romans etrangers - Bibliothèque municipale de Sceaux
romans etrangers - Bibliothèque municipale de Sceaux
Pour bien commencer l’année, je lis des ROMANS ETRANGERS La bibliothèque municipale de Sceaux vous propose de découvrir ses nouveaux romans en langue étrangère : anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien et russe. Bonne lecture ! Allemand Jurek BECKER. Jakob der Lügner. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 1982 – L.ALL. BEC Das Buch erzählt eine Geschichte aus dem Ghetto während des Krieges. Es ist nicht eine Geschichte vom Widerstand, sondern von einem Heldentum ganz anderer Art; eine melancholisch-heitere, leise, eine kunstvolle komponierte Geschichte ist es, die ohne Phantasie und Menschlichkeit nicht denkbar wäre und deren Held Jakob ein ßLügner aus Barmherzigkeitß ist. Wolfgang BORCHERT. Draußen vor der Tür = und ausgewählte Erzählungen. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2012 – L.ALL. BOR Das einzige Drama des früh verstorbenen Dichters ist ein verzweifelter Protestschrei gegen die zerstörerische und verderbnisträchtige Macht des Krieges. Seine Erzählungen und Prosastücke berichten mit sicher akzentuierter Ausdruckskraft von den verheerenden Kriegsfolgen im einzelnen und im gemeinsamen Menschenleben. Hans FALLADA. Jeder stirbt für sich allein. Berlin: Aufbau, 2012 – L.ALL. FAL Die literarische Wiederentdeckung des Jahres.“ Der Tagesspiegel Ein einzigartiges Panorama des Berliner Lebens in der Nazizeit: Hans Falladas eindringliche Darstellung des Widerstands der kleinen Leute avancierte rund 60 Jahre nach ihrer Entstehung zum überragenden Publikumserfolg in Deutschland und der Welt. Millionen Leser sind berührt von der Geschichte des Ehepaars Quangel, das nach dem Kriegstod des Sohnes einen ganz privaten Weg findet, sich gegen das unmenschliche Regime zur Wehr zu setzten und so die eigene Seele zu retten. Charlotte LINK. Das andere Kind. Goldmann, 2010 – L.ALL. LIN Eine alte Farm, eine einsame Landschaft, ein düsteres Geheimnis aus vergangener Zeit. Mit tödlichen Folgen für die Gegenwart ...In der nordenglischen Küstenstadt Scarborough wird eine Studentin erschlagen aufgefunden. Monatelang tappen die Ermittler im Dunkeln – dann geschieht ein ähnlicher Mord. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Opfern ist nicht erkennbar. Und so klammert sich die ehrgeizige Polizistin Valerie Almond an das allzu Offensichtliche: an ein Zerwürfnis in der Familie des zweiten Opfers. Lange ist ihr der Blick jedoch verstellt für das Gift, das in dieser Familie wirkt, und dessen Ursprung sie bis weit in die Vergangenheit hinein zurückverfolgen müsste. Und fast zu lange dauert es, bis Valerie Almond begreift, dass ein kranker Täter seinen Rachedurst noch nicht gestillt hat …Charlotte Link ist die erfolgreichste deutsche Autorin der Gegenwart. Ferdinand von SCHIRACH. Verbrechen. München: Piper, 2012 – L.ALL. SCH Er hat es in seinem Beruf alltäglich mit Menschen zu tun, die Extremes getan oder erlebt haben. Das Ungeheuerliche ist bei ihm der Normalfall. Er vertritt Unschuldige, die mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt geraten, ebenso wie Schwerstkriminelle. Deren Geschichten erzählt er – lakonisch wie ein Raymond Carver und gerade deswegen mit unfassbarer Wucht. Arthur SCHNITZLER. Anatol. Anatols Grössenwahn. Der grüne Kakadu. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2009 – L.ALL. SCH Anatol ist der melancholischgenießerische Typus des Fin-de-siècle Wieners, der ohne das "Gefühl von Zusammenhängen“ lebt. Aus dem von ihm agierten Gegensatz von Wissen und Sagen, Illusion und Skepsis, Leichtsinn und Schwermut zieht Schnitzler die dramatischen Spannungen seines Einakterzyklus. - Anders die Groteske Der grüne Kakadu, die im Paris des 14.Juli 1789 spielt. Während Komödianten in einer Schenke den adligen Gästen “Verbrechermilieu“ vortäuschen, dringt von der Straße der reale Umbruch herein. Auch hier letztlich: Schein und Sein. Martin SUTER. Der Teufel von Mailand. München: Diogenes, 2004 – L.ALL. SUT Sonias Sinne spielen verrückt: Sie sieht auf einmal Geräusche, schmeckt Formen oder fühlt Farben. Ein Aufenthalt in den Bergen soll ihr Gemüt beruhigen, doch das Gegenteil tritt ein: Im Spannungsfeld von archaischer Bergwelt und urbaner Wellness, bedrohlichem Jahrhundertregen und moderner Telekommunikation beginnt ihre überreizte Wahrnehmung erst recht zu blühen - oder gerät die Wirklichkeit aus den Fugen? Anglais Russell BANKS. Lost Memory of Skin. London: Clerkenwell, 2012 – L.ANGL. BAN Suspended in a strangely modern-day version of limbo, a young man must create a life for himself in the wake of incarceration. Known only as the Kid, and on probation after doing time for a liaison with an underage girl, he is shackled to a GPS monitoring device and forbidden to live within 2,500 feet of anywhere children might gather. With nowhere else to go, the Kid takes up residence in a makeshift encampment with other convicted sex offenders. Barely beyond childhood himself, the Kid is in many ways an innocent, trapped by impulses and foolish choices. Enter the Professor, a man who has built his own life on secrets and lies. A university sociologist of enormous size and intellect, he finds in the Kid the perfect subject for his research on homelessness and reoffending sex offenders. The two men forge a tentative partnership. But