

Minnesota North District
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Volume 13, Issue 5
May, 2016
Page 1
Pres. Fondow Article
OGT / M & M F Nominations
Anyuak Congregation @
Trinity, Sauk Rapids
Chaplains for Children Conf.
CTSFW Continuing Ed—St.
Cloud, MN
ValleyFair Day
Doxology/PN Day/Cont.
Ed/2017 Reformation
Shepherds Canyon Retreats/
Early Childhood Conf/etc.
LIC Quilt Auction
LCMS National Offering
Bible Bowl/Going Gracefully—LfL/LutherHostel
Rev. Kollie Update
Jamesetta & Gifty Kollie Updates
Project 24—Christ’s Care for
Children: Kenya
LCEF—Family Emergency /
District Calls & Changes
Call Day—New Candidates
District Prayer Calendar
District Prayer List & Church
District Calendar
Contact the District
“I’ve got to get away!” Have you ever said that or felt that way? The hectic pace
of everyday life often catches up with us. We feel a need to find some solitary
place where we may enjoy rest and relaxation.
A change of pace can work wonders. It relaxes the mind and body. It refreshes.
One returns to his or her regular duties with renewed zeal and interest.
The Bible tells us of a time when Jesus and His twelve apostles also needed a
change of pace. “When Jesus heard what had happened, He withdrew by boat
5 privately to a solitary place” (Matthew 14:13). News of John the Baptizer’s
murder by King Herod had just reached their ears. This news ushered in a new
6 period of Jesus’ ministry. It was time to begin preparing the disciples for the
climax of His earthly mission. To do so He wanted to be alone with them for a
7 time. In Capernaum there was too much hustle and bustle. People were coming
and going in their efforts to see Jesus. Under such circumstances it was almost
impossible to confer with the apostles.
These men had just returned from their first preaching tour. They were excited
and wanted to share their experiences with Jesus, but they were kept so busy
10 that they did not even have a chance to eat. They needed a break. So Jesus invited them to accompany Him to a quiet place. There they could get some rest
11-12 and Jesus would have the opportunity to teach them. He took them to a desolate area on the northeastern side of the Sea of Galilee, on a mountainside.
12 All of us who serve the Lord in this challenging and stress-filled world today also
have a need to get away for rest. Our minds and bodies need it.
There is, however, another kind of rest we need, a rest for the soul. The problems and stresses of day-to-day living and working cause us to worry and com14
plain. Then we realize how miserably we have failed to trust in God above all
things. We need relief for our souls.
How refreshing it is to hear Jesus’ unconditional invitation: “Come to Me, all
you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon
17 you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find
rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29). In Jesus we have rest, Who in love for
18 us gave His life as a ransom for all our sins. He is the One who provides for all
our needs.
St. Augustine put it well: “Almighty God, You have made us for Yourself, and our
20 hearts are restless till they find their rest in You; so lead us by your Spirit that in
this life we may live to Your glory and in the life to come enjoy You forever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord who is alive with You and the Holy Spirit, one God
23 now and forever. Amen.”
(Continued on next page)
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(Continued from front page)
Only in Christ is our soul fully and truly at rest. In Christ, we are established, rooted, grounded, unmovable
(Colossians 2:7). We can lean on the Lord with the certainty that He will never leave us or forsake us. His Word and
sacraments assure us of this. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to
you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27).
“Christ can make the rest of your days
Be the best of your days
If He is the Rest of your days.”
A blessed Summer to you and yours, take time to rest and make time each day to learn from Jesus!
“`Come unto Me, ye weary, And I will give you rest’
O blessed voice of Jesus, Which comes to hearts oppressed!
It tells of benediction, Of pardon, grace, and peace,
Of joy that hath no ending, Of love that cannot cease”
(684, vs. 1 LSB).
President Don Fondow
Orphan Grain Train Collection at the State Pastors Conference
Thank you to all of the individuals and congregations who donated the items for Orphan Grain Train and
brought them to the MN State Pastors Conference last week. Together we filled 64 apple boxes with New
Socks and Undies. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously!
Life and Nurture Division of our Minnesota North District are now being sought. According
to the District Handbook: “This Call or appointment shall be made from a list of candidates
proposed by member congregations of the District” (p.37, 2012 edition). The candidate
should have experience in education and is a strong advocate for our Lutheran schools as
well as experience in working in the areas of communications, youth ministry, worship, human concern, and stewardship. Nominations may be submitted to the Minnesota North
District Office.
