File - Our Lady of Peace Roman Catholic Parish


File - Our Lady of Peace Roman Catholic Parish
Michael Lasko
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64 Woodward Ave / Michael Lasko Photography
Regina, SK
Capturing Y our Moments In Time
S4R 3H1
306 924 1076
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Bulletin - May 24, 2015 #27/14-15
Universal: Care for the suffering~ That rejecting the culture
of indifference, we may care for our neighbor urs who suffer, especially the sick an the poor.
Evangelization: Openness to mission ~ That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be
ready to proclaim Jesus.
P | 352 6044 F | 359 7425
[email protected]
The Sacrament of Baptism - is celebrated when needed. Call
Parish office to register for the one-day class
425 Broad St. North
Regina, SK. S4R 2X8
Gold Rings, Earrings, Chains, Diamonds and Gem
We will create for your individual taste. We do repairs.
Antoni Siwic * Grazyna Siwic
558—10th Avenue
Regina SK S4N 5P2
Call us today for a FREE Planning
Tel: (Rectory) (306) 949-8854
(306) 737-8313
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone or Fax
306-791 9844
A special place to remember
Beautiful gardens, fountain walk, mausoleum
and upright sections. Discover your options and
make plans that suit who you are.
Pastor: Fr. Peter Thang Nguyen
These spaces waiting for
your advertising
Hall Rental
Please call the Office
Monday- Friday
8:00 am –12 noon
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
by Arbor Memorial
Arbor Memorial Inc.
These spaces waiting for
your advertising
Pastoral Council
Pastor —
Father Peter
Chair — Aduvie Akpedeye
ViceChairPR& Organizations -Twylla West &Jodi Wilton
Secretary —
Anita Rieger
Finance –
John Hartney
Liturgy –
Terry Bedard
Music –
Pat Mulvay
Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin
Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West
Michael Braimah
Pastoral Care— Irene Grad
JoAnne Zuck
Stewardship— Anita Rieger
Social Justice – Art Judson
Membership, Annual Appeal, Schools’ Liaison
& Screening —
Antonette Rothecker
Irene Haynes
Anita Rieger
Knights of Columbus—
Bob Rothecker
We appreciate help on these committees—
Just call the office
Chair—John Hartney
Aduvie Akpedeye
Anita Rieger
Dale Reed
Lukose Luka
Maurice Raboud
Adolf OzembloskiPhone: (H) 306 924 0418
(cell) 306 536 0980
Maurice Raboud
Phone: (H) 306 543– 0313
(cell) 306 535-3333
Regina Memorial Gardens
& Funeral Home
Tel. (306) 543-5355
Fax: 543-9837
E-mail: [email protected]
Secretary: Ebere Nwadike
Please call the Office
Please Support our Advertisers
5:00 p.m.
Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 10:30a.m
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.
The Sacrament of Marriage – please contact Fr. Peter at least 6
mos. prior to intended marriage date.
RCIA/RCIC – begins in Fall – Call Fr. Peter to register or more info.
Reconciliation – celebrated before every Weekday, and Sunday
Mass or call Fr. Peter for an appointment.
Hospital or Shut-Ins – would like a visit or the Eucharist - or require a
Ride to Church – contact Parish Office
Celebrating and sharing God’s gifts
Pentecost Sunday: May 24th
St. Paul reminds us today that all of our gifts have their source
in the Holy Spirit and that those gifts are given “for the common
good.” What gifts are mine to share?
Next Week
for Next
Proverbs 8:22-22
Romans 3:1-5
Masses & Activities of the Parishes -- Week at a glance
Mon. May 25
9:00 a.m
10:00 a.m
9:00 a.m
Mass– -+Florence Harty by Irene Grad & family
Bible Study at 1309 Dover Avenue
K of C Meeting.
