Reverend Richard Leliaert, Pastor St. Robert Bellarmine Parish
Reverend Richard Leliaert, Pastor St. Robert Bellarmine Parish
To the People of St. Robert’s: Reverend Richard Leliaert, Pastor St. Robert Bellarmine Parish 27101 W. Chicago St., Redford, MI 48239 (313) 937-1500 • (313) 937-1185 fax [email protected] This Week’s Mass Schedule Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Sunday at 6:30, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Friday at 8:30 a.m. This Week’s Reconciliation Schedule Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Our Mission St. Robert Bellarmine is a welcoming Catholic community, which strives to bring people to God and God to people through the ministries of worship, stewardship, education and Christian service. Welcome St. Robert Bellarmine Parish Family welcomes all those new to our parish. If you have been attending Mass here and would like to be registered in the parish, please stop by or call the parish office. We look forward to meeting you and telling you about your new parish. Weekly Readings Sunday: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4/2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14/ Lk 17:5-10 Monday: Jon 1:1--2:2, 11/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: 2 Kgs 5:14-17/2 Tm 2:8-13/Lk 17:11-19 God’s grace and peace be with you all. As we prepare to wind down the celebration of our 60th Anniversary Year as a parish, we also commemorate the first anniversary of Changing Lives Together (CLT). Your collective generosity has continued to fill my heart with gratitude. Our most recent status report indicates that we have received pledges of approximately $460,331 of which approximately $160,228 has been paid. As I have stated in the past, our share of the Changing Lives Together collections is available for immediate use. The new handicap accessible bathroom has been completed and is up and running. This new facility is the most visible example of what the members of the parish can accomplish when we effectively pool our resources. Unfortunately, further capital improvements such as new windows for the church, will need to wait until a significant amount of already pledged money is paid. The most significant benefit to our parish if we achieve our pre-determined goal of $525,000 is financial independence. The largest portion of the Changing Lives Together contributions will be utilized to pay down our debt to the Archdiocese. Let me be clear in stating that this debt represents funds that have already been spent for the support of our parish community. These funds need to be repaid. Furthermore, the news media and/or the Internet have made us aware of the dwindling number of parishes in the Archdiocese. Simply put, there are two primary factors which determine the viability of our or any parish. The first of these is the availability of priests. Fortunately, I have been reappointed and fully intend to lead the St. Robert Bellarmine Community for the remaining five years of my extended term. The second critically important factor is completely under the control of each of us, both collectively and individually. It comes down to this simple reality: the financial independence of each individual parish is also a primary determining factor in deciding which parishes will not only survive, but thrive. I believe and pray that we can do both. Without a doubt, the recent recession has adversely affected all of us. Yet this is why we are reaching out to Con nued on page 3 October 6, 2013 Page 2 St. Robert Bellarmine Parish 27101 W. Chicago St., Redford, MI 48239 (313) 937-1500 • (313) 937-1530 (313) 937-1185 fax [email protected] Parish Staff Pastor, Fr. Richard Leliaert........................... x112 [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Laura Scanlan ................ x114 [email protected] Secretary, Linda Hudy .................................. x111 [email protected] Minister of Finance, Christine Boglarsky-Ferguson ...................................................................... x110 [email protected] Christian Service, ......................................... x115 [email protected] Faith Formation, Dawn Dwyer ..................... x127 [email protected] Pastoral Care ................................................ x111 [email protected] Music Minister, Mark Newlon ..................... x116 [email protected] Festival Committee ....................................... x142 [email protected] Athletic Director, Craig Lantto ..................... x134 [email protected] Gym/Activities Bldg. Requests .................... x121 [email protected] Maintenance, Frank Munoz .......................... x128 [email protected] Kitchens: Gym…....x133; Church Hall ........ x129 Meeting Center…...x140; Latchkey ............. x138 Parish Council Chairman, Jim Vote ...................... (248) 470-6611 [email protected] Vice Chairperson, Deanna Mitchell Secretary, Pam Condron Finance, Richard Piotrowski Worship, Peter Pierzecki Education, Kandi Johnson Vicariate, Maria Stawarz CLT, Paula Martin FANS, Ann Maccani Men's Club, Mark Cochran Ladies of SRB, Maria Surowiec Boy Scouts, Ron Bush Members at Large: Steve Wozniak, Tim Bley John Graf & Coleena Graf School Staff (313) 937-1655 • Fax (313) 937-9795 [email protected] Principal, Nancy Kuszczak ........................... x125 Preschool, Sharon Szuba .............................. x130 Secretary, Linda Kenger ............................... x124 Bulletin Editor, Colette Maher ...... [email protected] The bulletin is transmitted every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m.; therefore bulletin articles must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the Sunday prior to transmittal. All bulletin article submissions are subject to pastoral approval and may be edited for content and presentation. Thank you. The Week Ahead Please welcome Fr. John Stowe from the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation Conventual Franciscan Friars in Carey, Ohio! Fr. Stowe will be with us the weekend of October 12th and 13th for a Mission Appeal. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 Masses at 6:30, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Donut Sunday by FANS of SRB 8th Gr. Confirmation Prep Class – 9:00 -10:15 a.m. - School C.L.O.W. – 10:30 a.m. – School Confirmation Inscription Mass – 10:30 a.m. Trains in the Park Train Show – 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Gym Men’s Club Board Meeting – 12:00 p.m. – Church Hall MONDAY, October 7 Gr. K-7 Faith Formation – 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. – School A.A. – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Church Hall Adult Enrichment Class—6L:30-7:45 p.m.—School TUESDAY, October 8 Bible Study – 8:30 a.m. – Church Hall Church Hall Social – 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Church Hall JV Volleyball Practice – 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. – Gym Cub Scouts – 6:00 p.m. – Meeting Center Mass at 6:45 p.m. following Lay-led devotions Varsity Volleyball Practice – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. – Gym Men’s Club Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Church hall Men’s Basketball – 9:00 p.m. - Gym WEDNESDAY, October 9 Mass – 8:30 a.m. – Church Final Classic Car Show – 5:00 – Dusk – Parish Grounds JV Volleyball Practice – 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. – Gym Cub Scouts -6:00 p.m. – Meeting Center Varsity Volleyball Practice – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. – Gym THURSDAY, October 10 Varsity Volleyball Practice – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. - Gym AA – 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Church Hall Choir – 7:30 p.m. – Choir Loft FRIDAY, October 11 School Mass – 8:30 a.m. – Church JV Volleyball Practice – 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. - Gym Parish Office Closed at Noon SATURDAY, October 12 Market Day Pick-up – 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. – Church Hall Reconciliation – 2:30 p.m. - Church Mass – 4:00 p.m. – Church Trivia Night – 7:00 p.m. – Gym SUNDAY, October 13 Masses at 6:30, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. 8th Gr. Confirmation Prep Class – 9:00 -10:15 a.m. - School C.L.O.W. – 10:30 a.m. – School Volleyball Home Games – 1:00 p.m. - Gym When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? October 6, 2013 Page 3 Parish Pastoral Council News Focus Groups – Your Voice Counts Over the past year & a half, the old style parish council has been transforming into an entirely new entity. The Parish Pastoral Council is the primary visioning body of the parish assisting the pastor in determining the overall mission of the parish. The PPC is not the body that implements the programs and activities. That is the work of the parish Commissions of Stewardship, Worship, Education & Christian Service. In the effort to create a vision for the parish, we first had to create a vision for our self. "Being nourished by celebrating the Sacraments of the Holy Catholic Church, St. Robert Bellarmine Parish is a vibrant, thriving community, that answers the call of Christ. Together, we are embarking on a journey of deeper faith and spiritual growth through dynamic outreach, education, evangelization, and financial stability” The next phase of our growth and in an effort to start