Development and promotion of a transparent
Development and promotion of a transparent
Development and promotion of a transparent European Pellets Market Creation of a European real-time Pellets Atlas WORKSHOP REPORT (WP 8) FRANCE Prepared by: Christophe BAREL, ADEME Workshop Report - France Page 2 WP8 Report available from the pellets@las website at Supported by the European Commission under the EIE programme The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Workshop Report - France Page 3 WP8 Workshop Report - France Partner: ADEME - Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie Title: La filière granulé de bois en France continue son développement : après le chauffage domestique, les installations collectives - The French pellet sector still grows: first domestic heating, now also collective plants Date: 3/11/09 Location: Paris (conference room in the national wood technical center, FCBA) Language: French Organiser: SNPGB Partners of the PELLET@LAS Project attending the workshop: SER, ADEME Development of the Workshop (objectives and reference to the task 8.4): - Information on pellets@las project and its website ( - Mobilize French pellet actors on common indicators for pellet market: quality for fuel pellet, regular price evolution, production - National conference on pellet consumption for large heating plants (guaranties on price, quality, volume) - Official launch of national web site of SNPGB ( and contact mail: [email protected]. This tool was found in the framework of Pellets@las: location of pellet producers, detailed informations on pellet production for each producer (quality and, pellet retailers) Number of Registered Participants: 100 Number of Effective Participants: 118 Kind of audience (country and kind of organisations): National decision makers: government, industrials, associations, consultancies, pellet producers Workshop Report - France Page 4 WP8 Agenda: The programme was as follows: 8h30 Accueil des participants projet européen pellets@las 9h00 Présentation du 9h10 Granulé et développement durable 9h30 Le marché du granulé en France : production, qualité et prix Projet pellets@las et visibilité pour les clients 9h50 Offre en matériel de combustion du granulé de bois de moyenne puissance 10h10 L’utilisation du granulé en chaufferies collectives : exemples de réalisations Acteurs de terrain 10h30 Pause café 11h00 La certification de la qualité du granulé et les garanties offertes aux utilisateurs 11h20 La combustion du granulé de bois : des émissions très faibles, adaptées au milieu urbain 11h40 Le développement coordonné de filières « granulé » en Autriche et ailleurs : les clés du succès 12h00 Conclusions et dialogue avec la salle 13h30 Repas Jean-Pascal Archimbaud SNPGB Christophe Barel ADEME Project Manager LPO Hugues de Cherisey SNPGB Olivier Bertrand SER Xavier Collin BBEC Gilles Négrier FCBA Yann Rogaume Université de Nancy ENSTIB Christian Rakos ProPellet Autriche Xavier Collin BBEC au restaurant d’entreprise du FCBA pour les inscrits The workshop was developed as it was scheduled. All the presentations were in French language, as the audience was national. Except Mr RAKOS who spoke in English, speakers used French language. All documents are available on the web site of SNPGB: A copy of the web page where presentations are available Workshop Report - France Page 5 WP8 Material Disseminated: The materials that we disseminated were as follows: - documentation of SER on biomass energy (www.enr) - agenda of the meeting (see Annexe 3). - national magazin n°3“Granulénergie” produced by BBEC ( including an article on the Pellets@las project. Short description and results The participation largely reached the goal, thanks to the pursued dissemination activities (see Annexe 1 and 2). No such large event was ever planned at national level on pellet fuel topics. Most local meetings were focused on pellet equipments or sensibilisation of pellet. Objectives