Mass-+Florence Harty by Joe & Eleanor Lichtenwald
Sirach 17.24-27, 29
Mark 10.17-27
9:00 a.m
Mass-+Florence Harty by Albert & Marlene Sentes
Zumba for Seniors
Prayer meeting
Sirach 36.1-2, 5-6, 13-22
Mark 10.32-45
Mass-+Florence Harty by Margaret Osicki
Forever in Motion
Knitting & Crocheting
Mass-+Sr Agnes Fillion by CWL
Sirach 42.15-25
Mark 10.46-52
Sat. May 30
5:00 p.m.
Sun. May 31
9:00 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
Mass– For All Parishioners
Mass– +Melissa Hoeving by Carol and Dwayne
DVD presentation on St. Mark gospel
Sirach 51.12-20
Mark 11.27-33
Deuteronomy 4.32-34
Romans 8.14-17
Matthew 28.16-20
Tues. May 26
Wed. May 27
Thur. May 28
Fri. May 29
Annual General Meeting of Our Lady
of Peace—May 31 — after 10:30 mass
Our Pastoral Council has the following positions
available, Vice Chair, Secretary, Liturgy, Education/Sacraments, Stewardship, & Ecumenism.
Please consider taking your turn in filling one of
these positions. For more information, please
contact anyone of the Nominating Committee
—Maurice 543-0313, JoAnne 569-9189 or
Anita 543-0421,
Pizza Lunch for ALL seniors of the parish on
Tuesday, June 2nd at Noon. Card or board
games will follow the lunch. Tickets are $10.00
per person. Call, see, or e-mail Donalda
[email protected] 543-2728 or Anita
[email protected] 543-0421. Plan to come.
 Zumba— Wednesdays after 9:00 am Mass . (for
this exercise bring $3.50 and a water bottle.)
 Forever …. In Motion—($2.00)Thursdays after
9:00a.m. Mass.
 Yoga—Fridays –1 to 2p.m. $3.50 per person
Cards - Ended and will resume by September.
Knitting/Crocheting $1.00 Thursdays at 1:30 pm
Call the Office, if you need more Information
 May
Sirach 35.1-15
Mark 10.28-31
Sirach 44.1, 9-13
Mark 11.11-25
27— Prayer Meeting @ 1:30 p.m.
 May
28 Country Gospel Music @7:00pm
 May
31 – DVD presentation on Mark’s Gospel
@ 7:30 p.m.
 June
7 K of C Annual Beef supper-4:30pm 7:00pm
Knights of Columbus 21st Annual Beef
Supper, Sunday June 7th, 2015- 4:30 p.m.
to 7:00 p.m @ Our Lady of Peace Parish.
Catered by Charlotte’s from Moose Jaw. Tickets
are sold after each Mass: Adults—$20.00; 5 to 10
yrs. - $10.00 Under 5 - FREE. Or Call Roger @
543 5667 or at the Parish office
Come join us for another evening of song
Country Gospel Sing A Long Music led by
Free Spirit & Friends, at Our Lady of Peace
Parish, 425 Broad St. N. Thursday, May 28
@ 7:00pm. Free Will Offering. Refreshments to follow Wheelchair Accessible.
Any Senior interested in golfing please call Grant
Playter at 543-5140.
John Tom
Georgina Cleveland
Clorinda Gianoli
Vera Eklund
Isabelle Stilwell
Jessica Gelowitz
Albert Sentes
Carol Braconnier
Louise Linnen
Kathy Kapell
Bob Braconnier
Norbert Wilkes
Mary Kish
Rita Malley
Janet Edginton
Jerry Paul
Marie Burkhart
Dear parishioners of Our Lady of Peace Parish,
In the column of pastor's message, I invite you to reflect on our
Holy Father's words about the presence of the Holy Spirit in the
Church: Pope’s Morning Homily: A Church With Clashing Is
One Without Holy Spirit
During Mass at Casa Santa Marta, Francis Says the Church Is
About Unity, Not Forming Lobbies to Win Vatican City
State, May 08, 2015 ( Deborah Castellano
Lubov | 1266 hits
Final CWL Executive Meeting on May 25th
@ 1:30pm @ the Church All executive to attend please.
