Summer 2013 - Hospice of Orleans


Summer 2013 - Hospice of Orleans
News & Notes for our
Families & Friends
Summer 2013
& Palliative Care
Volunteers: The Heart of Hospice
Among the most
noteworthy contributors to the Hospice
mission in 2012?
Volunteers! One
hundred and sixtyone volunteers gave a
4,500 hours toward
meeting the needs of
Hospice of Orleans in
2012, resulting in
cost savings worth
Grand Ballroom of the
Pillars Estate in Albion.
Volunteer Coordinator
Chris Fancher expressed
deep gratitude to all of the
volunteers who make
Hospice so special.
Direct care volunteers
bring companionship and
respite to patients’ homes.
They are: Don Algeo, Doris Antinore, Robert
Much more than the
Barrus, Kathleen Boice,
monetary value of
Volunteers were featured on the Hospice float in the Albion
Ike and Chris Burr, Ginny
their time and efforts,
Strawberry Festival parade. (Photo courtesy of Tom Rivers)
Byers, Evelene Callard,
the goodness and
Barbara Collyer, Grace
generosity of the people who give of themselves for
Denniston, Ceil Feldman, Sylvia Goodstine, Karen
the benefit of their neighbors facing life-limiting illnesses inspires and enriches the whole community.
Keller, Patricia Kennedy, Roseanne Leach, Kim McAllister, Pat Moorhouse, Nicci Moore, John and Sheila
In appreciation, Hospice volunteers were treated to a
delicious meal with dessert and coffee, as well as gifts, Myer, Noreen Nelson, Coutney Nicometto, Florence
door prizes and special recognition at the Volunteer
Surdi, Kay VanNostrand, and Kay Walter.
Luncheon and Annual Meeting, held April 25th in the
(Read more about the event on page 5.)
In This Issue
Keller Goes “Above & Beyond”
VIPs: Volunteers………………………………… 1
Executive Perspective………………………… 2
Living Well with Hospice……………………. 3
New Development Director………………… 4
Annual Meeting & Awards………………….. 5
Fundraising Events……………………………. 6
Insights from Elsewhere…………………….. 7
Memorials & Gifts……………………………… 8
Board……………………………………………….. 16
Hospice of Orleans honored Karen Keller as the 2012 Volunteer
of the Year. Karen, who lives in
Hamlin, has served as a direct
care volunteer, participated in
numerous events, worked in the
office, and has been a dedicated
scheduling volunteer. She gives
selflessly of her time and talents, plows past personal challenges, and continuously goes
above and beyond for Hospice. Thank you, Karen!
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 2
Executive Perspective: Telling the Hospice story By Mary Anne Fischer, BSN
It is my pleasure to recap the momentous 2012 year at Hospice of Orleans. Last
year can best be described, to borrow one of Finance Director Joel Allen’s
phrases, as “The end of the beginning” — the end of the capital campaign; the
completion of the design, the building, the many equipment and furniture decisions; the end of the beginning phase of an entirely new venture that will forever
change Hospice of Orleans and allow us to provide life-affirming services to an
additional sector of our community who otherwise would not be able to access
hospice care.
The construction and opening of the Martin-Linsin Residence consumed a large
part of our time and energies, but through all of this, our core mission of
embracing those facing advanced illness with the optimal levels of
comfort, compassion and expertise was carried out with steadfastness by
our clinical team, office staff and volunteers. We provided 152 patients with 5,119 days of care — including
expert physical assessments, compassionate care, and skillful management of symptoms. And our amazing volunteers provided more than 4,500 hours of service ranging from directly caring for patients both in
their homes and in the residence to helping in the office and with special events representing a huge cost
savings to the agency. (Read more about our volunteers’ efforts on pages 1 and 5.)
While we were able to admit 75 percent of all the referrals, many of these referrals came so late in their
journey that 48 percent were only with us for 7 days or less. Fifty-one percent of our patients had a diagnosis of some type of cancer, but the others suffered from end-stage processes related to their cardiac or
respiratory systems. The leading reason for being unable to admit the other 25 percent was that the patient died sometimes within hours of the referral being given to us.
It’s Time To Consider
Hospice When…
Following are some signs that you may
experience better quality of life with hospice care:
You’ve made several trips to the emergency room, and your condition has
been stabilized, but your illness continues to progress.
You’ve been admitted to the hospital
several times within the last year with
the same symptoms.
You wish to remain at home, rather
than spend time in the hospital.
You are no longer receiving treatments
to cure your disease.
For more information,
— click on “Resources”
These statistics demonstrate what a crucial role continued education regarding the hospice choice plays and is why in the
upcoming year we plan to commit resources and time to telling the hospice story in as many ways as possible. (Read more
about this pressing need on page 7, “Insights from Elsewhere.”)
Joining us as an experienced storyteller is our newest staff
member, Marsha Rivers (whose introduction you can read on
page 4). Marsha’s background in journalism, public relations,
and nonprofit administration, as well as her volunteer work
and lay leadership experience in the faith community, all
combine to make her an excellent fit for the multifaceted endeavor of care we call, collectively, Hospice.
Please join me in welcoming Marsha and consider calling on
her the next time your community group, church or club is in
need of a speaker. She will gladly make presentations about
hospice services and can tailor her remarks to the particular
needs and interests of the audience.
Finally, I want to Thank You, our steadfast supporters, for
making all of this possible. Through your generous and ongoing contributions of time, talents and treasures, we can continue this important work.
