stunning “Car of Tomorrow.” It was streamlined, futuristic, and fast—the car every American dreamed of owning and at a price many people could afford. A man of endless enthusiasm, Tucker publicized his model all over the country to wild acclaim. He sold stock, set up a factory, but the auto industry launched a devastating antiTucker campaign and he went bankrupt. Although it was called the Tucker Torpedo, the car was referred to as the Tucker 48 since that was its model year. Many of the safety features that we take for granted as standard equipment on today’s cars were part of his 1948 car. Some of them—like crash zones, safety belts, impact absorbing dashboards—we couldn’t imagine driving without today. Others, like headlights that turn with the steering of the car, are being revived in some current automobile models. The 4,200-lb Tucker could go from 0 to 60 in 10 seconds and could reach a top speed of 120 mph. Powered by a horizontally- opposed 6-cylinder, 335 cubic-inch engine with 166 hp, and 372 lbs of torque, the predicted sales price at the time was $2,450. One recently sold for $259,000. Some of the other surviving Tucker Torpedoes are valued at up to $500,000. If you haven’t had a chance to see the 1988 Francis Ford Coppola movie, “Tucker, the Man and His Dream,” try to watch it before this tour. This tour will fill fast as there are a limited number of spaces. The date is Saturday, March 22 at 10 am. The cost for each person is $20. Please include your e-mail address. Once your paid reservation is received, you will receive a notice of where and when to meet for this fascinating tour. Remember space is limited. To register for your tour, go onto the to fill out the registration form. Send it along with your check for $20 per person made out to GWS-MBCA to: Virgil McDonald at 2028 N. Anvil Lane, Temple Hills, MD 20748, 301.894.9565 [email protected] 5 Spring Concours d’Elegance Deutsche Marque Sunday, May 3, 2009 (Rain Date: May 17, 2009) Nottoway Park, Vienna VA All Day Event While the holiday season has just passed, and many of us are still focused on attaining our New Year’s resolutions, I have already given up hope on mine and instead have decided to focus my efforts on something far more likely to bear fruit: the GWS Concours program. We are gearing up for 2009, as you read this, and planning for our major events. As many of you know, one of the highlights of our event schedule, and an annual rite of spring for German car fans, is the Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance. This year represents the 26th time that we have gathered with our friends from the Potomac Region of the Porsche Club of America (PCA), the National Capital Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America (BMWCCA), and the Potomac-Chesapeake Chapter of the Audi Club of North America (ACNA) to put on a terrific show. This year, we have reserved Nottoway Park, located at 9601 Courthouse Road in Vienna, easily reached via Route 66. We will mark the entrance with large car club banners so that you cannot miss it. In the Deutsche Marque, vehicles are judged by their condition, appearance, and cleanliness. There will be two classes at this event: Street (judged) and Display (not judged). Judges scoring cars in the Street class will only judge the tops of the cars, including the exterior, interior, engine bay, and chrome, but not the chassis. Street class cars are generally divided into several groups based upon MBCA rules. While Display class cars will not be formally judged, Display cars will be eligible to win the “People’s Choice” award. This is, by the way, a terrific way for newcomers to become introduced to a concours event. The entry fee for entering a car in the concours is $25 per car ($35 after April 26th or on-site). Registration includes one wine and cheese reception ticket and a commemorative dash plaque. Additional wine and cheese reception tickets are available at $10 each. There is no charge to attend the concours as a spectator. In order to allow us to plan appropriately for the number of guests for the wine and cheese reception, please register in advance. Use the registration form that may be downloaded from our website. Automotive Metal Performance, Inc. Specializing in 113 and 107 Chassis • Full Sheet Metal Fabrication Modification and Reconstruction • Top Quality Coach Refinishing Top to Bottom, Inside and Out • Interior, Electrical and Hydraulic Work and Minor Mechanical Services • Suspension and Safety Upgrades and Modifications Quality and authenticity since 1980 Contact Andy Paza (301) 223-5017 Williamsport, MD 6 Event Schedule: 8:30 am Field opens to show participants for placement onto the field. 9:00 am General admission - FREE 10:00 am All cars must be registered, and placed on the field. 10:30 am Judging begins. 2:30 pm After the judging is completed, scores are tallied, and winners determined, we will announce winners at the wine and cheese reception. Future Concours June Jamboree (See page 21 for more information) Eastern Regional Picnic, Potomac, MD (See GWS website for date) In the lead-up to the Deutsche Marque, we are presently planning a number of events that we believe will entice concours newcomers and give further guidance to concours veterans. Stay tuned to the GWS website ( and check your e-mail for updates. March 29 there will be a joint car care clinic with the BMW Club, see for info. Contact: Raymond A. Lombardo on 301.388.0141 or raymondalombardo@ with questions. As in past years, we would greatly appreciate any assistance the day of the event, especially judging assistance. NOTE: The concours is an all-day event. The organizers of all the clubs will be working diligently prior to the show as well as on the day of the event. Please respect the hard work by the participants who have prepared their cars for the show. If you enter the event, please be prepared to stay through the awards presentation. If your vehicle places in its class and you have departed the field, the award will be given to the next runner-up in class. Further, in order to be fair to all the participants, we need to have sufficient time to judge all the cars consistently and fairly. We can’t do that if people show up late and ask to have their cars judged. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Raymond A. Lombardo - GWS Concours Chair Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue Pylon Alley, Joe Wozney, [email protected] 2008 The Year in Review Before reading any further, you have an assignment. E-MAIL your current e-mail address(es) to [email protected]. It’s the only way we can reach you if there’s been a change in the schedule. Let’s just say that 2008 gave us the best of times and the worst of times. The stock market and banks collapsed, bankruptcies and foreclosures were at an all-time high, but we, as only friends can, had a great time autocrossing. One hundred fifteen people came to at least one event. Only one time were we rained out and that didn’t happen until mid-afternoon. Debbie Hirtes took one more vintage class championship in her 1968 230SL and had Mercedes Ladies Fastest Time of Day twice. Denise Dersin reclaimed the 190E 2.3 16V class eking out a two-point victory over Ted Joseph and six points over Bill Stewart – last year’s champ. Head-to-head, Denise lost first place only once in her five events and was fastest Mercedes driver (man or woman) in four events. John Heflin scored in two classes, taking first in the diesel class – it’s likely that the smoke is still clearing from the November event. In the V-8 class, John was second to Henry Harrell by just one point. In the last five events of the year, John and Henry alternated first and second place every month. Laurie Harrell made a valiant effort and finished third in the points. Jim Smith took back “his” 190/C-Class series crown from Ben Weber, also winning by just one point. Jim took Ben four to two in head-to-head events but the outcome couldn’t have been closer. Steve Spector took the SLK class. Running unopposed with class wins were Jim Glenn in his E55 AMG and Joe Wozney (me!) in Bobbie’s smart fortwo. Barrie Gochman took the woman’s nonMercedes class, winning all six events she competed in. She ran in a 1999 Miata except for the last event when she drove a 2006 Cadillac CTS. Ask her about the Caddy when you see her! We have a new winner in the men’s nonMercedes class. John Brubaker finished second last year and third the year before. In 2008, John got it all together and took four first place finishes in his little (but bad) VW R32. Marty Gallagher returned from a 8 too-long absence to take second overall in his SVT Cobra Mustang. Third place went to course designer extraordinaire Mike Wirt who had taken both the 2005 and 2006 championships. Mike won those two years driving his Audi S4. Now he’s driving a 2007 Porsche Cayman. Earnest Campana was fourth and had four of the eight Fastest Time of Days. His 1992 Honda Civic is one fast little beast! 