BIG BAY DE NOC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER OUR FUTURE BEGINS NOW May 2014 MARK YOUR CALENDAR 5/25 * 5/26 * 5/30 * 6/4 * 6/3,4,5 6/5 * 6/9 * 6/25 * High School Graduation 7:00 p.m. No School— Memorial Day Kindergarten Graduation 9:00 PTO End of Year Picnics 11:30 Final Exams Last day of school (full day) School Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Special Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS JUNE 5. Everyone at the Big Bay de Noc School wishes each of you a warm and safe summer. See you in the fall! 2014-15 School Calendar Sept 2 First Day of School Nov 17 Deer Day No School Nov 26-28 Thanksgiving No School Dec 22-Jan 2 Christmas Break No School Feb 16 Presidents’ Day No School Mar 30– Apr 6 Spring Break May 25 Memorial Day No School June 4 Last day of School SCHOOL WEBSITE is * Annual school calendar * Breakfast/lunch menu * Announcements * Athletic Schedules * PowerSchool Access * And lots more ! Parents, contact the school office for a login for your children’s accounts 644-2773 Also, check us out on FACEBOOK TOP SENIORS NAMED FOR 2014 This spring the Big Bay de Noc School is proud to name Emily Kurth and Samantha Sundling as senior class co-valedictorians and Elizabeth Thill as the salutatorian. We wish all the seniors the best of luck in their future endeavors. Emily Taylor Kurth is the daughter of Brenn and Michelle Kurth of Garden, MI. Emily is co-valedictorian this year, and has maintained a grade point average of 4.0 throughout high school. She has been involved in the National Honor Society for three years, and was vice President of the chapter this year. Emily has also been a member of the Quiz Bowl team for four years and was team captain this year. She was also junior class treasurer. This past year, Emily has become a member of the Health Occupations Students of America. After graduation, she plans pursue a pre-medical major of neuroscience and a minor in nutrition in the Health Professions Residential College of Central Michigan University. Emily then plans to attend medical school to become a Physician of Emergency Medicine and fulfill her dreams of becoming a doctor. Samantha Jo Sundling is the daughter of Lori and Richard Sundling of St. Jacques, Michigan. After attending Big Bay de Noc since pre-school, she is graduating as co-valedictorian of her class, with a 4.0 GPA. She has participated in many athletic activities throughout her high school career including, 4 years of basketball and golf, 3 years of volleyball, and 1 year of cross country, soccer and track and field, earning multiple awards and honors. Sammy has also been involved in Youth in Government, National Honor Society, Health Occupations Students of America, Student Council, Student Forum, Engineering Olympics, Prom Committee, Art Club, and Yearbook. Outside of school, she participates in her local youth group and volunteers time toward multiple community activities. Her favorite pastime is playing sports for her school and being able to wear #23, because there is nothing she loved more than wearing that jersey and playing basketball, for her school. Samantha plans on attending Bay de Noc Community College to pursue a degree in nursing and later on transfering to a larger university so that she can obtain her Master's in Nursing, allowing her to become a nurse practitioner. Elizabeth Jayne Thill is the daughter of Marla Pomeroy of St. Jacques and Lyle Thill of Fayette. She is graduating from Big Bay de Noc as Salutatorian with a GPA of 3.9. Throughout high school, Elizabeth (Libbie) has been an active participant in Youth in Government, Engineering Olympics, High School Bowl, Art Club, Yearbook, Prom Committee, and Health Occupations Students of America. She was inducted into the National Honor Society in the tenth grade, and has been an active member since. Libbie also spent time during high school playing junior varsity volleyball and varsity soccer, cheerleading, volleyball, track and field, and golf. Her favorite pastimes include spending time with friends and family, shopping, camping, and relaxing at the beach. After high school, Elizabeth plans to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree of Biological Science at Lake Superior State University, then transfer to Michigan State University and graduate as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Congratulations Big Bay de Noc Class of 2014 Zachary Allen Beaudre Cassidy Darlene Cayemberg Dustin Allen Clarkson Carl Isaac Cooper Sam Thomas Furman Nicole Lynn Gustafson Alexander Craig Hubble Devin Freeman Jensen Emily Taylor Kurth V Makhayla Hartleeanna LaButte Benjamin John LaFave Ashley Nicole Larkins John Larry Miller, Jr. Zachary Mark Pomeroy Alivia Mary Marie Porter Cole Robert Potvin Kristen Riley Pyke Alex Michael Ranguette Alicia Joan Raredon Althetha Rose Saez Samantha Jo Sundling V Loren Jon Swayer Perry Charles Tatrow Elizabeth Jayne Thill S Chelsea Ann Thompson National Honor Society Member V Valedictorian Honor Student S Salutatorian ―It’s easier to go down a mountain than up but the view is always better from the top.