The Volunteer - West Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Volunteer - West Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Volunteer 2012 Volumne 1 Election Results for 2012-2013 President elect-elect Catherine Austin CPI Chair-elect Sara Foley DON’T DELAY Deadline is July 1, 2012 NEW TDA is announcing 2 scholarships for 2 members to participate in obtaining a Jenny Earnest Certificate of Training in Childhood & Adolescent Weight Management Nominating Committee Go to Treasurer Brian Jones, Chair-elect Ruth Williams, Member & select scholarship tab for the application Healthy Eating Active Living for Kids Nashville’s Healthy Eating Active Living for Kids event took place April 14th at Centennial Park. Sarah Sullivan represented TDA at a booth regarding healthy eating for children, with the help of two Lipscomb University dietetic students Felicia Brooks and Karen Lounds. Children of all ages, along with parents, came by the booth and had to name a food meeting the description of what they pulled out of the bag. This gave a chance for further nutrition education and we passed out MyPlate stickers. Handouts included MyPlate paper placemats, recipes, smart beverage choices, and eating out the healthy way. Many participants were curious to find out who is TDA and what we represent. We had a great turnout and the booth was busy the whole event on a day of perfect weather! —Sarah Hazlegrove Sullivan President’s Farewell This year has flown by, and I cannot believe in a few days I will be your “past president” of the Tennessee Dietetic Association. Reflecting back over the year, I have to say that some of my most valued time as president was when I attended your district meetings. Beginning in Nashville in September and ending in Tri-Cities in November, I enjoyed every minute of time in all six districts. Your programming and hospitality was outstanding. There was time for me to hear from you about how you are representing our profession in your areas. Collectively across this state and in conjunction with the Tennessee Dietetic Association’s strategic plan, we are making a difference for Tennesseans and for our profession. This year has brought change and our Board Pillar areas have worked hard to move us forward as a professional association. Here are a few of the highlights: On June 1, 2012 the Tennessee Dietetic Association will have a new name: the Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Operations Pillar) Our membership has grown from 1368 to 1458 (7% increase) this past year (Membership Pillar) We have given great consideration to our current Licensure Law and agree as a Board that the Law is strong and at this time will not pursue change in our Law (Policy Pillar) The Pre-Conference (92 in attendance) and Annual Conference (156 in attendance) in April was outstanding (Development Pillar) Social media has taken a giant leap forward this year with increase in the Association’s connections through Facebook, Twitter, and our Blog (Marketing Pillar) 289.75 CEU hours have been approved in Tennessee this year; members have received recognition for their leadership and dedication through numerous awards and scholarships (Membership Pillar) Strategically we continue to move forward to reach our 2016 destination goals (Strategic Planning) I am excited about my rotation now into Marketing Pillar Chair and working with Jennifer Nichols, State Marketing Coordinator, the 6 district media representatives, and the district past presidents/National Nutrition Month Chairs. We will be working to help raise awareness in Tennessee of the RD as the nutrition expert, enhancing our social media communications, getting the ‘word out’ with the Nutrition Month message, marketing our annual meeting, and other nutrition related activities provided across the state. As I say farewell, I welcome incoming president Abbie Kozomara and am excited for our Association that she will be our 2012-13 leader. She brings great leadership skills to guide our strategic work over this next year. I would also like to take this opportunity to add a personal thank you for all the work and support Shelley Flint our Executive Director has provided to both me and our entire Association. Have a great summer! PS: Take every opportunity to represent our profession – we are the nutrition experts. Sincerely, Marilyn Holmes Hey! The Academy has created an App. Members have three easy ways to pay: · Call the Academy Member Service Center 800/877-1600, ext. 5000 (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time) These nutrition practice guideline recommendations are meant to serve as a general framework for handling clients with particular health problems. It may not always be appropriate to use these nutrition practice guideline recommendations to manage clients because individual circumstances may vary.. …... For more information go to: nutriguides/id512278988?mt=8 Be on the look out for the Academy’s May 2012 Journal Supplement · E-mail [email protected] · Visit Dues payments must be received by May 31st in order to avoid a $25 application fee. Those who miss this deadline altogether will no longer receive Academy benefits such as access to the membersonly web site, the Evidence Analysis Library, Food & Nutrition Magazine and the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. If you have any questions: Contact: Judy Merritt at [email protected] “Management in Dietetics” TDA contact information Website: TDA question? [email protected] ADA question? [email protected] State politics question? [email protected] Website or newsletter question? [email protected] Be sure to visit their website: www. Marketing the RD Across TN It’s been a busy year for the TDA Marketing Pillar and six district media spokespersons especially throughout social media channels. Throughout