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SHOW SHOW BOOK 2009 BOOK 2009 WELCOME. THE FULL RANGE OF CUSTOMISING ACC E S S O R I E S F O R YOUR IVECO CAN BE FOUND HERE. BROWSE THROUGH THESE PAGES IF YOU WANT TO BRING MORE PLEASURE, STYLE, COMFORT AND SAFET Y TO YOUR WORK. YOU'LL DISCOVER A WORLD O F I M P O R TA N T ACCE S SORIE S, SPECIALLY TAILORED TO E A C H V E H I C L E AND E ACH TASK . THE CHOICE IS YOURS. IVECO SHOP, FOR YOU AND YOUR VEHICLE. This is the line of accessories specially created by Iveco Shop for customising your Iveco. Each single item is an ideal combination of design, innovation and safety, with maximum quality guaranteed. A vast range of exterior, interior, comfort and and safety accessories. Our aim is to respond to your demands, optimise performance and consumption, lighten your workload and make driving a more relaxing and pleasurable experience for you. Iveco Shop: the details that make the difference. EXTERIOR STYLE PAGE 12 AERODYNAMICS PAGE 25 WHEEL ACCESSORIES PAGE 34 LIGHTING PAGE 38 HORNS PAGE 44 INTERIOR SEAT COVERS PAGE 50 MATS PAGE 58 DASHBOARD TRIM PAGE 64 TABLES PAGE 68 HEATERS PAGE 70 AIR CONDITIONERS PAGE 72 MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES PAGE 74 SAFETY ANTI-THEFT SYSTEMS PAGE 82 REVERSING DEVICES PAGE 86 LIGHTING PAGE 94 EMERGENCY PAGE 100 SNOW CHAINS PAGE 102 MISCELLANEOUS PAGE 104 COMFORT COFFEE MAKERS PAGE 118 REFRIGERATORS PAGE 122 DRIVER COMFORT PAGE 126 FREE TIME PAGE 128 MISCELLANEOUS PAGE 135 HI-TECH BLUETOOTH PAGE 142 RADIO PAGE 146 CB PAGE 152 VIDEO PAGE 153 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS PAGE 155 MISCELLANEOUS PAGE 158 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES I HAVE VERY SIMPLE TASTES. I AM ALWAYS SATISFIED WITH THE VERY BEST. Oscar Wilde E X TER IOR ACCE S SORIE S Style Aerodynamics Wheel accessories Lighting Horns 12 25 34 38 44 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S ST YLE CU STOM I SATION S Cus tomise your vehicle wi th precious det ails that highlight i t s char ac ter and s t yle . E a s y to a pply. SIDE FAIR ING DEC AL STR ALI S MY20 07 Made from weather resis tant satinf inish adhesive mater ial, emphasises the s treamlined for m and char ac ter of the Str alis. A pplicable to Str alis A S , AT, long cab. P N 500025723 12 TE X T DEC AL FOR SI DE FAI R I NG STR ALI S MY20 07 Satin -f inish Iveco logo, af f ixes to the side fair ing to br ing the Iveco hear t to the for e . Made fr om weather- r esis t ant adhesive mater ial. A pplicable to Str alis tr ac tor wi th opt . 460 0 or opt . 8118 . P N 500025724 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S M I R ROR CH ROM E TR I M K IT STR ALI S MY20 07, EU ROCARGO, EU ROCARGO MY20 0 8 , TR AK K E R Ex tremely light plastic chrome coating to protect and highlight the mirrors of your vehicle. P N 500025719 13 S T EP T R I M STR ALI S MY20 07 St ainless s teel plating wi th la ser- cu t Str alis logo. Ea s y to f i t wi th 4 self-t apping scr ews . T hick ness: 1. 5 mm Dimensions: 10 0 x4 0 0 mm P N 500025722 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DECOR STR IPE S Ag gr essive and s t ylish, idea l for highlighting t he character of your vehicle. G uar anteed weather pr oof and U V r esis t ant , can cope wi th all weather condi tions . Availa ble in dif ferent pat terns. TAT TOO LI N E DECOR STR IPE S DAILY 4x4 long ca b DAILY 4x4 shor t ca b K IW I decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025796 K IW I decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025806 DAILY 4x4 14 SU N decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025867 DAILY 4x4 FL AM E decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025864 DAILY 4x4 FI R E E YE decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025863 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DAILY va n, DAILY 4x4 TR IB E decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025308 EU ROCARGO long ca b a nd shor t ca b MAKO decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025883 15 EU ROCARGO long ca b a nd shor t ca b TR IB E decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025308 EU ROCARGO long ca b a nd shor t ca b FI R E E YE decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025306 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S EU ROCARGO long ca b a nd shor t ca b SU N decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025307 STR ALI S AS long ca b high , medium a nd low roof TR IB E decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025308 16 STR ALI S AT long ca b high , medium a nd low roof FI R E E YE decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025306 STR ALI S AD long ca b high , medium a nd low roof SU N decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025307 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S TR AK K E R long ca b KORU decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025807 TR AK K E R shor t ca b KORU decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025808 17 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door, Pickup OU TLI N E decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025862 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door, Pickup FI R E E YE decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025863 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door, Pickup FL AM E decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025864 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door, Pickup W I N N I NG decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025865 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door, Pickup SU R F decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025843 18 MAS S IF 3 - door RUG BY decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025866 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door, Pickup SU N decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025867 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S MAS S IF 3 - door SAVAN NA decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025868 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door, Pickup G R AFFITO decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025869 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door SU R F w heel tr im decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025870 19 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door SU N w heel tr im decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025871 MAS S IF 5 - door, 3 - door W I N N I NG w heel tr im decor s tr ipe k i t P N 500025872 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DAI LY DECOR STR IPE S DAILY cha ssis - ca b DAI LY DNA decor s tr ipe k i t P N 2994936 DAILY single cha ssis - ca b 20 TR IBAL decor s tr ipe k i t P N 2994937 DAILY va n long ca b TR IBAL decor s tr ipe k i t P N 2994938 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S FLOR AL LI N E DECOR STR IPE S STR ALIS AS long cab, DAILY van long cab Iveco YOU&ME decor s tr ipe PN 2994462 EUROCARGO shor t cab, STR ALIS AT and AD, TR AKKE R shor t cab, DAILY shor t cab chassis - cab Iveco YOU&ME decor s tr ipe PN 2994463 STR ALIS AS long cab, DAILY van long cab Iveco THE FLY decor s tr ipe PN 2994464 EUROCARGO shor t cab, STR ALIS AT and AD, TR AKKE R shor t cab, DAILY shor t cab chassis - cab Iveco THE FLY decor s tr ipe PN 2994465 STR ALIS AS long cab, DAILY van long cab Iveco ROADLINER decor s tr ipe PN 2994466 EUROCARGO shor t cab, STR ALIS AT and AD, TR AKKE R shor t cab, DAILY shor t cab chassis - cab Iveco ROADLINER decor s tr ipe PN 2994466 STR ALIS AS long cab, DAILY van long cab Iveco FLOWER S decor s tr ipe PN 2994460 EUROCARGO shor t cab, STR ALIS AT and AD, TR AKKE R shor t cab, DAILY shor t cab chassis - cab Iveco FLOWER S decor s tr ipe PN 2994461 STR ALIS AS long cab, DAILY van long cab Iveco TR IBAL decor s tr ipe PN 2994938 EUROCARGO shor t cab, STR ALIS AT and AD, TR AKKE R shor t cab, DAILY shor t cab chassis - cab Iveco TR IBAL decor s tr ipe PN 2994937 21 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DECOR S TR IPES OLD R ANGE E U ROTEC H , E U ROTR A K K E R BOOM ER ANG decor s tr ipe k i t high r oof, shor t cab P N 8191371 BOOM ER ANG decor s tr ipe k i t high r oof, long cab P N 8191372 POW ER 24 0 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191373 POW ER 270 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191374 POW ER 30 0 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191375 POW ER 34 0 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191376 POW ER 370 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 93162945 POW ER 38 0 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191377 POW ER 420 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 08191378 EU ROSTAR 22 LI N ES decor s tr ipe k i t high r oof, long cab P N 8191496 POW ER 38 0 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191497 POW ER 420 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191498 EUROSTAR , EUROTECH LI N ES decor s tr ipe k i t medium and high r oof, light long cab P N 93162947 POW ER 470 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 93162946 POW ER 520 decor s tr ipe k i t P N 8191499 LI N ES decor s tr ipe k i t medium and high r oof, dar k long cab P N 93162948 EUROSTAR , EUROTECH , EU ROTR AK K E R , EU ROCARGO E U ROTEC H , E U ROTR A K K E R , EU ROCARGO LI N ES decor s tr ipe k i t low r oof/spoiler, light long cab P N 93162952 LI N ES decor s tr ipe k i t low r oof/spoiler, light shor t cab P N 93162950 LI N ES decor s tr ipe k i t low r oof/spoiler, dar k long cab P N 93162953 LI N ES decor s tr ipe k i t low r oof/spoiler, dar k shor t cab P N 93162951 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S EUROSTAR , EUROTECH , EU ROTR AK K E R , EU ROCARGO POW ER 270 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162955 POW ER 270 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162965 POW ER 30 0 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162956 POW ER 30 0 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162966 POW ER 34 0 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162957 POW ER 34 0 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162967 POW ER 370 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162958 POW ER 370 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162968 POW ER 38 0 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162959 POW ER 38 0 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162969 POW ER 420 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162960 POW ER 420 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162970 POW ER 470 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162961 POW ER 470 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162971 POW ER 520 decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162962 POW ER 520 decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162972 GOLD decor s tr ipe k i t , light cab P N 93162963 GOLD decor s tr ipe k i t , dar k cab P N 93162973 Decor s tr ipe k i t FOR EU ROC ARGO, light cab P N 93162983 Decor stripe kit FOR EUROCARGO, dark cab P N 93162984 E U ROTEC H CR ES TS decor s tr ipe k i t P N 93162461 23 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DAILY S20 0 0 "C " decor s tr ipe k i t for long and shor t cab, panel van and box van P N 93162503 DAILY S20 0 0 " S" decor s tr ipe k i t for long and shor t cab, panel van and box van P N 93162504 DAILY S20 0 0 " L" decor s tr ipe k i t for long and shor t cab, panel van and box van P N 93162505 24 TE X T DEC AL S CL A SSIC tex t decal P N 93162996 CL A SSIC tex t decal P N 93162995 CU R SOR tex t decal fr ont and side PN 93162444 E XECU TIVE tex t decal fr ont P N 93162452 Eur ocar go 120 EL tex t decal 3 colour s (t y pe S20 0 0) P N 93162502 IVECO sun visor tex t decal P N 2994467 VAN of the YE AR for Daily S20 0 0 P N 93162572 TEC TOR tex t decal for Eur ocar go P N 93162606 TEC TOR tex t decal for Eur ocar go long cab P N 93162607 Tr uck of the Year 20 03 tex t decal for Str alis P N 2993915 S TR ALI S tex t decal for sun visor P N 2994468 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S AE RODYNAM IC K ITS AN D S POI LE R S A g g re s s i ve d e s ig n , a d va nce d t ec h nolog y, re li a bilit y a n d re d uce d con s um pt ion . T hese a r e t he ma in fe a tu r es of t he ae r od y na mic k i t s a nd s poile r s in the Iveco Shop r ange. The k its and spoiler s are available in adjus table or f ixed ver sions and are f it ted to the roof of your vehicle to accentuate its s t yle and aerodynamic per for mance. E a s y to f it . 25 S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S STR ALI S AE RODYNAM IC K IT Cor r esponds to aer ody namic k i t or iginal equipment - opt . 26 47. Pr imed r eady for pa in t ing , t he k i t includ es a n ad jus t a b le s poile r w i t h sid e f ins , complete wi th f ixing k i t . STR A LI S A S M Y2 0 07 t r a c tor, hig h roof STR A LI S AT M Y2 0 07 t r a c tor, hig h roof M O B I L E ROO F S P O I L ER PN 50428350 5 M O B I L E ROO F S P O I L ER P N 50 4243550 U ppe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER PN 504283503 U ppe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 063437 Lowe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER PN 50 42 8 3497 Lowe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 033734 U ppe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER PN 504283504 U ppe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 03387 7 Lowe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER PN 504283501 Lowe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 033901 Lowe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER PN 50 42 8 3499 FIXING KIT P N 50 0 0258 81 FIXING KIT PN 50 0 02 5810 26 STR A LI S A S t r ac tor, medium roof STR A LI S AT t r ac tor, medium roof M O B I L E ROO F S P O I L ER P N 50 417 7020 M O B I L E ROO F S P O I L ER P N 50 4 033679 U ppe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 0 850 05 U ppe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 063437 Lowe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 024 4 81 Lowe r R H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 033734 U ppe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 024 658 U ppe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 03387 7 Lowe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 024 816 Lowe r L H S I D E S P O I L ER P N 50 4 033901 FR AME P N 50 4 024927 FR AME P N 50 4 024526 FR AME P N 50 4 0 876 4 0 FIXING KIT P N 2994762 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S STR ALI S S POI LE R S Choose your spoiler fr om the Iveco Shop r ange . Available in adjus t able or f ixed ver sions . Str alis A S MY 20 07 high r oof adjus t able spoiler P N 504283505 Str alis AT MY 20 07 high r oof adjus t able spoiler P N 504243550 Str alis A S Tr ac tor medium r oof f ixed spoiler PN 504177020 Str alis AT medium r oof adjus t able spoiler P N 504033679 Str alis A S medium r oof addi tional r oof spoiler P N 500369673 Str alis A S low r oof, long cab adjus t able spoiler P N 3796418 Str alis AT low r oof, long cab adjus t able spoiler P N 3796403 Str alis AT/AD low r oof, shor t cab adjus t able spoiler P N 3796223 Str alis AD medium and high r oof, long cab adjus t able spoiler P N 504051818 OLD R ANGE Eur otech /Eur os t ar adjus t able spoiler P N 8191354 Tur bos t ar adjus t able spoiler P N 42348575 Eur os t ar - LDL f ixed spoiler medium r oof, long cab P N 99473084 Eur os t ar f ixed spoiler - All power r atings medium r oof, long cab P N 92939353 Eur os t ar f ixed spoiler PN 504020443 27 S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S EU ROC ARGO AE RODYNAM IC KIT The innovative feature of this spoiler is the type of material, normally used in shipbuilding and known for its reliability and excellent finish. The product, moulded in a single piece, is perfectly smooth both outside and in, with the paint incorporated into the resin; in the event of scratches simply sand and polish with an abrasive paste. The spoiler is height adjustable and all adjustments are easy to do. The system is also quick and easy to fit, with assembly taking just 20-30 minutes from star t to finish. Height adjustment range: min. 580 mm, max 880 mm Width: with side fenders fitted covers bodies of over 2200 mm Fuel saving: approx. 200 m per k m T he complete k i t consis t s of the following par t s: r oof spoiler, side spoiler s complete wi th connec tor s for r oof spoiler, f ixing br acket s , suppor t s and thr eaded fa s tener s for f ixing spoiler to vehicle r oof, r ubber r oof/spoiler ga sket and shims . 28 EUROCARGO low roof, shor t cab EUROCARGO MY20 08 low roof, shor t cab Aer ody namic k i t P N 2993998 Aer ody namic k i t P N 500025954 Lef t and r ight side sk ir t s P N 2994517 Lef t and r ight side sk ir t s P N 500025955 Spoiler P N 2994518 Spoiler P N 2994518 EU ROCARGO S POI LE R Choose your spoiler fr om the Iveco Shop r ange . Available in adjus t able or f ixed ver sions . EU ROCARGO EU ROCARGO OLD R ANG E Eur ocar go adjus t able spoiler, low r oof, long cab P N 504061883 Eur ocar go old r ange f ixed spoiler, low r oof, shor t cab P N 99933839 Eur ocar go adjus t able spoiler, low r oof, shor t cab P N 504061897 / 2994518 Eur ocar go old r ange f ixed spoiler, low r oof, long cab P N 99933840 Eur ocar go f ixed spoiler, low r oof, long cab P N 3796071 Aer ody namic k i t (spoiler + side sk ir t s) Cheyenne mod., shor t cab P N 1904476 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DAI LY ADJ U STABLE S POI LE R A r ug gedly designed spoiler made of innovative mater ial, f ixes to the r oof of the vehicle: an ideal way of r educing fuel consumption wi thou t detr ac ting fr om s t yle and aer ody namics . Ea s y to f i t . T he spoiler ha s the following char ac ter is tics: • Cover ed by r egis ter ed Eur opean patent • Complete wi th: spoiler, br acket s , suppor t s and thr eaded fa s tener s , ga sket s • Reliable mater ial, excellent f inish • Single piece , smooth wi th highly weatherr esis t ant coating • At tr ac tive design • Ea sily height adjus t able • Quick and ea s y to f i t (10 -15 min) • Roof light s can be r eplaced wi thou t r emoving the spoiler • Approx. 20% fuel saving DAILY MY20 06 Adjus t able spoiler PN 2994390 DAILY S20 0 0 Adjus t able spoiler PN 2994390 Adjus t able spoiler for cha ssis- cabs , shor t cab PN 93162486 DAILY Turbo Daily Tur bo adjus t able spoiler PN 93162840 29 S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S IVECO DAI LY C IT Y FIXE D I NTEG R AL S POI LE R High qualit y f ibr egla ss and polyes ter r esin spoiler, thick ness 5/6 cm around the entir e per imeter with inter nal f ibr e tubing for added s tr eng th. Pr emium qualit y white gelcoat "G " ou ter f inish. Width at front: 16 4 cm Width at rear: 174 cm Leng th: 90 cm Height: 70 cm Weight: 18 -19 kg over all Fasteners : Elec troly tically galvanised to pr event cor rosion then f ir e - coated in black E xpoxi r esin at 30 0°C . Centr ally positioned br and name with ample sur face ar ea for ser igr aphy. Daily S20 0 0 f ixed spoiler for cha ssis- cabs , shor t cab PN 2993733 Daily Tur bo roof r ack spoiler PN 61144153 Daily Tur bo f ixed spoiler PN 93162839 30 S U N V I SOR S Plexiglass sun visor s , quick and ea sy to f it: r educe the ef fec t of the sun's r ays and help prevent ice for ming on the glass in the winter. Plexiglass: thickness 6 mm. DAILY Daily sun visor PN 2997108 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S EUROCARGO Eurocar go sun visor, medium roof PN 504067744 Eurocar go sun visor, low roof PN 504061726 31 STR ALIS , TR AKKE R , EUROTECH , EUROSTAR Str alis AS sun visor PN 504042824 Str alis AT and AD sun visor Tr ak ker, Eurotech PN 504107220 Str alis AS , Euros t ar sun visor PN 504107239 Str alis AT and AD, Tr ak ker sun visor PN 504056838 OLD R ANGE Eurocar go Old R ange sun visor with light s PN 1908138 Euros t ar Old R ange sun visor PN 2995676 Eurotech and Euros t ar Old R ange sun visor PN 98426408 Euros t ar Old R ange sun visor PN 2995677 Euros t ar Old R ange sun visor PN 2995675 Eurotech sun visor, medium roof with par k ing light s PN 93162832/31 S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S S I D E FAI R I N G S Iveco Shop side fair ings ar e a combination of design and func tionalit y. They enhance the look of your vehicle and reduce consumption. The use of a s t ainless s teel fr amewor k br ings lightness , f lexibilit y and s tr eng th. The f ibr egla ss moulding is produced with an injec tion technique that gives the mould a unifor m thick ness with gr eat f lexibilit y and s tr eng th. The hinged opening mechanism on the lef t r educes the wor k ing space occupied by the fair ing, with ea sy opening and closing and no need to r emove par t s or accessor ies for access . W heelba se 3650 / 38 0 0, with cus tomised f it tings . 