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 3
Martin-Linsin resident, 97, exclaims:
“If you can’t be home … be here!”
Nora is 97 and loving life. She moved into Hospice
of Orleans’ Martin-Linsin Residence in the early
spring, and she’s been enjoying herself ever since.
wishers who wanted to honor a woman who doles
out sunshine and wisdom in quick succession.
“I’m so hung on this place
that I want the whole world
to know,” Nora continues.
“They’ve thought of everything here. And the staff is
sensational — they’re so
nice, it’s unreal…
“I’ve made so many new
friends,” Nora says. She gestures around the circle on
the veranda and identifies each woman by name.
“I wouldn’t have met these beautiful ladies if the
Lord hadn’t let me come live here.”
Dozens of friends celebrated Martin-Linsin resident
Nora on her 97th birthday. (Photo by Laurie Rudolph)
“I just love it here so much,” she effuses one recent
warm summer’s day sitting on the porch with several other residents. “I can’t find one thing to complain about,” she exclaims, and slaps her knee.
Nora laughs. But her words are sincere.
A few days earlier, she had celebrated her 97th
birthday party with 60 of her closest friends. The
parking lot was packed that day, full of well-
One evening, settled in by the fireplace inside the
Martin-Linsin Residence, Nora says some special
words came to her, the perfect way to convey her
appreciation for this peaceful, pleasant place to
live: “If you can’t be home…be here!”
“Do you think we could have those words put up
on that wall when you first walk in?” Nora suggests. “There’s nothing up there.” (Is that a complaint? If it could be considered one, she follows it
quickly with more positivity.) “If everyone could be
as content as I am, being here, they’d be happy.”
Beautify & Remember: Garden Offers Place to Reflect (& Volunteer)
Do you have a green thumb and a heart for Hospice? The Hospice Memorial
Garden, located just west of the new Martin-Linsin Residence at Hospice of Orleans
in Albion, is a place for residents and guests, as well as the general public, to come
and contemplate the beauty of life and the memory of loved ones.
The Memorial Garden features trees, shrubs and plants given in honor of others, surrounding a memorial brick walkway. Anyone who wishes can pay tribute to a
dearly departed friend or family member — or even honor those yet living — with a
customized, inscribed brick (see page 4). This summer, a gazebo will be added to the
Garden, thanks to BMP America.
Volunteer gardeners MaryAnn Tillman, Sylvia Goodstine, Kathy Boice, Florence Surdi, Ginny Byers, Gail Fischer and Gail Foss, and others invite you to join
them in the Memorial Garden, either to simply enjoy a quiet place to reflect, or perhaps while you’re there, to also weed, sweep, plant and/or plan.
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 4
Rivers To Lead Hospice Development & Community Relations
Marsha Rivers is the newest member of the Hospice
of Orleans team. She joined the staff as Director of
Development and Community Relations on June 17th.
“I consider it a high honor to
be part of Hospice,” Marsha
said. “I agree wholeheartedly
with the hospice philosophy
of considering all aspects of
a person’s needs as they navigate life-limiting illness.
What a beautiful testament
to the power of community
to see so many people come
together — doctors, nurses,
staff and volunteers — to
serve their neighbors at such an important time in
their lives…
Marsha can be
reached at mrivers@
“Also, it’s a real blessing for me to have meaningful
work so close to home.”
An Orleans County native, Marsha graduated from
Albion High School and then earned her bachelor’s
degree in communication from Roberts Wesleyan
College in Rochester, NY. She worked as a reporter
for the Batavia Daily News briefly before returning
to her alma mater, where she filled several roles, including admissions, alumni relations, public relations and marketing, ultimately serving as editor of
the college magazine, Roberts Today, for nine years.
During that time, Marsha also earned her master’s
degree in theological studies, with a concentration in
nonprofit leadership and management, from Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College.
In 2008, Marsha returned to work in Albion at Care
Net of Greater Orleans, a pregnancy resource center.
She served as Care Net’s part-time executive director
from 2009 until this summer, when she joined Hospice in a full-time capacity. As successor to Cora
Goyette, who retired in March following the successful campaign to build the Martin-Linsin Hospice
Residence, Marsha will be reinforcing support for the
residence as well as all the vital services Hospice of
Orleans provides, including home care, transitions,
and bereavement assistance for our community.
Marsha, a daughter of longtime Albion music teacher
Sid Bolton and his wife, Etha (who has been a Hospice volunteer), is married to local journalist Tom
Rivers (formerly with the Batavia Daily News, now
with The Rivers are active community members and have four children.
Hospice Memorial Garden Brick Order Form
You may commemorate loved ones in a lasting way by purchasing memorial bricks inscribed with personal messages,
or by donating funds toward flowers. The Memorial Garden is located at the Hospice of Orleans Campus (14080 Route
31 West, Albion) on the west side of the Martin-Linsin Residence. It is open to the public for visitation and reflection.
Your Name __________________________________ | Address ____________________________________________
City _____________ State ____ Zip ________ | Phone ________________ E-Mail _____________________________
Large Stone 6 x 10, 5 lines (18 characters per line): $150 | Small Stone 3.75 x 7.75, 3 lines (14 characters per line): $75
First Line
Second Line
Third Line
Fourth Line
Fifth Line
Please return order form, with check, to Hospice of Orleans, P.O. Box 489, Albion, NY 14411.
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 5
(Volunteers, continued from page 1)
Office volunteers assist in a variety of tasks:
Cheryl Mart (left) is a retired
administrative assistant from
Monroe Community College. She
completes health record keeping
and tracks volunteer time sheets.
