Strategy for information, communication and citizen participation
Strategy for information, communication and citizen participation
INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN DECISION MAKING PROCESSES 2013 INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN DECISION MAKING PROCESSES This publication was prepared by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Democratic and Effective Municipalities Initiative Program in Kosovo. States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. 2 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Introduction The Democratic Effective Municipalities Initiative (DEMI) supports 21 partner municipalities in creating more effective governing, increased trust in government, improve local services, robust local economic development and greater involvement of citizens in local affairs. As part of greater involvement of citizens in local affairs, USAID/Democratic Effective Municipalities Initiative has supported municipalities in conducting an open and participatory budget planning, increase youth and women participation at local level and introduce practices that established better municipal framework on implementing more meaningful public participation in the decision – making process at the local level. develop the Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy. Local Governments and Citizens “Both alone and with many … we will transmit this City, not only not less, but greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us”. Oath of the Athenian Citizen Source: “Communication and Citizen Participation: New Roles for Local Government and Citizens” Local Governance University, 1998 The democratic governance is based in many principles such as: rule of law, responsibility, accountability, trust, openness, transparency, effectiveness, to the ability of the government to provide the best serve to its citizens, such fact doesn’t exclude citizens from being active and providing their contribution. Therefore, in democratic societies there is a continuous need for governments to act as facilitators in leading citizens to strategic thinking, involving them in government issues, make citizens partners in problem solving and maximizing opportunities, know what citizens think and based upon this deliver best services for best cost. The information, communication and citizen participation strategy The strategy of information, communication and citizen participation is intended to provide a model of using citizen participation as (1) an approach that contributes to local governments in being more effective in engaging citizens, an opportunity which provides (2) space for citizens to provide their feedback and initiate variety grassroots initiatives at local level that would lead to increase of voluntarism and good citizenship, and a (3) model of partnership establishing a local concept of citizen participation which can be used to combine mutual efforts of local government and citizens in achieving their mutual goals. The strategy is a process 2. Develop an Action Plan 3. UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 4. IDENTITY THE “DIRECTIONS” STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. ESTABLISH KEY WORKING GROUP 7. GAIN SUPPORT OF MUNICIPAL ASSAMBLY MEMBERS IN APPROVING THE STRATEGY When developing information, communication and citizen participation strategy is a process which inquires: 6. CONSULT PROFESSIONAL GROUPS (NGO’s MEDIA, JOURNALISTS, ACTIVE 5. DEVELOP SPECIFIC PROJECTS (TO INCLUDE BUDGET) AND IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING PLAN A dedicated key team: that has the knowledge of both local context and the strategic planning methodology. Develop an action plan: which will set the timeframe, activities and responsible person to implement such activity. The action plan will enable the team to measure their progress and keep the focus on the important tasks. Knowledge of current situation: before beginning to plan strategic interventions it is important to Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 3 know the current practices of information, communication and citizen participation at local level. The documentation of such practices can be achieved through conducting SWOT analyses, desk research or interviews and surveys with citizens/other groups. Identify realistic “directions” strategic objectives: upon such situation is key factor which ensures that the directions (strategic goals) are realistic, represent the local context and are achievable in the future. Make the strategy easy to implement and monitor: Based on the strategic objectives, identify priorities, key for monitoring process. Consult with professional groups: identify different professional groups that can contribute to the strategy. Everyone’s input is important and counts however the involvement of civil society, journalists, media and community activists input is very important element of the strategy. Gain the support of municipal assembly members: the information, communication and citizen participation strategy is a strategic document which is approved in municipal assembly. Therefore, conducting an open and transparent planning process ensures the wider acceptance of the strategy from municipal assembly members. Keep them informed and always get their feedback. The strateg Local governments: good information, communication and citizen participation at local government affairs enables local decision-makers to have the understanding and support of those who will be affected by the decision. It creates a paths and space to get ideas and support from different audiences. Citizens: by receiving better information and being able to communication and participate at local government affairs citizens develop more sense on complex situation, understand challenges that decision-makers face while dealing with different situations. At same time, it provides opportunity to become part of the problem-solving by recognizing that many issues at local government level belong to them as well and they can be the actors of change. This publication: Brings in your hand the approach used by USAID/Democratic Effective Municipalities Initiative and municipal developing similar strategy at your municipality. 4 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION STRATEGY IN DECISION MAKING PROCESSES IN VUSHTRRI/VUČITRN MUNICIPALITY Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 5 2013 Municipal Working Group: Blerim Zhabari, Leader of the Working Group Bahri Bivolaku, Member of the Working Group Gazmend Morina, Member of the Working Group USAID/DEMI Working Group: In alphabetic order Besim Kurti, Regional Advisor on Local Governance Blerim Çerkini, Monitoring and Reporting Specialist Hanife Limani, Citizen Participatin Expert Krzysztof Chmura, Senior Local Governance Advisor Melihate Limani, Unit Head/Citizen Participation Expert Përkthyer në Anglisht/Serbisht: Bajram Pireva, USAID DEMI Miodrag Jovic, USAID DEMI 6 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes MAYOR’S WORD in relation to citizens’ interests. Debates and support in implementing capital projects at citizens’ interest enable for politics to desend from its loftiness and abstractness and address citizens’ lives in the quarter, village and city, of the work of the municipal administration. The pace of institutional and social development entails constant reforms in order to be at citizens’ interests. Municipal Strategy on Information, Communication and Citizen Participation 2013-2016 drafted with great this vision to transform local institutional mechanims as a bridge between the citizens and the local governance. External communication goes beyond legal requirements. A good strategy and plan of communication outlines the dialogue between the municipality and citizens, partners, media and civil society, and donors on priorities, projects and political position. and effectiveness of collecting and using local taxes and fees, in an effective and transparent use of municipal assets, in establishing a friendly environment with the businesses, civil society and media. The strategy encourages citizens to involve in setting priorities, assessing the level of municipal services and enhancing the transparency in the use of public funds. Municipal Strategy on Information, Communication and Citizen Participation, along with the action plan represents the willingness of the local government to make progress apace with the technological information between the sender and receiver. On behalf of citizens of our municipaliy, I thank all who contributed Respectfully, Bajram Mulaku Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 7 Map of Kosovo 8 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Content OUTLINE OF THE DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................................... 