were naturally to present the Pellets@las project (especially on quality, production and price evolution) but also to present a quick overview of: - emissions and LCA of pellet combustion compared to other fuelwood, - pellets standardization on European (TC 335) and national level (NF Granulés Biocombustibles) - state of art of medium scale boilers and manufacturers The audience took part actively during the final open discussion and interesting issues were arisen for example: - evolution of European pellet market compared to French one - evolution of feedstock and availability of raw materials at economic price - possibility of long term contract - opportunity to develop French pellet market towards industrial and CHP sector Some photos have been taken to better represent this event Damien MATHON (general secretary – SER) Workshop Report - France Page 6 WP8 Christian RAKOS- Pro Pellet Autria Hugues De CHERISEY (general secretary – Home page of new SNPGB) ( web site of SNPGB Before the workshop some web sites reported the news about it and on the web site all the information were related (see Annexe 4). Participants feedback The event was a real success in two aspects: It was the only major national event on pellet fuels since many years. The collaboration and support of the 2 representative associations is one aspect of its success: - SER (national union for RES promotion and lobbying) which gathers rather biomass manufacturers - SNPGB (national pellet association There was a real demand of all actors to meet and to exchange points of view on this emerging energy. Most of the national pellet actors or biomass experts attended this meeting. This is also another qualitative evaluation to confirm the success of this event Workshop Report - France Page 7 WP8 organisation and especially - the choice of different topics in links with pellet fuel: regulation, standardisation, emissions, best practice, - the quality of speakers and presentations. Impact on participants The creation of a national pellet association was really attended by pellet producers in order to communicate in their business. Such events contribute to reinforce their existence. Workshop Report - France Page 8 WP8 Annex 1: Number of Registrations and participants Number of Registrations: 118 (incl. speakers) Prénom Nom Entreprise / Organisation 1 Jérémy AGERON Natural Energie 2 Géraldine Jean3 Pascal ANTONINI ARCHIMBAUD Archimbaud 4 Nassima ARFI DALKIA 5 Christophe BAREL 6 Alain BARIS ADEME Lorraine SICA GRASASA 7 Jacques BARTHOLOMOT EDF ENR 8 Katia BEAUD 10 Olivier BERTRAND BOBOIS SERVICES BOISUP-SIDESUP SER 11 David BEYNEL Société Beynel Manustock 12 Marc BISSERIE 13 Valérie BORRONI entreprise production pellets en création Rhônalpénergie-Environnement 14 Jorge BOUCAS Nextenergies 15 Anthony BOULAY GEODIS 16 Dominique BOULDAY CEDEN 17 Michel BOYADJIAN SOVEN 18 Michel CALLEC HD SERVICES 19 Mathieu CAMPARGUE RAGT 20 Laurent CARRA ERS 21 Sabine CASALONGA JOURNAL DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT 22 Joël CAVILLON Bois Energie 23 Myriam CHABAGNO-LAPIE 24 Patrice CHANRION 25 Laurent CIZEAU 26 François CLAIROUIN 27 M COIRIER 28 Xavier COLLIN 29 Isabelle CORDIER 30 Dimitry CORNUT 31 Yves COSTREL ONF PGS - BEYNEL SCIERIE GAUDELAS WEYA - groupe EO2 POUJOULAT EURO ENERGIE BBEC Aswood Ministère de l'agriculture FNB 32 Hubert de CHEFDEBIEN CNIM 33 Antoine de GEVIGNEY Ardennes-energy 34 Baudouin DE VARINE BOHAN 35 Olivier DEBAIS 36 Serge DEFAYE 37 Arnaud DEMANGE Exploitant forestier CIBE EO2 38 Julie DESTEVE SAS JeanDESTEVE 9 Jean-Marie BELIERES Workshop Report - France Page 9 WP8 39 Grégoire DETRAUX 40 Frédéric Pierre41 Olivier DOUARD EO2 ITEBE DREGE ONF 42 Sophie FABREGAT ACTU-ENVIRONNEMENT 43 Natasha FEJOZ 44 Philippe FERRO PROPELLET RHONE-ALPES FCBA 45 Alban FORTIN Solarezo 46 Vincent Dominique 47 (M.) FREMONT Guntamatic GARNAUD 48 Christophe GARNIER 49 Hervé GAUDELAS 50 Freddy GAUDIER 51 Thibault GAUTIER 52 