She gave more than 300 hours of
service last year. Ginny Byers assembles patient admission packets. Noreen Nelson completes all
the bereavement mailings. Other
individuals who perform many clerical duties in the
office include Florence Surdi, Gail Fischer, Jean
Shervin, Judy Ernenwein, Mary Herring, Delores
Giarrizzo and Judy Cox.
Bob Stirk was recognized for all of his work at Hospice. Bob works tirelessly on every fundraiser and
event. He helps with maintenance and with pick-up
and delivery of equipment.
Mary Walton was acknowledged for delivering flowers donated from Walmart to the Residence.
Mary Marek was recognized for her help in getting
the newsletter ready for mailing. She coordinates the
volunteers for this task.
We have a beautiful garden that can be enjoyed by
our patients. The garden volunteers keep the memorial garden beautiful. Many thanks to Mary Ann
Tillman, Sylvia Goodstine, Kathy Boice, Florence
Surdi, Ginny Byers, Gail Fischer and Gail Foss.
Meal and reception scheduling for the Residence is
done by (above, from left) Ginny Byers, Karen Keller,
Mary Ann Tillman, Chris Burr, Cheryl Mart and
Loretta Tomasino (missing from photo).
Don Joslyn (below) was acknowledged for all his
time and dedication in helping to oversee the construction of the Martin-Linsin Residence. He came
twice weekly to assist Joel Allen
throughout the building process
of the Martin-Linsin Residence.
Carol Culhane’s talent, time and
dedication were greatly appreciated. Carol dedicated hundreds
of hours to painting four beautiful murals on the wall of the family meeting room (featured on
our website, — click on “Our
Services,” then “Martin-Linsin Residence”).
The Orleans County Quilt Guild made a lovely quilt
for the Residence. Hope Stirk accepted the recognition for the Guild’s beautiful contribution.
On behalf of JP Morgan Chase, Wendy Hill accepted
a certificate of thanks from Hospice for the wonderful volunteers from the bank, who helped with the
golf tournament, gardening, selling duck tickets, and
moving furniture into the Residence.
The Business/Civic Award was presented to Leonard Oakes Estate Winery. The Winery has been very generous in donating proceeds of events to
Hospice and providing wine for the
opening of the Residence. Accepting
the award was Wendy Wilson, president of the Winery, whose grandmother, at age 90, informed the family that
she no longer wanted any gifts —
“just donate to Hospice.” In her
honor, the Winery has produced
a wine from which $1 from each
bottle sold is donated to Hospice.
The Mary Janet Sahukar Award was presented to Ginny Kropf, reporter for the Batavia Daily News. She has covered stories about
Hospice for 10 years. She has always been available
for events and has presented the mission of Hospice
to the community. She has truly been a wonderful
supporter of our events and programs.
2013 Members For a list of current Hospice of Orleans, Inc. members, visit our website,
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 6
~ Remember, Honor, Cherish ~
Brown’s Berry Patch
5K Cross Country Run/Memory Walk
To Benefit
Hospice of Orleans, Inc.
October 12, 2013
What makes Brown’s Race for Hospice so special:
~ It’s a unique cross country course through some of
the finest farmland and orchards around.
~ The fall foliage looks lovely and the crisp air smells
~ The prizes are pumpkins. (Even if you don’t win
one, you can pick one, purchase it, take it home…
even carve it, if you like!)
Find your entry form on our website,, or email breigle@ to request one.
Not only can you Run or Walk the 3.1 miles for
your own well-being, but you can also do so In
Memory or In Honor of Someone You Love.
Simply indicate your loved one’s name on your
entry form, and with an additional gift of any
amount beyond the registration fee, we will
include that person’s name on our Remember,
Honor, Cherish display board at the race. We’ll
also provide a tag you can wear to honor your
loved one.
Ducks Drum Up Nearly $6k
Thanks to Baxter of Medina, the
Lyndonville Lions and Village Staff, and
everyone who purchased duck tickets. Over
2,000 colorful plastic contestants waddled it
out in Johnson’s Creek in what has become a
favorite tradition at the July 4th festival.
Congratulations to the winners: Rich
Johnson - $500, Jim Stelianou - $300, Mary
Miesner - $200, Mary Miesner - $150, Don
and JoAnn Melfi - $125, Rod Johnson - $100,
Steve Crane - $75, and Rebekah Karls - $50.
‘Pink’ Raised a ‘Fortune’
for Hospice and KKMF
Hospice of Orleans extends its sincere
appreciation to organizers of the Pink Crystal
Ball April 27th at Ridgeway Fire Hall. The event
raised a whopping $20,087, split between
Hospice and the Knights-Kaderli Memorial
Fund. After expenses, each organization
received $9,128.00. Thank you, Vic and Kathy
Vicknair, and the entire PCB Committee!
Like “Hospice of Orleans, Inc” on Facebook to
keep up-to-date on all our events.
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 7
Insights from Elsewhere:
“Hospice Care Does Not Mean the End”
By Jacqueline D. Byrd, Esq.
When my mother died last October at age 90, it was from heart
issues that began “out of the clear
blue sky” as far as we were concerned. In the hospital, Mom was
placed in the palliative care floor,
and passed away so soon that
hospice scarcely had time to join
us in our grief.
That experience caused me,
among other things, to realize
how widespread misunderstandings about hospice remain. People do not seem to understand
what the organization really is,
nor where it provides services,
nor what kind of services are provided — and how hospice is paid
for its services.
