January - Medinah Shriners


January - Medinah Shriners
Volume 2, Number 1
January - February 2012
A Publication of the Medinah Shrine
Inside this issue:
The Potentate’s Perspective
Medinah Nobles Help SHC - Chicago
Medinah’s Captain of the Guard 2012
Potentate’s Trip to Punta Cana
18 - 19
Black Camel Report
The “Old Chicago” Shrine Ceremonial
20 - 21
Stated Meeting and Ceremonial Notice
News of Units and Committees
26 - 32
Shriners Legacy Program
Shrine Club Activities
34 - 35
Temple Communications
Coming Events
36 - 37
100 Million Dollar Club
Aleikum es Selamu
A non-profit corporation operating under
the auspices of Shriners International,
an Iowa Corporation
Chief Rabban
Assistant Rabban
High Priest & Prophet
Oriental Guide
Steven A. Schenk
Donald R. Marquardt
Frederick J. Martin
R. Michael Keltner
Craig C. Stimpert
James B. Stoner, P.P.
Scott W. Sonnenberg
Steven A. Schenk
Chief Rabban
Donald R. Marquardt
Assistant Rabban
Frederick J. Martin
Robert O. Kuehn, P.P.
Representative Ad Vitam
Lewis K. Molnar
Representative Ad Vitam Charles G. Cumpstone, Jr.
Captain of the Guard
Outer Guard
Ceremonial Coordinator
1st Ceremonial Master
2nd Ceremonial Master
Director of Parade Units
Parade Marshall
Director of Committees
Director of Shrine Clubs
Chief Editor
Chief Photographer I
Chief Photographer II
Design & Layout
Divan Liaison
Printing Services
Lance M. Evans
Lyle M. Johannsen
LeRoy C. Baumann
Dwaine A. Churma
David Miley
LeRoy C. Baumann
Ronald Culen
Joseph W. Smiesko
Calvin Tazelaar
James E. Burke
R. Patrick Moore
Jeffrey Klawitter
Brandon Zears
James E. Burke
Scott W. Sonnenberg
Viking Printing
This publication is for you the Nobility and any and all articles that you feel
may benefit our members will be accepted and reviewed for inclusion in an
upcoming issue.
The deadlines for articles for upcoming issues are:
Volume 2, No. 2 - April 20, 2012
Volume 2, No. 3 - June 15, 2012
Volume 2, No. 4 - August 17, 2012
Volume 2, No. 5 - October 19, 2012
Volume 2, No. 6 - December 14, 2012
Send articles to:
[email protected]
If you would like to advertise in this publication and/or the new online
―Masonic Business Directory‖ please contact Jim Burke in the Medinah
Office at 630-889-1400 or email [email protected].
The Medinah Divan for 2012
Top row from left to right:
Donald R. Marquardt, Chief Rabban
Steven A. Schenk, Potentate
Frederick J. Martin, Assistant Rabban
Bottom row from left to right:
R. Michael Keltner, High Priest & Prophet
Craig C. Stimpert, Oriental Guide
James B. Stoner, Treasurer
Scott W. Sonnenberg, Recorder
Medinah Shrine was established in 1883 to provide a
social and entertaining Oasis in the Desert of Chicago.
The Shrine is a fraternity based on the Masonic Beliefs
of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.
Medinah was founded to further promote the tenets of
Freemasonry, brotherly love, relief and truth. Remembering our creed – Faith, Hope and Charity –the greatest of these being Charity – we founded our own Charity, the Shriner‘s Hospitals for Children®. Nobles, support your Fraternity and your Charity.
Subscriptions are included in member dues.
Cost to purchase a subscription is $15.00 per year.
Contact the Recorder‘s office if you wish to purchase
subscriptions for family members.
550 N. Shriners Drive
Addison, IL 60601
Tel: 630-889-1400 Fax: 630-705-9907
www.medinah.org www.shrinershq.org
Volume 2 Number 1
January - February 2012
Medinah Shriner
The Potentate’s Perspective
Wow! What a great start to what looks like a great year! I am so proud to be part of an
organization which is supported by so many people who give so much of their time and
talents to make Mighty Medinah earn that name every day. I could take all this space to
thank those who helped kick off this 2012, but I‘ll try to be brief.
First off, I‘d like to thank Illustrious Sir Wilbur Schenk (also known as Schenk the Greater)
who had the courage to appoint me as Captain of the Guard 5 years ago. His constant
encouragement, optimism and advice have been immeasurably helpful to me through these years and I look forward to spending
this year together.
Our Past Potentates deserve some thanks. They have always been available to provide their advice and experience when asked
and I expect to tap that well of experience throughout the year.
I‘d like to specifically thank the newest Past Potentate, Paul Barber, who put his retirement on hold for 2 years, and his camper on
blocks in order to serve Medinah Temple in a time of need. Thanks Illustrious Sir Paul.
To Medinah‘s elected Divan, I have enjoyed serving with you and look forward to working together with you to advance the best
interests of Medinah Temple and Shriners International.
A pre-thank you to my Aides, including Chief Aide Keith Koopman. You guys are off to a great start – keep up the good work!
A thank you to our Units, Clubs and Committees – you guys are where the rubber hits the road – literally. Your support has been
constant and I know Medinah can rely on you in 2012.
I‘d also like to thank the Nobles who had the courage to start the Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children (as it was then known)
in 1920. With it, they fundamentally changed our mission for the better.
There are many ways to describe our mission. My favorite expands on a metaphor from blue lodge with which we are all familiar.
There are 2 pillars in masonry – you see them in every lodge hall. Shriners International has 2 pillars as well. We call them Having Fun and Helping Kids. I hope to hear all of you shout out all year long:
What do Shriners do? HAVE FUN!
What else do Shriners do? HELP KIDS!
God has given each of us a tremendous gift. He has guided each of us to Shriners International. Each of us have tremendous
gifts to offer. Don‘t waste them.
Sometimes, we – and I include myself – we let ourselves lose focus of our mission. Let‘s all make a promise to stay focused this
year. Let‘s all promise to raise our game. Let‘s make sure our uniforms and vehicles are clean before we go out on the parade
route. Let‘s make sure we always assist a worthy distressed brother. Let‘s make sure we spread the word about the greatest
fraternity in the world – Shriners International. Let‘s make sure we find quality men of like interests and morals and do everything
we can to help them join us. Let‘s make sure we care for this building, our beautiful home. And for God‘s sake, let‘s make sure
we take care of those kids in our hospitals.
