- Greater Washington Section - Mercedes
- Greater Washington Section - Mercedes
Greater Washington Section www.gws.mbca.org Summer 2016 In this Issue Upcoming Events: GWS Summer Picnic............... 1 Redskins Rides....................... 7 Tour of the VPC...................... 7 Euro Marque Golf Outing....... 7 GWS Needs Your Help............ 3 New Members........................ 5 MBCA Elections...................... 5 GWS Calendar of Events........ 7 Deutsche Marque Concours . 6 GWS Spring Events................ 8 C-Class Coupe Review............ 9 Trading Post........................... 10 Memorial to Warren Bain.... 10 GWS Leadership..................... 11 Sponsors / Advertisers: Euro Motorcars Bethesda....... 2 Mercedes-Benz of Arlington/ Mercedes-Benz of Alexandria 4 Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner StarFest 2016......................... 8 Legends of the Autobahn....... 10 GWS Maryland Tags............... 11 https://www.facebook.com/groups/mbcagws/ Find us on LinkedIN https://www.linkedin.com/groups/131196 Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner, The official Mercedes-Benz dealer sponsor of the Deutsche Marque Concours displayed the C-300 Coupe, GLE 450 AMG Coupe, and a special Mille Miglia 417 Edition SL. Photo by William West Hopper Summer Picnic, Off Road Event, VPC Tour, & Autocross. What are you missing? WS continues The MercedesMBCA StarFest Happening in G Benz Club of America’s 60th Connecticut, August 3-6 it is the Anniversary celebration this summer MBCA National Driving and with a number of great events. GWS Summer would not be the same without our annual picnic and Mercedes-Benz Concours. Happening all day on Sunday July 10 at the Newby Estate in North Potomac. GWS @ Redskins Rides. Last year was a great time for members who love our local football team, a chance to show your car and get up close to the players. Happening on Satirday August 27 Noon to 5 pm at Redskins Park in Ashburn VA. GWS Autocross Season is in full swing, one Sunday a month through November at James Wood High School in Winchester VA. 7/17, 8/14, 9/18, 10/9, 11/6. Euro Marque Golf Outing July 23 at Raspberry Falls Golf Course. GWS Tour of the Mercedes-Benz USA Vehicle Preparation Center Happening on Saturday August 13 We have not had a tour of the VPC for a number of years, it will be great to see the latest at the port of Baltimore. Concours Event, see the ad on page 8. Legends of the Autobahn Happening on August 19, in California. See page 10 for more information. The business of the club is as important as the events it holds. 2016 is an election year for both Section and National Officers. While the Section Election will be held in October, date still to be determined, we need Officer Nominations by August 1. MBCA National Elections will be held in September. GWS members get to vote for one Eastern Regional Director, and four National DirectorsAt-Large, as well as on a by-law change. This year’s national elections will be done online for those with listed e-mail addresses or by paper ballot for those members who have not supplied an e-mail address to the National Business Office. This is your club, please take the time to review the candidates for office and vote in both elections. B E 7020 Arlington Road Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-907-8700 Email: [email protected] T H E S D A 5511 Nicholson Lane North Bethesda, MD 20852 Phone: 301-770-3535 Email: [email protected] www.eurobethesda.com 888-250-2987 William West Hopper MBCA National Treasurer & GWS Past-President [email protected] The Section Needs Your Help! I am writing to you in what is normally is the Section President’s Column. As a past Section President, who continues to be active within GWS, as your newsletter editor and this year’s Nominations Committee Chairman. This Fall the Section will hold elections for the officers who run it. And we are in need of members who are willing to step up and serve. As of this writing we have received no nominations for Section President, or Vice-President, and those in the position have indicated they will not be running for office. That leaves the Greater Washington Section in great need of leadership. If you are willing to take some time out of your own busy schedule to work on behalf of your fellow club members, please reach out to me to discuss taking a leadership role in the section. GWS needs new blood to lead it forward, to help develop events