Hospice is not a certain place, for
hospice care can be delivered in
many places. It is more a philosophy of care that focuses on quality
of life for a patient and his entire
family. Hospice is usually called
upon when a patient’s illness has
progressed to the point that a
cure is no longer possible, and the
patient and his doctor have chosen comfort over curative care.
This care can be provided wherever the patient calls home —
whether it is a residence, assisted
living facility, long-term care facility or other domicile.
Some people feel strongly that
calling for hospice help is an absolute death sentence, when there
is no hope or when “nothing else
can be done.” Actually, hospice is
the “something else” that can be
done for patients and their families. It is not an end to treatment,
it is a shift to comfort-oriented
care that centers on helping a pa-
tient live his or her life to the fullest. In addition to managing pain
and other symptoms, hospice
provides counseling and social
service support to address the
emotional and spiritual aspects of
coping with advance illness. This
support is available not only for
the patient, but for the patient’s
family and loved ones.
It is interesting to me, as a person
providing support in all areas of
aging, that so often the word hospice feels like a death sentence. It
is my belief that the main reason
for that is that patients are not
referred to hospice by their physicians until the last minute or until
there is really nothing else that
can be done. They are referring a
patient to hospice that will pass
away very soon no matter what
care is provided. Hospice neither
hastens nor prevents death.
Humorist Art Buchwald is a stunning example of a patient who
lived longer than expected after
hospice came into his life. Buchwald described himself as the
“man who would not die.” In the
months between his extended
hospice stay and his eventual
death from kidney failure, he was
a literate and emphatic example
of the benefits of hospice care.
“Hospice gives a person the opportunity to die with dignity,”
wrote Buchwald. “It provides
care, help and as much comfort as
possible. When the patient enters
hospice, an entire team sets to
work to meet the family’s needs —
a doctor, a team of nurses, a case
manager, a social worker, a chaplain, a nursing assistant, a bereavement coordinator and, of
course, the volunteers who read
to the patient, answer phones,
and run errands, among other
Choosing hospice does not mean,
as many seem to think, that patients lose the services of their
personal doctors. The referring
physician is a member of the hospice team. In fact, many physicians find that hospice greatly
enhances and extends the care
they can provide. Typically, physicians are encouraged to follow
their patients through the hospice
How is hospice paid for? This is
always among the first questions
potential hospice patients and
families ask. Most people who use
hospice are over age 65 and are
entitled to the Medicare hospice
benefit. This benefit covers virtually all hospice services and requires little, if any, out of pocket
expense. For younger patients
whose private insurance may not
fully cover hospice care, end of
life care with hospice can be far
less expensive than the alternatives of hospital or nursing home
Hospice care provides comfort
dignity, quality of life and time to
those facing a life-limiting illness.
In addition to providing compassionate medical care and pain
management, hospice care offers
emotional and spiritual support
to patients and their loved ones.
Studies have shown that the most
common report from families
who have used hospice services
for a loved one, is regret that hospice had not been called in sooner. Patients and their families experience the greatest benefits
from hospice care when it is accessed early.
Reprinted with the author’s permission, via The Bowie-Blade News
(Capital 6/3/13
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 8
Memorial Gifts
January – June 2013
In Memory of Rocco Albino
Theodore and Francis Fiorito
In Memory of Stuart "Butch" Allen
Gary and Eileen Allen
In Memory of Chris Appleton
Robert Zipeto and Patricia Avino
Richard and Nancy Canham
Anna Murray
Ronald and Karen Sodoma
Mary Ann Tillman
Chris and Pat Haines
Dick and Susan Tillman
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Barbara Carver
Elizabeth Kenyon
Mark and Robin Spychalski
Skee and Cheryl Denson
David and Barbara Titus-Canham
Delores Wolfe
In Memory of Donald Auman
Gus and Barbara Revelas
In Memory of Marjory Barry
Bonnie Vagg
Bessie Pritchard
Genevieve Davis
Robert and Joan Barry
Harold and Linda Smith
Beatrice Cook and Family
Patricia Prawel
Laura Henry
Rita Barry
Louise Felso
Carl and Patricia Caleb
Russ and Pat Martino
Lynne and Jeff Johnson,
Dick and Elaine Fry
Mary Woodruff
Ken Schaal
Lynn and Betty Carson
Louise Nicholson
Marilyn and Roger Kenyon
Suzanne Bigelow
Phyllis Allport
Janice and Dave Wells
Wayne Barry
Barbara Carver
Robert and Marwayne Clinkscales
Wayne Barry
In Memory of Mary Basinait
Francis Nayman
Brian and Sue Bartlett
Dave and Sheila Royal-Nixon
Eleanor Yungfleisch
John and Janet Updike
Hank Bokman
Teresa Basinait
Joan Paino
Chautaugua-Kinzua HOG Chapter
Richard and Susan Bennett
Lois A. Klatt
Orleans County Legislature Management
Sunshine Committee
Faith Koch and Philip Miller
Lois Brandt
John and Linda Chrzan
Mary Herring
Delores Smith
John and Louise Henderson
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Cynthia H Piedimonte
Jean Benson
James Pilon
Carl and Carol Petronio
Marcia Tuohey
Carson and Alice Bailey
James and Kathy Wells
Joe and Janice Grabowski
Delores Wolfe
Thomas and Cherrie Ashbery and Family
William and Roxie Basinait
Orleans County Republican Committee
Janice Cummings
Harley-Davidson of Jamestown, Inc.