molding the vision for the future of SRB, will be to conduct a series of targeted focus groups to get a true reading of your needs & concerns. After gathering the information we will then put in place action plans to respond to the results. The groups will be comprised of some selected individuals as well as many from the parish population at large. The actual meeting will take about an hour to complete. We really do want & need information from a wide variety of opinions and yours is just as valuable as any one else’s. If you would like to be a part of this process, please contact Jim Vote at (248) 470-6611, [email protected] or leave a message at the parish office. Mass of Healing Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:00 am Please join us for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and participate in this wonderful Sacrament of Healing. After this Mass there will be a luncheon in the Church Hall. All attending the Mass are welcome. So we know how much food to prepare, please RSVP at the Rectory, (313) 937-1500. No individual invitations will be sent out. Con nued from page 1 each and every one of you. Remember, what we seek from each member is equal sacrifice, not equal financial contributions. Two and a half years remain in our CLT journey. Your CLT pledges can be funded in small monthly installments over the remaining period of time, or in other ways more convenient for you. To those of you who have already committed or submitted your pledges in part or in full, I offer a heart-felt thank you and/or a humble request that you keep making your pledge payments. To those who have not yet participated, I earnestly ask that you prayerfully consider making a commitment to this important initiative. Again, I sincerely thank each of you ever so much for your participation in Changing Lives Together. Our strength as a parish is built on the individual efforts of each parishioner. Like that strong, tall, majestic oak tree just outside the church, we will not merely survive, we will thrive. As always, feel free to contact the parish office if you have any questions or concerns. Gratefully, Fr. Richard Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time I"s he grateful to that servant because he did what was commanded? So should it be with you. When you have done all you have been commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.'"- Lk 17:9-10 Parents often live this Gospel well. Better than most people, they know what it means to “serve” without expecting a reward. For many, parenthood is reward enough. Jesus explained to the disciples in this passage that service was a requirement of discipleship. When the disciples asked how they could have more faith, Jesus explained that faith was a gift. Faith is not something we control, but only something we can appreciate as a gift from God. To show our appreciation, however, Jesus demonstrated through a lesson of service how we can show our thankfulness to God for the gift of faith. When we share our faith with others and demonstrate it by showing the love of God to those we meet, we proclaim our gratitude. When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? October 6, 2013 Page 4 Adult Enrichment Classes Have you ever wanted to know more about the Bible? If the answer is yes, then this is a great place to start. An interactive class helps you become familiar with the Bible. The relaxed atmosphere of class will bring about more meaning and some fellowship with others. No grades…just plain interesting information. Join us. Our next classes are Oct. 7, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, and Oct. 28 from 6:30 to7:45 p.m. in room 209/211 (use main school entrance). The cost is $5. Payment due at class. The topic for the next session is Bible on Relationships. Other classes include: Development of the Gospels, Role of Evangelists and References to the Messiah and the Epistles. Presenters are Laura Scanlan and Lois Cifaldi. Register with Linda at (313) 937-1500. Faith Sharing for Women First & Third Tuesdays Until December 3rd 7-9 p.m. in the Faith Formation Office Learning about the strengths and weaknesses of some of the characters in the Bible is a great way to see how God has made each of us special. Our sharing of ideas helps us see different perspectives of how God has guided us and is still doing so today. The fellowship helps us keep our minds focused in a positive way. We meet the first and third Tuesdays of each month to discuss the reading from the books we are studying. The books can be purchased from Dawn Dwyer in the Faith Formation office (room 103) for $13. Think about it. This is a great time to get into study… along with the