General Director of State Police
General Director of State Police
General Director of State Police The General Director of State Police is the highest administrative, technical, and operational authority in the State Police. The General Director: • Manages and supervises the State Police; • Recommends the budget for the coming year to the Minister of Interior, prior to the new fiscal year; • Allots budget to the Police departments, directorates, sectors, commissariats and stations, in line with the priorities established by the Minister; and • Ahmet Prençi Is responsible for the effective and efficient management of the approved budget. • The General Director is the main official and authority for issues related to the State Police with regard to drafting strategies, action plans, normative acts, documents and proposals on the State Police activity, which are approved by the Minister of Interior. The General Director introduces the public to plans, programs and goals of the State Police. REFORM IN THE STATE POLICE • Was designed and implemented to bring about qualitative change in the functioning of its structures; • Was applied without any consideration for political preferences in the selection of personnel; • Was implemented with the assistance of international missions such as PAMECA, ICITAP, and OSCE; • Increases effectiveness and efficiency of Police structures, and reduces the number of unneeded positions; • Fosters transparency and relations between the Police and the community; and • Strengthens cooperation of State Police with other law enforcements institutions and counterpart bodies. STATE POLICE STRATEGIES • 7-year Strategy for Police development • Strategy of Fight against Narcotics • National Strategy for Integrated Border Management • Strategy of Fight against Organized Crime • Strategy of Fight against Terrorism • Strategy of Police Education Development • Other institutional strategies, in which the State Police is a member. General Directorate of State Police Sektori i shërbimeve të Policisë Gjyqësore Drejtoria e Drejtoria Rendit e Rendit Publik Publik Shërb. Drejtoria Drejtoria e Policisë e Policisë Rrugore Rrugore Patrullave Përgjithshme Drejtoria Drejtoria Drejtoria Kundër Drejtoria Kundër Drejtoria Drejtoria e Analizës e Mbrojtjes së Drejtoria Drejtoria Krimit tëKundër Krimit tëKundër e Analizës e Mbrojtjesdhe së së Informacionit Dëshmitarëve Krimit të Krimit të Organizuar Financiar sëKriminal Informacionit Person. Dëshmitarëve dhe të veçantë Organizuar Financiar Kriminal Person. të veçantë 1 1/1 Sektori i Analizës së Informacionit Kriminal 2 2/1 Sektori i Zbatimit të Masave të Mbrojtjes 3 3/1 Sektori i Luftës kundër Narkotikeve 3/2 Sektori i 1/2 Sektori i Kartotekës, Kërkimit & Statistikës Kriminale 1/3 INTERPOL 2/2 Sektor i përpunimit të të dhënave dhe ndihmës 1/4 Oficerët Zyra e Financës Arkivit dhe Protokollit 2/4 Zyra e Mbrojtjes së Veçantë Ndërlidhës 1/5 EUROPOL 1/6 Qendra Antitrafik Vlore Sektori i Operacioneve Speciale 2/3 Zyra Qëndrore Kombëtare (ZQK) Sektori i Luftës kundër Pastrimit të Parave 2/5 5/1 Sektori i L.K. Akteve Terroriste 5/2 4/2 Sektori kundër Korrupsionit Sektori i L.K. Krimeve Kundër Personit 5/3 4/3 Sektori i Luftës kundër Krimit Ekonomik dhe Financiar Instituti i Instituti i Policisë Policisë Shkencore (Shkencore IPSH ) ( IPSH ) 5 4 4/1 Luftës Kundër Trafikut të Paligjshëm 3/3 Drejtoria Drejtoria e Luftës kundër e Luftës kundër Krimeve të Rënda Krimeve të Rënda Sektori i krimeve kundër pronës 5/4 Sektori i mbrojtjes së të miturve dhe dhunës në familje 6 Sektori i Rendit Publik Sektori i Formim Administrimit 7/2 Sektori i Shërbimeve për Palët e Treta 6/2 Sektori i Vlerësimit te Gjurmëve dhe Vendngjarjes 6/3 Sektori i Daktiloskopi. 7/3 Reparti i Sigurisë së Brendshme dhe Ceremoniali - 324 8/2 Sektori i Planifikimit, dhe Analizës 9 9/1 Sektori i Planifikimit e koordinimit të Operacioneve 9/2 Sektori i Trajnimit DEPARTAMENTI PërDEPARTAMENTI Shërbimet Mbështetëse Për Shërbimet Zv/Drejtori iMbështetëse Përgjithshëm Zv/Drejtori i Përgjithshëm 3 Drejtoria Drejtoria e Forcave Lëvizëse eOperacionale Forcave Lëvizëse Operacionale (F.L.O.) (F.L.O.) 8 8/1 Sektori i Qarkullimit dhe Sigurisë Rrugore DEPARTAMENTI DEPARTAMENTI për Kufirin & Migracionin (K & M) për Kufirin & Migracionin (K & M) Zv/Drejtori i Përgjithshëm Zv/Drejtori i Përgjithshëm 2 6/1 12 Drejtorite e Policise ne Qarqe dhe Komisariate 10 Grupimi i Forcave Speciale (KOMANDANTI) - RENEA - Helikopterët - Antieksploziv - Negocimi Drejtoria Drejtoria e Migracionit e Migracionit & & Ripranimeve Ripranimeve Drejtoria Drejtoria e Shërbimeve e Shërbimeve Operacionale Operacionale Drejtoria Drejtoria e e Administratës Administratës K&M K&M * Drejtoria Drejtoria e Standarteve e Standarteve Profesionale Profesionale * 13 11 Sektori i Balistikes 6/5 Sektori i Dokumentave RESI 6/6 Sektori i Shkencave Ligjore Drejtoria Drejtoria e e Personelit Personelit Sektori i Shërbimeve Kufiri Blu SA Sektori i Migracionit Zyra e Analizës së Riskut 13/1 Sektori i Menaxhimit të Burimeve Njerëzore 14/1 Sektori i Zhvillimit të Organizatës 15/1 Sektori i Karrierës 14/2 11/2 12/2 Sektori i Shërbimeve Kufiri Gjelbër 13/2 Sektori i Ripranimeve & Kthimeve Drejtoria Drejtoria e Buxhetit e Buxhetit & Financës & Financës Drejtoria Drejtoria e Programimit Programimit dheeMbështetjes dhe Mbështetjes Logjistike Logjistike 17 18 16 Zyra e Buxhet Financës Sektori i Standarteve të Performancës 14/3 15/2 Sektori i Organizimit Pagave dhe Pensioneve 16/1 Sektori i Emergjencave Koordinimit dhe Sallave Operative 12/3 Qendrat e Pritjes së të Huajve Sektori i Ofic. Pol.GJyqs. 