32 STR ALIS E4 - MY20 07 Str alis MY20 07 AS and AT tr ac tor 3650 wheelba se PN 500025203 Str alis MY20 07 AS and AT tr ac tor 38 0 0 wheelba se PN 500025204 STR ALIS Str alis AS and AT tr ac tor 3650 wheelba se PN 2994476 Str alis AS and AT tr ac tor 38 0 0 wheelba se PN 2994477 Str alis AS and AT LH D 38 0 0 wheelba se , fuel t ank side fair ing complete wi th inter nal fr ame , fr ont and r ear mount s and f i t ting accessor ies PN 2994698 Str alis AS and AT tr ac tor 3650 wheelba se, bat ter y side f ibr egla ss fair ing only PN 2994478 Str alis AS and AT 3650 wheelba se, LH dr ive, fuel t ank side f ibr egla ss fair ing only PN 2994707 Str alis AS and AT tr ac tor 38 0 0 wheelba se, bat ter y side f ibr egla ss fair ing only PN 2994479 Str alis AS and AT 3650 wheelba se, LH dr ive, bat ter y side f ibr egla ss fair ing only PN 2994708 Str alis AS and AT tr ac tor 3650 wheelba se, fuel t ank side fair ing PN 2994622 Str alis AS and AT 38 0 0 wheelba se, LH dr ive, fuel t ank side f ibr egla ss fair ing only PN 2994747 Str alis AS and AT 38 0 0 wheelba se, LH dr ive, bat ter y side f ibr egla ss fair ing only PN 2994748 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E R O DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DE FLECTOR S Specially developed to let you tr avel wi th the windows open wi thou t being bother ed by air tur bulence . Useful in the r ain. T he car eful design of the methacr ylate def lec tor s combines look s and functionalit y, r educing aer ody namic r esis t ance and tur bulence wi thou t af fec ting visibili t y. Easy to f it . DAILY MY20 06 Shor t def lec tor PN 2994744 Long def lec tor PN 2994745 DAILY S20 0 0 Shor t def lec tor PN 93162489 Upper and front def lec tor PN 93162490 EUROCARGO, TR AKKE R , STR ALIS Upper and front def lec tor PN 1904366 Long def lec tor PN 93162784 Shor t def lec tor PN 93162798 MAS SIF Def lec tor PN 500025889 33 | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L AC C E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S FRONT AN D R E AR WH E E L TR I M S Bringing more st yle to your vehicle. T he w heel tr ims br ing s t yle and smar tness to movement , fur ther r educing fuel consumption. Available in polished s t ainless s teel or pla s tic chr ome , wi th f ixing br acket s and centr al cup wi th Iveco logo. Supplied in 2- piece k i t s . DAILY MY20 06 Steel w heel tr ims - 16” fr ont for t win w heels P N 2994358 DAILY S20 0 0 Steel w heel tr ims - 16” fr ont P N 2994358 EU ROCARGO Steel w heel tr ims - 19. 5” fr ont P N 2994352 34 Steel w heel tr ims - 17. 5” fr ont P N 2994356 P N 8191380 STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, EU ROTEC H , EU ROTR AKKE R , EU ROSTAR , TR AK K E R Steel w heel tr ims - 2 2 . 5” fr ont P N 2994354 P N 8191394 STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, EU ROTEC H , EU ROTR AKKE R , EU ROSTAR , TR AK K E R Pla s tic w heel tr ims - 2 2 . 5” fr ont P N 500025732 Pla s tic w heel tr ims - 2 2 . 5” r ear P N 500025733 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L AC C E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S DAILY MY20 06 Steel w heel tr ims - 16” r ear for t win w heels P N 2994359 Steel w heel tr ims - 16” fr ont /r ear for single w heels P N 500025886 DAILY S20 0 0 Steel w heel tr ims - 16” r ear P N 2994359 EU ROCARGO Steel w heel tr ims - 19. 5” r ear P N 2994353 Steel w heel tr ims - 17. 5” r ear P N 2994357 P N 8191381 STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, EU ROTEC H , EU ROTR AKKE R , EU ROSTAR , TR AK K E R Steel w heel tr ims - 2 2 . 5” r ear P N 2994355 P N 8191395 35 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L AC C E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S H U B CU PS AN D H U B CAP COVE R S A sma ll but impor t a nt invention for t he wheels of your vehicle. Iveco cus tomised s teel and synthetic mater ial. STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, EU ROTEC H , EU ROTR AK K E R , EU ROSTAR , TR AK K E R , EU ROCARGO Steel hub cups - 10 - hole - 2 2 . 5” P N 500025725 STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, EU ROTEC H , EU ROTR AK K E R , EU ROSTAR , TR AK K E R , EU ROCARGO Fr ont hub cap cover - 10 - hole - 2 2 . 5” P N 93162440 36 STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, EU ROTEC H , EU ROTR AK K E R , EU ROSTAR , TR AK K E R , EU ROCARGO Steel hub cups - 10 - hole - 2 2 . 5” for alloy r ims P N 93162678 STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, EU ROTEC H , EU ROTR AK K E R , EU ROSTAR , TR AK K E R , EU ROCARGO Rear hub cap cover for alloy r ims - 10 - hole - 2 2 . 5” P N 500025726 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L AC C E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S W H E E L N UT COVE R S Designed to give ma ximum protection to your wheel nuts. Size 32 wr ench. EU ROCARGO Pla s tic chr ome w heel nu t cover - 27 ” - pack of 16 P N 2994360 EUROTECH , EUROTR AKKE R , EUROSTAR Pla s tic chr ome w heel nu t cover - 30 ” - pack of 20 P N 2994361 37 STR ALI S , TR AK K E R Pla s tic chr ome w heel nu t cover - 32” - pack of 20 P N 2994362 STR ALI S AS / AT / AD, STR ALI S MY20 07 AS / AT / AD, EU ROCARGO, TR AK K E R Steel w heel nu t cover wi th embossed IVECO logo 32” - pack of 10 P N 93162600 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S BU LLBAR S Stainless s teel bullbar (60 mm diameter) with space for up to 4 additional headlights. Specially developed to emphasise the design of the front of the vehicle and give it an ag gressive look . The bullbars are supplied wit hout lights. EU ROCARGO Upper bullbar for high r oof wi th sun visor P N 2994526 STR ALI S AS MY20 07 38 St ainless s teel upper bullbar P N 500025825 Chr ome s t ainless s teel upper bullbar P N 500025713 STR ALI S AS St ainless s teel upper bullbar P N 2994523 STR ALI S AT MY20 07, STR ALI S AT St ainless s teel upper bullbar P N 2994524 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S STR ALI S AS / AT MY20 07 St ainless s teel lower bullbar wi th Iveco logo P N 500025818 STR ALI S AS / AT MY20 07 Chr ome s t ainless s teel lower bullbar wi th Str alis logo P N 500025814 STR ALI S AS / AT St ainless s teel lower bullbar P N 2994525 39 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S AUXI LIARY LIG HTS Devised for your safet y. Designed to suit your st yle. Guar anteeing visibilit y in all conditions. Accentuating the design of your vehicle. Iveco auxiliar y lights are designed to of fer you all this and more, meeting the need for ef f iciency, qualit y and durabilit y. X ENON LONG - R ANG E AU X I L IARY DR IVING L AM P Xe non d r i v ing la m p k i t d eve lope d spe cia ll y for t he St r a lis (e xce pt for t he M Y 20 07 ). I m pr oves comfor t in nig h t d r i v ing , not a bl y r e d ucing f a t ig u e t ha n k s to a lig h t ing ef fe c t r ese m bling day lig h t . B uil t- in ve r sion for bu m pe r mou n t ing in place of fog lig ht s . Ad v a nt ages: • St ate - of-t he -a r t design , w i t h high -tech f inis hes a nd s moot h gla s s te ch nolog y • E xce lle n t nig h t v isibili t y w i t h blu e t in te d lig h t , acce n tua t ing t he line of t he ve hicle • E a s y to ins t a ll on a ll St r a lis ve hicles P N 2994 616 40 NAVIGATOR AUXILIARY WOR K LIG HT B osch " N av ig a tor " s t a inles s s te e l w hi te le ns wor k lig h t , su pplie d w i t h 24V 70W H1 a nd 24V 4W bulb. We ig ht : 1.96 5k g D i m e n s io n s: 2 26x123m m W i t h T Ü V wor k la m p ce r t if ic a te W hi te lig h t P N 2994522 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S ADDITIONAL HE ADLIG HTS B r i t a x hig h - pe r for ma nce au x ilia r y lig h t s , d esig ne d to gi ve ou t s t a nding nig h t v isibili t y. W hi te - lig h t a nd blu e - lig ht ve r sions . Ad v a nt ages: • I n te nsi ve illu mina t ion for g r e a t l y im pr ove d nig h t v ision • Tes te d to e nsu r e long life • E a s y to ins t a ll w i t h u ni ve r s a l ba ll join t 6 .75” 12V Cle a r le ns* P N 92954292 6 .75” 12V B lu e le ns* P N 92954294 6 .75” 24V Cle a r le ns* P N 92954293 6 .75” 24V B lu e le ns* P N 92954295 9 ” 24V Cle a r le ns* P N 92954282 9 ” 24V B lu e le ns* P N 92954283 8 ” w i t h 24V L ED Cle a r le ns* P N 92954296 8 ” w i t h 24V L ED B lu e le ns* P N 92954297 * C o m p l i e s w i t h E C E 112 a n d 7- 0 2 s t a n d a r d s 41 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S H E ADLIG HT GUAR DS The guard is designed to reduce vehicle downtime and related costs. Made from high-s treng th acr ylic to protec t the headlight from loose s tones and gr it on the road sur face. Easy to f it and remove, designed not to reduce headlight illumination power. Rear light protec tive gr illes also available. DAILY MY20 06 Headlight guar d P N 2994939 Rear light pr otec tive gr ille P N 2994935 DAILY S20 0 0 Headlight guar d P N 93162688 42 EU ROCARGO MY20 0 8 Main headlight guar d P N 500025860 EU ROCARGO Main headlight guar d P N 2994151 Fog light guar d P N 2994181 STR ALI S MY20 07, TR AK K E R Main headlight guar d P N 500025741 Rear pr otec tive gr ille P N 500025795 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S STR ALI S Main headlight guar d P N 93162789 Fog light guar d P N 2993899 OLD R ANGE Headlight guar d Medium Old R ange for C ar go, Super C ar go, Tec tor P N 92939185 Headlight guar d Heav y Old R ange for Eur otech P N 92939258 Headlight guar d Heav y Old R ange for Eur os t ar P N 92939516 Headlight guar d Daily MY98 P N 92939347 Fog light guar d Medium /Heav y on /of f- r oad for C ar go, Super C ar go, Tec tor, Eur o Tech, Eur os t ar P N 92939386 Rear guar d Medium /Heav y on /of f- r oad for Super C ar go 6x4, Eur o Tr ak ker, Eur o Tech P N 92939395 43 S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S HORNS An unmist aka ble sound. T hese power ful elec tr opneumatic hor ns ar e the bes t way of mak ing your self hear d when needed. DAILY Two -tone black hor n, ver y power ful, complete wi th 12V elec tr opneumatic compr essor and Iveco logo PN 2994779 STR ALI S , EU ROCARGO, TR AK K E R Two -tone black hor n, ver y power ful, complete wi th 24V elec tr opneumatic compr essor and Iveco logo P N 2994780 Ver y power ful t wo -tone black compr essed air hor n wi thou t solenoid valve , wi th Iveco logo PN 2994777 DAILY 44 Two -tone chr ome hor n, ver y power ful, complete wi th 12V elec tr opneumatic compr essor and Iveco logo P N 2994781 STR ALI S , EU ROCARGO, TR AK K E R Two -tone chr ome hor n, ver y power ful, complete wi th 24V elec tr opneumatic compr essor and Iveco logo P N 2994782 Ver y power ful t wo -tone chr ome compr essed air hor n wi thou t solenoid valve , wi th Iveco logo PN 2994778 DAILY Pneumatic hor n complete wi th spoiler and 12V elec tr opneumatic compr essor. For use on vehicles wi thou t compr essed air P N 2993749 EU ROCARGO, STR ALI S , TR AK K E R Pneumatic hor n complete wi th spoiler and 24V elec tr opneumatic compr essor. For use on vehicles wi thou t compr essed air P N 2993750 EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES S T Y L E | A E RO DY N A M I C S | W H E E L ACC E S S O R I E S | L I G H T I N G | H O R N S EU ROCARGO, STR ALI S , TR AK K E R Compr essed air hor n for ar ticulated tr uck s , ver y power ful sound wi th high and lowtone hor ns . Leng th: 65 -70 cm . A pplicable to any tr uck wi th compr essed air. Wor k s wi th pr essur e 4 -20 atm . Complete wi th 24V solenoid valve and quick-f i t ins t allation k i t . Cons tr uc ted using high - quali t y met als including : s t ainless s teel for the hor n, Zamak for the ba se and phosphor br onze for the diaphr agm , guar anteeing an ample safet y mar gin, long life and r esis t ance to cor r osion.10 8dB P N 500025950 EU ROCARGO, STR ALI S , TR AK K E R Compr essed air hor n wi th buil t-in solenoid valve . B lack epox y hor n complete wi th solenoid valve . Ea s y to ins t all on all heav y vehicles , one of the leading hor ns on the mar ket . L :19 cm , H :19 cm , P:11 cm , Weight 10 0 0 g, Vol t age: 24V Wor k ing pr essur e: 6 -12atm Audibili t y : 20 0 -30 0 m 10 8 db P N 500025951 STR ALI S St ainless s teel compr essed air t wo - hor n set wi th Hi + Lo hor ns , leng th 55 - 60 cm wi th mount , complete wi th spoiler, 24V solenoid valve , ins t allation k i t and mount ga sket . Highly r esis t ant to weather- r elated cor r osion and oxidation. Aer ody namic and tough, wi th high - quali t y sound. Audibili t y : 20 0 -30 0 m 10 8 db P N 500025949 45 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES FREEDOM IS CHOICE. Pericles INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Seat covers Mats Dashboard trim Tables Heaters Air conditioners Miscellaneous interior accessories 50 58 64 68 70 72 74 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SEAT COVERS Seat covers in breathable, stain-resistant fabric for easy cleaning and hygiene. 50 Applicability Material Description Part Number Daily Elite Driver PN 2993742 Daily Elite 2-person bench seat PN 2993743 Daily Elite 2-person bench seat with airbag PN 2993744 Daily Elite 4-person bench seat PN 2993745 Daily Jeans Driver PN 2994432 Daily Jeans 2-person bench seat PN 2994433 Daily Elite and quilted Sail Driver PN 2994434 Daily Elite and quilted Sail 2-person bench seat PN 2994435 Daily Elite and quilted Sail 2-person bench seat with airbag PN 2994436 Daily Elite and quilted Sail 4-person bench seat PN 2994437 Daily Elite and quilted Sail Driver RH drive PN 2994592 Daily Elite and quilted Sail 2-person bench seat RH drive PN 2994593 Daily Elite and quilted Sail 2-person bench seat with airbag RH drive PN 2994594 Daily Synthetic Jeans Driver PN 61145805 Daily Synthetic Jeans 2-person bench seat PN 61145808 Daily Original fabric Driver PN 93162487 Daily Original fabric 2-person bench seat PN 93162488 Daily Original fabric 2-person bench seat with airbag PN 93162500 Daily Synthetic leather Driver PN 93162590 Daily Synthetic leather 2-person bench seat PN 93162605 Daily Scuderia Model Driver and passengers PN 93162697 Daily Original fabric 4-person bench seat PN 93162795 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES DAILY DAILY Elite and quilted Sail PN 2994434 PN 2994435 PN 2994436 PN 2994437 Vero Jeans PN 2994432 PN 2994433 DAILY DAILY Falso Jeans PN 61145805 PN 61145808 Synthetic leather PN 93162590 PN 93162605 51 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Applicability Material Description Part Number Daily MY2006 Original blue fabric Driver PN 2994800 Daily MY2006 Original blue fabric 2-person bench seat PN 2994801 Daily MY2006 Original blue fabric 2-person bench seat with airbag PN 2994802 Daily MY2006 Original blue fabric Rear bench seat PN 2994803 Daily MY2006 Blue/burgundy fabric Driver PN 2994804 Daily MY2006 Blue/burgundy fabric 2-person bench seat PN 2994805 Daily MY2006 Blue/burgundy fabric 2-person bench seat with airbag PN 2994806 Daily MY2006 Blue/burgundy fabric Rear bench seat PN 2994807 Daily MY2006 Jeans Driver PN 2994940 Daily MY2006 Jeans Passenger bench seat PN 2994941 Daily MY2006 Synthetic leather Driver PN 2994942 Daily MY2006 Synthetic leather Passenger bench seat PN 2994943 Daily MY2006 Microfibre Driver PN 2994991 Daily MY2006 Microfibre 2-person bench seat PN 2994992 Daily MY2006 Synthetic leather 4-person bench seat PN 500025703 52 DAILY MY2006 DAILY MY2006 Blue and burgundy fabric PN 2994804 PN 2994805 PN 2994806 PN 2994807 Original blue fabric PN 2994800 PN 2994801 PN 2994802 PN 2994803 DAILY MY2006 DAILY MY2006 Jeans PN 2994940 PN 2994941 Synthetic leather PN 2994942 PN 2994943 PN 500025703 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES 53 DAILY MY2006 Microfibre PN 2994991 PN 2994992 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES 54 Applicability Material Description Part Number Eurocargo MY2008 Original fabric Driver PN 500025873 Eurocargo MY2008 Original fabric Passenger PN 500025874 Eurocargo MY2008 Original fabric Bench seat PN 500025875 Eurocargo MY2008 Original fabric Folding bench seat PN 500025876 Eurocargo Olimpo and quilted Sail Driver PN 2994442 Eurocargo Olimpo and quilted Sail Passenger PN 2994488 Eurocargo Olimpo and quilted Sail Driver PN 2994590 Eurocargo Olimpo and quilted Sail Passenger PN 2994591 Eurocargo Synthetic leather - red velvet Driver RH drive PN 2994790 Eurocargo Synthetic leather - red velvet Passenger RH drive PN 2994791 Eurocargo Synthetic leather - blue Alcantara Driver PN 2994792 Eurocargo Synthetic leather - blue Alcantara Passenger PN 2994793 Eurocargo New Olimpo Driver PN 2993934 Eurocargo New Olimpo Passenger PN 2993935 Eurocargo New Olimpo 2 Passengers PN 2993936 Eurocargo New Olimpo 2 Passengers Comfort PN 2993937 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES EUROCARGO EUROCARGO Synthetic Leather and blue Alcantara PN 2994792 PN 2994793 Synthetic Leather and Red Velvet PN 2994790 PN 2994791 EUROCARGO EUROCARGO MY2008 Olimpo with quilted Sail PN 2994442 PN 2994488 PN 2994590 PN 2994591 Original fabric PN 500025873 PN 500025874 PN 500025875 PN 500025876 55 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES 56 Applicability Material Description Part Number Stralis MY2007 Acapulco black leather and Alcantara Driver PN 500025228 Stralis MY2007 Acapulco black leather and Alcantara Passenger Stralis MY2007 Brand Driver PN 500025231 Stralis MY2007 Brand Passenger PN 500025232 Stralis MY2007 Nettuno/Microstar Driver PN 500025233 Stralis MY2007 Nettuno/Microstar Passenger PN 500025234 Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Stralis - Stralis MY2007 Trakker Synthetic leather - blue Alcantara Driver PN 2994438 Synthetic leather - blue Alcantara Passenger PN 2994439 Red Minerva - quilted Sail Driver PN 2994440 Red Minerva - quilted Sail Passenger PN 2994441 Alcantara - Grey synthetic leather Driver PN 2994445 Alcantara - Grey synthetic leather Passenger PN 2994446 Grey synthetic leather Driver PN 2994447 Grey synthetic leather Passenger PN 2994448 Blue Alcantara Driver PN 2994586 Synthetic leather - blue Alcantara Passenger PN 2994587 Red Minerva - quilted Sail Passenger PN 2994588 Red Minerva - quilted Sail Driver PN 2994589 Stralis Shangay Driver PN 93162781 Stralis Shangay Passenger PN 93162782 Stralis - Trakker Minerva Driver PN 2993938 Stralis - Trakker Minerva Passenger PN 2993939 PN 500025229 STRALIS MY2007 STRALIS MY2007 STRALIS MY2007 Original fabric with Brand PN 500025231 PN 500025232 Nettuno original fabric and Microstar PN 500025233 PN 500025234 Black Synthetic Leather and black Microfibre PN 500025228 PN 500025229 STRALIS, STRALIS MY2007, TRAKKER STRALIS, STRALIS MY2007, TRAKKER Red Minerva fabric and quilted Sail PN 2994440 PN 2994441 PN 2994588 PN 2994589 Synthetic Leather and blue Alcantara PN 2994438 PN 2994439 PN 2994587 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES 57 STRALIS, STRALIS MY2007, TRAKKER STRALIS, STRALIS MY2007, TRAKKER Alcantara and grey Synthetic Leather PN 2994445 PN 2994446 Grey synthetic leather PN 2994447 PN 2994448 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES MATS A pleasanter cab environment makes your work more pleasant. Choose from: rubber mat made from acid-resistant, washable and non-deformable black rubber; fabric mat made from dark grey fabric with black polyester tape edging, triple yarn, and black PVC heel pad on driver's side; PVC mat made from wear-resistant, washable PVC / polyester. RUBBER MATS For keeping the cab interior clean and protecting the original coverings. Acid resistant, washable and non-deformable. With raised edge to keep all the dirt in. Engraved logo. Easy to remove. Practically indestructible. 