Sébastien GAUTREAU 53 Etienne GENET SCA DESHYDRATATION BAIGNEUX PROMILL STOLZ SA SCIERIE GAUDELAS EO2 ONF PIVETEAU BOIS Bourgogne Pellets 54 Jérôme GIRARD JeG Industries 55 Sabine Jean56 Emmanuel GOETZ Région Alsace HERMES 57 Christian HINDERSCHID 58 Sébastien HUET SIEL-GROW UNILIN ADEME Haute Normandie 59 Gérard Jean60 Claude IDE IDE JACQUE 61 Mr JACQUOT SUNDESHY SICSA 62 Raouf JLIDI BELIPA 63 Céline LAUVERJAT Caisse des Dépôts 64 Sandra LE BASTARD ADEME 65 André LE BRAS 66 Antoine LE TOURNEURS ARVALIS projet création unité granulation 67 Joël LEFEBVRE LOPEZ DE ALBUQUERQUE PRIMAGAZ 69 Esther Jean70 Baptiste MARCETTEAU ARC DE SEINE ENERGIE - Agence Locale de l'Energie MARIN Européenne de Biomasse 71 Damien MATHON SER 72 David MAUREL 73 Patrice MERCEY 74 André MERCIER 75 Hervé MICONI 76 Guy MONNET 77 Sophie MONNIER 78 Patricia lORIN Unité de productin en cours de création Coopérative d'Ivry BOISUP-SIDESUP PALAZETI MONNET SEVE Européenne de Biomasse Guntamatic 68 Sophia Workshop Report - France Lefebvre Page 10 WP8 79 Gilbert MORLON 80 Grégoire MOUGIN BOIS ET SCIERIES DU CENTRE Exploitant forestier 81 Laurent MULLER ARION 82 Gilles NEGRIE FCBA 83 Denis NEUMAYER VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT POLE PROPRETE 84 Patrick OLLIVIER 85 Stéphane PATOU RBM Coopérative CFBL 86 Michel PEDRON Association AILE 87 Nicolas PENEL 88 Thomas PERRISSIN 89 Bernard PIOT 90 Pierre PIVETEAU EO2 OkoFEN France Alpha-Luzerne PIVETEAU BOIS 91 Laurent PLANCHET Abibois 92 Gwenaël POSTEC Ecovolta 93 Thierry POUSSE SEBV 94 Christian RAKOS PROPELLET AUSTRIA 95 Vincent RAMOND 96 Yann ROGAUME 97 Myriam RONDET 98 Christelle ROUSSELET 99 Christophe SAINT-CYR BOIS SIERES ENSTIB Société forestière de la CDC Aprovalbois VERT-DESHY 100 Gilles SALESSE Charmont Investments 101 Gérard GOURCEROL EBURO 102 Bernard SCHNEIDER COFELY GDF SUEZ 103 Claude SCHNEPF SCS Steinbourg France 104 Olivier SILBERBERG ARBOCENTRE 105 Charlotte SOHY Coopérative de Blé de Salvaignac 106 Jean-Louis STRIEBIG CGB 107 Daravy SUTH INSEEC 108 Laurent TANGUY 109 M RENARD GROUAZEL GROUAZEL 110 Eric TOPPAN 111 Gwénaëlle TROUVE La Forêt Privée Française Université de Haute Alsace - Laboratoire Gestion des Risques et Environnement 112 Laure VALADE Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche 113 Jérôme VALLADIER ADEME Languedoc Roussillon 114 Sylvain VIGERIE INSEEC 115 Jean-Marc YVERNAULT Comptoir des bois de Brive 116 Christophe ZAMBLERA CIMAJ 117 Marc NICOLLE AGRA PRESSE 118 Hugues de CHERISEY Secrétaire Général SNPGB Colours of the NUMBER cells represent the following categories: Workshop Report - France Page 11 WP8 YELLOW: BLUE: RED: PINK: GREEN: Pellet Industry (pellet producers, equipment suppliers, traders, users and ports) Agricultural & Timber Industry (growers, recyclers, pulp, foresters and sawmills) Universities and Research Centres government,public body, Consultancies, associations in bioenergies ORANGE major industrials in energy sector WHITE: Others (press, bank, privates,…) Workshop Report - France Page 12 WP8 Annex 2: Percentage of participants Percentage of participants in base on the Organisation Profile: 23% 29% 5% 12% 6% 4% 21% Pellet Industry Agricultural & Timber Industry Universities and Research Centres government,public body, Consultancies, associations in bioenergies major industrials in energy sector Others (press, bank, privates,…) Workshop Report - France Page 13 WP8 Annex 3: Programme Brochure Workshop Report - France Page 14 WP8 Annex 4: Information on Web site or others 1) 1) Before the event A national e-mailing was sent to 22 265 persons (number of contacts): Politicians (518), ministries and public bodies, including ADEME (2234), local communities (3198), regional councils (619), industrial actors (5975), financial actors (228), associations (1128),…. 2) After the event Several articles were written in main magazines (Journal de l’Environnement, Agra presse,…) Workshop Report - France Page 15 WP8