13/3 Sektori i Shërbimeve Mbështetëse 15/3 14/4 Sektori i Bashkëpunimit Ndërkombëtar Teknik Policor 14/5 Sektori i Marrëdhënieve me Publikun Ndërhyrja e Shpejtë (N.SH.) • NSH - VERI. • Reparti 712-Tiranë • NSH - JUG. Sektori i Administrimit të Dokumentave 15/4 Sektori i Rekrutimit 15/5 13/6 Sektori i Shërbimit Juridik Qendra Profilaktike dhe e Shëndetit të Policisë 13/7 Sektori i Ankesave dhe Disiplinës 17/1 Sektori i Buxhetit & Financës 17/2 16/2 Sektori i trajnimeve Sektori i Koordinimit të Projekteve 11/3 Delta FORCE DEPARTAMENTI DEPARTAMENTI për Trajnimin Policor për Trajnimin Policor Zv/Drejtori i Përgjithshëm Zv/Drejtori i Përgjithshëm 4 Drejtoria Drejtoria e Arsimimit ePolicor Arsimimit Policor Sektori i Kontabilitet 18/1 20 18/2 Sektori i armatimit 18/3 Sek. Autotransportit 18/4 16/3 Sektori i teknologjisë së informacionit 16/4 Qendra e shërbimeve të Teknologjisë së Informacionit Sektori i Investimeve dhe Menaxhimit të Pronës 20/2 19/2 Sektori i Administratës dhe Mbështetjes Sektori i Planifikimit Strategjik 20/3 19/3 Zyra e Mbështetjes Administrative Sektori i Trajnimit Policor 20/4 Instituti i përgatitjes së Instruktorëve dhe Qenëve të Policisë Sektori i Zhvillimit të Udhëheqjes dhe Menaxhimit SPJEGUES Drejtoritë Rajonale të Policisë Kufitare DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION ACCORDING ACCORDING TO TO RANKS RANKS SENIOR SENIOR MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT LEVEL LEVEL MID MID MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT LEVEL LEVEL Civilian 37 General Director Director Civilian employees employees General 37 First First leaders leaders 102 55 Deputy 102 Leaders Leaders Deputy General General Directors Directors 279 Sektori i Mbështetjes Arsimore 19/4 18/5 Q.F.M.T. (Magazina Qëndrore e Policisë së Shtetit 18/6 Q.R.SH.A. (Qendra e Riparimit dhe Shërbimeve të Automjeteve) 20/1 19/1 Sektori i Zhvillimit Profesional Sektori Ekonomik Police Police employees employees 279 Shkolla e Shkolla e Policisë Policisë 19 SA * Prioritet i veçantë i DPPSH. 9421 9421 5 12 12/1 11/1 Njësia e lëvizëshme Territoriale e Kufirit & Migracionit Drejtoria Drejtoria e Teknologjisë e Teknologjisë së Informacionit së Informacionit 15 14 6/4 5/5 Sektori i Mbështetjes tekniko shkencore dhe mbikqyrjes 7 7/1 QENDRA E PERPUNIMIT DHE MBROJTJES SE TE DHENAVE Sektori Ekonomik për Aparatin e Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Policisë DEPARTAMENTI DEPARTAMENTI i Sigurisë Publike i Sigurisëi Publike Zv/Drejtori Përgjithshëm Zv/Drejtori i Përgjithshëm Sekretariati 1. Shkodër 2. Kukës 3. Dibra 4. Korçë 5. Gjirokastër 6. Vlorë 7. Durrës 8.Tiranë 11 Berat (Berat, Kuçovë, Skrapar) Dibër (Dibër, Mat, Bulqizë) Durrës (Durrës, Porti i Durrësit, Krujë) Elbasan (Elbasan, Librazhd, Gramsh, Peqin) Fier (Fier, Lushnjë, Mallakstër) Gjirokastër (Gjirokastër, Permet, Tepelenë) Korçë (Korçë, Pogradec, Ersekë, Devoll) Kukës (Kukes, Tropoje, Has) Lezhë (Lezhë, Mirditë, Kurbin) Shkodër (Shkoder, Puke, M. e Madhe) Tiranë (1-6, Rinas, Policia Rrug., Ruajtjes së Obj. Kavaja) Vlorë (Vlorë, Sarandë, Delvinë) DEPARTAMENTI DEPARTAMENTI për Hetimin e Krimeve për Hetimin iePërgjithshëm Krimeve Zv/Drejtori Zv/Drejtori i Përgjithshëm Sektori i Shërbimeve Drejtori i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Shtetit Zyra Ndihmëse Njësia e Shërbimeve të Mirëmbajtjse ORGANIGRAMA E DREJTORISË SË PËRGJITHSHME TË POLICISË SË SHTETIT FIRST OPERATIONAL LEVEL LEVEL FIRST MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT LEVEL LEVEL OPERATIONAL 457 Chief 1832 457 Chief commissars commissars 1832 Chief Chief inspectors inspectors 541 Commissars 4698 Inspectors 541 Commissars 4698 Inspectors 1522 Vice 226 Vice 1522 Vice commissars commissars 226 Vice inspectors inspectors DEPARTAMENTI Drejtoria Sektori Zyra Struktura dhe njësi për të cilat tregohet varësia dhe linja e komandimit por që nuk përfshihen në numrin e DPPSH Total Total females females 695 695 or or 7.5 7.5 % % General Directorate of State Police General General Director Director of of State State Police Police Support Support Office Office Data Data Protection Protection and and Processing Processing Center Center 11 Department Department of of Criminal Criminal Investigation Investigation 22 Department Department of of Public Public Security Security 33 Department Department of of Border Border and and Migration Migration (B&M) (B&M) 44 Department Department of of Support Support Services Services 55 Department Department of of Police Police Training Training Directorate Directorate of of Professional Professional Standards Standards Departments Criminal Investigation Department Public Security Department Border and Migration (B&M) Department Support Services Department Police Training Department GENERAL DIRECTOR GENERAL DIRECTOR OF STATE POLICE OF STATE POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Criminal Investigation of Criminal Investigation Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Services Sector 11 Criminal Investigation Department Secretariat Judicial Police Services Sector Criminal Criminal Intelligence Intelligence Directorate Directorate Witness & Special Witness & Special Persons Persons Protection Protection Directorate Directorate 1 1/1 Criminal Intelligence Sector Directorate of Directorate Fight against of Fight against Organized Organized Crime Crime Directorate of Directorate Fight against of Fight against Financial Financial Crime Crime 3 4 2 2/1 Protection Measures Enforcement Sector 3/1 Sector of Fights