and programs that will engage our members. GWS used to be the largest section in MBCA, by far. Sadly, GWS’s membership is at the lowest it has ever been. Events like Autocross, Concours and Technical are being put on by a few dedicated members, Autocross. So we do need you to help out! The section needs you, as an Officer, there are committees that you can participate in, or take charge of and be a chairperson. This is your club, and without your volunteer assistance, it will not be as good as it can be. Please take a moment to think about helping out. Bill Attention MBCA Members: Are You Getting all the Club News and Information? Make sure you renew your membership to continue to receive the benefits of being a member of the club. One of which is this newsletter, and now you can get a 5% discount with Hagerty Insurance, as well as many other benefits. Keeping your membership information updated with the MBCA National Business Office (NBO) in Colorado Springs CO is the best way to guarantee you will receive all the latest information on club activities and mailings. Make sure your current e-mail is on file and the information on your cars. By keeping your information up-to-date through our National Office, you will be connected with interesting opportunities, invites to events, and more. Go to mbca.org and review your membership profile. This is where you can download your MBCA Member Loyalty certificate for $500 combinable with other discounts towards the purchase of a new Mercedes-Benz. In 2016, The Greater Washington Section will be using Constant Contact to announce the publishing of the Metro TriStar, our section newsletter and other membership information to you via e-mail. If you have not registered, or have stated you do not want information from this source, you will miss out on much of the information the Section sends out. www.mbca.org 800.637.2360 Metro Tri-Star 3 4 Summer 2016 New Members - Please welcome our newest GWS members to the Club. For more information on MBCA membership contact: GWS Membership Chairman, Katie Gleeson [email protected] Jeff Baumann Arlington VA Rosemarie Madison Herndon VA Omar Moulhem Fairfax VA John Caruso Hagerstown MD Patrick Stewart Annapolis MD Jeffrey Prichett Reisterstown MD Mark Gercenstein Potomac MD Christopher & Kellie Shearer Manassas VA Gregor Csorsz Chevy Chase MD Jan Rovde Winchester VA Michael Peverill Gainsville VA Leonard Marquez Potomac MD Gregory Good Darnstown MD Darrell McKigney Arlington VA Allen Schaeffer Frederick MD Thuan Nago Chantilly VA John Goolkasian Silver Spring MD Cynthia Garnes Lorton VA Michael Donovan Reston VA Dwight Hikel Westminster MD Sarah Epps Arlington VA Steve Handy Falls Church VA Gulcin Halici Arlington VA Gary Linder Middle River MD MBCA National Elections Update Mercedes-Benz Club of America will conduct a national election this fall to select four Directors at Large, and a Regional Director for the Eastern Region. The following MBCA members have been certified as candidates: Directors at Large (4 to be elected) listed alphabetically: Frank Cozza Mason Beale Julie Bruggner Cliff Reyle Scott Suits Eastern Regional Director (1 to be elected): James Roberts A proposed Bylaw Amendment approved by the National Board on May 14, 2016 for submission to the MBCA active members for approval. The amendment is regarding the office of the national president. This year will be the first year for on-line voting. Please update your e-mail address with the club! The new on-line voting will be streamlined and save the club funds if we do not need to send out a paper ballot. Please call or e-mail us Top: Paul (55.913 time) & Jenna (71.656 time) G’s CLK430 with your new or corrected e-mail address. - Steve Ross - 2016 National Election Committee Chair Metro Tri-Star at the April GWS Autocross. Bottom: Frank J’s (65.569 time) SLK230 at the June event. For more info see the Facebook Page for GWS AX Photos by Harry Newman 5 2016 Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance 2016 Deutsche Marque Awards A cold Spring day brought out the SL’s to the Deutsche Marque Concours at Nottoway Park in Vienna VA on the rain date of May 15. Photo by: William W. Hopper he 33rd annual Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance T was held on Sunday, May 15, 2016 under a great, big ball of fire in the sky! For the first time in years, our rain date was needed after two weeks of incessant and unseasonably cold deluges. Luckily, the