rulebook - Cryptozoic Entertainment


rulebook - Cryptozoic Entertainment
In the Bravest Warriors Co-operative Dice Game,
you take on the role of one of the Bravest Warriors
or one of their best pals. Working together, you
will overcome Events and Encounters using your
Portals and Special Abilities. Can you earn enough
Victory Points in time?
12 Custom Dice54 Portal Cards
6 Oversized Character Cards
Scored, Failed, and Initiative tokens
30 Encounter Cards
A bunch of Hit Point tokens
22 Event Cards
Each character starts the game with 5 Hit Points and a Special Ability. If you are playing with fewer than six players, as in a 4-player game,
keep the unused characters handy, as you may still utilize their Special Abilities during the game.
Divide the 12 custom dice between the players as evenly as possible.
Shuffle each deck and place them to one side of the table. One player can act as dealer to handle the cards as needed.
For your first few games, or for younger players, use the Easy Mode rules. After that, you should be ready to graduate to the Standard Mode.
Easy Mode: Score 20 Victory Points. (Recommended for your first game.)
Standard Mode: Score 25 Victory Points or play out every Event in the deck and players’ hands.
Your team loses the game if any one of the following situations occurs:
• Five Encounters are failed
• The Portal deck runs out of cards
• All of the characters are KO’d
This deck is based on the Portals from the “Sugarbellies” episode, where the Warriors go through Portals
to complete tasks and work together to align the planets. These cards are held in hand by the players, but
may be revealed to the other players as you see fit.
Portal cards allow you to gain certain symbols, convert some symbols into others, re-roll dice, etc. The
arrow points to what you get when you use the card. Most cards convert one type of symbol into another.
In the example to the right, you would need to allocate two Falcon symbols to this Portal card in order to
generate one Impossibear symbol.
You may play as many Portal cards as you wish to during a round, unless a card says otherwise. You may
only use a Portal card once during the round in which you play it. For example, you cannot allocate four
Falcons to the above Portal card to produce two Impossibears.
See Using Portal Cards below for more information.
At the top of the card is the card name and the Victory Point value of the card, should
you score it.
An image of the Encounter from a Bravest Warriors episode is found in the upper
middle of the card.
The game text box under the image is where you will find the symbols required
to score the Encounter. Some Encounter cards have Instant Effect Text above the
required symbols. Read that text and perform any actions it states before rolling any
dice. Most Encounters do not have Instant Effect Text.
At the bottom of the card is the Fail text. If you fail to produce the symbols required by the
Encounter, you have failed the Encounter. Read the “Fail” text if you fail the Encounter
and do what it says.
Event cards will sometimes add an additional symbol requirement to an Encounter, modify the way that you
may play your Portal cards, or create some other challenge. However, some Event cards are beneficial! Each
Encounter will be modified in some way by Event cards.
Each player draws a number of Portal cards based on the number of players in the game:
1 Player: 8 cards
2 Players: 6 cards each
3 Players: 4 cards each
4 Players: 3 cards each
5 or 6 Players: 2 cards each
That number is also the minimum hand size that you will draw back up to at the start of each round.
Example: You are playing a 3-player game and you use two Portal cards during a round. At the start of the
next round you will draw until you once again have four Portal cards in your hand (unless a card says otherwise).
Initiative Token (Standard Mode only!)
Give the Initiative token to the oldest player. Then deal two Event cards to each player. These cards are
kept secret in hand and may not be shared with the other players until put into play in Standard Mode.
1. Draw Phase
Each player refills their hand with Portal cards to their minimum hand size.
Standard Mode: Each player also draws back up to two Event cards.
2. Encounter Phase
Place the top card of the Encounter deck face up in the middle of the table. If any text is at the top of
the game text box (Instant Effect Text), do what it says now.
3. Event Phase
Easy Mode: Place the top card of the Event deck face up in the middle of the table. Do what the card says to do.
Standard Mode: You do not place the top card of the Event deck into play. Instead, the Initiative player must play an
Event card from his hand if able. If he plays an Event, the player to his left may play an Event card from his hand or say
“Roll.” If he plays an Event, the next player to the left may also play an Event card from his hand or say “Roll.”
If a player has no Event cards in his hand, he must say “Roll.” If any player says “Roll,” skip to Phase 4. Once three
Event cards are in play, skip to Phase 4.