against Narcotics 3/2 Sector of 1/2 2/2 Archive, Research & Criminal Records Sector Data processing & Assistance Sector 1/3 INTERPOL Headquarters (HQ) 1/4 Liaison Officers 1/5 EUROPOL 1/6 Vlora Anti-trafficking Center 2/3 Finance, Archive & Protocol Office 2/4 Special Protection Office 2/5 RESI 4/1 Sector of Fight against Money Laundering 4/2 Sector of 5/1 Sector of Fight against Terrorist Acts Sector of Fight against Crime against Persons Fight against Corruption 5/3 4/3 Sector of Fight against Economic & Financial Crime Forensic Forensic Police Institute Police Institute 5 5/2 Fight against Illegal Trafficking 3/3 Sector of Special Operations Directorate of Directorate Fight against of FightCrimes against Serious Serious Crimes Sector of Fight against Crime against Property 6 6/1 Sector of Formation & Administration 6/2 Sector of Crime Scene & Evidence Assessment 6/3 Dactyloscopy Sector 5/4 Sector of Minor Protection & Domestic Violence 6/4 5/5 6/5 Sector of Technical & Scientific Support & Surveillance Ballistics Sector Documentation Sector 6/6 Forensic Law Sector This Department manages the activity performed by the structures of fight against crime to raise the security standards in the country; and to prevent and fight crime in general and organized crime and terrorism specifically. DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CriminalInvestigation Investigation ofofCriminal Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 1 Directorate of Criminal Intelligence Directorate of Directorate of Criminal Intelligence Criminal Intelligence 1/1 Sector of Criminal Intelligence 1/2 Sector of Archives, Research & Criminal Records 1 1/4 1/3 INTERPOL Headquarters (HQ) Liaison Officers 1/6 1/5 EUROPOL Vlora Anti-trafficking Center This Directorate designs, supervises, and monitors the procedures and standards for the administration of criminal intelligence, strategic and operational analysis of crime, and international police cooperation, in order to prevent and detect crime. Adheres to policies and procedures of international instruments and international police cooperation through INTERPOL, EUROPOL, Liaison Officers and the Anti-trafficking Center in Vlora. Directorate of Protection of Witnesses and Special Persons DEPARTAMENTI DEPARTAMENTI CriminalInvestigation Investigation ofofCriminal Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 1 Witness & Special Persons Witness & Special Persons Protection Directorate Protection Directorate 2/2 2/1 Protection Measures Enforcement Sector 2/3 Data processing & Assistance Sector 2 2/4 Finance, Archive & Protocol Office The Directorate of Protection of Witnesses and Special Persons offers protection to persons who collaborate with justice and the State Police. It performs the procedures for handling requests for protection. 2/5 Special Protection Office RESI The Special Unit for the Protection of Witnesses, Justice Collaborators and Special Persons (RESI): Assists, supervises, coordinates, and manages the entire operational and administrative activity in order to implement the special protection measures for witnesses and justice collaborators; persons related to them; and special persons. Directorate of Fight against Organized Crime DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CriminalInvestigation Investigation ofofCriminal Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 1 Directorate of Fight against Directorate of Fight against Organized Crime Organized Crime 3/1 3/2 Sector of Fight against Narcotics The Directorate manages the efforts of the central and local structures for preventing, detecting, and fighting organized crime; tracking and identifying the perpetrators, and performing the investigative actions in compliance with the criminal and procedural legislation of the Republic of Albania. The activity of this Directorate is aimed at preventing and fighting against criminal offenses related to narcotics; trafficking in persons; trafficking of weapons; trafficking of vehicles; trafficking of artworks, etc. 3 3/3 Sector of Fight against Illegal Trafficking Sector of Special Operations The Sector of Special Operations performs actions in order to identify and collect legal evidence through special investigative methods. Directorate of Fight against Financial Crimes DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CriminalInvestigation Investigation ofofCriminal Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 1 Directorate of Fight against Directorate of Fight against Financial Crime Financial Crime 4/1 4/2 Sector of Fight against Money Laundering The Directorate manages the efforts of local and central structures in preventing, detecting, and fighting crime related to: • Money laundering in order to identify and seize crime proceeds; • Active and passive corruption; • Other economic and financial crimes such as: customs’ crimes, tax crimes; forgery of bills; abuse of office, etc. 4 4/3 Sector of Fight against Corruption Sector of Fight against Economic & Financial Crime Directorate of Fight against Serious Crimes DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CriminalInvestigation Investigation ofofCriminal Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 1 Directorate of Fight against Directorate of Fight against Serious Crimes Serious Crimes 5/1 5/2 Sector of Fight against Terrorist Acts 5/3 Sector of Fight against Crime against Persons Sector of Fight against Crime against Property 5 5/4 5/5 Sector of Minor Protection & Domestic Violence Sector of Technical & Scientific Support & Surveillance The Directorate’s mission is to manage the activity of central and local structures in order to prevent, detect, and document serious crimes against life and limb, and property; and prevent terrorist acts and special crimes in families and against minors. A priority in the activity of this Directorate is preventing and fighting against any potential terrorist act or activity. - The main goal is to ensure security internally and make Albania a safe country in the region. Forensic Police Institute DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CriminalInvestigation Investigation ofofCriminal Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 1 Forensic Police Institute Forensic Police Institute 6/1 6/2 Sector of Formation & Administration Sector of Crime Scene & Evidence Assessment 6/3 6 6/5 6/4 Dactyloscopy Sector Ballistics Sector The Forensic Police Institute is a specialized structure for the application of forensic methods and use of technical crime tools to detect, collect, examine, and evaluate material evidence in order to assist Police units, the justice system, and other public institutions, as well as legal and natural persons for the prevention, detection, and documentation of criminal activity and other illegal actions. 6/6 Documentation Sector Forensic Law Sector Department of Public Security This is a police structure that enforces the law, guarantees peace, reduces fear, and provides a safe environment through control of the territory by police services, in partnership with the community and in compliance with constitutional rights, in order to raise the quality of life for the public. GENERAL DIRECTOR OF GENERAL DIRECTOR STATE POLICE OF STATE POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Public Security of Public Security Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Directorate Directorate of Public of Public Order Order Patrol Generalist Service 7 7/1 Sector of Public Order 7/2 Sector of Services to Third Parties The 12 Regional Police Directorates and special autonomous units are subordinate to this Department. Directorate of Directorate Traffic Police of Traffic Police 7/3 Unit of Internal Security & Ceremonies 324 Directorate of Directorate of Mobile Mobile Operational Operational Forces Forces 8 8/1 Sector of Road Traffic & Security 8/2 Sector of Planning & Analysis 2 9 9/1 Sector of Planning & Coordinating Operations 9/2 Sector of Training Special Forces Group (COMMANDER) - RENEA - Helicopters - Anti-explosives - Negotiation Rapid Intervention (RIU) • RIU - NORTH • Unit 712 - Tirana • RIU - SOUTH 12 Regional Police Directorates and Commissariats Berat (Berat, Kuçovë, Skrapar) Dibër (Dibër, Mat, Bulqizë) Durrës (Durrës, Port of Durrës, Krujë) Elbasan (Elbasan, Librazhd, Gramsh, Peqin) Fier (Fier, Lushnjë, Mallakstër) Gjirokastër (Gjirokastër, Permet, Tepelenë) Korçë (Korçë, Pogradec, Ersekë, Devoll) Kukës (Kukes, Tropoje, Has) Lezhë (Lezhë, Mirditë, Kurbin) Shkodër (Shkoder, Puke, M. e Madhe) Tiranë (1-6, Rinas, Traffic Police, Facility Guard, Kavaja) Vlorë (Vlorë, Sarandë, Delvinë) DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT PublicSecurity Security ofofPublic Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Directorate of Public Order Directorate of Directorate of Public Order Public Order 7/1 7/2 Sector of Public Order Sector of Community Policing & Services to Third Parties This Directorate guides, manages, organizes, and coordinates the activity of public order and security for the control of territory; Police services; and enforcement of law in partnership with the community. 2 Patrol Generalist Service 7 7/3 Unit of Internal Security & Ceremonies Directorate of Traffic Police DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT PublicSecurity Security ofofPublic Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Directorate of Directorate of Traffic Police Traffic Police 2 8 8/1 Sector of Road Traffic & Safety 8/2 Sector of Planning & Analysis This Directorate manages the performance of local and central structures in order to raise security standards in the roads, direct traffic, prevent and investigate traffic accidents, and cooperate with the public for the improvement of road safety. Directorate of Mobile Operational Forces DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of PublicSecurity Security of Public DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy Directorate of Directorate of Mobile Operational Forces Mobile Operational Forces 9/1 Sector of Planning & Coordinating Operations 2 9 9/2 Sector of Training Special Forces Group (COMMANDER) - RENEA - Helicopters - Anti-explosives - Negotiation Rapid Intervention (RIU) • RIU – NORTH • Unit 712 - Tirana • RIU - SOUTH The Mission of this Directorate is to plan, coordinate, and conduct extremely difficult police operations and give solutions to situations that cannot be solved by local police structures. DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of PublicSecurity Security of Public Deputy/GeneralDirector Director Deputy/General 12 Regional Police Directorates 2 DURRES District Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police Directorate of Regional Police directorate of ELBASAN FIER GJIROKASTER KORÇE KUKES LEZHE SHKODER TIRANE VLORE Commissariat of Dibër Commissariat of Durrës Commissariat of Elbasan Commissariat of Fier Commissariat of Gjirokastër Commissariat of Korçë Commissariat of Kukës Commissariat of Lezhë Commissariat of Shkodër Commissariat Nr.1 Commissariat of Vlorë Commissariat of Kuçovë Commissariat of