when the Professor's past resurfaces and threatens to destroy his carefully constructed world, the balance in the two men's relationship shifts. Suddenly, the Kid must reconsider everything he has come to believe, and choose what course of action to take when faced with a new kind of moral decision. Julian BARNES. The Sense of an Ending. London: Vintage, 2012. – L.ANGL. BAR Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at school. Sex-hungry and book-hungry, they would navigate the girl-less sixth form together, trading in affectations, in-jokes, rumour and wit. May be Adrian was a little more serious than the others, certainly more intelligent, but they all swore to stay friends for life. Now Tony is retired. He's had a career and a single marriage, a calm divorce. He's certainly never tried to hurt anybody. Memory, though, is imperfect. It can always throw up surprises, as a lawyer's letter is about to prove. This title is winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2011. William BOYD. Waiting for Sunrise. London: Bloomsbury, 2012 – L.ANGL. BOY Vienna, 1913. Lysander Rief, a young English actor, walks through the city to his first appointment with eminent psychiatrist, Dr Bensimon. Sitting in the waiting room he is anxiously pondering the particularly intimate nature of his neurosis when a young woman enters. Lysander is immediately drawn to her strange, hazel eyes and her unusual, intense beauty. Her name is Hettie Bull. Their subsequent affair is both passionate and particularly destructive. Moving from Vienna to London's West End, from the battlefields of France to hotel rooms in Geneva, Waiting for Sunrise is a feverish and mesmerising journey into the human psyche, a beautifully observed portrait of wartime Europe, a plot-twisting thriller and a literary tour de force. James LEE BURKE. Feast Day of Fools. New York: Pocket Books, 2011 – L.ANGL. BUR Danny Boy Lorca was used to having apocalyptic visions - the beatings he'd taken in jail and the booze he drank to forget them made sure of that. But what he saw and heard that night out in the desert was more terrifying than anything even his battered spirit could have conjured. A man tortured to death. Slowly and methodically and with inhuman cruelty. When Danny Boy tells his tale to Sheriff Hackberry Holland, Hack knows something evil has leaked over the border into his corner of South Texas. What he doesn't realize is that this brutal slaying is just the beginning of a twisted three-way manhunt that will pit a psychotic killer seeking release for the souls of his murdered children against a religious maniac in love with death, and a Russian gangster whose name is a byword for fear... Harlan COBEN. Live Wire. Londres: Orion, 2011 – L.ANGL. COB A beautiful woman walking into Myron Bolitar's office asking for help should have been a dream come true. Only this woman, Suzze T, is in tears - and eight months pregnant ...Suzze's rock star husband has disappeared, and she fears the rumours questioning her baby's paternity have driven him away. For Myron, questions of fatherhood couldn't hit closer to home. His own father is clinging precariously to life, and the brother who abandoned the family years ago has resurfaced - with danger following close behind. Myron is soon forced to confront deep secrets in Suzze's past, his family's mortality - and his own... Jonathan COE. The Closed Circle. London: Penguin Books, 2008 – L.ANGL. COE It's the end of the century and Benjamin Trotter and friends are all grown up. Life is a ceaseless whirl of jobs, marriages, kids - and self-inflicted angst. Despite the shiny optimism of Blair's Britain, youthful hopes and dreams feel betrayed. Is the Government (and by extension Benjamin's MP brother Paul) to blame? Or are the 'rotters' themselves - only passingly faithful to their dreams - really at fault? "The Closed Circle" - sequel to "The Rotters' Club" depicts a group of former school friends as older, wiser and disillusioned in Blair's Britain at the turn of the millennium. It proves that the present can never truly be disentangled from the past. Michael CONNELLY. The Drop. New York: Orion, 2012 – L.ANGL. CON When evidence links a brutal murder in 1989 to a convicted rapist named Clayton Pell, the case should be water-tight. Pell's DNA was found on the victim - but he was only eight years old at the time. This not the only mystery Harry Bosch has to solve. A man jumped - or was pushed - from a window. The victim's father is Councilman Irving, who's been intent on destroying Harry's career for years. Now Irving wants Harry to head up the investigation. Harry uncovers traces of two of the city's deepest secrets: a killer operating for as many as three decades without being detected, and a conspiracy that goes back into the dark history of the police department... Michael CONNELLY. The Reversal. London: Orion, 2010 – L.ANGL. CON When Mickey Haller is invited by the Los Angeles County District Attorney to prosecute a case for him, he knows something strange is going on. Mickey's a defence lawyer, one of the best in the business, and to switch sides like this would be akin to asking a fox to guard the hen-house. But the high-profile case of Jason Jessup, a convicted child-killer who spent almost 25 years on death row before DNA evidence freed him, is an intriguing one...Eager for the