August-September 2014 - Municipalité d`Ormstown
August-September 2014 - Municipalité d`Ormstown
muNICIpALItY OF Ormstown Voice AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2014 Vol. 05 – No. 05 81, rue Lambton Ormstown (QC) J0S 1K0 Tél. : 450 829-2625 Fax : 450 829-4162 [email protected] M U N I C I PA L N E W S L E T T E R TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Mayor. . . 2 The Municipality in Short. . 3, 4 Community / Organizations. . . . . . . . . . 5 Festival & concert series Branches and Roots Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 September 26, 27 & 28th. Reminder / Library . . . . . . 7 Cheers to your health!. . . 8 T H E M AYO R ’ S OFFICE Mayor Mr. Chrystian Soucy M ess a ge f r o m t h e Mayo r Councillor, seat #01 Mrs. Florence Bérard Councillor, seat #02 Mr. Jacques Guilbault Councillor, seat #03 Mr. Stephen Ovans Councillor, seat #04 Mrs. Michelle Greig Councillor, seat #05 Mr. Roger Dumont Councillor, seat #06 Mr. Jonathan Allen General Manager and Secretary Treasurer: Mr. Daniel Théroux Public Works: Stéphane Thibault Recreation: Marie Lalonde Director/Chief – Fire Department: Stephen Knox Emergency Measures Coordinator: Chrystian Soucy Municipal Inspector Gabriel Auger Pres. – Planning & Heritage Advisory Committee: René Allen Business Hours: Monday through Friday: 8:00 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 5:00 pm O RMST OWN VOICE Editing and proofreading: Communications Division of the Municipality of Ormstown Graphic Design: Valérie Duquette Design Graphique Print Production: Multi-Graph Dear Fellow Citizens, For three months now, I have been able to address a number of important on going files in the municipality. You will find the relevant information concerning these major projects in this newsletter. Be assured that we will do everything possible to respect the work deadlines. Your municipal council will have to work quickly to get a head on a file that has been dragging on for much too long: the town hall. The building has been inspected by various specialists and we now know that the Town Hall is not up to standard for a public building. There are two studies you may consult on our internet site (solidity of the building and air quality). Building a new town hall is inevitable. We will keep you informed on progress through the municipal newsletter and internet site. On a more positive note, be sure to attend the Main Street festival on August 23rd to celebrate Ormstown’s 125th anniversary. There will be fun activities for everyone! Chrystian Soucy, Mayor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Municipal Family Policy and Senior Friendly Municipality for the MRC du Haut-Saint-Laurent The MRC du Haut-Saint-Laurent is inviting everyone to a public consultation meeting concerning the MRC’s Municipal Family Policy (MFP) and Senior Friendly Municipality approach (SFMA). This meeting has been organised in order to ensure that citizens understand the content of the MFP and SFM approach and have the opportunity to comment on the actions that have been prioritised following compilation of the surveys that were received in April, 2014. The meeting will take place on August 27th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the salle Alfred-Langevin, 10 King in Huntingdon. Registration recommended: by telephone 450 264-5411 ext 221 To prepare for this meeting, documents are available on the MRC du Haut-Saint-Laurent web site at HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ARTICLES IN THE NEWSLETTER The ‘‘Ormstown Voice’’ Newsletter is published every two months and is distributed at around the beginning of the month. Organizations in the municipality and those in charge of activities are invited to send in their articles or news before the 5th of the preceding month. Articles should be forwarded as Word files with photographs in separate files (JPG or BMP) by email to: [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION: 450 829-2625 2 /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// Au g u s t - S e p t e m b e r tHe muNICIpALItY IN brIeF the neXt collection dates oF household haZardous waste laBour day computers and other electrical devices are: saturday, august 23rd, from 8:30am until 4pm in saint-anicet saturday, september 6th, from 8:30am until 4pm in godmanchester Complete list of accepted items ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// waste ManageMent Important dates to remember large iteMs: September 9th and november 11th green waste: August 19th, September 16th, October 7th & 21st and november 4th & 18th eco-center: August 2nd, 16th and 30th, September 13th and 27th ///////////////////////////////////////// a Few tricKs For reducing water consuMption Please note that the Town Hall will be closed Monday, September 1st. We are asking ALL CITIZenS with property on the aqueduct for their collaboration in reducing water consumption. even during heat waves, water must not be wasted. a Few tricKs: • there is no need to water lawns.they will be green again with the next rain. • using a water gun to wash your car will greatly reduce consumption. • sweep your walkway instead of using water. • When watering your garden or flowers, keep the water within the intended area. • if possible, gather rain water in a barrel for use on your garden or flowers. Is your home or business located within the municipal urban planning perimeter and do you receive town water and sewage services? did you know that you could be eligible for a tax credit of up to $1,500 to cover the partial cost of exterior renovations? 