2008 was a year of proofs. Bill Lear proved that no one – not Honda, not Acura, not aftermarket manufacturers, no one – can build an axel he can’t break. John Robinson proved that no matter a son’s age, he can still steal his dad’s car for a weekend “drive.” Richie Crim proved that no cone, on any part of the course, is safe from the yellow peril. Michael Kallam, Jr proved that you can flog a car costing a couple of hundred dollars to within an inch of its life and still get spanked by your dad driving the same car. Harry Newman, Bob Robinson, and Jim Smith proved that grandpas still play with cars. Let’s hope 2009 is as much fun. Autocross Social Sunday, March 29, 2009 M&S Grill, Reston VA This event is open to all members! On Sunday, March 29, we’ll hold an Autocross Social at the M&S Grill in Reston, VA. Last year’s event was a huge success. M&S is in Reston’s Town Center, across from the back of the Hyatt at 11901 Democracy Drive. There is plenty of free parking in the nearby multi-level garages. The Social will be held from 2 to 4 pm. Here we’ll be presenting the 2008 Autocross Series trophies and our special awards. This is a great opportunity to find out what autocrossing is all about and to get all of your questions answered. If you’ve considered joining us at one of our Performance Driving Schools at Summit Point Raceway or Virginia International Raceway, there will be plenty of folks on hand to give you the information you need to get started. Although there is no charge for the Autocross Social, you must pre-register. Please call Joe Wozney 703.437.7866 or send an e-mail to [email protected] right away. The club will provide the snacks. The beverages are on you. Please plan to join us! Autocross Series Winchester VA An autocross is a timed, slow-to-moderatespeed driving event through a series of cones (pylons). It’s usually held in a parking lot. Autocross teaches good car control. It will show you your limits and the limits of your car. It’s perfect for all drivers of all skill levels, including teens with a license or permit. Come out and try it once. You will be hooked! For more information contact Joe Wozney at 703.437.7866 or [email protected]. GWS Members $25 per event or $150 for the series, your choice. Autocross Schedule Millbrook High School, Winchester, VA (tentative dates - waiting approval) Event starts promptly at 9 a.m. All drivers should be registered by 8:30 a.m. Novices welcomed! This is an all day event. #1 - April 26 #2 - May 24 #3 - June 21 #4 - July 12 #5 - August 23 #6 - September 13 #7 - October 11 #8- November 1 High Performance Driver’s Education Schedule - Firm Dates Monday, April 20 - Main Circuit Summit Point Raceway Thursday and Friday, June 11-12 - Full Course - VIR Saturday and Sunday, July 25-26 Summit Point (Shenandoah Circuit) Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27 NJ Motor Sports Park, Lightening Course Milliville, NJ Registration: Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue Driving Events Defensive Driving School And Autocross Great Event for Novices School Sunday, May 31, 2009 Winchester VA GWS-MBCA will offer a defensive driving school for all members on Sunday, May 31, 2009 at the Millbrook High School parking lot in Winchester VA. The school will provide an overview of safe driving techniques followed by “hands-on” maneuvering (at controlled speeds) in your own car. The courses are designed to work on accident avoidance, car control, and threshold breaking. This is an excellent opportunity to improve your driving skills. It is also the perfect time for your household’s young drivers to test their driving skills in a controlled environment. Teens 19 and under are encouraged to use the car they would normally drive. You read the papers and watch the news and are aware of the marked increase in the number of teens in serious accidents. We cannot encourage you strongly enough to make sure your teens attend the school to help make them better and safer drivers. In the afternoon, an autocross will be held at 1 pm. Teens who will have driven their “other car” in the defensive driving school are encouraged to participate and put it all together. The cost is now $25 but will be $30 at the gate. The fee covers both the defensive driving school and the autocross. Teens 19 and under can attend at no charge! Directions to Millbrook High School in Winchester, VA and a registration form are on the website. Contact Joe Wozney on 703.437.7866 [email protected] with any questions. Metro Tri-Star High Performance Driver’s Education This year, the GWS will hold four driving schools: two at Summit Point – the first on Monday, April 20, on the Summit Main Circuit, and the other on July 25-26 on the Shenandoah Circuit. We’ll be at Virginia International Raceway on June 11-12 for Marque Madness - full course, then GWS will returns to the home of Tri-O-Rama 2008 to run the Lightning course. All marques are welcome at these GWS events! Summit Point Monday April 20, 2009 Summit Point WV Don’t want to drive the new Benz? Or the old one? You can drive any car you wish, as long as it has $100,000 liability coverage and passes a mandatory tech inspection. Convertibles require a roll bar or a hard top. All cars must be inspected before the event at a dealer or independent shop, and you must bring the signed or stamped safety inspection sheet to the event! The pre-event safety tech inspection form is available for download on the club’s web site. Registration is $210 before March 31 after March 31 and at the track will be $235. Summit Point’s own track days (Friday At The Track or FATT) cost $250 in 2008, so you save $40! Good news! If you register on the web site, we now accept PayPal and there is a link for your PayPal payment. If you don’t have access to a computer call Joe Wozney on 703.737.7866 to register. To ensure we have small groups on the track, this event is limited to 100 drivers. Register early to ensure your place on the track and for the best price for the event. Registration is now open for our first performance driving track event of the year on Monday, April 20. The event will be on the Main Circuit at Summit Point Raceway in Summit Point, WV. The registration form, tech inspection sheet, and latest information are on the website Summit Point is a 2.1 mile track with 10 turns and plenty of runoff room, making it a great track for experienced and novice drivers alike. Means Are you a novice with no previous track or performance driving experience? No problem! Trained We strive to give you the best possible prices instructors will be on replacement parts for your Mercedes, on hand to teach you about handling, BMW and other vehicles. turning, braking, apexes, track-out points and more. Both comercial and individual These are all lessons customers are welcome. and techniques that Saturday — walk in will make you a better driver on the street. UPS delivery weekdays You’ll love the track By appointment during the week and the instructors. And, no one, absolutely Call 703-425-5380 no one, will force you Fax 703-425-5330 to drive any faster than your comfort zone allows. We want you 3827 Pickett Road to progress at your own Fairfax, Virginia pace. EMB Parts 9 Star Auto Service, Inc. The Best Service for the Best Cars! Complete and comprehensive auto service on Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, Audi, VW and BMW (410) 339-STAR (410) 339-7827 1024 York Road Towson, MD 21204 (Exit 26A off of 695) • MD State Inspections • Free rides to home, work • or lightrail within the area All work guaranteed Review, Brian Armstead, [email protected] Exotic Motoring: Maybach 57 S Status Exemplified W hen the call came from Maybach’s parent