58 Applicability LH/RH Drive Part Number New Daily MY2006 - Front LH PN 2994430 New Daily S2000 - Front (Special for UPS) LH PN 2993941 New Daily S2000 - Front LH PN 93162584 New Daily S2000 - Rear LH PN 93162585 New Eurocargo MY2008 LH PN 500025927 Eurocargo LH PN 2994147 Stralis AS MY2007 LH PN 500025223 Stralis AT/AD, Trakker MY2007 LH PN 500025224 Stralis AS LH PN 93162783 Stralis AT/AD, Trakker LH PN 2994146 Eurotech, EuroTrakker LH PN 93162880 New Daily S2000 - Front RH PN 93162733 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES 59 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES FABRIC MATS Devised to match the interior decor, customised with embroidered logo. Stitched hem to prevent fraying. Double fixing system guarantees perfect adherence to avoid potentially hazardous situations. For a smarter, more comfortable cab. 60 Applicability LH/RH Drive Part Number New Daily MY2006 - Front LH PN 2994829 New Daily MY2006 - Rear LH - RH PN 2994964 New Daily S2000 (up to 1995) - Front LH PN 2994553 New Daily S2000 - Rear LH - RH PN 2994554 New Daily S2000 LH PN 2994594 Daily City Truck - Front LH PN 93162671 Daily City Truck - Rear LH PN 93162672 Daily S2000 Agile LH PN 2994548 Daily S2000 - Front LH PN 2994549 Daily City from 1989 - Front LH PN 93162940 Eurocargo MY2008 - Set of LH and RH mats LH PN 500025877 Eurocargo MY2008 - - manual gearbox LH PN 500025878 Eurocargo MY2008 - - automatic gearbox LH PN 500025879 Eurocargo - Euro 4/5 LH PN 2994966 Eurocargo LH PN 93162675 Eurocargo LH PN 2993961 Eurocargo LH PN 2994550 Eurocargo LH PN 2994391 Stralis AS - MY2007 LH PN 500025222 Stralis AS - MY2007 - Central area - No Eurotronic LH - RH PN 500025079 Stralis AS - MY2007 - Central area - Eurotronic LH - RH PN 500025080 Stralis AS/ES - Euro 4/5 LH PN 2994967 Stralis AT,AD - Euro 4/5 LH PN 2994968 Stralis AS LH PN 2993712 Stralis AS LH PN 2993714 Stralis AS - No Eurotronic LH PN 2994552 Stralis (No Stralis AS Eurotronic) LH PN 2993762 Stralis AT,AD / Trakker LH PN 2993715 Stralis AT - Eurotronic LH PN 2993959 Stralis AT,AD / Trakker LH PN 2993713 Stralis AT,AD / Trakker LH PN 2993958 Stralis AT,AD / Trakker LH PN 2994551 Stralis AD LH PN 2993763 Stralis AD LH PN 2993960 Trakker - Euro 4/5 LH PN 2994969 Turbostar LH PN 93162939 Eurostar LH PN 93162677 Eurotech, EuroTrakker LH PN 93162676 New Daily MY2006 - Front RH PN 92954401 Daily City - Front RH PN 93162732 Eurocargo RH PN 93162944 Eurocargo RH PN 2994391 Stralis AS RH PN 2994392 Stralis AT/AD, Trakker - Euro 4/5 RH PN 92954402 Stralis AT,AD / Trakker RH PN 2994393 Eurotech, EuroTrakker RH PN 93162731 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES 61 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES PVC MATS PVC / polyester material with reinforced heel pad, waterproof, mould resistant, sound absorbing, non-flammable [UNI ISO 3795]. Washable with soap, grey with Iveco logo. For a cleaner, more comfortable cab. 62 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Applicability LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily MY2006 LH PN 500025827 Eurocargo LH PN 500025828 Stralis AT/AD LH PN 500025829 Stralis AS LH PN 500025830 Stralis AT cowl cover LH PN 500025831 Stralis AS cowl cover LH PN 500025832 63 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES DAILY DASHBOARD TRIM Prestige vehicle interior trim for the more discerning driver: five different surface finishes to make your Daily passenger compartment even more exclusive. Also available in central console only version. DAILY 64 Applicability Description Part Number Daily S2000 Dashboard trim - Aluminium PN 93162479 Daily S2000 Dashboard trim - Carbon PN 93162477 Daily S2000 Dashboard trim - Mahogany PN 93162476 Daily S2000 Dashboard trim - Walnut PN 2994607 Daily S2000 Dashboard trim - Walnut PN 93162475 Daily S2000 Dashboard trim - Carbon PN 93162478 Carbon Titanium Aluminium Walnut Mahogany SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES INTERIOR ACCESSORIES DAILY MY2006 Applicability Description Part Number Daily MY2006 Complete dashboard trim - Aluminium PN 2994946 Daily MY2006 Complete dashboard trim - Walnut PN 2994947 Daily MY2006 Complete dashboard trim - Briarwood PN 2994948 Daily MY2006 Complete dashboard trim - Titanium PN 2994949 Daily MY2006 Complete dashboard trim - Carbon PN 2994950 Daily MY2006 Dashboard trim central console only - Aluminium PN 2994951 Daily MY2006 Dashboard trim central console only - Briarwood PN 2994952 65 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES EUROCARGO DASHBOARD TRIM For drivers who want only the best, Iveco Shop proposes its prestige interior trim range. Surface finishes to make your Eurocargo passenger compartment even more exclusive. EUROCARGO 66 Applicability Description Part Number Eurocargo Dashboard trim - Aluminium PN 2994205 Eurocargo Dashboard trim - Mahogany PN 2994204 Eurocargo Dashboard trim - Walnut PN 2994203 Applicability Description Part Number Eurocargo MY2008 Dashboard trim - Aluminium PN 500025930 Eurocargo MY2008 Dashboard trim - Mahogany PN 500025931 Eurocargo MY2008 Dashboard trim - Walnut PN 500025932 Mahogany Walnut Aluminium SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES STRALIS AND TRAKKER DASHBOARD TRIM For drivers who want only the best, Iveco Shop proposes a choice selection of prestige interior finishes. Different surface finishes to make your Trakker passenger compartment even more exclusive. INTERIOR ACCESSORIES STRALIS, TRAKKER Applicability Description Part Number Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AS dashboard trim - Aluminium PN 2993730 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AT/AD dashboard trim - Aluminium PN 2994202 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AS dashboard trim - Carbon PN 2993729 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AS dashboard trim - Mahogany PN 2993728 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AT/AD dashboard trim - Mahogany PN 2994201 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AS dashboard trim - Walnut PN 2993727 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AT/AD dashboard trim - Walnut PN 2994200 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AS dashboard trim - Walnut PN 2994760 Stralis, Stralis MY2007 Stralis AS dashboard trim - Titanium PN 2993731 Applicability Description Part Number Trakker Dashboard trim - Aluminium PN 2994202 Trakker Dashboard trim - Mahogany PN 2994201 Trakker Dashboard trim - Walnut PN 2994200 Carbon Titanium Aluminium Walnut Mahogany 67 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES TABLES Handy support surfaces that fit on the dashboard. Wooden with non-slip rubber coating and raised edges, for use either when moving or parked. DAILY S2000 Black central table PN 2994533 DAILY MY2006 Table PN 2994957 68 EUROCARGO Black central table (only in version with single row of switches) PN 2994532 STRALIS AS Black table PN 2994527 Table configurable with satellite navigation system PN 500025897 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES STRALIS AS, AT, AD INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Black right-side table PN 2994529 STRALIS AT/AD Black central table PN 2994530 69 STRALIS AT/AD Black central table, configurable with satellite navigation system PN 2994531 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES HEATERS Your cab will never be cold with Iveco Shop air and water heaters. Low consumption and all-round warmth, even when stationary. Applicability Description Part Number Supplementary AIR heaters Daily MY2006 Airtronic D2 - Air 2Kw PN 2993705 Daily MY2006 Airtronic D4 - Air 4Kw PN 2993706 Daily Webasto AT2000S PN 500025783 Stralis AS, Stralis AS MY2007 Airtronic D4 PN 93162700 Stralis AS, Stralis AS MY2007 Airtronic D4 - D2 obligatory PN 2994226 Eurocargo, Stralis, Trakker Airtronic D2 PN 2993707 Eurocargo, Stralis, Trakker Webasto AT2000S PN 500025784 Supplementary WATER heaters Daily Hydronic D5W SC PN 2993704 Eurocargo, Stralis Hydronic D5W SC PN 2994225 70 SUPPLEMENTARY WATER HEATERS EBERSPÄCHER - HYDRONIC The advantage of water heaters: installed in vehicle cooling circuit to provide simultaneous cab and engine preheating. Heat energy is transferred to the heat exchanger in the vehicle heater unit and warm air is conveyed into the cab via the existing ducts. Maximum comfort with either a digital timer or conventional/telephone remote control for on/off programming. small large Air flow (Kg/h) 2400 0 5000 0 Fuel consumption (l/h) 0.27 0.62 Heat (W) 2.29 Weight (kg) 250x90x160 Dimensions (mm) Electrical Input (W) 23 50 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES SUPPLEMENTARY AIR HEATERS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Air heaters work independently of both the vehicle engine and air conditioning system. The heaters are controlled by their internal electronic control units (see drawing): • when the engine starts, the combustion chamber is preventilated, the spark plug is preheated and the pump introduces diesel; • the spark plug ignites the diesel/air mixture to produce a flame; • air is conveyed from the interior or exterior of the vehicle: • by means of the heat exchanger, the heat of the exhaust gases is transferred to the air which is then introduced into the passenger compartment. When switched on, they take in cold air from outside, heat it and convey it to the vehicle interior. They can be installed either under the seats or inside the load area. Both kits are equipped with electronic timers to ensure maximum comfort. SUPPLEMENTARY AIR HEATERS EBERSPÄCHER - AIRTRONIC 71 small AIRTRONIC D2 medium large power small AIRTRONIC D4 medium large power Heat (W) 850 1200 1800 2200 1000 2000 3000 4000 Air flow (Kg/h) 40 60 90 105 65 110 150 185 Fuel consumption (l/h) 0.10 0.15 0.23 0.28 0.13 0.25 0.38 0.51 Weight (Kg) Dimensions (mm) Electrical Input (W) 8 12 2.7 4.5 305x115x122 371x140x150 22 34 7 13 24 40 WEBASTO AT2000S SUPPLEMENTARY AIR HEATERS small large Heat (W) 900 2000 Fuel consumption (l/h) 0.12 0.24 2.6 Weight (kg) Dimensions (mm) Electrical Input (W) 322x130x122 9 (medium) 22 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES AIR CONDITIONERS The use of air conditioners is no longer limited to the summer months, but is also useful in the winter for rapid vehicle windscreen demisting to guarantee perfect visibility. Iveco Shop air conditioner line components are type-approved according to original equipment specifications, guaranteeing the same performance levels. 72 Applicability Part Number A/C Daily My2006 - 2.3cc PN 2994933 A/C Daily My2006 - 3.0cc PN 2994934 Daily 50C13 / 50C15 / 29L13 / 35S13 / 35S15 7 60C15 / 65C15 / 65C15 ( Sofim eng.) PN 2994934 Daily 29L10 / 29L12 / 35S10 / 35S12/ (2300cc) ( F1A eng.) PN 2993954 Daily C14/C17 (3000cc) ( F1C eng.) PN 2994218 Eurocargo My2008 PN 500025912 Eurocargo (= Euro 4) up to April 2008 - for Eurocargo Euro 5 - 4-cyl. engine up to April 2008 - order adaptation kit PN 500025913 PN 2994208 Eurocargo Tector 120-130-150 E18 Eurocargo Tector 120-130-150-180 E24 Eurocargo Tector 120-130-150-180 E28 PN 2993669 Eurocargo Tector 60-65-75 E13 Eurocargo Tector 60-65-75 E15 / 80EL15 Eurocargo Tector 75-80-90-100 E17 Eurocargo Tector 80-110 EL17 Eurocargo Tector 80-90-100 E21 / 110 EL21 PN 93162726 Eurocargo 60-65-75 E12 / 60-65-75 E14 / 80-100 E15 / 80-100-110 E18 / 80-100-110 E21 PN 93162919 Eurocargo 120-130-150 E18 PN 93162706 Eurocargo 120-130-150-170 E23 PN 93162601 Eurocargo 150-170 E27 PN 93162443 Stralis AT/AD S27-S31-S35 Trakker Stralis AT/AD S33-S36 EURO 5 PN 2994172 Stralis AT/AD S38 - S40 - S4 3- S48 - S54 Trakker Stralis AT/AD S42 - S45 - S50 - S56 EURO 5 PN 2994148 Eurotech Cursor 8 190E27 - E31 - E35 PN 93162546 Eurotech Cursor 10 190E40 / 190E43 / 440E40 / 440E43 / E44 PN 93162573 Eurotech E30 - E34 - E38 Eurotrakker PN 93162587 Eurotech E42 Eurotrakker PN 93162924 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES STATIONARY VEHICLE AIR CONDITIONERS Applicability Eurocargo My2008 - Stralis My2007 - Trakker Eurocargo My2008 - Stralis My2007 - Trakker Description Part Number Stationary vehicle air conditioner Fresco 3000 - Top * PN 500025706 Stationary vehicle air conditioner Fresco 3000 - Retro ** PN 500025707 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Eurocargo MY2008, Stralis MY2007, Trakker The new Fresco 3000 air conditioner is Iveco's answer to achieving maximum thermal comfort in the cab bunk zone of industrial vehicles during night-time and daytime stops, with top-of-the-range real cooling power (950 W-3245 BTU/h). It works silently and cleanly with the engine off, lowering the temperature and reducing humidity in the way that only true air conditioners can, leaving the roof hatch free. The weight is now reduced, thanks to the use of a single Danfoss BD350GH compressor, and the two available versions mean that the Fresco 3000 can be installed in any kind of cab without the use of specific installation kits. Requires a battery of at least 180Ah. Technical characteristics: • Uses Refrimaster tubing • Max. cooling power 950W (3245 btu/h) • Max. electrical input 14.5 A (7.5 A standard function) • Two different configurations with choice of top or back condenser • Operates at 24V dc with engine off • Eco-friendly R134 (CFC free) gas • Remote control and digital control panel with programming timer • 6 ventilation speeds • Battery saving device with automatic switch-off at low voltage Advantages: • Reduced overall weight • Greater range of application thanks to the choice of two different types of condenser, suitable for all kinds of cabs • Simplified fitting procedure • Precision heat control and a healthier environment, with lower temperatures and reduced humidity • Low noise and no combustible exhaust gases emitted into the surrounding environment when stationary • No interference with roof hatch, therefore no need to buy adaptation kit • Air distribution directly in bunk zone, giving excellent air conditioning and comfort during rests, avoiding the loss of efficiency that occurs with the evaporator positioned further away * Installable above cab. Not compatible with Stralis AS fitted with aerodynamic kit ** Installable behind cab. 73 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES LOAD AREA LININGS The load area linings are designed to protect the floor and walls of the vehicle in normal loading and unloading operations. Kit contains fitting accessories. Linings for vans with medium/high roof are available in a variety of materials. Refer to the table to find the right kit. The untreated MDF floor kit, in non-skid phenolic multilayer, has cambered and predrilled corner sections made of oxidised aluminium alloy with smooth silver finish, to protect the edges of the lining at the rear and side doorways. 74 8 mm MDF 4 mm MDF Chequered aluminium 6 mm Okoumè plywood 9 mm non-skid phenolic multi-layer 4 mm white MDF SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Floor linings - 8 mm medium density fibreboard (MDF) Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 Single Short - LH - RH PN 500025310 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 Single Long - LH - RH PN 500025311 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 Single - - LH - RH PN 500025312 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 Single - - LH - RH PN 500025313 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 Twin Short - LH - RH PN 500025314 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 Twin Long - LH - RH PN 500025315 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 Twin - - LH - RH PN 500025316 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 Twin - - LH - RH PN 500025317 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Applicability Floor linings - 9 mm non-skid phenolic multi-layer Applicability Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 Single Short - LH PN 500025318 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 Single Long - LH PN 500025319 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 Single - - LH PN 500025320 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 Single - - LH PN 500025321 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 Twin Long - LH PN 500025322 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 Twin - - LH PN 500025323 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 Twin - - LH PN 500025324 Floor linings - chequered aluminium sheet 2.5 mm + pattern Applicability Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000 3000 Single Short - LH PN 2993946 Daily S2000 3000 Single Long - LH PN 2993948 Daily S2000 3300 Single - - LH PN 2993950 Daily S2000 3950 Single - - LH PN 2993952 Daily S2000 3000 Twin Short - LH PN 2993947 Daily S2000 3000 Twin Long - LH PN 2993949 Daily S2000 3300 Twin - - LH PN 2993951 Daily S2000 3950 Twin - - LH PN 2993953 Daily MY2006 3000 Single Short - LH PN 500025325 Daily MY2006 3000 Single Long - LH PN 500025326 Daily MY2006 3300 Single - - LH PN 500025327 Daily MY2006 3950 Single - - LH PN 500025328 Daily MY2006 3000 Twin Short - LH PN 500025329 Daily MY2006 3000 Twin Long - LH PN 500025330 Daily MY2006 3300 Twin - - LH PN 500025331 Daily MY2006 3950 Twin - - LH PN 500025332 75 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Wheelhouse trim - chequered aluminium sheet 2.5 mm + pattern Applicability Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 Single - - LH PN 500025201 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 Single - - LH PN 2993753 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 Twin - - LH PN 2993754 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 Twin - - LH PN 2993755 Wheelhouse trim - Phenolic multi-layer Applicability Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 - Single - - LH PN 500025209 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 - Twin - - LH PN 500025210 Wheels Overhang Roof Sockets - Chequered aluminium Applicability Wheelbase LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000 3000 - - - LH PN 2994142 Daily S2000 3000 - - - LH PN 2994143 Daily S2000 3300 - - - LH PN 2994144 Daily S2000 3950 - - - LH PN 2994145 Side wall trim - 4 mm medium density fibreboard (MDF) Applicability 76 Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Short Medium - High LH - RH PN 93162529 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Long Medium - High LH - RH PN 93162530 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 - - Medium - High LH - RH PN 93162531 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 - - Medium - High LH - RH PN 93162532 Wheels Overhang Roof Side wall trim - 6 mm Ceiba Applicability Wheelbase LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Short Medium - High LH - RH PN 500025769 