IN THIS WEEK`S TIN TUC - The Highlights
[email protected] UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 21, Edition 4, Friday 5 September NEXT WEEK… FRIDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER SATURDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER Governance as Leadership Workshop (September 6 - 7) MONDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER MAP Testing Grades 3 - 5 (September 8 - 11) TUESDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER How to Get Involved with your Child’s School, Parent Info Session with the SCO, 8.30 - 10.00, Library Projection Room WEDNESDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER Grades 1 & 2 Child Development Information Session with the Counsellors, 8.30 -9.30, Library Grades 1 & 2 Library Orientation, 9.30 - 10.00, Library THURSDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER Board Finance Committee Meeting, 7.00 - 8.30, Conference Room Grades 3, 4 & 5 Child Development Information Session with the Counsellors, 8.30 -9.30, Library Grades 3, 4 & 5 Library Orientation, 9.30 - 10.00, Library PYP Interactive Workshop for New Parents, 19.00 20.00, Black Box Room MRISA Leadership Conference, NISC Phnom Penh Cambodia (September 11 - 14) Board of Directors Two-Day Meeting Talking Without Words, Grade 3 Field Trip Hanoi Classic High School Volleyball Tournament SATURDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER Community Connections Fair, 9.00 - 12.00, Centre for the Arts Community Education Autumn Programme Starts COMING SOON MONDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER MAP Testing Grades 6-8 (September 15 - 18) Parent Focus Group Consultation for Accreditation SelfStudy, 19.00-21.30 TUESDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER MYP Information night for Returning Parents, 18.0019.00, Black Box Room PYP Interactive for Returning Parents, 19.00-20.00, Black Box Room THURSDAY,18 SEPTEMBER Grade 12 College Info Night for Parents and Students, 18.00-19.30, Library FRIDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER International Peace Day (ES) Parent/Faculty Social Event (SCO), 19.30 IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) MAP Testing at UNIS Hanoi (p.2) PYP Parents’s Workshops (p.3 - 4) What’s New in the MYP? (p.4) College Night for Grade 12 Students and Parents (p.5) Upcoming University Visits (p. 5) UNIS Hanoi Community Garden (p.5) Tet Trung Thu - Moon Festival Photo Special (p.6 - 7) For UNIS Hanoi Swim Team Parents (p.8) ComEd Baseball - Calling for Coaches (p.8) UNIS Hanoi Co-Curricular Family Group (p.9 - 10) News from SCO Boutique (p.10) Saturday Soccer Coaching Clinic (p.11) Get Involved with your Child’s School (p.11) Being Sun Smart at UNIS Hanoi (p.12) SCO Sparkly Social Save the Date (p.12) Community Connections Fair (p.13) Train with Real Madrid here at UNIS Hanoi! (p.14) I would like to highlight the many activities happening over the next week or so since so many of them involve parents. All of them are mentioned in more detail in another part of this Tin Tuc. We start with our first day of Saturday Soccer and it appears that we will have another full programme of over 400 children participating. It is a wonderful atmosphere to come on a Saturday and watch this activity in addition to several other ASA programs happening. We certainly do make full use of our wonderful campus with these programmes. On Tuesday morning, 09 September, the SCO once again is reaching out to help you learn more about how to get involved here at UNIS Hanoi. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings will be sessions with the ES counsellors regarding Child Development issues followed by a session with the ES Librarian. On Thursday evening there will be a At UNIS Hanoi standardised testing is one way that we gather information to promote and inform student learning. A standardised test should allow students, teachers and parents to identify a student's strengths and areas of need in the different subject areas that are tested. At the schoolwide level the standardised test can help to identify areas of the curriculum that may need adapting. It will also help the school to determine how its students are performing in comparison to other students around the world and to evaluate the effectiveness of our programme. The school currently uses two different forms of standardized tests. One of these is the Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP) which are computerised tests in Reading, Language usage, and Mathematics. The MAP test at UNIS Hanoi is done twice a year so that we can check for growth in students’ development of knowledge and understanding in the areas tested. Students in Grades 3-8 are going to take part in the MAP test this September. PYP interactive session for new parents. On Saturday morning, 13 September, there will be a Community Connections Fair where various organizations will be represented and parents can find out what is available in Hanoi. Since there are some new programs initiated each year, we encourage returning parents as well as new parents to participate. Thanks in advance for supporting and participating in these important activities. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, [email protected] Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Tino Peltola, 11C Valentina (Mimi) Apted, Disc-TU The schedule for this semester is as follows: Grade 3-5 students: September 9 - 12, 2014 Grade 6-8 student: September 15 - 18, 2014 MAP tests are unique - as students complete each test it adapts to be appropriate for their level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. Please be aware that there is no additional preparation that students can do to prepare for these tests. It is helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep and a sufficient breakfast prior to testing. If your child is anxious you can help to alleviate their worries by talking, listening and reassuring. Encourage your child to simply do their best as he or she would do with any school assignment, test or project. Contact the homeroom teacher if you have a concern regarding your child’s reaction to the test. If you would like more information about the MAP test in general please contact Janet Field, the Director of Learning at [email protected] International schools can sometimes be confusing places for parents. The way students are taught in international schools and the way a curriculum is organised is sometimes very different from what parents have experienced in their home countries. At UNIS Hanoi we follow the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP). This framework guides UNIS Hanoi about how to teach, what to teach and how to organised our curriculum. All UNIS Hanoi students from Discovery to Grade 5 are currently experiencing the IBPYP. One of the key features of the IB PYP is children learn through inquiry. They enjoy active, ‘hands on’ experiences which require critical thinking. On the 11th and 16th of September we will be inviting parents to come in and learn about the IB PYP. Parents will have the opportunity to experience what learning is like for their children. Participants will join in, active, ‘hands on’ learning experiences which will require them to think critically. The sessions will be fun opportunities for you to meet other UNIS parents and to try out the sort of the strategies your children experience every day. I encourage as many of you as possible to attend. If you think you might come along, please could you email Phuong [email protected] leaving your name, your child’s name, their grade level and teacher . This is just to give us an idea of how many participants there will be and the number of tables, chairs and refreshments to prepare. Don’t worry if you have said you will attend, then change your mind or you cannot make it. That is no problem. I look forward to meeting you soon. Chris Frost, PYP Coordinator [email protected] Event Details Who should come PYP Workshop for Parents New to the Programme September 11th 7.00-8.00pm The Black Box Centre of the Arts This is a repeat of the same workshop we held last year in September and January. During this workshop parents will explore what inquiry learning means. They will also develop an understanding of how the elementary school curriculum is organised. Parents with children in any grade Discovery to Grade 5. Parents who did not attend the workshops led by Chris frost (the PYP Coordinator) in September or January. Parents who are just interested in meeting other parents and having fun. PYP Workshop for Everyone September 16th 7.00-8.00pm The Black Box Centre of the Arts This is a new workshop. During this workshop parents will develop an understanding of the different ways teachers assess in the Elementary school. Parents with children in any grade Discovery to Grade 5. Parents with an interest in assessment. Parents who are just interested in meeting other parents and having fun. August 2014 marks the launch of new curriculum guidelines for all subject groups in the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). After four years of programme review and piloting, the IB has released the changes to the MYP framework for implementation. But what are the changes, and how will they impact learning for our students? UNIS Hanoi participated in the pilot of MYP Sciences, as well as optional onscreen exams for students in MYP Year 5. Some teachers from other subjects had previously been involved in the development of pilot material, and one teacher per subject group participated in an MYP workshop last spring. Approaches to learning Focus on conceptual understanding Embedding learning in relevant global contexts Revised subject objectives and assessment criteria The Grade 6-10 MYP curriculum handbook (forthcoming) will provide more detailed information. Parents are invited to attend an