Labor Goes to the Movies
Labor Goes to the Movies
Professional Staff Congress/ Labor Goes to the Movies ~~. CUNY ~essons 2011-2012 Special Screening Saturday, January 20 Noon - 2 films WAITING FOR SUPERMAN September 23 2 SHORT FILMS PROGRAM ZERO FOR CONDUCT (Jean VIgo, France, 1933) This classic "natural French film. directed child of surrealism and anarchy" - who 011 boarding the stultifying school, Shown largely of the students, the anarchic wondertutty atmosphere the school. "'n this film Vf!.'O lapped memories of the small town had attended n~ected beeeeae, on Its release the effects or awarded films in Japanese 01 the prolific instituUonai qutetly presents and theinevitabJe education dash wrde to the style, without in lends itself to the "fly on the wall" sensation his childhood school he added titles or narrative, as tbeviewerwunesees parent-reacher conferences, sex education lectures, gym classes and even ~ home economscs and the rage he had felt agalnst music, beauty pageant. twclve class, a collapse war and peace, the over and World tn for educational her and institution's possibitlUes otthls, ournew rilUlennlum, lrom of May '68. A group retreechment. corporate channeHog 0( the Alain and eltects Although bias. scbcet to of the falling the director he did not intend Truth, the attempted to create US has clermed a pro-charter, the film highlights the work and advocates. privati:il:atlon of These "heroes" blame: Ineffective teachers and their unlons for preventing reform. The critical of young and popular acclaim widespread dlscussion Tanner's utopian of An /nconl)f!nient 6tm of last year the causes anti-union The Yeor2000loobfotwatd playing through the everyday activists, and In their dassroom.s. of between students charter dnematic Jepen's issues that and W~r R. Set Island head-on (Alain Tanner, Swltzer1and, 1976) people in and around ueneva tries to pick up the pecee oIt_ hopes In the •••••• oIthe 'clampdown' of world- galvanizing Jonoh Who Jl.'iIl&25/n out of the shadows and her the director most schools system. totne the course and the tensions concerns Japanese the film traces on an community in the traditIOn the adults who, in his view, had murdered and defamed his (anarchist] lathez.'" (Alan Williams) by the period the film tackles teacher's Directed a young teacher spanutng economsc sea, history. (2 eyes each) years, fanning b; cee of the most KJ~hlta. between students inland in I~, From explain ~ in the West. this film quickly Kelsuke retauons regtme of champions boarding Unfairly of twenty the eyes of the students disciplInary as a National of a Philadel- of Congress documentary turmoil, and yet they resonate with anyone who has ever been to high school. Wiseman's simple through the film resolutely reactions caricatured Oted by the Ubrary Treasure, Wiseman's; close of a French EYES (Keisuke KInoshita, Japan, 195·0 generations. The themes and situations are specific to the late 196O's and Its sodal and politicAl died only a year later. Is a caustic, surrealist attack TWENTY·FOUR (Frederick Wiseman, US, 1968) phia high school by Jean Vigo- December 9 November II October 21 ':Hd:fiShtt,]I (Davis Gnggenhelm, US, 2010) for this film has sparked about education reform, as well as a cccnterpomrdocureentary. Come see why the Ame:r1can Federatioo ol Teechers called eneegtes Waiting forSupermnn lives of post-60s too, According to "sca1hing~ a.nd "potentiaJlv to US teachers. dangerous" • Tanner, film Is "adrameuc tragicomedy in poUtical science fiction." Sc1'eenplay by John Berger. the ecquresceece of militarism. BINTA AND THE GREAT IDEA ~ (Javier Fesser, SpalnfPortugai, ~ ..•.. Nominated for an Academy Award, BinlV places young children In the lead roles In a small village ~ pleading --..'lU..;; to go to for the right of one of the girls, Soda. school in charge letter ~ over here." composed authorities the world. her father's The little by her explaining "I'm writes father a the value children stage .