11 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 12 ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3. ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT SITUATION........................................................................................... 14 3.1 ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT MECHANISMS ............................................................................... 14 ........................................................................................... 16 3.3 SWOT ANALIZE ............................................................................................................................... 17 4. VISION ........................................................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 SCHEME........................................................................................................................................... 19 5. OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTS..................................................................................................................... 20 6. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND BUDGET ..................................................................................................... 29 7. MONITORING PLAN ...................................................................................................................................... 33 ........................................................................................................................... 34 ................................................. 41 ANNEx 3: Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes ............. 43 9 1. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS GAP- Institute of Advanced Studies MA – Municipal Assembly PFC- Policy and Finance Committee USAID DEMI- Democratic Effective Municipalities Initiative 10 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes OUTLINE OF THE DOCUMENT and establishing information, communication and participation mechanisms that would contribute in developing and promoting the principles of democracy and good governance. First Chapter, the “Introduction”, the document presents the goals of the strategy, laying out the basic understanding of essential concepts of information, communication and citizen participation adopted and tailored to the local Second Chapter “Methodology”, presents the methodology used in drafting the strategy, laying out the process of drafting this document up to its approval. This includes ways data were collected to evaluate the current situation; Chapter 3 “Evaluation of the current situation”, the document presents the evaluation of the current situation in information, communication and citizen participation in local governance. Initially is presented the analysis of external assessment, mainly assessments of donor organizations, while further is provided an assessment by the working group itself. SWOT analysis presents strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the area of information, communication and citizen participation in decision making processes. Based on the evaluation of and determined. a full understanding of the vision and set up the opportunity for its estimation in the future. The elements of the of the strategy including: Vision, Objectives and Priorities of the Strategy. Chapter Five “Objectives and Projects of the Strategy” presents the planned objectives that would support to accomplish the Vision of the Strategy. In the objectives have been presented the priorities and actions to be expected outcomes. On the section of Annexes has been presented a summary of survey methodology and the outcomes of the survey, presenting the details of the persons involved in the survey that provided their input in conducting the survey. Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 11 1. INTRODUCTION strategy in the decision making processes. Information and the broader participation of citizens in the decision of the municipality as well as in planning of public policies to the best interests of citizens. visionary strategy, primarily focused on the citizens and is supported by their opinions as to the ways of providing information and areas where citizens’s interest to be informed is higher. Additionally, it is focused on enhancing transparency of the municipality through the effective provision of information and promotion of communication tools for the purpose of eliciting citizens’ opinions on matters that impact the improvement the quality of life. Further, this strategy aims to promote citizen participation methods, focused on implementing methods the citizens have This strategy is a product of an open process that includes citizens’ opinions through surveys conducted in the professionals in the area of communication and citizen participation and media outlets that operate in the territory active civil society that assumes responsibility in promoting municipal issues. explains citizen participation as an approach of tangible management leading to concrete results. Such a way of addressing citizen participation includes the principle of citizen participation at three levels: (1) oneway –one-sided provision of information or (2) both sided –bilateral communication, as well as it enables a third and more sophisticated level of citizen participation – partnership, ensuring a meaningful involvement of citizens in the local governance. Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy shall be: Open: strategy. Such a principle implies that the goals and actions of the municipality on drafting and implementing this strategy shall be available to the public. Inclusive: taken into account. The actions of this strategy are based on the principle of inclusion aiming to provide equal opportunities for information, communication and participation of citizens in decision making processes. Effective: communication and citizen participation. For that reason, prior to drafting this strategy, the citizens’ needs on the area of information, communication and participation have been analyzed followed by the establishment of resources in accomplishing tangible outcomes. Cooperative: included exchange of activities, resources and experiences between the municipality and different groups of citizens. Drafting and implementing this strategy would support in promoting and informing citizens, that would result in having informed and active citizens. It also provides the opportunity of contributing their opinions on issues of their economic and social conditions. 12 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 2. METHODOLOGY in municipal processes. This was carried out through an internal analysis of such models by the working group drafting the strategy. The second approach applied was in obtaining information directly from citizens over their preferred ways of municipal decision making. conducted in 29 rural settlements and 4 urban areas. The overall number of Respondents included 388 people, 207 in rural areas (54%) and 175 in urban areas (46%). The error margin is set at 5% and the trustworthiness is estimated at 95%. For the purpose of having a better inclusion of citizens in the survey, on the rural areas the distribution of Respondents was arranged by the number of residents living on such rural areas. Based on the analysis on the citizen participation and the current situation on information, communication and objectives highlight the priorities and actions to be taken for promoting the provision of information, communication implementable, the working group compiled the timeframe on implementing as well as the monitoring plan on implementing the strategy. The Information and Communication Strategy was submitted in the Municipal Assembly and prior to its adoption was presented for public discussion with citizens based on the legal requirements for approving public documents in the local government. Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 13 3. ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT SITUATION participation was estimated to be highly transparent from external actors of the government, including international actors. prior to the standardization of webpages of public institutions of the Government of Kosovo), is estimated as the USAID/DEMI Programme as the most transparent municipality, and was awarded twice $25,000. For 2012, another non-governmental organization, Instituti prë Studime të Avancuara GAP (Advanced Studies webpage is the best maintained and there are posted a miscellany of information”, is said in the GAP assessment 1 . 3.1 ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT MECHANISMS Spokesperson is Mayor’s Advisor on Public Relations and cooperates with the PIO and municipal directorates to provive information to the public. participation channels: 1) Information media: a) citizens to have easy access to documents and events in the municipality. The ongoing posting of documents and relevant information of interest to the citizens enhanced the transparency of municipal bodies. Only during 2012 (January-October 2012), the municipal webpage was visited 31,838 on the While in 2012, the webpage was visited 176,894. Further, 34,019 downloads of documents occurred. In administrating the webpage data, there is a tendency the webpage is visited by the Western European countried where a lot of our fellow citizens live. 2) Social Networks b) and a total of 861 posted photos. c) 14 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 3) Print Media: Local activities and events are covered on regular basis by the print media and up to 2012. In order to local authorities is overall estimated to be satisfactory. 4) TVs: covered, approximately 400 minutes for 2012. 5) Radios: A local radio station “Vicianum” covers overall events in the municipalities. Municipal activities have been presented 284 times, including live broadcast of all Municipal Assembly sessions. 6) Communication Tools: d) has been assigned named “the Opposition Corner” where the opposition parties representatives may express their comments, suggestions and opionions. e) 7) Participation methods for citizens in the muncipal decision making processes: a) Public Gathering: In addition to the regular public meetings with citizens, during the year, the municipality organizes other meetings with citizens particularly in rural areas, even for special issues for citizens. Time is arranged for b) Public hearings: With the support of its partners the Municipality has built a system of public consulting and public hearings prior to drafting the budget. In the budget hearing on MTBF 2013-2015, from 29 June to 24 August 2012, 11 meetings with citizens were held (in the city and rural areas) with the participation of 285 citizens, where 111 request-priorities were made on such meetings, while in the 2013 budget 23 request-priorities of investment on infrastructure amounting to € 1.281.648.00 were made while other requests by citizens were included in the MTBF for capital investment in 2014 and 2015. 8) Partnership with citizens: a) projects in partnership with citizens, mainly in the infrastructure and agriculture. Each year, the Municipality in improving infrastructure as well as in establishing pre-conditions in developing agriculture. For that citizens fund 15% of the project. Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 15 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OUTCOMES 3.2 Overall Information: - Respondents: 388 citizens; Settlements: 207 rural and 175 urban Gender structure: 86 women; 302 men; Ethnic background: 366 Albanian; 21 Serbs; 1 Turk Informing: - Sources of information for citizens: national and local TV/Radio (44.7%); Facebook (20.8%); webpage (10%) Other: friends, civil servants in the municipality etc. (13%); While the preferred way of obtaining information are: Municipal webpage (25%); Facebook (21%); direct meetings (17.5%), notice boards (11.1%); municipal newsletter (5.7%); while other sources TV/Radio (14.9%) and newspaper (4.1%). Areas where citizens would like to be informed: Budget and Finance (28.9%); Education (16.8%); The Respodents trust more the information they receive in the national TVs (25.52%), notice boards (17.53%), local radios (16.24%), municipal webpage (15.21%), Facebook (13.14%), publications (5.15%) and national radios (1.80%). Communication: - Citizens communicate with the municipality over muncipal issues through their participation on public e-mail sent to the Municpality (12.1%); Facebook (11.3%). in public hearings (34.1%); email (4.7%) and other methods (8.9%). Participation: - Over 40.7% of citizens state they do not participate in municipal activities, 23.2% participate rarely, while 26.3% participate sometimes and 9.8% participate frequently. While citizens are ready to cooperate with the municipality on improving: Capital Investment (20%), out of which mainly in roads and infrastructure (43.59%); green areas, parks for children, sports facilities (8.97%); water (2.56%); public lighting (8.97%); buildings and historical monuments (5.13%) Economic Development (27.3%) out of which mainly investment in agriculture (34.91%), where it has been anticipated to prioritize supporting in establishing cows farms (13.16%); projecs that create jobs (11.32%), support to businesses (4.72%); construction /infrastructure (5.66%) Health (13.4%), mainly in improving emergency services (11.54%); information on health services in general (5.77), supplying medical equipment for checkups (9.62%). Education (19.6%); out of which in the educational staff (20.53%); construction of schools (23.68%); enhancing the quality of education (3.95%); laboratories (2.63%); kindergartens (1.32%); special schools (1.32%); 16 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes STRENGTHS The Municipality has considerable experience in citizen information (the acquired experience and external evaluations USAID 2010, 2011, GAP Institute 2012); a developed system informed by social networks a developed transparency by the municipality; Effectiveness of village and settlement councils establishing of the information system and active participation of citizens in public and traditional events, traditional festivals, “Gathering of Albanian Poetesses”, “Potato Day” A city rich in cultural heritage; WEAKNESSES Lack of public appreciation/recognition for the citizens involved in different areas; citizen participation; Inappropriate system of building the communication line: assembly-administrationcitizens-interest groups system (telephone line for citizens and working environment); municipal services; lack of monthly newsletters; lack of information stands in the most frequented spots to post information; access on public documents; underdeveloped citizen initiatives; lack of annual information calendar for the key municipal activities; inappropriate level of communication and cooperation between: assembly members, citizens and NGOs; number of staff in the Citizen Service Center OPPORTUNITIES Experience and professional approach in the information, communication and citizen participation area in the decision making processes; Building the concensus between the assembly and the administration on issues of interest to citizens –communication and participation in the decision making process; Suitable legal framework for information, communication and citizen participation in decision making processes; Law on Accesss to Public Documents; Readiness of citizens in building a partnership with the municipality, particularly in the economic development sector, capital investment, education and health. RISKS more developed information, and communication with the public; Economic development and lack of trust in public institutions; Bureacracy and hesitation for changes from the administration personnel; Perception of public on the occurrence of corruption in public institutions; Lack of local TV of information, participation; Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes communication and 17 citizen 4. VISION The vision of the strategy on information, communication and citizen participation in decision making processes is: citizens, active in decision making processes, with the goal of improving the quality of life. and above all it has a goal to be measured and monitored periodically. Considering that it is challenging to measure overall views, following are presented the details of different items of the vision. Along with the indicators they present a baseline for measuring the vision. In measuring the accomplishment of the vision, at the same be measured. 