Oh My Aching... - SpineCare Consultants
Oh My Aching... - SpineCare Consultants
6 n Health Thursday, April 16, 2009 Thursday, April 16, 2009 A NEW OPTION THE TOPOGRAPHY OF PAIN OH MY ACHING … It’s frequently the spine, specifically the disks between the vertebrae, that causes chronic pain in our arms and legs. When a disk bulges or ruptures and comes in contact with a nerve, the resulting inflammation can be agonizing. But we feel it far from the source of the problem, as seen below. EASE BACK PAIN WITHOUT SURGERY FOR INFORMATION By DALE ROBERTSON P HOUSTON CHRONICLE American Academy of ITCHERS suffer an inordinate number of arm injuries in large part because the human body wasn’t designed to fling baseballs 90 or more miles per hour. And, for that matter, the human body may not have been designed for us to even walk upright, surmises Houston pain specialist Dr. Uday Doctor, because of the world of hurt our spines can cause us. Doctor is chief of pain management at the Texas Orthopedic Hospital. He stays busy because of the inherent design flaws in our backbones vis-à-vis how we use our bodies in jogging, lifting heavy objects and whacking golf balls. Doctor, who is board-certified to practice interventional spine care, is hardly alone in his field. There are more than 150 physicians in the area who are pain management specialists. And who knows how many chiropractors, acupuncturists and physical therapists also earn a living off our agony? As we reach a certain age, most of Pain Management:nnn% XXgX`edXeX^\%fi^fi)'0$,**$ 0.++ American Pain Society: nnn%XdgX`ejfZ%fi^fi/+.$*.,$ +.(, American Pain Foundation: nnn%gX`e]fle[Xk`fe%fi^fi ///$-(,$.)+ American Pain Association: nnn%gX`eXjjfZ`Xk`fe%fi^fi /''$,**$*)*( us start to hurt, which wreaks havoc on the quality of our lives, affecting mood, motor functions and concentration. Doctor suggests that there are two kinds of chronic pain, that which is caused by cancer and that which emanates from diseased and damaged nerves. The former, he said, is treated by throwing the book at it with little regard for the consequences. Side effects and the risk of addiction are secondary concerns. “You’re just trying to relieve suffering,” Doctor said, “and that’s especially true if the patient is terminal. All you’re trying to do is make them more comfortable.” For those coping with nerve pain, however, it’s trickier because addiction issues and side effects of the most potent painkillers do matter. We don’t want to spend every waking moment groaning and grimacing, but we certainly don’t want to turn into junkies, either. Attacking the problem with surgery is no black-and-white solution. Spinal operations, in particular, remain a dicey proposition, and it’s the spine — particularly the disks separating the vertebrae — that’s often the source of pain. For example, while a stabbing ache in the shoulder could be a torn rotator cuff, it’s more likely to be the byproduct of a herniated disk between the C6 and C7 vertebra, “pinching” the nerve leading to the shoulder. Dr. Tom Blair, a retired pulmonary specialist at St. Joseph’s Hospital, has battled back problems for 40 years. He takes BR E T T C O O M E R : C H R O N I C L E ground, uses a fluroscope to demonstrate how a nerve root ADDRESSING PAIN: Dr. Uday Doctor, with Karen Davin in the backg block procedure can address chronic back pain. LYRICA The