New Jersey Courier - Ocean County Library
New Jersey Courier - Ocean County Library
N ew J ersey C ourier. E V E R Y B O D Y R E A D S IT :: T H E C O U R IE R I S T H E H O M E N E W S P A P E R O F O O EA N C O U N T Y :: I T O) tfES A L L T H E N E W S VO LUM E 4 8 -N U M B E R 3 1 . Toms River, N. J M Thursday Afternoon, April 28, 1898. E S T A B L IS H E D 1850 . SEEN AND HEARD. A STITCH IN TIME Note* a n d C o m m e n t, LAKEWOOD. It ia understood that the hotel company will put down a thousand dollars worth o f stone on some of the principal streets of the town this summer. This, with the 16000 voted for roads, ought to get oor streets in better shape this year than they ever have been. Bnckalew A McCne ran a four in hind to Allaire every Wednesday and 8aturday.\ The Presbyterian Christian Endeavor Society has elected John Reid, president; Mis* Gar diner, vice president; Mrs. R. 8. Simons, -cor responding seceretary; Miss Ulara 8. Dasbiell, recording secretary; Mies Ida M- Uooklin, treasurer. Arbor Day (tomorrow) will be celebrated with four distinct programs in as many de partments of the public school. Lotta( Miss Crabtree) the well known actress, was a recent visitor here, where she hat here tofore spent several winters. The Lakewood hotel closed on Monday 9fl®r a more than usually successful season. This is the end of the its sixth season—the third under the management of T. F. Silleck. Francis P. Freeman has laid flag stone walks in front of his Forest avenue cottagee. A new school houee will le built at Green ville. The Land company is laying out aome land on the northwest corner of the village and will extend Sixth street from Forest avenue, Seventh street from Madison avenue,and Eighth street from Clifton avenue, all westward to Lakewood avenne, in the rear ot the Gotld mansion. Freeholder Charles R. LeUompte has laid out a street through bis East Lakewood property; and Fred Fowler haaextended Laurel avenue parallel with Ocean avenue as far sb Peail street. The little girls and boys of the Presbyterian Junior Christian Endeavor recently cleared 150 for the fresh air fund by means of a fair at the Caraaaljo Club House. A strawberry festival put fifty dollars In the treasury of the Metbodtet Bnnday-school on Thursday night of last week. George J. Gonld will at once begin to re build the portion of his stables burned at the recent fire. He also will have a four foot brick wall erected around hie property. Plans have also been piepared for additions to the bouse, The Gonld family leave this week for the mountains, Instead of golDg abroad as they had intended. 8 T A R -8 PANOLED BANNER. OUR COUNTY COURTS. BY FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. Ju ry D ischarged Friday. An Attractive Homs. J. H. wniiaoee’ Bala •tree! BeeUteaca Nearly completed. The colonial cottage of Mr. J. H. WUUoas Kdeaa and Incidents th a t F lit Across Ye • n ly o n e Appeal Cnee Come to T rial on at tbe corner of Mala aud Brood atresia la now Oh, s»jr, can you see, by the dewn’e early light, Editor’s Mental Vision. □early completed, and forme one of the n o il Thursday Last. W hat eo proudly we hailed a t th e twilight's last gleaming f Saves nine—th at would b e a good ad. for your tailor; War Is the one topic of conversation now. lu the court of Common Pleas tbe appeal attractive of the many handsome residences Whose broad strip e s and bright stare, throngh the perilous flight, When the morning papers arrive, when the case of Clarence H Shinn vs Charles A. Hen In onr pretty village. The exterior le but you expeft more from your fire insurance afternoon and evening trains come in with tho O'er the ra jsp arts we watched, w ere so gallantly stream ing 1 drickson, waa heard, I. VV. Carmichael appear flniehed in a light colonial buff, with Ivory afternoon papers, everybody makes a grand ing for appellant and Thomas W. Middleton white trimmlnge, the blinds being of dark And th e rockets' r e d g lu e ; the b om bs bursting in air, company. grnau and the roof of moss stained shlngtee. rush. Frequently the dealers in these evening for appellee. Gare proof through the night th a t o a r flag was still there: papers are unable to supply the demand,which Mr. Shinn, a well known Lakewood bicycle Tbe chimneys and brick-work ahowlog ore of trebled in the past few weeks. Last Ob, say, doe* th a t atu-epangled b a n n e r yet wave dealer, bad sold a wheel to Hendrickson on the rock faced brick. A Penny Prem ium saves a Dollar in case of fire—so, has A wide piazza surionnds the house on Ute Saturday night the supply was scanty, and as Installment plan, and Hendrickson had failed O'er th - land of th e free and the hom e of the tom e T much as twenty-five cents was offered by some meet bis payments, The court reversed front and two aides. An effective colonial en you see, you get ioo-Jold instead of 9-fold. trance, nnder a semi circular porch, opens In of the disappointed ones to others more fortu On the shore, dim ly seen through tb e mists o! the deep, Squire Sprowl's decision and gave Shinn a ver to a brood hallway, finished In oak. and wltk nate, for a penny paper. dict for $7.50. W here-the foe’s haughty boat in d read silence reposes, an ornamental fireplace In the centre of the The crowds gather each evening at the postThe appeal of the Long Branch Beef Co, va. What is that which the breeze, o 'e r th e towering steep, office, at the groceries, cigar stores, etc., and F. Conover, was dismissed from the calen north side. This hall Is raftered In the man ner of our forefather's day, and It la a very canvass the probabilities. The news that As it titCai/y 6/oaw, 2/aJf uonoeaia, half discloses f dar. striking room. On the south side opens a sit A Feint P le a sa n t su it. Insurance and Real Estate Sampsou's fleet had sailed was hailed with de Now i t catches th e gleam ol the m orning’s first beam ; ting room with windows on the sooth and east. light- The less thoughtful went into raptures On Friday the jury came together and was In fall glory reflected, now shines o n tbe stre am ; over the capture of the flr6t Spanish prize and discharged. But one case was tried, a alyll salt It Is finished in green tint and with polished C o u r i e r Building, T om s River, N . J. dropped down Into the dumps at the rumor of 'Tis th e star-spangled banner; oh, lo n g may it wave brough in the Circuit court, which lawyer Car cherry. Also on tbe south of the hallway la the capture of the steamship Paris. These michael said was the first original case In the the dining room, with southern and weatern O’er th e land of th e free and the hom e of the bravef crowds, though noisy and argumentative are Circuit court In his connection with the Ocean exposures. Here tho wood work Is oak, and the prevailing tint to a Pompeiian red. Both so anxious to learn something, that any man eounty bar. No jury. And where is the b a n d who so Tauntingly swore, with aught to say can have the floor. A man James M. VanNote of Point Pleasant waa these rooms have fireplaces and a small conser ’Mid the havoc of war and the b a ttle ’s confusion, who has once served In the Navy Is looked represented by tbe E. P. Longelreel of Maua- vatory, seml-clreular in shape, opens from the A home and $ c o u n try they’d leave u s no more ? upon as a Boro by tho small boy and as an cquan, and the defendants, Hochberg and dining room. At the north of the hallway la a Oracle by the grown up boys. Halter, also of Point Pleasant, were repre parlor, with Its woodwork of blrdaeye maple Their blood h a th washed out th e ir foul footsteps’ pollution *. Lime, Cement and Brick, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Since war was declared the veterans of the sented by George U. Low. VanNote had and tbo walls of blue. The northwest room la No refuge cotild save the hireling a n d slave Lath. Also, Blacksmith’s Coal aud Coke. At late unpleasantness have carried themselves loanod the defendants $150 on a throe months Mr. Williams' den or office, furnished In oak From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the g ra v e ; lowest prices. Agents for Lucas’ Paints. with a martial step, chin up in air, firm tread, note. At the expiration of the time they paid and rad, like the dining room. In the rear of the dloing room Is the kitchen, such as of late years they have been content to $40 and their claim was that their agreement And th e star-spangled banner in triu m p h doth wave assume only on Memorial day. The small boy, allowed them to reduce the note $40 each three pantries, closets, back stairway and sellar O’er th e land of th e free and the hem e of the brave. •t&lrway, back entrance, etc. In the cellar Is and many of the fair sex too, wear buttons months. This VanNote denied and brought with the legend “ Remember the Maine,” and suit for the balance,$110 and Interest. Before a laundry, eervante' bath, gas machine, fur Oh, th u s be it ever, when freeman sh all stand the starB and stripes are a conspicuous per the suit came to trial at the expiration of each nace, preserve closet, coal cellar, etc. The Successor to Wm. Aumack Between their loved home and th e war’s desolation! sonal adornment. The small boy is generally three months, they twice paid the Bum of $40. collar extends under the whole house. Blest w ith victory an d peace, may th e Heaven-rescued land Opposite C. R. R. Depot TOMS RIV ER, N. J . better Informed about the ships of the Navy, The main stairway Is In the rear and of Ihe This amount VanNote at first declared he bad their armament, their station aud the number not received, but afterward admitted that while hall, and Is of the same polished oak. It opens P raise the P ow er that hath m ade and preserved us a nation ! Into another wide hall In the aecond floor, with of their crew, than is his father or his older he told them ho would not receive It, yet when 1 W 0 A. tt M ICHAEL, Then conquer we m ust, tor oar cause it is ju s t; brother; and be is busy In his spare momenta, they left It on his desk, he rolled It up and put finish of Canadian chestnut. Hare there are And th is be our m o tto , “ In God is o u r trust t ” between marbles, tops and ball, organizing O ou wblob a t L aw a nd in his safe where it still was The court four bedrooms finished In early birch, eherry, D1ALKR IN ALL KINDS Or military companies. gavo VanNote judgment for the balance due wblto maple and Canadian chestnut, each with And th e stari-spangled banner in triu m p h shall wave Master in C hancery, Since the close of the last war a whole gener um ber, c o a l a n d w oo d, h a r d with interest—$33.17-oach Bide to sustain its a different color scheme and treatment. In tba O’er th e land of th e free and the hom e of the brave. OHflOlON M1IN AND WASHINGTON STRUT, rear, with western, southern and northern ex ation thirty years old, has grown up, who own costs, ware, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, know nothing hut peace. Half eager for the The story of our National hymn, "The Star-Spangled Banner" is one that can never posures, commanding wide views of the pineTom s R iv e r, ^ J W holesale Llcenee'Uranted. grow old. It was the ljth of September, 1814, and Francis 8cott Key was detained on a Brit land west of the villagers a sewing room. On fray, half shrinking with the very natural Class, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and A wholesale license was granted to George ish vessel out In the bay below Fort McHenry. All through tbe night the bombardment lasted, this floor are also bath, linen cloaeta, etc. dread of battle and consequences of which they .Van llise of the Riverside bouse, Toma River. | AW O FFIC E S. the bnrstlng shells disposing to him as he anxiously watched tbe Stars and Stripes as they Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Ce are absolutely ignorant, these young men look Three rooms on this floor open with a raised fluttered on the beBlcged Fort. Finally, near morning, the firing ceased. As Key paood the sash window out upon balconies, which form on hardly knowing whether they are glad that ^ EDWARD H . JiU ftP H Y , ment, Brick, etc., etc. Lowest prices M edal E locution C o n te st. deck his one thought wap: Has the fort yielded ? Did bis oountry’s emblem float from above porches to tbe phzzas below. the government has no use for them, or are the grim walls ? As be watched and waited through tbe dawn, like an inspiration the senti S hbbvk ’s B uilding , « nice and Yard on Bay S tr e e t, The third floor contains two bed rooms and sorry that they must sit in iuactlon while the ment came to him, and later, after morning broko, disclosing “ the broad stripes " and bright Five Young Ladles Contest for a S ilver a storage room. The floors tbronghont tbe B a r n e c a t N . J . work of the war goeB on. l i t E ast S tate S treet , T r ento n . M edal Offered toy the W. C. T . V. TUCKERTON. •tars, still the guardian of hie country’s fort, he wrote the beautiful words that should be Tho women folk rejoice that such a small house are of hardwood, laid In parquetry pat No. 380 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. At the Methodist church on Tuesday night terns, Tbe windows are of leaded sash, but familiar to every one. quota of volunteers Is called for—yet the man five young ladies took pari In an elocution con generally of plain glasi, little stained glass F . M . C h a I n t l B ^ s , who was needed or who had a chance to enlist William 8. Fryer have bsen viaitiog his test for the Domorest silver medal, offered by balng used, except on the stairways. The ^ L B E K l 0 MARTIN. Dsalik I n and refused It would queer himself forever father, Samuel G Fryer of Hlghstown, daring the latter’s Illness. L ife-S avers for C o a s t G uards. B urned W eyler in Effigy. the Woman’s Christian Tempsrauea Union. house la lighted by electricity and gas, and Is with them. A ttorney and Engene M. VanNote of Long Branch, who Miss Lillian Adams was adjudged tho winner; heated by hot water. W ill Keep an Eye to K s w a r d tor Possi W ith W ar Whoops a n d Gun Shots these graduates from Princeton Seminary this spring, P R IC E . REASONABLE and Mue Jessie Robinson was awarded the Spring is here, too! Spring—the very anti S jlioitob in C hancery . In the rear, with an entrance on Broad strati, ble Spanish Ken-0 - W ar. Indians T ak e th e Tow n. thesis of War. Spring—that means new life has accepted the call to the pastorate of onr prise—a years subscription to the Dem* la a convenient and pretty stable, with three Upp r Lehigh Coal a Specially and re-creation just as War means destruction Presbyterian church. He passed an excep Light House Engineer C. J. Train, Inspector On Saturday night last a band of Indiana second OFFICE OVER THE BANK, orest magazine. The other contestants were stalls, a box stall, carriage room, barneae Tom s R iv e r, N. J. Lumber and Building Material, and death. Spring has crept in upon us while tionally good final examination at the resent of tbe Fourth District, which reaches from captured the town. They ware armed with tbe Misses Maude Dyers, Paulino Britton and closets, cow stable, etc. have been waiting with bated breath for the session of the Monmouth Presbytery. Since Squan Inlet to Matompkln Inlet, Va., haa gnns and revolvers, kept ap a oontlnaoaa fusl* Hattie Hankins, The groands about tho house have been re Lime, Cement, Brick, Lath, we sound of the 13 Inch gnns, and has performed last summer bo has preached here as BUpply a been placed in command of one o f ihe recently lade aud made the air re ound with warwboops. The audience room of ihe church was filled graded aud put down in grass. On tbe Broad a w o f f ic e s Sash, Mouldings, etc., etc. greater miracles than erring and warring man large part of the time. He will be ordained in pnrehased Morgan Line steamers, and Colonel Curiously enough they also were accompanied to Us utmost with interested tpectatora. Tbe street aide, six feet has been given to tbe street. May. Jones, an Army officer, It Inspealing the light by transparencies, torchlights, a drum corps, chancel was decorated with potted flowers. A curbing of slate has been laid all around tbs ever can hope to accomplish. All our Coal is Screened. THEO. J . R B RO W N , Mains are being put down with a great deal houses. This officers says that each life-sav and a cart in which was an effigy, labeled Rev. 8. H, llann presided. The judges were How quick the transition has been. The Attorney at Law, Solicitor and Master In Chan* A carved walk of lUUo-eement runs from Robbins St. TOMS RIVER brown dried grass has beeu replaced with a of speed by the water company. Tbsy are ing station will be use4 as a signal station to " Batch Weyler." After parading all about Miss Margaret Coale, Prof. C. B. Kelley and lot. eery, Notary Public. Main street at each corner of tbe lot to tbe COURIER BUILDING, MAIN STREET Hying green The maples have shed their gay using so far as practicable, local labor. It is signal each passing vessel. Doited States war the town, the tribe took up their station at Rev. D. E. Lyons of Island Heights. The ex front entrance. TOMS RIVER, N. J. red blossoms and are decked out in queer- said that tbe work will be completed on or be vessels have been Instructed to answer these Mala and Washington streets. Here one of ercises were as follows; Tbe house was designed by Child A de Goll, Special attention given to Uolleotlom. Real Estate tinted olive green leaves, tiny and crumpled fore Jane 1st. In East Tuckerton tbs work signals, and U no insurer is received from a their number thinned np tbe electric light pole, Binging, Coronation architects, of No. 68 New street, New York. and Litigations. war vessel, word of an enemy’s presence wiii ana in a trice tveyier was swnng np in tbe air and bronze like. Tbe willow limbs are was completed last week. Prayer, Mr. Book of Trenton Joseph C. Eayre of Waretown, has been the Colonel Farron Olmsted, father of Dr, J. B. be at once 'phoned or telegraphed along the and run oat over tbe middle of Main street. wreathed in tbe softest of baby greens—if there Duet, Vole as you pray, by Bailie Robinson master mechanic, all Ihe work being dona unl^iA M U EL 0 . BAILEY, TRIMMING be in greem a tint to match the baby blue that Olmsted, died or tbe 17th lo st, aged 67 years. line. Lookout will atop be kept from light Then the war danoe began. The dlaeordant and John Hann dar his eye. Edward J. Wirtb furnished tbe ^ Dealer In He was a veteran of tbe Mexican war, and was house towers and on foggy or stormy days the we have heard of so often. Already the green whoops and the gnn shots were redoubled. Miss Maude Hyers—Tbe Bridal Wine Cup and PAINTING plimbtng tbronghont. J. Newell Lane painted FRESH, HALT AND SMOKED MEATS, grass is dotted not only with golden dande Colonel of tbe 59tb Ohio Volunteers daring the surftnsn will patrol the beach • These arrange The effigy was lowered over a fire and as tbe Miss Hattie Hankins—Is It Worth the Sacri the exterior. The Interior decorations era by BUTTER, LABD, MINCEMEAT, ETC., ETC. ...A House Like This, or Any Other.,, lions, bat with tbe downy seed spheres, ready lato Rebellion. He had lived at Tnckerton ments were perfected by Superintendent Kim' swarthy redskins leapt and daneed In trna fice Fowler and Wilson of Elisabeth, In charge of 800 Designs and Plans, free to Customers AT LIVING PRICES. for the children to tell the time o' day by blow bat a few months. He was burled with the ball and Assistant Secretary Roosevelt. Indian style about tbeir victim, tbe latter waa Quartet, Tbe drunkard’s child tbeir foreman, Earnest Bowcock, who has now Corner Main and Washington Streets, honors of war by Ryerson Post, G. A. R. ing them away. quickly con tamed. Mias Pauline Britton—Strong Drink Is Rag purchased a home and aettiad In this village. Signal station a t B araevat Inlet. oal oke ood The rnsty brown has gone from the cedars Mrs Eliza Gale also died on tbe 17th Inst, Toms River. N. J. Tbete Indians are hardly supposed to have ing Frank 8. Brown of this place, w$s also en Fencing, Boat Hoards, Spars, Rope, Nalls, On Saturday night loft a detatchmont of five and they are once more deep and lusty in aged 70 years. 