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CROSS Initiative—The blessings of our Lutheran Schools
Zion Lutheran School in Alexandria, Minnesota, which currently is
serving 160 students in Preschool through 8 th grade, has been sharing
Christ’s message with their students and families for 125 years. The
students share this message by doing service projects for families and
individuals from the church and community each month. During the
month of May we also share Christ’s message by presenting a spring musical for the whole community. This year our musical is about David and Goliath. CROSS
funds have helped us upgrade our technology. Our fifth through
eighth graders all have 1:1 chrome books which they use for
many of their classes. We also have iPads, droid devices, and
computers that the younger grades use.
Zion Lutheran School is founded on and centered in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We nurture each child, helping
them to reach their full potential spiritually, academically, physically, and emotionally. The school, church, and home work all
together to teach each child Christian values and morals which
prepares them as responsible Christian members of society and God’s kingdom. Each child should
realize he/she is a future leader in churches and communities and he/she is truly a member of the church, Christ’s
We are very appreciative of the MN North District LCMS
CROSS initiative program.
You may visit Zion Lutheran School’s website at:
“As the child grows in faith, his/her service to God and
others is a witness to the world.” (cf. Matthew 28:19)
The CROSS Appeal
Received as of 5/16/16
$35,236.24 &
LCEF Grant Funds
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Received into Membership
On Good Shepherd Sunday, April 17th, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Sauk Rapids, the Good Shepherd,
Jesus Christ, gathered into His flock, through Word & Sacrament, more sheep into the fold. At the 10:30
Worship Service, 68 new members were received into membership. This included 23 Adult Confirmations, and Rev. John Bakou baptized 19 Anyuak new members (2 adults, 16 children and 1 infant). The
congregation enjoyed a potluck after the service which included a variety of Sudanese foods. The
Anyuak ministry is supported by the MNN District, MNN District LWML, Trinity Lutheran Church, Sauk
Rapids, and a few other mission minded individuals and congregations in our district. To God be the glory for this outreach to “the nations”.
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May 24-26, 2016 at
the College of St. Scholastica,
Duluth, MN
This three-day conference on child abuse will
prepare students to recognize and respond to
cases of sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect within faith-based
Topics include:
The impact of child abuse on a victim’s
sense of spirituality and concrete suggestions for working with medical and
mental health professionals to assist a
child in coping with maltreatment
Ideal child protection policies for a faithbased institution, including handling a
situation in which a convicted sex offender seeks to join a congregation
Review of various child abuse case scenarios and appropriate and inappropriate responses.
Intended Audience:
Clergy, faith leaders, chaplains, youth ministers, counselors and other members of a faith
community who work with children or families
impacted by child abuse.
The link to the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center website which provides additional material and online registration information:
Victor Vieth
Senior Director & Founder
Gundersen National Child Protection Training
Gundersen Health System
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2016 MINNESOTA Classic
Minnesota Gathering Conference – Buffalo, MN
June 27, 2016 - June 30, 2016
Fees and Grant Information: The registration fee covers ten days of instruction, materials, food and lodging for pastors, three days for one lay leader, and three days for the pastor’s wife. Thanks to generous grants by the LCMS Office
of National Mission and other funding partners, DOXOLOGY is able to offer each enrolling congregation a $2,800
grant. The net result is that all expenses for sixteen days of instruction (pastors, lay leader, and pastor’s wife) costs
only $1700 (although the actual cost of this training is really $4,500 per congregation.) Some grant money is available
to assist with this amount as well.
Note: This is a professional advanced training seminar. It is essential that each man attend the entire conference to
gain the full benefit of the training.
4:15 p.m. Monday start in Buffalo
3:00 p.m. Thursday program closes
For information and registration go to:
Parish Nurse Day will be held on June 10, 2016 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 424 E. Gilman Street,
New York Mills, MN. Gen Keranen, Parish Nurse, is hosting this event. All Parish Nurses are invited to
attend. (218/385-2450)
Registration and coffee will begin at 9:00 a.m. The Bible study topic: Living Waters will be presented
by Pastor Kirk Douglas. There will be time for sharing, planning Parish Nurse events, lunch, a talk by
Jan Heikkila on Explore the World of Tea, personal meditation and quiet time and group discussion.
The closing will be at 3:15 p.m.