Mat Commissariat of Shijak Commissariat of Librazhd Commissariat of Lushnje Commissariat of Përmet Commissariat of Pogradec Commissariat of Tropojë Commissariat of Mirditë Commissariat of Pukë Commissariat Nr.2 Commissariat of Sarandë Commissariat of Skrapar Commissariat of Bulqizë Commissariat of Krujë Commissariat of Gramsh Commissariat of Mallakastër Commissariat of Tepelene Commissariat of Ersekë Commissariat of Has Commissariat of Kurbin Commissariat of M.Madhe Commissariat Nr.3 Commissariat of Delvinë Police Directorate of Police Directorate of Police Directorate of BERAT District DIBER District Commissariat of Berat Commissariat of Peqin Commissariat Nr.4 Commissariat of Devoll A Regional Police Directorate is a Police structure that guarantees enforcement of laws and provides a safer environment for the respective region through control of territory, in partnership with the community and in compliance with the constitutional rights. Commissariat Nr.5 Tirana Tirana Directorate Directorate Regional Regional Directorate Directorate Commissariats Commissariats RPD RPD Tirana Tirana Regional Regional Commissariat Commissariat The State Police consists of 12 Regional Directorates, 43 Commissariats, and 8 Regional Border & Migration Directorates. Commissariat Nr.6 Commissariat of Road Police Commissariat of Kavajë Structure of Tirana Regional Police Directorate Section of Admin Documents & Legal Representation REGIONAL POLICE DIRECTOR Sector of Criminal Intelligence & Statistics Sector of Fight against Organized Crime Sector of Fight against Financial Crime Sector of Fight against Serious Crimes Sector of Special Operations & Research Sector of Forensic Police Section of Criminal Intelligence Section of Fight against Narcotics Section of Fight against Money Laundering Section of Fight against Terrorist Acts Section of Technical & Scientific Support & Infiltration Section of Crime scene & Crime expertise Section of Public Order & Facility Guards Section of Road Safety & Education Section of Records, Statistics & Research Section of Fight against Illegal Trafficking Section of Fight against Corruption Section of Fight against Crime against Life & Limb Section of Research Section of Crime scene & Auto-technical expertise Section of Comm. Policing & Services to Third Parties Section of Traffic Accidents Investigation Section of Fight against Economic & Financial Crime Section of Fight against Sexual Crime & Freedom Section of Surveillance & Special Operations Section of Records, Administration of Evidence & Signal Identif. Section of Special General Patrol “Shqiponja” (Eagles) Section of Fight against Forced & Armed Robbery & Property Section of Fight against Vehicle Theft Section of Fight against Other Thefts Section of Minor Protection & Domestic Violence Deputy Director of Support Services Deputy Director of Public Security Sector of Public Order & Security Section of Escorting & Security Judicial Police for Sections at Prosecutor’s Offices Section of Comms & Coordination Center Sector of Traffic Police Police Commissariat Nr.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Kavajë & Traffic Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation Section of Professional Development (Training) Sector of Personnel Sector of Logistic Planning & Support Sector of Budget & Finance IT Sector Career Section Section of Economic Services & Property Management Section of Salaries Informatics Section Section of Records & Document Administration Section of Procurement & Transportation Accounting Section Telecommunication Section Section of Medical & Psychological Service Section of Armament & Special Equipment Section of Income Structure of Regional Police Directorates REGIONAL POLICE DIRECTOR Section of Administration of Docs & Legal Representation Section of Professional Development (Trainings) DEPUTY REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION Sector of Criminal Intell. & Statistics Section of Criminal Intelligence Section of Records, Statistics & Research Sector of Fight against Organized Crime Sector of Fight against ML & EFC Sector of Fight against Serious Crimes Sector of Special Operations & Research Section of Fight against Narcotics Section of Fight against Money Laundering Section of Fight against Terrorist Acts Section of Special Ops. & Technical & Scientific Support Section of Fight against Illegal Trafficking Section of Fight against Corruption Section of Fight against Crime against Persons Section of Fight against Economic/ Financial Crime Section of Fight against Crime against Property Section of Minor Protection & Domestic Violence Section of Research Sector of Forensic Police Judicial Police Sector of Public Order & Security Section of Public Order Sector of Traffic Police Personnel Sector Sectio of Comm. Policing & Services to Third Parties Section of Comms. Rooms Police Commissariats Police Station Logistic Planning & Support Sector Sector of Budget & Finance IT Sector Structure of Commissariats in Tirana RPD REGIONAL POLICE DIRECTOR Deputy Director of Public Security Police Commissariat Police Commissariat Nr. 1 Nr. 2 Police Commissariat Nr. 3 Police Commissariat Nr. 4 Police Commissariat Police Commissariat Nr. 5 Nr. 6 Section of Community Policing Section of Community Policing Section of Community Policing Section of Community Policing Section of Community Policing Section of Territory Control Section of Territory Control Section of Territory Control Section of Facility Guarding & Security Section of Facility Guarding & Security Section of Facility