Donna Bokman
Wil and Joyce Harris
Eugene and Judith Christopher
Peter and Susan Heard
NYS County Treasurers’ & Finance Officers’
Stephen and Sandra Peglow
Anne Dressel
Cole and Pat Hardenbrook
In Memory of Emma Belson
Shirley Gould
In Memory of Eva Berdy
Brunner International, Inc.
In Memory of Misako Berry
Lisa Christiaansen
In Memory of David Bills
Marion Fountain
In Memory of Wilfred Batt's Birthday
Martha Batt
In Memory of John Blodgett
Anna Raymond
In Memory of Rev. James Bloom
John and Grace Denniston
In Memory of Robert Boehm
Christine Sartwell
In Memory of Orpha Botsford
Michael and Susan Dydo
In Memory of Avery Brooks
Monday Afternoon Card Club –
Phil, Ted, George, AJ, Jim, Ron and Hank
Roland Rogers
Thomas and Patricia Noon
Charles and Muriel Daniels
John and Linda Chrzan
Dennis and Janet Ellnor
Judy Fancher
Deanne Knapp
Tory and Paula Brooks
Timothy and Maura Pierce
Lois Harvey
Paul and Pamela Nowak
Brad and Lisa Smith
James and Renee Broadwell
Robert and Cheryl Gibson
Janice Cummings
Chris and Pat Haines
Mary Marek
Cynthia H. Piedimonte
Orleans County Town Highway
Superintendent Association
Mark and Brenda Radzinski
Darwin and Cheryl Sills
Barbara Berg
Charles Buck
Community Action of Orleans &
Genesee Goodwill
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
In Memory of Vanessa Brown
M/E Engineering
Hubert and Carol Lenz
In Memory of Laura Burgess
Francis and Evana Daniels
John and Grace Denniston
Laverne and Lois Miller
John and Mary Ann Buckland and Cathy
Barbara Ludington
Linda Hayes
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 9
In Memory of Laura Burgess (cont’d)
Gary and Eileen Allen
Don and Judy Manley
Bill and Lynn Seward
Patricia Ellsworth
Christine Allen
Sandra O'Mara
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Matetzschk
Albert and Joyce Allen
Past Members of the Lyndonville
Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women's Guild
In Memory of Marilyn Clark
Larry and Norma Joy
Jerry and Shirley Tinkous
In Memory of Raymond Busch
Connie Caldwell
In Memory of Evelyn Coke
Janet Maines
Carol Gidley
Wesley Bradley
Barbara Carver
In Memory of Gerry Canale
Joe, Linda, Justin, Matthew, Brooke,
Jacob and Stephanie Canale
Darryl and Aimee Koch
In Memory of Terrance Cole
Robert and Helen Mullen
In Memory of Maynard Earl Canham
Carmella Gray and Family
Lynne M. Stewart
Paul and Pamela Nowak
William and Edna Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brace
Gary and Sharon Plummer
Kenneth and Margaret Axtell
Bessie Pritchard
Alex and Louise Felso
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Wilma Bentley
Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Company
Ladies’ Auxiliary
In Memory of Yolanda Carpino
Theodore and Francis Fiorito
In Memory of Robert Carver
His School Friends, Baseball and Bowling
Friends, and Coworkers
In Memory of Elvis Charles
Tim Dunkel
Family of Gennaro and Maria Digirolamo
Gaston Lee
Don and Kathy Norton
Susan Weinbeck
In Memory of Stephen Flint Charles
Tim Dunkel
Mary Payne
Ruth Neumann
Peggy Defranco
Skip Beaver
Ram Rapoport
Keith and Peggy Christensen
In Memory of James Cook
William and Patricia Harrold
In Memory of John Della Costa
Maria Hart
In Memory of William Covell
Martin and Karen Miller
In Memory of Mason Cox
Orleans County Amateur Radio Club
In Memory of Helen Crowley
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Agatha Daniels
Robert and Hope Stirk
Jean Shervin
Kenneth and Mary Ann Spychalski
Stephen and Sandra Peglow
Francis and Evana Daniels
In Memory of Michael DeFilipps
John and Lori Shull and Family
William Murphy
Wally and Paula Sanford
Helen P. Heath
Carol Mayer
Jane Petta
Mike and Sue Wyant
Lewis DeFillips
Wilson and Mary Soto
June Riggi
Louise Lusk
John and Ann Dellaquila
James and Barbara Sparhuber
Joseph and Ingrid Lestorti
Donald and Judith Defelice
Gary Frobel
David and Mary DeFilipps
In Memory of Sara DeFilipps
Paula Sanford
Helen P. Heath
Tory and Paula Brooks
Sandra Trovato
Dan and Nancy Steurrys
Suanne Weber
Judi and Sid Strasenburgh
Kathleen and Joann Smith
Sue Nellany
Ann Marie Dinino
Donald and Judith Defelice
Joseph and Ingrid Lestorti
Debra DeFilipps
Mr. and Mrs. David Shaffer
Gary and Patricia Dick
Edgar and Kristen Jorolemon
In Memory of Donaldine DePeters
Martha DePeters and Family
Frederick and Sheila Cassin
Charles A. Roth
Anna Murray
John and Lori Shull
Patricia Quarantello
David and Connie Ragusa
Dorothy Haines
Michael and Patricia Bielicki
Doreen Goffe
Tod and Darla Swiercznski
Maureen Cordero and Family
MaryAnn Hildreth, Lorraine Catruna,
Steve and Pat Howard, Nate and Barb
Lincoln, Vince and Vickie Sevenski,
Pete and Rosemary
Ellen Jean Pickett
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
Donna Shea
In Memory of Cheryl Joyce Depointe
Jon and Marguerite Sherman
In Memory of Peggy DiMatteo
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Jackie Dingle
Donald and Fonda Carr
Charles and Muriel Daniels
James, Amy, Brian and Jacob Neal
Donald and Betty Bloom
Richard and Melva Bloom
A. J. and Diane Monacelli
Genevieve Davis
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Milton and Carolyn Unger
Arthur and Patricia Beach
Barre Sportsmen's Club, Inc.
