April 2005 Lakelands Leader
April 2005 Lakelands Leader
LOG ON TODAY! L • WWW.LAKELANDS.ORG L AKELANDS eader The April 2005 Volume 7 Issue 4 Swim Team Registration Scheduled for what’snews? April 24 at the Lakelands Clubhouse Get a Taste A Sweet Taste of Kentlands Is Coming and You're Invited, page 15. Empty Nesters Events Planned There's lots of events in store for the Empty Nesters Club. Details on page 14. Meet & Greet Rescheduled A discussion on safety within Lakelands has been rescheduled. Info on page 20. Swim Team Season is Almost Here Check out the dates of all the upcoming swim meets and events on page 10. By Sandy Krems H ave you had enough of winter? Well, you can dust off those Speedos and goggles because another season of Lakelands Lionfish Swim Team fun is right around the corner! You can register for swim team or pre-team, meet the coaches, and purchase team spiritwear on Sunday, April 24, at the Lakelands Clubhouse from 10 am-2 pm. The mission of the Lakelands Lionfish Swim Team is to encourage informal friendly team competition at the neighborhood pool level within a fair and wholesome environment. Summer swim team helps children of all ages and abilities to develop athletic skills; it encourages M continued on page 9 See SWIIM TEAM Gaithersburg Green and Lakelands needs help to get clean. Story on page 15. Why Can’t Lakelanders Slow Down? By Andrea Escher Details on the spring summer fitness classes going on now at the Clubhouse, page 20. Our Town A Red Door Spa coming soon, Jessa Medical expands and new restaurants in the Square, page12. Photos Courtesy: Denise McGovern VLivasa Speeding i n t he A lleyways Volunteers Are Needed Get In Shape for Spring The Lakelands Lionfish can’t wait for the swim team season to begin! T Return Address: The Lakelands Leader 960 Main Street Gaithersburg, MD 20878 PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #163 Dulles, VA raffic concerns have always been on the minds of Lakelands residents, whether it is parking on bulb-outs, illegal parking in alleyways or not enough parking near the Clubhouse. Residents have also raised concerns regarding speeding on community streets. Most recently residents have aired their concerns about excessive speeds in the alleyways. So what can be done? Despite the repeated pleas for residents to slow down, the speeding problems still persist. Recent messages posted by residents on the www.lakelands.org message board have alluded to residents being in favor of a drastic measure to decrease speeds in the alleys, the installation of speed humps. Yes, speed humps, similar to the humps on Lakelands Drive. The speed humps on Lakelands Drive were installed by the city of Gaithersburg as a means to decrease speeds along this route, but whether they have proved to be an effective means for traffic calming is arguable among many. While some say the speed humps are pointless, other argue that speed humps may be the only key to solving the speeding problems in the alleys. The Lakelands Board of Directors is aware of the speeding issue and has directed the Community Relations Committee to research ideas and alternatives to help decrease speed. Lakelands residents have questioned why the city of Gaithersburg Police does not patrol the alleyways for excessive speeders. Residents are not aware the Lakelands Association privately owns the alleyways. Neither the city nor the Montgomery County Police has jurisdiction to enforce any type of traffic activity in the alleys. Montgomery County Police Officer Chris Johnson says he believes the fastest speeds residents are driving in the alleys is around 20 mph. "In a tight environment such as an alley or the narrow streets of Lakelands, speeds appear to the untrained eye as very fast, when in fact they are not," says Johnson. Johnson has taken many residents into the alleys with a radar device to demonstrate how fast Lakelands residents are truly driving. So what can be done to decrease speeding and alleviate the problem? The simplest and most cost effective solution would be for residents to make a conscious effort to slow down when traveling through the alleys. The installation of speed humps would be a significant cost to the community, and it is doubtful the city will install speed humps on private community property for no charge. Other avenues have been suggested such as barricades and traffic obstacles to encourage homeowners to slow down, all at which will need to be purchased at a cost. The Community Relations Committee will continue to investigate the most cost effective and sensible solutions to this issue, but for the mean time, do your part and slow down. L s d n a Lakel Las Vegas Night Is April 1 6 Register Now! Elvis will be waiting for you to help turn Lakelands into Sin City! Join us April 16 for Las Vegas Night. By Andrea Escher & Jim Wakefield E lvis, Frank Sinatra, gambling, drinks, dinner and more! A Las Vegas style event is coming to Lakelands and you're invited. So why haven't you signed up yet? Join your friends and neighbors for an unforgettable Vegas style event, Saturday, April 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Lakelands Clubhouse. The Social Committee has plans to turn the Clubhouse into a Las Vegas casino. It will be just like going to 'Vegas' without having to leave home. If you want to try your luck at a little gambling, all the major casino tables will be set up ready for action, S VEGASS NIGH HT continued on page 9 See LAS Now You Can Own And Enjoy Our Unique Design In Every Area Of Your Home... Call Closet Stretchers Today! FREE Call U Today s For A Consul Design Limite tation! d T Offer! ime Closet Designs Garage Designs Shown Here Is Just A Sample Of Our Many Custom Designs! Office Designs Entertainment Designs • Custom Designs • Nobody Beats Our Prices • Portable & Adjustable • One Day Installations • Top Quality Material • Get Organized Today • Make The Most Of Every Inch • FREE In-Home Consultation • The Area’s Best Designers • The Area’s Best Installers The Original Closet Company Since 1979 VIRGINIA (301) 468-2004 MARYLAND (301) 468-1090 WASHINGTON D.C. (301) 468-1091 12201 Nebel Street Rockville MD Visit us on the web at: www.closetstretchers.com 2 The Lakelands Leader April 2005 lakelandsinbrief By Andrea Escher Community Wide Bulk Pick-U Up Waste Management will be conducting a special bulk pick-up in the Lakelands community on Saturday, April 23. Waste Management will collect any large bulk items not typically collected during the regular trash pick up on the 23rd. We ask that you place the bulk pick up items in the alley/mews adjacent to your garage before 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 23. This is a great opportunity to help with your spring-cleaning! We ask that you please not place the following items out for pick-up: tires/batteries, paint, hazardous materials, construction debris, white goods (appliances), dirt/rocks, and propane tanks. If you should have questions regarding the bulk pick up, please contact Debbie Durham at 240-631-8338. Block Captains Still Needed Despite our request for volunteers last month, the following sections of the community are still in need of Block Captain volunteers: Chestnut Hill Street Cross Green Street Gatestone Street Main Street area Phelps Street Rockborn Street Block captains are responsible for the delivery of the monthly Lakelands yellow flyer. If you are a resident who lives on any of the above mentioned streets, and you would like to volunteer your time, please contact Joe Mills at [email protected]. Thanks in advance for you generosity. Scoop the Poop Yes, it's that time of year again! Those little stinky piles of poop are starting to pile up around the grassy areas (and some sidewalks), and with the warm weather, it hasn't April 2005 APRIL calendarofevents APRIL 4TH APRIL 6TH APRIL 7TH APRIL 9TH APRIL 10TH been too pretty. Children are out and about playing at the tot lots and in the common areas. Unfortunately, pet owners are not picking up their pets poop. As a pet owner, you have the responsibility to clean up after your pet. Do your part to help keep the community clean and feces free! Everyone will thank you for your cooperation. Pool Pass Information & Applications Coming Soon Information regarding the opening of the Lakelands pool will arrive in your mailbox sometime in late April or early May. Along with the pool schedule of operating hours, guest passes will be mailed to all homeowners. If you have lost your Clubhouse access pass, you will need to pay a replacement fee for a new pass. Additional passes may be purchased for $12.00. If you are new to the community, please fill out the Facilities Access Pass application form and return it to the management office, 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. If you do not receive your guest pass before Memorial Day, please contact Community Manager Debbie Durham at 240-631-8338. See LAAKELAANDSS IN BRIEF continued on page 5 APRIL 13TH APRIL 14TH APRIL 15TH APRIL 16TH APRIL 19TH APRIL 20TH APRIL 23RD APRIL 24TH APRIL 25TH APRIL 26TH APRIL 27TH Design Review Committee Meeting, 7:15 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Eric Kessler at [email protected] for more information. Community Relations Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Clubhouse. Contact Katherine Gilbert via e-mail at [email protected] for more information. Lakelands Playgroup, meets every Thursday 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Green Room at the Lakelands Clubhouse. For more information, please contact Nora Fitzpatrick at [email protected] or call 301-208-1632. Lakelands Family Fitness Night. 7:00-9:00 p.m. 1st floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact the Social Committee at [email protected]. Lakelands Empty Nesters Game Night, 6:30 p.m. Red Room at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Bev Frey at [email protected] or call 301-330-6197. Deadline for submissions for the Lakelands flyer. Contact [email protected]. Facilities Committee, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Lakelands Clubhouse, contact Scott Fischthal at [email protected] or 301-963-2308. Communications Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Kerri Donnelly for more information at [email protected]. Deadline for contributions & advertisements for the Lakelands Leader. Lakelands Las Vegas Night, 6:30-11:00 p.m. at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Cost is $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Register by calling 240-631-8338. For more information contact the Lakelands Social Committee at [email protected]. Budget & Finance Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Peter Frey at [email protected] for more information. Environmental & Beautification Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Clubhouse. Contact Bev Frey at [email protected] for more information. Swim Team Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Sandy Krems at [email protected]. Community Wide Bulk Pick Up, 7:00 a.m. Lakelands Community Clean Up Day! 