2014 Municipal taXes don’t forget the 3rd and final instalment is due on October 1st, 2014. ///////////////////////////////////////// In addition, if you have a project for constructing a new residence within the urban area, you may qualify for a maximum tax credit of $4,500 over three years. end oF prograM Requests for tax credits must be part of an issued construction permit and be submitted with the work completed no later than december 31, 2014. garage Sales nB the Municipality can discontinue the program at any time without prior notice. garage sales Ormstown residents will be permitted to hold garage sales on septeMBer 5th, 6th and 7th, Please call the Town Hall at 829-2625 to register before August 19th. The locations of these garage sales will be listed in a pamphlet which will be prepared by the municipality. They will be available at various local merchants. It is free! Please remember that garage sales are only permitted on designated weekends approved by the municipality. ///////////////////////////////////////// watering in the suMMer taX credits For eXterior renovation and new residential construction eco-center The eco-Center accepts some building materials and some HHW (Household Hazardous Waste). It is open every second Saturday from 9am to noon. It is situated at the Salt Warehouse, at 9 St-Paul St. the neXt dates are: August 2nd, 16th and 30th September 13th and 27th October 11th & 25th ///////////////////////////////////////// siren: water shut-oFF We would like to remind you that if you hear a siren from a public works truck, the water in your area will be shut off. Shutting off the water may disturb it and cause it to turn brown. Let your water run until it turns clear. For further information, please contact the urban development services. ///////////////////////////////////////// eXpo orMstown 2014 The Ormstown Municipal Council would like to thank and congratulate the organisers and volunteers involved in expo Ormstown. In spite of the rain on Friday, the 2014 edition was once again a huge success for every one of all ages. More than a few were dazzled by the special program for this 100th edition with one of the high points being the show that brought together 100 bagpipers. Thank you to all who came, until next year. ///////////////////////////////////////// the CHANGEZ D’AIR prograM has not Been renewed By the QueBec governMent Please note that the grant program "Changez d’air", which in partnership with the municipality subsidised getting rid of or replacing old wood heating appliances, has not been renewed by the Quebec government referring, among others, to the current budgetary context. August - september /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// 3 Th e M u nici pali ty in Bri ef Important information from your municipal council Town Hall Zoning By-law 25.12-2014 June 2013: Fire Chief’s report following a prevention visit; July 2014: adoption of zoning By-law 25.122014 to authorise building row houses in alternating units of 3 or 4 in the new housing development “Vallée des Outardes” and other revisions to the original By-law 25-2006. March 2014: Inspection of the building by a structural engineer from the Régie du bâtiment; June 2014: report submitted (to consult, see our internet site) Report findings: • building in a very serious state of disrepair requiring immediate work; • weakened exterior structure in need of significant renovation (risk of falling bricks); • garage in danger of collapse; • roof is supported mainly on 2 overloaded rafters; Repairs to the roof of the Madeleine aqueduct station (Jamestown) An inspection of the roof has revealed serious water leaks and since it is the original roof, the entire roof must be replaced which will include restoring the cornices and soffits. Toiture Couture et Associés will carry out the work at a cost of $32,800 before taxes. Request to MTQ to open Roy St. May 2014: Analysis of air quality to determine the presence of mould Citizens have proposed reopening Roy St. to allow traffic coming from Route 138 East to turn right onto Roy, and also to exit Roy by turning right onto Route 138 West or to cross Route 138 to chemin de la Rivière aux Outardes. The Municipality has submitted this proposal to the Ministry of Transport for approval. June 2014: report submitted (to consult, see our internet site) Repairs to the Linda Station culvert Report conclusion: As a result of flooding this spring, damage was caused to the structure of the culvert and requires work that is impossible for in house maintenance to carry out. Construction J. Théorêt Inc. will carry out the work at a cost of $ 21,120 (before taxes). • weakened floor on the 2nd storey, (pillars must be installed in various locations on the main floor); • basement is full of moisture and mould. •mould is mainly present in the basement but also present in ambient air on both floors; Council decisions: Public meetings will no longer be held in the current Town Hall; as of now they will be held at the Recreation Centre, 87 Roy; Take the necessary measures without delay to ensure the health and safety of employees; •Install the required pillars; •Provide an air purification system with filters for mould. •Schedule construction of a new town hall as soon as possible. By-law # 57.1-2014 regarding fees for quarries and sandpits July 2014: adoption of By-law 57.1-2014 which, according to article 110.1 of the Loi sur les compétences municipales, requires, if there are quarries and or sandpits on municipal territory, the creation of a fund for the repaving and upkeep of certain public roads. This fund will be provided for by a tax which will be levied based on requirements indicated in By-law 57.1-2014 provided for that purpose. Municipal services project on Route 201 South build infrastructure to add water and sewage on route 201 (starting: across from Isabelle st. as far as rang 3, including Geddes st.) November 2012: the engineering firm CIMA+ was mandated to prepare plans and specifications; Projected for August 2014: calls for tender to carry out work; Projected for September 2014: awarding of contract; Work projected to begin in autumn of 2014. Project to upgrade drinking water Installation of green sand filtration and continuous monitoring of chlorination of wells and water consumption. April 2011: the engineering firm, Consultants S.M. was mandated for a set of specifications and to oversee the work; Deadline for control checks by the Ministère de l’environnement (MDDELCC); 4 /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// Au g u s t - S e p t e m b e r Following (Project to upgrade drinking water) May 2012: mandate to the Consultants S.M. to meet requests for authorization from the MDDELCC; November 2012: mandate for a geotechnical study to assess a new service building for St-Paul St well; February 2013: Late authorization from the MDDELCC; May 2013: mandate to S.M. Environnement for environmental assessment and study of St-Paul St well. June 2014: new pumping tests at the St-Paul well Projected: calls for tender winter of 2014-15; Work projected to begin in spring 2015. Asphalt paving 2014 Sections of the following roads will be paved in the coming months: Tullochgorum Range (800 m), Route 138-A (1 500 m), Island Rd (120 m), Jamestown Rd (140 m), 4th Range (2 000 m), Montée du Rocher (1 600 m) Animal Control Officer May 2014: End of contract with “Le Chenil des mal-aimés”; June 2014: temporary replacement by assistant inspector to renew licenses; July 2014: search for a new animal control officer to ensure service for pickup of lost or stray dogs. Projected for August 2014: employment of a new control officer until December 2014. Ne w businesses Studio X-trême 47 Lambton Subway 4 Bridge Lingerie familiale 57-A Church Les moulées Yval Poulin 30 Bridge Les agrégats G&N inc. 1620-D Route 201 Dee-Lite (cakes, cheese and more) 50-A Lambton COmmuNItY / OrgANIZAtIONs st-Jean Baptiste society, orMstown sector the orMstown lions cluB annual Brunch sunday, september 22st, 2014 would like to thank the sponsors and everyone who bought tickets for the duck race. Barrie MeMorial hospital BaZaar It’s that time again, making jams, jellies, pickles etc. When you do, please think about setting some aside for the Hospital Bazaar which will be held on november 1st, 2014. Provincial food laws state that MASON jars with new lids must be used. Thank you! ////////////////////////////////////////// THANKS thanK you! Barrie MeMorial woMens auXiliary B.B.Q. supper Thank you to the 427 people who came to support us. Thank you to all of our volunteers Thank you to L’HERMINE for great service. ////////////////////////////////////////// st-Malachie church BaZaar 10, Bridge St., Ormstown august 8th: 8 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. august 9th: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Snack bar Rain or shine Welcome to all The winners are as follows: 3 000 $ : Mélanie guérin 1 000 $ : doreen Chicoine 250 $ : André gervais, glenna Robertson 100 $ : nickolas L. Simoneau, erick laflèche, Adrienne St-Pierre, Mina Lindsay, Julie Robidoux et Loraine Leduc From: 10am to 1pm où : golf Ormstown (new location) cost: Adult: 18 $ Children (7 to 12 years old) : 9 $ 6 and under: Free Jeannette Métras at 450-829-2276 yvonne grenier at 450-829-3398 ////////////////////////////////////////// Once again THANK YOU and see you next year! list of organizations that will receive a donation from all ticket sales to the 2014 edition of the ormstown lion’s club annual duck race S.A.B.e.C., Ormstown Soccer, Ormstown library, Anchor & Wings, CVR (Breakfast Club of Canada), Fondation Cardio-Vasculaire de Valleyfi eld et du Suroît Thank you for the encouragement. Your generosity helps bring happiness to many. Until next year ////////////////////////////////////////// optiMist