Figure 1 - BFTV Cluster: News
Figure 1 - BFTV Cluster: News
Identification and Characterization of Potential Prebiotic Oligosaccharides in Coffee Tian Tian1, Samara Freeman2, Guy Shani1 , David Mills1,2, Bruce German1,2, Daniela Barile1,2 1Department of Food Science & Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 2 Foods for Health Institute, Department of Food Science & Technology, University of California, Davis, CA Ground Coffee Gas Chromatography and Anion Exchange chromatography Total Carbohydrate Assay Coffee • Details about OS structure • Degree of polymerization • Basic info about possible OS presence • Free Monosaccharides • Monosaccharides fingerprint in oligosaccharide • Rough quantification of total carbohydrates in coffee bc bc 4 bc Rhamnose Mannose Glucose 2 1.5 bc 2 1 0.5 1 0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Processing Conditions R7 R1 R8 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Processing Conditions R7 R8 (a) (b) Figure 3: Abundance of (a) oligosaccharides and (b) their structural monosaccharides in coffee with different processing conditions (Note: due to the proprietary nature of this work, the detailed information of processing conditions are not shown here) 0.8 1.8 1.6 1.4 # P-value = 5.862*10-4 for one way ANOVA 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 * * * 0.2 0 • Extraction and Purification Arabinose Xylose Galactose 2.5 bd 0.4 L1 L2 L3 Brewing Conditions 0.7 0.6 Arabinose Xylose Galactose Rhamnose Mannose Glucose 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 L4 0 L1 L2 L3 Brewing Conditions L4 (b) (a) Figure 4: Abundance of (a)oligosaccharides and (b)their structural monosaccharides in four liquid coffee brewed by different conditions (Note: due to the proprietary nature of this work, the detailed information of brewing conditions are not shown here) Figure 3 and Figure 4 indicate that the different processing and brewing conditions have significant effect on the abundance of coffee oligosaccharides and their structural monosaccharides Liquid/Liquid Extraction Work in Progress: Testing the bioactivity of coffee OS purified in lab scale Identification by Mass Spectrometer Bifidobacterium spp. + Trial #1 Bifidobacterium spp.+ Trial #2 Solid Phase Extraction Methanolysis & Derivatization 8 Hexose Number of bacteria (CFU/mL) Coffee Oligosaccharide Trial #1 Coffee Oligosaccharide Trial #2 3.1 * 106 3 * 106 Figure 5. The growth of one Bifidobacterium spp. on MRS medium plate after inoculation with two coffee oligosaccharide extracts 14 Hexose Arabninose Rhamnose Xylose Mannose Galactose Glucose Figure 1: nanoLC-Chip-QToF Base Peak Chromatogram of Coffee Oligosaccharides (DP range: 3 to 14 of Hexose or Hexose-Pentose) Table 1. The number of bacteria in two coffee oligosaccharides extract Quantification by GC-FID Results: Identification and Quantification Of Coffee OS 3 Hexose a bcd 3 Abundance of OS (mg/ mL of extract ) MALDI ToF Hot Water Extraction 6 0 Nano LC- Chip QToF P-value = for one way ANOVA a 5 3 5.068*10-5 Abundance of structural monosaccharide (mg/g of coffee Materials and Method 7 Abundance of structural monosaccharides (mg/mL of coffee) Oligosaccharides (OS) are functional carbohydrates polymers widely studied in human milk and dairy products. They are also found in plants; however there is no oligosaccharides present in green coffee beans other than sucrose and only an handful of oligosaccharides have been described in roasted coffee beans. The presence or potential bioactivities of oligosaccharides in coffee has not been deeply investigated. In this work we studied the overall distribution of oligosaccharides in brewed coffee by using an advanced analytical platform. We propose that coffee infusions contain complex oligosaccharides structures that are potential prebiotics. The formation of prebiotic oligosaccharides-rich fractions can be induced via processing and brewing. The objective is to extract, purify, identify and quantify coffee oligosaccharides with combination of analytical platforms and then evaluate their potential prebiotic activity. Result: Effect of Processing and Brewing on OS Abundance Amount of OS (mg/g coffee) Introduction Figure 2: Monosaccharide Composition of Oligosaccharides in Roasted Coffee Figure 1 and 2 show that coffee oligosaccharides have a diversity in size and monosaccharides composition that requires different enzymatic capabilities for deconstruction. This provides the basis for matching the coffee oligosaccharides as potential prebiotics to specific probiotic bacteria, for developing next generation selective prebiotics. We produced sufficient amounts of purified coffee oligosaccharides by using lab scale extraction and purification and used them to grow selected Bifidobacterium species. The results in figure 5 and table 1 show utilization of coffee oligosaccharides by certain species of Bifidobacterium. Conclusion There is increasing interest in food products enriched with bioactive oligosaccharides. Interestingly, we discovered that the composition, structure and abundance of coffee oligosaccharides vary among different processing and brewing conditions. The demonstrated diversity of monosaccharides composition of coffee oligosaccharides may requires different bacterial enzymatic machineries for utilization as carbon source, thus providing the basis for matching these prebiotics to specific existing probiotic bacteria. In conclusion, the present work shows that oligosaccharides in coffee have diverse range of size and monosaccharides composition thus coffee represents a promising source of next general selective prebiotics. Acknowledgement: The author would like to thank Barile’s group for supporting the research