‖ - Unknown Congratulations to Dayton Benish 6th grade (pictured right) the winner of our playground raffle. He won the black bear carving made and donated by Jim Denkins. We raised $351 toward Phase 2 of our new playground. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets for the bear. Kindergarten Class of 2014 (pictured above). Kindergarden graduation is May 30, 2014. The students and teacher Angie LaLonde wish to thank Shirley LaVallee (the Painting Lady) for volunteering her time every Friday to work with the kids on their painting skills. Also a big thank you goes out to classroom aides Nicole Leckson, Nance Ray, Lindsey Pomeroy and student aide Molly Slavinski for all their help this year. The Big Bay de Noc Booster Club held its annual Sports banquet honoring all their athletes. Awards and letters were given and coaches honored their athletes from the fall sports to the spring sports. Pictured right: Receiving the Outstanding Senior Female Athlete was Samantha Sundling. Receiving the Outstanding Senior Male Athlete was Cole Potvin. BEST WISHES LARRY ANDERSON The staff and students at Big Bay de Noc extend their best wishes to Larry Anderson as he retires at the end of this school year. Larry began working at Bay de Noc in 2001 as a custodian then later as a bus driver. This year he was chosen by his fellow workers as the OPIE Winner (Outstanding Person in Education). Congratulations and best wishes go out to Larry for many happy years of retirement. YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT UPDATE The Youth in Government Students wish to thank everyone who helped them make their trip to Lansing possible this year. Without your support it would have been very difficult for the 12 members of our school to attend this amazing educational experience. Thank you! The students who attended Youth in Government this year were: (pictured below) Front Matt Ranguette. Middle row left side: Matt Moore, Libbie Thill, Ariel Cousineau, Mariah Yonker, Devin Jensen. Back Row left side: Vanessa Damer, Sammy Sundling, Patience Harris, Becca Johnson, Caitlin Sefcik, Halle Potvin. Not Pictured Advisor Kelly Kurpier. FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT’S DESK Dear Big Bay Community Members: The Sinking Fund gives the Board of Education the opportunity to make necessary improvements to the building and grounds. The Sinking Fund also allows us to be sure that children are attending school in a safe, secure and healthy environment. We thank the voters for these improvements that are made possible by the sinking fund. Summer 2014 Construction Projects: Sinking fund dollars will be used to make several significant improvements at the Big Bay de Noc School this summer. 12 security cameras will be added both inside and outside of the building to provide for better student safety. Both the septic tank and drain field that serves the school will need to be replaced Certain sidewalks around the building will be replaced 53 interior doors will be replaced and the building will be re-keyed. Classroom doors will have new, more secure locksets. The anticipated timeline for the work is June 9 to August 1. -Supt. Kenneth H. Groh NEW ATHLETIC ADMISSION PRICES The Board of Education approved new athletic admission prices for Senior Citizens (62 & older) beginning this fall. The new rate is $3.00 per person (same as student price) or a season pass for $35.00. In the past seniors were admitted free of charge; however, Big Bay de Noc is one of the few schools not charging seniors. With the ever increasing athletic expenses, the Board felt it was no longer able to continue this practice. PTO NEWS We would like to extend a big "Thank You" to the PTO for another great year of events and items for our students! Some highlights include the Halloween Carnival, Christmas program hospitality, books and gifts from Santa, numerous classroom supplies, field trips, and endof-year picnic. We appreciate the time and effort our parents and members put forth in planning and coordinating these fun, special experiences for our students. 2014 Prom Royalty King Bryce Thompson and Queen Mariah Yonker MEMORIAL DONATIONS PLAYGROUND MEMORIALS In memory of LISA CASEY FELDMAN: Big Bay de Noc School Staff In memory of MAURICE CHANDLER: Bryan Landis & Sherry Boudreau In memory DAVID WATCHORN: Bryan Landis & Sherry Boudreau In memory of HARVEY GRAY: Bryan Landis & Sherry Boudreau In memory of GENE CARLEY: Bryan Landis & Sherry Boudreau In memory of WENDALL SWANSON: Bryan Landis & Sherry Boudreau In memory of WILLIAM WARD: Bryan Landis & Sherry Boudreau LIBRARY MEMORIAL DONATIONS In memory of SANDY GROLEAU: Herb & Donna Pomeory In memory of ANDRE QUAGHEBEUR: Herb & Donna Pomeroy In memory of GERALD GROLEAU: Herb & Donna Pomeroy In memory of CHERYL BOSANIC: Herb & Donna Pomeroy In memory of GERARD BERNIER: Diana G. Thill dangers of sexting. Kindergarten graduation will be held on Friday, May 30 at 9:00 a.m. Elementary classes will be starting their PTO sponsored field trips next week to various locations. appointed the following coaches for the 2014-2015 school year: Varsity Soccer – Gary Sporer, Cross Country – Dave Partyka, JV