basics:K_\ kiX[\dXib\[eXd\]fik_\ [il^gi\^XYXc`e#`knXj fi`^`eXccp[\m\cfg\[XjXe Xek`$j\`qli\d\[`Z`e\Ylk `jefnY\`e^gi\jZi`Y\[]fi g\fgc\[\Xc`e^n`k_Z_ife`Z gX`ei\cXk`e^kfe\im\ `e]cXddXk`feXe[[`XY\k\j% N_p6@kY`e[jkfZXcZ`ld Z_Xee\cjfee\im\jXe[ `e_`Y`kjk_\i\c\Xj\f] e\lifkiXejd`kk\ij#k_\i\Yp i\[lZ`e^Zfddle`ZXk`fe Y\kn\\ee\im\jXe[ f]]\i`e^gX`ei\c`\]dlZ_ `ek_\jXd\nXp`kjkXm\j f]]j\`qli\j%Fek_\dXib\k j`eZ\i\Z\`m`e^=;8 XggifmXc`e)''+#Cpi`ZX`j gi\jZi`Y\[`edlZ_jdXcc\i [fj\j]figX`ei\c`\]Ç .,kf(,'d^[X`cpÇXk k_\flkj\kf]ki\Xkd\ek ZfdgXi\[kf`kjfk_\ilj\j% A cautionary note: FOTOLIA USE WITH CARE: The anti-seizure medicine Lyrica is being prescribed in smaller doses for pain relief. Cpi`ZX#n_`Z_dljkY\ kXb\e]fi]flifi]`m\ [XpjY\]fi\`kjY\e\]`Z`Xc hlXc`k`\jXi\]\ck#_XjXcfe^ c`jkf]gfjj`Yc\j`[\\]]\Zkj# `eZcl[`e^[ipdflk_# d`c[[`qq`e\jjXe[]cl`[ i\k\ek`fe#fi\m\edljZc\ XZ_\jk_XkZXe`e[`ZXk\ j\i`fljgifYc\djXe[ gjpZ_fcf^`ZXc[`jfi[\ij j\m\i\\efl^_kfZXlj\ jl`Z`[Xck_fl^_kj%FeZ\ n-strength antiNaprosyn, a prescription inflammatory drug, and stays as active He thinks shutas he deems prudent. H because you’re [fj\j^\klgkfXifle[-'' ting down completely b d^[X`cp#j`[\\]]\ZkjXi\ hurting inflicts psychollogical damage jX`[kfY\Zfd\dlZ_dfi\ that exacerbates physicall discomfort. gi\mXc\ek% ucate yourself. Blair’s advice? Edu now your body Make every effort to kn you’re hurting For expert advice:JkXp — so you’ll know why y `eZcfj\ZfekXZkn`k_pfli — before deciding whaat to do about gi\jZi`Y`e^[fZkfifeZ\ it. And, he adds, “Don’tt turn yourself pflY\^`ekXb`e^Cpi`ZX% over to somebody you don’t have good references on or who won’t explain d why they’re Our two-cents worth: what they’re doing, and 8epfe\jl]]\i`e^]ifd doing it.” y of thinking j\m\i\Z_ife`ZgX`en`cc The old-school way ptions, sucking ]`e[k_\i`jb$i\nXi[iXk`f about pain offered two op wallowing hard f]Cpi`ZXkfY\\Xj`cp up and living with it or sw [`^\jk\[%=fife\k_`e^#`k and going under the kniffe. Fortunately, `ek\iXZkjn\ccn`k_dfjk there are other options.. For example, fk_\igX`ed\[`ZXk`fejXe[ Doctor and his partnerss at SpineCare jc\\gX`[j%9lk#n_`c\`k Consultants (www.spineecare1.com) are Xgg\XijkfY\jX]\]fidfjk practitioners of the nerrve root block, g\fgc\#k_`j`jefkX[il^ out major invawhich attacks pain witho kfki`]c\n`k_%KXb\fecpXj sive surgery. gi\jZi`Y\[% Yes, they will stick a needle or two ck. But that’s a — DALE ROBERTSON in your neck or lower bac far cry from having an epidural, never mind fusing vertebrae. And most insurance plans cover it even without a referral from a primary-care physician. “We find the nerve that’s inflamed and we put (anti-inflammatory) medication directly on it,” Doctor said. “It’s critical to isolate the source of the pain. Say your shoulder hurts. In the old days, we’d probably scope it. If that didn’t work, then we’d operate on your neck.” Michael Cokinos, president of Cokinos Energy Corp., says the nerve block ended his searing back, arm and hand pain. But, ever fearful of a stress-induced relapse, Cokinos regularly visits a chiropractor, Dr. Ron Grabowski, who Doctor recommended. Grabowski’s mission is to keep Cokinos’ C7 vertebrae from re-settling on the nerve. “I thought I was going to have to live with (the pain) the rest of my life,” Cokinos said. “But I feel like I’m 150 percent of my old self. I’m working out again and feeling great. What a relief.” [email protected] Health n 7