company Mercedes-Benz, that my several-year-long-wait to drive a Maybach would come to an end, my mind swirled. After all, the Maybach brand launched in 2003 with great fanfare, and was the car the rich and famous wanted to be seen in. Entertainers featured the luxocruisers in videos, and pro athletes added them to their stables of high-end cars. But that was then and this is now, and the shine on the Maybach brand has tarnished a bit. Why? Well, a shaky economy doesn’t help matters much, but the real reason is the rise of competitors like Bentley, RollsRoyce, Lexus, Audi, BMW and Mercedes’ own fleet of superluxurious sedans. The high-end market has also seen a resurgence of storied brands like Aston Martin and Maserati, whose coupes and sedans offer Beverly Hills exclusivity at Santa Barbara prices. Take for example the Maserati Quattroporte, bespoke with fine Italian leathers and wood veneers; powered by a Ferrari designed V8, and underpinned with a high-tech suspension Porsche would be proud of, all for about $115,000. So where does all this leave Maybach? A bit out in the cold. Would my wait to drive this legendary marque be worth it? That question was partially answered when I learned that my tester would be the driveroriented 57 S. Maybach sedans come in two sizes, the limo-length 62 (6.2 meters) and the shorter 57 (5.7 meters). Where the Maybach 62 is about the experience of being driven, the 57 is about taking the wheel yourself. Some may think that the 57 Series, with its shorter wheelbase and lower price, is one step down the rung of the Maybach status ladder. But for me, the 57 is Maybach. The original Maybachs produced from 192140 were cars that did not sacrifice luxury or performance, and were the pinnacle of pre-war technology from Germany. The 57 models stay close to these roots. Metro Tri-Star The base 57 is quite a capable performer, with a 5.5-liter V12 providing authoritative propulsion. But the 57 S takes it to the next level. Under the elongated 57 S hood, you’ll find a very potent Maybach Type 12 engine. This 6.0-liter, 12 cylinder monster comes standard with twin turbochargers and intercoolers, and sophisticated engine management software. The Type 12 produces 604 horsepower and an incredible 738 pound-feet of torque. The feeling of acceleration in the 57 S is jaw dropping. When the twin turbochargers spool up to full boost and the 6,100 pound 57 S hurtles forward, the feeling is that of a freight train with rocket boosters. This car is very, very fast. And all of this impressive forward motion is accomplished without cacophony from under the hood. The 57 S, is as are all Maybachs, supremely quiet. Road manners are supple, yet the big 57 S handles like a much smaller performance sedan. The 57 S rides on gorgeous 20” aluminum alloy wheels, and ride motions are controlled by an “Airmatic” dual-control air suspension. Inside, passengers are treated like royalty. Grand Nappa leather is everywhere, covering the seats, doors, steering wheel and dashboard. The suede-like material Alcantara covers the headliner, roof pillars and sun visors. The upper center console features a 6.5 inch LCD COMAND system that integrates navigation, radio, CD player and rear cabin controls. When you need to communicate with commoners, there’s an integrated cell phone up front and Bluetooth® connector and additional cell phone in the rear. To coddle wealthy buns, the 57 S comes standard with multicontour heated seats with massage function. Bose® handles the required premium audio, outfitting the car with a 600 watt, 21 speaker “Surround Everywhere” system. A lifetime subscription to Sirius® Satellite Radio is standard. Rear seat passengers are treated to heated, massaging seats that recline, though 57 models lack the executive jet lounge seats that made big brother 62 so famous. Rear seat entertainment comes via a separate system, with a DVD system and dual 9.5inch headrest mount monitors, six-disc CD changer and wireless headphones. A mini fridge resides between the rear seats. Special champagne flutes have their own compartment. The 57 S is as safe as it is opulent. Remember, Maybach is the premium luxury brand of Mercedes-Benz, long a leader in automotive safety. Which brings us to the final variable of the Maybach equation – price. At $380,000 base and $403,000 as tested, purchasing a Maybach is literally an “if you have to ask about price…” experience. Should you choose to individualize your Maybach, a full bespoke program is available. Only your wallet can limit your choices to personally outfit your Maybach. If you have the means to own an expensive automobile, you should certainly consider Maybach’s 57 S. It accomplishes in grand style the main goal set out for Maybach Motorenbau when first conceived – ultimate performance with ultimate luxury. Brian Armstead is an automotive writer, owner of a ‘94 E320 Cabriolet and a member of GWS. This review of the 57 S ran in several major print publications under his by-line. 11 GWS Celebrates its Members and the Holidays T he Greater Washington Section’s Holiday Party was an event not to miss. Members arrived at the new National Harbor’s McCormick & Schmicht’s restaurant for an evening of great camaraderie, excellent food and some pretty fine door prizes. This event is also the chance the section has each year to honor its members who have gone above and beyond during the year. We were honored to have in our section the MBCA Women’s High Point Award Winner, Denise Dersin, who in one event, Tri-O-Rama, was able to accumulate enough points to win this prestigious national MBCA award. This year’s GWS-MBCA Member of the Year is shared by a couple who have worked very hard for our section and the club as a whole. Laurie and Henry Harrell who have participated in many events, and helped out in whatever ways they could, including working with the members of the MidAtlantic Region and South Jersey Section on producing the Tri-O-Rama program book, website, advertising and more. All the while, they were helping GWS-MBCA members as the Membership Chairs for this section. Werner Fehlauer, a GWS member, as well as a member of the South Jersey section, received the Kathy Kennel Award for his extensive work on Tri-O-Rama. This award is given out to GWS members who give of themselves to a national event that GWS is involved in. Special Volunteer appreciation awards went to Bobbi Wozney, Janet McFarland and Pete Gotchman for all they do behind the scenes each year to help Award Winners: Hank Sloan - GWS Member of the Year Award Henry and Laurie Harrell MBCA High Point Drivers Award Denise Dersin Kathy Kennel Award Werner Fehlauer GWS Volunteer Appreciation Award Bobbi Wozney Janet McFarland Pete Gotchman GWS Board of Directors Award MBUSA’s Vehicle Preparation Center, Baltimore Maryland Special thanks go out to Radial Tire for a set of TOYO Tires, American Service Center, Euromotorcars Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz of Alexandria, and Mercedes-Benz of Tyson’s Corner for the great door prizes supplied for the GWS Holiday Party GWS members better enjoy the club. Bobbi is well known as the person who welcomes people to driving events and autocrosses, stands behind the store and silent auction tables at the picnic, and is always there to help members. Janet works hard on making sure our newsletter is of the high quality that it has become know for, as well as a number of special projects throughout the year. Pete is one of those people who if you have ever attended a driving event, has been there to give you support and the opportunity to learn more about your car and how it handles. We appreciate each of them for all they do for the membership of this club. The Holiday Party is well known for the really great door prizes. This year, Radial Tire, again provided $800 worth of TOYO Tires, won by John Heflin. Euromotorcars, American Service Center and MercedesBenz of Alexandria, and Mercedes-Benz of Tyson’s Corner all donated great MercedesBenz Collection door prizes for the membership. This shows the commitment that these sponsors have to this club and to our membership even in tough economic times. Seventy two GWS members attended the Holiday Party and celebrated all that is the Mercedes-Benz lifestyle. Special thanks go out to Jim Glenn and Marianne Lumsden for their hard work on this event. GWS New Member’s Reception I ntersport Auto of McLean VA sponsored the club’s annual New Member Reception at its facilities near Tyson’s Corner on December 7. Intersport sells and services pre-owned MercedesBenz vehicles, as well as other high-line vehicles. They provided refreshments and gave members a tour of their facilities. New members mixed with those long-time club members, and found out more about the club and its activities. This is always a great opportunity for members to ask questions about their cars, meet others with similar interests, and mix with other members. Members brought new unwrapped toys for donation to the Toys for Tots program as well as food for a local food bank. It was a pleasure to welcome the Avellanedas, Zweibels, Harrimans, Policastros, Boris Steinbach and sons, Jim Condax, Marla Leftwich, and Herman Hudson, among many others. 