20 - MTPL
20 - MTPL
BANK VOLUME XXXVI, NO. 46, RED BANK, N,J.» WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1914. OLD BOAT CAPTAIN DEAD. COLORED NlWEB Bad Sank Team n u t t n by A»lmry OiUEV, A BAPTIST CONFERENCE. 3TATK BULPTISTS HOLD A MIETINO The coloivd young men's associaAT SED IAVX, ' Pltt»nff«r Fill. Jn Back t o t and VlrtBtf VarUty of V«g«tabl«i. PAGES 1 TO 8. CHURCH MEN'S BANQUET. Frstnk PittcnRer has one of the tion baseball team of Hi-d Bank lent finest Minull gurtlens in Red Bank in to the young iriin'H literary club of As- • b o a t One ttnuar«d mud Tilly M«B At- the rear of his butcher sliop. Jlr, bury Park on Saturday by a «?oro tend Bulipir M B»pt)nt Church and PittcnKer filled in a portion of the of 8 to 2. The game vvus played on Afterward tlatea to Addftitoi ou rear of his lot with top soil and now Prospect avenue at Red Bank, »aptlit Ohuroli has a variety "of vegetablen in a fine Wwrie. Chark-s Holmes and Clifford Green state of cultivation. He has a bed of About 150 men attended a Bupper pitched for the Red Bunk team and about 200 strawberry plants und the and a conference of Baptitit church Henry, Williams caught. Harold plants are loaded with young fruit. He Was in His 79th Year and Was One of the Best Tumey was umpire, Tho Red Bank workers at the Rod Bank Baptist His lettuce and radishes ore now al- It Was Held Friday Night at the Church—About nine wants to book games with other church last Wednesday night. Dele- most ready for the table and he hns Known Boatmen in Monmouth County—He Built county 150 Persons Enjoyed Banquet Prepared and teams averaging from 10 toKates were prCBcnt from Red Bank, | tomato plants in blossom. Ground New Monmouth, Asbury Park and | which would be considered of no use 21 years. and Captained Many Schooners and Steamboats other parts of the county. The supper j by moat people has been transformed Served by the Lrd es' Improvement Societywas served by tho Philothea society of into a fine garden by Mr. Pittengor. the church. The tables were dectfra^d When Oceanport Was a Thriving River Port. Notable Speeches by Well Known Men. with lilacs and bridal wreath blooms, Thomas Coulton presided at the Following a sickness of three tween Oceanport and Now York. The fourth annual banquet of the Mr. Elkus's topic was "Progress." T j -1i ' l i .and 3 captained ' i * _ithe i M A T M4.inr IWVBBTI&ATIOHB IK speechmaking after the supper. months, Capt. Henry B. Edwards of Later lie built Presbyterian Brotherhood was held He said that the world waft constantly ' Occnnport, one of the best known steamboat Little Silver. This boat MOHKOBTH COtlWTY 1ABT YEAS, Rev. David DeWolf of Newark was in the church basement last Friday making progress along all lines and h e . .steamboat captains in the county, died wag bought several years ago by the the first speaker. He told of theBED DANK H r i l E FBOM QUABJLN- night, It wns attended by about 140 said this was especially true of law« on Sunday afternoon. Death was duo Patten steamboat company and is one The Society tot the PreVintlen of Oruilty growth of the Baptisti in the state and persons. The dinner was prepared which were being enacted affecting' TUfB BIBEABBS. to heart disease complicated with pa- of the Patten lino boots which run beto Animals Made I t i Annual Report oil said the Baptists^ had pained 160 and served in a tempting manner by people in moderate cireurnstancet, ralysis and other ailments, tween Branehport and New York, MonAa,f—3,809 Cat« ftnfi 703 Dof« Be- churches and 27,678 members in 83 •aoa.rO. of Health Committee Will Confarthe ladies' improvement society and Mr. Blkus defined real progress as beCapt. Edwards was in his 79th year Capt. Edwards retired from active years. He saUi the shore section of tho. •troyod I.a»t Year, with Fair Haven Health Board Es- the women were highly complimented ing "achievement through effort" and and was a son of Hunry Edwards of work after this boat was sold. The annual report of the Monmouth state needed more Baptist churches. fforillng- mlver Pollution—New Plumb- by the speakers for the excellency of he said that in order to succeed one • Long Branch, who divided his time b&* For a number of years he owned county society for the prevention of D. G. Garabrant of Bloomfleld spoke the dinner, anA service. During the must have an ideal for which * to tween farming and acting as captain and managed Park hoteTat Oceanport, cruelty to animals has just been issued on the educational side of church work. 'lng- Ordinance Will 8a Adopted. of the dinner musi;3 was fur- strive, ' '•' Health Inspector Dr. William D. serving of a schooner. Henry J5. Edwards which is now conducted by James by Percy B, Wilcox, the Monmouth He said Peddle institute at Hightstown nished by Rudolph- Malchow's orchesThe next speaker was George T, • moved to Oeeanport sixty ..years ago Donovan, Copt, Edwards at one time county agent of thflk society, Tho was the greatest secondary school in Sayre reported at Thursday night's tra. Wilson of New York, vice president of meeting of the Red Bank board of and ho had lived there ever since. engaged in farming near Oceanport statistics for the past year are as fol-the country. , At the close of the banquet Jlichard the Equitable life assurance society, health that there is not a single case, When he took up his residence (it and he also carried on a carpenter lows : The boy problem bt the church was of contagious disease in the town and A. Strong, president of the Brother- Mr. Wilson is considered one of the Oceanport that place was known as business. He belonged to Oceanport presented by Rev. 0, A. Wright, pas3-002 of cruelty Investigated., hood, introduced Edmund Wilson as beat speakers in New York and he Eutontdwn Dock and was a thriving lodges of Odd Fellows and Knights of Horses destroyedd , , tor of the Eidgewood Baptist church. that no houses are quarantined. ' All toastmaster, Mr, Wilson briefly intro- lived up^ to his reputation Friday the members of the board were presJluisc^ oriU'ri'c] properly shoil.. 000 shipping center. He said there were 258,500 boys in the Pythias, Both of these organizations luced Rev. William I. Chamberlain of night. The first part of his address Jiui'Hu-i Hfnt in their MtaiileH because Capt. Edwards was a boat builder have disbanded, state and ho said 22,110 of them had ent except Harry Ivins. New York, secretary of thojboard of was given over to humorous gtoriea they wi re tirud and out of eoiullThe Fair Haven health board wants as well as a boatman, Every ship Capt. Edwards leaves a son, Hiram iin Baptist parents. He said 10,700 boys tlon , , , , , , , .,,,,,,, missions of the Reformed and anecdotes, Mr. Wilson's subject the Red Bank board to co-operate with foreign 110 attended Baptist Sunday-schools. which he captained was designed by Edwards of Oeeanport, who is captain Ptiibli'H made more eomfortablo Mr. Chamberlain spoke on was "Efficiency" and when he got 3,son cliUiroforinoil them to stop river pollution, A com- church. him and built under his supervision, j of the steamboat Son Bird, which plies nul^ Professor R. W. Swetland, principal "A Thoroughfare or a Terminus." down to that, he was as good as he was ?,2 found for cuts. , , , . . , , . . mittee pi the board of health will be The first boat of which he was cap- j between Red Bank and New York, He HonioHdestroyed in of Poddie institute, told of the work in appointed to confer with a committee The principal idea of Mr. Chamber- at telling stories. He said that em", no that school. He referred to the influx tain wus the Eliza Ann, a schooner j also leaves a widow, whose maiden HoincH found for ilugf lain's talk was that it was a mistake cioncy meant striving for greater re41 .which plied between Oceanport and > name was Catherine Price, and who of foreigners to the United States, and of the Fair Haven board. .regard what is done b^ a person or sults and doing more work with less l evidence lucking John Bucklin's resignation as a to New York and which frequently made has been a life-long resident of Oseanhe said that while many immigrants an organization as a terminus but that energy. Mr, Wilson said that tha trips up the Hudson river to Albany, port. .remained in the larger cities, the num- member of the board was accepted and all ideas. and actions are really the world would ^always value a man who lost, Secretary Higginaon was instructed Other schooners and sloops which he ber who go into country districts made The funeraj was held this afternoon thoroughfare by which the ultimate made the most of his opportunities and Many of the animals destroyed wore captained were the William T. Long„ at at the house and was conducted by put out of the way at the request of thejjroblem a serious one for churches, to send Mr. Bucklin a letter of regret, end is reached, He said he believed he said that the successful man was Charles Prick, recently built a new street, the William T. Parker and the i Itev. J. pastor of I J P. P Heilenman, Hil f hthetheir owners or of veterinary surP. W, Ayres of Camden emphasized the Brotherhood was a fine thing for not the one who thought only of what Hiram Edwards. He was pavt owner Oceanport Methodist church. The bur- geons. Many horses have had their the value of education in all depart- house on Rector place and made the promoting sociability and the moral he got out of life, but the one who sewer connection himself without se- and intelkctual betterment of the com- thought only of what he was putting und captain of the stemiiboat Sea- ial was at Glenwood cemetery at Long collars and Baddies more comfortably ments of church interests. bright, which made' daily trips be-1 Branch. Each of the speakers devoted about curing a permit. He has been told to munity. He referred to the lives of into life. adjusted. When stable conditions at the next meeting and ex-several famous men who became! famwere improved, eowa and other ani- fifteen, minutes to his talk, and theappear Frank Moss, former assistant displain4iis action, meeting was made very interesting by ous because they did not mistake their, trict attorney of New York city, spoke mals were benefited, as well as the CHURCH BABAB. The board of health will secure a thoroughfare for a terminus. horses qn whose account those investi- the variety of topics discussed. on "Leaves from a Lawyer's Diary. copy of the plumbing ordinance reMr. Wilson, before introducing Ab- Mr. Moss has had a long experience Diamond Blnf Contest Stttled ana Iilany gations and improvements were made. garding the examination of plumberi Nearly all the cats chloroformed ram I. Elkus as the next speaker, paid in New York criminal courts and he KEAWSBUBG'S NEW BANK. • , Artloles Awarded. and the issuance of licenses to them an BED BA.HK OOMPAWIBB GOTUr W i l t were strays, or cats which had been eloquent tribute to the late Mayor 1 related many amusing and pathetic A three-day bazar for the benefit of which is enforced by the Long Branch by their owners upon change iTew Home for KeoniiTjnrg National l a n k board of health and will probably Horace P. Cook. Mr, Wilson said that incidents which had come under hia BE 1H 1IHB OF KASCK, St. Dorothea's church at Eatontown deserted v of residence. During the March bliz- to fee Built l)y,Beaj[uiLLQ W. Covert. adopt a similar ordinance. The RedMr. Cook was a man who always dared I observation. up Wednesday night, when a zardd some of l th Parade Committees Decide Hot to Sola wound Rev. William Giles of East Orange off the t_ __£. j ^ t *i i t u u swum yif the Lh u eiirpiuA^va ui u i e sosy^ , Benjamin W. Covert of Keansburg Bank plumbers will meet with the to do what he thought was right. He a State WnHe Here TJili l i a r ia Amjf- euchre party and ciance were held and c i e t y W e r e b u a y n i ^ t | n d d l f o r n has been awarded the contract to build board of health at the next meeting did this, Mr. Wilson said, in the face wfs the last speaker. Mr. Giles was number of of articles articles were were disposed disposed of of j.w c # k. drivern to of sneers and adverse criticism. At not down on the program as a speaker «Bt a i »lr«t Intended—Parade Will be maa number k ' TT hh oll a w compelling lli d i t the new Keansburg national bank. to talk over the proposed ordinance. la the close of Mr, Wilson's remarks the but he gave an interesting talk and Hold on Klglit of Sgptembtr ifltli. ^ J ^ ^ T P » : . . . . ^ I blanket their horse, was enforced in His bid was $5,626. This only includes , ring contest between | • • * • • i n s t a n = c s O n fSGvoral men who the rough building. The interior fuv-1 guests rose and joined in a silent toast interspersed his remarks with wit and The parade committees of the Red j j A ^ gdiamond Fitzpatiiek and Miss f a l l e d t o v thlB after their to Mr. Cook's memory. humor, .. ' WHO WAS THE BOSS AMERICAN? Bank fire departmentt met Thursday nishings, rTeating" and plumbing will | met on ijiurBaay , Aijpf, Pnllit)- woe8 wiStv •U%< J"Ui-n Vitv- > t o t. • ,7 , -to " -it were — Fitz~lon t - , night at Liberty flrdhouse White be put out in separate contracts. » P •house on White ' I.» it t * . jr , " ' •? i ™ \li attention had been called to 1 1 street and,,reconsidered their former n bidders were Samuel B. King, A Debate nt Grace Church on I.incolii ABHOBf ETEABINQ MISOB f °J <lP, K- v1"?-e03-!av%lcl6a * I ! SS i discharged by their employers,junior" Other decision of holding a •ed their former j ! R?imif-li olln cted and WttililBfton, George W. Rittenhouse & Son and 61 0 | ff O nt h| eC0 ^ ' "e P .v I At Asburv Park there is n "j of Frank Johnson composed Bed Bank in August lai-S »-radfSt dAl of Keansburg; George d The annual meeting of the young Small Matters Tmniactaa a t Mon• on? to 'I^ f°ff -°Pm ™« e p l a n | h r n n c h of the society, compos m helped the H. Young and George E, Langan of| men's society of the Grace Sunday- Kew Bnllaing' tofceCoaneotad w l t i Bew- M«ay day hold a parade for only thelidded Red Bank ^ ° ffiff™ t 0 Wh Jliilit'a Oooaell Ms^tlnf, . m a r rQ e a S I 0" I l? o w? eei •WltUont CHarfe to Troop. iy &• HSB M S ileS!ilS ° t n e y ™ !bt society ° ^ "A n h | the Rood deal during Rirls : Theyjiave P year. Keyport, Martin & Boeckel and Craig j school was held Thursday night, companies on Wednesday night, ' The new armory at the corner of ChPHt of sllver- -Miss xciiie DuRan of | Thpiv special work la in rescuing eats Luther- & Stapleton, who a sfiort Syptember 16th. The committees had VamlerhiirB." Qu'oekenbush of Atlantic Highlands ] These officers were elected; " Chestnut and Pearl streets will be time ago were awarded a contract to conferred with the commissioners and silver Kt-t—Mlsa May Power and dogs from starvation and in pro- and Donoto Quazzo of New York. | Presiilent—Vernon Hose, ready for use in about two months. furnish teams for doing-street work, tecting birds. This junior branch of of _\Ve.st J-Jntl, boardss of A icy presitleiu—Wesley Spinnlnpr, o commerce and and learned leained it On Monday night the commissioners presented a bond for $500 on Monday Ufts lamp-W , J. Breslin of Oceannort. the soViety numbers about 800 mem- There was a difference of nearly Sueietary—Klmer nesu, would be impossible to get a donation Plcturiis—Sfts.. iss Ella Cf..nwuy of Ocean- bers. They learn the names of birds 13,000 between the; lowest and the Trc'ttBUrer—Dr. Harold W, Perkins, voted to connect the building with the night with A, M. Minton as surety. from either body to help bear the ex- poi't, J, C. Doughty of J'alr Haven, .and they study the habits of animals highest bidder. A debate was held on "Resolved, sewer system by laying nipes from The boiid was aecepted. pense of holding a big;'" parade. The JSllen Jliiies of LOUR Branch, Complaint was madp that an are of coal—Mrs. James Rellly. as well as the habita of birds. They That Lincoln did more for his country the arniorv to the trunk line on Maple committee estimated it would cost , Half-ton Shawl—Fred Miigue of Reil Bank, • TBACHE»S. than Washington." Elmer RoEe, John avenue. The cost of this work will be light in front of St. James's church on ATIAHTIO sign a pledge that they will "try to lie nearly f 3,000 to hold a big parade. Five-dollar gold places—Peter Kenkind to all living creatures and try to Perkins and Melville Hesa spoke for borne by the taxpayers a t large, ex- Broad street was in bad condition. ; All the companies were represented nedy of Jlatawan, Herbert Powers. All of Them Have Bi|n. B>-SsfBgtd foi Limoln and Vernon Hose/ Wesley cept for a small amount which -will This was referred to the light commitEleanor Fltaptttrick, W. protect them from cruel usage." 1 at Thursday night's meeting and much F, Ronkfirs—Miss Anetlior'Ttcai . CofiTin of Long Branch. The officers of the society are: Spinning and Wilfovd Rose spoke for be assessed against property owners tee. The matter of pvoviding the borenthusiasm was noted, John S. Con'•tahofrany stand—Mlm Catherine Sag. All the teachers of Atlantic te%n- Washington, Th*e boys made interest, on the south side of % J street. The ough hall with fire extinguishers was President—-Jefferson Sellgmnii, over of Relief company, John S. Bain- uei-ton of Shrewsbury. j Vice presidents—JFnntiflnre Q. Kalin, ship have been re-engaged for the com- ing speeches and each side had its sup- other houses on Chestnut street are laid over till the next meeting on MonHand jmlnttd sofa pillow—Hurry JIcton, Jr. and Frank Rogers of IndepenSamuel M. Beliafer, Louis Ruiikel, Mrs. ing year. of This year Miss Jennie porters.. William S. Child, John A. connected with another sewer line day, June 1st. y dent company, Peter Klippel of NaveBluiHclell, Mrs, Elisabeth T. Strong, the teacher at Vanderburg, reSofa pillow Fannie Fltzpatrluk. Elijah M. Conk complained that Ely and Alvin Whiting were the which is not large, enough to accommosink company, Walter VanBrunt of WUenx, Axel G, I.ober, " %, ' ceived an increase of $5 per month in judges and they decided in favor of the date the armory. The commis'sioners children on the eastern end of Borden Treasiiror—'P-howifjlfjo Saiiriders, Union, and Chief Ferdinand L. White •'Secretary—William HocKman. salary, and next year the other teach- Washington end of the debate, A so-said the law did not give them a right street had been making noisy disturbCOi, VAirWXEIT IK MEXICO. of Liberty company were appointed to to make an appropriation to the troop, ances nearly every night, -His comers will receive similar advances. Two cial session followed the debate. make arrangements for the parade. and that they welcomed the opportu- plaint was referred to the police comRed Bank young women are in charge BhreWBtury Man Amour 'Amtrtoaai wlio BOBOTJOH XiQ'CEVP The firemen will parade through the m • B> 1 nity to be of service to the cavalry by mittee. of schools in tne-township, they beare Holdlne Vera Crua. principal streets of the town and there PASTQB'S AID SOOIABIiE. laying the sower line without charge Miss Beatrice Johnson, who The re-assessm^nt of sewer benefits Col. Robert C. VanVleit of Shrews- Cells In Borough Hrtll M,ts tho BOBS ing will be plenty of red fire and lights. to the troop. Tho troop was repre- on Buena and Vista avenues was again teaches at Hillside; and Miss Shirley Dirty Places at Bed Bask, bury was. among the first United A ball will be held in the Lyceum after Two Hundred Persona a t tilt" First Metli. sented by Joseph Swannell, one of its laid over at the request of the property Aeeording to remarks made a t ihe B. Martin, who teaches at Montrose, the parade, the proceeds of which will States soldiers to land at Vera'Cruz, odiet Ohmoli ^bttiiday HJglit. Qfrbers. The other teachers ore Mfss Florence owners interested. Red Bank council meeting Monday Mexico, after that place had been capgo toward paying the cost of the parAbout two hundred persons at. Campbell of Little Silver and Miss No bids were received for building night the cells in the Red Bank bortured by the marines. In a letter to ade, which will be about $350. tended the pastor's aid society's sociaDunham of Cllffwood at the dock at the foot of Maple avenue ST. JAMES'S HONOE BOLL. his brother, Dr. Fred VanVleit of ough hall must be the boss dirty places Elizabeth ble at the First Methodist church Neck; and Miss Delia Clark of a new call for bids will be made. Shrewsbury, received last week, Col. in the town. It was stated that the Colt's Thursday night. The church was dee- BJany "Pupili Are on Honorary l i p t at andTwo BIOS ON TWO BOADS. notes amounting to $3,260 were VanVleit said that things had been cells are so constructed that it is im- Matawan at Seobeyville. orated with spring flowers. Miss renewed, These notes were made t o Parish School nt Bed Bani. quiet and peaceable at Vera Cruz ex- possible to keep them clean. They are Angelica. ' Ostendorff played violin Jonathan P . Stout Makes Lowogt Offer cept for one skirmish which took place poorly ventilated, the cell doors being The pupils on the honorary list at pay off improvement certificates. A SEABRIGKT BEAD? FOB SU3QQ]B, solos, Adelbert Ostendorff gave piano for Improvinff Ohaprt Hill Kiffliwayi. about two weeks ago. The Mexicans of sheet iron .with only two or three St. James's school at Red Bank a r e : new note for f8,360 was made to pay solos, .Leroy Chamberlain sang solos, Bids fol' graveling and repairing fled after exchanging a few shots with small holes through which air can enSenior department—Edward O'Briin, for the new fire apparatus. The notes Have Bees Replaced and the Miss Grace Taylor gave a reading, a Hoaford avenue and the Leonardville an outpost of Americans. No one was ;er. Clerk Albert C. Harrison said BullclieaclB Walter qaui. Edward Powd, Harold lilb- are made In anticipation of the issuBoard-malS: Has Sees ttotmllt. vocal quartet composed of Robert lln, Margaret Sullivan, Helen McCarthy, ance of bonds on July 1st, voted by the road at Chapel Hill were opened at the hurt on either side! that sludge and filth frequently The bulkheads at Seabright which Hitehlngs, Harry Lafetra, John E. Pauline Lang, Marlon Callahan^ Margaret people last summer, Middletown township committee meetthrough the cell floors and were Col. VanVleit's wife is at GalveBten, dripped swept away by storma in Janu- Chamberlain and John Watson, gave Carney, Veronica 'T>oherty. , ing Thursday night. Bids were made Texas. splashed on the town papers-and docuIntermediate frade—Mary' Sulllvnn, The colonel has a son, John H. ments which are in a vault directly ary, have been replaced by stronger selections and there was singing by Walter Hosan, Helen Phillips. Catherine on each road. Jonathan P. Stout of VanVleit, STOLEN BICYCLE BBCOVBBBD, who is a lieutenant in the" ones, and the boardwalk has been reAnna Hlwlns, Bessie QulBley, Atlantic Highlands bid $279 and $120, army. His company is stationed near beneath the cell floors. Mr, Harrison built. The Peninsula hotel, which was the Queen Esther circle's choir. A Lawless, Edward Hoffman, John Qulgley, Florence general social time was enjoyed after said that the stench from the cells •was Edward T. Bennett of Belford $510 Galveston. Both the VanVleits live at Alice Doherty. Italian Cftuflit TrMmf g damaged by the storm, is being pre- theentertainmenti The new members Murphy. Primary department—Daniel departmentDaniel and $48.50, Peter Petrie of Port Men- Shrewsbury when they are not doing almost unbearable-in-his office. The- pared Primary Stolen from Arthur Bennett. for opening on June ,20th. Augustus Miifjay, John Phillips, Flynn, Jaina.) of the church during the past-year mouth $075 and $195, and Charles J . army duty. Several years ago they police committed was instructed to Ocean avenue, which was almost Rellly, John Heilan, Frnnlt Higgins, BarArthur "Bennett of River street on Hesse $560 and $85Q. The commltten ployed on the Alerts baseball team at make a report on improving the cells washed away by the waves, has been were guests of honor at the sociable, tholomew Flynn, DnrliiH Garbarini. Ber- Friday saw an Italian riding his biat the rfext council meeting on Monnard Bhuddl, Qeorse Hewitt, Catherine ill hold h l d a special i l meeting ti tomorrow Red Bank rebuilt so that it is better than ever Bpan, Margaret Hartnedy, alary Rose cycle near the Shrewsbury avenue day, June ist. CKAUXATJQUA W E E I . night to consider the Improvement of I Wermert, Anna Hqnthan, Agnts Qar- school. The wheel was stolen three before, • The Central % railroad the two roads. A request that the barinl, Caljahan, Loretta Cici- weeks ago from the porch_ of Bennett's BOMB PEOM THE SOUTH. raised the embankment of its tracks Sorlea of Entertainments a t Bed Bosk arellj', Catharine Roue Ladiao, Mary Dougherty, home, Bennett captured the rider, .roads be placed in better condition had two feet higher along the ocean front. MOBAH IW JAIS AOAIK. jSgnes Murray. Mary Conway, Veronica Will Qpea Saturday, June 13th. been made by the township board of Orutelf Brta^i a Key Wait Olga,t who said he had bought i t of a junk Qately, Marguerite Grilller, The Octagon hotel, which was wrecked Chautauqua week will be.celebrated education, Many children pass over dealer, The junk dealer told Arthur Ilivcr Street Man Sifpt Plcdgi, Gets by the storm, will be rebuilt, but not JPOr.Btteli WtEtBiaB FlrentBXi. the road on their way to and from Bed Bank beginning Saturday, he had bought the wheel from a colDiunlc Again and EHea to- Jail, in time for opening this summer. The at Gust Ornberg, g, who spent p thee winter IB HEW school and It is for this reason the June iSth, and closing Friday, June o reason the working as a carpenter, at Miami, Patsy Moran of River street^ who now hotel will cost $000,000 and will ored boy. Arthur thinks he has found 19th. This will be the secoixd Chauthe colored boy and he will make a school board wants the roads improved. Florida, returned last; week to his home has been arrested many times for have 400 rooms-. Ba ProBlded a t the Bed Baak Council tauqua week held at Red Bank. There complaint against him of larceny. on the Newman Springs road, Mr. drunkenness., was arrested Thursday MeotlCir Monday Night. will be Si events, including lectures NEW ATTENDAWCB ttBCOBD, Ornberg says he likes to work in nnd Saturday nights. Thursday night NEW SCHOOr, FBOPOSED. Robert M. Hurley bf virtue of his and entertainments, Among the atHI •0SPCTA1S. Florida and he says he will spend he was npprehended by- Policeman being president of the council became USD Every Pupil 3Pra«ent I»V Tour' - CS-rafles of next winter there if there is not much Charles Wood and Saturday night he Spsolnl Election at Oi'awford'i Corner tractions will be the Dunbar singing aetinp mayor of Red Bank following ™-~ w*«««^ ^* ncAt WIIILUX Lueie ii uieie is not mucil band, Adriatic band of Italian musiciwas arrested by Polfcemah Allen H. death of Hoi'ace P. Cook. Mr. Bordon Stroot Woman ana, Beech Street West WaBJl. ry Avtnua School 'ximrsday. carpenter work at Bed Bank. Mr, Smitti. ans, The Tuslcegee institute singers, th'e Both times Moran was \ new record Hurley presided at the council meet- Man Operated ou for Internal Troublo. A special school election will be held orchestra, the "Four Artists," ing" Monday forset school Ornberg is a member of the Westsido at Red Bank was last attendance Thursday, hose night. Draped in black Mrs. Samuel Lefkowitz of Borden company and he brought a num- helpless. Friday Recorder Bodeau Thursday of next week at the Craw- Romano Senator Robert M, LaFollette, S. •when 160 pupils in the four; lower ber of cigars homo and gave one togave Moran another chance and Moran ford's Corner aohoolhouse in Holmdel beside him wore a desk and chair street was taken to the I>ong Branch Parkes Cndman, Rodman N. Wanaprudes of the Shrewsbury avenue each member of the company, Mr, signed the pledge. Ho had signed a township to vote on an appropriation which the late mayor had used. The hospital Saturday night, where she .school answered to the roll call. This Ornberg had the cigars made espe- similar pledge several months ago. of $8,000 with which to build a new maker, William T, Ellis, Mrs. Grace resolutions of ie£r<-t Ovcr the mayor'h wns operated on for internal trouble. wiH the total enrollment of these cially for him at ICey West and theSunday morning when he was again gchoolhouse and buy additional land. B, Goodwin, Dr. Scott Noaring, 5the death which were passed,by the coun- Mr. Lcfkowitz conducts a grocery store grades. The attendance at that school Westsido firemen thought they -were arrested the recorder sent him to the The present schoolhouse was built Avon Players, the Toy Symphony,cil-will be engrossed and framed, and at the corner of Borden .and Washinghas been lower th'an any other school fine. ' . , • county jail for sixty days, Moran was nearly 100 years ago and is not in line Chftuneey J. Hawkins and moving pic- will be hung in the borough hall. ton streets. Wilson Brown, a Beech taken to jail in an automobile Monday with modern rural schools. The ap-tures. ' in town. For that reason Miss Louise Councilmen Archibald L. Miller and street carpenter, was operated on last by Chief Arthur L. Wymbs. Grecnawalt, the attendance officer, Ralph O. .WillRuss were appointed to week at a Jersey City hospital for in1 STORES REJPAIHTED. propriation provides for $2,500. for'a Eplucopnl SimtlEiy-School Moetlng . gave special attention to that school attend to this matter. ternal trouble. Both Mrs. Lefkowifcs now schoolhouse and $500 for addilast week, with the result that there Bronfl Street Builiieii P1»OCB Rev. Robert MaeKellar of Red tional land. and Mr. Brown are slowly recovering. O t t OF BBOAD BTBBBT, WHS a material increase in attendance. e&t in NiW Sriba. Bank, Rev. W. Dutton Dale of RumW t t l SAIL FOB THE'AZOBHS. son, "Miss Grnce O'Brien of Fair George Hanco Patterson has had his Council Oraiita Sotltloa of Property Baptized nt Trimlty Cliuroh. Now Autos for Befl Bankers. Haven, Mrs. A, V. Jennings of building on Broad Btreet, opposite IMPROVING* A LODGE ttOOM. Owaei'B on That Street. Ij&wrenoG VoiiBoldel on a Vrnlnluff Ship Clarence William •McDermott, yflung Child's bakery of Broad street haa Shrewsbury, Rev. Jbhn C , Lord of Wallace street, repainted. The stores I , Granting a petition signed by Broad son of Harold McDei'mott of Freehold, Navesink and Miss Traik of HighWhich 'Will Go THeie. nought a new Stewart automobile ore occupied by Charles H. Ennis, Work-in Moono Hoadanturtors lu'Kridel street-properly owners, the Red Bank was baptized a few days-age at Trin- lands we're the executive officers in Lawrence VonBcidel, son of Mrs.truck fpr use on the delivery route. Child's grocery, Consolidated gas com. council Bnildiiiff Will Cont Nearly'$4OO. on Monday night voted to ity church on West Front street by dhnrge of the_quartoiiy meeting of the Max VonBcidel of Lincroft, is a cadet Mrs. Maggie "Cline of Broad street pany and Frederick W. Moselle's newsthat street with oil. A. com- Bev, Robert MaeKellar. Miss Isabelle Monmouth and Ocean county Bpisco- on the naval training ship Newport. bought a new Oakland runabout from A new ceiling has been put in tho and stationery store, Ryder & sprinkle mittee was appointed to make a report Arrowsmith of Freehold and the Moose lodge room on the front of the itand pal Sunday-school association at Ag-The cadets were reviewed Saturday by Edward VonKattengell last week. Mr. McGaokin are doing the: work. Miss third floor of tho Kridel building at A. L. Morris has had her millinery on the cost of oil at the next council baby's grandfather, J. Clarence Con- bury Park last Wednesday. Governor Glynn at the New York state VonKattengell has also sold a Maxover were sponsors for the boy, the corner of Broad and •Front streets. store en'Bvoad street, near Monmouth meeting on Monday, Juno 1st. The capital at Albany. The boat is now a t well runabout to Albert E. Borden, a The room will be repainted, toilet facil- street, repainted by Frank Ow"ens. committee consists of Councilmen ,New York but will leave in a few days Monmouth street sign painter. h. State Historical Bocloty MeeUnff. ities installed and a new stage, 20x30 The woodwork on the Swift biulding at Ralph O. Willftuss and Hugh/ J . to Sole Poatofflco. for the Azores for a Mediterranean Mra, Henry ,S, White of • Prospect cruise. Lawrence and his companions foot, will be built. The improvements the corner of Broad and Monmouth .Phillips,-former Mayor William OtterOltn6 in B«n«At Show, * The Seobeyville postofnce will be avenue, corresponding secretary of the receive special training on the ship for will cost nearly flOQ. son and Jacob C. ShuttB, The Broad closed streets has also been repainted. after May 81st and a rural deMrs. Maggie Cline of Broad street, New Jersey historical society, atfilling the duties of officers on vessels street property owners have agreed to livery service with lieadqBarten at the who is known in theatrical circles da tended the annual meeting of the so-of the merchant marine. pay the full cost of sprinkling^ the oil, Howard Ely Hart in Runaway. latontewn postofflce will be substU ciety at Newark * last .Wednesday. "The Irish Queen," gave her vaudeville nt Llnoroft. m i w* tuted. The Seobeyville ofBea was es- Mrs. White reported the condition of sketch Sunday night a t ^he Keeaey - Howard D. Ely of Hplmdel was drivTelegraph Offloe Moved. Sixteen Atresta Vast Month. MeaBles are prevalent at Lincroft. tablished forty yeara ago. Miss Jena theater a t Newark for the benefit of the Monmouth county historical soing through Hazlet on his way home Among those sick with the disease are The Red Bank office of $ e Western J. B. McNally,.manage,r of the theater. Fines of $18 were imposed by fie-Seobey has been the postmistrass the ciety and said it had in its possession from Perth Amboy on Tuesday of last George McQueen's four children; Hermany rare books and mairnscripts and Union telegraph company was moved Mrs. Cline scored a'pronounced hit. week when his horse got frightened bert and Carl Winter, sons of Henry corder Harry C. Badeau the past past twenty years. month, Sixtessn persons were arrested, ther objects relating to the early his- last week from the telephone building and ran into a pear orchard, upsetting ZLJZ+.+. , - ' and Anna Raid, daughter of ten were discharged, three were, fined Olented fas by Concert. on Monmouth Btreet into the telegraph tory) of the county, the wagon. Mr. Ely was so badly, cut Winter; Fined for TxaapMKlxV* Melville Reid. company's former headquarters \n the and three were sent to the county jail. and bruised that he was laid up the ; Th« new Presbyterian chapel at BatJoseph Schanck.of Beech street wa», Sutton building on,Brond street. Har- arrested rest of the week. The horse escaped Delegate! to Oraad Army ontown was filled to overflowing FriSunday morning for tresna*** Four Tannerg Bay Anto». vey Johnson, formerly of Red Bank, llffhtB on Town Hall. , injury and tho wagon was not.damday night when a concert was given William li. Foster of Eatontown, a who had been in charge of the Lake- ing on the Southern railroad trucks aged. John Sherman and J. Henry Vininjr, Two green lights will be placed at under the direction of Miss Maty Den- member of Arrowsmith Post of Red nnd was fined $3. He will have tkntft office of the Western Union, ia next »i* farmers at Scobeyvillo, bought auto- the entrance to the^Red Bank.borough nia. The program, as printed in last Bank, was,elected a delegate to thewood Saturday nightJw pay the fino.^, 1 again in charge of the Red Bank ofWindow Cleaning . mobiles Jasfc week. hall to ddnote that, police headquarters week's REGISTER was carried out. National encampment of Grand Army fice. _ _ We make a specialty of cleaning John B. Stilwagon and Harold Stout are located in the building. This ia About $85 Vas cleared. veterans last Friday, a t the annual A man^from Re4 Bunk t •windows of stores, hotels and private, of Everett have ordered automobilei. done in most large towns and1 cities. meeting of the state encampment at £a7ton £«»•«• Botol Btfiblea. placed an ofQer for sue nuits of residences. Expert cleaners are emJPr«« Wine*. Atlantic City. ^ ' ' ployed. Rates reasonable. A free William Layton, who has conducted with the Jacob SterabftCh s t o r e d Art School.' Modtra A bottlo of good California port, Drink BaU»Utlne'» BBM. cleaning will be given urion applicaa livery stablo.several months on Mon- Branch. Thia firm does m !«"*" EUla Parsohi, 4xpert Instructor of Conducted by Georgic Burton Haz-r sherry or claret, given away free with 1 tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. ,24 modern dnncca, Saturdays,ten tonine; ard. Oil nnd wntor color painting. our dollar a full quart Cabinet whisSend to B, H. Crate's for a case of mouth street, between Maple avenue business with people f West Front Btreet, care Red Bank children's class two to tHr«« o'clock. Drawing—pencil, pen. and charcoal. key every Saturday. J. I. Monaky, 10 Ballantine's export beer. You will and PearUfitrcet, has leased the Amer- towns, who know wh Steam. Dye Worka. Phone* 1B-R.~ Private and class instruction. Phone Life studies. Studio, room 14, Eisner East Front street. Red Bank.—Adver- find it just right,. Phono 121 Redican hotel Btablea near the railroad return "tor their station. '"Advertisement. • tisement. ; ,. ' building.—Advertiaoment. ^ Bank.—Advertisement. 6B0-M Red Bank.—AdvertwetmM, HiNRY B, i D ^ R D l T o F OCEANPORT PASSED AWAY SUNDAY. FOURTH ANNUAL DINNER OF THE PRESBYTERIAN BROTHERHOOD. 3,002 CASES OF CRUELTY NO CONTAGIOUS CASES. A FIREMEN WILL PARADE. •»• »• -•••••» 14 - , !i - .1.''.' .". THE BED BANK BEGISTBB I WE GIVE H?H GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ASK FOR THEM This May White Sale of Yours Watch for the Sanitol Man ^r Cloaks, Suits and Skirts at Greatly Reduced Prices BROKAW CLOTHES have a rightly merited reputation for UNEQUALED QUALITY AND VALUE. The production for this season is bigger and better than ever before. It would pay you to learn,.the many attractive features BROKAW CLOTHES offer in STYLE, FIT, TAILORING and MODERATE PRICES. SULTANA Quaker or IMothera BAKED BEANS TOMATOES OATS 0 CAN SPECIAL THIS WEEK Flexofork JOSEPH SJLZ, has the pleasure of presenting for your Inspection a complete Spring and Summer Showing of exceptional models In Sujts, Overcoats, Eaglans and Slipons for Men and Boys, Broad and Mechanic Streets, UE'D BANK, BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Personal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Operations—Lodge Doings—Slight Fires Births, Marriages, Deaths, Accidents—Other Interesting Features of Town and County. Rev, S. Ross MacClements of Asbury Park is recovering' from an oper. ! atlon at New York- His legs had to bo amputated after he was run over by a train two years ago and were reamputated last week in order to realign the nerves. Auto Wreck* a Wftffoa SPECIAL PRICE Usually Sold at 12'1c BULL HEAD C A T S U P Usually 10c Bot 3 BOTS BON AMI CAKE orP « 9 c 1 CRAB MEAT a can 3 5 c PACIFIC TOILET PAPER 7 rolls 25c Imported Sardines can 8c ) Laundry Starch 2 lbs 7c SLICED 2 CAN MINOR HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN ALL PARTS OFMONMOUTH COUNTY. Mrs. J. W. Naylor of Allentown ?ave birth to a daughter Monday of ast week. The child's iather is editor of the Allentown Messenger, Elwood Haviland of Clarksburg hns bought an automobile from Daniel Dancer of Imlayatpwni JToaeph Stillwell of Adelphia has bought a team of horses from Joseph C. Errickson. +-* V J C -IONA- 7 Sanitary Aprons. . , at 29c and 49c Sanitary Knickerbockers ..-,., at 98c GEORGE M. S. GOFF GRANULATED » Whole Milk CHEESE• £££^££2:17c lb In addition to the above we offer Also Bustles, Hip Pads, Ruffles, Bust Forms, etc. -FINE- cax' T i n . Thii cjttrem© reduction only to pureh«i«ri of $1.00 worth of Tea, Coffco, Baking Powder, Spice, or Extracts Bloomers a* , H9e and 98c Drawers at I8c» 29c and 79c Princess* SUpa, , , at 98c and $1.H8 Sanitary Napkins . . . at Be and 25c Sanitary Beits, , , , , a H 9 c and 29c SALS LiOWEST F»RIOE IN MANY MONTHS CORSETS—Ten makes, fifty-two styles 4 9 c to $ 4 , 9 8 BRASSIERES "Be Bevoise" and "Crommet," 4 9 c and 9 8 c *s SPECIAL 2 3 lbs for 8 3 c is now at its height, both in assortment and styles. There are hundreds and hundreds of dainty, frilly Undergarments of fine Muslin, Lawn, etc., all marked at exceptionally low prices, Combinations afc 59c, 79c and 98c Gowns a* H9c, 98c and $1,26 Skirts,., ,at 98c, $1,25 and $1,98 EXTRA 50c WITH I CAN A&P Beans 3,ca DS25c SODA pkg 5c a SAL . SULTANA lb. Lima Beans can 10c guarantee i t - BAKING POWDER Creamery BUTTER 30c A word to the wise is sufficient—We Enough said Extra Stamps With COFFEES Extrtx Stamps With 25 STAMPS with 1 Bottle A&P Extracts 25c Special Sale of Soup with Extra Stamp. TEAS 20 STAMPS with 7 Cakes A&P 60 Stamps with 2J Stamps with 70e. Laundry Soap 25c 1 lb. El Rya4 G«ffee.., 3Se, 1 lb. Tea BO Stamps with 20 Stamps with 60e. 1 lb. Ambeta Coffee ,32s. 1 ft. Tea. 40 Stamps with 16 Stamps with % SOe. 1 lb. Sultana Coffee....... ,30c, 1 !b. Tea 2S Stamps with to Stamps with i lb. Tea. 1 lb. Coffee ;• ZBc. w . . . , .,40c. 20 Stamps with iO Stamps with , . .28e. i lb. Coffee '. .28*. H lb. India-Ceylon No better ioairt>n the m*rkctfor w««hioBpur- " POJCJ. New U your opportuniljr is .tock up. Soap, when well •sutned, will do twiee Uie work and lint mock longer- A carriage occupied by Thomas C. Applegate of Freehold and Miss Nettie M. Reid of West Farms was A gray horse thirty years old and wrecked by an automobile last week. owned by H. E. Gnlick of Allentown Mils Reid was slightly injured in the was killed last weeft because of itscollision. age. The horse Was a mite to one ASTOR PLACE AND fOURTH AVENUE which died recently. The team was Married t o r t Week. the first heavy draft horses, at Allen^ with aar oi th« Miss Clara Woolley, daughter o£ town. NEW YORK CITY John 3D, "Woolley, and Uamont JA, FOLLOWING GROCERIES STRICTLY Dube, both of Long Branch; were marJPreehoia Conple Married. SUBWAY STATION AT DOOR 1 can Sultana Spice ; . . . .10c ried Sunday of last week by Rev. John Miss Julia Conway, d a u ^ ^ r of Level!, pastor of the Presbyterian 1 box Fluffy Rufflea Starch... ..l<te Michael Conway, and Willmm*Mfcrtin,' Ck' 1 box Shaker Salt. 10c Jr., both of Freehold, were married at church, that plac« last Thursday week by Rev, OTie Bmimia In StaMa rira. 1 can Vanco (Hand Cleanser) ..10c Frederick Kivelitz. They went to A barn owned by Elwood Johnson 2 boxes.A&P Stove Polish, each. 6c Sunny firook Brand Washington on their wedding trip. of Bradley Beach was destroyed by 1 pkg A&P lee Cream or Jelly f a n c y »el«cted In sealed Booker T, •Washington at Freehold. fire Tuesday night of last week, and a carton* every egg QtiarPowder . 10c horse belonging to Timothy Hurley Booker T. Washington of the Tuskeantced. Per DOB, 1 pkg None Such Mince Meat.. .10c gee industrial college for colored was lost. The damage amounted to 1 pkg Puffed Rice. .18c people spoke,in the Freehold Presby- $800. terian church Monday of last week. W « e Married ia Fabrnary. ' ASK FOR MELROSE PRINTS 1 pkg Puffed Wheat 10c 1 He told of the advance made by the Announcement was made last week 1 bot Kitchen Bouquet. .26c colored race in the past-fifty years, of the marriage last February of Miss 2 pkgs Anti-Stick, each . So Louisa Applegate of Ely and Joseph rined for Knocking- Sweetheart Down. 1 bot Puritan Extract (for Root m C Thompson o£ Clarksburg, p g The The Harry Christmas of Asbury ParlC couple Beor) ...