school year. All adult ladies are welcome and encouraged. For more information contact Dawn Dwyer at her office (937-1531). Our books will be: “A Walk thru the Book of Jonah Experiencing God’s Relentless Grace” · Parts of “2 Corinthians – Power in Weakness” Knights of Columbus th Late-19 century Connecticut was marked by the growing prevalence of fraternal benefit societies, hostility toward Catholic immigrants and dangerous working conditions in factories that left many families fatherless. Recognizing a vital, practical need in his community, Father Michael J. McGivney, the 29-year-old assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., gathered a group of men at his parish on Oct. 2, 1881. He proposed establishing a lay organization, the goal of which would be to prevent Catholic men from entering secret societies whose membership was antithetical to Church teaching, to unite men of Catholic faith and to provide for the families of deceased members. As a symbol that allegiance to their country did not conflict with allegiance to their faith, the organization’s members took as their patron Christopher Columbus — recognized as a Catholic and celebrated as the discoverer of America. Thanks to Father McGivney’s persistence, the Knights of Columbus elected officers in February 1882 and officially assumed corporate status on March 29. In addition to the Order’s stated benefits, Catholic men were drawn to the Knights because of its emphasis on serving one’s Church, community and family with virtue. As we approach Columbus Day, October 14, we will again be following in the footsteps of Fr. McGivney and asking that each and everyman 18 to 118 to consider becoming a Knight, to serve one’s church, community and family, Our Brother Knights will be in the church vestibule seeking candidates, I ask that you seek them out and become a member in the fraternity of Fr. McGivney. Ron Bush, Grand Knight Baptism Congratulations! September 8th Vincenzo Thomas, the Son of Timothy and Meghan (Clark) Mirabitur September 21st Cara Maureen, the Daughter of Matthew and Siobhan (Flynn) Strickland Parker Neal, the Son of Joshua Scroggs and Jessica Lomas · When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? October 6, 2013 Page 5 60th Anniversary Dinner Dance When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? October 6, 2013 Page 6 Stephen Ministry Rosary Rally—Please Join Us! “Pray the rosary everyday to obtain peace for the world.” Saturday, October 12 at Noon Madonna University Led by Fr. Bernard Luedtke Questions 734-432-9744 What is Stephen Ministry Training? The Stephen Ministry training program will prepare interested men and women to become Stephen Ministers, equipping them to care for the many needs in the parish. Their 50 hours of training will include topics such as: Feelings Listening Assertiveness training Confidentiality Crisis theory and intervention Telecare Use of prayer and the Bible Being professional The “small step” approach Other specialized needs on Grief, Divorce, Depression, Older persons, Stress, etc Another “Thank You” to those who helped with cleaning the church hall kitchen (phase 2). · · · · · · · · · · Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 15th, in the church hall. We start to gather at 6:45 PM, with the meeting starting at 7 PM. Mark it on your calendar ladies and plan to stop by. If you have questions or would like more information, fill out and drop the coupon below in the collection basket, or call (313) 937-1500, ext. 114. Ladies of St. Robert Bellarmine Thank you to all those who purchased Whalers tickets. We hope you had a fun night out. Don’t forget, Saturday, October 12th at 7 PM is Trivia Night (see flyer below). If you have any questions, you may contact Mary Brumm (membership chair) at (734) 266-9238 or [email protected] or Lisa Kirk (President) at [email protected] or (734) 421-6703 I would like more information about Stephen Ministry. Name _______________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Family Faith Connect Reflection for Families Parents often fall into bed at night declaring to the empty darkness, “No one appreciates all I did today.” Perhaps it’s the lot of parents to spend most of their years in a state of exhaustion, but when those little legs climb up to our laps and tiny hands clutch our necks in a hug, we don’t feel quite so weary or burdened. The smile that crosses our lips shows our true appreciation for God’s gift and the service we offer is our gift in return. Bringing the Gospel into Your Family Is there someone you know in your neighborhood or family whose zest for life has diminished? Perhaps you know someone who is ill, elderly, or worried. As a