10/21/2015 Board Meeting Agenda
10/21/2015 Board Meeting Agenda
BOARD AGENDA, OCTOBER 21, 2015 IRVINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1. LEAVE (S) OF ABSENCE 2. RETURN TO WORK FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE 3. SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL 4. SEPARATIONS 5. APPOINTMENTS 6. REASSIGNMENT/TRANSFERS 7. STIPENDS 8. ATTAINMENT OF NEW LEVEL 9. REQUEST FOR INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EXAM 10. AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS 11. FOR THE RECORD 12. CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC – 2015-2016 13. CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC – 2014-2015 14. ARCHWAY SCHOOL-GENERAL EDUCATION 15. EASTAMPTON SCHOOL DISTRICT – GENERAL EDUCATION 16. HOMELESS CHILDREN – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON–PUBLIC 17. HOME INSTRUCTION 18. SPECIAL TRANSPORT 19. NEW JERSEY QUALITY SINGLE ACCOUNTABILITY CONTINUUM (NJQSAC) STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 20. INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS TRAINING - DANIELSON’S FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHING – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 21. NEW VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS CURRICULUM – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 22. RUTGERS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, NEW JERSEY SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL’S 2015-2016 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING SERIES - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 1 23. REVISING CURRICULUM FOR BIOLOGY AND BIOLOGY HONORS - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 24. REVISING CURRICULUM FOR GRADE 8 INTEGRATED SCIENCE - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 25. IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL’S GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT 2015-2016 ELECTIVE COURSE CREDIT EQUIVALENT - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 26. ADMINISTERING THE CARL D. PERKINS GRANT AND MODIFYING PROGRAM MATERIALS - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 27. CURRICULUM WRITING FOR THE CARL PERKIN’S GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 28. NEW JERSEY TEACHER 2 TEACHER - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 29. THE ROSETTA STONE ON-LINE WORLD LANGUAGE PROGRAM – OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 30. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 31. APPROVAL OF SPANISH WORLD LANGUAGE CURRICULUM (LEVEL C (ELEMENTARY), LEVELS 1A & 1B (MIDDLE SCHOOL) AND LEVELS I, II, III (HIGH SCHOOL) - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 32. APPROVAL OF FRENCH WORLD LANGUAGE CURRICULUM (LEVELS I &, II (HIGH SCHOOL) - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 33. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: OUT OF DISTRICT WORKSHOPS /CONFERENCES - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION 34. CAREER ADVANCEMENT AND TRANSITION 1 & 2 CURRICULUM GUIDE – OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 35. KNOWLEDGE MATTERS CTE SOFTWARE – OFFICE OF MEDIA SERVICES 36. LEE’S DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES, LLC TO SERVICE IRVINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR SPEECH THERAPY SERVICES – OFFICE OF SPECIAL SERVICES 37. TEACHING INTENTIONALLY IN THE INTEREST AREAS WORKSHOP – OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD 38. GANG AWARENESS SPEAKER – BLUE KNIGHTS ACADEMY 39. SENIOR PORTRAITS - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 40. BLOSSOM YEARBOOK - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 2 41. JROTC 2ND BRIGADE DRILL MEET HOSTED BY THE US ARMY AT FRANCIS LEWIS HIGH SCHOOL IN FRESH MEADOWS, NY - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 42. JROTC WEEKEND DRILL MEET AT FORT DIX - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 43. JROTC DRILL MEET AT HILLSIDE HIGH SCHOOL – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 44. JROTC DRILL MEET AT CENTRAL REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL IN BAYVILLE – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 45. JROTC DRILL MEET AT NORTHERN NEW JERSEY RAIDER MEET AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN RESERVATION – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 46. JROTC DRILL NORTHERN NEW JERSEY – FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 47. JROTC ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 48. HOMECOMING - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 49. BLOOD DRIVE - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 50. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT AND AT&T JOB MENTORING PROGRAM - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 51. IRIS HOUSE OF IRVINGTON, NJ TO PRESENT A HIV PREVENTION PROGRAM - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 52. ADAM BRENNER, PIANO TUNER - UNIVERSITY MIDDLE SCHOOL 53. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PMI CURRICULUM AND HAND TO MIND PHILOSOPHYOFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 54. CRESTLINE CUSTOM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS - UNIVERSITY MIDDLE SCHOOL 55. ORDER ITEMS FOR THE UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL STORE - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL 56. HONOR ROLL BREAKFASTS - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL 57. SCHOOL VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH ASSEMBLY PROGRAM - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL 58. YOUNG LADIES & YOUNG GENTLEMEN’S CLUB - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL 59. PARCC READINESS AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM - BERKELEY TERRACE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 60. SCHOOL CLIMATE & CULTURE CLUB - BERKELEY TERRACE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 61. ADVISORS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR BOOK CLUB - BERKELEY TERRACE SCHOOL 3 62. READING CLUB - BERKELEY TERRACE SCHOOL 63. UNITARIAN CHURCH - CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL 64. MOUNT HERMON BAPTIST CHURCH - CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL 65. OPEN HOUSE FOR PARENTS OF ESL/BILINGUAL SCHOLARS - CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL 66. WRITING LAB AFTER SCHOOL - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL 67. AFTER-SCHOOL HOMEWORK CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL 68. MULTICULTURAL CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL 69. ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL 70. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN’S CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL 71. TUTORING PROGRAM - MADISON AVENUE SCHOOL 72. SAFETY PATROL COMMITTEE - MOUNT VERNON AVENUE SCHOOL 73. DRAMA CLUB - MOUNT VERNON AVENUE SCHOOL 74. CLUB ACTIVITIES – THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOOL 75. ASSEMBLY PROGRAM, “NEW KID” - UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 76. FEEDING BY READING PROGRAM 77. FIELD TRIPS 78. FOR THE RECORD 79. POLICY 5330 ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION (REVISED) (M) 80. REGULATION 5330 ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION (REVISED) (M) 81. POLICY 5339 SCREENING FOR DYSLEXIA (REVISED) (M) 82. POLICY 5616 SUSPECTED GANG ACTIVITY (REVISED) 83. POLICY 8540 SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAMS (REVISED) 84. POLICY & REGULATION 8540 FREE & REDUCED RATE MEALS (ABOLISHED) 85. POLICY 8550 OUTSTANDING FOOD SERVICE CHARGES (NEW) 86. POLICY 8820 OPENING EXERCISES/CEREMONIES (REVISED) 87. NEW YORK JETS SPORTS BUSINESS DAY 4 88. FALL COACHING APPOINTMENT 89. CORE COURSE GPA SOFTWARE 90. ANNUAL FOOTBALL BANQUET 91. BLUE KNIGHTS HOLIDAY WRESTLING TOURNAMENT 92. APPROVED AUXILIARY PERSONNEL FOR ATHLETIC EVENTS 93. ENVIRONMENTAL CLIMATE CONTROL-BOILER REPAIR 94. MK LIONS, LLC – ROOF REPAIR THURGOOD MARSHALL 95. MK LIONS, LLC – ROOF REPAIR FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL 96. WOOD – COOR, INC. – BERKELEY TERRACE SCHOOL 97. GM FENCE – CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL 98. CAFETERIA KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SERVICES/REPAIR 99. PAYMENT OF BILLS 100. BOARD SECRETARY’S FINANCIAL REPORT AUGUST 2015 101. TREASURER OF SCHOOL MONIES FINANCIAL REPORT AUGUST 2015 102. CERTIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES REPORT AUGUST 2015 103. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR AUGUST 2015 – 4TH REQUEST 104. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 – 3RD REQUEST 105. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR OCTOBER 2015 –2ND REQUEST 106. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR NOVEMBER 2015 – 1ST REQUEST 107. DONATION OF EDUCATIONAL BOOKLETS , TREE RIBBONS & BRACELETS - SUSAN G. KOMEN FOUNDATION 108. DONATION OF COATS - JERSEY CARES 109. DONATION OF SCIENCE LAB COATS – CVS PHARMACY 110. DONATION FROM SHOES THAT FIT – GROVE STREET SCHOOL 111. DONATION FROM TOYS FOR TOTS - GROVE STREET SCHOOL 112. DONATION FROM NEW JERSEY CARES COAT – GROVE STREET SCHOOL 5 113. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN ACCEPTANCE FOR OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD - 20132014 114. SWITCHES FOR CAMERA INSTALLATION – ARGENTIUM SOLUTIONS 115. LICENSES – MICROSOFT OFFICE CERTIFICATION – APPLIED TECHNOLOGY 116. WINCAP CONTRACT RENEWAL – HARRIS SCHOOL SOLUTIONS 117. NON-PUBLIC SECURITY AID INITIATIVE 118. NEW JERSEY NON-PUBLIC SCHOOL SECURITY AID – 2015-2016 119. COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS GRANT 2015-2016 ACCEPTANCE OF AWARD 120. RENEWAL OF PROQUEST LLC SIRS KNOWLEDGE SOURCE ONLINE DATABASE SUBSCRIPTION - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL – (REVISED) 121. RENEWAL OF WORLD BOOK WEB SUBSCRIPTION IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL (REVISED) 122. MED-FLEX, INC. – DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 123. NON-PUBLIC ALLOCATIONS 2015-2016 OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS 124. BUDGET TRANSFERS-2015-2016 125. FUNDRAISERS 126. FOR THE RECORD 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION IRVINGTON, NEW JERSEY Regular Board Meeting – October 21, 2015 Berkeley Terrace Elementary School 787 Grove Street Irvington, New Jersey 07111 I. Call to Order II. Salute to the Flag III. Roll Call: IV. BOARD PRESIDENT: In accordance with P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, adequate notice of this meeting was posted in the Administration Building and copies of said notice sent to the Irvington Herald, the Star Ledger, and Township Clerk. V. CLOSED SESSION: Be It Hereby Resolved, pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act that the Irvington Board of Education meets in closed session this evening regarding matters of personnel and attorney/client privilege. It is expected that the discussion undertaken in this closed session can be made public at the time that the need for confidentiality no longer exists. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: __________________________ Roll Call: VI. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PRIOR BOARD MEETING MINUTES RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Board of Education meeting held on the dates as indicated, as corrected and transcribed, be received and filed. Regular Board Meeting – September 16, 2015 ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: __________________________ Roll Call: VII. ADMISSION OF STUDENTS AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2015 WHO HAVE NOT BEEN ENROLLED IN SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the admission of A. M. enrolled on 10/8/2015 into a kindergarten class at Mt. Vernon Avenue Elementary School, in accordance with Title 18A:38-6. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: __________________________ Roll Call: VIII. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 7 IX. FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT: X. PUBLIC COMMENT: (On agenda items only) Limit of 15 minutes total – three minutes per individual on agenda items only 8 PERSONNEL OCTOBER 21, 2015 1. LEAVE (S) OF ABSENCE RESOLVED that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the leave(s) of absence of the listed personnel, effective as indicated: Certificated (a) Meredith Alphonse Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 9/17/15 through 10/4/15 using 12 personal illness days. (Berkeley Terrace School-3rd Grade Teacher) (b) Malika Moore Paid intermittent FMLA not to exceed 12 weeks, effective 9/8/15 through 12/31/15 using 10 personal illness and 3 personal business days. (University Middle SchoolScience Teacher) (c) Jessica Carbone Amendment to the 5/19/15 Agenda: Paid child care leave of absence per FMLA effective 9/1/15 through 11/6/15 using 37 personal illness days and 1 personal business day; followed by an unpaid child care leave of absence with Board paid benefits effective 11/7/15 through 11/23/15. (High School-Social Studies Teacher) (d) Kristen Duska Extension of paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/2/15 through 10/4/15 using 1 personal illness day. (High School-Physical Education Teacher) (e) Deborah Rivera Extension of unpaid medical leave of absence with Board paid benefits effective 10/13/15 through 12/31/15. (High School-Science Teacher) (f) Timothy Simo Paid FMLA effective 9/18/15 through 10/4/15 using 11 personal illness days. (Madison Avenue School-4th Grade Teacher) (g) Pirette Charles Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 9/22/15 through 10/2/15 using 9 personal illness days; followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/3/15 through 11/8/15. (High School-Special Education Teacher) 9 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (h) Earl Ku Extension of unpaid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/13/15 through 12/31/15; followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence with Board paid benefits effective 1/1/16 through 1/10/16. (Florence Avenue School-ESL Teacher) (i) Antonia Lee Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/27/15 through 11/17/15 using 8 personal illness days and 3 personal business days; followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 11/18/15 through 11/23/15. (High School-Special Education Teacher) (j) Sharon Holmes Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/14/15 through 11/2/15 using 12 personal illness days and 3 personal business days; followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 11/11/15 through 12/4/15. (Florence Avenue School-5th Grade Teacher) (k) Angelica Allen-McMillan Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/16/2015 through 11/15/2015 using 16 personal illness days. (Superintendent’s Office – Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Non-Certificated (l) James Williams Extension of unpaid medical leave of absence with Board paid benefits effective 10/1/15 through 11/18/15. (University Middle School-Security Officer) (m) Sheila Taylor Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 9/3/15 through 9/27/15 using 12 personal illness days and 4 accrued vacation days. (Berkeley Terrace School-Security Officer) (n) Alicia Allen Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 9/8/15 through 9/27/15 using 8 personal illness days, 3 vacation days and 3 floating holidays. Paid FMLA effective 10/1/15 through 10/7/15 using 5 vacation days; followed by an unpaid FMLA effective 10/8/15 through 12/31/15. (Special Services Department-Secretary) 10 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (o) Denis Berry Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 9/8/15 through 10/27/15 using 13 personal illness days, 8 accrued vacation days, 11 vacation days and 3 personal business; followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/27/15 through 10/29/15. (Grove Street School-Custodian) (p) Dorothy Blakely Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 9/22/15 through 10/7/15 using 9 personal illness days and 3 personal business days followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/8/15 through 10/31/15; followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence with Board paid benefits effective 11/1/15 through 11/9/15. (Early Childhood Department-Medical Clerk) (q) Chelise Woodson Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/2/15 through 10/15/15 using 9 personal illness days; followed by an unpaid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 10/16/15 through 11/8/15. (High School-Security Officer) (r) Keisha Hill Paid medical leave of absence with Board paid benefits effective 11/17/15 through 12/27/15 using 11 personal illness days, 9 vacation days, 3 personal business days and 2 floating holidays. (Buildings and Grounds-Secretary) (s) Julyana Ortiz Paid medical leave of absence per FMLA effective 09/29/2015 through 10/18/2015 using 13 personal illness days. (Business Office – Fiscal Specialist, Payroll) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 2. RETURN TO WORK FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the return to work from leaves of absence of the listed personnel, effective as indicated: Certificated (a) Meredith Alphonse Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 10/1/15. (Berkeley Terrace School-4th Grade Teacher) 11 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (b) Kristen Duska Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 10/5/15. (High School-Physical Education Teacher) (c) Timothy Simo Returned to work from paid FMLA effective 10/5/15. (Madison Avenue School-4th Grade Teacher) (d) Jeanne Losco Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 10/14/15. (Berkeley Terrace School-3rd Grade Teacher) (e) David Pinckney Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 10/19/2015. (University Middle School – Social Studies Teacher) Non-Certificated (f) Shalonda Morgan Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 9/15/15. (Augusta Preschool-Receptionist) (g) Felicia China-Richardson Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 9/15/15. (Union Avenue Middle SchoolSecretary) (h) Keyanna Dobbs Returned to work from unpaid medical leave of absence effective 9/18/15. (Union Avenue Middle SchoolCustodian) (i) Shelia Taylor Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 9/28/15. (Berkeley Terrace School-Security Officer) (j) Alicia Allen Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 9/28/15. (Special Services Department-Secretary) (k) Julyana Ortiz Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 10/18/2015/ (Business Office – Fiscal Specialist, Payroll) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 12 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 3. SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL (a) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as substitute teachers, at the pay rate of $100.00 per day, not to exceed 29 hours per week, effective for the 2015-2016 school year: Eligible for Work Oluyemisi Thomas Edwin Dunga Raymond Wright David Bennin Heeran Thomas Felicia Okoto Uche Okolo Patricia Moran Sirius Jean Charles Sonya Kithcart Olubenga Ige Tamisha Wiley Rooseline D’Haiti Sopuluchukwu Ezenwafor Wanda Santiago Paul DiCarlo Karima Dallas Home Instruction Only Gale Bohnarczyk Tanisha Marchan ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (b) Building Substitutes RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the following personnel as Building Substitute Teachers, effective 10/22/15, at a pay rate of $125.00 per day for days worked payable from the listed account numbers: Stafford Washington $125.00/day for days worked University Elementary School payable from account number 15-130-100-101-00-05 Stephanie Stevens $125.00/day for days worked Grove Street School payable from account number 15-130-100-101-00-06 effective 10/13/15 ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 13 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (c) Substitute Security Officers RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as Substitute Security Officers at the pay rate of $9.50 per hour, not to exceed 27 hours per week, effective 10/22/15, payable from account number 11-000-266-100-0135. Kiana McCray Lois Best Ronald Pinell Shantae Banks Gloria Hill Nicodem Francois ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (d) Substitute Custodians RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as Substitute Custodians at the pay rate of $9.50 per hour, not to exceed 27 hours per week, effective 10/22/15, payable from account number 11-000-262-100-01-34. Kiana McCray Lois Best Ronald Pinell Shantae Banks Gloria Hill Nicodem Francois ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (e) Substitute Breakfast/Lunch Aides RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as Substitute Breakfast/Lunch Aides at the pay rate of $8.25 per hour, not to exceed 27 hours per week, effective 10/22/15, payable from account number 11-000-262100-09-34. Kiana McCray Lois Best Linda Cummings Ronald Pinell Shantae Banks Gloria Hill Nicodem Francois ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 14 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 4. SEPARATIONS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the separation of the listed personnel, effective as indicated: Retirements Certificated (a) Deborah Granato, 2nd Grade Teacher, University Elementary School, retirement effective 9/1/15. (DOH 9/1/00) (b) Catherine Blowers, Media Specialist, University Elementary School, retirement effective 1/1/16. (DOH 9/1/08) (c) Jean Cantave, World Language Teacher, Union Avenue Middle School, retirement effective 9/30/16. (DOH 10/1/96) (d) Nicholas Cinardo, Guidance Counselor, High School, retirement effective 7/1/16. (DOH 1/4/82) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Non-Certificated (e) Lela Gordon, 12 month Secretary, Early Childhood Department, retirement effective 1/1/16. (DOH 8/22/05) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Non-Bargaining (f) Enrique Cancio, Computer System Specialist, Media Services, retirement effective 1/1/16. (DOH 8/21/97) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Resignations Certificated (g) Sacha DelSol, World Language Teacher, University Middle School, effective 9/19/15. (h) Carla Phillips-Persaud, English Language Arts Teacher, High School, effective 11/16/15. (i) Sherlon Young, P-3 Teacher, Thurgood Marshall School, effective 11/30/15. 15 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (j) Grace Anderson, English Language Arts Teacher, High School, effective 10/30/15. (k) Scherazade Young, Social Studies Teacher, University Middle School, effective 11/30/15. (l) Dr. Barbara Abraham, Special Education Teacher, University Middle School, effective 11/30/15. (m) Dr. Haim Deutch, Social Studies Teacher, High School, effective 6/30/16. (n) Patrick Joseph, English Language Arts Teacher, University Middle School, effective 6/30/16. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Non-Certificated (o) Mercedes Torres, Breakfast/Lunch Aide, Augusta Preschool, effective 9/14/15. (p) Deven McCleod, Breakfast/Lunch Aide, University Elementary School, effective 9/17/15. (q) Gordon Gibbs, Fiscal Specialist-CNP, Central Office, effective 12/11/15. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 5. APPOINTMENTS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the listed personnel, for the 2015-2016 school year, effective as indicated: Administrative (a) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Dr. Shakirah Harrington as Interim Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, at an annual salary of $144,000.00 and an additional $2,000.00 for a doctoral stipend, effective 1/1/16 to 6/30/17, payable from account number 11-000-221-104-00-15. Replacing Dr. Angelica Allen. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 16 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (b) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Tyisha Bennett, Assistant Principal, High School, at an annual salary of $98,200.00, Step Max 3 MA Level, effective 10/22/15, payable from account number 15-000-240-103-00-12. Replacing Anna Lionetti-D’Antonio. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Certificated (c) David Grassie, Science Teacher, University Middle School, at an annual salary of $88,376.00, Step 13, MA Level, Rutgers University, effective 10/7/15, payable from account number 15-130-100-101-00-10. Replacing Danielle Marositz. (d) Christina Girvin, Music Teacher, Grove Street School, at an annual salary of $55,276.00, Step 1, MA Level, University of Southern California, effective 11/19/15 (pending criminal history clearance), payable from account number 15-120-100-101-00-06. Replacing Donna Brenner. (e) Lanora Johnson, English Language Arts Teacher, High School, at an annual salary of $81,779.00 , Step 13, BA Level, effective 11/19/15 (pending criminal history clearance), Virginia State University, payable from account number 15-140-100-101-00-12. Replacing Dr. Chinedu Okoye. (f) Beverly Spencer, School Nurse, High School, at an annual salary of $54,879, Step 2, BA Level, Felician College, effective 9/1/15, payable from account number 15-000-213-100-00-12 . Replacing Tiffany Turner. (Revised) (g) Esther Canela, World Language Teacher, High School, at an annual salary of $54,879.00, Step 2, BA Level, Nyack College, effective 9/1/15, payable from account number 15-140-100-101-00-12. Replacing Robin Marte. (Revised) (h) Denine C. Hasan, Health & Social Services Coordinator (HSSC), Irvington High School, at an annual salary of $63,490.00 Step 5, 6th Yr. Level, Kean University, effective 10/5/15, payable from account number 15-140-100-101-00-12. Replacing Michele Van Horn. (Revised) (i) Rosa Alegria, ESL Teacher, Union Avenue Middle School, at an annual salary of $54,270.00 Step 1, BA Level, Kaplan University, effective 12/1/15, payable from account number 15-130-100-101-00-11. Replacing Karrie Briggs. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 17 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (j) Irvington Blue Knights Academy Appointments 2015-2016 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the following Irvington Blue Knights Academy staff for the 2015-2016 school year: 1. Michael Krause, Art Teacher, Irvington Blue Knights Academy at the pay rate of $35.00 per hour, not to exceed 15 hours per week or 92 days: $16,927.50, effective 9/29/15, to be paid from account number 11-423-100-101-00-20. 2. Muhammad Rahman, Science Teacher Irvington Blue Knights Academy at the pay rate of $35.00 per hour, not to exceed 25 hours per week or 183 total days: $33,855.00, effective 10/26/15, to be paid from account number 11-423-100-101-00-20. 3. Lanora Johnson, Read 180 Teacher, Irvington Blue Knights Academy at the pay rate of $37.00 per hour, not to exceed 15 hours per week or 92 total days:$16,100.00, effective 11/19/15, to be paid from account number 11-423-100-101-00-20 (pending criminal history clearance). ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (k) Breakfast Program/Student Monitor/District wide RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as Substitute Breakfast Program/Student Monitor. The hours will be 7:25-8:25 am for 180 days at a rate of $37.00 per hour, to be paid from the account numbers listed below, effective for the 2015-2016 school year. Jan Villari Jennifer White Mt. Vernon Avenue School 15-120-100-101-00-09 Mt. Vernon Avenue School ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Non-Bargaining (l) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Darlene Brown as Deputy Chief of Security, District wide, at an annual salary of $46,500.00, effective 10/22/15, payable from account number 11-000-266-100-00-35. Replacing James Wynn. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 18 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (m) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Edwin Brown as Accountant, Business Office, at an annual salary of $55,000.00, effective 11/9/15, payable from account number 11-000-251-100-00-31. Replacing Amanda Lee. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Non-Certificated (n) Breakfast/Lunch Aides/Mt. Vernon Avenue School RESOLVED, that the board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the following personnel as Breakfast/Lunch Aides for the 2015-2016 school year, at a pay rate of $9.00 per hour, payable from account number 11-000-262-100-09-34. Karen Richardson Margaret Jamison ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (o) Breakfast/Lunch Aide/Madison Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Beverly Gonzalez as a Breakfast/Lunch Aide for the 2015-2016 school year, at a pay rate of $9.00 per hour, payable from account number 11-000-262-100-09-34. Replacing Marcella Pleasant. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (p) Breakfast/Lunch Aide/University Elementary School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Edd Jones as Breakfast/Lunch Aide, University Elementary School, at the pay rate of $9.00 per hour, payable from account number 11-000-262-100-09-34. Replacing Patricia Wynn. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 19 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 6. REASSIGNMENT/TRANSFERS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the reassignment/transfer of the listed personnel, at the indicated position and location: Certificated (a) Nathan Vincent, Science Teacher, Union Avenue Middle School reassigned to Technology Coach, effective 1/1/16, payable from account number 15-000-222-177-00-08. Replacing Reginald Robertson. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (b) Jessie Campenelli, Irvington High School Building Substitute to District-wide Daily Substitute effective October 21, 2015. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: Non-Certificated (c) Mick Daity, Building Substitute Teacher, Berkeley Terrace School reassigned to Building Substitute Teacher, Union Avenue Middle School, effective 10/13/15, payable from account number 15-130-100101-00-11. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 7. STIPENDS Administrative (a) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the annual Stipend in the amount of $2,000.00 for Dr. Matin Adegboyega, Director of Mathematics and Assessment, District wide, for obtaining his Doctorate Degree, effective 9/1/15. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 20 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 Certificated (b) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the hiring of Paul Migaj as the NJSMART Coordinator between 9/1/15 to 6/30/16 at the stipend rate of $18,000.00, payable from account number 11-000-221-104-00-15. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (c) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Dr. Matin Adegboyega to temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Central Office, at a daily rate of $100.00 for days worked, payable from account number 11-000-221-104-00-15, effective 10/19/15 – 11/13/15. 8. ATTAINMENT OF NEW LEVEL (a) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the salary adjustment of the following certificated staff members due to attainment of new level, effective for the indicated dates: Certificated Name From To Catherine Clitus ESL Teacher Florence Avenue School $56,679.00 Step 4 BA Level $57,676.00 Step 4 MA Level Richard Douglas 3rd Grade Teacher Grove Street School $56,679.00 Step 4 BA Level $57,676.00 Step 4 MA Level Serenia Farrell 1st Grade Teacher Mt. Vernon Avenue School $86,679.00 Step 14 BA Level $93,476.00 Step 14 5th Year Level Marion Jablonski-Johnson Social Worker Special Services Department $78,476.00 Step 11 MA Level $84,490.00 Step 11 6th Year Level 21 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 Andrew Obssuth Science Teacher University Middle School $69,976.00 Step 9 MA Level $75,590.00 Step 9 6th Year Level Keith Perkins Kindergarten Teacher Madison Avenue School $71,679.00 Step 10 BA Level $73,976.00 Step 10 MA Level Andrew Rottino English Language Arts Teacher Union Avenue Middle School $71,679.00 Step 10 BA Level $73,976.00 Step 10 MA Level Vijaya Tanikella Special Education Teacher Thurgood Marshall School $55,679.00 Step 3 BA Level $56,676.00 Step 3 5th Year Level Koryne Warren P-3 Teacher Berkeley Terrace School $58,079.00 Step 5 BA Level $59,076.00 Step 5 MA Level Marcos Vargas Supervisor of ELA 6th-12th Grade District wide $94,600.00 Step Max 2 MA Level (Awaiting Contract Approval) 6th Year Level ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 9. REQUEST FOR INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EXAM RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and authorizes an independent medical examination for the following employee: 4651 ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 22 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 10. AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS (a) School Leadership Council/Grove Street School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the School Leadership Council (SLC) to receive stipends of $37.00 for 3 Certified Staff (10 hours x $37.00 per hour = $370.00 each ) and $18.00 for 2 Non-Certified Staff (10 hours x $18.00 per hour = $180.00 each) One hour per month from September 2015 to June 2016. Meetings will be held after school in the Media Center. Anticipated time: 3:05 pm to 4:05 pm Certificated October Hudley-Teacher MaryBeth Westergaard-Teacher Vanessa Jean-Louis-Guidance Counselor Payable from account number 15-120-100-101-00-06 (total not to exceed $1,110.00) Non-Certificated Jescia Patterson-Parent Coordinator Diane Bernard-Security Officer Payable from account number 15-000-240-110-00-06 (total not to exceed $360.00) Total program cost not to exceed $1,470.00. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (b) School Leadership Council/Mt. Vernon Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Anne Horan, as School Leadership Council Member effective for the 20152016 school year. Certified member will be paid ($37.00 per hour x 9 hours= $333.00) for a total cost not to exceed $333.00) to be paid from account 15-120-100-101-00-09. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 23 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (c) School Leadership Council/Union Avenue Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grant permission for Union Avenue Middle School to hire four (4) four certified staff members and two (2) non-certified staff members to meet once a month for 9 months. The School Leadership Council (SLC) will hire Solicity Manley to replace Keisha Hightower non-certified member. The cost for non-certified members will be paid at the rate of $18.00 per hour ($18.00 x 9 hours = $162.00 per person) and the cost will not exceed $162.00. The cost will be paid from the account number 15-000-240-110-00-11. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (d) School Leadership Council/Florence Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the following staff members to serve as School Leadership Council Members at Florence Avenue School. The School Leadership Council will meet once a month for one hour beginning September 2015-June 2016 (10 months). To be paid at the contractual rate: Certificated Kara Osman Lolita Thomas-Tillman Chantill Campbell Andrea Rochman Avadale Khani $37.00 per hour for 10 months not to exceed $370.00 per person. Total amount not to exceed $1,850.00 to be paid from account number 1-120-100-101-00-04. Non-Certificated Jennifer Parris $18.00 per hour for 10 months for a total amount not to exceed $180.00 to be paid from account number 15000-240-110-00-04. Total program cost not to exceed $2,030.00. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 24 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (e) Data Team Analysis/University Elementary School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and appoints the following personnel listed below as members of the University Elementary School Data Analysis Team. Teachers will be compensated at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. Ten meetings will be held for duration of one hour totaling ten hours. Meetings will begin from October 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Total cost not to exceed $1,850.00, to be paid from account number: 15-120-100-101-00-05. Certificated Shawna Amos Joann Lepard Meredith Ribeiro Faith Stewart Shawnteeha Boyd ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (f) Data Team Analysis/Mt. Vernon Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Jennifer White as a Data Team Member effective for the 2015-2016 school year. The Data Team member will meet once a month, (10 times) from October 2015- June 2016. The member of the Data Team will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 9 hours at a cost of $370.00. Payable from account number 15-120-100-101-00-09. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (g) Data Team Analysis/Florence Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the following staff members to serve as Data Analysis Team. The Data Analysis Team will meet 10 hours beginning October 2015-June 2016. To be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 10 meetings not to exceed $370.00 per person. Total amount not to exceed $2,220.00 to be paid from account number 15-120-00-101-00-04: Certificated Warren Estrada Edna Correia Zakkiyya Abdul-Wahid Avadale Khani Vanetha Wood-Stradford Lolita Thomas-Tillman ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 25 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (h) Data Team Analysis/Union Avenue Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to hire Hollie Mathias to fill the vacant position on the 2015 – 2016 School Data Team. Certified Staff will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. Staff will meet one (1) hour each month ($37.00 x 10 hours = $370.00) the cost per person. Total cost for certified staff will not exceed $370.00, payable from account number 15-130-100-101-01-11. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (i) Eagle Academy/Mt. Vernon Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Mount Vernon Avenue School to conduct the Eagles Academy for students in grades 3rd – 5th from 3:05 p.m. to 4:35 p.m. from October 2015 through June 2016. Four teachers will work 1.5 hours per day for 44 days on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Teachers will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. Four teachers X 1.5 hours per day X 44 days @ $37.00/hr. = $9,768.00. Total cost not to exceed $9,768.00, payable from account 20-T16-100-100-09-30. Certified Staff Vernet Dorsaint Lauren Greenfield Mia Appling Jehita Kitchen ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (j) Mentoring Program/Mt. Vernon Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Mount Vernon Avenue School to conduct the Mentoring Program for students in grades 3rd – 5th from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm from October 2015 through June 2016. Two teachers will work one hour per week for 28 weeks on Fridays. Teachers will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour X 28 hours= $1,036.00 X 2 teachers= $2,072.00. Total amount is not to exceed $2,072.00, payable from account number 20-T16-200-100-09-30. Certified Staff Jehita Kitchen Mia Appling ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 26 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (k) Homework Club/Mt. Vernon Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Mount Vernon Avenue School to hire two teachers for the Homework Club for grades 3-5 from October 2015 through June 2016. This program will be implemented to support the improvement of English Language Arts and Mathematics as per Priority Problem # 1 in the Title I School-wide Plan. The program will be conducted every Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 3:05 p.m. – 4:05 p.m. for 83 days. Two teachers will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour (2 teachers X 1 hr/day X 83 days X $37/hr= $6,142.00 for two teachers). Total amount for two teachers is not to exceed $6,142.00, payable from account number 20-T16-100-100-09-30. Certified Staff Terrance Henry Renee Nixon ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (l) Saturday Detention/Mt. Vernon Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Terrance Henry and Mia Appling to conduct Saturday Detention for students in grades K-5 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. from October 2015 - June 2016. Both teachers will alternate Saturdays, paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 2 hours per Saturday = $74.00 per Saturday for a total of 24 Saturdays = $1,776.00. Total amount not to exceed $1,776.00, to be paid from account: 20-T16200-100-09-30. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (m) Computer/Technology Club/Union Avenue Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to hire Wanda Ferguson as advisor for the Computer/Technology Club for grades 6-8 from 10/27/15 and ends on 5/27/16. The Club will meet on Tuesday Mornings, from 7:10 am to 8:10 am. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 30 hours. The cost per advisor will not exceed $1,110.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-11-30. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 27 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (n) Afterschool Tutorial Program/Union Avenue Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to fill open positions for the After School Tutorial Program for grades 6-8 from 10/22/15 through 5/26/16. The program will be conducted three (3) days a week, Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 3:05 pm to 4:05 pm. The teachers will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 92 hours. The cost per teacher will not exceed $3,404.00, (3 teacher x $3,404.00 = $10,212.00). Total cost for the program is not to exceed $32,967.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-100100-11-30. The total cost for the program did not change. Stephen Tsai –Math teacher Alanna Mattessich - ELA teacher Amanda Wiley- ELA teacher ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (o) Soccer Club/Union Avenue Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to hire three (3) certified staff as advisors for the Soccer Club for grades 6-8 from 10/22/15 through 5/27/16. The Club will meet on Thursdays and Fridays, from 3:10 pm to 4:10 pm. The advisors will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 62 hours. The cost per advisors will not exceed $2,294.00. Total cost for the program is not to exceed $6,882.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-11-30. Jordan Epstein Kwesi Sarabo Angela Amoatey ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (p) Morning Basketball Club/Union Avenue Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to hire Nathan Vincent as advisor for the Morning Basketball Club for grades 6-8 from 10/22/15 through 5/27/16. The Club will meet on Thursdays and Fridays, from 7:10 am to 8:10 am. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 62 hours. The cost per advisor will not exceed $2,294.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-11-30. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 28 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (q) Saturday Academy/University Elementary School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and appoints the following personnel listed below for University Elementary School Saturday Academy. The program will meet on Saturday beginning on December 5, 2015 through May 28, 2016 from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. Total program hours not to exceed 608 hours (19 Saturdays, 76 hours per teacher). Teachers will be paid at a contractual rate of $37.00 per hour total cost not to exceed $22,496.00 to paid from account number 20T16-100-100-05-30. Teachers Dominique Barthole – Lead Teacher Nancy Nunes Kathleen Carroll Gloria Coredero Sheronda Martin Antonia Torres Faith Stewart Sabrein Khater Substitute Teachers Joseph Pinsl Michael Szewczyk ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (r) Saturday Academy/Florence Avenue School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the following staff members for the Saturday Academy Program at Florence Avenue School from October 24, 2015 – May 28, 2016. Six teachers and one lead teacher will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 4 hours a day over 29 Saturdays for a total not to exceed $4,292.00 per person. Total cost not to exceed $30, 044.00 to be paid from account number 20-TI6-100-100-04-30. Avadale Khani Darren Love – Lead Teacher Nadia Toussaint Paula Cappel Kara Osman Miriam Finkelstein O’Lan Nickson ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 29 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (s) PARCC Readiness Saturday Academy Tutorial Program/Union Avenue Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to fill open positions for the PARCC Readiness Saturday Academy Tutorial Program for grades 6-8 from 10/24/15 through 5/21/16. The program will be conducted on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. The teachers will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 124 hours (31 Saturdays). The cost per teacher will not exceed $4,588.00, (2 teacher x $4,736.00 = $9,176.00). Payable from account number 20-TI6-100-100-11-30. Amanda Wiley, ELA teacher, replacing Robert Austin Charity Ezeji, ELA teacher ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (t) Art Climate Club Advisor/High School RESOLVED that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of Jason Korski to serve as an advisor to the Art Climate Club during the 20152016 school year. The Art Climate Club will meet to discuss, create and implement methods to beautify Irvington High School with murals, posters, artwork, and banners that will reflect Irvington High School’s goal to be REAL: Respectful, Empathetic, Accountable and Life Long Learners. Students will meet with the advisor one hour per week after school for a total of 40 weeks. Compensation as per the collective bargaining agreement of $37.00 per hour for 40 hours at a cost not to exceed $1,480.00 payable from account number 20TI6-200-100-12-30. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (u) Games and Strategies/High School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Ariusz Kornacki to serve as advisor of the Games and Strategies Club. This program will allow students to meet productively and compete in an environment that supports teambuilding and collaboration. Games will also be available to students during lunch periods and participants will be present to support the participation of students who do not attend Wednesday meetings. Students will meet with the advisor one hour per week after school for a total of 40 weeks. Compensation as per the collective bargaining agreement of $37.00 per hour for 40 hours at a cost not to exceed $1,480.00 payable from account number 20-TI6-200-10012-30. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 30 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (v) Clubs/Activities/University Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of the below listed staff for University Middle School’s 2015-2016 After School Clubs and Activities Programs. Name of Club # of Instructors Day and Time program meets # of Hours not to exceed Rate of Pay Dates of Club Mtg. Program Amount Not To Exceed SATURDAY ACADEMY Sheronda Martin (Lead Teacher) Kimberly Roper Stephen Lawrence Gloria Cordero Comlavi Djondo Vacancy Derrick Edmundson (Dean) (1) Saturday a week 600 hrs. (100 hr. p/p) $37.00 10/24/2015 to 06/11/2016 $22,200.00 20-TI6-100-100-10-30 100 hrs. $37.00 Certified Staff 10/24/2015 to 06/11/2015 $3,700.00 20-TI6-200-100-10-30 10/26/2015 to 05/25/2015 $2,072.00 20-TI6-200-100-10-30 10/26/2015 to 06/13/2015 $1,036.00 SATURDAY DETENTION Rashawnah French (Alternate) CHESS CLUB SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ADVISOR Guy Batchelder (second advisor TBD) Kimberly Roper Brett Cannon (Alternate) 8:30 am – 12:30 pm (25 Saturdays) (1) Saturday a week 8:30 am – 12:30 pm (25 Saturdays) (2) Days a week Mondays & Wednesdays 4:00 pm– 5:00 pm (1) Day a week Wednesdays 7:10 am – 8:10 am or 4:00 pm– 5:00 pm 46 hrs. $36.00 Dean $37.00 (28 hrs. p/p) 28 hrs. $37.00 ($1,036.00 p/p) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 31 Account Number 20-TI6-200-100-10-30 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (w) Compass Learning Pathblazer Math Training 9-19-2015 (Stipend)/University Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the below listed University Middle School staff to attend the Saturday, September 19, 2015 Compass Learning Pathblazer MS Math Training, in accordance with the SIG approved initiative. Training will take place at University Middle School from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Staff will be paid at a rate of $37.00 an hour for a total of seven (7) hours per person. Cost per person not to exceed $259.00 (7 x $37.00). Total training stipends not to exceed $3,367.00 (13 pp x 7 hrs. x $37.00), payable from account number: 20-SG6-200-100-10-30. (Board approved September 16, 2015) Maria-Elena Vasquez Yardley George Marie Alceus Belineda Cadet Belinda Cadet Francine Shackleford Guy Batchelder Rashawnah French Gerald Audige Comlavi Djondo Prem Gandhi Sharafdeen Saidu Khaaliah Taylor ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (x) Student Council/University Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and appoints Maria Vasquez, as the advisor of the Student Council Program at University Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. The program will run October 22, 2015 – June 30, 2016. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 for a total of 10 hours, not to exceed $370.00. Total program cost not to exceed $370.00, to be paid via account number 15-130-100-101-01-10. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: (y) Junior Honor Society/University Middle School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and appoints Maria Vazquez, as the advisor of The National Junior Honor Society Program at University Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. The program will run October 22, 2015 – June 30, 2016. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 for a total of 10 hours, not to exceed $370.00. Total program cost not to exceed $370.00, to be paid via account number 15-130-100-101-01-10. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 32 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (z) School Leadership Council (SLC) - Irvington High School RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the School Leadership Council (SLC) to meet in room 125 for one hour each month. Meetings will start September 2015 through June 2016 from 3:15p.m. until 4:15 p.m. Members of the SLC obtained positions via staff vote in June 2015. The SLC is a mandated organization designed to assist the school based administration in reviewing data and making informed decisions. The SLC requires the participation of various stakeholders as outlined by N.J.A.C. 6A:10A-4.1(d) and the constitution and bylaws of the SLC. Seven (7) certified staff members will be paid $37.00 for ten (10) meetings for one hour per meeting for a total of $370.00 per certified staff member not to exceed $2, 590.00, one (1) non certified staff member to be paid $36.00 for ten (10) meetings for one hour per meeting for a total of $360.00 per non certified staff member, and (1) security guard paid $18.00 per hour for 10 meetings for a total of $180.00. Total cost of SLC meetings is not to exceed $3,130.00, payable from account number 15-140-100-101-012 (Teachers and Dean) and account number 15000-266-100-00-12 (Security). Bruce Mitchell Raquel Foote Gale Bohnarczyk Sarah Sutton Jocelyn Gedeon Bianca Antoine Jamie Hasting Barbara Batson Richard Moon Jeffrey Bryan Social Studies Teacher Visual and Performing Arts Teacher Science Teacher ELA Teacher Math Teacher ESL Teacher Special Education Teacher Secretary (3:15pm to 4:00pm) No stipend required Security Guard Dean of Climate ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 11. FOR THE RECORD (a) Item 5, letter dd, page 24, board approved 8/19/15, Breakfast Program/Student Monitor/District wide, Ms. Shannon Phillips is the primary Breakfast Monitor and Ms. Sari Greggs is the substitute. (b) Item 4, letter B, page13, board approved 1/21/15, Thelma Hilliard, Assistant Bookkeeper, Business Office, with the retirement date of 12/31/15. New retirement date should read 2/1/16. (c) Item 5, letter Y, page 22, board approved 8/19/15, Shane Fessel, Social Studies Teacher (Leave Replacement), High School should read Social Studies Teacher, High School, effective 9/1/15, replacing Steven Donovan. (d) Item 4, letter H, page 12, board approved 9/16/15, Michael Finnegan, Science Teacher, University Middle School, resignation should read as retirement, effective 1/1/16. (DOH 9/1/05) (e) Item 7, letter A, page 17, board approved 9/16/15, Tyisha Bennett, Acting Assistant Principal, High School, stipend end date 11/30/15. Stipend end date should read 10/21/15. 33 PERSONNEL (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (f) Item 4, letter F, page 11, board approved 9/16/15, Zakkiya Cobb-Roseberry, 1st Grade Teacher, Florence Avenue School, resignation date should read 10/2/15. (g) Item 5, letter F, page 13, board approved 9/16/15, Joseph Lepanto, Speech Therapist, Augusta Preschool, declined the position. (h) Item 5, letter E, page 20 board approved 8/19/15, Sean Snead was approved as Replacing Beth Green, should read as New Position. (i) Item 5, letter J, page 13 board approved 9/16/15, Edna Corriea, 2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher, Florence Avenue School, should read 4th Grade Teacher, Florence Avenue School. Replacing Beth Green. (j) Item 5, Letter N, page 20, board approved 8/19/15, Hebert Jackson, English Language Arts Teacher, High School was approved as replacing Dr. Chinedu Okoye. Should read replacing Mozell Anderson. (k) Item 71, “PARCC Readiness Saturday Academy Tutorial Program – Union Avenue Middle School”, page 100, Board approved on the Curriculum Agenda on August 19, 2015, and as Item 10, letter G, page 21, on the Personnel Agenda on September 16, 2015, should reflect a change in the account code for the salary for the Lead Teacher at the Union Avenue Middle School PARCC Program from 20-TI6-100100-11-30 to 20-TI6-200-100-11-30. (l) Deborah Granato, 2nd Grade Teacher, University Elementary School, board approved 9/16/15, item 1, letter B, page 6 Extension of unpaid medical leave effective 9/1/15 through 12/31/15 has rescinded this request in lieu of disability retirement effective 9/1/15. (m) Item 10, Letter m, page 24, Board approved September 16, 2015, Credit Recovery/Acceleration Program, Irvington High School, name should read Latasha McMillan instead of Abdul-Shabazz Ashanti. (n) Item # 10 (k) page 23 Union Avenue Middle School Activities Club, board approved on September 16, 2015 should be amended to reflect that the club will meet twice a week rather than twice a month. The total cost for the program remains the same. (o) Item 4, letter R, Anna Lionetti D’Antonio, Assistant Principal, Irvington High School, board approved on August 19, 2015, should include the following: Ms. D’Antonio will be paid form August 20, 2015 through September 17, 2015 to satisfy her 60 day notice. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by:__________________________ Roll Call: 34 CURRICULUM OCTOBER 21, 2015 12. CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC – 2015-2016 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, in concurrence with the Director of Special Services, and approves placements of Children with Disabilities in the following Public & Non-Public schools, at the listed tuition rates, upon receipt of appropriate bills, tuition and transportation (where necessary), subject to verification for the 2015-2016 school year. Effective as of September 1, 2015: PUBLIC P15-078 Grade: 7th DCF-Regional School-Passaic Tuition: $ 45,500.00 OHI – New Placement Effective: 09/02/2015 P15-079 Grade: 7th DCF-Regional School-Passaic Tuition: $ 45,500.00 OHI – New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 P15-080 Grade: 11th DCF-Regional School-Essex Tuition: $ 45,500.00 SCI– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 P15-081 Grade: 10th UCESC-Lambert’s Mill Academy Tuition: $ 55,180.00 MD– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 P15-082 Grade: 9th UCESC-Westlake School Tuition: $ 65,500.00 AUT– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 P15-083 Grade: 9th UCESC-Westlake School Tuition: $ 65,500.00 AUT– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 NON_PUBLIC NP15-184 Grade: 11th Lakeview School (NJID) Tuition: $ 82,102.00 MD– New Placement Effective: 09/30/2015 35 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 NP15-185 Grade: NP15-186 Grade: 2nd Mt. Carmel Guild Academy Tuition: $ 50,400.00 OHI– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 3rd Northwest Essex Community Healthcare 1:1 Aide: $ 20,160.00* OHI– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 *1:1 AIDE COST HIGHER THAN ON 08/21/15 BOARD AGENDA NP15-187 Grade: 11th Shepard School 1:1 Aide: $ 28,730.00* MD– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 *1:1 AIDE COST HIGHER THAN ON 08/21/15 BOARD AGENDA NP15-188 Grade: 4th Somerset Hills School Tuition: $ 73,445.00 OHI– New Placement Effective: 09/03/2015 NP15-189 Grade: 8th Somerset Hills School Tuition: $ 73,445.00 OHI– New Placement Effective: 09/03/2015 NP15-190 Grade: 7th Willowglen Academy Tuition: $ 57,284.00 OHI– New Placement Effective: 09/09/2015 NP15-191 Grade: 8th Windsor Prep Tuition: $ 47,120.00 MD– New Placement Effective: 09/16/2015 NP15-192 Grade: 7th Windsor Prep Tuition: $ 57,681.00 MD– New Placement Effective: 10/01/2015 TOTAL TUITION AMOUNT OF NEW PLACEMENTS – $813,047.00 36 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 DISCONTINUED PLACEMENTS: NP15-074 Grade: 4F First Children Tuition: $ 63,640.00 PS– New Placement Effective: 10/12/2015 NP15-096 Grade: 8th Legacy Treatment Services The Mary A. Dobbins School Tuition: $ 57,636.00 MD– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 NP15-158 Grade: NP15-171 Grade: 11th Washington Academy Tuition: $ 51,183.00 MD– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 *7th Westbridge Academy Tuition: $ 72,969.00 OHI– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 *INCORRECT GRADE ON 08/21/15 BOARD AGENDA NP15-172 Grade: 8th Willowglen Academy Tuition: $ 49,101.00 MD– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 NP15-181 Grade: 8th YCS – George Washington School Tuition: $ 47,270.00 OHI– New Placement Effective: 09/01/2015 TOTAL TUITION AMOUNT OF NEW PLACEMENTS – $341,799.00 ACTION: Motion by: ______________________ Seconded by: ___________________________ Roll Call: 37 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 13. CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC – 2014-2015 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, in concurrence with the Director of Special Services, and approves placements of Children with Disabilities in the following Public & Non-Public schools, at the listed tuition rates, upon receipt of appropriate bills, tuition and transportation (where necessary), subject to verification for the 2014-2015 school year. Effective as of September 1, 2014: School # of Students Tuition The Arc Kohler School 1 $4,366.00 st 1 Cerebral Palsy on NJ 1 $7,584.00 Total 2 $11,950.00 ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: CLASSIFICATION DEFINITIONS 1. "Auditorily Impaired" corresponds to "auditorily handicapped" and further corresponds to the Federal eligibility categories of deafness or hearing impairment. "Auditorily impaired" means an inability to hear within normal limits due to physical impairment or dysfunction of auditory mechanisms characterized by (c)1i or ii below. An audiological evaluation by a specialist qualified in the field of audiology and a speech and language evaluation by a certified speech- language specialist are required. i. "Deafness"--The auditory impairment is so severe that the student is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification and the student's educational performance is adversely affected. ii. "Hearing Impairment"--An impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating which adversely affects the student's educational performance. 2. "Autistic" means a pervasive developmental disability which significantly impacts verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction that adversely affects a student's educational performance. Onset is generally evident before age three. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routine, unusual responses to sensory experiences and lack of responsiveness to others. The term does not apply if the student's adverse educational performance is due to emotional disturbance as defined in (c) 5 below. A child who manifests the characteristics of autism after age three may be classified as autistic if the criteria in this paragraph are met. An assessment by a certified speech-language specialist and an assessment by a physician trained in neurodevelopmental assessment are required. 38 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 3. "Intellectually Disabled" means a disability that is characterized by significantly below average general cognitive functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior; manifested during the developmental period that adversely affects a student's educational performance and is characterized by one of the following: i. "Mild Intellectual Disability" means a level of cognitive development and adaptive behavior in home, school, and community settings that are mildly below age expectations with respect to all of the following: (1) The quality and rate of learning; (2) The use of symbols for the interpretation of information and the solution of problems; and (3) Performance on an individually administered test of intelligence that falls within a range of two to three standard deviations below the mean. ii. "Moderate Intellectual Disability" means a level of cognitive development and adaptive behavior that is moderately below age expectations with respect to the following: (1) The ability to use symbols in the solution of problems of low complexity; (2) The ability to function socially without direct and close supervision in home, school and community settings; and (3) Performance on an individually administered test of intelligence that falls three standard deviations or more below the mean. iii. "Severe Intellectual Disability" means a level of functioning severely below age expectations whereby in a consistent basis the student is incapable of giving evidence of understanding and responding in a positive manner to simple directions expressed in the child's primary mode of communication and cannot in some manner express basic wants and needs. 4. "Communication Impaired" corresponds to "communication handicapped" and means a language disorder in the areas of morphology, syntax, semantics and/or pragmatics/discourse which adversely affects a student's educational performance and is not due primarily to an auditory impairment. The problem shall be demonstrated through functional assessment of language in other than a testing situation and performance below 1.5 standard deviations, or the 10th percentile on at least two standardized language tests, where such tests are appropriate, one of which shall be a comprehensive test of both receptive and expressive language. When the area of suspected disability is language, assessment by a certified speech-language specialist and assessment to establish the educational impact are required. The speech-language specialist shall be considered a child study team member. i. When it is determined that the student meets the eligibility criteria according to the definition in (c) 4 above, but requires instruction by a speech-language specialist only, the student shall be classified as eligible for speech-language services. ii. When the area of suspected disability is a disorder of articulation, voice or fluency, the student shall be evaluated according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.4(g) and, if eligible, classified as eligible for speech-language services according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.6(a). 5. "Emotionally Disturbed" means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a student's educational performance due to: i. An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors; ii. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers; iii. Inappropriate types of behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances; iv. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; or v. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. 6. "Multiply Disabled" corresponds to "multiply handicapped" and “multiple disabilities,” and means the presence of two or more disabling conditions, the combination of which causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in a program designed solely to address one of the impairments. Multiple 39 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 disabilities includes cognitively impaired-blindness, cognitively impaired-orthopedic impairment, etc. The existence of two disabling conditions alone shall not serve as a basis for a classification of multiply disabled. Eligibility for speech-language services as defined in this section shall not be one of the disabling conditions for classification based on the definition of "multiply disabled." Multiply disabled does not include deaf-blindness. 7. "Deaf/blindness" means concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational problems that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for students with deafness or students with blindness. 8. "Orthopedically Impaired" corresponds to "orthopedically handicapped" and means a disability characterized by a severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a student's educational performance. The term includes malformation, malfunction or loss of bones, muscle or tissue. A medical assessment documenting the orthopedic condition is required. 9. "Other Health Impaired" corresponds to "chronically ill" and means a disability characterized by having limited strength, vitality or alertness, including a heightened alertness with respect to the educational environment, due to chronic or acute health problems, such as attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, nephritis, asthma, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning, leukemia, diabetes or any other medical condition, such as Tourette Syndrome, that adversely affects a student's educational performance. A medical assessment documenting the health problem is required. 10. "Preschool Child with a Disability" corresponds to preschool handicapped and means a child between the ages of three and five who either: i. Is experiencing developmental delay, as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures, in one or more of the areas in (c) 10 i (1) through (5) below, and requires special education and related services. When utilizing a standardized assessment or criterion-referenced measure to determine eligibility, a developmental delay shall mean a 33 percent delay in one developmental area, or a 25 percent delay in two or more developmental areas. (1) Physical, including gross motor, fine motor and sensory (vision and hearing); (2) Intellectual; (3) Communication; (4) Social and emotional; and (5) Adaptive; or ii. Has an identified disabling condition, including vision or hearing, that adversely affects learning or development and who requires special education and related services. 11. "Social Maladjustment" means a consistent inability to conform to the standards for behavior established by the school. Such behavior is seriously disruptive to the education of the student or other students and is not due to emotional disturbance as defined in (c) 5 above. 12. "Specific Learning Disability" corresponds to "perceptually impaired" and means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. i. A specific learning disability can be determined when a severe discrepancy is found between the student's current achievement and intellectual ability in one or more of the following areas: (1) Basic reading skills; (2) Reading comprehension; (3) Oral expression; (4) Listening comprehension; (5) Mathematical calculation; 40 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 (6) Mathematical problem solving; (7) Written expression; and (8) Reading fluency. ii. A specific learning disability may also be determined by utilizing a response to scientifically based interventions methodology as described in N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.4(h)6. iii. The term severe discrepancy does not apply to students who have learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, general cognitive deficits, emotional disturbance or environmental, cultural or economic disadvantage. iv. The district shall, if it utilizes the severe discrepancy methodology, adopt procedures that utilize a statistical formula and criteria for determining severe discrepancy. Evaluation shall include assessment of current academic achievement and intellectual ability. 13. "Traumatic Brain Injury" corresponds to "neurologically impaired" and means an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force or insult to the brain, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both. The term applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; sensory, perceptual and motor abilities; psychosocial behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. 14. "Visually Impaired" corresponds to "visually handicapped" and means an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a student's educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness. An assessment by a specialist qualified to determine visual disability is required. Students with visual impairments shall be reported to the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. 14. ARCHWAY SCHOOL-GENERAL EDUCATION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Camden Private School for tuition of (1) Full Time General Education Student to attend the Archway School in Atco, NJ at a cost of $35,820.00 for the 2015-2016 school year, to be paid from account number 11-000-100-566-00-25 not to exceed $35,820.00. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 15. EASTAMPTON SCHOOL DISTRICT -GENERAL EDUCATION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Eastampton School District for tuition of (1) Full Time General Education Student to attend the Eastampton Community School at a cost of $13,514.00 for the 2015-2016 school year, to be paid from account number 11-000-100-561-00-25 not to exceed $13,514.00. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 41 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 16. HOMELESS CHILDREN – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON_PUBLIC RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, in concurrence with the Director of Special Services, and approves the placement of the below listed Homeless Student in a Public and Non-Public placement for the 2015-2016 school year. Placement HLP15- 01 Grade: 5th Mt. Olive Board of Education/ Mt. View Elementary School Tuition Start Date $ 16,089.00 09/02/15 Special Education ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 17. HOME INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and approves Home Instruction for the below listed eligible students for the 2015-2016 school year. General Education students to receive (5) five hours per week and classified students to receive (10) ten hours per week of instruction. Student Name HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI- 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 Grade: 2nd Grade: th Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Instructors Name Union County Ed. Service Comm. 6 Start Date: 9/9/15 Start Date: 9/9/15 Union County Ed. Service Comm. Start Date: Education Inc. 9/9/15 Education Inc. th 6 th 7 Start Date: Lee’s Developmental Serv. Start Date: th 8 th 11 9/10/15 9/11/15 Paul Bey th 7 Start Date: 9/15/15 Start Date: 9/16/15 Start Date: 9/23/15 Start Date: 9/18/15 Marilyn Wilson th 11 Moriamo Okundaye th 6 Esohe Ogebemudia 42 HI- Grade: 9th Moriamo Okundaye 010 HIHI- 011 th Start Date: 9/17/15 Start Date: 9/23/15 Start Date: 9/28/15 Start Date: 9/24/15 Start Date: Lee’s Developmental Serv. 9/24/15 (Behaviorist Only) 9/24/15 Grade: 12 Education Inc. Grade: 10th Marilyn Wilson th HI- 012 Grade: 12 Esohe Ogbemudia HI- 013 Grade: 9th Education Inc. HI- 014 Grade: 12th Start Date: ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 18. SPECIAL TRANSPORT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and approves Special Transportation for the below listed students for the 2015-2016 school year: Student Name School/Reason STI- 001 Grade: 5th Mt. Vernon Avenue Start Date: 09/10/15 Wheel Chair Bound STI- 002 Grade: 6th Mt .Vernon Avenue Start Date: 09/09/15 Paraplegia STI- 003 Grade: 5th Thurgood Marshall Start Date: 09/24/15 Asthma STI- 004 Grade: 6th Union Avenue Start Date: 09/24/15 Asthma STI- 005 Grade: 7th Union Avenue Start Date: 09/09/15 Asthma ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 43 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 19. NEW JERSEY QUALITY SINGLE ACCOUNTABILITY CONTINUUM (NJQSAC) STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) Statement of Assurance (SOA) for the 2015-2016 school year. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 20. INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS TRAINING - DANIELSON’S FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHING – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Elaine Phillips, Educational Consultant to conduct training for teacher instructional rounds to further enhance the knowledge and skills as well as instructional practices of teacher using Danielson’s Framework For Teaching as an instrument to support teacher reflection and appraisal. The focus for this training is to provide teachers meaningful feedback from their peers during 2015-2016 school year. Training will be held on October 26, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m. at One University Place, Staff Development Room, 50 teachers at a cost not to exceed $3,634.13, payable from account number 20-2A6- 200-500-00-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 21. NEW VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS CURRICULUM – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the new Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum with the New Jersey Core Curriculum content Standard 1.1, for Grades Pre K, K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 for Visual Art, Music and Dance Programs District-wide. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 44 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 22. RUTGERS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, NEW JERSEY SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL’S 2015-2016 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING SERIES - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the Office of Curriculum and Instruction to obtain a membership with Rutgers Graduate School of Education, New Jersey School Development Council’s 2015-2016 Professional Learning Series which will offer five different learning clusters to be shared among the district’s personnel, plus a Leadership Conference at a cost of $1,500.00. The membership entitles the District to register two (2) participants for each workshop session at a cost of $1,500 with the opportunity to add additional participants at the cost of $55.00 per person, per workshop. Twelve additional participants will be added at a cost of $660.00. The grand total is $2,160.00, payable from account number 20-2A6-200-500-00-30. The Professional Learning Series are as follows: • October 6, 2015 - Choice A: Next Generation Science Standards (Gr 6-8) – Session #1, [3 people] Integrating Math, ELA, Technology for PARCC Achievement; [2 people] • October 8, 2015 - Choice C: Leadership Beyond Compliance – Session #1 [2 people] • October 13, 2015 - Choice D: Theatre Arts Integrated in Language Arts Class (Gr 3-8), [1 person] Choice E: Next Generation Science Standards – Session #2; [3 people] • October 15, 2015 - Choice F: NJSDC Leadership Conference featuring: Dr. Geneva Gay – Culturally Responsive Teaching; [2 people] • December 3, 2015 - Choice G: Integrating Math, ELA, Technology for PARCC Achievement, Choice H: [5 people] Theatre Arts Integrated in Social Studies Class (Gr 3-8); [2 people] • December 10, 2015 - Choice I: Increasing School Counselors’ Cultural Awareness, Choice J: [2 people] Next Generation Science Standards – Session #3, [3 people] Choice K: Leadership Beyond Compliance – Session #2 [2 people]; • May (TBD) - Choice L: Next Generation Science Standards – Session #4, [3 people] ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 45 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 23. REVISING CURRICULUM FOR BIOLOGY AND BIOLOGY HONORS - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the posting of 2 teachers for the purpose of revising curriculum for Biology and Biology Honors, for implementation at Irvington High School in the 2016-2017 school year. Each teacher will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour, 2 teachers for 40 hours, total hours not to exceed 80 hours. Biology and Biology Honors will be revised to align with the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards that are to be implemented as of September 2016. The curricula are due for revision based on the 5year cycle. The total amount is not to exceed $2,960.00, payable from account number 11-000-221-102-15-15. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 24. REVISING CURRICULUM FOR GRADE 8 INTEGRATED SCIENCE - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the posting of 2 teachers for the purpose of revising curriculum for Grade 8 Integrated Science, for implementation at University Middle and Union Avenue Middle Schools. Each teacher will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour, 2 teachers for 40 hours, total hours not to exceed 80 hours. Grade 8 Integrated Science will be revised to align with the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. The total amount is not to exceed $2,960.00, payable from account number 11-000-221-102-15-15. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 25. IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL’S GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT 2015-2016 ELECTIVE COURSE CREDIT EQUIVALENT - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Irvington High School’s Guidance Department 2015-2016 Elective Course Credit Equivalent as follows: ELECTIVE COURSE 21st CENTURY LIFE/CAREERS != credit may be counted toward this category APPLIED TECHNOLOGY Intro to Computers ! Intro to A+ Computer Repair ! A+ Computer Repair ! 46 VISUAL/PERFORMING ARTS != credit may be counted toward this category Accounting I and II ! Digital Publishing I and II ! Robotics ! ! CAREER & TECHNICAL ED PRGS Marketing/Sales (1/2 year) ! Business Law ! Finance ! COSMETOLOGY PROGRAM Intro to Cosmetology ! ! Cosmetology I and II MICROSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST PROGRAM ! ! Microsoft PowerPoint (1/2 year) ! Microsoft Word (1/2 year) ! Microsoft Excel (1/2 year) ! JROTC PROGRAM JROTC I, II, III, and IV ! ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Creative Writing (1/2 year) ! VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS Art I, II, and III ! Artistically Talented Music ! Artistically Talented Visual Arts ! Cartoon and Animation ! ! Ceramics ! Chorus ! Concert Band/Marching Band ! Crafts I and II ! Dance Desktop Publishing ! ! ! Exploring Music Fashion Design ! ! ! Instrumental Music I and II Photography ! ! ! Piano Class/Music Theory ! Sculpture ! ! Yearbook ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 47 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 26. ADMINISTERING THE CARL D. PERKINS GRANT AND MODIFYING PROGRAM MATERIALS - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the hiring 1 staff member for the purpose of administering the Carl D. Perkins Grant and modifying program materials at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. Total cost is not to exceed $4,303.00, payable from account numbers 20-CP6-200-100-00-00 and 20-CP6-200-200-00-00. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 27. CURRICULUM WRITING FOR THE CARL PERKIN’S GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the hiring of 1 staff member for the purpose of updating/writing curriculum for the Carl Perkin’s General Management Program at Irvington High School to be more rigorous and match state mandated standards, between October 21, 2015 and June 30, 2016 at the contractual rate of $37 per hour not to exceed $2,220.00 (30 hours) to be paid from account number 20-CP6-200-100-00-00 and 20-CP6-200-200-0000. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 28. NEW JERSEY TEACHER 2 TEACHER - OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the contract of New Jersey Teacher 2 Teacher, East Brunswick, NJ, to provide in person training to the Applied Technology Department on the integration of Math and Language Arts into an Applied Technology classroom on December 15, 2015 and February 16, 2016 from 1:30- 4:00 p.m. in the amount of $1,700.00, payable from account number 20-CP6-200-300-00-00. The Carl Perkins CTE Program requires training. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 48 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 29. THE ROSETTA STONE ON-LINE WORLD LANGUAGE PROGRAM – OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission to approve the continuation (Year Two) of The Rosetta Stone On-line World Language Program, both at Irvington High School and Blue Knights Academy for, at a cost of $25,700.00 (120 licenses ($21,800.00) and one (1) training session ($3,900.00) payable from account 11-190-100-500-00-15. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 30. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission to approve Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) to provide Professional Development (PD) for the teachers who are implementing the French Curriculum purchased during the 2014-2015 school year. The professional development will consist of three days in which teachers will enhance their knowledge of the program components and explore the many new materials added to the on-line program. HMH will provide three (3) full days of professional development for French 6-12 grade teachers during the 2015-2016 school year. The cost will be $2,800.00 for each session x three (3) sessions (dates to be determined). Total cost $8,400.00, payable from account number 20-2A6-200-500-00-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 31. APPROVAL OF SPANISH WORLD LANGUAGE CURRICULUM (LEVEL C (ELEMENTARY), LEVELS 1A & 1B (MIDDLE SCHOOL) AND LEVELS I, II, III (HIGH SCHOOL) - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the updated Spanish World Language (WL) Curriculum (Level C (Elementary), Levels 1A & 1B (Middle School), and Levels I, II, III (High School) starting with the 2015-2016 school year. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 49 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 32. APPROVAL OF FRENCH WORLD LANGUAGE CURRICULUM (LEVELS I &, II (HIGH SCHOOL) - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the updated French World Language (WL) Curriculum (Levels I &, II (High School) starting with the 2015-2016 school year. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 50 33. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: OUT OF DISTRICT WORKSHOPS /CONFERENCES - OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the identified staff below to attend the following out of district workshops: STAFF POSITION SCHOOL Patricia Simo Intellectually Gifted Teacher, Grades 1-5 Madison Avenue Susan Susskind Intellectually Gifted Teacher, Grades 1-5 University Elementary Edwin Edwards Intellectually Gifted Teacher, Grades 6-8 University Middle Maureen Jasovsky Intellectually Gifted Teacher, Grades 6-8 Union Avenue Middle WORKSHOP TITLE 2015 Gifted Education Conference for practical, research-based strategies to enhance your gifted programs and services 2015 Gifted Education Conference for practical, research-based strategies to enhance your gifted programs and services 2015 Gifted Education Conference for practical, research-based strategies to enhance your gifted programs and services 2015 Gifted Education Conference for practical, research-based strategies to enhance your gifted programs and services 51 LOCATION FEES/ACCOUNT # 11/19/15 DATE Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 11/19/15 Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 11/19/15 Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 11/19/15 Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ Registration: $175.00 Account: 11-000-221-50000-17 Registration: $175.00 Account: 11-000-221-50000-17 Registration: $175.00 Account: 11-000-221-50000-17 Registration: $175.00 Account: 11-000-221-50000-17 Andrea Tucker Principal Daniel Tulino ELA Specialist Glen Nier Khaliaah Taylor Data & Climate Specialist Math Specialist Eileen Walton Supervisor Jennifer Bock Belinda Perry 3rd Grade Teacher 4th Grade Teacher Sherrie Vicinio Kindergarten Teacher University Middle School University Middle School University Middle School University Middle School Office of Government Programs Thurgood Marshall Florence Ave. School Improvement Grant (SIG) – Cohort 3 Professional Learning Community Training Part I, Part II 10/22/15 Part I 2/22/16 Part II FEA Building Monroe Township, NJ Response to Intervention: 11/17/2015 Practical Strategies for Intervening With Students Before They Fall Too Far Behind In Math Institute for Educational Development Best Western Plus Fairfield, NJ 48th Annual Conference of Reading and Writing Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, NJ 52 10/23/2015 No cost to the District Registration: $470.00 ($235.00 per person) Account: 15-000-223-32000-08 Registration: $180.00 Accounts: 15-000-223-32000-04 15-000-240-50000-04 Sherrie Vicinio Kindergarten Teacher Florence Ave. Growing Independent Learners 12/10/2015 Busch Student Center Piscataway, NJ Registration: $150.00 Accounts: 150-000-223320-00-04 ($140.00) Allison Case Health & Physical Education Teacher Florence Ave. Joseph Romano Natasha Greene Timothy Chaney Dr. John Fajimolu Joseph Quaye Applied Technology Teacher Irvington High School Carl Walton Craig Felder Bevin Subocz Collis Spann Perry Schatzow Paul Migaj Evan Abramson Technology Coach Technology Coach Technology Coach Technology Coach Technology Coach Technology Coach Director of Technology Media Services 150-000-240500-00-04 ($10.00) No cost to the District. 