4. Roll Dice Phase
All players roll their dice. Once the dice are rolled, they become community dice that
any player may utilize, unless a card says otherwise.
5. Allocate Dice Phase
Assign dice to the Encounter and Events as necessary. You must allocate dice to the Encounters and Events that require
those symbols, even if you realize that you have no hope of fulfilling the rest of the required symbols.
Example: Your Encounter requires four Catbugs. Your team rolls three Catbugs, so you must allocate all three of them to
the Encounter card, even if you have no way of generating more Catbugs. If you roll five Catbugs, you only allocate four
of them to the Encounter. Allocate dice to a card by placing the dice on or next to the card.
6. Portals and Special Abilities Phase
Use Portal cards and character Special Abilities to manipulate the dice in your team’s unallocated pool of dice. You do not have to roll your own
character symbol to use your character’s Special Ability. You are not limited to just the dice you roll to utilize your Portal cards. You may use any
dice in the pool for Portals, Special Abilities, and Events. As you generate additional symbols that you need for Encounters and Events, allocate
them as necessary.
Symbols created by cards are not “dice.” For example, you cannot re-roll a symbol provided by a card.
7. End Phase
Determine success or failure, and then end the round. Place scored Encounters under the Scored! token. If you fail, read the Fail text, and then place
the Encounter card under the Failed! token. Discard all used Portal cards and any Portal cards that were put into play by Encounters or Events (used
or unused).
Standard Mode:
• If you fail an Encounter, place the bottom card of the Event discard pile onto the bottom of the Event deck, even if there are no other cards in the Event deck.
• Pass the Initiative token to the player on your left.
All dice are the same and each side of the dice features one of the six characters in the game.
Any symbols you roll that are required by the Encounter or Event card must be allocated (placed) onto those cards. You only allocate the number of
symbols needed, however. For example, if an Encounter requires 2 Catbugs and your team rolls 3 Catbugs, you allocate 2 of them to the Encounter, and
then place the extra Catbug into the unallocated pool of dice. You cannot remove allocated dice from an Encounter or Event to use elsewhere. You may
only spend unallocated dice on Portals, Special Abilities, and Events.
When you do not roll all of the symbols required to score an Encounter, your Portal cards are there to help you. When you see the word ANY on a
Portal card, that means any die. When you see multiple ANY dice together on a Portal card, you may use any dice symbols to utilize the card. They do
not have to match.
Conversion Portals: Portal cards convert two or three dice into another symbol. When you perform this conversion, place your Portal card face up on
the table, and then place the dice you are converting onto the card. While the dice are on the card, they cannot be used for another purpose. However, if
your team decides not to use your Conversion Portal, you may remove the dice from it and return the card to your hand. Don’t discard a used Conversion
Portal until the end of the round.
Re-Roll Portals: With the Portals that allow you to re-roll two or three ANY dice, you may choose dice that do not match to re-roll. They do not have
to be matching dice. Some Re-Roll Portals allow you to re-roll all dice of a certain symbol. These must match. However, you cannot re-roll dice of that
symbol that have been allocated to Encounters or Events. Re-rolled dice are only re-rolled that one time. For example, if you have a “Re-roll
all Catbugs” Portal and one of the re-rolled dice results in another Catbug, you’re not allowed to re-roll it.
As soon as you have used a Re-Roll Portal, discard it.
Gift Portals: These Portals simply grant you one symbol of the type shown. These card symbols cannot be re-rolled (as they are not dice), but they are
allocated to Encounters, Special Abilities, and Events in the same way as dice.
If you play a Gift Portal from your hand, but do not allocate that symbol by the end of the round, return it to your hand. Don’t discard a used Gift Portal until
the end of the round.
You may use the Special Abilities of characters that are not being played by a player. They are still your friends and will help you out! When you use a
character’s Special Ability, place the symbols you are using on that oversized card. They are now spent and can’t be re-rolled or used elsewhere. For
example, if you use Chris’ Special Ability, you re-roll a different die, not one of the two Bees you allocated there. Special Abilities are a great way to spend
unallocated dice, especially if an Event would penalize you for having certain symbols unallocated at the end of a round.
Each character starts the game with 5 Hit Points. Remove Hit Point tokens from your character when you lose Hit Points.
Characters not in play do not lose Hit Points. There are ways to heal Hit Points, but a character cannot have more than 5
Hit Points. You may heal a character that is at full health if you wish, but their Hit Points stay at 5.
