Churches unite in prayer for HIV/AIDS
Churches unite in prayer for HIV/AIDS
Vol. 3 Issue 9 Mar. 4, 2012 Leader G reater M t . Z ion B aptist C hurch l w Way 1801 P ennsylvania A ve . A ustin T exas 78702 Churches unite in prayer for HIV/AIDS T he National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is the coming together of all people of faiths to unite with purpose, compassion and hope. Through the power of God’s love 14 Austin churches will do our part to educate every American about HIV prevention facts; encourage and support HIV testing; advocate for the availability of compassionate care and treatment for all those living with the disease in every community in America; and love unconditionally all persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. We hope to bring national attention to the AIDS epidemic Total Capital Campaign as of Feb. 26* Goal $3,600,000 Pledges $2,381,392 Transfers $1,133,401 Total $3,514,793 Remaining $85,207 *Need to average $14,201 per week to reach $3.6M by April 8. in the United States and the extraordinary role faith communities can play in addressing the HIV and AIDS pandemic. On today, we will focus our Sunday services on awareness and prevention of HIV/AIDS in our community. A special thank you to all of the churches that participated for your time, support, and attention to this growing pandemic. We could not have done this without you. • Abundant Life Community Baptist Church, Pastor DeChard Freeman • Alpha Seventh Day Adventist Church, Pastor Gordon Jones • Corinth Baptist Church, Pastor Gary Renfro • David Chapel Baptist Church, Dr. Joseph Parker, Jr. • East Side Baptist Church, Pastor Leland Dandridge • Friendly Will Baptist Church, Pastor Emmanuel Limuel, Jr. • Greater Mount Zion Baptist, Pastor Gaylon Clark • New Hope Baptist Church, Pastor Roy Jones • Olivet Baptist Church • Saint James Baptist Church, Dr. B.W. McClendon • Saint Phillips Baptist Church, Pastor Bobby Bullard • Saint Stephens Baptist Church, Dr. B. J. E. McQueen • Simpson United Methodist Church, Pastor Charles Stephens • South Austin Community Church, Pastor Arthur Sneed, Jr. l Life L ead P astor G aylon C l a r k Welcome Rae Lewis-Thornton Educated, attractive, assertive and ambitious are just a few of the words used to describe Rae LewisThornton. In 1986, during a routine blood drive visit at a Washington D.C. Red Cross, Rae received news of another word that would soon be used to describe her health and future. At the tender age of 23, LewisThornton was diagnosed HIV Positive. Despite her present day status of having full-blown AIDS, Lewis-Thornton leads her own unending crusade to educate and challenge young and old audiences to take control of their own bodies, futures and health. She uses her life as an example that AIDS is a nondiscriminatory disease. She challenges the most common myths and stereotypes surrounding who and how one can become infected with the HIV virus that most often results in AIDS and death. In doing this, she incorporates her own oratory skills, personal experiences and unyielding honesty to create and disseminate her critical and deadly message of her own day by day, personal destruction by AIDS. foyer or in the front of the sanctuary. GreaterLeader TODAY | NEW MEMBER LUNCHEON January and February new members: The New Members’ Luncheon is today at 2 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Come meet your new Pastor and church staff while learning more about your new church. M101 will be taught by Reverend Vecente’ Coatney during the second half of the Luncheon. This class is open to All New Members, as well as any GMZ Members, who have not taken M101. If you would like to attend, please see Beverly Jackson-Brown after the 10 am service in the Fellowship Hall. SUNDAYS| LORD’S SUPPER OBSERVANCE The Lord’s Supper is observed on the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, and also on the third Sunday of each month, during each worship service. LOST AND FOUND Are you missing a Bible, the mate to an earring or bracelet; a pair of eyeglasses or your child’s favorite blanket or rattle? Check the GMZ’s Lost and Found for these missing items and other beloved items that you may have misplaced. The lost and found is