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Meet at either the Stonemason Tot Lot or the wooded island at Still Creek Lane. Contact Bev Frey at [email protected] to volunteer. Lakelands Lionfish Swim Team Registration, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Lakelands Clubhouse. For more information contact Sandy Krems at [email protected]. Deadline for Design Review Applications. Please contact the on-site management office at 240-631-8338 for an application. Social Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Judy Mills at [email protected] or 240-683-0125. Board of Directors Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact the Lakelands Clubhouse for further information at 240-631-8338. The Lakelands Leader 3 The L L AKELANDS eader The Official Newspaper of Lakelands LCA Board of Directors Jim Wakefield President [email protected] Mark Ezrin Vice President [email protected] Lake Coulson Secretary [email protected] Pat McCalley Treasurer [email protected] Jed Tonelson Member at Large [email protected] MANAGEMENT CMI Debbie Durham 240-631-8338 [email protected] EDITOR & ADVERTISING MANAGER Andrea Escher 301-519-1678 [email protected] CONTRIBUTORS/WRITERS Richard Arkin Bev Frey Carrie Halpert Flora Kessler Sandy Krems Judy Mills Jeff Parker Sabine Ryder Genie Tillisch Lori Wakefield fromtheboard By Jed Tonelson, LCA Director T his is my second column from the Board. This time I want to discuss some of the work that that has been completed this last quarter, and some of the tasks that remain ahead. We have focused on the basics like property management, snow removal, committees, and boundary issues. One of our first concerns was snow removal. As a Board composed of all new members, we really wanted to make a good impression by ensuring that after each winter storm the snow was promptly and completely removed from our alleys and public spaces. We think our contractor did an excellent job (let us know if you disagree). In addition, our Treasurer, Pat McCalley, worked with the City of Gaithersburg to ensure that the sidewalk on the Lakelands side of Great Seneca Highway was cleared by the city in order to allow easy access to the Ride On bus stop. In addition, because the sidewalk that borders Lake Varuna is city owned, McCalley arranged to have the city clear the Lakelands Drive sidewalk between Great Seneca Highway and the first house on Lakelands Drive. Due to McCalley's efforts, residents who want to use public transportation after a winter storm should be able to get to the bus stop without having to trudge through snow. After the resignation of our property manager, we worked closely with CMI to find a replacement. We are delighted Debbie Durham was selected to be our property manager. Debbie has been very engaged in the community during her first 45 days. She's participated in many committee meetings, managed our contractors, resolved day-to-day issues and has made herself very accessible to the community. The Board is very happy to have Debbie on the team and we look forward to working with her in the future. At the January Board meeting we officially voted to make the Lakelands Lionfish swim team an HOA committee. They are now organizing themselves into a committee and establishing relationships with the facilities and budget committees to ensure a smooth operation. We look forward to a successful swim season and a great relationship with our many swim team families. We have also created a Live Work committee to represent the Live Work owners to the HOA. They are an important part of our community and we look forward to supporting their interests as they develop their businesses and create a vibrant Main Street and Market Street West. In February the Board voted to create a Covenants Committee. As mentioned in the March Leader, the primary purpose of this committee is to: "Make reasonable efforts to resolve conflicts relating to the Governing Documents between and among Owners on an informal and amicable basis. It can also investigate allegations of violations of the Governing Documents, issue cease and desist orders regarding alleged violations, impose fines, and even interpret the Governing Documents." We've had a few people volunteer to join this committee. We hope to select at least three people very soon. Our committees have been very active. Some of the highlights include: • The Social Committee has hosted 6 events thus far this year (3 happy hours and 3 family nights). In addition they have scheduled a Las Vegas Night party for April 16. The Social Committee has made a significant effort in planning the Las Vegas Night. If it's like all of their other events, it will be a fantastic party. • The Community Relations Committee has arranged to have Sgt. White, our new community service police officer, visit the community and answer our security related questions. In addition the CRC is working on the details for a fire safety event for the children this month. The CRC is also discussing strategies for resolv- ing the speeding issues in some of our alleyways. This is a critical issue that affects the safety of our children and we need to find a resolution. • The Environmental and Beautification Committee continues to implement the landscape plans that were developed last year. At the last board meeting we approved the expenditure to implement the landscape enhancements for the Chestnut Hill Park and the Chestnut Hill Tot Lot. If you live in this area you should see the improved landscaping some time this spring. • The Communications Committee created a new Terms of Service Agreement for the Lakelands website. You can find this document on our website within the 'Documents' folder. The Terms of Service are meant to clarify the rules for using the community website and the message board. • The Design Review Committee completed its review of the Community Standards Guideline and released it in January. You can find the new Lakelands Community and Standards Guideline in the Documents folder on the Lakelands website. The board also asked the DRC to expand from 5 to 7 members. The DRC has a very important role in our community and the more people that are involved the better. • The Budget and Finance Committee has been helping the board to ensure that we keep our spending within budget. Unfortunately last year the community overspent its budget by more than $50,000. In addition to helping us maintain fiscal discipline the Budget and Finance Committee is beginning to develop next years budget. • The Facilities Committee has rewritten the clubhouse rental agreement. The Lakelands Leader is the monthly, published means of communicating information of itnerest to Lakelands residents. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service. Articles and letters submitted for publication must be signed and may be edited for length and content. CMI and the LCA do not endorse the products or services advertised herein, nor are they responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The Leader is published by the Association, which is responsible for form, content and policies. LAYOUT & DESIGN Cristina Strigel 703-777-7676 PRINTING Silver Communications www.silver-com.com 4 The Lakelands Leader April 2005 They have also extended the weekend hours of the exercise room. Finally, the Board has focused on what I call boundary issues. These are issues that affect our community; however they are outside the Board's jurisdiction. With boundary issues, we may alert city officials about residents' concerns or facilitate the sharing of information to help Lakelands residents stay informed about issues for which they are stakeholders. One boundary issue we recently worked on was on behalf of the Lakelands homeowners living on Market Street East, who are very concerned about trash management for the LAK KELAND DS IN BRIEF Continued from page 3 Are You New to Lakelands? Building a Deck or Fence? The spring and summer seasons are prime time for the installation of fences, decks and other landscaping improvements to homes. The Lakelands Design Review Committee (DRC) reminds homeowners a Design Review Application MUST be submitted PRIOR to any modifications to the exterior of your home. Applications are rviewed by the DRC the first Monday of every month. The Lakelands on-site management office must receive applications by the 25thof each month. Applicants will be notified in writing regarding their change requests. To eliminate the possibility of a delay, it is helpful to include designs, sketches, photographs, color samples, etc. This will help the committee gain a better picture of the changes you intend to make to your home. Applications are available for downloading on www.lakelands.org or at the on-site management office. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Community Manager Debbie Durham at 240-631-8338. April 2005 Welcome! Please take a moment to stop by the Lakelands clubhouse on Main Street to pick up your copy of the Lakelands Leader, phone directory, Clubhouse access card, and any additional information you may need to help you easily transition to your new home in Lakelands. Just a quick FYI: trash is removed on Monday and Thursday, and recycling is collected on Thursday. To obtain a recycling bin, please contact the City of Gaithersburg at 301-2586370. For more information about life in Lakelands, please contact the on-site management team at 240-631-8338. new office building. Based on a recommendation from the Community Relations Committee the Board has asked the City of Gaithersburg to hire a consultant to study the trash issue and to recommend a solution, which satisfies both our residents and the office-building owners. Another boundary issue is the proposed development of the GE Property adjacent to Still Creek Lane. For this issue we invited a representative from Avalon Bay, to our Clubhouse to present their development proposal. The representative from Avalon Bay did an excellent job presenting his vision for the property and answering homeowners' questions. At our last Board meeting, the Shaare Torah congregation presented their plans for building their synagogue. In the future, we may try to arrange a meeting with the new middle school principal so that the community can welcome him to the neighborhood and hear his plans for the school. It has been a busy few months, however, it's also been a lot of fun. If you have thoughts or comments on what we've done or not done please send