Guarding & Security Section of Administrative Services Section of Administrative Services Section of Administrative Services Police Stations Police Station Police Station Section of Community Policing Traffic Police Commissariat Kavaja Police Commissariat Traffic Section Section of Crime Intell., Statistics & Research Section of Fight against Serious Crimes Section of Territory Control Section of Territory Control Section of Territory Control Line Section Section of Administrative Services Section of Administrative Services Section of Administrative Services Section of Planning & Administering Documents Police Station Police Station Police Station Section of Administrative Services Judicial Police Service Section of Forensic Police Section of Public Order & Security Section of Traffic Police Section of Administration & Support Services Police Stations Structure of Commissariats in the Regions CHIEF OF POLICE COMMISSARIAT Section of Criminal Intelligence, Statistics & Research Section of Fight against Serious Crimes Section of Public Order & Security Judicial Police Service Public Order Services A Police Commissariat is a Police structure that operates in a specific territory and guarantees security, peace, and respect for human rights and freedoms by preventing crime and enforcing the law, controlling the territory and cooperating with the community, in order to improve the quality of citizens’ lives. Community Policing Service & Facility Guards Forensic Police Section Communication Rooms Service Police Station Section of Traffic Police Section of Administration & Support Services Structure of Police Stations CHIEF OF POLICE COMMISSARIAT Section of Crime Prevention and Community Policing Section of Traffic Police A Police Station is a Police structure that operates in a specific territory and guarantees security, peace, and respect for human rights and freedoms by preventing crime and enforcing the law, in order to improve the quality of citizens’ lives. Section of Administrative and Support Services Department of Border & Migration (B&M) GENERAL DIRECTOR GENERAL DIRECTOR OF STATE POLICE OF STATE POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Border & Migration (B&M) of Border & General Migration (B&M) Deputy Director Deputy General Director Directorate of Directorate of Operational Operational Services Services 3 Directorate of Directorate Migration & of Migration & Readmission Readmission Directorate of Directorate of Administration Administration B&M B&M 13 11 11/1 Blue Border Services Sector 11/2 Green Border Services Sector 11/3 Judicial Police Officers Sector 12 12/1 SA Migration Sector Risk Analysis Office 12/2 13/2 Readmissions & Deportations Sector Budget & Finance Office 13/3 12/3 Foreigner Reception Centers Regional Directorates of Territorial Mobile Unit of Border & Migration Delta FORCE 13/1 Sector of Human Resources Management Border Police Support Services Sector 1. Shkodër 2. Kukës 3. Dibra 4. Korçë 5. Gjirokastër 6. Vlorë 7. Durrës 8.Tiranë The Department of Border and Migration is in charge of the supervision and control of the state border of the Republic of Albania, and the control and treatment of foreigners in the territory, in order to prevent, detect and fight the illegal activity through its central and regional structures. In addition, the Department implements international documents and bilateral and multilateral agreements on border issues recognized and accepted by the Albanian government. Directorate of Operational Services DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Border&&Migration Migration(B&M) (B&M) ofofBorder Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 3 Directorate of Directorate of Operational Services Operational Services 11/1 Sector of Blue Border Services 11/2 11 11/3 Sector of Green Border Services Sector of Judicial Police Officers The mission of this Directorate is to manage the operational activity in order to supervise and control the state borders and enforce Albanian legislation and international agreements related to border security. Directorate of Migration & Readmissions DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Border&&Migration Migration(B&M) (B&M) ofofBorder Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 3 12 Directorate of Directorate of Migration & Readmissions Migration & Readmissions 12/1 12/2 Sector of Migration 12/3 Sector of Readmissions & Deportations Foreigner Reception Centers The mission of this Directorate is to manage local and central structures in charge of the residence, control, and treatment of foreigners and migration issues; enforce the Albanian legislation and international agreements on issues related to the admission, treatment and control of foreigners. Directorate of Administration B&M DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Border&&Migration Migration(B&M) (B&M) ofofBorder Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 3 Directorate of Directorate of Administration B&M Administration B&M 13/1 Human Resources Management Sector 13 13/3 13/2 Budget & Finance Office Support Services Sector The mission of this Directorate is to meet the material and personnel needs of Border Police & Migration central and local structures by recruiting, selecting, and training Police officers; managing the financial resources, and meeting their logistical needs. DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Border&&Migration Migration(B&M) (B&M) ofofBorder Deputy General Director Deputy General Director 3 SA Territorial Mobile Unit of Border & Migration Delta FORCE Risk Analysis Office Regional Directorates of Border Police Shkodër The Territorial Mobile Unit of Border & Migration, Office of Risk Analysis, and 8 Regional Police Directorates of Border & Migration assist the Border & Migration Department in fulfilling its responsibilities. Kukës Dibër Korçë In compliance with the enacted legislation, Regional Directorates of Border & Migration are Police structures that secure the state border as specified; guarantee a lawful treatment of foreigners in Albania; and prevent illegal trafficking or any other criminal activity conducted at or through the border. Gjirokastër Vlorë Durrës Tiranë GENERAL DIRECTOR GENERAL DIRECTOR OF STATE POLICE OF STATE POLICE IT IT Directorate Directorate 15 15/1 Career Sector 15/2 Sector of Organization of Salaries & Pensions 15/3 Sector of Recruitment Logistic Logistic Planning & Planning & Support Support Directorate Directorate 17 18 17/1 Sector of Emergencies, Coordination, & Comms Rooms Sector of Budget & Finance 17/2 16/2 Training Sector Accountancy Sector 18/1 18/2 Armament Sector 18/3 Transportation Sector 18/4 IT Sector Sector of Investments & Property Management 18/5 16/4 Center of IT Services CSTM (Central Warehouse of Sate Police) 18/6 15/5 Police Medical Health Center SA Economic Sector 16/3 Sector of Administration of Documents 15/4 Budget & Budget & Finance Finance Directorate Directorate 16 16/1 4 CRSV (Center of Repair & Services of Vehicles) Unit of Maintenance Services Personnel Personnel Directorate Directorate Department of Support Services Economic Sector for the General Directorate of State Police DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Support Services of Support Services Deputy General Director Deputy General Director The Support Services Department supports and meets the needs of operational structures for human resources, equipment & supplies, finance, and information technology through the recruitment of personnel, planning and allocation budget, and management and administration of support services in general, in order to provide a better working environment for the Police officers. Directorate of Personnel DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Support Services of Support Services DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy 4 Personnel Directorate Personnel Directorate 15 15/1 15/2 Career Sector Sector of Organization of Salaries & Pensions 15/3 Sector of Administration of Documents 15/4 15/5 Recruitment Sector Police Medical Health Center This Directorate is responsible for the recruitment, training, career development, compensation, supervision, and management of State Police personnel in compliance with the Albanian legislation. The Directorate organizes and coordinates the activity with other Departments of the State Police in order to draft studies and analyses on the needs and organizational composition of the State Police; select Police employees for promotion in rank; and draft fiscal policies for the compensation of Police officers. Directorate of Information Technology DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Support Services of Support Services DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy IT IT Directorate Directorate 16/1 Sector of Emergencies, Coordination & Communication Rooms 16/2 4 16 16/3 Training Sector 16/4 IT Sector Center of IT Services The Directorate’s mission is to study, design, and implement new technologies for radio-relay, telephony, and automated equipment currently in use by the State Police, and monitor their maintenance in order to ensure the total management of police information. The Center of IT Services assists, coordinates, drafts, and recommends IT plans and programs for the standardization of new technologies of the intelligence network, radio-relay, digital and analog telephony, and the proper maintenance of IT systems and equipment. Directorate of Budget & Finance DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Support Services of Support Services DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy Directorate of Directorate of Budget & Finance Budget & Finance 17/1 4 17 17/2 Sector of Budget & Finance Accountancy Sector The mission the Directorate of Budget & Finance is to manage the financial resources and administer the material goods; oversee the implementation of the approved budget for items and sub-items throughout its subordinate structures; and draft the budget and follow its implementation in compliance with the proper legal procedures. Directorate of Logistic Planning and Support DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Support Services of Support Services DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy 4 Directorate of Directorate of Logistic Planning & Support Logistic Planning & Support 18/1 18/3 18/2 Economic Sector Armament Sector 18 18/4 Transportation Sector 18/6 CRSV (Center of Repair & Servicing of Vehicles) This Directorate manages the performance of local and central support structures related to the planning and administration of current resources, and creation of alternative resources in compliance with the budget requirements and opportunities, in order to provide the best possible working conditions for the operational structures. Sector of Investment & Property Management 18/5 CSTM (Central Warehouse of the State Police) Economic Sector DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Support Services of Support Services DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy 4 Economic Sector