grounds of Nottoway Park in Vienna, Virginia were surprisingly usable and, with vintage Porsche, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz cars on the lawn, we made very good use of them! Considering the unusual rescheduling, it was great to see nearly thirty registrations for the Concours Street and Concours Popular Choice competitions. While the sun lasted, so, too, did the chilly weather, but it was great to have Red Hot & Blue’s food truck on hand with hot and spicy selections. Personally, I would like to thank our volunteer judges for a job well done, in alphabetical order: Robert Aftel, Dave Best, Ralf Berthiez, Steve Buelt, Terry Kimmel, Bob Kish, Norbert Lamp, Larry Phillips, Jonathan Silverman, and David Van Duzer. Special thanks to Caroline Fineman, GWS Secretary, for managing our Awards Reception and to our indefatigable MBCA National Director At-Large, Bill Hopper, for his unwavering support and expertise. --Omar Abou-Zied, Chairman, Concours Committee 2016 Deutsche Marque Sponsors Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner www.mercedesbenzoftysonscorner.com Odds & Ends Detailing www.oddsandendsdetailing.com D& V Auto Body www.dandvautobody.com Dent Masters www.dentmasters.com The Christopher Companies www.christophercompanies.com Speed Freak Detailing http://www.speedfreakdetailing.com/ 6 Modern Coupe Class 1st Place: Jonathan Silverman, 2004 CL55 AMG R107 Class 1st Place: Richard Sappington 1973 450SL Modern SL-Class 1st Place: Dave Best, 2011 SL65 AMG 2nd Place: Pete Dougherty, 2005 SL65 AMG 3rd Place: Lewey Hale, 2013 SL550 R129 Class 1st Place: William Spitler, 1990 500SL 2nd Place: Peter Novick, 1990 500SL 3rd Place: Andrew Diem, 1996 SL320 Pagoda Class 1st Place: Mike Hughes, 1966 230SL 2nd Place: Gary & Robyn Tyler, 1967 230SL 3rd Place: Jim Bennett, 1970 280SL Flagship S-Class 1st Place: Susan Kimmel, 1992 600SEL 2nd Place: Kevin Tesler, 1985 300SD 3rd Place: Robert Aftel, 1978 450SEL 6.9 People’s Choice Award: David Van Duzer, 1959 220S Coupe Judges’ Choice Award: William Spitler, 1990 500SL Best of Marque Award: Dave Best, 2011 SL65 AMG GWS member Dave Best’s 2011 SL65 AMG winner of the Best of Marque Award at the 33rd Annual Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance, held at Nottoway Park in Vienna VA on May 15. Photo by: William W. Hopper Summer 2016 Calendar of Events Visit the GWS-MBCA website or Facebook Group for the latest updates and activities: http://GWS.MBCA.ORG/UPCOMINGEVENTS - All dates are subject to change. July 10 GWS Summer Picnic, Newby Estate. North Potomac MD. Carol Fineman 301.503.3869 [email protected] 10 GWS Off Road Event, Peter’s Mill Run, Edinburg VA. .Aaron Streater [email protected] 17 GWS Autocross # 4, James Wood High School, Winchester VA. Ben Weber [email protected] 23 German Marque Golf Tournament, Raspberry Falls VA Katie Gleeson [email protected] August 13 Mercedes-Benz Vehicle Preparation Center Tour, Fairfield Docks, Baltimore MD. Rick Schubert 410.452.8581 [email protected] 14 GWS Autocross # 5, James Wood High School, Winchester VA. Ben Weber [email protected] September 18 GWS Autocross # 6, James Wood High School, Winchester VA. Ben Weber [email protected] October 2 AFRH Car Show, Armed Forced Retirement Home, Wash DC. Lew Baskerville [email protected] 9 GWS Autocross # 7, James Wood High School, Winchester VA. Ben Weber [email protected] 15 Rockville Antique Car Show, Ed Vaughn [email protected] TBD GWS Annual Meeting and Section Elections. Carol Fineman 301.503.3869 [email protected] November 6 GWS Autocross # 8, James Wood High School, Winchester VA. Ben Weber [email protected] Summer Greater Washington Section Events 2nd Annual Euro-Marque Golf Tournament Tour of the Baltimore Mercedes-Benz USA Raspberry Falls Golf Course Vehicle Preparation Center Baltimore MD 41601 Raspberry Dr Leesburg VA 20176 MBCA Members ONLY! Saturday, July 23, 2016 @ 1 pm Sharp! Join the Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, Aston-Martin, and Audi clubs for a Texas (a.k.a Stuttgart) Scramble. Must have a full foursome to compete in the Competitive Flight. Incomplete foursomes play in the Non-Competitive Flight. Best foursome score from each marque will be used to determine the tournament winner. Player Eligibility: Player must either be a member of one of the representing car clubs or own a car of the marque they are representing Dinner and Concours: Following golf tournament. Cost: $105/per player