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Long Medium - High LH - RH PN 500025770 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 - - Medium - High LH - RH PN 500025771 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 - - Medium - High LH - RH PN 500025772 Side wall trim - white scratch-resistant MDF Applicability Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Short Medium - High LH PN 93162537 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Long Medium - High LH PN 93162538 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 - - Medium - High LH PN 93162539 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3950 - - Medium - High LH PN 93162540 Front door, side door and front wall trim - medium density fibreboard Applicability Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Short - Long Medium - High LH - RH PN 2993942 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 - 3950 - - Medium - High LH - RH PN 2993944 Front door, side door and front wall trim - 6 mm Ceiba Applicability Wheelbase Wheels Overhang Roof LH/RH Drive Part Number Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3000 - Short - Long Medium - High LH - RH PN 500025773 Daily S2000, Daily MY2006 3300 - 3950 - - Medium - High LH - RH PN 500025774 SEAT COVERS | MATS | DASHBOARD TRIM | TABLES | HEATERS | AIR CONDITIONERS | MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ACCESSORIES STEERING WHEEL KNOB STRALIS, EUROCARGO, TRAKKER INTERIOR ACCESSORIES Machined aluminium and plastic “billiard ball” design for a stylish and effective steering aid PN 500025760 SILL GUARD STRALIS MY2007 Aluminium sill guard with non-slip inserts PN 500025720 77 AUXILIARY FUEL TANK 13 litre auxiliary tank for heater PN 500025933 Epicur us SECURITY & SAFETY HE WHO IS CALM DISTURBS NEITHER HIMSELF NOR OTHERS. SECURITY & SAFETY Anti-thef t systems Rever sing devices Lighting Emergency Snow chains Miscellaneous 82 86 94 100 102 104 ANTI -THEFT SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS ANTI -THEFT SYSTEMS Giving you peace of mind and ma ximum protection agains t thef t when you're away from your vehicle. Easy to f it . DIABLOCK FOR DAILY MY20 06 The Diablock is an automatic secur it y lock for light r ange load compar tments. It was devised in response to the incessant need to protec t not only the vehicle, but its contents. The main pur poses of the Diablock are: • To safeguard the contents of the load compar tment, tr ansfor ming it into an ar moured for tress. • To reduce uncontrollable and damaging loss of goods in tr ansit, until now protec ted by an ordinar y, vulner able lock • To eliminate the need for awk ward and quite inef fec tive ex ter nal padlock s T he d ev ice , w hich is inv isible f r om t he ou t sid e , is e le c t r onic a ll y ac t i v a te d . S im pl y close t he door a nd , af te r 5 se conds , t he D ia block me cha nis m w ill lock i t s hu t . To ope n , e i t he r pr es s t he bu t ton on t he D ia block r adio r e mote con t r ol or, w i t h ce n t r a l lock ing s y s te ms , you c a n use you r ve hicle's s t a nda r d r e mote con t r ol . 82 The k it contains the control unit, a lock and a remote control. The control unit can handle up to three additional lock s simultaneously, for lock ing the rear door s and up to t wo side door s. The Diablock is able to inter face with a vehicle centr al lock ing sys tem, mak ing it possible to oper ate all the door lock s from a single remote control. The k it does not include the mounting br acket for r ight-hand dr ive vehicles (order separ ately). Complete Diablock for rear lock ing PN 2994697 Optional bolt PN 2994944 Mounting br acket for r ight-hand dr ive vehicles PN 500025078 LEOBLOCK FOR DAILY MY20 06 Inter faces with all Diablock conf igur ations to fur ther enhance vehicle secur it y. The k it is supplied with a self-powered siren, shock sensor, ultr asonic volumetr ic sensor and immobiliser PN 2994945 | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS IMMOBILISER The immobiliser consis ts of a remote-controlled engine s tar t-up relay (30A), identical in appear ance to the vehicle's or iginal relay. It is thus impossible to detec t . ELEC TRONIC IMMOBILISER 07K12 FOR DAILY MY20 06 Ar ms automatically when the tr ansponder is plug ged into the cigaret te lighter socket . The lock engages ins tantly and automatically when the engine is switched of f. Once the antithef t sys tem is ar med, it prevents the engine from s tar ting. No need for additional cabling or modif ications to the vehicle's elec tr ical sys tem Quick and easy to ins tall. PN 2994693 Ar ms automatically 30 sec. af ter the engine is switched of f and disar ms automatically by means of the r adio tr ansponder. Can control multiple remote-controlled relays. Self-lear ning of new tr ansponder s in addition to the t wo supplied tr ansponder s. Emer gency disar ming by PIN code. Anti-Scan. Tr ansponder reading r ange approx. 20 cm Can manage up to 5 tr ansponder s. PN 2994694 83 06Q12 ELEC TRONIC AND MECHANICAL IMMOBILISER FOR DAILY MY20 06 Double protec tion for your Daily: elec tronic and mechanical. The elec tronic par t disables the s tar t-up circuit, whereas the mechanical par t block s the clutch hydr aulic circuit to inter r upt the vehicle dr ivetr ain sys tem, thus s topping the power from being tr ansmit ted to the wheels. Cer tif ied to Italian CEI 79/17 Level II s tandard, cor responding to ANIA insur ance requirements: this immobiliser is essential if the tr anspor ted goods need to be insured. PN 2994167 06Q24ELEC TRONIC AND MECHANICAL IMMOBILISER FOR STR ALIS, EUROCARGO AND TR AKKER Double protec tion for your vehicle: elec tronic and mechanical. The elec tronic par t disables the s tar t-up circuit, whereas the mechanical par t block s the clutch hydr aulic circuit to inter r upt the vehicle dr ivetr ain sys tem, thus s topping the power from being tr ansmit ted to the wheels. Cer tif ied to Italian CEI 79/17 Level II s tandard, cor responding to ANIA insur ance requirements: this immobiliser is essential if the tr anspor ted goods need to be insured. PN 2994171 - automatic gear box PN 2994166 - manual gear box SECURITY & SAFETY 07K13 ELECTRONIC IMMOBILISER FOR DAILY MY20 06 ANTI -THEFT SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS PROFESSIONAL AL ARM FOR DAILY S20 0 0 Pr ofessional alar m for vehicle pr otec tion, featur ing 2 anti-scan r adio contr ols , r olling code for centr alised door opening / closing, engine hood pr otec tion, door pr otec tion, f la shing tur n indicator light s when s wi tching on /of f, eco -fr iendly inter nal bat ter y that oper ates the alar m if the main bat ter y cable is cu t , high - power sir en, LED alar m signalling wi th event memor y, ul tr a sonic cab inter ior pr otec tion, option of ac tivating hor n together wi th alar m and adding optional modules such a s power window contr ol and til t sensor. Supplied wi th Emer genc y Key and ha s a dedicated ou tpu t for connec tion to a Met a Sys tem GSM and /or satelli te module PN 93162751 M160 movement sensor PN 2994163 Power window module M8 PN 2994164 SELF-POWERED AL ARM Compac t self-powered alar m, featur ing 2 Random Rolling Code r adio controls, volumetr ic protec tion, per ipher al protec tion, blinker and control. Centr al lock ing, Thatcham approved. 84 24V Supply voltage PN 93162756 12V Supply voltage PN 93162757 TECNOSAT SATELLITE TR ACKING DEVICE FOR DAILY MY20 06, STR ALIS, EUROCARGO AND TR AKKER Tecnosat is a satellite tr ack ing sys tem for commercial and indus tr ial vehicles. In addition to the usual func tions of a tr ack ing sys tem, the Tecnosat can automatically tr ansmit both cr ash alar ms and SOS alar ms by means of a push-but ton connec ted to the cor responding input . The ex treme f lexibilit y of the device means that it can be used for logis tics applications, secur it y applications or both. It can be managed by single user s (via mobile phone), companies, gener ic applications (GIS , management sof t ware, logis tics sof t ware platfor ms and web-based por tals, etc.) or specialis t applications (via Websat sof t ware or Websat Development Kit tools), by selec ting the cor responding communication mode (GPRS/SMS/GSM data channel). Func tions: real-time tr ack ing, progr ammed tr ack ing at planned inter vals, continuous tr ack ing ac tivation, route recording, alar ms (cr ash alar m: when the cr ash alar m is tr ig gered by the elec tronic cr ash sensor, the Tecnosat sends the alar m signal either to the control centre or pr ivate GSM telephone number s. SOS reques t alar m: when the push-but ton connec ted to the input is pressed, the Tecnosat sends a reques t for emer gency assis tance to either the control centre or pr ivate GSM telephone number s) PN 2994953 ANTI -THEFT SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS ANTI-SIPHON DEVICES Fuel thef t prevention sys tems. Applicabilit y Application Description Diameter Par t Number Str alis Tr actors St andard 8 0 mm PN 92954010 Str alis with aluminium fuel t ank Rigid truck s/tr actors with aluminium fuel t ank St andard 8 0 mm PN 92954011 Eurocargo with plastic fuel t ank Plastic fuel t ank s with internal threading St andard 60 mm PN 92954012 Eurocargo Plastic fuel t ank s with internal threading St andard 60 mm PN 92954013 Str alis with aluminium fuel t ank Rigid truck s/tr actors with aluminium fuel t ank High per formance 8 0 mm PN 92954015 Eurocargo with plastic fuel t ank Plastic fuel t ank s with internal threading High per formance 60 mm PN 92954016 Eurocargo Plastic fuel t ank s with internal threading High per formance 60 mm PN 92954017 Str alis Tr actors M a ximum protection 8 0 mm PN 92954630 92954 017 / 92954 013 Anti-thef t devices 60 mm PN 92954035 ANTI-THEF T NUTS FOR STR ALIS MY20 07 AND MASSIF Anti-thef t nuts - 32” thread M22 x1. 5 alkaline zinc plated. Handy case containing 4 nuts and a tightening key. STR ALIS, TR AKKER MASSIF PN 500025710 PN 500025906 DAILY EUROCARGO PN 500025712 PN 500025711 85 SECURITY & SAFETY Aluminium device for preventing diesel fuel thef t . Tes ted for non-inter ference with nor mal f illing at up to 120 l/minute. Fit ted with a special valve to prevent fuel suc tion, even when the tank is full, and to s top excess fuel spilling out . | REVE RSING DEVICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS ACOUSTIC REVERSE SIGNALLERS Switch on automatically, emit ting an audible signal whenever rever se gear is engaged. Guarantee improved reliabilit y, greater acous tic precision, quicker and more accur ate self-adjus tment to ambient noise levels, easier ins tallation and longer dur abilit y. Available in ver sions with conventional acous tic signal and low noise pollutant signal. BBS -TEK SIGNALLER FOR DAILY, STR ALIS, EUROCARGO AND TR AKKER Although rever sing alar ms are vitally impor tant for safet y, they can also be annoying for people wor k ing near by and residents in the areas where they are used. The bbs-tek reversing alarm system emits a special type of sound that resolves this problem. Its internationally patented broadband signal (white sound) emits a “shh...ssh...ssh” multi-frequency sound, unlike the narrowband sound of normal alarms. Available for all t ypes of vehicle, BBS -TEK alar ms have the following advantages over conventional alar ms: • Direc tional sound: The sound can be heard only behind the rever sing vehicle, thus avoiding complaints about noise pollution • Ins tant location of the position of the rever sing vehicle for greater safet y: with conventional alar ms, people have dif f icult y identif ying the ac tual position of the vehicle because the sound dissipates in all direc tions. This is not the case with bbs-tek • Automatic volume adjus tment: especially useful for vehicles oper ating in dif ferent environmental conditions, or both night and day. 86 bbs- 87 rever se signaller with 87dB alar m for Daily and Eurocar go PN 92940113 bbs-92 rever se signaller with 92dB alar m for Str alis, Eurocar go (tr ac tor) and Tr ak ker PN 92928617 FIXED VOLUME SIGNALLERS FOR DAILY, STR ALIS, EUROCARGO AND TR AKKER Ideal for tr uck s, buses, coaches, mobile plant equipment, indus tr ial and light vehicles, in confor mance with the SAE J994 environmental s tandard and protec ted by a tough, dur able s tr uc ture, guar anteed water proof (IP68). Solid fr ame, spar k-free elec tronics, epox y sealed for protec tion agains t mud, water and vibr ation, resis tant to s team cleaning and compressed air jets. ba-160 rever se signaller, 97dB for Str alis, Eurocar go and Tr ak ker PN 2994519 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | REVE RSING DEVICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS ba- 42 (NS) rever se signaller with 90dB alar m and 78db noise reduc tion for Str alis, Eurocar go and Tr ak ker PN 2994581 ba-13 rever se signaller with 90dB alar m for Str alis, Eurocar go and Tr ak ker PN 92928615 87 Acous tic rever se signaller with f ire-retardant, acid-resis tant and water proof speaker. The signaller is completely air tight and has a water-resis tant resin-coated circuit . The item is easy to ins tall and switches on automatically whenever rever se gear is engaged. Its ideal position is on the vehicle tailgate bar. Compatible with Str alis, Eurocar go and Tr ak ker PN 2994260 REVERSING AL ARM DISARMING SYSTEM Disar ming device for rever sing alar ms, used in countr ies with s tr ic t noise regulations. One-touch timed relay mounted on dashboard. Allows the dr iver to disar m the BACK AL AR M device when rever sing on out-of-town roads bet ween 11.30 pm and 7.30 am. The sys tem automatically resets af ter a 3- 4 minute delay PN 92939994 SECURITY & SAFETY ba-57 rever se signaller with 90dB alar m. Suitable for mos t light vehicles and small for k lif t tr uck s. Includes an optional nightsilent feature which automatically cuts out the bleeper when the vehicle lights are on. Compatible with Daily and Eurocar go PN 92928614 | REVE RSING DEVICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS REVERSING VIDEO KITS Camer a sys tems that ensure safe rever sing by providing clear all-round visibilit y to aler t the dr iver of potential danger s. The ideal solution when you are unable to see the side or rear of your vehicle. Black /white and colour ver sions available in both professional and basic conf igur ations. BE- 850 - 000 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO KIT • BE- 850 M 5'' professional LCD colour monitor, anti-ref lec tive screen, built-in speaker s • BE- 80 0C professional colour camer a , 6 infr ared LEDs, shock and vibr ation resis tant, water proof, integr al microphone, oper ating temper ature r ange -20°C - +70°C • 20 m cable PN 2994910 BE- 856 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO KIT 88 • 5.6” LCD monitor with auto dimmer func tion, anti-ref lec tive screen. Requires module for inser tion of 3 camer as • BE- 856 professional colour camer a • 20 m cable PN 2993760 BE- 870 - 000 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO KIT • BE- 870 EM 7'' professional LCD colour monitor • BE- 80 0C professional colour camer a , 6 infr ared LEDs, shock and vibr ation resis tant, water proof, integr al microphone, oper ating temper ature r ange -20°C - +70°C • 20 m cable PN 92954425 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | REVE RSING DEVICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS VBV-750 - 000 BASIC VIDEO KIT • VBV-750AM 5" LCD colour monitor • Control module for 2 VBV-70 0CM camer a inputs • VBV-70 0C camer a , shock and vibr ation resis tant, water proof, integr al microphone, -20°C - +70°C oper ating temper ature • 20 m cable Black & white camer a PN 2994258 BASIC VBV-545 - 000 VIDEO KIT 89 • VBV-545AM 4. 5" monochrome monitor • VBV-10 0C black /white camer a , shock and vibr ation resis tant, water proof, integr al microphone, -25°C - +85°C oper ating temper ature • 20 m cable PN 2994259 BE- 856 -303 PROFESSIONAL FRONT VIEW VIDEO KIT • BE- 856 5.6'' professional LCD colour monitor • BE-303C professional front view camer a • 5m cable PN 500025918 SECURITY & SAFETY Colour camer a PN 2994257 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | REVE RSING DEVICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS BE- 856 PROFESSIONAL COLOUR MONITOR • 7 ” LCD monitor with auto dimmer func tion • Anti-ref lec tive screen • Requires module for inser tion of 3 camer as PN 92954428 BE-300C PROFESSIONAL CAMER A • 1/3 " Sony CCD high-resolution • Autofocus • Infr ared LEDs giving high def inition vision in low light conditions • Water proof (IP68) • 125° wide view angle • A complete ser ies for mounting on the front, rear and LH/RH sides of the vehicle 90 BE-30 0C Professional LH side view camer a PN 2994911 BE-301C Professional RH side view camer a PN 2994912 BE-302C Professional rear view camer a PN 500025922 BE-303C Professional front view camer a PN 500025922 BE- 800C PROFESSIONAL REAR VIEW CAMER A • 1/3 " Sony CCD+DSP high-resolution • Infr ared LEDs giving high def inition vision in low light conditions • Tough, light weight aluminium case • Water proof (IP68) • 130° view angle • Integr al microphone • Adjus table mounting angle • Cor rosion resis tant • LED f ield of view optimised at 10 m • Automatic inter nal heater that switches on when the temper ature drops below +10°C . PN 2993758 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | REVE RSING DEVICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS BW BE- 455C CAMER A • Professional r ange black /white camer a • Ultr a- Low- Light PN 92953850 BE- 455M PROFESSIONAL MONOCHROME MONITOR BE- 455 20 -metre cable PN 92953868 91 SECURITY & SAFETY • 5. 5" monochrome monitor • Anti-ref lec tive screen • 2 inputs for black /white camer as PN 92953855 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | REVE RSING DEVICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS PARKING SENSORS Rever sing and par k ing in conf ined spaces can be r isk y. With limited rear visibilit y, ever-smaller par k ing spaces and spir alling repair cos ts it makes sense to f it your vehicle with a par k ing assis tance sensor. Reduce risks and potential damage and repair costs. Switch on automatically whenever reverse gear is engaged. Audio and visual sys tems available. DAILY The sys tem uses ultr asonic sensor s which detec t any obs tacle located behind the vehicle (other vehicles, pallets, pedes tr ians, etc.). It aler ts the dr iver to their proximit y by emit ting an inter mit tent signal which becomes an unbroken signal when the vehicle is less than 30cm from the obs tacle. The LCD colour display ins tantly infor ms the dr iver of the obs tacle's dis tance and position (r ight /lef t).The compac t size of the sensor s means that they can be incor por ated discreetly into the vehicle bumper without alter ing the lines of the vehicle. The k it, designed for all t ypes of plas tic bumper, contains 4 sensor s and can also be used on vehicles with tow hook s. The pack also contains the special dr ill bit required for dr illing the bumper. PN 2994813 Single replacement sensor PN 2994958 92 DAILY S20 0 0 4 -capsule rever sing sensor for in-cab ins tallation with opticalacous tic signalling (LED + buz zer) and indicator ex tension. New water-resis tant sensor s with connec tor for easy ins tallation. Complete with br ackets for adaptation to vehicle. PN 93162750 STR ALIS, EUROCARGO, TR AKKER The sensor reduces r isk s and potential damage and repair cos ts. Allows the dr iver to manoeuvre safely in dif f icult rever sing oper ations. Switches on automatically whenever rever se gear is engaged. PN 92953848 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS REVOLVING BEACONS It's dif f icult not to be noticed with revolving beacons. Recommended for emer gency situations or special manoeuvres. The or ange beacon lens gives high visibilit y in all direc tions. Available in magnetic ver sion or anti-vibr ation, water tight r ubber-based ver sion. Gives greater safet y in critical situations. Lamp with 24V supply voltage PN 2994819 Lamp with 12V supply voltage PN 500025082 93 • Base made of glass-f ibre reinforced polypropylene • Dome with screw fas tening • Wor m gear dr ive • Rotation on sintered bush • Metallised s teel ref lec tor with balance counter weight and s tep device for manual rotation • Radio inter ference f ilter in accordance with DIR .95/54/CE. 12V Supply voltage PN 2994429 24V Supply voltage PN 2994430 SECURITY & SAFETY The “Revolux” rotar y lamp consis ts of a magnetic base (ma x speed 80 K m/h) and a par ticular ly tough polycar bonate cover. The inter nal metallic ref lec tor is specially designed to guar antee excellent light dif fusion. The patented dr ive mechanism, on ball bear ings, is low-noise and low-fr ic tion, ensur ing cons tant oper ation over time. Comes complete with bulb. The patented at tachment sys tem and phosphor bronze holder contac ts ensure quick bulb changes and a reliable elec tr ical connec tion. ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS MODUL AR LIGHT BAR FOR DAILY • Rotating light module with innovative ref lec tor design for ex tremely high light intensit y • Low prof ile (13 cm. h) • Fully protec ted motor assembly • Wor m gear dr ive • Rotation on sintered bush • Metallised s teel ref lec tor with s tep device for manual rotation • Radio inter ference f ilter in accordance with DIR .95/54/CE • One-piece base and body s tr uc ture, cover f ixed with 4 spr ing clips. The entire s tr uc ture is made of unbreakable polycar bonate. • Opaline light panel suitable for the application of any k ind of logo or tex t, illuminated by 2 x 21W 12V or 24V bulbs PN 2994431 EMERGENCY L AMPS 94 Emer gency lamps are useful things to have on hand at all times. Lighting is an essential requirement when the unexpected occurs. Iveco Shop rechar geable emer gency lamps are eco-fr iendly, being powered not by bat ter ies but by a power ful supplied built-in dynamo gener ator. As well as having an er gonomic lever for switching on the built-in dynamo gener ator, the lamps can be rechar ged from any of the available accessor ies on the vehicle, such as the 12V cigaret te lighter socket or the 220V mains supply AC /DC adapter. The 4.8V output can also be used as an emer gency power supply for your mobile phone (adapter s for Nok ia , Sony- Er icsson, Motorola , Siemens and Samsung included). RIGEL RECHARGEABLE L AMP Rigel is top of the r ange thank s to its ver satilit y and power : 5 x 10 mm ultr a-br ight LEDs on a platfor m with ex tremely innovative features. 180° swivel head, magnetic base, luminous gr ip and handy accumulator char ge/ full indicator. The selec tor can be used to choose bet ween 3 or 5 - LED lighting. Char ac ter is tics: • Built-in NiMH accumulator, rechar geable from ex ter nal power sources • 5 x 10 mm ultr a-br ight LEDs, over 50,0 0 0 hour s oper ating life • Swivel head with 180° DIREC TIONAL LIGHT • 3 or 5 - LED lighting selec tion • Luminous handgr ip, visible in the dar k • Magnetic base for easy positioning PN 2994990 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS GIPSY2 RECHARGEABLE L AMP 5 white LEDs for continuous lighting Supplied with s tandby light, mak ing it easy to f ind in the dar k . Char ac ter is tics: • Built-in 3-phase gener ator • 5 x 5 mm ultr a-br ight LEDs, over 50,0 0 0 hour s oper ating life • Light assembly with lens PN 2994989 6V rechar geable halogen lamp. Ø 120, 55W - 550,0 0 0 candle power. 6V 4 A h bat ter y. Adjus t able handle Complete wi th cigar et te lighter plug and tr ans for mer for r echar ging PN 500025841 95 BULB KIT A set of spare bulbs and fuses for continuing your jour ney safely. DAILY MY20 06 Set of 7 bulbs PN 2994995 STR ALIS, EUROCARGO, TR AKKER Set of 9 bulbs PN 93162799 DAILY S20 0 0 Set of 7 bulbs PN 93162554 DAILY OLD R ANGE STR ALIS, EUROCARGO, TR AKKER Set of 9 Tr uck s tar bulbs (longer life and more light than s tandard bulbs) PN 500025202 Set of 5 bulbs PN 93162598 MEDIUM/HEAV Y OLD R ANGE MASSIF PN 500025905 Set of 5 bulbs PN 93162599 SECURITY & SAFETY GUARD - LITE L AMP ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS IVECO SHOP LIGHTS New 12V bulbs for your Daily. More light , more safet y. Discover the new bulbs. For almos t 10 0 year s the br and has been synonymous with excellent lighting all over the wor ld. EXTR A E xceptional per for mance: E X TR A lamps have t wo key advantages over s tandard halogen lamps. the special technolog y used in their cons tr uc tion means that they put up to 50% more light on the road, depending on the t ype of headlight, especially in the cr ucial zone 50 to 75 metres in front of the vehicle. In addition, the light beam is up to 20 metres longer. This means that road signs, mar k ings, obs tacles and other danger s can be seen sooner and more clear ly. As regards desgin, this impressive improvement in per for mance is matched by great innovations in s t yle. E X TR A H4 and H7 lamps are silver-capped to blend in with the background ref lec tor. And unlike the major it y of low-cos t lamps, they maintain this ef fec t throughout their lives. E X TR A lamps are therefore ideal for moder n clear-glass headlight clus ter s; the per fec t answer for all dr iver s who value not only the improved safet y of their vehicle, but also its look s. Supplied in 2-bulb sets 96 DAILY E X TR A - H1 - 12V PN 500025698 E X TR A - H4 - 12V PN 500025800 E X TR A - H7 - 12V PN 500025803 BLUE With a colour temper ature of 40 0 0 K , the per for mance of BLUE lamps is unmatchable. BLUE headlamps give a highcontr as t bluish white light that resembles natur al daylight and are therefore easier on the eyes than the light from s tandard lamps. The ef fec t is vir tually the same as that of Xenon lamps. Safet y too is an impor tant fac tor, as vehicles f it ted with BLUE lamps are more visible to other road user s. Compared to s tandard headlight lamps, they give the subjec tive impression of being br ighter and gener ate up to 20% more light on the road and later ally. Supplied in 2-bulb sets DAILY BLUE - H1 - 12V PN 500025699 BLUE - H4 - 12V PN 500025801 BLUE - H7 - 12V PN 500025804 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS STRONG Sur veys conduc ted in Europe have revealed that 50% of all road accidents (and 80% of accidents at crossroads or junc tions) happen because the dr iver does not see the other vehicle in time or does not see it at all. Reasons include glare from the headlights of oncoming vehicles and high-contr as t shadows of trees when the sun is low in the sk y. If dr iver s were to dr ive with dipped headlights in the day time as well, the number of accidents would fall dr as tically as it would be easier to see other vehicles, even in poor visibilit y conditions. This fac t is conf ir med by a major sur vey conduc ted by the Roads and Tr anspor t Author it y of Lower Sa xony. The introduc tion of compulsor y day time r unning lights can prevent around 35% of all collisions and 25% of fatal accidents. DAILY STRONG - H1 - 12V PN 500025701 97 STRONG - H4 - 12V PN 500025802 STRONG - H7 - 12V PN 500025805 WHITE The new, easy-to-ins tall WHITE lamps, approved throughout Europe, can be used as replacements for conventional indicator lights. Choose WHITE to add design and technolog y to the lighting capacit y of a s tandard tur n indicator. Also, WHITE lamps las t t wice as long as conventional tur n indicator lights. The lamps, which are amber-coloured when f lashing and neutr al when switched of f, are ideal for clear-glass headlights and add s t yle and ef f iciency to your vehicle. Supplied in 2-bulb sets DAILY WHITE - 12V PN 500025700 SECURITY & SAFETY Supplied in 2-bulb sets ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS RETRO - REFLECTIVE STRIPS The use of micropr ismatic retro-ref lec tive f ilm for vehicle contour mar k ing has led to a signif icant reduc tion in road accidents, according to tes ts conduc ted in the United States. These highly refr ac tive tape s tr ips, available in white, yellow and gold, can make your vehicle identif iable at dis tances of 30 0 - 40 0 metres. The PVC back ing means that they can also be applied to tar paulin-covered vehicles. Roll size: 50 mm x 50 metres. ECE-10 4 - Class C ref lec tive s tr ips for r igid tr ailer s White PN 500025211 Yellow PN 500025212 Red PN 500025213 ECE-10 4 - Class C ref lec tive s tr ips for tar p-covered vehicles White PN 500025214 98 Yellow PN 500025215 Red PN 500025216 FLUORESCENT PANEL KITS Pair of high-visibilit y f luorescent panels with IVECO logo. ECE ONU 70/01 approved. Pair of panels for tr ac tor with yellow background and t wo oblique f luorescent red s tr ipes PN 2994173 Pair of panels for tr ailer with yellow background and f luorescent red fr ame PN 2994174 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS EMERGENCY KIT Tr avel safely, following the r ules of the highway code. Iveco Shop has devised a set of ex tremely useful accessor ies for your vehicle: war ning tr iangle, torch, ref lec tive ves t and f ir s t aid k it . Kit includes: • R 27 approved war ning tr iangle • High-visibilit y f luorescent jacket • DIN13164 f ir s t aid k it (sealed) • Aluminium micro-torch In a handy pack for easy access. PN 2994206 Emer gency war ning tr iangle for commercial vehicles. EU approved in accordance with ECE ONU regulation no.27 PN 93162560 Ves t + tr iangle k it PN 500025919 Fir s t aid k it PN 93162780 99 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS For elec tr ical or br ak ing sys tem f ires. Available in dif ferent sizes in accordance with all legal requirements. Fire ex tinguisher - 2 kg - Italy PN 93162986 Fire ex tinguisher - 1 kg - Fr ance PN 93162632 Fire ex tinguisher - 2 kg - Fr ance PN 98456589 Fire ex tinguisher - 6 kg - Fr ance PN 99486264 Fire ex tinguisher - 2 kg - Fr ance PN 61145539 Fire ex tinguisher - 2 kg - Fr ance PN 61145535 Fire ex tinguisher - 6 kg - Fr ance PN 61145536 Fire ex tinguisher - 2 kg - Ger many PN 2994544 Fire ex tinguisher - 6 kg - Ger many PN 2994545 SECURITY & SAFETY Safet y ves t PN 2993973 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS EMERGENCY JUMP STARTERS Professional equipment with no compromise on qualit y. For multiple s tar ts in dif f icult conditions, even with completely f lat bat ter ies. POWERBOX JUMP STARTER The POWERBOX is char ac ter ised by a sys tem of selec tor s to keep the clamps voltage-free dur ing tr anspor t and connec tion. This r ange is par ticular ly suited to militar y (ar moured car s, tr acked vehicles in gener al) and aeronautical use (commercial aviation and helicopter tur bines), as well as to heav y-dut y haulage applications (ur ban tr anspor t, road rescue, mining and cons tr uc tion sites, indus tr ial tr anspor t, etc.). The Optima and C TEK bat ter y char ger s give precision, r apid char ging even af ter ex tremely intense use. The sys tem of special fuses helps protec t the units agains t improper use. Voltage 24V PN 500025747 The unit has or iginal Radaf lex cables and solid br ass clamps with of fset opening, and the power ful AGM bat ter ies are protec ted agains t accidental shor t-circuit or prolonged use by a special sys tem of fuses . The bat ter y char ger is elec tronic and automatic. Voltage 12V PN 500025745 100 JUMP LEADS Pr ac tical and essential. Useful for coping with the unexpec ted. Supplied with car r ying case. STR ALIS, EUROCARGO, TR AKKER Leng th 4 m - Coated cas t /metal clamps 50 0 Amp holder insulation - Diameter 35mm PN 93162561 DAILY Leng th 2. 5 mm - Metal clamp 120 Amp - diameter 25 mm2 PN 2994970 Leng th 4 m - Insulated clamp 360 Amp - diameter 25 mm2 PN 2994971 | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS T YRE REPAIR KITS Innovative punc ture repair k its (punc tures up to 8 mm) that don't damage the t yre. Repair s take jus t 5 minutes, without having to use jack s or spare wheels, with the guar antee of an immediate, easy and clean repair job. The k it has many advantages over spare wheels, including: lower cos t, less space occupied and less weight to car r y. Af ter use, the product is easily washed away with water. STR ALIS, EUROCARGO, TR AKKER The Air Box Ma xi is a punc ture repair k it (holes up to 8 mm). The produc t is injec ted into the t yre using the on-board compressor. Af ter the punc ture repair, vehicle speed is limited to 80 k m/h by law. The k it contains: • 3,0 0 0 ml bot tle (bot tles can be ordered singly as spare par t PN 2994766) • Unscrewer • Produc t tr ansfer tube • Elbow connec tion for injec ting the chemical produc t into a t winned outer wheel 101 STR ALIS, TR AKKER EUROCARGO PN 2994764 PN 500025824 DAILY This t yre repair k it is recommended for commercial/camper vehicles with a GV W of up to 3, 50 0 kg The k it contains: • 50 0 ml bot tle (bot tles can be ordered singly as spare par t PN 2994766) • EC cer tif ied 12V compressor • 6 m bat ter y connec tion cable • Air tube with quick-f it coupling • Unscrewer • Produc t tr ansfer tube • Augelli compressor accessor ies • Pair of disposable gloves PN 2994763 SECURITY & SAFETY Guar anteed for 8 year s. ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAIN S | MISCELL ANEOUS DIAMOND - PATTERN SNOW CHAINS Be prepared to face the winter in complete safet y. DAILY The main features of Konig “T 2 - No problem” snow chains are: • Diamond pat ter n chain with cross chains in MnNi special alloy s teel (UNI EN 10 020) • E xcellent gr ip on ice and snow • Steel tension spr ing to hold the chain tight agains t the t yre when dr iving Pack contains 1 pair of chains. 102 195/ - R14 195/ 75 - R14 670/ - R14 185/ - R15 195/ 70 - R15 205/65 - R15 175/ - R16 175/ 75 - R16 195/65 - R16 PN 93162562 205/ - R14 205/ 75 - R14 195/ - R15 195/ 75 - R15 195/80 - R15 205/ 70 - R15 205/ 75 - R15 215/65 - R15 185/ 75 - R16 205/65 - R16 215/60 - R16 216/60 - R16 PN 93162542 215/ - R14 215/ 75 - R14 750/ - R14 215/ 70 - R15 215/ 75 - R15 225/ 70 - R15 670/ - R15 185/ - R16 195/ - R16 195/ 75 - R16 215/65 - R16 60 0/ - R16 640/ - R16 PN 93162543 215/ - R15 225/ 75 - R15 235/ 70 - R15 225/60 - R15 7.0 0/ - R15 70 0/ - R15 205/ - R16 205/80 - R16 225/65 - R16 650/ - R16 235/55 - R17 7/ - R17. 5 205/65 - R17. 5 255/45 - R18 PN 2994977 235/ 75 - R15 28x 9 - R15 215/ - R16 215/ 75 - R16 215/80 - R16 215/85 - R16 225/ 70 - R16 225/ 75 - R16 235/65 - R16 225/65 - R17 650/ - R17 235/55 - R18 PN 2994978 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAIN S | MISCELL ANEOUS Str ap-on snow chains for emer gency use. Special s teel alloy (UNI EN 10 020), fully galvanised, “D” sec tion link s. Quick-f it belt sys tem. 185 R16 195 R16 205 R16 215 R16 185/ 75 R16 195/ 75 R16 205/ 75 R16 215/ 75 R16 215/85 R16 225/ 75 R16 60 0 R16 640 R16 650 R16 70 0 R16 750 R16 825 R16 7 R17. 5 8 R17. 5 8. 5 R17. 5 9. 5 R17. 5 205/ 75 R17. 5 215/ 75 R17. 5 225/ 75 R17. 5 235/ 75 R17. 5 70 0 R18 40 0 R19 7 R19. 5 8 R19. 5 650 R 20 PN 500025076 STR ALIS 9 R19. 5 9. 5 R19. 5 245/ 70 R19. 5 265/ 70 R19. 5 275/ 70 R19. 5 285/ 70 R19. 5 305/ 70 R19. 5 9. 5 R 20 750 R 20 825 R 20 90 0 R 20 10 0 0 R 20 110 0 R 20 120 0 R 20 12. 5 R 20 12 /80 R 20 13/80 R 20 110 0 R 22 8 R 22. 5 9 R 22. 5 10 R 22. 5 11 R 22. 5 13 R 22. 5 12 /80 R 22. 5 225/ 70 R 22. 5 275/ 70 R 22. 5 275/80 R 22. 5 295/60 R 22. 5 295/ 70 R 22. 5 295/80 R 22. 5 305/60 R 22. 5 315/ 75 R 22. 5 315/80 R 22. 5 305/ 70 R 22. 5 315/ 70 R 22. 5 315/60 R 22. 5 9. 5 R 24 11.2 R 24 305/ 75 R 24. 5 315/ 75 R 24. 5 PN 500025077 103 SECURITY & SAFETY DAILY, EUROCARGO ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS LOAD STR APS Load s tr aps are an essential requirement for safe tr avel with your load proper ly positioned and har nessed. Available in a r ange of dif ferent sizes and load limits. Retaining belt confor ms to European s tandards for Italy, Spain, Por tugal and nonEuropean countr ies. In accordance with s tandard EN12195 -2. Char ac ter is tics: • Red s tr aps in 10 0% polyes ter fabr ic • Width 50 mm • Leng th 9 m • Car r ying bag • Load capacit y 1650 daN • Load limit 50 0 0 daN • Min BF 330 0 daN PN 2994480 Retaining belt confor ms to European s tandards for Fr ance. 104 Char ac ter is tics: • Yellow s tr aps in 10 0% polyes ter • Width 25 mm • Leng th 5 m • Car r ying bag • Load capacit y 20 0 daN • Load limit 60 0 daN • Min BF 40 0 daN PN 8191364 Char ac ter is tics: • Leng th 9m • Width 50 mm PN 61144687 DAILY Retaining s tr aps for load compar tment, 2 x 0.72 m + 2 x 2. 5 m PN 93162397 Retaining s tr aps for load compar tment, 2 x 0.36 m + 1x 2. 5 m PN 93162398 Retaining s tr aps for load compar tment, 1x4 m PN 93162399 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS The k it consis ts of a pump that can be f it ted with an interchangeable grease car tr idge. The car tr idge sys tem is the mos t advanced solution available in that it prevents impur ities or foreign bodies from enter ing the tank , something that can happen with nor mal f illing. The pump and dis tr ibutor s are made from anodized aluminium, while the dispenser s and connec tions are br ass. No set ting is required, as the pump is capable of supplying the amount of grease reques ted to any number of dispenser s, from 1 to 80. The grease f low order is enabled by an intelligent elec tronic control unit that can be progr ammed to deliver the lubr icant at time inter vals preset by the user, within a selec tion r ange of 20 minutes to 2 hour s, depending on vehicle use. The car tr idge capacit y is 1.7 kg, giving an autonomy of approx. 35,0 0 0 k m. Ins tallation of the automatic centr alised sys tem is easy and requires no equipment . Pneumatically powered PN 1904369 Elec tr ically powered PN 93162835 105 SECURITY & SAFETY AUTOMATIC GRE ASING SYSTEM ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS TOW HOOKS AND TOW BARS The entire r ange of DAILY S20 0 0 and DAILY MY20 06 vehicles can be f it ted with Vs. Or landi tow bar s (total produc t line compr ises 3 tow bar k its and 5 s tif fener s). In addition to tow bar s, we of fer a comprehensive r ange of tow hook s to meet your ever y need. Tow hook with automatic coupling sys tem PN 42535967 Ball tow hook PN 42535966 106 Ball tow hook PN 500025967 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS Technical data PN 42535967 Flange (mm) D -value (kN) Dc-value (Kn) S - mass (k g) 83 x 56 30 30 350 Dc-value (Kn) Weight (k g) 18 5. 8 95 / 20 / EC Type approval Class S e11 0 0 -3281 Technical data PN 42535966 Flange (mm) Tr ailer weight (t) S - mass (k g) 83 x 56 3. 5 250 D -value (Kn) Weight (k g) 94 / 20 / EC Type approval 18 3. 5 e11 0 0 - 0533 D -value (kN) Dc-value (kN) 83 x 56 31 31 S - mass (k g) Weight (k g) 34 0 5. 5 94 / 20 / EC Type approval Class S e2 0 0 - 030 43 107 94 / 20 / EC TOW BAR S D -value (kN) S -value (k g) Tr ailer weight (t) Weight (k g) Class Type approval PN 500025964 18 20 0 3. 5 25 F e11 0 0 -14 09 PN 500025965 22 . 5 250 3. 5 27 F e3 0 0 -1543 PN 500025966 22 . 5 250 3. 5 26 F e3 0 0 -1543 VE HIC LE S TOW BAR S VE HIC LE S TOW BAR S truck s and vans 29L - 35C PN 500025964 truck s and vans 29L - 35S PN 2994055 truck s 4 0 - 65 PN 500025965 vans wb = 30 0 0 29L - 35S PN 2994056 vans 4 0 - 65 PN 500025966 truck s and vans 35C - 50C PN 2994052 vans wb = 30 0 0 35C - 50C PN 2994053 truck s and vans 60C - 65C PN 2994054 FOR ALL VE HICLE S WITHOUT FIT TING FOR OPT TOW HOOK FOR ALL VE HICLE S WITH FIT TING FOR OPT TOW HOOK cable/13-pole central socket PN 504193606 cable/13 - pole centr al socket PN 504179526 electronic control unit PN 69502354 electronic control unit PN 69502354 front harness PN 504179520 front harness PN 504179520 br acket PN 504205193 br acket PN 504205193 SECURITY & SAFETY Technical data PN 500025967 Flange (mm) ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS WINDSCREEN WIPER BL ADES Dr iving in adver se conditions is ex tremely ha zardous if visibilit y is less than per fec t . The new Iveco r ange of windscreen wiper blades has been developed together with leading manufac turer s for the pleasure of dr iving in total safet y. Optimum pressure, aerodynamics and compac t dimensions to avoid res tr ic ting the f ield of view: these are the features that give Iveco windscreen wiper blades a smooth and silent action, ma ximum ef f iciency in all weather conditions and long-term durabilit y. Diano, Cer biat to, Or sot to, Eicher (Shiepper), Leoncino, Lupet to, Vosges PN 2994619 50.8 -110.16 ( Z-Ser ies), Zeta , Tur bozeta , P270A , T340A , 50 F8, 10 0 F13, 80, 90, 90 NC , 80 NT, 115.17-175.24 (M -Ser ies) PN 2994620 315 Tr avel Bus, 156D -180 D, 90 M6FK160 M13FS (MK-Ser ies), Omnibus 150/RL10, Omnibus 20 0 RS/LS12, 310 D, 340 D PN 2994621 Daily, Gr inta , 306 , 308, 309, 314, 315GT, 343 PN 2994653 Daily, Gr inta PN 2994623 108 Daily Cit y LH dr ive PN 2994625 Daily Cit y RH dr ive PN 2994626 Daily, Tur bo Daily, 190.20 N PN 2994627 Str alis, Eurocar go, Eurotr ak ker, Euros tar PN 2994628 Str alis MY20 07, Eurocar go MY20 08, Tr ak ker MY20 07 PN 500025844 Fire f ighting, Tur bos tar, Tur botech PN 2994629 120.13-330.36 (P/PA-Ser ies), 170 F, 170 NT, 190 F, 190 PAC , 260 PAC PN 2994624 170 L,R , TL, TR , 20 0, 230 L, R , T PN 2994630 370, 470, 570, 670, 370.12.25, M120 R81 Tur bo, M 20 0 0 12 M/AL PN 2994631 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS The Flat Blade is a real technological break through; a combination of innovation, s t yle and advanced technolog y. The wiper blade has none of the 24 or so linkage and joint components nor mally found in conventional wiper blades. The absence of any k ind of super s tr uc ture means that the Flat Blade moves ver y smoothly with outs tanding wiping ef f iciency. It has a metal ar m that can adapt to all k inds of cur ved, slanted and shaped windscreen. Its reduced height and weight give bet ter visibilit y and excellent air f low management, limiting lif t and par asitic noise even at higher speeds. The smoother ac tion and more unifor m pressure dis tr ibution, unr ivalled on today's mar ket, mean that water is cleared more quick ly and ef fec tively, with consequent benef its for visibilit y and safet y. PN 2994809 WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID HEATER HOT SHOT The HotShot is a simple, effective and economical system that heats washer fluid in seconds, enabling the windscreen wiper to remove those stubborn traces of ice, grime, dust and dead insects that impair driver visibility. With the simple pressing of a button you can have a clean and completely ice-free windscreen. The system has two operating modes: • Automatic, recommended during the winter for removing ice and snow from the windscreen: The HotShot sprays the heated liquid at preset intervals, guaranteeing a clean windscreen at all times for safe driving. • Standby, for all driving conditions: The HotShot pre-heats the liquid ready for use on demand. HotShot is extremely cost effective: not only does it use very little electricity, but it also lengthens the life of the wiper blades and drive motor. The HotShot is simple to install and integrates seamlessly with the standard-fit windscreen washing system. Within just a few hours you can be driving in optimum conditions with maximum comfor t and safety. Compatibility: Daily, 12V PN 2994512 109 SECURITY & SAFETY FL AT BL ADE FOR DAILY MY20 06 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS FUEL CAPS For protec ting the fuel in the tank . Available in Standard and Tuning ver sions. TÜV cer tif ied. TRUCKS ( WITH M80X2 FILLER NECK) DAILY 30 F8 CAM . ( WITH M80X2 FILLER NECK) Screw cap with key ø96 for M80x 2 metal f iller neck PN 2993919 TRUCKS ( WITH INSIDE Ø 80) EUROTECH , EUROSTAR , EUROTR AKKER EUROCARGO 130 → 180E - 4X4 Cap with key ø122 for f iller neck inter nal ø80 PN 2993918 110 DAILY - GRINTA DAILY 45.10 - 49.10 DAILY 30 F8 CAM . ( WITH INSIDE Ø 60) DOUBLE CAB WITH INSIDE Ø 60 Cap with key ø88 for bayonet f iller neck inter nal ø60 PN 2993920 STR ALIS Cap with key ø129 for f iller neck inter nal ø80 PN 2993922 DAILY DAILY CIT Y VAN Cap with key ø72. 5 for bayonet f iller neck inter nal ø40 PN 2993927 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS DAILY 20 06 Cap with key ø76 .8 for bayonet f iller neck inter nal ø40 PN 2994797 DAILY 30 F8 CAMIONCINO (SMALL TRUCK) DOUBLE CAB. DAILY 30 F8 MINIBUS AND COMBI (SERIES 1) GRINTA 30.8 - 35.8 (SERIES 1) GRINTA 30.8 - 35.8 CAM . (SMALL TRUCK) DOUBLE CAB TRUCKS WITH PL ASTIC FILLER NECK 80 P.6 DAILY CIT Y DAILY, TURBODAILY EUROCARGO TECTOR 60 180 E Screw cap with key ø103 for plas tic f iller neck M80 x 6 PN 500025735 TRUCKS WITH PL ASTIC FILLER NECK 65 P.6, 5 DAILY CIT Y EUROCARGO TECTOR 60 → 180 E Cap with key ø74. 5 for bayonet f iller neck inter nal ø39 PN 2993923 EUROCARGO EURO 4 Screw cap with key ø103 for plas tic f iller neck M65 x 6 . 5 PN 2994798 111 SECURITY & SAFETY Screw cap with key ø77. 5 for metal f iller neck M60 x 2 PN 2993929 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS TUNING VERSION CAP TRUCKS ( WITH INSIDE Ø 80) EUROTECH , EUROSTAR , EUROTR AKKER EUROCARGO 130 À 180E - 4X4 Tuning ver sion cap with key ø122 for bayonet f iller neck inter nal ø80 PN 2994176 TRUCKS DAILY CIT Y EUROCARGO TECTOR 60 → 180E Tuning ver sion cap with key for tr uck s with plas tic f iller neck M65 p.6 , 5 PN 2994179 MASSIF 112 Confor ms to the mos t recent European safet y s tandards, supplied with chain to at tach the fuel cap to the vehicle. Made from satin-f inish chrome plated Zamak with black galvanised bolts. Supplied with adhesive car bon f ilter to be applied to the front crown PN 500025911 ADBLUE CAP WITH KE Y EUROCARGO STR ALIS Blue cap with key ø96 for bayonet f iller neck inter nal ø60 PN 500025779 ANTI -THEF T SYSTEM S | RE VERSING DE VICES | LIGHTING | EMERGENCY | SNOW CHAINS | MISCELL ANEOUS INCLINOMETER MASSIF Velcro base for dashboard mounting. A useful ins tr ument to help you along dif f icult roads PN 500025909 TOW STR AP This s tr ap is made from resis tant polyes ter with safet y hook s at each end and can safely withs tand loads of up to 5,0 0 0 kg. PN 500025910 113 SECURITY & SAFETY MASSIF REST IS THE SWEET SAUCE OF LABOUR. COMFORT Plutarch COMFORT Coffee makers Refrigerators Driver comfor t Free time Miscellaneous 118 122 126 128 135 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS COFFEE MAKERS There's nothing better than a nice cup of hot coffee. Especially af ter tiring hours behind the wheel. With the Iveco Shop range of coffee makers, you can enjoy a coffee whenever you want. The range includes one, f ive, six or even eight-cup models, designed for mobile use, complete with f ixing kit and automatic switching off af ter boiling. Coffee maker with connection cable and plug, china cup and f itting kit. Coffee ready in 5 minutes. Designed specif ically for mobile use. Technical characteristics: • Capacity: 150 ml • Input voltage: 12 or 24 Volts DC • Average input: 12 or 24 Volt: 180 or 360 Watts • Current consumption: approx. 15 A • Colour: silver/black with Iveco Shop logo • Dimensions (WxHxD): 135 x 190 x 110 mm (incl. f ixing kit) • Weight: 0.750 kg • Quality characteristics: quick-boiling, switches off automatically when empty, on/ off LED • Cer tif ication: complies with the German Foodstuff and Consumer Goods Act (LMBG), CE mark 118 One-cup coffee maker, 12 volts PN 2994543 One-cup coffee maker, 24 volts PN 2994505 More than 5 cups of freshly-made coffee at a time. It comes with a f ixing kit for f itting correctly in the vehicle. Safety is guaranteed. Switches off automatically. Technical characteristics: • • • • • Capacity: 5 cups (680 ml) Input voltage: 24 Volts DC Average input: 380 Watts Colour: black Dimensions (WxHxD): 210 x 260 x 140 mm (incl. f ixing kit) • Connection cable: 1.0 m • Weight: 1.34 kg • Quality characteristics: designed for use with standard paper f ilters, transparent graduated water tank, integrated transpor t securing device for glass pot, hotplate with thermostat, robust relay technology, overheating protection, on/off LED • Cer tif ication: E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines), complies with the German Foodstuff and Consumer Goods Act (LMBG) PN 2994498 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS Makes up to six 125 ml cups of coffee or tea. Detachable plastic f ilter suppor t for easy cleaning. Stainless steel coffee pot can be closed and used as a thermos f lask. Coffee machine switches off automatically af ter boiling. Technical characteristics: • • • • • Capacity: approx. 6 cups (750ml) Input voltage: 24 Volts DC Average input: 380 Watts (when boiling) Colour: Silver/black Dimensions (WxHxD): 270x232x170 mm (without container) • Weight: 2.6 kg • Cer tif ication: E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines), complies with the German Foodstuff and Consumer Goods Act (LMBG) PN 500025736 COMFORT 119 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS More than 8 cups of freshly-made coffee at a time. It comes with a f ixing kit for f itting correctly in the vehicle. Safety is guaranteed. Switches off automatically. Technical characteristics: • Capacity: 8 cups (750 ml) • Input voltage: 24 Volts DC • Average input: 12 Volts: 200 Watts, 24 Volts: 360 Watts • Colour: black /silver • Dimensions (WxHxD): 285 x 320 x 100 mm • Weight: 1.8 kg • Quality characteristics: attractive, f lat design, removable water tank, water level indicator, robust relay technology, on/off LED, switches off af ter boiling • Cer tif ication: E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines), complies with the German Foodstuff and Consumer Goods Act (LMBG) PN 2994497 120 Take a break and relax with a warm drink. Tea, or hot soup? No problem, it'll be ready in a flash with the WAECO PerfectKitchen MCK750. The compact form of the kettle makes it handy and safe. The kettle connects directly to the vehicle batter y, with no need for an additional inver ter. Technical characteristics: • • • • • • Capacity: approx. 0.75 litres Voltage: 12 or 24 Volts DC Average input: 380 Watts Current consumption: 20 A Colour: black /silver Dimensions (WxHxD): 190 x 205 x 125 mm (incl. f ixing kit) • Weight: 750 g • Quality characteristics: robust set of relays, switches off automatically on reaching boiling temperature or when there's no water in the kettle, status indicator • Cer tif ication: E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines), complies with the German Foodstuff and Consumer Goods Act (LMBG) 12 Volt kettle PN 500025778 24 Volt kettle PN 2994499 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS THERMOELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Economical, lightweight and versatile. These thermoelectric refrigerators are par ticularly easy to transpor t because of their reduced weight. Their remarkable cooling capacity, to as low as 30 °C below room temperature, is more than suff icient for most purposes. A great advantage of thermoelectric technology is that almost all the refrigerators that use this system, as well being resistant to wear and maintenance-free, are capable not just of cooling but also of heating. Economical and reliable, thermoelectric energy is just right for small and medium-size por table refrigerators. WAECO TropiCool por table refrigerators are are characterised by high per formance and excellent controls and f ittings. TC special electronics with sof t-touch control panel and low-power operation. 12/24 Volt connection as standard. WAECO TROPICOOL TC-21FL REFRIGERATOR/WARMER 303 208 288 352 420 1,5+2L 319 198 121 COMFORT 450 • Internal volume: approx. 21 litres • Input voltage: 12/24 Volts DC and 230 Volts AC • Average input: 55 Watts at 12 Volts DC , 60 Watts at 24 Volts DC , 80 Watts at 230 Volts AC • Percentage operating time: 35% at room temperature +20°C • Temperature range: Cooling: from approx. +1 °C to +15 °C (up to 30 °C below room temperature). • Heating: from +50 °C to +65 °C • Insulation: polyurethane foam • System: wear-resistant thermoelectric module (Peltier system) • Material: f ixed par ts of case injection moulded • Colour:dark grey/clear grey • Weight: approx. 6.0 kg • Quality characteristics: 7-stage electronic thermostat with LED indicators, memor y function, ON/OFF and hot/cold option activated with sof t-touch operating panel, intelligent power-save circuit • Cer tif ication: TÜV/GS, E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines) PN 2994956 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS WAECO TROPICOOL TC-35FL REFRIGERATOR/WARMER • Internal volume: approx. 35 litres • Input voltage: 12/24 Volts DC and 230 Volts AC • Average input: 60 Watts at 12 Volts, 75 Watts at /24 Volts, 70 Watts at 230 Volts • Percentage operating time: 35% at room temperature +20°C • Temperature range: Cooling: from approx. +1 °C to +15 °C (up to 30 °C below room temperature). Heating: from +50 °C to +65 °C • Insulation: polyurethane foam, non-CFC • System: wear-resistant thermoelectric module (Peltier system) • Material: f ixed par ts of case injection moulded • Colour: dark grey/clear grey • Weight: approx. 10.0 kg • Cer tif ication: TÜV/GS, E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines) PN 2994598 122 265 340 460 350 1,5 L 550 376 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS PORTABLE COMPRESSOR REFRIGERATORS Unbeatable cooling efficiency. The fridge/freezer function of compressor refrigerators is ideal in all situations: camper vans, caravans, trucks, cars, workplace or touring. Even food that really needs to be frozen can be kept at temperatures as low as - 18° without any problem (CF series). All the compressor refrigerators in the CoolFreeze range have Danfoss BDF compressors. This means: excellent per formance, minimum consumption, ultra-silent operation and 12/24 Volt power supply. WAECO COOLFREEZE CF-18 PORTABLE COMPRESSOR REFRIGERATOR 300 363 210 190 Internal volume: approx. 18 litres Input voltage: 12/24 Volts DC Average input: 35 Watts Percentage operating time: 10% at 20 °C room temperature, 18% at 32 °C room temperature, with unit internal temperature at +5°C • Hourly input: average input x percentage operating time • Temperature range: Settable in the range +10 °C to -18 °C • Insulation: full-foam insulation in CFC-free polyurethane • System: Hermetic Danfoss BD35F compressor with integrated control electronics, low-voltage protection with 2-position slide switch for either power supply batter y or star ter batter y, electronic fuse/automatic reverse pole protection, dynamically ventilated wire condenser, aluminium rollbond evaporator • Material: Body: PP, lid: PE • Colour: light grey/dark grey body, dark grey lid • Weight: approx. 11.5 kg • Quality characteristics: Detachable foldup lid, carr ying handle, ver tical space for standing 2-litre bottles • Accessories: 12/24 Volt DC connection cable • Cer tif ication: TÜV/GS, E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines) PN 2994955 123 COMFORT 465 195 345 414 • • • • COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS WAECO COOLFREEZE CF-25 PORTABLE COMPRESSOR REFRIGERATOR 124 550 350 425 182 285 260 123 190 Por table compressor fridge/freezer with special CF electronics. • Internal volume: approx. 23 litres (19 litres in directly refrigerated zone, 4 litres in stayfresh zone) • Input voltage: 12/24 Volts DC • Average input: 35 Watts • Percentage operating time: 15% at 20°C room temperature, 19% at 32°C room temperature, with unit internal temperature at +5°C • Hourly input: average input x percentage operating time • Temperature range: Settable in the range +10 °C to -18 °C • Insulation: full-foam insulation in CFC-free polyurethane • System: Hermetic Danfoss BD35F compressor with integrated control electronics, low voltage protection settable to either power supply batter y or utilities via CF electronic system, electronic fuse/automatic reverse pole protection, dynamically ventilated wire condenser, aluminium rollbond evaporator • Material: Body: PP, lid: PE • Colour: light grey/dark grey body, dark grey lid • Weight: approx. 12.5 kg • Quality characteristics: detachable lid, interior light, ver tical space for standing 2litre bottles, special CF electronics • Accessories: DC connection cable, removable basket • Cer tif ication: TÜV/GS, E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines) PN 500025740 | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS WAECO COOLFREEZE CDF-35 PORTABLE COMPRESSOR REFRIGERATOR • • • • 560 340 355 380 120 140 460 Internal volume: approx. 