William and Peggy Bennett
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 10
In Memory of Jackie Dingle (cont’d)
Richard and Susan Bennett
Robert and Hope Stirk
Paul Pawlaczyk
Fred and Donna Jones
Richard and Irene Braley
Jean and Coley Brooks
William and Ruth Covis
Phillip and Marcia Ciarico
Jim and Sandy Recco
Francis and Linda Comden
Richard Hutchens & Associates
Douglas and Wanda Rohring
Bonnie Vagg
Cheryl Gavenda and Dennis Depczynski
Lee Markle
Christopher and Linda Rice
Marian Cuff
Joe and Janice Grabowski
Donald and Linda Wilkins
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Mary Mullins
Barbara Rouse
Eleanor Hazel
Alan and Marlys Jones
Members of Dye Hose Co. No. 5
In Memory of Mary Eckler (cont’d)
Milford and Joan Dunn
Donald Bensley
Charlie, Max and Bessie Pritchard
Wilma Bentley
Bob and Linda Smith
Gerald and Diane Harris
Betty Woodworth
Dorothy Pratt
Pauline Broadwell
In Memory of Art and Faith Dixon
Barton and Florence Smith
In Memory of Mary Fasano
Francis Nayman
In Memory of Patrick Donahue
Orleans County Federation of Sportsman
Betty and Mick Tower
Michael and Nancy Donahue
Karl and Kevin Kast
In Memory of Florence Ferri
Michael and Jean Ferri
In Memory of Linda Dumond
Michael and Jean Ferri
Richard Pucher
Mark and Ginny Hughes
In Memory of Frank Formicola
William Murphy
In Memory of Kenny Parker Dunn
Tom and Kathy Valley
In Memory of Gary Ebbs
Community Action of Orleans
& Genesee Goodwill
Charles A. Roth and Linda Hayes
Pre-Trial Services Corporation
Larry and Sue Boyce
Albion Agencies, Inc.
In Memory of Mary Eckler
Donald and Dorothy Bentley
Marjorie Canham
Joan Baker
Anna Stelianou
Beatrice Young
In Memory of Gary Elder
Terry and Brenda Cook
The Broadwell Family
Suzanne Metzo
Charles and Shirley Walter
Triple G Farms, Inc.
In Memory of Betty Evans
Earl, Dennis and Alan Young and Betty
John and Carole Wasnock
Alonzo and Marian Evans
Dorothy Flood
George and Sue Lepkoske
Dorothy Flood
In Memory of Evelyn Fitzgerald
Dick and Betsy Hoffman
In Memory of David Foster
Ronald and Betty Thomas
Margaret Houseman
Wilma Goldsmith
Gordon and Margaret Reigle
Donna Eckler
Jean Benson
National Grid
Janet Rook
Bessie Pritchard
Nicki Fredericks
Sandy Thaine
Rick and Linda Root
Donald Bensley
The Hartman Family
In Memory of John Frazier
Jeannine Frazier
In Memory of Pat Fuller
Jean Grant
Universalist Church
Lowell and Eleanor Davis
Kim and Ruth Houserman
John and Beverly Borkholder
Betty Woodworth
In Memory of Francis Gaughn
Marjorie Brayley
Velma Bernecker
Scott and Linda Bryan
Rose Gaughn
In Memory of Thomas Geary
Jean Shervin
In Memory of Russell Glowacki
Elio F. D'Andrea
In Memory of Lila Goodwin
Betty Woodworth
In Memory of Robert Graden
Frederick and Carol Miller
In Memory of Harry Gray
Nancy Albanese
In Memory of Gretchen Grimm
Helen Anita Shafer
In Memory of Helen Groth
Dennis and Joyce Groth
Gertrude J Havens
Harvey and Gail Stalker
James and Harriet Worthington
William and Helen Weaver
Benjamin and Kelly Whitmore
John Squires
Thomas and Eleanor Bakos
Bernard and Betty Sobczak
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hersee
Mr. and Mrs. John Staba
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Percey
Frank and Mary Schwerthoffer
Edward and Nancy Happ
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Levins
Joan Hill
Ron and Eleanor Fronckowiak
Alan Nugent
Nickolas Nisevich
Norman Groth
In Memory of Bernice Gulinski
Mary Jane Szczechowiak
Lucille Rice
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 11
In Memory of Connie Halterman
Frank and Mickey Babcock
In Memory of Rev. Dr. Richard Handley
Michael and Sharon Boccaccio
Bob and Rose Orto
Scott and Jean Orto
In Memory of William Hudson
Delores Wolfe
Robert and Hope Stirk
Jean Shervin
Betty Kirby
Dee Smith and Family
James and Renee Broadwell
In Memory of Margaret Hawley
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Marjorie Hurt
Randy and Cynthia Hurt
Wayne and Becky Montalvo
In Memory of Thomas Hickey
Susan Kingsley
Gary and Cathy Hudson
Brian and Kristin Slack
Bruce and Darlene Bozard
Robert and Barbara Waters
Joy South
Malcolm and Carolyn Thomas
Roger and Carolyn France
Janis Maines
John and Lisa Misiti
Robert Beach
Robert and Maureen Sanderson
Lyndonville Teachers Association
Carolyn Hellreich
John and Valerie Slack
In Memory of Jacob Jakaub
Paul and Cathy Jakaub
In Memory of Roger Hill
William and Marilyn Pilon