Contests: $10/player paid in cash on the day of the tournament will enter them in four Closest to the Pin contests and one Longest Drive contest ($2 will be distributed to each contest and winner takes the cash). Saturday, August 13, 2016 - 9 am to Noon Can’t join one of the MBCA German Tours this summer? Mark your calendar and make your reservation for a spot on the tour of the summer! A tour of the first stop where Mercedes-Benz’s land in the United States, before going on to dealers for delivery to their new owners. Have you been to the Mercedes-Benz factory before? Have you ever been surrounded by thousands and thousands of brand new Mercedes-Benz’s of every model, color size and shape. We are pleased to announce on Saturday August 13th at 9 am a guided tour of the Mercedes-Benz Vehicle Preparation Center (VPC) will be given. The VPC is located at the Port of Baltimore in the Fairfield area and is the distribution point for all vehicles going to dealerships from Maine to Virginia and west to Colorado. The VPC is responsible for final production line quality checks and For Info: Katie Gleeson [email protected] anything necessary to send new MB’s to market. The cost for this event will be $20 and current MBCA Show your Mercedes-Benz off at Membership will be required, as will proper identification to enter the facility. Exact meeting location will be e-mailed to Redskins Rides attendees upon reception of their registration and event fee. Register via: msreg.com/GWSTourofMBUSAVPC Saturday August 27 Noon to 5 pm Join MBCA members for an amazing car show at Redskins We are planning a brunch at the port and will be focusing Park in Ashburn VA. Register at https://redskinsrides.com/ in on Maryland Crab cakes!! (Brunch costs will be on your Use Code GWSMBCA on your registration to get the 40% own, and are not included in the event fee.) For Info: discount. Rick Shubert [email protected] For Info: Carol Fineman [email protected] Metro Tri-Star 443.307.1086 7 GWS Spring Events GREATER WASHINGTON SECTION Holds the Annual Mercedes-Benz High Mileage Certification and Service Clinic At Euro Motorcars Bethesda MD On Saturday, April 23, 2016, the Club held its annual High Mileage Certification Event at Euro Motorcars (now known as Mercedes-Benz of Bethesda). Sponsoring the event, as they have done for many years now, were the professionals at Euro, including Jeremy Giagani, Service Manager, assisted by Mike Lang, long-time Service Advisor, and a host of experienced Technicians, Porters, and supporting staff. Euro Motorcars was prepared, and could not have been more gracious in their support of our Club and this event. Club participation was lighter than usual (less than 10 cars) due to heavy morning rain, and conflicting events. However, those who couldn’t make it missed: -One-on-one attention by the most experienced Technicians in the area -Nice breakfast spread including bagels -Even nicer lunch spread including several kinds of sandwiches - Camaraderie with other club members and Euro staff in a relaxed setting. Those that attended, whose vehicles were certified, will have mailed to them, directly from Mercedes-Benz USA, an enameled Star Badge, with mileage level noted (250,000 – 500,000 or 1,000,000 kilometer Awards are available), along with an engraved Certificate, all at no charge. If you have a Mercedes-Benz which is eligible for a High Mileage Award, and you wish to take advantage of this complimentary service offered by MBUSA, be sure to make plans to attend next year’s High Mileage Event, which will again be held in mid-April, at Euro Motorcars Bethesda. - Submitted by Pete Engel, Technical Chairman ¨ ¨ All Aboard the Transportation Truck to STARFEST 2016! ¨ GWS-MBCA members David Van Duzer and Tony Stagnolo are seeking four more cars to join their transport truck to Starfest August 3-6, 2016. Having six cars on the truck will reduce the round trip to $850 total or about $142 per car. Fewer cars will increase the price. If you are interested in joining them, then please contact David Van Duzer at your earliest convenience. e-mail: [email protected] --Omar Abou-Zied, Chairman, Concours Committee 8 Summer 2016 2017 C-Class Coupe At first look, you will do a double take: Is this Mercedes-Benz’s top-of-the-line luxury coupe? The lines flow elegantly from the hood to the trunk, Check! The long hood and sloping roof line, Check! Muscular rear haunches and slippery, sexy looking trunk, Check! The 2017 