Parish nurses and those interested in parish nursing are invited to this day of sharing. 4-4.5 CEU’s will
be available.
Another Continuing Education Opportunity from CTSFW
(See also the Registration form on page 6 for the St. Cloud Course)
The Gospel of John: A Sacramental Catechesis
Rochester, Minnesota
Dr. William C. Weinrich
June 6–8, 2016
Concordia Theological Seminary
Christ Lutheran Church
Fort Wayne, Indiana
2904 20th St. SE
Rochester, MN 55904
Please click here for a more complete course description, as well as a list of suggested reading material.
Online Registration:
Active Pastors and Church Workers
Retired Pastors, CTSFW Students and Laypeople
Save the Date—2017
A joint Minnesota North / Minnesota South / Concordia University-St.
Paul 500th Anniversary Reformation Service will be held at 4:00 p.m.
on Sunday, October 29, 2017 at Concordia University, St. Paul. Preacher: Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, Synodical President.
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Camps and Campgrounds
As your family travels this summer, remember there are lodgings available at Lutheran camps around the country.
Visit to find one near your destination. Contact camps to see if there are cabins, campgrounds, or hotel rooms available!
Available for Worship Concerts in MN North
Dave Anderson and Roger Walck, representatives of the Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat ministry, are available
to present evening worship concerts (and AM services) in Minnesota North August 20-28, 2016. Their website: click on concert handbook. All concerts can become Thrivent Action Team
Events. Please contact Dave at [email protected] or at 480-838-8500.
2016 Shepherds Canyon Retreat Schedule
May 31-June 7 (openings for two or three couples!)
August 13-20 (only if we receive a request for this retreat...we would need six or eight individuals to
register...then this retreat could be scheduled)
September 13-20
October 18-25
November 8-15
December 6-13
December 27-January 3
Additional retreats may be added if required.
The 40th Annual Early Childhood Conference will be held Friday, August 5, 2016. Co-sponsored by: Concordia University Chicago College of Education and the College of Graduate and innovative Programs/Division of Innovation & Outreach—Concordia University Chicago, 7400 Augusta Street, River Forest, IL
Visit for the most up-to-date information.
An In-Service Experience for Early Childhood Educators Birth to Grade 3
Workshops for Primary, Kindergarten and Preschool Teachers
Workshops for Childcare Center Staff and Directors
Commercial displays
Opportunities for Networking
The non-commercial exhibit area will include information about resources and learning opportunities for your continuing growth. Opportunities for your professional development will be highlighted.
The cost of the full conference is $110 per person, $135 if you register after July 17, 2016 ($25 for full-time CUC students, $35 after July 17, 2016), and includes all workshops, and conference exhibits.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Kevin Leman, PhD
Advance registration is strongly encouraged, and will aid the on-site registration process. Persons registering BEFORE
July 17, 2016 will receive a discount on the registration fee. On-site registration will be in the lower level of the
Koehneke Community Center. Get your name tag, final materials and instructions there.
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2016 National Offering
Every three years, our Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod gathers in convention to determine mission and
ministry priorities for the coming three years. This year, we will gather in Milwaukee under the theme
“Upon This Rock.”
As part of the run-up to the triennial convention, LCMS households, congregations and organizations are
invited and encouraged to participate in a synod-wide gathering of special gifts called the National Offering.
This triennium’s National Offering gives Lutherans across the country an opportunity through a special offering that will give the same bold confession as Peter: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Gifts to the 2016 LCMS National Offering — which can be made at any time — will empower the work
God has given us to do in His name through programs and projects where we Witness, show Mercy and walk
with one another as Christians in our Life Together.
How will National Offering donations be put to work?
In WITNESS ... by planting new congregations here in the U.S., providing study Bibles for youth
attending the Youth Gathering, equipping missionaries with tangible evangelism and teaching resources,
and much more as God allows;
Through MERCY ... advocating for and protecting human life from conception to natural death,
caring for disadvantaged children, reducing suffering and living conditions among the poor — to connect
people with the Gospel — and much more as God allows;
Strengthening our LIFE TOGETHER as the Body of Christ ... by developing future leaders for our
LCMS schools, revitalizing struggling and discouraged congregations, forming the future pastors and
leaders of the LCMS and our international Lutheran partners, and much more ... as God allows.
The LCMS is making the commitment that National Offering contributions will empower ministry work,
excluding the personnel and administration costs of the LCMS, and will report to the church how all funds
received are allocated.