for the General Directorate of State Police Unit of Maintenance Services The Economic Sector meets the needs for technical equipment of the General Directorate of State Police; and identifies, plans and fulfills requests presented on logistic supplies and material/economic treatment. Police Training Department GENERAL DIRECTOR OF GENERAL DIRECTOR STATE POLICE OF STATE POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of Police Training of Police Training Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Directorate of Directorate of Police Police Education Education Police Police School School 19 20 The Police Training Department is Police structures that: 19/1 • Identifies Police training needs; • Designs strategic training plans; and • Assists the implementation of these plans and monitors their application, in order to strengthen the professional capacities in the area of public order and security. 20/1 Training Support Sector Professional Development Sector 19/2 Strategic Planning Sector 20/2 Sector of Administration & Support 19/3 Office of Administrative Support 20/3 19/4 20/4 Sector of Leadership & Management Development Institute of Training Police Instructors & Canine Police Training Sector 5 Directorate of Police Education DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of PoliceTraining Training of Police DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy Police Education Police Education Directorate Directorate 19/1 Professional Development Sector 19/4 Training Institute for Police Instructors & Canine The mission of the Directorate is to identify training needs, design strategic training plans, and monitor the teaching processes. The Directorate manages the Training Sections in the Regional Directorates and supervises the implementation of plans. 19/2 5 19 19/3 Strategic Planning Sector Administrative Support Office DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT of PoliceTraining Training of Police DeputyGeneral GeneralDirector Director Deputy Police School Police Police School School 20/1 Sector of Training Support 20/2 Sector of Administration & Support 20/3 5 20 Sector of Police Training 20/4 Sector of Leadership & Management Development The mission of the Police School is to develop strategic plans for Police training; manage the preparation of lesson plans and programs for courses offered by the School; and manage the activity related to providing the optimum learning and accommodation conditions for the students and School personnel. personnel. Directorate of Professional Standards •Directorate •Directorate •of Professional •of Professional •Standards •Standards GENERALDIRECTOR DIRECTOROF OF GENERAL STATE POLICE STATE POLICE Center of Data Processing & Protection 14 14/1 Sector of Organizational Development 14/2 Sector of Performance Standards 14/3 Sector of Project Coordination 14/4 Sector of International Technical Police Cooperation 14/5 Sector of Public Relations 13/6 Sector of Legal Services 13/7 Sector of Complaints & Discipline The mission of the Directorate of Professional Standards is to manage the development of the Police organization by supervising the implementation of strategies and acts; determine and monitor the performance standards for the Police personnel; monitor the implementation of international Police projects; apply Police cooperation agreements; provide legal assistance to State Police; and monitor the disciplinary processes. Results achieved in 2008 • • • • 13426 criminal offences reported. 10,858 or 81% solvency rate 152 Police operations conducted, 568 persons arrested 40 criminal groups cracked down using special investigative techniques 16 groups for serious crimes, 63 persons arrested • • • • • • • 70.5 kg of heroin, 3.9 kg of cocaine, 3,517.7 kg marijuana have been seized, and 143,986 narcotic plants have been destroyed 1,379 wanted persons arrested Criminal murders 85 • • 43 operations for serious crimes, 101 persons arrested 40 groups for corruption and economic-financial crimes, 198 persons arrested 40 operations against narcotics trafficking, 172 persons arrested 20 operations against illegal trafficking, 97 persons arrested INTERPOL has arrested for extradition purposes 134 persons and extradited 88 persons 11,160 forensic examinations conducted PRIORITIES FOR 2009 • • • • • • • • • • • • Enhance fight against organized crime, illegal trafficking and terrorism Fight against corruption, money laundering and cyber crime Identification, investigation and seizure of criminal assets and proceeds Thorough investigation and detection of ‘old’ crimes Institutionalization of cooperation with other law-enforcement agencies, Prosecutor’s Office, IS, Customs, Tax Office, Money Laundering Directorate, Supreme Audit, etc. Intensification of cooperation with international organisations, other law-enforcement institutions and foreign police services Implementation of IBM Strategy and Action-Plan to approximate to EU standards Further enhancement of professional capacities of police personnel through training and improvement of professional and work ethics Follow-up of tasks deriving from action-plans as part of sectorial strategies and strategic plan of State Police for 2007-2013 Further improvement of policing standards to approximate them to parameters of developed countries, focusing on citizens and problem-solving Improvement of road safety by reducing the number of accidents in general and the fatal ones in particular Enhance the IT capacities in the activity of State Police ( TIMS, DATYACOM, MEMEX, RMIS)