8be was the widow of Henry belonged to the Improved Order of Red Men, Miss Jessie Robinson—In tbe Kegs Varnish, Giasa, Brick, Terra Cotta Pipe, gaged lo tho Interior decorations. LEON G O BLE, Lime, Fertilizers, etc. Everything cheap their green, just as their cousins, the pines, Gale and leaves two sons and a daughter, be men from tbe signal Corps of tbe Navel Re b it ore rather believed to have beeu Uneal de Holo, by Pearl Applegate Mr, Williams expects to more In next weak. for cash or approved credit. have changed from a sickly yellow to a warm side grand children and great grand children, serve, Battalion of the East, w ent to Barnegat scend anis of tbe Indians who once held a Tea Miss Lillian Adams—A Terrible Charge D E N T IST , Toma River, N. J. City to establish a signal station. There will Farty In Boston harbor some 128 years ago. A. A. B R A N T and living green again. The hickory la smooth Octet, Cold Water Army. Three New H ouses. OFPIO*. AT UNION HOUSE, MAIN STREET, be three of these stations on tbe Jersey coast cnrlons throng of a hundred men, women and POINT PLEASANT. and grey, its bads yet unbroken. On the oak, Decision of judges, announced by Rev. D. E Three roomy and convenient little houses I ’ e e t h E x t r a c t e d w i t h o u t P a i n the leaves of 1807 still cling, having defied all T0M8 RIVER, N. i. -the one that bas lonfc been in existence at children watched the death dance, bat appar Lyone are those which Captain Ralph B. Dowdy to The street commissioner (John F. Rarkor) 8andy Hook, and new ones at Daruegst Inlet ently without the slightest fears for their per Office Days—Thursday, Friday and Saturday tbe storms of the winter (like a standard nailed Binging, Pees me not Teeth extracted without pain by AnwsthetU patting up on Robblne street. Two ef them to the mast) only to be pushed off now lu a few has a gang of men at work grading New Jersey (Station C) and Cape May (Station D). Tbe sonal safety, which fact has led some to be Benediction applied to gums. face tbe street, and the third occuplee the bock avenue. men at Barnegat Intel are from Jersey City weeks time by the onruahiDg aud life-giving lieve that the tribe was not a hostile one. Tbe winner of the silver medal to expected of the lot facing north, where It is expected to The grounds about tbo new hotel Carrollton and Hoboken. One 1* a skilled telegrapher. There wm one clue to tbeir Identity—Ibe burnt sap. to take part In a conteit for a county gold ran a street, parallel with Washington street, J ^ O S T E E N WALTON, have been graded and topsoiled by Z. P. VanTbe Italians will be connected with a direct Everywhere the fruit trees make tho air effigy was dressed In Fred Chattln's Sunday medal at the seml-annanl coiiveullou of tbe from Robbias to Horner street. Vote. Tbe hotel itself baa been leased for tbe wire to Washington, and until this wire can be coat—but that clue, like tbe ooat, wont np In redolent with perfume from their blossoms, County W. C. T. U„ to be held at leland Cow perthw aits Exchange,Tom s River C ontractor of P lastering and The booses are all three practically on one summer by Kropp of tbe American house, arranged, they, will u#e the Weatern Union smoke. Heights, on May 26th. N itrons Oxide Gas administered. Am and give a beauty to tbe landscape that be Trenton. plan. A piazza In front opens into a side B rick- L aying. service. longs alone to spring. The arbutus and pixey also sole p roprietor for Ocean County hallway with stairway to the second floor. Mrs. Kibbe and Miss Kibbe have moved down Tbe station will not be directly at Barnegat Repairing neatly and promptly done. Aw have had their day, but the fragrant wood Schooner C. E. Burk Fired On. BARNEGAT. work guaranteed Estimates or advice given o f the new local aneesthetic The hallway opens also into a parlor and rant from New York to their summer home. Inlet, bnt about a mite below, where vessels violet raises its tiny pale blue clusters. The # sth pleasure. Address, back by tbe stairs to Ihe dining room, which to Mrs. Dodd and Miss Dodd have returned come nearer shore than tbe ehoala would allow Cbaaod by a Span ish Merchantman, May cherry with its pnngeut peifume attracts TOMB RIVER, N. J. Captain Joseph K. Rldway of this village, the full width of tbe house. In tbe rear of this Which Fired Four ahota, that wandering pilferer, tht; bee. Tbe insect from a winter in Southern California to their them to do nearer the lighthouse. A house is one of the State Oyater Commissioners, re Is a kitchen, with pantries, side poreh and th a t is applied to the gum s for pain world is all astir In wood and field and the but ■nmmer cottage, Old Oaks. being bnllt for them. Wilkinson G. Conrad 1 H A S . T. HUDSON, Tbe following dispatch Is given but little ceived Injuries on Saturday last which resulted cellar stairway. Upstairs there are three bed* A reception was to have been given Rev. A< of Barr.egat, baa tbe Contract; it is to cost credence among oor vessel owners: less extraction. W rite for testimonials. terfly and moth are on tbe wing. In tbe amputation of his left leg. Captain BARBER. rooms, each with Its closets, and all well The lonely robin no longer sings bis sunset M. Lake, the new pastor of the Methodist $349.50 and ia to be complete In ten days from Savannah, Ga., April 25—Schooner Chine- Ridgway was superintending the planting of a lighted. Tho attic to also to be plastered and ehnreh, on Wednesday night of last week; bnt tbe letting of tbe contract. Tbe commandant E stablished 1877. song from the top of the tall maple, but hops F o r a New and eey E. Bnrk, Capt. Mark Townsend, from Key schooner load of shells. At the time of the finished. owing to the death of Mrs. Lake’s father. of the signal station gets f 55 per month and 19 West, on Wednesday last was fired upon by O pposite the O cean H o u se . about the brown furrows In tbe Bweet delights accident he was standing ou the schooner's The houses arc to be flntabed to oiled hard of lovem&king with thecoy mate he has chosen. Charles! Ett|nger of Burlington, it was post month for board. A week ago he was a book Bpanlsh vessel while on her trip up the const. quarter, pay ng out a hawser, when the heavy Wnere satisfaction la generally given to aliens* -.omers. Ladles’ Shampooing a specialty, done keeper In New York It $90 per month. HU Four shots were sent after the vessel, but she cable caught his teg and drew it between the Georgia pine, aud Ihe plastering will have a Tbe sparrow has long since hunted oat his poned until Wednesday night of this week. bv Mrs. Hudson. Y on shonid visit hard white finish. They will be connected The Gospel Temperance Reform club bas subordinates are allowed the same board money, netting place and—braggart, thieving gamin changed her course and made Joi shallow cable and the bltt. His leg was wrenched and with the Water company’s mains. Each to that be is—has builded his rude nest. The shy elected officers for the ensuing year as follows bnt tbeir pay is only $|5 per month. water and In this way avoided ber partners. twisted, tho bone fractured and almost pulver brick paced throughout tbe lower story. In LYSSES S . GRANT, J. H. Harvey, president; Thomas Havens, Joe. brown thrasher in tbe oak bush pours out his The Burk arrived at Tybee on Friday night, ized. Sunday morning amputation waa per ir ili Wear t h e * t l C m ., T onborial A btibt , tbe south boose fronting Robbins street, the melody and on your approach flits quickly Fleming, Esra Hankins, vlcepresldenta; Noab and did not get through quarantine and arrive formed by Dr Edmond Bennett of thte village, dining room and parlor are to be connected E. Jeffrey, secretary; John E. Clayton, treas To the New Jersey Courier. H air C atting, lO cts. Shaving, 5cts. down among the dried leaves and brown at this city until late Saturday night. Capt, and Dr D. W. Blake, jr., of Forked River. (Formerly V&nHise A Son) I announced to tbe Press Committee of the with a wide arch way; In tbe others there will urer; Jacob Havens and T. Sntpbln, sergeants branches where he Is indistinguishable. From Captain Ridgway appears to be doing nicely be a partition and doorway. water street , toms river , n . j . L- A. W., N. J. Division, that the barbecue Townsend said that he took a cargo of coal M ain k W ashington Sts., Tom s River the meadow comes the lilt of the meadow lark : at arm?; J. Frank Wilson, marshal. - e y West, tbe most of which was taken by tbe and to In a fair way recovery. He served dur Open every day (except Sunday) from 8.00 a. n, would not be held here under my auspices In Nelson Bunnell and Jesse P, Evernham of to 9 p. m.; Saturdays, from 6 a. m. to 19 midnight, A fall line of H igh G rade from the swamp tbe harsh note of the black the event of wnr with Spain. HusiiUUes hav yachts and tugboats. The third day out from ing the late wtr; and recently expressed him Bayvllle, have the contract for tbe carpenter BAY HEAD. Sundays till la n bird; while at night the bat wings bis way Staple an d Fancy G roceries, Key West, the Captain said, his schoonsr was self ready to volunteer if needed In the present ing commencad, 1 expect to g o to tbe front work; Rosteen Walton doing the m-son work. ward flight and the whippoorwill utters his Provisions, Flour, Feed, E tc. R TR U R P . CLAYTON. Station agent John Hall bas moved bis fam with tbe hospital staff as aoon as I can be pat chased by a Bpanlsh merchantman for six struggle. It to understood that the houses are already Arbor day (tomorrow) will be duly observed PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES mournful cry. ily from their Gbadwick cottage to tbe apart* into condition to go. This le no time for bar boars, and four shots were fired at him. rented; rumor saylug that Roeteen Walton will Spring is here! ments in tbe depot building becues and stay at home frolicking. The man had a good breeze and did not haul to, bat got by the pupils of our public school. NEW B A R B ER S H O P . occupy the one nearest Water street, Asa T. During tbe thunder shower of Sunday morn Wlliey tbe one at Its north, and Job C. Doxsey Dr Pepper, the famous Philadelphia physic who can light and wofl’t fight whan Old Glory oat of tbe way of his pursuers. Capt. Town This, from the Cape May Court House Ga U p T own. send said that the aim of the Spaniard waa ing, the Ice hoase of Gray A Ratter, botchers, the one in tbe rear. zette, shows Acting Governor Voorhees in bis ian, will summer here, having leased the Mrs. and ber bonoir are at stake le a d-------miser bod, as no shot earns within half a mile of bis Oowpertbwalt Exchange, Main street was struck by lightning and severely damaged. J. A Stacy cottage. able coward, nnwortbjl of tbe name of Ameri everyday habit of mind. Hair cutting, shampooing, shaving, et WABETOWX, N. J . «1. The Home college will meet on Friday even D. B. Bonnett and family of Elizabeth, are can and a disgrace to his nativity. 1have been When Governor Voorhees was nrged to sign N otes From Roundabout. ing of this week at the Methodist parsonage. partially lamed for yefera, bnt I expect to be a bill because it was very popular from a here for the snmmer. Trouble. Andy Jones of Waretown, to In charge of tbe sm a ll ite m s G athers* w i t h M isters e r The beach front boardwalk Is being laid able to do my ebare In tbe coming struggle—If political standpoint, he replied: A. VOIGT, The schooner Katherine D. Perry, lrom not with gun or riili-Hinder the Red Lroee of Boston, while proceeding up the Delaware business of the late E. C. Johnson of this place. Peneil. " Political considerations arc cast aside sore sign of the coming summer. . BUCceBsor to E . A. Guliok The new borough hall building Is rapidly Geneva. E dward 8. Moroah. River collided off Marcas Hook on W'eHn.^.* We understand it to tbe intention of lbs heirs when I am discussing these measures. If I Thomas Johnson has moved from Lakewood lo continue ihe same. taking on sbape. Also deals in J. S. Reese & Co.’s Firsiciass Plumbing,Tin Hoofing and Jackson Mills, April 22, laws. were to consider this matter from a political to his Burrsville farm. last, with the schooner Blanche H. King, out mV ss Sheet Iro n Work. H ig h Grade Fertilizers, W ashburn k standpoint, 1 shonid say to you, gentlemen, go Mort Johnson bas a new yacht about ready ward bound to Boston, The latter vessel was At Lakewood ballding operations are la pro LAKEHURST. for launching. Te s t e p T in k e r T h efts. langes.Hei at anchor, Tbe Perry loet port rigging and M oen’s W ire Fencing, Anglo Ameri home at once and 1 will sign your bill. Bnt gress and very few mechanics are Idle except Hollow-ware, Tin-ware, etc, A Mt. Holly dlspateh says : It has finally chain plates; the King hed her jib boom and politics cannot and do not influence my action from choice, Mrs. John Nixon of Philadelphia, spent FORKED RIVER. YANHISS BLOCK TOMS R1VBR, N. J, can Animal Food and various m er in these matters.” been decided to take rigorous measures toward cathead carried away. few days here last week with her father, C. Burrsville to rejoicing over tbe prospect of breaking np tbe gang of timber thieves that chandise, Ob, for more statesmen of the Voorhees V hea Rev. F. A. Howell and family reached Schooner Albert Phero (from Philadelphia Blckerton. telegraph connections by the Postal teteg**pk o w a r d d . van sa n t, hss been operating so extensively of late along stripe. their new charge, Tabernacle, they not only for Boston with cargo of water pipe) grounded Mrs. Lizzie Wood of Ocean City, le visiting company whose line from Point Pleasant to the border line between Burlington and Ocean REA L ESTATE, fonnd a dinner awaiting them, bat the pantry at Marcas Hook. Delaware River, last Thurs her brother, E. P. Does. Lekewood will pees through there. counties. So many eolmplalnte have been re General William J. Sewell is named to soofilled with eatables for some time to t day ; bat floated and proceeded. Miae Lillian Hiaglne rides a new Wavcrly C ommissioner of D eeds Lakewood Times and Journal: An obeervto f ceived by tbe authorHies from the owners of ceed himeetf as a member of the Board of Seven years ago, when Mr. Howell left Silverbicycle. lady walking by one of oar churches this week . . . N otary P ublic B o o k s ,: S ta t io n a r y : and Managers for tbe National Home for Disabled ton, be was sent to ibis same charge, so that he the Umber that it bos been decided to delay the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reynolds are to be con was heard to remark that a Churchyard was l prosecution of the offenders no longer. Dar Volunteer soldiers, in a joint resolution re Island H eights, N. J . After a bearing on Senate bill No. 73, amend is not among strangers. F a n c y : Banda qneer place Id which to raise on tons. ing the past winter thousands of yonng cedar ibg the Teachers' Retirement Fund law, Gover gratulated—it to a boy. Appraisements of N. Y. City and adjacent Jewelry, Silverware, Silrer Notelties ported Tuesday of last week in the Bouse of Mias Carrie Johnson la visiting her brother, trees hsvs been cat and sold to the crate manu oor Voorhees said be would not sign the bill Representatives at Washington. property cheerfully furnished. BARNEGAT PARK. 8. C. Johnson, at Ealontown. s e t i m e r S. S. *1 New York end Philadelphie Horning facturers at Brown'• Mills Mid other points in ause it carries a State appropriation Miee Nellie Ayres of New York City, te visit JUMPS AND WINDMILLS. end Eremng Paper*. The schooner 8 .8 . Thorp, 1 The intense Bryan papers tbronghont the Herbert Va: Aradale (formerly telegraph tbe pines, who are always In the market for •1800. He to opposed to the State contribu ing Mrs. L. Menlon at the instance of Henry Basle, boa hems re Suberiptiona received for paper* and oonoity arc in an agonizing frame of mind operator at this place) baa been appointed head this sort of material, and the resoil is that ting to the fund. Whip-poor-wills were heard hers ou Sunday leased upon security being entered to Ute seme - e M w I n o a aatt pnbliahsrs n n k l i. k a M 'wrates. a taa iy of the tracts of ieadar have been rained. For weeks, following the sue of the Yellow Billing Clerk in tbe Ocean Grove and Asbary J. PEASE, ir.agaainos night. of $3500. It is claimed by the ownstfs of Uha Journal and of Mr. Bryan, they have clam Park freight Loose, promoted from the Spring A determined effort will now be made to break Order* for Jew elry or Silrerw are not M achinist and E ngineer vessel that Rasit was not employed on the w np this gang o f thieves^ J . C. Short, United States Marshal,on Thurs ia stock will reoeire carefcl at ored for war and made faeea at the President Lake Station. lev. • . c. d r a m s G*9s te Brlffffgggyf^ eel at the time he claims to hawj fe became be would not prcalpltatc a conflict. day last at Philadelphia sold to Jacob 1 . Ridg Erector of Windmills, Driven Wells, Pumps, tention. Rev. B. C. Cbotlin, instead of going to Now that war ia on, to be consistent they most etc. Shop—Hooper avenue, Tams River, N. J way, *he schooner Virginia Raion for $3670. NEW EGYPT, Bethesda, Monmouth county, exchanges with support the administration—as bitter a dose Rev. J. A. Lsm»ey to Bridgeport and Rspanpo for them as tbe loss of Cuba to to Spain, Camp 33, Patriotic Boos of America, Mies Ida Bragg, daughter o l (taptten RuA. in Gloucester county. Mr. Chatttn was sta Bragg of Tadtertoa, iMvowIy n n > M dtefk Perhaps they are not gnashing their teeth agreed to volunteer to a man for aervtee under Anna E. Salmoae waa appelated Postmaster tioned at Bethesda some years ago,prior to his oa Thursday moratag, by taking | with impotent rageattbe Yellow Journal which the President s call. WILLIAM F. POTTS of Iak*at Staffordrille oa Friday lost. pastorate at Lakewood. liniment to mistake for eongh H i led them into ibis dilemma Fischer, Brown & Co., COAL AND LUMBER A. B. NEWBURY & CO. W . G. C O N R A D L C D K L and W O O D L Everything for Building C , C ,W D G eo. T . Cro o k D E N T IS T “ODONTUNDER” GE Gilt-Edged Class of Goods l™8ls GROCERY U J. <0. HOW ABB iH E w a u c T m Q H N . D . K e n d a ll Teachers* Bill Turned Bairn. w. Fast Offics Stars P L U M B IN G . wood ii now raadj to do naything in the linn of Plumbing, Steam or Gu Fitting. Windmill* erected. Order* from Tom* Hirer will raeure prompt Watch IfRepaired Right you do, eend tt to George G . W orsts!!, E. B. IRONS, Piano Tuner, Action and Tone Regulator To* can shoot It from the boaaetor, Tbe Point Pleasant Beacon tells of a clergy You can shout it from the steeple, man whose Sunday evening topic was “ How Bnt If yoa shout it throngh the newspaper Spain can avert rum from the history of E!:xah_' With ?. A. North A Co., ISM Chestnut Street, H e beard by far more people. Who was Elisah, I wonder, why to her history Philadelphia, desires to latte* the people of threatened with rain, and why should Spain Oeeea eonaty and rietaitj that he ts a«am at with about all on her hands that one foortbdtes country can attend to—be anxious to Tbe Beet Salve la the world for cats, brakes, R ep airin g: and O rg a n sores, steers, emit rheum, fever sores, la save Elizah’s history from ruin ? •happed bands. cktSdaisx, eerss aad a!! W o r k a Sp ecialty. eruption*, and potetivelj eeree piles or mo pay Be eere you are right then go ahead, reamed, h m gaaraaleed to give sattofoerina or money r e iu o e i. Fries * seals per has. E. B. IRONS, care job get Hood’s Sarsaparilla, aad not * For eats by C. 1 . Msthis. cheap and worthless substitute. I h t o t ttfvcr, XL 4 , iM k k a i Armies la m . A. C Thomas et Marysville,Tex as, has more rateable discovery thoa hoe yet been made In the Klondike. For yean he suffered an told agony from eon— by hemmorrheges; aad i by I>r Dr, King King'ss ?New Dtoor onugwe n s cotes, I yoar address to fl. E. Bacxlen A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.Ktog's New Life Pills. A trial wfll convince yoa of These puis are cosy to aetkm aal are partlcelarlf effective to tbs care of stlpoUoa and etek headache. Per malari liver troc hlea they have been proved tarataoMe. They are gearanteed to he perfectly free from i If b e every ictolerioes eabetaeee and to be ynrety Ban a bottle. __ __________________ th re a t aad leeg >8act*oris w # poebirely r*«eS r a n ^ c . They fc n o t weakenbftb*teft£S*>s by Dr. King's New Dtwnen y for enasamfdlBa. bet by gtvieg tens to the eSemaeh an* bowels tv m l beWas free e t a B. Mamie A Co’s Drag ianrs- Renter u se 89 cia. nod •». Saaroa E & s r a s r r r - a i s ' T S fond to care ------ * — ------- eveee bard work restored her te N ew Je rse y C ourier, O F FIC IA L PA PER OF OCEAN COUNTY P a k U i M *y N IV T J C I I I T C O U B IE B PU B L ISH IN G COMPANY. Probably the evil effects of war will be felt nowhere so much as along the Jersey shore. In th e first place the summer resorts will suffer if the war continues throughout the season, as it is too much to expect people to rtin any risk, however infinitessimal, after they onoo become assured that there is some risk along the Atlantic coast. Secondly there seems nothing for the coasting schooners to do but to find some fresh water creek and lay up. A modern four-masted schooner costa in the neighborhood of $50,000 and her owner or master must think twice before he puts her in the way of a Spanish war vessel o r pnvateer. A steamer might hope to escape, but the chances would be strongly against a sailing vessel. Still while the high rates will keep many of the schooners afloat, the coasting trade which means so much to our shore population is sure to suffer. MANILA ATTACK. Some Official* Think T here May lie No GnisngoL'.ent. AMATANZAS BOMBARDMENT For Eighteen Minutes Our Cruisers Shelled the City, ships, At a ran g e o f from 4,M0 to 7,000 yards. H ear Adm iral Sam pson, w hen asked if he was satisfied with th e result, said: "Yes, I am. I expected to be.” The h alf com pleted S panish e a rth w orks and b a tte ry w ere ap p a re n tly all ploughed up by th e shells. All the ships engaged showed excel len t m ark sm an sh ip th ro u g h o u t th e en gagem ent, a n d w hen th ey were firing a t the shortest ran g e n e arly every shell took effect. T h e fo rts w hich w ere bom barded were on a low lying point, a n d were considered m erely e a rth w orks. They did n o t m ake a good t a r get, yet when th e bJg g u n s were fired a t th e sh o rte st ra n g e p o rtio n s of the fo rt could De seen flying In th e a ir at every shot. the b ureau o f Inform ation f o r thia dangerous service—dangerous because In hie civilian drees he Is liable to be tre a te d a s a spy. He speaks S panish a n d know s Cuba, having w ritte n a hook on th e su b ject. M oreover, he ie an expert m a p m aker. L ieu ten an t R ow an left W a shington u nder In sta n t o rders on A pril 9. He w as directed to w a it here, p rep a re d to go to P o rto Rico or Cuba. As h e w ent '.o eastern C uba It Is Inferred t h a t a blow will be s tru c k there before one is stru ck a t P o rto Rico. HOME DYEING A P ictu re st Lest r ^ . SUPPOSE you are NOT rich; suppose your income IS small. This is no reason that your family should not be protected by Life Insurance. WAR NEWS OF THE WEEK. F irs t S h o t o f t h e W a r W a s F ire d by t h e N a sh v ille . W ashington, April 28.—On T h u rsd ay O flee, New Jersey courier B u lltin g. of last week th e fleet a t K ev W est PROBABLY SOME LOSS OF LIFE. T o m s R iv e r, O c e a n C o u n ty , N . J. COMMODORE DEWEY'S FLEET received o rders to prepare for a block ade of H a v a n a a n d other C uban ports, No M uss. No Trouble. (Oneoopy lyear....................... 99 00 L e a v e s Honor K o n g to C om pel th e Ca and the w ork of p reparation w as r a p None of Our Sailors Were Iujurod, Though TlK H fl.—«one copy e months.................. 1 p itu la tio n o r M a n ila . idly proceeded w ith. Shortly a f te r 6 (Onsoopy I months.................. London, April 28.—The H o n g Kong o’clock F rid a y m orning the fleet sailed Spanish Forts Made a Feeble Attem pt a t Subscriptions payable in advance. correspondent of The Tim es say s. Resistance-rSpanish Troopship Montser "T he Am erican fleet, headed by the away. There w as a wildly pa trio tic dem onstration In H av a n a T h u rsd ay ADVERTISING RATE8. rat Reported to Be at Cienfuegos—The flagship Olympia, sailed a t 2 o’clock y e ste rd ay a ftern o o n d irect fo r Manila. night, a n d G eneral Blanco m ad a a ToiKsisMT A D n ir a ia ia n .- T w e lv e lines Report of the Sailing of Spanish W ar one moo space,) 70 cents one insertion. Snob The B ritish c ru ise r Im m a rta ltte will speech to th e people pledging him self •ddillonal insertion, 96 cents. to lead them to victory or die Iq th e ships For North A tlantic Point* Ex follow the A m erican sq u ad ro n .” W R IT E B eau ties Oazdb.—One inch apace, f s.oo a year, The Hong K ong correspondent of atte m p t to repel th e Yankee invaders. tremely Improbable. •aoh additional inch,M.00. T he Dally Mall sa y s: “ United S tates The Holload su b m arine bo at h a d a Insurance Co. Oin ib a l Adyzmtibinu.—Onr rates will be Consul General W illiam s, a fte r sp en d highly successful official te s t in R a r ita n nude known apon sp W ashington, A pril 28.—The w a r s it in g the evening a sh o re w ith United bay. Hon. Jo h n W anam aker tendered o f A m e ric a either personally or by l< uation is su b sta n tia lly th is: The block | W A S H E S and D Y E S his services to th e governor of P e n n S ta te s Consul W lldm an, accom panied Lsoaii Adtiitibim its .—At rates allowed by ad in g squadron rem ain s passive before th e Am erican sq u ad ro n . T h irty in sylvania, ag re e in g to raise a regim ent. law . JOHN F . DRYHEN, P re sid e n t \ AT ONE OPERATION * H avana, with no p re s e n t purpose of Oimr-A*WOBDAsmTiaiuiNTB.—On local page W oodford, our m in iste r to LE9L 1E B. WARD, T ire P re s. EDGAR B. WARD, 2 d Vice P re s, a n d routine The man who shouted for wai so bom barding, or of d raw in g th e fire of su rg e n t leaders h e re w a n ted to a c General one cent a word tor each insertion. The popular com pany It, b u t Chief Aguinaldo goes Spain, left M adrid, th e Spanish g o v .. oaaladvertising scheme. FO HKEiT F. DHYIIEN, S e c re ta ry loudly will probably change his tune the shore batteries. The s tra te g ic p u r a s their rep resentative. He will tak e ernm ent refu sin g to accejff P re sid e n t Ab- v pose of effective blockade of the Cuban ch arg e of the In su rg en t forces a t M an M cKinley's u ltim atum and p resen tin g The Cleanest, Fastest D ye for In accordance with the United States Foetal when he sees his grocery bill this capital Is being accom plished to the e n H . Vs C O N O V E R , G e n . A g t T o m s R iv e r , N J . Mr. W oodford w ith passports. C harles ila. Adm iral Dewey h as Issued strict | Soiled o r F aded Shirt W aiBts, Lawe. all papere will be continued until ordered tire satisfaction o f th e au th o ritie s here. } B louses, R ibbons, Curtains, Undere topped. An order to stop the paper must be week. Flour has gone up $1.00 per There Is no indication th a t a p a rt of the ord ers th at no b a rb a ro u s o r inhum an Em ory Sm ith, of Philadelphia, w a s a p a c ts are to be p e rp e tra te d by th e in pointed p o stm a ste r general, succeeding aoeompanied with all arrearage, otherwise the barrel, with wheat ut $1.25 per bushel \ lin e n , e tc ., w hether Siikf Satin, fleet will bo w ith d ra wn fo r the purpose su rg en ts. Mr. Gary, a n d th e nom ination w as ■order will not be t wognited. 