• 10c l l i i ith h b i d NONE BETTER are living with the bride's par DONT PAY MORE was fined 510 last week for knocking ents, , . down Daisy Lawrences his sweetheart, at Wew Christmas said that his lady friend cut his coat with a knife but he Miss Alberta Ayers'of Asbury Park FREB DELIVERIES TO was married to. Howard Bennett at couldn't substantiate the charge, FHEE DELITEHIES TO New York last Saturday week. The 91,000 Bal«ed for Home. Eatontown, Little Silver and will live 'at Pittsburgh, The Fair Haven, Oceanic, Rumson, The canvass for subscriptions to the couple bride formerly taught school at BelShrewsbury, Monday and 7 non-sectarian home at Asbury Park ford, Tuesday and Friday. •;••r Thursday. has already resulted in about $1,000 Middletown" and Atlantic Highbeing raised. The managers of the osrlea at Kaadonflrtfl, NavoBink, Mondr.y. lands, Wednesday. home will seek to raise another f 1,000 Miss Belva Taylor, daughter of i Belford, Tuesday. to make repairs to the home. Andrew A, Taylor of Bradley Beach, I Highlands, Thursday, FOR was. married to , Jesse G. Pedrick at Chapel Hill and Leonardo, FriOcean Grove Han Serionsly Sick. Telephone 60, Haddonfield Sunday of lost week. Mr. day. George Randall, proprietor of theand Mrs, Pedrick will live at HaddonChelsea hotel at Ocean Grove, is ser- field, iously sick in a New York hospital, Corner E, Front Street and Wharf^Avenue, BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N, Giil a Briae. , .,, and there is no hop* for his recovery. Miss Clara Rhodes and Remain ColMr, Randall was recently operated on Telephone .352/ RED BANK, N. J. lins of Freehold were married Tues. I WE GIVE Jfctf GREEN TRADING STAMPS, ASK FOR THEM for cancer of the stomach, day of last week at the Freehold CathVletlm of Apoplexy. olio church by Rev. Frederick Kivelitz, Ssmuel-L. Bowman of Long Branch The couple are living at Freehold-; was stricken with apoplexy Monday of last week as he sat down to supper Trie* to Kill MARINE l i Leo Wenitto of Asbury Park tried and died in a few minutes. Mr, BowGASOLINE |Y| man was 54 years old and leaves a to kill himself Friday by taking eight LSTATWNARYI l l grains of codein. A doctor pumped widow and nine children, his stomach out and administered antlTrain Hits Wagon. ''Imitated but not Equalletff' Mr, Wenitto will recover. A wagon driven by J. S, Erriekson dotes, Exchange your present engine for1 a new one. U f bUaf Company Suei Connty. of Ocean Grove was struck by a train We will make you a most liberal, allowance. at that" place last Thursday night. The Monmouth lighting company of The wagon was badly "damaged'and Freehold has brought suit against the FOR SALE the horse received a.broken leg. Mr. county to compel it to move a building which it claimed is damaging the com. Erriokson was not hurt. pany's property at Englishtown. Branch Pagtor To Wed. ittwooO. BHck Company Wine. 28x64 Any make Engine Installed. Rev. Frederick B. Harris, pastor of The Cliff wood brick company has St. Luke's church at Long Branch, and Bargains In Second-Hand Launches Miss Helen Streetar of New York will won its suit brought by David M, be married on Thursday, June 4th.Roman to establish the ownership of Winter Storage, Simdriei, Marine Engine* Repaired. Mr, Harris was sent to Long Branch real estate near Cliffwood. The case has been in court several years. by the recent conference. Ag-cd B o m Killed. BROKAW BROTHERS 10 STAMPS FREE (0 FRESH Bond and Mortgage Money, BlJTTERINE,25clb Have clients who have money to loan on Bond and Mortgage, to the amount of $22,000, in sums from $600 to $4,500, -Applications given prompt'attention, HARRY A. HAWKINS, Agent, Real Estate, Insurance and Mortgage Loans, PRIVATE SEAL NEW LAUNCH HULL fr' W, G. F^OtJLSON, LAUNCH BUILDER. FAIR HAVEN, N, J, , T«l«BpKone S0-IX Red Bank Tourmtf Atkfitr ORIGINAL GENUINE Tke Food Prink For All Ayes—HigUy Natritioos and ConvenTent Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder form—dissolvea in water—more healthful than tei or coffee. Used in training athletes. The beat diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids^ trad the Aged, I t agrees ^ i t h the weakest digestion, Amkfpr*'HpRUOICS"atHotolmf Ro»taun»ntmr Fountain*, Don t travel without It Also keep it at home. A lunch in a minute.. In Lunch Tablet form, also, readytoeat Convcnienti- nutritious. HOTEL ABBOTT Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank Thre)o Minute* from Depot FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Comfortable Rooms I :./- Loan ABioeintloB DUtrHmtlnff Money. George W. Parker has sold the old The Long Branch building and loan Parker homestead at Matawan to "Mrs. association is distributing $60,000 to Louise Tice. Mrs. Tiee recently re- its ihareholderi, This money reprc ceived $2,000 for the death of her hus- sents 298 sharei. The association band, who was killed in the Matawan now has 6,778 sharei running. • tile company's factory. Mas Atbmsy VMM W o m u Dead, S, W. Lireh of Manasquan BUS, Mrs. 'Elizabeth J. Brown died at the tained a sprained wrist Monday of it onMd home of her daughter,. Mrs. Charles lost week while starting a gasoline enWhite of Aabury Park, last Wednes- gine. He •was knocked over by the fly day. Mrs. Brown was 78 years old wheel when it kicked backward. and death was due to old age. SheBind Wfailt on virtt. leaves six childreni •MM. EHzabeth P, Barret of Ocean Boy Sent to Reform SoUooL Grove was stricken with heart, disease ' George Martin, a twelve-year-old while visiting at Philadelphia Friday Matawan boy, was senttothe reform night and died fifteen mmutes later. school last week by Judge Foster, He Mra. Barret was 70 years old. was charged with stealing two a*tumln<r watches while he WBB out on parole on T. Gillesple Boss of Asbury Park, another charge. who has been employed as a civil enH«w Water Tun* lor TrMhoUL gineer on the Jfsnama canal, sailed A contract for a new water tank for home last vfeek. He will stop «t for the Freehold water works has several ports oh'hifl way home. been awarded to Alvin R. Morrison of TrolMy HUIB HOCM. New York for $2,100. The tank is A horse belonging to Israel Lazin60x30 feet and ia 5 feet deep. sky of Long Branch w»a killed by a Mr*. William FWet Daad. car Tuesday of last week, Mrs. "William Fleet of Long Branch trolley driver was turning the. horse around, died Monday of last week at the.home when it was struck by the car. was injured Sunday of last week, dent of the young people's society and of her daughter, Mra. Theodore White. ^jyhen the hrtndle bars of her bicycle Fred ThompBon ia treasurer. She was 69 years old and leaves a hus- Bev. A. B. Ballord B«oov»rlnir. Rev. A. E. Ballard of. Ocean Grove broke. Her left wriet was broken and ew mvaglow »* At"bny Vfttk. • band and two children. is recovering1 from hernia at a Newher right hand wins badly cut. Antoi»t VlnoA Augustus Beringer of Asbury Park Yorlt hospital. He was atricken while mmt Viopl* KoMT vutmgm. Feter Murphy of Manalapan was visiting is building a bungalow at Intcrlakcn. at New York. The young people' of Old Tennent) arrested by state auto inspectors last church have opened .their, summer week on a charge of running hie auto Olrl BloyoUat Injnr«a, Jlies Ellen Ryan of Asbury Park meeting*. Raymond Reiser is . Phebe C. Clark ot Ocean Grove while drunk. He wasfined.$100. POhfe Protect 1 Parker KomMtaM Sold. We are proud to announce our new brand of Lager. Beer — Private Seal Ithas.behind itall our.art ana skill, and comes "to'you with all theiprestige of CAf"E and BAR ATTACHED 1 '. C - , JAMES L. WORDEN, Proprietor • ' ^ v TEOJEHttONB: 0 6 0 . WtEJD BANK! PRKSTBSE&L .."••—Eeigenspan . ORDER FROM YOUR GROCER OR DEALER haa returned aften months in Califoiiyla, spending six Elwtrlo XJ#bta Out of The thunder storm last, S y Week puj the electric Hghta at Allentown out of business for a whole night. „ (Continued on next c IIR1> BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. (Co)ifini(cd /row taut page.) Hurry A, Borden has been re-cloctcd president of the Aalmry Purk flremon'a parade aaaoiiution, Harry Willlace is secretary of the UMHD.Matlon'and Howard D. Leroy trcqaurcr. Tv/o Oold Madala Awarded. Miss Leona Woodwovth nnd Miss Eva Juekgon of AHbury Park were awarded gold moduli last week us prizes in an oratorical contest held at the Prcsbytcrinn church, Tlr«iu«n Elect Gffle.ra, A.'D. Harvey has been elected prcsi. dent of Independent fire company of Bradley Bench, Edward Yarnnll is secretary, Joseph Yarnall treasurer and Joseph Pyott foreman. TMm Into Brook. Leona Barkalow, the yc-ung dnugh* tor of L. A, Barkalow of Adelphia, fell into a brook near her home lust week. She was rescued by her grandfather, W. II. Barkalow. Eohool BUdff.t Btduoad, Tho Long Branch board of education has adopted a budget of $137,000, The amount to be raised by Long Branch is $60,000. This is $8,000 loss than last year's budget. Cubberly D»ad. Margaret Oubberly, the olovon-yearold daughter of Horace Cubberly and granddaughter of James Layton of Long Branch, died at Collingswood /Tuesday of last week. Painting- Contract Awarded, KKOIHTKR Page ried nt that place last Thursday night. near Matawun to Charles Hcrscher of A wedding dinner was served a t tho Now York, Mrs, Wick has lailcd for a trip to Europe for the beriefl^of her Atlantic Hotel. hculth. Caught rin(f«r In Jo, Box. WUcli ID Dittor—Try an JDaptrimiat or William II, Bortz of Long Branch Sold Up W*th Bh*ttm»tl«iu. Front by a Ked Bnnk Cltlitn'a Kicaught his finger in the ^oor of an John T. Britton of Long Brjmch in ice box last week nnd it was ao badly aid up nt the hospital at that pliw injured that u phyuiciun'ti services with fnflummatory rheumatism.' He iii'W is un hus Buffered from this molndy several were required, Must ho proved to be at repvosentfd. woeka. Oroiiit Bit* sor. The statement of a manufacturer in William Mars, Jr., of Seagirt, struck Comiu«nc«m«nt. a dog while riding his motorcycle last Tho commencement exorcises of the not convincing proof of merit. week nnd was thrown and badly Matawan high school will bo held on But the ondoi'surnont of friends is. bruised. The dog's jaw und one legWednesday, June 17th, There are Now supposing you hud a bad hack, were broken. seven girl graduates in this year's " A lame, \ycnk, or aching one. lass. BolpltKl 8uporliit«ii<Unt Bfiifng, Would you I'Xpuriment on it? Miss Anna B. Leggat has resigned You will reud of many po-calkd as superintendent of the Spring Lake Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Martin of hospital. Miss Leggat will 'soon bo Ocean Grove were married twenty cures. married to Rev. John Meander of Al-years last Saturday. Mr, Martin is Endorsed by strangers from fnrbany, N. Y, chief of the Ocean Grove fire depart- away places. ment. Qlrl Bcteatl H»t from Q t i u , It's different when tho endorsement Miss Agnes Brown of Asbury Park Alfred B, Avers, a summer resident comes from home. plunged into the ocean at Ocean Grove of Spring Luke, died at his winter Sunday of last week and rescued her home at Summit last week. He was Ensy to prove local testimony. Head this Red Bank ense: new spring hat, which had blown into stricken with grip early in the winter the water. and never recovered from the effects of it. J. S, Lconnrd. TB West ITnnt utrpft, DJifl WhllB on a VLit, I Hunk, N, J,, tu\yn; "My klilm-yx were Mrs. Susan H, Chaffee of Asbury Death from Dropiy, nlprecj nnd the paosagus of tho klilPark died suddenly Monday of last Mrs, Rebecca Kirby of Imlaysi/wn ni'y socri'tlons were very irrc^nliir. 1 week while visiting relatives at Wil-died of dropfiy Sunday of last week. often felt neryouB nnd'had imlnsi in my poiin'B Kidney Pills helped me so mington, Del. Mrs, Chaffee was 76She was the daughter of the late brick, much from tho first that I continued years old. I them until I woi well." Thomas Klrby and was eighty years old. New Manager for Hotel. Price 60,c, nt all dealers, Dont J. H, Kisden of Philadelphia 'has Board for Plumber*. been engaged as manager of the Beach An examining board for plumbers Rimply ask for a kidney remedy—get I! House at Seagirt. Mr. Risden man- has been established at Long Branch Doan's Kidney Pills—the some that aged the house one season about five Tho board is under tho direction of Mr. Leonard had. Foster-Milburn Co., years ago. the board of health, Props,, Buffalo, N, Y. A Coming Weddiug', JUDGE FOR YOURSELF .553 SEA BRIGHT'S BIG STORE And this is no 'Ideal Di^am" when we say that we have one, ; I of the largest and best equipped stores and -MECHANICAL ': " DEPARTMENTS in this part of the state. I I I I 1 1 § Hardware and Household Furnishings . of all description; an immense stock to select from, ' Seasonable goods are now being displayed,,and we solicit your inspection. ,# Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Refrigerators, Sweepers, Oil, Gas and Coal Stoves, etc, etc, Our facilities for attending to your PLUMBING AND ELECTRIG WORK is perhaps unequalled. MAHONEY & HARVEY Hardware, Plumbing and Electrical "Worlc j| SEA BRIGHT NEW JERSEY Clarksburg- Land Bold. MWHtllllllHIMMtHiWIMIIHtHIIMIIHlMtMHtHIIMIIHIMMHMIIIIIIl The contract for painting the pub- Invitations have been issued for the Emit Schuler of Ely has bought six wedding of Miss Kotharyn Neafle and acres of land at Clarksburg from Danlic pavilions a t Long Branch has been awarded to Woolley & Weisner and to Major Charles M. Duncan of Free- iel M, Foster. The land is mostly set Charles H. Ray, There ore four pa- hold, The wedding will take place on with strawberries, Juno Bth. .vilions to be painted, ' New Houie at Long- Branch. New TJniformn for Firemen, H, B, Kemp is building a house on After Boss Waffon, The Enterprise fire company of As- Liberty street at Long Branch for his ; H. Rehder of Paris, Ontario, went to Asbury Park lost week to buy thebury Park will spend $350 for newown occupancy, Joseph Hannaway' uniforms. . "The company will take has the contract. Goodwill.fire company's horse drawn part in a parade at Long Branch in apparatus, which has been replaced by August. Farmer Ooe» .Into Auto Business. an automobile truck, Harry Livezey has given up his j Some from World Tour. Poctom Meet- At Long Branch. farm work near Freehold and has j Mrs, M. E, Null and Miss Ella Rob- taken a job in Zacharias's garage at The Practitioners' society of Eastern Monmouth met at Dr. William erts of Asbury Park have returned Asbury Park. Our Men'* Suits at $5, .Campbell's at Long Branch Friday from aft tour around the world. They New Bonia at Freehold. $10, $15 and $20 for night. Dr. G. V. V, Warner of Fair left Asbury Parjt last September. William Evold is building a house at Eitra Mall Clerli AppoLntea. Haven read a paper. ityle, quality and duraOliver D. Burton and Arthur F , Freehold for his own occupancy. CUffwooA widow a Bride. Fred Brower and Conrad Emmons are Hope have been substituted clerks and bility are unbeatable. Mrs. Ella Lambertson, widow of the builders. Daniel Lambertson of Cliffwood, was Michael J, Ryan substitute carrier at Soldiers Feait cm Clams. married to Joseph P. Cook of Keyport the Asbury Park postofnee. To Stand the Strain is After the drill of the Freehold mililast Monday, The couple are keeping Deatli of Xong Branch Woman, tary company Monday of last week the the way our Children's house at Keyport, * Mrs. W. Irving Snyder of Long Branch died suddenly last Wednesday, soldiers enjoyed a feast of steamed Clothing is put together, 25 Tears. She wai 88 years old and leaves a hus- clams. Mr, and Mrs, Horace Biddle o tband and four children. Bo-appointed to ^oalth Board. Still the style is there, Ocean Grove celebrated their 25th Dr. Josegh T. Welch has been reapii wedding anniversary by giving a din- Matswaa'B Sew $2,50 to $6.00. pointed a niember of the Long Branch The name of Patrick J , Devlin board ner to about forty friends at Trenton of health for a term of four was sent to the senate last week by years. on Monday night. President Wilson for confirmation as Start! innnfiry la Bermuda. Attended Lodge Convention. , W, B, Burtls, John H. Conine and postmaster of Matawan, Berwick Sprapie of Allentown has Eugene Cox represented the Allen-Gota Job Under Inlicrltalteo Tarn fiaw, New Styles Stiff and estabjished a laundry business a t William Lefferson of Manasquan town lodge of Knights of Pythias at Hamilton, Bermuda, and is prosperSoft Hats. the1 annual state convention at Atlan- has been appointed a district super- ing. . visor to assist in the administration of tic City last week, the inheritance tax law. Ocean Grove Sense Bold, New York Man Buys a Farm. Children's Knickerbocker J. Paul Applegate has. bought a Mrs. Caroline Slbley of Clarksburg Long- Branch Bung-alow Sold, ' Trousers SOc t o $ 1 . 5 0 . has sold her farm of 23 acres to E. C. SamueJ VanHuel has, sold his bun house at Ocean Grove from Henry 1/4,1/2 or Sixty cents Spruin, and will occupy it, after June .'Avery of New York. Mr. Avery galow on Morford avenue at Long G. A, R. and other Uniform . 1 lb. tint. moved to the farm last Saturday week. Branch to H. Forsythe, who will take 1st, a pound. Suits. possession In the fall; Bold Bll Bantraiew, ;, * .* A fibowe* tot Spring t a k e Girl. Harry N. Brahn of Aabury Park Miss Elsie Howlanel of Spring Lake Carpenter Hurt In Vail, George Brlce, a Belmar carpenter, has sold his bungalow a t that place to was given a surprise shower by Miss •Effie Brown, Miss Howland will soon fell from a scaffold last week and dis- Mrs, Thomas Strahley of ?5pottsw6od. Large trial size package, 10 cents bo married to Arthur H, Brown, 2d, lofiatad his shoulder. He received TloUna of other minor Injuries.. Long Erancli Couple Wed. Frank R. Parker of Marlboro died 18 Broad Street, Red Bank. of paralysis last Tuesday week. He" Miss Minnie Seidman and Morris Matawan Place Sold. Goldstein of Long Branch were marMrs, E . L, Wick has sold her place was 49 years old and leaves a widow. iiiiitimitiiiitt§H88i» H.N.SUPPJ CLOTHING, HATS and FURNISHINGS. TRY OUR LATEST T€A TRIUMPH Balmaoaans $9 and $10, "Orange Label," a most delightful blend of India and Ceylon, Much more refreshing than green tea and goes further. tt.iN.SUPP, • = * * . . _ • - • Buy a Lot at Shrewsbury Heights and Reap for Yourself Some of the Great Increase in the Value of Red Bank Property. Opportunity, folks say, comes knocking at every man's door once in his life. If he doesn't get up, and open the door to Opportunity, Opportunity goes on to thenext man's house. . " Many as man who bought alot in the suburbs of Red Bank five years ago finds his lot worth more than double what he paid then, ' ' . - . " . . ' • The Drummond tract in West Red Bank was opened up about two years ago. Nearly every lot is now sold, The men who bought these lots cannow sell them at50 to 100 per cent advance on what they paid. Red Bank is growing with a solid substantial growth. This growtifls more and more rapid each year, J t is the increase in population which adds to the value of real estate, x Buy alot at Shrewsbury Heights and reap some of this advance in value for yourself. The offer of these lots at the prices asked is like theknocking of Opportunity at your door. If you let it go by, you may never have a similar chance. The greatest increase in thevalue of lots atRed Bank has been in thewestern and southwestern parts of the town, Shrewsbury Heights isin the direct line ofthis constantly increasing value of land, A tract of land having a frontage of about 125 feet on the river has been reserved for the use of owners of ^ts^onathis tract. This ensures them a landing place on the river forall time to come. Lots sell for $150 to $500 each. Easy terms when desired. , econd National Bank Building, RedBank, New OR ANY RED BANK REAL, ESTATE AGENT. ,J i i 4 I 4-' 4 4 4 4. 4 4 m UE RRD BANK REGISTER Page 4 0 X 0 BREAD knows where lie is at. His declara- iiryiiiK thi'in to clour their ranks of tions one day are contradicted by histhosu who violato public sontiment in A n t * *»4 mum JUunfly l « l i n n . actions (lu> next day. Just na Wood- then" way of vnnductinK their pluctfs Stood tba ten tow M y*xm, IT n f U *OHN M. COOK, Edlto» u d PwUUhw, row Wilson endorsed the -Democratic of business. Aliovu nil, it hns befii J-AHOI,. ¥O eWld«a II I* M *H««1 of QEORGEC. MANCE. A»otl.l. Editor, plntform, and just us lie is now en-urging the Hupport of the lii]uor doalBzoKarsis. aro f i n i o umMoma, o u ciH to'the miMiKurc which in now before deavoring to jjut Congress to violate boiti# kH Miua wa wonai. AU aragcongress and which provides that nn thi' promises in that platform, just BO ' THOMAS IRVING BROWN. •lata »na d»»l«m, or hy tti*U-B8e • bat, has been his action in other particu- man shall j,'«i n fodornl licoiiiso to HPII o.A. vooinii, u.% liquor unk'Ka 1m iii'Kt holds a license! •pMN€ M am povtofllM «t Red D i n t lar*. Mike it look spick and tpan. You /.. u Maond-olMs natter. from tiie locality where ho lives, * * » t i n do it you wlf with this wonderful * * * I do not see how, undor Wood row aUBSCBIPTlQN PRICE: • fi.El producl, which R'IVCJ floor*, wood* Wilson, any l)usiiu-,s:i man can know At present men can pet what is work ind furnituie a beautiful,-Uni* , .11 "where he is at.'" A business man has months known AH u ftnlorul licouRe on liny, . .40 liry tailing finish, monthf to purssui' a [lolley of what Wilson ca 11 H infill ui a small license fee or tax to "watchful waiting" before lie duros tho United HtatoH govorniiii'nt. If WEDNESDAY. MAY 20, 1014. p> nheail with any enterprise. That they ijid not havo this federal Jieonst; is the reason for the business de- the Unituil States government would pression in the country at large. The indict tnem for sellinji luiuor illegally. TOWM TALK. tariff hasn't hurt anybody, -and it Hut befort' they can legally sell liquor, Last week I spoke of the new tariff hasn't helped anybody so that you oven under this federal license, the bill as buHip a stop in the right di- could notice it. One cent a week isn't men who hold these povernment liWe will rection, but only a very short step. enough of a benefit to be discovered census must also get a license from the * give yffU I t will be remembered Unit when the when the week's expenses are liuured local power which grants licenses. tariff bill was fixed up it wns an-up by u householder. Hut the general ' *** ' nounced by the Democrats that it w»» feelinjj of uneasiness, the general feelThere are a great many men, how(or a trial, t inR of fear, of what is coming next, a measure which •would decrease the ever, who take out federal governr e g u l a r iSc IiHfh cost of living. 'Last week I said nnd the gonei'nl feelhig thnt no r>m> ment nnd who proceed to Hell can of RyanHint it might huve decreased the cost knows, probably not Woodrow Wilson liquor licenses A crisp, clean, nutrlwithout getting a liuensQ^from iie, if you buy of living n little, but the don-ease was himself, what the President will do lie county or excise board. In One of these t i o u s food. F o r so small'that it could not be noticed. next, is keeping the whole country in he issue ofjudjje Justice which in referred 'handy little 10c Chinese u state of suspense. It is this fueling everybocly— every* * • bristle brushei to apply of uncertainty whk'h is disturbing .o, that paper says: "In restricted Business throughout tho country hns business vastly more than the one cent \ishury Park, 42 persons hold internal where. Fresh in the it with. Clear nnd ieven revenue tax receipts [commonly not boon very good this jvar, necord- a week of tho new tariff act. popular colors. They ill dry quick moisture-proof packiiiown as federal government liquor ing to all iic;'nunlH. Railroads have and hird and beautiful, age, s cents. icenwB] and sell liquor; while in veJjild off liii'ii, and in many quavturs -o-o-o-o-oWe will refund the 10 cents you pay igioua Ocean Grove, one place on Pil- for this ia declared to bu duo to the Wilthe brush if jou are not delighted The court session at Freehold last grim's Pathway and another on Pittson policies and due to the tariff rewith the " Thursday was taken up almost wholly nun avenue, within the ssnered piv,ductions. JOHN L. HARRISON, Red Bank by hearing testimony in license cases inets, pay a similar tax nnd dispense * • * remonstrances against the he goods," MAHONEY & HARVEY, Seabrlsht There are eminent statesmen who where we* -. of licenses had been prcknow all about these thinR». One of granting As a result of sunted to the court. these statesmen is John \\ . Slocum of the evidence given two licenses were I do not know whether there are Long Branch, editor of tho Long refused, One of those was for a hotel hat many places in Asbury Park and Branch Record and btate senator from at KiiglifhtoNvn and the other was for Ocean Grove which take out federal Monmouth county. Sir. Sloeum will iquor licenses or not, but I do know saloon at Freehold. Testimony that be judge of Monmouth, county next aagainst not one place in either Asbury p other hotels was piven, but in year, but that "hasn't got anything to Judge Foster's opinion this evidence ark or Ocean Grove hns a local 11do with his ability as a statesman, was not sufficient to warrant a refusal eiiae to sell liquor. People who take W E G I V E Y O U B O T H . Recently there was compiled by^the out a federal license do not do so Our flat work, washed and Ironed CORONER. government a statement of the 'cus- of the license, because they want to help the national * * * toms receipts for the first six months government by paying license money. ready for use, at 36 cents, per dozen, The funny little name 'ncludes table, bed and toilet linen, and Funeral Director and Embalmer. In the course of the evidence given, They take out those licenses because tinder the new tariff law, According of the famous little to this statement the decrease in reve- Judge Foster expressed himself" as be- they intend to sell liquor. They are s cheaper and better than you can do t at home. It saves time and labor Upholstering in All Its Bronchee. lieving in local option, which would ginger snap that puts willing to take a chance on violating nue under tho new tariff for six give the people of each vicinity power the New Jersey state liquor law by hat yourself or servant can spend months was $25,000,000. _«, ; (Fonoorly with R. T. Smith of Red Bank for 27 ye»n.) ' fresh •'snap" and to regulate for themselves the sale of selling liquor without a county license. jetter in another way. "linger" into jaded Our collars have that neat domestic Cantp CHair* a n d Card Tables for* Hire. liquor in that locality. The residents They are willing to take a chance on The tariff is a complicated matter, of each neighborhood know whether an easy-going grand jury, or a lenient finish that good dressers demand. appetites, 5 cents. about which a good many people do a hotels and saloons are properly kept judge, or the known antipathy to a Our shirts are ironed by hand or by Office 'Phone SST. lot of talking, but about which many and whether they are a "benefit or an paid detective's testimony before a To- the new pressing machine method, Office u d Funeral Pwlon, 15 Monraouth Street, Red Bank, N, J. of these talkers dont know very much injury to the community. They know :al petty jury. They are willing to whichever 'Way our customers prefer. more than I do. But tnere are some this much better than any Judge can ako these chances. But they are not Then there are the many other fundamental facts about the tariff know from hearing evidence. With willing to toko a chance of Uncle Sam hings about the home, such as cur•which everyone can undeistand. "When each community deciding for itself the getting after them, They are riot ;alns, blankets, bath mats, •washable goods are brought into the United question of the sale of liquor, the willing to take a chance at vtolating rugs, portieres, etc,, that people ottm States from foreign countries the judges would be relieved of all work ;he United States lawa by selling send to dry cleaners, and pay double United States government places a along this line, and it would be up toJquor without a government license. For, because they dont know we do It is now the time of the year when the" housewifs hai commenced to "duty" on these goods. This "duty" the people themselves to see that hoi They know that a local pull will not them. _ is a tariff tax, and is generally known tels were wjll kept or to wipe them out count for much in a federal court, and Why not send for us to call and do think about the annual housecleaning. Would it not be good advlae to haTe as the "tariff." Before the goods are of existence." while these men are perfectly willing your work? the bath room fixtures overhauled or a new one initalled before aaid allowed to come into .this country this to violate the laws of New Jersey, they work commences? And also it would be well to^iave me look over your tin * * * "tariff" must be paid by the person or not taking any chances with the There Is another side to this ques- are gutters and leaders and repair the damage done by the winter's snow and firm that brings the goods into the national government. A short arm country. When the goods are sold, tion besides the mere voting out" or and a little pull can frequently reach Jce. this "tariff" is added to the cost of the voting in of places for the sale of all around a single county, but it You will, find my prices not too high for first-class work. goods. The people of the United liquor. If the people themselves had takes a long arm and a powerful pull GRAHAM CKACKERS 82 Whit* St., RED BANK, N, J. States who buy these goods have to the say-so about the sale of liquor, to reach the national government and Telephone 32-J. pay-the additional price caused by tile those places which held licenses and stop the prosecution of a law breaker. The natural sweet-^ tariff. This tariff money is used to which wanted to continue to hold them And this accounts for the large num74 MonmouUt Street. Phone 284-J. Red Bank, N. J, ness and nutriment would be forced as a matter of selfhelp pay tine running fexpenses of the ber of- places which sell liquor in Asprotection to put an end to such prac- bury government. of the wheat are rePark and Ocean Grove, if the tices as have been prevalent at Free- statemeat * ** made by Jiiatice is correct. tained, giving them hold and Englishtown. Under the When this tariff bill was fixed up it conditlonB which have prevailed there a delightful flavor, * * * was said that it would cut down the an outraged public sentiment would 10 cents. The liquor law now before ecjngreas, tariff a good deal, and that every cent vote out every drinking place, and which was taken off the tariff would those who maintained and upheW the providing that the national governhelp the people of the United States, law would go out of business along ment shall not issue a* government li» Buy biscuit baked by :ense to anyone who cannot show a by reducing the prices of goods they with those who violated it. ocal license, ought to be passed. No bought. Some of the Democratic conBffltorw natural sad youthful colo* * • « man can legally sell liquor under a gressmen declared that the new tariff ttfl btsnty to B»at or M i d Mr* bill ought to be called "A bill to re- Under local option every law-abiding government license in New Jeriey unPositively remove* d»ndraff—promotes I 58.64 BROAD STREET RED BANK,-N. J, 1 duee the high cost of living," because hotel keeper would be compelled to less he holds a state or county-pfcense B thick tea]thy ikrowlh—keeps hair it would go a great ways toward re- help the community stamp out disor- alsoi When the federal government "soft and eloasy. • Is not a due Fire, 1MB, Accident, Tornado and ducing the cost of living and would der and atamp out violations of theissues these eo.callid-.'governjrtent li•B deafen] fur I rial tin Mud Me dm! donlsj'i nuaa help every man, woman and child in liquor law. At the present time it iscenses" to persons who hold no local Always took for that name to lUls Uty BpeelalUNQa., Hewuk, K. j , , U, 8, A, Plate Glass Insurance felt by many hotel men that they must licenses, the federal government helps the country. stand together? the clean with the un- these people violate the state laws. * ** clean, and must light every effort of Instead of aiding in the enforcement This is a rather long preamble to the community to obtain better things. of state laws, the action of the nawhat 1 started out to jpeak about. If the had the power to regu- tional government in this matter is in It's like "going around Robin. Hood's late orpeople the sale of liquor, the the direction of aiding in the violation barn," as folks used to say when I lawless prohibit and the law-abiding would face of state laws. was a boy. Well, ttio government destruction together unless the law- (Tomi Talk continued on page IS.) reports show that during thefirstaixabiding hotel men banded together months of the new tariff act the with other law-abiding members of a "duty" or. "tariff customs" paid on community for the general,welfare. foreign goods brought into this * *a country wns 125,000,000 less than during the similar six months of the The evidence in the Freehold and previous year, under tho old tariff. Englishtown cases showed one thing very clearly. Thnt was, that there 50c Cent Bottle (32 Doses) HI * * Some of the papers which are strong are a great number of common-drunks FREE followers of Woodrow Wilson, right in both places and that these common Just because you start the day woror wrong, have been quoting this re- drunks can buy liquor constantly. Ac- st! and tired, stiff legs and arras and port of the government, and they have cording to all accounts, the town of •ffiiiHelfg, an aching html, burning anil down patnsi in the back—Worn been trying* to show from this report Freehold has been overrun with bearing out before the clay begfinfi, do not think two thinga. One of these things is drunks for many months past, and you have to stay in that condition. that tho tariff has reduced the cost of while .almost every person in Freehold Be strong, well arid vigorous, with no more pain from atift* joints, sore rnualiving a great deal. The-other thing knew that these men were common clt-s, rheumatic suffering, aching back that they~ are trying to show is that drunkards and knew that they made or kidney diHensp, nuisances of themselves and were a the reduction in the tariff has not been For "ithy form of bladder trouble or source of danger to tho town, these weakness, its action Is really wonflerbig enough to hurt any of the rail130-ln, Wheel B u t , . Over l a Aettta^ Soraa Power, Eu Bloo Motor, ful. Thu™> Hufferlnff who nre in and roads or any of the business interests men had no difficulty in getting liquor v 36x4i*j-In. TIroH, r o u r Bpatdl Ahead, 4|4.1a. Sera, out of bed half si down times a night continuously. Will nppreelate tho rest, comfort and Bosch Matfueto, Fall rioatlngr Bear Axles, of the country. •ii-in. tttoM, , •strength this treatment gives. # * *. m ** Boveu-FagBeng-er Body, l.ert Drivo, Canter Control, any & uavlii Electric Byrtein, To prove tho Williams Treatment The refusal to license these two conquers B Demoantablo Rims, Lozier Stroani l i n o ' Body, The Philadelphia Record recently kidney and bladder diseases, Motor Driven Tire Pump, One-Man Top vrtth No-Front Bow Support*. printed a summary 'of the first six places ought to have a marked effect rheumatism and all uric acid troubles, on the drinking places of that part of no matter how chronic or stubborn, if months of the tariff act, as followsyou have never used the "Williams Not 'much attention neea be paid to the county. The licenses granted this Treatment, wo will give one BOe. bottle noWHijnjjei-H tiiat are attacking the Un-month by Judge Foster will^ffi coinf (32 doses) free if you will cut'out "this derwood turin* on tlio ground that It isup again before him, unle^Ractlon notice and send it with your ntrme and not a revenue producer. The ileeieaBo of should be taken to revoke"TOIM li- address, with 10c. to help pay distriburevenue from cuntomA hns bean ¥25.tion cNpensos, to The Dr. D5 A, Wil000,000 in nix months, which la less than censes; for Judge Poster will* ^ liams Company,* Dept. 5432, P. 6 . Bltlg., was expected, find it is believed that tho ceeded by Judge John W, Slocur Bast Hampton, Conn. Send at once and iiioomo tax will not' fall short of $100,- fore next May. I t has been said that you will receive by parcel post a regular OUQMO, which will bo double the loss in fiOc. .bottle, without charge and without ciutoniB for twelve months. The im-Judge Sloeum will be much more Incurring any obligations. One uottle portation of finished manufactures in- lenient than Judge Foster has been in only to an address. • ( creased only 118.000,000 in half a year, granting licenses* to persons who have •which, diBtrlbiited over the wliola manufaoturing fle^d, cannot have much in- conducted their places in such a way NOTICE. fluence at any one point. as to give occasion to remonstrances from the people of the community, I The board of education of the town* ** do not believe that this is likely to ship of Shrewsbury offers for sale at The Long Branch Record, 6t •which happen. paper Senator Sloeum is editor, copied public auction to the highest bidder on * # * this summary last week and then The sentiment in favor of temper- Wednesday, June'-3d, at 2:00 o'clock saidanoe is growing rapidly. Temperance p. M., at the Wftyslde new achoolhouie; "That is a fair interpretation of the is now demanded by many employers the following properties known as the meaning of the customs statistics.* "The American people have gained who a score of years ago would, never Qreen Grove' school on the west side far more than they have lost by this have questioned the right of an em-of the road lending from Wayside to ployee to get drunk as often as he piece of'legislationV pleased and still hold hia job, Under Hamilton. Also the old Wayside * *• present conditions men of clear minds school, on the west side of the road '. This hiay be, as Senator Sloeum and active faculties are demanded in leading from Batontown to Wayside, •ays, a fait interpretation of thealmost every business, A judge who meaning of the customs statistics. If ran counter to this growing sentiment The buildings' and land to be sold it is, i t seems to me that the newof the business community would find separately. tariff has fallen down pretty bad inhimself in hot water constantly and Terms made known on day of sale, what Wai expected of it. In the first would find himself greatly lowered in T- FRANK LAW1S, place, there are about 100,000,000 of public esteem. District Clerk people in this1 country. If the tariff * * * has cut off $25,000,000 of tariff dutise, I believe that the sentiment of the there has been a reduction of this amount in the ebst of living. This times will compel judges to be more $26,000,000 which haa been; saved to and more rigorouB in their demand that the liquor laws be not violated. ( the people of the United States during I believe that when Judge Sloeum gets the past six months amounts to 25 cent! for each individual. That on the bench,'liquor sellera will find amounts to a little less than one- less leniency than under Judge Foster seventh of a cent a day, or a little less instead of a greater degree of leniency than oM cent a week, I t doesn't seem Judge Poster's disposal of liquor eases to me that when a pqHtical party re- has been based on rules laid down by Bids wanted by the board of educa duces the cost of living less than one- him when h e took up the duties of judge many years ago. There has ieventh of a cent a day, which is less tion of Fair Haven for 100 tons of ; than one cent a week, i t amounts to been a great advance in temperance sentiment during these years. The ehpugh to brag about, I t seema to me coal, more or less, to be delivered as that the tariff bill has not come any- new judge will have to base hia rules on conditions and on public sentiment K ^ f t w h f r t T i e a r meeting the expectations required. i of .the people. To reduce the cost of as they exist today, and not on the i living; one 4ceiii a week does not ap-conditions and public sentiment as wkj? toi me t o b e very much of a feat*, they existed when Judge Foster was Bids must be in hands of the secreAnd that means 1BO$;t then I aam onlyy $, ( country u y riews- fli'si appointed. rigor instead of greater paper man, and,not a statesman like greater leniency in the'disposal of license ap tary by Monday, June 1, 1914Senator Sloeum and the Democratic 'plications. congressmen who fixed this bill up. —*-^——-o-o-o-o-o * ** The board reserves the right to re ,;i•$$:;•;$*itptiiar Hand, I dont Jbelieve , And speakingf of licensea reminds ;ittjitf{the 1 ;tirjff•' bill ;hwdhad anythine me of a paragraph which appeared in ject any or all bids. f »jto^t^tt#|wiiBrW djill timei, which last •week's issue of.Justice, Justice ," DUtributor of Ford, Studobaker and Lozlermotor cars ii the name W a New .ftrsey paper - H. EDGAR SMITH, which is' devotsd'itqthe interests of le v, THE RED BANK REGISTER Bnmstead'i Worn Syrnp ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED your old furniture A new Oakland delivery car has been purchased from von Kattengell, for Keyport. Keansburg and Highlands. Try the bread. It is known for its quality. Every loaf wrapped in the O-X-0 wrapper. FREE FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS Uneeda SlseuSf SANITARY BAKING Brunkhorst Bros. Co., 170 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. J. 608-610 Broadway, Long Branch Laundry Economy and Service. HARRY C. FAY, ZuZu SPRING IS HERE! Red Bank Steam Laundry, HOWARD FRBY ait ALEXANDER D. COOPER . , ' • Real Estate and Insurance • - • • % • KfttiOHAL BISCUIT COMPANY URIC ACID. SOLVENT $2,100 F* O. B. Detroit If you or your family have at some time ridden in a Lozier, that luxurious car that knows neither hill nor "bumps," have sat In its deep upholstery, felt the steady, easy pull of thapowerful motor and lulled by the sweetness of its soft hum have longed to own a Lozier, but have'tiesitated because of the heavy investment; it is no [longer necessary for you to wait, In. this new model you can now get a true Lozier with real Lozier -.ability and refinements for $2,100. You can get one if you get your order in soon, otherwise you will have to wait, for the demand is than greater the supply, although the factory is working day and night. Bids Wanted. More .than five hundred thousand Fords sold into world-wide use have earned a reputation for serviceability and economy unparalleled in the motor car world. A thousand might'be wrong Tbut noMive hundred ..thousand. More than half a million buyers have picked the Ford because ofgts all 'roiitid serviceability. Its low first cost and its low cost of upkeep. The Fordlhas made good. Ask youK neighbor, who owns one. ^ Ford Runabout, completely equipped, $500. Ford Touring Car, completely equipped, $550 F. O. B. DETROIT. GEORGE HANCE PATTERSON • • • ' • • • • : • • • " " - • • . • " • ' • • - • ' ' . . - • ' • • • , ; - " ' • • • • . • • : . . - • - . , ' • ' ; : - ' < • : , ' : ' . - . " . . • • • • • . • . ; " • • • ; . • . - . : \ " , ' • Monmouth Street, Near Broad, RED BANK, N. J. ^Up«^^^^*hi|^ato;;-jTh^t j^gpfc^jtesu^n^to^MedW Secretary, TBK BRD BANK REGTSTKB SPECIAL FOR DECORATION DAY you will have a chance for a week-end trip at this time and will need a Imt for it. So have prepared a line of TRIMMED HATS At Special Prices for This Week Only. ork visited Mr. Crawloy's mother," NEWS FROM HIGHLANDS. Mrs. Sarah Crswiey, lart week. William Anderson haa been laid up The Store With The Ail-Wool Policy. BIO ATTBHDAJICE AT T i n 9SM0- with aielinesft William Hunter spent Saturday and undfiy at Atlantic City, MM, Henry Pierce of BeLford is Two OparnUoni for Appendicitis—Twenty Eighth atdde Pupil* ? « • • Th«lr iiiitlng friendi hare. Stuart Robsan of New York, better BxiimLn»tlon»~Two i u d f Book Sol. mown hope, aa "colonel," will open his dl»r« B»nt to J*U (AC Balsf Drunk. w cream parlor nnd confectionery About BOO persona attended the firat itand at the foot of East View Hill on annual boll of the Highlands. Dcraoerotic club ot Creighton i pavilion lost Saturday. Compton of Fort Hancock has Saturday- night. Nearly |200 was Paul tranaferred to Texas City, Texas, cleared by the club. Those in charge been Major J, L, Shepard has been detailed of thjc dance were ThomaB P. LyonH, temporarily an recruiting olficor, for Edward and Robert Hennessey, Syl- New York, Brooklyn und Jersey City vanus Liming, William Bniley, David. to enlist men in to* hospital corps. R. Andrews, Sidney Williams, W. Ad- Tho Fart Hancock baseballteamdedison Romain, William Cobler, Thomas feated the Hickory club nine from McGorry, John McCabe, William Mor- Brooklyn Sunday week by a score of ris, Edward Eennell and R, W, Dftust. 