the 2011-2012 year the TDA media spokesperson have completed 25 media interviews in addition to their regular blog posts on our TDA website. During March National Nutrition Month (NNM) the marketing pillar funded a promotional & educational video incorporating the NNM theme “Shape up your Plate” utilizing one of our talented media spokespersons. The NNM video along with other dietitians interviews are posted on the newly created TDA YouTube channel at . The marketing pillar is also pleased to have launched our NEW public Facebook page which continues to help connect us all. Click on v=wall and remember to “Like” us for up-to-date information and TDA happenings. Another first for the Marketing Pillar was a “Save the Date” video created for the April annual meeting which highlighted the amazing slate of speakers scheduled to present. The “Save the Date” video is also posted on our YouTube channel. Additionally, the TDA twitter page has been very active with weekly tweets and increasing numbers of followers. Talk to us by following @EatrightTN on Twitter. Lastly the marketing pillar presented a draft version of a Social Media policy at the March TDA board meeting. It will continue to be reviewed & tweaked for presentation at the next board meeting. Thanks to all who have helped market TDA and the Registered Dietitian throughout our state. Highlights of 2011-2012 Look for a Spring Newsletter –Volume 2 For Highlights of our year!! (Hill Day, Annual Meeting) Coming VERY soon! Maggie Moses One of the most delightful dietitians ever!!! And she’s 91! Read about her at Knoxville District In keeping with our national and state name change, we have elected to rename our district to the Knoxville Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (KAND). The results of the 2012-2013 elections are as follows: President Elect - Cheryl Hill, Secretary – Sarah White, CPI Chair – Tegan Medico, Nominating Chair – Melissa Hansen-Petrik, and Nominating Member – Kathy Irwin. On behalf of the Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Knoxville’s advocacy chair Shannon Looney attended the Academy’s Public Policy Workshop and met with Senators Corker and Alexander and Representative Duncan and Roe. During these visits several legislative issues were discussed including the Prevention Diabetes in Medicare Act (H.R. 2741), The Older Americans Act, The Farm Bill and The Drug Shortage Issue (H.R. 2245/S.296/H.R. 3839). Ms. Looney organized a Legislative Breakfast on April 13th which was attended by Senator Becky Massey, Representative Ryan Haynes, Representative Joe Armstrong and David Leaverton, representative for Senator Corker. The event included short presentations by members on pre-diabetes, childhood obesity and the Let’s Move initiative. Voting has concluded for our 2012-2013 Award recipients. The following individuals will be recognized at our annual Awards Reception on May 16th: Outstanding Dietitian of the Year – Rebecca Spurgeon, Emerging Dietetic Leader- Cheryl Hill, Outstanding Dietetics Educator- Katie Kavanagh, Recognized Young Dietitian- Rachel Kinney, Outstanding Dietetics Student- Jennifer Helvey, and Iris AwardGlen Farr, PharmD. The KAND continues to be active through social media and our website, as well as health fairs in the community. We were represented at The Healthy Living Expo and Diabetes NOW Fair, and held a National Nutrition Month Get Your Plate In Shape Bootcamp at Ft. Sanders Health and Wellness Center, which tied in messages of healthy eating with physical activity. Additionally, many local RDs participated in a social “Paint Your Plate Pottery Night” in celebration of National Nutrition Month. West Update Nashville Update Continues to sell their Cookbook for a fund raiser. This book has healthy recipes contributed by members. It has full page, color pictures. It is $25. Contact Becky Mehr if you would like one. Website is up and running well— 13 CEUs offered Planning a meeting during the summer Begin planning their big fund raiser that will occur in the Fall Tri-Cities District Dietetic Association TCDDA will be wrapping up this membership year with one more membership meeting on May 22 nd on, "Nutrition Support in the Home, Role of the Nutrition Care Team and Medicare Guidelines." Along with our member meeting on May 22nd TCDDA will be hosting our annual awards ceremony to honor our 2011-2012 award winners: - Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award - Michelle Lee - Outstanding Dietetic Student Award- Haley Maturin - Outstanding Dietitian of the Year Award- Eileen Cress - Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award- Joann Randolph - Emerging Dietetic Leader Award- Sarah Neil Webb - Iris Award- Jim Webb, Food Service Director, JCMC - TCDDA Dietetic Intern Scholarship – Haley Maturin Our membership drive is in full force for the 2012-2013 year. TCDDA board elections are also in progress at this time. The TCDDA Board has voted to change TCDDA’s name to the Tri-Cities Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics effective June 1, 2012. Kristin Dugger attended the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Public Policy Workshop in April to represent both Tennessee and the Tri-Cities. Please visit our website at for update information and like us on facebook!!! Memphis District Dietetic Association The Memphis District Dietetic Association has had an exciting year that brought several unique learning opportunities for our members. We kicked off the year with our annual fall breakfast with key-note speaker Rick Canada, who inspired us to brainstorm the beginning of a Memphis Area Obesity Taskforce. In October, we were able to join with the MASPN (Memphis Area Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) and Memphis PNPG (Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group) for