1 C otton or W ool. otocUon to and feed and grain following. Ail ul ■’■‘Hording a .),)))> The p rim ary object Is the c a p tu re of prom ptly conflririecf. north A tlantic ports. A s to th e r e th e Spanish fleet, w hich A dm iral D ew The w a r m easu re agreed upon by th e canned and salt meats, fresh meats, ports TOMS RIVF.R, N. J. » Sold in A l l Colors by Grocers and of the Im m inence of a n av al b a t ey th in k s m ore im p o rta n t th an c a p R epublican m ajo rity of the house w ays provisions of all kinds are on the raise. tle off the Philippine Islands, th e n av al tu rin g M anila. H e is determ ined to and m eans com m ittee last F r id a y p ro Druggists, o r mailed free Thursdaj Afternoon, April 28,1898 fo r IS cents; Sugar has jumped an £ cent per authorities here seriously d oubt p rev e n t preying upon A m erican ves vides fo r ta x e s on beer, wines, tobacco, w hether the S panish fleet will m ake a tress, THBMAYPOLB SOAP DEPOT, sels. R eaching M anila he will dem and snuffs and chew ing gum, a nd fo r a E n tered a t the Post Office a t Toms R iver pound. There is no real reason for stan d against the A m erican ships. Its capitu latio n w ith in h alf an h our of bond issue of $500,000,000. 127 Duane Street,-New York. as second-class m a il matter. I have the Jobbing Agency for the this advance, except th at the b ig T heir reason fo r th is belief is th a t h is arrival. H is m en are In the best M inister W oodford left M adrid la s t the Spanish fleet Is very Inferior In sp irits and excellent health . There F rid a y night. H is train w as a tta c k e d dealers have seized the war ai num ber and q u ality to th e A m erican h a v e been nine desertions, including b y a mob a t Valladolid, a nd several A peaco that for thirty-threo years force under Com modore Dewey. opportunity. six Chinamen, une Ita lia n and one Ger- w indows were broken by stones throw n. There Is no c e rta in ty th u t th ere will m un, during the fleet’s s ta y a t Hong B u t for the h a rd work of th e g u a rd s has blessed this country with proaperbe an engagem ent a t all in th e Imme K ong. E v ery p recau tio n h as been accom panying th e tra in Mr. W oodford ity, was broken last Thursday, when diate future, the m ain purpose of the m ude. The ships are cleaned and m ig h t have been killed. Before leaving expedition being to seize a n d hold some p ain ted for buttle, and th e general M adrid an a tte m p t was m ade to a rre s t the Spanish government gave Min suitable Spanish te rrito ry In th e P h il opinion Is th a t the fight in these w aters Mr. Moreno, Mr. Woodford’s secretary , ippines as a base of op eratio n s In will result In a n easy victory for w hich the m in ister prevented. ister Woodford bio passports and Congress Discusses the Bill For Asiatic w aters. I t Is possible t h a t th is A m erica. H er sh ip s c a rry 122 guns, as The first shot of the w a r w as fired notified him that amicable relations can be done w ithout a tta c k in g th e o ther a g a in st 96 or th ere a b o u ts in th e S p a n - ; off Key W est on F rid a y last, a nd it r e Meeting War at all, by seizing u su itab le p o rt on Ish fleet, SCHOONERS. sulted in th e ca p tu re of the Spanish between Spain and the United States some adjacent island, .w ith o u t fo rtifi "T he co-operation of the A m e ric a n ! steam sh ip B uena V entura, lum ber Asenath A Shaw, Morgan, arr Phlla apr 97 cations, th e sy m p ath y of whose Inhabwere at end. Woodford at once FIVE HUNDRED MILLIONS'ASKED, fleet w ith the rebels h as been kept a laden, by th e g u nboat N ashville. The A O Lyons. 8earn,Delaware Breakwater;«ld apr 91 Ita n ls are tow ards th e Insurgents. Adeline Townsend, Cranmer, arr N Y apr s tr ic t secret. The la tte r a w a it the a r Will give No word has come to th e d e p a rtm e n t riv al of the fleet, when M anila m ust prize w as towed to Key W est a n d h e r Bertha F Walker, Curtis, PMlajdd apr 93 for New and wish an agency in every town in Ocean county. left for France, bnt his truin on the crew of 28 were m ade prisoners of w ar. of th e arrival of the S panish troopship Bedford succum b. I t s defenses are in a , C a p ta in Sam pson, com m anding the agency to the first applicant that buys sample line of wheels. way was stoned, and but for the firm Democratic Leader Hailey Argues For an M ontserret u t Cienfuegos. T he of- soon Benj a Vanbrunt, Ourtls, arr Providence apr S3 w retched state. N o rth A tlan tic squadron, w as p ro Income Tax and Mr. Sayers Declares B Darke, Townsend, arr Savannah apr Write quick. ness of the Minister, his secretary m oted to th e ran k of re a r adm iral. Chauncey 23 That an Issue of Five Hundred Millions THE DECLARATION OF WAR. W . S . C R A N M E H , I t is understood, however, th a t th e Cassie F Bronson, Bennett, arr Brunswick apr 2fl would have been seized by the Span Would Be Excessive. Cranmer, Mathis, Bermuda Hundred; sld apr I t I’usHod T h ro u g h t h e H o u se W ith prom otion is to la s t only d u rin g his C O26 C E D A R B 0 N , N . JT. for N Y p rese n t service, and It is m ade to o u t u D is s e n tin g V o te . ish police ns a Spanish subject, and Chas B Leet, Uranmer, arr N Y apr 23 W ashington, April 28.—The general W ashington, April 26.—Congress yes avoid em b a rra ssm e n ts In the n e a r fu debate upon the ateasure fram ed by the Public Opinion. Dora Allison, Rose, arr 51 T apr 24 taken from the train. In startling w ays and m eans com m ittee to m eet SH E R IF F ’S SA f E. te rd a y form ally declared w ar to exist tu re. A p erm a n e n t prom otion w ould A Danenhower, Johnson passed B>>il Gate betw een the U nited S ta te s a n d Spain, ! "ju m p ” a n u m b er of deserving officers, Bvaapr SODO P apers In 1 for 2S Cents. 26 for Georgetown S C distinction was the peaceful journey the ex trao rd in ary expenditures of th e | | V VIRTUE OF A W H IT O F FI. FA.. w hich th e n av y departm ent w ishes to a n d the bill w as p ro m p tly signed by i Emma o Knowles, Rogers, arr Phila apr 97 w a r w ith Spain opened In the house You c»o feel the great pulse of the United I D issued out i f the Court of Chancery of the th e president; the sen ate passed the , avoid. F. A u g u stu s Scherm erhorn, of Kim City. FalkluBurg, arr Delaware Breakwater of New Jersey and to me directed I will sell of the Spanish Minister from Wash yesterday. I t will continue thro u g h apr 20 for Boston States by readirg Public Opinion, which quotes State at public veudue ou naval ap p ro p riatio n bill c a rry in g large i N ew York, presented to the g o v e rn t»day, and tom orrow a t 4 o’clock the K Blrdsall, Larnaon, *rr New London apr 9S opinions from Atlantic to Pueiflc on all Impori. am o u n ts of m oney for the Improve- ! m ent, w ith o u t com pensation, his m a g B ington to Toronto, where he still vote will be taken. T h ere wns a signal B H Weaver, Falklnburgh. pssseu Ilell Gate aprll MONDAY, May 2, 1898, 27 New Haven for Phi a m en t of our sea fig h tin g arm of the nificent and speedy steam y a c h t F re e ant questions- In no other way can yon be 8ta)8, looking after the work of Span absence of th e p artisan ran co r w hich Emma L Cottlngham, Phlla; eld apr 83 for Char come familiar with the sentiment of eveiy fed eral service; th e Hull a rm y reor- j Lance. At- the Hotel of Cowdrlck & Cook, ia the village h a s alw ays heretofore characterized leston Toma Hirer, in the County of Ocean and state ganizatio n bill w as passed by the sen- | A nother im p o rta n t event of F rid a y Kdwm It KlrK, Lowery, arr N Y apr 29 state and with the opinions of every faction in of debates on revenue m easures. Both ish spies in this country. New Jersey, between the hours of 12 m. and 6 a te and now goes to conference; Sec- ’ la s t w as th e issue by the governm ent Bdltb LOlcott, Warren,Phllfljsld apr 91 for Provi every ttate. President McKinley Senator Alb of BldeH, speaking through th e ir respective o’clock p. m , on said day the following described dence real estate ro ta ry Sherm an resigned a s chief of of a n Identical note to foreign g o v e rn Sampson's Key West squadron a t leaders, M essrs. Dlngley arid Halley, ion, Senator Hanna, Hon Wm. J Bryan, T ie <i Hamilton, Tilton, arr Portland apr 19 m en ts an n o u n cin g the blockade of H a th e sta te d ep artm en t, to be succeeded All those certain lots of land situate In tbe in th e necessity w hich e x is t Governor of Canada and the Spanish Legation Township of Brick, lu the County of Ocean, and once proceeded to Havana and in- concurred by A ssistant S ecretary Day, and the , v a n a a n d o th er ports. The note also FA T Lupton, Longstreet, arr Portland apr 24 ed for im m ediate raisin g of hundreds of New Jer«ey, being lots numbered six (6), la tte r by Jo h n B. Moore, of New York, i d eclares th a t th is governm ent will not George R Vreeland, arr N Y apr 26 for New Lon at Washington are among the recent subscribers Stat* of m illions to prosecute th e war, but seven (7), ten (10), and eleven (il), block two (2) ▼ostod the principal ports of Cuba in don; passed bell Gate 27 for Public Opluion. They want it because it section A, ou a plan of lots of the said Bay bead tin acknowledged a u th o rity on Interna re so rt to privateering. th e opposing doctrines w hich they held Seymour, Holmes, Rsedy Island; passed gives the public opinion of the United 8lales Land Company, duly filed in ih Clerk’s office of The cam p on C hlckam agua b a ttle Grace tional law, a n d th e w a r departm ent blockade. As a result, half n dozen clashed on the first acco u n t over the down apr 26 for Providence the county of Ocean aforesaid. Bounded and de called on several s ta te s for th eir quota field Is rapidly filling up w ith troops of George Bailey, Curtis. Providenn ; sid aprtm for Doubtless you will conclude to send us ‘25 cents scribed m ethods by which the revenue should as follows, to wii: Newport News fine prizes have been made of Spanish be raised. to the volunteer a rm y of th e United th e reg u la r arm y. The cam p h a s been number b Ix (6) ultuate on the westerly side D Huchanau, Green, Phlla; old apr 92 for for a 3 months subscription. Paper will hi ofLot East avenue, fronting or in wldtli fifty feet (66) by Com m anding G eneral Gracia S tates. These m ake up the im portant I nam ed Portland The section providing for $500,000,000 stopped at the expiration of this time. Regu on Halit East avenue, aud extending back In a steamers laden with stores, besides ev en ts of the day. Brooke cam p George H. T hom as. The Grace Van DuBen, Leek, N Y;sld apr 27 for Va o f bonds becam e the ta rg e t of the lar subscription price, #‘2 50 per year, sample westerly direction Hie same width,by and between SECRETARY O F STA TE DAY, The bill declarin g w ar went through rep o rt th a t F ltz h u g h Lee Is to be m ade Howard A Hunt, steelman arr N Y apr 22 lot number seven (7) on the northerly side, and a Dem ocratic a n d Populistic opposition, flclals are inclined to believe th a t ff numerous smaller craft. eopie* free. ten feet alley ou the southerly side thereof, one and Mr. Halley, In an h o u r’s speech, she has gotten In th a t p o rt she did so th e house w ithout a dissenting vote, a m ajo r general of volunteers Is hailed Howard U Hauscom, Reedy Island; passed apr Sfl hundred feet to the reur line of lot number five w ith o u t a roll call a n d w ithout a word I w ith delig h t by the soldiers a n d by Henry 8 Little, Bailey, Newport News; sld apr 26 Havana, Mntanzas, Cienfuegos and argued for an Income lux, w hich would fl C lu rc’s (6) on same block with the free and common use for Providence before the blockade o f * lonfuegos had of debate. There w as no excitem ent, citizens generally. of said alley. raise 1100,000,000 u yeur, th e coinage begun. The press d isp a tc h s ta te d th a t Hattie V Kelsey, Kulon, arr New Haven apr 23 At a moment when war and all its appliances the principal ports of Cuba are tightly of Lot Number Seven (7). Situate on the westerly no cavil, no word o r question. It was | The ev en ts of S a turday a nd S u n d a y H A J Blenderman, arr Boston apr 92 the silver seigniorage and the issue she carried 1,000 soldiers, $500,000 in and aspects have an especial Interest, no doubt side of East avenue, fronting or In width fifty feet only In the great cheer th a t w ent up la s t w ere th e c ap tu re of several S p a n John M Brown, Holmes. N Y; sld apr 27 for Va closed. Communication has been of 158,000,000 o f legal ten d e r noios as specie nnd IS big guns. (50) on said ea»-t avenue, aud extending back In a from floor ami galleries when Speaker ish m erch an t vessels by the fleet now los .1 Pharo, Taylor, N Y; sld apr 27 for Va the first thing turned to in McClure's Magazine westerly direction the same width by and between an a lte rn a tiv e proposition. Mr. D ln g The very fact th a t th e M adrid of Heed announced its passage th a t the blockading H a v a n a . The vessels c a p J J Little, Matthews, Bangor; sld for N Y apr 27 for Mav will be Rcdyard Kipling’s poem on the lot number ten (10) on the northerly side and lot opened with Gomez W hether or ley declared th a t it w as alm ost in ficials have ra ih e r o ste n ta tio u sly de trem endous Im port of th e act and the : tu red w ere the steam er Pedro, b y the James Parker, ar, Anderson,arr Port Reading N J torpedo. In a recent statement by Lieut G E. humoer six (6) on the southerly side thereof, one credible th a t a n y one could seriously apr 27 " hundred feet to the rear line of lot number eight not troops will be landod in Cuba propose in such a crisis th a t the gov clared th at the S p an ish licet h as sailed suppressed en th u siasm behind It w as cru iser New York; the schooner M a108 Hoj Armstrong that “ the torpedo hat brought into (8) ou same block. to bom bard the cities on the n o rth A t shown. In th e se n ate a d ebate w as thllde, by th e torpedo boat P o rte r; the for Ph.._ Lot Number Ten (10) situate on the westerly daring the rainy season is an open ernm ent should rely for fu n d s upon the lantic coast is tak en ns a certain Jndl- precipitated on an am endm ent offered ste a m er C atalina, bv the c ru ise r D e John B Manning, Sprague, Norfolk; aid apr 96 for the navy a fresh zest, a new romance, and side of East avenue, fronting or In width fifty feet proceeds of an o th er law su it over a cnflon nt the navy d e p a rtm e n t of th e Boston possibilities more brilliant than were existent (5o) on said East uveuue, and extending back In a westerly direction the same width by and between question. proposition which the suprem e co u rt u tte r im probability o f such a m ove by Mr. Turple recognizing the belllger- ; troit, and th e ste a m er Miguel Jover, by 1 dolmen Blrdsall, Blrdsall, arr N Y upr 95 before its adoption," Mr. Kipling has found an lot number eleven (11) on the northerly side and B Vaniniscn, arr N Y apr 9ft had already decided a g a in s t the go v ment. If this were contem plated th e e n t rights o f th e Insurgents. The : the gunboat H elena. All were tow ed to J•J O Clifford, Mills, arr Norfolk apr 23 Idea of just the sort he loves, and developed lot number seven (7) on the southerly side there am endm ent w as defeated, 24 to 38. The K ey W est, th e schooner M athllde b e Up till yesterday it was a peaoeful ernm ent. M Harlow, Soper, air N Y apr 23 of,one hundred feet to the rear line of lot number Spanish officials would be th e v ery last bill declares th a t w a r h as existed since ing taken to th a t place by the n e w s JJohn thereon a poem In his noblest manner. nine (9) ou same block. H Platt, Freuch, arr Brunswick apr 2 1 , Mr, Sayers, of Texas, th e ran k in g to m ake their purpose public. blockade, bnt yesterday Admiral m em April 21. paper d ispatch boat D auntless, f o rm a l James O Beecher, Smith,Brunswick; aid apr 93 for Lot Number Eleven (il). Situate onthewesterber of the appropriations com m it N Y In the war d e p a rtm e n t th ere Is a ly side of East avenue, fronting or in width thirty Peaceful News. ly notfed as a filibustering steam er. A n John J Ward, Wllbeit, Reedy Island; passed up tee, devoted his tim e to un a rg u m e n t Sampson destroyed the batteries at feet (8o) on said East avenue, and extending back growing belief th a t the cam paign in TERROR’S RICH PRIZE. exciting incident for the m en of th e apr 22 v While patriotism sbou’d be the main object lu a westerly direction by and ootween lot num to dem o n strate th a t th e m onev to be Cuba will hot be In lull sw ing before fleet was a ch ase a fte r the Ita lia n m an- Jennie O May, Pearce, arr N Y apr 27 ten (to), on the southerly side, and In a north Matanzas by fire from the New York, raised by th e bill was excessive, and next fall, when th e rain y seam, of every American citizen, yet business must ber westerly direction by lands of the Bay Bead h as A V n lliab le ( uriro o f H nim unsnnd W tno of-w ar G iovanna Bausan, which a ll b e Kate B Ogden, Wilbert, arr Provl lence apr 24 would brood reck less proiligacy. The be kept In line and t'^divert your mind read Junction Company, on the northerly side thereof, and $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 lu Cash. Puritan and Cincinnati. The batteries expenses of the civil w ar, In 1S64, w hen ended. That belief, however, ha not lieved to be a Spanish w arship. T he oneliuudied feet to the rear line of lot number Key West. Anrll 28.—Still ano th er Lyman M Law, Blake, arr Providence apr 98 the advertising column of the Stelnbach Com prevented the officers whose d u ty it Is sailors were e lated over the prospect twelve (12) on same block. were silenced in 18 minutes w ithout th e governm ent m ain tain ed 2,000,000 to g et the troops to g eth er from pushing prize steam ed Into the h a rb o r y e s te r of a naval engagem ent, a nd w ere Lydia Middleton, Bunnell, N Y; sld apr 87 for V« pany which offers some good news for econom Seized as the property of George C Ormerod, m en In th e field and had four tim es as their work with the g rea te st energy. day. She w as th e Am brosto Bolivar, Mattie Newman. Loveland, arr Norfolk apr 26 et a t , defendants, and ta en Iq execution at the greatly disappointed when the I ta lia n m any ships us It has today, w ere only Brown, Osborn, Newport News;s.d apr 20 ical pocket books. a shot striking the vessels. suit of The Hay Head Land Company, complain T he state d e p a rtm e n t posted n notice a little Cuban coasting steam er, tak en vessel ru n up the S tars a nd S trip es Marjory for New Haver 11,100,000,000. In view of th is fact, he ant, and to be sold by by the m onitor T e rro r off Cardenas. In the meantime on Sunday Spain contended th a t to raise $690,000,000 to yesterday sta tin g It h ad been officially T h e Boliver looked like a toy b oat as and tired a re a r adm iral’s s a lu te in HOWARD JEFFREY, Sheriff. udvised of the issuance of n e u tra lity P. A. V. vanDokkn, Solicitor a rry on a w a r Insignificant In com orders by Italy, th e N etherlands, th e prize crew brought h er in, and h er honor of A dm iral Sam pson The re v e M A Tyler, Burden, atr N Y apr 93 Dated March Bi», 1S9S. (pr’a fee, $18 84]. issued a formal declaration of War. cparison m u st result In useless w aste Switzerland, Norw ay and Sweden, R u s c a p tu re by th e g re a t m onitor w as a nue c u tte r W inona captured the S p a n Maria PleraoD, Llpplncolt, Reedy Island; passed down apr 24 ish steam er S a tu rn tn a a t Ship Islan d , On Monday the President asked C on and extravagance. Matilda Brooks, Soper, N Y; cld apr 21 for Va sia and Colombia. To these should be curious sequel to th e achievem ent of Miss. The P o p u lists nil vigorously opposed (b e a t B ritain, a lth o u g h th e sta te th e Mangrove T uesday In tak in g a big W Craig, Lane, passed Hell Gate apr 26 for gress to do the same, and the declar the bond proposition. Mr. Dolllver, of added The S panish governm ent issued a d e Nellie Allyn’8 Point departm ent h as not yet been officially tra n sa tla n tic liner, the P anam a. Iowa, In by far the m ost notable advised of the fact. It is supposed, Hut the Juvenile Spaniard w as richer cree ut M adrid on the question of p r iv a N B Borrows. Lowery, arr N V apr 24 OTICE la hereby given that there will be a ation was made. speech of th e day, added to his r e p u ta also, th at the official notice of F ra n c e ’* th a n she looked, ns it w as learned when teering. The governm ent adopts p r iv a O 0 Brown, Brown, arr Boston apr 23 meeting of the Comity H o e ra ut Kxmiiiin fac t, b u t not in nam e. The inern of Ocean Couniy, for the Examination of The President lias called for 125, tion us a b rillian t o rator, l ie assailed neu trality will be received today, as a $ . 0,000 of silver specie w as found stored teering P T Barnuni, Blake, arr Phlla aprll 87 candidates for Teachers’ Certificates, In the Pub royal decree asfierts th a t Spain m a in Percy Blrdsall, Holmes, arr N Y apnl 83 th e position of the opposition In the aw ay in her, beside a valuable cargo of lic School House, loins River, on was agreed upon u t T u e s tain s her rig h t to have recourse to 000 troops, and they are nt once on early portion of his speech, b u t Its proclamation day’s cabinet council a t Paris. G er b a n a n as nnd 300 cask s of wine. She priv ateerin g "w hen we consider it e x P K Shultz, Lowery, Richmond; sld apr 97 for N Y F rid a y & S a tu rd a y , Way G a n d t , ISOS. p a rtisa n flavor disappeared to w ard the w as bound from P o rt Limon, Costa Holmes, Holmes, arr N Y apr 99 F. A. NORTH, hand. In States where the National close, and he aroused th e house and many and Austria* it is believed, will Rica, for H av a n a by w ay of Cardenas, pedient,” b u t "for the present only Rhoda Rob Roy, Parker, Savannah; sld apr 22 for Phlla County Superintendent. shortly declare n e u tra lity , while P o rtu auxiliary c ru isers will be fitted ou t." to cheers as, w ith eloquent gal's n eutrality will doubtless be d e w ith seven p assengers and a crew of 8 8 Thorpe, Pearce, Phlla; sld apr 91 for Boston G uard exists, the men were mobilized galleries words, lu- touched the high, unselfish clared today. ten. Needless to s a y the T erro r h ad no The decree gives Am erican vessels In Samuel U Sharp, In lower N Y bay apr 96 for Va Examination for Scholarship a t once. In New Jersey, her quota cause of h u m an ity in w hich the U ni difficulty in m ak in g the capture. One Spanish w aters 30 days in w hich to sunlight, Green, In lower N Y bay apr 26 for Va Secretary Sherm an retired finally tak e their d ep a rtu re , and ends w ith ted States had draw n th e sword, a n d Tuesday Moms Perot, N Y apr 27 for Va The Slate of New Jersey, by act of theLi from the position o tary blank shot sufficed to bring h er to, and saying th at foreign privateers will be TThomas of three regiments did not more than then m elted his uudlence to te a rs a s he of a Ward, Lyman, Norfolk; sid apr 26 tot lature, provides Free Scholarships In Hut state, and his successor Charleston confirm - C arp en ter L u th er D. M artin, w ith c regarded as pirates. College, New hrunswlck, N. J An eximina referred to the blowing up of th e a rty of m arines, was put aboard to Tena A Cotton, cranmer, arr Phlla apr 26 half exhaust the militia, the F irst, M aine a n d th e new com m onw ealth we ed In the person or Ju d g e Day. ........ for candidates f(.r admission will be held at T Jo h n bp rin It was officially announced last M on Thomas g her to Key W est. l James. Pearce, arr Norfolk apr 27 River, ou W e C a n F ill B assett Moore w as confirm ed on W ed day th at A ssistan t Secretary Roosevelt would ren r ns a m onum ent to g u a rd T Harris Kirn, Curtis, arr Norfolk apr 99 The m onitor T erro r on Sunday took Second and Third Regiments and sev S a tu rd a y , J u n e 4 , ISOS. Your shoe wants as they should be filled. We nesday us assista n t s e cre ta ry of state. th e m em ory of the un fo rg o tten dead. a little prize, news of which w as first will w ithdraw from the nav y d e p a rt Three Marys, Blrdsall. arr Norfolk apr 27 can give yeu any size, shape, color or style in at 9 a. m.. at which time ail Interested thoul footwear that you have ever seen In any place. The evening session w a s devoted to eral companies of the Sixth and Sev learned yesterday, th e S panish schoon m ent and ta k e th e field as lie u ten a n t Viking, Dothlday, arr N Y apr 22 present. For fu.iher information call on or We handle only the best of each grade and are Virginia Kulon, Leek, Thus; cld apr 28 for WickMATANZAS BOM BARDED. brief speeches by m em bers to Becure F. A. NORTH, e r Saco, with a carg o of su g ar. P a y colonel of a cav alry regim ent composed ford satisfied with a reasonable profit. Our every (lreus. enth to fill vacancies, will at once a s tim e at th e d ay session. m ainly of w estern cowboys. The colo ___ County Superintend New Aoi k . P u r ita n a n d C in c in n a ti m aste r Sampson a n d th ree m en were nel of th e reg im en t will be Dr. W ood, Wm H Bailey, Lane, passed HrilGate apr 26 for grade of shoes are such that we safely guarantee the se n ate yesterday Mr. Stew art, entire satisfaction or give you back your money p u t on board as a prize crew and o rd e r s h e ll I o n s F o r r.iu litc c ii M in u te s. Newport News semble a t Sea G irt camp, which iB ofInNevada, introduced th e following of the arm y. A ssistant S e c re ta ry W U Hllton, Horner, In lower N Y bay apr 26 for Off M atanzas. April 28.—The New ed to bring h er here. Roosevelt will join his com m and .in tw o resolution, for which he a sk ed Im m edi ready for them. Y«rk. th«' P u rita n a n d th e C incinnati a te consideration: or three weeks. Com m ander' J o h n AN EMISSARY IN CUBA. Admiral Dewey with his Asiatic "T h at th e secretary of w a r be, a n d Is bom barded the fo rts a t th e m outh of W ynne, a retire d naval officer, w as „ TtClt&fON, N J , April 11, 1893. G o v e rn o r S n u b b e d Tvansae M ilitia . Notice Is hereby given 'hat the Annual Meeting hereby directed, to fu rn ish the sen ate M atanzas harbor y e ste rd ay afternoon. L ie ten a n t R ow an Has Gout* to Con- appointed a prize comm issioner, w ith Topeka, K an., April 28.—Governor of the Stockholders of the Tuckerton Railroad There were no casu alties on our side, squadron is making a descent on with an estim a te of the a m o u n t of up h ead q u arters a t Key West, to a c t w ith L^edy took action y e ste rd ay which r,,i’ W ith ln*Mirg«>iitGeneral (.n rc ta , company for the election of nine directois In said but it is befievod th a t th e halt of Iron company, will be held at the office of It. A. Drake, Kingston, Ja m a ica . April 27.—F irst two others to be appointed as a com practically d isa rm s the s ta te national Manila in the Philiipines, and it is propriatlon necessary to arm , equip, which pounded in th e fo rts m ust have Ksq., 301 Market street, Camden, N. J., on subsist ami furnish w ith m u n itio n s of mission to ap p ra ise vessels a nd cargoes guard, a n d th ere is every indication L ieu ten an t Andrew S. Rowan, of the loss of fife to th e Spaniards, not believed that the Spanish there w a r the C uban arm y now a t w ar with caused T h u rsd ay , (lie 12th Day of May, N ineteenth United States in fan try , captured In th e w ar. The navy d e p a rt th a t K a n sa s will have no tro o p s ready f f Spain and such additions ns m av be though nothing is know n definitely. m ent purchased tw o more tugs for the next, at 12 o’clock, noon. The engagem ent com m enced a t 12:57 fender orders from th e w ar departm ent, au x iliary nav y John Jacob A stor, of for service outside the s ta te for sev can offer much resistance. The half- m ade th ereto from the people of Cuba, eral weeks, possibly a m onth. The TllEOPHILUS T. PRICE, w as landed on the Cuban coast som e Secretary. the S panish arm y shall be ex and ceased at 1:15. T he object of the w here west of Santiago, probably, b e New York, h as raised and equipped, governor ordered all arm y clo th in g and ■ubdned rebellion in these islands until pelled from the Island of Cuba, or until a tta c k w as to prev en t th e completion fore dawn on Monday. His C uban at his own expense, a b a tte ry of a r equipage to be sent to T opeka, R e w ltk •A .aO .tT .a* A t 10.00 orders o f of th e earthw orks a t P u n ta Gorda. A Celebrated Teas, Coffees, Huh In* Powth e next session of congress.” Mr. tillery, and will tra n sp o rt them to the cruiting offices will be opened th ro u g h has burst o u t afresh since the pros guides and an open sailboat were used. Stew art agreed th at th e resolution b attery on the e a stw a rd arm o f the T he guides have not returned. fro n t when the governm ent calls. It out the s ta te , the men will elect their ffer, Spleea and Extract*. G reat InduceSomething entirely new. Teas, pect of American assistance. In su r should go to the m ilitary a ffairs com bay opened fire on the flagship, and this L ieutenant R ow an is on his way to w as announced th a t the port of F o rt own com pany officers, and th e governor • • eeata and agwarde. Coffees, l o cents TCCKKKTON, N. J„ April 11, 1598. was also shelled. A bout 12 eight inch mittee. Monroe would be blockaded from s u n ' will appoint th e regim ental officers. Notice Is hereby giveu that the Annual Meeting and u pw ards. SPE C IA L TER M S TO rection is also said to be raising its shells were fired from the ea ste rn forts, th e cam p of General Calixto Garcia. set to sunrise each night. the Stockholders of the i uekerton and Long H e will represent th e w ar departm ent AttKN'TS ta gnt up elabn. Full p a rticu of IncrenatitK M arin o Insurance* H ates. but all fell short. A bout five o r six Beach Bunding, Laud and Improvem nt Associ T h a t S panish F le e t. On T uesday th e president issued a lars F ree. g, J„ bead in Porto Rico. in arran g in g for th e co-operation of the ation for the election of nine ire^tors la said New York, April 27.- M arine in su r shells were tired from th e h alf com in su rg en ts in the Invasion of eastern pro clam atio n laving down rules a s to M adrid, A pril 28.—It Is rep o rted hers company, win be held at the office of H. A Drake, THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., J i and JJ Vesey St., N. Y., P. O. Box 289. The United Staten has refused to ance rate s took an o th er Jum p y e ste r pleted battery. Two of these whizzed C uba by the forces of th e United th e seizure of prizes and giving S p a n from M adrid th a t the d estin atio n of the Esq , 3d Market street, Camden, N. J.. on day. B ritish companies hav e Increased over the New \i»rk, nnd one fell short. tates. The tim e a n d place of Invasion ish vessels in our ports until M ay 21 to Spanish fleet, which is said to have T h u rsd ay , th e 12th Day of Jlay, laasae letters of marque to priv th e rate s on Am erican b ottom s 50 per The ships left th e bay for the open sea. Swill be controlled by events and the ta k e th eir d ep a rtu re . Under the term s been at se a fo r some days, is unknow n next, at 12.00 o’clock p. m. cent. They now charge a prem ium of the object of discovering the w h ere ateers, bnt Spain has made a point lOt* per cen t fo r long voyages, nnd In abouts of the b a tte rie s h aving been a c c h a ra c te r of L ieu ten an t Row an's dis of th e p ro clam atio n it is elleved som e to anyone b u t the m inister of m arine THKOPHILU8 T. PRICE, patches. of th e ships alread y captured will be A dm iral B erm ejo. But, It is added Secretary. some cases as high as 5 p er cent for complished. In the neighborhood of Agent for o f retaining this privilege. L ieutenant Row an w as detailed from released. F ifty -fiv e young m en g r a d u news Is expected before long a t the tra n s a tla n tic voyages. T h is a d v an ce tn 300 shots were p u t on land from the Spanish c a p ita l of the bom bardm ent a te d from W est Point M ilitary a c a d Following the lead of England, the th e rates Is said to have been m ade on em y. a n d w ere a t once sent to W a s h of A m erican coast towns. I t is also Adjjurned Sheriff's Sale. account of th e uncertain position of HOOD’S PILLS c u r e Liver Ills , BID in g to n to be given comm ands. The said th a t th e Spanish n a v a l a u th o ri first to declare a strict neutrality, th e Spanish navy and of th e fa c t of iousnes* ties are satisfied th a t Spain c a n easily . I n d ig e s tio n , H e a d a c h e . rl ^ H E “ le of the property of James O. Gowd s te a m e r C ity of Paris, before rep o rted Spanish p riv at'-ers h av in g been r e E asy to a k e , e a s y t o o p e r a te . 2 5 c . ux"et als., taken in execo c a p tu re d by a Spanish vessel, w as force the blockade of Cuba w hen she Rntsia,Qermany, France,Austria and ported on th e coast of G reat B ritain . fnHhTh8^ 11 ofJSmm tr R. Wilis, W. BnrtU Hai passed by th e steam er M ajestic in l a t desires to do so. and Thomas T Wardell.Co amission-rs appolt Italy have issned neutrality procla itu d e 48.52 and longitude 29 06. The to complete the duties of William I James,Ja D ecoration Day a t G e tty sb u rg . New J e r s e y 's S ta te C am p R eady. s-ioards and Jacob Blrdsall, deceased, Comi T h ey C o n tin u ed t o S p r e a d rh S p ite torpedo boat Som ers w as forbidden to Trenton, A pril 28.—G overnor Voormations. The Anglo Saxon the world loners, who were appointed to divide the rea leave E n g lish w aters, owing to E n g P ersonal!y-f'onriurtot T o u r via Pennsyl A Life Saved. o f T r e a tm e n t b u t N o w T h ey a r e Bdwards, deceased, complaint taees late y esterd ay afternoon received stands adjourned until lan d 's declaratio n of neutrality. The over is entapoken is bis support of A telegram from n e p u ty Q u a rte rm a ster v ania R ailro ad in S M ! j» b n r f .t « r * y H ea led A W o n d erfu l W ork. Marvelous cures of throat and luug p assag e of S panish mall from th is Felton, a t Sea G irt, s ta tin g T H I K 'D tY , N ay 2 « , 1899, nn d W ashington. “ For many years I have been a great co u n try w as ordered stopped. the United State*. On the Conti General The affections are made daily by Dr. Bull’s th a t the s ta te camp g ro u n d s at th a t At the same time and place Memorial Dsy. Maj 30, aril! be a great day sufferer with varicose vein* on one of my F u e rst-B ism a rc k and Columbia w ere are In readiness fo r the reception Cough Syrar. Miss Annie Swan, r» , , , , ROWAK3 JEFFREY, She MOt,theRepublicans sympathize with place Dated Apnl 85,1S93. [p.’a tce |i.-W.] of troops. It is probable th a t M ajor at OeUjsbnrg Imposing ceremonies will ta lim bs. My foot and lim b became dread p u rch ased from th e H am burg-A m eriPetersburg, V a., writes: “My brother Tanks, Etc. the United States ; th e Monarchists G eneral Plante. the head of the N a performed on ibis historic spot tn which Pretl- fully swollen. W hen I stood up I could can line for th e a u x iliary navy People o f P o rto Rtco a re appealing to the U n i feel the blood ru sh in g down th e veins of was attacked by a bad cough and cold, dent \1 ( Killlet and LB Cabinet Are <z preted to tional G uard, will be placed in com TAKE NOTICE. Plum bing, Steam with Spain. Spain has made an ap m and. T he orders for th e regim ents take part th is Iimh. One day I accidentally hit my ted S ta te s for arm s and am m unition, aud it w as thought he had consump fitting, Wei! dril to proceed to Sea Girt will no t be Is ib«-personal.y-coiitfuc;ed tom of the t’tnr.- foot against some object and a sore broke * i l h a view of rising ag a in st S panish That aU persons are hereby forbiffden io unit tion. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was peal to the European powers (a p er sued until S atu rd ay , a n d possibly not ailvania Railroad to GtUvabnrtr. lursv and ou t wnich continued to spread and was m isrule. Five steam ers and a n u m b er ling a specialty. wary h. w aist, known and called t*y the name of of schooners and sm all craft h a v e been used, and to our great surprise it mads u n til Monday. ™ o u my account ms 1 shall PW sonal appeal from the Queen Regent) Washington, which leaves New York and Phila exceedingly p ainful. I concluded I c a p tu re d b y the Cuban blockading Also Dealer in Tin no debts of her contracting after thia date. delphia May 28, wtli ad *»d an excellent oppor needed a blood purifier and 1 began taking sq u ad ro n . T he u ttle lighthouse te n d e r him well and hearty. There is no ^. . . W. SCOTT JACKSON. zod Sheet Iron Ware 1Dated S p a n iard s D enied C itlK en sh lp . l a which she warns the rulers of April 27,1893. 4131 belter cure in the world than this New York. April 28—Tw o S p an iard s tunity lo Tbit the Union* bank field on tbta H o o d s Sarsajwriila. !n a sh o rt tim e M angrove on M onday night c a p tu re d Stoves, and Heaters, Europe that if they do not combine who had tak e n out th eir first p ap ers occasion. Two days wiil be spent at Gettys those dreadful sores which had caused the big tra n s a tla n tic liner P a n a m a , Syrup.*’ Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup Is Ranges.Cutlery, Glass And who applied for fu ll citizenship burg ore at Laray ai.d two at Washington m e so much suffering, began to heal. | c a rry in g 29 passengers and a cra w of 90 w a r e , Queeneware K E N T1 m * SON, PIANOS. to crush Americans now, their ta rn y esterd ay w ere denied final p apers The party wifi be uedvr t ie ga dance of one cf kept on faithfully w ith Hood’s Sarsapa 72. The P a n a m a carried a v alu ab le sold everywhere for 25 cents. H1G3 GRADE PIANO by W. T FT—t . RalK fe W u M z g t n Furniture,Tinrooflng. tinder section 2.171 of th e revised s t a t the conpicy s experienced tourist agent*. A rilla, and in a abort tim e my limb was cargo. Including a large q u a n tity of DIRECT rROM THE may be next. etc. All orders for utes, which reads in p a rt as follows: chaperon, whose cs*acini charge will be une«corn to provision the suffering S p a n fac to r y . b i r t h s new wotk, or repair "N o alien who Is a citizen o r subject, corted ladies, will accompany tfee triptbr. u .h - completely healed a n d th e sores gave me iards tn Cuba. M Day* F R E E Trial. no more pain. I cannot be too thankful QnRVteM for Tea Years J I t would H e n th a t th« G o.ern • r a denizen, o f any country, s ta te or oat. Ronrd-irip tickets, covering ad eece*?s>y ins,ea* tings or bricks F8EICKSON—A, Poici pjMMnt April IT, Do not pay fancy prices for your pianos sovereignty w ith which th e U nited i expense? dsrfcqr the retire time a^rn t. w 11 b fo r th e wonderful Work Hood’s Sarsapa for stoves, ranges, etc T o C a p tu re A m erican Y a c h ts. IS* 10 Mr, u d Sin. Kd.ird Errirtrei, t»lc Ante ns. send for catalogue. h E 9T & *O A K ent knew what it t u about when it S ta te s a re a t w ar, a t th e tim e of h is Jtold at the cxuemeij tow rate «f #2? from New rilla, has done for roe.” M r s . a . E. promptly London. April 28—According to a - - attended — — to. — Please give me a call Fla»D*»fc t u n u r . ffn m k ljn . It. 1 shall then b e ad m itted to York #20from Trenton, #24 trom Pkilade’pbis, G iiaox , Hart land, Vermont special d isp a tc h to The Daily M ail from kppaaated u Jaraernaan—Captain Application, b«come A citizen of the U nited S ta te s.’ a d proportionate r»t»» from other points. Cadiz th e new torpedo boat de stro y e r d e a t h s . tu r itineraries and fat! tcformation appH to Horaoa Eiaaer of Gape B ay county D estru cto r, accom panied by th re e t o r tleaet agents: Tourist Agent. 1196 Broadway,! M ain Street, T om i PiYer pedo boats, sailed yesterday for T a rifa ! Ol YATKAD —At Tnekertoe, April 1" ISH New York ; 78# Broad Street, Newark. N J ; i tbe “ IfOMoito Fleet/' F 11 ^ O r d e r s solicited by m ail and prompt at or Geo. W. Boyd Assistant General Pa*«enger fa the best—In fact the One True Bio,*} Purifier. fend Ceuta, p ro b ab ly to a tte m p t to c ap - i f u n * . OlrartfAd. .fe d 67 je*r* Agenl. l liisde phia. j ^ < A U OCEAN COUNTY tu r* A m erican y a c h ts in the M editer- ' GALE-Al In ch .rio t, April 17, IM t. Mrr.' tention g ire a , FIFTT-TW 0 ISSUES O F T I E Mood's » «*snv all fiver ills. 25 eeuts. ran ean . Kliu, widow of H u rp Otl«, hprd TO J a n _( I n r i M y B e a ts tfee C e a t-a -’ •W art« C 00 UIER FOR TW O 001U I S M m . I . PlRflher, E i l t e r u l l i n a i t r , MAYPOLE SOAP- The Prudential ANY COLOR, Bicycle Dealer s Look Here M ONARCH, SY R A C U SE, F E A T H E R S T O N E , W O R LD , THE MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN IM P E R IA L , CRANM ER MARINE NEWS. COUNTY VESSELS. Examination of Teachers N C.H.SHiNN, LAKEWOOD,N.J. N O T IC E . IE* SET FREE, Toilet Set, Watch, Lamp, Clock, and many other HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES N O T IC E . T h o m a s R o b e r ts Those Dreadful Sores The Aermotor Co.'s Steel Tower WIND MILLS $125j H fM Hood’s sT.m. BLUE FRONT STORE New Jersey Courier. TOMB RIVER, A. J. Thursday Afternoon, April 28, 1808. C e n t - a - W o r d C o lu m n As tto title indicates, Advt. are accepted tn thxs eolumn at the rate o f a cent a word f o r eaci <neertion Fifteen words or under, 15 cents. PARS—J a it Received a new lot at KIRK’S. S' OR BALK or Ren’—A farm of ao scree, lari* bouse and barn: cow houae and bog pen new. Good land: natural clover and cranberries. quire of MRS. ELLBN LEWIS, Cedar Creek. 80 F ix e d p a in t s , Lead, on, etc. Paint, whitewash and bath brushes. Muresco, for walls and (sellings. Picture mouldings, hook and cord. Window and door screens, springs, etc. Poultry and mosquito netting. Shovels, forks, hoes and rakes. Clover and g"*** sued*, fertilizers. Fence wire, postsrails and paling. Coal and wood. Baled hay Best quality. Lowes prices. 26 A. A. BRANT. M BREVITIES. Short Pithy Bite ot Homo Now*. Arbor day tomorrow. Foliage grows apace. Ia tbia the blossom storm ? Frost on Friday morning last. East winds and ralo stay with ua. Decoration Day la hot a month off. Rammer ontlngs are being plauned. A rainbow was seen on Suoday afternoon. InThe woo*] violet blooms by the upland road sides. There are 246 days yet to some in the year 1898. Yesterday was tbe birthday of General U. 8. Grant. “ Mickey ’’ now carries the malls Instead of " Pedot." The spinning top fever has seized upon the NRE8H BAY for sale; also Buckeye mowing school boy. ' machines. C. H. IRONS, Toms River, N. J . Temperature ranged from 32° on Friday to AR 1 WAR 1 WAR 1 All the news of the 79* on Saturday. day—War news, Congressional news, the evening papers served by The Sandy Hook boat route to New York WILLIAM C. DOXSBY. will open on May 16. BADOW8 FOR RBNT-Belenglng to the e Red, white and blue neckties are worn by tate of James 8. James. MRS. W. P. KIR patriotic young men. The blossoms have transformed fruit trees Into bowers of beaut/. Mrs. W. Bordet* Irons Is having her Main (ntereiting Talk of Your Frianda. street bouse repainted. Charles Forcanser has built au addition to bis Robbins street house Mrs. L M. Lane Is visiting relatives here. Freeholder Farker baa ordered a storm flag John B. Cornelius was down from Camden for the Court bouse pole. this week. The band paraded through town playing J . M. Reeves of Trenton, was one of last patriotic airs on Monday night. Friday's visitors. The Water Company Lbs decided that Us Mrs. George Mllllken has returned from a water rents shall begin with May 1st. visit to Manasquan. Wheelmen are hoping that the war scare Mrs. Maggie Shinn has been visiting her won’t hurt the good roads movement. mother at Otbornvllle. Tbe demand for morning and evening papers Mrs. Lewis Patterson Is a guest of her son, surpasses anything heretofore known, Lewis N. Patterson In Fnlladelpbla. A straw bat and a winter overcoat was a Mr. and Mrs. Barton Applegate of Lake- combination Beem one morning last week. wood, have been spending some days here. Mrs. Kessler la building additions to the Kes James A. Uullck of North Long Branch, has sler house, to be ready for summer guests. been visiting his mother, Mrs. Eunice Gnllck. The Monmouth Baptist Ministerial Confer Miss Claypoole of Tockaboe, has been vlslf- ence will meet at Holmdel on Tuesday, May 3d. ihg Mrs. 8. H. Hann a t the Methodist parson John Costello of Manchester, was n a tn ra age, ized by the Court of Common Pleas last week. Fred Birsch, son of Mrs. A, C. Hlrsch of this The son rises tomorrow al 5 02 and sets at town, Is a member of tbe 9th Reg. N. Q, N. Y., 8.52, makiDg the day 13 hours and 50 mluntes which was called ont Tuesday, long. TownehiP'Commitleeman John W. Salmons Arbutus (May pink, we prefer to call It) Is of Eagleswood (who is also principal of the almost gone. Pyxte was very ecarce this West Creek schools) was one of Saturday's spring. visitors. Some people evidently think spring fever a W M PERSONAL. NEW EOVPT. C. H. Horner, tbe polite and obliging agent of tho Union Transportation company, la at home taking a well earned reet and Henry Van Horn Is filling his place. What has become of the proposition for a county road between this place and Lakehnrst? Nothing wonld benefit tbe public in general more than ouch a road, well kept. War Is the all absorbing topic. Ou Sunday people were so anxious to get the news that a man was sent to Pemberton after papers. It really looks as If our people meant to brush np. Electric llgh’s, bouses painted, roads Improved and other maiked Improve ments seem to Indicate that we are waking up. The fact that the war Is said to be Interfer ing with tbe business a t the shore summer reBorts, is euconragiug our boarding house keepers to expect a more than usually succesful season. Tbe trustees of Melr's Hall met on Friday evening and oigauUul for tho coming year by electing T. C. Brown, chairman; J M. Thomp son, secretary, and appointing the following executive committee: Zenas II Bunting, Wm. Chambers, Wardell Uarker, J M. Thompson, W. 8. Chafey, W. 8. Johnson These trustees represent six secret societies who have rented the ball jointly. A treasurer will be chosen by the executive committee. A base ball association has been formed with William Chambers chairman and J.M.Thomp son secretary of the temporary organization. Road Supervisor James Larkin Is getting the roads In better shape. ISLAND HEIGHTS. J*ra. E A. Parsons, who Is suffering *.?t>m acute nervous prostration, was taken to Jer sey City for treatment by Dr Qulmby on Sat urday last. James Bryant and family of Philadelphia, are occupying their Bluff cottage Charles Uallock has his bicycle shop neatly painted and papered. Rev. G. K. Morris and his sister, Dr. Morris, have been visiting tbelr mother, who has been quite ill a t her home here, but is now recover ing. Mrs Korndoerfor aud F. F. Milne have been among the Island home guests. Clark Thompson Is completing his Ocean avenue cottage. John F. Tudor is at the Heights now. Rev. D. E Lyons has organized a choir at the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Trenton, arc guests of