C-Class Coupe is similar to the full size S-Class Coupe, but with more approachable proportions. The diamond grill, which became popular with the CLA, is the key design feature that differentiates the two. Mercedes-Benz hopes that a coupe version of it’s biggest selling model, the mass-market C-Class, will appeal to a wider audience, a younger audience, one not needing extra doors, C-Coupe is more than just a mini S-Coupe with great lines, but still looking for all the safety, technology, and great design fore and aft. (Diamond grill and all the technology one could want is in the well priced C-Class.) Photo by: William W. Hopper that the brand is so well-known for. While the US government classifies the C-Coupe as a subcompact, is four inches longer, and three inches wider than the previous generation. While the exterior of this high-strength, steel-reinforced cabin, complete with a panoramic sunroof, is impressive, it is inside where the driver and passenger benefit most. Similar to the sedan, the coupe has touches that are different. The sound system’s speakers are built into the frame for more bass. Sportier high-back seats feature extendable thigh support, so no matter your height, you are comfortable on long drives in the coupe. The iconic seat belt extenders, once a hallmark of the classic full size S-Coupe, the SEC, hand you your seat belt. Cup holders that will hold 1 liter bottles are larger than before. The dashboard is still round gauges, not flat screens like the S-Coupe. The center instrument stack provide easy reach to controls for the radio and HVAC. Keyless start and Mbrace are standard. Optional features are many: Heads up display, Burmeister premium surround sound, and Air Balance (just like the S-Coupe), as well as a number of premium packages. Performance is impressive for a 2.0 liter 4-cylinder turbo charged engine, with 241 HP, 273 LP torque, mated to a 7G-Tronic 7-speed automatic transmission with DYNAMIC SELECT provides a 5.9 seconds zero to 60 time. Select one of the multiple settings (Eco, Comfort Sport, Sport Plus and Independent,) to adjust engine, steering, and transmission to fit your driving style. While rear-wheel drive is standard, there is a 4MATIC All-Wheel Drive (a $2K option,) that provides additional traction and peace of mind in areas that experience inclement weather. I was pleased with the 28 miles per gallon the 4MATIC equipped model I drove during two days in a mix of city, suburban, and highway driving. Nimble handling, a hallmark of the C-Class. While the ride is tight with the standard sport suspension, if you want more control of the softness or sportiness of the ride, order the optional AIRMATIC Air suspension (a $1200 option,.) Eighteen inch wheels are standard, or chose the optional 19” AMG rims. You can also customize the coupe’s appearance with a number of optional packages. Advanced technology is what the new C-Coupe is all about, providing added safety to the equation in the long list of standard equipment. In addition to the normal Anti lock Brakes, Mercedes-Benz provides Brake Assist System®, Electronic Stability Program®, Attention Assist®, Collision Prevention Assist ®, Pres-Safe, and Adaptive Brake technology. The C-Coupe has LED headlights, daytime running lights and tail lamps as standard. Rearview camera options including surround view, are available. DISTRONIC PLUS with steering assist, lane keep, and speed limit assist, blind spot and pre-safe can all be added to the mix. For those wanting a drop top or more power, wait until this Fall when the C-Coupe Cabriolet, a C43, and a C63 Coupe with a wide-body option become available. Unlike the C-Class Sedan, the C-Coupe, as well as its engine and transmission is made in the German assembly plants. (The US-sold sedan is made here in the award winning, world-class Alabama factory.) With the C-Coupe, you can take European delivery, which offers the added advantage of a few days in Europe and a chance to experience Mercedes-Benz’s delivery center. Again Mercedes-Benz provides a strong value in the ownership of their vehicles. The only downside that I can see is that the $42,600 base price can elevate quickly with a few desirable options to a $60K plus price tag. While the past two generations of C-Coupes have failed to generate market C-Class Coupe’s interior design is pure Mercedes-Benz. buzz, this one surely will with its elegant and sporty design, Plenty of information: on the dash, center