In Memory of Joyce Hoffee
Shaun and Elissa Smith
In Memory of Duane Holbrook
Francis and Evana Daniels
Tom and Lori Stockton
Lilia R. Bunnell
Kim and Ruth Houserman
Suzanne Metzo
In Memory of Bruce Holliday
Joan D Klafehn
In Memory of Walter Howard
Francis Nayman
Richard and Nancy Canham
John and Grace Denniston
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Delores Smith
William and Ruth Covis
Gary and Doris Antinore
Francis and Evana Daniels
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
Jean Bailey
In Memory of Mable Jamele
Gary and Doris Antinore
In Memory of Virginia Jeffords
Valerie Niederhofer
Eleanor Hazel
In Memory of Charles Johnson
Charles and Muriel Daniels
In Memory of Robert Johnson
Norman and Patricia Johnson
Thomas and Judith Sobczak
American Federation of State County and
Municipal Employees Local 392
Carol, Jerry and Jonathan Wasilewski
Norman L Johnson
Peter and Sharon Latka
Marcia Marcy
Gloria Keogh
Kevin and Margaret Cheeley
Kristina Gasz
Paul and Janet Mckenna
Gail Fischer
In Memory of John Joy
Sr. Barbara Ciarico and Karen Miller
In Memory of Marcia Kenyon (cont’d)
Wesley Bradley
Larry and Elizabeth Passarell
Bradley and Ruth Ann Bane
Barbara Loucks
John and Marnie Ryan
Joyce Staines
Robert and Mary Crowley
Peter and Joyce Tarajos
Paula Merrill
June Valentine Fitzsimmons
Michael and Pamela Merrill
Dick and Betsy Hoffman
Marjorie Mavity
Roger and Valerie Riemer
Roger and Christine Moynes
William and Patricia Harrold
Mark and Mary Miller
In Memory of James Kingsley
Knights of Columbus Medina Council 651
In Memory of Terri Kirby
Wil and Joyce Harris
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Rosina Kohmann
Boy Scouts of America Troop 59
Elmer and Norma Brown
In Memory of Gene LaChimia
Patricia Leight
In Memory of Marjorie Lake
Ernest Lake
In Memory of Anna Mae Lapp
BMP America, Inc.
In Memory of Paul Kaminski
Doris Antinore
Stephen and Sandra Peglow
Anne Downey and Emma Kenyon
Don and Max Joslyn
Robert and Suzanne Wells
In Memory of Constance Licht
Jean Larnder
Terry and Brenda Cook
Jean Bailey
Cynthia Kiernan
Ronald and Karen Sodoma
Ron and Nancy Good, Elissa and Shaun
Smith, and Lindsay Good
John and Patricia Foote
In Memory of Ed Kaniecki
Martin and Karen Miller
In Memory of Anthony Lombardo
Patricia, Ron and Megan Leight
In Memory of Marcia Kenyon
Alan and Gail Foss
Ronald and Lisa Bolt
Ellie Whipple
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 12
In Memory of Teresa Martillotta
Catherine DiLaura
Dick and Betsy Hoffman
Robert and Suzanne Wells
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
Delores Lowman
Richard and Susan Bennett
Marjorie Mahoney
Stephen and Lynore Heard
Mark and Mary Heard
Elizabeth Westlund
John and Loretta Long
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Francis Nayman
Mary Ann Tillman
Patricia Quarantello
Richard and Sibyl Pilon
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Albion Senior Citizens
Garrett Club Poker Players –
Pat Scibetta, Debbie McFarland, Fran
Saeva, Millie Gavenda, Pauline Radzinski
Alice Casson
Carl and Carol Petronio
Gary and Grace Kent
Orleans County Democrats
Erin Kent
In Memory of Helen Mathes
Robert and Hope Stirk
Albion Senior Citizens
In Memory of Mary Lou McGaffick
Martha Batt
Charles and Bev Giarrizzo
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Joseph and Joyce Gehl
Phillip and Marcia Ciarico
Dick and Betsy Hoffman
Jean Bailey
Carl E. Schlatter
Ed and Kay Marshall
Edward and Peggy Silkowski
Louis Monacelli
Richard, Patricia, Rich, Danny and
Matthew McGaffick
Betty Bull
Marian Cuff
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Sarah and Mary Miesner
Arthur and Patricia Beach
Janice Meredith
Town of Gaines Employees
John and Loretta Long
Scott Schmidt
Leonard and Louise Levandowski
April McGaffick and Jason Strong
Mr. and Mrs. William Champeney
In Memory of Mary Lou McGaffick (cont’d)
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Drennan and Family
Mr. Douglas Champeney
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Davis
In Memory of Kathleen McGrane
Susan Kingsley
Mike and Pat Bielicki
Lynda Hogan
Timothy and Maura Pierce
Nancy Albanese
Dennis and Robin Dubai
Patricia M. Kennedy
John and Becky Fike
David and Peggy Schreck
Wesley Bradley
Mary McGrane
Salvatrice Mazzarella
Henry and Susan Beamer
Ann E Hughey
MaryAnn Hildreth
Barbara Filipiak
Lilia R. Bunnell