family reach out to that person with a phone call, a colorful picture, or a visit. Sometimes people enjoy focusing on something other than their own problems, and your family may offer just the diversion they are looking for. Discussion Starters · The best thing about serving my family is . . . · I wish I had more faith when it comes to . . . · This week people will know my love for God when they see me . . . When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? October 6, 2013 Page 7 Men’s Club News October Lottery Raffle Tickets are now available—$5 will give you 81 chances to win up to $200! Tickets are good for the entire month and winning numbers are based on the evening Michigan Daily 3 drawings. If your 3-digit number matches the Michigan Lottery drawing, you win the cash prize for that day. If your number is one number up or one number down, you win $10. We automatically send lucky winners their checks, so there is no need to track the numbers. See any Men’s Club member to buy your winning tickets today! REMINDER: The next SRB Men’s Club general membership meeting has been moved to Tuesday, October 8th at 7:00 PM in the Church Hall. This meeting was moved to accommodate the weekly Wednesday Cruise Night. The Executive Board Meeting will be held Sunday, October 6th at noon in the Church Hall. If you have any new business to bring to the regular meeting, please bring it to the board meeting first so we can put it on the agenda. Our last Car Cruise will be on Wednesday, October 9th from 5 p.m. to dusk (weather permitting). Stop by to enjoy good food, music, camaraderie and lots of classic cars. CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL Your pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal will help us continue to preach, to teach, and to serve. We encourage you to read the weekly CSA Minutes published in our bulletin. Then we hope you better see how vital your CSA gift is to our church; how important it is to many people. Please prayerfully consider your response to the 2013-14 Catholic Services Appeal. CSA MINUTE ON PRIESTLY VOCATIONS High school men ages 14 to 18 are invited to a discernment overnight at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on Friday, October 11, to explore if God is calling them to the Roman Catholic priesthood. This shorter version of a typical discernment weekend is structured speci!ically to give high school students a look at seminary life. Another discernment overnight will be held in April 2014. Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal help the Archdiocese of Detroit encourage vocations to the diocesan priesthood through the efforts of the Of!ice of Priestly Vocations. Besides discernment weekends and overnights, the of!ice offers an annual vocations convocation, vocation days for junior high and high school students, and outreach to parishes and schools. If you are interested in joining the Men’s Club please contact John Martin our membership chairman at (313) 533-5255 or [email protected]. When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? October 6, 2013 Page 8 Cardinal Sports News Upcoming Events There are only two weekends of regular season competition for our soccer and volleyball teams. This weekend, our soccer team will play host to St. Fabian on Sunday at Bell Creek Park before wrapping up the season next weekend with a road game at Holy Redeemer on Saturday and a home game vs. All Saints on Sunday. Meanwhile, our volleyball teams are scheduled to host All Saints this Thursday evening at SRB followed by away games at John Paul II and St. James on Saturday. The regular season comes to a close when our teams host St. Joseph of Trenton and St. John Neumann on Sunday. 10/12—St. Theodore’s Craft Show, (734) 4254421. 10/12—Madonna University Rosary Rally, 10/13—Focus Hope Walk with Us, (734) 4329744, www.focushopewalk/ 10/13—22nd Annual Souper Bowl Benefit for the Capuchin Soup Kitchen , (586) 573-4121. 10/15-17—S.S. Peter & Paul Church’s Kewadin Casino Trip, $249, (313) 584-5942. 10/16—St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center’s Fall Day of Recollection, (313) 286-2800. 10/19—SS Simon & Jude’s Scrapbooking Workshop, (734) 721-4867. 11/2—Divine Child’s 37th Annual Holiday Boutique, (734) 367-0513. 11/3—Ladies of Sacred Heart Tea & Fashion Show at Sacred Heart banquet Ctr., Info 11/10—Ladywood High School Open House, (734) 591-4214, (734) 522-3166. 12/3—St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center’s Advent Evening, (313) 286-2800. 12/11—St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center’s Advent Day of Recollection, (313) 286-2800. 