Every donation will be utilized by our Synod’s Offices of International and National Mission, as well as Pastoral Education (including the LCMS Joint Seminary Fund), for non-personnel and non-administration projects or programs.
These are gifts for action and impact in the lives of others — joyfully given by those united “Upon This
Please join with others to support this triennium’s National Offering, and help us spread the word about the
National Offering throughout our Synod.
(Continued Next page)
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Participating in the National Offering
Individual households and congregations wishing to make a National Offering gift can do so a number of
Make an online donation
 Call 888-930-4438 and make a contribution with a credit or debit card
Mail check — Make payable to “The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod;” write “2016 LCMS National Offering” on memo line
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
2016 LCMS National Offering
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Make a gift of appreciated securities, property or other assets by contacting The LCMS Foundation: (800)
325-7912 or
Gifts for the 2016 LCMS National Offering are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Whenever possible, individual tax-deductible receipts will be issued to the donor making the gift. Reports on our Synod’s response
to the National Offering will be made available here.
To learn more about the 2016 National Offering, or to receive help with your questions, please call Mission
Advancement’s Donor Care Line at 888-930-4438.
Bible Bowl 2017
The 2017 MN North and MN South District Bible Bowl will be held on April 1, 2017 at Concordia
University, St. Paul. The topic will be announced in the Fall of 2016.
Lutherans for Life
If you missed picking up the "Going Gracefully" booklet on Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
at the Lutherans For Life table at the pastor's conference last week the following link will allow you to
download it from their website.
Colorama Lutherhostel
ALOA is once again partnering with Thrivent Financial to offer 2 weeks of programming for adults age 50 and above.
Enjoy the beautiful setting of Thrivent's Heartwood Conference Center & Retreat near Trego, WI. Space is limited, so
register early!
Week 1 — Sept. 25 - 30
Week 2 — October 2 - 7
Cost (includes lodging & meals at Eagle Lodge, plus programs & activities):
$520 per person double occupancy
$720 per person single occupancy
Non-Thrivent members, please add $50
Click Here to download the brochure or go to the ALOA website:
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Pastor James Kollie—Update from Cotton Tree
On Mother's day at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at Cotton Tree, Liberia, the women celebrated with
evangelism within the Cotton Tree community and the Lord won to them two ladies who are now in
baptism class.
Please continue to pray for me and the family of Good Shepherd while I am away here in the USA for
studies. Life situation is getting too bad for most of my members as Firestone Tire Rubber Farm is terminating their services. Unemployment is growing too high for our people to earn a living and support
church work. Some are planning to leave for other communities or to their villages to do farming for living.
(Picture from the celebration.)
Pastor James NS Kollie
Cotton Tree School
Received to date
Pastor Kollie
Education Fund
Received to date
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Special Projects— Jamesetta Kollie &
Gifty Kollie
Jamesetta Student Aid
Received to date
Gifty Student Aid
Received to date
Praise God! The funding for Gifty Kollie's Mayer Lutheran education for 2015/16 has been met by the congregations of the MNN District. The MNN District had pledged to support her for this year only, but if you
would like to continue to support Gifty, please send your gift to the Minnesota North District Office and
designate it "For Gifty". On behalf of Gifty I thank you. Gifty and Jamesetta will be at Lutheran Island
Camp this summer, except for the time Gifty attends the National Youth Gathering with St. Mark Lutheran
Church of New Germany. If you would like either or both of these young ladies to worship with you so
your people can meet them, please contact Ken Erlandson at Lutheran Island Camp.
Thanks again,
Rev. Dennis J. McManus
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Benson, MN
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(Listed Alphabetically)
(Listed Alphabetically)
FERGUS FALLS, Trinity (Assoc.) - Received Spring Seminary Candidate (CTSFW) Noah Rogness.
Ordination on June 26, 2016 and Installation on July 31, 2016.
ST. CLOUD, Holy Cross (Assoc.) – Received Spring Seminary Candidate (CTSFW) Tysen Bibb. Ordination/Installation on July 20, 2016.
ALEXANDRIA, Good Shepherd (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. William Moeller, Sr.) Rev. Adam Parvey, Nixa,
MO, declined Call.
APPLETON, Trinity (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Jack Baumgarn) Rev. Michael Scudder, Mt. Pleasant, IA,
declined Call.