publicity and drawn to the challenge, Mickey takes the case, with Detective Harry Bosch on board as his lead investigator. But as a new trial date is set, it starts to look like he's been set up. Mickey and Harry are going to have to dig deep into the past and find the truth about what really happened to the victim all those years ago. Don DELILLO. Cosmopolis. London: Picador, 2003 – L.ANGL. DEL Eric Packer is a twenty-eight-year-old multi-billionaire asset manager. We join him on what will become a particularly eventful April day in turn-of-the-twentyfirst-century Manhattan. He's on a personal odyssey, to get a haircut. Sitting in his stretch limousine as it moves across town, he finds the city at a virtual standstill because the President is visiting, a rapper's funeral is proceeding, and a violent protest is being staged in Times Square by anti-globalist groups. Most worryingly, Eric's bodyguards are concerned that he may be a target ...An electrifying study in affectlessness, infused with deep cynicism and measured detachment; a harsh indictment of the life-denying tendencies of capitalism; as brutal a dissection of the American dream as Wolfe's "Bonfire" or Ellis' "Psycho", "Cosmopolis" is a caustic prophecy all too quickly realized. Ken FOLLETT. Winter of the World. London: Macmillan, 2012 – L.ANGL. FOL Berlin in 1933 is in upheaval. Eleven-year-old Carla von Ulrich struggles to understand the tensions disrupting her family as Hitler strengthens his grip on Germany. Into this turmoil steps her mother's formidable friend and former British MP, Ethel Leckwith, and her student son, Lloyd, who soon learns for himself the brutal reality of Nazism. He also encounters a group of Germans resolved to oppose Hitler - but are they willing to go so far as to betray their country? Such people are closely watched by Volodya, a Russian with a bright future in Red Army Intelligence. The international clash of military power and personal beliefs that ensues will sweep over them all as it rages from Cable Street in London's East End to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, from Spain to Stalingrad, from Dresden to Hiroshima. At Cambridge Lloyd is irresistibly drawn to dazzling American socialite Daisy Peshkov, who represents everything his left-wing family despise. But Daisy is more interested in aristocratic Boy Fitzherbert - amateur pilot, party lover and leading light of the British Union of Fascists. Back in Berlin, Carla worships golden boy Werner from afar. Jonathan FRANZEN. Freedom. London: HarperCollins, 2010 – L.ANGL. FRA This is the story of the Berglunds, their son Joey, their daughter Jessica and their friend Richard Katz. It is about how we use and abuse our freedom; about the beginning and ending of love; teenage lust; the unexpectedness of adult life; why we compete with our friends; how we betray those closest to us; and why things almost never work out as they 'should'. It is a story about the human heart, and what it leads us to do to ourselves and each other. John GRISHAM. The Litigators. New York: Doubleday, 2011 – L.ANGL. GRI The partners at Finley & Figg—all two of them—often refer to themselves as “a boutique law firm.” Boutique, as in chic, selective, and prosperous. They are, of course, none of these things. What they are is a two-bit operation always in search of their big break, ambulance chasers who’ve been in the trenches much too long making way too little. Their specialties, so to speak, are quickie divorces and DUIs, with the occasional jackpot of an actual car wreck thrown in. After twenty plus years together, Oscar Finley and Wally Figg bicker like an old married couple but somehow continue to scratch out a half-decent living from their seedy bungalow offices in southwest Chicago.And then change comes their way. More accurately, it stumbles in. David Zinc, a young but already burned-out attorney, walks away from his fast-track career at a fancy downtown firm, goes on a serious bender, and finds himself literally at the doorstep of our boutique firm. Once David sobers up and comes to grips with the fact that he’s suddenly unemployed, any job - even one with Finley & Figg - looks okay to him. Ernest HEMINGWAY. Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises. London: Vintage Books, 2000 – L.ANGL. HEM Jake is wildly in love with Brett Ashley, aristocratic and irresistibly beautiful, with an abandoned, sensuous nature that she cannot change. When the couple drift to Spain to the dazzle of the fiesta and the heady atmosphere of the Bullfight, their affair is strained by new passions, new jealousies, and Jake must finally learn that he will never possess the woman that he loves. John IRVING. Until I Find You. London: Black swan, 2006 – L.ANGL. IRV According to his mother, Jack Burns was an actor before he was an actor, but Jack's most vivid memories of childhood were those moments when he felt compelled to hold his mother's hand. He wasn't acting then.' Jack Burns' mother, Alice, is a tattoo artist in search of the boy's father, a virtuoso organist named William who has fled America to Europe. To fund her journey, she plies her trade in the seaports of the Baltic coast. But her four-year-old son's errant father can't be found, and soon even Jack's memories of that perplexing time are called into question. It is only when he becomes a Hollywood