info terrasse - Municipalité Terrasse
info terrasse - Municipalité Terrasse
INFO TERRASSE FALL 2015 - WINTER 2016 FALL LEAF COLLECTION The collection of fall leaves will be held on the following WEDNESDAYS : M U N I C I PA L I T É D E T E R R A S S E - V AU D R E U I L October 21st, 2015 November 4th, 2015 November 18th, 2015 Only biodegradable paper bags will be accepted. Those are offered in the majority of hardware stores and grocer's shops. They must be placed at the border of the street before 7 a.m. the day of the collection. When you collect your leaves, make sure to close the bags and to keep them shielded from the bad weather until the pick-up date. DO NOT FORGET TO REGISTER YOUR PETS From now on, not only dogs but also cats need a license, and their number is restricted. However, a special license for any dog and cat exceeding the allowed limit can be given only until December 31st , 2015 conditionally in a voluntary declaration of the owner of the pet. By-law number 633 concerning cats and dogs can be consulted on our Website. Please acquaint yourself with it and conform to it as soon as possible. 74, 7th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil QC J7V 3M9 Phone : 514 453-8120 Fax : 514 453-1180 [email protected] A WORD FROM THE MAYOR Dear Citizens, Already two years since the election of your Council and we have achieved several projects: the fire station, the ongoing renovation of the community center , the acquisition of the church and the embellishment of the entrance of Terrasse-Vaudreuil which will be made in two phases, the first one of which is ended and second will see itself completed next spring. The budget being respected, if the tendency remains, we can expect a slight surplus. The annual « Fête champêtre » Table of contents Once more, this year, we had a successful and great party featuring a Car Show, multiple activities for all ages, free hot dogs and corn on the cob for dinner, and a Live Music Band in the evening. Furthermore, this year, we had the pleasure to offer several novelties such as the Caravan Multisports, Smoke Meat Pete and many car dealers which were amoung us. I thank all the volunteers, the exhibitors and the sponsors of the event and would like to tell you: See you again next year! MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 3 DIRECTORY 4 ADMINISTRATION 5 PUBLIC SECURITY INCENTIVE PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT 5à7 RECREATION & CULTURE COMMUNITY Renovation work began with a delay because the tendres received were too high or noncompliant and forced us to return 3 times to call for tenders. The construction site was finally set in motion last September 14th. 8-11-14 9 URBAN PLANNING / PERMITS 10-11 ANIMAL CONTROL Community Center 12 13 à 15 14 The Church On September 29th of this year, we held a public consultation to expose our ideas and gather views from our citizens regarding the future vocation of the church and the presbytery. I believe that the opinions of the Council and those of the public merge well. We are going to study the requests and the needs and get back to you with the conclusions. Michel Bourdeau Mayor Citizens who wish to receive, by mail, an English version of our documents that have been translated must contact us at 514 453-8120, ext. 221 to register on our English mailing list. English copies of the translated documents are also available at City Hall and online. 2 COUNCIL MEETINGS Regular Council meetings are usualy held at the Community Center at 7:30 p.m.. All citizens are invited to attend. Doors will open at 7 p.m. where free coffee and a copy of the Agenda will be available. YOUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Council meetings schedule Michel Bourdeau, Mayor [email protected] Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Roger D’Antonio, Councillor, Seat 1 [email protected] Tuesday, November 10, 2015 (at the Church) Tuesday, December 8, 2015 (at the Church) Julien Leclerc, Councillor, Seat 2 [email protected] Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Jean-Pierre Brazeau, Councillor, Seat 3 [email protected] Tuesday, March 8, 2016 Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Tuesday, May 10, 2016 David Beauregard-Paquin, Councillor, Seat 4 [email protected] Guy Jodoin, Councillor, Seat 5 [email protected] Watch for the date of the