

Training System Manual
In this module we’ll cover some of the
more “advanced” striking techniques of
The Self Defense Training System©. Unlike last module, where all of
the techniques save the chin jab, could be applied to a variety of target
areas, these techniques either require a little more training or they
are targeted to a specific area. Like always, all of these techniques,
even with only a minimum of training, will be extremely useful and
devastating in close combat.
In this module you will learn:
• The web of hand blow
• The double chin jab
• The single and double cupped hand blow
• The entire head butt series.
• The complete elbow strike series
• The finger tip jab
• The full body hip whip
• Plus all the kicking techniques you’ll ever need
for real close quarters combat.
Self defense can be broken down into two categories: Proactive and
Reactive. The difference between the two is based on the amount of
time and distance you have to react.
Proactive self defense is when you see the threat and you have the time
to establish distance, put a strategy together and proceed accordingly.
If you’re being fronted or you’re in a situation where you can identify
the threat, you will have the time to prepare and position yourself for
your initial offensive assault.
Reactive self defense is when your threat gets the jump on you and
you’re taken by surprise. In this situation you must react as fast as
possible. Since your assailant has the momentum you must react in a
way that will give you the best chance to shift momentum in your favor
and take the fight to the enemy.
So, it stands to reason that proactive and reactive self defense must be
trained and treated differently.
Proactive training: Always train your strong or comfortable side and
practice in combinations of 3 or 4 instinctive and convulsive techniques.
Since you know where your target is, you have time to establish
distance and take the fight to your target. In this situation, there’s no
need to train both sides of your body, like you would in some Karate or
Tae Kwon Do systems. You only need to train out of one “stance” or
position in the way you feel most comfortable. Because when you’re
stressed, you will go with what you feel most comfortable. You will react
in the way that you feel you’ll have the best chance for success. For this
reason there’s no need to practice both sides of your body in proactive
self defense scenarios.
However, reactive self defense training is a different story. Instead
of training 3 or 4 technique combinations you only have to train 2
techniques but you MUST train them from ALL directions (front, rear,
left and right), since these are the only conceivable directions by which
you can be attacked. When you’re taken by surprise you obviously don’t
have the time to prepare your strategy, so you have to react in such away
that allows you to mount a counter assault as fast as possible. For this
you only have to train two techniques (which techniques depends on
what you are comfortable with - you’ll discover that in your training)
and practice them until they are instinctive and convulsive (what else
is new?).
Why only two techniques? Well, after you react and you’ve managed to
get a couple of techniques off you will now move onto the offensive
which is proactive self defense. At this point, the fight is under way,
you now know where your threat is and you are going to proceed in a
manner that feels most comfortable to you.
As a rule when you train you practice combinations of 3 to 4 techniques
with your target in front of you. Then you train single and double combinations from all four directions and from mid-range and close-range.
How long do you do it for?
1. Web of Hand Blow (Hand Yoke) with the Drop Step. This blow is
snapped out quickly. It can be followed up with a crushing motion.
a. Throat.
Will cause disruption by triggering gag reflex. There is a
possibility of crushing or fracturing the larynx, but the head
and the neck must be secured to accomplished this unless
you can generate extreme velocity to target.
b. Side of Neck or bridge of nose or under the nose.
Will stun or do damage, like the edge of hand. But it can be
applied from different angles. Especially in a close range fighting or grappling situation.
c. From a training stance (The interview stance with your palms
pressed into you thighs)
d. Twist with your hips, rise on your toes and drop step into the strike
e. Make sure to follow through with your shoulder
2. Web of hand, Throat crush, Rear Knee to Testicles.
a. Same as above and follow immediately by seizing the larynx and
driving your fingers into the back of the throat (crush it like a
beer can). This will distract him while you follow with the rear
knee to the testicles and head butts.
3. Eye Gouge or Hair Grab to Web of Hand strike.
a. Secure the head with an eye gouge or a hair grab and open
the throat. Follow with a strike. This will “freeze” his head.
Anytime you inhibit your targets movement it increases your
force exponentially.
b. Next drive your fingertips behind his larynx and crush it like a
beer can.
This can be applied to the back of the head as well as the chin. It’s
effective if you are shorter than your target since the power reaches its
full potential about 8 to 12 inches above your shoulder.
4. Double Chin Jab
a. Drive both up his center line, hands forming a wedge and connect with his chin
5. Double Chin Jab to Eye Gouge and Knee to Testicles
a. Perform the double chin jab and drive your fingers into his eyes.
Follow with knees to his testicles. Same as before, the eye gouges
will distract your target while you follow up with the knee strikes.
These are still “non-specific” target area techniques. The Short Hammer
Fist is a chopping, digging strike, typically done with the lead hand.
The Long Hammer Fist is a smashing technique that can be done with
both hands. You would use the Long Hammer Fist when you had the
time to wind up for the blow.
6. Short Hammer Fist
a. Make a fist: close fingers and tighten form the pinky forward.
