Graffiti Is An Art Form
Graffiti Is An Art Form
Graffiti Is An Art Form by: Elosko Brown and Julio Rosado & Kurt Wenner and Julian Beever Most people tend to think of graffiti as subversive art spray painted in the dead of night on urban walls. Some artists, however, including Edgar Mueller, Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner, defy that stereotype, painting and chalking openly on city streets and sidewalks. Beyond merely entertaining crowds, their work has at times even broken world records. These street art images and biographies merely scratch the surface and begin to convey their amazing artistic talents. Chalk Drawings JULIAN BEEVER”S world-renowned sidewalk chalk drawings have been a viral hit all over the internet, and it’s easy to see why: he’s a master of the anamorphic technique, which he’s been perfecting since the mid 1990s. The Pavement Picasso Julian’s work has appeared all across Europe. The English artist has been given the nickname “The Pavement Picasso”, and he continues to work all over the world. Made to Walk On Each of Julian’s creations typically take a full day to complete, and by the next day they’re just a memory, washed away by rain or walked upon by pedestrians. Street Art in 3D by Kurt Wenner Renaissance Classicism Kurt Wenner’s ability to transform renaissance classicism into 3D street art is unparalleled and has made him the top anamorphic street painting artist of our time. Kurt aims to “reinvent classicism for a new age”, bringing his talent for realism to the streets, literally. Kurt has had his work featured in a lengthy list of articles, television features, ads, and documentaries. 2D Graffiti Of course, most of us will never be a Kurt Wenner or Julian Beever who have demonstrated that graffiti is an art form. We are the 2D graffiti artists who use lettering styles to create graffiti. But if you love the look of graffiti, there’s no reason you can’t use graffiti-type fonts in your personal projects. As graffiti has become more well-known and a bit more mainstream, several websites have begun offering downloadable graffiti fonts. 2D Graffiti Our Style These graphics were created by us using a free website at Mr . Wall a ce , th an k you fo r le t tin g us le av e cla ss to fin is h our pro je ct to ge t a go od gr ad e. Ms. For bs , th an k you fo r as sis tin g us in are pr oj ec t an d help in g us to make it be tt er. Ms. Pear l, tha nk yo u for en co ur agi n g us and telli n g us we can do be tt er. Dir e ct ed an d edit e d by Ms. Pea rl Than k you to ev er yo ne wh o wat ch ed ou r slid e Pr es en ta tio n ! Elo sko an d Ju lio Phot os by Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner A joint Production by Young Achievers BPS and HOME, Inc. The End