Special Budget meeting to be held in December. Yves de Repentigny, Councillor, Seat 6 [email protected] OUR WEBSITE : EVERYTHING YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR! Our website is user friendly and filled with information that can answer most of your questions. You may also find pertinent information such as the library or the ice rink schedules, details related to taxation and permits along with copies of the Council meetings minutes and much more. 3 EMERGENCY DIRECTORY CITY HALL 74, 7th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil QC J7V 3M9 Phone : 514 453-8120 Fax : 514 453-1180 E-mail : [email protected] POLICE - AMBULANCE - FIRE (Immediate Emergency) INFO-SANTÉ (Phone consultation with a nurse) POISON CONTROL CENTRE BELL CANADA (Broken wires) Monday October 12 Holiday Period CLOSED From December 19 2015 till January 3, 2016 inclusively 3-1-1 514 310-2355 or 6-1-1 1 800 465-9239 1 800 716-9132 *16 GAZMÉTRO (Info Excavation) HYDRO-QUÉBEC (Power outages) 514 286-9228 1 800 790-2424 REGULAR SCHEDULE Thanksgiving 1 800 463-5060 CN RAILWAY POLICE (Gate 23.57, subdivision Kingston) CP RAILWAY POLICE (Gate 18.07, subdivision Vaudreuil) CANADIAN COAST GUARD (Distress) SÛRETÉ DU QUÉBEC - Non-emergent calls TRANSPORTS QUÉBEC (Road Network conditions) STATUTORY HOLIDAYS 8-1-1 MUNICIPAL INTERVENTION (Non-Emergency) broken water main and flooding, road obstacles, traffic lane Website : SÛRETÉ DU QUÉBEC - General Information (599, Harwood, Vaudreuil-Dorion) Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 9-1-1 450 424-1212 310-4141 or *4141 5-1-1 HEALTH DIRECTORY MEDICAL CLINICS CLINIQUE D'URGENCE DE PINCOURT (430, Don Quichotte, N-D-I-P) 514 453-0884 CLSC - VAUDREUIL-DORION (3031, de la Gare, Vaudreuil-Dorion) 450 455-6171 CLINIQUE MÉDICALE DES TROIS-LACS (585, Saint-Charles, Vaudreuil-Dorion) MÉDICENTRE ÎLE-PERROT (401, Grand Boulevard, Ile-Perrot) POLYCLINIQUE MÉDICALE VAUDREUIL (600, Harwood, Vaudreuil-Dorion) 450 455-3322 514 453-1100 450 455-9301 HOSPITALS HÔPITAL DU SUROÎT (150, St-Thomas, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield) 450 371-9920 LAKESHORE GENERAL HOSPITAL (160, Stillview, Pointe-Claire) 514 630-2225 TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL DIRECTORY WILD ANIMALS Cynthia Bilodeau WELCOME WAGON [email protected] For new residents or Expecting parents NICHOIR DE HUDSON (Injured wild birds) 450 458-2809 SERVICES QUÉBEC (Injured birds of prey) 1 877 644-4545 # 3 SERVICES QUÉBEC (Suspicious or sick wild animals) 1 877 644-4545 # 4 AGENCE CANADIENNE D'INSPECTION (Dead wild animals) 450 246-4125 CONTRÔLE ANIMAL VAUDREUIL-SOULANGES (Lost or wandering 450 510-1508 ÉCOLE JOSÉ-MARIA (Grade School) 514 453-8201 OFFICE MUNICIPAL D'HABITATION DE TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL 514 602-2333 (OMH) REPAS PARTAGÉS DE TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL (Social group for Seniors) 514 453-8406 TAXE SCOLAIRE COMITÉ DE GESTION de la TAXE SCOL. DE L'ÎLE DE MONTRÉAL 514 384-5034 (Anglophone School Board) COMMISSION SCOLAIRE DES TROIS-LACS 514 477-7000, Ext. 1830 (Francophone School Board) TRANSPORT EN COMMUN TRANSPORT SOLEIL (Adapted Transportation) 450 424-0744 AMT (Commuter train) 514 287-TRAM CIT LA PRESQU’ÎLE (Buses) 450 424-2485 4 PUBLIC RAIL SAFETY GUIDE WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF FROZEN WATER PIPES OR SEWER BACKUP You must immediately inform the Municipality of any problem involving our infrastructures. During opening hours, communicate with us at 514 453-8120 Ext. 221 or dial 3-1-1 after office hours. Every year in Canada approximately 300 collisions and trespassing incidents occur at highway/railway crossings and along railway tracks resulting in the death or serious injury of nearly 130 people. Virtually all of these incidents could be avoided. Statistics show that Operation Lifesaver’s education works! We encourage you to visit their website at This is an educational tool for the public and also extremely interesting which is an interactive rail-safety site directed at children and includes stories, games, audio and visual clips, posters and safety tips. DOUBLE UP ON SAFETY AT THE RAILWAY CROSSING COMPLAINTS & SUGGESTIONS All complaints should be submitted in writing and delivered to City Hall in person. Whether on foot or in a vehicle, the only place you should ever cross railway tracks is at an authorized and properly marked crossing. When you approach or cross a railway track, look and listen for another train approaching from either direction. Never drive around the gates. If the gate is down, or in the process of being raised or lowered, do not cross the tracks. Your complaint must include the following information: Full name Address Telephone number Specific details of the problem Specific location of the problem Event dates, if known Signature of the plaintiff ANONYMOUS COMPLAINTS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. It will not be tolerated, under any circumstances, for citizens to call or go directly to the home of our municipal employees. For any emergency, we kindly ask you to refer to page 4 of this newsletter to know what to do. Dysfunctional gates When the gates at the TerrasseVaudreuil railway crossing are dysfunctional, please contact the Railway Police (see page 4 of this booklet) and go thru the Ile-Perrot North entrance. Train stationary for more than 10 minutes When the train remains at a standstill for more than 10 minutes, you must inform the municipality at 514 4538120, Ext. 221. You may also email us the full details at [email protected] including your full name, phone number and address, the date and time of the event, how long the train was stopped and which railway was blocked. 5 FIRE PREVENTION Concerned about our citizens safety, the Terrasse-Vaudreuil Fire Department does annual prevention visits of homes and businesses of the municipality. The building inspections are conducted in order to ensure compliance with regulations, the main objective is to prevent incidents that could lead to material loss, or even worse, loss of life. Note that the Service de sécurité incendie de l’Ile-Perrot works in collaboration with our fire department. SAFETY TIPS To ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones, we consider it important that you pay special attention to the following recommendations: Have one smoke detector on each floor level; Check if your smoke detectors are in good working order (verify efficiency of your detectors and replace batteries every time you change the time on your clocks and/or whenever required); Smoke detectors must be changed every 10 years; Do not keep flammable products indoors (gas, paint, etc.); Do not keep propane gas indoors or in a garage that is attached to your home; Do not block access to your electrical box; Provide easy access to home exits; Annual chimney sweeping is mandatory. OUTDOOR FIREPLACE The outdoor fireplace must be installed in the backyard at a minimal distance of 3 meters of any building and line of property. It is forbidden to install an outdoor fireplace that is not equipped with a fireguard. The opening must be covered with a wire netting which holes do not exceed 12-millimeter in diameter. It is forbidden to install an exterior fireplace if the total height of the assembly is more than 2,3 meters. ONLY WOOD CAN BE USED AS COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. BY-LAW NO. 2008-567 REGARDING FIRE PREVENTION PROPANE TANK Your Fire Department recommends, for their safety and yours, to store your propane tank, outside and the farthest possible from any building 6 THE CHIMNEY-SWEEPING: ON YOUR TO-DO LIST EVERY YEAR! Did you know that you have to perform the chimney-sweeping of a fireplace at least once a year? This task must be done by a specialist accredited by the APC (Association des Professionnels du Chauffage). The chimney-sweeping turns out to be necessary because an accumulation of creosote (deposits formed by the smoke rising in the fireplace) can ignite and cause a major fire. Safety measures : Use dry wood in your stove or fireplace. This produces less creosote. Verify regularly the pipes of your wood stove connected to the chimney. A three millimeters creosote accumulation is enough to cause a fire. Ashes can remain active up to 72 hours. If you wish to clean your fireplace earlier than that, make sure to put the ashes in a metal bucket with a lid to prevent sparks. Then, store the bucket outside (ashes produce carbon monoxide). Be sure that the bucket is placed at a reasonable distance from the walls of your house, shed or garage. ACCESSIBLE EXITS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE During a fire, you may have less than three minutes to get out of your house. Imagine the precious seconds you could lose if your exits are filled with snow or obstructed by something! After each snowfall, you should shovel the snow away from any exits, balconies or terraces. Clear the outside of your exits of any bulky objects such as shovels, snow blower, patio furniture etc. Inside your home, make sure the circulation areas, such as corridors and stairs, are always free of any objects especially toys, shoes or schoolbags. This advice is provided by “La Sécurité publique du Québec” YOUR HOME ADDRESS During an emergency, it takes valuable time for emergency personnel to find the exact location of a call. Visible house numbers can mean the difference between life and death when someone is not breathing, trapped by a fire, or in need of police assistance. Taking a few minutes to insure that your address numbers are properly displayed and easily visible from the street, day and night, could save you or your family’s life! Thank you for helping us ensure your safety! IS YOUR ADDRESS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET DAY AND NIGHT? 7 EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE RECYCLING PROGRAM Polymos is proud of the creation of its new EPS recycling program organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Terrasse-Vaudreuil. Polymos' new recycling program will allow the population to recycle EPS (frequently used as packaging protection for fragile goods) in an eco-friendly way. Prior to Polymos' program, it wasn't possible to include EPS in the recycling collection (blue container) despite the fact it has always been 100% recyclable. Collected EPS products will be recycled by Polymos and reused in the manufacturing process. Collection containers are situated along the exterior wall between the Library and Community Centre. The containers are blue recycling bins specially identified for EPS collection and they are accessible at all times. In regards with what can be collected: Accepted: White, clean packaging-source EPS with no food residue, paper, glue, tape, staples, etc... Refused: All other materials that are not accepted to be recycled including: EPS used as food containers, coffee cups, plates, fast food packaging, any Styrofoam® product (extruded polystyrene), typically blue or pink like fish or meat packaging trays used in groceries. EPS is a highly environmentally friendly component. It is made of 95% air and is harmless to our air, soil as well as to ground water. EPS contains no CFCs and HCFCs and never did. It is important to differentiate the EPS (expanded polystyrene typically white in color) of the XPS (extruded polystyrene, better known as Styrofoam®, which is typically pink or blue). Both are made with polystyrene but are produced through different processes making them different in terms of their physical properties. For information: ÉCOCENTRE VAUDREUIL-SOULANGES 2800, rue Henry-Ford Vaudreuil-Dorion QC J7V 0V8 450 455-5434 CORROSIVE TOXIC FLAMMABLE Be ecoresponsible and contribute to reduce your ecological footprint. Building materials, tires, electronic devices, dangerous domestic residues, etc. can be sorted out and brought to the ecocenter. Electronics & Batteries Hazardous household waste Bulky metal items et ferrous metals Asphalt shingles Dry building material Excavated material Furniture Tires Cardboard (appliances, water heater…) Neons and fluorescent tubes Other material... 8 EXPLOSIVE HOUSEHOLD AND BULKY GARBAGE EVERY MONDAY Garbage cans, bins, bags or voluminous waste (eg: furniture, toilet, etc.) must be put out on the side of road before 7 a.m. on Monday mornings. Unusually heavy trash cans, or containers without handles (barrel type), are refused. Refrigerators, freezers, television sets, computers, air conditioners and others, can be brought to the Ecocenter, located at 2800, Henry-Ford St. in Vaudreuil-Dorion. To know what the best way is to dispose of your other waste, visit the following site SELECTIVE COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLES EVERY FRIDAY Blue recycling bins must be placed by the side road before 7 a.m. on Friday mornings. The wheels must be pointing towards the house. BROKEN RECYCLING BINS The Municipality of Terrasse-Vaudreuil provides 360-liter recycling bins at a cost of $75 each. If your blue bin is broken, you will need the serial number to have it fixed/replaced if it is still under warranty or you can order a new one through the City Hall. COLLECTION OF FALL LEAVES 2015 3 collection dates : Wednesday, Oct. 21 Wednesday, Nov. 4 Wednesday, Nov. 18 PAPER BAGS ONLY ! Use biodegradable paper bags designed for green waste. Plastic bags, even if they are transparent or biodegradable, will not be accepted. Place only leaves in the bags. No rocks, no gravel, no branches. 