When your character’s Hit Points are reduced to 0 or less, that character is KO’d! The KO’d character’s
Special Ability cannot be used for the rest of the game. Discard all Portal cards in your hand and remove
that character from play (use the game box for removed characters), and then choose a new character
from the unused pool. If there aren’t any, your team loses the game! Additionally, you must remove one of
your dice from the game.
Standard Mode: Place any Event cards in your hand on the bottom of the Event deck when KO’d.
After refilling their hands with Portal cards and Events in Standard Mode game, Player A places the top card of
the Encounter deck face up in the middle of the table. It’s the Time Slime Encounter worth 2 VPs if scored.
Since Player A has the Initiative token and Events in his hand, he must play one.
He decides that the Encounter is not all that difficult, so he plays an Event that will
add a requirement of a Catbug to the Encounter. The odds are good that one of
the 12 dice will result in a Catbug. This seems like a safe play. Player B, to his left,
plays an Event card from her hand that will penalize the group for any unspent
Cats at the end of the round. This is a fine play, as the Encounter will use up at
least 1 Cat this round.
Player C thinks the Encounter looks pretty
difficult with these extra Events, so he
says “Roll!” All players now roll their dice.
They roll five Bees, two Cats, two
Falcons, two Impossibears and a Catbug.
One Bee, one Cat, both Falcons, and the
Catbug must be allocated to the cards in
play. The additional Bees, Cats, and
Impossibears are not required by the cards,
so they join the pool of unallocated dice.
The team still needs to allocate one Falcon and one Dog symbol to score the Encounter.
One player notices that the team has three unallocated Bees, so Chris’ re-roll Special
Ability would be an option. The team agrees, therefore they allocate two Bees to Chris’
character card, and then choose to re-roll an unallocated Cat. Re-rolling the Cat will
help prevent the BETH GETS ZAPPED Event from causing the team to lose Portal cards
at the end of the round.
The re-roll is a Falcon, so they must allocate that die to the Encounter. They still have two
unallocated Bees, but cannot use Chris’ Special Ability again this round.
Still needing a Dog symbol, a player reveals one of her Conversion Portal cards. It can convert any three
symbols into a Dog symbol. The team agrees that this would be a good card to use. They allocate two Bees
and an Impossibear to it. Had there been any additional unallocated Cats, this would be a good place to
dispose of them.
The team has now generated a Dog symbol, which they allocate to the Encounter. That
fulfills all of the symbol requirements of the Encounter, as well as the Catbug added by the Event
card. The Encounter is scored and placed into their Scored pile. The team is now 2 VPs and two
Event cards closer to victory! There are no unallocated Cats, so that Event card does not discard
any cards from the Portal deck. The used Portal card is now discarded.
Had the team failed to fulfill all of the requirements, the Encounter card would have been placed
into the Failed! pile. Their Encounter for the next round would have been a random card from their
Scored! pile instead of from the Encounter deck (as that is the what the Fail text on Time Slime
says to do). In addition, they would have to place the bottom card of the Event discard pile onto the
bottom of the Event deck (since they are playing Standard Mode). Good thing they scored it!
THE BUNLESS: An uncompleted symbol is each symbol that you did not allocate the required amount to.
For example, an Encounter requires three Dogs, two Cats, and two Catbugs. If at the end of the round you fail and
allocated two Dogs, one Cat, and two Catbugs to it, you have not completed two of the three symbols. You would
discard six cards from the Portal deck.
CEREAL MASTER, CHOCOLATE PUPPY PARTY: The Portal cards that are put into play may be used once this round, just like a Portal played
from your hand. However, they are discarded at the end of the round whether or not they are used.
DAN BEFORE TIME: If you have a card in your Failed! pile, it enters play. If you have none, you are lucky. If you have two Encounters in play, an
Event card that adds an additional symbol adds it to only one of the two Encounters. Each Encounter that you fail will apply its Fail text to the team.
Since you must allocate symbols to both Encounters, you might not have many extra dice to manipulate with Portals.
DANNY (Character): Negating the Fail text of an Encounter will prevent that text from happening should the team fail that Encounter.
HOLOGRAM GIRLFRIEND: The symbol you choose only doubles the output on dice that you roll, not symbols you generate from Portal cards.
