IN THIS WEEK`S TIN TUC - The Highlights
[email protected] UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 20, Edition 24, Friday 7 March NEXT WEEK... COMING SOON... MONDAY, 10 MARCH MONDAY, 17 MARCH Parent Session - Student Manic Time Reports 8:30-9:30, Library Projection Room TUESDAY, 11 MARCH ES Student Led Conferences. Normal school for D-G5. Discovery & K1 8:30-9:45 Grade 4 & K2 10:15-11:30 Grades 1 & 3 12:30-13:45 Grades 2 & 5 14:00-15:15 WEDNESDAY, 12 MARCH MSHS Grade Level Trips (Grades 6-11) 17-21 March Grade 12 Mock Exams 17-27 March ES Parents Forum with the Principal and Deputy Principal, 18:00-19:00 Library Projection Room THURSDAY, 20 MARCH ES World Happiness Day Celebrations MONDAY-TUESDAY, 24-25 MARCH Half-term Break. No school for students/Offices open. Finance Committee Meet 7:00-8:30, Conference Room THURSDAY, 13 MARCH Grade 11 College Night for Parents & students 18:00-19:30, Library FRIDAY, 14 MARCH Grade 12 Mock Exams 14-27 March Quarter 4 Tuition Fee Payment Due SATURDAY, 15 MARCH Soccer North-South Cup, SSIS Ho Chi Minh City Spring Fair UNIS Hanoi Campus No Saturday Soccer and No Community Education IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors and Admissions Office (p.3) ES Student Led Conferences (p.4) Parent Tech Session - Manic Time Report (p.4) Canteen voucher updates (p.5) Train with Real Madrid for real (p.6) Fair enough? Find out more. (p.7) Aquathlon 2014. Photo Special (p.8) MRISA Culture Exchange (p.9) UNIS Summer Programme. Coming soon!(p.10) Math Olympiad! (p.11) Universities visits. Who’s coming? (p.12) Cover your cough! (p.12) Any spare toiletries? Contact Helping Hands! (p.13) Spring Fair. Buy your ticket NOW! (p.14-18) SCO Boutique. Spring Sale! (p.18) Job Opportunities (p.19-20) Thanks to the 20 parents who came out last night for the “Hors d’oeuvres with the Head of School”. I appreciated the discussion and suggestions and all of this will be posted on the portal next Friday for all to read. It is clear that there is a group that cannot make the mornings but can make an evening meeting so we will probably alternate next year in an attempt to include as many as possible in the conversations over the whole year. The SCO Spring Fair is coming next Saturday, 15 March and I would like not just encourage but “urge” everyone to take part. This is a big community building event and the SCO makes wonderful improvements each year so plan to bring the whole family for great day out together with fun for everyone. How gratifying is has been to host our 6th Annual Model United Nations Day. Over 150 students, mainly from international schools in Vietnam and the region, have been on campus Thursday and Friday with the conclusion on Saturday. We are particularly pleased to once again have the participation of the Amsterdam School, a public school right here in Hanoi. This is another of those activities that inspires me with hope as I listen to the debate, negotiation and articulate arguments made by the delegates as they represent the different points of view of each country. Congratulations go to our co-curricular office and also two of our HS Teachers, Donna Frose and Alvaro Grana, who were responsible for the planning and organization of this event. It has been particularly gratifying to see our students take on more and more leadership this year regarding the planning and running of the activities this year. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, [email protected] Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Photos of the week: Model United Nations at UNIS Hanoi There are many opportunities at UNIS Hanoi for parents to share their talent, time and expertise with the community, demonstrating to our students the value of a life-long commitment to community service. Whether this be coaching weekend sports, talking to students about career and college choices, serving as a classroom representative or helping with the many School Community Organization (SCO) events throughout the year or serving on a board committee or task force- your contributions are all welcomed and valued. Through its annual membership review, the Board of Directors has determined there will be one parent-elected position open on the Board for the upcoming 2014/2015 school year. parent elected member, with results to be announced at the 13th May Annual General Meeting. Parents can find more information about the work of the board, the role of a board member and the election process HERE. Anyone considering this opportunity or if would like to know more about getting involved with the board’s work is invited to attend an Information Session About Board Service on Tuesday 18 March at 7pm, Community Room in the Admin Building. Serving on the board or one of its committees is a richly rewarding way to contribute in your children’s school. The Board of Directors encourages all parents to consider putting themselves forward for election. The deadline for receipt of candidate application forms is 21 March at 12pm. If you have any questions, please contact the Board Assistant, Jennifer Sawyer, at [email protected]. Best regards, Sarah Garner, Board Chair The board will now conduct an election for the position of Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at Tuition and Fees Agreements and invoices for deposit payments shall be issued directly to families in early March. Placements for returning students must be secured by 1 April 2014. Families are required to pay tuition deposits for each attending student and commit to the terms and conditions of tuition and fees for the 2014-2015 academic year. Please notify the Admissions office of your intended date of departure. For assistance contact [email protected] or 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220. Dear Parents To develop communication and critical thinking skills The next significant stage in our partnership with parents is our annual Student Led Conference Day on Tuesday 11 March 2014. To help students reflect further on the process of self- For those new to this concept, as the name implies, students take the lead by sharing, discussing and reflecting on their learning to date with their parents. This process puts the spotlight on the child as the learner in a very positive way. The teachers and children will organize interactive learning stations both in their homeroom and outside as well as the subject specialists organizing activities and stations in their learning areas (Art, Music, Drama, PE, Languages, Library). For those children who attend Learning Support, please also visit the Learning Support rooms. evaluation To help parents appreciate the process not just the product of student learning and teaching for understanding Student Led Conferences have been happening for some years now in the Elementary School. In the past, this event has resulted in the school being closed for ‘normal business’ to allow for the conferences to take place in small groups of three or four families at a time. This year, school will remain open as normal and children will attend for the full day. Grade Levels have been allocated a double period (75 minutes) during which the parents of children in those grade levels will spend the time with their own child leading them through their learning. Goals include the following: Please see the allocated times in table below. To encourage the students to accept personal We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, March 11. responsibility for their progress and achievement To give students confidence through talking and discussing their learning with their parents in English and/ or their Mother Tongue Kind regards, Carole Denny [email protected] Periods 1&2 08.30 – 09.45 Periods 3&4 10.15 – 11.30 Periods 5&6 12.30– 13.45 Periods 7&8 14.00 – 15.15 Discovery Kindergarten 1 Grade 4 Kindergarten 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 5 Grade 2 All students will stay in homeroom classes for the periods other than those above All UNIS student tablets have a programme called ManicTime installed. ManicTime tracks student use of programs on the tablet. ManicTime was installed in order to help students make better decisions about their use of their tablet. If you are interested in looking at the data from your own child, simply send an email to [email protected] and we will use the workshop to help you understand what the results actually mean. We will also show you how to access the data yourselves in order to have conversations with your child regarding tablet use. Starting Monday March 3rd newly designed canteen vouchers with improved security features have been introduced at the UNIS Hanoi canteen. All old tickets will be accepted until Friday March 21st for food purchases, and can also be exchanged for new tickets during this 3 week period. From March 26th onwards ONLY new vouchers will be accepted. No exchanges will be possible after this date. Vé ăn căng-tin mới được thiết kế lại với những chức năng đảm bảo an toàn hơn đã được đưa vào sử dụng từ ngày Thứ 2, mồng 3 tháng 3. Hạn sử dụng vé ăn căng-tin cũ là Thứ Sáu, ngày 21 tháng 3. Quý phụ huynh cũng có thể đổi vé cũ lấy vé mới trong thời gian 3 tuần đầu của tháng 3. Kể từ ngày 26 tháng 3, căng-tin sẽ chỉ chấp nhận vé ăn mới. Vé ăn cũ không đổi được sau ngày này. 유니스 하노이 캔틴 이용권에 대한 최근 정보: 3월 3일 월요일부터 더 나아진 보안기능을 갖고 새롭게 만들어진 식당 이 용권이 유니스 캔틴에 소개될 것입니다. 예전에 사용하던 모든 티켓은 3월 21일 금요일까지 음식을 구입하는데 사 용할 수 있으며, 3주 동안은 새로운 티켓으로 교환할 수 있습니다. 3월 26일부터는 오직 새로운 식권만 캔틴에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 이날 이후에는 새로운 티켓으로 교환할 수도 없습니다. UNIS Hanoi is delighted to partner with Vietnam Football Passion Academy and the Real Madrid Foundation to offer an exciting opportunity for all our budding soccer stars… A chance to train with the Official Youth Coaches from the world famous Real Madrid Football Club, here at UNIS Hanoi! In April we will be organizing two Football Clinics in partnership with Vietnam Football Passion and their local soccer academy, which will run concurrently at UNIS Hanoi from Monday to Friday. One clinic for UNIS Hanoi students and with open registration for all football fans (aged 6-16) and the second clinic will be organized with our Service Learning Programme partners to offer the opportunity of a lifetime to some of the most disadvantaged youth in Vietnam. The Soccer Clinic for our Service Partners will take place from 14:00 to 15:45 (by invitation