us an email at [email protected] or call the on-site management office. We look forward to your feedback. L Lakelands Las Vegas Night Saturday, April 16, 2005 6:30 to 11:00 p.m. Register now! Covenants Committee Needs You The newly formed Lakelands Covenants Committee is eagerly awaiting volunteers to serve. Just three volunteers are needed to establish the committee. If you are interested in serving, please email the LCA Board at [email protected] or call the on-site management office at 240-631-8338 to learn more. April Lakelands Board Meeting The Lakelands Community Association Board of Directors will conduct their monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m. Meetings will take place on the 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. We hope to see you there! The Lakelands Leader 5 news&events Wednesday Wizardry Returns For Spring Season The magicians from Wednesday Wizardry are conjuring up performances 6 The Lakelands Leader for the spring season at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn. The talented and entertaining trio of Alain Nu, Mark Phillips, and Bob Sheets will be performing Wednesday nights throughout the spring, on April 6, 13 and 27, and May 4, 18, and 25, 2005, at 8 p.m. at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn, 311 Kent Square Road. Additionally, the magicians will offer two special weekend performances on Friday and Saturday, April 22 and 23. From winning prestigious magic awards to appearing at venues around the world, Sheets, Phillips, and Nu are recognized by their peers and the public as some of the best and most entertaining magical artists of today. In addition to Sheets, Phillips, and Nu, other top magicians will make guest appearances each show. Join the City for 90 minutes of breathtaking illusions and magic! With a different show each time, these magicians will always leave you wondering what's up their sleeve next! Performances are recommended for audiences ages 10 to adult. Tickets are $15 for residents and $18 for nonresidents for Wednesday performances, and $18 for residents and $21 for nonresidents for the weekend shows. For information and tickets please call 301-258-6394. Tickets can also be purchased online at www.gaithersburgmd.gov/RecXpress. "Shop 'til You Drop" To benefit The Shady Grove N.I.C.U University of Maryland, Shady Grove 9630 Gudelsky Drive Shady Grove Center Building #2 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 6-9 9:30 pm Mark your calendars for the Spring Fling Shop 'Til You Drop! This is a perfect April 2005 opportunity to support Shady Grove Adventist Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and have a great night out at the same time. Featuring stationary, jewelry, children's clothing, handmade gifts, baby accessories, skin and body care, hair accessories, artwork, hand painted crafts, and so much more! We are pleased to showcase the following vendors: Sunny Days Crafts & Gifts, I Dabble, Michelle's Creations, Personalized 4 You Gifts, SunnyDyes.com, Blue Elephants, Knitwits, This & That, Threads, Mary Kay, Be Charmed, Baubles & Blankets, Potomac Soap Co., Tastefully Simple, So Fun Frames and Dreampearl Toothfairy Bracelets, Just For Fun Handbags, City Lights Jewelry, The Write Occasion, Femme Joli, Discovery Toys, Pampered Chef, Special Touches, Cutest Things, Creative Memories, and many more. There will be raffle baskets, with 100% of the money raised from the raffle ticket sales donated to the NICU at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital. Raffle tickets will be available at the show and winners do not have to be present to win! The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital has one of the most highly trained and experienced teams in the region. Neonatologists, medical specialists specially trained to care for infants, are in the hospital around the clock ready to assist with premature and problematic births. Money raised at the event will benefit the hundreds of babies that are treated in the NICU each year. Please come out and support your local hospital. For more information, send an email to [email protected]. Bark in the Park Returns Reward the loyalty and devotion of your favorite four-legged friends by bringing them to the City of Gaithersburg's Annual Bark in the Park celebration. Join us on Saturday, April 23, 2005, from noon to 3 p.m. at Bohrer Park, Summit Hall Farm, 506 South Frederick Avenue, for what promises to be a day of fun and frivolity. The entire afternoon is devoted to our canine citizenry and their owners. Your dogs can strut their stuff in the "Dog Gone It Parade" or show off their hunting prowess in the "No Bones About It" bone hunt. A dog trainer will be on hand to teach old dogs new tricks and vice versa. There will also be a dog obstacle course, a photo booth, and plenty of useful information from a variety of vendors. Tickets are required for entry to this special event and will be on sale at the Activity Center at Bohrer Park, Summit Hall Farm, 506 South Frederick Avenue. Tickets are $5 for dogs who are City residents and $8 for dogs who reside elsewhere. The day of the event, tickets will cost every dog $8. For more information, call Dianne Coup at 301-258-6350 or email her at [email protected]. It's called Stroller Strides, and it gives moms a chance to regain their pre-pregnancy figure while meeting other new moms and getting to be with their baby! Stroller Strides is a Power Walking and body toning class that you do with your baby in the stroller. You have to see it to believe it as the women stroll their way to fitness! Throughout the class, the instructor makes stops for "body toning stations", where you will sculpt and strengthen using exercise tubes and/or the stroller. Stroller Strides is excited to announce the Grand Opening of Stroller Strides at Lakelands in Gaithersburg. The Grand Opening Class is on April 13, 2005 at 9:30 a.m. This class is FREE for all and will be followed by refreshments and great raffle prizes. This class will normally be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. If you are interested in finding out more about Stroller Strides or any of its events, please email Lisa Echeandia at [email protected] or visit the website at www.strollerstrides.com. Welcome Coffee - April 8, 2005 The Gaithersburg Area Newcomers Club will hold a Welcome Coffee for prospective new members on Friday, April 8, 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in a private home in the Gaithersburg area. For information and directions; call 301 5285139 or 301 924-3737. The Gaithersburg Area Newcomers Club is a non-profit social organization established to promote friendship and help new residents become familiar with the community. It offers a variety of interest groups and monthly socials. L Stroller Strides Is Coming To Gaithersburg Does it seem like there's a baby boom in Gaithersburg? Everywhere you look, you see moms and babies. One thing all new moms have in common is the desire to get back in shape. A new program in Gaithersburg is helping moms do just that. Why P ay 6 % C ommission . .. ...when commissions are not set by law? Spicer Real Estate offers sellers more options and more cash at closing! Listing Fee $495 • Settlement Fee as Low as $1995 Our a-la-carte fee schedule allows us to customize our services to your needs - SAVING YOU MONEY! Call MARILYN APOLITO on 240-498-4304 or visit www.SpicerRealEstate.com for more information today! S PICER REAL ESTATE 1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852 • 301-622-2222 April 2005 The Lakelands Leader 7 assignmenteducation The R achel C arson R eport 2005—06 Kindergarten Orientation Annual Silent Auction Scheduled for Rachel Carson Elementary Rachel Carson Elementary School will be holding a Beach Party Art Auction and Silent Auction on Friday, April 22 at the University of Maryland Shady Grove Campus. This year, we have teamed up with Ross Galleries to help us with the event. Ross Galleries is the industry leader in fundraising art auctions. Ross Galleries will furnish us with quality art with distinctive frames and mattes. As always, we will also have a variety of silent auction items waiting to be purchased at great prices.This year the proceeds will go toward new playground equipment for the school. Tickets are $35 person and include a buffet dinner. For tickets and additional information, call 240-246-0388. Date Announced for the Third Annual Variety Show This year's Variety Show will be held at the Quince Orchard High School auditorium on Friday, May 6 at 7:00 p.m. A contest is being held at the school to select a theme for the show. 10% off next visit. Limit one per family. Expires August 31, 2005. If you have a child who will turn five years old by September 30, 2005, please call Barbara Feeter, Rachel Carson attendance secretary, at 301-840-5333 to register your child for kindergarten orientation (April 28 or 29). If you have a neighbor with a child who will be five years old by September 30, please ask him/her to call Mrs. Feeter to register his/her child for our kindergarten orientation. It is extremely important to have an accurate count of anticipated kindergarten students for next year. Hot J azz a t Q uince O rchard High S chool Jazz Cabaret To Feature Talented Musicians By Sue Vest The Quince Orchard High School Jazz Ensemble presents a Jazz Cabaret, an evening of music to soothe your tax paying blues. Outstanding young jazz musicians will perform the works of Ellington, Gillespie, Gershwin, Basie, and others on Friday, April 15 from 8 to 10 pm. The high school cafeteria will be transformed into a cabaret with all the atmosphere of a sophisticated nightclub, minus the alcohol and smoking. Dancing will not only be allowed, it will be encouraged! This event is a fundraiser for the jazz ensemble. In order to continue the high standards of musical performance and learning at the high school, funds are needed to increase the operating budget for the school's jazz program. Specific needs include a new drum set, bass and guitar amps, and purchasing music for the jazz program. Supporters of the jazz ensemble also want to showcase these talented musicians and share their award winning music program with the community. The jazz ensemble enjoys a long tradition of excellent performances; receiving a superior rating at the MCPS Jazz Festival. This talented group of 25 students includes many accomplished musicians. This year's accolades include three students named to the MCPS Honors Jazz Ensemble-Alex Poetzschke, Omeed Nabavian, and Andrew Burton. Bassist Andrew Burton was selected for the Maryland All-State Jazz Ensemble. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity. Tickets are $5.00 in advance or $6.00 at the door. Children age 5 and under are free. Tables may be reserved by purchasing a group of 6 tickets. Refreshments will be available for purchase. For additional information or to purchase tickets contact Phillip Proctor at [email protected], or call the band office at 301-840-4591. L That is why we are serious about your taxes. Taxes are not fun and games. Nobody likes to pay them. We know it. For 25 years, we have been helping our neighbors make tax time a little easier, by providing professional, straight forward, comprehensive tax preparation, planning and advice. From allowable deductions to increasingly complex IRAs, we stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes. We focus on saving you time and money. That way you can spend your weekend with a racquet instead of a calculator. Find out how we can help. Give us a call today or visit our website, www.saidmanfinancial.com. Saidman Financial Services Taxes and Financial Planning 839C Quince Orchard Blvd. Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1614 301-840-9101 8 The Lakelands Leader April 2005 Swim Team Registration Scheduled for April 24 at the Community Clubhouse SWIIM TEAM M Continued from page 1 sportsmanship and teamwork, and fosters an appreciation of the relationship between effort and success. The Lakelands Lionfish Swim Team is a member of the Montgomery County Swim League (MCSL). The MCSL sponsors competitive swimming among the pools and neighborhoods in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is important to note that all skill levels are welcome! The youngest members of last year's pre-team were 4 years old. The 2005 schedule will include pre-team meets as well as kickboard races at the regular weekly meets. And most children who began last season on the pre-team and attended practice on a daily basis were able to swim in the regular weekly meets toward the end of the season. Lakelands C ommunity Y ard S ale R eminder By Lori Wakefield The Lakelands Community Spring Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, May 21 from 8a.m.-12p.m. A rain date has been scheduled for Sunday, May 22. There is no charge or RSVP required. Every resident is welcome to participate. The yard sale will be held at Four Corners Park on Lakelands Drive. Residents are welcome to put out their own signs/balloons directing people to their homes for sales as well. If you have any questions, please call Lori Wakefield 301-926-7577. We hope to see you then. In addition to swimming, team members and their families have the opportunity to participate in a number of fun social activities for all ages including weekly pep rallies and dress-up themes at swim meets, raft night, miniature golf, and a spaghetti dinner, to name a few. Summer swim team provides swimmers and families the opportunity to make new friends and create wonderful lifetime memories. Registration for the 2005 season will remain the same as last year: At registration on April 24 the cost is $150 per child with a family cap of $425. After April 24 the cost is $165 per child with a family cap of $475. If you would like further information about the swim team you can call Sandy Krems at 301-990-7682 or e-mail at [email protected]. L Las V egas N ight i s A pril 1 6 LASS VEGASS NIGH HT Continued from page 1 along with a Las Vegas dinner buffet line and drinks. The evening's entertainment will include the Chairman of the Board (aka Old Blue Eyes), "Frank Sinatra" singing songs like only he can. The King himself, "Elvis" will be officiating over nuptials for any lovers who wish to tie the knot in a traditional quickie wedding… Vegas Style! You won't want to miss it. Prizes will be awarded to the luckiest players of the evening! Cost for this event is $15 per person in advance, $20 at the door, adults only please. Dinner, drinks, entertainment, a wedding and gambling too! Where else can you eat, drink, and generally party, and gamble for $15 per person? Please RSVP with payment to the Clubhouse by April 13 or pay $20 at the door. Friends are also welcome to attend. For questions or more information, please contact the Lakelands Social Committee at [email protected]. L April 2005 The Lakelands Leader 9 LAKELANDS LIONFISH SWIM TEAM 2005 Practice Schedule May 31 (Tuesday) Evaluation Day, 4:30 p.m. Competition Pool Deck All swimmers report to pool deck in swimsuits to be evaluated by coaches for placement in practice groups. June 1 - June 17 Monday through Friday: 4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.-5:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m.-7:00 p.m. June 20 - July 22 Pre-Team 10 and under 11 and over Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Pre-Team 4:30 p.m.-5:45 p.m. 10 and under 5:45 p.m.-7:00 p.m. 11 and over June 11, 2005 (Saturday) June 18, 2005 (Saturday) July 9, 2005 (Saturday) "A" meet home v. Plantations Lakelands Warm Up - 8:00 a.m. Meet Start - 9:00 a.m. July 13, 2005 (Wednesday) "A" meet at home v. Washingtonian Woods Lakelands Warm Up - 8:00 a.m. Meet Start - 9:00 a.m. "B" meet away v. Wildwood Lakelands Warm Up - 5:30 p.m. Meet Start - 6:00 p.m. June 22, 2005 (Wednesday) "A" meet away v. Glenmont Lakelands Warm Up - 8:30 a.m. Meet Start - 9:00 .m. June 25, 2005 (Saturday) "B" meet home v. Damascus Lakelands WarmUp - 5:00 p.m. Meet Start - 6:00 p.m. RELAY CARNIVAL WINDOW Divisional Championship Meet Location and Time TBA June 29, 2005 (Wednesday) MCSL All Star Relays "B" meet at home v. Rockville Lakelands Warm Up - 5:00 p.m. Meet Start - 6:00 p.m. "A" meet away v. Norbeck Grove Lakelands Warm Up - 8:30 a.m. Meet Start - 9:00 a.m. June 26 - July 10, 2005 Location and Time TBA "B" meet at home v. Clopper Mill Lakelands Warm Up - 5:00 p.m. Meet Start - 6:00 p.m. July 16, 2005 (Saturday) July 20, 2005 (Wednesday) July 23, 2005 (Saturday) July 30, 2005 (Saturday) July 31, 2005 (Sunday) MCSL All Star Individuals July 2, 2005 (Saturday) In addition to the aforementioned "A" and "B" meets, Lakelands will once again be participating in the Annual Darnestown Demon Derby Mini Meet. Date and time TBA. July 6, 2005 (Wednesday) Lakelands will also be hosting a PreTeam Follies "meet" near the end of the swim season. "A" meet away v. Eldwick Lakelands Warm Up - 8:30 a.m. Meet Start - 9:00 a.m. "B" meet away v. Washingtonian Woods Lakelands Warm Up - 5:30 p.m. Meet Start - 6:00 p.m. The Lakelands Leader 11 and over 10 and under Pre-Team LAKELANDS LIONFISH SWIM TEAM 2005 Meet Schedule Time Trials, Lakelands Competition Pool WarmUps - 8:00 a.m. Time Trials Start - 9: a.m. 10 Wednesday (June 22- July 20): 8:30 a.m.-9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m.-11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. April 2005 Compiled by Jeff Escher/Long & Foster Realtors FOR SALE Address 441 Clayhall Street 48 Golden Ash Way 164 Golden Ash Way 433 Lakelands Drive 905 Rockborn Street Housing Type Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Single Family Single Family Model Fairgate Vintage Vintage Chesterfield Dartmouth Builder Ryan Homes Miller & Smith Miller & Smith NV Homes NV Homes List Price $599,900 $539,900 $549,000 $924,924 $975,000 UNDER CONTRACT Address 309A Cross Green Street 430 Danbridge Street 646 Gatestone Street 720 Gatestone Street 814 Gatestone Street 50 Golden Ash Way 505 Helene Street 410 Lakelands Drive 605 Linslade Street 801 Linslade Street 656A Main Street Housing Type Condo-Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Single Family Single Family Townhouse Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Single Family Condo-Townhouse Model Georgetown Bartholomew Builder Ryland NV Homes Bartholomew Vintage Ryan Homes NV Homes Miller & Smith Bartholomew Georgetown Michener Georgetown NV Homes Miller & Smith Ryan Homes Ryland List Price $400,000 $854,900 $599,000 $799,999 $879,000 $518,000 $569,900 $889,900 $598,500 $869,000 $380,000 SOLD Address 613 Chestnut Hill Mews 352 Chestnut Hill Street 30 Golden Ash Way 102 Golden Ash Way 489 Lynette Street 645A Main Street 728 Market Street East Housing Type Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Condo-Townhouse Townhouse Model Fairgate Georgetown Vintage Vintage Builder Ryan Homes Miller & Smith Miller & Smith Miller & Smith NV Homes Ryland Georgetown Sold Price $520,000 $600,000 $504,900 $515,000 $549,900 $380,000 $572,900 Upcoming Events Produced by the Lakelands Social Committee April 2005 • Family Night, Saturday, April 9th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Family Fitness Night. Children and parents will rotate stations learning about physical fitness, the food pyramid and healthy snacking, while competing against the clock, each other, and their parents to win prizes. Sponsored in part by Montgomery College. • Bridge! Like to play Bridge? Come join the gang every Tuesday at 7:30 PM in the Red Room. From beginner to expert, all are welcome! • Las Vegas Night, Saturday, April 16th from 6:30 - 11:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Listings as of 03/16/05 The information above was obtained from MRIS. Information is believed to be accurate, but should not be relied upon without verification. These were not listing/sold exclusively by Jeff Escher/Long & Foster Real Estate. Coming Attractions! lakelandslistings Our first big party of the year! The Lakelands Social Committee turns the Clubhouse into a Las Vegas casino. We'll have all the major casino tables in action along with a Las Vegas buffet line, drinks and entertainment, including the Chairman of the Board, "Frank Sinatra" singing songs like only he can. The King himself, "Elvis" will also be officiating over nuptials for any lovers that want to tie the knot in a traditional quickie wedding… Vegas Style! Prizes will be awarded to the luckiest players of the evening! Cost for this event is $15 per person in advance, $20 at the door. Please RSVP with your payment to Sandra at the Clubhouse by April 13th. We hope to see you there! Sponsored by... • April 2005 Since we're having Las Vegas Night, there will be no Happy Hour this month. The Lakelands Leader 11 entrees include chicken, beef, vegetarian and lamb kabobs and shawarma, as well as salmon, tilapia, house T-bone steak, lamb chops, and herb chicken breast. Rounding out the selection is a variety of soups, salads, desserts, and a children's menu. Mediterranean Grill is open Monday through Thursday, 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 11:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m., and Sunday, noon-8:00 p.m. Reservations are accepted, and can be made by calling 301-963-3773. Uniforms b y J essa Debuts i n t he S quare J By Andrea Escher Mayor/Council O .K. N ew Market S quare E ateries By Richard L. Arkin G aithersburg's Mayor and Council have approved an application by the Beatty Companies to add two