1. First Item – “Informed Citizens” information to citizens enables better and open governance and in addition to that enhances the values of the city to the citizens and its visitors. Indicators: the number of information mechanisms within the municipality; number of news pieces published during the year; number of brochures and newsletters; number of announcements/materials published in 2. Second Item “communicative” gender, religion and ethnicity on the decisions that impact their lives is essential to the local government. Indicators: number of public meetings; number of public hearings; number of citizens participating in meetings and public hearings; number of citizens admitted for individual meetings and the number of citizens’ requests reviewed by the municipality. 3. Third item – “active participation” providing their opinions are essential in promoting democracy. Indicators: Number of citizens’ initiatives; number of applications submitted in the municipality from initiatives. 4. Fourth item – “improving quality of life” citizens. However, citizens’ initiative that identify areas and opportunities for improvement, support in the sustainability in the quality of life. Indicators: number of implemented projects; allocated funds by the municipality to support citizens’ 18 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 4.1 SCHEME Municipality of Vushtrri in the next three years will aim having informed, communicational citizens, and make them active participants with the purpose of improving the life quality. Advancing Public Information Establishing opportunities for communication Establishing opportunities for active participation Effective internal communication Using current effectively mechanism of information Consulting interest groups while taking decissions Consultation with citizens before budget approval Support citizens initiatives Establishing new mechanisms of information Outsourcing external medias for communication Organizing regular meetings with citizens Establishing new mechanisms for getting citizens feedback Recognize (promote) citizens initiatives Inkurajim për qasje në dokumente publike Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 19 5. OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTS Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy envisions three key objectives: 5.1 Objective 1: ENHANCING PROVISION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION TO CITIZENS the work of Municipal Administration, i.e. directorates on plans, accomplishments and serviced they provide by publishing online forms enabling citizens to have easy access to public documents. At the same time, information on the performance of the Municipal Assembly shall be published, by publishing information on the work of the Assembly and its committees. Strategic objectives priority ACTIONS Objective 1: Enhancing the provision of public information to citizens on the work of the Vushtrri/ Municipality Action 1: Municipal directorates, the Assembly and its Committees provide information on municipal services to the PIO, in order for them to be published on the municipal webpage (provided services and online applications); Priority 1: Effective communication within the municipality with the goal of providing comprehensive information to citizens; Action 2: Municipal directorates provide information to PIO on the initiatives/ education, health, capital investment and economic development; Action 3: Municipal directorates provide success stories to PIO, in order for citizens to be informed on the accomplishments of the municipality; Action 4: Publication of stories of success and the contribution of Vushtrri/ Action 5: Enhancing capacities of PIO; Action 1: Continuity of maintaining the municipal webpage; Priority 2: Effective ue of current mechanims of information with the goal of proving information to citizens; Action 2: Effective use of social network on providing information to the public; Action 3: Publication of information on notice boards; Action 4: Action 1: Creating an annual calendar on the planned municipal activities; Action 2: Creating a support telephone line for citizens; Priority 3: Establish new mechanims on providing information; Action 3: Publication of monthly newsletter (printed distribution –in public institutions, settlements/villages and via email); Action 4: Joint information campaigns with civil society organizations; Action 5: Guides on promoting cultural tourism; Action 6: Information Desk in the Citizen Service Center; Priority 4: Use of external information media; Action 2: Organize shows on local and regional radios and TVs; Action 1: Information campaign on the rights of citizens on access to public documents (including campaigns on elementary and secondary school) Priority 5: Action 2: Publication of the handbook on how to access public documents; Encourage for access to public documents 20 Action 1: Posting information on local, regional and national media, through press releases (radio, newspaers, news portal); Action 3: Publication of statistical report on the applications for access to public documents; Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Project 1: Municipality Priority 1: Effective Communication within the Municipality with the goal of providing comprehensive information to citizens Priority 2: Effective use of current mechanisms of information with the goal of providing information to citizens Goal of the Project Expected Outcomes Provision of comprehensive information to citizens Duration of implementation Planning of More informed citizens - All citizens Responsible Mayor, Directorates, Spokesperson and PIO N/A (1) Budget Planning Tasks/Action Timeframe Resources costs (1) Decision of the Mayor for the Directorates; May 2013 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates (2) Posting of information, services and applications; July 2013 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates (3) Compile and provide stories on the accomplishments of directorates, assembly and its committees; September 2013 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates (4) Publication of stories on the accomplishment of municipal directorates and municipal assembly – by PIO; September 2013 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates January 2014 5,050 Euro PIO and Respective Directorates September 2013 2014-2016 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates (5) Enhancing technical capacities in PIO; (6) Publication of success stories and the contribution of Diaspora in Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 21 Objektiva 1: Avancimi i ofrimit të informacionit publik për qytetarët mbi punën e Komunës së Vushtrri/ (7) Maintenance of municipal webpage: Municipal documents: Publication of annual working plan, adopted acts and minutes of the Municipal Assembly; Publication of annual working plan and decision of the Municipal Administration; Publication of all other municipal acts; Publication of information on municipal services; Publication of the list of provided services; Information on the requirements, prices and the necessary documents for the provided services; Forms of all kinds of applications and submissions; September 2013 and on 