Alfred Wood. Captaia William Cox of Barnegat, has sold to J. M. Reeves of Trenton, a twenty five foot front Bluff lot. Mr. Reeves will move the cot tage which now stands on this lot to front on Camp Walk, and will move his own cottage to take Its place. THEWOMEN OF HOMER wholesome aad dtlleloua. Mrs. J. W. Lotts of Camden, oamo down last Tneiday aud expects to remain daring tha lumrncr. Mr# Thomas Chapalo of Jersey CUy, la visit ing hm- mother, Mrs. Julia A. Camburn. Joseph Sui Lih of Jersey CUy, haa been call Ing on his old frteuds hero. Andrew Jones Is mnuaKlug tho stove and tlo store at Uarmgut, which belonged to the late K C. Johnson. Appropriate Arbor Day exorcises will be held at the public school house next Friday afternoon. The new bicycles have increased iu numbers rapidly of late. Mrs. Amos Ridgway and Mrs Noah Headley are among tho many who have recently purchased handsome wheels. Both ladles rldu nicely. There are several agents located here, F. fl. E iy re represents tho Eagle, John Creby soils the King and Qieen and J, B Jones has the Baron. A heavy northeast storm is raging here, more like early March than April. “ Grim vlsaged w a r" with “ wrinkled front" is upon ua aud America expects overy man to do his duty. The record of Ocean couuty when our Nation was iu deadly peril was a most glorious one, and we kuow that in the present emergency old Ocean will not falter— her sons will stow the heroic spirit of their ____ ________ noble sites. T H E Y H AVE BEEN ADMIRED FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. j Helen, F u r W hom Trqjane a n d Greeks Slew Each O ther—Nauileam W hom Man kind Have Always Loved—H e re Are No Modern H eroines of Fiction. Hom er a n d th e women of H o m er are tho boat antidotes to the very ourloua and dis agreeable ladies who flutter fo r th o lr hour through th e circulating libraries. Unluck ily It la comm on for m odern studonta of literatu re never to look beyond tho novel whioh today ia and tomorrow Is sold for twoponcu In th o east end. Mr. P erry tries to reaall a tte n tio n to older a n d linporlshably b eau tifu l brides of ano io n t song in h is “ Woman of Hom er" (Bolnom ann). He need n o t have dallied in th o hortua slooas of G erm an oomuiontators o r delayed a reador by theories of a " P r im a ry Iliad" by a w riter w ho perhaps lived in Thessaly and took h is poem to Ionia, w here a num ber of literary persons added t© i t and al tered It an d , bo speak profanoly, “ faked” it. A ll tho professors, except th o provost of Oriel, agree th a t something of th is kind occurred. As th e charwoman said about Dickons, “ One couldn’t bolieve ono man pu t together ‘ Copperfleld, ’ " bo th e profess ors agree th a t ono man could not have composed th o “ Ilia d .” B ut ns to w ho did It and how m an y of them a n d when aud, above all, w hy th o profosBore do n o t agree. M eanwhile all the poets, oxeopt Coleridge have bellovcd In a single au th o r, and in this m atter poets are rather h o tter authorilioa than 'fcvlomoie. N either Is it neces sary for Mr. P e rry to assure ua th a t iloTner is not a w rite r In M. Z oia’s vein. If he were, h e w ould bo muoh m ore popular. Why should we be shocked w h en Hecuba, after Achilles has killed h er son Hector, says th a t silo could oat hla hoarfcP A lady In Shakespeare also expresses hor readiness to eat her enem y ’s “ heart In th e markot place.” Aa to wom en, there uovor w as so chiv alrous an a u th o r as Homer. l i e Is gentle oven to Clytern ra?stra, and H elen Is only rebuked by lierself. Sho Is, indood, so w inning in h e r beauty, her penitence and her charm th a t ovory reader, lik e the old mon in th e g ate of Troy, say, “ No won der th a t for such a wom an Grooks and T rojans slay each other.” Ilo m c r had u “ problem " in Helen. Why, w ith all her excellences did sho leave h er lo rd and her child, both of whom sho loved, to follow the beautiful, falso hoarted P aris? Tho gods are to blame, no doubt, b u t Homer docs no t go Into tho question. Aftor all tho blood shed for her sake wo leavo Helen happy a t Sp arta, pouring in to th e bowl the nepenthe whioh puts sorrow out of m ind and bestow ing a bridal g ift on tho w andering sou of Odyssous. T ho gift was a robe of curious neodlowork, “ shining like a sta r, a m em orial of th e hands of Holen.” So H om er leaves— Tho fnce th at launched a thousand ships And burned the topless towors of Uiam. Perhaps Penelcpe is m ean t fo r a con tra s t to Helen. She herself frequently re m arks th a t sho is not liko th a t sinner. To us Penelope’s attractio n is a m ystery. Sho Is faithful, indoed, but hor idea is to ex tra c t presents from her wooers. Hor posi tion, to bo sure, required diplom acy. With no protootor, she had to seo hor “ things” spoiled by th o untidy wooers and her property devoured. Sho w as n o t dovoid of sentim ent a n d is fond of to llin g us how she is w retched “ evon in hor dream s." There m u st have been so m eth in g in a woman for w hom Odysseus resigned im m ortality a n d a goddess for h is bride. But when Odysseus sot sail for Troy Penelope was a g irl, nowly wedded, a n d so hor im ago rem ained in the faithful h e a rt of hor w andering lord. To that h e a rt tho two goddosscs Circe and Calypso appealed in vain, In vain appealed the m aiden grnco and goodness of Nausicaa. We applaud Odyssous as m oralists, bu t in Ithaca ho may huvo dream ed of the Aeoan islo aud th e fuir haired goddess of m o rta l speech. With N ausicaa m ankind has been in love for sovorol thousands of yours. Ilomcr nover tolls u s w hether sho m arrie d or not, after m ak in g it plain th a t no ono was good enough for this m atchless maiden. Homer w as wiso, for oven ho could not havo draw n n hero in whoso worthiness m ankind could have acquiesced unless Odysseus oamo again. Goetho m eant to w rite a play ab o u t tho fair Phooacluu. It ended, “ N ausicaa in despair oum mits sui cide," after hearing th at Odysseus has u Wife a t home. Nausicaa is a fem ale Werthor and Odysseus a male C harlotte. I t Is hig h ly characteristic nf Homer th at, th ough oven more courteous to wo m en th an Shakespeare, ho w as perfectly well aw are of w hat could be said about th eir less am iable aspects. H u t he sot all a t down to th e account of th e goddesses. era is a shrow—there aro n o shrews among tho m ortal wornon, th o u g h Inci dentally wo h ear th a t thoir lo rd s stood in salutary awo o f them. There is, indood, ono “ n a tu ra lis tic " story of dom estic lifo whioh w ould s u it an emnnoipatod novelist (if he k new Greek) very woll, b u t it ap pears incidentally in tho story of Pbceuix. If Ilera is n shrew , Aphrodite is only too k in d and provokes what Mr. P erry calls “ tbe shameless avowal of H e rm e s,"a v e ry n atu ral m ot of tliut god iu tho circum stances. Aphrodite is not proper, bu t in tho hym n to h er sho Is extrem ely bewitch ing, while Porsephono in tho hymn to Demetor Is alm o st as winning ns Nausicaa. In the sam e hym n tho d au g h ters of tho k in g of Elousia are delightful girls, and their m eeting w ith tho goddess is a par allel to th o m ooting of E th n e and Fair and Fedeliu th e Ilosy w ith .St. Patrick, In the book of A rm agh Tho old Irish and the old Greek heroic ages moot here in the spirit of charm . Tho women who appear incidentally in Homer, the tired spinning woman, tho wom an weary w ith grinding a t the m ill, tho woman whose littlo daugh te r clings to h er skirts and Cries to bo car ried, are all worthy of tho ono hand th at drew, as only th a t hand could draw, tho stainless Androm ache, tho fairy Circu, tho kind and bravo Nausicaa anil tho win some Helen. Here are np neurotics nor erotics nor an y th in g at all w orthy of mod ern attention. So nobody a tte n d s to Ho m er.—A ndrew Lang in London News. sufficient disability to exempt them from war service. MANNAHAWKIN. A mock trial will be held by Magnolia Coun Men You Know W ho sire Likely to Have Edward Inman has moved from the Martin cil. J r O. U. A. M , on Monday evening of a H and in th e scrlm m n g o . house into his newly erected dwelling on next week. Stafford avenue. Company K Seventh Regiment, to which a The employes of t-he Pennsylvania railroad Master Eben Berry has just received an 1898 number of Lakewood boys belong, Is among company will don iheir summer uuiforuis on Stearns racer, which he iotends riding on the the troops called out by Governor Voorhees, Monday next. Tuckartou bicycle track this summer. Captain Frank A. Edwards, who for two Mrs. M. E. Jackson's collection of hyacinths j Captain Ephraim S. Lowery, master of the summers past has commanded Camp Stephen has called forth many remarks from passers-by three-masted schooner N. H. Burrows, arrived Girard at Beaumont, has left Girard College on Main street. home on Tuesday night, haviDg made a return to take command of bis troop in the First County Superintendent North has issued a trip from New York to Scotland,Va.,including Cavalry. sample program for Arbor Day and 6enl it to loadiog and discharging, in eight days. Edwin Kirk, Master Carpenter in the U.S. each school teacher. j The Interior of the Baptist parsonage is being Navy,and son of W.P.Klrk of (his town, is still A subscription paper Is being circulated by j thoroughly renovated, prior to the movlog In on land duty at Mares Islaud Navy Yard, San of the new pastor, Rev, Mr. Partridge of Phil Edward E Snyder tor the purchase of new Francisco, where there are yet a number of adelphia. instruments for the bind. vessels to be put in shape for duty. Mrs. Daniel Fielder and Miss Amanda Blake We’ll never know the outcome of tbe present Howard LI Newman, formerly of B&yville, of Port Republic, visited at Hoy. John W artt but more recently of Passaic, Is a member of war till Charlie Forcansor has a " dream " and mau’s this week. tbe 8econd Regiment, one of the three regi writes it out on paper. PhlDeaa Bishop, traveling salesman for the A Kansas paper chronicles births, marriages wholesale provision firm of Thomas Stokes & ments of New Jersey militia ordered out by Governor Voorhtcs iu response to tbe Presi aud deaths, under a heading: “ Hatched, Co.,New York,spent several days In town with Matched and Dispatched.” dent's call. relatives this week. Norman McClure is now employed at the Captain Collins 8. Hyers, a Toms River lad T h i s L o d g e la P a t r i o t i c . •ud brother of Captatn Lon Byers, commands Central Railroad depot, vice Lloyd Townsend, the tug Dewey, which has been chartered by who resigned to go away to school Ware council; No 198, J r, O. U, A M . has the New York Herald and Is with the block Postmaster Manolt boasts that in his nearly decided to keep up the dues of any of its mem ading squadron off Havana. Captaia Coll has four years of service, not a day hae gono by bers who enlist m the United States service. One of its number has gone into the Navy. sailed the Dewey since she was first launched. when be has not been at the office. Lieut. C. H. McLellan is Executive Officer Tbe worn out dirt on the road between the p riz e Money. ou board tbe Rovenue Cutler Manning. Tbe bridges Is being carted on Gowdy Island for The capture of 8panbh vessels by the Amer Manning is one of the latest of the cotters, and topsoil, and will be replaced by good gravel. ican navy naturally excites general cariosity is really of tbe gun boat class. She was Sued Boat builder Kirk expects to launch Captain out with torpedo tubes for any emergency Gale’s new yacht by the middle of next week. concerning the method of dividing the prize when built; and has been taking ou rapid fire Mr. Casbm&n's cat boat was launched some money realized. When a character in one of Captain Marry alt’s novels asked for Inform guns at the Norfolk Navy Yard for the past time ago, ation on this subject of another, who followed fortnight. Lieut McLellan has bis old crew April h is lived up to her reputation as a the sea aa a calling, he was told that the mon from tbe Letter Forward as a nucleus for tbe month of moods and fickleness, Ice and snow, ey was put up id a small meshed sieve, aud Manning’s complement. She will carry 100 rain aud blow, sunshine and showers, frosts wbat went through belonged to the sailor, men and flowers. -------------*«-♦»«-----------while th at which remained was kept by the With tbe exception of the few Lakewood officers. If tbe principle is adhered to In these Among Our Churches. lads who belong to a Monmouth county com Urn**,tbe meshes of tbe6ieve have,at least,been P r e sb y te ria n . pany, there are uo Ocean county boys In the enlarged, for under the law the able tolled sailor comes la for a good sum of money. Of Freaehlug 10 SO a.m , by the pastor, topic, National Guards. " Overcoming.’’ Arbor day services will be held In the school course, the lion’s share goes to tbe higher of Bdbbath-schocl and Bible class 1! 45 a ra tomorrow—little use however to plant trees m ficers and the National Government, but It is Juulor Christian Endeavor prayer meeting such a wilderness of rubbish as our High a very poor prize that does not realize euough to make the common sailor feel very rich when 12.45 p. m. School ground presents. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting 6.S6 p. Irying Clayton, formerly of While Oak Bot he pockets what comes to him Each member of the crew ot the Nashville, for instance, will m ; topic," Little ways ol bettering the world." tom, was brought down from Lakewood on likely receive about $5C0 as his share of tbe - P h il. 2:12-18; Matt 5:13-18 Saturday and was committed for sixty days by prize money resulting from the capture of the Preacblog 7 SOp. m. Topic,” Daniel preach 'Squire Low as drunk and disorderly. Buena|Ventura,lf it should be adjudged a prize, ing to the Klug.” An examination for a State scholarship at and this vessel Is only valued at about $500 000. Weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday at Rutgers College. New Brunswick, will be con When a ship of the enemy is taken It is con 7 M p .n i ducted a t the court house on Saturday, June demned by a prize court aud one balf of tbe PI re t B a p tla L 4th, by County Superintendent North. proceeds Is claimed by the Government. The Publle worship and sermon at 10.80 a. m., County Superintendent North announces that Admiral is the next largest beneficiary, for be followed by tbe ordinance of the Lord's supper. a meeting for the examination of teachers will is entitled to one-twentieth of the whole In Sunday-school at 12 o'clock. be held a t tbe Toms River public school ou the case of the Buena Venlnra, for Instance, Juulor C. E. prayer meeting at 3 p. m. he will receive some $35,000. Tbe Fleet Cap Young People’s Christian Endeavor prayer Friday and Saturday, May 6th and 7th. T. Stewart Applegate has sold his farm and tain’s share is is one-bundredth of the whole, meeting at 6 45 p. m., led by Miss Grace Apple except he is serving on the vessel which makes moved I d to bis town house at tbe corner of by ; topic, " Little ways of bettering the Main and Union streets. Mr. Horton, tbe pur the capture, in which case he receives an world "—Phil. 2:12 16; Matt. 5:13-18. amovnt In proportion to his pay « i ti the other Evening service at 7 SO; subject, "O ur chaser of tbe farm, has taken possession. attitude In tbe present war." Pastor Irwin at the Baptist church last Sun officers and men on board. Tbe balance, after these outside officers aud Prayer and covenant meeting Friday even day night preached from the topic " The ing at 7 30. doomed nation”—and there were no Spanish the United States baye thus been seryod, goes to the officers and crew of tbe ship making the sympathizers In tbe congregation, either! M ethodist episcopal. capture, provided It was made when no other Township Committeeman Tilton, whileh'ime war ahlp wa» around to give metal aid. ib 10 30. Sacrament of the Lord’s Sapper. from the North River shad fisheries Saturday, which case that craft also participates, unless, 12 00. Sunday school 3.00 Junior Lpworlh League. said that tbe fish were running fairly both In indeed, the captured boat be a defenceless K i d G lo v e s . 3.30. Probationer's services- AH probation size ar.d number, but tin t the prices ruled low. merchantman. If the division is made among I t is a consolation to tho th rifty woman ers In the church are requested by tbe pastor A northeast gale set in yesterday and raged the officers aud crew of one vessel, thret- th a t if tho suede evening glove is expen to meet In this service. All other Christians all last chrbt, with but little rain, tbe wind twentietba goes to the captain, and if under sive, it has a m ultitude of.uses. When it are also invited blowing at least 60 miles an hour. Tbie morn tbe command of the fleet oce-ti nib. All that Is past cleaning again, or hulf worn, tho 7-00 Epwortb League. ing tbe rain Increased and was mingled with is left, and it Is a good proportion, is divided tipper p a rt m akes an excellent polisher for cut glass, m irro rs or jewels a n d fashioned 7 30 Baptism and teception of probationers hall among the remainder of the officers and the in to irreg u lu rly shaped cases fo r silver In full membership. On Saturday last Sheriff Jeffrey took Joe crew In proportion to the pay of each. Ih e toilet articles keeps them from scratching C hrist (episcopal) Church. Reilly of Lakewood, to Trenton where ne will share of the common sailor is something more or tarn ish in g when not in use o r travel May let. Id Sunday after Easter Thus. ing. C ut Into lings the soft soedo makes serve out a term ot six months—tbe sole bit of than one-tblrd the share of an ensign Morning service at 10 SO. State prison grist turned ont by the April court It is not to wondered at If tha officers and capital receptacles for opera glasses, money Lined with silk a n d with a crews of tbe fleet blockading tbe ports of Luba o r jewelry Sunday-school at 2.90 mill. m onogram o r in itials etched on one side tn A wild but persistent rumor tb&t tbs Nsw are qnite satisfied to capture Spanish mer India ink o r merely outlined in glittering C M atla* Schooners Lay Up. York had sunk tbe Spanish cruiser Vizcaya, chantmen, and not iocllaed to neglect even a fiequins, these little bags are extremely Vessel owners report that many New Eng pretty and convenient afloat all Monday afternoon and evening fishing smack. —Philadelphia Ledger. land owners of coasting schooners are laying It was also current in New York and Phlladei Bcrifentr’i . them ap. Freights are ranch higher than they pbla. bat on one coaid tell where It started W asted Prettiness. Journalism has found in Jeeee Lynch Williams have been for the past three years, bat danger from. For a girl to be harm onious Is to pos a writer who can put its characters into fiction sess a qu ality often equal to prettiness, from Spanish warsbipa or privateers and the The ladies of the Methodist church will hold with serlon a purpose Generally a "newspap* r sometimes superior. There is a sort of fact that all the principal harbors of the coast their annual strawberry festival on May 5ih. are mined and can only be entered during day in Cowperthwait hall. An entertainment has story ’ ia simply the frame work for someth it g wasted prettiness. One discovers with surmelodramatic. treated flippantly or cynically. i prise after aw hile th at there are well cut light hoars, bare decided many of tbe owners been arranged and a dime tdmission will be •The New Reportar,” by Mr. Williams, de ■features in a face th at one w ould have doto lay by. Some of the Jersey fleet will do tbe ! scribed as Insignificant, perhaps because charged, in addition to which refreshments scribes a aeries of vivid lacidents, which make the h a ir is scanty and th e complexion will bs on sale. a reporter with a “ nose for news ” ont of a poor. Som etim es it is a way of banging Tbe 8atnrday Night Clnb on last Satnrday young college graduate- How tbe yoang man , tbe head th a t obscures the p retty locks, or CEDAR RUN. evening elected the following officers: Charles feeis about it, is the border of the story. This an aw kw ard carriage of th e chin. It, is Ceptaia F. W. Sprague visited home this K, Berrien, president j George W Becker, VlW U Cue O f a group sf n-T«p»pcr atnrira of which surprising bow much a graceful carriage president; Fred G Bunnell, secretary; George week. The 8tolen Story," in the last Fiction Nam. helps ou t a p retty fare. And an o th er sarprW ng th in g is the way - • ’’ate Creamer has returned home from a Wiasmach, treasurer; Owen B Shots, William her. waa the first. in which belief in oneself a n d cme'a at D. Britton, Fred F , Cbattin, Leopold Wlseprotracted visit abroad. tractions impresses Gibers w ith a similar L Ip y tM itt’i , One Stafford's Pride, two Cran mere, one maeh, trustees. faith. Lucky a re tbe girls w ho b e lie s in Monarch and one Progress bicycle left CraaAn agreement was reached on Monday be The complete novel in the May t«ne of tbemeel vea.—Exchange. » e r 't bicycle store this week. tween the Water Company and Township Upplneou's la "The recalled," by Pah!Laur Moth*. Commute, by which the former agreed ence Daubat. ib* colored poet- Though nnder ataud to be his first essay in extended fiction, it H «w 's T U s? to p a f the township fffSO in es City closets often become infested with moths to tb « ex ten t that a g arm en t that •ration of the committee's taking charge la an extremely strong and thoroathly readable We offer One Hundred Doner* Reward for M y eaee of catarrh th at cannot be eared by of and placing in shape tbe street#, relieving story. Tbe scene ia laid mainly in a small Ohio ’ may n o t be w orn for ten days o r tw o weeks even w ill receive tbe attention o f this Intown; the hero fa * yoath of tbe fenmblest the Water company of this work HaU'e catarrh care. origin, who Is forced into tbe ministry and | dustrlous in w e t If these— a n d the treat F . J. CHENEY Sc CO., Toledo, O. April la kardly the meath that meet people m ent applies to bureau draw ers and trunk! We. tbe undent***!, here known F. J. wc. Yi hla way oat of it. —are suojecteu lo an em ptying o f contents Cbcaey for the iast 15 yearn, end believe has would ekooee for camping, M t a party of Are •‘ No. 87,417 Colt." by George Brjdget Rod- and thoroughly freshened ou t a n d then are Perfectly honorable la ell fewlacea transaction! or six are roughing it ms the Sunken Branch, aad financially able to carry eat M y ohBga- near Use Pg M y ir n iis SaBroed They Hare a csy, rgermwss the ex,eriences of a m all party fum igated w ith burned erne**? ft will bs tiues m e d « by their firm. Wees A _ T t b * x , of Amcneaas in Caba daring a former insur found th a t tb e pests will soon b e extermi Wholesale Dreggwu. Toledo, O . ____ __ wagon •*wd for travel about the coon try and a rection Theodore Gallagher describes oaa nated o r a t least kept at bay. A shovel is Kinnan A Marvin. Wholesale DraggMa. Toledo. ■iont team of h arena, aad seem to he aa; Hen’s catarrh cure h when wseraolly.oosMr thrarrlT V wbeaerer they e s se into town for phase of a sery wild Western town is - The heated red b et a n d e«t In eczn* old tin pen directly upon the blood mad maccne earfleoee ElaeUoa at Caycae." Both are stirring tale* before it is carried to the closet, and tbe vinegar pooled upon i t T be steam and of the system. Price 75c- per buttle. S o li by fames p en etrate into every orach and c m aUdrnggls* TestimoeSak free. , --------to ♦!