CAMBRIDGE, Joy (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Donald Mulfinger) Rev. Andrew Ritchie, Anchorage, AK,
declined Call.
CHISHOLM, Grace – (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Brad Felix)
MINNESOTA NORTH DISTRICT—Mission and Ministry Facilitator (PLaN)
MONTICELLO, Alive! (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Steve Jones)
MORA, Zion (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Donald Polege)
WILLMAR, Redeemer (Senior Pastor) Rev. Adam Parvey, Nixa, MO, declined Call. Called Rev. Matthew Canion, Waco, TX.
Rev. Paul Yearyean (Trinity, Deer Creek) accepted Call to Shepherd of the Valley, Moreno Valley, CA..
Trinity Lutheran Church, Bemidji—Called DCE David Minster, Apache Junction, AZ.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Frazee—Calling DCE
St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Perham—Mrs. Jolene Wagner, Elbow Lake, MN, accepted Call as Principal/
Mrs. Gayle Mortensen, DCE/DPM, (Prince of Peace, Baxter) declined the Call to Trinity, Kalispell, MT.
Daniel Bodin (member of Holy Cross, St. Cloud) received 1st Call (CSL) as Assoc. to South Shore Trinity,
White Bear lake, MN.
Jessica Borchardt (daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Ed Borchardt) received 1st Call (CSP) as DCE to St. John,
Luverne, MN.
Andrew Coop (son of Rev. & Mrs. Greg Coop, Baxter) received Vicarage assignment (CSL) to Trinity,
Howards Grove, WI.
John Koopman (member of Trinity, Ortonville) received 1st Call (CTSFW) to St. Paul, Emmetsburg and
peace, West Bend, IA.
Mackenzie Lindquist (member of Redeemer, Willmar) received 1st Call (CSP) as 3rd Grade Teacher at
Mt. Olive, Des Moines, IA.
Michael Metzler (member of St. Stephen’s, Braham) received Vicarage assignment (CSL) to Faith, Tullahoma, TN.
Joseph Polzin (brother of Rev. Lewis Polzin) received 1st Call (CSL) to Mt. Hope, Grayling and Trinity,
Gaylord, MI.
Jordan Voges (member of Gloria Dei, Pequot Lakes) received Vicarage assignment (CSL) to Lutheran
Church of the Resurrection, Garden City, NY.
Jacob Wagner (son of Rev. & Mrs. Dan Wagner—Paullina, IA) received 1st Call (CSL) to Zion, Valley
Park, MO.
Timothy Wells (former DCE at St. John’s, Wadena) received 1st Call (CSL) to Cross of Christ, Aurora,
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Call Day Placements
Assignments and placements for students from Concordia Seminary, (CSL), St. Louis, Missouri and Concordia Theological Seminary (CTSFW), Fort Wayne, Indiana, were announced during services on April
26 and April 27, respectively. We are pleased to announce that the Minnesota North District congregations have received two pastoral candidates.
Tysen Bibb, associate pastor, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
Noah Rogness, associate pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Sarah Bibb, Tysen Bibb, Noah Rogness, Becky Rogness (holding Samson), President Fondow
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In Our Prayers. . . .
for the family of Mr. Eugene Prause, Fergus Falls, who passed away on May 10th. Gene was the pastPresident of the District Lutheran Layman’s League.
for Josh Beck, son of Rev. John & Judy Beck, Rush City, who underwent bone marrow transplant as treatment for leukemia on April 14th.
for Melinda Cloose, wife of Rev. Anthony Cloose (St. Paul Lutheran Church, Frazee) who is undergoing
treatment for thyroid cancer.
for Rev. Greg Coop (Prince of Peace, Baxter) who was recently hospitalized.
for Patton Douglas, infant grandson of Rev. Kirk and Tammy Douglas, Trinity New York Mills, who underwent treatment for leukemia and is in remission.
for Mrs. Tammy Douglas, New York Mills, who had surgery and is undergoing treatment for cancer.
for Bonnie Felix, wife of Rev. Bradley Felix (Trinity Lutheran Church, Virginia) who is undergoing treatment
for cancer.
for Rev. Roy Hasbargen, em., St. Cloud, who underwent heart surgery on May 5th.
for Mary Langemo Hughes, daughter of Rev. Martin & Carol Langemo, Princeton) who is suffering from
hyperacusis—a terribly painful malady.
for Dayni Imdieke, daughter of Rev. Dan & June Abrahams, Detroit Lakes, who is battling pancreatic cancer, her husband Kyle and children – Logan, Luke and Drew.