actor in later life that what he has experienced in the past comes into telling play in his present... P.D JAMES. Death Comes to Pemberley. London: Faber and Faber, 2012 – L.ANGL. JAM The year is 1803, and Darcy and Elizabeth have been married for six years. There are now two handsome and healthy sons in the nursery, Elizabeth's beloved sister Jane and her husband Bingley live nearby and the orderly world of Pemberley seems unassailable. But all this is threatened when, on the eve of the annual autumn ball, as the guests are preparing to retire for the night a chaise appears, rocking down the path from Pemberley's wild woodland. As it pulls up, Lydia Wickham - Elizabeth's younger, unreliable sister - stumbles out screaming that her husband has been murdered. Inspired by a lifelong passion for the work of Jane Austen, P.D. James masterfully recreates the world of "Pride and Prejudice", and combines it with the excitement and suspense of a brilliantly-crafted crime story. "Death Comes to Pemberley" is a distinguished work of fiction, from one of the best-loved, most- read writers of our time. Douglas KENNEDY. The Big Picture. London: Abacus, 2003 – L.ANGL. KEN On the face of it, Ben Bradford is your standard Wall Street hot shot - Junior partner in a legal firm, 6 figure income, wife and two young kids straight out of a Gap catalogue. But along with the WASP lifestyle comes the sting - Ben hates it. He wants - has always wanted - to be a photographer. When he discovers his wife is playing outside the ground, the consequences of a moment of madness force him to question not just the design of his life but the price of fulfilment. Because finding yourself means nothing when you're pretending to be someone else. From the picket fences of yuppie New England to Montana's untouchable splendour, the big picture spans states and states of mind in a thrilling novel of genuine originality. Stephen KING. Under the Dome. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2010 – L.ANGL. KIN There's a reason why Stephen King is one of the best selling writers in the world ever. He knows how to write stories that suck you in and are impossible to put down. The New York Times describes it as a 'relentless tidal pull' and Stephen King has done it time and time again with stories like The Shawshank Redemption, Misery, The Green Mile and The Stand. In Under the Dome, he has produced another riveting masterpiece. The end of every chapter hooks you into the next, drawing you inside a psychological drama that is so rich, you don't read it, you live it. It is the story of the small town of Chester's Mill, Maine which is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. No one can get in and no one can get out. The normal rules of society are suddenly changed and when food, electricity and water run short, the community begins to crumble. As a new and more sinister social order develops, Dale Barbara, Iraq veteran, teams up with a handful of intrepid citizens to fight against the corruption that is sweeping through the town and to try to discover the source of the Dome before it is too late... Sophie KINSELLA. I've Got Your Number. London: Bantam, 2012 – L.ANGL. KIN I've lost it. :( The only thing in the world I wasn't supposed to lose. My engagement ring. It's been in Magnus' family for three generations. And now, the very same day his parents are coming, I've lost it. The very same day. Do not hyperventilate, Poppy. Stay positive!! :) A couple of glasses of bubbly with the girls at a charity do and Poppy's life has gone into meltdown. Not only has she lost her engagement ring, but in the panic that followed, she's lost her phone too. As she paces shakily round the hotel foyer she spots an abandoned phone in a bin. Finders keepers! Now she can leave a number with the hotel staff. It was meant to be! Except the phone's owner, businessman Sam Roxton, doesn't agree. He wants his phone back, and doesn't appreciate Poppy reading all his messages and wading into his personal life. As Poppy juggles wedding preparations, phone messages and hiding her left hand from Magnus and his parents, can things get any more tangled ? Robert KIRKMAN, Jay BONANSINGA. Rise of the Governor. London: Pan Books, 2011 – L.ANGL. KIR In a novel of international intrigue, an American lawyer, Damon Pierce, attempts to save Bobby Okari, the West African leader of a protest movement, from execution by the country's corrupt and autocratic leader. Complicating matters further is Okari's wife, Marissa Brand, with whom Pierce had a relationship years before that he's never quite forgotten; she, in fact, persuaded him to take the case in the first place, and it is who she plays a crucial role in the eventual outcome... Culminating in a dramatic show trial and a desperate race against time, Eclipse combines a thrilling narrative with a vivid look at the human cost of the global lust for oil. 'Every now and then - but a lot more rarely than that implies you come across a thriller so important that it absolutely demands to be read. This is one' The Times on Exile. Harper LEE. To Kill a Mockingbird. London: Vintage, 2004 – L.ANGL. LEE Shoot all the Bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a Mockingbird.' A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of this classic novel - a black man charged with attacking a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s with both compassion and humour. She also creates one of the great heroes of literature in their father, Atticus, whose lone struggle for justice pricks the conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence and hypocrisy. Alexander McCALL SMITH. Espresso Tales: The Latest from 44 Scotland Street. London: Abacus, 2006 – L.ANGL. MAC In Espresso Tales, Alexander McCall Smith returns home to Edinburgh and the glorious cast of his own tales of the city, the residents of 44 Scotland Street, with a new set of challenges for each one of them. Bruce, the intolerably vain and perpetually deluded ex-surveyor, is about to embark on a new career as a wine merchant, while his long-suffering flatmate Pat MacGregor, set up by matchmaking Domenica Macdonald, finds herself invited to a nudist picnic in Moray Place in the pursuit of true love. Prodigious six-year-old Bertie Pollock wants a boy's life of fishing and rugby, not yoga and pink dungarees, and he plots rebellion against his bossy, crusading mother Irene and his psychotherapist Dr Fairbairn. But when Bertie's longed-for trip to Glasgow with his ineffectual father Stuart ends with Bertie taking money off legendary Glasgow hard man Lard O'Connor at cards, it looks as though Bertie should have been more careful what he wished for. And all the time it appears that both Irene Pollock and Dr Fairbairn are engaged in a struggle with dark secrets and unconscious urges of their own. Ian McEWAN. Sweet Tooth. Paris: Grasset, 2008 – L.ANGL. MAC Serena Frome, the beautiful daughter of an Anglican bishop, has a brief affair with an older man during her final year at Cambridge, and finds herself being groomed for the intelligence services. The year is 1972. Britain, confronting economic disaster, is being torn apart by industrial unrest and terrorism and faces its fifth state of emergency. The Cold War has entered a moribund phase, but the fight goes on, especially in the cultural sphere. Serena, a compulsive reader of novels, is sent on a 'secret mission' which brings her into the literary world of Tom Haley, a promising young writer. First she loves his stories, then she begins to love the man. Can she maintain the fiction of her undercover life? And who is inventing whom? To answer these questions, Serena must abandon the first rule of espionage - trust no one. McEwan's mastery dazzles us in this superbly deft and witty story of betrayal and intrigue, love, and the invented self. Henning MANKELL. Faceless Killers. New York: Vintage, 2011 – L.ANGL. MAN One frozen January morning at 5am, Inspector Wallander responds to what he believes is a routine call out. When he reaches the isolated farmhouse he discovers a bloodbath. An old man has been tortured and beaten to death, his wife lies barely alive beside his shattered body, both victims of a violence beyond reason. Wallander's life is a shambles. His wife has left him, his daughter refuses to speak to him, and even his ageing father barely tolerates him. He works tirelessly, eats badly, and drinks his nights away in a lonely, neglected flat. But now Wallander must forget his troubles and throw himself into a battle against time. George R. R. MARTIN. Song of Ice and Fire. T.1 to T5. London: Harper Collins, 2011. A Game of Thrones – L.ANGL. MAR song 1 As Warden of the north, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse when King Robert bestows on him the office of the Hand. His honour weighs him down at court where a true man does what he will, not what he must ...and a dead enemy is a thing of beauty. The old gods have no power in the south, Stark's family is split and there is treachery at court. Worse, the vengeance-mad heir of the deposed Dragon King has grown to maturity in exile in the Free Cities. He claims the Iron Throne. A Clash of Kings – L.ANGL. MAR song 2 A Storm of Swords: Part 1: Steel and Snow – L.ANGL. MAR song 3a A Storm of Swords: Part 2: Blood and Gold – L.ANGL. MAR song 3b A Feast for Crows – L.ANGL. MAR song 4 A Dance with Dragons: Part 1: Dreams and Dust – L.ANGL. MAR song 5a A Dance with Dragons: Part 2: after the Feast – L.ANGL. MAR song 5b Toni MORRISON. A mercy. London : Vintage, 2012 – L.ANGL. MOR An angry and self-loathing veteran of the Korean War, Frank Money finds himself back in racist America after enduring trauma on the front lines that left him with more than just physical scars. His home - and himself in it - may no longer be as he remembers it, but Frank is shocked out of his crippling apathy by the need to rescue his medically abused younger sister and take her back to the small Georgia town they come from, which he's hated all his life. As Frank revisits the memories from childhood and the war that leave him questioning his sense of self, he discovers a profound courage he thought he could never possess again. David NICHOLLS. One Day. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2010 – L.ANGL. NIC I can imagine you at forty,' she said, a hint of malice in her voice. 'I can picture it right now.' He smiled without opening his eyes. 'Go on then.' 15th July 1988. Emma and Dexter meet for the first time on the night of their graduation. Tomorrow they must go their separate ways. So where will they be on this one day next year? And the year after that? And every year that follows? Twenty years, two people, ONE DAY. Ian RANKIN. The Impossible Dead. Londres: Orion, 2012 – L.ANGL. RAN Malcolm Fox and his team are back, investigating whether fellow cops covered up for Detective Paul Carter. Carter has been found guilty of misconduct, but what should be a simple job is soon complicated by a brutal murder and a weapon that should not even exist. A trail of revelations leads Fox back to 1985, a year of desperate unrest when letter-bombs and poisonous spores were sent to government offices, and kidnappings and murders were plotted. But while the body count rises the clock starts ticking, and a dramatic turn of events sees Fox in mortal danger. Zadie SMITH. NW. London: Penguin Books, 2012 – L.ANGL. SMI NW" is Zadie Smith's masterful novel about London life. Zadie Smith's brilliant tragi-comic "NW" follows four Londoners - Leah, Natalie, Felix and Nathan after they've left their childhood council estate, grown up and moved on to different lives. From private houses to public parks, at work and at play, their city is brutal, beautiful and complicated. Yet after a chance encounter they each find that the choices they've made, the people they once were and are now, can suddenly, rapidly unravel. A portrait of modern urban life, "NW" is funny, sad and urgent - as brimming with vitality as the city itself. Espagnol Cesar AIRA.. Cómo me hice monja. Barcelona : Debolsillo, 2006 – L.ESP. AIR Tres novelas breves, que condenan el peculiar mundo del escritor argentino más significativo de los últimos años. Un libro sobre relaciones extremas, tratadas con un gran poder de transgresión, y en donde el recuerdo de la infancia se convierte en un osado, cruel e hilarante relato relevante de crecer. Eduardo MENDOZA. Riña de gatos. Madrid 1936. Barcelona : Planeta, 2011 – L.ESP. MEN Un inglés llega a bordo de un tren al Madrid convulso de la primavera de 1936. Deberá autenticar un cuadro desconocido, perteneciente a un amigo de José Antonio Primo de Rivera, cuyo valor económico puede resultar determinante para favorecer un cambio político crucial en la Historia de España. Turbulentos amores con mujeres de distintas clases sociales distraen al crítico de arte sin darle tiempo a calibrar cómo se van multiplicando sus perseguidores: policías, diplomáticos, políticos y espías, en una atmósfera de conspiración y de algarada. Premio planeta 2010. Arturo PEREZ-REVERTE. El asedio. Espagne : Punto de lectura, 2011 – L.ESP. PER «En esta descomunal novela, que no es sólo histórica, negra, psicológica, confluyen las páginas más importantes de Pérez-Reverte.» El Mundo «Arturo Pérez-Reverte en plenitud: El asedio tiene fuerza plástica y potencia narrativa. La fluidez entre ambientes y episodios es perfecta.» El País «La novela más ambiciosa de Arturo Pérez-Reverte hasta el presente.» Álvaro POMBO.El temblor del héroe. Barcelona : Destino, 2012 – L.ESP. POM Román es un profesor universitario jubilado al que invade la nostalgia de los días luminosos de la pedagogía en que fascinaba a sus alumnos despertándoles el amor por el saber y ayudándoles a alcanzar una vida más noble y más alta. Entre sus antiguos alumnos están Elena y Eugenio, una pareja de médicos a los que todavía trata y con los que ha establecido complejas relaciones en lo intelectual y en lo sentimental.Por otra parte, halagado por el interés hacia su persona que demuestra un joven periodista, Héctor, permite que éste entre en su vida sin sospechar que el pasado torturado del nuevo personaje le atrapará en una situación en la que es incapaz de tomar decisiones, de comprometerse con el drama al que asiste.Con una escritura tensa, vibrante, que deslumbra tanto por los hallazgos plásticos como por la indagación filosófica, El temblor del héroe es a la vez un acto de fe en la literatura como territorio donde plantear los grandes asuntos: la confianza y la traición, la posibilidad de arrepentimiento, la culpa, la cobardía, el valor, el sentido de la existencia. Premio Nadal de Novela 2012. Carlos RUIZ ZAFÓN. El Palacio de la Medianoche. Barcelona : Planeta, 2010 – L.ESP. RUI Calcuta, 1932: El corazón de las tinieblas. Un tren en llamas atraviesa la ciudad. Un espectro de fuego siembra el terror en las sombras de la noche. Pero eso no es más que el principio. En la víspera de cumplir 16 años, Ben, Sheere y sus amigos deberán enfrentarse al más terrible y mortífero enigma de la historia de la ciudad de los palacios. Mario VARGAS LLOSA. El Sueño Del Celta. Espagne : Punto de lectura, 2011 – L.ESP. VAR La aventura que narra esta novela empieza en el Congo en 1903 y termina en una cárcel de Londres, una mañana de 1916. Aquí se cuenta la peripecia vital de un hombre de leyenda: el irlandés Roger Casement. Héroe y villano, traidor y libertario, moral e inmoral, su figura múltiple se apaga y renace tras su muerte.Casement fue uno de los primeros europeos en denunciar los horrores del colonialismo. De sus viajes al Congo Belga y a la Amazonía sudamericana quedaron dos informes memorables que conmocionaron a la sociedad de su tiempo. Premio Nobel 2010. Italien Silvia AVALLONE. Acciaio. Milano : Rizzoli, 2011 – L.ITAL. AVA "Pensava soltanto a quello. Riportare la sua vita a quel punto. Nel punto dove si era interrotta. Si trattava di unire due lembi di terra, due lembi di tempo. In mezzo c'era il mare. Si metteva i fichi aperti sugli occhi per ricordarsi quel sapore di dolce e di grumi. Vedeva rosso attraverso quei semi. Cercava il cuore del suo mondo lasciato". Farid e Jamila fuggono da una guerra che corre più veloce di loro. Angelina insegna a Vito che ogni patria può essere terra di tempesta, lei che è stata araba fino a undici anni. Sono due figli, due madri, due mondi. A guardarlo dalla riva, il mare che li divide è un tappeto volante, oppure una lastra di cristallo che si richiude sopra le cose. Ma sulla terra resta l'impronta di ogni passaggio, partenza o ritorno che la scrittura, come argilla fresca, conserva e restituisce. Un romanzo di promesse e di abbandoni, forte e luminoso come una favola. Alessandro BARICCO. Novecento : un monologo. Milano : Feltrinelli, 2012 – L.ITAL. BAR “Nell’ultimo romanzo che ho scritto, Mr Gwyn, si accenna, a un certo punto, a un piccolo libro scritto da un angloindiano, Akash Narayan, e intitolato Tre volte all’alba. Si tratta naturalmente di un libro immaginario, ma nelle immaginarie vicende là raccontate esso riveste un ruolo tutt’altro che secondario. Il fatto è che mentre scrivevo quelle pagine mi è venuta voglia di scrivere anche quel piccolo libro, un po’ per dare un lieve e lontano sequel a Mr Gwyn e un po’ per il piacere puro di inseguire una certa idea che avevo in testa. Così, finito Mr Gwyn, mi son messo a scrivere Tre volte all’alba, cosa che ho fatto con grande diletto. Adesso Tre volte all’alba è scritto e forse non è inutile chiarire che può essere letto da chiunque, anche da coloro che non hanno mai preso in mano Mr Gwyn, perché si tratta di una storia autonoma e compiuta. Ciò non toglie tuttavia che, nella sua prima parte, mantenga ciò che Mr Gwyn prometteva, cioè uno sguardo in più sulla curiosa vicenda di Jasper Gwyn e del suo singolare talento.” Alessandro Baricco. Andrea CAMILLERI. Una lama di luce. Palermo : Sellerio, 2012 – L.ITAL. CAM Un gorgo d'angoscia governa l'alterno respiro delle storie che nel romanzo si tramescolano. Il commissario Montalbano è in apprensione. Gli orli sfumati di un sogno trasudano malessere, sensazioni superstiziose, oscure premonizioni. Un pensiero laterale stenta a chiarirsi, e perdura nella realtà come sospettosa vigilanza; e come soprassalto a ogni minima coincidenza con lo squallore infausto del sogno che di uno straccio di terra aspra e solitaria ha fatto un obitorio a cielo aperto, con bara chiusa e cadavere da riconoscere, sotto una luce itterica e di meteoropatica influenza. Persino il consueto barbugliamento di Catarella si è dato in sogno negli arcani costernanti di una locuzione latina. La rotta sequenza delle indagini, su un'aggressione a mano armata e violenza carnale, su un traffico d'armi, e su degli esportatori di opere d'arte rubate, allinea e intreccia storie di donne di forte e deciso temperamento; mentre il commissario, così esposto al lato oscuro delle cose e ai clandestini giochi della mente, è in attesa che qualcosa di non del tutto delucidato esca fuori, alla fine, da un qualche retroscena, e si riveli. Si sedimenta lo spaesamento in Montalbano. Nella vita del commissario va crescendo un senso di solitudine che accascia e predispone a una morbidità di sentimento. Livia continua a essere una voce nel telefono, una minaccia costante e fastidiosa di baruffe. Un'assenza. Una lontananza impegnativa. Irrompe in carne e ossa una donna fatale...". Salvatore Silvano Nigro. Donato CARRISI. Il suggeritore. Milano : TEA, 2011 – L.ITAL. CAR Questo libro non è solo un thriller scritto da un autore italiano agli esordi, che si confronta con un genere finora appannaggio dei grandi autori americani, reinventando le regole del gioco. È una storia che esplora la zona grigia fra il bene e il male fino a cogliere l'ultimo segreto, il minimo sussurro. Qualcosa di sconvolgente è successo, qualcosa che richiede tutta l'abilità degli agenti della Squadra Speciale guidata dal criminologo Goran Gavila. Il loro è un nemico che sa assumere molte sembianze, che li mette costantemente alla prova in un'indagine in cui ogni male svelato porta con sé un messaggio. Ma, soprattutto, li costringe ad affacciarsi nel buio che ciascuno si porta dentro. È un gioco di incubi abilmente celati, una continua sfida. Sarà con l'arrivo di Mila Vasquez, un'investigatrice specializzata nella caccia alle persone scomparse, che gli inganni sembreranno cadere uno dopo l'altro, grazie anche al legame speciale che comincia a formarsi fra lei e il dottor Gavila. Ma un disegno oscuro è in atto, e ogni volta che la Squadra sembra riuscire a dare un nome al male, ne scopre un altro ancora più profondo... Erri De LUCA. E disse. Milano : Feltrinelli, 2011 – L.ITAL. DEL "Mosè, primo alpinista, è in cima al Sinai. Inizia così il suo corpo a corpo con la più potente manifestazione della divinità." Erri De Luca racconta l'eroe Mosè con la grazia del grande scrittore che reimmagina, attraverso la Scrittura, la grandezza sofferente dell'uomo alla guida di un popolo in fuga. "E disse": con questo verbo la divinità crea e disfa, benedice e annulla. Dal Sinai che scatarra esplosioni e fiamme, vengono scandite le sillabe su pietra di alleanza. Nell'impeto di un'ora di entusiasmo un popolo di servi appena liberati si sobbarca di loro: "Faremo e ascolteremo". Luogo di appuntamento è il largo di un deserto, dove la libertà è sbaraglio quotidiano. Notizia strepitosa: nell'antico ebraico, madrelingua, le parole