31 litres Input voltage: 12/24 Volts DC Average input: 45 Watts Percentage operating time: 20% at 20°C room temperature, 30% at 32°C room temperature, with unit internal temperature at +5°C • Hourly input: average input x percentage operating time • Temperature range: from approx. +10 °C to -15 °C , with electronic thermostat • System: Hermetic Danfoss BD35F compressor with integrated control electronics, low-voltage protection with 2-position slide switch for either power supply batter y or star ter batter y, electronic fuse/automatic reverse pole protection, dynamically ventilated wire condenser, aluminium rollbond evaporator, heat dissipation to the outside by brushless, wearfree fan • Material: Body: PP, lid: PE • Colour: light grey body, dark grey lid • Weight: 17.0 kg • Accessories: 12/24 Volt DC connection cable • Cer tif ication: TÜV/GS, E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines) PN 2994506 125 265 310 The small size of this refrigerator makes it ideal for frequent journeys: designed for 1.5-litre bottles. The aluminium interior ensures fast and effective bottle cooling/heating. • Input voltage: 12/24 Volts DC • Average input: 12 Volts: 30 Watts; 24 Volts: 44 Watts • Temperature range: Cold: down to 22°C below room temperature; warm: up to +60°C • System: wear-resistant thermoelectric module with ex ternal fan • Material: plastic outside, aluminium inside • Colour: grey/silver • Dimensions (WxHxD): 150 x 215 x 190 mm • Weight: 1.2 kg • Quality characteristics: suitable for 1 to 1.5-litre bottles, smar t design, cooling and heating function, wear resistant, aluminium interior for fast cooling/heating, easy screw-mount installation • Cer tif ication: TÜV/GS, E-approved (95/54/EC EMC vehicle guidelines) PN 2994954 COMFORT WAECO MY FRIDGE MF-1F BOTTLE COOLER | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS SEAT COVERS AND BLANKETS A series of accessories specially designed to make life on board relaxing and comfor table. Let yourself be tempted by the wide range of solutions offered by Iveco Shop. MAGICCOMFORT MH60B ELECTRIC BLANKET A really good night's sleep in the cab! The MagicComfor t MH60B electric blanket makes your sleeping compar tment as cosy as your bedroom at home. Specially designed night gear for truck cabs: 24 Volt power supply, delicate fabric, sturdy power cable, etc. Make the best of your night or your resting time ... even when it's freezing cold outside! Details: • Voltage: 24 Volts • Capacity: High: 60 Watts Middle: 30 Watts Low: 15 Watts • Dimensions (LxW ): 1740 mm x 540 mm • Cer tif ication: E-approved to 95/54/EC standard PN 2994501 126 MAGICCOMFORT MH30 HEATED SEAT COVER There is an alternative to sitting in a freezing cold vehicle on a chilly day in winter or autumn. Treat yourself and your passenger to a MagicComfor t MH30 heated seat cover. Feeling warm doesn't just add to the pleasure of driving, it's also good for your health. MagicComfor t MH30 is available in a black 24 Volt version. Supplied with handy storage bag. Details: • Capacity: Stage I: 20 Watts, Stage II: 45 Watts • Dimensions (LxW ): 1000 x 450 mm • Cer tif ication: E-approved to 95/54/EC standard PN 2994500 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS MAGICCOMFORT MBJ05 MASSAGE SEAT COVER 127 COMFORT Get a massage in your cab! Many drivers suffer from back ache and shoulder tension. Massage is the ideal remedy for these problems. And now that's exactly what you can have, without even having to get out of your vehicle. The new MagicComfor t MBJ05 luxur y massage seat cover massages your shoulders, back and legs as you drive or during a stop. The massage movement is generated by f ive vibration motors. You can choose between three different modes: wave, impulse or constant massage, settable with the controls. • Massage effect with 5 vibration motors (2 in the shoulder area, 2 in the upper back area and 1 in the lumbar suppor t pad) • 3 different operating modes (wave, impulse or constant massage), settable with the controls • Continuously adjustable massage intensity • Separate controls for lumbar or whole-body massage • Quick and easy f itting • High quality cotton/polyester fabric, breathable • Operating voltage: 24 Volts • Power input: 26 Watts max. • Dimensions (LxW ): 970 mm x 490 mm • Seat: 490 mm x 430 mm (W x D) • Backrest: 490 mm x 540 mm (W x H) • Weight: 1.2 kg • Cer tif ication: E-approved to 95/54/EC standard, AZO approved PN 500025737 CUSHION WITH LOGO Sof t polyester f illing and black microf ibre cover with Stralis logo printed in grey. Machine washable at 30° PN 500025833 | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS IVECO SHOP, FOR YOU AND YOUR TRUCK A range of products specially selected to meet every single need of both driver and vehicle. All the pr oduc t s ar e made wi th high - quali t y mater ials to ensur e excellent per for mance in any si tuation. Fur ther mor e , a s wi th all Iveco accessor ies , each i tem under goes numer ous quali t y check s to guar antee r eliabili t y. Driver Comfort Improving the quality of life in the truck and minimising the discomfor t of being away from home. Shoulder bag in two-colour fabric, with small zip pocket, front fold-over f lap with studs and velcro fastening, round zip pocket and front compar tment. Main compar tment with padded back, internal pocket and ex ternal zip pocket. Side compar tments. • Material: 100% polyester in two colours • Embroidered “Iveco Shop” logo on the outside, screen-printed logo on the inside • Accessories: removable nylon shoulder strap with buckles, belt loop with studs and velcro fastening PN 500036026 128 Clamshell bag with zip, upper par t in 100% polyester, retro-ref lective inser ts, velcro handle grip with inser ts. • Material: upper par ts, sides and mesh in polyester • Retro-ref lective “Iveco Shop” logo on the sides PN 500036027 Large-capacity gym bag with front pocket, handles with velcro grip and shoulder strap. Internal zipped mesh pocket. Upper suppor t straps. Metal studs on bottom. • Material: 100% polyester in two colours • Embroidered “Iveco Shop” logo on front and handle grip PN 500036028 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS Ex tremely spacious trolley bag, takes up ver y little space when folded. Made of sof t material, with rollerblade wheels and a number of different side pockets, including a removable sponge bag for shor t journeys. Large central pocket on the front and smaller pocket with multiple detachable compar tments, which conver ts into a shoulder bag with two internal compar tments and document holder. Rucksack straps on back with foldaway side fasteners. Name card slot hidden under handle. • Material: 100% polyester in two colours • Embroidered “Iveco Shop” logo on front PN 500036029 129 Embroidered "Iveco Shop" logo (cotton products) and pad-printed logo (slippers and bag) PN 500036030 • Set consists of: black 200 ml tub of cream soap and black 200 ml tub of VITAL shower gel with aloe vera • Customised with “Iveco Shop” logo on front label PN 500036031 COMFORT Set consists of: • black bag in 600D polyester (40x20x26 cm) • beach towel in 100% cotton, 300 g/m2 (74x147 cm) • hand towel in 100% cotton, 450 g/m2 (30x30 cm) • bath towel in 100% cotton, 450 g/m2 (72x140 cm) • bathrobe (size X XL) in 100% cotton, 450 g/m2 • slippers (size 42-44) COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS Driver Time ideas for making breaks as pleasant as possible. Set consists of: • stainless steel multitool, 10 functions, handle with rubber grip inser ts • 11-piece pocket knife, 12 functions • carr y case Customised with laser-engraved “Iveco Shop” logo (steel par t) and pad-printed logo (case) PN 500036032 Stainless steel pocket knife with wooden grip, 7 implements, 12 functions, laminated handle with wood inser ts. Customised with laser-engraved “Iveco Shop” logo (handle) and pad-printed logo (case) PN 500036033 130 Corkscrew with wooden handle, complete with metal case. Laser-engraved “Iveco Shop” logo (corkscrew) and pad-printed logo (case) PN 500036038 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS Collapsible table and 2-seat set with carr y bag. 600D polyester seats and steel legs. Red with white lettering and black trim. Pad-printed “Iveco Shop” logo on all products PN 500036034 Collapsible seat with carr y bag. 600D polyester seat and steel legs, red with black trim. Pad-printed “Iveco Shop” logo on product and bag PN 500036035 Red polyester hammock with silver steel tubing, removable cushion and carr y bag. White lettering. Capacity 136 kg. Dimensions 175x73 cm. Pad-printed “Iveco Shop” logo on product and bag PN 500036036 COMFORT 131 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS Steel cutler y set consisting of fork, knife/can opener and spoon with carabiner clip, complete with carr y case. Customised with laser-engraved “Iveco Shop” logo (cutler y) and pad-printed logo (case) PN 500036037 1200 ml stainless steel vacuum f lask with plastic trim and adjustable shoulder strap. “Iveco Shop” customisation with resin-coated adhesive label on side opposite handle PN 500036040 132 Stainless steel jug with plastic trim. “Iveco Shop” customisation with resin-coated adhesive label on side opposite handle PN 500036041 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS Poker set in metal case containing: 200 chips (weight 11.5 g) in 6 colours, 5 dice, 2 decks of playing cards customised with Iveco Shop logo. “Iveco Shop” logo on outside of case (resincoated label) PN 500036043 Set consisting of 2 decks of Modiano poker cards, 55 cards per deck, 360 g/m2 triplex paper, wrapped in cellophane and packed in single box. “Iveco Shop” logo on pack and on reverse of each card. 133 COMFORT Customised cards: ace of hear ts (Stralis), ace of diamonds (Daily), ace of clubs (Trakker), ace of spades (Eurocargo), Black joker (hub cap) and red joker (auxiliar y headlight) PN 500036044 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS Driver Outdoor is a collection of useful objects for ever yday use. “Le Mans Carbon” chronograph wristwatch with stainless steel case, water resistant to 5 ATM, scratch-resistant mineral glass (7 Mohs). Miyota OS20 movement (by Citizen) with large central second hand. Includes round metal gif t box. Sof t and durable PU strap with stainless steel buckle. 5-year warranty. Red “Iveco Shop” logo printed on dial, thickness 11 mm PN 500036045 134 Baseball cap, 100% cotton with two-colour trim. Embroidered “Iveco Shop” logo on peak PN 500036046 COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS CAB INTERIOR COMFORT ACCESSORIES Curative anti-bacterial and anti-odour solution for cleaning and disinfecting vehicle air conditioning system. The highly effective CLIM PUR anti-bacterial action cleans and purif ies the entire air conditioning system and prevents the buildup of new micro-organisms which may emit unpleasant odours, give rise to allergic reactions and cause corrosion problems in the evaporators. Practical (simply spray into the air conditioning system once a year) and easy to use (supplied with user guide in 8 languages), CLIM PUR reduces the risk of micro-leaks in the air conditioning circuit. No special tools required, proven curative effect, formulation conforms to EN1040 standard PN 2994618 STRALIS, NEW DAILY Pollen f ilter for Stralis PN 2994583 Pollen f ilter for Daily MY2006 PN 2994584 STRALIS, EUROCARGO, TRAKKER Innovatively designed air blower kit with ergonomic handgrip capable of reaching all areas of the vehicle. Comes with spiral hose and quick-f it connector PN 500025727 135 COMFORT The use of a good quality, regularly ser viced air f ilter in the passenger compar tment is impor tant. Par ticulate f ilters are made with multilayer f ilter media. This layered solution works progressively, with the f ibre diameter decreasing and relative density increasing in the direction of the air f low through the f ilter. This kind of system absorbs practically 100% of par ticles such as pollen, dir t, dust and soot and gives ex tremely eff icient protection against breathable f ine and ultra-f ine par ticles. Par ticulate f ilters combined with activated charcoal, in addition to conventional par ticulate f ilter technology, have an ex tra layer of activated charcoal to f ilter out fumes. Combination f ilters provide double protection by removing both par ticles and fumes, thereby minimising health risks and considerably improving the comfor t of the driver and passengers. COFFEE MAKERS | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS MESH POCKETS STRALIS, EUROCARGO, TRAKKER Set of 2 mesh magazine holders, 8x5 in ABS and PC mesh, black. EU 95/28 type approval. Adaptable flexible material. Comes with 10 Parker screws for easy fi tting PN 500025717 STRALIS AS high roof Mesh netting designed to stop objects falling out of the central compar tment of your Stralis PN 500025757 136 TORCH HOLDER STRALIS, EUROCARGO, TRAKKER Universal torch holder made of laser-cut aluminium with adjustable velcro straps. Fitted with 2 screws adjacent to slots. Customised with IVECO logo engraved in one corner PN 500025731 | REFRIGER ATORS | DRIVER COMFORT | FREE TIME | MISCELLANEOUS PERFECTPOWER INVERTER Safe, compact, convenient: Per fectPower. Thanks to to their proven reliability, Per fectPower inver ters have become an integral par t of many onboard systems. The three models in the range, with different capacity ratings, cater for most needs. For appliances with high power consumption, we recommend the new heavy-duty inver ters. The range includes three versions with different capacity ratings: 150, 300 and 500 Watts. All versions have a special feature in common, an integrated priority circuit for 230V. 137 Model 830-024PP/S Inver ter 24/300V, 300 W PN 500025739 MSI-100-12 Modif ied sine wave inver ter 12V, 200W, 210 - 230 W out. PN 500025837 COMFORT Model 840-024PP/S Inver ter 24/230V 500 W PN 2994504 SOMETIMES GETTING THERE IS ALMOST BETTER THAN BEING THERE. HI-TECH Anonymous HI-TECH Bluetooth Radio CB Video Navigation systems Miscellaneous 142 146 152 153 155 158 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS BLUETOOTH To avoid dangerous distractions while driving. Hands-free kit for wireless connections, suitable for mobile phones with Bluetooth. Features an innovative noise and echo suppression system for outstanding reception. Available in three versions: with display, built into rear view mirror and Plug & Play. PARROT CK 3000 EVOLUTION BLUETOOTH KIT Make calls with the greatest of ease thanks to the voice recognition and the intuitive browser button. The kit connects to your mobile phone as soon as you get into the vehicle and turn the key. Thanks to the voice recognition, you can say a name and the CK3000 EVOLUTION automatically dials the number. And you keep safe by keeping your hands on the wheel. Turn the intuitive browser button and the kit will dictate the menu functions, allowing you to check and manage your voice mail, browse your phonebook, record voice commands, select a language, etc. • Keypad Dimensions: 50 x 26 x 19 mm • Bluebox: 135 x 30 x 58 mm • Kit contents: 1 electronic control unit, 1 ex ternal microphone, 1 power supply cable, 1 mute cable with standard ISO connector, 1 keypad, f itting accessories, user guide PN 500025709 142 PARROT CK 3100 LCD BLUETOOTH KIT The LCD screen displays the standard information shown on your mobile phone: incoming calls, recent calls, missed calls, voice mail, phonebook, etc. The unidirectional microphone allows voice recognition dialling of up to 150 names, with background noise and ambient echo reduction. The browser button allows users to scroll through menus and control the volume. • LCD screen dimensions: 50 x 15 x 43 mm • Bluebox: 135 x 30 x 58 mm • Kit contents: 1 electronic control unit, 1 ex ternal microphone, 1 power supply cable, 1 mute cable with standard ISO connector, 1 keypad with LCD screen, f itting accessories, user guide PN 2994815 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS PARROT CK 3200 LS -COLOR BLUETOOTH KIT 143 HI-TECH Hands-free Bluetooth® kit with LCD colour screen. The Parrot 3200 LS-COLOR PLUS automatically synchronises with the data on the mobile phone: contacts' names, phone numbers and photos will be displayed when you receive a call. With the voice recognition, contacts' numbers can be dialled quickly and easily. You can select from the range of available Hi-Fi ring tones and wallpapers to customise your kit. • LCD colour display • TFT 160 x 128 pixels with 262,144 colours • Adjustable brightness and contrast • Customisable colour inter face with colour backgrounds and themes • Contact photos display • Display of last numbers dialled, missed calls and calls received • Possibility of pairing up to 5 devices and automatic phonebook synchronisation • Voice recognition of up to 150 names • Hi-Fi polyphonic ring tones PN 500025708 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS TOUCH & TALK MIRROR DAILY The Touch & Talk rear view mirror is a new wireless device designed to reduce distraction factors caused by the use of mobile phones while driving. Simply press the button on the right of the mirror and star t talking, keeping your hands free and without taking your eyes off the road. The incoming call is routed directly to the vehicle's speakers, muting the radio volume. The noise and echo suppression functions guarantee maximum quality. All the ergonomic features have been developed in conjunction with the University of Padua.Voice recognition of up to 200 names. • Dimensions: 245 x 75 x 32 mm • Pairing: up to 3 different devices • Microphone: integrated • Compatible with all Bluetooth mobile phones PN 2994767 BLUETOOTH HANDS -FREE KIT 144 To use this kind of device, simply connect the kit to the cigarette lighter socket and star t the engine. The kits are ready for instant use with no need to recharge.Bluetooth technology enables mobile phones to be connected directly to the kits, for making and receiving unlimited calls. Compatible with all Bluetooth mobile phones. PARROT EASY DRIVE • Kit contents: speaker + keypad • Pairing: up to 45 different devices • Voice recognition of up to 150 names PN 2994821 TECNOBLOCK BTP05 • Built-in speaker • Operates on 12V or 24V • Supplied with ex tra microphone PN 2994692 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS HANDS -FREE KIT Fitting point for DABENDORF AUDIO 2000 hands-free phone kit, to be used in combination with the CCM 14003. Echo reduction and inter ference suppression. Intelligent charging and automatic radio mute functions. Ex ternal aerial input. Motorola V300,V400,V500,V525,V550, V600,V620, E550 PN 2994455 Nokia 5110, 6110, 6150, 7110, 6210, 6310, 6310 PN 2994456 Nokia 3100, 3200, 6100, 6220, 6610, 6610i, 6820, 7210, 7250, 7250i PN 2994457 Siemens CX65, CXT65, CX65V, M65, S65, CX70, CXT70, CX70V PN 2994458 Siemens C65, CT65, C65V PN 2994459 SonyEricsson D750i, K750i, W700i, W800i,W810i PN 500025750 Nokia 5110, 6110, 6150, 6210, 6310, 6310i, 7110 PN 500025755 SonyEricsson K800i PN 500025751 Nokia E50 PN 500025756 Nokia 3100, 3120a, 3200, 6100, 6220, 6230, 6230i, 6610, 6610i, 6820, 6822, 7210, 7250, 7250i PN 500025752 SonyEricsson K810i PN 500025892 Nokia 3220, 6020, 6021 PN 500025753 145 Nokia 6300 PN 500025893 Nokia 3109/3110 PN 500025894 Nokia 6070, 6233, 6234 PN 500025754 No-compromise mobile communication. The new in-vehicle phone guarantees suff icient power (2W ) to ensure reception even where a normal mobile phone fails to pick up a signal. Equipped with integrated hands-free system and USB por t for fax or PC connection (for use as a modem), it enables you to stay in constant touch with the outside world. Excellent audio quality during hands-free conversation with advanced background noise suppression and echo cancellation system PN 500025882 HI-TECH M930 ONBOARD TELEPHONE | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS RADIO You can have all your music with you in the cab, thanks to the vast range of radios (CD, CD+MP3). Also available with f ixed front panel. BLAUPUNKT SAN REMO MP28 • Flip-down removable front panel: 9-character 1-line white LCD, volume control knob, Welcome/Goodbye text • Radio tuner: FM/AM • Drive: CD/MP3/WMA • Audio: 4x 40 Watt • Connectivity: 2-channel preamp output, rear Aux-IN PN 500025889 146 BLAUPUNKT MONTE CARLO MP28 • BL ACK f lip-down removable front panel: 9-character 1-line white LCD, volume control knob, Welcome/ Goodbye tex t • Radio tuner: FM/AM • Drive: CD/MP3/WMA • Audio: 4x 40 Watt • Connectivity: 2-channel preamp output, front Aux-In for connection to ex ternal audio sources PN 500025890 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS BLAUPUNKT HAMBURG MP57 147 HI-TECH Get connected to sound. The new Hamburg MP57 is the per fect connection point for a vast range of por table devices: mobile phones, MP3 players, ex ternal audio sources and sound systems. To use the phone as you travel, simply connect up to the Bluetooth module integrated into the Hamburg and you'll be able to answer calls and converse freely via the radio, with no wires and with the great hands-free voice quality. Whatever the music - the latest CD or your favourite compilation - the Hamburg gives you the most ref ined sound.You can use the Plug 'n' Play function to connect up quickly and easily to por table audio devices (via USB and Front Aux-In). Just as handy is the MP3 browsing function (from CD or USB), with ver y clear reading on the big three-line graphic display. And if you want to listen to music at full volume, just add an amplif ier or subwoofer. The Hamburg has connections for these too. Hamburg … sounds good! • MP3/WMA f ile playback from CD-R /-RW, USB • FM, MW, LW • Full Graphic display with 3-line MP3 browsing • Built-in Bluetooth for wireless telephone calling with voice recognition • Built-in USB inter face for connection to and management of ex ternal storage devices • Front Aux-In for ex ternal audio sources, etc. MP3 players • 3-band equaliser • 4-channel preamp output for controlling ex ternal amplif iers (front/rear) • Ex ternal subwoofer control output (variable Sub-Out amplif ication/frequency) • 4 x 45 Watt max. Power • Removable front panel • iPod-Ready: iPod connection and management with optional inter face PN 500025728 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS PIONEER DEH-1100E The DEH-1100E features a D4Q tuner that guarantees high quality digital audio (the D4Q uses a digital processing technique that improves the audio per formance and selectivity of the receiver, allowing you to listen to your favourite stations without inter ference from the stronger signals of neighbouring channels). You can listen to your digital music in the cab, too. The