restaurants to a long-vacant building on Market Square. In a resolution passed March 7, the Mayor and Council approved conversion of the 6,000 square foot retail commercial building at 653 Center Point Way to restaurant use. The building is across Center Point Way from Last Mango and the Mediterranean Grill, and across Market Street East from the Kentlands Stadium 8 Cinema and Cafe and Kentlands Flowers and Bows. Beatty spokesmen have said that the building will be divided into two spaces, one to be occupied by a Five Guys hamburger restaurant and the other by a Thai cafe. A parking waiver of 37 spaces was included in the approval. Stamper H ealth a nd W ellness Welcomed S tamper Health and Wellness has debuted at 208 Main Street in Kentlands, and offers rehabilitation, post-rehabilitation, and preventive health services for musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and neurological systems. Owner Gwen Stamper says her mission is to provide the highest quality of professional services in a trusted environment by experienced professionals. "Our programs include treatment of individuals in need of restoration and maintenance after surgery, accidents/trauma, disease or illness, and degenerative disorders," says Stamper. In addition the facility aids in the prevention for health and wellness for children's health, geriatric issues, fall prevention, osteoporosis prevention, and medical yoga classes. Stamper says to watch for future classes in fitness, weight reduction, and nutrition; they also have a network with local massage therapists and nutrition experts. Residents of all ages including infants and pediatric patients are welcome. Most insurance plans are accepted; payment plans can be arranged. Call (301) 963-3639 for an appointment. Mediterranean G rill Now O pen M editerranean Grill has opened at 644 Center Point Way, in the former Tabouleh location. This is the second restaurant for owner Abe Mansour, who also operates a Mediterranean Grill in Frederick. The restaurant features a full bar and a dining room elegantly decorated with white tablecloths and cloth napkins. Mansour says they offer Mediterranean cuisine from Lebanon, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, Morocco, and Turkey. Menu selections include both hot and cold appetizers such as falafel, sambousek, hummus, and stuffed grape leaves. Main essa Medical Supply in Market Square has expanded their store into the site next door, formerly occupied by Oreck. The expanded site now occupies 2,100 square feet and offers a full line of medical uniforms including a wide variety of scrubs in many different prints, colors, and fabrics. Uniforms by Jessa, offers specialized uniforms for pediatrics, dentistry, and more. "We even have SpongeBob," said Aliyev. The medical uniforms available from manufacturers Laudau, Crest, and Dickies also include lab coats, warm-up jackets, and more. Custom embroidery is available on all clothing items. Also available in the expanded site are Nursemates shoes, such as the popular clogs worn by many medical professionals. Jessa also carries a full line of medical accessories such as stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, masks, nurses' bags, medical scissors, socks and stockings. No S moking a t t he Mango J ust a reminder, the Last Mango in Market Square is now officially smoke free! Effective at the end of March, the restaurant was required to conform to the City and County code and become a 100% smoke free establishment. Smoking will be permitted outside the restaurant on the sidewalk area. Avon W alk f or B reast C ancer T he annual Washington, D.C. event has been scheduled for April 30-May 1, 2005, and registration is going on now. Its one weekend for a world of good! The sooner you register the better. Momentum is everything. Now's your chance to show commitment to fighting breast cancer in the most powerful way you can. Nearly all of us have been confronted by this disease, directly or indirectly, as our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends have been diagnosed with or lost to breast cancer. This disease continues to seriously impact our lives, but the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer provides a loud and clear declaration that we will not let breast cancer win! The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer has been designed to allow people of all fitness levels to have a safe, challenging, and rewarding experience. Log on today to register at www.avonwalk.org. Red D oor S pa in K entlands T he Lakelands Leader has confirmed the popular Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa will be coming to Kentlands this September. The new spa will be located in newly constructed Kentlands Place adjacent to the Kentlands Square Shopping Center. The Red Door Spa will feature the exclusive Elizabeth Arden product line and will offer a variety of spa treatments including facials, manicures/pedicures, massages, hair and more. The Red Door Spa will be the first in this area, with two other locations in Bethesda and Chevy Chase. No official grand opening has been announced, however, the Spa is in the process of hiring spa staff and managers. So stay tuned! Shamrockin’ Good Times at the Happy Hour Zena Huen and Peggy Quinn arrived to sample all the St. Patrick's Day fun. By Andrea Escher he monthly happy hour took on a festive theme last month as Lakelanders gathered on Thursday, March 17 in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. With festive decorations, an assortment of beverages (including green beer!), and a table full of delicious appetizers courtesy of O'Donnell's restaurant, residents had a blast enjoying the holiday. We would like to thank everyone who attended the happy hour and hope to see you at the next big event, Las Vegas night! L 12 The Lakelands Leader T This Lakelands couple couldn't resist a taste o' the green beer. Special thanks to O'Donnell's, our St. Patrick's Day happy hour sponsor. Photos Courtesy:Jim Wakefield April 2005 who’snews HAPPY B IRTHDAY! H appy birthday wishes to Katie, Annie and Ella Coulson of Gatestone Street. Katie will celebrate her 7th birthday on April 9th, Annie will celebrate her 4th birthday on April 17th and little sister Ella has already celebrated her 2nd birthday on March 26th. We wish the girls a fantastic birthday, and hope you get lots of great presents and toys! It’s a Girl! C ongratulations to Michael & Meredith Weisel of Market Street East upon the birth of their first child, baby girl Alexandra Jordan Weisel. Alexandra made her debut on March 4th at 7:21 p.m. weighing 7lbs, 13 oz and 19 ½ inches long. We congratulate Michael & Meredith and welcome baby Alexandra to Lakelands. A big hurray for Anika Hatley of Main Street who celebrates her 1st birthday on April 22nd. Mom and dad say she is growing so fast, and has already turned into a clever little girl chasing her dog Tascha all over the house and keeping her nanny Ana Paula busy every day. We hope you have a wonderful 1st birthday. H appy belated birthday to Austin O'Connor of Featherstone Street. Austin celebrated his 10th birthday on March 11th. We hope you had a great party. H appy belated birthday wishes to Nathaniel Trujillo of Featherstone Street. Nathaniel celebrated his 2nd birthday on March 7th. We hope you had a super birthday and ate lots of cake and ice cream. H appy belated birthday to Peyton O'Connor of Featherstone Street. Peyton was busy celebrating her 8th birthday on March 22nd. We hope you have a fabulous time. H appy 3rd birthday wishes to Carter France of Lake Varuna Mews. Carter celebrated his big day on March 23rd with family and friends, and a special party. We hope you had a terrific time. C ongratulations to Christopher and Sabrina Frey of Lynette Street upon the birth of their second child, baby girl Catalina Frey. Catalina was welcomed into the word on January 14th weighing 7 lbs, 8 oz and 20 ¼ inches long. Big brother Christopher loves his new baby sister and loves to give her hugs and kisses. Congratulations to Christopher and Sabrina on your new arrival and welcome to Lakelands Catalina. present coupon to receive offer offer valid through May 1, 2005 April 2005 The Lakelands Leader 13 Empty Nesters Events By Andrea Escher T N U R S E RY Game Night Sunday, April 10 6:30 p.m. 301-990-6689 TOP SOIL • MULCH • LEAFGRO FULLY STOCKED NURSERY Red Room at the Lakelands Clubhouse Please bring your favorite game, and a snack, dessert or wine to share. Beverages will be provided sod • straw • seed • fertilizers • annuals • perennials pavers • slate • stone • ornamental grasses Trees, shrubs & ornamentals arriving daily Open 7 Days he Lakelands Empty Nesters Club has been busy planning for some exciting upcoming events. Mark your calendars, as you won't want to miss out on the fun! Delivery available on all items 8135 SNOUFFER SCHOOL ROAD, GAITHERSBURG Broadway's Tony Award®winning musical-comedy phenomenon takes you back to 1962 Baltimore, as 16-year-old Tracy Turnblad sets out to dance her way onto TV's most popular show. Can a big girl with big dreams-and even bigger hair!-change the world and still have time to win the boy she loves? This mega-hit is piled bouffant-high with laughter, romance, and enough deliriously tuneful new songs to fill a nonstop platter party. It's the winner of eight 2003 Tony Awards®, including Best Musical. As the New York Times says, "If life were everything it should be, it would be more like Hairspray. It's irresistible!" A group discount for tickets to Hairspray was able to be purchased along with seats in Center Orchestra rows 4 & 5. A minimum of 20 Empty Nesters are needed to attend. Interested Empty Nesters should contact Leslie Weightman at [email protected] or call 301-258-1058 to purchase tickets. Checks should be made payable to Leslie Weightman in the amount of $77.21 per ticket. They can be delivered to the Lakelands Clubhouse or 702 Turtle Pond Lane. Please call Leslie before you bring the checks to her home or if you have any questions. Checks should be post dated for May 20, 2005. Although the checks will be held until May 20, tickets will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis. Stay tuned for more upcoming Empty Nester events! Watch the monthly flyer and the Lakelands Leader for more details. L Hairspray Sunday, August 14 7:30 p.m. The Kennedy Center Become an Egg Donor Give Anonymously Egg donors hold the key to completing a couples long journey to have a child of their own. For a variety of medical reasons some women are unable to conceive using their own eggs. Their only option for conception is egg donation. These women are everyday women like your sister or your friend, whose only goal is to have a baby of their own to love for a lifetime. As an a egg donor, you’ll gain reward and personal satisfaction knowing your generous contribution will have a profound effect in the life of another woman and her partner. Excellent Financial Compensation Ask About Our Referral Reward Program If you are between the ages of 21-33 with a healthy lifestyle and would like to know more about egg donation please call: 1.888.529.6382 SHADY GROVE FERTILITY Apply Online: www.shadygrovefertility.com 14 The Lakelands Leader R E P R O D U C T I V E S C I E N C E C E N T E R April 2005 You’re Invited to “A Sweet Taste of Kentlands” By Sabine Ryder C an't wait till spring? Neither can the Kentlands Garden Club (KGC). The KGC will nudge the season along with its second annual "A Sweet Taste of Kentlands". The event will take place on Thursday, April 7 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Kentlands Mansion. In lieu of a monthly meeting, the KGC will again host this unique event where members and non-members alike can enjoy a dessert reception, wine tasting, and silent auction at the beautiful mansion in the heart of the community. Like the enjoyable and successful debut last year, the "Sweet Taste" will feature a dazzling array of sweet treats generously provided by many fine restaurants and shops in the area. Along with a variety of wines for you to sample, there will also be coffee and soft drinks. The Silent Auction will offer a number of items or services, not necessarily garden-related. The items were donated by local businesses, with additional items contributed by KGC members and friends. As last year's attendees discovered, the quantity, quality, and variety of biddables make for an intriguing evening of friendly competitive shopping to complement the munching, sipping, mingling, and chatting. The cost for the evening is $5.00 for members and $7.00 for non-members. Tickets should be purchased by contacting either Joanne Shields at [email protected] or 301-977-3554 or JoAnn Stengel at [email protected] or 301-869-2091. Membership in the Kentlands Garden Club is open to all. Information about the Club and upcoming meetings and events is available on the Club's website at www.kentlandsgardenclub.org. L Volunteers N eeded f or L akelands Clean U p D ay T he Lakelands Environmental & Beautification Committee will celebrate Environmental Awareness Week with a clean up day in Lakelands on Saturday, April 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There will be a clean up at the Stonemason Woods (adjacent to the tot lot) as well as the wooded island at Still Creek Lane. In addition, the committee would love extra volunteers to help clean up the wooded slope along Lake Varuna. The city of Gaithersburg will be providing volunteers with gloves, pickup sticks, and trash bags. We encourage volunteers to dress appropriately with long sleeves and pants as well as comfortable tennis or hiking shoes. Interested residents should meet at the Stonemason tot lot at 9:00 a.m. If you would like to volunteer or have further questions, please contact Beverly Frey at 301-330-6197. L Looking for Family Footcare? We’re now in your neighborhood! Montgomery Foot and Ankle Associates, LLC Adam K. Spector, DPM Herman R. Zarate, DPM Sharon T. Siebold, DPM Specialists in the Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Foot and Ankle SILVER SPRING NORTH POTOMAC WHEATON 1111 Spring Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: 301-589-8886 11906-G Darnestown Road N. Potomac, MD 20878 Phone: 301-987-7450 3909 Ferrara Drive Wheaton, MD 20906 Phone: 301-949-8833 Watza Network? Personalized, In-Home Computer Help • PC Hardware & Software Repair and Upgrades • Virus and Spyware Removal • Wireless & Wired Network Expertise • Router/Firewall/Broadband Setup • Home of the WATZA Private Label Never-Fail Router • Even Laser & Ink Jet Printer Repairs! Bob Mann 10+ Years Experience Free Initial Consultation ~ Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed! Serving the Kentlands and Lakelands Communities Call 301-495-3390 email: [email protected] web: www.watzanetwork.com Watzanetwork? is a service of WATZA, LLC. April 2005 The Lakelands Leader 15 IN-HOME COMPUTER DOCTOR! Get the most from your home computers In-House Service (small business, too) • Install and Configure a Wireless Network • Software Upgrades and/or new installations • Router /Firewall/Broadband setup • Internet Security Check and Audit • Protect against viruses and spyware audit • Data Transfer or Backup • Software Service • Free Estimates ~ 15+ Years Experience Training Serving your Community Call Eric at 240-506-1237 [email protected] 16 The Lakelands Leader committeecorner Environmental and Beautification Update By Bev Frey, Committee Chairperson I f you have noticed some strange orange markings around the neighborhood, it is Potomac Gardens beginning the spring landscape improvement project at Main Street Commons, Kersten Street Tot Lot, and Chestnut Hill Commons. These areas will soon see new trees, hedges, perennial beds, and benches to sit upon and enjoy the new greenery. As the growing season begins, Potomac Garden will once again be the lawn maintenance company that keeps our community tidy. When planting flowerbeds or greenery in areas that are maintained by Potomac Gardens, please plan on a buffer zone of mulch to alleviate any damage that may be caused by the mowers or trimmers. If planting at the base of light posts, mailboxes, A/C units, foundations or fences, include a radius of mulch or edging to eliminate the possibility of damage to the plantings as mowing and edging is done. Damage occurs when there is no separation between the grass and plantings. Please expect normal wear and tear to the wooden picket fences that surround many homes in the community. It is impossible to trim a wooden fence without damaging the paint or wood. Consider plantings or a radius of mulch along the fence line. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Bev at bafpff@aol .com The Environmental Committee and property manager have recently met with Waste Management and city officials to discuss the trash and recycling pick up in Lakelands. As we all know, the mews in this community are very narrow, causing truck damage to the grass and traffic posts in the mews. According to the City of Gaithersburg, the original plan for this community was curbside pickup for trash and recycle, but was moved to the mews in response to residents' requests. The committee is evaluating recommendations made by the city, Waste Management and residents to find a solution to this problem. Suggestions include, expanding the turn radius of the asphalt in certain areas, installing pavers in problem areas, and returning to curb side pickup. A survey will soon be posted on the Lakelands website to poll the community about this issue. If you see a trash or recycle truck that causes damage to the posts or grass, please record the location, date, time and truck number and pass it along to the Lakelands Management Office at 240 631 8338. But, unfortunately, it is not just the trucks that are causing damage to the grassy areas in the mews. On rainy days, muddy tire tracks can be followed into homeowners' garages, and although many of the turns are narrow, slowing down in the mews would reduce the damage being done. Please be considerate of you neighbors' property as you drive in and out of the mew. Thanks to all the homeowners who share ideas and concerns with the Environmental Committee. Input from residents helps in the planning of longterm goals. The next meeting of the EBC is Wednesday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. Please join us. L Social Committee Update By Judy Mills T he March family movie night had little participation, but the parents and kids who joined us enjoyed a snack of popcorn, while settling in to watch the premiere of the just released hit, The SpongBob Squarepants Movie. There were lots of laughs and everyone seemed to have a fun time. We decided to get into the St. Patrick's Day swing of things and held our monthly Happy Hour on March 17. We had a terrific turnout again this year as many had a blast enjoying the appetizers, wine and green beer! A special thank you to O'Donnell's Seafood Restaurant for providing the appetizers. Mark your calendars for the April 9, Family Night. Montgomery College Professor Debra Guenther and her health and fitness students will sponsor Family Fitness Night. Children and parents will rotate stations learning about physical fitness, the food pyramid and healthy snacking. Children will compete against the clock, each other, and their parents to win fabulous prizes. Don't forget, this year's first big party is the Las Vegas Night to be held April 16. We're pulling out all the stops for this one, with regulation gaming tables, dinner buffet line, drinks, headliner entertainment, and Elvis will perform quickie marriages, and sing a number or two! The cost is $15 per person in advance, or $20 at the door, but it will definitely be worth it. We hope to see you there! We are still working on the upcoming Family Night for May and a whole list of other outstanding events to come this summer, so keep reading the Lakelands Leader for important updates. We hope to see you out and about at a Lakelands social event, and don't forget volunteers and sponsors are always appreciated! L April 2005 Celebrate Mother’s Day with Dining and Music at the Mansion C ombine a delectable meal with a musical tribute for an extra special treat that's sure to please every mom this Mother's Day. Back by popular demand, the City of Gaithersburg is hosting a Mother's Day Brunch, Sunday, May 8, 2005, at the Kentlands Mansion, 320 Kent Square Road. There will be two brunch seatings, one at 10:30 a.m. and one at 1 p.m. A dinner seating at 4 p.m. has also been added. Meals will be catered by Always A Sensation, accompanied by the melodic piano sounds of Ken Carpentier. Follow up the 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. brunches by attending "Let's Hear it for Mother Love," a special performance by Steve Little & Friends at the adjacent Arts Barn. The 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. concerts pay tribute to moms and their children in a festive celebration of Mother's Day. The cost for the 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. brunches is $20 for adults, $19 for senior citizens (55 and older), and $10 for children ages three to 10. The cost for dinner is Kentlands House and Garden Tour T he fourth Kentlands House and Garden Tour will take place on June 11, 2005, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Proceeds from this event, which is jointly sponsored by The Kentlands Community Foundation and Kentlands Garden Club, will support their community beautification and development activities and will also benefit Hospice Caring, Inc. of Montgomery County. The eight homes and gardens on the tour provide a representative sample of homes in the neighborhood, including single-family homes, a town home, a cottage, a condominium, as well as variety of garden styles. Visitors will have an opportunity to see beautifully designed and decorated homes that will appeal to lovers of both modern and historic styles. Exhibits and artist studios at the historic Gaithersburg Arts Barn will be open to the public during the event. In addition, a bus will be available at designated points within the Kentlands to transport visitors from one site to another. Several parking areas will also be designated. Tickets may be purchased in advance for $12 online at www.kentlands.org or at the following Kentlands locations: Caldwell Banker - Kentlands, England Custom Furniture Direct, Long & Foster - Kentlands, MainStreet Home and Garden, O'Donnell's Restaurant, Kentlands Clubhouse, and the Gaithersburg Arts Barn. The day of the tour, tickets will be available for $15 at the Kentlands Carriage House, the Kentlands Clubhouse, on the Tour Bus, or in the Lobby at 120 Chevy Chase Street. THE KENTLANDS HOUSE AND GARDEN TOUR NEEDS YOU! Volunteers are needed to serve as house sitters, ticket sellers, or traffic guides. If you can donate two hours on June 11 to support this important community event, or are willing to serve as a Team Leader, please contact Joanne Shields at 301-977-3544 or [email protected]. L April 2005 $25 for adults, $24 for seniors and $15 for children. Reservations are required, and seating is family style with groups of four, six, eight or 10 at a table. If you book as a group, you will be seated as a group. Smaller parties will be seated together. The Mansion does not have high chairs or booster seats. Concert-only tickets are $8 for City residents and $10 for nonresidents. A $1 per person discount will be offered to those dining at the Mansion. For brunch information and reservations please call 301-258-6425 or email [email protected]. For concert information please call 301-258-6394 or email [email protected]. L cook’scorner By Flora Kessler, M.S., R.D., L.D. Understanding Fish and Shellfish L ong ago, before the advent of refrigeration and quick transportation, fresh seafood and fish were limited to those who lived near a body of water. Today, due to modern refrigeration and freezing, fish products can be enjoyed year round all across the world. Fish cookery often is difficult to understand, because of the hundreds of species which have their own characteristics and cooking needs. Fish products are divided into two categories; fin fish (or fish with fins and internal skeletons) and shellfish (fish with external shells but no internal bone structure). Fin fish Composition: Finfish contain very little connective tissue, unlike meat, it cooks very quickly even at low heat. Fish is naturally very tender. Toughness is the result of proteins toughening over high heat. Moist heat cooking preserves the tenderness of the fish. Cooked fish must be handled very carefully or it will fall apart. Cooking and Doneness: When fish is cooked, the flesh breaks apart into natural separations, or "flaking". If the bone is still present, the flesh will separate from it easily and is no longer pink. The flesh turns from translucent to opaque. Cooking methods differ depending on whether a lean or fat fish is being prepared. Lean fish, such as flounder, cod, snapper, perch, and halibut, are naturally low in fat. Lean fish are generally more delicate, and more easily overcooked. Moist heat methods, such as poaching, work well, as do dry heat methods such as broiling, or baking with a basting of oil or butter. Lean fish also take well to frying or sautéing. Fat fish, such as salmon, tuna, and trout, have a higher fat content. Fat fish can tolerate more heat without drying out. Moist heat, such as poaching also works well. Dry heat such as broiling and baking are especially good, and it tones down some of the natural oiliness. Deep fat frying often adds excessive greasiness, but pan frying in small amounts of oil is fine. Purchasing and storage: Fish and shellfish are highly perishable. It is important to store them carefully and use them quickly. Fresh fish should taste and smell sweet and fresh. Fresh fish may be stored for 1-2 days, or frozen. Frozen fish should not have freezer burn. If ice glazed (a thin layer of ice to prevent drying) it should still have a See COOK’SS CORNER continued on page 19 The Lakelands Leader 17 daytripper By Genie Tillisch April Fun A fter the long hard winter, folks are getting out and about. Your neighbor that you haven't seen since late November has reappeared, and kids are playing again in the alleys and parks. Homeowners are examining the havoc that winter has played on their dwellings; painters are painting, gardeners enjoying their daffodils. You've decided that a nip in the spring air is not enough to keep you inside any longer. It's good that people are on the go again because April is so chock full of events and happenings, it's just not possible to settle on one daytrip. Instead, take a look at these offerings and see how many you can fit into your busy April calendar. Museums "The Enemy Within: Terror in America-1776 to Today" at the International Spy Museum (800 F St., NW; www.spymuseum.org) examines dramatic events from the colonial era through the present that fit the definition of terrorism and resulted in the development of counter-terrorism and institutions such as the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security. "Maiolica: Italian Renaissance Ceramics from the Corcoran Collection" at The Corcoran Gallery of Art (500 17th St., NW; www.corcoran.org) highlights plates, apothecary jars, inkwells, and other decorative objects made in 15th and 16th century Italy from the William A. Clark collection, one of the few major holdings of maiolica in this country. "Fauve Painting from the Permanent Collection" at the National Gallery of Art (National Mall between 3rd and 7th Sts. at Constitution Ave.; www.nga.gov) displays the mind-bending color of Fauve masterpieces, including works by Henri Matisse and Georges Braque. 18 The Lakelands Leader Jan de Bray, The Penitent Magdalene, 1678 (private collection, New Haven) at the NGA through August 14th. "Jan de Bray and the Classical Tradition" at the National Gallery of Art (National Mall between 3rd and 7th Sts. at Constitution Ave.; www.nga.gov) examines the portraits and historical subjects of one of the most important Dutch painters of the 17th century. "Modigliani: Beyond the Myth" at The Phillips Collection (1600 21st St., NW; www.phillipscollection.org) presents an examination of the quintessential bohemian artist through nearly 100 paintings, sculptures, and drawings. "Stubbs and the Horse" at The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore (600 North Charles Street; www.thewalters.org) presents 40 paintings and 35 drawings of the master horse portrait painter. April 2005 Performing Arts Bill Harley on April 9th at 1 p.m. at Black Rock Center for the Arts (12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown; www.blackrockcenter.org) puts on a family matinee concert bursting with his wry and comic view of life. Bowen-McCauley Dance Company on April 24th at 3 p.m. at Black Rock Center for the Arts (12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown; www.blackrockcenter.org), presents its interpretation of ballet combined with modern dance in their highly acclaimed style. "Company" performed by the Damascus Theatre Company on April 3rd, 10th, and 17th at 3 p.m. at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn (311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg; www.gaithersburg.gov), a musical comedy with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by George Furth, presents a bachelor's cynical look at marriage. "Tales from the Amazon and Beyond" featuring Antonio Rocha on April 8th at 1 p.m. at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn (311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg; www.gaithersburg.gov) takes the audience to the rainforest using physical theater, storytelling, masks, and sound effects. "BSO at Strathmore presents: Boys Choir of Harlem" on April 10th at 3 p.m. at The Music Center at Strathmore (5301 Tuckerman Lane, Bethesda; www.strathmore.org) with a mix of classical, spiritual, gospel, and jazz. Savion Glover on April 17th at 2:00 p.m. at The Music Center at Strathmore, (5301 Tuckerman Lane, Bethesda; www.strathmore.org) reveals his incredible talent as the greatest tap dancer of all time. He moves to the tunes of jazz, hip-hop, rock-n-roll, funk, and rhythm and blues. L April 2005 COOK K’SS COR RNEER Continued from page 17 shiny surface. Frozen fish should be thawed in the refrigerator, but if pressed for time it can be thawed in running cold water in the original packaging. Some smaller pieces of fish (up to 8 ounces) can be cooked from frozen, but larger pieces of fish should be thawed for more even cooking. Never refreeze fish that has been thawed. Shellfish Mollusks: The most favorite mollusks are oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops. Oysters They are best in fall, winter and spring. They are best in their live in the shell form, but can be purchased shucked fresh or frozen. They must be stored in a cold, wet place in the live form, and should last at least one week. Fresh shucked oysters need to be refrigerated in the original container and will also keep for up to a week. Frozen oysters should be kept frozen until ready for use. They should be thawed under refrigeration for 24 hours or more, depending on the size of the container. They lose moisture quickly in cooking, so they should be cooked just enough to stay juicy. They can be cooked by poaching, deep frying, baking or cooking in soups and stews. Clams also have two major classes, soft shell and hard shell. All these types come as live in the shell, shucked in fresh or frozen form and canned. Storage is the same as for oysters. Mussels look like small, dark colored clams. The flesh is very soft and yellow or orange colored. They are most plentiful in October to April. They are sold live in the shell but also can be purchased shucked. They should be kept refrigerated and away from light. They are almost never served uncooked; usually they are steamed and served as part of soups or chilled for salads. Scallops are always sold shucked either fresh or frozen. There are two types, the bay scallop and sea scallop. The bay type is smaller and more delicate in flavor and texture, while the sea scallop is larger and less delicate and tender. They tend to