12 GWS President Bill Hopper (L) congratulatates John Heflin (R) for having lucky number 118 to win this year’s GWS Holiday Party’s Grand Door Prize, $800 of TOYO Tires from Radial Tire Company of Silver Spring MD. Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue GWS Holiday Party Celebrants! 1 (L - R) Tom Burke, Sarah Lewis, Henry Harrell, Laurie Harrell, Amy Gallagher, Marty Gallagher and Seth Turner. 2 John Heflin presenting the MBCA Women’s High Point Award to Denise Dersin. 4 (L - R) Deda & John Bielecki; Mary, Jonathan and Ray Lombardo; John Heflin. 3 (L - R) Werner Fehlauer receiving the Kathy Kennel Award from John Heflin. 6 (L - R) Lisa Washington and Vigil MacDonald 5 Ben Weber, tool kit raffle winner 1 2 4 3 5 Metro Tri-Star 6 13 2 3 1 Merced 4 8 8 10 9 14 Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue es-Benz Club Members Celebrate! 6 5 7 1 J.D.Harriman winner of M-B gear shift wine stoppers from ASC. 2 Boris Steinbach with sons Karl and John at New Member Reception. 11 3 Henry Harrell with Andrea Cudy and her prize of a M-B Teddy Bear. 4 John Heflin hands Janet McFarland award for her hard work. 5 John Heflin hands Bobbi Wozney award for all she does for the club. 6 (L - R) John Heflin hands Pete Gotchman award for all he does to help other MBCA members. 7 Jim Smith (center), 2007 GWS Member of the Year gives the Hank Harris Award to Laurie & Henry Harrell as the GWS Members of the Year for 2008. 8 (L - R) Inia Burginger, Herman Hudson, Steve Spector and Jerry Chenault in conversation at Intersport during the GWS New Member Reception. 9 (L - R) Mike Wirt, Paul Rochelle and Brett Hack lookn’ way cool in an S Class sedan for sale at Intersport during the New Member Reception. 10 Yvonne and Lewis Baskerville show off a pink Mercedes-Benz pen another door prize at the GWS Holiday Party. 11 Mary and Ray Lombardo with Jonathan Francis Lombardo at his first Mercedes-Benz Club event. Metro Tri-Star 15 TRI-O-RAMA Brings GWS Members Home With Plenty of Throphys T he South Jersey Section of the MercedesBenz Club of America MBCA-SJS held Tri-O-Rama on October 24-28, 2008 in Millville NJ at Wheaton Arts and the New Jersey Motorsports Park. Attendees came from around the country to this MBCA National Event. The states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Arizona were represented as well as members from Canada. Though it was rainy and overcast, everyone enjoyed the Concours d’Elegance held at the quaint shopping village in the center of the Wheaton Arts Center. A round-a-bout rally took drivers all over the county-side, many realizing only too late that they should have thought smart and not just followed directions, as it was a mileage rally. Defensive driving and autocross were held at a nearby school parking lot. A long and tight lot gave everyone a chance to show off their driving skills. Track events such as acceleration runs, and laps around the Lightning Circuit of New Jersey Motor Sports Park, gave everyone a chance to enjoy high performance driving at its best. Well, until it snowed on the last afternoon. Because GWS has held Tri-O-Rama a number of times in the past. GWS members were very involved in helping mentor the South Jersey Section as they produced this national MBCA event. It was most enjoyable for GWS members to participate while helping a neighboring section. Thank you to those GWS members who volunteered to make TOR a success: Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Werner Fehlauer; Driving Chair, Joe Wozney; Publicity Chair, Henry Harrell; and Jim Smith, M-B technical guru. Your hard work paid off in a great MBCA event GWS Members who attended the event returned with a bounty of prizes and awards: The MBUSA Award Jim Glenn, 2003 E55AMG; Best of Show Keith Morgan, 1967 250SE; Peoples’ Choice Paul D.J. Vandenberg, 1986 190E 2.3-16; 1st place in concours Ellen D. Ruck 1988 190E 2.6; 2nd place in concours Paul D.J. Vandenberg 1986 190E 2.3-16; 3rd James Glenn 2003 E55 AMG 1st place Jerry Chenault 1986 560SL; The Rally was won by John Heflin & James Glenn and Paul D.J. & Paul T. Vandenberg came in third place, all Greater Washington members. Other GWS Members who did well are: Fred Perry 1989 560SL; Ted Joseph 1986 190E 2.3-16; Greg Calabro 1986 190E 2.316; James Smith 1992 190E 2.6; Werner Fehlauer 2008 smart fortwo; Henry Harrell 1993 400E; John Heflin 1983 500SEC; Laurie Harrell 1993 400E; William Hopper 1997 C280W; Glen Hoffing 1998 C43 AMG Jim Lozoski 1993 190E 2.6. Sponsors for Tri-O-Rama included: Michelin, Exxon-Mobil, Bridgestone, Tire Rack, Leatherique, Millville Board of Education, Mercedes-Benz USA, Precision Cars of Atlantic City, Benzel Busch Motor Car Corp, Mercedes-Benz of Princeton, Mercedes-Benz of Cherry Hill, Greater Washington Section-MBCA, Northern New Jersey Section-MBCA, Ditmire Motorworks. Full detailed results of all TOR events are posted on both the and web site. GWS Members at Tri-O-Rama: 1 Ellen Ruck and John Helfin at the Concours. 2 Adam Paige (L), MBUSA’s National Brand Public Relations Manager awards Jim Glenn (C) the MBUSA Trophy for Tri-O-Rama with MBCA Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Werner Fehlauer (R). 3 Jim Smith’s 190 2.6 leads the pack on the Lighting Circuit. 4 Jim Lozoski warms up White Lightning for the track day. 5 TOR Rally Team winners Jim Glenn (L) John Heflin (CL) Paul D. J. Vandenberg (CR) Paul T. Vandenburg (R) Photos courtesy of Lou Granato III 2 3 1 4 16 5 Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue TECH Session at RC Imports Gives Members a New Perspective O n November 22 GWS members turned out to learn more about their Mercedes-Benz’s from legendary M-B Mechanic Rick Ellinger of RC Imports in Rockville MD. The order of the day was to stump Rick or one of his talented M-B Tech crew. That was not a feat that got accomplished! Members were encouraged to come with or without Mercedes, and with the Rockville Metro Station just steps away, they had no reason not to attend. Rick was assisted by Joseph Howard and Butch Money. All three worked closely with attendees so that they could find out more about their Mercedes-Benz’s. First, the techs drove the cars into the shop to get a feel for what issues might be hiding there. Then it was time to pop the hood and take a look topside. After that it was lift time. A chance to closely inspect the undercarriage. All the while showing the owner (and other interested attendees) where problems could be hiding and what was necessary to fix them, either by themselves or there at RC-Imports. New member Marla Leftwich had recently purchased a pre-owned W202 (C class sedan) and had some concerns about problems that were showing up just after the Pre-Owned Certification had expired. MB Certified Tech Joseph Howard showed her some issues that were from normal wear and tear, and others that she will need to attend to in the near future. Then Joseph sat in the car and explained to her the different button, switches, and lights within the car, many of which she was unfamiliar with. Herb Wong had such a good time with one car, that he drove back home to Virginia to pick up another of his rides so that he 3 could have that vehicle evaluated by the M-B certified techs at RC-Imports. Andrew Strasfogel spent some quality time with Butch and found that there were many items on his wagon that he, an avid do-ityourselfer, could easily repair at a Club DIY session. Some that he had not even thought about attempting before. By the end of the day, Andrew was making a check list and hoping for a DIY session in the near future to get those items addressed. Special thanks to RC Imports in Rockville Maryland for hosting this free to members event. And to Cindi Ellinger for making sure there were plenty of doughnuts and hot coffee for the attendees, as well as to Rick, Joseph and Butch for taking the time to spend with our members. 