information evening in September. The New MYP for Parents An information evening for returning parents When: Tuesday, 16 September 18:00-19:00 Where: B10 – 103 (Centre for the Arts, Black Box) Planning to attend? Click link to RSVP by Sep 8 “College Night” Mon, Sep 8 13:20-14:00 Macalester College Robert Steven Colee, Director of International Admissions Tue, Sep 9 13:20-14:00 Boston University John D. Gursky, Senior Assistant Director of International Admissions Thu, Sep 11 Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne 13:20-14:00 Joshua Gan, Admissions Officer WHEN? WHAT TIME? WHERE? September 18, 2014 18:00 – 19:30 Library This Grade 12 college night presentation will provide essential information to assist both parents and students in a successful journey through the college application process. This presentation will cover information including: application deadlines, creating a college final list, how to request transcripts, IB predicted grades, generic application information, and other documents needed to apply. This is an important evening that will explain what the process will look like for the coming year as we work together. We expect all students and parents to attend. Mon, Sep 15 Miami University, Oxford 13:20-14:00 Mindy Yiu, Admission Counselor University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Chelsea Keeney, Admission Counselor University of Oregon Anne Payne, Admission Counselor University of Vermont Molly Witt, Assistant Director of International Admissions Thu, Sep 18 Lafayette College 13:20-14:00 Eugene Gabay, Senior Assoc. Director of Admissions Fri, Sep 19 13:20-14:00 European University Geneva Kenneth Quah, Regional Recruitment Manager Tue, Sep 30 Lewis & Clark College 13:20-14:00 Bridget Flaherty, Assistant Director Intl Admission Mercyhurst University Eric G. Evans, Director of International Admissions Available Week of September 1 (4:00- 4:30 Monday/Thursday only) The MS Community Garden Service Learning Group will be selling produce directly from the MS garden throughout the school year. Variety and availability will vary depending on what we have in the garden and all sales are on a first come/ first served, cash only basis. This is a great opportunity to get some delicious, local, organic vegetables, give our MS students some practical experience in business and fundraising and help us raise money to purchase supplies for a farm family on Long Bien Island that we have been involved with for the past 4 years. Sweet potato greens Eggplants Malabar Spinach Italian Basil As you may know, this is the beginning of the second year for the Aquatics Academy. Last year we made a few changes that enhanced the swimming experience for UNIS Hanoi students. For example, we reinstated swim team participation for 4th and 5th grades, changed the format of our spring meet and generally increased participation on all our teams. As Head Coach of the Aquatics Academy I feel that we have made a good start toward adding to our students’ opportunity for physical fitness, fun and healthy competition. After being here for a year and getting a good feel for UNIS Hanoi and the existing programme there are a few enhancements that would make for an even better experience for our swimmers. One of the things that is important is the creation of a Parent Booster Group. Quite a few of you assisted us with various things over the course of the 2013 – 2014 year. On other teams I have worked with, there have been many opportunities for parents to enhance our swim teams. Assisting at meets, helping arrange travel plans, and organising fun activities such as a ‘spirit party’ before our invitational meet are just a few of the things that parents could do which would help us to make the swim team experience even more meaningful AND more fun. It takes more than a few good coaches and a nice facility to make a great experience for our students. Please join me this Saturday morning (Sept 6) at 11am right after Middle School Swim Team training for a The Community Education Programme (ComEd) is in need of baseball coaches to support the high demand of our three youth baseball offerings (Beginning Baseball for ages 6-9, Intermediate Baseball for ages 10-12, and Advanced Baseball for ages 12-15). If you are interested or you can refer an individual, please contact [email protected]. Your support would open up many more opportunities for the young baseball players of our community. parents meeting. My aim is to keep it to 30 minutes (with time for individual questions afterward). Here is a basic agenda: Formation of a Parent Booster Group Opportunities for parents to help at meets Opportunities for parents to help with other organizational needs Brief overview of our swim team program if time permits Individual questions I hope you can all join me to take this opportunity to create a more meaningful and enjoyable experiences for our swimmers. Andy Myers, Head Coach Aquatics Academy [email protected] As a UNIS Hanoi family you are offered a wonderful opportunity to see first-hand what a top tier international school has to offer in terms of co-curricular programming. There are many international schools around the world, but only the top schools are willing and able to commit to dedicating the necessary resources to run a top tier international school co-curricular programme. One of the key foundation pieces of our programme here at UNIS Hanoi is our affiliation with the Mekong River International Schools Association (MRISA) and the Asia Pacific Activities Conference (APAC). Our students are afforded incredible opportunities through these two organisations whether they are directly involved or not. Any student accepting membership on a co-curricular group with UNIS Hanoi must be aware of the hosting responsibilities we accept as members of MRISA and APAC, as well as our partnership with other international schools around the world. When we host events that require overnight stays, accommodation must be provided for the visiting students. By accepting membership on a UNIS Hanoi co-curricular group, our families agree to support the programme by opening their homes and accommodating our guests. In short – if you take part in the programme, you must house visiting students Considering the number of events that UNIS Hanoi hosts each year, we also have to request support from other members of our school community to help make sure all our guests have a comfortable and safe place to stay for the duration of the event. With the help of our UNIS Hanoi families we hope to establish a long-standing tradition of hospitality for our guests who will join us from our sister schools around the world. For those of you who are new to the concept of reciprocal housing or billeting, the following summary may help you understand what is involved and answer questions you may have. It is important to completely understand what the opportunity encompasses and what is expected. As a host family we ask that you provide the following: Accommodation - Sleeping quarters for your guest(s). Some Meals - This will primarily be breakfast each morning and possibly two to three dinners. Most participants will be at school or the event venue during lunch time, and have an activity planned around dinner. Laundry - The students may need to have their uniforms washed on competition/performance days. We would appreciate you helping them with this. If the best way for you to do this is to show them how to use the washer, that is fine. Transportation - We ask that you pick up your guests at the designated location specified in the Host Family Packet which you will receive well in advance of your guest arriving. For the duration of the event, we ask you to provide transportation for visiting students between your home and UNIS Hanoi. Supervision – At least one parent or responsible adult should be present in the home while your guests are staying with you. Tarique Al-Iesa, Director of Activities [email protected] How many visiting students am I expected to house? Generally we prefer to put our guests up in pairs. When two visiting students are together it makes the experience more comfortable for the guests as well as the host family. However, some of our UNIS Hanoi hosts take 4 to 6 guests at a time. Do we need to give the students their own rooms or can they share? It is appropriate to put two (or more) students in a room together. Will I have mixed gender guests (e.g. one boy and one girl)? No, your assigned guests will be all of one gender. Are cots, sleeping bags, or a mattress on the floor acceptable? A bed is preferred, but cots, sleeping bags or a mattress on the floor is acceptable. If students are on the floor, there should be some form of cushioning under them i.e. air mattress, floor mattress, etc. Please provide appropriate bedding. If the participants use a taxi, do we provide taxi money? Transportation should be the responsibility of the host family. If for some reason you can’t provide transportation, please provide taxi fare or arrange for alternate transportation. In some cases UNIS Hanoi can help arrange bus transportation at a fixed pick-up/drop-off location. What is meant by curfew violations? A curfew violation occurs when a participant is not in the host family’s home by the curfew time set up for that particular event. The participants will be scheduled to be We are trying something new this year by having a special opening time for students and staff on Wednesdays from 12.30 – 13.30. Stop by and pick-up some UNIS Hanoi gear during lunchtime! Also, on Saturday October 6 & 13 we will be open for those Saturday Soccer purchases from 9.00 – 13.00. Retreat from the heat and shop in the Boutique! For any questions regarding SCO Boutique related matters, contact the Boutique coordinator, Malin Niklasson, [email protected] back to your homes well before curfew, allowing them plenty of time