9 PERMITS SNOW REMOVAL You plan to do construction or renovation work on your property, to install a swimming pool or a spa in your backyard and you wonder if this work requires a permit or a certificate of authorization? Be advised that the Municipality will no longer tolerate that snow from private entrances be deposited on the sidewalks, the borders or in the street, near fire hydrants or on any land belonging to the Municipality. The Municipality of Terrasse-Vaudreuil would like to remind you that anyone who wishes to proceed with construction or renovation work is responsible for verifying the conformity of their project with the current laws and regulations and must obtain the authorization from the Municipality BEFORE beginning the work. This practice goes against Municipal by-laws and may be punished by fine. Should it be impossible for you to keep the snow from your parking on your land, it is your responsibility to dispose of it otherwise. For more information and to obtain the required authorizations, we invite you to communicate with the staff of the URBAN PLANNING DEPARTMENT, PERMITS & CERTIFICATES DIVISION. If you use a contractor for your snow removal, you must inform them of this by-law. Urban Planning Permits & Certificates Urban Planning Director Ms. Lily Ducharme Phone : 514 453-8120, Ext. 227 TEMPORARY CAR SHELTERS Temporary car shelters may be set up between October 15 and April 15 of the following year. Building Inspector Mr. William Petrosky Phone : 514 453-8120, Ext. 258 It is mandatory that such shelters be made of industrial-fabricated metal tubes, be of uniform color, and free of stains and perforations. The distance between the shelter and the traffic lane must be no less than 3 meters, and a one-meter right-of-way on the side is mandatory. We will be glad to meet you, by appointment only. A maximum number of 2 temporary single car shelters, OR one double temporary car shelter, is authorized per housing unit. WINTER PARKING Please be advised that parking is prohibited on municipal streets between midnight and 7 a.m. from November 15 till April 1 inclusively. Parking is also prohibited during emergency snow removal operations. 10 IMPORTANT REMINDER We wish to remind all residents that drinking water is a rare and costly commodity to produce, which is why it is so important to observe current regulations to avoid wasting it. Failure to abide by this rule may lead to a fine. REFUND PROGRAM FOR CONVERSION TO ECOLOGICAL TOILETS WASHING HOUSE EXTERIOR Washing the exterior of a house is allowed twice a year. The owner must first obtain a permit at a cost of $20. To get the permit, simply pass by City Hall. According to By-law number 557, every year, for the first 40 residents who submit a request, a refund of $50 will be allowed to those who exchange their 10-12 L toilets for ecological toilets requiring no more than 6 L of water per flush. ACCESS TO WATER AT THE END OF AVENUES We remind to all the waterfront owners that the end of avenues is of public property. You must not limit the access by your landscaping or other obstacles. YOUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL’S INITIATIVE! STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE Call us at 514 453-8120, Ext. 221, to inform us of any defective streetlamp. Have in hand the number of the post or the closest civic address. 11 ANIMAL CONTROL / HOUSE PETS The Municipality ensures people and pet safety on its territory by means of the animal control. The Contrôle animal VaudreuilSoulanges has the authority to intervene on behalf of the Municipality either by picking up or capturing a lost, injured or dead pet, taking it to the vet, providing it with shelter or putting it up for adoption if it remains unclaimed after 5 days. All costs incurred are transferred to the owner. To report a lost, captured, injured or dead animal call: 450 510-1508 BY CIVIC SENSE AND BY RESPECT FOR THE REGULATIONS, we ask the owners of dogs and cats, not to leave their animal loose. It is MANDATORY to get a license for each cat and dog, at a cost of $24 (for 2 years), at the City Hall. CANINE BEHAVIOR All the dogs, regardless of race, will be treated fairly and without discrimination in a case of aggressive behavior. The dog catcher can submit them to the evaluation of an expert in animal behavior if he considers it necessary. WILD ANIMALS Never approach unfamiliar animals (wild or domesticated) even if they appear healthy, or seem to have been abandoned; Supervise your children to make sure they do not approach or provoke unfamiliar animals; Do not let your pets run wild; Do not capture wild animals to move them to another location; this could spread the disease to other regions; To avoid attracting wild animals onto your property, remove all sources of food from around your house; keep outdoor garbage cans out of reach; block off any areas where raccoons or skunks could settle (install a wire mesh under balconies and garden sheds). 12 Rental as of January 2016 RESIDENT CARD Renovated kitchen & restrooms Residents of Terrasse-Vaudreuil must obtain or renew yearly, their Resident card at a cost of $5. To obtain a card, you will need a color picture (driver’s licence size). We may do a photocopy of your picture for the cost of $1 per picture. LEASING OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER This card allows you to access the activities and services, such as: *in accordance with the rates in force. TYPE OF RENTAL RATE Rental to associations, groups or companies for private activities (corporate or family) or non-profit organizations not registered in the Terrasse-Vaudreuil registered community organizations or a non-resident. 350 $ Rental to associations, groups or companies for private activities (corporate or family) or non-profit organizations not registered in the community organizations registry of a resident of Terrasse-Vaudreuil upon presentation of the Resident card, for more than 4 hours. 175 $ Rental for the funeral of a TerrasseVaudreuil resident. 150 $ Rental by the hour for training or classes recognized and approved by a resolution of the Municipal Council.. 20 $/h Public library (free) Recreational swimming (free) Tennis court ($) Boat ramp ($) Day camp ($) LIBRARY To become a member of library you must get your Resident card at City Hall during their opening hours. Regular schedule Rental to a resident of Terrasse-Vaudreuil, for up to 4 consecutive hours. 20 $/h More than 4 consecutive hours 175 $ Rental to a non-resident of TerrasseVaudreuil, for up to 4 consecutive hours. 50 $/h More than 4 consecutive hours 350 $ Monday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to noon A full section of english books are available. We accept your book requests. ICE RINK All rental of the Community Center requires a refundable deposit to guaranty that the hall is left clean and undamaged. 100 $ All rental of the Community Center requires a refundable deposit to guaranty that the key is properly returned as mentioned in the contract. 25 $ Operating hours under normal weather conditions : Monday to Friday From 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday From 1 to 5 p.m. and from 6 to 9 p.m. 13 SPORTS FINANCIAL AID POLICY FOOD DRIVE (GUIGNOLÉE) ELIGIBILITY 1. Only children under 18 years of age, having at least one parent residing in Terrasse-Vaudreuil are eligible for reimbursement. 2. The request must be done the same fiscal year that the activity occurs. Only one request per fiscal year, per child, can be submitted. 3. The refund is 50% of the amount paid, up to a maximum reimbursement of $50 per child, per year. 4. The refund is only granted if the sport is listed below as being eligible for the Sport Financial Aid Policy. 5. In order to obtain a reimbursement, the parent must bring proof of registration and residency, to city hall. This year, the Food Drive will take place on Saturday, December 5th, between 9 a.m. and noon. Terrasse-Vaudreuil firemen, helped by volunteers, will walk the streets of the Municipality to collect your non-perishable items and donation. These will be used to prepare the Holiday baskets for families in need. If you cannot be home for the Food Drive, you can leave your non-perishable items and donations at City Hall. If you wish to volunteer, please contact us at 514 453-8120, Ext. 221. SOCCER AMICAL TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL The Municipality of Terrasse-Vaudreuil already offers an annual contribution directly to Soccer Amical TerrasseVaudreuil. Thus, the Sports Financial Aid Policy cannot be applied within this specific activity. However, the parent of a child enrolled in Soccer Amical TerrasseVaudreuil can apply, within the same fiscal year, for a refund of registration fees for another sport listed below as being eligible for the Sports Financial Aid Policy. CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY PARTY Once again this year, the the Children’s Party is back! Sunday, December 6th, at the Community Center. This gathering aims to be a way to celebrate the holiday period, and bring enjoyment to toddlers! Activities include: inflatable game, do-it-yourself, make-up and surprises given by Santa himself! HOCKEY MINEUR ÎLE-PERROT Upon presentation of a receipt from the Association de hockey mineur Île-Perrot (AHMIP) and proof of residency, the parent will receive a reimbursement of $100 per fiscal year but cannot request a refund for any other sport for the same child. REFUND TERMS More details will be available soon. Be sure to look for the invitation on the sign at the entrance of the municipality or visit our website at Once the claim is deemed eligible, the Municipality will issue a check that will be forwarded to the parent by mail. The time needed to process a request may vary. TERRASSE… SUR GLACE! Winterfest LIST OF ELIGIBLE SPORTS * Date to be confirmed Hockey - Ringuette - Baseball - Softball - Soccer Football Figure Skating - Speed Skating -Swimming Diving - Martial arts - Kin ball -Gymnastics - Basketball Tennis We are always looking for volunteers to make a successful event. 14 Please get in touch with us at 514 453-8120, Ext. 221. PROJECT «10 000 STEPS FOR LIFE» REPAS PARTAGÉS Lunch for Senior Citizens on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Information : Mr. André Dupuis : 514 453-8406 Tickets available at city hall THE MISSION OF G.R.A.V.E.S. : Le Grand Rassemblement des Aînés de Vaudreuil et Soulanges (G.R.A.V.E.S.) is a non-profit organization which contributes to break the isolation as well as to develop and to maintain the power to act, by intervening in elder’s living environment by means of information services, support and accompaniment. The Comité d’action local Vaudreuil-Dorion Phone : 450 424-0111, Ext. 223 [email protected] sets up its project ‘10 000 Steps for Life’ in three major sectors: School, Municipal and Business, and it on the whole territory of the SKIEURS DE L’ILE MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges. Join over 1300 ski fanatics travelling more than 30 km of marked out trails! As a Terrasse-Vaudreuil resident, you will benefit of a $5 rebate upon registering. This project takes its sense through the promotion of the acquisition and the preservation of healthy life habits. This project also aims to offer the population To learn more, contact Mr. Pierre Levac, President of the “Skieurs de l’Île” at 514 453-8592. an opportunity to remain active once at home, no matter the moment of the day. Indeed You may also get information by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. walking is the best remedy for humans! We offer the possibility of accompanying you by bringing information and a program so that ACTIVITIES walking becomes integrated into your lifestyle. We are proud to announce a collaboration with the Centre Multisports for a new activity program which will be offered to you as of January. More details will follow in your next mini-info in November! People are made to move! Contact : [email protected] Phone : 514 892-4586 0-5000 steps / day : SEDENTARY 5000-7499 steps / day : RELATIVELY INACTIVE 7500-9999 steps / day : ACCEPTABLE 10 000-12 500 steps / day : ACTIVE 12 500 and more steps / day : VERY ACTIVE 15 GOUDREAU POIRIER Thanks to our sponsors GARDERIE—VERSO CENTRE ACOUPHÈNE Marie-Claude Nichols Députée de Vaudreuil Bureau de circonscription 416, boulevard Harwood Vaudreuil-Dorion (Québec) J7V 7H4 Tél. : 450 424-6666 [email protected] This could be your add! 51, 11e Avenue, Terrasse-Vaudreuil (Québec) J7V 6B7
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