3 1 M-B technician Butch Money (C) shows Randy Sayles (front) what to look for under the hood of an S Class. 2 Marla Leftwich gets a new perspective on her W202 C Class from Joseph Howard 3 Rick Ellinger demonstrates a mechanical issue to Jay Bothwell (L) and Herb Wong (R). Special Thanks to RC Imports in Rockville MD for hosting this event. 3 Metro Tri-Star 17 Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience, Germany, Henry Harrell L ast summer, I was fortunate enough to be part of a group of MercedesBenz Club of America members from all over the country that were given a chance to participate in the MercedesBenz Driving Experience in Stuttgart, Germany. The Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience is a two-day event that not only includes the opportunity to drive a variety of magnificent Mercedes-Benz vehicles, but also a tour of the Stuttgart Test Track, a safety briefing by the Chief Engineer of the MB Driving Experience, and a guided tour of the Mercedes-Benz Museum followed by dinner at the Museum. All the while being transported in a restored 1963 MercedesBenz passenger bus that was absolutely wonderful - even with only 90 horsepower! My trip had a rocky start with a threehour delay leaving Dulles International Airport which meant I arrived in Zurich, Switzerland after my connecting flight to Stuttgart. Fortunately, the wait for the next flight was less than an hour and I made it to Stuttgart by 12:30 that afternoon. The flight from Zurich to Stuttgart was shorter than the time it took me to get my luggage upon arrival! As I walked through the airport weary from my trip, I wondered where the Movenpick Hotel would be and how long it would take to get there. Exiting the airport, I was pleasantly surprised to find my hotel just across the street. The Movenpick is a fabulous, modern hotel with state-of-theart amenities, highly recommend if you are traveling in Germany. They even let you in your room when you don’t quite have the hang of their key system! Fortunately, after 30 minutes, I did figure out how to turn the lights on without having to request help. Day One we began with a welcome luncheon at the Movenpick where I met the other MBCA members and we were introduced to our guide, Silke. We were than taken - in our bus - to the test track at the Unterturkheim plant. At the test track they demonstrated, using their professional 18 drivers, multiple vehicles in different driving situations, such as less than perfect road conditions, high-speed braking exercises, off-road simulations, and wet weather conditions. Each driving exercise is meant to test and validate the extensive measures Mercedes-Benz has taken in the area of vehicle safety. Our hosts at Unterturkheim were extremely gracious, accommodating, and skillful as they showed us a small part of what Mercedes-Benz does to make the vehicles we love safe. Our next stop was the Mercedes-Benz Museum where we were given an amazing tour of this state-of-the-art facility. One of the first things our tour guide pointed out was the fire suppression system installed in the museum. That creates the world’s largest man-made tornado to vent smoke through the roof of the building. One hundred forty four separate jets move air fast enough to form a funnel that creates a low pressure column and sucks smoke through roof vents. The rest of our museum tour included a history of the Marque from the first car patented by Karl Benz in 1886, to a display of Mercedes-Benz racing cars, to futuristic prototypes. The Museum is an architectural gem enclosing a huge piece of automotive history. Following our tour, we were given a safety briefing by the Chief Safety Engineer at Unterturkheim to prepare us for the next day’s driving experience at the Malmsheim Test Track, located about 50 km west of Stuttgart. Our day concluded with a delicious dinner in the museum restaurant and a scenic trip back to our hotel in our vintage bus. Day Two - We Drive!! We left our hotel early in the morning, arriving at Malmsheim shortly after 8:00 am. Malmsheim is an old abandoned airfield which MercedesBenz converted into their MB Driving Experience test track. As we pulled into the facility, we were greeted by a line of instructors and workers awaiting our arrival. After getting off the bus we were split into groups, assigned a Sprinter van and driver for our day’s transportation, and began the driving portion of the Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience. Throughout the day, we participated in a high-tech Defensive Driving Course, similar to what is taught by Frank and Mary Alice Cozza at national events, but with better cars! The range of cars included A, B, C, E, CLK, SLK, SL and S Class models. My favorite was the C Class station wagon used in the Grand Finale event; obviously some AMG options on this vehicle. The experience consisted of a slalom course with a reverse turn, a braking and evading exercise, a high-speed slalom circuit, curve handling under simulated icy conditions, a handling course (similar to an autocross course), and a final test which put it all together in one Grand Finale. One of the most important pieces of information I took away from this event is that a very Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue small increase in speed can lead to disastrous results. This effect can be compounded by tire condition, tire air pressure, and road conditions. Our instructors for the day were all Mercedes-Benz engineers who work in the Stuttgart plant during the week and have a considerable amount of driving knowledge. They were all genuinely enthusiastic about the exercises they were teaching us and made the Experience that much more enjoyable. Our day ended with a final dinner back at the Movenpick. It was a great way to end an even greater day of driving. On Sunday, with two passengers from the Smokey Mountain Section of MBCA, George Murphy and Bill Lenihan, I took off to experience the Autobahn. I had reserved a manual transmission C Class, but by the time I went to pick the car up it was too late and I ended up with a BMW 318I. The BMW had a GPS system called “Never Lost” installed and when I eventually convinced Miss Never Lost to speak English we were ready to go. Our destination (recommended by Joe Wozney) was a rather eclectic museum in Sinsheim called the Sinsheim Auto and Technik Metro Tri-Star Museum. The GPS took us through the city of Stuttgart which allowed us to stop at the gift shop at the Mercedes-Benz Museum and load up on extra gifts. After the MB Museum, the GPS routed us through one small town after another until we reached the Autobahn. Once close to the Sinsheim exit, we were able to see two very large airplanes suspended on poles that were seven or eight stories tall. They were a retired Concorde SuperSonic Jet and a Russian version of the Jet called Tupolev Tu-144. The museum has a very interesting collection of American Muscle Cars, German War relics from the first and second World Wars, the most Ferraris I have ever seen in one place, and a very extensive collection of massive steam locomotives. We spent hours wandering around the museum. On our ride back to Stuttgart, I finally got to experience the left lane of the Autobahn, as I approached speeds of up 180 kph in the under-powered BMW. Quite a few vehicles sent me back to the safe lanes on the right including a Volkswagon R32 that appeared out of nowhere and was easily doing 250 kph. The Germans definitely have a nice road system, but eventually we ran into heavy traffic on the Autobahn and slowed to a snail’s pace. The Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience is held twelve to sixteen times a year for Mercedes-Benz Clubs and owners from all over the world. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced, and I would recommend it very highly to all Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts. I would like to publicly thank Bill Hopper for offering me the trip and all the other members he asked before me that turned it down for one reason or another. If it is ever offered again, I suggest you take it. Absolutely Driven December Car Show A Great Cause On A Cold Day! O n December 20, 2008, more than 100 car aficionados and enthusiasts alike came together at Nottoway Park in Vienna VA for a car show organized by the guys. Several GWS members made the trip among all the BMW’s, Audi’s and other cars. JD Harriman and Steve Spector brought out their SL’s. Bill Hopper brought out the section’s prototype BlueTEC R Class as well as a Segway X2, and of course GWS’s absolutely driven guy, John Heflin, brought out the “growler” his quite fast 500 SEC. There were a number of great Mercedes-Benz’s on display from nonmembers too. CL’s, SLK’s and CLK’s all showing different modifications provided an interesting show. The reason for so many people to stand outside for hours in the freezing cold talking about cars was a good one; this show was organized to collect toys for the Marine’s Christmas Toys For Tots program. It was quite a successful toy haul! GWS brought out the toys collected a week earlier from the GWS New Member Reception at Intersport. The toys filled the entire van that the Marines brought. Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks were provided to all who attended, though due to the cold weather, your hot dog was frozen before you could finish eating it, which lead to many leaving early before the show was scheduled to close. Thanks to the GWS-MBCA Members who came out and showed off the club at this great event. 19 Advertisement Mercedes-Benz history is rich with style, luxury, performance and prestige. Mercedes-Benz has built the most technologically advanced automobiles of their time, and they have been coveted by collectors and drivers around the world for decades. These fine automobiles deserve only the best care and service by a master technician who understands MercedesBenz unlike any other. Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner is proud to offer you the opportunity to have access to such a source: Norbert Lamp. Norbert Lamp started his career with Mercedes-Benz in 1960 in Germany working for Daimler-Benz AG. In the factory-owned repair facility he was selected to work on the 300SL Gullwing, 300SL Roadster and later, 230SL and 250SL. He was also one of the first mechanics ever to work on the famous 600 limousine. During the next six years, Norbert became not only proficient in the repair of these vehicles, but also logged more hours on these historic and significant vehicles than probably any other specialist in the world today. From 1966 to 1968 he worked for Mercedes-Benz of Canada in Toronto as a Mercedes-Benz Contract Technician. In the summer of 1968, on a sightseeing trip to New York and Washington, D.C., he fell in love with the United States and accepted a job at HBL in Fairfax, Virginia. Since 1969, Norbert has been working exclusively for Mercedes-Benz dealers in the Washington area, pleasing thousands of clients in various positions such as Technician, Quality Control Manager, Shop Foreman and Assistant Service Manager. In addition to his unique professional credentials, Norbert has been a member of the Mercedes Benz Club of America since 1974 and has served as President/Vice President of the Greater Washington Section from 1986-1994. Norbert Lamp brings his legacy from Mercedes-Benz Germany to you here in Tysons Corner today. As one of the leading experts in the field of Mercedes-Benz mechanical restoration, he has assisted many MercedesBenz owners with the full mechanical restoration of their vintage classic Mercedes-Benz automobiles. We can say with confidence that Norbert is the leading authority in the Mid-Atlantic knowing not only the intricacies of your vintage Mercedes-Benz but also having the resources and knowledge to restore your vehicle to an almost new condition. Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner is proud of Norbert Lamp’s life-long dedication to customer satisfaction and his outstanding work product. Whether your goal is to keep your classic Mercedes-Benz rolling for your daily driving pleasure or to restore your car for your collection, Norbert will work with you to develop a comprehensive plan to fulfill your dream. To schedule a consultation please call: Customer Service at 703-448-2289 or Norbert Lamp at 703-380-3490 Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner 20 Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue Other Sections’ & Clubs’ Activites Of Interest Drag Racing March 1, 2009 Maryland Int’l Raceway 27861 Budds Creek Road Mechanicsville MD Join members of the AbsolutelyDriven online forum for a day of drag racing at Maryland International Raceway. This private event takes place before MIR opens for the season and the indoor suites will be open for you to escape the March chill. The event will start at 9 am and runs until they close at 5 pm. You will be able to run the strip as many times as you want. Come on out for a day of fun and see what your car can do! To reserve a spot, send a payment of $104 to Ahmad at mercedeseclass@ If you have any questions, e-mail Ahmad at the same address. If you would like to watch, spectators pay $10 at the entrance. When reserving a spot please provide your full name in order to have your name on the list at the gates. A helmet will be required if your car runs the quarter mile in less than 14 seconds. This is not a GWS event. John Heflin, a GWS member, plans on attending, if you would like to ask him a question, drop him an e-mail at [email protected]. Capital Driving Club Invites GWS Members to Autocross in Maryland The Capital Driving Club (CDC) invites GWS-MBCA members to join them at their Bowie and Frederick MD autocross events in 2009. Just as GWS does, CDC provides seasoned instructors to help newcomers get off on the right foot at all its driving events. CDC is extending its member’s prices to GWS members. Drivers of all experience levels are welcome to sign up. Greater Washington Section and Capital Driving Club’s 2009 driving events schedules are posted on their respective websites and www. Take advantage of this offer and have twice the fun! MBCA Forums on the WEB Have you checked out the MBCA Forum? I invite you to go to index.php and register on the MBCA Forum. What will you find? Forums about all the various models of Mercedes-Benz automobiles and fellow members who ask and answer many posts! Forums also cover “All about Tires”, “Women and their Mercedes-Benz”, “General Discussion” for club and car questions, “Events” about what’s going on nationally and regionally, and “Region/Section Forum” to take a look at the websites of Sections from all regions. And then the “For Sale” and “Wanted” Forums give you a way to sell and buy Mercedes-Benz cars and parts. So, what else do you get? Many Model Specific Forums, from old to new. Questions can be asked of George Murphy on the Technical Forum. The Marshall Booth Diesel Forum deals with folks who have old 200D’s to the new CDI models. Each Region has a Forum for Event information. A link has been added to the your Section’s Website. Scroll down to (region) and then click on (section). Check it out! And just a little plus – IT’S FREE! Pretty straightforward, but any problems - send me an email at [email protected]. Chuck Landenberger, MBCA Forum Administrator, National Director at Large In addition to our website you will find GWS on: LinkedIn: Facebook: Search these online sites for groups keyword Mercedes-Benz Club of America Metro Tri-Star The 46th Annual June Jamboree Saturday June 20, 2009 MBUSA Headquarters, Montvale NJ The longest running MBCA car show in North America continues the fine tradition at MBUSA Headquarters in Montvale, NJ on June 20 2009. Registration from 8 - 10 am. Advance registration is strongly suggested. Cost is $45 per car entered in either the Concours or the popular vote or $55 day of event, which includes continental breakfast and lunch graciously presented by MBUSA. If you want to attend without showing a car, it is $10 per person, no cost for those enthusiasts under 12 years old. Please send your check payable to NNJSMBCA to: Lucille Chabala, 6 Brook Way, West Orange, NJ 07052, 973.731.9133 - [email protected] For those GWS members interested in attending contact Bill Hopper [email protected] as there will be a number of GWS members going up again this year. Walter ReedCar Show April 18th 10 am to 2 pm Washington DC Plans are underway for an Car Show for the wounded warriors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. This will not be a concours event and attendees will touch your car and want to talk about your car with you. If you are interested in participating and/ or helping out with this event, please contact Janet McFarland at 703-765-9505 or [email protected]. As a part of the car show, we would like to assemble “goodie bags” to hand out to the wounded warriors who attend. If you have any contacts that might be willing to donate items such as baseball hats, candy or other things, please contact Janet McFarland. Please note we finalizing plans for this event as we go to press with the MTS. More information will be forthcoming on the GWS website. 