only) The Soccer Clinic for UNIS Students and other soccer fans in the Hanoi area will take place from 16:15 to 18:00 The cost to participate in the five after school sessions will be 350 USD (which includes an official Real Madrid training uniform) If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact either Emma Silva, Director of Advancement ([email protected]) or Lionel Wong, General Director of Football Passion Vietnam ([email protected]). On Thursday 6 March 2014 Grade 3 students went to look at some businesses here in Hanoi to find out if they are fair trade organisations. In particular they wondered whether they help their workers improve their lives, whether they consider where they get their products from, how their business is organised and whether the business is fair to people. The students were divided into six groups and each group talked to two businesses. These were: Better Day, Craft Link, Oriberry, Mekong Quilts, Koto, Donkey Bakery and Reehmade (a former UNIS Hanoi student). We would love for you to visit our stall at the Spring Fair to learn about these businesses and how consumer choices affect people’s lives. Here are some interesting pieces of information from some very keen students: “Donkey Bakery trains people with disabilities to work in a bakery. If they didn’t train them they could not work.” Mavis and Anna K “Craft Link helps traditional artists to make crafts from traditional material and pays them fairly. The designers and villagers work together to keep the work fair.” Yuki and Erin Thank you and we look forward to your support. Grade 3 Teachers and Students Last Saturday, annual UNIS Hanoi Aquathlon 2014 took place for the 4th time, with 135 students from Elementary, Middle and High Schools and their parents participating in this challenging and exciting event. We’ve welcomed Japanese and French schools students as well this year. The sport of aquathlon consists of a continuous, two-stage race involving swimming followed by running. All students and parents were divided into and participated in different categories – Individual participants, Student Teams and Family Teams. Most elementary students and some teams took part in the Junior version of the Aquathlon. They swam 200m at the pool and ran 1500m. The rest swam 300m and ran 2250m. The most exciting part of the whole event was the family team’s race. It was nice to watch 40 teams - students of different ages, from 7 to 18 years old enjoying time and competing together with their moms or dads. Congratulations and thank you to all coaches who prepared and inspired students for this event – Andy Myers, Brian Healy, Catherine Cenere, Cora Stainton, Nguyen Pho and Pham Hiep. Thank you to everyone who offered their help and time with organizing this successful event. Special ‘thank you’ goes to HS Swim For Life service students who helped on the day. The results and photos of the Aquathlon could be found on Portal – Activities Office – Aquatics Ella Jaranova, Aquatics Coordinator [email protected] 14 dedicated and hardworking arts students recently returned from a tiring but rewarding arts exchange held at The International School of the Eastern Seaboard ( Thailand ). The exchange was 3 very full days of teacher and student led workshops and events. All students were extended in a variety of arts disciplines in selected specialist and creative workshops. Activities such as the Creative Challenge had students randomly put into small groups and asked to solve a variety of problems in different disciplines. Teacher Chaperones Sara Quigley and Robert Natoli were impressed with excellent level of commitment and behavior shown by all students during the exchange. Robert Natoli, MSHS Art Teacher [email protected] Full day sessions will be offered for ECC, Elementary, Middle School Students Half and full day session will be offered for High School Students Programmes offered will include a balance of activities including Sports, Math, English, Arts, Science and time in the Pool! Enrollment will initially be restricted to current UNIS Hanoi students and spaces will be limited so make plans to attend now and check back in to the Tin Tuc for the registration date. Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason Caruana, Summer Programme Principal [email protected] On Saturday, 22 February, 105 students from 6 schools in Hanoi participated in the 2014 Math Olympiad! The schools that participated were: St. Paul's, Concordia, UNIS Hanoi, BVIS Royal City, Doan Thi Diem, BVIS Vincom Village and HIS. Teams took part in a series of fun challenges and events such as "Speed-Round" and "Beat the Teachers!". Students did a variety of activities ranging from constructing the tallest tower to solving the most equations in a short amount of time. Overall, this event was a great experience for students to socialize and to have a healthy competition! We're definitely looking forward to next year's Math Olympiad! Medeha Zahid, MYP Mathematics [email protected] Welcome Grade 11 Parents and Students to “College Night” Please come to the library and find out all the information you need for a successful journey through the College Application Process. Wherever your child is