della nuova legge sono rivolte a un tu maschile. Le donne guardano con tenerezza gli uomini commossi e agitati. Il dito scalpellino che scrive in alto a destra: "Anokhi", Io, è il più travolgente pronome personale delle storie sacre. Erri De LUCA. Il torto del soldato. Milano : Feltrinelli, 2012 – L.ITAL. DEL Un vecchio criminale di guerra vive con sua figlia, divisa tra la repulsione e il dovere di accudire. Lui è convinto di avere per unico torto la sconfitta. Lei non vuole sapere i capi d'accusa perché il torto di suo padre non è per lei riducibile a circostanza, momento della storia. Insieme vanno a un appuntamento prescritto dalla kabbala ebraica, che fa coincidere la parola fine con la parola vendetta. Pretesto sono le pagine impugnate da uno sconosciuto in una locanda. Erri De LUCA. I pesci non chiudono gli occhi. Milano : Feltrinelli, 2011 – L.ITAL. DEL A dieci anni l'età si scrive per la prima volta con due cifre. È un salto in alto, in lungo e in largo, ma il corpo resta scarso di statura mentre la testa si precipita avanti. D'estate si concentra una fretta di crescere. Un uomo, cinquant'anni dopo, torna coi pensieri su una spiaggia dove gli accadde il necessario e pure l'abbondante. Le sue mani di allora, capaci di nuoto e non di difesa, imparano lo stupore del verbo mantenere, che è tenere per mano. Erri De LUCA. Le sante dello scandalo. Milano : Feltrinelli, 2011 – L.ITAL. DEL Cinque donne stanno nell'elenco maschile delle generazioni tra Abramo e Ieshu/Gesù. Cinque casi unici forzano la legge, confondono gli uomini e impongono eccezioni. Le donne qui fanno saltare il banco, riempite di grazia che in loro diventa forza di combattimento. Massimo GRAMELLINI. Fai bei sogni. Milano : Longanesi, 2012 – L.ITAL. GRA Questo libro non è solo un thriller scritto da un autore italiano agli esordi, che si confronta con un genere finora appannaggio dei grandi autori americani, reinventando le regole del gioco. È una storia che esplora la zona grigia fra il bene e il male fino a cogliere l'ultimo segreto, il minimo sussurro. Qualcosa di sconvolgente è successo, qualcosa che richiede tutta l'abilità degli agenti della Squadra Speciale guidata dal criminologo Goran Gavila. Il loro è un nemico che sa assumere molte sembianze, che li mette costantemente alla prova in un'indagine in cui ogni male svelato porta con sé un messaggio. Ma, soprattutto, li costringe ad affacciarsi nel buio che ciascuno si porta dentro. È un gioco di incubi abilmente celati, una continua sfida. Sarà con l'arrivo di Mila Vasquez, un'investigatrice specializzata nella caccia alle persone scomparse, che gli inganni sembreranno cadere uno dopo l'altro, grazie anche al legame speciale che comincia a formarsi fra lei e il dottor Gavila. Ma un disegno oscuro è in atto, e ogni volta che la Squadra sembra riuscire a dare un nome al male, ne scopre un altro ancora più profondo... Margaret MAZZANTINI. Mare al mattino. Torino : Einaudi, 2011 – L.ITAL. MAZ "Pensava soltanto a quello. Riportare la sua vita a quel punto. Nel punto dove si era interrotta. Si trattava di unire due lembi di terra, due lembi di tempo. In mezzo c'era il mare. Si metteva i fichi aperti sugli occhi per ricordarsi quel sapore di dolce e di grumi. Vedeva rosso attraverso quei semi. Cercava il cuore del suo mondo lasciato". Farid e Jamila fuggono da una guerra che corre più veloce di loro. Angelina insegna a Vito che ogni patria può essere terra di tempesta, lei che è stata araba fino a undici anni. Sono due figli, due madri, due mondi. A guardarlo dalla riva, il mare che li divide è un tappeto volante, oppure una lastra di cristallo che si richiude sopra le cose. Ma sulla terra resta l'impronta di ogni passaggio, partenza o ritorno che la scrittura, come argilla fresca, conserva e restituisce. Un romanzo di promesse e di abbandoni, forte e luminoso come una favola. Antonio TABUCCHI. Racconti con figure. Palermo : Sellerio, 2011 – L.ITAL. TAB "Spesso la pittura ha mosso la mia penna. Se in un lontano pomeriggio del 1970 non fossi entrato al Prado e non fossi rimasto "prigioniero" davanti a Las Meninas di Velazquez, incapace di uscire dalla sala fino alla chiusura del museo, non avrei mai scritto 'II gioco del rovescio'. Lo stesso vale per l'enorme suggestione provata da bambino davanti agli affreschi del convento di San Marco, rivisitati spesso da adulto, che un bel giorno ritornò con prepotenza sbucando nelle pagine de 'I volatili del Beato Angelico'". Dalla suggestione di un'immagine, soprattutto dalla pittura, nascono questi racconti di Tabucchi. Ma a sua volta il racconto sembra catturare in un'altra dimensione le figure che lo provocarono: è quella contea fantastica dove, come scrisse Leopardi, "l'anima immagina quello che non vede". Così le figure sembrano risvegliarsi dalla loro immobilità, acquistano vita, da immagini diventano personaggi e interpreti delle loro storie. Suddiviso come un ideale spartito musicale (l'Adagio dove prevale la chiave della malinconia, l'Andante con brio per un'atmosfera più giocosa, le Ariette laddove il motivo è solo accennato e non eseguito) questo libro polifonico è anche il puro piacere del testo, un fuoco d'artificio narrativo, lo stupefacente cromatismo di un maestro riconosciuto del racconto. CC by Geralt (Pixabay) Bibliothèque municipale 7 rue Honoré-de-Balzac 92330 Sceaux Tél. : 01 46 61 66 10 [email protected]