Volleyball – Jami Lang, Varsity Volleyball – Lindsea Nieuwenkamp, JH Girls’ Basketball – Heather Pederson, 7th Grade Boys’ Basketball – Jonny Moore, 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball – Ryan Barron, JV Boys’ Basketball – Pat McKeage, Varsity Boys’ Basketball – Bob Pederson, JV Girls’ Basketball – Mike Martinez, Varsity Girls’ Basketball – Brad McPhee. approved to change the athletic admission prices for the 20142015 school year. Senior citizens age 62 and over will be charged the student rate of $3.00 per event or $35.00 for a season pass, set the Budget Hearing meeting for June 25, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. adopted the 2014-2015 school calendar as presented. adopted the Resolution to Participate in the Federal Surplus Assistance Program. changed start time of the Board meeting on July 21 to 5:00 p.m. Ann Harrington reviewed the history of the Scholarship Foundation since 1989. She indicated that the current members of the committee would like to step down and was wondering how to go about looking for replacements. She also expressed concern over the number of applicants for the scholarships. adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m. SCHOLARSHIP MEMORIAL DONATIONS In memory of MOE CHANDLER: Jim & Ione Collins The Big Bay de Noc Scholarship Foundation is pleased to In memory of RON SCHAUER: Jim & Carol Dalgord In memory of BOB BROULLIRE: Carol Mellon Engebretsen Kay Cousineau Lori & Bill Dalgord In memory of GERALD GROLEAU: Sandra Groleau Sharon & Ken Johnson Wade & Marlene Groleau Sheila & Mike Smith John & Stacy Groleau In memory of WILLIAM WARD: Joel Peterson Heather & Bob Pederson Ida & Jerry Campbell Carl & Evie St. Ours Shirley & Jim LaVallee Diana G. Thill Steve & Christa Peterson Lois Saxton Carol Mellon Engebretsen John & Bea LaTulip SCHOLARSHIP Lamarbe Scholarship (Valedictorian) (Valedictorian) (Salutatorian) Big Bay Scholarship Big Bay Scholarship Big Bay Scholarship Big Bay Scholarship Big Bay Scholarship Chris Lang Scholarship Chris Lang Scholarship Nancy Lang Scholarship Nancy Lang Scholarship Irene Johnson Scholarship (Nursing) William Smith Scholarship Dighton & Rose Tatrow Scholarship Jason Groll Scholarship (Wildlife or Nursing) Jeff Ranguette Scholarship Viola Haindl Scholarship (Desire) Cecelia Dalgord Memorial Tyler Frankovich Scholarship Tyler Frankovich Scholarship Victor Borga Scholarship (Education) Jerry Cousineau Scholarship Cecelia Dalgord Scholarship BJ Stupak Scholarship Cabin Fever Cruisers Scholarship Cabin Fever Cruisers Scholarship Cabin Fever Cruisers Scholarship Cabin Fever Cruisers Scholarship William Ward Memorial Scholarship Heritage Garden Wind Farm Ed. Scholarship Dr. Debbie Hermes Educational Scholarship Nahma Boat Club Scholarship Nahma Boat Club Scholarship Rapid River Four Township Seniors Scholarship Rapid River Four Township Seniors Scholarship American Legion Post 545 Scholarship American Legion Post 545 Scholarship Rapid River Relic Riders Scholarship Rapid River Relic Riders Scholarship GFWC Scholarship UP Sportscasters & Sportswriters Scholarship BOARD MEETING SUMMARY The Board of Education at its May 12 regular meeting: Approved the agenda as amended and the minutes of the April 14, 2014 regular meeting. Public Comment: Bill Anderson, former basketball coach in the District stated that he thinks Nicky Sundling is doing a great job in her first year as Athletic Director. She recently made some tough coaching decisions and he hopes the Board will support her. accepted the monthly expenditures for April, 2014 in the amount of $172,009.17, which includes general fund accounts payable in the amount of $58,558.41. Ken Groh, Superintendent reported: Graduation is Sunday, May 25 and the graduation speaker is Clay Potvin. Larry Anderson (bus driver) has been named as this year’s honoree representing the Big Bay de Noc ESP as the Outstanding Person in Education (OPIE) winner. A memo stating that the septic tank drain field is insufficient was reviewed and discussed. DeeDee Thill, Principal: Martin Lowenberg, a Holocaust survivor, gave a presentation last week regarding tolerance. Trooper Dale Hongisto gave a presentation to the 7-12 students on the have awarded the following scholarships to our 2014 graduates. STUDENT Samantha Sundling Emily Kurth Libby Thill Devin Jensen Emily Kurth Makhayla LaButte Isaac Cooper Alex Ranguette Devin Jensen Alley Saez Isaac Cooper Alex Ranguette Samantha Sundling Alley Saez Libby Thill Samantha Sundling Devin Jensen Libby Thill Alley Saez Makhayla LaButte Alicia Raredon Alex Ranguette Alicia Raredon Alley Saez Emily Kurth Alicia Raredon Isaac Cooper Cole Potvin Chelsea Thompson Makhayla LaButte Samantha Sundling Emily Kurth Samantha Sundling Libby Thill Samantha Sundling Alicia Raredon Samantha Sundling Libby Thill Samantha Thill Libby Thill Samantha Sundling Cole Potvin $600 $600 $500 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $200 $200 $200 $200 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $300 $300 $250 $250 $200 $400 $300 $2500 $300 $300 $300 $300 $200 $500 $1000 $100 $100 $500 $500 $500 $500 $250 $250 $500 $150