21 The Trading Post Trading Post Advertising Information GWS members may place an ad in the Metro Tri-Star and/or on the Section’s website free of charge. To place an ad please go to and click on Request an ad (GWS Members Only). Print ads are limited to 50 words. Ads will appear in the next For Up-To-Date Listings: Metro Tri-Star and on the web unless otherwise noted. If you are a non-GWS member or have a question contact Janet McFarland at [email protected] or call 703-765-9405. The editor has sole discretion in determining ad acceptability and length. CARS: 1961 220SEb 4dr: Black w/red leather, 4sp floor shift, Original radio, very clean car with nice paint, chrome, etc. NO RUST! Drives perfectly, engine rebuilt, many OEM parts replaced in last 5yrs. Always garaged and maintained. Driven regularly in fair weather. Shown at Deutsche Mark. Asking $8500. Victor; pbfinman@verizon. net, 410.296.4063 1964 220SEb; Blue with original wool interior. Sunroof, auto, P.S., P.B., A.C., headrests, original signal seeking radio, front disc brakes. Recent brake and exhaust work, runs well but needs body and interior work. 126K $1500. Victor; [email protected], 410.296.4063 1966 200 Fintail Sedan (W110): Tan exterior, brown interior. onefamily car, rust-free, garage kept, with 169K miles. Runs well, new set of tires, but need some carburetor and exhaust work. $7,950. View pictures at: site/1966mb200/ Email Sylvia @ [email protected] 1971 300 SEL 3.5L: Engine/ Tranny runs strong, great chrome, windows, seats, air suspension, car has hidden cancer holes. Reliable and runs great. Brakes started leaking fluid from a cylinder and rusted rear line. It would be a great project or parts car. $1,500 obo. Dean Rosa 301.899.2208 or cell 301.335.9819 1984 380SE: in great shape well maintained, reliable. Sunroof New: transmission, tires, plugs, wires, radiator, thermostat, headlights, blades, rear axles, fuel pump, gas pedal, brakes, calipers, oxygen sensor, timing chain, cams. $2,950 Craig: 703.615.5195, Craig. [email protected] 1987 560SL: Champagne, burgundy interior, 60k, garage-kept summer car. New OEM soft top, 16” W8 wheels, Kumho Exta tires, steering box. Includes hardtop, all service records. Excellent $22,500. Paul: 410.885.3104, paul.a.schiffelbein@ 22 1987 350 SDL: Black, PS, Power Seats, tan leather, recent climate control & AC system replacement, 340,000 miles, running but has engine noise. $1,000 obo. Glenn; 410.795.1367, glenncpa@myway. com 1987 560SL: 19,200mi (true), black w/cream interior, white hdtop, new Pilots & exhaust, very clean & very classy. I’m the 2nd owner, I have kept this car original & it shows. Pix by request. $30,000/buyer won’t be disappointed. Please contact Carl; 410.322.6605, cmjohn123@ 1988 560 SL: Red w/Tan leather interior. 55K miles excellent condition, well maintained always garaged. New Michelins comes with E-Z Top Hoist w/cover. $25,000; Ellie 410.326.1272, [email protected] 2001 SL500 Sport: Black on Black, New Tires & Brakes, Garaged, Clean throughout, 85000 miles, $15000, email for photos Jerry @ 571-434-0342 or mkintigh@ 2002 CLK430 Cabriolet: 47K miles, Garaged serviced at MB authorized shops, fast, powerful, sleek. Great overall in excellent condition, glossy Black-Opal paint & soft-top. Red & charcoal dashboard and leather seats w/ multicontour option, premium Bose stereo, voice activated controls. & phone. New front brakes. $22,300. Guillermo; 571.228.8009, [email protected] TIRES, WHEELS & PARTS: Winter Tires: Set of four Dunlop SP Winter Sport M3 215/55 R16 93H and a set of two in size 195/65 R15 91H. Excellent dry road handling. Tires were only on vehicles for one winter season, less than 10K miles on each set. Only $20 per tire. Greg; 410.357.8558, gtinios@comcast. net. Near perfect 17” (7-spoke) original wheels: w/Michelin Pilot Sport 245/45 x 17 tires mounted. From 2003 SL500, approx 13,500 miles. $500 for the set. Photos available Dave: 703.924.2867 or [email protected] Four Alloy Wheels: 8-1/4 Jx17 H2. ET34 inscribed inside. $800. Julian: 703.625.1878 [email protected]. Used rear U.S. bumper for 1979-85 300TD or 280TE station wagon, $150. Front U.S. bumper for any W123 (1981-85) sedan, wagon or coupe $75. Palomino door & rear hatch panels for 1983 D and TD, $50 - 75. Andrew; [email protected], 202.251.8333 Five 14” alloy wheels: from an ‘80’s vintage SL - wheel number 5084 - ‘bundt cake’ style. No curb rash, a couple could stand re-painting, complete with center caps and dust shields. seller willing to deliver for small fee. $25 each obo. [email protected], 410-741-1652 Four 15” AMG Wheels: 7Jx15 (et37) for W202 wide rims used on the sport model. Good for Competition tires $275. Bill 202.363.4189, wwhrestoration@ Set of OEM Wheels for SLK: Ronal (2) Rear part number 170 401 03 02, size 8j x 16H2 ET 30 (2) Front part number 170 401 02 02 size 7j x 16h2 ET 37 Have used Bridgestone Potenzas mounted on them. Wheels were refinished but have some scuffs on them. $600 obo. Bill; 202.363.4189, [email protected] YOUR AD HERE - FREE 703.765.9405 [email protected] Tires: If you have a Mercedes, chances are there’s something that I have that will fit! Mostly 16 & 17” for newer MB’s I’m clearing out extra tires, most new (10/32 or higher) $50 each. Any tire with 6/32 or less $10 each. All other tires $25. John: johnhef@ Miscellaneous: 107 Subframe removed from a 1975 450SL. Good condition Pick up or Local Delivery negotiable. Asking $650.00. Guy; [email protected], 703 795-3262 Car Cover: Like-new car cover used for a 1987 300TD (station wagon). $49. Andy: 703-7997533 Numerous Pars for 60/70’s models 250SE/280 SE: Too many to list but includes perfect set of wheels w. hubcaps $400, complete radiator grill w/star $350, euro & US headlights $300/set, early 50’s set of hubcaps $200, steering wheel from ‘66 coupe $300, padded ‘70’s steering wheel $250. “These parts were taken from cars in Europe more than 30 years ago, cleaned, wrapped and stored. They are all in very good to excellent condition.” Larry: 703.780.1505, 410.200.7678 [email protected] Parts, Literature, etc. For 1963-1971 Pagoda SL’s: A collection of parts leftover from a restoration of several W113SL’s, Soft top, hardtop, trim, driveshaft, Grill, bumper, etc. Also literature. Email or call for list. Walter; 866.793.6943, [email protected] Tires/Rims - Four (two in great shape) 225/50/14 Toyo Proxes with 14” bundt style rims - $175 Tires/Rims - Two used 205/60/14 Yokohama Racing tires with 14” bundt style rims -$75 Wagon two hard to find cross members from 1985TDT roof rack. Excellent Condition-$125 All located in Leesburg. Email Ben@ WANTED Wanted: Good used automatic transmission from a 1983 300D, TD, or CD turbodiesel, OR a cheap 1983 W123 rust bucket (extra points for a blue interior). 