We‘re going to be working on a few projects this year which I hope will raise the already high quality Medinah membership which
we all enjoy.
I‘m sure many of you wouldn‘t have guessed that the single highest line item in Medinah‘s budget is the electric bill. To address
that, we‘re going to be working on making Medinah more energy efficient inside and out. We‘re looking at alternative energy systems including solar and wind which may end up reducing our utility bills significantly.
We‘re updating our communications methods. We‘ll be using all of the technologies that Nobles already use to communicate with
their friends, families and even co-workers. Facebook, Twitter and text technologies are in place and ready to go. Our Facebook
page is Medinah Shriners with a space between. Our Twitter feed is MedinahShriners, no spaces.
continued on the next page….
January - February 2012
We‘re looking at adding some exercise equipment for those of us that find that heading over to the gym sometimes doesn‘t make
it high enough in our priority list.
We‘ve also put together what I think is a fun little social program this year. I‘d like to give you some of the highlights
Our Entertainment Committee has tweaked its offerings a little bit for 2012. First, the return of an old friend – the Sports or Fellowship Brunch. It will be held on March 18th at the Diplomat West. We will enjoy a panel discussion featuring Hall of Famer Dan
Hampton – good ol‘ number 99. It‘s a stag affair and there will be some good food, some eye-openers and a raffle to boot.
Next, on August 24th, Friday Night Fights. We‘ll have 8-10 rounds of golden gloves boxing out in the parking lot. We‘ll enjoy
some scotch, some cigars and some fellowship with our brethren.
Also, as you know, the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Many believe that the end of the world is nigh. At Medinah, that‘s a good reason for a party! The End of the World as We Know It Party is going to be free to attend – after all, if the
world is truly ending, who needs money? Of course, if the world doesn‘t end, we‘ll need you to settle up your account before you
Also returning in 2012 is our Old Fashioned Family Picnic. It will be held on August 18th in a Cook County Forest Preserve.
Plenty of fun for kids and adults. We will be putting this on in conjunction with the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago.
New in 2012 is another series of events which I call NobleFun! It‘s a number of small, micro-targeted events for a Noble and perhaps his lady and family to attend together. They are typically either no-cost or dutch treat among those who attend. Pick out the
ones that interest you and check them out. No obligation, no speeches, no overhead. Just Nobles enjoying each other‘s company.
Websters defines fraternity as ―a group of people associated for a common purpose‖ or as ―the quality or state of being brothers‖.
I like the second one. So let‘s help Shriners International be a fraternity in every sense of the word. Let‘s be brothers. Let‘s help
and love each other every day.
One World, One Shrine.
Steven A. Schenk,
Potentate 2012
Lance M. Evans, Medinah’s Captain of the Guard 2012
My choice for Medinah Shriners Captain of the Guard for 2012 was born in Chicago, IL a
long, long time ago. He currently resides with his wife in the southwest suburbs. He is the
father of three children, two girls and a boy. His son is also a proud Noble of Medinah.
He worked for the IL Dept. of Revenue until he retired in June 2007. He is now a consultant
assisting those under audit by the government in addition to his filing and preparation of tax
returns, payroll records etc. He began his employment with IDOR as a Revenue Auditor
following his graduation from Chicago State University. While working he continued his education and earned a Masters in Accounting from Roosevelt University. Also, during this period he taught part time at night working for Chicago City Colleges.
During his tenure in state government he moved up the ladder and retired as an Assistant
Division Manager, Sales and Use Tax, one of four positions in the state. He was headquartered in the James R. Thompson Center in downtown Chicago. I know that he had assisted
numerous Nobles who had issues with IL Revenue and the IRS both during and following
his employment.
He was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in 1991 at Lawn Lodge No. 815 in
Oak Lawn IL. His father was a member of that Lodge and Lance became a member to follow in his father‘s footsteps. He later
became a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Chicago. He entered Medinah in the fall class of 1991 and went through
the ―Hot Sands‖ following all those Nobles who had preceded him in membership.
Immediately following his introduction and acceptance into the Shrine, he wanted to become active and joined Medinah‘s Patrol
where he became a member of Company D. The 1992 Imperial Session was held in Orlando Florida a very short time after he
had joined. He loaded up the wife and kids into the family trickster and drove down to Orlando so that he could compete in his
first drill & parade competition with the Patrol under the direction of Major Steve Zakula.
continued on the next page….
Medinah Shriner
Needless to say, he has taken part in countless competitions ever since!
During his tenure with the Patrol, he has been an officer in various capacities achieving and for a period serving at the rank of
Captain Adjutant. In addition to the Patrol, he and his wife have served as Potentate‘s Aides for 5 years from 2001 through 2006
with the exception of 2003. He, with of course the assistance of his wife, Debbie, served as the Chief Aide for the 2007 & 2008
calendar years. Also, he has chaired our annual Potentate‘s Golf Outing held at Carriage Greens for the last 5 years.
He is a Medinah Roundy Jewel holder. He is a member of the Northwest Suburban Shrine Club. Lance is a Past Director of the
Royal Order of Jesters and he is a Past King Crab of the Benevolent Order of Crabs Claw # 1.
I would hope that you would join me in welcoming Noble Lance Evans to his newly appointed position as Medinah‘s Captain of
the Guard.
Steven A. Schenk,
Potentate 2012
The Evolution of the Editorial Without Words
January - February 2012
Dec.16, 2011 to Feb.20, 2012
Edward Wentland
Stuart E. Addis
Ladd J. Holub
Robert W. Halik
Robert F. Jaeger
Merritt A. King
George A. McGlothlin
Oxford L. Busby
Alvin E. Lexow
James D. Scolli
Robert N. Lipschultz
James Chakinis
William A. Capps
Richard C. Schirmer
Gilbert D. Francisco
Leroy F. Felgenhauer
William E. Dunn
Wilbur G. "Bill" Carlson
Thomas J. Ryan
Carl Norval Graf
William W. Hopson
James G. Karabis
Ralph J. Hirschberg
Death is a solemn visitor, and fills our hearts with sadness.
Although we know he is a messenger from God to summon
our loved ones from the troubled cares of this world to a life
of peace and rest, that he has sent to all the myriads who
have gone before, and will soon come to us with all that is
promised in the Great Light of Truth yet he is unwelcome.