DEH-1100E has a front aux-in which lets you connect your music player directly to the tuner. The system is powered by a MOSFET 50W x 4 amplif ier with excellent levels of per formance, enhanced sound quality with minimal distor tion and eff icient power handling. • removable BL ACK front panel: 1-line white LCD, volume control knob, red button illumination • Radio tuner: FM/AM • Drive: CD • Audio: max. power output (W ) MOSFET 50 W x 4 • Connectivity: Front Aux-in PN 500025969 148 PIONEER DEH-1100MP The DEH-1100MP is powered by the renowned MOSFET 50W x 4 amplif ier and is the ideal system for your music collection, including MP3, WMA and WAV f iles. You can also connect your music player directly via the front aux-in terminal. In addition, there is the possibility of adding a hard-wired remote control adapter that can be integrated with your vehicle's original steering wheel remote. • removable BL ACK front panel: 1-line white LCD, volume control knob, red button illumination • Radio tuner: FM/AM • Drive: CD/MP3/WMA • Audio: max. power output (W ) MOSFET 50 W x 4 • Connectivity: Front Aux-in PN 500025970 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS PIONEER DEH-2100UB With the DEH-2100UB you can plug in your USB memor y stick directly to play your music. Reads all kinds of f iles, from MP3 to WMA . It has 1-line 16-character display, allowing you to read longer track titles, and you can control all the CD Tuner functions quickly and easily with the Rotar y Commander dial, which works like a joystick. Quick, easy and immediate. The DEH-2100UB also has a hard-wired remote control input which means that it can be integrated with your vehicle's original steering wheel remote. • removable BL ACK front panel: 1-line white LCD display, volume control knob, red button illumination • Radio tuner: FM/AM • Drive: CD/MP3/WMA • Audio: max. power output (W ) MOSFET 50 W x 4 • Connectivity: Front Aux-in, USB input PN 500025971 149 • FM/FM stereo radio with LCD digital display • PLL electronic digital tuning 18FM presets (6FM1 + 6FM2 + 6FM3) • Autostore memor y AS/PS 18FM • Electronic Volume/Treble/Bass/Balance/Fader controls • Radio Data System with: PI, PS, AF, TP, TA , PT Y, EON, CT • Optional programmable RDS functions • CD player • ISO connector • Removable front panel with case • PRE RCA outputs PN 500025636 HI-TECH NEW MAJESTIC SCD 119 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS NEW MAJESTIC SCD 104 • CD, MP3 player • RDS/FM/FM stereo radio • LED digital display • PLL electronic digital tuning 18FM presets (6FM1-6FM2-6FM3) • AMS (Automatic Memor y Store) • Electronic Volume/Treble/Bass/Balance/Fader controls • Band selector • Radio Data System with: PI, PS, AF, TP, TA , PT Y, EON, CT • CD, MP3 player • ISO connector • Flip-down removable front panel with case PN 500025637 150 NEW MAJESTIC SCD 219 • 180W (45W x 4 ch) • CD, MP3/WMA player • USB and SD/MMC inputs with recording option • ANTI-SHOCK memor y (8 seconds for CD - 40 seconds for MP3) • RDS/FM/FM stereo radio • LCD digital display • PLL electronic tuning • 18FM presets ( 6FM1-6FM2-6FM3) • AS/PS automatic memor y • Radio Data System with: PI, PS, AF, TP, TA , PT Y, EON, CT • Removable front panel with case • Radio/CD recording to USB por t • ISO connector • R /L PRE RCA output PN 500025638 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS NEW MAJESTIC DVX284 RDS USB RADIO WITH TV • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New Majestic DVX284 RDS USB radio with T V Main features: CD MP3 player with RDS T V tuner 3.5" TFT LCD colour monitor - 4:3 mode PAL /NTSC compatible DVD/MPEG 4/MP3/VCD/CD/CD-R /CD-RW player USB and SD/MMC card input for viewing photos/f ilms and playing MP3 f iles Electronic anti-shock memor y (5 sec. for DVD, 10 sec. for CD, 60 sec. for MP3) AM/FM/FM stereo radio 30 station memor y Audio/video output for auxiliar y monitor Audio/video input to display images from ex ternal source Flip-down removable front panel with case 4 x 45 Watt amplif ier ISO-standard installation, does not require f itting of separate control units. A suitable amplif ied aerial (PN 2994914) is recommended for using the T V tuner PN 2994822 151 DAILY MY2006 You can have all your music with you in the cab, thanks to the CD and CD/MP3 radios offered exclusively by Iveco for your Daily. CD/MP3 radio (corresponds to OPT 8658) PN 2994979 CD radio (corresponds to OPT 8747) PN 2994980 HI-TECH OE RADIO BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS CB RADIOS Latest-generation radio transceivers for keeping in touch with the whole world. Excellent audio with background noise suppression function. PRESIDENT TAYLOR III ASC New range of latest-generation CB radios. Incorporating state-of-the-ar t technology to guarantee top quality. The President Taylor III ASC is the answer. Features 40 AM/FM channels. Dimensions 150 x 165 x 45 mm. Automatic Squelch Control (ASC) for background noise suppression. 3-year warranty. CB Spain PN 2994422 CB Italy PN 2994484 CB France and Benelux PN 2994485 Items required for installation: Aerial PN 500004895 152 Current transformer PN 500004896 STABO Stabo CB radio for Germany and nor thern Europe. 3-year warranty. CB Germany and nor thern Europe PN 2994389 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS TV MONITOR 14” Simple, handy f lat-screen colour with remote control and audio-video inputs. Colour T V Combo, 14" LCD DVD/MPEG4/USB/ SD-MMC . Multifunctional and simple to use, the DVX 914D can f it into the smallest spaces. It receives analogue and digital terrestrial T V, incorporates an MPEG4 compatible DVD player and has an SD/MMC card reader and USB por t for reading digital f iles stored on ex ternal media. • 14” LCD colour monitor • OSD (on-screen display) menu • 4:3 screen ratio • PAL /SECAM analogue T V system • PAL/NTSC/AUTO terrestrial digital TV system • SCART and VGA socket • A /V input jack • Built-in DVD player: DVD, MPEG4, JPEG, MP3, WMA , CD-R , CD-RW, audio CD • SD/MMC memor y card reader • USB por t • Remote control PN 500025926 153 PORTABLE DVD DRIVES DVD/MPEG4 (DIVX) player with 7” TFT LCD screen, remote control and rechargeable battery. PAL / NTSC playback. Image mode selector ( 4:3, 16:9). Coaxial output Digital audio Audio and video output Audio and video input • Universal 12V • Supplied with rechargeable batter y, remote control, AC/DC adapter 230V-50Hz/12V-1.5A and 12V adapter. • Plays the following disc formats: DVD, MPEG 4, DVD R , DVD RW, CD-MP3, CD-DA , CDR , CDRW, JPEG • AC/DC adapter 230V-50Hz / 12V 1.5A • 12V adapter (cigarette lighter socket) • Dimensions: 205 (W ) x 158 (D) x 40 (H) mm • Dimensions with batter y: 205 (W ) x 200 (D) x 40 (H) mm PN 500025639 HI-TECH The world of films, right there in your cab. Practical and innovative with monitors from 7". DivX compatible. BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS DVD/MPEG4 (DIVX) player and T V with 7” TFT LCD screen, remote control and rechargeable batter y. PAL / NTSC playback. Image mode selector ( 4:3, 16:9). Digital audio coaxial output Audio and video output Audio and video input • Universal 12V. • Supplied with rechargeable batter y, remote control, AC/DC adapter 230V-50Hz/12V-1.5A and 12V adapter. Comes with bag • Plays the following disc formats: DVD/MPEG 4, DVD R , DVD RW, CD-MP3, CD-DA , CDR , CDRW, JPEG • AC/DC adapter 230V-50Hz / 12V 1.5A • 12V adapter (cigarette lighter socket) • Dimensions: 205 (W) x 158 (D) x 40 (H) mm • Dimensions with batter y: 205 (W ) x 200 (D) x 40 (H) mm PN 500025640 Also available in por table DVD/DiVX version with T V and digital terrestrial decoder PN 500025835 154 DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL SET-TOP BOX Developed specif ically for vehicle applications, receives digital terrestrial signals in any conditions. Compact and easy to install. Just like being at home. QTM 100 The QTM 100, developed by Quantum, is the only digital terrestrial TV mobile set-top box approved for Pay-TV. The QTM 100 has been specially designed for use in moving vehicles: its special construction means that it resists vibration and can withstand high temperatures and extreme working conditions, making it ideal for use on any type of vehicle. The decoder can also be connected to a standard 220V power adapter and used at home. With its ver satile connec tion options - three video outputs, t wo audio outputs (one s tereo) and t wo independent audio/ video s tereo inputs - the QTM 10 0 becomes a genuine multimedia centre; all set tings can be selec ted direc tly from the remote control. Digital Ter res tr ial Television is the s tandard of the future in the major European countr ies: the switchover from analogue to digital tr ansmissions will be completed by 2010. Digital ter res tr ial television also has numerous advantages for the user, compared to conventional T V: digital qualit y audio and video, inter ac tive MHP applications, a vas t selec tion of free-to-air channels, the main ter res tr ial channels and pay-per-view channels showing football, f ilms, concer ts and theatre. Quantum ha s developed aer ials specif ically for the QTM10 0 for r eceiving digi t al ter r es tr ial T V on the move . Quantum aer ials ar e ea s y to f i t , ex tr emely s t ylish and designed to limi t signal disper sion. Each QTM10 0 r equir es t wo aer ials . K i t includes: decoder, 12V power supply cable , RC A cable , 2 aer ials and 2 20V adapter PN 2994960 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS NAVIGATION SYSTEMS The Iveco Shop range of satellite navigation systems will guide you along on any road. Available in f ixed and por table versions. With the possibility of specif ic truck route calculation. BECKER 7977 155 HI-TECH The Becker Traffic Assist 7977 combines maximum navigation convenience and userfriendly operation with advanced Bluetooth ® technology and exciting multimedia applications. With features including a 4.3-inch TF T touchscreen colour display, digital roadmaps for 40 countries, Reality View, Lane Info, POIs along the route, TMC* and Bluetooth ® , the Becker Traff ic Assist 7977 is impressive down to the f inest details. Database: NAV TEQ (updated regularly by our sof tware ser vice) Included on database: Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia-Her zegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece (the Athens area), Hungar y, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Nor way, Poland, Por tugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and Vatican City • Speed Limits: graphic display of legal speed limits; acoustic warning when limit is exceeded (settable) • View: map view in 2D/3D/zoom, icon display of Points of Interest (special destinations) • Tunnel simulation, route simulation, countr y-specif ic information at border crossings • TMC: dynamic route guidance with TMC Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France (free TMC only), Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Access to TMC information without active route guidance. • Dimensions in mm (width x height x depth): 126 x 81 x 20.8 • Weight: 202 g • Connection: Connection to ex ternal GPS antenna, earphone jack, in-vehicle batter y charging (12V / 24V) • Multifunction connection for docking station • USB: mini USB/USB 2.0 por t, chargeable via USB inter face or cigarette lighter socket • Compatible with SD cards: 2 GB SD memor y (ready to use) PN 500025916 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS BECKER 7928 The Becker Traffic Assist 7928 combines maximum navigation convenience and userfriendly operation with advanced Bluetooth technology and exciting multimedia applications. With features including a 4.8-inch TF T touchscreen colour display, digital roadmaps for 40 countries, Reality View, Lane Info, POIs along the route, TMC* and Bluetooth, the Becker Traff ic Assist 7928 is impressive down to the f inest details. Database: NaVtEQ Database includes route guidance for: Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece (the Athens area), Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Nor way, Poland, Por tugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, 156 Sweden, Switzerland, UK and Vatican City • Speed Limits: graphic display of legal speed limits; acoustic warning when limit is exceeded (settable) • View: 3D land marks, map view in 2D/3D/zoom, icon display of Points of Interest (special destinations) • Reality View ( junction zoom) • TMC: dynamic route guidance with TMC Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France (free TMC only), Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Access to TMC information without active route guidance. • Dimensions in mm (width x height x depth): 147 x 93 x 19 • Weight: 287 g • Connection to ex ternal GPS antenna, earphone jack, in-vehicle batter y charging (12V / 24V) • USB: USB 1.1 por t, chargeable via cigarette lighter socket • Compatible with SD cards: 2 GB SD memor y card with preloaded maps PN 500025917 BECKER INDIANAPOLIS PRO The Becker Indianapolis Pro features outstanding navigation and innovative technology. Thanks to Bluetooth ® wireless technology, the unit ser ves as a hands-free phone system. Other impor tant functions include iPod compatibility, CD-MP3-WMA player and 2-RDS tuner PN 2994986 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS AVMAP GEOSAT 5GT FOR TRUCK Geosat 4Truck is a por table satellite navigation system specially designed for heavy vehicles. The advanced navigation sof tware calculates the best route using an enormous database created specif ically for heavy vehicles. This means it automatically avoids roads that are prohibited or not recommended for these types of vehicles. The spacious 4GB HDD is preloaded with high-cover age European maps, enabling you to tr avel from any where to any where within Europe. With an exceptionally wide and br ight 5.6" (14.2 cm) display, Geosat 4Tr uck is the safes t navigator to use while dr iving. Thank s to the audio and video input, Geosat 4Tr uck can be connec ted to a DVD player or rever sing camer a and conver ts into a T V screen for your vehicle! With built-in bat ter y and GPS receiver, Geosat 4Tr uck is ex tremely compac t: a tr uly por table, plug-and-play navigator. The handy remote control with shor tcut but tons makes progr amming and browsing easier. W i th the buil t-in TMC r eceiver, G eosat 4Tr uck keeps you infor med abou t tr af f ic condi tions in r eal time , helping you to avoid tr af f ic jams and delays . T he buil t-in speaker pr ovides clear voice ins tr uc tions so you can keep your eyes on the r oad. • O ther func tions: onboar d compu ter, 3D navigation, sear ch by s tr eet number or pos tcode , updating of point s of inter es t ; • Map: Eur ope wi th indication of all Iveco dealer s and ser vice point s PN 500025230 157 SIEMENS VDO HI-TECH Satellite navigation system consisting of PC5200 unit and MS5200 monitor. 5,8" LCD TF T monitor, 16:9 widescreen, non-ref lecting, built-in speaker. Talking navigation system with maps and pictograms. Orientable gyroscope. Integrated RDS-TMC receiver. Dynamic navigation. Complete with remote control. Western Europe maps PN 500025225 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS DIGITAL TACHOGRAPH ACCESSORIES The digital tachograph accessories range comprises: Rolls of paper for digital tachograph data printouts, Downloadkey and TIS-Compact PLUS data storage/ management systems. O r igina l I ve co pa pe r r olls a r e d esig ne d to g ua r a nte e ma x imu m pr int qua li t y a t a ll t imes , in com plia nce w i t h EU digi t a l t achog r a ph r eg ula t ions . The printer paper is approved for use in all EU member states, including adjacent countries (AETR signatories). • Printer paper compatible with digital tachographs, approved for use in all EU member states • Iveco Shop brand and packaging • Leng th 8 metres • Packed in foil for protection against light and humidity • Useable even af ter long storage periods in the vehicle • Printouts legible for over 3 years PN 2994706 DOWNLOADKEY II 158 T he S I EM EN S V DO DOW N LOA D K E Y I I is t he id ea l t r a nspor t me diu m for dow nloading a nd s av ing da t a to a P C , t ha n k s to t he spe cia l digi t a l t achog r a ph inte r f ace a nd func tional, inter ac t ive display. Fields of application: • Downloading data from digital tachograph • Downloading driver card data via the front inter face on digital tachographs • Data transfer • Data archiving Characteristics: • Universal for all EU countries • Compatible with all digital tachographs and computers with USB por t • Features integrated conf iguration sof tware • Transfers data quickly to PC via USB 2.0 inter face • Storage capacity for 50 quar terly data downloads • Suitable for both 12V and 24V systems • Interactive display • Can also be used as a conventional USB memor y stick (256 MB) • No separate power supply required • Weighs less than 50 g PN 2994743 BLUETOOTH | R ADIO | CB | VIDEO | NAVIGATION SYSTEMS | MISCELLANEOUS TIS -COMPACT PLUS TIS-Compact Plus is the new accessor y for simplif ied digital tachograph data management. It consists of an intelligent download key and built-in sof tware for displaying and managing data. Ideal for helping small f leets to comply with all legal requirements. Data can be downloaded quickly and reliably from all digital tachographs and stored on a PC or laptop. With the help of the accompanying sof tware the data can be viewed, printed out and f iled on the computer. Makes an over view of driving, working and resting times available at any time. 159 HI-TECH TIS-Compact Plus introduces the following new features, compared to previous versions: • Daily repor t on driver activities (availability, driving, working and resting times) • Printout of download data • Reminder on downloaded f iles and upcoming downloads • Dat a expor t dat a to other PC applications (E xcel, Access) for improved f leet management • Speed graph for the last 24 hours of driving time • Signature checking on downloaded f iles PN 500025758 ACCESSORIES INDEX A ACOUSTIC REVERSE SIGNALLERS AIR BLOWER AIR CONDITIONERS ALARMS ANTI-SIPHON DEVICES ANTI-THEFT NUTS ANTI-THEFT SYSTEMS AUXILIARY FUEL TANK 86 135 72 84 85 85 82 77 B BLANKETS BLUETOOTH KITS BOLT CAPS BULBS BULLBARS 126 142 37 95 38 C COFFEE MAKERS CUSHIONS 118 127 D DAILY SPOILERS DASHBOARD TRIM DECORSTRIPES DEFLECTORS DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL SET-TOP BOXES DRIVER COMFORT DRIVER OUTDOOR DRIVER TIME 29 64 14 33 154 128 134 130 E EMERGENCY JUMP STARTERS EMERGENCY KIT EMERGENCY LAMPS EUROCARGO AERODYNAMIC KITS EUROCARGO SPOILERS 100 99 94 28 28 F FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FLUORESCENT PANELS FUEL CAPS 99 98 110 G GREASING SYSTEM 105 H HANDS -FREE KITS HEADLIGHT GUARDS HEATERS HORNS HUB CAPS HUB CUPS 144 42 70 44 36 36 I IMMOBILISERS INCLINOMETER INVERTER 83 113 137 J JUMP LEADS 100 L LIGHTING, AUXILIARY LOAD AREA LININGS LOAD STR APS 40 74 104 M MATS MESH POCKETS MIRROR CHROME TRIM KIT 58 136 13 N P PARKING SENSORS POLLEN FILTER PORTABLE DVD PLAYERS 92 135 153 R R ADIO TR ANSCEIVERS R ADIOS REFRIGER ATORS, COMPRESSOR-TYPE REFRIGER ATORS, THERMOELECTRIC RETRO-REFLECTIVE STRIPS REVERSING CAMER A KITS REVOLVING BEACONS 152 146 123 121 98 88 93 S SATELLITE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS SATELLITE TR ACKING SYSTEM SEAT COVERS SEAT COVERS SIDE DECALS SIDE FAIRING SIDE FAIRING TEXT DECALS SILL GUARDS SNOW CHAINS STEERING WHEEL KNOB STEP TRIM STR ALIS AERODYNAMIC KITS STR ALIS SPOILERS SUN VISORS 155 84 126 50 12 32 12 77 102 77 13 26 27 30 T TABLES TACHOGR APH TEXT DECALS TOW HOOKS AND TOW BARS TOW STR APS TV MONITORS TYRE REPAIR KIT 68 158 24 106 113 153 101 W WHEEL TRIMS WINDSCREEN WIPER BLADES 34 108 Images for illustration purposes only