202 251-8333 or email squasher@ Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue National Event StarTech 2009 May 2 - 3, 2009, Indianapolis IN Early Bird Rock Bottom Pricing (until March 29) $99 Registration includes Friday Reception, Saturday Technical Sessions, Lunch, Dinner, and Sunday’s Round Table Discussion. ($129.99 after March 29) $55 Guest Registration includes Friday Reception, Saturday lunch and Dinner. ($85. after March 29) StarTech is a national Mercedes-Benz Club of America event that is held every two years. In 2009, the Indianapolis 500 section has the privilege of hosting this premier National event that brings together experts in Mercedes-Benz. You will meet and engage mechanics and enthusiasts from all over the country who are interested in expanding their knowledge of the German automotive marque. MBCA National Board Meeting - Each spring and fall, the MBCA National Board meets. This year’s spring meeting will take place on April 29-30 in Indianapolis just prior to StarTech 2009. The National Board Meeting is one of the best places to see your club leaders in action. You’ll hear them talk about many issues facing the club—from finances and events to newsletters and membership issues. All MBCA members are welcome to attend the committee meetings (April 29-30) as well as the regular board meeting on May 1. They all will be held at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Airport in Indianapolis IN from 8 am until around 4 pm each day. ROOM RESERVATION DEADLINE - MARCH 29 - Call 317.244.6861 and ask for the “500 Section Mercedes-Benz Club of America discount” for $99 a night (+tax) at the newly renovated Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Airport For more information contact Terry Fenimore at [email protected] or 317.878.5584 Metro Tri-Star 23 New Members Chairman, Henry and Laurie Harrell, [email protected] New Members Please welcome our newest GWS Members to the club. R. Marla Leftwich Alli Abdulla Washington, DC Cheltenham, Maryland Dale Ellis James Howland Washington, DC Mclean, Virginia Griette Gael Donny Chan Washington, DC Vienna, Virginia Nino Kader Kris Teutsch Washington, DC Winchester, Virginia Yvette Coleman Derek Wolfe Washington, DC Churchville, Maryland The following members were awarded Derrick Hall their membership pins at the Holiday Karen Shelton Germantown, Maryland Party. Mt. Airy, Maryland Larry Ledbetter - 25 year Art Kudner Andrea Brown Annapolis, Maryland James Glenn - 20 year Springfield, Virginia Charles Taylor (above) - 5 year Mike Bishop Herman Hudson Greg Smith - 5 year Rockville, Maryland Vienna, Virginia Membership pins are awarded for Michael Brick every five years of continous MBCA Lewis Hitzel membership. Your membership year Gaithersburg, Maryland Gainesville, Virginia should be listed on your newsletter mailing label. Bharani Paluvai Ashburn, Virginia Congratulations Henry & Laurie Harrell [email protected] State of Maryland GWS License Tags Mercedes-Benz Club license tags with the section logo and the words “Mercedes-Benz Club” on them are available to all MBCA members and may be placed on any vehicle, not just a Mercedes-Benz. This is a recent change, so now you can get a “Mercedes-Benz Club” plate to put on your Chrysler Crossfire, smart fortwo or even your Ford F-150 pickup truck. These plates are not available through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration. You can purchase them only through the club. Send the form below to Ed Hainke, coordinator of the program, with two checks: one payable to GWS-MBCA in the amount of $10, and the second payable to the MVA in the amount of $25. Ed will then contact you for the required MVA information. For more information contact Ed, [email protected] Greater Washington Section Tags for Maryland Residents Name Member # Address Phone (H) (W) Send this form and one check for $10 payable to GWS-MBCA and one check for $25 payable to MVA to: Ed Hainke, 10755 Sawpit Cove Road, Lusby, MD 20657 24 Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue Help our Section Grow! Refer A Friend! Enter Your Name & MBCA Member Number As Their Sponsor. Put Your Name and MBCA Member Number Here! Metro Tri-Star 25 THERE ARE THOSE WHO SAY THE CAR IS ONLY A MACHINE . RIGHT. SO IS THE HUMAN HEART. 26 Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue Greater Washington Section - GWS-MBCA - Leadership - 2009 OFFICERS President Bill Hopper 5455 Broad Branch Road, NW, Washington, DC 20015-1753 202.363.4189; [email protected] Vice President John Heflin 5805 Bells Lane, Frederick, MD 21704-6819 301.693.4930; [email protected] Secretary Marianne Lumsden 1101 Walker Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22401-2625 571.225.0169; [email protected] Treasurer Paul Vandenberg 11154 Saffold Way, Reston, VA 20190-3823 703.478.2158; [email protected] Greg Magnus MBCA Eastern Regional Director . ................................. 804.915.7379; [email protected] Ray Lombardo Richie Crim Board Members–Appointed . .................................. 301.388.0141; [email protected] . .................................. 304.856.3682 ; [email protected] Board Members–Committee Chairs Driving Events Joe Wozney . .................................. 703.437.7866; [email protected] Mike Wirt . .................................. 410.635.2214; [email protected] Membership Henry & Laurie Harrell........................... 301.890.1380; [email protected] Social Jim Glenn . .................................. 703.360.1669; [email protected] Ad Hoc Committees Concours Ray Lombardo......................................... 301.388.0141; [email protected] Communications Chair - Open Position Newsletter Editor Volunteers Needed................................... 202.363.4189; [email protected] Newsletter Advertising Manager Janet McFarland....................................... 703.765.9405; [email protected] Database/Online Newsletter Henry Harrell........................................... 301.890.1380; [email protected] Webmasters Dave Thompson....................................... 703.406.1586; Paul Vandenberg............................ ..........703.478.2158; [email protected] State of Maryland License Plate Program Ed Hainke.................................................... Technical Committee Gordon Smith.............................................. Stephen Spector............................................ Warren Bain ................................................ 410.326.2888; [email protected] 301.475.2870; [email protected] 540.837.2708; [email protected] 703.906.9658; [email protected] Technical Advisors Rick Ellinger, RC Imports............................ 301.762.4205; [email protected] Bob Hafenmair, Star Auto Service................ 410.399.7827 Jack Rolo, ASC............................................. 703.284.2490; [email protected] Metro Tri-Star 27 EventsYou Won’t Want To Miss! Drag Racing @ MIR..... March 1 Spring Social @ MB of Fredericksburg ........... March 8 Spring DIY @ Curry’s ..................................... March 21 Tucker Tour ..................................................... March 22 .GWS Drivers A/X Social .................................. March 29 Summit Point Raceway Monday ..................... April 20 AMP GWS Autocross # 1 ......................................... April 26 Curry’s .StarTech 2009 ................................................. May 2 - 3 EMB Deutsche Marque ............................................ May 3 GWS Autocross # 2 ......................................... May 24 Euro Motorcars 26 Defensive Driving School & Autocross............. May 31 MB of Tysons Corner 20 June Jamboree ............................................... June 20 Radial Tire 23 GWS Autocross # 3 ......................................... June 21 Star Auto Service 10 .GWS Autocross # 4 ......................................... July 12 StarTrack ......................................................... July 19 - 21 Mid-America Caravan ...................................... August 14 - 18 Remember to Thank our Advertisers by shopping with them! American Service Center2 6 10 9 TireVan 7 The Metro Tri-Star is published by the Greater Washington Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. It is furnished to each of the section members. Please send all material for publication to: Metro Tri-Star, 1307 Washington Place, Alexandria, VA 22307 or [email protected]. For display advertising, contact Janet McFarland at 703-765-9405. Explicit permission to copy or republish any article is given to all sections of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. Articles in the Metro Tri-Star are the opinions of the writers and no authentication is given or implied as to the validity of any expressed opinion. Metro Tri-Star PR SRT STD 1307 Warrington Place U.S. POSTAGE PAID Alexandria, VA 22307 BALTIMORE, MD PERMIT #3361 28 Spring 2009 - Concours d’ Eleganace Issue
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