Solemn because irrevocable is the reality of the lesson
taught by the Scythe of Time, which cuts the brittle thread
of life and launches us into eternity. We are sad because
one so near and dear to us by fraternal ties is gone.
The wise and beneficent Author of nature intended, by the
endowment of our senses and sympathies, that we should
be social creatures enjoying the society and friendship of
one another. It is the breaking of these ties, the loss of companionship and the sudden ending of all association with
our departed brother, that plunges us into woe and regret.
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012
Once again you have elected me to be your Recorder and I thank you. My thanks also go to the wonderful office staff I work with
every day. They appreciate working for Medinah and it shows in their work.
Parade Season & Dues
Everyone who parades for Medinah must have their 2012 dues paid in full to be in any parade for the season. Those who are
current will be covered by our insurance and those who owe will not be covered and shouldn‘t be parading. The leaders of those
groups who parade should be checking their members for a 2012 dues card. Please contact the office if you need help.
Help our Hospital
Your Chicago hospital has a new administrator and his mission is to help more children. Nobles we need you to get the word out
to all the pediatricians, school nurses, pre-schools to look for children who can be treated by our hospital. Many professionals
refer children to our hospitals but fewer and fewer nobles are sponsoring children. Please step up your efforts in this area. You
have been great fundraisers now let‘s get some kids in our hospital. To help you do this, we have literature in the office you can
distribute. Please stop by.
Nobles, I can say this program is going well. Every day we hear of people saving money on prescription drugs by using this card.
Shriners love to help people and you will do that by giving people the card. An interesting fact is that approximately 60% of the
written prescriptions don‘t get filled. Wow, that‘s high! Why? Because drugs cost too much! It‘s either food or drugs OR rent or
drugs for many of the people out there. We all know someone like that or we see them in the supermarkets putting food back
after they leave the pharmacist‘s counter in the store. Give them out to food pantries, your doctor‘s office, churches, your Blue
Lodge or wherever you travel. Carry them with you at all times. The average discount using the card is 60%. Come get some in
the office or call and we‘ll send some to you. You‘ll also find a card you can print on the Home page of our website
www.medinah.org . Any questions, please call me.
Again, thank you for letting me serve you this next year.
Scott W. Sonnenberg
Hospital Day 2012 to Be Held on June 3! Mark It on Your Calendar
Please mark your calendar for Sunday, June 3, 2012—that‘s the day SHC – Chicago will host our annual openhouse celebration, called ―Hospital Day!‖ This is a major event in the annual life of our hospital, a time to showcase
our hospital and the marvelous work done here in caring for children—more than 65,000 children in the past 86
years. Nobles from all 14 temples in our service area will be here, and you‘ll not want to miss this signal event of
2012. So, guys, rent a bus, hire a van, bring your friends to experience one of the great pediatric medical centers of
America! See you on the Third!
This year the Recorder, Scott W. Sonnenberg, has requested that all Units, Committees and Clubs check the status
of their members at meetings to verify that they have a current 2012 dues card.
The OASIS staff also asks to see a current dues card when you visit the restaurant.
Current means that you have paid your Medinah Temple dues for the current calendar year.
Not being current will cause you to not be eligible to participate in any Medinah Parade, attend any Stated Meetings
or Ceremonials and may also disallow you from participating in certain other functions.
If you have not yet paid your 2012 dues please do so as soon as possible. You can pay securely online on our Web
site www.medinah.org
Medinah Shriner
We Want YOU! Please Join Us in Our „Family-to-Family‟ Campaign
Good Ole ―Uncle Sam‖ Bob is back! Remember him? His message?
We Want YOU! We‘re looking for Shrine Temples, Shrine clubs, Shrine and non-Shrine
organizations of all kinds to join us in the ―Family-to-Family‖ campaign to assist patient
families who have special funding needs not available through Shrine Temple funds, for
overnight stays, meals, local transportation, and other costs associated with patients‘
care here. In 2012, we estimate a need of $70,000 to cover these expenses. We‘re asking friends—many of whom participated in our ―Adopt-A-Nurse‖ program in 2010 and
2011—to join us this year in our ―Family-to-Family‖ endeavor. This is a grand opportunity for our faithful friends—Shrine and non-Shrine—to step forward for a program vital
to both the hospital and our patients. Each donating organization or person will receive a ―Hall of Kindness‖
certificate (at right), which you may frame and display.
This program is an important new opportunity to help
Shrine patients and their families as we care for children
in our special way here at SHC – Chicago. Won‘t you consider making a gift to our
―Family-to-Family‖ effort—today!
The Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America is a fun group open to Ladies related by birth, marriage, or adoption to a Shriner or
Master Mason. As a group we raise about $1,600,000.00 annually for the hospitals, and we donate 365,400 personal hours of
support. Our job is to support our Nobles.
Karnak Court meets once a month at Westchester Masonic Temple. The Ladies sew twice a month at the Chicago
Unit of the Shriners‘ Hospitals for Children.
The Karnak Patrol is not your everyday drill team. Our ―fun‖ drills make it easy for everyone to perform and still delight
an audience of both children and adults.
The Karnak Drum Corps Players entertains audiences with snappy march music and is truly a crowd pleaser when
they perform.
Why not think about joining the White Fez group?
Ask a member for a petition, or call our Recorder, Lady Adrienne Johnson 1-847-966-2471.
>> Text “Dream” to 25383
>> A $5 donation will be sent to
Shriners Hospitals for Children®
>> A $5 charge will be added to
your cell phone bill
>> For news and updates about
Shriners Hospitals for Children®
text “SHC” to the number 69866
January - February 2012
Medinah Shriner
100 Million Dollar Club &
Royal Order of the Rose
100 Million Dollar Club
Royal Order of the Rose
The achievement of raising $100,000,000 will assure
maintenance of the ―world‘s greatest philanthropy‖, and continue
on a permanent basis the work of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for
Children® in treating and restoring youngsters with orthopedic
problems and burn injuries to a normal, useful life. You can be
an important member of the 100 Million Dollar Club by sending
your check for $100 (or stating that you have provision in your will
giving at least $100) payable to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®,
to the Recorder‘s Office at Medinah Shrine Center.