for Rev. Ron Mahnke, em. (St. Cloud) who is experiencing ongoing health issues.
for Mrs. Janet Muehlberg (wife of Rev. Scott Muehlberg), Osage, who is recovering after breaking her leg.
for Rev. Blake Rickbeil (St. Paul, Bertha) who recently underwent knee replacement surgery.
for Mrs. Janet Wendzel (wife of Rev. Linden Wendzel), Bagley, who is undergoing treatment for pancreatic
for the safety of those serving in the military & chaplaincy and part of our District family:
Chaplain Captain Vincent Bain—Military Chaplain LCMS, Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Navy Chaplain Lt. JG Aaron Bell, former Associate Pastor at Holy Cross-St. Cloud and son-in-law of
Pastor Tom and Mary Brinkley (St. Matthew, Esko) – Active Duty Navy, Gulf Port, Mississippi
Joshua Bonk, son of Rev. John Bonk and Linda Bonk —US Army
Rev. Steve Breitbarth, em., Chisholm, police & fire chaplain
SFC Jonathan Fondow, son of Pres. Don & Connie Fondow, Park Rapids—US Army
Ensign Emily Geddes, granddaughter of Virginia Ansorge—US Navy
Timothy Milo, son of Rev. Frank & Sue Milo, Gloria Dei, Pequot Lakes—MN National Guard
Joshua Noble, son of Rev. Carl & Noble, St. Paul’s, Perham—US Army, Black Hawk helicopter pilot
Chaplain LCDR John Thomson – Active Duty Chaplain—US Navy
1st Lt. Micah Uhrinak, son of Rev. Les & Susan Uhrinak, Crosslake—Air Force
Nathaniel Vrudny, son of Rev. Matthew & Bonnie Vrudny, Walker, Army Reserves Duluth Unit—Heavy
Equipment Operation
Tanner Wagner, son of Rev. Don & Jolene Wagner, Elbow Lake/Hoffman, National Guard
Kurt Weber, son of Rev. Dr. Karl & Mary Weber, St. Paul/St. John, Ottertail, Richville, MN Active Duty—Army National Guard
Nathan Wendzel, son of Rev. Linden & Janet Wendzel, Bagley, serving in the Iowa Army National
Guard—Blackhawk helicopter pilot
Paul Wendzel, son of Rev. Linden & Janet Wendzel, Bagley, serving in the Iowa Army National
Guard—Blackhawk helicopter pilot
(Continued on next page)
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In Our Prayers. . . .
Continued from previous page. . .
for the mission work of Rev. Eddie & Melissa Hosch as they serve as LCMS career missionaries in Lima, Peru. For the Hosch’s newsletter—click here.
for the mission service of Rev. Dr. Daniel and Dr. Joan Jastram serving as career missionaries through the
LCMS in northern Asia, based in Tokyo, Japan. (son of sainted pastor—Rev. Robert Jastram and Mrs.
Phyllis Jastram, Underwood). Click here for the Jastram’s newsletters.
for the safety of Julie McManus and God’s blessings and protection on her as she does the Lord’s work as
GEO missionary in Kenya. Click here for Julie’s newsletter.
for the mission work of Rev. Matthew and Heather Ruesch and family as they serve as LCMS career missionaries in Puerto Rico. (former pastor at Shepherd of the Lake, Garrison) Click here for the Ruesch’s
God for the blessings of new Seminary Candidates received by congregations in the Minnesota North District.
to God for the birth of Clara Rose on April 21st to Rev. Stephen & Tasha Rutherford, (Emmanuel) Backus.
If you or someone you know should be added to the Prayer List please kindly let us know.
Church Anniversaries
April 17, 2016 - 100th Anniversary - St. Paul's, Montevideo
June 26, 2016—130th Anniversary—Trinity, Fisher
July 3, 2016—125th Anniversary—St. John’s, Corliss Twp. (rural Perham)
August 28, 2016—125th Anniversary—St. John’s, Height of Land (rural Frazee)
September 17-18, 2016—125th Anniversary—Nicolai, Canby
October 30, 2016—75th Anniversary—Our Redeemer, Moorhead
Contact the District Office if your congregation is
celebrating an Anniversary in 2016 (or 2017).
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May 25-27, 2016—Continuing Education event at St. Cloud—see page 6 for details
May 27-28, 2016—PALS event—Baxter
May 30, 2016—Memorial Day—District Office closed
June 4, 2016—Synodical Convention Delegates Meeting at the MN North District Office
June 6, 2015—Principal’s Meeting— place TBD.
June 7, 2016—Ministerial Health Commission Meeting at the District Office.
June 8, 2016—District Office Clean Up Day
June 10, 2016—Parish Nurse Day—Trinity Lutheran Church, New York Mills, 9:00—3:00.
June 20-22, 2016—LWML MN North Convention, Willmar Convention Center.
June 26, 2016—130th Anniversary celebration—Trinity, Fisher
June 27, 2016—ValleyFair Day 2016—See flyer on page 7
June 27-30, 2016—DOXOLOGY Minnesota Classic at Buffalo, MN—See information on page 2
July 3, 3016—125th Anniversary celebration—St. John’s, Corliss Twp.
July 4, 2016—Independence Day—District Office Closed
July 9-14, 2016—National LCMS Convention in Milwaukee.
July 12, 2016—LWML MN North BOD Meeting at District Office
July 16-20, 2016—National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA.
August 3-4, 2016—New Workers Orientation Retreat at the District Office.
August 4, 2016—Retired Church Workers Luncheon, Cragun’s Resort, Brainerd.
August 6, 2016—Quilt Auction at Lutheran Island Camp - See flyer on page 10
August 28, 2016—125th Anniversary celebration—St. John’s, Height of Land (Frazee)
August 28, 2016—Closing Service for First English (Independent), Lockhart
August 29-30, 2016—Circuit Visitors Conference at the District Office.
September 10, 2016—MN North LLL Convention at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Corliss Twp. (Perham)
September 17-18, 2016—125th Anniversary—Nicolai Lutheran Church, Canby
September 18-20, 2016—Fall Pastors Conference, LIC. Speaker: Rev. Detlev Schulz.
September 23-25, 2016—Parish Nurse Retreat, Concordia Lutheran Church, South Haven (Fairhaven).
September 25-26, 2016—MN North District Board of Directors Meeting at the District Office.
October 7-8, 2016—Youth Ministry Training: YMT—BLEND (Bold Leaders Engage New Disciples - Lutheran
Island Camp
October 21-22, 2016—Lutherans for Life National Conference at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, Bloomington, MN.
October 23, 2016—Reformation for Today at Lutheran Island Camp - Presenter Rev. Dr. Lane Burgland
October 24-25, 2016—Advent/Lenten Preaching Workshop at Lutheran Island Camp—Presenter Rev. Dr.
Lane Burgland.
October 30, 2016—75th Anniversary Celebration—Our Redeemer, Moorhead
November 24-25, 2016—Thanksgiving Holiday—District Office Closed
December 4-5, 2016—MN North District Board of Directors Meeting at the District Office.
January 22-28, 2017—National Lutheran Schools Week—On This Rock
April 1, 2017—Bible Bowl—MNS & MNN at CSP
May 15-17, 2017—MN State Pastoral Conference at Madden’s Resort on Gull Lake, Brainerd, MN.
June 22-25, 2017-LWML Convention in Albuquerque, NM.
October 29, 2017—Joint MNN/MNS/CSP Reformation Service at CSP with Pres. Matthew Harrison—4:00
Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News
5/19/2016 Page 24
Mail: PO Box 604, Brainerd, MN 56401-0604
Phone: 218/829-1781 800/482-5022
Fax: 218/829-0037
e-mail: [email protected]
E-Mail addresses:
Rev. Dr. Don Fondow, District President
Bev Olsen, Admin. Ass’t
Mission & Ministry Facilitator:
Rev. Jeffrey Lee
George Miller, LCEF/Office Manager
Bookkeeper - Angie Ringstrom
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Care for Church Workers & their families:
Rev. Ed Behling 866/732-3778 (toll free)
[email protected]
Congregational Care Counselor:
Rev. Dr. Larry Harvala
[email protected]
Lutheran Witness Editor:
Rev. Paul Dare (320/251-8416)
[email protected]
Gift Planning Counselor:
Mr. David Priebe
[email protected]
District Secretary:
Rev. Martin Mably, Elk River
[email protected]
District Treasurer:
Mr. Mike Uran
[email protected]
Committee on Constitutions & District Memberships:
Rev. Ron Carnicom, Chairman (218/675-6532)
[email protected]