an exciting webinar on the "New WHO Growth Reference Charts and Complementary Tools for Monitoring Growth in Children During Acute and Chronic Disease. " MDDA was thrilled to have both Marilyn Holmes, MS, RD, LDN and Dianne Polly, RD, LDN, JD in Memphis to provide members with a TDA update. Our Holiday Party/Silent Auction was a fun time to network with fellow RDs and we raised $1200 in MDDA scholarship funds! We kicked off the new year in January with Jacquie Daughtry RD, LDN and her wonderful presentation on Nutrition in High Risk Pregnancy. Next, we had a public policy dinner with Kristen Bland and Mary Wilder who spoke on Legislation and encouraged us to get more involved communicating with our elected officials. We wrapped up the year with our 1st annual spring symposium where Sherry Collins, MS, RD, LD discussed peanut nutrition and allergies, Anne Geissler, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC spoke on ethics in nutrition support, Deborah Slawson, PhD, RD, LDN gave a fascinating presentation on Kids Eat Right, Carol Headley, RN, ACNP-BC, DNSc, CNN discussed the role of Vitamin D and disease prevention and Kristy Gibbons, MS, RD, CSP, LDN finished the day by addressing the integration of Nutrition Care Process in the electronic medical record. In addition to our educational opportunities, MDDA has made an impact on the Memphis community through outreach at various health fairs, farmers markets, and libraries – with a special emphasis on outreach during National Nutrition Month in March. Another major effort directed at outreach is the brand new, fully redesigned, MDDA website ( We are so proud of our web team for putting together such a beautiful site and can't wait to utilize its full potential in the coming years. In addition to our website, MDDA can also be "followed" on Facebook and Twitter! As an organization we regained tax exempt status with the IRS – a special thanks to Sara Foley, our Treasurer for hours of dedication to this important project. MDDA continues to support the next generation of nutrition experts through scholarships awarded yearly to undergraduate dietetic students, dietetic interns, and masters level nutrition students. We are proud of the 2011-2012 MDDA year and are looking forward to the year ahead! Last year, the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics asked each state affiliate to designate a coordinator to lead efforts to promote involvement of registered dietitians (RDs) in the Let’s Move! Cities and Counties campaign so that RDs could work with city and county officials on local Let’s Move! initiatives to prevent childhood obesity. The national Let’s Move! campaign is First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative to eliminate childhood obesity within a generation. In Tennessee, the Let’s Move! initiative has picked up speed and is spreading across the state! The campaign kicked off last fall during Child Health Week, and now three districts, in Knoxville, Memphis, and now Tri-Cities, have begun work on Let’s Move! activities in their areas. In Knoxville, Dr. Marsha Spence, the Let’s Move State Coordinator for the Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and other child health advocates met with Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero to discuss ways the city, local RDs, and other health professionals and organizations could work together to make Knoxville a Let’s Move! city. After a very successful meeting, Knoxville officially became a Let’s Move! City on April 30, 2012 ( In addition, Dr. Spence spoke at the Knoxville Academy’s annual legislative breakfast to increase support for the Let’s Move! childhood obesity prevention efforts among Knoxville RDs and local and state policy makers. Dr. Spence, along with Shannon Looney, the Knoxville Academy’s Let’s Move! RD, worked with about 30 community organizations to plan two Let’s Move! Knoxville events at local city parks on May 5, 2012. Over 1,000 children and their families were on hand for fun activities and healthy cooking demonstrations and giveaways. Simultaneous flash dance mobs were held at the two parks and the event prompted students across Knoxville and Knox County to “move their bodies” to the official Let’s Move! song, “Move Your Body” by Beyonce ( Media coverage and a partnership with Knox County Coordinated School Health Director, Aneisa McDonald, provided more momentum for the campaign, which for this school year, culminated in over 6,000 Knox County students participating in a flash dance mob event at their annual Smokies Baseball Game Day. Whitney Maxey, the Memphis Academy’s Let’s Move! RD, and other RD child advocates, have scheduled a meeting with the mayor there to discuss ways that Memphis dietitians can get involved with the city and other organizations to help combat childhood obesity through the Let’s Move! Memphis initiative. In the Tri-Cities area, RDs, Dr. Michelle Lee, Kristen Dugger, and Carol Carter, will be working together to plan Let’s Move! activities and to advocate for Johnson City and Kingsport to become Let’s Move! Cities. East Tennessee State University Dietetic Interns will assist in promoting the Let’s Move! initiative in the Tri-Cities region. Let’s Move! activities are ongoing in several cities across Tennessee and we need you to get involved! RDs are needed as volunteers in all cities and Let’s Move! RD leaders are still needed in Jackson, Nashville, Chattanooga, Sweetwater, and Morristown. If you would like to get involved as a Let’s Move! RD in your district or in one of these cities, please contact your district president or Dr. Spence at [email protected]. Photo 1: Move Your Body Flash Dance Mob at local elementary school in Knoxville, Tennessee Photo 2: Move Your Body Flash Dance Mob at the Let’s Move! Knoxville event at Victor Ashe Park .