In addition, when a Noble contributes $100 or more to the
Million Dollar Club in the name of a Lady, the Noble not only receives a 100 Million Dollar Club Certificate, the Lady will also receive a Royal Order of the Rose Certificate, as well as a rose pin to
wear at all Shrine Functions to commemorate her induction into the
―Royal Order of the Rose‖. The donation can be designated on
behalf of, or in memory of, your wife, mother, sister, daughter,
granddaughter, grandmother, aunt, or any other special lady in
your life. So Nobles, honor your ladies by changing the lives of the
children in our care.
Nobles who make a contribution may also purchase a $100 Million
fez tassel pin, for a fee of $15.00, at the Medinah Office.
100 Million Dollar Club Donors December 16, 2011 to February 20, 2012
In Honor of Steven A. Schenk
El Jaala Grotto
In Honor of Carol Kaufman
Fred S. Kaufman
In Honor of Shirley J. Bronson
James L. Bronson
In Honor of Donna Werner
Richard Werner
In Honor of Kay G. Bauer
Harvey H. Bauer
In Memory of Gilbert D. Francisco
Chain O‘ Lakes Shrine Club
In Memory of Mike Martin
Medinah Motor Corps.
In Honor of Tom G. Bauer
Fred S. Kaufman
In Memory of Darwin G. Follman
Chain O‘ Lakes Shrine Club
Adam Cotter
Member of Rameses Temple
In Honor of Gilbert Dale Francisco
Richard Pugh
In Honor of Carrie Meyer
Robert Meyer
Royal Order of the Rose
Shirley J. Bronson
Donna Werner
Bonnie P. Koontz
Carol Kaufman
Kay G. Bauer
Carrie Meyer
Scott W. Sonnenberg, Recorder
Medinah Shrine Center
550 N. Shriners Drive
Addison, IL 60101
My Pledge
I want to be a member of the ―100 Million
Dollar Club‖ and a benefactor of the Shriners
Hospitals for Children®.
Signed …………………………………………………
I have enclosed my check for $100 payable to the Shriners Hospital for Children®.
I have enclosed a copy of my will (or have added a codicil to my present will)
giving at least $100 to the Shriners Hospital for Children®.
If in honor or memory of a specific person, or with other special intent,
please so indicate in the area below:
Name ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Address ………………………………………………………………………………….
City ………………………………………………………. State ………. Zip ………..
January - February 2012
Those Redoubtable Medinah Nobles Come Through Again
excerpt from Shrinelines January 13, 2012
It was one of those silly, freak accidents: A patient in a wheelchair bumped into the pool table a while
back, and the whole table collapsed! Crash! There it lay, in a pile, on the floor. Tough to use unless you‘re
lying on your belly—and that‘s an awkward posture from which to shoot pool. What to do! Medinah Noble
Ron Comiano, a true friend of children and our hospital, heard about the situation and went to work. He
contacted the Brunswick people in Wisconsin, who offered a new pool table at cost. He got some friends
and Medinah units to join him, including Brunswick Billiards, the Great Escape, Keith Koopman-Wilson
Delivery Service, Inc., and Robert A. Alley-A&M Signs, in the purchase, transportation, and set up—and,
just like that, our patients have a place to shoot pool—better than what they had before the accident.
In the photo above, Medinah friends gather around the table as Ron presents the check to Darlene Kelly,
director of recreation therapy/child life. They include 2011 Potentate Paul D. Barber and Recorder Scott
W. Sonnenberg, as well as members of the Motor Corps and the Hospitality Committee. Chairman Emeritus, Board of Governors, Gordon Husk, joined the group. We thank the Medinah Nobles and all Noble
Ron‘s friends for this kind and useful gift. The kids are back at the pool table—every day!
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012
Janitorial Services
Carpet Shampooing
Floor stripping and waxing
And More...
At your office, bank, medical building, factory, etc.
Phone: 847/895-9999
FAX: 847/387-8097
1821 Walden Office Square
Suite 400
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Medinah Shriner
John Peter Curielli, P. C.
BARRINGTON, IL 60010 - 4608
Phone: (847) 381 - 7555
Fax: (847) 381 - 7578
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.Curielli.com
January - February 2012
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012
“Roundy Bowl” presented to Medinah Shriners by Old Chicago York Rite
A unique Masonic artifact is now on display in the Medinah Shrine Museum in Addison. “The Roundy Bowl” was presented by St.
Bernard Commandery No. 35 to Potentate Steve Schenk, the Divan and the Nobles of Medinah at the Shrine ceremonial held
Feb. 18, 2012, at the Jefferson Park Masonic Temple in Chicago.
The ornate, Persian-style hammered copper bowl with pewter finish is 12 inches high, 15 inches in diameter, and weighs 10 lbs.
Inscribed with cartouches of Arabic prayers and floral motifs, it is believed to have been acquired c.1900 during a Holy Land Pilgrimage to the Middle East by Noble Frank Curtis Roundy.
Frank C. Roundy was born Jan. 15, 1858, in Lake Geneva, Wis. He was tenth Illustrious Potentate of Medinah Shrine, 18991900, and was the first Past Potentate of Medinah to serve as Imperial Potentate, 1907-1908. He personally knew each of the
Imperial Potentates from the Shrine’s founding in 1876 until his death on Feb. 12, 1955, and had installed many of them in office.
“As a member of St. Bernard, I am pleased to accept this artifact on behalf of all Medinah Shriners in memory of Frank Curtis
Roundy,” said Potentate Schenk. “Noble Roundy organized more Shrine auxiliary units than any other man, including our Arab
Patrol marching unit in 1886, where he served as Captain until 1951, and the Roundy Jewel membership award is named in his
Roundy presided during Medinah’s pivotal first quarter-century, when many units, clubs and traditions were formed. The Roundy
Regalia Co. and the Roundy & Son Co. of Chicago sold a wide range of fraternal paraphernalia including fezzes, costumes and
ceremonial swords, some of which are still in use today.
Seven candidates joined the Shrine at the Feb. 18th ceremonial, sponsored by the Old Chicago York Rite, whose members
helped found Medinah in 1883. The event included a retrospective of the era when Shriners were required to be Knights Templar
or 32nd degree Scottish Rite Masons. At the time of his death, Frank Roundy was the oldest 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason
(NMJ) in the world.
Roundy served as Eminent Commander of St. Bernard Commandery No. 35, Knights Templar, of Chicago, 1891-1892, leading
the St. Bernard Drill Corps to several state and national championships. He was also a member of Corinthian Chapter No. 69,
Royal Arch Masons, which merged in 1960 with La Fayette Chapter No. 2, the oldest Masonic body in Chicago. The Roundy
Bowl is displayed on a Corinthian column base once belonging to Corinthian Chapter.
The “Roundy Bowl” and all who were in attendance for the “Old Chicago” Shrine Ceremonial.
Medinah Shriner
Held at the Jefferson Park Masonic Temple
On Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Ceremonial created seven new Nobles who are shown here being welcomed by Potentate Steven A. Schenk.
Pictured from left to right:
Paul Scheeler, Daniel Johns, Jeremy Lundh, Rudy Galvan, Paul Roberts (rear row),
Potentate Steven A. Schenk, Patrick B. Jones and Dustin Hegreberg.
Noble Paul Scheeler giving an historical presentation to all in attendance.
Photos courtesy of Reginald Van Johnson
January - February 2012
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012
of Units and Committees
The Athletic Committee would like to remind everyone that flyers regarding the Al Daily Memorial Golf Outing can be
picked up outside the Oasis or you can download them from the Medinah Website.
Remember our kids at the Hospital need our help.
Our first meeting was held at Cucina Bianchi and we are happy to introduce two new members, Gary Evans and Joe Smiesko. I
am looking forward to working with these two fine gentlemen.
Please remember that Sponsors are Needed, and the complete ―Sponsors Packet‖ can also be found on the Medinah Web site.
Ron Comiano
Director of the Athletic Committee
The Brass Band is rehearsing on the First and Third Tuesdays of the month. We have been having several guests join us and
hopefully they will become members and join our great group. We have just concluded our annual business meeting, laying the
groundwork for this years activities.
We have a new director this year in Chuck Masny a talented musician and school music teacher. He has some new and exciting
things for us to pursue. We will be active in all Medinah Parades as well as other functions needing musical entertainment. W e
will miss our past Director, Roy Hanson who guided us for the last 23 years, but due to his work schedule and various other musical activities he thought it best to let the band pursue new management. We will miss his directing but Roy will continue on as a
musician in our Trumpet section.
Frank Katzbeck remains as Assistant Director, George Payette as Treasurer and our new Band Manager is Mark King. Bruce
Watson remains as our Corresponding Secretary. We also are working on our performance at our 2nd Annual ―Outdoor Musical
Gala‖ coming in August. In addition to the Brass Band, we will have entertainment by several other musical groups within our
Band family. It was a great event last year and we are striving to do the same this year. We are still in need of musicians who
would like to join our Band and take pride in serving Medinah in our musical way.
Till next time, take care.
Assistant Director
The Medinah Clown Unit is looking forward to having another good year. Our first parade will be the Elmhurst St. Patrick's Day
Parade. Once again, Bingo will be at the wheel of Medinah Clown One, our bus. Currently we have clowns going to the Hospital
every Wednesday morning. Special thanks to Inky, Hot Dog and Stormy who are there every Wednesday. Other members of the
Unit join them at times. A couple members of our Unit are going to the Great Lakes Shrine Clown Units Convention in Cincinnati
starting on March 8, 2012.
Peanut and the members of our OV Committee our preparing for our July 27, OV at Medinah. We are looking forward to making
Steve Schenk, our Potentate, the newest honorary clown. We already have quite an outfit in mind. The theme of our OV will be
"It's A Small World". We will be having ethnic food stations. Nobles and their ladies are invited to come dressed up in outfits from
other countries. We hope to see many of you there. We will keep you informed as more information is available.
In closing we are all saddened by the loss of Scruffee's son Nick, who was a patient of our Children's Hospital at one time. Please
keep him in your prayers. We also ask that you keep our own Pat Ross, who has a long recovery ahead of her, in your prayers.
Pat had emergency surgery over the Christmas Holidays. In spite of that, Pat is still busy handling our appearances.
Keep Smiling,
Joe "Judgie "
Medinah Shriner
of Units and Committees
Greetings fellow Nobles,
The Highlanders recently had our annual Meeting where we plan out our upcoming year and elect officers. This year‘s meeting featured something new
for us – our ladies were there. Morale and scenery benefited greatly from the
addition. We enjoyed a lovely dinner in the band room followed by elections
and presentations.
As you can see from the picture, we had roughly 50 people in attendance.
Seeing as our Illustrious Potentate Steven A. Schenk was able to join us, we were glad to confer
honorary membership to him along with the Highlander shirt in the photo. He noted the fellowship
and closeness of our group and that it showed the fun element that is a basic part of our Shrine
heritage. He closed with leading the entire group with: ―What do Shiner‘s do!‖ ―Have fun, help kids.
Have fun, help kids.‖
In addition, honorary membership was also given to Jim Burke - Medinah Membership Secretary and Editor of the Medinah
Magazine; and John Cozzie - former Drum Major, who recently retired and moved away.
Those elected to full membership in the band were Steve Sandack, Ian Brown, Steve Weatherford, John Mihelich, Chris Ruppert,
Don Lay and Joe Malatia. Congrats lads!
Band Officers for 2012 include Chief Stoops, who heard the Four More Years! Cry ring in his ears. Other officers are Pipe Major Jeff McIlrath; Pipe Sergeant - Glen Bianchi; Drum Major - Ian Brown; Drum Sergeant - Jim Ferguson; Drum Corporal - John
Thompson; Recording Secretary - John Walker; Treasurer - Jim Ferguson; Corresponding Secretary - John Ludwig; and Parade
Marshal - Jim Johnston, Sr. Here, Here!
If you‘d like to be part of the fun of the upcoming parade season please contact us. St. Pat‘s is right around the corner.
Reporting John Ludwig
January - February 2012
of Units and Committees
Who benefits? If you are a detective, or a fan of detective novels you‘ve probably heard the expression ―Who Benefits?‖ A detective asks that of a crime, who benefits from the crime. It‘s also a good question to ask of Medinah membership, who benefits from
membership growth? The answer is we all do, together and individually.
There is a direct relationship between the number of members we have and our ability to provide the fraternal experience we are
looking for. Fewer members means fewer men of good character to interact with, fewer social events and higher costs for those
events, less money raised to support the children in our hospitals. More members means more. It really is just that simple.
There is also a direct relationship between the number of our Nobles who are active and involved in their Blue Lodges and our
membership. This is also simple to understand. There is no stronger a recruiting tool than a single Noble talking to a Brother in
his Lodge about joining the Shrine. Nothing is more powerful than that personal relationship.