0 to 2. OBATia OUR STRONG FEATURE IS TEN-DOLLAR SUITS. (A WEEKLY TALK*. BY J, M. FINKBLBTE1N) We are not Afraid of Competition. We know you can buy a $15.00 Suit anywhere-But nowhere else can yew buy a $1B.W Suit for $10,00, with a guarantee as strong as we give with Our AH-Wool Ten-Dollar Suit. AU we ask is the opportunity of proving that our $10.00 Suit is the same quality as the Big Profit Stores make you pay $15.00 for, without a guarantee. However, what we want to ompHasize is simply this: Throw prejudice aside and only consider Dollars and Cent* If you can buy a regular $15.00 Suit all-year round at the Little Profit Shop for $10,00, i t is your duty to investigate and try to save a Five-Dollar Bill. You have nothing to lose but a few steps around the corner from Broad Street, Notice that we are not afraid to give Samples of the Cloth in Our Ten-Dollar Suits, Yours for the Ten-Dollar All Wool policy, * Two Operation* for App*u<U«JlU«. l u l l * M.w.. Harold L. Johnson wai operated on last Thursday for appendicitis fit the Miss Laura Washer of Port RichLong Branch'hospital/ Thomaa Foster mono" is a guest of Mrs, Harry B, returned home Sunday, from the hos-Manec, pital after undergoing on operation Mrs, Jessie J, DeNiko is visiting for appendicitiB. ' . relativoB at Brooklyn, Opposite the Second National Bank, Miss Jeisio M, Gifford of Jersey Twelity-Elffht Graduate*. Twenty out of twenty-two pupils of _ity spent part of last weok with tho eighth grade passed theirfinalex- Misses Maude and Ethel Ackerson, aminations lust week, Sylvia Hngor- Arthur. P, Brown returned on Sunman had tho highest mark. Peter day from the Long Branch hospital, Scfllia was second. The school will where he was a patient for several close Juno 7th. Arrangements are weeks. ffi James Daly of Red Bank has been now being made for the closing exerspending several days with his sister, cises. Mrs. Henry McCormick. Soldiers Sent to Jail. Miss Gertrude Beers of Matawan Privates Foster Burnett and Frank was a Saturday guest of Miss ElizS. Roxson of tho 188th company of ibeth S, Ackerson. The Little Shop With Little Profit* Fort Hancock were arrested Saturday Max Lobeck has returned to New night for being drunk and disorderly. York after spending two months here. Roxson was fined f5"*and costs and John T, Ackerson visited relatives at 12 West Front Street, Near Broad Street, .Red Bank, N. J, Burnett $10 and costs. Burnett was Newark on Sunday, WRHB FOR SAMPl^S. MAIL. ORDERS FttJJED. unable to pay his fine and was sent to The Baritan tovsfsViip committee the county jail for thirty days. will meet at Keansburg tonight. Brief Itomi. IF YOU BELIEVE IN A SQUARE DEAL, YOU BELIEVE IN THIS STORE. James P. Stevenson and family of Jacob Simmons will open his novelty Brooklyn are spending a couple of store near the/railroad station about: weeks at their summer home here. Howard Duryea and Miss Nettie Decoration day. "Harry Johnson has bought a horse. Duryea of New York spent part of Fred W,. Corse will open the Union last week with Harry Peseux. Eliot W. Stone of New Brunswick News stand at the station Friday This will make the twelfth year that visited his aunt. Miss Emma Morrell, 8 8 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. JT. last week. Mr. Corse has conducted the stand. Miss Louise M. Ivins of New York William O'Rourke of New York T.Lphono 249-J spent part of last week at Water, visited her mother, Mrs. A, Ivins, on Saturday and Sunday. Witch, P. O, W«ig^id-,-Sr., was a Newaik. WilUam Jurgenson visited Albany iiiiiiiiiMitiiiiniimuiiniiiiitiiM visitor on Saturday, last week, Mr. and Mrs, Ivy liayton of New Mrs, Edward Kyerson of Asbury York have opened their sammer bun- Park apent several days last week with Constable and Mrs. Thomas G. Cowles, galow at Water Witch, T**GE seventy-five years—three-quar- —the express companies? No! The marMiss Ethel Howe o£ Freehold is WilUam Ryerson of Newark has been J/ ters of a century—the express has dopants of the country—shippers everyvisiting Mr. and Mrs, Cowles. spending the summer with Mr, and, Mm Harry N, Johnson;. Miss Lois C, Sproiil is confined to been the right-hand of the ship- where—petitioned Congress that no ac-. O'Neill Burgess has rented" his cot- the hottae with sickness. pers of commercial America. The Ex- tion be taken that might have the effect tage to- Bta, John McGweja of New: York, The Cieighten 'cottage on press came to Red Bank in 1864 and it of: forcing the express companies to reNavestnk avenue has- beerr ranted ter came to stay. For 50 years it has been tire. Commercial organizations ail over W,-E. Watson of New. York, the right-hand of commercial Bed Bank, the land have joined in this appeal to Antoniuft h. Glnthert horse ran away at Seabright last Friday, The Sun ana Wind VHaff Ont Ugly Spoti. It is here to stay. The other day Washington. HOWtoKeraove Easily. shafts of the wagon were broken. when reports went out that the express Miss Anna Miehelson and mother of For seventy-five years in the past and Here's- a chince.'Miss Freckle-face Long Branch visited their Water to try a remedy for freckles with the companies might retire from business, a for a good many more years in the future Witch home las,fc week. guarantee of a reliable dealer that it protest went up. From whom this protest Express Service will mean Corporal Fred Blosi of llSth com- will not cost you. a penny unless it repany and Sergeant Kopenhefer are' re- moves the freckles; while if it does covering from recent operations. Cor- giv« i you a l ^^ complexion the exporal Frederick Reuer is back on, duty pense i s trifling. after a long sickness, Simply get an ounce of othln J, Maaaey of Sandy Hook has i r ? doubto steength—from any druggist to Fort Wadsworth^; where he wjjand >a few applications should .show conduct a barber sEep, H you how easy it is toridyourself of Mr, and Mm Eugene Combs lot tiie homely* frft^les and gft a.BeautiLong Island City spent from Wednoii ful ebnralemon, Rarely IS mop^'than Mater, Agent BROAD and FRONT STREETS day to Saturday witk Mr, Combifi one ounce needld for the; worstjase, uncle, Fred E. Johnion. 'K' Ba sure to wk the druggistrartr Stephen. W, Fos^f has seated Bis double Btrengaii othme as this' ' house at the- foot of Fourth streets|ta prescription BOIA ^nder guara^ Samuel E. Leonard of Nawarit. money back if i t fails to The merry-go-round at Highland freeklfis,, ' • - -> Beach, openad for the^season. Saturday This car for quality, size, (114 inch wheel base) night, , Frank Parker an&JasepHJ-taltzel a ; Power (85JH, P.) appearance and price represent West Orange visited Juare last week. Samuel Leonard will open MB store the most value of any car offered this year. This near the railroad station next Satur day, Is so conceded by all expert automobile judges, —fOf IS years-' Postmaster Alonzo Hand has bean The Standard Skin Bemedy seriously sick jwith acute indigestion Prices, Touring Car and Roadster with electric Louis Fordon of Ne,w' York hai rented W, Addison Romain's restau ; lights and storage battery $ 9 5 0 . 0 0 . rant for the season. The deal wa made through. Samuel Strauss, Advertised mail is at the postofflce With Gray & Davis starter, electric light and for J, L, Felise, Mr, Langendoen, Harry Haines, Mr, Ryan, William Hi The Guaranteed Remedy generator, $ 1 , 0 7 5 . 0 0 F, 0. IL factory. Stewart and 0, and J", C, Williams, JAMES OOOPn, m . S«a Bon*. ,Mrs, Philip Bogue, Mrs. Everet JJewman and Mrs, Lottie Branson'ar We have all models to show you. attending the annual convention ofthi Daughters of Liberty at Atlantic City Also distributors of Cadillac and Buick cars. this week,,' Samuel Strauss and Charles Nagy are having their store fronts painted, We have some great bargains in used cars. Mrs. Dooner and Mrs, Smith of Tou had better stop a t once or you'l Sandy Hook mailed last Wednesday on lose Kour Job, Every lln« of buslneiB la the Cunard liner Caronia for Eutope oloslng its doors to "prinking" men. I t may be your turn next. By the aid OJ They will visit England and Ireland, ORRINl tliouiandH of men liavo been re where both have relatives, to lives of iobrlety nnd industry Tho main lighthouse orl Sandy Hool stored We are so sure that O B M N B will benis being whitewashed. efft you tHat we say to you that if after trial you fall to get any beneflt, from The Sandy Hook public school re-•lti^uge, money will be refunded. opened Monday of last week after be- When your you stop "Drinking" think of RED BANK, N. 3. ing closed five weeks because of anthe money Telephone SIS* you'll save; besides, sober men are worth more to their employers epidemic of measles. get higher wages, ii ii n i l H I ii i j n m 11 ii in The Hancock club will give its flrsi andCoata only fl.OO a box. Wo haye an entertainment and-ball at Fort Han. interesting booklet about ORBINB thaWe are giving away .free on request. Gal cock next Wednesday night. and tttlk It. over, JameB > Peterson Brothers of Lakewood will at our store j r . , corner Broad arid White open a bakery in the Leonard building hooper, Streets. Established Over 4O Years *on Bay avenue the last of the week, - P ••:• •• • Monnionth Const; Clronlt Court. • The interior of the store is being re Tife Long Branch. Banking Company, painted. , , Plaintiff, vs. Henrietta W. Munro, DeMiss Katherine Lynch of New York fendant. is staying a few days at the East View In Attachment. On Contract Notice. cottage. By virtue of an order -made In th Jack Knodel o£ New York was aabove-stated oauts by tbe said court, on the fourteenth day of February, one Sunday visitor here, thousand nine hundred and fourteen, the Charles Greenfield has returne* •ubsoflher, auditor appointed by the Bald home from a week's business trip on court in the said cause, will Bill and make aisuranoo at public yendue, a t the Long Island, In 1, 5, 14, 28 and 56 pound Packages. Price from i house, In the town o j Freehold, In F. Bihgh of Hobofcon has rented4 court and for the county of Monmoulh, on one of Jacob Simmona'a cottages on THUHSDAY, THB EIOHTHENTH DAY 14c to 20c per pound, according to quantity. S O P J U K E ; 1914, a t one o'clock in the Navesink avenue. afternoon, all that certain tract of land Johnson's bamboa and birch bee] •ituata-in tho township: of Mlddletown M gardens are being' overhauled and goi in the county of Monmouth and Btnte o: New Jersey, ready for,summer businesi, . (Kruckerbocker Pharmacy) Beginninf at a i t a t o in tha ewterly Mrs. Elwabeth Eilgannon of the public roail leading from the daughter of1 New .York motored tc side Broad and Monmouth Streets Red Banff, N.J. \ viltoBo of Middletown; to Holmdel on a their summer Irome here Sunday after course of south 37 deerces 30 minutoa Telephone. ISO noon: They will movo down* next weok, west 100 feet, from a atono standing in tho easterly side of said road- In the Hn< Frank Yochum haB returned to For of formerly "William W. Murray's; wood Hancock after spending nearly thre lund, from aald stake running as tho neodle now points, (1) south 44 degrees years in Lima, Ohio. Specializing III N. C. Pln«» Cypress minutes east +.70 chains t o a atako; Real Estate, Insurance Ptivate Kowalski of the 48th com- 40 thenco (2) south 6& degrees 1 0 minutoa pany will leave this week for Toledo woet 3.12 chains;, thence (S) north 21 Yellow Pfhe, White Phra, Spruce and Loans. degrrees HO mlnutea west along tho .garOhio. den fence 4.73 chains to the center of 1883 Captain William Mead's cottage on aaid road; thence (4) north 40 degrees Cedar Shingles". FARMS FOR SALE. Atlantic Btreet has been rented tx> Rob east along in said road 1.17 chains; south 44 degrees 10 minutes coat ert. P. Morrison of Newark. Abram thenco COTTAGES FOR RENT. chains to the place of beginning, Meyera's house on Bay avenue has 0,30 which said landa; wore eoized and atGOOD SERVICE-PROMPT DELIVERY been taken by a Now Y.ork party fo tached by Wllbert A. Beecroft, shorlft of BolbFurnishedandUnfurnished. the county; of Monmouth, by virtue of a the summer. The rentals wer^e mad« writ o t attachment isBued In tha aboveV Office, Yftnt,. Mill, Dock Branch Yard by Jenkinson & Johnson. stated cause, and will: be sold: for cash Money to Loan in Various Sum*. Grandin V. Johnson and Edgar H, Dated May n t h , 1914. W First and Atlantic Sts., Wood and R. R. Aves., Patterson attended the annual ban-1 J. OTTO RHOMB,. Auditor. V KEYPORT, N. J. H. J. quet of the Sons of Howell at Farm ©UKAND, IVINS & CARTON, Attys. W. A. HOPPING, CU5.98.] ingdale last. Saturday. 49 Broad Str«#t, Red Bank, H.l. MiBS. Minnie Gross o( Harrisburg, 2Aa^i*«a%itiaBi^ami*i Notio« of BettUmant of Aooonat. Pennaylvania, spent Saturday and Estate o t Susan K.' 8, Brlated, deceased, Account. Sunday with Mr. and MtH. Clarenco F, Notice la Third Riven that tho Matthews, Miss Gross teaches schoo] counts of thehereby aubiorihers, Edmund Wilat Farmingdalo, -v son, exeoutor,, and Bdmund Wilson and H. Applegate, substituted true from hcadache&r chill fetolings, and About thirjy persona from he^awen Joseph of th«s estato of Bold deceased, wil f&tlgne of biUousnees^ cornea quickly on a, atrawrrde to the circus ajjLong tees ha audited and stated by tho surrogate —and permanent improvement in and. conortod for settlement to tho or bodily conditloa fbllQwa^aftor-yonr Branch lost Saturday night, r1 court of the county of Monmouth, Mrs. Sylvia Borden is having the in- plinnB on Thursday, tho eighteenth day of. June, Btomacb, llvec and bowela have terior of her store painted: Greenmad* from A. D., 1914. been toned and regulatod by Dated May 6th, A. D., 1914. span Brothers' store at the comer o EDMUND. WILSON, Fourth street and Valley avenue i -^ Executor, being repainted. EDMUND WILSON, The young son of Michael Morris if JOSEPH BL APPL.1SGATB, Substltuta Trustees. seriously Bick. Dr. John h. • Opfermann is attending hjltii An attractive Hue of samples of Marcus, Johnson of Long Islam Write for fr*« Circular spent from Thursday to.Saturday with commencement invitations and proOrlcwitiimutf Co., Haolcett St^ Newark. N. a. relatives h«re, ; ' ' grams for your inspection now o MISS ATLTMORRIS . 66 BROAD STREET, RED BANK Fine Stationery, Blank Books, | | Law Blanks, Books, Maga- | zines, Newspapers, Base Ball and Tennis Goods F. W. MOSELLE, THE EXPRESS IS IN THIS TOWN AND IN TO STAY PERSONAL SERVICE FULL RESPONSIBILITY ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY Overlarid^Motiel 79 D. D. D. ACCUMULATION Instant Relief US Skin Troubles OF FUNDS. FOR YOUR FUTURE IS MADE EASY, IF YOU OPEN AN INTEREST' ACCOUNT AND DEPOSIT IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN SYSTEMATICALLY IN THE Red Bank Trust Company j. w. MOUNT co. THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT ON DEPOSITS Brown Estate Co, LUMBE I.PURE PARIS GREEN 1 Hardware, Toots and Supplies Masons' Material Old Carpets Tfi ' v ' ^ •' ;":'iv"- •'" "•^'-•/^";t:^CS^?5M^ ^ H ^ ^ ' ^ ^ K ^ t ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ; THE BED / B A N K REQIBTEB officer Certain Relief DRY GOODS. BEEGHAirS PHIS 32 BROAD STREET, .•';', Jr±-.j,'< ,.j. RED BANK, N. J. "^SLii'^ai^jS i THE RRD BANK REWIKTKA 6 THE U T T U SHOP OF NEEDLES, ARTS AND CRAFTS NEWS FROM KEANSBURG Continue* lo Show the LATEST in Art Embrolderiej, Come In and Look at them. Lesseni Given. Marking Household Linen a Specialty. MRS, K. » . DANISLL, i j Monmoulh Street. I. coi.T'a HSOK news, Mn. Alburt Fr»ncJ« Eiptctud Mouta Hoipltnl la Two w««ka, TEOOP Or BOY SCOUTS OSOA.HJBSO Mrs. Albert Frnneia, who recently WITH WBlf MEMJ1EHB, underwent an operation ut Mercer hos- Crowd Attoiirtod tbo Oyonlug- of pital nt T,rcnton, is much improved Foiat Comfort Dn-ncluff HlgM—John Oomptoa, Jr., Bit by Auto. A troop of l)oy scouts lifts been formed hero with Ruv. Churlcs G. Book us NcoutmsiHtcr. The members of the troop are Albert Smith, Robert Slussov, ft'unk Hoffman, Howard Smith, Raymond Walling', Walter MeCiuintyy Edward Keency, Seymour Compton, Oscar lloppc nnd Clurencc VanNote. ONtclng Pavilion Opened. A large crowd attended the opening of the Now Point Comfort dancing pavilion Saturday night. All the now dances are allowed and nearly as many persons went to look on as" to dance. The new concrete and steel pavilion which is being built on the bench front will be completed about July first. Auto BEiti Boy, and is expected home in two weeks. Her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Poter Friiwloy spent Wednesday with her, W, B, Bolcher of Georgia is spending govern! days on his farm between this place and Scobcyvillu. Fred Beektnan entertained n number of friends ut a party Saturday night. • —y • James MeCabe of New York is vism friends horo. Miss Goldie Goebel of Freehold is spending several days with her aunt, Mrs. John Miller. School closes June 5th. Thirteen pupils took the grammar school exam, inations last week. Final arrangements nre beinpr made for the strawberry festival to be hold Thursday of next week in the chapel of the Reformed church. The largo amount of interest manifested Indieates a big attendance. BEDDING PLANTS. Geraniums, Cannas, Heliotrope, Coleus, Argeratunv Sal via, Begonia, Alyssum, Petunia, Vincas, Dracaena, English Ivy and Hardy roses. Palms and Boston Farm from 35 cents up. Ferns for fern dishes, etc. PRICES RIGHT AT WILLIAM MEARS, Funeral Designs a Specialty, John Compton, Jr., throe years old, HEWS. was knocked down by an automobile while playing In the street near his to Tench School Hero home. The little boy was slightly cut Elijah Hol>t>in» N«xt Season, and bruised but not seriously*injured. Elijah Robbing will, teach school H E T H E R you're working or "running a foot The county grammar school examin- hero next season in place of Alex. ations were "held hero Monday, Tues- Curchin of Fair Haven, the present race"; wasted time is a dead loss. You'll be day and Wednesday of last week. teacher. 9* money ahead if you do all your work by ma- Thoso who took the examinations Patrick Carton lost a mule last wore Mazio Aeltormnn, Seymour week. AT THE END OF THE TROUJEY LINE. chinery and (let your power be a Rumely-Olds Engine,) Compton, Charles Brower, Everett John McLaughlin. of ^ a a t Orange TELEPHONE 381 RUMBON Purdy, I r a West, Horace Long, John spent part of last week with his sister, We say Rumely-blds because that's the best farm Skislak, Leo Heile.s, Samuel Orr, John Mrs, Frank Haley. power we know of. Made in handy sizes and always Hilliard, Gladys Johnson, Abbie Miss Mary Morrell spent last week Foulks, Edna Olcott, Isabelle Seeley, with relatives at Bed Bank. ready for any kind of work; can be easily taken to Jennie Roske, Gertrude Korn, Nettie James Carton sold one of his cows any place on the farm and a boy can operate it. Overton, Jennie Johnson, Minnie to a Red Bank resident last week. Bchipper, Ethel Prick, Cecils Oakes Mrs. Theodore Stilwell, who has If you can't find tlrno to comoin and a « us, ask us and Helen Duffy, The closing exor- been in poor health the past year, has to cotno nnd see you or send you n catalog cises of the school will be held next improved so much that she took an of Rumely-Olds Engines, Wednesday afternoon. automobile ride to Long Branch on Frank Terpening is building a house Saturday. f) We're here to serve ,you| ! costing $600 on Raritan avenue _for John Hankinson is spending several Frank Torsiello of New York. The days with his daughter, Mis. John Give us a chance./ house is 18x30 feet and contains four Sniffen of Oceanport, rooms. Mr. Torsiello will move into the house as soon as it is completed. W, H. MERRITTJR4 Bank, N. J. HOIMDEL NEWS. Mrs. Matilda Paquette is building a' two-stoiy bungalow on the same street,1 AJI tlio Teachers in the Township Bo-EnThe bungalow will contain ten rooms gaged Except one. and will cost about The Holnidel township board of eduRev. Charles G, Book will preach cation has re-engaged all t h | teachers next Sunday morning at the Methodist except Alejf. Curchin of Fair Haven, See the rlpsN They were made to ou I church on "The Human Need, of who teaches a t Everett. Mr. Curchin how theje new I Christ," At night his topic will be did not want the .position and he will "The Red Sea Tragedy." The Eptry to get a schofil nearer to his home. H. S. PETERS I worth league meets every Wednesday Elijah RobBjLOSfJWio formerly taught night in connection with the prayer at EverettT^Bs been engaged to suemeeting. ceed Mr. Curchin. The carousel j>n Carr avenue is be- Joseph Mount lost a horse last week. ing repainted. The amusement will be The "Cherry Pit dub, a social organi! open every Saturday' night until the zation made up of residents along the i summer season opens, and every night j - s l , o r e ; had a banquet at Edward W. are built in order to give you double service. • [thereafter. Mrs. Lottie "B. Jones of Perrine's Holmdel Inn Friday night. Irvington is the proprietor, The most wear comes on the kneei and front Victor Dean Kenney was called to of the (eg. That's where we put double rtmteRufso Brothers of Jersey City are Portland, Maine, last week, by the rial—see cut. You really get two overall! for buildihg a store on lower Carr avenue. sickness of'his brother-in-law. MarUn "Slx"tBobeat with Complete Touring Equtpmtnt, $21BO the price of one and thiy are fully guaranteed. The building is 18x25 feet. William A cow belonging to Howard GuillaSterling of Jersey City is building a Brotherhood Overalls are best because they deau died last week. store on the adjoining lot. He will iK-made that 'Way. Best materials, beit Union conduct j i novelty stand, workmanship, belt pattern! for comfort, and WBWS, Mrs. E: Hayner and Mrs. Klapp«rt most pockets and conveniences for the wearer. of Ne%v York were down Saturday and You'll be happy in"Brotherhoodi." See them at A Powerful Speed Car with Convenience and Comfort Matrtefl Conple Start HousekeepSunday looking for a boarding house ing Here. to rent. Mrs. Hnyrier conducted the Bed But—H, W, BVFFi 19 Hifoai St, , In" either the four or ilx-cylinder models the Marion Bobcat isueverything Mr. and Mrs, John Murray have .Asbury ParK—S. Goldstein & Sons. Antler boarding' house on Ocean View that a speed car ihould be—low hung, iturdily built, powerful and fast. Freehold—W, SLBrown. started housekeeping in Lewis S. avenue last season,Long Branch—w. M. Sloeum, 183 B'way. But a speed car to be of practical use must be more than this—it must be Thompson's house, formerly occupied A 1,600-eandle power gas light has Soring Lake—Frank J. Cobh. by William Hurley. complete in every detail of its equipment—as complete as a touring car. atanosqimn—F. H, Patterson. been installed in front of the More sbovo garment i i & iptelil oat lor Seatoright—H. Solomon. The village was almost depopulated Realty company's office on Main street. Mfchstilco and )• midt In Englishtown—W. B, Mount Co. To nake theTHarlon Bobcat the ideal touring toaditer, upkeep and mechanically excellent. The Marlon Bobcat whiu drill ealr This is the largest light of any kind in Saturday by an exodus to the. circus Keyport—W, S. Wallace & Co. t wehave«dde4 ^any eatelmive featurei of equipment with ii not a cor for 0 special class, but with iti convenience Keansburg and can be seen from a out sacrificing speed qualities. Thit car has a low hunj and comfort, ii a practical buy for any one. Mrs. Schroeder and her daughter of long distance.% H, 8 , P E T E R S , Maker—factories: Dover, N.J., and Welland, Ontario, Canada top, boot and side curtain. When down, the top is out 61 ! The touring seaion is close at hind—fiash "ifi renewed Newark have been visiting Mrs. H, G, It is reported that Paul .0, Hunter the way. The Weitinjhouse electric itartin| and lighting vigor and health «re youn to obtain aftet«,hgrd,winter. Marcell. Mrs. Mareell and her son has sold his tract known as Keansburg syslern with dimmers on the headlamps for city use, deThe Marion Bobcat will show you the beauties of the open Heights to a company of New York Kenneth spent ^Saturday at Newark. mountable rinsi, Hartford shock abiorbera, and Stewart road and do it lafely, economically and constantly. Charles Farmer of Elizabeth is vismen. Mr. Hunter wil have.charge of Speedometer are other ifeafurei of Its splendid equipment. 1 t Before you buy your car thia spring inveitigate the ex« iting his niece, Mrs, Joseph H. Tomthe property for the new jjwners. . Exceptionally large luggage capacity and large gaioline ceptional value of the Marion's "noted mechanical excelMr. and Mrs, George Freschl and linson. tank give the Marion Bobcat a diitmetlve touring value. lence." Mrs, Georgia Appkgate of Red son Sylvester-of Brooklyn have moved With ki abundant power, proper diitributlop of weights Call or phone. One of our representativei will gladly Bank spent Sunday with, her sister, into their new house on theiOreek road. •nd its equipment, it ii an ideal car for long aUtaafe runs explain the Marion construction and demonstrate the new Miss Jennie Fenton. The Freschl family will use the place in hilly, landy and rugged country. It 11 economical in Marion, as an all-the-year residence, J. L; Frenchman has opened a delicatesien and grocery store in his new How to Beautify the Hair building on Carr avenue. Mrs, J. C. Bell of Kearney has opened a similar A Simple and Inexpensive store in the Ankle building. - Home Method A MULLINS 16 foot special steel launch, can't burn, sink, warp; Advertised mail is at the postoffice The Marlon Distributor of ^fenmouth C6unty Equipped with air ehamhera and guaranteed AGAINST PUNCTURE, for Harry Aarons, Mrs. Henry Butter, 8O.32 W, F^ont St., RtdBuik.N.J. Mrs. A. L. Dickison, Mrs, S. H. Fuller, Equipped with PBBEO 8 h. p., two cycle engine, speed 8 miles per If your hair is not pretty- i f it is Mrs. Francesco Eumolo, Marsh Morlosing its color, too dry, matted, falling hour, seats eight people. , Mrs, Thomas Sheridan. out, or if the scalp itches and burns, Other steel boats, 18, 24 and 26 feet $ 1 7 5 up, also standardized John Paynter has bought a touring you can overcome all of these condi- »••»•••»»•»»•»»••••••••»»»•»»»»»••••••••••••••••••^••••••••••••••••••••••••••••» wooden boats and CANOES. I car from William P. Bodd." John S, tions by using Parisian 'Sage, which I Lankeneau has had his automobile' supplies every hair need. I t soaks Write for catalogue or demonstration of U L ! overhauled and painted and h§4s now right --*-•-"* in '- to '•-ithe - hair - roots, -••- -stimulating "—'-*'— *• MULJLJNS U E A D Q * L A U N C H to ^ them and furnishing the nourishment using it as a stage line bus. "| Mrs. Louisa Goodall of, Inwood,that is needed for the hair to grow J. HAROLD HENDRICKSON, Agent, Keyport, N. j , ! Lftng Island, has rented Mrs. John B. hot only long and heavy, but fluffy, Collins's house on Maple street, Mrs, soft, lustroui and gloriously radiant. You can get a bottle of this inexIfnnger and son John of Inwood have pensivo, yet delightful and helpful hair een visiting Mrs. Qoodall, Mrs, James Crowley and daughters tonic from James Cooper, J r . , or at May and Grace of Weehawken are any drug store. Improvement begins down for the summer, Mrs. Crowley with the very first application. Be. cottage a t Beacon sides stopping the scalp irritation it the removes every bit of dandruff. The Beaeh, Rtfv, F . C, Harding of Tuokahoe was UBB of this unequaled hair tonic will n Keansburg last week getting his surely give your hair new life and The improvement wiU give\you freedom from dust place ready for summer occupancy. beauty. and mud, add to the appearance of your property, and Hart & Lloyd have painted his house, • ' ' 1 increase its value, far beyond its cost. The cement for Walter H., More of East Orange,Tcsident of the More Boalty coma 6 foot drive 100 feet long will cost only about $33. >any, has moved into his house at SCHOOLBOY Beacon Beach for the summer. WANTED The office of the New Point Com'ort Beach company has been transQR steady,summer, part-' 'erred from Carr avenue to the NewB time, easy work. Miist 'oint Comfort Hotel. Zeke Wilson, who broke his leg in a was used In making the beautiful concrete drives in be bright, neatly dressed, fall from Henry Stanford's house a Central Park, New York. It ii exceptionally good for all, and under fourteen years of short time ago, is able to be around work that must resist weather, wear and heavy traffic. on crutches, ' • age. Give references a n d The United States express company We know that ALPHA Is stronger and finer than mention day and hour when has started a wagon delivery service ordinary Portland cements not made so carefully. here, Thjm is the first express delivery parent will come with boy PRUDEHTML Its greater binding power makes it go further than erylee, ' . , * ;.M»S THE ' ' ' 1 for interview:. Good pay. "M., J.' Lobel of Newark was down ' STRENGTH Of; cheaper cements. Saturday and Sunday looking over his ; GIBRALTAR ,! Splendid training. Write to We will tell you how to use ALPHA—the Guaranproperty at New Point Comfort Beach. S. B. W., Register Office. teed Cement that gives our customers perfect results. J. E, Qolnn is general manager of the Beacon, Mr, Quinn was editor of C— JLL JP V — . ! . » » « « * Masons' nnd Builders* Supplies Ocean Grove Times sixteen years, FORREST F. DRYDEN, President C. A. Edinger and family of Jersey RED BANK, City are spending, a few days dt their bungalow on Beacon Beach, Miss Carrie Broander of New York spent from Friday to Sunday night with her parents here. put in another colo^winter * Miss Hattie Butt and Robert Eaton 9 Contractor and Builder, as seyere as the last when you *•of Brooklyn were Sunday guests of 5* Miss Anna Brands. can, iov so little money get an James Sheehan is building. platR E S BANE, N, J . forms for tents at his camping colony up-to-date, perfect working on the beach front. Tell Us Your Wantt The garage at New Point Comfort has been leased to A. M, Bennett of OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING. ^ Jersey City. SohmitB will open his Room 3 . '""" Fred butcher shop on lower Carr avenue Telophon* 3SQ-J. , Now is the time to put it in, next week. - " . Second National Bunk Building; FOR QUAUTY»SAFETV» SERVICE, USE John Howland has been -Te-olected have the job thoroly done by R E D B A N K , NT. J . chief of the New Point Comfort flra lobblna of All Kind*. experts, get the benefit of our company. Ch*«rful|y Furnlahwt. low cost figures—Bee us about - "fork Addr««»: Spencer Brenrian Is working as , , driver for the Greenfleld,,dairy com- •S WOOLWOBTH BUILJ3IT , your work today. Telephone us to call, pany. ' / , GUARANTEED 4,000 MILES % R o o m 33O7, TELEPHONE 72i4 BARCLAY, The Kjsansburg airdrome moving ^ Big Supply of Seconds a t Intereotinar Prices picture theater opened Saturday night. call see, Eugene Knowles of Newark spent Saturday and Sunday with John Hayi ow mmm vo m&m, -Mrs. J , H. Meade and daughter of Bxocutljti Notice, . THE ONLY WAY Sarah E, E, Walllnff, ejeeoutrlx utr of David Davi Mpntclair were Sunday visitors' hero. A, WaHinp, flaoBod, by th WaHinp flod b by order der of f th tho •Winfleld Morris spent part of last aurrpgato All "RepairB Guaranteed t of tho county bbf'Monmouth, f ' M t h week at New York with his sister, hereby given notiqe to the oreditori of Mrs. Mary Marquard of Newark tho aaia deceased to bring in their debts, OPEN EVENINGS domanda and claims against tho QStoto 01 ipont Saturday and Sunday here, No. $9 Front Street, RedBonK, N. J. said deceased, undar oath or afllrmatlon, 10 Gold Street, Agents for Mohawk and Goodrich tiro* and Walter Weindorf is employed in within nine monthi from the twenty• • • ' . • T u b * * third day of April, 1914, or they wlll'b* •'• - - Oc«»n Avtnua, Sattbrltfht, N. J. William I. Phase's butcher shop. Red Bank, - New Jertey. forever' Unbred of any nctloa therefor Thomas Gilihbiir "of Jersey City against 1 tho said executrix, spent Sunday here. EttinwW* Furnldied. ~ 8ARAH E. WA1.I4NQ. XAA/VVVVVVVV\AAAA/VVV\A/V\AA/V\AA/ Don't Lose Any Time CUT FLOWERS W GREENHOUSES, RUMSON, N. J. Four"—$1650 Look at this Picture! The Marion Bobcat f tt30«The Greatest Motor Boat Ever Built for the Price * \ • • • ' Marion Motor Car Xo., Indianapolis^ Ind. FREDH. VAN DORN Two Billion Four Hundred Million Dollars Insurance in Force. Have an Everlasting Concrete Driveway THEGUU) m DENTIAL ocott m i e t m a n , REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS HEATING PLANT I MOREHOUSE &FORD, SCHILLING & MENGER, Geo. W . Sewing, 35 East Front Street. Red Bank Tire Repair Co. Mohawk fires and Tubes Rydeif & McGackin WILUAM O'BRIEN, Practical Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter, •» -.-.1'.I'JI STEAM VULCANIZING Painting, Decorating . Paper Hanging. THH BED BANK BEOIBTEB Special Season Rates For Telephone Service F OR the accommodation of those who may require telephone service for the Summer Season only we will quote Special Seaion Rates upon application. Telephone service will be appreciated during the coming season, not only because the telephone simplifies the management of the household, but also because it provide* a quick and easy means of arranging all matters of a social nature. Why not ask for Special Season Rates, and arrange now for your telephone service ? !i!.i FIVE ESTATES DIVIDED. H u e , Boalp Treatment, D D FRANK CHAMBERS, E Loft Hotel to Eliteri. Sarah Bowles of Asbury Park bequeathed the Grand View hotel at that plaeo to her Bisters, Frances Merritt, Maria Bowles and Elizabeth A. :1 Bowles, during their life time. After W. H, HAII, local Commercial Manager, their death the hotel will go to Miss 32 Monmottth Street. Red Bank, N, J. Bowles's nephew, Clifford E. Merritt, who was also bequeathed the personal •#•••< » • » » • » « » • • » • » • • • • • • • • • » » » • » • + • » • • • • • • • • • property of his aunt. Mr. Merritt ^vas appointed executor of the will. OUR SANITARY CARPET AND RUG CLEANING left Estate to Widow. MAKES THE DIRT SKIDDOO. William P. Beatty, who died recently at Allentown, made his will four W e Make A w n i n g s so t h a t W e W i l l B o t h be Pleased. years ago. -Ho appointed William R, Savidge executor. Mr. Beatty be"We B y e tor Y o u a n d Make a Clean J o b ol It, queathed $50 to his son, Harry W. Your search far the right kind of CARPET AND RUG CLEANING Beatty, The rest of his estate was left ' tho ends hare. her estate will go to Mr. Beatty's son May we prove it? On* Day Service If you say fto. HERE, Wall Paper! Wall Paper! M TELEPHONE CO, A W N I N G S MADE] R I Q H T BRONCHITIS CONQUERED Monlourinr K *nd Mono Charles J" Wesson, son of Prnnk J, 17 Brood atrMt, R*T BulL T«l. M1 Wesson, a summer resident of Fair Note—Work doss by ».ppolntm»tttn t t t t *• Haven, and Miss Lynn Canter of St.Royersford, Pa., Man Tells How, this offlco or at home of pattent. Aaron MopWrn of X a v t l l n k CUU X U Louifi, Missouri, were married MonW t f a ' i E«tat«—M«t»w»n Mam Cut» off day of last week in the N«w York ISS LA RUE, At this •oagon of year with such OhiUnu l a mim Will—Two Other Wills city hall. Miss Edna Green, one of the BODY AND FACIAL Sample line of 1914 Designs M»nlcurliiar, Bhamseotar, 8c» Buddon changes, it la io easy to tftko Prolmted. members of the company in which the cold, and almost bofore ono la awaro sp«Ulty, Now Complete. James fivers, who died nt Red Bunk bride 1H an uctrcss, wan bridesmaid. UOUIIVI DUIIUIHQ, UKCHU41O B' n few WCCKH ago, nmdo hl» will lust Miss Cantor wna a member of Joethere I» inflainrantiou In tho bronchial Before placing that order for February, Mr. Uyura bequeathed his Hurtig's Taxi Girls company, which tube*—a hard cough and unless !RS. CARLE & CARLE, estate to his nephew, Robert Brown, played last week at the Empire"theater chocked In time chronic pulmonary that papering job, get in touch OSTEOPATHIO who was appointed executor of thoat Newark and she was serenaded by troubles may remit. with me. Rmm 7. E b o n Huitdlac, Brood S t . Brf Bwk will. ill Th it l i C. C Thg witnc.tHea wore L Lelift the other members of the company 3N>. Townsend Young of noyerBford, See my beautiful line of Wall RrmilattM of ATelephone son and Joseph Reilly. during the performances* Monday Pa., saye: "A ?OToro bronchial trouB M U School et Paper, and get my prices. Eirkivlll*, Mo. afternoon and night. Lett rttatfl to Snatand. blo contracted cauoed mo much diffithere is the good kind of Wall Oilk. Hour.: 1 JO A. H. to 3:00 P. K. Mr, and Mrs, Wesson nrrlved at culty about breathing. Mr cheat foil Mrs. Ella C, Hopkins, wife of Paper and the other. ARTHUR C, SWIFT, Aaron Hopkins of Navesink, loft her Fair Haven this week, They will entire estate to her husband in a will spend the summer with the groom's clogged up and there 'was conslderWhen you want the best at tho • " CIVIL ENOINEEB AND SUHVKTO» ablo soreness, I tried different remBro»d »nd Monmouth ftrMta, which was mndo in July, l!)06. The parents, Mr, Wesson is twenty years most moderate price, call on me. Phen( 189-L. ' BED BAKE. N . J . will was •witnessed by j , M, Johnson old and his wife is nineteen years of edies without help; hut I am glad to The largest assortment in MonR. B. F. KING, and Charles R. Snyder of Atlantic age. Mr. Wesson'has been an actor nay that Vinol cured my bronchial VETEIUNAKY SOKGEOH AND several years. Both ?,Ir. and Mrs. Highlands, trouble which had lasted for threo mouth county to select from. DHalTlST. • Wesson will act together next season Beat Materials. Beat WorkmaiuMp, ' SHBEWSBUBY. NEW J t t t 3 E T . monthi. My breathing la all right Left Estate to Qrftnanophiw, Qrentoniy perforraed on bitch« wiU» tmtptt in one of. the Hurtig companies. Beat Finish and Beat Service, and tho soreness entirely gono froni Bafety, Alvin N, LnmbcrFon, who died at Also dog* treated 'with Serum (of DieUmpet WB» my cheBt," Matawan about two weeks ago, left All Work Given Prompt *nd Penonnl MsngeA LONG BRAlfCII his real estate to his Krandnephew, Vlnol coatains tho curative., heallnff Tcl«phon« 1118, E»tontown, N. J . Attention. John L. Rose-, son of Muf.it> IT. Hose, prlnclplea of fresh cods' livers (withn R . L. H, STRYKER, Mr, LambertKon'a wife wtis left one- Mil! Afnei Huff Wedflta to Thomas out oil) and tonic iron. We guaran*+ VBrBMNABY SOBQEON. Proctor, Jr., Iftat Weak. third of tho estate us provided by tee it to be dollcious In tasto and to Office, Public Scrriee BalWlne. TelephM* SM, Miss Agnes Huff, daughter of law and he left $5 each to his daiiRhBeiidence. 61 Shrewsbury Avenue. T*lephon«l>-tr ter Blanche and his son Clare, Mr, George Huff, became the bride of BOtiBfy you with its medicinal effectB. 26 W. Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. RED BANK, N. J . Lamberspn's personal property wus Thomas Proctor, Jr., Tuesday of last P, S, If you have nay skin trouble Telephone BBS, RNEST A. ABEND, beiiueatlfed to Mrs. Amanda Van- week. The ceremony was performed try Saio Salve. Wo guarantee it. , ABCSrrror, Brunt, who nursed Mr, Lamberson at the bvido's homo ut Long Branch Jamm Cooper, Jr., s n r g i i t , Bad Bank. 108 W, 40th itreet, Naw If oik Cltf. durinp; a serious sickness. Mr. Laniber- ; by Rev. William J . Reed. Tho house Kinmonth Buildlnf. AjboTy P«rk.-N. J . flMldence, Bresd StW«t. Bed Bank- N. 1. son's will was made last March, C. E.was decorated with palms and flowers. Speclallit la countrr work. eutor of the will. PERFECT Kavtf Tonaf Jifta T*fc«« s t , airl for HI. Wife. JAMEB B Y E B 0 S B F T BBTATH TO H I S JTBPHEW. CIOBU of Matawan was appointed exe- NEW YORK A O T O * A J WA e n x i f l W E B , Tho bride wore a white crepe de chine dress trimmed with pearls and carried a boquet of lilies of the valley and bride roses. After a luncheon tho bride and groom tried to get away from their friends in an auto but were followed by several autos. They took a ride of fourteen miles and ^vc-re finally forced to return to Long Branch to start on their wedding trip. Stop Torture Lice Btop hens laying and check theCTOWthof young birds. You can easily' Bat ri J of ail Hce, mites ftftd vermin with Powdered lice Killer tSo and 100 smA saw money. Also the best Insecti_ _ — ^ , «•—_— cide for dagt, eati, plaati O8d flowori. An Ocean Grove wadding', , Refuse substitutes; Imlst on Pratts, SotUf action Guaranteed or Money Buck M|ss Rena K. Emmont, daughter of Get Pratta 100 pag» Poultry Bosh Mrs. John G. Emmons, and Frank Tot kale t y I M d D . WUcaff. White, both of Ocean Grove, wore married last Saturday week by Rev.U . T , BroWn & Co. W . T. S n e n n a n . 3261 Steadman Applegate. Miss Emmons was attended by her two cousins, Misses Florence and Mamie Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. White have started I housekeeping at Asbury Park. Harry, • ttOAD COWTBACT i W i l D I D , KEANSBURG STEAMBOATCO. Telephone CoaMetlona. TQHM S. APPLEGATE & SON, el COUNSELLORS A l LAW Davidson BuUdine, Brow Boat Schedule from April 24 W, HOPE, to May 15 COUNSELLOB AT LAW. FREDERICK Offices corner B r a d and Front Street* BID BAHK. N. RED BAHK. N. 3, WEEK-DAYS: DMUND WILSON, Leave Battery—10:30 a. m.; B:30 COUNSELLOR AT LAW. RED BANK. H. X p. m. Leave Keansburf—7:40 a, m.j 4:00 Offleea; 10 EAOT Wmatn SfEBST. p. m. LSTON BEEKMAN, Leave Keyport—7:00 a. m. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. E A Offleei 10 Broad itreet BED BANK. N . J . SATURDAYS; E. HERBERT B. WILLIAM^ Leave Battery—0:30 a. m.; 2:00, 5;80 SURGEON, GradnittjyniTerBiW « p. m. . Wi Bank; Leave Keansburg—7 ;40 a, m.; 12:00OBee DantoRed and Saturdays m,; 4:00 p. m. 120 Broad Street. Red Bank. N. J . Leave Keyporfc—7:00 a. m. R. W. M. THOMPSON, D LOOK YOURSELF IN THE FACE D DENTAL SURGEON. „ , 24 Nat'l Bank BnUdlnB, Bed Back, M. J SUNDAYS I W R E C K E D BCHOONEE B R E A K S W , Farmingflale Man to -Bulia Fl 8-5, We Deliver and Call, Hamilton Soatl, I Leave Battery—9:30 a. m.J 2:00, 8:0(J R. J . D. THROCKMORTON, Long Branch Soy Break! His Sef WMle DENTAL SURGEON, The contract for building the secp, m. Gathering- weed from Wreck. ond section of the Jerseyville-HamilLeave Keansburg—7:40 a. m,; 12:00No. B B«»d Street, OFFICE: Bad B«nk.H t A If you realize how imS The wrecked schooner Charles K. ton road was awarded to Joseph L. m.; .5:00 p. m. Buckley at Long Branch broke up dur- Butcher of Farmingdale by the freeLeave Keyport—7:00 a. m.p 5:1B p . m. K. PRANK L. MANOTNG. MELVIN M. CREE, Proprietor. SUBGEON DENTffl"V. ing the storm last week. The bottom holders last Wednesday. Mr, Butch. J portant teeth are to the] r; t J.1 J. A Boats leave the Battery Sundays lEL BANK.H. I . of the ship was held fast by the sand er'si>id of $10,984.20 was the lowest 64 WHITE STREET. appearance, a n d t h a t g (except 8:00 p. m. trip) direct for Br«d «tt*efc opposite Forf S H t e | i of ten bids. • „ but all the rest of the wreck was Telephone 32-M , , 1 v South Amboy at the Tegular fare o£ washed ashore in pieces. The beach Bids for erecting a guard rail on R. A, W. JEWETT, n a t u r e expects a heavy d 50 cents and then by way of trolley to DEKTBt, A was thronged with people gathering in ;he ocean boulevard at Water Witch Keansburg a t an additional fare of Boota 14, S»MBd Nattonal Bank BoMln* were rejected because of'a change dethe wreckage. E D BAHK. N. J cents, round trip. to be made in the specifications. § penalty for neglect, you J30 Trolleys Miclrael Farrago, an Italian boy. sired leave Keansburg Sunday The freeholders passed a resolution sustained a broken log while trying to R. WILLIAM EOSB, at 6:00 and Keyport at 6:15 DENTIST,* get a piece of rope from one of theto take over Broad street at Keyport J will think twice when j | evenings p. m., afld eonneet with the 6:00 p. m, Buceeiwr to.Dr. B. F . Bordm. masts, "He was riding the mast in the with the consent of the state road 0 you buy a dentriflce. boat from South Amboy. d surf when a wave washed him off into commissioner. m BBOAD iTBIET. RED BANK. K. 2. the driftwood, He was pulled out of Bids have beeirasked for the raising J We carry many kinds of J WILLIAM H. FOSC1R, the water and taken to the hospital. of the bridge over Parker's creek be™ REAL ESTATE, IKIUBANCB The Charles K, Buckley came ashore tween Little Silver and Oceanport, AND LOAMS. j •Washing Powders and j on the night of April 15th. The capBATONTOWN, TRAmS LEAVE RED BANK. _ tain and his wife and five sailors were Naw Tofk. Newark »nd Elbabeth B 61.6 87. Sunday-School Association Meets. 4 Soapsforthe teeth, and dF « •718, TB7, *S2E, # i 3 I , 9 i 3 , *104& US8, U S ! drowned. Only one person on the ship' EO. D. COOPER, a.m.;2 43. *418, 4 28. ISIS, 7 O , 818. p. m. Q1NEEB. The Moninoiith and Ocean counties CIVIL BN Q was saved. _ ^, Sundays. 8 64, 1149a.nL; 2 46. 4 44.7 Ofi. 8 B3. to Otto. Cooper, C . B Sunday-school association met at As-j all grades, shapes and ^ Matawan »t % ST. 913,1157 a, m.; Postofflco BuUdLne. BOBOtTGHITES StXDL BTTSY. . bury "Park4ast Thursday for its quarj sizes of-Brushes, j For 4F^ihoTdvlii 28p.ro- Sundsya. 8 M a, ta.% 4 44. 8 B6 ». m. terly session. Advanced methods of s Wot LsktWMa, L«kduBit ftfc, «* 8 40, U10 a. m,t r"10HQl K. ALLEN, JR., _ • " I Sunday-ichool t*brk were discussed. 4 1 0 8 0 9 4 4 1 , i IS, 111 17 47p.m. • Inadaja. * * CIVIli INGINIEB AND'SUHVEYOB; •j-We ^particularly recpm& Tliey Petition Kteptnno TowusMp to Take Rev. Robert MatKellar of Red"Bank Btiwfc tttitBi : n.r,'JtoBBk7».I itfw.nifcB.stt.tB • of Ocean Fo» Atlantio C t e . 8 40, U10 • . « . §210. 4 41 B. m» OceanCtaarf Grove boroughitwr presented wag one of the "Officers in charge of Bandars. 1110 n. m.; 3 41 p. ro. v i a petition to the Neptune township the meeting. Pet Vineland, B»UB«ton,ft&,6 40, 11 10 a. n u TA6OB C. SHUTTS, U V ,- AUCTIONBEB. 4 41 p. p . Sundays 1110 a. m.. 3 41 p. m. committee Friday night asking that , „ «, .'past two.-*years For Tomi River and B m i i M at 6 40.1110 a. m.; Bneotal attention .jrlWB to Mlea of tarm the township take charge of *Oceanb n toplementa and other penonal pngjOTtr, 3 09.'612 p. w. Sanda3ri,UUa.m, and have been used in and around the city. Among them Grove. The petition" asked for the "P."O. AMxtms, 191 B»»d ineot. Ked Bank. • New york only. ! iaturdayi only. are matched teams suitable for general business, also several removal of the gates on Main-avenue, h 244. , YORK AtiD LONG BRANCH police protection for Ocean Grove and Girls and women of all ages want to nayemen t sore mares.-Price8, singtohones $45 upwards, teams R.A.F. VOSS, BAILEOAD. 1 that "the township assume charge of be beautiful and attractive, but un$115 upwards, (30) days' trial allowed. If not as represented lime Table in eSeet Decembes 21st, 1918. OSTEOPATBIO PBYSICIAK. J, L. BERGEN & C all streets there. The petition was re- sightly, thin and lifeless hair destroys In the Eisner Building,"R6ora 19. can be returned within trial time. No reasonable offer reTSAnJS LEAVE BED BANK ferred to Rulif V, liawreme, counsel half ±ha beauty Q£ a pretty face. Red Bank. N . J PROPRIETORS, fused. All horses shipped 400 miles from New York city for Neptune township. The boroughFor Matawan mnd Perth Ambey: B SI, 6 37, 7 05 Telephone 184. If your hair is losing its natural iMatawan only),? 18. 7 B7, 0 13, 9 41, U 38. 11 67 ites say that they want to be 'either color, is falling out, dull, streaky, full with blankets and halters and collars. a. m,i 141, 2 41. 4 26, fi IS (Saturdays only), 18 Broad Street, Red Bank. R. WM. J, WOLFERT, in a borough or a township. of dandruff, too dry, or if the scalp (Matawan only), B 57 (MatawBn only!, 7 41, 919 OSTEOPATH1. All Gars Transfer to the Door p. m lundayg: § SI, 9 S3 o. m.; 2 48, 4 44 (Mataitches and burns do jiot be alarmed, 94 Broad Etreet, Red Bank, N. J . • wan only), 3 69 (Matawan only), 7 08 Matawan) use Parisian Sage. Rub i t well into Graduaia of Philadelphia college of OsteoOTthf. One Block from the iGong Island Ferry Telephone 79-J. letter Carrier In Tronblo. only), B BB p. m. Philftdelphiaeolleeeef A n a m y . A p Anatomy. A n d a t j — the scalp. It will go right to the hair For Elizabeth and Newark! 6/61. 6 37. 7 05. ? 1 | , ate of Ajnerican school at S e e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t . P h o n e 7 4 8 1 M u r r a y H i l l WA Ai hool of f Osteopathy Ot Frederick A, Heale, an Ocean roots, nourish them, and stimulate the 7 38 (Newark only), 7OT, S31 (Newark only), Ville, fMo,, under tbe founder of the science. BIS, 9 41. 1188, "11 £7 a. m,i 2 41, 2 43,418, Grove letter carrier, has resigned hair to grow lonf-and beautiful. I t 4 50, 615 (a»turdaya only). B B7, 7^48, 01B aftor being charged "with hiding under removes dandruff with one applicaBBD»iri"S SAM, p, m. Sundays, 8 B», B 33,1149 a, m.; 2 48,4 44, the bed of Miss Remega Leo, a Porto tion, stops itching scalp, falling hair By virtue of a writ offl.fa., to me flU B 42, B B9, 7 00. 8 05, 8 83, J SB, 9 54 p. In, rsctefl, issued out of tho Court of Ciian- For New York- B 61, 0 Ot, 7 05. 7 IS, 7 38, 7 IT, 8 22. Rican girl whose parents recently and makes the head feel fine. cory of the state of New Jersey, will be 8.=2.83B,913, B41.10 4!, 11 38.1157 a. in ; 1 41, opened their summer home at Ocean Parisian Sage, supplies the bair exposed to sale at pulilio vundue, on IB, 4 28, 4 50, B IB (Satuidny only), 6 67, Grove; Heale la fifty years old and is with what is needed to make it soft, MONDAY, THE Zuth DAY OF MAY, 27 43,4 DENTIST 48, 919 p. m. Sundiiys: 8 54, 8 33,11 43 a, m,, 1014, between the hours of 12:00 o'clock 2 48, 4 44,5 42, B 60, 7 08,8 05,8 83,8 BB, 9 Bi p, nr Contractors and Builders, married. No criminal action has been fluffy, thick and gloriously radiant. I t and 6:00 o'clock, (at 1:00 o'clock), in the Second National Bank Building For LiOBB Braneh, Aibury Pttfk, Ocean Qroye, taken against him. afternoon of said day, at the court house, Roomi 8 and S is sold in fifty-cent bottles by James Freehold, And Dealers in'AJI Kindi of Point Pleasant and inttrmediate itotions, 120 in the township oft freehold, (MondayB exoepted), fi00,8 44,1001,10 2T a.m,; Cooper, Jr., and a t all drug counters. county of Monmouth, MATffllALi," New Jersey. 1228. 12 59. 147 (Saturdays only), 2 01. 2 SB Look for the trade mark—"The Girl All that tract or parcel of lands and BRIDGE AVENUE, Mndftm NorSloa Dead. (Saturdays only),4 SB, 4 61,5 41, (Except SaturOppnite Railroad Statlan, with the Auburn' Hair," Accept no premises, situate, lying and being in t h e dayi),B 64, 82«, 842, 7 42.10 4J p.ra,Sundays; Madam Lillian Nordica, the famous Other, 126, 624, 10 02, 10 41, 10 56a. m,; MZ6, 2 6D, borough of Bunison, in the county of B e d S a n k N, J, B44.« 58,10 18 p.m. opera singer and a resident of Deal, Monmouth and state of New Jersey, DB, ROBERT DIOKSON, J; Worfc done h> th» day or contract shown nnd deslBnatud upon map entitled For Freehold via< Matawan and 0. B. B. of N . J,, died Sunday of-last week at Batavia, Vtiri 7B7, 913, 11B7 a.m.; 1.41. 4 20, G 57 p. m Telephone 892: No job too Inrg-c: none too small. "Map of Conover Park, on tlio Riimson Java, of pneumonia. Madam Nordica Sundays: 9 33 a. m,; 4 44, 8 08 p. m. DOGS, CATS, TOY DOGS. road, opposite Seabrisht, New Jersey, IJUJobbing attendedtoat Bhort notlcs. was stricken with pneumonia after belonglnfj to W. W. Conover," in Block A, Eitlmatea fufnighed on nil kinds of • Boiir.lliiit Dags, Onw a n d H»r«e». Beginninff at a stake Btandlng In tho LEAVE NEW YOBE FOB BED BANE. ing ship wrecked. She was the wife of Work, southerly side of tiro Rutnson road at the —v w „* M J.. fpotof Liberty street,« 00, i 30 41 par Havra, N. 3, 4fl W. Bed Bank. U George W. Young, a New York banker.. nprtheaaterly corner of the Thorpe land; ino4 li[s a. m.; <1 00 (Bttturiayi enly), 1 ao Madam Nordica left jewelry said to be thence (1) easterly along the southerly i~-.' , - jnlrt.iSO.SBO. S 40, 4 46,6 00.680, • • » » » » • • • • » • • • • • • • » • • • » » • worth $ 1,000,000.side of said Jtumson road fifty feet to a B 38,flM, 9 00,12 01. (oaldniBht). Sunday*. 4 00, Tel 57-M-Atlantic Highlands, stake in land of Allgor; thence (2) southB 4B, 9 IS. 10 00. a. m.i % SO, 4 00,130, 9 00 p. m. D Red Bank Awning and Carpet Cleaning Works, D D D Look These Horses Over NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. BEFORE .-BUYING ELSEWHERE Pennsylvania Express Co. G 391 and 353 East 34th Street, New York City I GLORIOUS HAIR Cariiog, Jobason & Frake Go Dr. H.'B.VanDorn J. J. VANDERS Automobile Painting EGAN'S UNDERTAKER of Vote Buylny, Joseph B. Hoff of Lakewood was convicted last week at Toms River of buying votes at an election at Lake- Now that movl'it time u mmt IWE do ? ?6ur wood. He was reieaied in fl.BOO baii prepared prepared to do u r next xtmayfrnm mfrnm *i *i fuit i pianos or baggag baggage, to to allll putt t for sentence on Saturday of this week, furniture, city countiTi <a the Urgent dJrf of city or countiTi a Urgent p J u Hoff in an automobile dealer and re-r u i 1» 1 R«d R dBank. B kB f r you bar* Bofore cently married Mrs, Ruth Conneil, who four next moving done, write, issd o? formerly-Hved on Monmouth street, Mil for the only rcllaM* furottur* motr«i In tews, u d gat mr prioet on your M I Red Bahk. lob. All kinds of hMtvy or Ught truck Auto Vans andExpress, WtLBERT A, B E E C H O F T ; Sheriff, DANIEL H, APPLiEaATE, Sorr, Dated April 2Bth, 1911. I|12,9S,] For further purtlculara m time-tnbloa a t . Snperintiindent, N. Y. and L. B. THOMAS CARPENTER and BUILDER Bungalows and Cottages a Specialty. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. CHAS, 0. MOPAODIN, Gen, Pasi. Agent, N. Y. LEONARDO " ~ MEW JERSEY ON RULE TO BAA CREDITORS. and L, B. R. E. Administrator's Notlco, It pays to advertifls In T H E REGISTHL Stanlej- J. Fielder, adniinietrator of D. N, BELL, Gen. Pail. A rent, PeBn. B. B. John Jlenry Fielder, deceased, by order W. C. BOPE, Gsn'l PaisanBei Agent. Central —Advertisement, of the surrogate of the county of Mon* R,B.ofN.J. mouth, hereliy ijivea notice to the efeditors of the said- deceased to bring in their debtB, dernands and elaimB against the estate of said deceasedi under oath or arartnatlon, within nine months from the fifth day of May. 1014, or they will TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY ITih, :ng floae a t ahort notice. c*Il or mSAnm be forever barred of any action therefor aralnst the Bald administrator. Subject to chance without ootleo. J. T. EOAN, STANLEY J, FIELDER, AND EMBALMER. MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY. Sine m^mtt «rm<Ja«t». Graduating 'exercises of the class of II Wall Street. Red flank. nurses were held at the Spring Lake R hone 1Z4-J. O#fl« phono 676-J. Notice of Bettlemont of Aoeonat. hospital last Thuriday. The graduEstate of Mary h, Hendi'lekson, deee ates were Mra, Katheryn Coward and CeaBtd. -s Notice is hereby givon that the acMisses Ethel R. Else, Cora V, Engle, counts of the subscribers, administrators Esther Bapp, Urilla M, Edsick, Ethel of the estate of said deceased, Will bo Between Pkr 24, foot 9T Franklin Street, New York (Landing at th M. LeitenEerg, Alice M. Bath, lleo* audited and-stated by the surrogate and to take on and let off Passengers only), and Highlands, Highland BeacK for settlement to the orphans n'ora M, Galen and Bella C. Haynes. If you have any doubt etfTthltruth of reported court Of the county of Monmouth, on Oceanic, Locust Point, Fair Haven and Red Bank. tho above assertion, come and n t n d • Thursday, the eleventh flay of June, t«w hour* in our class-rooms and you'll Ala Fos Aahttry Park. , TitoBhone C«U 1T04 Franklin. N«iw York, and 423 Red Bank. N . J . doubt It no longtr. Our attendance ln- A, D,, 1914. Dated April 20th, A, D,, 1914, wealti erekMf «v,ery w t i and a t present It The fr*eholdws last week adopted a the OiilQftQE C, BEEKMAN, i the th history h i t of f our 10 largestt in 10 yeara FOR NEW YORK FOR RED BANK. ELLA HENDRICKBON. resolution providing for the payment: In Perm Amboy, P.M. A-It .WILLIAM HARTSHORNE, of -the^ost of repairing Mam atreat All posBlblo improvements have boon Uaya Plei Z4, foot of franklinmade, ftnfl to gee our class-rooms "in 2,80 Leave Red Bant. HENRY a. SCUDDER: and Grand avenue a t Asbury Park. I t aQtlon" Street... i . . . . . . . . . . , , . ' . . . under our uD-to-dato methods 2.5S " F*lr F l Hftto. Hft Lcovo Battery Lnndlnj-.,.. is estimated that it will require flve and splendid equipment, would surprise Locust Point Notice of Bettlftjnont of Account. Arrivo Highland* about , ^4.40 0 a carloads of p;ravel and three carloads you. J Estate of Amy VnnKlrk, deccoBod. " Oceanic ,.... MB Oceanic. Wo are proud of our school and cor- Notlco la hereby given that the acHlbl of crushed stone to finish the work. LocustPolut " 620 lattery Landtag about, 11 inmouth Street, Near Maple Avenue, STEAMER SEA BIRD A BETTER SCHOOL NEW JERSEY. Telephone, 2 1 4 Red Bank. dially welcome visitors. - SqtUrreX Btealn XTeoktU. A little red squirrel got into Harold B. ..Snyder's home at Asbury Park last Wednesday morning and ran away with a led necktie. Tty) next tnornine the squirrel returned and was making away with another necktie, when Mr. Snyder frightened it off: "~~ Hedvy Weight Wire renciog. TSWS'S BUSINESS COLLEGE American Buildinir, P E R T H A M B O Y , I**, jr. Fair Haven counts of the subscribers, executors of Red Bank tho estate of unid deceased, will bo audited and stated by the «urrogato and. SUNDAYS. reported for settlement to the orphans t court of tho county of Monmouth, on Leave Pier <24, loot of Franklin Thursday, tho Uvonty-oightli day of Street.....v....; May, A. D., 1S14. Uated April 20th, A. D.. 1914. Leave Battery Landing PETER VAN KIRK, Arrivo Hi»hl»nda about CHARLES VAN KIKK. " Oceanic ' E.85 5.60 Arrive Battai Antvo Franklin Stawet about SUNDAYft A. M . . Leave It «d Bank. " FalrHaven " Locust Point Oceanic..:.. " Hivhlanda Arrive Battery L Landlntr e l t Blxttlt " Locust Point" " F«ankltn F k l t SStreet t t " FalrHaven ON BtnbE TO BA» OBBDITOBS. " RedBank " AdminlHtrator'a" Notlco. NOTICE-At Battery Landiner, all elevated train* for uptown, nubway tor uBtown m to William H. Wood, adminlHtrator of and »orfacocM« and ferriBB to StotenJaland and Brooklyn. canboreacbMln tW>niln«J)«»; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEE IN Wow Armory for Airtmxy Park. Ellen A. Wood, deceased, by order of tho FAEE-Eicuralon, CO Cents; Sinala Fta*. 40Cent*. ChMren nndet 13 yean. Ewawatan. 0fl ot tho county of Monmouth, v - •' Plans for • Asbury, Park's new Lumber, Sash, Door*. Blind*. Gls»i Burrogate hereby gives notice to tho creditors ol Slnulo Fare, £G Cento. the said, deceased to btlng In their debts, Armory have been approved and bids TROLLEY CONNECTION*. and Builder** demands and claims ngainst tho estate for building the armory will be .reAT HIGHLANDS via J . C . T.Co.. for Stone Church, Natetlnk, Atlantic of said deceased, under oath or affirmaceived this week. The plans call for '' tion, within nlno months from , the Keanobura. Keyport, MUdletown and Red Bank. a brick building with'terra cotta trim. AT RED BANK vl» VL C. E. Co., tor Shrwrabtirr, Eatontowfl, LoMt eighteenth (lay of March, 1814, or they will'.be forever barred of 'any action • AT RED BANK via J . C. T. Co.. f ot Fair Vto*. Mlddtotown, N««r The state. has appropriated $30,500 therofor against tho said administrator, bum and K t toward the building. RED BANK, N. J . WILLIAM H. WOOt). »S-6 I'havB a larae anil complots atock of tha beat-up'to-dato (enclng motertnli for maklnj kny mylo of fleld^MCted fence. Also;heavy woven wire, poultry and lawn fonolni. steel aaton. plain wUo.otapIeB.oto. Contract* for enttae Job taken, tncludlnii tho furnlahlnn and setting at potts. Call on or addnM CONOVER y-M D erly along the westerly side of the said C« H. H, of N. J.. foot of West Md streafc S 20. S B0, Allgor land one hundred and fifty foot to 1120 a. B.; la 60 (Saturdayi only). 110 Satur. the middle ol said Block A; thence (3) days only). 1 20, 8 20. S 30, 8 40, 4 SO. 4 SO, S80, Charles . Sickler of Long Branch RED BANK GAEAGE COMPANY, westerly parallel with Bumson j'oad flity 8 20,1 B0.11B0 p. m. SundayB, I IB, 9 06, 9 60 feet to a stake; ake; thence e n e (4) ( ) northerly n o y B, m.: in.: 8 2 20, 8 60.120, BO. 120, 8 60 p. m. in. died In the city hall at that place Tuesalong tho easterly side of said Thorpe Penn, H. B. 7th AveandSadStwet. N. Y,, 70J,9 04, Bridge avenue, near station, day night of last week. He had been land one hundred and fifty feet to the 1112 a, m,, 18 34, 8 42, 4 24 (Saturdaya exeOB" place of beginning, bo the said several drinking heavily and was taken to the BED BANK, N. J . . ted) 512 p. in, Sundays, 8 SB, B SO, 1112 a. m., dimensions more or less. I 1 30, 512 p. m. city hall by a policeman. Mr. Sickler5 Psnna, B.~B., Hudson Ttrminal (H. & M. B. B.) Prices reasonably and estimates as the property of Elizabeth k was 62 years bid. A wife and two Church and Corttandt StreBti, 7 00, 9 00," Packer et al,, taken in execution at tlie children survive him. They live at 1110 a. m,, 12 27 (Saturdays only), 12 80, 8 42, cheerfully suit of Red Bank Building and Loan As4 26 (Saturdays exeepted). 612, p. m. Sun. sociation, body' corporate, and to be sold Now York, Mr, Sickler was an updayli S 30, 9 80,1H0 a, m,i 1 SO, 617 p. m. by holsterer, ' SltA la City Hall, RED BANK, I D , r~ CHARLES LEWIS, ...8.80 ....8.65 ...10.40 ...11.16 ...11.20 ...11.36 .1 .11.60 ,|| TITR RET) RANK REGISTER s Munim CURIOSITY! We All of Us Possess a Certain j Amount off Curiosity. Sometimes cariosity leads us into trouble, ; : but'we assure you that if you are curious ; enough to bring your clothes to us for a ; Cleaning, Pressing or Dyeing trial you will ; not only avoid trouble in the future but you : will be delighted with the way your clothes;;j appear when they are returned to you. This ;; will mean you wont be curious in the future : as to who is the best tailor in RedBank. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock During Anniversary Sale COOKMAN AND GRAND AVENUES Asbury Park, New Jersey Announce for Wednesday and Thursday [ay j20tli and 2l i t Empire Dry Cleaning and Dye Works, I OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, 13 East Front Street, fled Bank, N, J, : MOB GORDON, Proprietor.. Telephone 225-W, Goods Called for and Delivered. IMIIIII i mMittn BATOHTOWH NEWS, Six years ago we opened tUia wagmfleeht store to the women sHo^ers of Monmouth County, Tke resportse was instantaneous, and we desire to extend our thanks for the •confidence njawifeated in our efforts, Special sales will prevail in honor of the occasion. i O1D SCHOOL SATS. Haaaway Horse Owned t y Coa«oUaated Burlesque on Public School*" of O l d Qns Company Oauglit B « e , ; 'Blasi( to Be Given at ZtaniDurg. | A horse owned by the Consolidated ; An entertainment, • "Ye Village gas company ran away Sunday at Skew! of Long Ago" will be given n t ; Shrewsbury and was caught here by the Keaneburp Methodist church to- i Harry Woleott. No damage was done, j morrow night under the direction of j Tho Red Bank cavalry troop held the ladies' aid society. Those taking , several drills here last week. The new part will'be dressed in old-fashioned j horses of the troop are quartered on costumes and will talk in the old-time ; Matthew Byrnep's farm. j country dialect. Henry Aekernian has j The colored band of South Eaton- been chosen ae schoolmaster. The j town marched to the business section ; school committee are Norman Carhart, I Monday .nighf and played several se-j Harry VanPelt and Warren Smith, j lections, • j The visitors are Mrs. John R. ROB- i Raymond Aumack is employed as nagle, Mrs. Carrie Patenaude, Mrs. ! night watchman on the Byrnes farm. ; Harry VanPelt and Miss Lillian CarJohn Klein is covering his butcher hart. The pupils 'are Mrs. William route through the country in an auto- \ Bragg, Mrs. Henry R. Stanford and mobile which he bought a'short time,! Jlisses Eva Oberlander, Anna Brands, ago. . Jlattie Collins, Mary* Wnitt, Ivadel John Metizer of New York has been ; Thorne, Belle Broander and Helen spending several days with his daugh- Brands, Kenneth Thorne, Lloyd Hopter Mrs. John Klein, . per, David Miillison, George King, Les-1 f 'Albert Smock, a motormsn on the He VanPelt, Dnvid Cosby, Fred" John- | tiu.iBj, line, is laid up with neuralgia. s o n , George King, Leslie VanPelt, Michael Raymond of New York is David Cosby. Fred Johnson, Seymour boarding with Terrence Covert, , Compton and George Schlick. • James Lake, Jr., has quit his job at j , ^ _ _____ _______ the Gulf oil works and is working for ; "CHUBOH 83 TEABS O M . Chance Rose, who runs a vegetable: route along the shore. Mathottiito Gljsewefl AanlA barn dance will be held in Cres- Jntontownvesoavy last Wesk. \ cent hell next Wednesday night fov h thee ubenefit of wieiiiH.-m Chemical are fire winy,*..*. company _ SP°f^ J ^ % ^ ^f f th ,° I e n e l ic 01 Two Western bronchos were bought Eatontown Methodist church last week bv~L. B. Krauae last week. The em- "? observance, of the church s 63d anplovees on Mr. Krause's farm are mversary A report was read showing breaking the bronshos in. budding fund. reieiTJta of §860 since j Cnnries-Cornelia has gone back to the church was moved from Rfiilroad | work for the troWev company, alter' ^venus t o Bi ; oa . d ~tveyJ^ ?PllnR> ' being laid up a wauk with indigestion.! This leaves a b a a m e o f Sl,2Bo in s u e Otto Applegnte has gone to ".Minne-: scriptiona to collect this year, apolis to seefinautomobile race. * ROY, J. C. Garrison, pastor of the PROPOSALS, M eodist c c , will exchange g pul p Methodist church, pits with Rev. J. F. Heilenman ofQieunport next Sunday. Sealed proposals for the furnishing Ab About $3 f 5 was cleared l d by a cake sale i f ,, j J a b d matel.lol f o rt h e i for hook and ladder fire company tust : . ,' . , ; Saturday. Another cake sale will be proposed improvement to tha bridge^ hold next. Saturday for the library. | and aDproach ovssr Parker's creek, on Mies May O'Lea'ry of Brooklyn is a;t l i e road leading from Little Silver to j ^^Slo^lliS^lwfyre^006811?0^ w111be re eived .ON A URCHAS.ES • ^ - ^ " » " * - - ' • • • - • * • - • • 20 ^ the ! = Sphering from neryous Indigestion. j board of, chosen freeholders of thej miss jViamie 'Higginson has been ' county of Monmouth, at their rooms, j visiting relatives at Washington. | court house, Freehold, on Wednesday, i t 3y O 1( •SJeS vSs S°laSlf fi|th«Sng ^t' J u n e 1Oth 1914fatthe hoUl< ' ° feleVen Mrs.^uther S Boyce's 1 last weekjn1 ceft-; o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and j bration of Mrs."Boyce's 65th birthday.| then and there publicly opened and! William H, roster attended the an- jvetii__ • Mrs. Adolph Treuple has moved of John M. Corhes, director, m the | from WTiite street to the Jaskson Lay-! sum of five hundred dollars, must acton house on Clinton avenue. | company each bid. tamed of George D, Cooper, county The lecture given in the Methodist! engineer, 60 Broad street, Red Bank, church'Wednesday night, under the di-: Mrs. William "J. Darby and Miss, sealed envelope and be endorsed "Pro-1 X,otti6 Sanford are representing the iposal for improvement to bridge over, j Eatontown Daughters of Liberty a t : Parker's creek." , i +ka i«'i™«''coilventJon at Atlantic City The board of chosen .freeholders re- f serves the right to reject nny or all j Frank Kenna has had his house, on Clinton street piped for water, j bids if deemed Co the best interest of] the county so to do. ,-, j BOWOB Dated May 18, 1014. ! J M. CORLmS, I T o u r Children Ucvo B o c i I7< itli"r / ^-t'< t Dnt to, . ITor T a r d y ibmco Ccho 1 B c E . n >-,, c U'Tk T no follov.'lll' p u p i l s " 1 i'li j t O n i i s h >ol wiio i i ^ i ' n i t a i d > duiinjj; A j ) j i l . J i.in On All On A l l . Purchases Purchases Wednesday, Wednesday, May 2 0 t h May 2 0 t h Thursday, Thursday, May 2 1 s t PROPOSALS. Si ' d 1^11,10 «tl fm thi1 fut ii' 'i l c, j-;'iiiHhiin, M,.I 11 r i\ _ h ' o i / i 1 ii I i I I ] P IK c ) < l i l ' i u i l ( i u ji i J \ 1 I H > I I H 1 ( m i, I'-'in il < IIIIIM •, K .tl OFF OFF . n t ii)i J i l 1)111 Mill ',1 ( l | ^1 i l l 1 I T H 111 C o l l i , 1 i m D i l n , I ' l l I t 11 i ' • 11 u 1-UM -, k i n i I I i l l t u i i S i nJ l u ) i k K • \ "i ii • " ! i< * of U Un ' , 1. I o Md iijjti IMI K < j m ti i i i i i '1 {i t ' i t |i ^ M I, n i i l t i 11i l l , V M M ,i UUMI] l.-il - lon o ] 1 ' i i M i l i i ' i , •>i i ' i 1 l i o n o f 0 ( <) , i n i)(,ii!< v . ' i d M i d < \ < 1 I J m . 1 n U i , ( , i i< u'lll U I I " m l t l i l M — \ f ) i i l lJ ' ^ n i l - I i 1 ! H i n i i , i n l j i l i I I I J M I , l ' i iiHKinl 1 I n u n tfll), I !»il li>ll"i-, \ l l M n I ' Ii I | l l'v u crn •"lu don of the Walci Wit h fllt'tu; n t o i s i l Mn m . u c o i d i i n c t thf wifb p i 1113 a n d |Jtf ifll NllOll-i piCPI'KMl J on \ thticioi I I I i i n i i H i ' v! i i l ' n l i ) U i l >• t •\Villu i n , 1' In 1 > Ii i v\ i h I M I 1 ) ( ) i | i i i l ^ , I ' l l i i A i i l ,11 , \ ' l i l l 1'ilM, 3J«.(V f'Tin, i ; i > i i ' I Mi ' I ' m ii | ( v , j M l c t l i I ' l m c n I 1 l i / I ni I I • I*i , <-o i ti mlifuin s , i r l i u m i i i IIMII, Jj\<l\n lu> i"cnv(d by t u t l,oiid of <hoson fiuu'iolikiii of th< count,' of Moninotuh, at the oiuce of (icoipe D. countv c n ^ i n i c i , 00 Biond C O U i t l l , • \ l \ l , V n J ii K M . u h i ' t n c iouiit»' t n ^ i n e ' i , will Eed i^-nk, N J , on Monday, pei.Ce t ati^iulan e '•iii o Juno hi-t, 1014, ,it dtven o'clock in b« gan. < foicnoon of s.iul day, and then and .o puhhtlj openi'd and lead THianr-Two H O S S E S SOLD. A ceitified chc^, dinwn to the oiSalcc at Wlllliui C. Ely's Staljlea tl"i of J. M foilie^, clucitoi, in the at Holmdal Last Week. Last * w k William C. Ely of Holm- sum of tvo hundicd dolluin, must acdel Mold four horses to an A&bury Paik company each bid. ice company; three hoi sett to a Totten- All bids must be enclosed in a sealed vilta ice company; four mules to Tilton envelope and be endorsed "Proposal BroB. of Asbury Paik, two mules to C. _',' C. C. Havens of Asbui-y Park; and a for rail on Ocean boulevard." Plans and specifications can be ob', single mule to Charles A. Poole of Teams of horses tained of George D, Cooper, county i ( ; P o r t Monmouth. |c«lT^ere eold to Condit Smock, Little'B ex- engineer, 60 Broad street, Red Bank, p\ jrfe8B and J. Stiles & Co. of Asbury M. J. _. . . ;• H s M ^ / William Beadys of Montroae, Clayton pf Latyswood, Don & The board of ehoaen freeholders re,• of Rahway, M. ^Talfee of Key-serves the right to reject any or all tart arid Alexander Den6r of Atlantic bids if deemed to the beat iritorest of [ighlands. Single horsea were bought the county ad to do. H, Batlett of Rahway and L. J . Doted MaylS, 1914. of Asbury Park. • J . M. COLLIES, atronize T H E BECUSTEB'S printing Atteati , Director. tt, and you'll understand what is ' C, E. CWSB, Clerk, ' t . b y good printinK—and -when K,*oo3> all our printing knowlGood* that have been properly ad»>ack ojt the statement—Adrtiisd in T R E RIOISTEB never be"dead itock."—Advertisement. T h o s e w i t h '•ttti ^, b e f o ' c tl i >n iiniii' <, have IIPCI ..ili'li^i^a&jM , -•••, ALL-PURCHASES MADE ON ANNIVERSARY D&YS VOLUME XXXVI. NO,1 46, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1914, AGED MANS SUDDEN END. GEORGE LINZMAYER OF NAVESINK IS FOUND DEAD IN BED. WES, AOED Philip Bttwart of r»lr Savin Takea Mri, 3P«B»y Moore »• Zti Wife. CAUGHT A LARGE CARP. ELETB».POD1»D H M M I S I T Uf Mrs, Penny Moore and Philip StowTHE WATIB WOrtKB I M O X . art, both of Fair Haven, were married Tuesday night of ln«t week at Mr. Stewart's homo at the corner of Main Htreet and Navesink avenue, by Rev. William B, Scott, pastor of Pilgrim Baptist church of Bod Bank. Mr. Stewart is 71 years old and his bride is 62 years of ago, Mr. Stewart is a civil war veteran. Mrs, Stewart has lived at Fair Haven three years. Wli O»uiflit Monday Night by Jolin Oaken, Jr.—Herring- Caug-ht in tb» Brook by rt»h<irm«n with Their. Haaflt—Bliaa AIM Cftuplit. »BW SCHOOL MEXDED. Towmhlp School Board Will Bol4 Uon at TIJUOU fall*. PAGES 9 TO 18. PLANS FOR MEMORIAL DAY The Tinton Falls public Bfhool is not arge enough to accommodate the pupils who attend it, and the Shrewsury township board of education has decided to call a 'special election to ote on an apprqpriittion for a new school. In case it'is voted to build the school, the present school may be moved to Pine Brook, The building wag put up less than three years ago, but there has been a great increase of attendance since that time. • ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR ELABORATE OBSERVANCE OF HOLIDAY. During the ' winter and spring water is allowed, to flow through the water mains of the Tintern water company, and flow into a ditch at the pumping station near Newman" Springs. This ditch flows into Swimming river a short distance above Newman Springs bridge. The water comes from the water company's lake near Llneroft, It is spring water, JOSEPH OI.IVADOTI, J»., BECOMES and, fish which come up the river to George Linzmayer of Navesink died | and had been sick several months, Bimwn mistake the ditch for one of LONG BRANCH MAN'S VEHICLE IN Ddcoration Day will be more elabor- : school childriti were in the procession, suddenly Monday night of heart'Mrs, Crumwell was born at Pine Brook MANY AOCIOBNTS, the natural frCBh watar tributaries of 'ly observed at Red Bank and vicin- but this feature,will be omitted this trouble Mr. Linzmuyer was nearly 73 j and had always livod in this part of ty on Saturday of next week than year. In other respects the celebrayears old, He seemed to bo~4n his the itato. Besides her son she [eaves a HiQeinaktr Taken a, t o n f Brooch Girl, Swimming river. Who l i Only Fifteen Years Old, as ma Herring go up this ditch in consid- It Was Badly Duiug-oa at Bed B u i ver before. The town officials have | tion will eclipse that of last year., usual health when he went to bed at daughter, Mrs. William Shomo of WilWife fey Civil OiMiiioBF st t o n f rable numbers, seeking for a place to Monday Wltliin l i v e Minute* After It made their usual appropriation of i Martial music will be played by a ten o'clock that night. He was found low street. The funeral was held SunHaft Been Taken from Ilcp.ilr Shop—. 100 to Arrowsmith Post of Grand band, and the entire membership of spawn. The ditch ends at the mouth duud in bed about an hour later. The day afternoon at the Pine Brook Meth- jjraneh Sundny Aftomoon. Army veterans and an appropriation the cavalry troop will be in line. Joseph Olivadoti, Jr., of Oceanic, of the water mains. In the ditch, Two Other Wagona Daumffed. funorul will bo held Friday morning odist church and the burial was at the Less than five minutes after Moe of S2B to Blrney Post. The last The line of march will be from the son of Joseph Olivadoti of Long about fifty feet from the outlet of the nt 0;3(J at St, Agncs's church at At- Pino Brook cemetery. Brunch, was married Sunday after- water mains, is a deep wool, and this Browswell of Long Branch had taken named organization is made up of post rooms on Broad street to Mon lantic Highlands, The body will be noon nt the Long Braneh city hall to pool is the gathering place of many his wagon out of Mount's carriage :olored veterans who will look after mouth street, to Bridge avenue to buried in Mount Olivet cemetery. VICTIM OP C0HSUMIT10W, Miss Rose Christopher, daughter of kinds of fish. This pool is six or eight factory at Red Bank on Monday, after he decoration of graves at the colored Cooper's bridge. Af the bridge two Mr. Linzmayer had lived at NaveHink the past twenty years. He came CharlSB Trunx of Keannburg-, 31 Yeoti Rocco Christopher of»Long Braneh, feet wide and about six feet deep. The having had it repaired, the wngon was semoteries at South Eatontown and trolley cars chartered for the occasion will take the parnders to Fair The ceremony was performed by pool was made by the force of the damaged worse than it had been be- ine Brook, to this country in i8U9 from Austria Old, Died l a s t Weanemiay Kljrlit. Decoration Day exercises will be View cemetery, where most of the fore. Two other vehicles were put Mayor Bryant B, Noweomb of Long water flowing from the water pipes. and engaged in the butcher business at 'Charles' Truax, son of -John S. Elizabeth. Mr, Linzmayer also con- Truax of Keanshurg, died last Branch/ The witnesses were Mr, and At this season this poor is the resort out of commission by coming in con- held at all the Red Bank schools on j dead veterans of this part of Mon Friday of next week, and these exer- i mouth county are buried. The cav ducted a butcher shop at Matawan. •Wednesday night of consumption. He Mrs. Christopher, Mr. Olivadoti, Sr., of many kinds of fish, and especially tact with Browswelrs wagon.. During' the latter part of his life he %vas 21 years old. He had been em- Miss Mary Ferrante, Joseph Guzzo of herring. The ditch, exceptrtthe The Long Branch man.runs a truck eises will bo featured by short talks j alrymen will lire a salute over the wns interested in farming, Mr, and ployed by the General electric com- and Rosco Mellaei, all of Long Branch. pool, is only about two feet wide Fish- route. Last week his horse cut upby veterans of the civil war. Capt. j graves. They and the boys who Mr. Olivadoti and his bride believe ermen wade in this ditch and throw capers at Long Branch and broke the Charles B. Parsons will make ad- fought in '01 will bo in full uniform, Mrs. Linzmayer celebrated their fif- pany of Harrison. The funeral was tieth wedding anniversary on October held Saturday afternoon and the body they are not really married until both out herring and other fish with their shafts of the wagon. Mr. Browswell dresses at the high achool and the Me- and the veterans will wear whits had the wagon repaired at Mount's chanic street school, and Albert C. gloves, 28th, Besides a widow, Mr. Linz- was burled in the Truax cemetery at a civil and religious ceremony are hunds. Flowers for decorating graves can inayer leaves eight children. They are Keansburg. Besides his parents, Mr. performed and for that reason Mrs. On Monday night John Oakes, Jr., factory. He had gone only a few Harrison and Jacob Degenring will be left in the post rooms, Edward J , Frank and George .Linzmayer of Truax is survived ~ Jjy a sister and Olivadoti is still living with her par- was fishing with hli hands in this yards on his return home on Monday isit the other schools. On Sunday details of the post and Slattery, a member of the camp of Matawan, Mrs, Mark A. Teaney of three brothers, Ora, Elmer, Rufus and ents at Long Branch. To be wedded ditch in the usual way when he felt a when the horse shied and the wagon" by an Italian priest it is necessary big fish. The water in the ditch, ex- struck and upset another wagon of the women's auxiliary of the Sons Sons of Veterans, is in charge of this Highlands, Jacob Linzmayer of At- Theodore. to have the birth certificates of both cept in the pool, is less than a foot owned by the Mount firm. Then of.. Veterans will decorat« grftves in part of the celebration, and he will lantic Highlands, Joseph and Adam 1 Linzmayer of Navesink, Mrs, Matilda Tiiomas Hawkins Sltl at Salt Orange. the bride and groom, Mr. Olivadoti deep. When 'John Oikes felt the fish Browswell's wagon struck a wagon cemeteries at Mt. Olivet, Holmdel and furnish Inforniation on this subject to has his certificate, but"the certificate Sadler of Elizabeth, and Mrs, Mary reached down and threw it out on owned by the Troy steam laundry Colt's Neck, and in Grant's bu rying any one desiring it. Thomas Hawkins, a brother-in-law of his bride's birth is in Italy. A ho Following their custom the firemen Gabriel of Roselle, He also leaves two the meadow. I t nrofed to be a carp company, and damaged the laundry rround in Middletown township. Omnibuses wilk take the veterans will visit the various cemeteries next sisters, Mrs. Margaret Marshall of of Gilbert and Charles Reckless of request for the certificate has been weighing eleven: pounds, A big cat- wagon so badly that it had to be taken Maple avenue, Red Bank, died Sunday sent to Italy and the certificate will to Shrewsbury and Little Silver on Sunday and decorate the graves of dePort Monmouth and Mrs, Catherine was also trod upon by him in the to the repair shop. at his home at East Orange. He was probably arrive at Long Branch the fish Decoration Day morning. The school ceased members of the fire departGroesher of Austria. Browswell escaped injury, but hig ditch, but in trying to capture this 60 years old. His wife was formerly middle of next month. The wedding fish Oakes's hand was lacerated by wagon was wrecked. He had a lot of children of those villages have ar-ment. Ming Josephine Reckless, The funeral will be performed the latter part of The fourth annual solemn high mass spines and it got away. Oc-red paint in the wagon and the inside ranged to supply flowers for the decorwas held this morning at his home. June at a Long Branch Italian church catfish VICTIM OP DF.OPSY. ation of the graves of veterans. At of requiem for the happy repose of the of the vehicle got <a lot of red blotches, casionally a shad is caught in this The burial will be at Christ church by an Italian priest. . , noon, a dinner prepared by the mem- souls of those buried at Mt. Olivet ditch. Last year two were taken there. cemetery at Shrewsbury this afterMil. John VaiiHeit of ' Mrs, Olivadoti was fifteen years.old On Sunday night a snad was in the DINNER PASTY AT MIDDLETOWN. bers of the women's auxiliary will be cemetery will be offered up Memorial noon. served in the post rooms to the veter- Day morning on a temporary altar at Been Sick Two Monthn. last October, Mr, Olivadoti Is living ditch and it was grabbed, but it ans and those who assist them. the foot of the priests' monument in Mrs, Mary L. VanNest, wife of John flapped about and escaped. at Oceanic, wKere he conducts a thrivMr». Wellie FoLhemtLB Entertained Engineer Dlai of Injuries. that burying ground. The priests of VanNest of Highlands, died Sunday The principal celebration of the daj Herring fishing used to be a regular ing shoemaking business. He was 22 Friends at Village Inn. Willis .. dYopsy. _.-...„. She had been sick two li B,-Robbins , R o b n s of Monmouth years old last March. After the re- industry in Swimming river up to two be in tne afternoon, when a pa— th« neighboring parishes and their eonof Nellie Polhemus gave a din- will months, Mrs. VanNest wag born at street, freight agent of the Southern ligious ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Oliva- years ago. Thefishwere taken innerMrs.party rade will take place. Last year the gregations will assirf in the services. at the Village Inn at MidCranbury 52 years ago and was the i railroad, yesterday attended the fu-doti will start housekeeping at Oce-seines at a time when there were no dletown last Thursday night. The duughter of the late Jane and Peter neral of Patrick Doyle at Arlington, other fish in the river except suckers dining room was decorated with dogNEW BANS W t t l OPEN MOKDAT, Applegate, She was married to Mr. Mr. Doyle was engineer of the engine anic and catfish, with a few shad. Last VnnNest 31 years ago. The couple i that overturned near Whitings duryear a law was passed prohibiting the wood, lilacs and pinks. Those pres f FAIR OAVES OIRS WEDS, lived at Little Silver a number of i ing the blizzard last March, and he hauling of seines in the Shrewsbury ent were Mr, and Mrs, Augustus H. laBtlttttloa Will Be Boiiflit later *r the Minton, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Bed Bank Trust Company. years. They moved to Highlands four died'as a result of his injuries, Miis eatJietioe 11, Tlymn Beciune wife river at any time of the year. Up to Ford, Mr. and Mrs, Lester C. Hance, AJSWVAt, BDINIB HELD A.S <!•• — that time herring had formed an imyears ago, whore Mr, VanNest is The new building for the First naMojninf. of Eonf Branch Man TABMIKQDAI.E U S V B D A I , Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mr^ and portant part of the food supply of dairyman on Robert Hartshorne's Sled from Hemorrhag-e. Miss Catherine M. Flynn, daughter many families in the neighborhood of Mrs. Lewis R, Bergen, Peter V, Dibb, tional bank of Red Bank will be estate. Besides her ' husband Mrs, opened for Inspection and business John A. Gait, clerk in the ordnance I of Mrs. John Fly«n,of Fair Haven, 1J river, but since the passage of this Harry and Leroy Chamberlain and next Monday morning. About 2,000 OT« 170 M i r t l t l Of KOWill Sseiety AtVanNest leaves two children, May, ---* *at -•- Sandy " ' Hoijk, " •-'- Jdied ' nd Edgar Barrington Smith, Jt,, of the department sudJoseph Burrowes of Red Bank, and herring can no longer be taken in who lives at home, and George, who invitations have been sent out to bank, tsaded—Olft Prienaahlpi Beaswsd ana Branch, were married Bh id at t St .St. law b ei. • also i " Vleaves ""I" I denly last Friday night of hemorrhage, Mr, and Mrs, Richard Lufburrow of ing men and others in this part of the Boyhood Bayi Bicalltft—AU fihs Old that way and this food supply is cut lives at Long Branch, She f | & lm ght m hy co ughing spolL ames's church at eight o'clock this Officers Were Se-Slected. Middletown, The guests were enter- country. The books of the bank and five sisters and two brothers, who live norning by Rev. Joseph Casey. A off from the people. The only places The fourth annual dinner of the at_Perth Amboy and New Brunswick, vas 95 years old. The body was mptial mass was celebrated, The where herring can now be taken is In tained with humorous dialogues by other bank property will be moved to ' e funeral, was hold yesterday after- hipped to New York Monday. Mr. ttendants were Miss Mary and John the small brooks and ditches, where Mr, Stewart and Mr, Hance, vocal the new building Saturday afternoon. Howell society, which is composed of noon a t the Little Silver Methodist alt is survived by a brother, Fred s'lynn, sister and brother of the bride, they can be driv«a into shallow water solos by Leroy Chamberlain and Jo- The building will be bought by the men born in Howell township, was alt, , and then thrown out on the bank by seph Burrowes, and piano solos by Red Bank Trust company, and the held Saturday afternoon at Farmingchurch. The sermon was preached by ilr. Smith is a ehauffeur>and is em- hand. c Tens of thousands of herring Harry Chamberlain, Rev. Clifford IMlks, Th> burial • was name on the front of the bank will be dale. It was attended by over 175 )loyed by . a Rumson road resident. wore formerly taken hereabouts, but at the church cemetery. "The Red Bank Trust Company.'1 The members o* tha sosiety. Music was Wr, and Mrs. Smith will start house- the catch is noW.only a^few hun SUMMEEIIfG AT £I^TOE BIXVEB. building cost $100,000, . furniahed by aivbrchestra from Lakekeeping in a ri#w house at Long dredtotal wood. Among the decorattons-.w during the'wholo season, The trust company stockholders will Branch which Mr. Smith recently DIED OF BBIOHT'B DISEASE. Herring and other fish run up th< Sis City rnmlUes Move to- Tliat Place meet tomorrow at the office on Mon- Jarge pictm-e of the late Aaron MISS DOlOfBT BSeXXiXIS GUEST built for their occupancy. The bride mouth street to vote on increasing the Johnston, who organized the. Howell water works ditch only during th< for tlie gammer. ecelved many wedding gifts, OP EONOK tAST WEEK. William A. Heitler .of Spring Strati Had society, During the serving of the time when the water flows through th< «•> ' / — Most of the summer resident popu- capital stock of the company to dinner the guests enjoyed themselves Been Bick iaven Mentlii. $800,000, and to decide.on the price water mains into the dif-ch. In May lation of Little Silver has moved to Bacl Book Tonsjf Woman Who Will Be3ATUEDAY. WEBDINQ William Adolph Heitler of Spring, each year the water works station is that place for the season. Edward H, of sale of this stock. The increase of by renewing friendships and talking come Wife of Edwin Ccmover on Jjliie street died yesterday of Bright's disput In operation and then the pipes Simpson is occupying C. P, Fowler's capital will undoubtedly be voted and over their boyhood-days. 9th Reotlves Many Unon Gifts—Wed- S r i . Balje Byrftia WIU Become tHe Wife ease after a sickness of seven monflis, Follo'wing the dinner speeches were__ are closed and the water pumped to house on the Oceanport road. Joseph then the company will have a comto lie at Presbyterian Church. , of an ArUnrCoa Man, He was born at New York 05 years ago. made by Major Edgar O. Murphy and bined capital, surplus and profit acLong Branch to sftpply that locality. Miss Gladys Hopping and Mrs; Mrs, Belle Byram of Red Bank and The pumping station will be put in QBchwald of Newark has moved in count of about $750,000, which will Major A: A. Yard of FarmingdaJe, He manufactured a vermin exterminator, and his business was lidding (ester Ross of Red Bank gave a linen Samuel Van Wart Butcher of Arling- operation this week and then fishing his house on Silverside aveHue. make the institution one of the larg- Rev. James D,Bills and Rev. Steadnjan hotels and residences of vermin of all hower last Wednesday afternoon a t ton will be married Saturday after- in the ditch will come to an end forHenry Sanders of New York has est and strongest in the state. Applegate of Ocean Grove, Capt. Wilrented" Richard Parker's house on kinds. Mr. Heitlor had lived at Red »Iiss Hopping's home on Broad street loon at two o'clock at the home of the the ditch will be dry. liam A. Pricketfc of Lower Squankum , , . The trust company will move next Silverside avenue. Charles P, Doelger Bank two years. He leaves his wife for Miss Dorothy Reckless, daughter jride's father, Frank Rogers of Washand Rev. Wtftren G. Giles of l a s t Monday with the First National bank of New York is occupying his summer and two children. The children live at f Gilbert SA Reckless of Maple ave- ngton street. The ceremony wijl be Orange, ,* 1 Steinlmcli's Spuing . Opening'. home on the Rumaon road, and Y- ? into the new bank building on Broad Brooklyn. Mr, Heitler also leaves a nue.