“ f m i diateetre v vffwl “ HalTe Fearily FOie are On heel. j P la c e t J o * f On the Roll of Honor. WARETOWN Royal makes the food pure, S POWDER A b so lu tely P u re ROYAL BAKINQPOWDER CO., NEW YORK. A HOMELY SERMON. Fine old world, my brotkorinl Try to bo content Evon when we can’t find out Tho way that leads to rout. Fine old world, my brothorin! Try to bo content. Fine old world, my brotherin, Spito o' all lta night I If you seo tho mornin skies, Thank God for tho light 1 Fine old world, my brotherin Spito o’ all its night I BEACH HAVEN. Tho Eogloside hotel property Is being put in shape for tho summer season by Banator Eugle Talk about its sorrows, All Its hopes an fears— Lots o’ things about it yefc All too sweet for tears! Sir tot lor jD) )| s sorrows, All its cares an fears., L iv e r Ills Lookin for the sunshine To stream across tho hills, Listonin for the music In tho ripple o’ the rills An l;opin that tho lovo o’ God Each day with blessin fills 1 —Atlanta Constitution Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood’s l’ills. They do their work Hood’s A R u ssian bride is nut subm itted to tho try in g ordeal of appearing in white satin and laco in cold, broad daylight. Tho w edding takes place by candlelight in the draw ing room. easily and thoroughly. ■ I ■ Best after dinner pills. I I I 25 cents. All druggists. ■ I I I Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 185© S p r in g M illin e r y L a t e s t Id e a s in spring hats L a t e s t D e s ig n s in decorating them, and L a t e s t T r im m in g s to make it all ell'ectiv It isn’t necessary to say anything about the skill and taste in hat trimming—You know that is to be found here. I & CO,. •W . CO W PERTHW AIT C . B. COW PERTHW AIT sc:A;r. ihe Jiboer and Store Keeper. . 2 : -.4r. i s : . , MEW YORKIITY ^ ( 5 p i F-H mS e ns s F R I E Z E l jH Q Tf. U l s t e r s ! e iv . lt . Largest Value cugr Offered. Our Great llnrcniu Offer! E5GY3’ A D O N IS S U IT S , Miulti . up do___ _ with Nuiior Collar—Colin omnroplrri'd — Hurd w i... ___ Black Albert Twill Baleen and I’nio it Waist Hands. Trimming and 'V orkmnnFhip tho ▼ >ry best, tee fur $ « w Id la IS yrnrv, without JU ST TH IN K OF IT f A CUSTOM M AD E TO O R D E R M AN’S 1 4 . 0 0 SACK 8UIT| ^ $ 8 . 9 3 W hat you can save by buying direct from the manufacturer. Guaranteed to he m ade from All w W ool, Fancy Brown, G r a y , Black or Blue Tw ee I, made in lalest sly'e, lined w ith Imported Fann er Satin, trimmed and finished in the best of Custom Tai'or manner. Y o u cannot dupli-ate it iu yuur tow n for $14.00. Sizes 34 to 42. T h e same goods made for Youth s. 11 to 18, in lo ng Pent*, 11 flrt Coat end Ve t ............................... W.UU How to measure men's a youth's Suits: Measure around th e breast and w aist '•'ver the Vest, end from crotch to heel for Pants. W hen ordering, send Post-Office Fxpress money order o r Registered Letters. Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory. Send 2C. stam p for iples, tape measure, measuring blanks, etc. _______3 A 2c. stamp w iii 1 bring you r. ample*, * 2 ^ te •* g « 1 jj 15 New Hardware Store rJT o ] V ly F r i e i i d N m i d P u b l i c The undersigned respectfully informs his patrons and pub lic in general that he has connected with his carpet busi ness, a Complete line of Builder’s Hardware, Carpenter’s Tools, Wood and Willowware, Paint, Brushes and a large variety of Household Articles, etc. Best Manilla, Tarred and Cotton Hopes of all sizes. Blocks, bolts and Every thing pertaining to the outfit of a yacht. It shall he my aim as in former yeais to sell nothing but the best goods at the lowest possible prices. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same in the future, I re remain Respectfully yours, L E O P O L D PEACEFUL HEWS While m r news is occupying the mindi of erery one in thie ootmtry, to divert your m ind,here some peecefol newe to tell yon. Owing to the W ar bo.u e there n iturally is come etegnetion among the mennftetnren end wholesale houses, we have in oonteqnenna thereof been abie to eeeure some very gveat bargains in onr several linns, end some very spec ial ones, which we will have lot your inspeotion this S atu rday , A pril 30™ Clothing ie t h e m uet important, having made e large pnreheae, namely Men's fancy plaid oheviot Baits, all wool 7.48 wm 9.48 Men's imported mixed oheviot Baits all wool 8.98 wm 11.48 8.9* wm 1998 Men^s fancy scotch overplaid uheviot suits all wool Men’s brown plaid Cheviot suits all wool 8 98 wm 11.48. Men's nobby lig h t plaid oassimer suits ail wool 8.98 wm 12.48 Men's plaid Sawyer French fancies anits all wool 8.98 wm 18.98 Men’s blaok diagonal coat and veBt ail wool 6.98 wm 9.48 A lot children sizes 4 to 7 years your choice 2.48 worth 4.B0 Dress Goods and Silks Come Next. 25 50 50 25 22o w m 89o 89a wm 19a 45a wm 89o 45o wm 89o 10 pieces 26-:nch colored .Tupaneso silk 10 pieces changeable Taffeita, delicate effects 10 pieces fanoy strip e Taffetta 21 inch black satin Marvelent 48o wm C9o 76ewM95e (9o wm 9Se 75c wm 95e WASH GOODS. 60 ohnp 16c 8c ohup 15e 80 cheap 15e 10.000 yards fancy figured corded dimities 10.000 yards fine figured corded dimities 30.000 yards fine figured organdies Carpets, Mattings and Furniture. Ooe of the steam ers coming from Ohina with a cargo of m atting had the same slightly damaged, the owner and insurance co. disagreed, forced this large consignment on the market. N ote the prices: CARPETS. 25 eheap 86 48 cheap 60 75 oheap 1.00 8.98 cheap 6.00 5 50 cheap 7.60 6.98 oheap 8.50 A heavy ingrain carpet All wool ingrain carpets A large line of M oquette carpets 100 rolls m attin g 40 yards 50 rolls fine Chinese matting, 40 yards 50 rolls ootton w arp matting, 40 yards FURNITURE. cheap4.98 cheap12.48 oheap15.00 12.50 cheap18.00 13,50 cheap20.00 75 oheap 00.98 1.00 cheep 1.89 4.50 cheap 6.98 2.50 cheap 8 98 8.48 cheap 10.98 60 6-foot antique oak extension tables 100 combination suits 100 antique oak bed room suits Highly polished antique oak bedroom suits L arge glasses antique oak bedroom suits 18 inch { oak parlo r table 24-inch f oak p arlor table’ 50 chiffonier* Enamelled iron bedsteadp, fall sizes Antique oak sideboards 3.69 9.39 11.90 HOUSE FURNISHING. 10.000 felt window shades complete 10.000 rolls wall paper, doable rolls 100 ohamber suits, decorated, 10 pieces 10.000 pieces of white and colored table oil cloth 1000 pieces shelf oil cloth Short uair m attress, 40 pounds S. A. hair m attress, 40 pounds F ibre m attress Husk m attress M attresses m ade to look like new 7 cents 6 cents 1.48 cheap 1.98 14 cheap 20 2 oheap 05 5.48 cheap 7.25 11.48 oheap15.00 3.46 oheap 5.00 2.98 oheap 4.00 1.25 THE STEIMCH COMPANY, COOK ft AN AYR. A N D M A IN I T . COOK MAN A YR. A N D E I O I 1 S T . B R IG H T O N A Y E . W E S T EN D . W IN S M A O H , IN S U R A N C E In Reliable Companies REAL E ST A T E In All Its Branches COTTAGES To Rent, Furnished and Unfurnished If you want to rent your house, place it with us G E O . H. H O L M A N N o. 11 Washington Street, Toms River ‘A H A N D F U L O F D I R T M A Y B E A H O U S E ^ FUL O F S H A M E ” K E E P Y O U R H O U S E C L E A N W IT H SAPOLJO PPWADn to *ny for first Information of a » r v r V * -' vaemney tor . Bookkeeper, Stenof rapher, Clerk or Telegraph Operator which wo succeed In filling. Wo not only train for practical work but always secure situations for w orthy graduates of our Business and Shorthand Departments. If joe a r c seeking employment and willing to study, send tea two-oeat stamps for five easy lessons (by mail) in shorthand to New York or the Doubtless that wo fun a China Store—and so wo do. You havo been in our front store to see the China, now come back to the rear store and you’ll be surprised at the variety and cheapness of our Household Goods—evorthing from a Tea-Strainer to a Clothes-Hamper, Tinware. Glassware, Stoneware, Novel ties—lots of 5c and 10c articles. Also Silverware. No dead stock—nothing kept as a side issue. Our capital is in these goods and we MUST keep them moving. That accounts tor our low prices—because we must ells goods. t l LIIMl tl'NevYeHu The most celebrated practical schools ia America. Busineaa, Short* hand, Typewriting, Penmanship, ^Telegraphy and Preparatory Depart risents. Business men everywhere indorse these schools. Refer to Bank* e rs, Merchants and prominent patrons all over the world. 8uporior la* ht ruction. The best mechanical equipment. Grounds for athletic#. Board and other expenses moderate. No vacations. Students may enter at any time. Beautiful catalogue mailed on request. Address (mmtamthie paper), CLEMENT C. GAINES, President Poughkeepsie. N. Y. YOU THINK Grover & Irons B u s in c s * In s t it u t e N o . l O W n l e r N t . , T o m g Iff I v o r , I V . . T . P. S. IRONS, Manager pieces colored granite cloth all wool pieces dress goods fancy mlxtnree all wool pieces dress goods silk and wool mi -tores pieces ladies oloth 51 inch all wool BILES.. On account o f the failure o f one o 1 t’ i largest Commission Houses here, repre si-ntiug a Woolen Mill in Ireland, wt Fought last Spring the entire production of tl eir g>ay and black Irish Frieze o f 6.000 pieces nt .1 sacrifice. Therefore we are able to s. 11 them at the above, le s t th a n ( lie r a w m a te r ia l p ric e , $ 1 0 .7 $ , n e v e r b e f o r e in the history of clothing and propable n e v e r a g a i n w ill you have a chance to get h a lf such a value for youi m oney. Above price is less than thi new ta-lfTduty on the material. T hey arr made up double-breasted as per cut below, w ith raised seams lined througho.t with extra heavy w oven plaid linings, pinked facings, all pockets framed and Well stayed w ith extra deep storm collar and throat latch. Above U lsters are retailed at $22.00 after these are closed ou t w e w ill not be a b l e lo duplicate them for double the TM l price on account o f _. , the new tariff d u ty . S t y ll Measure sam e as fo r a Sack Coat, g iv - ja ing length w anted, Jj a l s o h i g h t and s neasure and blank*. ---------------------We pay express barges and should y o u not feel satisfied e will refund the oney. Remember y o u b u y direct from one o f the largest C loth ing manufacturers in America. M H I n fact there are m any attractions in this sale such as you will not often find. Come aud see and you will surely n o t regret it. mom Mill to W earer, ivea y r.i ' f i'ro fits. * ■■0 i‘ GOOD HEWS T.E.LEECH,OF LEECH,STILES ftCB. r a i r iiu s s L r a u s t . e r e c u u m . m n H U F 0 I M E I L T W IT S Cowparthwiit Ixehugi,Toms R lw Wadn’day,HiyIlB,firoiii 10a.X B.tH I4p.m. Messrs. Pach Brothers Of 93.5 Bro*dw*y, New York, present their compiiosente and extend an urgent invitation to inspect their new Courier Bldg, Main st. L A K E W O O D STU D IO to whieh they bare iWroted the sxpwisae. of tto ty I v y i m . ■* their grwtMt effort ia iu apposnitMat a a ! I teatana are a “ ohef-.te .avre." PORTSAin IB (ly HMOagfOODy) IN Come, seo Tor yoarss M r. G. W. Pacfagrreapereonal atteBtio. to sit ten, ff’ttia fl by First Class Groceries At Prices that equal the Lowest Com petitors. ’98 Bicycles T h e C o ia m b ia » n ,i t b s C r e s c e n t— tb e t w o S U n d w rd W tw e li o f t e n s r ie * T he Central Store Courioi Building T f lC P D H A 7TT D ' T t v v / V L i \ 4 N . * us Advertising in the * » Brings the B E S T R D elicate Children T O X IE 1 V X B POST OFFICE, m a il s clous f o r N*w York tad point* aorta, 7.00 A. M. Ntw York tad til point* aorta of MaacUMttr t M A. M. 1.0ft tad o.*o p. M, Mkocheiter, Utjrllle, Cedar Creek, Forked River, Wtretown, point* between Manchester ta d Bridgeton, ft.ftft A. M. Philadelphia, W ttblngton, Southern __ Feetero slate*, point* between Tome River and Camden, laland Height*, Height*.'Tr Trenton and Southern Jersey TJOA. M. 1.40P.M. Point* between Seaside Park tad Point? a WhlNo|aaadTaokerton,and polnta between, 1.40 P.M. SUvertoa and Bnrrivlile 8.00 p. M. dally. Regiatered mail, A. M. RAILROAD TIM E TABLE8. SHERIFF'S SALE. Throngh Conehea t o Now York-K cdneed Y VIRTUE OP A W R IT ffP F I , FA., Bate*, 4|ulek T im e, w ith bnt one Issued out of the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, and to me directed 1 will • h a a f i of Cam , to Philadelphia. aell at public rendue on Time Table la effect April iff, lffffff. K TRAINS LBAVE TOMS HIVBK For NBW YORK, Rllaabeth and Newark, all rail, at and 10.10*. x „ 1.83 and r. m. Sundays 4.33 p. m. For BAKNKUAT, a t 9.10, 11.05 a. n., and 4.1B and l.oo r. n. Sunday* 18.40 a. in. For LAKEWOOD, MANCHESTER, RED D ana, etc., cm.., 7.13, i . io, 10.10, A. M. 1.83, and 8.60 P. W. BANK, Sundays 4.33 p. m. For BATONTOWN, EAST LONG BRANCH, etc^USandj^o.lO A. n.jj.83 and o.fifi r.u . Sun days (4.33 p. m. Eaton town only) For ATLANTIC CITY, GLa BSBORO, WIL. LIAMSTOWN,ete.,at 7.13 a . m. For VINELAND, BK1DGETUN, etc., Cumber land and Maurice River Branch, at 7.13 a. m. For PHILADELPHIA, via Winslow Junction at 7.13 A. M. RBTDRN1NG Leave NEW YORK, foot of rb erty St., N. R. via all rail, at 4.30 and s.80 a. m., l.sfi and 4.40 r.u. Sunday* lo.ifi a ..... Leave NEW YORK, South Ferry, Whitehall St 8.80 a. m., I 40,4.80 p. in. Sundays 10.00 a. in. Leave NEWARK, Broad Ht.. at 8.88 a. m., l.fce and 4.40 r. m. Sundays to.os a. »n. Leave PHILADELPHIA, FiertiSooth Wharves, Delaware River, at 8.oo a. m. and 4.1ft r. m. Le ave ATLANTIC CITY, at 8.10 a. m. 4.00 r. m. Leave RED BANK, at 6.46,9.66 a . m. and 8.07 and 840 r. m. Sundays 11.88 a. in. Leave EAST LONG BRANCH, at ft.88 ann 8.48 A. M., 3.13 and 0.80 r . M. Leave BATONTOWN. at 4.06 and lo.os a, m., 3.07 and 0.08 r, u. Sunday a 11.44 a. in. Leave LAKEWOOD, at 7.44 and 10.30 A. M. 8.40 and 4.88 r. m. Sundays 12.18 p. in. Leave MANCHESTER, at 8 oo and 10.00 a. k .. 4.00 and 4.44 r. m. Sundays 13.33 p. in. Leave BAltNEGAT. at e.40 ana 8.80 A.M., 18.00 and 0.90 r. m. Sundays e.oo p. m. J. H. OLHAUSBN. H. P. BALDWIN. Oen’l Supt, Uen'l Pass. Agt. MONDAY, May 9, 1898, At the Hotel of Cowditck A Cook, In the village ' Toms River, In the county of Ccean and State of New Jersey,between the hours of 17 u. and 6 o'clock -. m., ORsaid day the following deaenbed real estate: All the followlug described lot or piece of laud situate in the township of Stafford, county of Ccean and State of New Jersey and bounded and deacrlbed aa follows, viz.: Beginning at the distance of three hundred and fifty feet eaattrly from the Int'eraecllon of iho (southerly line of Glonoeater avenue with the easterly line of Railroad avenue aa delineated on a map or plan of Harvey Cedara, on file in the Clerk’* Oftlce of Ocean county; thence easterly along aald southerly Hue of Gloucester avenue fifty feet; thence southerly at right ung'cH to Gloucester avenue between parallel lines oxtend ing of that width one hundred feet. Being lot numbered thirteen In block one ax delineated on said plan. Containing a lot of land fifty feet in front or width by one hundred feet In length or depth and the stiue premises which the llurvey Cedars Beach Company by deed boarlug date the thirtieth day of June A. D. 1090, and recorded In Deeds, page 809, etc., granted and con veye i to the aald Hugh Boulton. Selxed as the property of Hugh Boulton, et ux., el al., defendants, and taken In execution at Hie suit of Emilia A. Parsons, complainant, and *> be sold by HOWARD JEFFREY, Sheriff. Gookok A. Vkoom, Solicitor. Duteil April 4,1893. [pr's feel, $8.88.| S H E R IF F ’S S A LE . K Y VIRTUE OF A W HIT OF F I. FA., Issued out of the Court of Chaucer Chancery of thn ai ‘ to mo directed, I will statei of New Jersey, and aell at public vendue on MONDAY, May 9, 1898, 1NNHYLVANIA BAILMOAD. Cowdrlck A i/ijun, Cook. m In ithe village in of “Atvtlio Hotel of V /W.T..1ivk «, lie viiitigu Philadelphia a nd L o n e B ranch Ilivlalon, Toms Itlvcr, In the County of Ocean ami State of NewJersey, between the hours of 12 m. and 6 Tim e T able A dopted Nov. SR, lffffl, o'clock i’ m., on said day the following described real cstule TRAINS LEAVE TOMB RIVER All tha: tract or parcel of land and premia**, particularly dosurlnod, situate, lying For Camden and Philadelphia, 7.48 a. in., 4.08 hereinafter and being In the TowtiHhlp of I^kewood, In the p. in. week days. County of Ocean and State of New Jersey,located For Berkeley 10.80 a. m., week days. For Island Heights, io:ho a, in.,0,04 p. in. week on Ihe easterly side of River avetiue, between CiienUiiit and Oak Htraata, ami Known on the map The Brlcksliurg Land ami Improvement UomFor New York, via Berkeley and Bay lleati of pany's lands as lot nnmhe ' ~ one (1),block eight (8), Junction, 10,BOa in: wreck days, For Point l’loasant, Sea Girt, Aabury Park and section A. Beginning at a point In the easterly side of Long Branch, 10.80 a. in. week days, River avenue, northerly sixteen chains ttm! seven LBAVE BERKELEY links Irom the northeast corner of River nvonue For New York, 11.10 a. m, week days. aud Chestnut street; thence (I) easterly at right For Island Heights and Toms River, 8.16 p. angles with Hlver avenue tweuty chains; ttienoc m. week days. (8) northerly parallel with River avenue eleven chains; theiioo (l) westerly al right angles with LEAVE POINT PLEASANT avenue twenty chalu* to the easterly line of For Toms River, Berkeley and way polnta, River River avenue; thence (4) southerly along the same 9.40 p. in. week days p«, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Toms River 8.80 a. m., 4.00 p. in, week days. LEAVE NBW YORK For Toms River and Intermediate stations,from W. 83d Ht. Statlou at ll.oo a. m.; Diabrosaen and CortlandtSts at 19.10 p. m. week days. J . B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD, Uen'l. Manager Gen’l. Pass. Agt. Seized as the property or John llamniell.etals , defendants, aud taken In oxecullon at the suit of Mary B, llammell, Guardian, complainant, aud to be aold by , , HOWARD JEFFREY, Sheriff. JOH. H Pahhv, Ho.lcilor. Dated April 4,1893. [pr'B fee, $0.38 ) S H E R IF F ’S S A LE , fjpUGMMMTON BAILMOAD. In affect Nov. 1 8 , lffffl. Y VIMTIIE of a writ of FI. Fa , Issued out of the Court ofi the _ .........— — of Chancery j u ,n u Mtste vof i nNew un Jersey, and to me directed, 1 will aell at public vendue on » Trains from TUCKBRTON to NBW YORK TRENTON and PHILADELPHIA. ■Leave Tueberton. 7.00, a, m, S.oo, r. u. Leave West Creek. 7.07 a. m, 3.18 r. m. Leave Mannahawkln, 7.88 a. m„ r. n. MONDAY, May 2. 1898. Arrive at Whitlngc, 8.00 a. m., and 4.19 r . n. Arrive at New York 18.00 and 8.38 r. m., C. k. R. Z Arrive at New York 11.43 A. m., 7.38 r. M. P. R. R, Arrive at Trenum lo.os a. m„ 0.48 r. m., P. R. h . Arrive at Philadelphia e.40 a, m„ 0.00 r. m. RETURNING Leave New York (Central R. R. of New Jeraey) a a. and i.«or. n. Leave New York,(P. R. R.) 1.00 r. M. Leave Trenton, 7.40 a. m.. 8.68 p. n. Leave Philadelphia (P. K. K.) at a. n. and 4.00 r. m. Leave Whltlnga, 10,10 a. m., r. m. Leave Barnegat, 10.41 a. n., aud 6.u7 r. m. Leave Mannahawkln, 10.08 a. m., and fl.18 r. a Leave West Creek, i t .oh a. M., and 0.33 r . m. Arrive at Tnokerton, 11.10 a. m.. and e.40 r. n, JOHN C. PRICE, C. M. HEADLEY, Snpt. G. T. A F. Agt. At the Hotel of Cowdnck A Cook, In the village Toma ltlver, lllviir lu lit the tlm County of (hiean and Mtate ofif Toms of New Jersey, between the hours of 19 o'clock p. M., on said day tho following described real estate: All the following described tract or pircel of land ami pemlses, situate, lying and being in the township of Brick, In the County Coun*- of Ocean and State of New Jeraey. Being lot numbered two, block one, sectiou A, a a plan of lots of the said Bay Read Laud Com pany, duly tiled In the Clerk’s office of the county of Oeean aforeatyd. Bounded and deacrlbed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake Hfty feet northerly from the northeast corner of Hast ami North streets, and running thence in a northerly direction, fifty lect to a stake; thence in an easterly direction ami at right angles to Bast street,one hundred ami July-one ami fourteen hundredths feet to a stake; theiioe southerly along the Atlantic ocean7flflJ feet one. one ■ TO, to n’ lot •"* one; thence tuouco westerly along lot one, hundred ami fifty-two and one-luindredth feet to ANNAHAW HIN 4k LffNfi BEACH R.H. ihe piece of beginning. M Seized aa the property of Cecelia Weed, et al.. In Effect O ctober I , iffffT. defendants, amt taken lu execution at tho suit, of rite Bay Head Land Company, complainant, and to be sold by f a8anS j HOWARD JEFFREY, Sheriff. F. A. \ . vanDohkn, Solicitor. : : : : :« 8 S 8 a Dnted March 80,1898. (pr'a fee, $s ss ] ‘ » v r» ^ a « i8 8 s S * U S S : SH ERIFF’S SALE. E soaS M S M S S S • ^ 9 fS S S U 8 8 & 8 Y VIRTUE OF A W H IT OF F I. FA., Issued out of the Court of Chancery of the ...... M ..w Jera#Jr< t m , l 0 m e J ir 0 C le - i 1 W| „ a r* _ |* “ s “s S . .g SI M » MONDAY, May 18, BLADDER TROUBLES. FLAGS, FLAGS, FLAGS aaavS J. A. JOEL 4 CO. 88 Nissan St., N. Y. Tin CM, W .r rettru j n , l a , , I , » - » « ■ ■ . I « M * , «t ez ?. « Ikt S5.TO. m m j s e n n a a w m tm i «r m$ r --------- •iS&MMffMi— r s N o tic e o f S a t tl n m n n t . • w o ™ w .« t i. a p a c aT rw t » . « acetmeta of tbe suw rnw r, Xxcentric Ar I 8 « * * a Hes*. wlu •ad stated l.ywa----------•ft tbe ' » ’ Crsert af th# c OEMS, os Wt<sawday, tbe sixth^iiay^af*7au ! stxih day akna h . k irk . waanpir f tr a t F ree. l nhe*lthy urine from nnbealtby kidney* is tbe chief canae of bladder troubles It ta eomforting to know that Dr Kilmer s 8w%mp-Root fn fills every wi«t> in quickly coring bladder and urinary calls, inabllil) to hold arise and fcalding pain in p*!**ing It. or bad effect following q*e of liqnnr, wine or beer, and overcome* tnat unpleasant neec*aRy of being otepeU d to cet np so many time* during the nleht to grir.ate Tbe mud and extraordinary effect of SwampHoot n soon realized. It stand* highest for its wonderin' core* of tbe moat disrrearing cases If you need a medicine yoo should have tbe best. by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. \o u may have a sample hot Ue of this great discovery sent to yon free, by mail upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover postage on tbe hot Ue MenGm N J <vffrter and send your address to Dr Kilmer A Go , Binghamton. N Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee tbe genuiDenen of ihia offer FIFTY-TWO ISSUES OF Til CMCIER Fftl TWO IHUIft Onptd met mo on the way, Strong his bow and fixed his arrow. Tired was I of yesterday, Tirod of waiting for the l Blithe, 1 flung my two arms wido To receive tho barb he carried. “Bhoot, I pray thee, Dan!" I cried. But the willful youngBter tarried. Straight I donned my trappings new— Viaored helm and ahirt of leathor, Greaves and breastplate, gauntlets, too, Stoutly riveted together. “ Since you would not ahoot," 1 aald, “ Put your arrow by, false charmer!" Cupid laughed, took aim. It aped Through a Joint of my armor. —Poet Wheeler in New York Preas. h is ran so m e d s p irit fre e —lo n g a fte r t b . llpa could n o t speak, lo o k in g and p o in tin g u p w ard. Home of you ta lk a s th o u g h God h ad She had nerved herself to m eet her fae x h a u ste d h im self in b u ild in g th is ther. She glanced in the m irro r and saw w orld, a n d t h a t a ll th e ric h c u rta in s he bow pale sbo was. H er father would be ever m ade h e h u n g a ro u n d th is plan et, pale, too, b u t howdifferent his pallor from THE GUILTY MAN. ha« , u t h in r to ,So:th er c ahe dah1* rp svt a, t pc eu w r dal S i r f f X f ^ c L “ n g t : t h ‘ .