Therefore, to increase the positive opportunities Medinah offers we as Nobles have to remain active in our Blue Lodges. We have
a Ceremonial coming up on Friday, April 27th. Talk to your Brothers about what you enjoy at Medinah and invite them to join the
You know, they will have a great time as Shriners. And, if your Blue Lodge would like a presentation about Medinah or the Shriners Hospitals for Children, let me know.
Mark Donnell, Chairman
With the very mild winter we are having many, Motor Corps members have
been riding their Harleys right through January and February. Illustrious Sir
Steve Schenk attended our January stated meeting and was presented a
framed poster of Elvis Presley on a motorcycle and recognized as "The King of
Potes". A framed caricature sketch of Past Commander Bill Kissane was
presented to Bill in recognition of the tremendous leadership he and his Lady
Debbie Jo have provided over the past several years. New Commander Jay
Alfirevic and Lady Susan are settling into their new roles and started their
reign in true Motor Corps fashion - by throwing a party! Members of the Motor
Corps and their Ladies had a fun evening on February 18th at Jay & Susan's
home to kick-off the year.
Most importantly, it is only a few weeks until the Parade Season begins! Our opening Parades will be March 10th in Elmhurst
and March 17th in Naperville.
Dave Swan and Jim ("Taz") Krepel are line officers for the Great Lakes Association of Shrine Motor Corps (GLASMC) and will be
attending the March Mid-Winter meeting at Orak Shrine in Michigan City, IN to begin planning for our region's fall competitions
in September in Cincinnati, OH. Commander Jay Alfirevic is also Secretary / Treasurer of the International Association of
Shrine Motor Corps (IASMC) and will be attending IASMC's Mid-Winter meeting in Nashville in April to help plan this summer's
Imperial Session in Charlotte, NC. Motorized Unit Competition and awards banquet will be held on Monday July 2nd. We hope
to see Medinah's other motor units and Shrine Clubs compete at both GLASMC and IASMC - Mini-Choppers? Model T's? ‗57
Chevys? Camels? Flying Carpets? Aurora? Scooters? Mini-coolers? Others? We would be happy to provide coaching and instruction to any interested units. Get going this year and get ready to kick butt in 2013 and 2014 as well when Imperial comes
closer to home with Indianapolis and then Minneapolis.
Our Ladies are looking forward to May's Medinah Ladies Fashion Show and we have reserved 2 tables already.
New Nobles interested in learning more about Medinah Motor Corps can contact us directly at any time or join us at our stated
meeting for dinner held at 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Oasis.
Call Cmdr. Jay at 630-258-3485 or email [email protected]. Our web site is www.motorcorps.org.
Medinah Shriner
of Units and Committees
Fellowship is fun!
Check out these NobleFun! Committee events…
Wii Mario Carts Tournament Oasis March 16
Enjoy an evening with fellow Nobles, ladies, and friends playing this fun game.
Darts Tournament Elmhurst March 23
See how your aim is against other Nobles, their ladies, and guests at the Arena sports bar. Good food, good fellowship, and a fun
evening with Medinah friends.
NCAA Basketball Final Medinah April 2
Its college basketball‘s grand finale as the final two tournament teams square off. Free soda and $1 beers. Bring your friends to
our beautiful Oasis.
Koval Distillery tour Chicago April 14
Tour this fine old distillery for a fun afternoon with friends.
―The Iceman Cometh‖ Chicago April 25
―A ferocious American classic that has lost none of its power‖ – The New York Times. Nathan Lane and Brian Dennehy live on
stage at the Goodman Theater in Eugene O‘Neill‘s drama. The Chicago Sun Times says its as corrosive as rotgut whiskey, as
morbidly funny as a funeral gone amok, as hallucinatory as an alcohol-fueled excursion into purgatory.‖ In order to get seating
together for this play, your $xx per ticket payment MUST be received by March 15th.
―The man who would be king‖ Medinah April 30
Watch this fantastic Rudyard Kipling story brought to life by Sean Connery and Michael Caine as Danny and Peachy, Freemasons conquering a far off land. Bring your lady, kids and guests to the Pyramid Room. The show starts at 7pm, the movie‘s free,
the popcorn‘s free, the soda is free, the beer is a buck, and the fellowship is priceless. RSVP by 10 am that day to 847 778-1824
so we have enough seating.
Wine Tasting May 4
―National Treasure‖ Oasis May 30
Nicholas Cage stars in this tale of Masonic involvement surrounding the Declaration of Independence. Bring your lady, kids and
guests to the Pyramid Room. The show starts at 7pm, the movie‘s free, the popcorn‘s free, the soda is free, the beer is a buck,
and the fellowship is priceless. RSVP by 10 am that day to 847 778-1824 so we have enough seating.
Look for detailed flyers at Medinah and on our Website under ―Events‖.
To RSVP or for more information, call NobleFun! Chairman Howard @ 847 778-1824. Lets have FUN & FELLOWSHIP!
Got any ideas of a FUN event you‘d like to do with your Medinah brothers? Call and give us suggestions. As you can see, we‘re
open to anything, as long as it‘s a good time.
January - February 2012
of Units and Committees
OK, you asked and we listened. Onion week will be two weeks earlier this year. Our target date for delivery is May 2 and 3,
2012. So get ready to start taking your Vidalia Onion orders now. We must place our order with the grower by March 1st. Please
let us know who your Onion Chairman is and how many onions you would like to order. Before you know it, the onions will be
here and it will be time to deliver them to your customers.
As you know, Vidalia Onions are one of the few fundraisers we have at Medinah. This is a great opportunity for you and your unit
or club to raise some money and a major source of income to Medinah.
Please remember, the money from the sale of onions is not tax deductible because it does not go directly to the Hospital. However, the proceeds from the sale of onions may be used by your club/ unit as you direct it. You can use the money to offset club/
unit expenses, or your club/unit can donate the money earned to the Hospital if you choose to do so. I know that some have said
―we can make more money walking in one parade‖ and although that may be the case, remember the money raised from the sale
of onions supports ―our‖ Temple and your Unit, Club or Committee. Additionally, I know those of you who do parade know that
many communities are cutting back on parade participation. Why not diversify your club/unit fundraising?