^ Miss Reckless will Jie married jerformed by Rev, J, C, Lord,. The The officers re-elected were Halstead street. brother, Frank Heitler of South Da- n Tuesday, June Oth, to Edwin @on- •ouple will leave on a wedding trip Steinbach company of. Asbury Park Wilkinion of Orange and Capt, J, H H. vVainright of Manasquan presikota; and two sisters, who live at iver of Broad street, who is employed through Kentucky and on their return will devote a full week, beginning next Langley have moved to Little Silver GOLD VSABXP CAKE IOE MINISTEB, dent, Herbert E. Williams of Red Brooklyn. The funeral will be held n the First National bank. The wed- will stop at Niagara Falls. They will Saturday, to a spring opening at their Point. ' Capt, Langley and family Bank secretary, and Henry C, Winsor tomorrow night at 8:80 o'clock at the ding will be performed at the Presby- be gone about two weeks, store. etnr-e, War Wav*or>s orchestra will fur- pent the winter in Florida, Stewardess Board of Colored Motlioflist of Asbury Park treasurer. The vice house. The sermon will be preached erian church by Rev, James W. peclal bargains will presidents are John R, Allaire, WilRelatives of the groom arranged a nigh music oimroli Gave Fieafot to Ms, Adame. by Rev. Robert MacKellar. The burial Rpgan and Miss Hopping will be one ihowor for the bride-to-be" Tuesday be offered in e department. SteinBHOW BY BOAEDEB3. Rev. J. J. Adams, former pastor of liam J, Cause', John W, Conine, V. M. will be at the Lutheran cemetery at f the attendants. store at Asbury light of lasfweek, Mrs. Byram re- bach Company the Red Bank colored Methodist DiBbrow, E. C. DIsbrow, John S, FlitBrooklyn on Friday. ' "otik and is adSixteen .women attended the shower eived a large number of gifts of linen, Park occupies at tbt S t t n i o i l a s t church, who was recently transferred croft, T, Edward Jeffrey./George Mcresort store in vertised as the i and Miss Reckless received beauti- hlna and silverware, Night. to Westfield, received a gift of a gold Closkey, E. S, Nesbitt^rfd Nathan J , of new the worldiA ful linen gifts. Auction bridge card — — m i m headed ebony cane from the board* oi Taylor, SEATS PEOM CONSUMPTION. A minstrel show was given at the time-savingg devices ^ :onvenlences v e n i e n e e s Garrison _aines were played and the piiaes W D £ WEB ON JUNE TH3H.D. stewardesses of the church Thursday boarding house on Broad BENEPXT WOm A CHTTBCH. f shoppers h h for have recently been added street Thursday night by guests at night at a-meeting of the board at O. Victor Mftziqpa of Nave»lnt, 25 TTeam were won by Miss Jean Frost, Mrs, Royal Truswell and Miss Gladys Miss Catherine S , Hoffman ondGnorp J. to the, store equipment, Old, -Dloa. Saturday MorniUE1the place. Ralph Heldingifeld, sci- Frank McOuIre's on Eisner court. Atlantlo Hiffhlnnaa Peopla w i n Orlv* aa Daly Vtm Bo BIMriad rt OHwoU. Otto Victor Maxson, son of the late Eilert of Red Bank, and Miss Helen ence teacher at the high school, and The presentation speech was made by Entortolnment Tuoiday Nlg-lit. Surprigo Party for Orrin Cnrry. Miss Catherine Rose Hoffman, Joseph Maxson of Navesink, died Sat- Tuft of St. Louis, a guest of Miss J. W. Helm, principal of the Shrews- Mrs. Hannah McGuire. She referred 1 An entertarhment^will be given a t Katheiine Terhune of Matawan, A daughter of Stephen Hoffman of West urday morning of consumption. He About forty persons gave a surprise bury avenue scho'ol, were end men especially to Mr. Adams's five years the Majestic theater at Atlantic Highuncheon was served after the games, Front street, and George Joseph Daly party last night to Orrin Curry of Dr. W. J. Wolfort, dressed in colonial of faithful service to the church. was 25 years old, Mr, Maxson had lands next Tuesday night under the The guests were Misses Mae E,of Shrewsbury avenue, will be married Wallace street, who yesterday cele- costume, was interlocutor. .Others been in poor health several years but Mr. Adams accepted the cane with direction of Mrs. John S. Flitcroft for he hud been able to be about up to Throekmqrton, Elizabeth VanDorn, at the forenoon maBs on Wednesday,, brated his 98th birthday. Before en- who took part were Miss Thyrza Jel- a few remarks of thanka and he said the benefit of the Presbyterian church within a few days of his death. The Carrie Blalsdell, Helen Jarvis, Mar- June Sd, at St. James's church, A re- tering the house the guests sang sev- llffe, Miss Hulda Oakley, Dr. Helen he deeply regretted leaving Red Bank. of that place. Mrs. Eva Phipps of funeral was held yesterday afternoon garet Edwards, Bessie Ross and ception will be held after the wedding eral songs outside. Gibson and Mrs. McGregor, RefreshThey then Charles H, Stokes, president of the York will give several dramatic at the, home of his sister, Mrs. Lottie Josephine Weeks of Red Bank, Miss at the bride's home. On their return marched in and congratulated the eld- ments and dancing followed the per trustees, also told of Mr.,Adams's New readings. One of Mrs. Phipps-s readVanBrunt of Navesink. ' The body Katherlhe Terhune of Matawan and from a wedding trip the couple will erly resident. Several vocal solos good work here. This church was ings will bo "The Last Shot," a story Theodore Parmly of Eatontown, live at Bed Bank. Mr. Daly is awere rendered -and a song service was formanee. fc. was buried in Fair View cemetery.Mrs. organized 72 years ago, and Mr. of the Indian mutiny at Lucknow. Mr, Maxson was unmarried. Besides Broad street electrician, ' Mies Hoff- held in which Mr. Curry joined, Mr. MOKE PAY FOE DOING NOTHING. Adams is the only pastor who had Selections will be given by a six-piece his sister he leaves six bothers, JoMONEY FOB BOY SCOUTS. lurry received many presents. man has been cashier at the Straus served five years. orchestra, a mixed chorus of 22 voices seph of Brooklyn, Arthur of Belford, Kittle Silver Principal WIU Sasifs After company store on Broad street several and double male and female, quartets., Bertram and Harry of Highlands, Entortainment liy-Colored Tounjj- Mon'a Tliia Soliool Tear Ends. No Smoking in School Building-. Mrs. Murray Foster will sing a so\ Angelica Oitinflortt to fts years. Lisle of Hillside and Rnlph of NaveNets Q1S, David Davis will resign as prineiprano solo and George King a tenor r. The Middletown township board of sink. Angelica Ostendorff, daughter of solo. A violin solo will be given by pal of the Little Silver school after the FURNISHED HOUSES KEKTEJ). About $15 was cleared last night by education has forbidden smoking of Henry Ostendorff of Herbert street, present term is ended. Having been nn entertainment for the benefit of the any kind in the^ high school building a teacher 3B years, he will receive a will be valedictorian of this year's Stanley Sculthorp. colored young men's association in New Tort City i l l long- Islnna Men to at DIED OF CONSUMPTION. Leonardo, The action followed a pension of half of his salary from the graduating, class of the Red Bank The second part of the program will Move to This Locality. Odd Fellows, Hall on Beech street. of Alfred Yarnall, janitor state. He will also receive a pension high school. Mary Macintosh of onsist of eleven tableaux and a oneWilliam A, Hopping has rented the complaint The proeeedi will, be applied to "a 1 of the school. Mr, Yarnall said that of five-eights of his salary from the Rumson will be the salutatoriah and act play, "The Artist's Dream." EdAlfred Hlme of Kong Brnnch Had Beon fund which is being raised to provide Gilsey house on^RiverBlde drive, next he cigar and cigarette butts on, in Snnltarlum Tan Days. John Perry of Fair. Haven will give gar H. Cook, Jr., will take the charttf'Williani B. Lloyd's house, furnished, the found the boy scouts with uniforms: floors after1 dances had been held teachers' association, of which he is a the mantle oration, These assign- acter of the artist and Miss Georgia Alfred Hinie of Long Branch died. to A, 0, Clark, a New York banker; member. T-his will give him a bigger The boy scouts under the leadership at the school. Friday at a sanitarium at Wliite Mount will act as a fairy. In the' ments were announced yesterday.. ncome than when he was teaching. Leroy Rook took a prominent part Myron E, Slater's furnished house on ifaven, .Pennsylvania, of consumption, of chorus are Mrs. Catherine Roberts, v •Branch avenue, near South street, to 1 in the exercises. They wore drilled Koine from BttriaeM Oonvtntioa, aged 25 years. He had been at the by Harold Tumey, Ralph Light, prin- Capt, C. P. Lowndea of Patehogue, Mrs. J. S. Flitcroft, Jr., Mrs, Lois Slfty Cast Got CommlBgionH. Brown, Misses Mabel Snedicor, Helen sanitarium ten •days, The body was cipal of the Beech street,'School, gave Long Island, a brother-in-law of J, W, Peter Rankin and son Wallace of Invitations were issued yesterday Trost, Mattie Curtis and Florence brought to Coroner Harry C. Fay's a variety sketch and Charles Holmes JEdgett of Fair Haven; and William H, Pair Haven have returned from AtJohn Beck, Democrat, and Lionel G, morgue, prepared for burial, and was and'William Basle played piano solos. Helm's furnished house on Maple ave- lanta, Georgia, where they attended Harrison, Republican, were elected 'or the fiftieth wedding anniversary Lee, sopranos; Misses Mae Patterson,^^_ taken to Long Branch Saturday, Mr, David Groves of Long Branch sang nue, near Irving place, to Horace J. the annual convention of the lodges of justices at Red Bank last fall to fill celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R, Nina Swan, Bess Jenkinson, Almar Hiine loaves a wife and daughter, both a solo. Songs were rendered by the Whipple, who is connected with', the the Mystic Shrine of the United unexplred terms, They were sworn Mount of Monmouth street. The cele- Williams and Myrtie Quackenbuuh Robert and of whom live at New York, His girls' bible class and by . two bible Mutual insurance company of New States, The two Rankins are mem- in but have not yef^recoived their bration will be held Monday night, altofl; George King, [LUC?, U U U t (He XV1I1J5, i^VUCAV «••*» mother is Mrs. Samuel Hime of Wav- classes of boys. Remarks were made York, bers of Salaam temple of the Mystic commissions, because eome legal au- June 1st, at tig house. Mr. Mount is hares Lufburrow, John Robinson, orley place, Long Braneh. He leaves by William Rock, president of the asShrine at Newark, thorities claim that candidates for jus- a civil war veteran and a post com- Howard Samo and Victor .Cruser also a sister, who lives at Orange. The sociation and by W. E, Bunn, tice of the peace must be elected for mander of Arrowsmith Post He has tenors, and David MulHson, .George Hew Bridgs Now bi Vat. been an undertaker at Red Bank many Schnitzer, Dr. B . . Failing and Charles funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the full term of five years. Boy Knocked Sown by Horse. TheTtssqeiation will hold a dinner on The new steel and concrete railroad years. __ .. Schnitzer, Dr. B. E. Failing and the home of Mrs, Samuel Hime and the Tuesday, June Oth, at which time Rev. Willett, aged nine years, son burial was at Glenwood cemetery at Charles W. Roeder, pastor of the bridge across.the Shrewsbury river at of Wilbur harlcs Armstead bassos. Bed Sank Fart tots Sold. William H, Willett of Port MonRed Bank is now in use. The tracks BiatraoUt Smoker, Long Branch, _. Middletown Reformed church, will on the west side of the bridge have mouth, was knocked down by a horse Mrs. Elizabeth Bostwiek of Wallace About 100 persons attended^ a Bov. J, A. Beynold* Better. make an address, heen used for some timfe, and the first Saturday afternoon in front of the street has bought two lots at Red Bank smoker given by the Eintracht singHAZLET WOMAN DEAD. Rev. James A. Reynolds of Broad train passed over the east side on P«rt Monmouth postofflce, A long Park, near East Front street, from the ing society of Red Bank last night. Bpetfl Motor X.aunoli in Accident. gash was cut in the boy's scalp by the Clayton & Lihton realty company. The An entertainment was furnished by street, rector of St. James's church, Sunday, '-,... ^_Mil, Harry O. WalUagf DlaA Salt Week •horse's shoe. Several stitches were sale was made by William A. Hopping, professionala and amateurs, among who has been seriously sick several J. Fred Betz of Oceanic ran his s. nt Bar Pareata Home. Reooverinff from Operation. taken to close the cut. Each lot. is 00x180 feet, Mrs, Bost. •the latter being Joe Burrowes, Lester weeks with stomach and liver trouble speed runabout motor launch into the Mrs. Estelle E. Walling, widow of and gastritis, passed an easy night' wick paid |47B for each lot. She will C. Hance and Harry Stewart. Wjlllam True*, HI, son of William boat ways on Gillig's place at Oceanic Harry C. Walling of Keyport, died and is better this morning. Dr. Peter Store Sixc Tear* Ola. build a house for her own occupancy Truex, Jr., of South street, ig vapidly when he was turning the boat around last Tuesday at the iiome of her parP. Rafferty of Red Bank is attending on the two lots. recovering from the effects of an opon the river Sunday afternoon. The Frank's women's clothing store at «nta, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Peseux, at Water Witoh. him and Dr. Einhorn of New York la EleotrW eration which he recently underwent of Hazlot. She was 83 years engineer of the boat was thrown into at the Long Branch hospital.. He is Asbury Park is six years old this assisting. The crisis will be passed Twelve electric lights will b'e placed the river by the. collision. Mr. Betz week. The firm is celebrating the ocwai old and is survived by one son, Edwin and two women passengers were no expected home next week. tomorrow. in" tho Water Witch territory which casion by holding special sales. The Rev, Clifford,Kf Dllkn, pastor of the H. Wnlling; two Bisters and foiir hurt and the boat was not damaged store has grown rapidly since it was Little Silver Methodist church, ,will was annexed to Highlands borough brothers, Mrs, Fred S£ryker of KeySnrprU* PHrty M rale first opened, and is now one of the graduate tomorrow from Drew theo- last week. The gas lights there have . Dr. Bayre B M New Auto. port, Mrs. Emil Kudiger of Hazlet.EdHoward Morris of Fair Haven w « been discontinued by the township. On* premium photograph finest stores in Asbury Park. logical seminary at Madison. An inviward R., Harry, Ernest and Joseph Dr. William D. Sayre of Maple ave25 years old last Wednesday and, that with every "order for photographs tation has been extended to the conPeseux all of Hazlot. The funeral was nue yesterday bought a new Marion night 25 gueBts gave him hi a surpitfafc rptffc More Horn**. gregation to attend the graduation exheld Thursday afternoon. Intermeni placed with us until fui^her notice. two-passenger six-cylinder automoLong- £oat Bintf t M M ceivd 225 Amerparty. Mr. Morris received A fresh lot at William Jft, Ely's ercises. t was made .in the Walling cemetery Dickopf's photo and 'art. shop, Red bilo. Charles Oelrich of Belford found ft stables at Holmdel. J n this &$\ are a ican Beauty roses. A largo birthday ^' noar James W. Hoff's farm at Hazlet. Bank.—'Advertisement. Graduation aifta. gold wedding ring while digging in number of horses weighing from 2,600 coke, whiqh was the principal tool* The imperial Hotel, Lonsr Branch. hiB garden last Saturday. The ring to 3,000 pounds, especially adapted to decoration, had 25 lighted candles oa Drink Ballnntlne'B Ban. Reasonable priced jewelry of qualFamily dinner every Thursday. it WOMAN DEAD. it. Send to B. H. Crate's for a caae.o 8:80 p. M. Entertainment. Best of was lost by Mrs. Henry Grandcrath ity. L... de la Reussille, 38 Broad use for delivery purposes.—Adverv ' . street, Red Bank. Established-1886. tieement. Ballantine's export beer. You wil; everything. Cabaret every evening- of Belford eighteen years ago. MM. OaroUn* prumwaU Blod a»l»uri<Iay find it just, right. Phone 121 Rec —Advertitement, Advertisement./ ^ _ Let us help you in the irkfionte & «t the Horn* of Her Bon, p Bwweltt Bank.—Advertisement. Special The nnost line in town; estimates of selecting a suitable gift of J«^ Mrs. Caroline Crumwell, who lived Broken leneeB duplicated at reason- for the girl. graduate in endleBB vafor the. graduate. U de la B flpeoinl with her eon, Andrew Crumwell of able prices. Dr. H. _H. Fiiedhian, op- rieties at reasonable prices, at L. de la for Saturday, choqolato peanut candy on painting and decorating. ' J. 'J. 38 B d street. tt R dB oo Broad Red Bank. Willow street, died Thursday of a gen fqr Saturday, Mexican kisses, 21 cents .tometriBt, Eisner building, Red Bank. Reussille'B, 88 Broad street, Red Bank, 24 cents pound. Sugar Bowl.—Adver- Travera, 29 East Front street, oppo- llshed 1880.—•Advertttmenit s tisement, , ' . . " ' site Globo hotel.—Advertisement eral breakdown. Sho was 75.years.ol pound. ,Sugar Bowl,—Advertisement —Advertisement. Established lBBG.-tAdvertiBement. ' '".''I He Retired Monday, Night Apparently In Good Health and Was Found Lifeless an Hour LaterHe Was 7 3 Years Old and He Leaves a Widow, Eight Children and Two Sisters—Funeral Friday. ^ - OCEANIC MAN WEDS. • WAGON IS HOODOOED. Civil War Veterans, Sons of Veterans, Woman's Auxiliary and Cavalrymen Will Honor the Soldier Dead-Parade Will be the Big Feature of the Celebration Roman Catholics to Observe the Day. SONS OF HOWELL DINE. &A • •»«•»" i _ " j __ "r*\__ TTl "¥tl T*1 ~ 11 £4^. ^v nvijl - •'->. J- i i,J*i ix,}fl 52.V THE B I D BANK TRAPSHOOTING SCORES. •XOOTXHO XOXOM. X* »rok» 71 Oat of 75 T»r|[OU from •ttNtsh rrldny Aitsmooa—Oieu «•••«, Jr., Broke 70 Target* with • KandlOKp of 10—S, M, Ooop»r Third. fo* TWO BtrMtl. Water mains will bo laid on Bergon place £ roni[Bread street to Hudsonnvenue and on Bridge avenue from Catherine street to Beech etreet. The work will bo done under tho direction of Aloxnndor D, Cooper, tho water superintendent, and tho cost will bo about $900. * *« » —- Seven members of the Kivorsido gun dub of Red Bank took part Friday afternoon in five fifti.-cn.bird handicap events on the grounds on Shrewsbury avenue, Tho honors were carried off by Albert L. Ivins, who broke 71 out , of 75, shooting from scratch in all thu events. , In the second event nt fifteen tnrgets, Thomas Henry Grant and Edward M. Cooper each • had a perfect Kore, including handicaps, Mr, Grant's handicap was four targets and Mr, Cooper's handicap was three. They shot off tho tie and Grant won, He broke thirteen straight, while Cooper broke 12 straight. The shooters, their handicaps, and scores were: First event—Jvlns 0, 14: Oscnr HPSSC, Jr.. ». 14; Abo Heimott 1, 13; arnnt 4, IS1>C. It. lirowning Wilson 3, lii; Dr. B, H, jjiirrison 6, 11; t'oojur 0, ly. Second event—Cooper 3, 15; Ornnt 4, ]R- Wlltion 4, 15; Ivins 0, l i ; Uunnctt 2, 33; Haeso 3i 3 3. Third event—Conner I, in; Hesse 4, 36; Ivins 0, 14; Uennett 3, 12; Wilson 3, 32: Grant 1, 10. Fourth event—Wilson 4, 15; Ivins, 0, 14; cooper 1, 14; Ucgsc 3, 14; Garrison 8, 13; Grant 3, 11. Fifth event—Ivins 0, IS; Ornnt 4, IS; Garrison 0, If; Hasso 3, 14; Cooper 1, 12; .Wilson 2, 11. Totals, including handicap*—Ivlnsi 71, Hesse 70, Cooper"68, Wilson OS, Grant 64 out of 75; Garrison 39 Out Of 43, BenBCtt 3S out Of 45, Bray and Gr»y BU11 Hiive n Long-1.Baa In Sheridan Two-Man Tournament. .Last Wednesday night in the Sheridan two-man bowling tournament at Red Bank Dennis and Morris won three straight games from Worthley and Gandorf; and Worthley and Candorf captured two out^f three games from Fields and D. Tobin. Dennis bowled scores of 222 and_214, and Gandorf's highest scores wefirSlS and 208. Thursday night the Oakerson brothera won two out of three games from Ivins and Tetley, One of the games was won by the brothers by a margin of one pin, Ivins bowled the highest seqre, 214, " ~ " Ivins and Tetley won three straight games Friday night from Stec and 0. Tobin and''they also won three straight from Keinhardt and Rumpf. Steo and C, Tobin won two out of three games from the Oakerson broth. era. Ivins bowled the highest score of these matches, 208, Dennis and Morris went up to second place Monday night by winning three straight games from "Reinhardl and Rumpf,. Morris bowled scores of 214 and 212. Reinhardt and Eumpf turned around and won three straight games from Lufburrow and Wood, Sweeney and Tannenbaum won two out'of three games from Lufburrow and Wood, Wood bowled the high score of 213 and Rumpf bowled 205, STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Up untJl Tuesday noon, Team w L P.C, Bray ana Gray 14 1 933 Dennia and Morris is 5 'ffii Kennedy & Hlppenstetl.. 15 B 426 Worthley and Qandorf,,, 15 B 625 Fields arid D, Tobin ,11 7 611 Stec and C, Tobin , .,11 10 S^s Snyder and Clay 10 11 ,47B Sweeney and Tannenbaum 8 10 ,444 Ivins and Tetley 0 12 43! Beinhardt and Rumpf.,. 10 20 3a» OaKorson Brothers,."..... 0 IS '}%%• Lufburrow and Wood.... 4 20 188 High individual score—Walter Fields, Dennis aa4 Bray "Win, George Dennis and George Bray of the Looies bowling team of Red Bank won four out of. six games last night from Harold Collins and Wilbur Coleman of the Asbury Park Wheelmen on the Red Bank association alleys. These were the first games in a series of fourteen for the county two-man championship, Dennis bowled the high score of the games, 232, Collins bowled 212, Games will be bowled at Asbury Park Thursday night of next week, • •• > m £015 KBBSE'B MAS 3PAETT, w u Queen of Kay ana I i e r t o n Kwapel Wai Klnff Saturday Afternoon, Lois Hesse, the flve-year-old daughter of Oscar Hesse, Jr., of East Front street, gave a May party at her home Saturday afternoon. Twelve little girls were her guests. Lois was Queen of May, Preston Kumpel was King and Ruth VanNoss was, the queen's attendant, A May drill was held around a large May pole in the Hesge yard. A luncheon was served in the house and the table was decorated with a small May pole, with dolls representing children. The dolls were given to the guests as favors. Besides those mentioned the guests were Helen Coleman, Dorothy Metzgar, Anna Layton, Dorothy Hodges, Margaret Wilson, Eugenia VanHouten, Helen VanVoort, Sarah Sugerman, Beulah Howard and Elmer Hess. •efl Basil Oaeeker .Flayers Win. Christian L. Berge, William Curchin, Jr., Charles L, Cook, Dr, Walter L. Mason and Thomas Talbnan of Red Bank played $ series of checker games Monday night against Samuel Waitt, G. W. Cook, Albert Warwick and Thomas McLean, The Red Bankers won four more games than the Long Braneheri. . . KmUord in IndlanapolU Bace. Ralph Mulford of Brooklyn, forwerly of Fair Haven, will race a Mercedes automobile in a SOO-mUe road race at Indianapolis on Memorial day. William Chandler, also a former resi. dent of Fair Haven, will run an auto in this race which was built by Mr. Mulfor4. Mr, Mulford has named the car "Bulldog," Berg* vrium mt _ Christian h. Berge of Ked Bank won BIX checker games, lost three and had three draws last Thursday night in a jnatch against R. D. Nelson, a New York dealer in ribbons. QnerU nt ColUffe nail. Mrs, Wlaairbolt to KOiplUl. Misses Elennorl Hcdenbcrp, Portia Mrs, Alfred C. 'Wiederholt of Bei'Ken and Helen Bouphton of Red Bunk were guests nt house; parties at Shrewsbury Was takoh to Ann May tho recent military ball at Hutjfora hospital yesterday afternoon to undergo an operation for internal trouble. college ut Now Brunswick. Life's Dreams. HI Several months ^go I remember seeing this gem from the pen of a close observer of the world and mankind: "Life, to a great many people, is merely a resting- place between plans for the future and regrets for the past." Everybody makes plans; everybody dreams of what they are GOING to do—SOME DAY. But how few of us actually carry out our plans! Molt of us continue to just dream until we finally go to the grave with the sad record of having neglected to grasp and improve about nine-tenths of our opportunities. What is the cause? just plain shiftlessness, I think. It seems to be born in ill of us to a greater or lesser degree. But because it was with us in the cradle, is no excuse for carrying it with' us under the sod. A little will power and determination, properly directed and well exercised; will set most of us right. Take, for instance, the vision we all have had of OWNING some day a cosy home with a porch, lawn, trees, a flower and vegetable garden, and all the other joys that make a real "homey" home. Even as tiny tots, we played " keeping house," made mud-pies and imitated our elders in. dozens of ways that evidenced the perfectly natural desire fo^ home and home comforts. A Httle»later on, still dreaming of that home of our own, we "made eyes" at some school girl and fancied that we could see her preside ing over our household, , v , f After school came the business career. We still thought occasionally of that home and resolved to begin pretty soon; to= save, Something out of our wages to pay for it. But ©frivolous pastimes and amusements bid for our attention and our money. So, when imally THE girl of girls really appeared, we had nothing to offer her but the bitter fruits of wasted, opportunities, We married any, way, and settled down in a rented i3at or house that cost a great deal more than U would have been necessary to pay each month toward a home of our Own. Children were born. Responsibilities increased. Expenses kept pace with income. Old age overtook us and in all too many cases the ownership of that home remained but a dream. Young men and young w~omen, get out of the rut! Stand out from the crowd of ne'erdo-wells! Be somebody, ^Own your home. No matter how little.you earn, you can save SOMETHING toward a home if you only make-up your mind to do it. Get started — that's the secret! Remember, it doesn't take much power to run an engine after it is once going. Why, every week, I notice advertisements in The Register offering choice home plots for a very small sum down and $5.00 a month; and advertisements are constantly appearing making similar offers of home sit'es m every part of Red Bank and its environs. Surely you can spare $5,00 a month to invest, in a home. Read The Register's advertisements. Don't let a week pass without looking over the Register's Want Columns, Opportunities are all around you, '' Plough deep while sluggards sleep," as Poor Richard said. •Get started. If you wish suggestions. call Lucky 18, Red Bank. . . • Bty Bporto. The young ladies' Sodality of St. James church -will crown the Virgin and receive new members at the church «n Sunday night, Mny 31st. On Friday night of next week the Sodality members will hold a strawberry festival .and a May promenade. Y»«M d u b M«jr Uota *"«lr. , The board of governors of the Keyport yacht club will meet tonight at We Mclubhouse. The club will hold a i«p. Friday, night at the clubi to discuss the advisability of "• lair in July. **& Saak Itt*ii School Mlii» BaftMt Bcoro of 10 to 1. But for a rmjftf of a fly ball, Acosto, Long Branch'H pitcher, miffht hav« Bcored a shutout. Next Sunday afternoon the Long Branch and Middlctnwn, Now York, teams will qroBs bats ut Long Brunch in an Atlantic longuu gnme, The Rod Bank high school baseball team defoated a nine representing tho alumni association Saturday afternoon by tho swore of 7 to 4. George Lovott, principal of 1 the Mechanic street school, pitched for the high school team and Qrvillo Borden of Little Silver and Knsley White of Red Bank wore on tho mound for the alumni, Myron Mintqn was behind the bat for the school boys and Kenfieth McQueen was the catcher for the graduates. Prof. l/ovott pitched n Rood game. He struck out nine butters, gave four bases on balls und allowed eight hits. Borden struck out four batters and White fanned two players, Borden and White each gave three bases on on balli. Tho high school batters gathered thirteen hits oiF of the two pitchers, including two-base binglca by Hurley, Minton and Jacobus, Ryan and Rosevelt of the alumni cracked out two-baggera and Clinton Doremuj of tho alumni team banged out n three? base hit. Dr. William D. Sayre and Joseph Bray umpired the game, Tho score by innings-. Tho colored Cuba of Middletown defeated ted the th A Atluntic l H Hijrhlniida Imperials last Sunday afternoon b score of 100 too 9. Home me runs were d by Georgu Julinson of tho Cuba made and William Clark of the Imperials. The teams will play next Sunday afternoon on a diniirond near Beech street. Boy Boonti Plfty D*U. Tho Oceanic boy sfoiits were defcated in a game of Imsgball Saturdny afternoon at that plnce by the Atlantic Ilighlnnda boy scouts. Thu score was 18 to 2. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. The subscriber will sell to the highest bidder at publio sale on Monday, June 15th, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, all that certain lot of land with the buildings thereon, situate on the north side of Monmouth street, between West:>treet and Pearl street, Red Bank, N, J,, held by him as Trustee for Hannah J, Hendrickson, et. als., and known as the John Dey property. Sale will be conducted on the premises. ' • Terms of sale, 20 per cent cash; balance upon delivery of deed, within 10 days after date of sale. - HOWARD S, HIGGINSON, Trustee. SPECIAL SALE OF STRICTLY HIGH GRADE High school...;. . . . 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 0x—7 Alumni , . . , , . , , , . , 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 i ~ 4 The high school lineup was Hurley first base, Minion catcher, Fix loft field, Matthews second base, Gordon shortstop, Newman third base, G Leddy right field, Jacobus center field, Lovett pitcher. The alumni lineup was Kyan shortstop, K, McQueen catcher, Eosevclt left field, Borden pitcher and third base, Quinn first base. White third basb and pitcher, Doremus center field, George White second base. Noble right field. This afternoon the Red Bank,high school nine will play a league gome against the Asbury Park team at Asbury Park. This game had been scheduled for next Saturday^aftornoon. HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE Team W L P.U. Atlantic Highlands , 8 0 1,000 Red Bank ,;.,.,,,. 6 2 .750 Asbury Park ..,.., 4 a4 .571 Neptune , S .BBS Point Pleasant, 4 4 .500 Q Long Branch, 2 .250 Freehold ,..,,.. i 4 .200 Aalinry park Defeat. Point Pleasant. REFRIGERATORS. The R. West Co., Keyport, N. J. We place on sale today 2 carloads of absolutely guaranteed Refrigerators and Ice Chests at rock bottom prices. Snow white lined Refrigerators may be bought for less than usually charged for the common kind. ALL KINDS, STYLES AND SIZES IN THIS SPECIAL SALE. The easy cleaning. Sanitary and Good Ice-keeping qualities, as well as all other 1914 Improvements have been built In these STANDARD.MAKES. Our large orders have brought the PRICES down FOR THIS SALE and to dispose of the very large quantities, present THIS SPLENDID SEASONApLE OPPORTUNITY to buy a WHITE MOUNTAIN, AUTOMATIC, ZERO, PURITAN, ALASKA or ERIE at a SAVING OF ABOUT ONE-FOURTH. Asbury Park high school defeated Point Pleasant Saturday afternoon by the score of 11 to 5, Chafey pitched for Point Pleasant and did good work, but tii* two catchers who were tried out on .his team", were unable to hold him. He struck out fifteen batters" but on six occasions the catcher dropped the three strikes and the batter "waTsafe-at first base. Johnaon Too MuGh for Neptune. Mel Johnson, the star twirler for the Atlantic Highlands high school baseball team, pitched his team to a 7 to 0 victory over Neptune township Saturday afternoon. Johnson allowed, but one hit and he struck out twelve of his opponents. Johnson has not lost a game this season. Error* 0 M M Orioles' Defoat, : The Orioles lost their second game of the season Sunday afternoon on Tobin'i diamond at Fair Haven to the Alerts of Atlantic Highlands by th« icore of 6 to 2., Errors were the prtawpal cause of the defeat. •. Ensley' White was offthe mound for the Orioles and Gabriel Tannenbaum was behind the-bat., .\ White was in fine form and he held the Alertsdo'wn to four hits, Including a two-bagger in the fourth inning by S. Stxyker. Robert Johnson End Will Woodward were in the points for the Alerts. Johnson pitched a good game but the Oriole batters touched him up for six binaries, Including a two-baseTnt in the sixth frame by Fred Jones, White gave one •base- on balls and Johnson issued two free transportationa. About BOO persons saw the game. Vernon Bennett of Bed Bank was the umpire. The score by innings t Orioles . . . . . . . I ."1..0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0—2 Alerts . , , . . . . . : . . . . 0 I 0 2 0 1 0 0 2—6 ORIOLES, B, H Sweeney, a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; . , . , 0 Hounihan. 2b 0 O, Tannenbiumi, c 0 Darby, 1b ;,.:..... 0 Jones, 3b ,,, .'. Pemble. If ., L, Tannenbaum, r f . . , , Johnson, of,,', ,,.,;.. White, p . Drop lid style of Solid Oak as illustrated, with one shelf, at • .$4.80 Wlrite lined;,.'. fl.88 Drop lid patterns as .shown, with two Ives, sanitary construction. "White lined. ..$7,88 Larger sizes at.98.08, $9.98, $11.50, $13.76 ? 0 0 0 Three-door compartment Boxes Of Solid Oak, rounded corners, easy cleaning. Great ice savers, at, .". .$13.60 Others white lined, at •, $10.60, $21,SO and $23.60 This Handsome Solid Oak White Mountain, with its pure whjLe interior, offers a wonderful bargain. Special sale price. . . $26.00 O t h e r s in w h i t e , a t . . . ' . . " 6 Totals.. $23.50, $32.50, $34.60, $39.60, $44.60 9 ALERTS, Stownrt, if G. Stryltev, 1b Crawli>y, 'ip,. WooiIWiiiti; (; S, Stryker, ss johnBon, p,,,,, Bills, I f . : . . . R, Stryker, of. M, Johnson, 3b, Totals 0 4 2 Next Sunday afternoon the Orioles will play against the Mystics of Belmar on the Fair Haven diamond. On Sunday, June 21st, the Orioles will play a return 'game against the Orescents of Asbury Park, who defeated the Orioles Sunday a week ago by the score of 1 to 0. Tetlsyn Loie to Bslford, The Tetley baseball team was defeated Sunday afternoon by the Belford athletic club nine at Belford by the score of 18 to 7. George Humbling was on the mound for the Tetleys and Alfred Healier was behind the bat, George Johnson and George, Hauaer were in the pointa for Belford. The other Tetley playera were George Hagan first base, Andrew Dougherty, second base, Vernon Whalen third base, George ROOD shortstop, Barton Chamberloin left field, Albert Gordon center field, Fred Hohman right field. Next Sunday afternoon the Tetley nine will play against the Bucktown team at Long Branch. The following Sunday the Tetteyi will play a return game against BeTferd at Belforft GeorgB Hemblifre has agreed to pitch for tfie Tetleyg 4m rest of the season,' This Famous Solid Stone Lined Box is "a White Mountain Grand and sold regularly at $50.00. Our special sale price-is only. . . ' $42.00 This , Snow White, Solid Stone Lined White Mountain represents one of the best articles known to the trade. Regular price I80.B0, sale price...'.. . . . . * . .$30.00 The baseball g o n e between the l i t ner nine of Red Bank and the team representing the Middletown atJiletic club was not played Saturday after, noon as scheduled, as the Eisner players did not show up. Harry C. Miller, proprietor of tho Grand View hotel at Fair Haven, will conduct a series of athletic events on .the hotel lawn and the river on Decoration day. •odftUty W1U Crown th» Virgin. trouble in d«fefttin§r the St. Louis Americans lundoy afternoon by the OB Mrs! Abncr A. • Badger of t o n e Branch gnvo ft lecture on -'.'Birds of New? Jersey" at tho Oceanic high .school Friday night. Tho lecture WHS illustrated with stcrcopticon views. Tho machine, -wai opowitcd by E. T, Judd of Freehold, Tho lecture \vaa free tond was designed to-create more interest in birds. Oriole Jnnlonp Win Two Oamm. EATONTTOWITS GRADUATES. Cota.menooitt»nt Hx«rol«»a w i l l Be Hold ThHr«<Uy, Jtui'e 10th. O»v« Party at Lou* Mrs. Lemuel Ketchnm of Broad Btreet Rave a porty for the Friday whiat club of Long Branch on Friday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Newbold at Long Branch. Progressive whist was played and jmzes wtere won by Mrs. Francis O. Topping, Mrs. Clarence D. Wilson^nd Mrg. Arthur L. Holtson. *»•-• , On Saturday tha Oriole Juniors defeated the Vigilante of Bradley Beach by the score of 9 to 8 on the Tetley diamond, Willford Sweeney and Joe Mipdlin pitched and caught for the Orioles. Sweeney struck out fourteen batters. John Johnson of the Orioles made a threebflse hit. Monday afternoon the Orioles defeated the Moonshiners of v West Red Bank on the Tetley diamond by the score of 6 to 4. Sweenoy and Mmdlin were the battery for tne Orioles and Costcllo and Antonio wore in the points for the Moonshiners. Sweeney struck out ten batters and Costello struck out eight batsmen. Tomorrow afternoon tho Orioles and Moonshiners will again cross,bats, The graduation exercises of the Eatontown and Oceanport (schools will be held Thursday, June 12th, in-Crescent Hall et Eatontown.' The Eatontown graduates are Sidney Gardepe, Harry Rowland, John Gardepe, Marguerite McCue, Myrtle Bennett, Helen Giles, Louis Johnson, Robert Day and WilIard McKaig. The result of the exNOWB Stand at Shrtwabnry. aminations for county grammar school • A union" news stand will be opened certificates nt^uie Oceanport school, this week in the Shrewsbury railroad which were recently held, haB not yet station under the direction of George' Cubans Dff«at Bt. Konli. been made known. The Long Branch Cubans had little GaskiH, the station agent. This ,cut shows one of the justly celebrated Automatic Refrigerators. Tl)is Box is recognized as being one of the leading makes. This one is offered special now at $37.60 ' Larger sissesj all in stock, up to. . . . . .$08.60 ^ This, illustration makes plain tho scientific method of insulation as built in all Automatic Refrigerators. SPECIAL SALES IN OTHER LINES NOW IN PROGRESS AT THIS STORE. PORCH HAMMOCKS, WALL PAPER, MATTINGS AND AXMIN8TER RUGS. BUNGALOWS FURNISHED COMPLETE AT VERY CLOSE PRICES. I T h e R. W e s t Co.. Keyport, IN. J. £>^-&::Jrf$£^^ THR RR1> BANK RECHBTER O I V I Q S MEWB. Monthly Mu»lo»l« *t ¥S,ta% Mctbodllt Ohuroh M«xt TB««d*y Might, PHILOMATHIANS MEET. » E D BANK OOTBttlB IB KIJTETUEW MONMOUTH COUNTY'S MARKET PLACE Tho monthly muslcalo will bo hold THA.BH OLD. next Tuesday night at the Pint Mothodmt church. The choral union wjll REGISTER WANT PAGE^Where More Than 26.OOO People Meet Weekly of I Br««ia»nt mfl Vlo» P r . . l sing four selections. Scotch gongs will BWotion d.iit iiiid OTIC UnUl X«xt 7M1, Whin be sung by a Indies' quurtot composed tli* ! T » t MMUar of tho Oottrit Will of Mrs, Leon do la Reusujlie, Mrs, mx HELP i u r f l s , LOST. U 7 CENTS. M S I QUEttWSBT i t f W M . Mon and women tiupiilUM fur nil klndH John C. King, Mrs, Benjamin 'Johnson B . Kild, On Kiitui'ilay IIIKIU, near Kchi' JiiHt tin; klnil of plimtK you want for We win iicliver by parcel post in any Ilarred Plymouth Hock ntgfi for lintchwork, AildrcHii irt. Miller. JSiit- plmntmcy. ludy'H HIIVIT IHOHII und Miss Florence Chandler, and by a The nineteenth annual meeting of ifl i fiirin pllliiK; uvery pluiit in inui ami bloom, quantity, our ciuernaoy butter, made t , N. J . I'U-uHf. IVturn Niimo to 10 Whins utlit'f choice [ilitntM. Bt'ifrom Hwi>et GucriiHey cream, and nothing mixed quartet composed of Mrs,the Philomuthinn coterie of Red Bank farm-raiaesl Btock, IB c e n u per ll.-il Hank. lHi'iiu'iit on piigt! 15. W, 1*. else. For pnrticulftra oppiy to Sunny hatched wiiB held Friday at Mrs. Mary POODLES FOB HALE. George M. Collins, Mrs. Alvoiion, mttlng of IS, or 14 per hundred" V r " . 1 Brook Form, Katontown, N, J. 1'ciur miilc piMnllPM for HUII •'••iiHUtiiililr. Lom« Hoffcl, Overtook Farm, Rod Bank. Wooster Button's law office on Brond Ueorgo W. Brown and W, F. Eckhart, MAN WAMTED. WISHES POSITION. pjiij' In MIMH Kttft Mi'l.'hiii', auiiNut uvuRt'Hldenea on HalMVlIU road. Man wnntt-d to do BiinuIIIOSVIHK »H'l Mrs. W, F\ Atkinson, contralto, and street. The election of president and ilti, HOUSE FOB S li'Ht-iliiHN chiiuffi'ur wJi'lief! poxitUm; lU'd IJiinlt, t i i o i i i t o l i l m i t i i i K ( H I i IMII t * « ( « , • ! o f give flrnt-eliisHn f i frvforence as to hiH A mldillu-siaf furniHliod IIOIINI-: walkGeorge S, Heycr, basso, will be the as- vice president was laid over until next Itiiiil o n n l i u r i - 8 . (, u l l ( i t I S . J l M i i i i l H t r . ' i - t , ; u l i i l l t y H H U d r i v e r MUWO. IttK illjcifirui. from town; nief for a Rmujl .l •epii epiiiL_ . . . _ B O B S B I TOR SAKS, jisting BoloiBtB, Alias Myra Smith, fall. Mrs. Edmund G, Fraser was Hl ifiSB Madeline aorm»n, h»vin« comH. I", i>, box. 4L'. Atlautio HlghlnmlM, N. J. family; rea«iiiial)Ie, AdJrusm by lettir T e a m of hcjivy IIIIIHCH well known in cornetist, will pluy two selections. chosen secretary and treasurer, Mm iHl for piirilriihirH, AililrctH l ' i ploted her courwq In munlc nt Mt. St. Ainbi'otui MiltUII!\VM & T h u m p ' BOX BUSHES FOB BALE. HABD liouHo XX, box 313, Roil liniik, Mary's college, PlUnfield. N. J., is now iTho Scotch song,- "Coming Through Myron E, Slater federation secretary, «oii, Itank. HABD TIMES. TIMES. Iti'ii Hu.nk, reiiHy to Instruct puplla In vocal and KitlU'lOIH' or tWO llUKO lids IlllHln'H fillAll our . poultry . Htoek .,. k nnd CKKM _ , , now and Mrs. Alvin A. Whiting librarian. the Rye," will be iung by Mrs. Collins, inBtrumentnl muHlo a t her home, IE fc*. lf p i \\'\ l monKrulM l when l l i M B E ' i OUTSIT FOB S A M . HUIO ri'iiHiiiiuhlis TIu! buMhoH ui-i! ncjillliy j half join'. Why llireeil AOBSAOE XOB R E MX. with poses by Misses Alice More-house, The coterie will not meet again Hurbi-r'N ilHiir, (lrCN.ier and mirror and Hoy place, Red Bank. Telephont i»0-r. Abniit t e n aeruN, line rich siill, Si-o mid in KO'iil condition. William Dor, Ik'l- i you can hnvu thoroiiKhbrt-ds at tho Maine cup Estello Baldwin and Helen and Bea-until Friday, October 2d, when it will Mttlu catii! for HHIH elicnp, oocomi haiid but foiil, N, J»_ | price? lioyiil KuriiiM,'Little Silver, N. J, jraoiiraim Hllvor Muiior Co,, U t t l o Sll In /,'IKH! condition. Good outfit for Htnrttrice Chamberlain, take up the study of Mexico and theN, J., near Ut'pot, I ormerly with Herts Bros, and Arnold, B I U W 1 E I B Y PESTIVAL, WAITED. Ing liiirlu-r luiKlni'Hs. Iii.iuire of William Constable Co., New'York. Furniture reIsthmus of Panama. The following COH'H Neck Heformeil eliureli will liold Cureliln, Hi.. Fair Ilavun, N. J. Hnwll brlnille bull, st'iew tail; inuMt liu The ladies' foreign missionary socovered and repaired; awningg, nhadM, TO SET, seasons "will be spent in studying well lircil 1ulul UioiouKlily liiiysi' biiikcii. a Mtrawlit-rry feHtlval in the chapel, on ciety of the First Methodist church two curtftlng, draperies, laying of oarpetl, House at IB IlrlilBfi avenue lo let. In- AildrcHN I , O, box D77, Atliiiitiu HIKII- TluHcilay ovcnliKf, May 2Ntli. If very HTABT A HOM33. South America, Hereafter tho coterie niro mnttlng, linoleum, Uattroisea and cuahwill hold a bread and cake m\e on the will Mtormy, will bo bwld tho following ovuiiof John F1IIIIIKI>M, 151 Mliruwhlniiy IUIHIN, N, J. Kvery Annrlcmi rltlJioii In Ile4 Hank ItfnH to order, McGraham. 87 Eaat Front not have sociables and serve re- vtmue, nod Hank, iim church lawn all day Saturday, start- freshments Hbould and can be ci homo owner. Good itriset, Red Bank, Telephone 14-J, BOAT FOB BAIE. after the program, but wives illKf thiM, Write for particulars ing at ten o'clock in the morning, WAHTED. Jib and mainsail knockabout boat; 7PUJINISHED BOOMS FOR BENT. No iiKuhtH will bother you". Uuildor devote its energies to business Girl wnntoil X, HELP WAXTED. to work In Imlier HIIOII, f o u t l i u i i n i i 1% f u i ' t o v u r a l l : fiUO |niii'nili4 The annual business mooting of the will l"iiriiiHlip1l rooniM in a' Hmall family, o5y 1 3d nvrnue, Hrooklyn, N. Y. and work that seems necessary, Tho collector for Hed Hank and vicinityIJiimkhoiHt UrOH. Co., 170 Miminnuth o f Ipiiil k i i u l , A i l d i C H a LitJX 1U(], I ' i i i r with or without privilefi'i' of IIRIU hoiiKnBaptist church will be held in the Sun- coterie will probably have a club room Mlr-cct, Hut) Hank, male or femiile; nn part time, by large Haven, N. J. lu'ypliiff; ]iumcllkc<; roiiHOriabli;; centrally WAHTED. day-school room on Wednesday night for its headquarters next season inniHgaiiiiie publishing house: excellent pploeiiU-il. Apply ut 40 Spring street,- Hed Colorod mun JiiHt moved Into to%vn purtunty to make extra money durinK of next week, when officers will bo stead of meeting at the" homes of tho AOBICUI.TUB.AI. IMPLEMENTS. VO 1ST, wnntH work iw porter, Janitor, or to rnnko HPtiri! time; IB por cent coiumitisloti; 1200 South Uond and Olt%t>r ploWH, l'lunut elected. A sociable in charge of the members, as heretofore, A Nix-room cottnKt', furnlKlied. Inhimself Kt'iierally useful; can furnjnli bond required, no cash, David C Cook Jr. and Iron Age cultlvatoro nml DpLTini; l.liii'O of J. W. Mcrriniiin, Tlilid Mtrcet, STEAK T d C A j r e H S f t , good rcferencca, AddrpHs Thoniaa Dcst, Pub. Co., 142 Market atreet, Newark, N, J. ladies' aid society will be held after liurveHtiiiK maghincry, Ira Xlegill, FarmHaye yuur caslnBa and tubes repaired 301 Wt-st River street, Red Hank. Mrs, Button, Mrs, Whiting and Miss Fnii- Iluvcti, N. J. the meeting. iiiKdnle, N. J, by eteam at tho Auto Tire Shop, 28 MeMount are the only charter BBEED -Or, NOT DOWH. FOB BENT. Onward council of American Me- Mary E.of ehanio street. All work guaranteed. Slr AOBWCT. Registered Guernsey bull calf-for Male, the organization who still Slx-room furnished \w\\ao for rent to f U H T S O A W »p H O . Terms cash. Free air. l-\ E. Ivina, proThe New Hngland emploympnt agency chanics of Red Bank will observe members very best of breeding; sire Dimple Bloom Finnk K. I'erturtion, 7 Hroiul Ntrcot, prletor. at Red Bank, All were present Kiniill faiiiilj'. AdilrcKH l''iiriilHlic(l HiniHi; Itucl rnlKhi'H competent Jiclp for hotclH, by Yeoman, tho Biro of Dolly Dimple; Memorial day next Sunday night by live Hank, Plione 108S-W. Interior deebus 111,-!, Hud Bank. boarding houses and private fiimllle'H; Friday, There wore ten original oratliijj. Latest duHlgns In-wall paper BTBAWBBBBT I-ESTITAt MAY SBtli, also fluy'B work and liousi> eleaiiing. 16 dam Vldl of Flora pale, n if.fb, cow by attending the Reformed church. Prince of aroton. Calf a fine individual of the coterie, but the other l t l l l fi W O B X W AWTED. in Church Hall, Little Silver, Tbia 1H Pearl ctrevt. Hed Dank, Telephone.' Special music will be rendered and members and standard marked. Sunny brook Farm, have moved out of town and are Woiiiiiii would lllfc ilay'H worki flrstunder the auspices of the Methodist Rev. Lester Leggett will preach on seven Eatontown, N. J, Phone 212r-R Eatonlefpreiici'S. AddroHH Day's Work, SALE. church. Food sale will be held in conAUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. now honorary mombep. One of the CIUSH town. "Wreaths of Memory." "Not 'invited box 313, Kcd'Bank. A J-cyliniler, 2-cyclc. 