“ J M any do n o t o b serv e it. M any do n o t rea liz e i t "A ud n ow m en see n o t th e b r ig h t lig h t w h ich is in th e clouds.” In o th e r w ords, th e r e a re a h u n d red ifien lo o k in g fo r sto rm w h e re th e r e is one m an l<“ k !a g (o r an n ah in e. My o b jec t w ill b e to g e t you a n d m yacif in to tlm d e lig h tfu l h a b it of m a k in g th e b est o f e v e ry th in g Yon m ay h av e w o n d e re d a t th e etatlaUoa t h a t ln In d ia , in th e y e a r 1S7S, th a r a w ere over 19,000 people slain by w ild b easts, a n d t h a t in th e y e a r 1879 . . . . J th e r e w ere in I n d ia o v er 20,000 people d e stro y e d b y w ild a n im a ls. B u t th e re is a m o n ste r in o u r o w n la n d w h ich is y e a r by y e a r d e s tro y in g m ore th a n t h a t I t is th e old b e a r o f m elancholy, aDd w ith gospel w e a p o n s I propose to chase It back to i ts m id n ig h t caverns. I m ean to do tw o su m s—a sum in s u b tra c tio n a n d a sura in a d d itio n —a sub tra c tio n from y o u r d a y s o f depression a n d a n a d d itio n to y o u r d ay s of joy. If God w ill h e lp m e I w ill compel you to see th e b rig h t lig h t t h a t th e re is in th e clouds, a n a com pel yo u to m ake th o b e s t o f e v e ry th in g . In th e first place, y o u o u g h t to m ake th e very b e st of a ll y o u r financial m is fo rtu n e s. D u rin g th e p a n ic a few y e a rs a g o you a ll lo st m oney. Some of you lo st i t in m ost u n a c c o u n ta b le w ays. F o r th e qu estio n , “ H ow m any th o u sa n d s of d o lla rs s h a ll I p u t aside th is y e a r? ” you s u b s titu te d th e question, “ How sh a ll I pay m y b u tch e r, and b a k e r, a n d c lo th ier, a n d lan d lo rd ?” You h a d th e se n sa tio n o f ro w in g h a rd w ith tw o oars, a n d y e t a ll th e tim e g o in g dow n stream . You did n o t say m u ch a b o u t i t b e cause i t w as n o t p o litic to sp eak m uch o f financial e m b a rra s s m e n t; b u t y o u r w ife k n ew . Less v a rie ty of w ard ro b e, m ore econom y a t t b e ta b le , self-dcninl in a r t a n d ta p e s try . Com pression; re tre n c h m e n t. W ho did n o t feel th e ne c e ssity of it? My frie n d , did you m ake th e b e st of th is? A re you a w a re of how n a rro w an escape y o u m ade? Suppose yo u h a d rea c h e d th e fo rtu n e to w a rd w h ich you w ere ra p id ly going? W h at th e n ? You w ould h a v e been a s proud a s L ucifer. n o w few m en h a v e succeeded larg ely in a fin an cial sense a n d y e t m ain tain e d t h e ir sim plicity a n d r e lig io u s consecra tio n . N o t one m an o u t o f a hu n d red . T h e re are g lo rio u s e x cep tio n s, b u t th e g e n e ra l ru le is t h a t in p ro p o rtio n as a m an g e ts w ell off foi tills w orld lie g e ts p o o rly off for th e n e x t. He loses bis sense of d ep en d en ce on God. He g e ts a d ista s te fo r p r a y e r m eetin g s. W ith p le n ty of b an k s to c k s a n d p len ty of g o v e rn m e n t s e cu ritie s, w h a t does th a t m an know of tb e p ra y e r, “ Give me th is d ay m y d a ily b ro ad ? ” How few m en la rg e ly successful in t h is world are b rin g in g souls to C h rist, o r show ing self-denial fo r o th e rs , o r a re em in e n t fo r p iety ? You c a n c o u n t th em ail upon y our e ig h t fin g ers nnd tw o thum bs. One of th e old c o v eto u s souls, w hen h e w as side, a n d sic k u n to d e a th , used to have a b a sin b r o u g h t in —a b a sin filled w ith gold, a n d h is o n ly am use m e n t a n d th e o n ly r e lie f ho g o t fo r hla inflam ed h an d s w a s r u n n in g th em dow n th ro u g h th e g o ld a n d tu rn in g i t up in th e basin. Oh, w h a t in fa tu a tio n a n d w h a t d e s tro y in g p ow er m oney h a s for m any a m an . Now, you w ere s a ilin g a t RO k n o ts th e h o u r to w ard th ese vortices o f w o rld lin e ss—w h a t a m ercy it w as, t h a t h o n e s t defalcation! T h e sam e d iv in e h a n d t h a t crushed y o u r store-house, y o u r b an k , y o u r office, y o u r in su ra n c e c o m p an y , lifte d you ou t o f d e stru c tio n . T h e d a y you ho n estly suspended in b u sin e ss m ade y o u r for tu n e for e te rn ity . As you s a t th is m o rn in g a t y o u r b re a k f a s t tab le , a n d lo oked in to th e faces of y our c h ild re n , p e rh ap s you •a id w ith in y o u rse lf: "P o o r th in g s! How 1 w ish I could s t a r t th em in life w ith a com petence! llo w I have been d isa p p o in te d in a ll my ex p e cta tio n s of w h a t 1 w ould do fo r th em !” Upon th a t scene of p ath o s 1 b re a k w ith a paean o f c o n g ra tu la tio n , t h a t by y o u r finan c ial losses y o u r o w n p rospects for H eaven, a n d th e p ro sp e c t for th e Heav en o f y o u r c h ild ren is m ig h tily im proved. You m ay h a v e lo st a toy, h u t y ou itavo won a pa luce. “ How h a rd ly s h a ll th e y t h a t have ric h e s e n te r in to th e k in g d o m of God!” " I t is e asier for a ca m e l to go th ro u g h a n eed le’s eye th a n fo r a rich m an to e n te r th e fcingdom o f H eaven.” W hat does t h a t m ean? I t m ean s th a t th e g ra n d e s t b lessin g God ever bestow ed upon you w as to ta k e y our money aw ay from you. L e t m e h e re say, in p assin g , do n o t p u t m uch stress on th e tre a su re s of tlris w orld. You c a n n o t ta k e th em a lo n g w ith you. At a n y rate , you c a n n o t ta k e th em m ore th a n tw o o r th ro e m iles; you w ill have to leave th em a t th e cem etery. A ttila had th re e coffins. No fond was h e of th is life t h a t h e decreed t h a t first he should he b u rie d in a coffin of gold, and t h a t th e n th a t should b e enclosed in a coffin o f s ilv e r and t h a t should he enclosed in a coffin o f iron, a u d th e n a la r g e am o u n t of tre a s u re should h e th ro w n in over his body. And so h e w a s b u ried , and th e m en w h o bu ried h im w ere slain, so t h a t no one w ho m ig h t k n o w w h ere h e wa* bu ried , and no o n e m ig h t th e r e At the hotel of Cowdrlck A Cook. In the village of Toms River, In the County of Ocean, and mate of New Jersey, between the hours of l« m. and o real •atate*11' °B 8a*'* ****’ l *le described All that tract of land situate In the Township of Jackson, county of Ocean and state of New JerIn I 'a . a v l l l . ti.l...* . . . ■).. _ . . . r i ' . Jn l,p|,tg on the east side of. . the road from Casavtile to 'nuns River. Beginning in the middle of the roa.l and corner to land formerly Benjamin Reed; thence as the " ^ ,!,.e P0,m.c',.,n 'S*8? >uth one degree and thltt mltiuiea p u t eleven chtlaa and eighty Itnke; (in 5 IE ! i :::: * *n‘*. *hree minuter east nineteen chain* *n.1 ninety-four link*; (8) Booth « i* ? * S S B S S 2 : : : seventy seven deareea an* tortv-nve minute* e*st K-'wwwwwwwt-t- • :C! fifteen chain* and twenty link*; («) north twelve chain* and seventr-flve link*; (8) north neventv-even deftee* and forty-five minute* west nine p u i u n i t ■ ■ e n a T u w * m. m teen chain* and twenty-three link*; («) north sixty-five degree* and forty-five minute* we*t elghthmUnUn Trmnmpori+tUn Cm., teen chain* and eight,-five links to the place of Beginning. Contalulng forty-five acre* ami alxtyTlffM Table In IffWct Oct E, l l f f i *even hundredths more or le*a. And after de ducting lot* No. t, s and a and 4. with alley* be TRAINS LEAYE MEW EGYPT. tween the rame, there remain* forty-one’acre* Per Philadelphia. 7 M and 11.1a a. m„ 7.48 p. m. more or lea*. Maid land was purchased by Mary L. Brown ot Reuben Groves by deed May 18. 187b. ffMk daya. aundaya, 7.<* a. m. Per Toma River, 7.M a id 11.1s, a. a . n ■a,22L“ ,hf Pf0P««y of Joseph R. Brown, et Po» Hew York, 8.*7 a . n.. i n p. m. taken in execution at the suit of Hannah A Krason. Admlniairatrix.etc RETURNING, conttfialtiaiit. and a n d be he aold oai.I lie ' * complainant, by Leave Phiudelphta, *jo a. 1.4* p HOWARD JEFFREY, Sheriff. I. W. CaaMicBAiL. Solicitor. The bladder created for one parpooe vlx. Leave Torn*River, 4.0ft p. a . Dated April it. i**. (Pr>a fee. 9S.S3. * receptacle for tbe nnne. and as sack Is not « ■ r . . » . „WM-_BCRT1», gnptrlntendent liable lo any form of disease except by one of w.R.Cnap»v.Oen,l Pneasnger a Freight Agent. two way*. Tbe first wav ie from Imperfect action of the kidneys. Tbe second way ie from ^HHRAPEAM B 4 careless treatment of other diseases W AR OX NO W A R Every patriotic cititen should have a flag- there £• I J v R *oHd tn&i of Pniiman vestibule for* we offer beet all wool U. M banting t u « 4» aura in all, except the two first aisea All R IXTteCtostoaatl v and Loumm*. via. Waaning. mb* sewn doable. Beat fiog made. ***«» >g*vvMew York by Lwweat p r i m la th t | m, totonjd, ft p. n.; Trenton, ft.96 p. ■ 4 PWJndeMHn, * — -r. - - arrives Cincinnati, Cincinnati xt feet » 78,4x9 feet t3»>. ftxiSN eitsm Wt. n, next l ay; L—tnv«e,fti»; *t l,r-hi.T<Y CVX4 «S!« 8,» Maxis '•XU direct connections to potnn 4Af«' 1«X!S 1.1817*19 8 33 j inxau X« ' $.m I itxvn 9 M 7X14 is 1 stsjsx ix « A4t| iax * 9 an | axis «.T» | irw i *-» 8X1* ' 7 13 15*30 O lM taM ,tls iLoewnile. i t j e s t . LoolaVtsiaa 3.44 I 9X18 ' ..7»| Bent on receipt of price or C O. D. I n te r fe r e w ith h is tre a s u re s . Oh, m en o f *h ' " T 1/ who to ‘ ake y o u r m o n ey w ith you, b e tt e r h av e th re e coffins! A g a in , I rem ark, y o u o u g h t to m ake th e v e ry b e s t of y o u r bereav em en ts, T h e w h o le ten d en cy ia to brood over w e a th e r e v ery w h ere. T h e clouds con g re g a te aro u n d th e su n , p ro p o sin g to m _, a b o lish him . B u t a f t e r a w h ile he 3 h S . ? S k . “a h t“ i ,^clou” , w ' t- hi • tim ‘ !> e« -t o ‘ th T e ?h aiUT n d lin g“ n*f n40 j-m c cto “e suoh, of $oc. and $i.oo; all druggist*. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. A nthracite t e a l nacd exclusively, 1n e a r ing C leanliness a n d co m fo rt. th e pain. K o other lin im e n t that I ever —bad digestion and consequent lmpnro blood, .,.1 nnn.\ 11 ! The Discovery makes the appetite good, the B led did m e BO much g o o d . j digestion strong, assimilation easy, and the « oid toy 0 . T . Frost, M ala 4k W ashington blood rich and pare. signals out. Bhip reefing main topsail! Awnings taken in. Prophecies of foul markable n o u rish in g pow er. It gives color to th e b lo o d . It brings s tre n g th to th e m us cles. It ad d s pow er to th e nerves. I t m eans r o b u s t health and v ig o r. E v en d eli cate infants ra p id ly g a in in flesh if given a sm all am o u n t th ree or four tim e s each day. B . E . O F MEW J L I lE Y . C^EMTMAL B 4 1 R i n W l » m T H E M B IV IIIO N . th a t e x c ellen t remedy. S t a t i o n Oil, i J S R H t K f f i i f f S ? % £ £ a timely friend. This lin im en t rapidly • mao feels that he Is not as well as be oogbt _____ ^ t , t o be, whenever; be is listless, whboot energy cures rheumatism, neuralgia and pains, tod wltboat vitality, whenever be dads tbst be when other remedies fail. Mr. Jno. Ulosing weight and that bis ordiosry work i* _ 11 Vo . ,,v give* him nndne fatigue, be need* Dr. Pierce'a M. Iiall, Ashland, Va., writes . I uotfen Medical Diacoverr If be keep* on ■ suffered with rheumatism in the ankle workiog with bis liver Inactive and bis blood j ten d e n c y to d isp el t h e gioom in th e live* o f th e sick a n d so rro w in g by s tir rin g u p a h e a lth fu l s p ir it o f a n tic i p a tio n . T h e te x t ie J o b 87: 91: * “ And now m en nee n o t t h e b r ig h t l ig h t w h ich is in th e c lo u d s /' W ind east. B .r o m e te r (ailin g . S to rm ■ —. •• . ... of Cod-Liver O il w ith Hypophosplutes. I t has m o st re SUverton and BarraviUe, 1.00 P. M.. dally. Begtatered mall, li.oe A. M. EDMUND W. MABOLT, P. M. Corrected Rov. it, 1st7 That la Hev. Dr. Tfflmaiffff'ff Advioff to All M ankind. .u d tl,. muscles connected therewith. S S ^ S ^ S i r f t ' t S r t S r t : ! Salvation Oil at once relieved the sore- hearty when be is old. The Golden Medical T h e fo llo w in g r o s e a te serm on b y Rev. T. D eW itt T a lm a g e w ill h»ve % ness, reduced the swelling, « d cured Scon’s Emmsfon MAILS ABR1VI FROM V»w VfM-W«g<t * IK A M Philadelphia, Camden, Inland Height*, etc., 10.10 A.M., 844 P. M. 11.0ft A Mew York and all polnta north, Forked River, Bridgeton, etc* 11.0BA. M. Mew York end all potato north of Mnnchenter, 4.18 P.M. Mew York end polnta north of Manchester T.oo Why Is It that one man is old rad dscrepld „ j ftt 48, and another hale nod heerty at 80? It W ith perfect propriety m ay we ca ll depends on the care be takes of himself. Often A Cheery Application o f • Melancholy flnbjeet—Tho Drco4l of Donth ■ Mis take — Charming Gllmpao of tho Fn to ro U fa. They do n o t com plain of anything in p articu lar. T h ey eat enough, b u t k eep th in and pale. • They a p p e a r hfairly i ■ well, " but have no s tre n g th . You cannot say th e y are really sick, and so y o u call them delicate. W hat can b e do n e fo r th e m ? O ur answ er is th e sam e th a t the best physicians h ave been giving for a q u a rte r o f a c en tury. Give th em PI03 BM N8 W8 PAPKK OP OCEAN CO. A Timely Friend. LOOK AT THE BEST SIDE. ?k" . r . r . s T h “ “ i“ . 1 ,o riikei,one . , o,1“ . r. ln everything. There w as no love for her any more. Hor father had expiated his sin in the eyes of the world. In hor h eart tho sin th a t had been his still livod. For there was Jack, and she had given him up bocauso of hor fath er’* guilt. There was a narrow ing of the radius. No m atter l’or Jock if her fathor were only an innocent m an. Lovo surely created a dosiro for pu rity, for, since she bad lourned to lovo Jack, her father’s Bin bad grown and grown upon her, and before th a t tho ain had boon tempered by h e r pitying lovo and her prayers for heaven’s forgiveness. Tho daughtor of a thief! Oh, why had she m et Jack? Why had she allowed horself to care for him? Why bad sho let her self feel glad when sho knew th a t ho lovod her? Why had slio greatly desired th at ho should tell her th a t he bad given his heart to her a nd domanded hor own ln return? How many sadly confused questions did sho put to hersolf as sho sat there in the miserable silence, her m other nnd her fa ther at a greater distance from hor than they had over been before, while she va in ly tried to ucouso her heart nnd her daughterly affection of transgressing, even though Jack called through tho silonco that, b u t for h er fath o r's crimo, she m ight have claimed w om an’s perfect happiness on earth I H er mother and hor father apparently failod to realize how much sho w as going through. I t was only hor lack of response to their love th u t touohod thorn. Her adora t’on of a man who m ight havo boon her husnand was m erely a foolishness of hers and not to ho placed in the same category w ith hor duty as a daughter—tho daugh ter of a thief! T hat miserable word, th at disgraceful word, w ould come uppermost to her. B ut for Ja ck would this have boeu so? Tho daughtor of a thiof! There came a top on the door, and it sounded on her oar liko thunder. Hor mothor wont to tho door and opened it. “ M urk,” sho said to hor husband, “ it is cook. Sho wishos to speak to mo about dinner. Wo are going to have all the things you used to —ull the things you like. Of oourso the servants know noth ing, doar. You havo been west, you know. The servants havo only beon w ith us since wo moved hero. Would you liko to Come down stuirs, or w ill you stuy hero in tho library?” “ 1 will stay horo, “ ho said in his hushed way. "H ere.” “ Vory woll,” returned his wife. “ I shan’t bo gono long. See, horo is all tho old furniture, all your books, ju st as you usod to liko them , und tho pioturcs.” Sho leaned ovor a nd kissed him before sho wont out a ud closed thu door bohind STUMPP & W ALTIU C(j SEED GROWERS AND IMPORTERS. ' TRY OUR Central Park Lawn Seed And tho the re su lt will give you sntlm w .i * I t is a m ixtu stun* of D w a rf Growing which liflM th e l'ubll' Y uS "",!! Brooklyn and hns alw ays el results, ft produces a rich deo|> ;ty Law n, which nourishes , h o ttest season of th e year. t h e d e p u te d , sn d t o ^ a k . lo n g .i s H .£ t a n do^T hia w orhl h a c ^ S ’T S V S i t L 5 S M lio n s t o th e cem etery, a n d to sey “Oh, he b e s t th in g God enn d o th is w orld not h6r ,ovo H er loro waa for J .o k , nnd I ca n n e v e r look n p a g a in ; m y hope is is n o t th e b est th in g t h a t God has be could never be anything to her. L ast Ifonc; m y co u rag e 1. g o n e ; m y relig io n done. n ig h t she had w ritten to J a ck and told “ Y fa ith ln G od ffone! o h * ° De w *e k 0<„ tk e j e a r ^ a ca lle d blM- b im tbe tru th , and the tru th w ould sepat h e w e a r a n d t*a r a n d e x h a u stio n o f som w e e k —called so n il th ro u g h th e ra te them forever. She w as the d aughter of a thief! t b l- lo n « lin e ..P T h e m o at fre q u e n t la n d b e c « u « th e re a re m ore bloasonm .................... J o ra a v e m a n t ia th e lo ss o ( children, in t h a t w eek th a n in a ny o th e r week I W hat uselessness i t had been for her 44 y o u r d e p a rte d c h ild h a d lived as o f th e y e a r. Blossom w eek! A nd th a t raothor to movo hundreds of m iles from OUR GRAND S EED CATALOGUE F n Plo u if • • You have ilT©d> d ° you is w h a t th e fu tu re w o rld Is to w hich the old home. I t had been done for the ON APPLIC ATION . ‘ I n ° l ““ PI*** th a t h e w o u ld have had th e C h ris tia n is in v ite d -b lo a s o m week husband, not for the daughtor. For th e daughter there had been a h alf y ear’s resi STUMPP & WAITER CO., : abo,u t th e “ame “ m o lm t o t t r <>“ ble to r " e r - “ ‘ / “I1 ” ' ‘ l' 1' dence in this new place and a learning to I a n d t r i a l t h a t yon h a v e h a d ? I f you w o rld a . P a ra d is e is a h e ad of D ry T o ^ lovo a m an whom she bad last n ig h t de SEED G R O W ERS ANI) IMPORTERS, coul<1 n ,6 't0 » hboice fo r y o u r child he- tu g as, a n d Jret w e a la n d s h iv e rin g and clined to m arry. H er father had w rought BO H A K CI.A V S T .. N E W Y O R K . tnrann A youaeu ot antinwnnAo 1..... oawfella PI t and Bilfl U tw e e n A 40 e a rs of a n n o y a n c e , loan, vex- fe rinn rr g ill to g!n\ o nil out, wTSeS IV w lint a n t ♦ton ninu sta y th is unhappiness as ho hod w rought so a tio u , ex a sp e ra tio n , a n d b ereav em en ts, on th e d ry sand, a nd am id th e storm y m uch nioro. a n d 40 y e a rs in H eaven, w ould you p e tre ls, w h e n w e a re in v ite d to arhorft W hat grief had not her father w rought! ta k e t h e resp o n sib ility o f choosing th e of jessa m in e and b ird s of p a ra d ise, Tho day ho wont to prison for thn defalca fo rm e r? W ould you s n a tc h aw ay th e One seaso n I h a d tw o sp rin g tim e s. I tion ln tho bank where he had been cashier c u p o f e te r n a l bliss a n d p u t in to t h a t w e n t to N ew O rleans in A pril, a nd I and hor m other’s father m anager, had n o t c h ild ’s h a n d s th e cup o f m an y bereave- m ark e d th e difference b e tw e e n going her m other's father fallen dead? The world m en ts? In ste a d of th e c o m p lete sa fe ty to w a rd New O rleans a n d th e n com ing had said the old banker could n e t stand cnsEfis m a y _____ in to w h ic h t h a t child h a s been lifte d , hack. As I w e n t dow n to w a rd Now the disgrace. And w hat more? Had not YOU TH IN K YOUR EYES D O N ’T „ NEED EXAMINATION? w o u ld y ou lik e to h o ld i t dow n to th e O rleans, t h e v erdure, th e foliage, be- her m other’s mothor, ulways an invalid, Have v*iu it•-a-1ariioF Do your eyes burn t Hart i lil"f?x of tho lids? Do you have trouble to rls k s o f th is m o rta l s ta te ? W ould yo u cam e th ic k e r a n d m ore heautifuL boon stricken by hor husband's death and read flue print ? I lave you pains in theback of vour lik e to k e e p it o u t on a se a in w h ich W hen I cam e hack, th e f u r t h e r I oame never boon told of her son-in-law’s crime? —1“ “ .... — is feel heavy In the raornlnc'? There bad boon u mass of deception, tho WIAWANTA” glasses, whlrh th e r e h a v e been m ore sh ip w re c k s t h a n to w a rd hom e th e less th e foliage, a nd poor, feeble woman being led to believo •re made onlv by us. and which arerecommended bv leading physician* asthe best aids to weak eyesight sa fe v oyages? Is i t n o t a com fort less a n d less it becam e u n til th e re w as th a t her daughter’s husband, whom sho will remedy all eye troubles. to y o u to know t h a t t h a t child, in- h a rd ly any. Now, it a ll d e p e n d s upon loved as a son, had gone away on busi Solid Gold Sfifiitaclea 99.2lft nsnal price |. i n0 Steel spectacles .50* usual price l ’na s te a d o f b e in g b eso iled and flu n g th e d ire c tio n in w h ich vou tra v e l. I f ness, and letters written in his prison coll Artificial Kye.; inserted 4.00: usual price lo'oii in to t h e m ire of sin, is sw u n g c le a r a s p ir it fro m Heaven should come to- had been road to her, and they told her of M. ZINEMAN & BR 0.1130 South 9th St in to th e skies? A re n o t th o se w a rd o u r w orld, he is tra v e lin g from great prosperity iu tho wost, with a cheer BotwfferTCHestnut ffnri WaInut Stxl c h ild re n to he c o n g ra tu la te d th a t th e J u n e to w a rd December, fro m radiance fulness th a t was appalling. Yes, the g irl p o in t o f celestial b lis s w hich you ex- to w a rd d a rk n e ss, from h a n g in g gar- alm ost hated her father as 6ho thought ovor tho oventsof tho past four years. And p e c t to re a c h by a p ilg rim a g e of 50 o r d ens to w a rd icebergs. A nd one w ould 00 o r 70 years, th ey re a c h e d a t a flash? n o t b e v ery m uch su rp rise d if a sp irit yet w ould «ho huvo hated him save for I f th e la s t 10,000 c h ild re n who had en - o f God s e n t fo rth from H eaven tow ard Jack? She pressed her hands fiercely to hor te r e d H ea v e n had g o n e th ro u g h th e o u r w o rld sh o u ld be slow to come. B ut eyes. a v e ra g e o f h um an life on e a rth , a re how s tr a n g e it is th a t we d re a d going Suddenly sho started. There w as a step y o u s u re a ll those 10,000 c h ild ren w ould o u t to w a rd th a t w orld w hen going is on tho stairs. Her m other was bringing h a v e fin a lly reach ed t h e b lissful te r- from D ecem ber to w a rd J u n e —from th e her father up to her. How should sho A nnie wua alono w ith her father. Sho m in u s? Besides th a t, m y friends, y ou ! snow o f e a rth ly storm to th e snow of moot him? Had it not boon for Jack sho heard him m oving carefully around, ta k a re to look a t th is m a t t e r as a self-de- E d en ic blossom —from th e a rc tic s of knew how sho should havo m et him . B u t ing up a book, only to lay it down again. n ia l o n y o u r p a rt fo r t h e i r benefit. I f tro u b le to w a rd th e tro p ic s of e te rn a l her father had forcod Juck from her. Ho wont up und looked at his w ife’s pioThe stops ascending tho stairs stopped. turo hanging between two tall bookcases, y o u r c h ild re n w a n t to g o off in a May . joy. d a y p a rty ; if your c h ild re n w an t to go Oh, w h a t an ado a b o u t d ying! We There was u cough outside the library then ut th a t of his wife's fnthor. Before on a flow ery and m u sic a l excursion, g e t so a tta c h e d to th e m a la ria l m arsh door. She knew tho sharp littlo cough. this lust picture ho lingered, m aking no y o u co n so n t. You m ig h t prefer to in w h ich w e live th a t w e a re a fra id to She usod to fly to meet hor father four sound, b u t looking a t the face of tho old ELY’S CREAM CALM Is a positive core. lxave th e m w ith you, b u t th e ir ju b ila n t go u p a n d liv e on th e h illto p . We arc years buck when she hoard th a t little bank m anager who had fallen dond tho Apply into the nostrils. Ii is quickly absorbed. 60 cough in tho hull in tho dear old home. day his trusted cashier and his only daugh cents nt Pm,'"Iris «.r bv tn.