2014-2016 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates JanuaryDecember of the respective year N/A PIO and Respective Directorates N/A PIO and Respective Directorates 2,500 Euro PIO and Respective Directorates Instruction on the rights of citizens and others interest groups; Access to monitor the process of carrying out the service and the taken decision; Contact information for consultation in relation to the provided services; Contact information for municipal bodies; Feedback forms of citizens for the provided services (surveys, forums, blogs, etc)/ (8) Effective use of social networks in providing information All the information related to services, news, videos, accomplishments are to be published on FB; Publish links on the webpage on the acts and decisions adopted by the municipal bodies; Publish brochures, posters and other publications (9) Publication of information on notice boards: Publish and update information on notice boards such as: announcements, vacancies, posters, invitations. JanuaryDecember of the respective year (10) Publication of brochures Publication of information brochures on areas of interest for citizens, such as: Brochure on the expenditures and municipal planning budget; Brochure on municipal taxes, fees and charges; Brochure on access to public documents; Other brochures, that provide concrete information to citizens, on the area of health, education, economy and capital investments; JanuaryDecember of the respective year Publication of brochures (summary of semiannual report, brochures on expenditures and budget planning, economic development, civil status services, health services and brochures on the services of each directorate). 22 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Project 2: Municipality Priority 3: Establishing new mechanims to provide information; Priority 4: Use of external media for information Goal of the Project - Expected Outcomes Budget Establish new municipal mechanims for informing citizens, Use of electronic media to inform citizens Duration of implementation Planning of Responsible Mayor, Directorates and PIO N/A Tasks/Action - All citizens Timeframe Expenditures Resources Placing notice boards (13 in villages/5 in the city), April -2015 3,600 Euro PIO and Respective Directorates Drafting the plan for the maintenance and use of notice boards, March 2015 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates January-December of the respective year N/A PIO and Respective Directorates January-2014 N/A PIO and Respective Directorates January-December 2014/15/16 3,000 Euro PIO and Respective Directorates April/September 2014/15/16 Shih Objective 3, Projekti 2 PIO and Respective Directorates June 2014 500 Euro PIO and Respective Directorates 2014 N/A PIO and Directorate of Public Services Information Campaign for the right of citizens on access to public documents Publication of the handbook on how to have access to public documents, Publication of the statistical report on the applications for access to public documents. April/September 2014 See Objective 3, Project 2 PIO and Respective Directorates Posting of information on local, regional and national media by press releases (radio, newspapers, news portals) Ongoing N/A PIO and Respective Directorates 7,200 Euro PIO and Respective Directorates Creating of annual calendar on planning municipal activities, Create the support telephone line for citizens, Publication of monthly newsletter and its distribution in the institution through e-mail, webpage and social networks Joint information campaigns with civil society organizations at least two campaigns a year, for example: Placing information stands in the most frequented spots Citizen awareness campaign (such as: information campaign on municipal services, access on public documents, own-source revenues); Draft and publish the guidebook on promoting cultural tourism; Placking the information desk in the Citizen Service Center; Organize radio and TV shows: 5 shows a year: midterm expenditure framework, shows on the report of municipal administration, shown on the working plan of the assembly and other shows on the current issues Ongoing Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 23 5.2 with citizens as well as create new mutual communication mechanims with citizens. That would increase the transparency of the municipality in decision making and its decisions would be more effective and adsmissable for citizens. Strategic Objective Priority Prioritet 1: Consult citizens prior to taking decisions, that directly impact different interest groups (meetings are held out of municipal premises) ACTION Action 1: Annual consulting of businesses, different groups of interest prior to approving the Regulation on taxes, fees and charges Action 2: Consult the respective groups of interests prior to the approval of municipal acts, decisions and plans (example: strategies and development plans, urban planning, municipal development plan, youth and gender related policies) Action 1: Draftig of action plan on transparency in the budget drafting process of the municipality-adoption in the assembly Prioritet 2: Action 2: Publication of the selection criteria for including the requests of citizens in the municipal budget; Consult citizens prior to drafting the municipal budget Action 3: Organization of public hearings in each settlement/ village; Objective 2: Create opportunities for communication Action 4: Additional public consultation in response to initiavies and requests of citizens; Action 1: Organize two public meetings provided in the Law on Local Self-Government; Prioritet 3: Regular meetings with citizens Action 2: Setting and publish the schedule of regular weekly Directorates); Action 3: Diaspora Day; Priority 4: Create new mechanims for receiving information from citizens and different groups of interest Action 1: Use of municipal webpage as a tool to obtain information by citizens; Action 2: satisfaction on different areas of local government; Action 3: More effective use of social network (with focus on Facebook) 24 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Project 1: Priority 1: Consult citizens prior to taking decisions that directly impact differet groups of interest Priority 2: Consult citizens prior to drafting municipal budget Priority 3: Regular meetings with citizens Goal of the Project - Expected Outcomes Buxheti Enhance communication and consulation with citizens prior to taking municipal decisions Duration of the implementatio January-December of the respective year Planning of N/A Responsible PIO, Respective Directorates Tasks/Action - Businesses All citizens Timeframe Planning of Annual consultation with businesses and citizens prior to adopting the Regulation on taxes, fees and charges October of years 2013Organize business roundtable 2016 Organize public hearings prior to the adoption of the Regulation on taxes and fees 1500 Euro Consult respective groups of interest prior to adopting acts, decisions and municipal plans (example: development strategies and plans, urban planning, plans on municipal services, young and gender related policites): Organize focus groups prior to adopting acts, decisions and municipal plans, Organize public hearings Ongoing N/A Consult citizens prior to drafting the municipal budget: Draft the action plan on transparency in the process of drafting the municipal budget; Publication of selection criteria for the inclusion of citizens’ requests in the municipal budget; Organize public hearings in each settlement/village; Additional public consulation in response to citizens’ initiatives and requests; Publication of information on the budget approval process JuneSeptember N/A Regular meetings with citizens Organize two meetings as provided in the Law on Local SelfGovernment, Set and publish the schedule of regular weekly meetings with citizens (Mayor, Chairperson and Directorates) Resources Directorate of Finance and Directorate of Economy, Agriculture and Rural Development PIO and the respective Directorate Municipal Assembly (KPF), Mayor, Directorate of Finance, Directorate of Administration and PIO June and November of the respective year N/A January of the respective year Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Mayor, Chairperson, Directorates and PIO 25 Project 2: Priority 4: Create new mechanims to receive information from citizens Goal of the Project - Expected Outcomes Budget Communication and consultation with citizens prior to taking municipal decisions Duration of implementation Planning of N/A Responsible PIO, Respective Directorates - Businesses All citizens Planning Tasks/Actions Timeframe Resources costs Use of municipal webpage as a tool to elicit information from citizens: 1 Open the section for questions, requests and suggestions from citizens 2 Electronic surveys on different areas 3 Create the section of citizens’ opinions (with the option of interactive discussion with PIO) 1. January 2014 2. JanuaryDecember For the respective year N/A PIO and IT 3. January 2014 areas of local governance Annual surveys on citizen satisfaction on the performance of services and municipal policies (see grants with NGOs) See Objective 3; Project 2 Live shows on local radio/TV Shows of the municipal leadership on radio/TV, where citizens can ask questions/opinions/suggestions Shows of the municipal leadership with journalists, where citizens can make questions/opinions/suggestions See Objective 1; Project 2 Effective use of social networks (with focus on Facebook) Surveys with citizens to elicit their opinions Connecting Facebook with the municipal webpage January 2014 26 N/A PIO and IT Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 5.3 Objective 5.3: establish a suitable environment for active Participation of life as well as present appreciations for citizens/initiatives of active citizens. That would create a partnership with citizens in improving the quality of life and contributes in appreciating the deeds of active citizenship. Strategic objective Priority ACTION Project 1: Objective 3: Create a suitable environment for active participation of citizens in improving quality of life Priority 2: Appreciations for citizens initiatives for improving quality life Expected Outcomes Goal of the Project Buxheti Promote the image of active citizens Duration of Implementation Planning of Financial Costs Responsible May-September 1500 Euro PIO, Evalulation Committee - All citizens Planning Tasks/Actions Timeframe Resources costs Preparations to present appreciation for citizens/citizen initiatives: - Allocation of budget in the Municipal Assembly; - Appointment of the Evaluation Committee; - Preparation of the documentation for appreciation (guideline, nomination criteria, selection criteria etc.); - Preparation of applications for nomination; - Distribution of information and collection of nominations over awarding appreciations (see grants for NGOs). May të vitit përkatës May of the respective year N/A ZKP dhe komisioni PIO and the Commission September të vitit përkatës September of the respective year 1,000 Euro (5x200 Euro) ZKP dhe komisioni PIO and the Commission September of the respective year 500 Euro ZKP PIO Value of awards for: - Appreciation for students of the year, - Appreciation for environmentalist of th year - Appreciation for humanist of the year, - Appreciation for safety in the community, - Appreciation for civic courage Appreciation Award Ceremony Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 27 Project 2: Objective 3: Create an environment suitable for active participation of citizens in improving qualy of life Priority 1: Support Citizen Initiatives to improve quality of life Goal of the Project Expected Outcomes Budget Strengthen cooperation with citizens by supporing citizen initiatives Duration of implementation Planning of Responsible Assembly, Mayor, Remarks: funds are allocated in the Respective directorates and respective directorate PIO, Planning Tasks/Action Timeframe Resources costs Preparations on setting municipal grants to support citzens’ initiatives: - Allocate budget to the Municipal Assembly, - Appoint evaluation committee, - Prepare the documentation for grants (instructions: application requirements, selection criteria, monitoring etc), - Prepare application for grants January of the respective year N/A Respective Directorates, PIO and the Commission February/ April of the respective year N/A PIO and the Commission 10,000 Euro (max value. 2,000 per project) PIO and the Commission Allocation of grants: - Publishing the call for applications, Addmission of applications, Support grant for initiatives in the quarters/villages: - Minor capital investment (improving streets, establish green areas, murals) Grants to support initiatives in agriculuture: - Grants to support joint initiatives of farmers April/May of the respective year March of the respective year Grants to support initiatives in education: - September of the respective Grants to support initiatives of schoolchildren, students, parents, teachers year and other actors 5,000 Euro (max value. 1,000 per project) PIO and the Commission 5,000 Euro (max value. 1,000 per project) PIO and the Commission 1) 400 E 2) 1,500 E ¾) 500 E PIO and the Commission Grants to support initiatives for an active civil society: Awareness Campaigns 1) Surveys on the performance of municipal services, 2) Promotion and support of allocating municipal grants, 3) Promotion and support on presenting appreciations 28 1)July/ September 2) September 3/4) February 2015/2016 Ju Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes DYNAMIC PLAN Jan - March 2016 October-December July-September April- June Jan - March December November August July June May April March February January Projects October 2015 September 2014 Objective 1: Enhancing provision of public information for citizens on the Project 1: (1) Decision of the Mayor on the Directorate; (2) Posting information, services and applications (3) Compile and provide stories on the accomplishment of directorates, assembly and its committees; (3) Publication of stories on the successes and the contribution of diaspora in Municipality; (5) Maintenance of municipal webpage; (4) Effective use of social networks in providing information to the public; (2) Publication of information on notice boards; (3) Publication of brochures. Project 2: Notice boards (13 in villages/5 in the city); Draft the plan on the maintenance and use of notice boards; Draft the annual calendar of municipal activities; Create the support telephone line for citizens; Publication of monthly newsletters and its distribution via email, webpage and social networks; Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 29 October-December 6.1 July-September IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND BUDGET April- June 6. Joint information campaing with civil society organizations, at least twice a year and printing of 1500 copies per month; Compile and publish guidelines on the promotion of cultural tourism; Information Desk in the Citizen Serivice Center; Information Campaign on the right of citizens for access on public documents; Posting information on the local, regional and national media through press releases (radio, newspapers, news portals); Organize shows on local and regional radios and TVs. Objective 2 Project 1 Annual consulting with businesses and citizens prior to adopting the Regulation on taxes, fees and charges; Consult the respective groups of interests prior to the approval of municipal acts, decisions and plans Consulting with citizens prior to drafting municipal budget Regular meetings with citizens Regular meetings of Mayor with citizens, Set the schedule for individual meetings with citizens Project 2 Use of municipal webpage, as a tool to receive information form citizens; Conduct surveys in the satisfaction on different areas of municipal governance; 30 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Live shows on local radios/TVs; More effective use of social networks (with focus on Facebook) Objective 3: Create a suitable environment for active participation of citizens to improve quality of life Projekti 1 Project 2: Prepare to present appreciations to citizens/citizen initiatives: Appreciation Award Ceremony Project 1 Prepare to set municipal grants to support citizen initiatives; Allocate grants; Grant to support initiatives for quarters/ villages; Grants to support initiatives in agriculture; Grants to support initiatives in education; Grant to support initiatives for an active civil society. Project outcomes Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 31 BUDGET October-December July-September April- June Jan-March 2016 October-December July-September April- June Jan-March 2015 October-December July-September Jan-March 2014 October-December July-September Expenditures April- June 2013 April- June 6.2 Municipality Project 1 2,500 Euro Project 2 7,550 Euro 5,500 Euro 10,700 Euro 14,300 Euro 5,500 Euro Subtotal: 2,500 Euro 18,250 Euro 19,800 Euro 5,500 Euro Project 1 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro Project 2 0 0 0 0 Subtotal: 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro Objective 3: Create a suitable environment for active participation of citizens to improve quality of life Project 1 0 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro 1,500 Euro Project 2 0 23,700 Euro 24,200 Euro 24,200 Euro Subtotal: 0 25,200 Euro 25,700 Euro 25,700 Euro TOTAL 4,000 Euro 44,900 Euro 47,000 Euro 32,700 Euro 128,600 Euro 32 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 7. MONITORING PLAN Performance Indicators Analysis and Reporting Performance Indicators Source of Data Methods/Approach for collectin and calculating data benchmarks Goal Accomplishment Time of collecting Responsible data person Baseline Data Goal 2013 Accomplishment 2014 2015 2016 Comments and reasoning VISION: Vushtrri Municipality within a three year period have informed, communicative and participating citizens, active in decision making processes, with the goal of improving the quality of life. Objective 1: Enhancing provision of public information to citizens on the work of Vushtrri Municipality Number of information Number of advanced tools to be used by tools within the citizens to be informed are: municipal webpage, Municipality municipality Youtube, Facebook, municipal newsletter, notice boards etc in terms of external media. Number of published news during the year; number of brochures, newsletters published By counting number of current every 6 months mechanisms to be used to inform citizens of news published on the 6 month period and Departments of Departments of the what channels were used for publication, municipality municipality number of published brochures and newsletter for a six month period -please specify departments. PIO 5 8 0 8 8 8 every 6 months PIO 202 250 205 210 215 220 # of notice boards # of notice boards placed in the city and other placed in the city and locations. Notice noards are placed in urban other locations and rural locations and provide information to citizens PIO Number of notice boards placed in varius locations. annual PIO 3 18 3 3 15 15 Number of announcements/ materials published on notice boards # number of announcements/materials published on notice boards. Information on important activities are published on notice boards. PIO By the Municipality, notice boards annual PIO 20 40 23 25 35 40 Surveying PIO 53% set the target foreseen to be accomplished, the starting point is 53% 60% 68% 80% materials posted on the notice boards in order to be informed on important activities of the municipality. Data are drawn form citizen survey Every six months with the information they get from municipality Through minutes, agenda, notices made to inform citizens, participants’ lists After each meeting PIO/Mayor’s 2 2 2 2 2 2 Number of notices PIO/Mayor’s 6 18 6 18 18 18 per shembull targeti I pergjithshem mund te jete 80% Objective 2 Number of public meetings Number of public meetings organized by Mayor (two meetings are provided by Law on Local Self-Government), for the Mayor to report for its 6 month work and discuss other issues Number of notices posted on the notice boards Number of notices posted on notice boards informing citizens on public meetings with citizens organized by Mayor Number of participants on such meetings Number of citizens participating on public Municipality meetings organized two or three times annually by Mayor From participants’ lists After each meeting PIO/Mayor’s 100 150 110 120 130 150 Number of public hearings for draft regulation and other documents organized by the Municipal Assembly Number of public hearings organized by the Municipality Assembly prior to adopting municipal regulation for citizens to be able to provide their opinions as a tool to involve citizens in decision making process From lists signed by participants from meetings after each meeting Assembly’s Secretariat 4 5 5 5 5 5 by the number of notices 19 20 19 1 1 1 Municipality Number of information Number of notices informing citizens on public Municipality notices for public hearings organized by the Municipal Assembly hearings PIO Number of citizens who participate in public hearings Number of citizens participating in public Municipality hearings organized by the Municipal Assembly From lists signed by participants from meetings after each meeting PIO 313 410 330 350 380 410 Number of announcements on informing citizens Number of notices made to inform citizens on budget hearings Nga PIO/Policy and Finance Committee after each meeting PIO 6 6 6 6 6 6 Number of budget hearings Number of budget hearings organized by Policy Policy and and Finance Committee to include citizens in Finance municipal budget planning Committee Nga Policy and Finance Committee after each meeting Policy and Finance Committee/PIO 11 14 11 12 13 14 Number of citizens who participate in budget hearings Number of citizens participating in budget hearings From the sign lists of participants in meetings After each meeting ZPK 285 450 300 350 400 450 From minutes Once a year 23 50 25 32 42 50 PIO/Policy and Finance Committee ZPF Number of citizens’ Number of requests submitted by citizens on Municipality requests included in budget hearings that were included in municipal the municipal budget budget planning Policy and Finance Committee PIO Objective 3: Create a suitable environment for active participation of citizens in improving the quality of life Number of citizen Number of initiatives taken by citizens Municipality by direct counting initiatives that impacted to improve quality of life After each initiative PIO 2 20 2 10 15 20 Number of applications submitted in the municipality by the citizens One a year PIO 0 50 20 30 40 50 Number of Number of initiatives supported by Municipality By monitoring initiatives After each PIO initiatives municipality and the type of initiatives initiative, using supported by the supported by the municipality a method of municipality monitoring 0 20 0 10 15 20 Number of citizens who PIO 0 65,000.00 0 25,000.00 45,000.00 65,000.00 PIO 0 45 0 10 15 20 25,700.00 25,700.00 initiatives Number of implemented projecs - what kind of projects Number of applications submitted by Municipality direct counting citizens for grants allocated by the municipality and areas such grants are allocated directly and indirectly from such initiatives with the quality of life every 6 months Number of projects implemented that Municipality were supported by the municipality and the number of direct and indirect Allocated funds to Mjetet e alokuara nga Municipality support citizens’ per mbeshtetjen e iniciativave te initiatives by the qytetareve dhe mjetet e shpenzuara municipality per iniciativat perkatese Percentage of Municipality Numbers are drawn from project proposals for initiatiatives with the quality of life-percentage implementation of projects and initiatives supported by the municipality. Municipality From municipal budget Surveying Citizen surveys every 6 months PIO Once a year PIO 0.00 76,600.00 0 90% 0 25,200.00 For 2014 outcomes are drawn from the survey organized by Municipality ANNEX 1: CITZEN SURVEYS urban areas. Overall number of Respondents included 388 people, 207 in rural areas (54%) and 175 in urban areas (46%). The error margin is set at 5% and trustworthiness is estimated at 95%. In order to have a full representation of citizens in the survey process, the distribution of Respodents on rural areas was based on the number of residents living on such rural areas. The overall number of Respodents who live in the rural areas where the survey was conducted is 32,116 residents. Taking into account the number of people who live in rural areas, the overall number of Respodents in rural areas was 207. Municipality, it is split into four units a) Dardania 1, b) Dardania 2, c) Kalaja 1 and d) Kalaja 2. Overall number of residents who live in urban areas is 27,210. Out of them, 175 citizens were surveyed. Questionnaire: The Questionnaire was compilied in order to measure citizen opinions on the sources of information they use over municipal events, including information tools from the Municipality of Vushtrrri as well as local and regional media. Citizens were asked what media outlets they trust most. On this context, their perceptions were taken as to their preferred sources of information. Further, the questionnaire is focused on areas citizens are more interested to get information. The second section of the survey is focused on the communication sources and participation of citizens through the areas they are more interested to cooperate with the municipality, in order to improve their living environment and the quality of their life. Survey Outcomes: 1. Citizen Satisfaction with the Information Provided by the Municipality Very Dissatisfied 15.2 Somewhat Dissatisfies 29.1 Very Satisfied 18.8 Somewhat Satisfied 36.8 Citizen Satisfaction With Information Provided by Municipality (%) 34 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 2. Sources of Information To the question what sources of information citizens use most, it may be observed that over 42% of citizens use electronic media (TV, radio) to get information, while communication sources of the Municipality such as Facebook (18%), municipal webpage (10.1%), notice boards (10.2%) and annual newsletter (5.2%). 3. Best Preferred Way of Receiving Information In the future citizens have responded they prefer to receive more information from the municipality through its webpage, Facebook, direct meetings and local/national TVs and radios. Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 35 4. Areas Citizens Would Like to Be Informed Most Based on the responses of Respondents, citizens would like to be informed most on the area of budget public policies and urbanism. 5. Trustworthiness of Information Respondents trust most the information they get from national TVs (25.52), notice boards (17.53%), local radios (16.24%), municipal webpage (15.21%), Facebook (13.14%), publication (5.15%), national radios (1.80%) and newspapers (5%). 36 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 6. Participation on municipal activities Over 40.7% of citizens declare they do not participate in municipal activities, 23.2% of them participate rarely, while 26.3% participate sometimes and 9.8% participate very often. The Citizen Participation in Municipal Activities Often; 9,8 Never; 40,7 Sometimes; 26,3 Rarely; 23,2 7. Ways of Communication over Municipal Issues Citizens communicate with municipalities over municipal issues through participation in public hearings Facebook (11.3%). Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 37 8. Extent citizens’ opinions are taken into account Citizens think their opinions are taken into account by the municipality: greatly (13%); sometimes (30%); rarely (28%); never (29%). To what extent is your opinion taken into consideration by the municipality a)Lot 13% d) Never 29% c) Rarely 28% b) Sometimes 30% 9. Citizens Perceptions on effective ways of communication with the municipality public hearing (34.1%); email (4.7%) and other forms (8.9%. 38 Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 10. Areas citizens would like to cooperate in partnership with the municipality Citizens are interested to cooperate with the municipality in improving: a) Capital investment (20%), mainly in roads and infrastructure (43.59%); green areas, parks for children, sports facilities (8.97%); water (2.56%); public lighting (8.97%); buildings and historical monuments (5.13%) b) Economic development (27.3%), mainly investment in agriculture (34.91%), and the set priorities are: support in establshing cows farms (13.16%); project that create jobs (11.32%); support to businesses (4.72%); building/infrastructure (5.66%) c) Education (19.6%): educational staff (10.53%); building of schools (23.68%); enhancing the quality of education (3.95%); laboratories (2.63%); kindergartens (1.32%); special schools (1.32%); d) Health (13.4%), mainly in improving emergency services (11.54%); information on health services in general (5.77), supplying medical equipment for checkups (9.62%). Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 39 ANNEX 2: OTHER CONTRIBUTORS TO THE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Municipal Administration Name Bajram Mulaku Dibran Perçuku Qerim Selimi Safet Idrizi Isuf Jashari Idriz Ismajli Position/Title Directorate of Education Directorate of Health and Social Welfare Directorate of Budget, Treasury and Finance Directorate of Urbanism and Environment Directorate of Public Services Directorate of Protection and Rescue Directorate of Cadaster, Geodesy and Property Naim Hyseni Nezir Klinaku Qamil Sahiti Nasuf Aliu Fadil Muzaqi Bajram Beqiri Idriz Muzaqi Directorate of Economy, Agriculture and Development Directorate of Procurement Directorate of Inspection Directorate of General Administration Municipal Assembly Name Habib Mustafa Shpetim Zhegrova Veli Karaça Qazim Azemi Sabit Kadriu Muharrem Shabani Besim Jashari Selvete Sholla Position/Title Chairperson, Municipal Assembly PDK LDK AAK LB AAK LDK LDK Focus Groups Name Gjylsime Feka Hajriz Mustafa Shkelzen xhaferi Vedat Fetahu Avni Deliu Bajrush Kosumi Bajramcurr Hasani Qëndrim Uka Muhamet Zhushi 33. Shpresa Rama 40 Position/Title Leader of Women Assembly Members Radio Vicianum RTK-Radio BIRN “Koha” Association Journalist, “Sport Plus” Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes Survey conducted by: Name Blerim Ibrahimi Fitim Hetemi Adelina Zejnullahu Blerina Veseli Ilaz Sadiku Rreze xhema xhejlane Krasniqi Fitore Veseli Muhamet Ahmeti Labinot Deliu Bardh Sadriu Driton Ujkani Visar Zhabari Milan Kostiç Position/Title Surveyor/ Data Processor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes 41 MUNICIPALITY Activity Timeframe Introduction: Workshop on drafting the strategy 1. 2. Develop SWOT Analysis 3. Compile the Questionnaire and Survey Methodology - Survey: Training the young + testing the survey - 5. Conduct the Survey in the Field - 6. Survey: Outcomes - 4. 8. Municipality Working Group 1st Draft Working Group- 7. priorities and measures) based on the survey, SWOT analysis and the current situation Develop Concrete Projects (Budget and Timeframe) Outcome - - data (documentation) Responsibility Municipality, USAID DEMI Working GroupMunicipality, USAID DEMI Finalized Questionnaire conduct the survey Conduct the survey with citizens USAID DEMI Survey Outcomes/Finalize Chapter II Working Group- Municipality, USAID DEMI DRAFT i – Chapter III Draft I – Chapter III Working Group- 9. - Monitoring Plan 10. First Draft of the Strategy - Submission to the Council of Directors and Mayor - 11. Submission to PFC (approval for the Municipal Assembly) - 12. Submission in the Municipal Assembly for the First Review - 13. Organize the Public Hearing and Publication on the Webpage Municipality, USAID DEMI Working GroupMunicipality, USAID DEMI Working GroupMunicipality, USAID DEMI Working GroupMunicipality, USAID DEMI Working Group- 15. Include the Recommendation in the Strategy - 16. Submit the Final Draft of the Strategy for Approval in the Municipal Assembly - Draft I – Chapter III Final Document of the Strategy Receive Recommendations Receive Recommendations Receive Recommendation, further in the Public Discussion Receive Recommendations - 14. Focus Group (NGO, Journalists, Active Citizens, etc.) 42 Municipality, USAID DEMI Working Group- Municipality, USAID DEMI Working GroupMunicipality, USAID DEMI Working GroupUSAID DEMI Receive Recommendations Finalize the Strategy Voting on the Strategy Information, Communication and Citizen Participation Strategy in Decision Making Processes