4>,4x4>/j boat <?nnection with tho festival. Come one, Jljnto motlel Maxwell runabout, perfect guests was Mrs. Whiting's lif; 12-iiorsu power; 'i pluK collM and come all. " Ashamed" will be Mr. Leggett's topic* four-months-old order; live lamps, wind shield, top. gas SUMMER BOATaDIWa. son Arthur, The WAHTED, . CHrburutor, 146. C. C. Phillips. Atlantic penerator and top cover; lady enn drive Sunday morning, in the series oft otcfie is for women Tliroe young men would like to board A woman to work in a laundry; must IlBhlandH, N, ,1, FirHt 11 uo takes it, Hollywood Farm, from only, but Arthur t O R SALE OB EXCHANGE. the first of Juno to tho first of "The Inheritance of the Saints in was allowed C® be present because ho be: (in expRrifnced Iroiivi', Jersey Coast For a horKe, a two.pussonger auto car Everett. N. j , Piione 27S-F-13 Middle, Septembnr on a farm near Red Bank; Life," IiLiindry, ned Hank, PT1ENISHED BOOMS 7OB BEST. town. in good condition, with top, lights, now must be within commuting distance Furnished rooms, with nil Improve- tires, inquire at Martin House, p , 0, The young men of the Reformed wore dresses, from railroad station, and raise their OYBTEtt BKirT FOB SALE. = < ^ i ^ * ments, for runt. Mrs, F. P, Gill,- Drum- I box 8, Highlands, N, J. F. W, Marthens, THE POPE FOULTB.TT PAEM own vegetables. State particulars and church will give a mock trial in the Kl oyKtir Hklff for Btile, line con- ionil place, aecond door from the town iiriH ft Imti-b due May 22d. Plnee ordera board, Edward Nosbit, 15 Clinton street, proprietor, dition, cheap, \V. Ji TliiHtie, 48 aeeond iall, Ited IJank, EIGHT HEW WOODMEN. church next month, Friday night a # at once for strong, hitstlinff chicks; the Newark, N, J, 1 t ; Kt-yiiort, N, J. klnfl that live and grow. Special May 1OT FOB BAEm, "get acquainted" sociable will be held •WAJTTED. Desirable- lot on Wnverly plac«, be- prices, S, c . W. Leghorns excluBlyely, DONT TRUST A SEW. at the church for the church mem- C l u i Inltlotlon Will S t Held Tomon-ew W »OB lAIiB. A Rood, refined white Rlrl for down- tween Leroy and Irving places. High Harry Q, Forster, superintendent, FreHave your e,ggs hatched for you in our Nig-lit l>y Bed Bank Lodge. bers, and especially for the SundayA wooden pulley, never uged, 28x8, stairH worki no washinB or ironing; must ground; good location; cheap to quick neau, N, j . Box SS, Hall Mammoth incubator; sure, sanitary experienced. Apply Ut 120 Broad buyer. Address Desirable Lot, box 3^3, school, scholars and their parents to Herbert W. Hill, William Kreamer, for pale. Can be bought right, -Apply be ana convenient. We gave splendid satis-., Htreet, Red Bank. FOB BEHT. Red Bank, " meet the new superintendent, George John Ashe, Jr., George Wilson, at The Regiater oflloe. last season arid you can get your To couple or small family, three or faction when you want them, Tho C, D, Hurley. " HOUSE, HABNEBB, RUNABOUT. Thomas Starr, Leroy Palmer, Charles OPFICE ±-UitIHlTPBE T O a SALE. more unfurnished rooms in private -hickens WAKTS TO S B t HOUBE. , heapest way~3 cents per egg. SunnyKoll top oak desk, lni'ge table, book Safe horse for lady to drive, wit!) run- Party wants to buy a houMe of eight house, with bath, gas, etc.; front porch, brook Farm, Bishop Charts'H.; Brent of the Phil- M, Conover and Monroe A, Decker will cases Eatontown, N, J ~ and cabinet for Male. Address about and harness, all tor |K3, Holly- or more rooms, with some land: con- large lawn, shade; centrally located. Phone ippine Islands, who was recently be initiated tomorrow night in Mon-I1, O, box 228, Red Bank, wood Farm, Everett, N. J, Phone 278- venlcrrt to business section. Answer 1m- Call or address 47 White street. Red 3120-R Eatontown. Bank. elected to succeed the late Bishop mouth Camp of Woodmen of the F-1B Mlddletown. medlutely. Address Buy House; box 313, IMPROVE YOUB HOGS. SALESLADIES .__. Scarborough of the diocese of NewWorld of Red Bank. State Manager Red Bank, March farrow hardy and prolific O, I. Salesladies wanted, with or without WATE» FRONT COTTAOE, POB B E S ^ . Jersey, has declined the office. It is F, 0. Thompson of Metuchen will experience,. '. B,igs for %sale, These are " improved Apply at once, Straus Co.; A glx-rdbm house for' rent, water and eight rooms, steam heat, all improve- -bester Whites; BABOAIW. the best farmers' hogs, probable Bishop Sheldon M. Griswold make an address. The initiation will Broad Htreet, Red Bank, gas, plenty of closet room; large yards; ments: biggest bargain with water front Soven-room house, with lot 50x150, for In this section; easy terms, Brooklyn or registry fee free; pairs not akin or rent |14, Inquire 'at 302 Catherine sale; of Kansas will be elected to the office. be in charge of the Perth Amboy decentrally located: pricA.42,000 Do single; pigs that will improve your GO TO M. CAWZOHA, street. Red Bank, Island property considered in exnot mlKs this opportunity, Francis Long Price . very -reasonable for Rev. S. Monroe VanSant yesterday gree team and uniform rank, and a so- the National fruit store, opposite railchange. Builder, 5521 3d avenue, Brook- products. Wlilte, Sronniouth street, near Broad, quality^ Sunnybrook Farm, Eatontown, attended his class reunion at Drew ciable will be held. Monmouth Camp road station, for the best olive oil for lyn, N, Y, POTC WASTED. Red Bank, N, J, Phone 2120-R, Theological seminary, at Madison. has elected 62 members since District medicinal and table use. Wo will pay 18 cents a pound fipr full LADIES' BLUB WOEK. grown live poultry, G, Diets-, is Son, Next Sunday night Mr. VanSant^will Manager Albert E. Snyder took charge S E L F WANTED. Beautiful switches made from your HO DISH wAimro, gOWm, OUT A B U B grocerM and butchers, 123 West Front Two settled women "fpr general housepreach on "America's Most Popular several months ago. own hair combings; hair dressing', sham- work, 1C your fishing tackle was bought at Tetr street, Red Bank. Sanitary berry, ice cream and salad $20; woman'as copk in small hotel, Sin," the seventh sermon in the curley's, Broad street. Bod Bank, Complite set, 10 paper saucers, 10 crepe napkins, pooing and scalp treatment,^ A new line $30; woman cook for private family, $30; • • • • • new line on display now. 10 lace doilies and 10 spoons; 40 pieces of nice switches in all shadeJand prices, two young girls for nurses; farm hands ICE SOX FOB SALE. rent series, A week from Sunday A New Arcanumite. Lucy E. Douglass, IS Broad street. and numerous otjier places; good wages; A two-hole ice box, in good condition, for 10 cents at Tetley's, Broad street' Mrs, night Mr, VanSant will preach on Red Bank, for sale. Apply at Walsh's grocery, 93 Red Bank, good positions always open, white or colworn SAKE. Henry G. Fellows of Broad street "Socialism—Its Strength and WeakShrewsbury avenue, corner Oakland ored. Red Bank Employment Agency, a Registered Guernsey heifer for sale, street. DECORATION 3DAT TLOWEBS. joined Red Bank council of Royal Ar fresh liess." Red Bank, Wharf avenue, Red Bank, CLEARING A S S DYEIHO. In August, Apply to H, T, Sickles, 4 complete assortment of (lowers for canum Thursday night by card. Rev Ladies' and gents' clothing cleaned Decoration day purrjoses or for other The first quarterly conference of the Charles William Boeder, pastor of the box 38, Shrewsbury, N, J, ' HOTJSE SO LET. and dyed, Gents' suits pressed, B O cents, NOTICE, WARTIME "CHRISTIANS." A big variety a t prices to suit TOm BENT. First Methodist church will be held Mlddletown Reformed church and a House on Washington street to let, all uses. If you're looking for the truth, the any pocketbook. David Moore, Little l u l t s called for and delivered. Red Bank Beven-room house with extension kitSteam Dye Works, 24 West Front street, improvements; with or Without barn, Innext Monday night. Rev. James W. member of .the New York lodge of chen, and three large lots. Michael whole truth and nothing but the truth Silver, X. J, SB Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank. Phone quire at Fittengrer's market, 50 Broad about true Christianity, consult its exMarshall of pcean Grove will preside- Royal Arcanum, made an address at KagL-ii, Fair Haven, N. J. connections. street. Red Bank. ponent, Ij\ C, Moyan, the Italian investlatithe meeting. ~ wow ni s n TIMB rator. He will save you SO years of BOOKS AND BOARD. HANDY GIRL WANTED. to plant your bedding plants. We guarFOB SALE. The Presbyterian Improvement so- the meeting. District Deputy A. fc». ruitless thinking and lead you from Furnlshod rooma for rent; also table A young girl.'about 15 or 16 years old, antee to save you money. All first-class Nickel trimmed carriage harness,; spiritual darkness to absolute light, all ciety met yesterday afternoon in the VanBuskirk of Keyport also gave an board; one bloek^ from Bread street, 58 to wait on table and assist in kitchen; a stock. See larger advertisement else- double, fine condition; olio 3x4 Premier for nothing. Moyan, the most radical of chapel. The junior young people's soWallace Htreet, Red Bank, • tm good home assured, P. O, box 84, Holm- where- in this Issue, W, 13, King, Little cami-ra, with five plate holders, double all "Christian Socialists," Red Bank. Silver, X. J, ciety of Christian Endeavor will meet del, N, J. Phone 6, reetallnear lens, Small flock of laying Sew Officer foe Bfeptoaa Encampment. FOB EEHT. hens, year old, S, Meredith, Route 2, HIGH te&ADE MONUMENTAL WOBK tomorrow afternoon in the chapel. FOB BALE. Furnished room to rent, with or With^ Freehold, X. J. Let u s help ypa in the seleotron of r O B SAKE CHEAP. Two one-hone plows, one cultivator Rev. James W. Rogan left Monday John MeColgan has been elected out board. Mrs. A. W, Haviland, 5,1 Phaeton in good shape, rouil wagon in with your memorial, >' Buyers should realiie attachment, and a one-horse harto attend the general assembly at high priest of Neptune Encampment Aleoliunic street, Rod Bank. that In the buyinjf of a monument there good shape and two sets mnglH harness row; also one-horse farm wagon and a GOING F i g a n r o f : Chicago, Rev. Garret Wyckpff will of Odd Fellows of Red Bank to suefor sale. Joseph Buckman, Riverside covered •ftjagon. Apply to William Dor, Of course you are and you certainly can be no thought of speculation. I t Is WASTED, an Investment which yields a return of irlve, Glenmary Farm, Belford, N, "J. ' will lutve flshermenjj luck if you go have charge of the prayer meeting to- coed Benjamin Alperin, who has A competent youiiif woman for B-enera.1 with poor tackle. Get your tackle at a purely iithetie nature. Be the monunight and Rev. •William A, Rice of moved to Virginia. Mr, MeColgan housework, • Apply to Mrs. Bprulll, 8 BLAG A S S OSATEIi BOOTING. and uome home with aftnu mess ment big or little, its worth can be w s t m mxwmm FBONT t o i .Tetley's New York will preach at both services was installed by District Deputy John Riverside avenue, Red Bank, •" for that fish dinner, Tetluya, Broad proved only by its beauty and lasting Leaky tia.^AS'slate roofs made tight; One-half acre plot on Slirewsbury river street, noQ Bank, quality, and in these the email monualso t a r and asphalt for sale, Ggden next Sunday. Mr. Rice will also S. Stiles of Red Bank at last week's front for sale at most reasonable price. SAVE TOMATO PLANTS ment of good design and quality may McClaskey_, 147 Hudson avenue, Bed Plenty preach on Sunday, May Slit, if Mr. meeting of the Encampment. George for 160,000 of shade trees; sandy beach. ApFAJRM MACHINERY FOB SAKE, sale- BO.OOQ Rod J Jlock plants, Su.OOO Bank. Telephone 400-J. ; prove of far greater value than some ply for terms to William H,.Hinteiniann, Rogan does not return by that date. W. Cook of Oceanic is a hlw member Success plant* ana 69,000 Btpna plants, Potato planters, disc, spike and AA enormous and expensive but ugly and RumBon, N, J. J h f J Re>'a,;HolM(lel, N. J, harrowB; Acme harrows, furrowing sleds, shoddy pile, T, Hanson & Son, designers •The First Methodist woman's for- of the lodge. WAS, WAS, ;WAB all kinds of plows. Planet Jr, and Iron and builders of monuments,' Monmouth FOB BALE. on fresh killed cliiekenBi- If yoji want eign missionary .society will meet next %:/•. VQ9 BALE. • i frash killed chickens go to,G,,Dietz & 4 Bronze turkey eggs from choice stock'; Age cultivators, and all kinds of ma- Btreet, near Borough Hall, Red Bank. Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Walter E, One W» and two runabouts for sale, ot« Son, grooers a n d . hutclrtCT,- 123 West also Barred. Plyniourth Rook _eggs, chinery for farm use. C, H, Hurley, Boyd's on Wallace street. The pas- Barn Burned at newer Squantum. Thompson strain, 7J cents per setting of Shrewsbury, N, J,will e«chanBe for working liorse. Al- Front street, Red Bank, LEARN TO BECOME A liftcen. Frank O. Byram, prdspeot avetor's aid society will meet tonight, Fire destroyed a large barn on fred Brighton, Rumson, N, J, O BREEDING PLANT nue, Red Bank, i EQQS FOB EATCHDTG. after prayer meeting. The Junior Ernest VanSchoick's dairy farm at CHAUFFEUR, for Male at a bargain; best location in TOFSOH. AOT> MANURE. S, O, Buff Leghorns, S, C, White Ortlie United States, a t Farmingdale, N, J,; Wa can teach you. Cost low, employEpworth league will meet Friday Lower Squankum Saturday afternoon. pftoil and manorE for sale, H. M, I'lngtons FOK SALE. nnd S. C, Anconas, eggs $1 for Btrkshire pigs. The pigs B to 00 acres; new buildings. Cannot ment easily sicured, O. R, Zacharins, afternoon in the Sunday-school room. One horse, a cow and a calf were lost Taylor, contractor, 3ij Peters place. Red IB, Stock for sale. W, A, Truex, 226 are brerl for proliflcacy. They are a Hive personal attention to business, Dr, Next week the Junior league will hold in the fire. Several hundred bags of Bank. Telephone connection. Broad street, Red Bank, • cross between Masterpiece and High-wood J. .M. W, Kitchen, 01 Prospect street, Eagle Hall '-block,'Asbury park, N. J. . . a picnic at the Fair Haven woods, feed and a lot of hay were burned. 4)lpod, Price $10 each. R, S. Griggs, Knat Orange, N. J. ' rUBKlSITGD BOOMS TOB BEKT. JOB 11HT, Mr. VanSchoick's house was in dan Purnished near the schdolhouse. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. ^roorns, all iniprovemtnts, Furnished and- unfurnished cottages; Cranbury, N. J. . BUNGALOW POR BALE. gej*, but the neighbors saved it from ',' The Presbyterian Brotherhood met for rent. For partioulara apply a t 204 new stores on Broad street; money to Flve-passengm automobile for hire by Pretty seven-room bungalow, modern F0» BAtE. JSast f r o n t street, Red Bank. loan, Francis White, Monmouth and Monday night. After the meeting the catching fire. The loss is estimated improvements, electric lights, hot water hour or day; experienced driver; modUtility bred Rhode Island Red eggs Broad streets, Bed Bank. drive, near trolley; lot -x> members talked ovej plans for holding at about $10,000." for hatching a specialty, at reasonable heat; Riverside POB BALE. Part cash, balance mortgage, or erate rates. A, Hnyter, Clinton place. prices. Also some stock of the same 02x140, a neld day on Memorial Day. The A horse, delivery wagon, harness and FOB SALE. small amount down, balanca llko rent. Red Bank.. Phone 38S-W. variety for sale. Address Mrs, V, Vanbuggy; all or separately. Inquire at iuo Planked hull, 25x7, rnli-ed deck cruiser; Dorn, Red Bank, . events will include a baseball game beBox "B, Red Bank, Minister Returned to Church. Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, also 22-inch reversliili propeller, never tween married and single men. TOP3OIL FOR SALE. used; salt water, lauo Third avenue, AsRev. W. H, Gassaway has been re FOB BALE. WXBE KB Ascension Day services will be-held turned as pastor of the Fair Haven MAir wramwrn, bury Park, N. J. Phone.4-M. Good strong topsoll for sale. Price ?0 f On Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury, I'll wire for you. Fred B. Browtr, Man nurse open tor engagements; has N. J,, eight-room boose; lot 104xl75i cents per load on the prenfites, at Minat ten o'clock tomorrow morning and colored Methodist church for another and electrical contractor, 72 Monmouth HARDWOOD a. had thorough experience in state and barn, fruit and e t c ; fine location; price nesink eight o'clock tomorrow night at Trin* year. P»rlt, near Red Bank, Inquire of street, Red Bank, Tel. 234-W.V general hospitals in New York; best of $2,TOO; 11,800 can remain on mortgage, All kinds of llaorlnff for sale, or laid ant! • " ity church by Rev, Robert MacKellar, finished; Old floors ronniHhed to look like references, W, R. Mathews, 61 white Francis White, MoiimoTith street, near George Ourtis, superintendent, on the BABST POB BENT. new ones, H, B, Wenck, B0 ISast Front street, Red Bank, Mr, Maokellar will preach at four "Broad street, lied Bank. premises. ' • TOP BOIL POB SAI.B. On East Front street. Apply for par- street. Red Bank. Phone 4B8. o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Will deliver same, Charles Burd, Red ticulars at Diekopf's photo and art WAMED. r ^ OET D A t r " chapel of the Holy Communion at Fair- Bank, — Work wanted after school and Satur r Btuaio, Broad street, Red Bank. > FOBITION WAHTED, do your eiectrieal work, and" go there SMALL FARM FOR SALE. days by two colored, boys, ages 17 and .16to Haven. for your electrical, supplies, Estimatei ounff man wishes position as chaufAt Locust Point, N, J,, a small farm FOB SALE. years; just moved Into town. Address given. Jobs promptly , BOW SOAV WANTED. to, 08 of about 15 acres, with' house,, large feur, 'five years' experience; willing William,and The Monmouth clerlcus'met at Trin- Two-horse hay rake, $16, Dunrobin Judson Best, 301 West River Broad street, opposite attended Good family bateau, about 14 or 18 worker; Second national good reference. Apply Chaufity church Monday, Rev. -Elliott Farm, Bid- Bank, strtet, Red Bank, feL't long, wanted at once, Address John feur, box .116, Eatontown, N, J, bank, Red Bank, Office phone, 676-M. barns and outbuildings; exceilently L.. Pearsall, Fair Havert, N, J, White, pastor of St, Mark's churchy at Residence phone, 288-M, adapted (or a stook farm. For InfornmCARPENTERS WANTED. POE SALE CHEAP. PIANOS TUNED. Philadelphia, read a paper on "The Carpenters wanted.. Hart & Lloyd tlon, etc., apply to Charles R. Snyder, Slrleboard, practically new; . two oak WAWTBD. , FOB SALE. Pianos tuned, oyerliauled and polished; Catholic Attitude," The paper was Keansburg, N, J. i Colored man wanted for faTase work- years of experience in factory; work dining tables, small china closet, maple counsellor-at-law, Atlantlo Highlands, Blacksmith ana wheelwright shop on bed with bos spring; all in excellent day* work. Apply to F, R. Boice & Co.,guaranteed, wnfter Merkol, 14B Hudson discussed by the members. Seven of Center avenue and Avenue A, N. J. 2S East Front street. Red Bank, '.,.' avenue, Red Bunk, Phone 4B3-J, condition. Inquire nt 102 Iflast Front corner WANTED ministers attended the meeting and at onco;BLACKSMITH Atlantic Highlands, near water front. street, Red Bank, all around man, Ira Meglll Owner going out of business on account LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? they had luncheon at the Garrison QIKL of sicUhess, Tunis V. Moller, J30X 130, POTOTBY^AYB BIO PBOFITS house on Broad street. No more meet- Varmingdale, N. J. FOB BENT. Capable fflrl wanted for general house- if you If so, see our new and second-hand Atlantic Highlands, N, J, handle it right. If there is a Small apartment, furnished, fitiltablo H. RITZAtJ. work. Call at SO Broad street, Rod ings for the clericus will be held' until furniture and household specialties. Enleak let mo nnd it for you. Poultry for a couple;-light housekeeping conHank, any night after 7:30 o'clock Remover of dead animals, Rod Bank fall. , export and advisor, IJ, P. Upham, SOB venluneeH- quiet houssu; central location. SPECIAL SAKE OF WALT. FAPEB. tire contents of hotels, boarding houses N, J. Telephone 120-J, Third avenue, Asbury Park, N. j . From B cents a double roll up. Big Call for particulars at 88 West Front Rev. James C Lord has started a WASTED. street. Red Bank, ,._,,_ selection of wall paper at lowest prieei. and cottogei bought for spot cash. DeHORSE FOB S A i E . A sober man to care for and drive a preparatory elais for young people at Horse for nBEWOOD FOB FlftT.E. Estimates on paper hanging and paint- liveries free of charge. Schwarti'i fursale. Inquire of S, Levlne, team of horses, Qarrett Hennessey^ M Grace church with sixteen members, 158 Beech Btritt, Kindling wood, iix barrels for $ 1 | furing; also glazing^ Max Bunin, propri- niture stores, 108-110 West Front itreet, SOABDEBS WANTED, Ocean avenue, Long Branch, ?I. J, Bed Bank. naot wood, sawed 12 to 14 inches long, f 8 etor, Guarantee, Painting company, US corner Mttple avenue, Rer! Bank, First-class board i n refined boarding A meeting will be held in the Sundayper oord, H, J, Rosevelt, B9 W»st r r t house; nicely furnished rooms, good West Ji'ront straet, Red Bank, SAWS BESIONED. school room this afternoon. Mr, ' JAOOEB WAGON WASTED. table, house lias all Improvements; rates Carils, originally dasiBntd for special street, Red Bank. Telephone 328, Small Jagger •wagon wanted. H. RIt Lord will lead the prayer meeting to- isau, FOB BALE. reasonable, Hudson Mouse, 145 Hudson* purposes,; dinnera, birthdays, etc.- Studio, tilophono 1S9-J, Rtd Bank, EGQS POR HATCHIHG. avenue, Red Bank, At New Monmouth, house, store buildnight The topic will be "The Call of room 14, Eisner building, Red Bank, Prench HouUan and Single Comb White ing, barn, wagon house and sheds, with the Fisherman." Friday night Mr. WANTED. Leghorn eggs for Bale, from heavy •laytwo acres of ground; two minutes' walk BOAT FOB SAKE. MONEY 2 0 l O A S and Mrs. Lord will hold an informal A girl for general housework. Apply on first hond ing strain, Mrs, W, W. Vaughun, River, Launch in flrst-elaiis condition for salo, from the trolley line or five minutes ana mortgage on improvBa at 10 Beckleas place, Red Bnnk, reception at the parsonage, to which 2B feet long, 7-foot beam, 5-h, p. engine, from the trolley junction, Apply to A, D, property in sums to suit borrowers. ".Al- side drive. Rod Bank, Pliono 137. all church members and friends are seat twelve comfortably; fully equipped. Coiiovor, New Monmouth, N. J. ston Boekman, attorney, Red Bank, HOUSE TO BERT., TYPEWRITER FOR SALE INDIAN MOTOCYCI.E FOR SAKE. Will bo sold right. Apply to Frank P. invited. Sunday morning Mr. Lord House on Mechanic street to rent. In A 1D13, 4-h, p., cradle spring frame, Diokman, Red Bank, M B A W ! STBAWII STRAWI1! • BAB1W TACai FOR SAKE. will preach on "Our Dream Life and quire of M m Ketcham, Ret! Bank. Rye and wheat straw, A-l, in sheaves, in perfect order, cheap. Call"after 8:Q0 Cabin yacht Novia for sale, a t irwin's New No. 1 0 Smith-Premier, Reality." Arrowsmith Post, the Sons will deliver, Hollywood Farm, Everett, p. in. any day. Am Ketting twin, Moyan, OBOCEBY CI.ERK. boat storage, Red Bank; 30 feet Ions, EGGS! EGGS!) £(J»SI!I 2B9 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, N. J, Phone 378-IM5, Middlatown. ' 7-ft, beam; toilet, lavatory, Ice box; 18of Veterans and the ladies' auxiliary Want nn experienced man as salesman Are you interested? Wlilto Orpingtons, 85 cents per IB; Barred Rocks, GO Ji. p. Fulton engine, two-dyclo, fully visible writing. Can be seen will attend Grace church at night and steady position, Doremus Bros, Co, BENT. MONEY TO 1 0 A N . cents per Iff; Sicilian Buttercups, #1.00 •('quipped; a l l ' practically new. C, V. Mr, Lord's topic will be "The Sword Four new stores just completed, on $2,000 to 16,000, from ,i to 6 per cent, per 15, Pringle & Darken, Maple ave- BouKliton, box 577, Atlantic Highlands, at Red Bank Trust Co. DOQ FOR BAtE. and Civilization." The church will be One Newfoundland N, j ; dog for sale. Ad Wharf avenue, on site of old market depending on chnructor of security of- nue, Fuir Haven, N, J, building's. Harry A, Hawlcins, aBent, fered,' Apply to John S, Applegate & decorated, the choir will sing patriotic dress T. B, Hadlor, Little Silver. N, J, ALL HAIR ORDERS Son, Davidson building, Red Bank, HOUSE AMD SOT, 5950, selections, and patriotic hymns, will that were to go (Out two months nfto or COWS SOB SAtB. WAOON POB A B . A fine seven-rooin liou«e, large lot, be sung by the congregation. B, T, SMITH, Mrmasf-sr, Twelve very line dulry-bred two-year, One rubber tire station wagon for sala shade and frwft trees, grapa arbor, hen more must be called for and paid for by nth, or will be sold at auction Mile, IIS Hudson avenue, Red Bank, Teleold helfera; all coming in proilt, for gale, high ground; quiet neighborhoodi June The names will be published for fear J, H. MoLiean & Son, ISatontown, N. J, ."- pjjone 111, General upjiolstorlng. Win- house; a groat bargain, 4pply toGeorge some have forgotten their orders, Mrs, dow shades made to order, Camp chairs Blsctioff, Belford, N, J, Auto Tettok Runs Into TsoUsy Polt. FUBNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. CHICKENS FOB SALE. L, K. Douglass, 18 Broad Htretit, Red and tables to hire for all occasions, A plenmint furnluhcd room In small Pen of choice white lloclt anrt pen of Bank. An auto delivery truck owned by ni-lvuto fnmlly. '22 Oakland atroet, Kcd ffilifule Ibland Hi-a Veu old licnn John BED BANK DAIBT. TWO RESIDENCES FOB SALE. ^ Sweet creum, puro milk from our own R. H. Macy & Co. of New York ran Bank. BQABDIHO- HOBSES WANTED. L. Fox, 1^0 Wnllan- htieit, Kcd Rank Two very de.'drublo i-«HlU«n«;es at Hat- farma; frchh butter, butterniilk, and into a trolley pole at JFair Haven, near TlorHO.1 wanted to boiird by tlm week 1 ontown; centnilly locuU-iI; all improvelioiuc-mado pot chvc:<o delivered dally . FURNISHED BOOMS FOR BENT. month; excellent, attention; exceptionMONEY TO LOAN. Battin road, Monday afternoon. The j LarKO, uiry rooms,, next to First na- Money to it Charles A. McClasUoy, Red Bunk. Tele- or ally llrst-clfiMa pttsturo limd; modern in HUIIIH to suit bor- mentH. Tonns iriadi-rulo and to starting crank of the auto was bent tional bank, at 10 Wallace street, Red rowers on loun phono 4G3-M Red Unnk, flist bond and moitRugo William H. T'oMti-r, Entontown, N. J. stublca For- furtbor particular.*] .apply and the trolley pole was broken off Bank. A. L IvlnM, RpglstiT building. Red Bank. to W. lliirold Powers, C'ryutnlbrook F ^ B BUNT OB SALE. SAVE YOUR OLD CABPETB. Farm, Eiitontown, N. .1. Telcphono 2138close to the ground. A delivery boy Elght-rooin house on Washington M Katontown. Benutiful revcruilile rugs madd from POB SA1B. t was thrown off the scat of the truck GHH ran^e, In Kood coiulition, for fsah. SlttAWBKEEIESI BTBAWHEBBIESI1 old carpeto and ohqnlllo portleros. AVrlte Mtrect, Oceanic, N. J.; terms easy. Key fljiHHt strawberiiCH in town; al.so for circulars. Amorlciiti liufj Manufac- nt Mrs. Delia .TefCroy'o, or POHKOKSIOII at by the collision but he was not hurt. Inquire at 102 Monmouth fitreet. Red thoThe FOB SALE. best Jersey aypaiasu-j .mil nil other once. AddroHH Fannie Lcnney, 8 llcnoy Lot at Bridle, 50x150, or exchange for The truck-was towed to Red Bank for Bank. southern fruit. Louts lJrati>, Red Hank. tory, 296 Vermont Htront, Brooklyn. street, Morrlntown, N. J. acreage, Kection of Colt's Neck, unimrepai 1H. WANTED. BYE BTSAW FOB SALE. proved good ground. Also lioiiHe and lot BBOODEK1 SYSTEM POB SALE. WANTED. Droosmnker by the day. Answw, Htut- HAfcft About llftcen tons of rye straw In J H t oft Htolio road to KeanHbiug, two F o r t y hoovers; can bo uwed in groanGeneral houHeworker, wlilto: good Rod Bank Movle« In Texan. IIIB price, to Drossmuker, box C, HodJjoufie; perfect condition; ljbw iirioo for sheuf for Halo nt ?1S pur ton, IJOUIH iTiln'iitCH from trolley. For further p:irvHH nnd cook; two In family'; $2.5' liculai'H apply to or address Murcu.s Leo, Bank. HOITQI, Ilalf-Mile rond, Mlddletown townquick enlo. Royal Forma, Little Silver, whip. I'oHtofllco uddreuH, Red Bank iiCL'S rciiuirod. Call or write A. G Koyport, N. .T. Freif'Tetley, who is in the army and lHtctlc, Ilubbarrt nvonuo, Red Bunk. FOB SALE. who is stationed along the Texas borr Phono aiW-W.-ltt-'d Bank. OW FOB SAX.E. FOB BALE. rubber tiro convertible seat MABIWE ENGINE POB BALE. der line near Mexico, nas sent a letter Ono Bay. niaro for sale, 11-1% hands high, 100 S. C. White Leghorn yfiiirliliK lions fi, AddroMS T. B. Ilndlor, Llttlo SllTlirec-horuo power Marine engine for Hovon WANTED. to'his'niece, Elsie Tetley of Hudson yqara old/.-broken to ride or drive, at $1.60 each; [~>0 8, C. BufC Orpington .H. J.Bale cheap, In poofl condition. Apply to largo or two nmall 1connecting yearling lions at $2 each; 25 S. C. White porffictly "aouna and goiitle." Inquire at avenue. He told her he saw moving William tloltz, 20B Oatheiine street, roouiM, unfurnished; -suitable for light Orpington yearling liens a t $2.50 each, BENT. 811 vorbrook Farm, Shrowsbury, N. J. 1 Bunk. pictures of the ice carnival on the A Hlx-rodm TOB liouuckooplng for one person. Btatc loca- 50 cockerels and cock blrdn of the above IIOUHO for rent.- Apply to Shrewsbury river at Red Bank in a E. B. Helsor, Leonard tion and price nor month. .Addrean l'or- breeds at from $2 to (10 each. Dunrobin LO0K1 LOOK II X.OOKIH avenue, Vu\v Uu£OT POB SAL^!. playhouse at El Paso, Texas, a short von, N. J. Automobilea repaired and all kinds of manent, bclx 313, Rod Bnnk. Farm, Red Bank. Lot on Wcmsldn uvonue, IKOxfiO foet, engine work done at your own places or at time ago. Fred said the pictures of far sale cheap to quick buyer. Apply to my place. Autos for hire. C. A. Morris MOTOBBOAT FOK SALE. CHAMEBOT BROTHEBS. TACKLE THE TAOH3CB William Holtz, 295 Catherine street, Red Tilton avenue,1 Red Bank. Tel. 314-W, the carnival were very good. For Hiile, motorboat, 2Si-foot length, Plain and decorative painting and ut Totli-y'H, Bioad Htrcet, Red (tank. A Btink. 4%-foot beam, 5-horKO power Buffalo enpaporhanBing promptly dona ut reasoncomplete- lino 61 HHIIIIIK tackle on dla POSITION WANTED. „ gine, statlonaiy top with cuitalni, Toi- able prices. All JiU4 samples of implay here. HORSE FOB BALE. Banker Talks to rarmem. pedo stern, built by Ijozler Co. Apply to JIan of nr> wishes a position nq general ported and domestio wall papers nnd Black inure for Halo, or will oxebango Irwin'n boat works, Red Bank, croiones to match now ori hand. Oftlco, WANTED. f/6r autompbilo, L. Schwartz & Son,all-iiround handy man on private eHtate, Harry Campbell, cashier of tho A good laundress East Front street, near High street, Red wanted two dnyn n Front street*, and Mnple avonue, Rod by day • or week; nrHt-clnss referonce •-" AUTOMOBH.E FOB BALE. First national bank, explained the woek. Ajjply a t .187 IIudHon avenue, Bunk. Ooorgo Qlaubrocht, Llttlo Silver, ty, j . Hank. Phono 320-11. . ' , Model K Stoddnr<l-l>nyton. line condibank taxing laws and the income tax Red Bank. » tion, fast, able to pans almiint everything OHOIOE STOCK. FURWITTIIIE B B P A H U B D . OANOB FOB SALE. lawa to the members of Shrewsbury because Single Comb ButT Leghorna, Indian Furniture of all ktndH repaired. Ro- on the road; prlcn JSOO. Siilllng DUCKS FOB BALE. Gonulno "Old Town" inuioo, complete I have bought u iift\v, ear.1 name miike. Runner ducks, "White Holland, turkeys, grange of Red Bank laBt night. Near- Five Wlilto Pekln ducka and a drako outfit, uaed only four months, practically Htorlng. of antique and mahogany fur- Major Duncan, Freehold, N. J. Grout l)ano dogs. For flvo years we havo niture a spoclalty., Henry Grauso, Front ly all the members of the grangeywere fdr sale; price $5. Mrs, M, • A. Aycrs, now. bargain. StryUor"& Stryker, Ut-d Btroot, hoar Southern railroad. Red Bank. won blue rlbbonB at Madison Square LoriiHt, N. J . ^i Bank. present. , Garden. Nuff said. Utility and exhibiSAVE TOUB OLD CLOTHES. Best prices1 paid for nocond-hand tion Btock and eggn for sale. Royal INSURANCE. PHEASANT EOOB FOB SAXE. BUNGALOW POR KENT. ' Baseball at Kittlo Silver. no risk of (Ire, protect yourself gents' clothing . For estimates inquire Farms, Uttlo Silver, N. J. Gold, Silver, LttUy' AmheiBt and K Tulg'aloW on H<ii'ilson avenue, near byRun at Rod Bank Steam and "Dyo Worka, 05 your IIOIIHO nnd furniture In pheasant ORHTH: also, year-old pheas- Front ntreot,. for ront; J8 per month the inmirlng THE POPE FOTJXTH1 FABU The Cubs of Little Silver defeated Hah best companies. I'Hrancl8 jJVhlto, ShiowBUury avcnUo, or 24 West Front ants. Glenmary Furm, Blversldq drive. B, C. Apiilegiite, 80 Broad street. Red Monmouth street, near Broad. IteuBank. street. Red Bank. Phono 15-tl or'18-M. 1M dlHpoMliiK °f nbout 300 breeders, nens tho Shrewsbury team Saturday at Red Bank. Bank. of tho bpMt variety, heavy layerB, white, Little Silver by a score of 1 to 7. and In tho Uncut health; still laying and wxuv IBXCHAWOE aooD WATCH DOOS v OIBI> WANTED. will nTuke unsurpassed foundation stook. The Shrewsbury avenue team of / a 30-h. p, combination ronilutor .nnd comFive black male pupploa for snlo, price Girl wanted, a t once vfor gon^rnl .flui Wot««o, six. roomH «nd both, nil ImIot4 of 10, 26, 60 and 10(K Special Red Bank defeated Little Silver on work; SvvedlHh 'or"Irinh preferred. Ap- provements; $16 per month. Morehoune mercial car, In; flrBt-ctaas condition, t S each. Bred from a. thorough bred Dane In May priceB, S. C. AV. l,eKhorn3 ex$500, for a launch of equal value. dog and thoroughbred ; Newfoundland "cluulvely. Sunday at tittle Silver Point by a ply at Martinez, Markhatn place, lAttlf. A'Ford, Second national bunk building, worth Harry (3. For»t«P, •"•"«-•"Will demonstrate the car. 'Addrona Box bitch. Will make, line pets- or watch •tendent, Freneau, Hed Bank. • Silver, N. J. score of 10 to 8. •.. . N. J. Box 88. 42. dogs. Royal' Farms. Little Silver, N. J. Address T. B. Hadler, Little Silver, N. j WANTED A few bright young men o learn clothing cutting trade; steady position with rapid advancement; goofd wages to start. Apply at Eisner's factory, Red Bank., FOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAINS. New nrewstor brom;ham f rubber tiros, polo and shafts, used only half a do^en Browster low-wheel runabout, rubber tires; saddlo and bridle, latest nt^lo, eood as new;.one pair large blankets, for fooling out or street use; potato digger, used only once, has a lnrgo assortment of duplicate* parts; two tfvouliOL'l &coopH, used only, three days; thice Hinall drng- scoops; one platform «)I>rlng wagon,-hand made, nejw, used but onca; aluo a necond hunil spring ^vttgon, polo nnd shafts; cviltlvatorB, plows; whovolH, hoes, picks; one push cart, gooil ' .* a.9 now; neckyokeB, Whifflotreow. A finelot of Hccond hand lumper; also a lot of t , oak lumber, now. Hawed two years, A]«b , •; thoroughly eeneoned Wheat Straw. \Jn v ',:/,J flxlng my place w*s obliged ' ^o/, hi*V«. fj'.' many tools, e t c , for which w« i j t v w ' ^ ';{•* \V^a now. Come and exatn,t '"' ••»'••• BCW, Great vajue*, for »»v- T . I™T V Colob Futtm, Eatontqwb, N. J. 'l.r THE BED BANK KEGISTEB Pnee 12 THE RED BANK REGISTER ADVERTISING KEYPORT. i t v a u v OAVE A ISOW Bad Bank People Amlttoil Keyport Amu t«ur»—Mon»y Cleared by tils Eutar tulnment Will Be U««d to Kayiwrt, • vredftt nta poatofflOR »t Red m j , M Meond'Clku matter, SUBSCBIPTION P1UGE: Tlio pulllieity bureau of Keyport jfavo an entcrtuinnient at the Kurf theater last iiijfht. It was one of tho host KIIOWH ever given by amateurs nt Keypurt, Every seat in the theater , MAY 20, was "taken. The profit from the show will lie used in advertising Keyport TAitt. in the New York newspapers. The opening part of "the entertain i.) /ro»t ment was a minstrel show given by One of the grout injustices done to young women.- Miss Lillian V. Camp this part of the county by the legis- bell was interlocutor anil the minstrels lature of New Jersey, was the passage were Misses Louise and Constance last year of Uic law prohibiting seine Grecnawalt of lied Bunk and Barbara fishing in the Shrewsbury river nt all Hoaglam), Gvaec Massey, Emily times. Previous to the passnge of this Sproul, Elsa Bauer, Mamie Haft and Jaw herring formed a valuable addi- Mario Campbell of Keyport. Mrs. tion to the food supply of this neigh- Edward Auinack and Misses Gardinn borhood. Aftur the passage of this Honglnnd, H cirri Osborn, Florence law herrinft- could no longer be taken Lehn und Pearl Walling of Keyport with seines, ami this important supply nnd Etftelle Greenawalt of Red Bank of fish was cut oiT. formed the chorus, M i w s Constance and Louise Greenawalt nnd Jessica There was no sense ami no reason in Barker gave dancing numbers, and tho " passage of this law. i t "did "a I vocal solos were rendwe.r by Mrs positive injury and it did absolutely George M. Collins and Mrs. Fred no good. XI proluihly was passed at | Sehildkneeht. George Lober pave a the demand of tho fish and game com- violin solo, and Mrs. Collins and Rev mission. Tho vajraries of this bunch erly Brown of Red Bank rendered a of officials are beyond human compre- vor-al duct. The members of the hension. Mostly, the laws passed at Twentieth Century dramatic club pave the demand of this board me designed a one-act comedy entitled "Heirs at ,75 ,40 inonttai. i? Brenner, Smith & Co., j i JEWELERS. { JUNE 13-19 Dunbar Singing Band ADRIATIC BAND (2S Italian Musicians) Tuskegee Institute ' Singers ROMANO ORCHESTRA The Four Artists Another fool law, passed this year,! •was the law compelling all persons 1 who go fishing after the first of next | January to take out a license. This , is another law which will restrict the | food supply of the state to a privileged ' few. It will give tho fish and game commission more money to spend, and it will make them move important than hitherto, but it is an injustice to the people just the same. * e* Senator LaFoliette The Democrats have had a lot to say about the high, cost of living, but they go right ahead making the coat of living higher and higher. Those two laws regarding the fish supply of the state are samples of the kind of legislation which the Democrats of New Jersey have, been giving the people during their term of power-. In many other ways besides these two laws they have shown their utter incapacity to deal with the high cost of living and with the other problems which confront the people, Dr. 5. Parkes Cadman Judge R, M, Wanamaker Wm. T. Ellis Mrs. Grace D. Goodman Gifts'f>>r Tke Nujptial Season and Priced Within Reason. That is not very rythmic poetry, but we are not poets. We are jewelers and ar^ trying to build up a substantial patronage by endeavoring to give value for value received. Exorbitant prices are out of our line. We do not care for transient trade. We want our customers tojiome again, We want them to continue to patronize us. In order to do this we have got to satisfy them. This is worth more to us than a mere trans y^ry profit, -= You will find very.attractive jewelry here suitable as gifts for the bride or groom, for the bridesmaids or best man, at prices commensurate with high class workmanship. : j- Uniform excellence and reliability; exclusiveness and refinement; latest designs; variety of choice and price advantages; these facts, with unique store methods, make this the jewelry store of satisfaction and economy, . OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT: . • Jewelry Remodeled and Reset, Fine Watches and French and Hall Clocks Repaired, Expert Workmanship. Reasonable Prices, '. S B W O B I HEWI, The Avon Players The Toy Symphony Chauncey J. Hawkins 6 BROAD STREET, * RED BANK, N. J, TWO FINE STORES-DOUBLE BUYING POW1E-LOWER PRICES. " FREEHOLD STORE, 20 MAIN* STREET. • • In an Illustrated Lecture - • "Bright Eyes and Wild Hearts of Our Northern Woods*1 • • • • * • MOTION PICTURES I I I » > I MM I »M « M I H I I • > I fr»tMMI H I I I »B 11III I Mrs. Thomas Dawson, Mrs, William George W. Rittenhojise & • Son of Brower, Mrs. Euretta Ogden, Mrs. Keansburg are building a pool and. L, Irwin and Miss Dora Eoop | billiard room at New Point Comfort Howard attended the annual session of the j ' for John L. Strauss of Newark. " The state council of Daughters of Liberty | building will be 23x60 feet and will at Atlantic City yesterday and to- j cost about $1,000. I This firm is also building a bunga- day, Mr. and Mrs. William Danforth! low at Bqacon Beach for Mrs, Louise J;, Partridge of New York, The sailed for England Saturday. The 'Keyport literary club was en-!; house is 20x40 feet and will coat p,000. The first flo* will contain a. tertained Friday by Mrs. George S. large living room, kitchen, five bed- Hyer. Clinton Wyckoff spent Sunday with rooms and a bath room. The attic will Asbury Bedle of Harrison, be used as one large bedroom. George Thompson of New York, a j • • A new store and .office building is being built on the beach front.for the summer" resident here,, visited friends < J "j $ THESE INCLUDE! New Point Comfort Beach company, here last week. Miss Hilda Welles spent part of John-Rowland has charge of the work. WATCHES, The building will be 50x60 feet, There last week at Annapolis, Md, Mrs, L. D, Onnsby spent last 'week •will be four stores and a large recepRINGS, tion office on tiie ground floor and with her grandson, William Bovd of WATCH BRACELETS, • ' eight smaller offjses on the second New York: Elliott Whitbeck, who is in tho revefloor, The comprfhy will use the'offices CUFF BUTTONS, nue cutter service at Porto Rico, is on-! for its sumnioi' heudquartei's. CHAINS, joying a two- months' vacation here his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John VEIL PINS, KEANSBURG ESTATE SETTLED. iVhitbeck, J r . BEADS, Henry Graham has accepted a p'oslWilUaia g, P»rry*s Property on as solicitor for the electric light MESH BAGS, $8,005 at Artctlon. lompany, St. Joseph's social club will hold a The property of the late Oontmodoi'e KNIVES, "William S, Perry at Keansbufg was unch and dance at the Broadway theTOILET SETS, sold last Friday to settle up the es^ rter Friday night of next week. Mrs, Walter Varian-of Fordham, tatc. It brought fO.OOB, Sol Jeydel LA VALUERS, , Y... spent last week with her parof Newark bought a nine-room house BROOCHES, and lot for ?2,250, and Albei-t Stein nts, Mr. and Ml-s. L, Brower Walling. Elias Goldsmith, who was recently of Newark bought a seven-room bunSCARF PINS, galow for $1,500. A five-room house ned $2, for violating the bocough orTIE CLASPS, * •was bought for two Newark women by dinance against obstructing sidewalks, Brown & Kingsland for §875. This has obtained a writ of eertiorarj, from BRACELETS, firm also bought three adjoining lots JusticQ Bergen returnable at Trenton FOUNTAIN PENS, for $880. Edward T, Compton of "next Wednesday. Keansburg bought a five-room house, John Rapp has purchased an OverPAINTED PIN SETS, a barn and water tower for (pl.OBO, and automobile. VANITY CASES, ,W, Wi Ramsay was auctioneer, Holmes Sohuttg has resigned his position with the Chllda' grocery comCOIN HOLDERS, pany to accept a position as collector KEYPOBT OWHS LAND. for the Prudential insurance company. LINGERIE PINS, Scott Hopkins has sold his power AND MANY OTHER SUITABLE GIFTS. Elian Goldsmith Claimed to Own I t and boat Mischief to Benjamin Walling. So Did the Borough of Keyjjort. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Rosevear have - Keyport is entitled to land which into their house on Osborn has been in dispute between the bor- moved street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rothough and Elias Goldsmith, according well, who have occupied the house sevto a legal opinion just- received by eral months, jiayc moved to the Rossi that borough, Mr. Goldsrnith was at house on Atlantic street. the Keyport council meeting Monday The salt water pump has been night and asked for a permit to put nioved from the Keyport company's Established 1886 up a building on the disputed land. dock and taken to the water pumpinR The permit was refused and Mr. Gold- itation, where )t will be used in consmith became so angry that the mayor crete mixing. had to threaten him with arrest beMrs. Richard Burrowes spent sevfore he would calm down. eral days last week with Mr. and Mrs J. Russell Beekman of Trenton. The Keansburg steamboat company <MIIIHIIII Bed Bank Boy In Hospital. Minim >MMMMH m HI n* nni m i having their boats, the Keyport Norman Griffcn, son of Martin are and Point Comfort, repainted at the BHEBIFF'S BAKE. which Hc-j in said roa<J 1H conveyed euliGriffen of Maple avenue, was taken fc Keyport company's dock here. By virtue of a writ offl.la., tb me di- Ject to tho easement of the public In trie thee Ann May hospital at Spring Lak My p pg rected. Issued out ot the Court of Clinn- same nu'ii public Illffln/ny, Miss Elsie M. Curtis was a New cory of the etato of Now Jersey, will be Fid h he h was operated t d on ffor Second Trnet—On tho northerly Bide Friday, where visitor Saturday. exnoHodd to t sale l Jit t public bli vendue, d On of the public 'road lending from the appendicitis. He is slowly recovering York J. W. Weseman, who recently pur- MONDAY, THE FIFTEENTH VJAY OV RldRe rou<i to Oceanic, known as lot No. 1914, between the hours of 12:00 "1 on nbovo mentioned map; bounded chased the Curtis property on First JUNK, o'clock and 6:00 o'clock (nt 1:00 o'clock) northerly by land of formerly Wm, W. street, is making extensive improve In . Policemen a«t Mow Pay. the nftornoon of said day, nt tho court Conover, ot ale.; easterly by the center house, Freehold, In the towiwlilp of Free- of nnld public highway; southerly by lot Tho RufnBon policemen now receiv< mentB to the place. hold, county of filonmoutli. New Jorsey, No. 23 now owned by the party of the Mrs. Selina Huylar is having hei $60 per month, an increase of $5 pel All those certain lots, tracts or p.irct:lH part; westerly by land of formerly month. The advance took effect Feb double house on First street repainted. of land and premises, hereinafter par- first w . conover,-et als. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison of ticularly described, ultunta, lying and be- \Vm. ruary 1st, although it was not offiSubject to tho use of tho public n« a inR In the borouKh of Rumcion, in the New York spent Sunday with John G. hlghuuv In tlioMO portions of eald lota cially sanctioned until last week. comity Ot Monmouth and Btate of Now that llo Jn said public road. Schanck. Jcr.iey. SeUi'd aa tho property of John W. Alden Welch of New York spen l-'lmt Tract—Known and dOHlgnnlcd ua Jonnln^n, et als., taken in execution ftt .• OftM of ThanM. Sunday with his mother, Mrs, T. P lot No. 23 on a map f ntltled "Map of lota the suit of George A^Steele, and to be W« desire to, thank the members o Welch. near Occnnlc belonging to S. f. Hen- Bold by the flr-c company at Leonardo and " ' " Win. W. Conover and John S. WILBERT A. BF.ECROFT, Sheriff, Fred Hoagland, a student in Peddi ," made nwd surveyed by T. "W. AIiSTON* BKKKMAN, Sol'r. .- all the friends and relatives of the institute, visited his sister, Mrs, AlThrockmortoii, 1881. Betflnnlng In tho Dat.d May 19Ui, 191 i. Trillium Burdge for their aympath bert M. Ilaigh on Sunday. ct-ntcr of tho road leading from the and assistance in oiir bereavement am ItldKo road to Oceanic a t a point dlHtnnt George Mas'sey of New York wa one hundred and twenty-five feet anuthOW BULB SO BAA OBESITOXS. for their floral tributes to his memory Sunday guest of his parents, Mr, i-rly from center of North street nnd Executors' Notice. .MRS; WlHJAM BOttDGE AND FAMILY the <it the Houthcaflt corner of lot No. 21 on Clmrles McGleea nnd Peter McCloes and Mrs. John Massey. map; thenco (1) south twenty-one executora of Peter J." M'cClcog>,aoceaBOdl .tr-Advertisement. Misses Hope and Catherine Tilton Mild deijiocfc nnd forty minutes onst fifty feet by oipfler of the surrogate of tho county of Brooklyn spent part of last week aloni; VMS, tho center of oald road; thenco (2) of Monmouth, hereby give notloo to tho Hlxty-aevcn' degreeH flfteen min- creditors of the «aid docoflfled to bring in Wfl wl«h*to th*hkour friends,am with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bouth utes went one hundred ana Bevonty-flvo tholr Uobta, demands and claims against ' relatives foir-their Byjnpathy and as S« G. Lambertson.' feet; thenco (3) parallel with unid first tlio ft«tntf) of. fiald flccoaeed, ntuJor oath Charles Sproul of Brooklyn visited" COUI'HG fifty feet to the noutirtvoHt cornor or afflrmatJon, within' nino months from '' at'the death 01 oiir son am his sister, Mies Emily Sproul, on of «Qi<l lot No. Zii thence (4) north 8lx- the eighteenth day of May, 1814, or they j for the floral tributes. ty-snvon degreoB and nfteen minutes oast will 6.6 forever burred of any action , AtfoMfla. JOHN S. TRUAX Sunday. hundred and eovonty-nve feet along tllorefor against the said oxocutorer Joseph M. Walling of Newark one t N pla of beginning. eald JJot No.. 244 to th tho place CHARLES McCLBES. ' COMMENCEMENT GIFTS We have on display the most complete, attractive and reasonably • priced collection of commencement gifts in the city, L de la REUSSILLE 38 Broad Srreet ft'.',, • # BRENNER, SMITH & CO., Jewelers, City People Putting: Up Houses and a Koyport Women Attcna Brofflitsri of liberty donveaHoa lit Atlantic City. 1; Store at Baynsde Resort. &•. Red Bank, Dr. Scott Nearing The fish and game commission should be, abolished. Thefishand game of New Jersey should be placed under the contipj of a single individual of acientifio training, who would iise hia position and his influence to inHENRY SALZ, crease tiie fish and game of the state as a natural and important food,sup- show, Cecil S. Ackerman of the comply, instead of urging the passage of edy, Mrs, Andrew Campbell of the laws intended to restrict the use of costumes, Miss Annie Laurie Tilton fish and game by the people, The ob- of the music, C, *W. Mooi% of the, box ject of fish" and game lows should be office and Arthur A. Philo of the adto make fish and game plentiful and vertising. The ushers were Mrs, Walcheap, for the enjoyment of the whole ter B. Cherry and Misses _ .Bessie people, instead of spending huge sums Covert, Anna M, M^honey, Elsie M. of public money for the enjoyment of Curtis, Mary Langan, Gladys Cater persons of leisure. and Beatriee"MaBon, . ••»• ^ - V • I RED BANE to prevent tlio usu of game and iish ns ( l . m . " u general food supply, and aro de-] 'Die < ntoi t.unnient 11,1 , gi\on under Pinned to aid those "who fish and shoot l|l the diut-Uoii of I k i u v S al7, chairman William V, f a r pleasure. - v f *"< lmhluity lnue.ui 1:1 ** ' Ku.i]ip h.ul c h a i s e of the minstrel — • 6 Broad Street, ^ BIW BUttDBTSI AT • • > 1ABT MuM«l • • 1 JOHN H, COOK, Wile* waA Ptt GEORGE C. HANCE, At«og»M« * • • M portfon of the landi. l 1 ttt&>.*.' .1 / ' I .'• -'•» i.''"'. ' Red Bank, N. J. THE RIGHT PRICES. THE RIGHT STORE. Men's. Fancy Summer Shirts SOc to $1,00, Men's Summer Underwear SOc to $i.OO, Men's Pants $ 1 , 0 0 to $ 4 , 0 0 , Men's English Last Shoes $3.00 to $4.00. Men's Fancy Neckwear 2 5 c and 50c. Men's Fancy Hoiseiy all colors 10c to 50c. All Styles of Triangle Collars. Boys' Wash Suits SOc to $ 1 . 0 0 . Men's Scout Shoes $2.25. Ladies*, Children's and Infants' White Canvas and Buckskin shoes at the right prices. Give us a trial and be convinced. A. Tannenbauni's. WE GIVE S&H GREEN TRADING STAMPS. 25 WIST FRONT STRICT, RID BANK, N. J. EVERYBODY IS COMING TO STORE THE STORE FOR. THRIFTY FOLKS LONG BRANCH Specially Arranged for Home Display and Sale of and Porch Featuring the plain and Grecian bordered Deltox and Crex Matting Bugs—Now so much in demand. SUMMER FLOOR COVERINGS DELTOX AND CREX MATTING RUGS Size Size Size Size PLAIN. 18x30.. . . 36o Size 27x54.. .*. 76o Size 30x73 $1.15 Size 4.6x7.6...$2.25 Size 6x9 $3.98 8x10. . . .$5.46 0x13. ...$6.45 9x15 $8.90 Size Size Size Size GRECIAN BORDER. 18x36. . . . 400 Size 6x9 2 7 x 5 4 . . . . 8Bo. Size 8x10 36x72 $1.2B Size 9x12 4.6x7.6.. .-$2,60 Size 0x15 ...$4.45 ...$0.46 ...$7.46 ...$0.08 China Matting Bungalow Rag Carpet Rugs $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 per roll of 40'yards. Best quality 116-warp China Matting, $10.00. per roll. ' All sizes. Price range from 45o for size 18x36 to $7.98 for size 9x12. Japanese Matting $7.98, $8.98V $10.00 and $12.00 per roll of 40 yards. (All perfect.) Japanese Matting Rugs 29o . 49o .$1.60 .$2.9* Size 27x54. Size 36x72, Size 6x0. . . Size'9x12.. Tapestry Brussels Rugs ORIENTAL AND FLORAL DE8IQN8. Mm: QxO*.., Size 8.3^10.0 :: 9x12.1......... .S * J.W fli-OT Smith's Axminster Rugs Size 18x30...$1.10 Swse 27x54...$1.98 Size 36x72.. .$3.46 Size 0x0' $11.98 Size 8.3X.10.0. $17.98 Size 9x12 .T..$19.98 Body Brussels Rugs—Size 0x12 $24.00 Royal Wilton Rugs ORIENTAL AND FLORAL DEfilQNS. Size 22y2x36.$2.98~ Size 6x9 $24.00 Size 27x54. ..$4.60 Size 8.3x10.6 .$30.00 Size 36x63. . .$0.98 Size 9x12 $33.00 JOS. WILD'S INLAID LINOLEUM, thebest madg; $1.10 and $1.40'sq; yd. WILD'S Best Quality PRINTED LINOLEUM, W o a n d60f?,sq. y d ^ ' y.' H10D HANK BKdlSTKK Motorcycllit Xiittle Bllvcr'i Oouimeuosnient, confined to the houfu> lust week with quinsy Hore thront. HIM position wan Morris of FnrmiiigdaU1 Tht' graduation UXOIU'IHCH of the Hiiwavil 1 Mrs. ^i'lin^ SkokoH of Spring Hired taken temporarily by I 'rank Thomp- Little Silver sohool will be held Wed- wan badly bruised IsiKt Friday while t'ovc blrlli to n son Tliiifudny niprht, son of West Front Ktreet, neRdny,.iIiine llth, A play by piipita ridiniT hi H mottmyi'It' near Wft! Mr, PkokoH is proprietor of the Sujjar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kajton of I.onn of Miss Agnes Hackclt'H and Mi&v'fu^ FarniH, Tho mnehine ntruck an ohHowl on Uioiul Htroet, Hrniu-li were Hutiday guests of Mrs,celia HnKHtcr'n clnases will he given in stnu'tion in the road, collided with a Mi.s,-- P'lliol Cuttt'i'M of MoiKUJivillo Katon's parents, Mr, and MIH. Wil-connection with the trei- and was ruinnleiely WH'.'kt'il. liam Chandler of West Front Htri-t't. was a Hi'il Hunk visitor lust week. Mrs. Eleanor IlarriH of Anbury MIH, Wiliiifni Stilwcill and non Marry . . . . . AUCTJOHEBB of Mutawnn wort' R«,H1 Hunk visitor,*? Park in spending thin week with her T. V. TfBMMJr, cousin, MVH. Harry ('. riadeau of Kiist last w(vk. Mitin Tillio Kvevelts of Kouth Am- Front titrii't, 1 Im.v upent part of hint week as the Mrs. Albert C, Iturrisoii, Sr,, ofT i n Millinoriliri-, i x i ' i ' u t o r o f VVlMiiiin «'. H i i f l i . rtn-i'iim-il, w i l l m II o n tin* |iivir.l.-'i*i, n ! Kiii'st of MIH. AutniHl Nrhultz of Wiill South Htreet, in Htilj confined to the BUCK'S MILLS, COLT'S NECK, M. -J, housu with rheumatism, SATURDAY, MAY 2 3 , 1B14 JlisH OludyB UnimniiH of Lakewood, C!eoHu> Lee iind family linve movetl Commencing nt 1:00 o'clock, tht foUowlug1 property? 1 from hit if of one of John W. Mount's formerly of lied Hunk, returned home •J i ' , I . H I M i l l u i i i x l T l i n u t l i y II hl ai yy, , 7T T i I i i i ^ l n ' 1 / J ( i f ( " m i l f i i t h e K ; i r , ' ! 1 i ; i i i ' i - l •- " f l ' l " i i i liousi ,' (in Went .street into John M. Saturday after sjiendin^ two weeks 111 A l l M t H , n w , •,Ii.-— ' • r ^ i * I ' a r m ; I ; I I I N . H l c l i ! J ! , •' d l 1 1 I1 , 1 ! I . ' l i SS;i^"ii, 1'im-;^ U | |,il 1VU lluiVmiro'w house on Shrewsbury uve- with hi'r mint, Mrs. CI'OI'KL- II. TrtuN l;,,f,. r i ,\v. I t . i l l . I H i , , 1 I n 1 1 1 . \ V 1 . " ^ i i i n w . J f ' l i i t r u i h i ( i , n h ' fit'l'M Hill) luWllliT H i J 1 1 1 . - , l i i ) > . I ' l l i l l l l - i , 1" I. • r - « - l * l l t hilSV, II I I 1 1 , 1 of Oakland utreet. niie, I I.: Win-!, l i - m l m i ' t V I ' . - , l , i i « [ 1 . M n w i r . l i ' t i ' l i V i r p ' M i l r ; ' I ' I M I I M , I - ' I MIH, Walter Hheiniun and Mra. Mrs. William M. Titu:< of Sprinitnil.,ii T : i M r . I'jiflur H i n . ' , K i t i l M H I ' H . I I S i . - \ . ' . i; i ' i m l.niiii;;.'. - M J u l . l , - "' I ' I .1 • H t . i l i . ! , ^ I«- I I l ' h ] i l l > . I nC i n i ' li-ilt.iiii « • 11; 111 Mary 1'uolo of West Long llianeh were iield, MasH.u'liuniltn, formerly of Ut:l \ \ Kiii'Mr pail of liwl week of Mrs,Bunk, Kjient p a r t of,la;;i week in town, Hi ; r i l j l « i «r , K i 1' ti li l- Mc -| -i .- . : ;I 1. .i .tI?I 'H, 1 I f- 11- . s i11' i•:• iI -l .l . i I- ' .l li i r - iI ' i nl ii rl ti , iiTl; l. i i 'i i - ' m | I il t. yi l r : 5•1 1I1 in t. iI i' il ii il ii iMi .. - l ii ' i i[ i| - ~| . Ii « . n- . M i i ; ' Mi.s.s I'm tin Hergtii of Ih'ij'tii i'ook'V luanddaiinhtur, Mrs, Willard d i . \ l > I T 1 ' i . N H - A l l M . I I I . I n f $ 1 0 i ii l i u I n j • r , i - n - h : " i i a l l M I m i m i r $ i i . phu'e and ISliws Ruth iVvkifisj of Bread H i i l l l i i - I i i n l i l l i : , l i U I ' i ' l l . f - i ' l * I n " h i - | It - .l - S i i I •!•- l l n t i - " i l l i : i l " l l » I J " \ • • • I H r i ' M I ' S I liiiwyei' of Monniouth street. OARBET W. BUCK, .Mi's. ijuK HogtiM liUH returned to her r tit i t havu lut'ii laid up with MH-km-s, Mr*. CluiiieM A. Kmke of 1(U',!M>II hoiue oi! Met'hanie street afti'i' s-pendavi'tiue is rc-overiiui from sii'luieHM, ing «i>\t rul montliK nt Nuw York, Mr, :iml Mr.s. Frank HuU-nvt of lUi) ;\ii.sH Adelia Valk'au IUIH resumed normal HiinU Inivu reUuneii home nflor vi^il- her studies, at the Trenton 1 inK Mr. Hulwirt't* purent.s, Mr. andsi-hool al'ler visiting IHM parentt:, Air. and Mrs. .lo.-eph N'alk'au of Komli Mr:;, (', YV, IIulwul of Aliituwaii, Mis. William Heid of MorgiuivilU1 Htivet. Min.s Kliziiheth Patterson of AlidWHH u lUti Dunk visitor last week, Willimn Hiixter of Keyport spent dk'towji lisis heun vlKitinn lit-r Hi/Hor, Airs. Charles VanKirk of HhresvHijuiy part of lawt week iit Red Bunk, •> Clifford OakeiHon of Peters jilacf, avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliani Willett and who has hisen employed several months in the inati ranee art nary oili-o on Mon- MiH. Dojinluiy of tjltiuloa and Mrs. mouth ntreut, has been promoted to the Fninklin of New Bedford wuiu FriNewark oiliee, He will aBHUino his day jcue»ts of Mr. and Mrs. Henry (iruusf of JJridire avi-nne. now duties in a few clays. Mr.--, Anna A. Hotijiliton and Mr, j Mi.sM Mamie Pcarfall of Hed Hnnk has returned home after visiting Mrs, and Mrs. J . Newcomb Blacknian of | I'Jast Orange are visiting Mrs. Hough- j C. A. VanPelt of Morjranville. Angclo Sparagnu nf Philadelphia, ton's MHij Percy B. Houghton of Wai- | bettor known m Jim Angelo, wholat'e street, Mrs. Houghton fornierJy formerly lived at Ked Bank, was alived at Red Bank, visitor part of last week with Raffaele Mrs.. Louis Soffel of Overlook Farm SantaiHtolo of Beech street. in Middletown township, who has been Miss Agnes Huukott of Chestnut icriourtly sick three weeks wth blood street has been reengaged for another poisoning caused by cutting her year an toather of the intermediaU1 de- thumb, is slowly recoverinyr, partment a t the Little Silver public Mrs. Anna Walling and M,r. and school.' Mis. W. D, Walling and children of Lester Homer of Keyrjort was aFreehold, and Mr. and Mrs. William Romaine of Asbury Park spent SunBed Bank visitor on Thursday, Mrs, Harry Aten of Manasquan was day with Mrs, Louise Matthtews of a Red Bank visitor part of last week, Monmouth street. Mrs. Lindsay Dunbar of West Front last week. Mrs. Stephen V. Arrowsmith of street'was a Monday visitor with her Maplo avenue spent Thursday with sister, Mrs, Lafayette Bailey of Keyport, Keyport friends. Joseph Curtis of Keyport spent SunRichard Atkins of Monmouth street was a Thursday guest of his brother- day at Red Bank. George Grammnn/ Jr., of Newark, in-law, Charles H, Mills of Port Monformerfy of Red Bank, was a visitor mouth, Miss Mildred Earle of Maple ave- in town yesterdayi Robert and Dorothy Smith of Lake-, nue spent part of last week at Asbury wood were Saturday guests of their Park, * # Harry Patterson, son of .Eugene sister, Miss Inea Smith of Hudson Patterson of Borden street, who form- avenue. Mrs. Stanger of Monmouth street oily worked in.Foxwell's photograph store, is now employed in Albert L. is laid up with sickness. Miss Emma Gurtshaw, who attends Ivine's real estate and insurance office school at Saratoga, New York, is in T H E REGISTER buiMing. ' Former Governor Leon R. Taylor of visiting JVIr. and Mrs, George H. Har- j 1 Avon was a. Red Bank visitor on ten of Hudson nvemw. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Paulson of.: Saturday. Mrs, Emma Thlel^f Rod Bank spent Oakland street were Sunday visitors part of last week with Mrs. George A. with Mrs. Paulson's parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Adameit of Keyport. Swoezey of Port Monmouth. Mrs, Elliott of Maple William Jollne of Lonjr Branch spent p avenue is cond to the h house h i hsickness. ik Friday at Rod Bank, fined with late William A. Miller, superintendent William Conover, son of the" Now this is a good Broom. In fact it'« so good for 10c you'll wonder of the Mfitawan public Rfhoois, was a Sidney Conover, who has been in ' how we do it & Alaska, is'visiting hia brother, JoSaturday visitor In town. Edmund WIIKOII, Jr., resumed his soph Conover of Broud street. studies at Princeton eolloKc on Mon- Mr, and Mrs, Willinm E. Norton' of day afti'i1 spending several days at Went Long Bram-h spent Sunday with their (laughter, Mrs. Willavd Lawyer home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J, Grey of of Monmouth street. •.: William H, MacKelior of Peekskin,, . . „ . fit Wl Oakland street on; Friday night* Elegant Meaty Prunes Sc Ib -, Lai^e Meaty tended a la ladies' night of the I New York, has veturnedd h home after g reception p visiting hla biiotheji Rev. Robert, ^ pi h Rite Rit soeiefcy i tJ C i ' - . . . -Mac-.. . at Jwsey.Citj' 4 • ... Jmt.lke Ume of the^*ar'to eat Prunes freely, , , : WilUert Wenck qi Now York"was a Kellac of Maple avenii& MissXydla Berge of Freehold Is SO U\y guest of his father, Hnrry B. - 10c visiting Mr. and Mrs. Georpe Acker- i 4 POUNDS NEW ROLLED OATS \V k of East Front street. I ink Phelnn of New York spent man of Hudson nvenue. There will always be a demand for polled Oats^no matter how many William S. Child and daughter) day and Sunday with his sisters, - fad breakfast foodi may-spring up '! Annis nnd Elsie Phelan , of Kntherine, Miss* Sadio Cluld, Mrs. | Henryy M. Nevius,, Mrs. John A. Ely! ily place, Rev. nnd Mrs.' H d M : and Mrs, Charles Rnymolid of andd son Henry, and Trenton in an K . York nro visitinK Mrs. Ray Ray. \ James Lord went to to en rni.jid'H ]>aronts, Mr. and B|ra, William jj automobile to attend a musi- j bilyesterday d Vnllesiu, Sr., of,Tower« Hill avenue. I cal carnival. | Good quality. Not the soaked Peas, Wiiliani Vnllonu, who is employed by Walter Antonides of Oakland street, SIFTED JUNE PEAS - IOc can the government nt New York, spent was laid up part of last week with sickness. ' , j Sunday with his parents. Tender, fine Havered. Peag, Usually sola for 13o Thomas Tnllmnn of Maple avenue I Mrr, James'Rowe of Mny.ile nveniiu Extra Fancy Sifted Peas 14c gave vn auction hridfio puvty hist Fri- was a Now York visitor'yesterday. ! Cecil Crawford of Holmdtl, who, is j Lilttlo Tom Thumb's, Sifted and selected from tho ehnlcost Peas day ni^ht. A dozen gueyts , present, BLUB BELL," CORN MIKK Mertie KitiR of Belmnr was a Bed liank_ visitor part of lawt week. Holbroolc's Table iauce ISc bot Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles A. Frake of Famous WorcistirshiroImported, you'll enjoy it on your fish, moats, etc IludsiJii avenue, Elviii H. Frake of cation. . .ShrewKbiuy ' avenue and Oliver 0. pliASS OF FIVE OOHKBMHB, rrnko of Biidye avenue on Sunday attended tine funeral of a relative at 3 CANS CHILDS1 SOOURIMQ POWDER in CllViat CUuircll a t : Hightstcwn, They made the trip in SUrtwsljufy. ' ' J Oliver G. Frakc's "automobile. A Nice PERFUMED TOILET SOAP The-ritc of eonfivmation wns admin. | Mr, and Mrs. Frank J. Mnnson of , The ChrysBnthsmum Brand • Maple avenue were Sunday guests of istered at Chript churrh nt Shrews-1 bury on Sunday by BiKhoiJ Gray, of | friends tit Long Branch" Mrs. Robert Clay of Monmouth' southern Florida, A class or five per- j 3 Cakes ^hilds* ISfaphtha street and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irv- ;ons was confirmed, they being Joseph ' 3 Five Cent Boxes Ohllds* Powdered Stove Polish 1O e ing Brown of Broad street Kpont Sun- Diekopf, 'Virginia I'nrkov, danK'nter of I day with Mr. and Mrs, William Burtt John G. Parker of Shrewsbury; Alice | FULL Ib CAN CHILDS' PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER Of Branchport, ; Beak, dBughter of Richard Beak of i WHITE F A T MACKEREL - i ea i t d 8 c e a c h Dr, David Houston of Paterson Shrewsbury; Mary Carhart, daughter has been visiting his brother, William of Frank Carhart of Little Silver; and " S W E E T B L O O M " B E A N S and PORK Harriet Moore, daughter of Charles H, Houston of Leroy place. Mrs. Henry tpeb of Bronx, New Moore of Little Silver. Mr. Diekopf 1 A Boxes ol Imported Safety Matches York, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. moved from Red Bank to Shrewsbury short tirneago. _ Louis G, Davidson of Peters place. MACARONI L Joseph Asny and family of Wallase iOo F>kg Elbow Macaroni 7 c IOC Plcg Spaghetti To BA.S«BBM H A S LODGE 0BOAKIZBD. street siionf Sunday with'Mr. Asay's <• IOc P k g Long S t e m Macaroni 7 c biother, Arthur A. Aaay of Long Wtu, l e o a fle 1% BBU«IU1S in OHoiau Braneh. Goorgo W. Twiford and family of Oi'antl Matron of llason's Atalllnry, Red Bank lodge of the Eastern Spring street were Sunday gueats of Star, a ladies' auxiliary of "the Free relatives at Long Branch. Mra, Elizabeth Woolley of East Mason's) lodge, was temporarily orFront street spent Sunday with Mr. ganized Saturday afternoon in the 62 BROAD STREET. Phone 249 W. RED BANK, N. J, and Mrs. L. B. Bennett of Long Masonic lodge room, Mrs, Eeon do la Reussille was elected grand matron, "Where Y o u r M o n e y G o e s t h e F a r t h e s t Branch. Mr. end Mrs, Somuel Klein of Mra. JameB R. Smock wao chosen asBrooklyn and Miss A. Borer and Mr,Koeiate matron, Mrs. Beussille treasand Mrs. Samuel Kraus of New York urer and Henry M. de la Motte gesre. tary "and patron. About sixty women ipent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Singer of" Monmouth street. attended the meeting. Only 35 women MiiB Sophie Heronatadt of New York can be on the charter list, but many spent port of last week with Mr. andof those who attended are members of Mrs. Singer. Mr. Singer is the man-other auxiliaries and they can join ager of J . Yanko's store on Broad the Red Bank lodge by card, street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Pitt of HOSPITAL AUXII.ia.B.Y MElJTIKtt. f*HOS*S all kinds of food, Farmingdale and Mr. and Mrs, Norihrup and Frank Carljlo of Lake- Annual Meeting- Will Bo Held whetter meat or vef ewood spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. June 2d, nt Mrs. C. W •The annual meeting of the Red tables—raw or cooked—as A. L. Gustin of Monmouth street. coarse or fine Copelnnd Kell of Shrewsbury ave- Bank auxiliary of the LonR Braneh nue has teen oonflned to the house hospital will be held Tuesday afteras wanted— noon, June 2d, at Mrs. C, Walton with sickness, rapidly Cannon's on Riverside avenue. A silKenneth McQueen, who is employed by the Otis elevatoJ.' company a t New ver collection will be taken up, and a and York, spent Saturday and Sunday musical and literary program will bo easily. • with his father, Albert L. McQueen rendered. The committee in charge of the meeting i i composed of Dr. Helen of Shrewhvuiy avenue. Joseph Edgar of New Brunswick, F. Gibson, Mrs. Lemuel Ketrham, Mrs. formerly of Red Bank, has returned HoHip S. Carter, Mrp. Minor Brown home after Visiting his daughter, and Mrs. Robert G. Pegley. Mrs. Dewilt Randolph of Rector place. Does IK SEMOto James L. T«rhune of Matawan, In (omi and lovitiK hiomory of Kdlt|i away H. S1«KCI, who (iflBHcd Into life oternll formerly president of the First National ipTik of Red Bank, spent Mon- May lGth, 1011. entirely day in town. KOTX0B. with the Mra. Celia McGuire of White street Notice fs hereby glv«n that I will sell drudgery has been laid up with BieknesR. at public nuctlon, on Tlwrsdny, May Mr. ,>and Mra. Albert Newman of 28th, 1914, at 2.00 P. n>., at tj. B. ICrnuH'M of the New York spent last week with Mrs lurm, on South Bt^eet, Eutontown, one chopping Newman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. gray horse, ubout six years old an'l Eugene Patterson, Sr., of Borden about 15-2 hands IIIKII. The nald IIOIHC knife and street. Is ffpld as the proporty of Jf. Rubcnsteln, bowl. Danier MncGrady of New York Kan pursuant to. an act entitled "An act for arrived at hia summer home on Oak- Uio better protection of livery fltftble, Secure one as this sale land street. boordlng and exchange stable kecpera," '^ -Luther Savidge of Riverside avenuo approved March Dtli, 1872. may not oecur again. TKHMS CASH. ' is employed by Boro*gh Engineer WttMTJUl df. tilWHOTT, George D. Cooper. w ToGtoinco adilrcHH. Katontown, N. J. John Snlm of Bridge nvenuo, chauffeur for Dr. Peter P . ttafferty, was liated May 13th, 1914. m JSS9B FEBBOMAI.. 5,300 DBWITT C. QUACKENBUiH PHILJF* LEONARD Quackenbush & Leonard, Builders, Inc. RED BANK AND LEONARDO General Contractors and Builders EXECUTOR'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO INTIMATES , CHEERFULLY Yi FURNISHED Red Bank Office Atlantic HighUn4» Phone CSQ.R, 36 Huciion Ave. Phone Si-R 1 THE DANGER TO HEALTH 1 in a faulty constructud or out of date closet should make you decide on new equipment reLjanlk'ss uf cost, however— Our prices on "Jtftitdartf' Vitrite closets andoHreniodtlinu plumbiiiKiifced not deter you from having an equipment which safeguards your health. Jl. W. HKYXOLDS a SON, 1 m$m*&m m The absolute correctness of the circulation ulataiunl of Tin- Ih d Hank /fryw/er in iiit<irti;itccd by the imhlidhers nf Printer',' Ink, ufio will pay $100 to ihv first person who iuccivHfliHil roiltiavert* it* accnrucii. l'lumliiim, llciitin^r. T i n n i n g , W IlaHt Front. St.. Rfid n«nk. n NEW • We are ]»r\mrhuj to celebrate oar 'iVtli Annii'tiraarij "Particulars later'' Important Sale ofTurniture Absolutely new, handsome, trustworthy and substantial' Furniture will be found here at prices considerably more attractive than at exclusive furniture dealers, DAVIDSONS, "All Goods Delivered Free and when wanted," $125 Dining Sets at $98.50 $65 Parlor Suites at $45 Handsome Fumed Oak and Early Three-piece Parlor Suites, MahogEnglish Dining Room Suites, compris- any finished frames, upholstered in ing Buffet, China Closet, etc., Exten- j Spanish leathery made to sell nffSSj sion Dining Table, five Chairs nnd one! special , , , , , , . , , , . . , - , . . . , .$-15 .largo Arm Chair, $125 values; special $98.50 The Largest Clothing Shop in the State. 1 Beds at $1.88 Great Sale of Bed Comfortables White Enamel Bed«, all HIWH, sne-' , . , , , , , . . , . , 11.98 They are bargains of "onee-in-a- cial , ,• lifetime." A hint. Figured Silkaleen Covered, Sateen Border Com- : Handsome Bi'ass Beds, guaranteed fortable, filled with white cotton; $a finish, $12 to ifSo valueH a*: KT.9H to $-2.1.08 kind, eufh'. . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 70c. ANOTHER BROOM for PEAS AT CUT PRICES EARLY JUNE PfeAS - 7c can i CHILDS'GROCERY CO., "Universal" Food Chopper .The New Marion "Four" The makers of this Chopper, the best and the mostly used in the world to-day, has given me special permission to make a Sale for one week, beginning Thursday, Way 21, at u n u s u a l l y low prices, and giving 4 different cutters with each chopper, Rarely do the makers allow this chopper soM below the rigular prices, 98c for the $1.25 size $1.23 for the $1.75 size $1.75 for the $2.25 size Here, are the Reasons Left Side WeitinghouBe Electric Starter Center Control , .. Westinghouse Electric Lighting Demountable Rims Power=40 H, P, M6tor ' Economy of Operation Stewart 60 Mile Speedometer Easy Riding Qualities __ Rain Vision Windshield , - w Mohair Top, Boot and Curtain^ Self Lubricating Spring Bolt Imported Steel Springs Special Spare Tire Holder 117-irtch WheelbasQ ^ Four Double Acting Brakes 34 x 4 Goodyear Tires Full Floating Rear Axle Sixes" and "Fours" are displayed at our7 This and other attractive Marion models in " tkowrooma, ctdi and inspect them. We would be pleasecf to demonstrate. i, ' FRED H. VAN DORN ' ' THE MARION DISTRIBUTOR FOR MONMOUTtf 30-32 WEST FRONT STREET WELLER'S 7 Broad St., Red BanK. The Marion four-cylinder touring car at $1,650 is embodiment of all the featurei that, go to make the desirable car, " • , The same care and attention to detail, the same high-grade material and skilled( workmanship^ that has always been characteristic of the Marion are brought to a higher, standard than ever before in this new model. Its grace, easy riding qualities, power, and sturdiness are unequaled by any other car on the market at anywhere near the price. All in all it is the greatest value ever onered in a "Four. v , t Marion Motor Car Co. See Window Dismay „ • ' , RED BANK, tadten^fo, bid. *• : HKH HANK , iiiuutli vihiftLl Niw York last NS'iHlncs. jj box bushi:* lo ,), 1J.4 Uonnoll of ... „ M'vurul days with their sou, 1 day, (iit'ii Cove, l u n g Isiind. Uov. Clifford K. Dilks. i .M is. .lulin N, .lulin.son, J r . , uf Hi'l- Halph Tliohipson in on the sL-k liHt, Fred 11. AyiM-H IIUH quit his job in fi»nl, is laid up with IHTVIIUS liouhU1, Clilford P. Mount, who formerly John T. I.ovott's niir.sery olliee ami is f o c n n s i OBOAWIIZS IM I.i'ioy Voorlu'i's ^f lii-lfoid is work conducted a Mme hole, has opened a working us a clerk in u Now York loMETHODIST CBUBCM. baet'o «t(H'e, illy; as. a ]>hmitn>i for l.uthi'i' WLilluur. stoii; Ht Miinast|U;in, Hairy Roses ih painting Wnlti'i K, Frank L. Hniitb is havint; his house Aluutt 100 women atU'iulod the •jrhty Ari » iflU.lounrj Society, l«mWalling's h-toij- at Port Munnuiutli, iioijihboihood mm'ting of thi1 ilioceso j repainted uml is .having otlu'r inipa»nci aoci«ty and a Ko.plt.l X.»g«oii Hairy Ilariiri of Ni'W York spoilt ut tin1 Episcopal rectory last Wednes- j piovements made, ICdwartl Woolley IN —O»oi£o C. Henrj Qatohti Sinuluy with Ins family at Holforil. day iiftornooii. .Mrs. Ely of Sluing1-1 doing tin- work. n.ii. I'lank A, Swor/.i-y uf Newark is hai, China, muiii- an addri'SM, William I'oopiT, who is oiiiphiyod us The Hdfotd MHli.-dht Msitinn fiiiinls ,ii Port MonnicHilii, Tlio liidios' auxiliary of the liaptisl a plumber by i'harlus S, llobrough, Hchool IniH orgunizi'd it mi.'.sioiwry M>Mis! William Dorr of Ik'lfyid has rliuii'li will liiild a food s'lilir in tin- 'liim bought a motoivyi'le. ctety, u ti'iiipfiunfc society, mul a hosl-ooii laid up witli a .sprained aiikli', Michael Nooiuin bought a cmv last ihapi'l Friday afternoon. p i t a l legion. Miss Hluiwh Kuny.iii i> Hopkins nf Nnvi'sink. Mrs, Li-stor Smith of Port Moiiwook. president of the missionary sooiety. M . 1 $ , M i \ k i i w i t i , i ' \ . i s : - i , - . t i i n t J I N iro\Uh has bvvn on thi' nick 1st, SO.VS1 HEVI, Postmaster Georga Hdwmd Burden Mirg Mabel I.iiUor .sf.Trt.nry and Wal- t r i c t ntloiiu-y of N e w Y o r k i-ounty, • iiMirgi' H, lii'iiiiiiiksoii of NiO'i'.-inU IIUH a new bieyple. ter Smith tn'UhuriT, Mis. Villa Hadi- h a s r e n t e d A i t l n i r Mi'Ki'i v i i ' s I m n u a - visit i'd at IliH'kiiwuy last wi'ck. Tim Standard B«(ii'«i-« Society Will Olv« Hiclianl W. liates bus luul elect.rii;ity is prcsldtMit of tho tcmi'1'1'11"1"1' .siK-irly. low a t r i a l I IUOU lit. Mis, William SVIiiti- of Plattiiuiimt n Show Friday Nljfht. ' installed iu his bouse. Her n.«sistants a i v It;i Johnson, Wil; ha.-lu on visiting a t Nuw York, Mi-ji. Kilwaiil H o t h w i . k a n d M r s . Enoufjh tiokits have been wild f o r liam HjiM-s and Kthi'l llunyon. M'»-s K m m t i t ' l i ^ i ' i t . w l i i i m i ' N v i i i k i n j r a t M ; s , A d a m I.im:muyi!r of Navi'sink tlu- two-act faii'o, " T h e F a s d n a t i n i ; Hoy Scouts oil I'Oiig" Blkf, M a r t i n i t I.IIIKI is seori'tiu-y ;nul liviif- l - ' i ( j i ' h i i l d , p-jii-iit S u n d a y a t t h r i t ajH'iU K a t u i i l a v a t N o w Y o r k . Fannio Brown." to guarantee the Uivr oi* I!H" hospital U'Ukin, Tlio,-.' i" ; i t P o r t M i j i i n i u u t h . M i s , K. 11, .loin's of Ili-lford visiti'd iiiiaiuial succc.-s of the performance-, A troop of boy si'oul.s from Tieni'liiit'Kc> of the ooniing rhililii'ii'n il;»y at I .iwijt H r a i u l i S u n d a y . U i ' n j i i i n i i ! , \ l ] i j i i \\A\-r I n i l l ;i WIMLII will be jxiven on Friday ni^ht | ton nindo a hike to Ashury Park last i-Ncivises are Mrs. K. Walt Havi-ns. ; . t o i t ' l l o i l y i1 f o r i i - f o n \\\> p i n | H ' i t y n e a r lllwucni Kuiiyi'ii of Hoi ford visili'd in Church hall by the- Sttuulurd Hear-1 Week, Tiny were thii'e days in maltMry, Irving Hoop, Mrs. Ward JciTiih. t ' n r i - o H V l i n t i ' l n t l U ' l f i . n ! . T l u - ' h u i l i i - at X r w Yurk >'i1; t i n l a y . ors, ! ing thy UiiiLj hike. The hoys earned Mrs. !•:, 1!. Jones, Mrs- W. A. Colili. iiiK i s ! K l t l fiu't. A daughter was born to Mrs, Frank j tents with them niid cimiped along the Mi,-"s Alma Oshorn, Mi---« Puni l."t>l, M i s s l . i i i i i a I l c h v i p ii!" I l i i r n i o n y )i;is ('arlmrt on .Moiulay. ; road at nij'ht. They returned bniiuHIBDLEIOWW VILIiAOE NEWS. ami Miss lihuu'-hc Kiniyon, li/tin-niMi h i u i i c f r o m a v i s i t w i t h l u - r Mrs, Howard l.isk has reopened her jby train. m i n t , M i h . W . I I . H o w n e o f N e w Willifuii W, nuiiii iu Conduct Bovvleea In colonial tea liouso on Prospet't ;iveiHH', < A ViUttftbU rinta. (iporj-i1 ('. Henry of I'dfovtl rniijih; tho Reformed Chutch Hoitt Suuitay, j (ii'oii/e l.ipiMiuott, J r . , of N e w ' An attractive line of sampler of M r s , I ' h a v U ' s .1. U u n y i i i i " f U a h w a y a 17f>-i>ound sturgeon in his tisli pound Williani K. Ihinn of lied Hank will York, spent Sunday with relatives | commencement invitations and pro. grams for your inspection now at lust Wednesday. The tish i-ontuinetl sv;i>! a rs'i'i'iit Liuc.'l o f h e r p a i v n t s , M r . Hi>i>;ik lit t h o Hi'foiiiH'd c h u r c h nt'Xt here, 33 pounds of roe which Itroiijiht ? - a a n d M r s . I s a i a h I I . S t a a t c s of P o r t .Sunday morn ing and night in the «b- Mr. and Mrs. Dilks of Oakhurst are T H E RKD BANK RECIKTKR oflice.Hfiii/o of tho pantor. The woman's pound. The rest of tin- lish sold for Monnioiitli. J o h n Hci'ley, wh<i i^ (-nipldjfd i;t inUsioniuy^ soiiity will moot tumor16 cents a pound. N e w York, spoilt S u n d a y witli In-; p u r - row afternoon at Mis, Daniel D. HunStiaf Items. I'IHH, Mr. a n d M r s . Khvuod Si-ch'V of dritkson's, "Tho Ki aEianee of Ffii'ndA paity was held last .Wi-dnesilay Hoi ford. (,lii[)"will be the ^iibjcct for the prayer night at Shu, William \V. Wynian's at O, W. Hoyil uf TolU'iivilh' spout S a t . Navesink for those who took part in iirdiiy uiiii Sunday with his sistiM1, n.iH'ting Friday night. the recent entertainment given by tin- Mrs/ Henry Walling of Pmt Mon- Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gurrabrant of Ai-bury Park spent Sunday with Mr. Navtsink Methodist Epworth league. mouth. iind Mrs, Stephen Greenwood, The evening was spent in sinjrinjr JUH! Miss Marion Church »f Paasaic | William Steenkin has returned to playing games, Among those present Hpent from Friday to Monday with were Sir. and Mrs, Arthur Johnson, Mins Agni's Walling of New Moil- ' his home at New Canaan, Conn,, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Johnson, Missc. mouth. | after a month's visit with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Steenkin, Mrs, SteenAlbeita Sickles, Muttio Curtis, Mabel Eastmond WilKbn of JLitcy City kin has been seriously sick, but is now ll's I n n 1 Unit w e Hlim1 tin* Inwn, oi1 ilu1 Smith, Sue'Williams, Jane Brainavd has been visiting his grandfather, ! and Helen Sickles, Raymond Taylor, Thomas J. Eastmond of Port Mon- able to be out of doors, gii'aliM1 portiim uf il, al lensl, f^ Whitmorc Heed, William Swan, Lloyd mouth. ' Mrs. Caroline MacGifhan of PlainMusi Hhoo sltires w o r k hunl lo soi» h o w Sickles, Maynord Card, Earl Devi/sty Mrs. Diekow and sons Fred and ;field has moved into one of the Epislittle Ilii-y can g e l inlo ihi'ir Shoos ami h o w and Albert Mount. copal church houses, Paul of Hoboken have moved into one • EXCHANGE m u c h (ml of liii'ii1 C' "Three Good Cheers" will be theof John Covert's HOUSOH at Port Mon- i Jacob Dickinson %vas a New York visitor Monday. topic for the prayer meeting at the mouth. W e i i i a k t 1 n e w I ' r i i ' n d s r i g l i l i i l n n g b y voBelford Methodist church tonight. The Elmer Sehnoor of Belford left last ; Henry W. Stark is employed at the Indies' aid society will meet tomorrow week freight station. New Canaan, Connecticut, ] try lo the afternoon to look over samples for a where for he will work this summer. ; Revival services are being held new carptt for the church and to make Emma B. Magec, principal of every night this week at the Union arrangements for the dinner for thetheMrs. West Long Branch school, was a jBaptist church at Red Hill. interstate church federation which recent visitor P. Hendrickson has sold ten at Port Monmouth. • meets at Belford on June 9th. Rev. Godfrey P. Oietz of Belford has \ Williani A. Cobb will preach next bought an automobile; cjulivevy truck, Wo i'a11 give mil" p a t r o n s for ilieir m o n e y , Sumlav rooming on "Some Principles :i 1111 ni'li1!1 we got (ill t h e guuilMO^s c r o w d e d of Pence." At night he will apeak on for use in his baker business. Mrs. Aundrie Andrew and children j "Contrasts Between Time and Eterintn ;i_Shue Ihnt w e know flow lo gel in, w e Aundrie and Russell of New York are nity," Iry In ^ee visiting relatives at Navesink, About $50 was cleared at the dance Rev. and Mrs. A, H. • Sutphin of ; given Tuesday night of last week at New Monmouth visited Mr. Sutphin's I the Leonardo high school by the junior | class. Two hundred persons attended mother at Holmdel yesterday. Mrs. Emma Boyd of New York vis- ' of one. the dance. The affair was in charge of Jane Bralnard, Katharine Simp- itetf her daughter, Bernice Boyd of j Mulch o u r W o m e n ' s A3.00. H ; U ) 0 ntj son, Grace O'Brien and Helen Kelly, Port Monmouth, on Sunday. 81.on Shoe*, o r o u r M e n ' s ^H.IH), ^;5,r>0, George Matthews of Keyport has j The floor committee consisted of De^i'l.OO ur H'i.rjil S h o e s iif. Hie pi'iee, il' yon rim. nise Hover, Edward Kelly, Jack Stew- bought" a Buick touring car from ' Harry White of Belford, art and Walter Bills. d i n ' pjtlroiis k n o w tliey gel llii l 'besl Hlioe Joseph Miller will run an auto bus Mrs, Walter B, Connor and Mrs.line between' Port Monmoiith and Milne-- here, Caleb Brown of Navesink attended an Episcopal Sunday-school teachers' con- Keansburg this summer. Mrs, Williani H. Mount of Navesink , to pick up our new Finger Piece (hie tells aiiolhei', iiud so o u r truth* hn~ vention at Asbury Park last Thurs1 Mountings and place them on gi'iiwn lo immense- p.i'oporlions. nml w e n o w day, A large delegation of Navesink is entertaining three of hei grand-,!; your, nose. women attended the neighborhood hildren from MHlington, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Johnson and : meeting of the diocese at Middletown Mrs, George Henry of Belford spent! They hold without pinching the skin. last Wednesday afternoon. Sunday at Asbury Park, j With TORIC LENSES they .make the Miss Leila Day of Thompson's ideal eye-glass for the busy Mrs. Clarence Runton and Mrs. WilCrossing is circulating a petition ask- liam Barry of Navesink were New | j rnan or woman. ing the'ofrkials of the Keyport trolley York visitors on Friday, company to •' carry passengers from Mary Philips of "Port Monmouth has Made in Gold and Gold Filled, ReaThompson's Crossing to Keyport for been discharged from the state home son ably. one fare instead of two,as is now the for girls at Trenton. • j caje, ' Rufus B. Eastmond, Si*., of Port Mrs. David K. Hampton and sons Alexan<W end, Charles of Brooklyn, Monmouth, has returned home from a Miss Bella Stuart of New York and nsit at Newark, Rev. Joseph" Brown of New York OPTOMETRIST. '••' Miss Surah Stuart of Holmdel have been spending a few days at the has opened Camp Cornell at Belford Rid Bank office, Eisner Building, Hampton farm near Port Monmouth. for the summer, Mrs. John Kinney of Port MonEhvoocl Murphy, Isadora Walling Broad street, Room 9. ' and Benjamin Mills of Port Monmouth mouth is .slowly recovering from a serious sickness. and Mel Johnson and Ernest Weber Telephone 560-M Red Bank, of Highlands attended Barnum & Bai- Mrs. Chaiiott* Murphy of Port Monmouth is seriously sick with pleuley's circus at Long Branch Saturday' Atlantic Highlands office, Snyder Stor* closed aU day Saturday, May 30Vh, Decoration Day. ro-pneumonia, night. Building, First avenue, Victor Maxson of Navesink was laid Mrs. Daniel T. Hendrickson and up with acute indigestion last Friday Tuesdays and Fridays. daughter Helen of Port Monmouth are and Saturday. home after' a fortnight's visit with A daughter was born to Mrs, Mrs. Htndrickson's sister, Mrs. Mat- Thomas Reynolds of Middletown Monthias N. Amman of Riverhead, Long day morning. , Island, Henry Koop of Port Monmouth rernidjhome yesterday after a visit at A Foid automobile skidded from the road in front of Harvey Johntry's New xork. house at Belford Sunday afternoon Miss Phoebe Seoloy and William and crashed into the fence. The ma- Gibson of Belford visited at Newark chine was slightly damaged, on Sunday. Paul Diekow of Port Monmouth is Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Barrett, who have been on a theatrical toyr through employed as deckhand on the steamer the west, have opened-their summer Keansburg. home on the shore road at Port MonThe I Dont Cave club will meet mouth for the season. Friday night at Mrs. George Morris's , Mrs, .Tulius Labert and Miss Sadie at Belford. Keiily of Jersey City Heights are visMrs, Garrett Lee and Mrs. Ward iting Ft cd Diekow of Port Monmouth Jeffers of Belford spent last Friday at Mrs. Dielfow spent Monday with her New York, Mrs, Edna Cleoland of New York is 'sister at New York, Peter Walsh of Riverhead, Long Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Walt Havens land, has resumed his position as chief of Belford. engineer at the pant of the New York The I Don't Kale club of Belford and New Jersey fish, oil and j u a n o met last Friday night at Miss HaKcI company. Craven's. William L. Doyle and Richard For Samuel Hopping of New York -was ter of Trenton visited Dr. 0 . W. Bud a Sunday guest of Misr, Rena Roop of long of Bedford l a s t Friday.' Mr, Por- Belford. . ter IK assistant secretary to Governor 'Harry Baird of New York hm Fielder, moved intoFVud Crane's' bungalow 'at Mr. and Mrs, Warren K. Francis of Belford. • New Yrfk were recent guests of Mrs. Joseph Linzmayer's house at Navn- • ! • Francis's parents, Mr. and Mrs.sink is being painted By Walter B. George H. Willett of Port Monmouth. Connor. Miss Dot Seeley of Belford is at Mark A, Teuney's house at Nave- • > tending tho state council of the fiink has been rented to a Trenton Daughters of Liberty at Atlantic City. party, Mrs. Mary J. Walling of Belford George W. Palmer of Navesink has been .spending a few davs at spent .Monday and veHterduy at New Kcansbui % with Mrs. Daniel Tiltoii, York. , The F'*''esink Methodist F.n-vorih Paul Lynch of Belford is working in league will hold a business meeting at the ordnance department at Fort HanMrs. Louisa Card's tomorrow night, cock. A atxiking example of. straight Une symmetry, it has power to spare for hill climbing Mrs. Harriet Cuttrell of West ' Walter E. Walling of Port Mon- NEWSFROMMIDDLETOWN B r i g h t o n , S t a t c n ifJiin.i, spoilt l a s t week with hi'j- iiistvi', M i s . SIMTHII KaHtrtioiul uf P o r t Muiiniuuih. MJ 1 . a n d M r s , S u n u i f l 1-Vrroat havi' left for l,os Antji'l#H, C a l i f o r n i a , a f t e r a v i s i t with M r , I'Vii'iiul'h hiHli'r. M r s , (i corgi' I". "Smith of Is'iivt'sihk, Lutlu'i W a l l i n g h a s op^ni-il h i s s h i p diiUHllt'iy s t o r e o n lowi'i M a i n s t r e e t a t I M f o i t l . lit-in> I'liiylnii will mini\\\i? t h e : ttii e fur tiiin. MiiH X, .InhiiMin i>! i'iitti iivilli 1 , Kliiton l.-l.iiid. w a s a n >iv IM Huinlny v i s i t o r nf h e r hihli-i. Mi.-. W i l l i a m The Modern Piano Store The evolution of all lines of business from the sharp practice used in old time of haggle and barter to the best modern methods has been slow if sure. The selling of pianos has developed more slowly than almost any other line. As in the beginning men fought the wild beasts of the forests tosecure food and raiment, so in many piano stores even today the securing of a piano is achieved only after a battle of wits and after hours of price haggling. In the Tusting store, it is different. We were one of the first in New Jersey to establish the one price system. We were also one of the first to charge only simple banking interest on time sales, instead of charging twoor three different prices for the same piano, according to whether it was a cash or time sale or whether there wasa " trade in" to consider. We were the first and we are today alone in giving an 1 We Shoe the Town good for three years, with every slightly used piano sold, A department store in New York advertised at their midwinter sale last year that they wotild allow a one year exchange privilege on used pianos during the sale. This was a real concession, but right here in Monmouth County The Tusting Piano Co. is doing this, month in and month out and giving you three years instead How Much Value How Low We Can Sell It ••#• When we leave our store at night, we never hav>§ reason to feel that a sale has robbed any man of a fair bargain. Yes, we are proud of our business - i t is never necessary for a piano buyer to go elsewhere to buy the best=we have it right here: The Everett, the Hardman, the Ivers & Pond, the Packard, the Merrill, the Melodigrand Tusting and many lesser priced good makes, Just TwoSeconds We Shoe the Town Albert S. Miller Dr. H.H. Friedman, CERTIFICATE c -» Successor to Ford & Miller 18 Broad Street , Red Bank 16 Monmouth Street, RED BANK, Tlw Sturdiest, Classiest and -Most Economical Car for the Money on the American Market • • • ' i § I F. O, B, Detroit $1,050 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY i GERTIE CARLISLE! iven bv and tf-rf >J 3 Other High Grade Acts 31 5—Superb Photo Plays—5 ALWAYS A BIG. 5HDW ! **> Fully equipped with Westinghouse electric starting and lighting'system, electric horn, 100 ampere hour battery; latest style coiabluatlon high, and low candle power headlights, comWnaiion oil and electric tail lamp, combination speedometer with clock, adjustable ventilating dome in roof, extra svide seat for three passengers, 54x22 Inches, upholstery 10 inches, line quality imported whlpcordi rear, shock absorber, Tires 33x4 inch, demountable rims, one extra rim and tire carrier. Body and running gear blittk— 91,3SO f. o. b. Detroit. Coupe model only iurnislrtd with starter, . STORAGE In Their Entertaining Revue And a Complete Change of' Program, i 4 «•!