1/29—Ladywood High School Open House, (734) 591-4214. Due to numerous unexpected schedule conflicts, this has been a very trying season for game schedules for volleyball. Parish and school activities for several teams in our divisions created the need for changes all season long. In addition, our JV volleyball division had an additional team enter once our final schedules were received. We do our best to establish a schedule at the beginning of the season with hopes that it will remain unchanged. Unfortunately, that is hardly ever the case. I thank all parents for the patience and flexibility as we worked through this year’s numerous changes. The annual Basketball meeting will be held Thursday, October 17th in the gym beginning at 6:30 PM. This is a r equir ed meeting for all players and parents. We will discuss the coming season, the tournament and participation in parish and athletic programs. We are still accepting applications for a waiting list for this basketball season. Any open positions that might develop will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Registration forms for Basketball for this season are available on the Athletics page of the SRB Website. CYO participation is available to all 4th through 8th grade boys and girls of St. Robert Parish regardless of where they attend school. You do not have to be a student at St. Robert Bellarmine to participate in the athletic program. Mark your calendar for the SRB “3-on-3” Basketball Tournament taking place in the SRB Activities Building on Saturday, October 19th. Additional information can be found elsewhere in this bulletin. 23rd Annual Fall Trains in the Park TODAY Sunday, October 6th 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, SRB Gym Conditioning sessions for basketball will begin the last week of October. Actual practice sessions will begin the week of November 4th. Once practice begins, teams will generally practice for about 3 hours per week. Work is now underway on plans for the Annual Thanksgiving Basketball Tournament. The tournament begins the week of November 18th with games taking place almost daily through November 25th. (We do have Thanksgiving Day off, as well as the night before). This tournament has been held for close to 40 years, gaining the reputation as one of the best in the metro area. As always, help will be needed in the areas of scorekeeping, concessions admissions and set-up and clean-up. Watch for additional information about the tournament over the next few weeks. Upcoming Activities: Basketball Meeting: Thurs., Oct. 17th @ 6:30 PM Activities Bldg 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament: Oct. 19th Thanksgiving Basketball Tournament: Nov. 18th to Dec. 1st Public Admission $3.00 per person / $6.00 per family (please no early birds) Operating Train Layouts Food & Refreshments Video Train Movies Trains Tested Door Prizes Every Hour When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? October 6, 2013 Page 9 St. Robert Bellarmine Parish 27101 W. Chicago St., Redford, MI 48239 (313) 937-1500 • (313) 937-1185 fax • [email protected] Mass Intentions Sat., Oct. 5 4:00 p.m. Sun., Oct. 6 6:30 a.m. THE Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for weddings must be made in person by the parties to the proposed marriage. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment. Sun., Oct. 6 8:30 a.m. FRANK J. WALSH By Nieces BOB WILLIAMS By Family FRANCES FITZPATRICK By Holy Orders & Religious Life If interested, please call the Parish Office or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocation at (313) 237–5875. Sun., Oct. 6 10:30 a.m. Tues., Oct. 8 6:45 p.m. ENRICO Wed., Oct. 9 8:30 a.m. ENRICO Fri., Oct. 11 8:30 a.m. ENRICO Sat., Oct. 12 4:00 p.m. Sun., Oct. 13 6:30 a.m. DECEASED Sun., Oct. 13 8:30 a.m. RAYMOND Sun., Oct. 13 10:30 a.m. Office Hours Monday to Thursday: 8-11:45 a.m. & 12:45-5 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m.–noon Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the third Saturday of each month after the 4 pm Mass. Due to other liturgical celebrations, the third Saturday of each month may need to change to another Saturday. Parents should make arrangements in advance at the Parish Office. Sacrament of Anointing The Sacrament of Anointing is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month following the 8:30 a.m. Mass or call the office and we shall be happy to serve. R.C.I.A. Inquiry classes for individuals who are considering becoming Catholic or want to receive the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation will begin in October. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Pastoral Care Pastoral Care, annulments, or spiritual direction is available by appointment. Parish Family Prayer Lists Placing the name of a loved one or yourself on the bulletin prayer list may be done by contacting the parish office. Names are listed for four weeks. Please contact the parish office to have a name removed or relisted. Please remember, in prayer, the sick of our parish: Jean Papcun Virginia Abdullah Mary Podvoyski Jill Biga John & Judy Poteracki Marian Bilyk Nicholas Tabaczka Rosalyn Carpen Mariann Vella Jerry Chismar Louis Volpe Dominica Cogliandro Bob Winters Joe Goode The Bury Family Michael Hudy, Jr. Gertrud Dan Klansek Sara McGuire John Mitchell Norman Ouellette Please remember, in prayer, the recently deceased: Jack Gardner, Sr. the Father of Deacon Jack Richard Murphy, the Father of Cheryl Cunningham Victor Waling ATTILIO CAPOROSSO By Family VICTORIA CAPOROSSO By Family LORETO CAPRARO By Family LUCILLE CAPRARO By Family VIRGINIA PEZAK By Family TERRY O’NEILL By Mom & Dad JOSEPH SLOANE By Jim & Claudette Landry ST IRENE POSTULA – 1 Anniversary By Family RD RICHARD BRIGHT (3 Anniversary) By The Bright Family PARISHIONERS OF ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE Family ROCCO AND MARY DE LUCA By Josette Faber Allan IN THANKSGIVING TO ST. ANTHONY AND ST. THERESA By Helene Brang & IDA CANINI By Graziano Canini & IDA CANINI By Graziano Canini & IDA CANINI By Graziano Canini GENE KROL By Bernadine Krol STAN SCZECIENSKI By Wife, Stella ZENON LEBRON By Family LUCILLE CAPRARO By Her SRB Bible Study Family ST RON ALTWIESS (1 Anniversary) By Wife and Family WILLIAM DONOGHUE By Family MEMBERS OF THE ANDREWS FAMILY By Family THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. ROBERT BELLARMINEE ENRICO & IDA CANINI By Graziano Canini MURPHY By Family MR. & MRS. C. JANUSZKOWSKI By Mr. & Mrs. Kolpacki HELEN BATOR By Carol Wojcik When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? Alterations by Mrs. Sue MCGLINCH SONS CO. (313) 255-5063 MIKE’S EST. 1917 PLUMBING Phone: 313-740-7135 Susanne Szpara, Parish Member HOME IMPROVEMENTS Specializing in: Complete Plumbing Sewer and Drain Cleaning !"!#$$%&'(!"!()**+#,!"!-$$#, !"!./)0&')0!1!2&'3/!,&-&'(!1!*#&0 !"!,*$#0!4&'-$4,!.'-!-$$#, !"!#+5/.6+0+'*!4&'-$4, !"!./)0&')0!.4'&'(,!1!6.'$5&+, !"!,73/&(8*, MICHAEL J. WOOD, Master Plumber Charles R. Step Funeral Home ! *8#++!(+'+#.*&$',!$%! 2&'3/!4&'-$4, ! -+5+'-.9/+!,+#2&6+! )5!*$!:;<!$%% !"#$%&'()*+,-&, Cremation Services $'+!$%!0&68&(.'=,!%.,*+,*! (#$4&'(!6$05.'&+, 18425 Beech Daly Rd. 313-278-2777 or 248-987-6300 (313) 531-1888 DIRECTORS Charles R. Step Charles J. Step Monty S. Wulff Mention This Ad And Receive 50% OFF Frames & Lenses 6L[0LOH/LYRQLD0, 734-591-5400 ("3:3-"64& 1"*/5*/( Experienced & Reasonable 'SFF&TUJNBUFT313-274-8321 *OUFSJPS&YUFSJPS 1MBTUFS%SZXBMM3FQBJS %FDL$MFBOJOH4UBJOJOH 1PXFSXBTIJOH8BMMQBQFS3FNPWBM WOLVERINE HALL DON’S PLUMBING (248) 478-1193 &YQFSU1MVNCJOH4FXFS %SBJO$MFBOJOH LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER (SBOE3JWFSt-JWPOJB XXXXPMWFSJOFTQPSUTPSH 4)08&34t45$0..6/*0/4t"//*7&34"3*&4 '6/&3"--6/$)&0/4t3&5*3&.&/51"35*&4 Upstairs lounge seats up to 140 Downstairs hall seats up to 250 4FUVQTQSPWJEFE:PVNBZQSPWJEFZPVSPXOBMDPIPM %(6748$/,7</2:(6735,&(65(3$,56 (734) 422-0606 -2<5'/,921,$ #ĒğĢĦĖĥĤt$ĒĥĖģĚğĘ +PIO$BUIFSJOF.BSHJF/BODZ1BVM (734) 427-1000 1MZNPVUI3Et-JWPOJB LIVONIA GRILL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL &$53(79,1<//$0,1$7( 7,/(:22'&(5$0,& We’re under your feet with the !"#$%&'(()*(+#),"-$. Donald J. 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Helping you from hospital to home! 734 421-5299 Best Service & Price Guaranteed We Design, Build & Remodel JOHN WOOD PLUMBING Transitional Care Unit IJKK%=3HH46A64:L%D6@:49<H%M%A4B%(%1N%O1P 734-728-3150 ZZZ/3LFRP 734-261-5100 Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lifestyles Change your Smile - Change your Life Spruce up for Spring with a Free new patient initial exam. /LWXUJLFDO3XEOLFDWLRQV,QFE For generations, families have preferred our funeral home, it’s a preference built on family service. -+(3*''*/'6/&3"-)0.&*/$ “Service - A Family Tradition” Traditional & Cremation Services 734-522-9400 //0/(+122345436(%2.(76(&88(&95:9(;9713 Parish Member PLEASING PICKY PEOPLE IS MY PRIORITY Quality Painter/Handyman "OESFX&UDIFO THIS SPACE IS 1MVNCFST4FSWJDF 1MVNCJOHtDrain Cleaning Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. 313-794-2609 24 Hour Emergency =>/?@A'?=>7/'('B>CD=>E?A@ $BUIPMJD.BTUFS1MVNCFS 3B>>'>/Q?C7Q>/ 733DB=7!E>'B7Q>/ WE INSTALL & SERVICE KOHLER, MOEN & DELTA FAUCETS AND FIXTURES SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE /*#0$.6'E-1%&'B*2$F*.,2 G-#'HI';*%#2 )%&&'7.;,$+* (313) 291-0157 or (734) 525-3037 Row V.L.W. 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