How much money can you raise for your club or unit? Well, it depends on how many bags of onions you sell. Pre-sales is one
great way to sell. It‘s easy and fast because all you have to do is walk around with an order form or call your customers for the
order. Also, don‘t overlook calling on a few restaurants to get in some pre-sales. Pre-sale orders should hopefully be above and
beyond your normal onion order. Setting up at your favorite location is what most clubs/units do and it works well too.
Our Potentate Steve Schenk would like to encourage all groups to sell more onions, so he is continuing the $1 bonus program.
The number of 10 lb bags of onions sold in 2011 will become your baseline for sales again this year. You will earn an extra dollar
for each 10 lb bag of onions sold over and above the number of bags sold in 2011. That means you‘ll pay $7 dollars per 10 lb bag
and only $6 per 10 lb bag above what was sold last year by your group. Also, while Medinah will accept no returns this year, we
are committed to helping you with logistics advice and support.
Remember, this offer is extended to Blue Lodges for fundraising and we encourage you to take this excellent fundraising opportunity to them as well.
You can download the Pre-sale Forms and the Site Permission Forms from the Medinah website or drop by the office to pick
them up. Please turn in these fully completed forms into the Medinah office. We must receive the signed Site Permission Form.
Your location will appear on the website when it is turned in.
Onion Central is in the same location is same as last year. Pick up will be May 2 and 3 between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM.
Our contact at this location is Michael Troy.
c/o Michael Troy
6300 River Rd.
Hodgkins, IL 60525-4257
708-354-3350 X-450
800-323-4287 x-450
Let us know if you have any questions, or if you need any additional information. If you would like us to attend one of your meetings, please give me a call and we will be happy to stop by.
Thanks for all your help and support of the Medinah Onion Sales program.
The Onion Chairman,
John ―JAY JAY‖ Joseph
[email protected]
Medinah Shriner
of Units and Committees
By the time you are reading this the Hospital Committee will have conducted 2 Screening Clinics, had tables at 3 Back-to-School
Health Fairs, 1 Pancake Breakfast and spent two weekends explaining the Hospital, which helped raise $20,000 for the Hospital.
We are not normally a fund raising committee, and this was a new experience for us.
SHC Noble Frank Ortiz conducted a Screening Clinic in West Chicago. Unfortunately the host waited until one week before the
date to decide. Frank knew by experience that this was too short notice and the results proved him right. No shows. SHC Noble
Jerry Kaapke set up a Screening Clinic for December 3, 2011 in Tinley Park. He sent out his notices October 24, 2011. I am
sure that he will have better results. If you receive this before December 3rd the POC for the Clinic is Jerry at 708-560-0339.
Two back-to-School Health Fair displays were set up by SHC Nobel Frank Ortiz on August 3rd in Wheaton and October 5th in
Bloomingdale. SHC Nobles Jerry Kaapke and Jim McGillivray did the Crestwood Health Fair October 15th. We estimate that
over 1000 people were exposed to information on the Shriners Hospitals for Children. The Pancake Breakfast display was held
October 16th at Tinley Park American Legion Post for the South West Side Shrine Club.
The two weekends were unusual to say the least. The first was a display for the Alpha Delta Kappa sorority. This is an international sorority of women educators who hosted their annual convention at the Marriott Downtown Chicago on July 12th – 17th.
The group chose Shriners Hospital for Children – Chicago for their altruistic project for this convention. On July 14th Kally Walsh,
Director of Public and Community Relations at Shriners Chicago presented to over 1600 attendees at the convention informing
them of our hospitals legacy of caring for children with special needs. SHC Nobles Pat Rich and Jim McGillivray with their Ladies
Linda and Shirley volunteered by welcoming the group to Chicago and staffing the fund raising table for the altruistic Christmas
tree. Over $15,000.00 was raised for the Hospital.
The second weekend was the ―Compass International Truckers Soccer Tournament‖ on August 20th-21st at Burr Ridge. This
was the Second Annual Tournament which was an even bigger success than last years. This is a one of a kind sporting event
designed for truck drivers. Twenty-two teams competed for top prizes and bragging rights for the year. The tournament supports
the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Last year the check was for $2000.00. This year they more than doubled when they presented a check for $5,000.00. The chief organizer for this event is Orak Noble Lucas Pacukovski. SHC Nobles Jerry Kaapke,
Rob Smith, Jim McGillivray and his Lady Shirley manned the booth assisted by Noble Mike Wick, South West Side Shrine Club
accompanied by his Lady Susan and her children, Alex and Chloe.
Here are some pictures that were taken that day...
January - February 2012
of Units and Committees
The Medinah Shriners are pleased to announce the initial roll-out of it's new Social Media program.
Connecting Nobles & Their Lady's like never before, the program will provide unprecedented access to Fraternity news and information.
This extensive program will be launched in phases, with the goal of having all aspects up and running by Imperial Sessions. The First phase is our enhanced official Medinah Shriners Facebook &
Twitter pages. To keep things as simple as possible, we are standardizing page names across all
different social media platforms.
Here's what this means......
Twitter - For those who already 'follow' the general Fraternity's current Twitter page, you don't need to do anything new. The
username of the page will remain @MedinahShriners. If you're not already following, you can start by visiting www.twitter.com/
Facebook - Go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/59695367642/ and ask to join the group. You will then be added to the group
where you can post pictures, tag pictures, and keep up to date on all Medinah Events and Official Visits.
Also as part of the initial phase, we want to know what type of content you want to see from The Medinah Shriner's social media
platforms. Interested in hearing from the Potentate? Famous Nobles? Current Events?
Please email your thoughts, ideas and requests to the Social Media Director at [email protected]. Please drop me a
line if you're interested in helping this effort and would like to serve as a volunteer on the social media team. We'll be working
hard to help this program benefit our Fraternity and look forward to your feedback.
Jeff T. Henson, Social Media Director
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012
Shrine Club
The Saturday before Thanksgiving, the 19th of November, Nobles of the Chain O‘Lakes Shrine Club were tending to their
―Hospital Fez Buckets‖ outside the doors of the Grayslake Piggley Wiggley. Our first collection drive went well and the Club proceeds, slightly over $525 for the day, have been faithfully forwarded to the Hospitals.
Pictured here as part of the collection
team is 2011 Club President Ray Billock
and Josue Barrios who were manning
the eastern entrance.
Pictured at the western entrance to the store
is Noble Karl Nygard, who was fezzed at
1:30 and collecting change for our hospitals
at 3:00, now that is the spirit.
The Club would like to express our thanks to the Grayslake Piggley Wiggley for their support for that day and their offer to continue the same for future drives.
Richard W Stevenson, Secretary Treasurer, Chain O‘Lakes
The DuPage Shrine Club is excited to start its 59th year of existence with Fun, Fellowship, and supporting the Shriners Hospitals
for Children. DuPage welcomed 11 new members last year, and is seeking to welcome new members into our club in the following year. Last year we were also able to donate more than 250 toys to the Shriners Hospital, as well as supporting the First Ladies Program, the sunshine fund, and transportation fund.
With the New Year comes the opportunity to begin preparing for parades and selling Vidalia onions. We are also happy to start
the New Year by helping to support two programs at the Shriners Hospital for Children. The ―Family to Family‖ program which
assists patient families who have special funding needs not available through Shrine Temple funds, for overnight stays, meals,
local transportation, and other costs associated with patients‘ care at Shriners Hospitals. We are also happy to be able to support
recreation therapy/child life department which will provide items needed to enhance the patients stay at the Hospital.
Like many Shriners where would we be without the support and help of our Ladies. The Ladies of DuPage Shrine Club this year started a project to make blankets for the children at the hospital. Through their hard work and dedication they
were able to make fifty blankets for our children at the Hospital.
A big thank you goes out to the Ladies of the DuPage Shrine Club for their support
and efforts to not only support us, but the many children we care for at our hospital
with their generous gifts of blankets.
The DuPage Shrine Club meets the 1st Monday of the month at the Medinah Shrine Center in the Oasis Restaurant. All Nobles
and their ladies are invited to join us for dinner at 6:30 with our meeting following at 7:30.
Fraternally, Guy Hamilton
Medinah Shriner
Shrine Club
We meet at Pinocchio‘s at 9706 N. Milwaukee (just north of Greenwood) in Niles on the 2 nd Tuesday of the month. We gather at
6:30 pm for a Dutch treat dinner. Their menu includes great pizza (try the barbeque, they use ―Sweet Baby Ray‘s sauce), pasta,
salads, and sandwiches as well as a full bar. Our casual meetings start at 7:30 and run no more than an hour.
All Nobles are welcome to visit any of our meetings or events. If you want to join it‘s only $25 plus $25/year dues. Most of our
members are from the Maine Township communities of Des Plaines, Glenview, Niles, Park Ridge, and Prospect Heights, but anyone is welcome.
President Craig Stewart presides at his 1st meeting on March 13th. (It would have been February 14th, but our wives would have
killed us). Medinah has supplied us with a set of mailing labels for all Nobles in our area, and we will be sending them some information on what we‘re up to. With all the fun events on our calendar, we hope to build our membership up. Feel free to invite any
Nobles you know to come out and join in on the fun.
As a community service, we will again be sponsoring youth athletic teams in the Golf Maine Park District throughout the year. We
will have the various schedules and plan to visit each team at least once.
Please try and join us to watch the NCAA Final Four Tournament Basketball Game at the Oasis on April 2 nd. We will also try and
have a group at each of Medinah‘s fun events throughout the year. For information on these events, please call 847 778-1824.
Hope to see you soon at Medinah‘s Maine Shrine Club.
Howard Schermerhorn, Sec.
The February luncheon social/meeting of the Widows Club was held on Saturday, February 4th at the Des Plaines Elks Club In
Des Plaines.
We were very pleased to have Medinah‘s Chief Rabban‘s lady , Sherrill Marquardt, visit us and everyone enjoyed her sharing the
afternoon with us. Sherrill was interested in knowing what we do as a club and she mentioned some of the future plans for the
Ladies of Medinah. Their biggest fund raiser, the Medinah Ladies Fashion Show, will be held on Saturday, May 12th at Drury
Lane in Oakbrook .The event is outstanding and many of us have already made our reservations.
Wilber Schenk, Past Potentate, has been the Medinah Liaison Officer for the Club for several years. He always attends our
monthly get-togethers and keeps us well informed of all the Medinah Shriners‘ activities. He has become ―one of us‖ and we truly
enjoy his presence at our meetings.
The Widows of Medinah Nobles Club was organized on October 23, 1982, with the blessing of Medinah Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. At
the present time we have approximately 55 members. We always have between 25 and 30 members at our meetings.
If you are a widow of a Medinah Noble, we cordially invite you to join our Club. It is a delightful way to spend a Saturday afternoon. (Club dues is only $10.00 per year.) Social hour begins at 11:30am; lunch is served at 12:30pm. ($20.00 for a delicious
Sometimes we may have a guest speaker; sometimes we may play games – for prizes. Whatever we do, we always are glad to
be together.
Our March 3rd meeting is at the Shrine Center, 550 N. Shriners Dr., Addison, IL.
Our April 4th meeting is at the Bloomingdale Golf Club, 181 Glen Ellyn Rd., Bloomingdale, IL
No meeting in May as we will be supporting the Medinah Ladies Fashion Show on May 12th.
For more information you may contact:
Phyllis Amidei, President, at 847/297-3405 – or – Eileen Cavalaris, Secretary, at 847/966-6875
January - February 2012
Visit www.medinah.org for all of the details
April 2012
NCAA Basketball
Fox Valley
Scottish Rite
Reunion Day 1
Law Day
Police/Legal OV
“The Iceman
Stated Meeting &
Spring Ceremonial
Scottish Rite
Reunion Day 2
“The Man Who
Would Be King”
May 2012
Medinah Ladies
Fashion Show
Patrol Golf Outing
Glenbrook SC OV
Wauconda Parade
Country SC
Hospital Golf
Medinah Shriner
Visit www.medinah.org for all of the details
June 2012
Pistol Safety
& Shooting
Hospital Day
Golf Outing
Botanic Gardens
Bags Tourny
Sporting Clays
Scavenger Hunt
Geneva Parade
“DaVinci Code”
20th ANNUAL 600 CLUB
1st PRIZE - $50,000.00
2 PRIZES OF $10,000.00
2 PRIZES OF $5,000.00
2 PRIZES OF $1,000.00
30 PRIZES OF $500.00
DONATION $100.00
For the benefit of A.A.O.N.M.S Not deductible as charitable contributions.
January - February 2012
Medinah Shriner
January - February 2012