-='1; nimp'ee 10c. by mail. a b s e n c e satisfies you. W ell, your d e a la rm e d b ecause v a c atio n is com ing. Now sho did not movo from tho chair sho te r’s husband had gono to servo a sentence ELY BROTH KS, 68 Y.V.rro* fct., New York City p a rte d ch ild ren have o n ly gone o u t in E te rn a l s u n lig h t, a nd b e st program m e sat in. in prison. A nnio could not sco him, but a M ay d a y p arty , a m id flowery and o f c e le s tia l m in s tre ls a nd h a lle lu ja h , ►Sho heard a voice outside the door—her sho knew ull th a t hor father did. Her back P A R K E R 'S ^ m u sic a l e n te rta in m e n t, am id joys and no in d u ce m e n t. L et us s ta y a n d keep m othor u rging her father to enter tho H AIR BA LSA M was toward hint ns sho leaned over her h i la r itie s forever. T h a t o u g h t to q u ell cold a n d ig n o ra n t a n d w eak. Do n o t room. Then the handle of tho door turned, sewing, nnd hor heart boat fast when ho Clcannc* and boautifie* th e hair., Promote* a luxuriant growth. I som e o f y o u r grief, t h e th o u g h t of in tro d u c e u s to E lija h , a n d J o h n Mil- a nd hor m other led iu a strangely aged turned from tho picture at last and swiftly N e v e r P a il* t o B e s to r e O r a r H a i r t o I ts Y o u th f u l C - ’- - 4 t h e ir glee. ton, a n d Bourdaloue. K eep o u r fee t on m an. Cures icalp diseases X hair fa!iinj!| orossod tho carpet. Tho g irl rose. Hor futhor stood before So i t o u g h t to he t h a t y o u could m ake th e s h a rp c o b b lestones of e a r t h inste a d When his hand was laid upon her arm , hor, expectancy in his fuce. Sho wont t h e b e s t of all b e reav em en ts. The fa c t o f p la n tin g th em on th e h a n k of amasho alm ost shrieked aloud. “ Annio!” said hor father’s voice. It t h a t y o u h a v e so m an y frie n d s in Heav r a n th iu H eaven. Give u s th is sm all slowly to him and hold her forehead up to e n w ill m ak e your o w n d e p a rtu re very isla n d o f a lep rous w orld In ste a d of th e his Ups. llo r mother looked angrily a t was a firm voice now, no quaver of doubt her, b u t sho w ent back to her seat and in it, and it forcod hor liko u command c h e erfu l. W hen you a r e going on a im m e n sitie s of sp le n d o r a n d delight. caught up somo sowing. sho dared not disobey. v o y ag e ev e ry th in g d e p e n d s upon w here K eep o u r h a n d s fu ll of n e ttle s , a nd our “ A n n ie,” 6uid tho m other sharply, “ is Sho roso from her Boat and faced him. y o u r frie n d s are —if th e y a re on th e s h o u ld e r u n d e r th e b u rd e n , a u d our this tho way to moot your futlier? Do you Despite tho phvslcul changes in him sho w h a r f t h a t you loavc o r on the w h n tf nook in th e yoke, a n d h o p p les on our know thut ali th at hus occurred hns boon saw before hor ills old solf—strong, not SHO ES R E P A I R E D to w a rd w h ich you a re g o in g to s&iL In a n k le s, a n d handcuffs o n o u r w rists. m ore to mo than to any one olso in the unbravo, not disloyal, not a criminal, Soled and heeled (nail worn) o th e r w ords, th e m ore frie n d s you have " D e a r L ord,” we seem to say, “ keep us world? And yet I forgivo because I love. “ You havo given up your lover,” he in H eav en th e easier i t w ill he to g e t dow n h e re w h e re w e have to suffer, in A ud you who havo a lover” — Men’s 65c.; Ladies’ 50c. wont on rapidly. “ You have given him " I havo no lover," coldly interrupted up because of mo. Day attention to me. I a w a y fro m th is w o rld . The m ore ste a d o f le ttin g us up w h e re w e m ight Hand Sewed, Men’s $1.00. the girl. “ I couldn't deceive him any will toll you w h a t I hnd bopod never to frie n d s h e re th e m ore b i t t e r good-byes, live a n d re ig n a nd rejo ice .” 1 am am azed a t m yself a n d a t y o u r longer. I wrote him last night. I told him tell a living soul on earth. And I m ust th o m ore frien d s th e r e th e m ore g lo ri All work guaranteed A N o.l. o u s w elcom es. Nome o f yo u have so se lf fo r t h is in fa tu a tio n u n d e r whioh tho tru th and th at I would not m arry *poak before your m othor comes back, for sho m ust never know . B ut you m ust FU L L STOCK BOOTS & SH O ES m an y b ro th e rs, sisters, c h ild re n , frien d s w e a ll rest. Men you w ould suppose h im .” " A ll,” 6uid the m other, “ now I under in H eav en t h a t I do n o t k n o w n h ard ly w ould g e t f rig h te n e d a t h a v in g to stay s ta n d !’’ She turned to her husband. know, and tho m an who had asked you to h ow y o u a re going to c ro w d th ro u g h . in th is w o rld in ste a d of g e ttin g f rig h t “ M ark, do not m ind it, doar. You have bo his wifo aud whom you refusod on ac Always on hand ; prices to W hen th e vessel cam e fro m foreign en ed a t h a v in g to go to w a rd Heaven. mo, and I shall never fail you. Have I ever count of me. I will go to him, and I will suit hard times. Also, made la n d s a n d b ro u g h t a p rin c e to o u r h a r I c o n g ra tu la te a nybody w ho has a failod you? What is done is done. I t is a ll tell him as I tell you thut I have wrecked to order, best material, finest b o r, t h e sh ip s w ere co v ered w ith b u n t r ig h t to die. By t h a t I m ea n th ro u g h wipod nwny. I t is only remembered by no life, th a t I have n o t wrecked m y daugh in g , a n d you rem em ber h o w th e men- sic k n e ss yo u c a n n o t a v e rt, o r th ro u g h your daughter, not by mo, and you ore as te r’s hnnpiness. Do you hour me? I lmvo workmanship, prices right. not interfered w ith y our right to bo happy o f-w a r th u n d ere d b ro ad sid e s, b u t th ere a c cid e n t y ou c a n n o t avoid—y o u r w ork m uch to me after ull the m istakes and With the man you lovo. I have been ad w a s n o jo y th ere c o m p a re d w ith the o onsuinm ated. “ W here did th e y bury sufferings as tho day when I stood by your judged a crim inal. . I have served a crim jo y w h ic h s h a ll he d e m o n s tra te d w hen Lily?” sa id one little c h ild to a n o th e r. side and vowod to bo a loving und tru e in al’s sentence. B u t I am an innocent y o u s a il u p th e broad b a y o f H eavenly “Oh,” sh e rep lied , “th e y b u rie d h e r in wife till God should part us in death. Wo m an, a nd” —ho tu rn ed and pointed to tho b a lu ta tio n . The m ore f rie n d s you have th e g ro u n d .” “ W hat! in th e cold always spoke of you, m other and I . ” picture of ills wife’s father—“ th at man “ Y our m othor,” his dry lips said, knew it. I sacrificed not your mother, not th e r e th e easier y o u r o w n tra n s it. g ro u n d ? ” “Oh, no, no; n o t in t h e cold “ where is she?” you, but my own standing in society and W h a t is d e a th to a m o th e r w hose chil g ro u n d , h u t iu th e w arm g ro u n d , w here H is wife oaught his hand. the m inds of m en for tho sakoof my wifo’s d re n a r e in Heaven? W h y , th e r e is no ugly seeds become b e a u tifu l flow ers.” “ D ear,” she said, “ can you bear a little father and his invalid wife.” For Worses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Hogs. m ore g r ie f in it th an t h e r e is in h e r go " B u t,” sa y s someone, " it p a in s me so more?” AND POULTRY. She gnspod. She understood him, and in g i n to a n u rse ry am id t h e rom p and m uch to th in k t h a t I m u st lose the H o looked n t hor. 600 Page Book on T reatm en t o f Animal* she trembled from head to foot. nod (.h u rt H eat F ree. l a u g h te r o f h e r household. T h o u g h all body w ith w h ich my soul h a s bo long “ A n n ie,” she said sternly, “ getm othoso “ I would never havo told you,” ho wont PURER{Fevers,ConueBtion*,Inflammation a ro u n d m ay he d ark , see y ou n o t the co m p an io n ed ." You do not. lose i t letters.1’ on, “ only thut you gave up your life’s A .A .t Spinal M eningitis, M ilk F e v e r. b rig h t, lig h t in th e c lo u d s —t h a t light You n o m ore lose y o u r body by death The girl w ent nnd took from tho book happiness because of my disgrace. Your .11.II.—S train s, L am eness, H lie a m at ism. .—Distem per, N asal Discharge*. th e irr a d ia te d faces o f y o u r glorified th a n yo u lose yo u r w a tc h w hen you case a packet, which Bhe brought to her forfeited lovo fo r mo would never havo £.C D. It.—Hots o r G rubs, Worms. k in d re d ? E..«Congbs, H eaves, Pneumo send i t to have it rep a ire d , o r your m other. brought this confession, for w hat I did E. F . F.—Colic o r tirip e s , Bellyach “ My letters to your m other,” tho inch’s F ro m m y observation, I ju d g e th at jew el w h e n you send it to have it re was done to save an old man and an old (••G—.M iscarriage, H em orrhages. in v a lid s have a more r a p tu r o u s view of set, o r th e faded p ictu re w h e n you lips 6eemed to say, “ and unopened.” woman who had been as a m other to mo. II.II,-•U rin a ry nnd K idney Diseases. H ia wife fondiod his hand. .1.—E ruptive D iseases, Mange. th e n e x t w o rld th an w e ll people, and send i t to have it to u ch e d up, or If nature could not make >our lovo su r •K .«D iseases o f D igestion, P a ra ly s is . “ I t was only a few m onths a go," she w ill h a v e h ig h e r renow n in H eaven. The th e p h o to g ra p h of a f rie n d w hen said. “ I could not toll you tho tru th any m ount m y shame, th a t lovo is of littlo ac Single Bottle (over 50doses), ,60 b e s t view o f the d e le c ta b le m o u n tain s you h av e it p u t iu a n e w lo c k e t more than I could tel! hor. Tho tru th count. Your m o th e r's father's sin made KtaVile Case, with Specifics, Manual, Veterinary Curo Oil and MeUlcator. 8 7 .0 0 is th ro u g h th e lattic e o f th e sick room. You d o n o t lose yo u r body. Paul would have made you unhappicr, and I uio a prisoner. It w as ho who took tho J a r V eterinary C ure Oil, • • 1.00 T h e re o re tra in s r u n n in g ev ery hour w ill go to Rome to g e t his. Pay- wished to toil you myself. She loved you money, nnd I the blame. 1 havo proofs of Bold byDrnmri.t.t er ..nt prepaid anywhereand Isanf quantify on receipt of price, b e tw e e n pillow and th ro n e , betw een son w ill go to P o rtla n d to g e t h is, Pres os she loved me. One m orning onoof your *11 this, ami I nm glad I never destroyed UCMPHRETS' HBD, CO., 1 1 1 A 118 William S t , RewTork. h o s p ita l a n d m ansion, b e tw e e n b and id e n t E d w ard s w ill go to P rin c e to n to lottors came, and until I could road it to them , for I m ust show thoso proofs to tho dnughter whose lack of lovo makes my a g e s a n d robes, b e tw e e n c ru tc h aud g e t his, G eorge Cookroan w ill g o to th e her she asked mo to let hor hold it. An word of no account. ’’ p alm b ra n c h . Oh, I w ish so m e o f you peo b o tto m of th e A tlan tic to g e t his, and hour later wo found her w ith tho letter “ F ather!” HOMEOPATHIC p ie w h o a re compelled to c ry , “ My head! we w ill go to th e village c h u rc h y a rd s held up to her heart, and she w as very There was a q u ality in hor cry th at m y h e a d ! my foot, m y fo o t! my back, a n d th e c ity cem etiT ies to g e t ours, white and quiet. There had been no told him more th an many words. Sho m y back !” w ould try so m e o f th e Lord'i • u d w h e n w e have o u r p e rfe c t ap lrit " V fhnd " ; Wg IaU her sprnng to his arm s, Lor heart held closely , . . . “ beside bosido father, whom shn she hud nocop never coused In use 30 years. The on'y successful reraody for m ed icin e. Y'ou are g o in g to he well re jo iin_i e d to o u r p e rfe c t body, th en to his. Ho was innocent, he was innocent, a n y h o w hefor* long. H e a v e n is an old w ill h e th e kind of m en a n d women grieving for and who had given her every and though hor life’s greater lovo m ight comfort in life, even when, I am Bure, he city , b u t h a s never y e t r e p o rte d one t h a t th e re s u rre c tio n m o rn in g w ill could hardly afford tho extravagances or be over and done tho m an who had asked ftl per vial, o ______ ____ _____ Sol-1by DrnccUto,or .cut postpaid on receipt ot prion. case o f sickness or one b i ll o f m o rtality . m ake possible. dered by hor physicians. It is ail over, and her to m arry him had n o t loved tho daugh HCXMIUKYS' J0KU. CO., Ill *118 William8t., RawYork. N o o p th a lra ia for th e ey e. No pneu So y ou see you h a re n o t m ade out happily over, for both of them, dear, and ter of a thief. There was somo ono in tho room, though m o n ia for th e lungs. N o p leu risy for a n y d o lefu l sto ry y e t. W h a t have you you wore always kind and good to them .” th e side. No n e u ra lg ia fo r th e nerves. proved a b o u t d e a th ? W h a t is th e case A low, long sigh broke from tho man. neither of them hooded till tho g irl's name N o rh e u m a tis m for th e m uscles. “ The you h a v e m ade out? You have m ade Then alienee foil, the sound of the tram was spoken by th e newcomer. “ Ja c k !” she cried nut. ami clung the i n h a b ita n ts shall nev er say , I am sick,” o u t ju s t th is —th a t d e a th a llo w s us to bells in the street enmg distinctly to thorn, closer to hor father. 1!Jack i’’ “ T h e r e s h a ll be no m ore p a in .” have a p e rfe c t body, free o f a ll aches, and the ticking of the clock on the m antel “ You did not hear mo knock,” said ho. A g ain , yo u ought to m a k e th e b e st of u n ite d fo re v e r w ith a p e rfe c t soul free was strangely loud. “ I came to tell you th a t I refuso to obey There wus a movement on tho part of life ’s fin a lity . Now, y o u th in k I have from a ll sin . C orrect y o u r theology. your note. You love mo as I love you, and AYrite for our interesting books " Invent W hy, it Annie. Sho roso and came nnd kneeled you will bo my wife. And, enuring in a v ery to u g h subject. Y ou do n o t see W hat does i t all m ean? ors Help and How you are swindled." beside her father's chair. bore, I have heard w hat your father said h ow I am to strik e a s p a rk of lig h t m eans t h a t m oving d ay is coming, bend us a ro u g h s k e tc h or m odel of your " F a th e r ,” she said, “ you m ust forgivo invention or improvement and we will tell o u t o f th e flin t of the to m b sto n e . T h ere a n d t h a t you are g o in g to quit mo. I nm not very happy. 1 do not mean to you. Your fath er—will ho not lot me you free our opinion ns to whether it ia a re m an y people who h a v e a n idea th a t c ram p ed a p a rtm e n ts a nd he man to be hard, hut I can’t go hack from my call him mine?” probably patentable, Wc make a specialty Hor father's head was raised, and he of applications rejected in other hands. d e a th ia th e subm ergence o f ev e ry th in g sioned forever. T he h o rse th a t reasoning. Y’ou have not only m other, b ut Highest references furnished. looked deeply in to tho young m an ’s oyos. p le a s a n t by e v ery th in g d o lefu l. I f my s ta n d s a t th e g a te w ill not. be th e one you havo me also. I will do whut I can. I MARION & MARION “ Well, w ell!” said the bustling voice of s u b je c t could close in t h e u p s e ttin g of la th e re d a n d b e sp attere d , c a rr y in g had mn sure you know that, and after awhile PATENT SOLICITORS & E X PER T S tho wifo, coming into tho library. "A n d a ll su ch preconceived n o tio n s, it w ould new s, b u t it w ill be th e ho rse t h a t St. you w ill not miss anything in m e.” Civil 4 M echanical rn cin "o rs. Graduates o f tho Jack here! Mark, my dear; Annio—Mark, close w ell. W ho can ju d g e h eat of th a J o h n saw in A pocalyptic vision—th e “ Go hack to your seat,” commanded is this the happy end of all your sadness rolytcclm ic School o f EnginoeUnK. Bachelors In Applied Sciences. Laval Cniverplty. Members fe a tu re s o f a m an —th o se w h o are close w h ite h o rse on w hich th e k in g comes her m other. “ Do you know th at you are and pain?” Patent Law Association. American W ater W orks by h im , o r those w’h o a re afar off? to th e b an q u et. T he g ro u n d around in the presencoof a broken heart? Doesn’t Association, h e w England W ater W orks Assoo. “ Yos,” said the “ guilty m an” as he I.Q . Surveyor* Associalion, Assoc. Member Can. your fnthor accuse himself of m ore than “O h,” yo u say. “ those c a n ju d g e heat of th e p a lace w ill q u a k e w ith th e tires place*! tho hand of his daughter into th at Society of Civil Engineers. t h e fe a tu re s o f a m an w h o a re close bv a n d hoofs o f celestial eq u ip ag e, and you accuso him of? Who are you, with of her lover. “ Yes. ’’—Sparc Momenta. OFFICES! | WiRIHSCTOM D. a your paltry love troubles, to come to him h im ”’ th o se C h ristia n s who in th is w orld lost In a tim e like this?” ( M o n tr ea l, Can. UoloiBn* c f Rhode*. N ow , m y friend*, w h o s h a ll judge of th e ir frien d s, and lost th e ir property, “ H ush, Mary!” said her husband. t h e fe a tu re s of d e a th —w h e th e r th e y a n d lo st th e ir h e a lth , a nd lost th e ir "H u sh !” Tho Colossus of Rhodes, a bronze statue, F A V O R IT E A N p a r e lo v ely o r w h e th e r t h e y a re rep u ls life, w ill find ou t th a t God w as alw ays was 105 feet high. I t was made by Chares, The silence full again. MOST POPULAII ive? You? Y’ou are to o f a r off. I f I k in d , a n d t h a t a ll th in g s w orked to A nnie sat alone. Sho was apart from who, aided by an arm y of workmen, con g e th e r for th e ir good, a nd t h a t those sumed 13 years in its construction. I t re w a n t to g e t a ju d g m e n t a s to w h a t m ained In position in tho harbor of Rhodes re a lly th e fe a tu re s of d e a th are 1 w ill w ere th e w isest people on e a rth who , PANSIES, NASTURTIUMS F lic s ! P lie s 1 I tc h l u s P ic ls I for 66 year* and was throw n down by an n o t a s k you; I will ask th o s e who have m ede t h e b e s t of e v e ry th in g . See you SWEET PEAS, one P itt, of S r arrows—Moisture; Intense >tcblngand atlnc- earthquake B. C. 224, I t lay on the ground e a c h v a rie tv f o r o n ly IJ fifff b e e n w ith in a m o n th o f d eath , o r • n o t n o w t h e b rig h t lig h t ln t he clouds? »>Z; moat at night; worse by scratching. ' I f al- 894 years and was sold to a Hebrew for old , ., to J tb. liH n s, .1 To. Fritofa Q M « l lowed to continue, tumors form, which often w eek o f d e a th , or an h o u r o f death, o r , Iaduding f.-M rnpy of 1998 Cat*!o(a« and Florsl Culture, About Telegraph Pole*. *13 C. 0 L1FFIRC0TT. 319 tilth Stm t So., bleed and ulcerate, becoming rery acre. SwATwaw m etal. H e carried aw ay 900 camel load* a m in u te o f d eath . T h e y s ta n d so n e a r T h e n u m b e r of poles used for tele Oimthbwt stops the itching and bleeding, deale ®7 about 729,000 pounds, of bronze. th e f u tu r e th e y can te ll. They give g ra p h w ires p e r m ile v aries from 90 to ulceration, sod in most caaea removes the tumors or by mail, for so ceni*- Lt I u n a n im o u s testim ony, if th ey a re 8 t on m in o r lines, to 26 to SO o n m ain swayne ft Son Philadelphia * F»r o v e r F ifty Years C h ristia n people, t h a t d e a th , in stead lin es. T h e se pole* a re of reg u la tio n ?[“ • Wnnaow's soothing Sthcp has been used o f b e in g dem oniac, la c h e ru b ic . Of a ll h e ig h t, in o rd e r t h a t th e lo w e st w ire bF million, of mothers for th e th o u s a n d s of C h ristia n s who hav e s h a ll n o t bt? less th a n 1ft f e e t from th a ttelr -kUdrro while teething, with perfect sue Washington cess. It soothes the child, softens the trems For all Rmons and Nxxvons I b e e n c a rr ie d th ro u g h t h e g a te s of th e g ro u n d , a n d as th e poles a re se t into •Uayi Bllpalfl, cures wind colic, and is thfbest, They purify the J c e m e tery , g a th e r up t h e i r d y in g expe th e g ro u n d from four to six fee t, th ey Last Twwr *f the Retwa via the Pennayi. Dlarrhoa. It will relieve the poor B lood and gi»-e H e a l t h y I rie n c e s, a n d you w ill fin d th e y n e a rly m ea su re from 90 to i t f* ?t in length. little sufferer Immediately. Sold by Druggists in iction to the entire system. L — _ vaela Railroad. eTf.rynnn of , hf world. Twenty.fli* ccnus" , ,U a ll b o rd e re d on Ju b ila te . How o ften or varies, of course, w ith The l**t tbree-dsy personally eaaaaUftj tour tr tf Syrup, v » take no , Brother " w m*iow-8Soot£ C u f s O Y S P e p s 1* , h e a d a c h y o u h a r e seen a d y in g m a n join in th e t h e n u m b e r o f pole* and hied. m ile, e n d th e C O N S T IP A T IO N « n d P I M P L p salm b e in g sung a ro u n g hi* bedside, •o n d ttio n o f th e atm o sp h ere, h u t th e of the season to Washington via Pennsylvania •ft CsRTfnred. Railroad will leave New Y rk and PhUxdeiphia th e m id d le o f th a Terse o p e n in g to le t a v e ra g e ia a b o u t 14 feet. On receipt of ten cento, cash or stamps, a May 12 Tickets, including transportation generous sample will be mailed of the most ** t e c o r e a ll hotel ac-mm modstion*, and every necessary exs t a r v i n g ; k . , r > r . — ------- -The W a r W ith Spain f 1"1 H*r FeTet core (Ely's O O K F R E E . A ddress » » ■ ftlmpiv apply “ Sw ann's OivrwxT." n 0 la p««e for tbe entire trip, will be sold at the »a]®)sufficient to demonstrate its great * * « r l e n e e . R'.«i 7 Broadway, New York. ' ma* l medicine reqatred. Cares xetter,—n m* It will Barer cone, bol tb* famous Bln* p merit. Fnll else 50 cento. iKu,«unuptK!aiiniW lfT. kaads, DSBnP, lo Boae. Ac. Itck, all eruptions os tieMface, a e /x ^ remedies of u * •* j « e su n f Took 8erlea."o j K.' following rate*; from New York, Brooklyn and SLY BROTHERS, M (ln( the Ik* skis akin clew, - 1m , white ■ m u and . mi kealttv kLui_* lu leaving Newark. t l4 50; Pblllipsbnrg. N J., ( h s q . ,, 56 Warren St-, New York treat healtaff Rod curative powers are r--rr*nr i Z. Ertevoffeile A. M„ M. D„ an* revolatioalxiBf ALL TH E COUNTY NEWS ZLJZm&ZJS'TS' W "*«»« B medics; n-ience. Mo.l cares rheumatism. I cores Potunilf, •14.20; Cepe May. #13 *5; PbUadel- Catarrh caused difficulty in speaking and to s w * n m O iw-swv a ffrippe, 3 cares a cough or cow, a cores catarrh Phi*. *1130. sad a t proportionate rate* from U>. « of IN TH E C0URIEI ft to aa appetizing toaic; Sxxx rlmoiaUBg pin* other points. ***•*“ ■ T®i<* »od hearing have greatly im ffky c Persona desiring to return via Gettysburg jo n bey yoer granite monuments •are Impotence, ; it the chudreah relief aoothtaff a u 7 « t w , Ifou. sea for less a o h « r a t Wa». Fahr*a syrup. Trial bottle* of each ifte e t cat u u on nay do *o by purchasing ticket* at t 2 extra E S S ? i a ' granite and marble works a t Tome Elver, than •ad get one free, lfoc references on application which include this privilege Aa ^ „ !?J Try AIlea's P m i Rn m yon c ts * C. E. EatkU A Co. Suie M ena roe Tams Rtrar will also be afforded to visit Mt. Vernon and w f ^ y t ^ American crmalte direct of WHEN T0U W ANT NEW S ear New England quarries and tbe tnretrs Arlington at a slight additional expense. granite direct from Aberdeen, Scotland and For itineraries and fell Information, apply to tx x o f wholesale dealers aa m aay do. T I E COURIER LEADS JU S T READ THE Ucfce* agents; Tenrfct Agent, 1188 Broadway Every vob * warranted strictly Crete!* New York; 7 » Broad Str«L Newark g * ! If other* las, f a r t or Goo, w^Boja, Aaeataat G«n#;rii r». ■ - ’ * Station, PhnaMpMaT I. A nn «. m m , u . o j ' l T v " Price, Price, Price, $3.50 per Bushel. $1.00 per Peck. 20c. per Quart, WE EXAMiHE EKES E P E P f . Jot ( m ie ^ H ard Times! JOS ALSHEIMER HUMPHREYS’ 'VETERINARY SPECIFICS 1 OBIET7HPERETS’ 28 _____ JSPEGIFIC No.L MB ‘ ' ly, Vital Weakness, PATENTS IPROMPTLY SECURED! 3 FLOW ERS WRIGHT'SM ILL OTHERS FOLLOW COURIER