2015 NJAHPERD Lake Conference for K-8 Physical Education Teachers Rutgers Business Institute 10/22/15 – 10/23/15 Happiness is Camping/ Hardwick, NJ 7/8/157/9/15 29th Annual New Jersey Educational Computing Cooperative Conference 1/13/161/15/16 Each member will attend for one day out of the three scheduled days. Rutgers Business $37.00 per hour, School, not to exceed Piscataway, NJ $407.00 (11 hours) per person X 5 people= $2,035.00 Account Number: 20-CP6-200-10000-00 and 20CP6-200-200-0000 Montclair State No cost to the University District 53 Paul Migaj Carl Walton Technology Coach Media Services Bevin Subocz Joseph Romano Technology Coach Media Services Carl Perkins Applied Irvington High Technology Teacher School 2016 Powerschool Users Group Conference 3/14/163/16/16 2016 Techspo Conference 1/27/161/29/16 54 Sheraton Hotel, Atlantic City, NJ Registration: $400.00 ($200.00 x 2= $400.00) Food: $150.00 x 2 = $300.00 Hotel- $109.00 per Night x 2 nights x 2 rooms= $436.00 Total: $1,136.00 Account: 11-000-222-30031-19 Harrah’s Atlantic Registration: City $420 x 2 = $840 Food: $198 x 2 = $396 Hotel: $123.56 per Night x 2 nights x 2 rooms = $494.24 Mileage: 600 x .31/mile = $124 Parking/Tolls: $40 Total: $1,89424 Account Numbers: 20-CP6-200-58000-00 20-CP6-200-50000-00 Evan Abramson Meredith Ribeiro Faith Stewart Wendy Celi Sabrein Khater Emelyn De La Cruz Aja Smith Director of Media Services Media Services 2016 Techspo Conference 1/27/161/29/16 First Grade Teacher Resource Teacher University Elementary 48th Annual Reading and Writing Conference 10/23/15 Second Grade Teacher Special Education Teacher Guidance Counselor Social Worker University Middle School Early Childhood Working with Traumatized and Aggressive Youths Play Therapy Techniques that You Can use today 55 11/20/15 12/4/15 Harrah’s Atlantic Registration: City $420.00 Food: $198.00 Hotel: $247.12 Total: $865.12 Account: 11-000-223-30000-19 Hyatt Regency, 2 Registration: Albany Street, $165.00 per New Brunswick, person for (4 NJ people) Totaling: $ 660.00 Hamilton Public Library Rutgers School of Social Work 390 George Street, 6th Floor New Brunswick, NJ Account Number: 15-000-240-50000-05 = $165.00 + Account number: 15-000-223-32000-05 = $495.00 Registration: $129.00 Account number: 15-000-221-50000-10 Registration: $116.10 Account: 20-EC6-200-32903-37 Amy J. Allen Preschool Master Teacher Early Childhood Christine Pfeiffer 3rd grade Math Teacher 4th grade Math Teacher Berkeley Terrace Carol Miller Nicole Gilmore Mariealaena McCannon Teesha Davis Daniel Tulino Supervisor ELA Specialist ELA Specialist ELA Specialist Special Services Irvington High Union Avenue University Middle The Role of the Preschool Master Teacher Additional Training Dates 3/15/16 4/12/16 4/28/16 5/17/16 Response to Intervention: 11/17/2015 Practical Strategies for Intervening with Students Before They Fall Too Far Behind in Math NJPSAFEA Strategies for Helping Struggling Readers and Students with Disabilities (6-12) 10/19/15 11/16/15 12/8/15 NJ Department of Education 100 River View Plaza Trenton, NJ No cost to the District Best Western Plus Fairfield, NJ Registration: $478.00 ($239.00 per person) Foundation for Educational Administration Conference Center 12 Centre Drive Monroe, NJ Account Number: 15-000-223-32000-02 Registration: $1,500.00 ($375.00 per person) Account: 20-2A6-200-50000-30 No cost to the District Sari Greggs Guidance Counselor Chancellor Avenue Yes You Can Curriculum Training 10/27/15 Evangel Church Scotch Plains, N.J. Jordan Epstein Jodie Hollander Health & P.E. Teachers Union Avenue Middle School Adolescent Health Conference 10/27/15 Evangel Church 1251 Terrill Rd. Scotch Pains, NJ No cost to the District Teesha Davis ELA Specialist Union Avenue Middle School NJC Common Core Academy 2015-2016 10/29/15 NJCU 2039 Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City, NJ 0 No cost to the District 56 Sean Evans Sean Evans Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Irvington High School Irvington High School TEACHNJ The New Paradigm for Corrective Action Plans and Progressive Supervision 10/27/15 Hot Issues in School Law 12/11/15 ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 57 Foundation for Educational Administration 12 Centre Drive Monroe Township, NJ Morris Union Jointure Commission 340 Central Ave. New Providence, NJ Registration: $150.00 Account: 15-000-240-50000-12 Registration: $150.00 Account: 15-000-240-50000-12 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 34. CAREER ADVANCEMENT AND TRANSITION 1 & 2 CURRICULUM GUIDE – OFFICE OF CURICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves “Career Advancement & Transition 1 & 2 Curriculum Guide Grades 9-12” for elective courses at Irvington High School for the 2015-2016 school year. This will provide students with the knowledge that will transition them to post-secondary experiences as informed, literate, responsible, and successful members of a global society. The Career Advancement, Financial Literacy & Transition Courses reinforce the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards of 21st Century Life and Career Skills which enable students to make informed decisions that prepare them to engage as active citizens in a dynamic global society and to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century global workplace. Students will develop the following skills: self-advocacy, knowledge of laws related to post-high school, use of technology for research as well as for their educational process, organization and test-taking/study skills useful for the PARCC, and SAT/ACT as well as post-secondary testing. This curriculum has been expanded to grades 9-12. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 35. KNOWLEDGE MATTERS CTE SOFTWARE – OFFICE OF MEDIA SERVICES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the purchase of Knowledge Matters CTE software, to provide hands on learning for students in the Career and Technical Programs in the amount of $6,938.40, payable from account number 20-CP6-100-60000-00. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 36. LEE’S DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES, LLC TO SERVICE IRVINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR SPEECH THERAPY SERVICES – OFFICE OF SPECIAL SERVICES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Lee’s Developmental Services, LLC to service Irvington Public School students for Speech Therapy Services for the 2015-2016 school year. The rate for this service is $100.00 per hour that will be supplied on an as needed basis for a total cost of $19,000.00. Total cost is not to exceed $19,000.00, payable from IDEIA account number 20-IB6-100-300-00-25 QUOTES: • Speech & Hearing Associates, Westfield, NJ - $150.00 • Essex Regional Educational Services Commission- $97.00 ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 58 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 37. TEACHING INTENTIONALLY IN THE INTEREST AREAS WORKSHOP – OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Teaching Strategies to conduct “Teaching Intentionally in the Interest Areas” workshop for 101 staff members on November 11, 12, and 13, 2015 at Augusta Preschool from 8:30-3:00 (each day will not exceed 34 participants). Teaching Strategies will conduct 3 days of professional development for 101 staff members. The staff members include 83 Classroom Teachers, 1 Director, 1 Supervisor, 7 Master Teachers, 7 PIRT Members, 1 Social Worker, and 1 Principal (Augusta Preschool). Substitutes are needed for coverage while in-district teachers attend the workshop. The District will begin implementing the new Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale 3rd edition. One of the new shifts is to extend choice time. This workshop will provide teachers with the skills and strategies needed to extend language and increase interactions in the interest areas. Teaching Strategies will be paid $7,025.25 for the workshop from account 20-EC6-200-329-03-37. Total cost not to exceed $7,025.25. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 38. GANG AWARENESS SPEAKER – BLUE KNIGHTS ACADEMY RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts that recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Detective John Marcelli of the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office to hold an assembly to address the Blue Knights Academy students. Det. Marcelli is an Irvington High School graduate and has testified in court as an anti-violence expert. The assembly will consist of discussions on Gang Awareness. The assembly program will be held on October 19, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. There is no cost to the District. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 39. SENIOR PORTRAITS - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Irvington High School to schedule free professional Senior Portraits to be done by DP Photo. The Senior Portraits will be taken for all eligible graduating students in the district. Professional Senior Portraits will be offered free of charge to the district and to the students for a yearbook pose including a cap and gown pose over. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 59 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 40. BLOSSOM YEARBOOK - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Blossom Yearbook to provide services as the official publisher of the 2015-2016 Irvington High School yearbook. Blossom Yearbook is located at 163 East Second Street, Winona, MN. The total cost of the yearbook is not to exceed $6,000.00, payable from the internal yearbook account from yearbook sales. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 41. JROTC 2ND BRIGADE DRILL MEET HOSTED BY THE US ARMY AT FRANCIS LEWIS HIGH SCHOOL IN FRESH MEADOWS, NY - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for 30 Irvington High School Cadets and 2 Instructors to attend the 2nd Brigade Drill Meet hosted by Cadet Command of the US Army at Francis Lewis High School located at 58-20 Utopia Pkwy, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Cadets will leave school Saturday, March 7, 2016 at 6:30 a.m. and return no later than 5:00 p.m. This competition is contingent upon Irvington High School JROTC winning the Northern New Jersey Drill Meet in 2016. Entry fee is free of charge. Transportation to be supplied by Essex Regional Education Service Trip # IRV -JROTC at a cost for transportation is not to exceed $573.73, payable from account number 15-000-270-512-00-12. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 42. JROTC WEEKEND DRILL MEET AT FORT DIX - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for 15 Irvington High School Cadets and 2 Instructors to attend a JROTC Fort Dix Weekend Drill Meet on the Fort Dix Military Base. Cadets will leave school Friday, October 23, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. and return no later than 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 25, 2015. The entry fee is no cost to the district. Transportation to be supplied by Essex Regional Education Service Trip # IRV -JROTC at a cost for transportation not to exceed of $1,251.00, payable from account number 15-000-270-512-00-12. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 60 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 43. JROTC DRILL MEET AT HILLSIDE HIGH SCHOOL – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for 25 Irvington High School Cadets and 2 Instructors to attend a JROTC Drill Meet at Hillside High School in Hillside, New Jersey on Saturday, November 7, 2015. Students will leave school at 6:30 a.m. and return no later than 6:00 p.m. The entry fee for this event is $150.00 to be paid from account number 15-190-100-800-00-12. Transportation to be supplied by Essex Regional Educational Services Commission Trip# IRV 11/7 Hillside School JROTC at a cost for transportation not to exceed of $234.56, payable from account number 15-000-270-512-00-12. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 44. JROTC DRILL MEET AT CENTRAL REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL IN BAYVILLE – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for 30 Irvington High School Cadets and 2 Instructors to attend a JROTC Drill Meet at Central Regional HS in Bayville, New Jersey, on Saturday, January 9, 2016. Students will leave school at 6:30 a.m. and return no later than 6:00 p.m. The entry fee for this event is $150.00 to be paid from account number 15-190-100-800-00-12. Transportation to be provided by Essex Regional Educational Services Commission Trip# IRV 1/9/16 at a cost for transportation is not to exceed of $1,058.13, payable from account number 15000-270-512-00-12. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 45. JROTC DRILL MEET AT NORTHERN NEW JERSEY RAIDER MEET AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN RESERVATION – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for 30 Irvington High School Cadets and 2 Instructors to attend the Northern New Jersey Raider Meet at South Mountain Reservation in South Orange, NJ on Saturday, 4/2/16. Students will leave School at 6:30 a.m. and return no later than 6:00 p.m. The entry fee for this event is free. Transportation to be supplied by Essex Regional Educational Services Commission Trip# IRV 4/2 South Mountain Reservation JROTC at a cost for transportation not to exceed of $234.56, payable from account number 15-000-270-512-00-12. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 61 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 46. JROTC DRILL NORTHERN NEW JERSEY – FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for 30 Irvington High School Cadets and 2 Instructors to attend a JROTC Drill Meet at Franklin High School located at 500 Elizabeth Ave. Somerset, New Jersey. This event is to determine the Northern New Jersey Drill Championship. Cadets will leave school Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 6:30 a.m. and return no later than 4:00 p.m. The entry fee for this event will be of no cost to the district. Transportation to be supplied by Essex Regional Educational Services Commission, Trip # IRV 2/20/16 -JROTC), at a cost for transportation $ 495.18 payable from account number 15- 000-270-512-00-12. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 47. JROTC ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Irvington High School to attend the JROTC Annual Awards Banquet in Newark, New Jersey, on Friday, May 13, 2016. Students will leave school at 5:00 p.m. and return no later than12:00 a.m. All expenses, except transportation, to be paid from account number 15-190-100-800-00-12 at a cost not to exceed $2,150.00. The Military Ball is an assessment of drill team, cadet command, instructor positions, and cadet etiquette lessons taught during the school year. The JROTC program receives 50 points for hosting the ball, which is necessary to maintaining ranking and accreditation during inspection. All cadets, in grades 9-12, instructors and guests attend to observe and participate. There will be approximately 160 9th – 12th grade cadets and guests attending the Annual Awards Banquet. Transportation to be provided by Essex Regional Educational Services Commission Trip# IRV 5/13 Mediterranean Manor-JROTC at a cost for transportation $417.00 for two (2) buses at $ 208.50 each, payable from account number 15-000-270-512-00-12. Total cost of the banquet not to exceed $2,567.00. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 62 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 48. HOMECOMING - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the Irvington High School Class of 2016 to host Senior Homecoming Weekend Athletic Breakfast on October 31, 2015 and a Dance on November 13, 2015. Senior Homecoming weekend will acknowledge and showcase the athletic achievements and accomplishments of the Irvington High School Class of 2016. The breakfast will also include the parents of the athletes. The dance will be the culmination of the celebration. The breakfast will begin at approximately 8:30 a.m., and the Dance will be held from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Total amount of the event is not to exceed $800.00 for food and paper products, $150.00 for the Police Officers and $250.00 for the DJ. All funds will be taken from the Senior Class account. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 49. BLOOD DRIVE - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the Irvington High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) to sponsor two blood drives on 12/4/15 and 4/8/16. These drives will take place in room 123 from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm. The purpose of the blood drive is to teach students social responsibility and the importance of community service. This event will be open to community members, staff, and students 17 years old and over (16 year olds can donate with parental permission). The events will be held in cooperation with the Community Blood Services. There is no cost to the district. Donors will be entered in a drawing for a gift supplied by the FBLA. The raffle gift will cost the FBLA no more than $30 ($60 total) and will be paid from club funds. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 50. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT AND AT&T JOB MENTORING PROGRAM - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves 30 selected Irvington High School students to participate in the Junior Achievement Program which will provide them with engaging, academically enriching and experiential-learning sessions in workreadiness education and career perspectives. Sophomore students at Irvington High School will have the rare opportunity to participate in the Junior Achievement/AT&T Job Mentoring Program. This program is sponsored at no cost in partnership with AT &T, Junior Achievement and Junior Achievement USA. The program requires that 80% of students meet two of the following criteria: 1. Economically disadvantaged (measured by student’s free or reduced lunch status); 2. Absenteeism rates; 3. On- or off-track for on-time graduation (constructed from the number of course credits earned and the number of semester core course failures). 63 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 Lessons will be taught in the classroom by teachers, Joe Romano and Kim Petcos, who will prepare students to spend a day shadowing an AT&T employee at their local site; students will identify areas of future job interests and are matched with employees who hold those positions. This program helps students identify their career cluster, interests, interview strategies, how to write a successful resume, what type of post-secondary education and/or training is necessary and promotes work-readiness awareness. The cost of admission, lunch, and transportation will be sponsored by AT&T located at One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921. The trip will take place on December 2, 2015 from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm. Students will be chaperoned by staff members listed below: Kimberly Petcos, Special Education Teacher Joe Romano, Applied Technology Teacher Patricia Wilson, Community/Family Advocate ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 51. IRIS HOUSE OF IRVINGTON, NJ TO PRESENT A HIV PREVENTION PROGRAM - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Iris House of Irvington, NJ to present an HIV Prevention Program to 9th and 12th grade Health classes. The program is aligned with 9th and 12th grade students’ Human Sexuality curriculum at Irvington High School. The program will be facilitated by Audria Russell, Executive Director, and will be held on November 9-13, 16-19 for 12th grade health classes and in the Spring (dates to be announced) for 9th grade health classes. Iris House staff will meet with all 9th and 12th grade classes for three sessions each to cover the HIV prevention program. Iris House will provide this service free of charge. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 52. ADAM BRENNER, PIANO TUNER - UNIVERSITY MIDDLE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for University Middle School to accepts the contract agreement with Adam Brenner, Piano Tuner, 90 Ploch Road, Clifton, NJT, to install locks, tune and repair the (3) three pianos at University Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. The locks are necessary to secure the pianos, repairs and tuning is essential to ensuring the instruments work properly to ensure effective and efficient instruction. The total cost not to exceed $1,140.00, payable from account number: 15-000-240-500-00-10. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 64 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 53. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PMI CURRICULUM AND HAND TO MIND PHILOSOPHYOFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Standards Solution, 196 Belvidere Ave, Washington, NJ to provide embedded professional development on building conceptual understanding and fluency through the use of manipulatives to 26 grades 6-8 mathematics teachers during common planning. The professional development will occur as follows: - 13 Grades 6-8 teachers at University Middle from 8:30-3:00 p.m. on November 16, 2015 - 13 Grades 6-8 teachers at Union Ave Middle from 8:30-3:00 p.m. on November 18, 2015 The total cost is $3,600.00 to be paid from account number 20-RTT-200-300-00-30 ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 54. CRESTLINE CUSTOM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS - UNIVERSITY MIDDLE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for University Middle School to accept a contract agreement with Crestline Custom Promotional Products, PO Box 2027, Lewiston, Maine, 04241 to print custom student lanyards and table covers for University Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. Lanyards are utilized by students to keep and display their student ID cards as they move throughout the school. Customized table covers to be utilized during University Middle School events. The lanyards and table covers will assist University Middle School with meeting the school’s beautification goals and promote a favorable constructive school climate, thus improving positive student behavior. Total cost not to exceed $1,524.16, payable from account number: 15000-240-500-00-10. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 55. ORDER ITEMS FOR THE UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL STORE - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to order items for the Union Avenue Middle School Store, for students to cash in their eagle feathers for supplies and prizes. The school store will open at 7:45 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. and after school from 3:00 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. Total cost for supplies is not to exceed $1,802.75, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-600-00-11. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 65 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 56. HONOR ROLL BREAKFASTS - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Union Avenue Middle School to hold an Honor Roll Breakfast on the following dates: December 1, 2015, February, 18, 2016, April 28, 2016 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The cost of each breakfast will not exceed $1,250.00, for a total cost not to exceed $3,750.00, payable from the account number 20-TI6-200-500-00-11. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 57. SCHOOL VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH ASSEMBLY PROGRAM - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Edison Jaquez and Andre Scott to serve as motivational speakers in the School Violence Awareness Month Assembly Program to be held on October 22, 2015. Mr. Jaquez is the author of A Second Chance: Life Lessons Turned into Living Dreams. He is currently employed by the Jewish Renaissance Foundation where he works with at-risk youth as the Program Coordinator for the Civic Justice Corps. Mr. Jaquez has a Bachelors degree in Business Management in 2009 from Berkeley College. He is also the recipient of the Principles for Life Education Award from I Can Foundation. Mr. Andre Scott is a 26 years old native of Jersey City. He served 5 years in prison where he began taking college courses. He is currently a sophomore at Rutgers University, majoring in accounting. Each speaker will speak for 25 minutes. There will be 2 assemblies for grades 6 from 9:30 AM to 10:25 AM and grades 7-8 from 10:40 am to 11:30 am. There is no cost to the District. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 58. YOUNG LADIES & YOUNG GENTLEMEN’S CLUB - UNION AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the Young Ladies & Young Gentlemen’s Club at Union Avenue Middle School for grade 6 - 8. Four (4) staff members will be hired as advisors for the Club. The program starts on November 20, 2015 to May 27, 2016, from 7:10 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. or from 3:10 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. and will meet once a week. The staff members will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 22 hours ($37.00 x 22 hours = $814.00 per person). Total cost for the staff members will not exceed $3,256.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200100-11-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 66 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 59. SCHOOL CLIMATE & CULTURE CLUB - BERKELEY TERRACE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grant permission for Berkeley Terrace to hire (1) certified staff as an advisor for the School Climate & Culture Club. The Club will meet twice a month (three times for two months) from 3:05 to 4:05, from October to June. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. Total cost is not to exceed $740.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-02-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 60. ADVISORS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR BOOK CLUB - BERKELEY TERRACE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Berkeley Terrace to hire (1) certified staff as an advisor for the School Year Book Club. The Club will meet twice a month (three times for two months) from 3:05 to 4:05, from October to June. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. Total cost is not to exceed $740.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-02-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 61. READING CLUB - BERKELEY TERRACE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Berkeley Terrace to hire (1) certified staff as an advisor for the School Reading Club. The Club will meet twice a month (three times for 2 months) from 3:05 to 4:05, from October to June. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. Total cost is not to exceed $740.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-02-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 67 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 62. UNITARIAN CHURCH - CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the relationship between Chancellor Avenue School and the Unitarian Church in Summit, 4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901. The Unitarian Church will support Chancellor Avenue School through donations and volunteering in support of our scholars, families and school. The Unitarian Church will make donations or volunteer the services of their members for the following activities and events: School Supply Drive, Picture Me Tomorrow, After School Tutoring, Saturday Tutoring, Mural Painting, Thanksgiving Baskets, Winter Coat Drive, Holiday/Winter Bazaar, Christmas Baskets, Christmas Gifts, Christmas Day Dinner, Author Night, Book Fairs, Family Game Night, Flower Planting, Fun Day, 5th Grade Dance, and 5th Grade Picnic. Only Unitarian Church members who have been cleared through criminal background checks will participate in activities. There is no cost to the District. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 63. MOUNT HERMON BAPTIST CHURCH - CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the relationship between Chancellor Avenue School and the Mount Hermon Baptist Church, 221 Nesbit Terrace, Irvington, New Jersey 07111. Mount Hermon Baptist Church will support Chancellor Avenue School through donations and volunteering in support of our scholars, families and school. The Church will make donations or volunteer the services of their members for the following activities and events: School Supply Drive, Picture Me Tomorrow, After School Tutoring, Saturday Tutoring, Mural Painting, Thanksgiving Baskets, Winter Coat Drive, Holiday/Winter Bazaar, Christmas Baskets, Christmas Gifts, Christmas Day Dinner, Author Night, Book Fairs, Family Game Night, Flower Planting, Fun Day, 5th Grade Dance and 5th Grade Picnic. Only Mount Hermon Baptist Church members who have been cleared through criminal background checks will participate in activities. There is no cost to the district for maintaining this relationship. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 68 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 64. OPEN HOUSE FOR PARENTS OF ESL/BILINGUAL SCHOLARS - CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the Open House for Parents of ESL/Bilingual Scholars at Chancellor Avenue School on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. At the Open House, Parents of ESL/Bilingual Scholars, will be provided with information regarding the goals, structure, and implementation of the ESL/Bilingual Program at Chancellor School. Parents will also learn the procedures for placing and exiting scholars from ESL/Bilingual programs. In addition, the importance of the standardized tests (PARCC, ACCESS FOR ELLS) will be discussed. This program will prove to be a valuable tool in engaging parents and enhancing teacher-parent communication. Adequate parent participation will be is ensured by providing individuals who can translate English to Haitian Creole and Spanish. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 65. WRITING LAB AFTER SCHOOL - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for After School Writing Lab at Florence Avenue School. This club will service students in grades 3-5. The purpose of the Writing Lab is to improve students’ critical thinking skills that include: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The writing process to practice the habits and processes of successful writers Writing in various modes or genres, including some that are primarily imaginative and some that are informational Achieve clarity and coherence by communicating the central idea & details; Purposeful writing and for specific audiences Writing in response to higher level questions about the content they encounter in textbooks, articles and literature in every discipline Apply standard English corrections of spelling, grammar, and usage Producing presentable handwriting and word processed documents. The club will run twice a week (Wednesdays and Thursdays) for 14 weeks from 3:15-4:15 p.m. One teacher will be compensated at $37.00 x 29 hours = $1,073.00 from November 11, 2015-March 9, 2016. Total cost is not to exceed $1,073.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-100-100-04-30 ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 69 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 66. AFTER-SCHOOL HOMEWORK CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission to approve the After-School Homework Club. This program will serve students in grades k-5. The Homework Club is to provide children with the help and structure they need to efficiently complete homework assignments. It will give them another opportunity to grasp key concepts taught in class during the day. It will also build basic skills and advanced skills, and will reteach skills needed to understand concepts. The After-School Homework Club will run three days a week from 3:10-4:10 p.m. from November, 2015 – May, 2016. One teacher will be compensated at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hr. for 27 hrs. ($37.00 x 27 = $999.00 per person) Total cost is not to exceed $999.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-100-100-04-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call 67. MULTICULTURAL CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the Multicultural Club at Florence Avenue School. This recreational after-school club will serve students in grades k-5. Students will be able to research and write about the origins of different kinds of music and how it has impacted the culture being studied. Students will write an organized procedural writing piece describing how to perform the selected dance. The club will run three days a week from 3:10 p.m.-4:10 p.m. from November, 2015- June, 2016. One teacher will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 27. hrs. ($37.00 x 27 = $999.00). Total cost is not to exceed $999.00, payable from account number 20-TI6200-100-04-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call 68. ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for a Environmental Club at Florence Avenue School. This club will service students in grades 3-5. The Environmental Club will be a means of promoting environmental literacy. The purpose of the Environmental Club is to provide an avenue for students to acquire skills needed to identify, investigate, and experience the resolution of environmental issues and problems Interested students have access to environmental education beyond what is infused into the curriculum. The Environmental Club will meet 3 times a week for one hour. One teacher will be compensated at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hr. for 27 hrs. ($37.00 x 27 = $999.00) Total cost is not to exceed $999.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-0430. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 70 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 69. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN’S CLUB - FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for a Young Ladies and Gentlemen’s Club at Florence Avenue School. This after school club will service students in grades 4-5 grade. This club will foster self-esteem, teamwork and positive behavior. The purpose of this club is to improve the relationship between young ladies and gentlemen in our school and to promote awareness, understanding, love and acceptance of who we are and who we are striving to become. Students will concentrate on perfecting themselves, and the community around them. Our goal is to help diminish and solve problems within the female and male population in our school. We will focus our attention on academic excellence, self-esteem, respectfulness and goodwill. We will work together to foster good relationships with our fellow students. Two teachers will be compensated at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hr. for 27 hrs. ($37.00 x 2 x 27 = $1,998.00). Total cost is not to exceed $1,998.00, payable from account number 20-TI6-200-100-04-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call 70. TUTORING PROGRAM - MADISON AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Madison Avenue School to conduct a tutoring program for students in grades 3rd-5th from 3:10 p.m. - 4:10 p.m. from October 22, 2015 to May 3, 2016. Six (6) teachers will work two (2) hours per week for twenty three (23) weeks on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This after-school program will be aligned with the NJ Common Core Curriculum Standards, provide students with strategic instruction in the areas in which they may need reinforcement, and prevent them from making common testing mistakes. Teachers will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. ($37.00 x 2 hours a week = $74.00 x 23 weeks = $1,702.00 per teacher), total cost is not to exceed $10,212.00, payable from account number 20-T16-100-100-07-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 71 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 71. SAFETY PATROL COMMITTEE - MOUNT VERNON AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Mount Vernon Avenue School to have a Safety Patrol Committee for the 2015-2016 school year. There are many benefits to being a member of Safety Patrol, such as learning responsibility, leadership, commitment and the satisfaction of helping others. Safety Patrol scholars help maintain discipline and orderliness inside/outside of the school during class changes and during arrival/dismissal. They keep students safe by reminding them not to run, helping them if they have fallen or dropped something, to open/close doors and assisting teachers and staff during arrival/departure time. Students arrive at their assigned areas with their belts and badges on, and be ready for duty at the times listed below. Morning Duty is from 8:15 AM to 8:35 AM. Afternoon Duty is from 2:45 PM to 3:00 PM. During early dismissal, afternoon duty is from 12:35 PM to 12:55 PM. Safety Patrol will be at no cost to the school district. PTA purchased badges for safety patrol. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 72. DRAMA CLUB - MOUNT VERNON AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Mount Vernon Avenue School to conduct a Drama Club. The Drama Club will involve students writing their own play that will incorporate literacy and bullying. Literacy is a priority area number 1 and school climate is a priority area number 3 in the Title Schoolwide Plan. The program will run from December 4, 2015 to April 15, 2016 (16 days). The Club will meet on Fridays from 3:05 pm to 4:05 pm. The advisor will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour. The hours per person will not exceed 16 hours x $37.00 = $592.00. The total cost is not to exceed $592.00, payable from account number 20-T16-200100-09-30. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 72 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 73. CLUB ACTIVITIES – THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the following Club/Activities at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School for the 2015-2016 school year: Name of Club # of Instructor(s) # of Rate of Dates for Club Program Total Payable Days and Times Hours Pay Mtg. Amount Not To from Exceed Account Basic Skills 3 – 3 days per 78 hrs. $37.00 10/22/15$2,886.00 per 20-T16Enrichment week Per 05/26/16 person 100-100-08Math & ELA 3:05-4:05 pm Person $8,658.00 Total 30 M-W-Th. Thurgood Marshall School Basic Skills program is designed to increase student proficiency in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The program will focus on teaching students learning strategies, study skills and time management skills aligned to New Jersey Common Core Standards. They will demonstrate growth as measured by pre and post assessments test. Band Club 1 - 3 days per 100 $37.00 10/22/15$3,700 20-T16week 7:30-8:30 hrs. 05/26/16 200-100-08a.m. or 30 3:05-4:05 pm M - W–Th. The Band Club will meet three times a week every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (provided it is not a school half day or holiday) to rehearse for upcoming events within Thurgood Marshall School and the community such as Thurgood Marshall Promotional Ceremonies, School Concerts and the Board of Education Meeting that Thurgood Marshall will host. Students will be selected based on their interest in music and the success of their audition. Common Core Standards in Visual and Performing Arts 1.1.5.B.1, 1.1.5.B.2, 1.3.5.B.1, 1.3.5.B.2, 1.3.5.B.3, 1.3.5.B.4, 1.4.5.A.1, 1.4.5.A.2 and 1.4.5.A.3. Homework 2 – 3 days per 61 hrs. $37.00 10/22/15$2,257.00 per 20-T16Advisors week per hour 05/26/16 person 100-100-083:05-4:05pm $4,514.00 Total 30 M-W-Th. Thurgood Marshall School Homework Program is designed to integrate what was being taught in the classroom and to ensure their homework is complete with full understanding of the concepts. The Homework Club is being offered to all students in grades second through fifth, who needs assistance with their homework. It is available for all subject areas. School 2– 3rd Friday of 9 hrs. $37.00 10/22/15$ 333.00 per person 20-T16Climate & each month from per hour 05/26/16 $ 666.00 Total 200-100-08Culture 3:05 to 4:05pm 30 Advisors The School Climate & Culture Advisors will meet one hour from October, 2015 to April, 2016 and 2 hours for the month of May, 2016. School climate and culture have a deep impact on student achievement, behavior, and reflects the school community’s culture. It is the quality and character of school life and based on relationships between students, parents, and school personnel and reflects norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, and learning practices. 73 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 74. ASSEMBLY PROGRAM, “NEW KID”, - UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission to University Elementary School to host an assembly program, “New Kid,” on October 29, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. (K/1) and 1:30 p.m. (4/5) and on October 30, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. (2/3). “New Kid” is an elementary school anti-bullying assembly program that supports character education and promotes a positive school climate of kindness, respect, and acceptance. “New Kid” is being presented in October to increase awareness of National Bullying Prevention Month. Three sessions of “New Kid,” which is offered by George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick, NJ, will be presented at a cost of $2,145.00, payable from account number 15-190-100-500-00-05. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 75. FEEDING BY READING PROGRAM RESOLVED that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the District to partner with Feeding by Reeding.org to raise funds for the Women’s Community Church of Irvington Food Pantry. Third, Fourth and Fifth grade students will read books at home and complete a reflection sheet for each book read. The total number of books read each week will be posted on Feeding by Reading.org website and corporate sponsors will be asked to make donations directly on line. Irvington students will have the opportunity to provide food to families in need by reading books. The program will begin October 27, 2015 and conclude on January 8, 2016. ACTION Motion by: ________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 74 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 76. FIELD TRIPS RESOLVED, that the Board Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the following field trips, under the conditions listed below: Destination/ Rationale Date/ Time Blue Knights Academy 11/13/15 William Paterson University Shea Center for Performing Arts 300 Pompton Road Wayne, NJ Grade Level 9-12 # of Students 10 # of Teachers/ Names Hubert Ato-Bakari Chase # of Chaperone Admission Per Person 1 $10.00 ($10.00 x 12 $120.00) 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Transportation & Cost Trip # 11/13 BKAWilliam Paterson University $286.68 Total Cost Admissions: $120.00 Account # Admissions: $120.00 Account: 11-423-100-800-00-20 Transportation: $286.68 Account: 11-423-200-500-00-20 Theater performance “The Giver” and Campus Tour The Giver will come to life in this solo performance that explores individuality, ethics, and social constructs. This compelling “Literature to Life” adaptation focuses on the relationship between Jonas, 75 the main character, and his mentor, The Giver. Irvington High School Thursday, December 17, 2015 and Thursday, May 26, 2016 Chemistry Students 30 Students 2 Science, Inc. 66 Deforest Avenue East Hanover, NJ 07936 Departure Trip 1: Ms. Bennin Mr. Wilson 0 No cost Trip 2: Ms. Bennin Ms. Bohmarczyk ERESC to provide transportation Two buses at a rate of $255.41 Total Cost: $510.82 time: 8:30 a.m. Admissions: No Cost Transportation: 15-000-270-51200-12 $510.82 Admissions: No Cost Transportation: $510.82 Account: 15-000-270-512-00-12 Rationale: S2S programs focus on changing the Return students’ attitude Time: toward pursuing a career in STEM 3:00 p.m. related fields, as well as improving student aptitude with STEM subject matter. Chancellor Avenue School Wightman’s Farm 1111 Mt. Kemble Ave. Morristown, N.J. 07960 Rationale: Children will learn to observe pumpkins 10/26/15 9:00 am 1:30 pm K 76 8 Ms. Smith Mr. Clarke Ms. Cejour Ms. Pilie Paras: Ms. Koonce Ms. White Ms. Jones Ms. Blamo 6 $7.50 per student EREC to provide Transportation transportation. $521.24 Transportation: $521.24 $7.50 per teachers/ chaperones --76 students,4 teachers, 4 Paras, 6 chaperones x $7.50 Cost per bus: $260.62 Admission $675.00 Account: 15-000-270-512-00-03 Number of buses: (2) Total Cost: $1,196.24 Admissions: $675.00 76 Total Cost: $521.24 Account: 15-190-100-800-00-03 = $675.00 for admission for all. utilizing their senses & use words to describe shape, texture, and physical features they notice. Madison Avenue School Madison Avenue School/ Will be attending Wightman’s Farm 1111 Mt. Kembel Ave. Morristown, NJ/The students are partaking in this trip to observe and interact with plant and animal life on a farm. Thurgood Marshall School Casola Farms 178 Highway 34 & Schanck Road Holmdel, NJ 07733 Extending our Science Lessons to real life experiences by visiting Casola 10/29/20 15 Kdg. & 2nd Grade 93 9:30am1:30pm 5/Teachers: Mr. Perkins, Ms. Pompilus, Mr. Maletich, Ms. Davis, Ms. Sammarone/3 Paraprofessionals/ Ms. Canada, Ms. Bass, Ms. Echolas 3-Parents $6.00 Per Student 93 @ $6.00 $558.00 2 Buses/ Essex Regional Educational Services $354.45 each Trip#10/29 MADS Adults Free Admissions: Admissions: 15-190-100-800-00-07 $558.00 Transportation: Transportation: 15-000-270-512-00-07 $708.90 $708.90 10/30/15 K-1st Grade Students 9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. & Autistic Class Grades K-1st 142 18 Teachers Ms. Abdullah, Mrs. Dorian, Mr. Roberts Mr. Caulfield Ms. Smith Mrs. Bookhart Mrs. Samuels Ms. Jihad Ms. !Bratcher Ms. Holmes Ms. Mitchell Ms. O’Neal Ms. Bryant 2 $10.99 per person Admissions 16 Staff Admission is free ($175.84) 144*10.99= $1582.56 Total Cost: not to exceed 77 ERES – Camptown Admissions: Admissions: $ 1,582.56 $ 1,582.56 Cost per bus: $ 286.68 for 4 buses Transportation: $1,145.52 $286.68*04 = $1,145.52 Total $2,728.08 Total Cost not to exceed $1,145.52 Account: 15-190-100-800-00-08 Transportation Cost: $1,145.52 Account: 15-000-270-512-00-08 Chaperones will pay the cost admissions Farms. Union Ave. Middle School Branchbrook Park Skating Center, Newark, NJ 07083 11/11/15 3:30 pm 6:45 pm 6-8 200 Rationale: A PBSIS incentive to reward students for their exceptional behavior in school, as well as promote positive behavior and the necessity for exercise. Union Ave. Middle School Branchbrook Park Skating Center, Newark, NJ 07083 Rationale: A PBSIS incentive to reward students for their exceptional behavior in school, as well as promote positive behavior and the 2/17/16 3:30 pm 6:45 pm 6-8 200 Ms. Little Mrs. Frazier Mr. Davis Ms. Bennett Ms. Burgman 15 Jasovsky Mullman Bussacco ChinaRichardson Manley Menza Nalick Amoatey Tofel Mathias Maurice Ferguson Davis Whitehall Austin 15 Jasovsky Mullman Bussacco ChinaRichardson Manley Menza Nalick Amoatey Tofel Mathias Maurice Ferguson $1,582.56 0 Admission $2,000.00 No Cost to the District Paid by Students 0 Admission $2,000.00 No Cost to the District Paid by Students 78 (5) buses at the cost of $182.43 per bus Admission $2,000.00 Total Cost for buses $912.15 Transportation Transportation will be provided by Essex Regional Educational Commission Services. Total Cost $2,912.15 (5) buses at the cost of $182.43 per bus Admission $2,000.00 Admission No Cost to the District Total Cost for buses $912.15 Transportation Transportation: $912.15 Transportation will be provided by Essex Regional Educational Commission Services. Total Cost $2,912.15 $912.15 $912.15 Admission No Cost to the District Transportation: $912.15 Account: 20-TI6-100-800-00-11 Account: 20-TI6-100-800-00-11 necessity for exercise. Union Ave. Middle School Branchbrook Park Skating Center, Newark, NJ Rationale: A PBSIS incentive to reward students for their exceptional behavior in school, as well as promote positive behavior and the necessity for exercise. 3/16/16 3:30 pm 6:45 pm 6-8 200 Davis Whitehall Austin 15 Jasovsky Mullman Bussacco ChinaRichardson Manley Menza Nalick Amoatey Tofel Mathias Maurice Ferguson Davis Whitehall Austin 0 Admission $2,000.00 No Cost to the District Paid by Students (5) buses at the cost of $182.43 per bus Total Cost for buses $912.15 Transportation will be provided by Essex Regional Educational Commission Services. ACTION Motion By: __________________________ Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call 79 Admission $2,000.00 Admission: No Cost to the District Transportation $912.15 Transportation: $912.15 Total Cost $2,912.15 Account: 20-TI6-100-800-00-11 CURRICULUM (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 77. FOR THE RECORD (a) Item #21, entitled “Professional Development - NJPSAFEA Strategies for Helping Struggling Readers and Students with Disabilities”, Board approved 9/16/15, page 40, , should reflect a change of dates from 10/19/15, 11/16/15, and 12/8/15 to 11/16/15, 12/8/15, and 1/25/16. (b) Item # 83, entitled “Club Activities-Young Ladies Club – University Middle School”, Board approved 8/19/15, page 107, should have a change of time from 3:10 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (c) Item # 83, entitled “Young Ladies Club - University Middle School”, Board approved 8/19/15, page 107 should have a change of time from 3:10 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (d) Item # 83, entitled “Chess Club-University Middle School”, Board approved 8/19/15, page 106 should have a change of time from 3:05 p.m. – 4:05 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (e) Item # 27, entitled “Mental Health Provider-Care Plus, NJ, Inc. - University Middle School, Board approved 6/17/15, page 44, should have a change of account number from 20-SG6-200-300-00-10 to 20-SG6-100-300-00-10. (f) Item # 81, entitled “After School Tutor, For The SIG (School Improvement Grant) Extended Day Elementary Tutoring Program. – University Middle School”. Board approved 8/19/15, page 104 should have a change of account from 20-SG6-200-100-10-30 to 20-SG6-100-100-10-30. (g) Item #21, entitled “Professional Development - Dan Bender, Paul Darbouze, Joshua Wrinn, and Shelley Sadow-Frankel” Board approved 9/16/15, page 37, should have a change of dates from 9/28/15 and 9/29/15 to 10/19/15 and 10/21/15. (h) Item #71, entitled “PARCC Readiness Saturday Academy Tutorial Program – Union Avenue Middle School”, Board approved 8/19/15, should have a change of account for salary for the lead teacher from 20-TI6-100-100-11-30 to 20-TI6-200-100-11-30 80 BY-LAWS & POLICY OCTOBER 21, 2015 FIRST READING 78. POLICY 5330 ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION (REVISED) (M) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the mandated revisions to Policy 5330 Administration of Medication (Revised) (M). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: 79. Seconded by:_________________________ REGULATION 5330 ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION (REVISED) (M) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the mandated revisions to Regulation 5330 Administration of Medication (Revised) (M). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: 80. Seconded by:_________________________ POLICY 5339 SCREENING FOR DYSLEXIA (REVISED) (M) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the mandated revisions to Policy 5339 Screening for Dyslexia (Revised) (M). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: 81. Seconded by:_________________________ POLICY 5616 SUSPECTED GANG ACTIVITY (REVISED) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the revisions to Policy 5616 Suspected Gang Activity (Revised). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: Seconded by:_________________________ 81 BY-LAWS & POLICY (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 82. POLICY 8540 SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAMS (REVISED) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the revisions to Policy 8540 School Nutrition Programs (Revised). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: 83. Seconded by:_________________________ POLICY & REGULATION 8540 FREE & REDUCED RATE MEALS (ABOLISHED) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the abolishment of Policy & Regulation 8540 Free & Reduced Rate Meals (Abolished). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: 84. Seconded by:_________________________ POLICY 8550 OUTSTANDING FOOD SERVICE CHARGES (NEW) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Policy 8550 Outstanding Food Service Charges (New). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: 85. Seconded by:_________________________ POLICY 8820 OPENING EXERCISES/CEREMONIES (REVISED) RESOLVED, that the Irvington Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the revisions to Policy 8820 Opening Exercises/Ceremonies (Revised). ACTION: Motion By: ________________________ Roll Call: Seconded by:_________________________ 82 ATHLETICS OCTOBER 21, 2015 86. NEW YORK JETS SPORTS BUSINESS DAY RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves 10 football players to attend the New York Jets Sports Business Day at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. on November 10, 2015. Stephanie Kaplan & Peter Pascarella will chaperone. The cost of tickets is $54.00 per person for a total of $540.00, which will be paid from account number 15-402-100-500-0012. There is no fee for transportation. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 87. , Seconded by: FALL COACHING APPOINTMENT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the following coaching appointment for the 2015-2016 school year at the step and honorarium indicated as per the Coaches’ Salary Guide of the teachers’ contract. Coaches are paid from athletic budget account number 15-402-100-100-00-12 of the 2015-2016 school budget. Tyshon Gurley Assistant Football ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 88. Step 1 $3,217.00 , Seconded by: CORE COURSE GPA SOFTWARE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Core Course GPA web based software that allows school counselors, coaches, parents and student athletes to track student progress towards NCAA eligibility center requirements. It generates a detailed initial eligibility status report for both division 1 and division 2 core course GPA as well as the minimum required ACT and SAT scores. It provides information pertaining to financial aid, the recruiting process, recruiting rules and other academic subject matter. The cost of $475.00 for the 2015-2016 school year will be paid from account number 15-402-100-500-00-12. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: , Seconded by: 83 ATHLETICS (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 89. ANNUAL FOOTBALL BANQUET RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves approximately 80 football players and cheerleaders to attend the annual football banquet sponsored by the Petrucci Family Foundation on Tuesday, December 9, 2015 at Newark Airport Marriott, at 6:30pm. There is no cost to the students. Transportation provided by Essex Regional Education Services Commission at a cost of $585.30 and will be paid from account number 15-402-100-800-00-12. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 90. , Seconded by: BLUE KNIGHTS HOLIDAY WRESTLING TOURNAMENT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Irvington High School Varsity Wrestling Team to host the Blue Knights Holiday Wrestling Tournament on Saturday, December 19, 2015. All awards and official fees will be paid through $350.00 per team entry fee. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call 91. , Seconded by: APPROVED AUXILIARY PERSONNEL FOR ATHLETIC EVENTS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Stephanie Kaplan (Single Game Site Manager $50.00 per game) to work athletic events as auxiliary personnel for the 2015-2016 school year. Staff will be paid per the Board of Education approved 2015-2016 rates for auxiliary athletic events personnel from the athletic budget account number 15-402-100100-00-12. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call , Seconded by: 84 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS OCTOBER 21, 2015 92. ENVIRONMENTAL CLIMATE CONTROL-BOILER REPAIR RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to award a contract to Environmental Climate Control 51 Paterson Avenue, Wallington New Jersey 07057 to repair the following boilers: Thurgood Marshall School in the amount of $3,731.21, University Middle School in the amount of $3,981.59, University Elementary School in the amount of $1,344.46, Mt. Vernon Avenue School in the amount of $1,625.02 and Irvington High School, in the amount of $14,726.43; for a grand total of $25,408.71 for the calendar year 2015-2016, payable from account number 11-000-262-420-19-33. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 93. Seconded by: MK LIONS, LLC – ROOF REPAIR THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to award a contract to MK Lions 69 Buena Vista Drive Ringwood New Jersey 07456 to repair Thurgood Marshall roof, in the amount of $25,720.00. for the calendar year 2015-2016. Bid number 6898, effective April 1, 2015 thru November 30, 2016, payable from account number 11-000-262-420-00-34 Service: Skilled roofer % Mark-up added to wholesale Urethane foam Urethane Foam % Mark-up added to a ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 94. Rate: $21.50/hr 0.50% $55.23/hr 0.02% Seconded by: MK LIONS, LLC – ROOF REPAIR FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to award a contract to MK Lions 69 Buena Vista Drive Ringwood New Jersey 07456 to repair Florence Avenue roof, in the amount of $7,716.00, for the calendar year 2015-2016, Bid number 6898, effective April 1, 2015 thru November 30, 2016 payable from account number 11-000-262-420-00-34 Service: Skilled roofer % Mark-up added to wholesale Urethane foam Urethane Foam % Mark-up added to a ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: Rate: $21.50/hr 0.50% $55.23/hr 0.02% Seconded by: 85 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 95. WOOD – COOR, INC. – BERKELEY TERRACE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to award a contract to Wood-Coor, Inc. 95 Madison Avenue, Gillette NJ 07933 to repair the folding partition in the gym/multipurpose room at Berkeley Terrace School in the amount of $10,750.00 for the calendar year 20152016, payable from account number 11-000-262-420-00-34 Other quote: Tri-State Folding Partitions Inc,. 608 Chestnut Ridge Road, Chestnut Ridge, New York 10977 ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 96. Seconded by: GM FENCE – CHANCELLOR AVENUE SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to award a contract to GM Fence, 170 Route 10, East Hanover, NJ 07938 to repair the fence and reset corner post and wire at Chancellor Avenue School in the amount of $850.00 for the calendar year 2015-2016, payable from account number 11-000-262-420-00-34. Other quote: Fox Fence, 417 Crooks Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07011 ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 97. Seconded by: CAFETERIA KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SERVICES/REPAIR RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to renew a contract to Tek Express, 32-2 Green Point Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 to repair and services stoves, refrigerators, and freezers district wide pursuant to N.J.S. 18A-5, as needed in an amount of $25,000.00 for the 2015-2016, school year, payable from account number 60-910-310-500-00-38. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: Seconded by: 86 FINANCE OCTOBER 21, 2015 98. PAYMENT OF BILLS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves payment for the following bills and claims: Regular Accounts Payable Regular Payroll Workers Compensation October September September Total: $ 8,476,670.77 $ 6,314,374.76 $ 21,063.86 $14,812,109.39 The accounts payable appearing on the October 21, 2015, Board meeting agenda may be inspected in the Board Secretary’s Office. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 99. BOARD SECRETARY’S FINANCIAL REPORT AUGUST 2015 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the Board Secretary’s Report for the period ending August 2015. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 100. TREASURER OF SCHOOL MONIES FINANCIAL REPORT AUGUST 2015 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the Treasurer of School Monies Financial Report for the period ending August 2015. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call 101. CERTIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES REPORT AUGUST 2015 Pursuant to 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, the Board of Education has obtained from the Board Secretary that as of August 2015 no major account has encumbrances and expenditures which in total exceed the line item appropriation and hereby certifies pursuant to 6A:23A-16.10(b) that no major account or fund has been over expended. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 87 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 102. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR AUGUST 2015 – 4TH REQUEST RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and requests the payment of school district taxes for the month of August 2015 from Irvington Township in the amount of $1,454,960.75. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call 103. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 – 3RD REQUEST RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and requests the payment of school district taxes for the month of September 2015 from Irvington Township in the amount of $1,454,960.75. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call 104. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR OCTOBER 2015 –2ND REQUEST RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and requests the payment of school district taxes for the month of October 2015 from Irvington Township in the amount of $1,454,960.75. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 105. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR NOVEMBER 2015 – 1ST REQUEST RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and requests the payment of school district taxes for the month of November 2015 from Irvington Township in the amount of $1,454,960.75. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 88 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 106. DONATION OF EDUCATIONAL BOOKLETS , TREE RIBBONS & BRACELETS - SUSAN G. KOMEN FOUNDATION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the Breast/Colon Cancer Awareness Walk on Monday, October 26, 2015. The Susan G. Komen Foundation, 44 Middle Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901, will donate educational booklets, tree ribbons and 1,000 bracelets toward the event. Items to be distributed district wide to each school to help promote cancer awareness. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 107. DONATION OF COATS - JERSEY CARES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the donation of eighty (80) coats from Jersey Cares, 494 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102. The coats will be distributed district wide to families in need of assistance. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 108. DONATION OF SCIENCE LAB COATS – CVS PHARMACY RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Irvington High School to accept a donation of ten (10) science lab coats from CVS Pharmacy, 265 Long Ave, Hillside, NJ 07205. The coats will be used during instruction in Science classes at the High School. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 109. DONATION FROM SHOES THAT FIT – GROVE STREET SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Grove Street School to accept a donation of fifty (50) pairs of sneakers from SHOES THAT FIT, 1420 N. Claremont Blvd., Suite 204 A, Claremont, California 91711, for the students of Grove Street School who are in need of sneakers. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 89 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 110. DONATION FROM TOYS FOR TOTS - GROVE STREET SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Grove Street School to accept a donation of 600 toys from Toys for Tots, 1106 Parker Road, Dover, NJ 07801, for students of Grove Street School. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 111. DONATION FROM NEW JERSEY CARES COAT – GROVE STREET SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Grove Street School to accept a donation of 200 winter coats from New Jersey Cares Coat, 494 Broad Street, Suite 104, Newark, NJ 07102, for the students of Grove Street School. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 112. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN ACCEPTANCE FOR OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD - 2013-2014 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the Corrective Action Plan for Kiddie Quarters to address the findings of the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance for fiscal year 2013-2014. ACTION Motion by: __________________________, Seconded by: __________________________ Roll Call: 113. SWITCHES FOR CAMERA INSTALLATION – ARGENTIUM SOLUTIONS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Argentium Solutions, l23 E. 54th Street, Suite 7A, New York, NY 10022, to configure the network switches for camera installation. This purchase is necessary in order to migrate a new camera system onto our network. Total amount not to exceed $21,200.00, to be paid from account number11-000-222-500-19-19. Second Quote: Ikon Business Group ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 90 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 114. LICENSES – MICROSOFT OFFICE CERTIFICATION – APPLIED TECHNOLOGY RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Certiport, 1276 S 820 E - Suite 200, American Fork , UT 84003, to provide Microsoft software practice and live certification exams for the Microsoft Office Specialists Program through the Carl Perkins grant, district-wide, for the period of one year. Total cost is not to exceed $5,500.00, payable from account number 20-CP6-100-300-00-19. Second quote: Ucertify.com ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 115. WINCAP CONTRACT RENEWAL – HARRIS SCHOOL SOLUTIONS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the contract between Harris School Solutions, 62133 Collections Center Drive, Chicago, IL 60693, and the Irvington Board of Education for software license, support and maintenance of WINCAP the district’s financial software system. Annual Support and Maintenance fees not to exceed $31,575.44, payable from account number 11-000-230-590-00-31. The systems include the following at the fees indicated: Annual Support & Maint - Accounting Annual Support & Maint - On-Line Shopping & Electronic Ordering Annual Support & Maint - Payroll Annual Support & Maint - Employee Attendance Annual Support & Maint - H/R Appointments Annual Support & Maint - Employee Benefits Annual Support & Maint - Position Control & Staff Cost Projects Annual Support & Maint - Enhanced Reporting Module Annual Support & Maint - Application Server Support Total Cost: $ 7,393.36 $ 1,645.28 $ 7,393.36 $ 2,481.44 $ 2,481.44 $ 2,481.44 $ 1,175.20 $ 1,645.28 $ 4,878.64 $31,575.44 ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 116. NON-PUBLIC SECURITY AID INITIATIVE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the adoption of the Guidelines for Administering the New Jersey Nonpublic Security Aid Initiative Program published by the New Jersey Department of Education, which will serve as the agreement with Good Shepherd Academy and Independence High School to govern the provision of approved security services and/or related services for the 2015-2016 school year. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 91 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 117. NEW JERSEY NON-PUBLIC SCHOOL SECURITY AID – 2015-2016 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the acceptance and appropriation of Non-Public funds as follows totaling $5,975.00. Security Aid Good Shepherd Academy Independence High School Amount $5,425.00 $ 550.00 Total: $5,975.00 Account No. 20-NS6-200-600-00-71 20-NS6-200-600-00-72 ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 118. COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS GRANT 2015-2016 ACCEPTANCE OF AWARD RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the request to accept funds for the College and Career Readiness Partnership (CCRP) Grant, NGO 16-AY05-H02 for the project period starting September 1, 2015, and ending August 31, 2016, as listed below pending confirmation of the final allocation and availability of funds. Instruction Personal Services – Salaries Purchased Professional and Technical Services Purchased Professional and Technical Services Total Instruction: Account 100-100 100-500 100-600 Program Costs $ 32,253.00 $ 48,000.00 $ 30,659.00 $110,912.00 Support Services Personal Services – Salaries Personal Services – Benefits Purchased Professional and Technical Services Purchased Professional and Technical Services Total Support Services: 200-100 200-200 200-500 200-600 $ 40,548.00 $ 5,568.00 $ 83,222.00 $ 3,750.00 $133,088.00 Facility Acquisition and Construction Services Purchased Professional and Technical Services Total Facility Acquisition and Construction Services: 400-731 $ $ Total Project Expenditures: 6,000.00 6,000.00 $250,000.00 ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 92 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 119. RENEWAL OF PROQUEST LLC SIRS KNOWLEDGE SOURCE ONLINE DATABASE SUBSCRIPTION - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL – (REVISED) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the renewal of subscription for SIRS Knowledge Source Online Database from ProQuest LLC, located at 6216 Paysphere Circle, Chicago, IL, for the 2015-2016 school year. The total cost not to exceed $3,185.00, to be paid from account number 15-000-222-500-00-12. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 120. RENEWAL OF WORLD BOOK WEB SUBSCRIPTION IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL (REVISED) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the renewal of subscription for World Book Web, located at 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL, for the 2015-2016 school year. The total cost not to exceed $2,124.00, to be paid from account number 15-000-222-500-00-12. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 121. MED-FLEX, INC. – DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Med-Flex, Inc., P.O. Box 357, Hainesport, NJ 08036, to complete the regulated medical waste removal and disposal for all twelve (12) schools for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Total not to exceed $960.00, payable from account 11-000-213-300-00-24. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 93 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 122. NON-PUBLIC ALLOCATIONS 2015-2016 OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and accepts the additional funding for the Non-Public Allocation as a result of an increase in enrollment under the Chapter 192/193 Law of 1977 in the amount of $15,886.00. Total Allocation for 2015-2016 is $127,794.00. Compensatory Education Initial Exam and Classification Annual Exam and Classification Corrective Speech Supplemental Instruction Current Amount New Request $ 69,374.00 $ 8,460.00 $ 13,115.00 --$ 4,441.00 --$ 10,869.00 --$ 14,109.00 $ 7,426.00 Revised Amount $ 77,834.00 $ 13,115.00 $ 4,441.00 $ 10,869.00 $ 21,535.00 Total: $111,908.00 $127,794.00 $15,886.00 ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 94 Account Number 20-CE6-100-300-00-30 20-CI6-100-300-00-30 20-CI6-100-300-00-30 20-CC6-100-300-00-30 20-CS6-100-300-00-30 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 123. BUDGET TRANSFERS-2015-2016 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the following appropriation transfer of funds for the 2015-2016 school year in compliance with N.J.S.A. 18a:22-8.1 for the reason(s) noted: Account Number Description 11-000-261-420-00-33 11-000-262-420-00-34 20-IB6-200-300-00-25 20-IB6-200-600-00-25 11-000-230-340-00-22 11-000-230-590-00-22 11-000-213-600-00-24 11-000-230-610-00-22 11-000-222-500-19-31 11-000-262-420-19-33 20-SG6-100-100-10-30 20-SG6-200-100-10-30 15-190-100-610-00-10 15-000-100-730-00-10 11-000-100-563-00-25 11-000-100-564-00-25 11-000-100-566-00-25 10-000-100-560-00-31 11-000-262-622-00-31 11-000-230-590-00-31 11-000-230-610-00-31 Cleaning Repair Maintenance Service Contracts IDEIA B Prof/Tech Services IDEIA B Supplies /Admin Purchased Technical Services Other Purchased Services Health Services Supplies General Supplies Media Services E-Rate Maintenance Instructional Salaries Support Salaries Instructional Supplies Instructional Equipment Tuition to Co. Voc. School Dist -Regular Tuition to Co. Voc. School Dist. –Sp Ed Tuition to private schools for the disabled Charter School Electricity/Heat District Misc Purchased Services General Supplies From To 70,000.00 70,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 Explanation Buildings and Grounds: To provide funds for the environmental services, welding, and fire extinguishers Special Services – To provide funds for administration educational data supplies. Human Resources- To provide additional funds to purchase computers for Human Resource employees. 7,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 8,490.00 8,490.00 11,540.00 11,540.00 177,000.00 57,000.00 120,000.00 80,000.00 60,000.00 Buildings and Grounds-To provide funds for boiler repairs and maintenance. University Middle School SIG Grant Programs- To provide additional funds needed to cover the cost of stipends. University Middle-To provide funds to replace Smart Board Projectors Special Services – To provide funds to pay additional tuition contracts for vocational & private schools for Special Education Business Office-To provide additional funds for Attorney fees and related services. 120,000.00 20,000.00 ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call 95 FINANCE (Continued) OCTOBER 21, 2015 124. FUNDRAISERS RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the following Fund Raising Activities for the 2015-2016 School Year: School Purpose Activity Date Name of Company Responsible Person(s) Florence Avenue School To raise funds for student incentives, promotional activities, Honor/Super Honor Roll, Attendance Incentives, Student Council, National Honor Society, Field Day, Movie Night, S.T.E.M. Club, P.B.I.S Incentives, Multicultural Club, Homework Club, Reading Club, Environment Club, Ladies & Gentleman’s Club, Writing Club,5th Grade Dance, Field Trips. School Photos 10/30/2015 Retakes: 11/01/201511/30/2015 School Craft Studios Sparta, NJ 07871 Ms. Magee Ms. Amatur-Rashid Florence Avenue School To raise funds for Breast/Colon Cancer. All proceeds will go to the Cancer Center of America. Bake Sale (Items sold to parents and staff only) 10/22/201510/23/2015 Items will be donated by Florence Avenue Staff and Parents Ms. Magee Ms. Babbs U.E.S. To provide funds for students incentives, dances, and field trips. School Pictures 09/09/201506/30/2016 Lifetouch School Pictures Mrs. Clark Ms. Ali Mt. Vernon Avenue The purpose of the fundraiser is to provide funds for student activities and field trips. Sale of School Logo Apparel 10/23/201512/11/2015 Party Busters Ent. Denville, NJ Dr. Harrington Ms. Greenfield Irvington H.S. To raise funds for warm-ups for various teams. Wrestling Holiday Tournament 12/19/2015 Athletic Dept. Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Sheard Irvington H.S. Financially support the FBLA members’ competition, travel, event admissions, and award expenses. Members will donate items or club funds will be used – not to exceed $100. Bake Sale 11/12/2015 01/14/2016 03/17/2016 05/12/2016 Items will be donated by Irvington H.S. Staff Ms. Boone-Gibbs Joseph Romano 96 School Purpose Activity Date Name of Company Responsible Person(s) Irvington H.S. Fundraiser to raise funds for Band Front uniforms. Bake Sale 10/07/2015 10/21/2015 Items will be donated by Irvington H.S. Staff Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Tripp Irvington H.S. To raise funds to help offset senior expenses. Penny/Coin Drive 11/05/2015 05/31/2016 Items will be donated by Irvington H.S. Staff Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Lane Ms. Oglesby Irvington H.S. To offset the cost for Freshmen activities and to begin fundraising efforts for next four years Freshmen T-Shirt Sale 10/15/201506/20/2016 Imagemarket Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Hart Ms. Padovani Irvington H.S. To offset the cost for class of 2019 activities. Candy Cane Gram 11/01/201512/23/2015 Candy canes will be purchased at cheapest location (Walmart) Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Hart Ms. Padovani Irvington H.S. To offset the cost for Freshmen activities and to begin fundraising efforts for next four years. Bake Sale 11/15/2015 06/20/ 2016 Assorted items from student baked goods or from Costco Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Hart Ms. Padovani Irvington H.S. To offset the cost for Freshmen activities and to begin fundraising efforts for next four years. Candy Sale 11/15/2015 06/20/ 2016 Easy Candy Fundraising Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Hart Ms. Padovani Irvington H.S. Offset costs of the 2017 Senior Prom and other Class of 2017 business and activities Class of 2017 Holiday Dance (IHS Gymnasium) 12/18/2015 DJ 360 Irvington, NJ 07111 Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Mickelsen Ms. Panny Irvington H.S. Offset costs of the 2017 Senior Prom and other Class of 2017 business and activities Class of 2017 Food Sale 10/20/2015 Donations Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Mickelsen Ms. Panny Irvington H.S. Offset costs of the 2017 Senior Prom and other Class of 2017 business and activities NBA 2K Video Game Play-off Tournament 03/11/2016 N/A Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Mickelsen Ms. Panny Irvington H.S. Offset costs of the 2017 Senior Prom and other Class of 2017 business and activities Class of 2016 Senior Toast Off 05/24/2016 N/A Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Mickelsen Ms. Panny 97 School Purpose Activity Date Name of Company Responsible Person(s) Irvington H.S. Offset costs of the 2017 Senior Prom and other Class of 2017 business and activities FIFA16 Video Game Play-off Tournament 06/03/2016 N/A Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Mickelsen Ms. Panny Irvington H.S Offset costs of the 2017 Senior Prom and other Class of 2017 business and activities. Class of 2017 Food Sale 02/16/2016 Donations Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Mickelsen Ms. Panny Irvington H.S. Offset costs of the 2017 Senior Prom and other Class of 2017 business and activities Madden Video Game Play-off Tournament 11/20/15 N/A Ms. Boone-Gibbs Ms. Mickelsen Irvington H.S. All funds collected will be donated to the March of Dimes to benefit programs that support prenatal care, provide educational support for expectant mothers, and offset preterm delivered baby medical expenses. Pick-A-Pumpkin Fundraiser - Pumpkin name tags and wrist bands will be distributed in exchange for a $1 or more. The “pumpkins” will be hung on the wall outside of the H.S. auditorium. 10/22/201512/4/2015 N/A There is no expense for pumpkin name tags and wrist bands. Ms. Boone-Gibbs Joseph Romano Madison Avenue School To raise funds for field day. Students will have a bake sale each month to raise funds for field day. 10/30/201506/23/2016 Items will be donated by Madison Avenue Staff and Parents Mr. Rosenberg Mrs. Spann Madison Avenue School To raise funds for field day. Candy Sale Hershey Candy Bars 10/30/201506/23/2016 Fun Services Fairfield, NJ 07004 Mr. Rosenberg Mrs. Spann Madison Avenue School To raise funds for field day. Candy Sale Katydids 11/18/201512/23/2015 Great American Opportunities Nashvill, TN 37230 Mr. Rosenberg Mrs. Spann Union Ave. Middle School To raise funds to offset the cost of field day, field trips, and year books. Collecting empty inkjet, toner cartridges, old cell phones, laptops, and other small electronics. 11/26/2015 06/23/2016 Funding Factory Mr. Pierre Mr. Bussacco Ms Tofel 98 School Purpose Activity Date Name of Company Responsible Person(s) Union Ave. Middle School To raise funds to purchase T-Shirt for the 8th grade trip to Washington, DC. Bake sales and other fundraising events 10/26/201506/05/2016 Stuyvesant Press, Irvington, NJ 07111 Mr. Pierre Ms. Mullman Ms. Jasovsky Union Ave. Middle School Raise awareness of Breast Cancer and to raise money to offset the cost of field trips and year books Sell pink breast cancer bracelets, pencils, and ribbons. 10/26/2015 10/30/2015 Oriental Trading Mr. Pierre Mr. Bussacco Ms Tofel Union Ave. Middle School To raise money to help offset the cost of field trips, field day, and yearbooks. Collecting Box Tops for Education 10/26/201506/23/2016 Box Tops for Education Mr. Pierre Mr. Bussacco Ms Tofel Union Ave. Middle School The Book Fair will assist in raising funds for student activities. 12/07/201512/11/2015 Scholastics Book Fair Mr. Pierre Ms. Farrell Union Ave. Middle School School Year 2014-2015 - Student Activity Club raised funds for the 2014-2015 Union Avenue Middle for 8th Grade Caps and Gowns. 09/25/201406/05/2015 Zolnier Graduation Supplies, LLC Union City,NJ 07087 Union Ave. Middle School School Year 2014-2015 - The Book Fair will assist in raising funds for student activities 12/08/201412/12/2014 Scholastics Book Fair Mr. Pierre Ms. Mullman Ms. Jasovsky Mr. Bussacco Mr. Pierre Ms. Farrell Berkeley Terr. School To raise funds for student activities and field day. Book Sale - Portion of the profits will be donated to the Student Activities Account. 8th Grade Graduation Scholars purchased their caps and gowns for $24.00. Book Sale - Portion of the profits will be donated to the Student Activities Account Bake Sale 10/01/201506/23/2016 Items will be donated by Berkeley Terrace Staff. Ms. Love Ms. Crooks Berkeley Terr. School Berkeley Terr. School Holiday Gift Sale 10/01/2015 11/01/2015 12/16/2015 Fun Services Fairfield, NJ 07004 Berkeley Terrace School Staff. Ms. Love Ms. Beasley Ms. Love Ms. Crooks Berkeley Terr. School To raise funds for student activities and field day. The fundraiser will help to build school spirit and comradery between students. Funds will be used to help support school activities and field day. To raise funds for student activities and field day. Picture Day 11/10/2015 School Craft Studios Sparta, NJ 07871 Ms. Love Ms. Crooks Berkeley Terr. School To raise funds for student activities and field day. Valentine’s Day Dance for grades 3 to 5 ($5.00 per student) 02/12/16 Berkeley Terrace School Staff Ms. Love Ms. Crooks Movie Night Grade K-2 99 School Purpose Activity Date Name of Company Responsible Person(s) Berkeley Terr. School To raise funds for student activities and field day. Winter Social Dance for students in grades 3 to 5 ($5.00 per student) 12/11/2015 Berkeley Terrace School Staff Ms. Love Ms. Crooks Grove Street School To raise funds for student incentives, promotional activities, Honor/Super Honor Roll, perfect attendance incentives, Student Council, Student of the month, Field Day, Movie Night, Cheerleading Squad, and Field Day. Box tops for Education 10/19/2015 06/01/2016 General Mills Dr. Cooper Mrs. Patterson BE IT RESOLVED, that each school in the District must confirm to the Board of Education Policy Code 5830, Pupil Fund Raising. In particular, the Board Policy specifically prohibits door to door solicitation, and the regulation specifically prohibits the sale of food, candy, soft drinks, or the like during school hours. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 125. FOR THE RECORD (a) Fundraisers: Item # 185, pg. 160, University Middle School “School Pictures” Board approved August 19, 2015, should be amended to read as follows: University Middle School, School Pictures, from October 5, 2015 to November 11, 2015. 100 REGULAR BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 21, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENT: (Registration with Superintendent’s designee (building principal) prior to Regular Board Meeting required) Limit of 30 minutes total – three minutes per individual. CLOSED SESSION “In accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, be it hereby resolved that the Irvington Township Board of Education meet in closed session, November 18, 2015 at 5:30 p.m., at Chancellor Avenue Elementary School, 844 Chancellor Avenue, Irvington, New Jersey, to address confidential matters of personnel, negotiations, and/or attorney client privilege. It is expected that the matters discussed will be made public at the time that the need for confidentiality no longer exists.” Motion to adjourn: Roll Call: 101