cluB The Optimist Club wishes to thank all those who purchased Opti-travel tickets. The money collected was used to organize several events at lower cost for families in the region. Thank you and see you next year. tHe FolloWinG is ouR OPTI-VOYAgeS WInneR: Marilyn claveau et sébastien lemay Congratulations, and Bon Voyage! ////////////////////////////////////////// dreaM career Once again, the Optimist Club has organized this year’s Dream Career activity which allows two winners to spend a day with a professional to learn more about a profession they are interested in for the future. Bravo to the winners! Mallory couture : Family doctor haileigh irvine : Writer do you have odd JoBs to do around the house this suMMer? Why not take advantage of the short summer season and leave your odd jobs to the young people of the Youth services cooperative Jeunefficace? For the past 15 years this summer project composed of young people between the ages of 13 and 17 has offered its services throughout the MRC of the Haut-St-Laurent. Since June 25th, a group of dynamic and efficient coop members are available to do your odd jobs. here are some examples of the services offered: babysitting, cutting the grass, gardening, painting, cleaning, etc., all at an affordable price. So don’t hesitate to let us know what your needs are. The project’s coordinators are available to take your information; they can be contacted at 450-264-5858 or by email at [email protected]. A project of the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Huntingdon. We would like to thank you for your support. August - september /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// 5 ACtIVItIes cluB cardio orMstown group Fitness classes Mondays and wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. notre-dame du Rosaire school Starting Wednesday, September 3 ReGulAR pRice • $112 for 8 weeks, 2 classes per week • $64 for 8 weeks, 1 class per week • $10 per class Newcomer special: your choice of 10 classes between September and November for $75 Info: gilles Cloutier 514-296-5535 yoga Fall session 2014 With elizabeth Chanona 450-247-2185 [email protected] Yoga for flexibility, strength, breathing, and relaxation. sept 17 – nov 26 classes: 11 weeks classes: Beginners from 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm intermediate from 5:00pm to 6:15 pm price: 11 weeKs – 125 $ seniors and students – 100 $ a very special show will Be held this suMMer in orMstown One of Canada’s great singer songwriters’ “Man of a thousands songs”, ron hynes, will be performing at the “Village Church” aug. 2nd. 2014. doors open at 7 p.m. Show starts at 7:30 More inFo: This is a small church so seats are limited. Purchase your tickets early at café namasthe 450-374-4775 or from adrien at 450-829-3742. ////////////////////////////////////////// Opening for Ron Hynes is “Stormin norman doucette”. Mike regenstreif of Folk roots Folk Branches and c.B.c. grant lawrence gave this up and coming new artist high praise for his writing. see biography at: stormin-norman-doucette cité des arts activities Belly dancing lessons ////////////////////////////////////////// At Macdougall Hall A number of activities are offered for people of all ages: learn to swim, aqua fitness, diving, synchronised swimming, underwater diving, boxing, pre/post natal fitness, motor skill activities for children aged 1 to 4, etc. Fall session starts on thursday, september 11th Branches and roots Festival & concert series visit us at horse racing ////////////////////////////////////////// restorative yoga november 23rd, 2 to 4pm 20 $ At the Ormstown Recreation Center telephone 450 373-6573. ////////////////////////////////////////// école de danse neva shelton (Ballet, hip-hop/Jazz, contemporain) With 30 years of experience, the neva Shelton dance School, is again offering a varied program of classes this year for persons of all ages, in Ormstown, Huntingdon, Valleyfield and Saint-Michel. Info & registration: France 450 825-0492 or 514 704-0492 ////////////////////////////////////////// saturday, July 26th 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm At the Ormstown Fairgrounds entrance: $5 ////////////////////////////////////////// Visit our website for schedules, cost and to register. huntingdon county FarMers’ MarKet – ////////////////////////////////////////// suMMer 2014 every saturday until october 4th 2014 the Montreal syMphony 9am to 1pm orchestra in the parK dalhousie street in Huntingdon Free concert July 31 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in BeAuHARnois On the green space in front of école secondaire des Patriotes Be sure to visit our website and our facebook page to see the farmers/ producers/artisans and themes/activities Saturdays to come. 6 /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// Au g u s t - s e p t e m b e r Bill staines sept 21st. at Macdougall concert hall Branches and roots Festival sept. 26, 27 & 28th. Friday: sept 26th Chateauguay Valley Singer/Songwriter showcase at CAFe nAMASTHÉ saturday: sept 27th at cvr Saturday Afternoon 1 to 4pm: Free admission Activities, music and general fun all day Saturday evening – 6:30pm Tickets are 20$ at the door tHis YeAR's MAin stAGe lineup: • the road scholars Bluegrass Band - The Chateauguay Valley's premiere bluegrass band. • humming trees - Stunning vocals and powerful songwriting from a folk trio from Valleyfield. • the John speed Band - RnB tinged original music from this local group. • ryan Mcnally - Old time jazz and blues music from this young multi-instrumentalist. • yves laMBert trio - Founding member of La Bottine Souriante and longtime mainstay of the Quebec folk music scene, Mr. Lambert's newest project blends jazz, world beat and traditional Quebecois music into a genre all their own. not to be missed! sunday 2pM: sept 28th. st-paul’s united church Sunday’s Gospel show is always a favorite! remINDer put an end to ragweed! lawn tractor Ragweed pollen causes hay fever and, occasionally, chronic sinusitis or asthma in people allergic to it. did you know that it is against the law to drive a lawn tractor on public roads (streets and sidewalks)? Have you seen this plant? You could be fined for breaking the law. Pull it up or cut it down to ground level before the end of July. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This simple act will help improve the health of over one million Quebecers who are allergic to ragweed pollen. dog licences For new residents Put an end to ragweed as soon as possible! All dogs must wear dog tags. dog tags may be purchased at the Town Hall during business hours. dog tags make it faster to locate the owner of a lost dog and avoid unnecessary worry. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// coMplaints aBout dogs lost or found dogs, aggressive dogs, etc. Contact us directly at 450-829-2625, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Outside these times, call Sûreté du Québec at 450 310-4141 or from a cell phone: *4141. Thank you for your collaboration! LIbrArY thanK you! After 10 years of excellent and dedicated service, Madeleine Robidoux has vannounced she will retire. A new person to take responsibility for the library will be named shortly. Thank you Madeleine! liBrary schedule info : 450 829-3249 tuesday 17 h à 20 h Wednesday 12 h à 15 h thursday 17 h à 20 h saturday 10 h à 12 h recent French recent english Additions Additions Le messager / Markus Zusak Pain noir, pain blanc, Tome 1 – La chaise d'Alphonse / Micheline Bail J'ai voulu oublier ce jour / Laura Lippman La Saline, Tome 1 – Imposture / Louise Lacoursière La Saline, Tome 2 – Impasse / Louise Lacoursière unlucky 13 / James Patterson Written in My Own Heart's Blood / Diana Gabaldon glorious / Jeff Guinn The Shadow Queen / Sandra Gulland French novels and reference books for young people Catching Fire / Suzanne Collins The Academy / Ridley Pearson The Life of Charles dickens / John Forster Seizure / Kathy Reichs Journal d'un dégonflé – • carnet de bord / Greg Heffrey • la vérité toute moche / Greg Heffrey • un cœur à prendre / Greg Heffrey • trop c'est trop ça fait suer / Greg Heffrey English novels and reference books for young people August - september /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// 7 Is it possible to eat healthy on a budget? Of course! With careful planning and learning how to choose the right foods it is possible to eat well without breaking the bank. Follow these tips: • Fruits and vegetables – Take advantage of the summer season when fruits and vegetables are plentiful to eat. Summer is when fruits and veggies are at their peak and when they’re less expensive. Make sure to include them on your daily menu and stock your freezer. – Grow your own vegetables in a garden or in pots – the most economical choice of all. – When fruits and vegetables are out of season watch for specials and rebates on frozen fruits and vegetables. Because they’re ready to use they’ll also save you time during meal preparation! • Cereal Products – Choose rice or non-seasoned pasta – Seasoned versions cost more and are high in sodium (salt) content. – Choose plain cooking oats rather than flavoured packages – You’ll save money as well as control the amount of sugar added to your oatmeal. – Choose whole wheat bread – You’ll benefit from its high fibre content, but pay the same price as white bread. – Bake your own muffins, crêpes and waffles – Homemade ones are less expensive, more flavourful and made from quality ingredients. • Milk and Alternatives – Purchase milk in 4 L bags as it is the most economical format. – Choose skim, 1% or 2% milk as it will be less expensive than whole milk (3.25%). – Choose brick cheese over individually portioned cheese packages. Cheese freezes well so you can stock up when it’s on sale. • Meat and Alternatives – Cook with eggs, tofu or legumes – They are cheaper than meat and add variety to your menu. – Use canned tuna or salmon to get your dose of omega-3 at an excellent price. – Marinate meat yourself – Meat marinated or seasoned at the grocery store is more expensive and high in sodium (salt). That’s healthy food on a budget ! Sources : / 8 /// ORMSTOWN VOICE /// Au g u s t - S e p t e m b e r
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