The fist must be tight. Tuck the thumb underneath
b. The pinky will form an “L”, that is the striking surface of the
short hammer fist
c. Do not wind up, it must be a short, chopping action.
d. Target the side of the head and face.
e. Use the short chopping, non target specific blows to open him up
7. Long Hammer Fist
a. This is a horizontal like the long edge of hand
b. This can be to the head or to the body
This time you will be targeting the ears. By striking the ears in this
manner you will force air into your target’s ear canal. This will disrupt
your targets equilibrium and allow you the time to follow up with more
devastating techniques. This is also referred to as “ear boxing” or
“boxing someone’s ears”.
8. Single Cupped Palm Blow
a. Your hand is cupped like you’re scooping water
b. The path of the blow is a circular, arced motion to the ears from
either the front or the rear
9. Double Cupped Palm Blow. Same as before but now it’s done with
both hands.
a. Double Cupped Hand Blow with a Drop Step.
i. Drop your weight and strike the ears before your stepping
foot hits the floor
10. Double Cupped Palm Blow, Eye Gouge, Knee to Testicles
a. Drop step, 2 handed cupped palm blow to the ears, double eye
gouge, knee to the testicles
b. Same as above, but now let the fingers grab the ears and drive your
thumbs from the inside corners of his eyes while rattling his head
c. Drive your knees into his testicles while you’re performing the
eye gouge.
*Remember, you don’t need an instructor standing over your shoulder
to develop your own combinations. When you need it, you will react.
It depends on your character, your heart and your will to live. Non-specific
blows to easily accessible targets.
Know when the attack is imminent and then EXPLODE. If you train
with intensity, than you will react with intensity when the time comes.
11. Cupped Hand Blow from the rear.
a. Approach like in century stalking and execute it.
12. Cupped Ear Box from the front, man bent over
a. If your target was bent over in front of you, simply strike him
with the cupped hand blow and follow with knees to his face
while you’re securing his head with you hands
This is an effective technique for creating space in close quarts and
grappling situations. No one expects it and it will allow you to create
space and for larger, more devastating techniques.
13. Shoulder Smash with Collar Tie Up.
a. Grab the back of his head with both hands and smash the point
of your shoulder in his face.
14. Shoulder Smash, Knee to Testicles
a. Same as above. Secure the head and drive your knee into his
At worst, they will create space, at best, they’ll end the fight, but they
must be trained properly before you even attempt to try this in a real life
15. Drop Step, Forward Head Butt
a. Don’t use the head independent of the body
b. Close eyes and keep your neck, traps and shoulders tight.
c. Clinch your teeth
d. Strike with the head - where your original hairline was.
e. Use the drop step and drive your head into his face
16. Upward Head Butt
a. Pinch his arms and drive the top of your head into his chin
b. Align with his center line and drive up
17. Ramming Head Butt
a. Bend at the waist and ram the top of your head into his solar plexus
18. Side to Side Head Butt
a. Control his arms and drive the side of your head into his face
b. Strike from one side to the other.
c. Or pin his head with your hand on his neck
Elbows can be used any where on your target’s body. This is a great,
non-specific technique that allows you to strike anywhere on your
target’s body while risking minimum damage to you and inflicting
maximum damage to him.
19. Elbow Jab or Elbow Spike
a. Snap the elbow convulsively into your opponent’s head.
This can be used when you are taken by surprise and someone has
entered into your space. This can be done to all directions. The front,
sides and the rear.
20. Horizontal Elbow Swing
a. Let the elbow reel and let your body follow through
21. Vertical Elbow Swing
a. Same as above, just come from that vertical angle downward
22. Rear Elbow Swing
a. Pivot the body and swing with the elbow in the rear direction
23. Moving backwards with horizontal elbow swings to create space
and havoc.
a. Swing and torque your elbows while moving backwards
24. Rear Elbow
a. Don’t wind up, just torque the body
25. Driving Up Elbow
a. Done from close range. Drive the point of your elbow into your
targets chin/head
26. Downward, Smashing Elbow
a. When your opponent is bent over, drop your weight and smash
the elbow downward.
This is not a finger dart (different technique in module 5). This is meant
to be an aggressive strike to your target’s eyes or testicles. Make sure
you hit with the pads of your fingers and NOT the nail portion. This
can be accomplished by keeping your fingers in an “upward direction”.
27. Finger Tip Jab
a. Fingers bent at 90 degrees, thumb tucked on the side
b. The strike travels in an arc to the eyes or the testicles.
28. Short Edge of Hand, Long Edge of Hand, Finger Tip Jab to the
a. Lead short edge of hand to the head, long edge of hand follow
up, drop down, secure his waist with the same hand and drive
the finger tip jab into his testicles.
These techniques are deceivingly powerful. They allow you to use all
of your bodyweight and force into the target. They can be used in a
“non-lethal” or law enforcement scenario to knock a target out of the
way or you can completely disorient a person from only one step away.
This is similar to a hip check in hockey or basketball.
29. Hip Whip
a. Skip into the technique beginning with a drop step and then
“hip check” your assailant to disorient him.
b. Literally throw your body into the assailant.
30. Rear Hip Butt
a. When you feel a rear assault is imminent, drop your weight,
thrust your hips backward as you bend at the waist.