be white in color and have a sweet flavor, and are available year round. Scallops should be stored covered and refrigerated. They can be prepared the same ways that fish are cooked. The most popular methods are sautéing, deep frying, broiling and poaching. Crustaceans The favorite crustaceans are lobsters, shrimp and crab. Lobsters are the most prized shellfish in this country. Lobsters are classified by weight, and generally range from 1 to 2 pounds in the market. You can expect to yield about a ¼ pound of cooked meat from a pound of uncooked lobster. Lobster can be purchased live and in cooked meat as fresh or frozen. A lobster must be live when cooked, if it is dead when cooked, the meat will fall apart. Cooked lobster meat is very perishable, and must be kept refrigerated and be used in one to two days. Lobster meat is delicate and must be cooked quickly in moderate temperatures. Shrimp are small crustaceans in which only the tail is eaten as a rule. Shrimp are classified by count per pound, the higher the count the smaller the shrimp. One pound of raw shrimp will yield about ½ pound of peeled, cooked shrimp. Raw shrimp in the shell are termed "green shrimp". Both fresh and frozen are widely available. Frozen shrimp can be purchased as peeled and deveined in the raw state, and peeled, deveined and cooked. Shrimp should be handled like other fish, whether refrigerated or frozen. It should be thawed under refrigeration. Like other shellfish, shrimp become tough and rubbery if cooked at too high a heat. It can be prepared by simmering, deep frying, sautéing, broiling, and baking. Crab Crabs taste best when cooked form the live state, but little is actually purchased live as the meat is time consuming to pick. Most crab is sold cooked and frozen. Crab is treated like all the other seafood in regards to storage. Of note is that frozen crabmeat tends to be very watery. You may need to squeeze out the excess water before using it in a recipe. L The Lakelands Leader 19 Longdraft Road Coalition Seeks Support Against Road Expansion M embers of the Longdraft Road Coalition are asking neighboring residents to join them in their fight against the proposed expansion of Longdraft Road. A part of the Go Montgomery! Initiative, to help alleviate traffic within the County, Longdraft Road is slated to under go widening from two lanes to four from Quince Orchard Road to Clopper Road. Longdraft Road residents who live along the route say bigger is not better and argue Spring F itness C lasses a t t he Clubhouse By Jeff Parker, CPI, Inc. G et a jump start on the summer with a spring fitness class. Get the feel of a personal training session for the fraction of the cost. Fitness class members have had great success and experienced great results! If you have questions about any of the classes please call Jeff Parker at the number below. Pilates — Thursday Now through April 21st $60, 6 classes 7:30 - 8:20 pm The Pilates mat class is a total body conditioning workout. Through welldesigned exercise sequences, Pilates focuses on proper alignment, posture awareness and core stability. Pilates is an ideal complement to any fitness program. Pilates can dramatically improve your strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and posture. The results will be improved posture, an enhanced feeling of balance, reduction in aches and pain, greater flexibility and a longer, learner, more toned body Cardio-KKickboxing — Monday and Thursday April 4th - May 19th $140, 14 classes 6:30 - 7:20 pm The Cardio-Kickboxing class will provide an aerobic, body toning and strength building workout for your body. Reduce your body fat and stress levels with a fun and ingenious routine. This class will combine a kick-boxing routine with a basic training style of fitness training. If your focus is to melt away the calories and pounds while toning the body, then this is the class for you! Class space is limited, so please sign up as soon as possible. Complete Physique intends to keep class size small to improve the interaction between the client and instructor. For more information on the classes or to sign up, please contact Jeff Parker at 301-908-2940. L against the proposal. Longdraft neighbors have been publicly speaking out at monthly meeting of the Longdraft Road Coalition. Coalition Chairman Saqib Ali says there are major concerns regarding this project including an increased risk to children crossing to Ridgeview Middle School, excessive speeding, excessive noise, tree removal, and a decrease in property values for homes along Longdraft Road. Lakelands residents, who are opposed to the expansion of the Longdraft Road or want to learn more, are encouraged to attend the upcoming meeting at Quince Orchard Public Library on April 18 from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. For more information, log on to the Longdraft Road Coalition website, www.longdraft.org. L Meet & Greet Rescheduled Sgt. William White To Discuss Safety Issues in Lakelands By Carrie Halpert T he Community Relations Committee invites all Lakelands residents to meet Sgt. William White of the City of Gaithersburg Police Department on Tuesday, May 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the Green Room of the Clubhouse. As previously reported in the Lakelands Leader, the safeSgt. William White will ty meeting was originally scheduled in February, but was discuss safety issues canceled due to a snow storm. The meeting has since been within Lakelands on May 3. rescheduled and we encourage you to join us in welcoming Sgt. White to the community as our new Community Services Officer. Sgt. White will discuss crime prevention and how to keep our neighborhood safe. He will also discuss how to contact the police, report suspicious activity and what services the police department offers. This is a perfect opportunity to ask questions about the recent vandalism and future plans for patrols of the neighborhood now that the new park and school are near completion. Refreshments will be served. If you have any questions, please contact Katherine Gilbert, Community Relations Committee Chair, at [email protected]. We hope to see you there. L Photo Courtesy: City of Gaithersburg Police Department By Andrea Escher We’re Ahead of Our Time Mission Statement “My associates and I are sincerely committed to providing you with the most advanced dental techniques and pain-free treatments, in a friendly and comfortable environment.” Robert J. Kelly D.D.S. and Associates, P.A. 301-948-0058 832 Quince Orchard Blvd., Gaithersburg 301-949-2280 10335 Kensington Pkwy., Kensington 301-519-3232 220 Main Street, Kentlands, Gaithersburg www.kellydds.com 20 The Lakelands Leader April 2005 FOR SALE Tiffany & Co: Are you or someone you know thinking of purchasing something from Tiffany & Co? I have $1150 in transferable Tiffany store credit that I would like to sell at a discount. If you are interested please call 240-631-6536. Miscellaneous For Sale: Sony TV 27" w/DVD Stand, Queen size bed, mattress, end table, dresser, chest, computer w/printer and misc. household items. Please call 301-926-0736. Moving Sale: Sportcraft Air Hockey Table, great table, low use great shape! Originally $500, selling for $200.00. Treadmill, low use, programmable, low profile, fold to store n between use. Call 301-977-4766 or email [email protected]. HELP WANTED Driver Needed: I need a driver for my son who will attend a special program in the fall. Transportation will communityclassifieds be to Tilden Middle School from Olney 80% of the time and the Lakelands 20% of the time. Will need to transport to the school by 7:45 am and pick-up at 2:40 pm. There would be the opportunity for additional work depending on the qualifications of the applicant. Applicants must speak english, have their own car, legally in the US, and references. Contact Dave 240498-8724 or email [email protected] Help Wanted: Part time Orthodontic Assistant needed for an Orthodontic practice located in a convenient North Potomac office. No experience necessary, wiling to train! Dental assistants from all fields encouraged to apply. Fax your resume to 301-977-0746. Customer Service Representative: State Farm Insurance agency seeking a FT customer service representative. Please fax resumes to (301) 330-5958 or call (301) 330-6612. FOR RENT WANTED: Beach House/Condo on MD/DE shore to rent for week in August for family of 4. Call Brian at 947-4784. Ocean City, MD Beach Condo For Rent: Upscale family condo with ocean views from living room, balcony & bedroom. Desirable North Ocean City home, 2 bedrooms, sleeps 6. Incredible location - one minute walk to the beach! Modern kitchen, off-street parking with washer & dryer. Convenient walk to shops, restaurants, etc. Now accepting Summer reservations. ($1195/week). Call 301 926-2819. Lakelands Roommate Wanted ASAP: To share large three bedroom townhouse/condo ('B' unit) with one female. Can't pass up the features and location; must see for yourself!! Male preferred, Smoking and pets not allowed, Unfurnished bedroom with private bath, Rent: $750/month, Deposit: negotiable, Lease: Six months, Kitchen: full privileges, Laundry: washer and dryer on bedroom (3rd) level, Utilities (gas/electric) /cable: shared, Telephone: can establish separate line. Contact Karrie at [email protected]. Sell It, Find It, Rent It in the Lakelands Classifieds. To submit your FREE Lakelands classified, email [email protected] or call Andrea at 301-519-1678. N. Potomac / Quince Orchard April 2005 The Lakelands Leader 21 To advertise in The Lakelands Leader, please call 301-519-1678 or e-mail [email protected] Professional Directory 22 The Lakelands Leader Elizabeth Ayala, D.M.A. Teacher of Piano The Kentlands 301-977-5424 • Yard Clean-ups • Mulching and Wood Chips • Landscape Design/Installation • Shrub/Tree Installation Avi Chertock • Lawn Renovation — Seeding/Fertilizing • Landscape Consultations • Shrub Pruning and Removal • Flower — Perennial-Annual Installation (301) 593-0577 April 2005 THE LAW OFFICE OF KENNETH S. SAVELL Call 301-675-9626 or e-mail [email protected] to ask questions or to schedule an appointment Professional Directory Wills • Durable Powers of Attorney Advance Medical Directives Revocable Living Trusts • Estate Administration Tax, Estate, Financial Planning • Tax Preparation Tax Controversies To advertise in The Lakelands Leader, please call 301-519-1678 or e-mail [email protected] Only 42% of all adults have a will. Don't make your plans at the last minute. One-o o n-O O ne Tutoring Spanish & French ages: 7 - adults Language Arts/English: Elementary to High School Level Contact Marivic Lim at (301) 977-7891 April 2005 The Lakelands Leader 23 24 The Lakelands Leader April 2005
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