located off of the main hallway in the choir room right next to the ladies restroom. For more info: contact Rishonna Kindred, at [email protected]. SUNDAYS | SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS 10 A.M. Sunday School meets each Sunday at 10 a.m. in the church portable buildings next to the Craig House. Classes are available for both men and women. SUNDAYS | CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Greater Children’s Ministry is available for children 6-months to 6th-grade in Promiseland on the second floor behind the baptismal pool. Contact: Rev. Cynthia Sinegal-Jackson, csjackson@gmzaustin. org, 633.3277. SUNDAYS | TEEN WORSHIP SERVICE Da Cypha Worship Service, a worship experience for teens to worship God freely and to filter Truth from Lies...Faith from Fantasy, is held Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Bacon Center. Contact: Student Pastor Kevin White, 413.0140. SUNDAYS | sick and shut-in list You can locate a copy of the Sick and Shut-in list for GMZ members in the back entrance hall in the holders (west side wall). Please contact Estelle Brooks, Director of Greater Care Ministry, for additional information at 940.6741. SUNDAYS | SHUTTLE SERVICES Shuttle services are available to and from church by the Transportation Ministry. Info: 478.7578, ext. 316. Contact: [email protected] or call 423.5794. SUNDAYS | RIDES FROM COLLEGE TO CHURCH Pick up locations/times: UT, Jester West and Kinsolving Dorm, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.; Texas State, LBJ Student Center (bus stop semi-circle), 11 a.m.; St. Edwards, Robert and Pearle Ragsdale Center (Loading dock), 11:35 a.m.; Huston-Tillotson, front entrance faces Chicon), 11:45 a.m. Contact: Rev. Vecente’ Coatney II, 584.0553. SUNDAYS | PRAYER REQUESTS Complete the Prayer Request Card located in the back of the pews, and designated areas in the balcony. Place your request in one of the white prayer boxes in the church W GreaterWay RELAY FOR LIFE 2012 The American Cancer Society 2012 Relay for Life of East Austin takes place Friday, April 27 at Yellow Jacket Stadium. This event helps fund cancer research, patient care resources, community awareness, and so much more. If you would like to donate or become a Relay Team Member, contact Elaine Thompson at 773.4890 or Betty Williams at 658.8341. Let’s relay and fight cancer together. GreaterLife TUES/THURS|COMMUNITY OUTREACH Opens Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 469.9020 for an appointment. SAT|FOOD & CLOTHING PANTRY Opens Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Info: 469.9020. In the Word TODAY HIV/AIDS Awareness Sunday GMZ welcomes Rae Lewis-Thornton Chicago, Ill. March 11 Pastor Gaylon Clark Series on Men “The Wounds of Men” Stay connected to GMZ Like our Facebook Page: Greater Mt. Zion Church WED| FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Austin Lifecare East offers free pregnancy testing and counseling at the Community Outreach Center, Wednesdays, 1-5 p.m. Call 279.9350 for an appointment. OurStaff Follow @greatermtzion on Twitter Cynthia Sinegal-Jackson, Children’s Director [email protected] | 633.3277 Gaylon Clark, Lead Pastor [email protected] Kevin White, Student Pastor [email protected] | 413.0140 Denise Sockwell, Business Manager [email protected] | 922.3497 Shedrach Rowry, Worship Pastor [email protected] | 507.3124 Brian Balque, Facilities Mgr./Transportation [email protected] | 423.5794 Sherwynn Patton, Missions Pastor [email protected] | 297.3198 Rishonna Kindred, Receptionist [email protected] Aseante Scales, Director of Programming [email protected] | 203.4135 Kim Walker, Database Administrator [email protected] OfficeHours: Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. ALL (MEDIA AND NEWSLETTER) SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE MONDAYS AT NOON Send all announcements to [email protected]. Submissions may be sent on or before Mondays at noon to be considered for publication, and are subject to editing. DO NOT send attachments, but type directly in the e-mail message. Articles (200 words or less); announcements (50 words or less); high resolution (300 dpi) photos and graphics. Photo submissions must identify persons and action in the photo.