screen, and even on the optional heads-up display. Driver and passenger as well as a complete cadre of safety features. comfort are excellent. Photo by: William W. Hopper William West Hopper Metro Tri-Star 9 The Trading Post Cars: 1983 Mercedes 300D Silver exterior, blue leather interior, 146k mi. Two owner car. No accidents, no smoking, front tires only 2,000 miles, new battery 12/2015, new ball bearings 10/2015, inspected thru Nov. ‘16 $4K OBO Barbara 443.695.5367 [email protected] 1989 560SL Champagne/Tan 110K mi, Good Condition, Clean 2nd Owner, 2 tops hard & soft, recently replaced fuel control module, timing control module, valve cover gaskets, left window motor, rear brake & pads. $7,900 MUST SELL!!! Rhonda or Alvin 410.960.0096 [email protected] 1991 560SEC Smoke Silver Metallic / Parchment. 64K mi. Immaculate, paint was refreshed in 2015. Original CA car, all stock with correct AMG Aero I wheels. Meticulously maintained, including all important timing chain 5K ago and new compressor. Gorgeous, needs absolutely nothing to enjoy. $17K Rick 301.325.5886 1999 MB SL500 Black/Silver, 2 tops/Silver soft top matches silver interior. Interior leather new & many improvements w/in last 3 yrs. 18in AMG rims and new Michelins, records available - 60k service at 57K. Rack & Hoist for hardtop included. $15K Dick, 703.623.5468 Parts: PARTS donated to your Section to sell for donation to charity. 1994 W129 SL600 Rear brake pads. Part # A 002 420 15 20, unopened box. Late W201 or Early W202 rear brake pads, open box. W202 C280 Oil FIlters, various, new opened box, W208 side vew Mirror, open box. Make Offer, pick up at club event. Contact: Section Treasurer, David 202.363.4189 [email protected] Mercedes-Benz ML Front & Rear Grill Guards. Fits 1998-2005 W163 ML. All hardware included. Good used condition. Buyer must pick up (Gaithersburg, MD). Asking $100. Steven 301.758.7964 [email protected] Mercedes 280 SL parts. NEW full face hubcap for Mercedes 280 SL chassis number 113 in original package set of four $800 Mercedes Star & Barrel $1000, Mercedes Grille Assembly asking for $2000 or make an offer, Parts are Brand NEW in Original package!! Rachel 703.898.0909 [email protected] Mandrus Mannheim Wheels: Size19 x 8.5 and 19 x 9.5 Chrome Bolt Pattern 5 x 112 Mandrus Wheels are made ONLY for M-Benz. Like new $1000 plus shipping. Mr. Thomas, 202-246-4639 or [email protected] Trading Post Items are taken from mbca.org LEGENDS OF THE AUTOBAHN 2016 If you would like to post items for sale or that you want, do it on mbca.org. That way the entire membership can view online, in The Star, and on local section websites, just another benefit of membership in MBCA. go to https://www.mbca.org/create-classified-ad Warren Bain ® The Legend Continues Legends of the Autobahn® is a celebration of the world’s pre-eminent German vehicle brands – Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi. Participants are invited to revel in the beauty, prowess and grace of German automotive engineering, catch sneak-peeks of new vehicle releases and savor the rare models each marque will have on display. Celebrating Performance and Motorsports Don’t miss this year’s Legends: Friday, August 19th 9 AM to 3 PM Nicklaus Club Monterey, California For 2016, Mercedes-Benz at Legends of the Autobahn will feature a special performance class for cars that have been modified or tuned. This includes cars that have been modified for performance and/or appearance, such as pre-merger models from AMG, or modified Mercedes-Benz from Lorinser or Brabus. Mercedes-Benz automobiles used in racing are also invited to participate. For more information on how to register your Mercedes-Benz for the judged Concours, the display-only corral, or the Silver Star Preservation Class, visit www.legendsoftheautobahn.org or contact Allen Stephens at 503-708-0397 or [email protected] 10 Warren served on the GWS Board as our Tech Chair from 2009 until 2014. It is with deep sadness we report on his passing on June first, a memorial service was held on June 18 to honor him. In addition to his passion for automobiles, especially Mercedes-Benz’s he was also an avid model train and stereo enthusiast. Warren was well respected in the model railroading community. Originally from Ontario Canada, Warren lived in Northern Virginia for the better part of his adult life. He will be missed by MBCA members from around the region. Summer 2016 Greater Washington Section Leadership MBCA | GWS Board of Directors P res i d e n t Kat i e G l e eso n ........................... 