to arrive by the deadline. There should be no attempt to “cover” for the students. If a chaperone calls and your guests are not in, please tell the chaperone and they can either call back or have the students call when they arrive. The curfew time is very important to follow, and for safety reasons will be strictly enforced. If a student has broken the rules, whom do I call? If there is anything happening that you question, please call the Director of Activities, Mr. Tarique Al-Iesa at 01258828672 immediately. Another appropriate action is to communicate with the chaperone. Either way, the Director of Activities should be informed. We do not want you to have a bad experience in anyway. A shared set of rules and expectations will be included in the Host Family Information Packet. Do parents/guardians have to be at home during housing? When housing forms go out to host families, please do not offer to house if at least one parent/guardian is not going to be in the house at the time the event will be taking place. There is not a problem housing guests if one parent/ guardian is not present at the time the activity is taking place. We understand that we are to provide breakfast, and possibly dinner for the participants, but who pays if they want to go out? If students want to go out for dinner, and it is no problem for you, they pay their meal themselves. Most visitors bring extra money for these situations. Only official group dinners are allowed and the coach/chaperone must be present with the entire group. Official group dinners or other special trips for individual groups during an event must be approved by and coordinated with the event director, and clearly communicated to the host family. MONDAY 08:00 - 09:00 Closed TUESDAY 08:00 - 09:00 Closed WEDNESDAY 08:00 - 09:00 12.30 - 13.30 THURSDAY 08:00 - 09:00 15:00 - 16:00 FRIDAY 08:00 - 09:00 Closed SATURDAY* 09.00 – 13.00 Closed * Saturday, October 6 & 13 ONLY With the 2014 – 2015 Saturday Soccer Fall Season just around the corner preparations are well underway. The equipment is waiting in the field storage unit, uniforms ordered, field lines have been marked and the coaches have received professional training and advice. On Saturday 30th August and Thursday 4th September a total of 39 eager coaches were present for two Coaching Clinics. The aim of the clinics was to support, develop knowledge and understanding and give confidence to our voluntary coaches across a number of key coaching areas. These included: Each session was split into two main components. The first was theory based information from up-to-date research and best practice which incorporated the above. The second was practical application which gave the coaches the opportunity to experience the ‘hands-on’ and ‘applied’ essentials of a training session. All valuable information for the season ahead, plus more age/group specific clinics are planned for the future. The necessity for ‘Good Coaches’ A special thank you goes out to all our Saturday Soccer Coaching volunteers and Mr. Simon Mills, a member of the Physical Education (PE) team here at UNIS for running the clinics. Simon has a wealth of experience in PE, coaching and Sports Development with over 30 years in this field. Windows of opportunity for developing FUNdamental Adrian Hubbard, Co-Curricular Activities Manager What motivates children to participate in sport? Stages of ‘Play’ skills [email protected] Teaching Games for Understanding Get involved with your child’s school through the School Community Organisation! Tuesday, September 9 8.30 – 10.00 Library Projection Room Parents provide invaluable support to the school community and send a positive message to your children that you take an interest in their education! The School Community Organisation works in close partnership with the school and we are always looking for parent volunteers! There are many ways to get involved by becoming a host family for APAC/MRISA events, sports boosting, volunteering for the book fair and the library… just to name a few! Meet the coordinators and sign up for events you want to help organize! For more questions, contact [email protected] Being Sun Smart at UNIS UNIS is ideally placed to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of students. The School Health Centre supports the school community in promoting the health of all students through health promotion strategies such as being Sun Smart. Students are encouraged to SLIP on clothing that will protect their skin from the sun even when not at school. UNIS is committed to promoting sun protection. Being Sun Smart, can positively influence knowledge, attitudes, skills and behavior of students that enhance the short and long term health outcomes. At UNIS we can promote Sun Smart awareness through the formal school curriculum, the environment and through regulation and practice. Students in the ECC and ES are required to SLAP on a hat that adequately covers exposed areas of the face. A hat that provides good shade to the face, back of the neck, eyes and ears. Broad –brimmed and bucket hats provide the most UV radiation for the face and head. Wearing a hat with a brim that shades the eyes can also reduce UV radiation to the eyes by 50%. Research indicates that sun exposure in the first 18 years of life contributes significantly to the life time risk of skin cancer. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun causes sunburn, skin damage and increases the risk of skin cancer. Getting sunburnt in childhood and adolescence will increase the risk of skin cancer in later life. As students are at school during times when UV radiation levels are highest, UNIS can play a major role in minimizing students UV exposure and promoting healthy sun beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. Students are encouraged to SLOP on some sunscreen to the exposed areas of their body when in full sun. Sunscreen is available from the School Health Centre. Students are encouraged to SEEK areas at school where they can play and sit in shaded areas where possible. Students in ECC and ES should play in the shade if no hat. Students are encouraged to SLIDE on sunglasses if they find the sun too bright. A “No Hat, No play outside in the sun“ regulation is in place at UNIS during recess and lunch. School Health Centre [email protected] Friday September 19 Leave the kids at home and just have fun! From 19.30 till late This is an epic night of live entertainment and delicious refreshments (free flow drinks and nibbles until 21.30). 6 Degrees (189 Nghi Tam, Tay Ho) Tickets: 200,000VND available for purchase at the Advancement Office or the SCO Boutique starting Tuesday, September 9. Surely a night to be talked about for the rest of the year…. For more questions, contact Pippa Wood at [email protected] New to Hanoi and still Getting Settled? Come to our Community Connections Fair! WHEN? Saturday, September 13 WHAT TIME? 9.00am - 12.00pm WHERE? UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts. Want to learn how to drive a motorbike? What gym offers Zumba, Yoga or Pilates classes? Where should I go if my child has a fever? Where is the best place to buy my groceries? Which dental services are available in Hanoi? What to do with ALL my free time? Are these some questions you ask yourself ? The purpose of the Community Connections Fair is to provide useful information to our UNIS Hanoi community, especially those newly arrived expats, by bringing a variety of Hanoi's service providers and organizations together to one convenient location! Who will be coming? We will have representatives from a variety of areas (for example: medical services, vets, fitness centres, community/ cultural groups, activity groups, transportation services, to name a few) come and set up an information/display booths and will be present on the day to answer questions. Join us and learn more about what Hanoi has to offer and get all your questions answered! For more information, contact our Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun in the Advancement Office. UNIS Hanoi is delighted to partner with the Foundation Real Madrid Hanoi team to bring back the Real Madrid Football Clinic to Hanoi, this time Bigger and Better! This is an exciting opportunity for all our budding soccer stars - a chance to experience the current Real Madrid Youth Development programme with the Official UEFA Certified Youth Coaches from the world famous Real Madrid Football Club, here at UNIS Hanoi! During Autumn break we will be organizing Real Madrid Football Clinics in partnership with the Foundation Real Madrid Hanoi , which will run concurrently at UNIS Hanoi from Monday to Friday. There will be clinics for UNIS Hanoi students and with open registration for all football fans (aged 8-16) and another clinic with our Service Learning Programme partners to offer the opportunity of a lifetime to some of the most disadvantaged youth in Vietnam. The Soccer Clinic for our Service Partners will take place from 10:30 to 12:00 (by invitation only) The Soccer Clinics for UNIS Students and other soccer fans in the Hanoi area are as follows: Morning Clinic 8:30-10:00 U10 & U14 (15 slots per age group) Afternoon Clinic 1 14:30-16:00 U12 & U16 (15 slots per age group) Afternoon Clinic 2 16:30-18:00 U10, U12, U14 & U16 (15 slots per age group) The cost to participate in the five session clinic will be 9,600,000 VND (which includes an official Real Madrid training uniform) ***A discount of 10% off the clinic fee & priority placement for slots available will be given to participants UNIS Hanoi students. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact either Tarique Al-Iesa, Director of Activities ([email protected]) or Lionel Wong from the Foundation Real Madrid Hanoi team ([email protected]).
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UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter