Trico Spinner - Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation
Trico Spinner - Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation
Trico Spinner by Jerry Hopewell Hook: 20 and 22 dry fly or 18 2xshort with straight eye if possible Thread: 10/0 to 20/0 Black or Green Wing; Hen back light dun Tail: Microfibets Abdomen: Cream stripped feather stem Thorax: Trico dubbing brownish black Hackle; Grizzly to size Place your hook in the vise and make a thread base for the wing. Select the Hen Back feathers to be used. Place the feathers back to back and strip fibers form one side of the feather. Grasp the tips and stroke the fibers down. Tie the wings on as you would do any wings and trim the excess. Select 4 of the Microfibets and cut from the bunch. Tie the tail fibers and split them 2 on one side and 2 on the other. Strip the fibers from a cream colored hackle. Tie the end at the tail and wind foward creating the body and secure behind the wing and cut the excess. Tie in your Grizzly Hackle, dub a throax, wrap four turns of hackle and secure with a whip finish. Another view.
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