24 0. 3 81. 2 2 8 6 19415 Ca ra va n D r., G e r m a ntow n M D 2 0 874 .............................. P res i d e nt @m b ca - g w s .o rg V i ce P res i d e n t O p e n............................................................ ....................... v i ce p res i d e nt @m b ca - g w s .o rg Se cre t a r y Ca ro l F i n e m a n .......................... 3 01. 5 0 3 . 3 8 69 3 4 0 2 Pe n d l eto n D r., S i l ve r Sp r i n g M D 2 0 9 0 2 ............................. se c reta r y @m b ca - g w s .o rg S t a t e o f Ma r y l a nd L i ce n se Pl a t e P ro g ra m U l r i ch “ Ri ck ” Sch u b e r t............... 410. 4 52. 8 5 81 ................................... r i ck @a l l a uto m ot i ve.u s Tre a su re r C. D a v i d F es ke.......................... 2 0 2. 3 6 3 . 418 9 5 4 5 5 B ro a d B ra n ch Rd NW Wa s h i n gto n D C 2 0 015 . . ............................ t rea s u re r @m b ca - g w s .o rg D wa y n e C ra w fo rd, F a m i l y Auto Ca re, M e rced es, BMW & Lex u s Sp e ci a l i s t............. 410. 2 57. 70 0 9 . . ..................................... B e n zca re@a o l .co m I m me d i a t e Pa s t P res i d e n t Aa ro n St reate r............................ 571. 721.1510 ...................... a s t reate r @eu ro m oto rca r s.co m Ri ck Sch u b e r t, A l l Auto m ot i ve... 410. 4 52. 8 5 81 . . ................................. r i ck @a l l a uto m ot i ve.u s Te ch n i ca l Ad v i so r s Ri ck E l l i n g e r, RC I m p o r t s . . .......... 3 01. 762. 42 0 5 . . ................................... r i ck @ rc- i m p o r t s.co m MBCA Re g i ona l D i re c t o r, E a s t e r n Re g i on D r. J a m es Ro b e r t s......................2 0 5.93 3 .93 3 3 2301 Arlington Ave South # 200, Birmingham AL 35205 ..... . . ....................j e r to ot h sa ve r @b e l l so ut h. n et B o a rd M e m b e r s – Ap p o i n t e d U l r i ch “ Ri ck ” Sch u b e r t............... 410. 4 52. 8 5 81 ................................... r i ck @a l l a uto m ot i ve.u s B o a rd M e m b e r s – Co m m i t t e e Ch a i r s Me m b e r sh i p O p e n................................ Vo l u nte e r N e ed ed So ci a l O p e n................................ Vo l u nte e r N e ed ed Te ch n i ca l Eve n t s Pete E n g e l ............................... 5 4 0. 8 4 8 . 5 0 0 0 .................................. h a r rd wa re@g m a i l .co m Ad H o c Co m m i t t e es Concou r s O m a r A b o u - Z i ed........................ 6 62. 72 9.10 01 ........................... o m a r @ca rco n n o i s seu r.co m D r i v i ng O p e n................................ Vo l u nte e r N e ed ed Com mu n i ca t i on s Cha i r/News l e t t e r E d i t o r W i l l i a m Wes t H o p p e r . . ............... 2 0 2. 3 6 3 . 418 9 5 4 5 5 B ro a d B ra n ch Rd NW Wa s h i n gto n D C 2 0 015 ................................ w w h res to rat i o n@at t. n et We bma s t e r O p e n........................ ......... Vo l u nte e r N e ed ed Metro Tri-Star 11 PR SRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALEXANDRIA VA PERMIT # 484 MBCA | GWS Metro Tri-Star 5455 Broad Branch Rd NW Washington, DC 20015 The Metro Tri-Star is published by the Greater Washington Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. Please send all material for publication to: Metro Tri-Star, 5455 Broad Branch Rd NW, Washington DC 20015 or [email protected]. For display advertising, contact William West Hopper at 202.364.2852, [email protected]. Explicit permission to republish articles is given to all sections of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. Articles are the opinions of the writers and no authentication is given or implied as to the validity of any expressed opinion. The Mercedes-Benz Club of America, The Greater Washington Section of The Mercedes-Benz Club of America, are independent organizations not affiliated with Mercedes-Benz, MBUSA or Daimler AG. MBCA is an enthusiast group devoted to the enjoyment of the Mercedes-Benz marque of vehicles. The Iconic G-Class besides the new C-Class Coupe. (Right) The C-Class Coupe has the Diamond Grill, otherwise it is a small size version of the S-Class Coupe. Read about the new 2017 C-Class Coupe inside, this newsletter, reviewed by one of our members, William West Hopper Photos by: William West Hopper Metro Tri-Star 12
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