MEMORY DONK, ULTRA WANKERSHIM: Not being able to pool your dice means you must keep the dice you roll separate from the other players. You can
only use your own dice for the listed purpose. The dice may still be pooled for purposes other than the one specified. Symbols generated by Portals may be shared.
PIZZA POWER-UP, BUTTER LETTUCE PARTY: You are not required to allocate symbols to these Events. They are optional Events.
YOUR CHARACTER’S SYMBOL: The symbol that you need to activate your character’s Special Ability is your character’s symbol. Rolling your
character’s symbol during some Events and when taking damage from Monster Encounters is a good thing.
Game Design Matt Hyra
Brand Management Adam Sblendorio
Cryptozoic Entertainment
CEO John Nee
President & CCO Cory Jones
Chief Operating Officer Scott Gaeta
SVP Sales & Business Development John Sepenuk
Game Design and Development Phil Cape, Dan Clark, Matt Dunn, Kevin Jordan, Erik Larsen, Matt Hyra, Marcos Payan, Ben Stoll, Drew Walker,
Chris Woods
Graphic Design John Vineyard (Lead), Houman Baik, Sencia Kim, Larry Renac, Nancy Valdez, Daniel Wong
Director of Operations Leisha Cummins
Editing Scott Thomas
Marketing and Community
Javier Casillas, Sara Erickson, Drew Korfe
Richard Brady, Tom Driver, Ryan Dromgoole, Robert Gasio III, Russ Greenwald, Herb Haneke, Kent Heidelman, Adam Hensch, Shannon Hunt,
Cory Jones, Adam May, Chris Nunn, Melody Nunn, Tom Twedell, Nathaniel Yamaguchi and many, many others.
Cryptozoic Special Thanks
Rumi Asai, Miranda Charsky, Erika Conway, Kyle Heuer, Matt Hoffman, Vanessa Jimenez, Michael Kirchhoff, Lacy Lodes, George Nadeau,
Matthias Nagy, Daniel Siskin, Lisa Villaire, and MaryCarmen Wilber
1. Draw Phase
Each player refills their hand with Portal cards to their minimum hand size, which is based on the number of players.
Standard Mode: Each player also draws back up to two Event cards.
2. Encounter Phase
Place the top card of the Encounter deck face up in the middle of the table. If any text is at the top of the game text box (Instant Effect Text), do what it says now.
3. Event Phase
Easy Mode: Place the top card of the Event deck face up in the middle of the table. Do what the card says to do.
Standard Mode: You do not place the top card of the Event deck into play. Instead, the Initiative player must play an Event card from his hand if able. If
he plays an Event, the player to his left may play an Event card from his hand or say “Roll.” If he plays an Event, then the next player to the left may also
play an Event card from his hand or say “Roll.” If a player has no Event cards in his hand, he must say “Roll.” If any player says “Roll,” skip to Phase 4.
Once there are three Event cards in play, skip to Phase 4.
4. Roll Dice Phase
All players roll their dice. Once the dice are rolled, they become community dice that any player may utilize, unless a card says otherwise.
5. Allocate Dice Phase
Assign dice to the Encounter and Events as necessary. You must allocate dice to the Encounters and Events that require those symbols, even if you
realize that you have no hope of fulfilling the rest of the required symbols.
Example: Your Encounter requires four Catbugs. Your team rolls three Catbugs, so you must allocate all three of them to the Encounter card, even if you
have no way of generating more Catbugs. If you roll five Catbugs, you only allocate four of them to the Encounter.
6. Portals and Special Abilities Phase
Use Portal cards and character Special Abilities to manipulate the dice in your team’s unallocated pool of dice. You do not have to roll your own character
symbol to use your character’s Special Ability. You are not limited to just the dice you roll to utilize your Portal cards. You may use any dice in the pool for
Portals, Special Abilities, and Events. As you generate additional symbols that you need for Encounters and Events, allocate them as necessary.
Symbols created by cards are not “dice.” For example, you cannot re-roll a symbol provided by a card.
7. End Phase
Determine success or failure, and then end the round. Place scored Encounters under the Scored! token. If you fail, read the Fail text, and then place the
Encounter card under the Failed! token. Discard all used Portal cards and any Portal cards that were put into play by Encounters or Events (used or unused).
Standard Mode:
• If you fail an Encounter, place the bottom card of the Event discard pile onto the bottom of the Event deck, even if there are no other cards in the Event deck.
• Pass the Initiative token to the player on your left.
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