~£ a play of education. THE ORGANIZER ~ ~ Wanted (Charles Burnett, US, 1996) (Amy Heckerling, US, 1982) 10 61 Broadway, 16th F1. Manhattan This 1, R, W to Rector Street; 2, 3, 4, 5 to Wall Street; J, M, Z to Broad Street; A, C to Broadway/Nassau. secretly teach Samy, to read and write. Near the PATH train & buses. Call for directions, (212) 354-1252 or visit us online at Is a tale NIght john, educate runaway - the agony. institution Its orbit. The bruuem comes follows As .Night john power You get some words The to ItO oJ slavery constriction degradation through 1\$ of well, as the diminishes everyone In of the word tTiwnphs as Nightjohn's remarks got all Ute words, cast conveys and tcrced to cruelty. of slavery The South. TIle slave girl. how of the daUyworld sacrifice. reactions the oppressors to when he begins a 12-year-oJd dcpicucn slave, to a plantation change ••radically unflinching Samy a former returns hts people: in the ante-bellum community of about who tracings in the sand. in the fihu: "Wrote and tbey mean (or yourself folks to keep tbem. and you be free." As Geece, mast with of our critics genre to Include grown movies, Fasl Times as just categorized up their another "pool scene" starrlng character, Youtube almost hits. However, Intractable subvert It. It rectifies spectator, male oxymoronlc (Stephen but within audience Cates and formula Sean U6e$ "What an to p6rtially the sexism In freenng Ilees following homes the at dawn at the factory. In response 1$ teaching promoted The film pohuctees of the great. postwar films. conditions who in public Italian workers to the brutaJizillg The workers American Is tbe ccenecncn politics? ... \Vhat styfistic creating a puliUcai between education are: available school criticisms in the neavuy lor Superman, a group of teachers and education activists a counter-nerrenve suggesting that low-budgets, lack of teacher support. standardized testing, protest options to the Waiting erttcurated a different set 01 problems and sOlutlons to the US education crisis, The result ts trom Iuelfectually, but the Prcteescr channels their anger lnto a strike. For GramSdao scholar Marda Landy, the film raises qucsUons stili relevant todav: highly tcafficked Amy Heckerling generic Graffili by ccnstrucung the Phoebe Spicoll, remain thrust workers MastrniannO workers. to textile neo-reenst ~fiuff" movie of the teensptcttaucn 1980$ era. This was a very successful teen movie, and Its Penn's the Professor{Marccllo the humanist It seems one. At the time, most ror organizing Ml1an to stay wjth a friend, uteracy have students the high school appropriate by the ponce .. , (Julie Cavanagh, Darren MareIIl, Norm Scott, Mollie Bruhn, Usa Donlan, US, 21111) (Marlo MookelU, Italy, 1963) February 10 i~lta:;'r.):i:1 ~ . . : March 9 PSC Union Hall .' . to the his "Great Idea" to save while the village to teach the father obj~tion: girl Biota illiterate systemic poverty and myriad other factors ere to blame for drop-out rates and low scores. The Inronwnie1l1 Truth Behind Wailing for Supenlll1n ~d challenges for the offers feasible dnemA?" common solutions mrspercepnces for students and in New York City and the rest ot the country. the movie for the female the humor is not of the genre, alienated; film - an InteUlgBlt teen "[a] Mayll rare comedy" la:t"ill)!."., Prince). (Satyajit Ray, 19M, India) Set In British1ndi.J. Screenings take place on Friday evenings at 6:00 pm" *e..'<ceptSat., Jan. 20 which is at Noon '] Ray's twelfth through tn the 19th century, feature film. explores the experiences wife of an upper-class is consumed publishes, $2 suggested donation. Space is limited! Ught refreshments served before each screening. O:antlota.Satyajit the idea: of learning of Cham. Bengali the young. bhadraiok by the highbrow poIitkal When the husband's younger font:1y whose broadsheet cousin, time he "novice e5Slryist fresh out or eoUege, comes to stay at Ute family mansion, CllaTU is drawn to him emotionally, their coeversauons unkK:kin,g her path to poetry. literature, and ~ newfound. passion for writing. In Charuloto,as In his later feminist seU-expreS3Wo Ghore Batre (Home ond the World, 1984). as carafysts for the emergence Ray explores of the modem woman the: power of lea.mingand In pre-independence India. t;z..,/