Thanks to all the CWL members who made our Wind-Up
so great. You all did a wonderful job. Thanks to all for the
Beautiful pot of flowers They are gorgeous and very colorful.
Remember July 1st , the Ar chbishops Mass is held.
Anyone wishing to go , please call Antonette & arrangements
can be made for rides
I wish everyone a great summer . Enjoy and have fun.
If travelling drive or fly safely and comeback in great
"A Church where its people are always arguing and there are
lobbies and people are betraying their brothers and sisters, is a
We need Volunteers for SACRISTAN / ALChurch where there is no Holy Spirit!"
Pope Francis made this strong statement today during his daily TAR LAUNDRY. Call Maxine @ 306 949-4728
morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, reported Vatican Radio. In or the parish office if you can help.
his homily, the Pope reflected on today's reading from the Acts
On Monday May 25, the Bible Study group will be
of the Apostles, particularly how the Christian community
visiting the Harvest City Church (former McGuigan High
clashed between those who called themselves Christians
School) at 1:30. They will be lunching at the Classic
but remained attached to Jewish laws, wanting to impose them
Buffet at noon. You are welcome to join them at either
onto the early Christians, and Paul of Tarsus who opposed this.
place or both.
Specifically, the Pope spoke about the First Council of Jerusalem's outcome in which the early Christian community sucThe Journey of Mark (the gospel
ceeded, through the Holy Spirit, to dialogue, resolve differences
writer for this liturgical year) will
of opinion and reach an agreement. "They discuss this issue but
complete a 12-week study May 24th/
like brothers and sisters and not like enemies. They don’t form
tonight. AND on May 31st at 7:30
external lobbies in order to win, they don’t go to the civil aup.m. we will have a wind-up session
thorities in order to win and they don’t kill in order to triumph.
for all parishioners with a DVD
They seek the path of prayer and dialogue."
presentation on Mark’s
Gospel. Plan to attend.
Discussions within the Church are to seek unity, the Pope said,
noting they should not be places where people are always clashing, betraying each other and forming lobbies to win their argument. The Holy Spirit, he said, has the power to create unity
among all the members of the Church, for the Spirit brings
change and moves things forward in the Church.
While acknowledging that sometimes this movement may at
first appear to be confusion, Francis said that if the change or
movement is welcomed with prayer and a spirit of dialogue, it
always generates unity between Christians. “A Church where
there are never problems of this type makes me think that the
Holy Spirit is not very present within it."
"It’s the Spirit which creates change, which creates the momentum for going ahead, that creates new spaces, that creates that
wisdom which Jesus promised: ‘It will teach you!’"
At the end, Francis said, the Holy Spirit "creates the harmonious
unity between everyone.”
The Holy Father went on to invite those gathered to ask Jesus,
"who will be present among us, to always send the Holy Spirit
to us, to each one of us."
"May He send it to the Church and may the Church always
know how to be faithful to the movement that the Holy Spirit
creates,” Pope Francis prayed.
Bulletin board
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED: Mor e than seventy students between the ages of 13 – 18 will be coming from
France (session 1: July 4 - 31 and session 2: August 1 –
31). They have studied the English language for approximately 4 years and enjoy leisure and outdoor activities, as
well as a family setting. If you can provide a home, please
contact Debbie at 545-0901 or 737-2054 or email [email protected]. Financial assistance is provided
to the host family (up to a maximum of $500.00 per session). Bring a bit of French culture to your family this
The Regina Catholic Schools Teachers’ Association
(RCSTA) invites you to attend Superannuation 2015, an
evening honouring this year’s retiring teachers and administrators, on Thursday, June 4, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Hotel Saskatchewan, Radisson Plaza.
Time for Reconciliation: An evening of film and spirit
Saturday June 6 at 7:30 pm, Luther College University of
Regina Auditorium. The evening features RIIS from Amnesia, a documentary film that explores the legacy of the
Regina Indian Industrial School. Jointly hosted by First
Presbyterian and Knox-Metropolitan United church to
mark the closing of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. For more details contact: Mary Jesse
[email protected], 306-585-5083

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