applying we will have information for you including Application Deadlines, transcripts, IB predicted grades, UCAS, Recommendation Letters, Standardized Tests. The goal is for each student to find a college that develops a lifelong love of learning and provides the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life beyond college. Hope is among 50 colleges recommended by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute in its guide All-American Colleges: Top Schools for Conservatives, Old-Fashioned Liberals and People of Faith, which notes that “The students and faculty we spoke with confirm that the school walks its talk. Monash is ranked in the top one per cent of world universities – 99th in the world – according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2012-2013). Representatives from UK, US and Australian universities will be here. Please register by submitting THIS FORM online. Kind regards, Candice Crouch, HS Guidance Counselor [email protected] Royal Holloway was ranked 102nd in the 2013-14 Times Higher Education World University Rankings published in September 2013. Ranked 12th overall in the UK, the Guide has described Royal Holloway as "truly world class". After coughing or sneezing, always clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol based hand cleaner. Frequently asked questions about respiratory etiquette: Parents, please discuss with your children and encourage them to look at the display board outside the School Health Centre. Dispose of the used tissues into the waste basket. Don’t be concerned if you see people wearing masks – they are preventing the spread of germs when they are not well. Stay at home if you are sick. Do not share eating utensils, drinking glasses, bottles or Colds and respiratory illnesses like the flu, cough and personal items. colds are spread by coughing or sneezing and unclean hands. These illnesses spread easily in crowded places where people are in close contact. School is the perfect environment. Cover your cough. Sneeze or cough into your sleeve, not into your hands. Once the germs are on your hands and you open a door, pick up a phone, or borrow some ones pen, those germs pass to the next person and so the never ending cycle continues. If you use a tissue, throw the used tissue in a waste basket. Clean your hands with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Avoid close contact with people who are sick, if possible. GET VACCINATED (Flu vaccine currently available at International SOS and Family Medical Practice, FMP). UNIS School Health Centre, [email protected] The Spring Fair is completely organized by the hard work of our committed volunteers. We are looking for ALL countries in the UNIS Community to be represented. The key ingredients for a successful Spring Fair are a positive attitude, willingness to get involved, some time and your passion to make this day inspirational. You will feel proud to be part of an event that bonds the community together and creates our special blend of UNIS Culture. As all community events go, we need people from the community to volunteer to make it successful. We would like to invite ALL faculty and staff to GET INVOLVED in the Spring Fair by volunteering in one of the many ways: Sign-up HERE to volunteer! UK, Italy, Japan, Canada, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Philippines, Chile, Korea, Australia, Germany, Malaysia, Hungary, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Bangladesh For more information about the 2014 Spring Fair check out the website for more background information and photos! Looking forward to creating yet another memorable event sharing culture, food, and diversity with the UNIS Hanoi Community! We thank you ahead of time for your support. Yours truly, School Community Organization (SCO) Paulina Pineda, Joh Ponsen, Pippa Wood, Renea Freeman Country Tables are the SOUL of this event! Help out and represent your country! Contact - Michiko Kadono at [email protected] Fancy having fun at the Fun Corner! – Cathy Sutherland at [email protected] Do you have a talent to share? Entertainment –Sally Oxenberry at [email protected] Ticket Collection at the Gates – Renea Freeman at [email protected] Please contact one of the coordinators above if you would like to help in one of aforementioned areas or simply sign up HERE to get involved! If you have any questions, contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Joh Ponsen at [email protected] All we ask of you is to offer some of your precious time on the day to be a Spring Fair volunteer! Spread the ‘love load’, many hands make light work!! It’s a great way to be involved in one of the highlights of the UNIS Hanoi school year and a great way to get to meet other members of the community! Country Tables: we are looking for all countries to be represented! (We have over 60 Nationalities represented in our school). So far countries that have signed up to participate this year are: Since the Spring Fair is a UNIS Hanoi Community event, the Spring Fair Silent Auction Team would like to ask if you have the following to donate for our Silent Auction Booth: Do you have any Unique Artwork/Paintings/Lacquer Art at home that you no longer want Do you have any items (picture frames, wine bottles, unused jewelleries, etc.) that you no longer use and would like to donate Can you donate items into our Super Baskets team such as Spa Day Basket, Tea Time Basket, World's Best Mom or Dad Basket, Let's Read Basket, Baker's Day Basket, Artist Basket or create your own team. Please make sure that all donations are in good condition or not used. Sample of Basket Donated: Total value $40.00 (Plush bear; White Tea and Ginger scented Bath Salts ; Body Butter (4.0 oz.) and Almond Roca Butter Crunch Toffee Candy ) Please get your donation by March 5, Wednesday to the Advancement Office. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call 01673814649. Thank you in advance. Eunice Chin & Cameron Stauch, Sponsorship & Silent Auction Team LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE… BUY THEM EARLY BEFORE WE SELL OUT! Friday, March 7 Canteen Saturday, March 8 Soccer Field Blue Tent Monday, March 10 Canteen Tuesday, March 11 Canteen No sales 15.00 – 16.30 8.00 – 11.30 No sales 7.45 – 9.00 15.00 – 16.30 7.45 – 16.30 7.45 – 16.30 Wednesday, March 12 Canteen 7.45 – 9.00 15.00 – 16.30 Thursday, March 13 Canteen 7.45 – 9.00 15.00 – 16.30 Friday, March 14 Canteen 7.45 – 9.00 15.00 – 16.30 80,000 VND PRESALE 100,000 VND at the gate *Ages 3 and younger free 1 Long Sleeve T-shirt 4 - 14 130000 110,000 2 Long Sleeve T-shirt S - XL 150000 120,000 3 Long Sleeve Polo Shirt - 4 - 14 120000 100,000 4 Long Sleeve Polo Shirt - S - Xl 140000 110,000 5 Sweat Hoodie W/o Zipper 4 - 14 210000 170,000 6 Sweat Hoodie W/o Zipper S - XL 250000 200,000 7 Sweat Hoodie With Zipper 4 -14 280000 220,000 8 Sweat Hoodie With Zipper S - XL 330000 260,000 9 Track suit top 200000 160,000 10 Track suit pants 120000 100,000 11 Track suit set 300000 240,000 12 Microfleece Vest 4 - 14 130000 100,000 13 Microfleece Vest S - XL 150000 120,000 14 Sweat Pants 4 - 14 130000 100,000 15 Sweat Pants S - XL 150000 120,000 Provide administrative support to the Head of School UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,050 students from 66 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a full time, Administrative Receptionist. This position reports to the Manager of Head of School Office. The UNIS Hanoi Receptionist provides the first impression of UNIS Hanoi to the community, both internal and external, and as such is responsible for extending a service in line with the School’s prestigious reputation and its Values. The Receptionist provides a warm welcome and an efficient, polite and pro-active response in all situtations. This role is central to the School’s branding efforts. The successful candidate will take a keen pride in the role and come to the position with ideas for continuous improvement in this area. Office including document preparation, translation, labeling out-going mails, welcome packs and gifts for visitors, etc. Responsible for the tidiness and readiness of the Conference Room and Community Room Perform other tasks as required by the Supervisor University degree in English or related field 2+ years secretarial experience in an administrative/ secretarial assistant role in a multinational organization setting, preferably gained within the hospitality industry Strong customer services skills Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, in English and Vietnamese languages Excellent telephone manner Cross cultural exposure and understanding Serve as an active first point of contact for students, parents, faculty and visitors for all enquiries. Answer all incoming calls to switchboard in line with the UNIS Hanoi phone protocol guide including the taking and relaying of messages and any follow up requested. Receive and welcome visitors in a professional and friendly manner. Assist with enquiries and ensure they are directed to the appropriate person. Ensure that all needs of waiting guests are attended to including refreshment when appropriate and follow up with their appointment. Maintain an attractive and up to date community information and school publications display in the Reception area. Proficiency in using MS computer software, with knowledge and experience using database software Ability to work independently, while at the same time being a team player Organised and logical in approach to tasks In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to [email protected] Ms Vu Ngoc Thanh, Human Resources Officer United Nations International School of Hanoi Maintain the School Community Notice Boards under the direction of the Community Laison Officer in the Advancement Office. Responsible for the tidiness and cleanliness of the Reception area which must at all times be immaculate and attractive. The reception area should always be a welcoming. Organise student art displays in the Administration Building in liaison with the Arts Department, including their rotation, maintenance, quality presentation and the work orders associated with the display rotation. Coordinate all deliveries and postal requirements; UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programmes from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
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