Avoid sweeping roundhouse type of kicks and knees. They expose your
groin and leave you off balance. You can maybe attack the thighs from
the side in a close, grappling scenario
31. Marching and Stomping Knees.
a. While taking ground, always move forward, driving the knees up
and smashing the foot down. This does three things.
i. Knee strikes
ii. Foot Stomps
iii. The peripheral psychological effect of stomping
32. Dropping Knee
a. In a clinch, drop the knee into your opponent’s thigh or
kneecap. Remember: Only kick a man in the head when he is
down. Don’t kick above the groin level. You don’t have to use
too much knee or “chamber” the kick. You only have to chamber a kick when you are barefoot.
b. Targets are the shin, insteps, knee, groin, thighs. All of these
kicks are designed for kicking in shoes or boots. The heavier the
better. Steel toe boots are great.
33. The Point Kick
a. Done with the toe of the boot
b. Flick the foot at the target
c. Use it to create an opening
d. Throw the lead point kick, secure his head and knee him to
the testicles
34. Instep OR Saddle Kick
a. You will get this if his legs are wide open
b. Strike with the instep and smash his testicles upward
35. Side Kick
a. Do not draw it up, it’s too slow.
b. Drive your heel into his knee and rotate your hips.
36. Inside Edge of Boot
a. Sweep or Snap it into the shin
b. Scrape down and smash the instep OR stomp the instep
37. Hop to Inside Edge of Boot
a. This can be done from the rear OR from the front
b. This can also be done when defending a rear bear hug
38. 3- Kick Drill
a. Inside edge, outside edge, inside edge, outside edge
39. Hook Kick
a. Swing the point of the toe into the bladder, thigh or hip
40. Pivot Kick
a. Same as above, remember it must be done convulsively and
b. This can be used when you’re changing direction.
Each Drill:
• 10 to 25 times each depending on time and fitness level, 2 to 3 times
per week.
• Single strikes you will practice both sides of your body (right and left
- reactive). An “B” will be after the drill.
• Combinations you will practice one side of your body (your strong
side - proactive) A “S” will be after the drill.
Dual hand techniques do not require training both sides of your body.
1. Web of Hand Blow (Hand Yoke) with the Drop Step (S)
2. Web of Hand, Rear Knee to Testicles. (S)
3. Gouge or Hair Grab to Web of Hand Strike. (S)
4. Gouge or Hair Grab to Web of Hand Strike to a Larynx Crush. (S)
5. Double Chin Jab (S)
6. Double Chin Jab to Eye Gouge and Knee to Testicles (S)
7. Short Hammer Fist (B)
8. Long Hammer fist (B)
9. Single Cupped Palm Blow (B)
10. Drop Step, Double Hand Cupped Palm Blow to the Ears (S)
11. Drop Step, 2 Handed Cupped Palm Blow to the Ears, Double Eye
Gouge, Knee to the Testicles (S)
12. Cupped Hand Blow from the rear. (S)
13. Shoulder Smash (B)
14. Shoulder Smash, Knee to Testicles (S)
15. Drop Step, Forward Head Butt (S)
16. Upward Head Butt (S)
17. Ramming Head Butt (S)
18. Side to Side Head Butt with a pin (B)
19. Elbow Jab or Elbow Spike (Front, Back, Left and Right)
Elbow Spike, Edge of Hand, Chin Jab (Front, Back, Left and Right)
Horizontal Elbow Swing (B)
Vertical Elbow Swing (B)
Rear Elbow Swing (B)
Horizontal Elbow Swing, Rear Elbow Swing (S)
Rear Elbow (B)
Driving up Elbow (B)
Rear Elbow, Driving Elbow, Edge of Hand, Chin Jab, Knee (B)
Downward, Smashing Elbow (B)
Finger Tip Jab (B)
Edge of Hand, Finger Tip Jab to the Testicles (S)
Hip Whip (B)
Rear Hip Butt (S)
Marching and Stomping Knees (S)
Dropping Knee (B)
The Point Kick (B)
Instep OR Saddle Kick (B)
Side Kick (B)
Inside Edge of Boot (B)
Hop to Inside Edge of Boot (B)
3- Kick Drill (3 one minute rounds)
Hook Kick (B)
Pivot Kick (B)
**Finish with Heel of Hand and Edge of Hand Conditioning.
Next module you will discover all you really need to know when it
comes to ground fighting. You will find out quickly why most sporting
techniques found in the UFC and other MMA competitions have no
place in the real world.
In a real fight, the last place you want to be is on the ground. The real
possibility of weapons and multiple attackers as well as the unforgiving
surface of the street itself will twist you up and spit you out. It’s not by
choice that anybody should go to the ground regardless of what you
know or study.
Unfortunately, the world is not a perfect place and there is the real
possibility you may get knocked down or even just slip and fall. For
these situations you need learn how to protect yourself and improve
you position as quickly as possible. You can do this effectively with just
a minimum of technical training.
After Module Three: Ground Fighting for Keeps, you’ll know why most
submission techniques leave you vulnerable and how to escape any hold
or lock with some simple, extremely nasty tricks.