• o f Hupmobiie " 32" H. P. Roadster, F. 0, B. Detroit $1,050 aitd rough going; for congested city travel, a flexible throttle of from four to fifty miles an hour This dashing car appeals to men ol business whose avocations take them out of doors daily. The tourist in particular appreciates its spacious dust-proof compartment for baggage and estctra equipment CQUPI [Retainedby Popular Demand] Ic Hupmobiie " 3 2 " H, P, Touring Car HUPMOBILE " 3 2 " H. P. THREE-PASSENGER R#tt 7 9 ! Cars Here For Inspection With additional equipment of Westingliouse two-7" unit electric starting and lighting system and independent magneto (ignition, lO-candla power headlights, adjustable for focus. Combination electric and oil side and tail lamps, 100'ampere hour storage battery, over sizs tires, 3 3x4 inch, demountable rims, one extra rim and tire carrier —$1,200 f, o, h, Detroit. , Repiiirln&by ExpaiJenced Machinists . Gear Cutting Batteries Charged "32" H. P, DELIVERY CAR • •4 flilly equipped with two-piece wind shield, PrestO-Lite tank, gas headlfghts, oil side and tall lamps, tools, horn; trimmings black and nickel,carrying capacity 800 pounds. Pierce speed controller, Body dimensions: length over all, 72 inches, length from back to seat $2]4 inches,' width 40;i inches, height 58 Inches; rear shock absorber. Tires 33x4 inch, demountable rims, . non-skid on rear. Sager Auxiliary rear springs,.' chassis and body high-class finish—$1,075 I, p, b. Detroit, * SUPPLIES F. R. BOICE& CO. 29 EAST FRONT STREET hm 1074 RED BANlC N. J. Demonstration 9 Cheerfully Given THE l E D BAHK BEGIBTHB ral hundred dollan to advertise tho wmwm. •raws. Suriday with their «on, Edward Pock town in lomo of the Now York papers, of Nutiwamp, Junior Xtfb School Clan* to Olv» ft The campaign was started last week Sad Box W1U Sold * BMM rrliUy Dinn«r Olvra bf Wttm, 3WU O n u ' Mrs, Thomas Cooney and Miss Might, M*jr Bttb. S U N Tomorrow Might. and will last u month. fl»r Wig lit. Katherine Cooney spent Thursday A horso attachedtoGhilda' grocery C, Auitin of N#w York, who has The Red Sox baseball team will hold' Mrs, Julia Cross entertained Mr. with Mrs, Cooney'M daughter, Mrs. wagon ran away lost Wednesday, harge of the Sea View bathing pa- a donee Friday night of next week in and Mrs. H«nry Crow and family of Thomas Little of Red Bank, TO PLANT Oskoleta hall to raiio money to meet Holmdel and Mr. and Mrs. John McThe horso wai caught before nny ilil o , waa down Sunday, y Mrs. James Johnston and her damage was done. d Mrs. M RRobert b t Mantel! have the teoni'B uxponBea. Mr, and Donough and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel grandson, James Gllmartin, have gone Geraniums, Cannas, Coleus, Dahlias, Heliotrope. Tho Sandy Hook boots will begin opened Brueowood for the sumnwr, An entertainment of recitations, McDonough of Vanderburg at a din-to New York on u visit. aonga and a dialogue will bo given in Several \membori of Mr. Mantell's ner party Thursday night. their trips Thursday of next week. All Our Geraniums in bud and bloom; fine healthy plant** Tho summer lehedule will ro into theatrical company spent Saturday the Methodist Sunday-school room MM. Daniel, McDonough spent yesThere is always one right way to do Tuesday nigjit, and Sunday with him. effect about June 28th, Potted Tomatoes, Egg Plants and Peppers. terday with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. a thing; and one way is enough, if it Mrs. Daniel Frost of Now York is Burgess Briggs has rented his three Mrs. Jewell, a missionary from Thomas Ryan of Freehold. is the right way. Apply this to the having hor house on Grand avenue bungalows on tho upper circle to NowChina, spoke at the Methodist chureh Boston Ferns, Hardy Plants, Phlox, Hollyhocks, etc. Mrs, Mary New is very sick with little needs of life and it takes you to wnoviitod and painted, Now floorsYork people. Sunday night. Rev, J. P. Heilenman erysipelaa. the want advertiscmunt columns of t n being laid in tome of tho rooms. The Cruser agency hai ranted the will exchange pulpits Sunday with It will pay you to see our stock and get tne prices before you Mr, and Mrs. Charles Poole spent THE RED BANK REGISTER, Dellart & Lotaon have opened their Hartwlek cottage on Lincoln avenue Rov. J, C. Garrison of Btttontown, buy your plants, YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, We guarantee jJwtogr^aph studio, George Baldwin to Mrs. Henrietta Bowtell; Mrs. Es- E, Tucker Welch of Long Branch, iinimiinniiiiiiiiiiiHmniiiiiiitmnHHii tello Perrino's cottage on Washing- who 1B 00 years old and who until a will be in charge again this year, •2; the stock to be first class, and the prices lower than you can Mrs. Charles W, Rittcr of Redton avenue to G. A, Worth; A, H.few month s ago lived here, is in very get elsewhere. If you can not call, write stating what you Vorster'B cottage on Bay View aveBank has opened a millinery parlor in foeblo health and there la no hope of tho Hartcorn building on First ave- nue to Willald S, Morse, and Mrs,hii recovery. want, how many and we will give you prices that will surCaroline GehUiaus's cottige on High, nue. Edward Gibson of New York spent prise you. Don't wait until tomorrow, but CALL OR WRITE 6 The junior class of the high Bohool land avenue to John O'Leary, All Sunday at his summer residence here. the tenants are New York people, — PRESQJTS THE SENSATIONAL PHOTO PLAY — TODAY. will civo a benefit danco at the MajesThe Red Sox baseball tenm was deJacob S, Cruser was a New York feated Sunday at this place by Headtic theater tomorrow night, Muiic trill be furnished by i e Atlantic visitor Monday. den's Corner by a score of 15 to 13, •Highlanda orchestra* The danco com. Mrs. John O'Leary and Mrs, Sey- The deputy state- councilor of the mjttcea comprise Fred Bodle, Hulda mour of New York visited hero Mon- Junior American Mechanica visited, SHOWS DISTRICT ATTORNEY WHITMAN IN ACTION. Roberts, Edith Todd, Thelma White, day. tho Oceanport lodge Monday night, IN 8IX "SHORE ACRES," SEVEN BRIDGE: ROAD, LUHiin Foster, Lena Grohea, FlorMr, and Mrs. Patrick Festa spent Mrs. Harriet Haynca has a now ence Lee, Ernest Weber, Noilson Con Sunday at Freehold. automobile which was given to her as Uttle Silver, N, iJ. over, Ralph Blxon and Thomas Col Mr, and Mrs. Georgee B, Tucker a birthday present by her parents White Draw Bridge, Mr, a lersn, Ernest Weber will be floor entertained Now N YYork k frienda over Mr, and Mrs, Augustus HayneB. " HER FATHER'S GUILT ••• The polo club membera played their anagor. nday, Sunday, Intwflptrti, COUNTRY STORE, Invitations are out for the wedding George Stryker is employed by J. G. first practice game of the season on G their grounds here Sunday, FRIDAY NKfflT, MAY 22d. of Misa Aurolia Bock, daughter of Brookes & Company, Charles Day, Mr. Moy, Fred Boale, Mrs. ChorlcB F. Beck, to William E, COMB AND HEAR JOB D A L Y 9 LATEST SONQ HIT Foster, son of Judge John E, Foster, You ihould look not only to fair Miss Nellie Price and Robert Blair "HOW EASY IT IS TO RBMBMBBR" on Saturday afternoon, t , June Cth. prices in buying printed matter but are laying sidewalks in front of their The ceremony will Matine« 2:30 P. M, Evening 7:00 P. M. ill be b performed at •mlm to quality. THE RID BANK REQ. properties on Main street. All Saints' church at Nnvesink by ISTEE combines these two factors when - Thomas P, Anderson is recovering COME EARLY TO AVOID CROWD Rev. John C, Lord. from his sickness. doing your printing,—Adv. i » » The alumni association met Monday night at Miss Hazel Morris's to make arrangements for the annual reunion. F, W. Wright has offered a reward for the return of a Boston bulldog •which was lost from jus place recently. The American Mechanics will a t fend a memorial service at the Pres. byterian church next Sunday night. About f 17 was cleared from the ice cream and strawberry festival at the Presbyterian church Thursday night, The trustees of the chureh acted as waiters. A. E, Sims of Brooklyn has moved into the Hatfleld cottage on the upper circle. The Central Baptist Finding-Out club will mwt Friday afternoon at Miss Elizabeth Linson's, Mr, and Mrs. Charles R. Snyder and Misses Evelyn and Elizabeth Snyder spent Saturday and Sunday With Mr, Snyder'fi son Eari at Lafay. ette university, Easton, Pennsylvania, The first quarterly conference of toe Methodiit church will be held tonight. Missel Ethel Seulthorp an<5 Esther Naylor have been appointed on the Epworth leagueflowercomttittee for May, WE SELL AND RECOMMEND Frank Bartleson, Charles Sweeney and Charles Hess have bought new fcorses. Among those who opened their sum. mer homes last week were G. A Clark '0, H, Pierce, Peter F. Walsh, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 John, King, Mrs, Isaac T. Meyers anc Tan, Black, White, Buckskin Mrs, L, yon Weldon of New York, and JPaul Zea of Brooklyn. Charles Frost has moved from l*gnardo to the Fox cottage on Third avenue. Jack Ross has been laid up with $B BrbM Street Red Bank, N, ^. heavy cold, He is employed by George (Tucker. X i * «\ , Charles%WeBt, fdwaer^ of Navesink, died rtPhiladel*hi»lfst Erkjay, SBWI. NOW IS THE TIME! MAJESTIC THEATER J "SMASHING THE VICE TRUST" I THURSDAY, MAY 21st. E. KING, Straw Hat Time and Rridel the Place amous Shoes for minute newest shapes Sennits, Milans SOc Panamas BOSTONIAN SHOES D. A.. MAZZA Clothi Neew w Ykmsmim-mmwimfi Ykwemsmimmf The borough council and the bust, ness men of the town JJBWB .raised sev ' . : • . • • • • :i . • ; . . • • ! • . , BUY YOU&r't^tS&Ml-iMl.-Rfeb).BANK ANIX VISIT Our||r0ngest inducement is our guarantee with every garment we seH*f Wekindly request our customers not to hesitate a minute but return any garment tous that hasnot proven to be as represented. ; If you cannot call personally with the garment send it to us by mail and it will be immediately replaced by another garment. Dresses in This Week's Sale, Three styles are shown here in the sketch and fully six times that many are here. Each one different from the others. Exceptional value in size* 1 to 6 years. " Special Sale of Women's and Misses'Dresses This Week The Second Prize Popm COMPOSED BY MISS ANBM r T KEYPORT, N. J. A mighty purchase of Women's and Misses' Drosses brings Remarkable Values in Boys' Washable Clothing. Blouses at 25c, well worth 39c. Others at 50c to $1.50 Wash Suits at $1.35; values $2.00 and $2.50 These £re stylish Suits of Pure Linen, Striped Galatea and Rep. Others SOc to $2.95. THE I.'' 1 - us GO of the summer's best styles and fabrics. THE-business came down on the place like a whirlwind—BROAD advertising had called out the people. STREET pavements were trod on by hundreds and thousands, BAZAR was the echo from cellar to steeple. SADIES had walked there and come in their autos—• - AN© furtried and flurried and bargained and bought CHILDREN'S costumes very fetching and cunning and FURNISHINGS classy in values were sought. SATISFACTION was given in measure and purchase, GUARANTEED the whole store from without to within; OH your ; money refunded with honest good feeling, MONEY spent here is sure value to win. REFUNDED the money for values deficient. E stands'for Edward, a jright honest old name; BPRITZLER, the sur-name, is well worth remembering, PROPAIETORj he; of this mercantile game. Pull $7.50 to $12.00 values at $5.95. Not within our memory as retailers have we ever known such dress bargains. While there are over 100 of these dresses, every style in the entire offering is of tip-top desirability and the assortment ^iMsiudes many of the, new and fashionable colors. Special Sale of Hosiery and Underwear .-We offer here a' few bpecials of Hosiery and Untlenveftr-for women* t - . Ofchors at 10c. to $1.60. Women's H. C. Vests; special at l i e . Others at 25o. to $3.00. 1 V':'."*,/ .Women's 25c. Mercerized Lisle Hose at 17©. per patr^tir 3 pairs for 50o. Black, white and tan only. The proprietor of this establishment extends to the author of this composition his heartiest congratulation. Thofpoem shwvs much thought and it well deserves, the second prize as selected by the judges. T <j" , / '|- ,"/''" '. ' .".'.' ,'. ••.., •; . ' THE RED JUNK BEOISTEB six years old yesterday. Games several rLHuHnRH at the. Presbyterian in nrat«clnii condition and ho hasmonth. The Oceanic flre company ehnnica and tho Daughters of Liberty. h. Parsons, Mrs. J, Thompion Lovetf, were played and « general social time Christian Endeavor sociable Friday nearly completed the work. Ho Milwill hold open house when its truck The young people's meeting will be Miss Emma Holmes, Mrs. Anna V, has a number of men and several arrives. deom) • Kuhn, Benjamin led by Herbert Morris, His topic will Jeiiningj, Miss Mary Dennis, Df, '-«*• KMMOn asifi OMMIO Tlr* C was enjoyed, Edward received many night, Skidmore nnd Otto Strohmenger will be "Tho Christian Meaning of Recent Helen F. Gibgon and Mrs. John H, E, L, Buchanan has'been proposed teams on the job. Will Mol4 a til* In July. presents. ratterson. Miss Ada Belle Soule of tho Oceanic in charge of the celebration, Events." for membership in the IUnnson fire The Rumson and Oceanic fire coni- Qndattti ••tset Colon, road lifts been entertaining relatives Charles K Wingortor and,Timothy company and he will be eleclod at the The women of the Baptist church paniei will hold a fair and a eekbrftMr. and Mra, J, Leo Honlgmnn of Tho graduating clns.s of tho Oceania next meeting. .from New 'York, ^oonon, members of tho Rumson fire will hold a strawberry festival next New York spent Saturday and Sunday tion of the arrival of their automobile high school mot lust week »inl selected, Jqhn F, Carton of the Oceanic toad Emit Freitog of Lafayette street js company, have served seven years Wednesday night. apparatus the middle of July. The blue 'and gold us their clus.s colors, at their summer residence here, fair will lust a week and tho firemen The commencement will ,bu hold on and John Grogan, Jr., of Center .Urcol, fast recovering from .scarletiiuu Tho and have been granted exempt cerMiss Lena Wiederholt of Froohold loft lnst week for Hartford, Connecti- quurantinc on the house will bo lifted tificatcs, MEWS, wllj have contests and u gala day ut Friday night, Juno 12th. "spent Sunday with her .brother, AlGeorge W. Cook of tho Oceanic cut, where they will spend a moutn tliis week. the Kumion country club if the fred C. Wiedorholt. ' Harry Herold i» working ns a oad lawt week joined Neptune En- around Broken for A, Xelnltl Bora»rt'« grounds can l>e secured, On gain day Miss Madeline Brill, daughter of for the benefit of their health. Virginia jPurkcr.y.daughter of John plumber's helper nt Red Hunk. Harry ampment of Odd Follows, Ho in also Hew Itow. u parade will be held and thefireap-John C. Itrill of Main street, was 23 Louis Khrct of New York has tul;en G, Parker, is sick with measles. paratus will be in the parade, suitably years old Monday. Many friend;} possession of the Stcrnberjjer house, was a member of this year's gradu- i member of Nuvesink lodge of Odd Ground was broken Inst week for A, Herman Kitzau, the fertilizer manuti ' Holmes Borden's new store at the facturer, has put his new delivery mu-' Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Banks of ating class and ho left school to go to follows of Bed Bank. docornted. Edward Jeffrey,'Matthew congratulated her and Miss Brill reRev, Charles S. Feos'a Alpha bible crossroods. Harry G, Borden is thetotnobile In commission, Emery and Hunjatnin Skidmore have ceived a number of presents. She is New York are ut their summer home work. been nppomtcd by the Oceanic coin- employed at Kennedy's flower store nt on Ruenu Vista avenue. A permanent library of Aeolian loss of the Methodist church will contractor. L, C, DeCopjH'tt has piit crushed Prank McMahon has had his Rmck music rolls hiis been installed in thehold a Rock sociable tonight at the Now flporn have been put in Alfred stone in front of his property on Sycapuny to urrange plans with the Hum-Red Hank. l son company. • > • Mrs. Florence RobortH won a fancy automobile runabout repainted, N. Beadlcston's hou.se on Sycamore more uvenue. PresbytorJun church for tho Aeolian parsonage, Peter Lang of Church street has re- orehestreile. The library now conA "WfU-Uplioii*" Social. necktie for winning the' most games avenue nnd other improvements have Ascension Day services "will bo held MMlboro Hiwl, home after a, visit at Ntwtains 150 music rolls, been made. at Christ church tomorrow morning a t The Presbyterian Christian En- Monday night at th'e sociable after turned Charles Berryann of New Bruns"Edifying the Church" will bo tho The reading club met yesterday at ten o'clock, deavor society will hold a "PiRtaiii- the meeting of Narnmnttu council of York. Degree of Pocnhontas, The necktie, Mr, and Mrs, Ira Barrows and fam-wick was a Sunday guest of Justice opic at the Baptist church Sunday •Mrs. John T. Lovott's at Little Silver. Rev, V, P. Swezev is out again after phonc" sociable at thn church house on was morning. At night a memorial aer- Those who took part in the exercises Fridav nitfht. Rev, Arthur A. McKay tel, donated by Mrs, Harry A. Kct-ily of New York nre nt thoir summer Levi B, VanNest. yyinK been housed with an'attack of home on Bucna Vista avenue, Fred Pintard and family of New ice 'will be hold by the American Me- were Miss Sarah Nivison, Mrs. Dwight .says Oiat the "pigtnlnphone" is a new grip. York spent Sunday with Mr. PinArthur Donnelly of New York has Mrs, Harriet -Whit more, great kind of musical instrument invented father, Alfred Pintard of First l>y him. Ho will operate it at the »o-keeper of wampum of the groat coun- returned home after spending several tard's street. days here, cil of thu Degree of Pocuhontas of t luble. The program will also include William Hnmniel of Hoboken is Bernard Ryan and Philip Ebllng of vocal and instrumental music, read- New Jersey, made an ollkisii visit to Waneta council at Long Branch last spending several weeks at the Rumson Now York were Sunday "visitors at* ings and recitations. week. . . *• bout club. He will move next month tho Ohlnndt cottage on'Allen street, Party for 8ix<YMr*01d. Mrs, L. T. RonuUnu is now at her, into Henry Koch's bungalow on thu Rev, and Mrs. Arthur A. McKay Mrs. Michael Q'Rourko of Black summer home at Blurk Point. Avenue of Two Rivera, returned today after a short visit at Point pave a party Friday afternoon A new shingle roof hns been put on Mrs. Deborah Voorhees of tho Oce- Now York, to celebrate tho sixth birthday of her tho kitchen of Patrick Conley's house anic road has been laid up several James E. Bogle and grandson spent duughtcr Mary. " About 25 young at the corner of Center street and the days with sickness. » Sunday with Mr. Bogle's daughter, people were present. Games were Ridge rond. John Nnughton will take part in the Mrs, William Finogan of Newark. played and a luncheon was served. Mrs. George Victor of New York Long Island City golf tournament on James Murphy and Robert Wilson Mary received many birthday gifts, arrived Friday at her home on thoLong Island next month. Mr, Naugh- of the« Rumson fire company and Otto BlrtSflsy Party iftit Viffht. lUnnson rond. ton has charge of the endily boys at Strohmenger nnd Raymond Pullen of Miss Vidti Lewis of Jersey City is the Rumson country club. the Oceanic fire company will be the Thirty relatives and friends gave a surprise'party last night to Edward visiting Miss Ada Belle Soule of the Street Superintendent Horace Long- official chauffeurs .of the two automoHower, son of William Hower, who Oceanic road. Miss L^wia will give street has been putting all the streets bile fire, trucks which will arrive next I V W O H MEWS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ZgA- + STATE OF • NEWJERSEY t BROAD ST.. REMAINDER OF SPRING STOCK ATA GREAT REDUCTION Ladies' and Children's Coats, Suits, Dresses and Children's Straw Hats and Bonnets Edict- : • It Is Against The Law to publish a misleading-advertisement. Boys' Wash Suits, made of Russian Duck, stripe and plain colors, several stylos, 08c. and $1.25 values, now. ,78c Ladies* Serge Coats in several shades, alwo Balmacaaiis, formerly $7,50 to $0,00, now,, . ,, • iB.9S Ladies' Colored Crepe Dresses, very newest styles, raglan sleeves, $*3.00 and $4.00 values, nov^ $1.08 Children's Serge jjjDats, latosf styles, various shades, $3:00 and $4.00 values, now ,,,.,,,,, .$1'.08 30c. Ladies' White Aprons, now, 1 So Made of fine quality Lawn and Crossbars, trimmed with embroidery, Children's Straw. Hats, latest shapes, dainty trimmed, $2.00 and $3.00 values, now ,,.. ,88o • I | | RED BANKN^J 1 The Jacob Steinbach Store of Broadway, Long Branch, never did pursue this policy— . ( But we do make the broad assertion that .no firnr in the # United States gives you more value for your money) j 50c Ladies' Silk Hose... . 28e These are excellent value and fine qual- . it-y of thread silk and linen heel and toe. Ladies' Corset.Govers, dainty trimmed with embroidery and beading, ribbon through, value 25.es, now 19o 91.25 and $1.40 Summer Blouses 880 Large selection of stylos, consisting of Voiles, Crepes and Marquisettes, plain, white and color'e'd. 39c Brassieres, now. . . . . . . . ... . I t c Well made and good filling, trimmed with embroidery and beading, ribbon through. Special Sale in our baby's department this week. Baby's Summer Dresses, Coats, Capa, Sacques in cashmere and wool, Soft sole shoes and a full line of cotton and wool Underwear, These Cars Solve Your Delivery Problems They are the World's Best Mr. usiness Man MOTOR MOTOR TRUCKS Compare Prices with any other Trucks built today. For long satisfactory service they stand alone. Built and backed by two of the strongest Automobile Industries in the World, , The Safe Trucks to Buy, The Quick and General Motor Trucks i-'V •T Will do more work with less attention than any other Motor Vehicles ever marketed-and cost less to run, Dont Buy a Truck Without First Consulting Us. i General Motor TrucKs If-. 11-4 Ton Capacity 2 Ton Capacity 31-2 Ton Capacity 5 Ton Capacity » Sl^SOO $l,9OO $2,25O , S2$78O Buick SVSotcr Trucks C h a s s i s 1 , 0 0 0 t o1 , 5 0 0 C a p a c i t y ' • . $1,000Chassis 1,500 to 1 ton Capacity $1,123 Monmouth County's I-iargest A.utomobile Distributor ftvl' Telephone 90 Sea Bright, N. J, c , THE RED BANK RKGTBTEB STEINBACH'S SPRING OPENING BEGINS SATURDAY, MAY 2 3 Sales of intensified interest Warner's Orchestra Carfares refunded YEAR'S GREATEST WOMEN'S WEAR SALE 16-page bargain book free CHILDREN'S DRESSES—2 TO 6 YEARS of line quality plain white or figured lawn", made in French style with double flounce edged with lace or embroidery, sizes from 2 to 6 years, Sale price 9fic, Princess slips in sizes from 10 to 16 years, regular 75c at 69c; regular $1.00 at 89c; regular $1.25 at 98c. Gowns, in sizes from 2 to 16 years, slipover or high neck .style, edged with lace or embroidery, regular 50c at 41c; regular 75c at 59c; regular $1,00 at 89c. ^ Petticoats from 2 to 16 years, in a variety of styles, regular 50c, at 41c; regular 75c at 65c; regular $1.00 at$9e. Short white dresses, 6 months to 2 years, regular 50c, at 41c, Suit Clearance Cape and Coat Sale SpecialPurchase of Street and Evening Dresses Petticoats, Skirts, Etc., Greatly Reduced WHITE SALE A feature of the Opening is the big reductions we offer in women's muslin undergarments. These are of the best quality and made up especially for us to sell at reduced prices during the Opening Days. We cannot guarantee the quantities to last, but while they do, theso special prices will prevail. SUlt Final clearance of our entire stock of Spring Sale Suits in Serge," Garbardine, Mixtures and Cheeks in all sizes, including extra sizes for stout figures. Value up to $25.00 at.. , . . . . , 85 Women's and Misses'Coats. Balmacaan C o a t s and other mQdiljs in the season's smartest materials, many silk lined throughout ^ f l \ - **J W all sizes, value $15.00, at ,..-,.. ^f^\ Jr 9 Boardwalk Capes and Coats or for evening wear, from $12.00 to $50.00. Special sale of-Messaline or Taffeta Petticoats in all the leading shades,at $1.50, values $2,50^ Silk Jersey top Petticoats with Messaline flounce in all the new colors and black, at $2.60, value $8.50. Women's and Misses' Wash Skirts at 89c, value $1.75. Other smart models in imported* fancy Voiles, Crepes, Ratines, and Linens at $2.00 to $13.50. OPENING DAYS' SALES ~~ " Minor Specials of Major Importance RIBBON NOVELTIES ABBILESS Corsage I*lowjir&—{Roses, .Small shadow patterns . p Sweet"« Peas,- Viblets; etov C l Regular^Qo sM. SOC values. E l $J5 i |^p Sale prices 19c and- 39c, ues. iale price $1,00, p e d e Chine and Mes% 1 pound "box ^ a r p r e t e saline Sashes—Some- slighthipped Cream Ohoeolates, ly faded m the folds —the daintily boxed in purple box black are in perfect conditied with ribbon to match. tion. Regular $1.25 to $2.50 Regular 50c value, salt price values. Sale prices $1,00 29& and $1,50, "Mirror" Old fashioned RIBBONS Chocolate Creams, regular 5-incli Brocaded Hair bow 40c value. Sale price 29c 1b. width, in white, pink, light "Mirror" Taffies, assorted' blue, nile and lavender. Regflavors, regular 40o values. ular 40c value. Sale price Sale price 29c Ib* ; 25o yard. Rose Bud wash ribbon -STATIONERY '-specials"— Package of 50 Decorated Napkins regularly sold "for No, 1, regular 45c, Sale price So per dozen, Sale price 15c, 82o. regular 60o, Sale -' Steinbaci'a'' guaranteed No.1% „ price 429 in pinfoand blue. fountain pen. Regular $1.50 So, % regular 80c, Sale value at 79c.' price 62c in lavender and Playing Cards-—Bigular and Pinochle docks. Value , white. No. 8, regular $1.10, Sal© 25c at 10c. Odds and ends in station- price 82c, No. S, regular $1.85, Sail ery, 10c package. "Clean-up" Sale of Books price $1.02, —copyrightedifiction, at 39c Sash and Hair bow to match, new patterns, Btygiavolume. lar 35o and 45c value. sale BABY CARRIAGES price 29c and 89c. *,. Reed Pullman Sleeper Dresden Ribbons—5-teeh, Baby Carriage in natural, floral patterns, light and oak or gray,fuUsize, special dark grounds. Regular 45c $18,98, value. Sale price 89o- yard. PARASOLS ROLLER SKATES 8 rib gold frame parasols, Ball bearing Roller Skates assorted colors, '.Regular $2 -^extension, fit all size shoes, value. Sale price $L60. special $1.29 pair. CONTRACT DEPARTMENT If you are furnishing a home complete the only satisfactory and economical way to do it is to get an ESTIMATE from our Contract Department. ^ Write or phone 1200. fa 3frf-.wcic = 3 « C = WKWS. of Qoldan Eftffle Attebfled by tartan Church pnnday. Sunday night 63 members of Windsor castle, knights of the Golden Eagle, attended the Presbyterian church. Rev. George H. Pulcomer preached a sermon for the lodge men. HeY. and Mrs, Francis Walker of Douglas, Arfebna, arrived here y«sterday and will,remain Hast several months. JVtr.'and Mra. Walker are not enjoying good health and they came East hoping the change would prove beneficial. Mr, Walker ispHHtor of a BaptiBt church at Douglas, •where he has been.:, .located several years. Mr. aiid Mrs. Walker are now staying with Mrs. Walker's parents), Mr. and Mrs. Edgar N. Sanford. Brief Item*. .Mr. and Mrs. William E, Jjtyckelew visited Mr. and Mrs. William L. Allaire last Sunday, </ Mias Frances Waiuright has re- , May 30 DRESSES FOR WOMEN AND MISSES 185 Dresses at $8,60, values $13.50 to $21.50. Extraordinary values in r smart up-to-date dresses coupled with quality and workmanship, in imported Voiles, Crepes and Ratines. Sizes from 14 to 18 and 34 to 44. 100 Dresses at $: 3.76, values $16.50 to $26.50. In Taffeta, Silk Crepes, Charmeuse, Fancy imported Voiles and Crepes for afternoon or evening wear—one and two of a land, in all sizes. ' ' '86 Dresses M $3.95, values $6.75. Dresses of voile and" ratine, lace trimmed in tunic styles, three-quarter sleeves, satin^rdles and sashes m 14 to 18 years and 34 to 46 sizes. ,95 Dresses at,$2,95, values $5,00,.,In figured cotton voiles in new tunic and ruffle effects,, trimmed in cotton cluhy Iddi, all sizes; T\ REMARKABLE BLOUSE SALE * Were $1.00 to $1.75, special at 89c. Crepe, Voile, Lawn, Bajfciste and Linen. White and all new shades—also many jpjfetty f. <kal designs. • \ •*'•'•"'• i. v. Were $2.00 a^d $2.95, special at $1.89. Japanese crepe, striped lawn, French-Voile,'plain and allover embroidered. Models too numerous to describe. Were $3.50 and $4.75, special at $2.50 and $2.89. Latest styles, copied from more expensive' models, with smart collar and cuff effects and many lace effects.. Specialfdr opening days only. Blouses' of unusual charm and exclusiveness in Crepe da Chine, in the new shades, including Maize, Peach, Flesh and White, with organdie collars and cuffs, and "Japanese sleeves, and finished with neat Moire tie,. Some also have very pretty embroidered Direetoire collar and Baglan sleeve. Values $4.90 to $5.90, special at $2.95. In Crepe de Chine, embroidered net, shadow lice, silk crepe, meteor crepe and many other materials too numerous to mention in this, last but most beautiful group of blouses. Values $5.95 to $45,00, special at $4.00 to $22.50. GIRLS'DRESS=6 TO 14 YEARS Girls' While Frocks at $1.00, value #X.§3, Effective styles of sheer lawn, inset with val lace, sizes 6 to 14 years, ^pecial $1.50, value $2.50. > . . Girls' Dresses of imported Voiles, Crepes and fine Batiste—som^ hand embroidered and trimmed in lace or fine embroidery, at $2,50 to $10,00, ~ :-• , GRADUATION DRESSES Graduation Dresses at special prices. Attractive styles to imported crepes, voiles, Tbatisvte, net or shadow lace— dainty dresses in quaint ruffled or tunje effects, variously trimmed, at $7.50 to $35,00, *" BKASSIERES AND CORSETS DeBevoise Brassiere, open front, embroidery trimmed back.and front, regular $1.00, 89c. Brassiere fastened in the back in 42,44 and 46 inch bust measure, regular $1.00 and $1.50, 79c Brassieres made of allover embroidery, regular 50, 39c. W. B. NUFORM Corset, low bust, and long hip—this season's style, regular $1.50, $1.00; regular $2.00r $1.50. .__^. m turned to the Trenton normal school, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra, Frank Wainright. Miss Edith Stanford of Kcansbuig has been spending several days with her brother, Frederick W. Stanford, and with her uncle end aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Frederick G. Russell. Harry Va«*Note otf Oakhurst spent Saturday and Sunday wjth his parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Grandin V. VanNote. Rev. .HarriBon Decker has made ar- wm NIGHT GOWNS Value 50c, at 43c Value 75c, at 65o Value $l;00, at 89c Value $2.50, at $1.69 Value $3.00, at.$1.98 MUSLIN SKIRTS Value $1.00, at 89c Value $1.50, at $1.35 Value $3.00, at $1.39 CORSET OOVEES Value $1.75, at 98c Value $2:00, at 98c Value 50e, at 41c Value 39c, at 21c Fine Nainsook Drawers, trimmed with embroidery, regular 69c at 45c. Mareella Drawers, regular, $2.25 at $1,50. M lar $1.50 at 980 Princess Slips, slightly soiled, regular $8.00 at $1.89, Princess Slips, made of crepe, regular $1.50 and $2,G0at89o. Combination Corset Cover and Drawers, regular 89c at 65o, Combination Corset Cover and Drawers, regular $1.25 at $1.00, Envelope Chemise, regular $1.00 at 89c, Envelope Chemise, regular $1.75 at $1.60. Camisoles made of shadow lace, net and combination of lace and ribbon in a number of styles, at 60c, 89c, $1,00 up to $3.00, HOUSE GARMENTS House dresses in a number of stvles-— $1.00 Value for 89c $1.50 Value for $1.25 • High neck house dresses m,plain blue or; stripe gmghams—large sizes only— ^^iO ue ft W Dressing Bftfeques in a number of pretty styles, made of flgui-ed lawn, 75c Value for 69o. Dressing Sacques made o£ white crepe, $1.00 value for 79o. WOMEN'S COLONIAL AND • OSTEND TIES AT $8.85 Women's Colonial ties in dull leather, patent leather, patent combined with figured silk and white poplin, with hand turned soles and Spanish Louis wood heel, $3,85 per pair, " , WOMEN'S RUBBER SOLED SHOES AT $1.98 A special purchase enables us to,offer Women's white canvas shoes with welted extension soles of live rubber, at $1,98. This is the most popular sport shoe of the season and the price is an exceptionally low one. All sizes in medium and wide'widths. WHITE OANVAS BUTTOlf SHOES FOROIRLS OF ALL AGES. Extension sole, full toe, pearl buttons. Growing GMs,, sizes 2% to '5%. .$1.95 Misses', sizes 11% to %...... . .$1.6ff Children's, sizes 8%.to 11, $1.25 WOMEN'S GLOVES REDUCED Silk gloves, 12 button length, black and white, 4<Kayser" brand, double tipped, special 69c. Washable doeskin, white, 8 button length, regular $1.00 value. Sale price 85c. Kid gloves, white, one clasp, regular $1.00 value. Sale price 70c. Doeskin white washable*, one button, regular $1.00 value, Salei price 79c. A 16 button white glace Ml gloves^ regular $2.50 value. Sale price $1.69. Astmry tywck, aim ranfiements whereby,his father, Rev. Everett Decker, will have charge of the services in the Methodist church next Sunday. The younger Mr. Decker is enjoying a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Couec and Miss Emily Couse of Asbury Park visited Mrs. Couse's mother, Mrs. Jennie Winsor, on Sunday. Miss Adelaide,-Aring of New York hns been spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Annie Aring. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fielder of Lower Squankum were visitors last Sunday with Mrs. Fielder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hankinaon. George Hankinson, Jr., of Helmetta, spent Sunday with his parents. Frederick V. Hurley, whb has been making a business trip ttirough",the Southern and Western states, returned last week. Miss Mabel Demme has returtied to normal school after • visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Williams. Mrs. Henry McCormick gave birth to a son Friday, May 15th. Miss Helen Hylin spent part of last week with her sister,- Mrs. George McCuo of Shrewsbury. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford and their son George spent Sunday with Holmes Crawford of Highlands. , The New Jersey Bttto Board 'rift1amlnora of Nurses will hold the flrtt animations for graduate jjto t House. Trenton, *n prior to June 16tJh 3 Information and" „,, can bo procured from Treasurer, JenW» M, '& Ornnge street.- KlevMic, ,N; Goods that.fc^ It pays to advertise in THE REGISTER. vertised in THB come "dead stock ) % TEIK RED BANK REGISTER DECORATION DAY, SATURDAY, MAY 30th, This Store Will Remain Closed All Day Store Closed ail day Open The Friday Evening Before Until 9 P. M. DECORATION DAY, Saturday, May 30th. OPEN LATE FRIDAY NIGHT TO ACCOMMODATE OUR CUSTOMERS, I am offering a great Stock of outing Footwear, as well a.% that for other occasions, Some of the new things are Women's and Men's white and black rubber sole pumps, Goodyear tennis shoes, high and low cut, $1.75, black, brown, white, also champion tennis. The response to this Muslinwear Sale was greater than any of our previous efforts which demonstrates most clearly that the values we give are all we say they are, and our customers are never disappointed, and each sale brings Igreater numbers and more satisfied patrons. Extra Special Values in % Undermuslins SKIRT DRAWER ^COMBINATION Marcella Drawers 50c, 59c, 79c, 98c Marcella Combinations 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98 Imported English outing Shoes. Drawers, Combinations, Skirts, Short Skirts, Chemise, Corset Covers, Gowns, Gowns, Skirts, Combinations, Skirt Chemise, Drawers, Corset Covers, Princess Slips, Have just received some of the greatest Rubber Soled Outing Shoes you or I ever saw. Made with extra heavy, pure rubber Soles, very thick yet flexible as a baby's Shoe, Will wear far better than any other rubber sole and are easy as a glove $3,50 to $5,00, Men's White, Buck and Russian Calf« Womens* White, Buck, Canvas and Russian Calf, Neatly nindi1 of fine Nainsook, Cambric, Muslins, vie, and daintily Irimimnl wilh embroidery, laces, ribbons, modull ions or cluster of hemstitched tucks. These •priivs do not begin (o represent their true value. New Blouses The Dainty Blouses we're showing for Summer Wear have been selected with greatest care to be up to the mimiie in style, which changes so rapidly this season that it's only by the greatest test of judgment that we eon keep pace with it. New Organdie, Voille and Jap Silk styles; also Crepe' and Silk Mull Blouses; all daintily trimmed. Our prices arc always attractive. Special values at Great Sale of Porch and Street Dresses * 98c, '$1.25 and $1.98 White Dress Skirts What, rs nicer for summer wear than a separate White Dress Skirl? And they will be worn more this season than ever before. And maytye we aint ready to serve you right. White ( Pique, Gordeline, Ratine and Linen are the most wanted materials, made in dozens -of pretty styles and priced low, which allows you to have several changes. Extra* values at These arc by far, Hi e greatest Dresses ever ollered at Ihe price; all made of good Gingham, Percale and Crepe; guaranteed fast colors and perfect flUing, The styles are e so varied that description is impos- is sible in this space. All we ask is for you to see .them. Dresses worth $i.QO' and $1.50, special price.'"' v • 6 m • Also a big variety of Pumps, Colonials, Sandals and Oxfords for all the family, $1.00 to $6.00, Buy early if possible but if not we will be open Friday night, May 29, late, ,, o s RED BANK, N. JT. 8 BROAD STREET, o DAY, Saturday, FLAG DAY, £ Sunday, June 14th. % 30th. 98% $1\49, $1-98 IULY; Saturday, July 4th, t o n s Silk Gloves Women's Silk Hose Extra , qualify Milanese Silk Gloves, Pavis Point Backs, 16Button Length; colors, black, white and pongee; regular §1 grades, Bpccial at . •The greatest value in Women's Silk Hose we've ever offered; black and white only; a regular $1 grade; special dufing this sale only, , 79c 4+^+++++4«t4«M*44+^ AT Telephone 690 4 Buy aflag,End show your patriotic spirit Decoration Day by hanging oiit the Stars and Stripes. American flags from one cent to twenty-dollars, FJaga with staffs, flags and extra poles and large bunting flags in almost any desired size on hand. A CONFIDENTIAL CHAT TO PURCHASERS. Last week we explained about the Stencil Piano. This week we will talk about the Commercial Piano, The Commercial Piano is to the Artistic what a lithograph is to the oil painting. The former may contain as>much and as%ood raw material as the latter, but it lacks the knowledge, genius and skill of the T master hahB. There is more or less merit in some Commercial Pianos; when new they really deceive the 4 , eye1 and ear, and ifive fair satisfaction for a year or two, but the test of time marks-the measure of their + ' merit, and long after the Commercial Piano has ceased its harmonious strains the Artistic Piano will still i prove sweet and pure and beautiful. Next Week We Will Tell You About the ARTISTIC PI AN 4 • 5 Broad Street • FAIR Re Flags of all leading foreign nations, printed silk and staff, flag 8 inches x 12 inches, S O c . Felt Pennant of Red Bank, IB inches x 86 inches, sewed letters, colors red and white, blue and -white, orange and black, , 5 0 e , 12 inches x 18 inches Silk U. 3. Flag and holder, S O c , Yacht'Ensigns and Union Jacks Dress up your motor boat or your sail boat with the "proper colors, „ Assorted Silk United States Flags and Staffs at Special Prices, TETLEY'S NEWS STORE BROAD STREIT ank, N, J, % Telephone 1 l Opposite First National Bank R I P BANK NEWS. and ho received a number of presents, of last week with her mother, Mrs. C. Knight of Chicago, Mrs. Margaret Mr. Smith was born a t Brooklyn and Maria Tilton of Keyport. HendrickBon of Fair Haven has rented H«w Sock and Baft for Players' Boat he has lived at. Fair Haven Bl years. Dr. and Mra. George .VanVoris War- one of the front rooms in the, house, Glut) Will Cost 9150. He is-custodian, of the school money. ner have returned home after visiting Mrs, John L. Penrsall has been laid A new dock, which will lead from He has been treasurer of United coun- Mrs. Warner's mother, Mrs. Jennie up several days with neuralgia. the shore to the Players' boat club, is cil of American Mechanics 21 years, Swan of Navosink. The Methodist ladies' aid society being built in sections on the shore by Mr. Smith is also a past noble grand Frank P. Worthley of New York will meet tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. They Are All Smiling Now, George W. Smith and his son-in-law, of Navesink lodge of Odd Fellows of returned home Sunday after spend- J. L, Algor's. * " Leon Little. The dock will be four Red Bank and a past chief patriarch ing three weeks with his brother,. O. They never used anything like Theodore Davis of Atlantic High,feet wide and 12B feet long. The raft, of Neptune encampment of Odd Fel- Pitt Worthley. lands is overhauling his rnotorboat Kline's Rheumatic Remedy for rheulows, He enjoys unusual good health v/hich will be put between the end of Mr. and Mrs.-Hary Angelo of New which has been at Fair Haven all win- matic troubles befor'e. They are sure the dock and the clubhouse, has been and he has not been sick In over thirty York moved in their new home on the ter. nt last that stubborn old friend, rheu, , bought by the club. The clubhouse years. matism is,a goner, is a dead one. river bank Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Emily Welch of New York will be moved this wejk from Red Death Benefit Ftiia. Kline's Rheumatic Remedy is the Brooks of New York will spend the wa^ a Sunday guest of Mrs, Charles ' Bank, where it" has been stored all now plnn rheumatic remedy that summer with Mrs. Brooks'a parents, Soden, Mrs. William R. .VanNote, Sr., this •winter. The improvements will cost week received a cheek for |780 from Mr. and Mra. Angolo, Theodore Trovello h a s iold his surety"will surprise you thefirstbot,$160. United council of American Mechan- " Tony Hunting and Harry Blecksom house and lot on Pearl street to atle you try; it gets in its good work 1 Memorial Service. ics, the death benefit of her husband, are at their homes here for the sum- New York party, Mr. Trovello will right from the start; it never fails; it sure is a wonder. Mr. Sufferer, get i^ '' JJnUed council of American Mechan- who died recently. Mr, VanNote had mer, hereafter live at New York, the job. Go to Jamas Cooper, Jr.'s ics -will hold a memorial service in been a member of the council many Cecil WarrenJ-wMfnas scarlet fever, _,. John Farley and family of Newon drug store or Schroedor's pharmacy, lodge room, in Monmouth hall yearg. York will move into their house dri was,able to sit up on Monday. Red Bank, and get a bottle of conSunday afternoon. Rev. J . L.Briof Percy Stout of Middletown town- DeNormandie avenue thia week., relief. That's what i t truly is c and Rev, Robert MacKellar of Gladys Taylor is confined to the densed X, number of Fair Haven people ship is employed ag chauffeur by H. S. Meyers, state manager, 119 !,jK«4 Bank wiH.be among the speakers. attended house with sickness, Harry p . Chandler. Barnum & Bailey cireuB "~ lited council has lost nine members at Long the Mrs, Shumann has had her bunga- Sixth avenue, Long Branch, Nf, J . Branch Saturday. The af- Mrs. Alice Fields of Flatbush, Long death the past year. The c'ommit- ternoon 'visitors included Mr. andIslarid, is spending the summer with low on Kenm avenue repainted by i In charge of the Service is com-Mrs. Elwood Smith, Covert & Bell, at Long Branch Thursday night. The Mrs, Oad, Little, her cousin, Mra. Elwood Smiths Wed of Mayor Trarik Covert, Fire Mrs, George HendrieTtaon and daughFelix Gottschalk has-, had a new reading was illustrated withj^ieturei John Chauncey, who has been a t hlef Charles H. VanBrunt and Coun- ter, George W. Smith and Lewis O. the Long-.Branch hospital ten days garage built on the rear of his prop- and photographs. Joseph W. Davis. Bethany Chapter of the Chapel of Chandler. Mr. Chandler is one of the for treatment, will be brought home erty. oldest residents of this place but he today. Dr. George VanVoris Warner read the Holy Communion will hold an enGeorge W. Smith, was enjoypd the circus aa much as the chil- Frank A. Mulford has rented his a" paper on "Elcphantisis" before the tertainment next Monday'night at house a t the corneT of Main street Practitioners' society of Eastern Mon- Monmouth hall for the benefit of the old Friday.- Many rela- dren, • * • ... a and DeNormandie avenue to William mouth at Dr.- W. K. Campbell's home church, Mrs. Roland Fenniraore spent, part friends congratulated him frau Melting. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lumber, Cement, Lime r Lath, Brick Flue Lining, Plaster Board Sand and All Kinds ofBuilding Material Distributors for the Famous Beaver Board YARD: Leonard Street and N. J. S. C I t Phone 497-J OFFICE: Bridge Avenue. Phono 336-M 4. ••:,-', ? • •