Ray, Kris, Bailey and Tyler Colonna
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
Gary, Nancy, Nicole and Gary Moore
In Memory of Francis Menclewicz
Richard and Rita Soule and Family
In Memory of Ellen Merrill
Frank and Mickey Babcock
In Memory of Chauncey Miller
Genevieve Wolffe
In Memory of Ken Miller
Carmella Lape
Cynthia Armao
Marlin and Kay Walter
Jerry Lemcke
Kendall Lions Club
Helen P. Heath
John and Susan Szyikowski
Mark, Teri, Katie, Chrissy and Buddy Keeler
Robert and Diane Furness
Kim Gitzen
Hamlin VFW Post 6703
Patricia Keeler
Timothy and Maura Pierce
Kevin and Sarah Pickhardt
In Memory of Shirley Miller
Shaun and Elissa Smith
In Memory of Joan Tierney and Jean Millis
LuAnn Tierney
In Memory of Katherine Mixter
Carl and Betty Pieper
Ike and Chris Burr
In Memory of Joseph Molmar
Frank and Mickey Babcock
In Memory of Patrick Murphy
Jim and Marcia Zambito
Francis Nayman
Robert and Shirley Bird
Bill and Annie Lawrence
Ronald and Pauline Radzinski
Irwin and Fay Wagman
Donald and Lorraine Baker
Mary Herring
Delores Smith
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Michael and Luann Kane
Carl and Carol Petronio
James Pilon
Cropsey & Cropsey
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Harold and Beverly Kludt
Joe and Janice Grabowski
Steven and Jean Swiercznski
Stafford Country Club
Richard and Sibyl Pilon
Village of Holley
Gary and Laura Simboli
Mike and Pat Bielicki
Kenneth and Natalie Pettine
Butch and Mary Walter
In Memory of Alonzo Nash
Roy and Delores Atha
In Memory of Robert Nashwinter
James and Harriet Nashwenter
In Memory of Joseph E. Navarra
Gary and Doris Antinore
In Memory of Rita Navarra
Arnold and Marge Tower
Eleanor Yungfleisch and Peggy Grillo
Patricia Keeler
In Memory of Thomas Nudd
Francis and Donna Grabowski
Lee and Maureen Blackburn
Gary and Barb Gross
Brad and Anita Nudd
The Montalvo Family
Timothy L Smith
Virginia Klotzbach
Leann Hua
C & H PC, Inc.
Mary Beth Klotzbach
Lowell and Eleanor Davis
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 13
In Memory of Ray Olsen
Michael and Sharon Boccaccio
In Memory of James O'Mara
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Shirley Ornt
Deborah Baker
In Memory of Barbara Panek
Alan and Gail Foss
Robert and Hope Stirk
Ronald and Nancy Good
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
Classmates of '53, Deb McFarland and
Pauline Radzinski
David and Jean Wetherbee
Monday/Thursday Volleyball Group
Loren Johnson
James and Renee Broadwell
In Memory of Ceil Paner
James and Lynn (Maria) Marciszewski
In Memory of Angel Papadinoff
Joanne Shippey
Joan M. Fleegal
In Memory of Earl Parker
Martin and Karen Miller
In Memory of Sylvester and Jenny Persia
Eloise Persia, Children and Grandchildren
In Memory of Helen Piazza
Martin and Karen Miller
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
In Memory of Joseph Piazza
David and Marilyn Ricci
James and Patricia Scibetta
Joan Hudson
Elio F. D'Andrea
In Memory of Catrina Maynard Porche
Lori Hesselson
Maria Hart
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Larry and Sue Boyce
Arnold and Marge Tower
In Memory of Harold Pratt
Kenneth and Mary Ann Spychalski
In Memory of Dorothy Quaranto
Orleans County Employees Unit 7950
In Memory of Nicholas Quaranto
John and Ann Dellaquila
Sandra O'Mara
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Francis D'Andrea
Orleans County Assessors
Donald and Judith Defelice
Alfred and Dolly Wild
Sally Naomi Shiffer
Michael and Sharon Boccaccio
Anna Shepherd
Rose Gaughn
Mary Jo Mele
Mae Penna
Mark and Robin Spychalski
Linda Sherwood
Michael and Mary Campbell
Sandra Demtschenko
Donald and Judith Emanuele
John and Linda Chrzan
Louise Lusk
Harlene Slavny
Terry and Laurie Baker
Town of Murray
Marion Fountain
Ellen Germeo and Jerry Baron
James Sacco
Francis and Kathleen Quaranta
Laura Amor
Arlene Mawn
In Memory of John Ralph
Wesley Bradley
Henry and Elizabeth Ralph
Monty and Diane Hartman
Mark and Linda Case
In Memory of Mary Reimann
Shaun and Elissa Smith
In Memory of Robert Reis
Rudy and Barb Kludt
Donald and Sharon Wright
Charles and Nancy Alger
Charles and Carol Maier
Gary Frobel
Thomas and Cheryl Cole
Hamlin Ladies Auxiliary Post No. 6703
In Memory of Carolyn Rhoads
Gary and Sharon Plummer
Virginia Klotzbach
Larry and Laura Harvey and
Jennie Monacelli
Wanda Woodruff
In Memory of Rose Rice
Donald and Florence Skinner
Francis Nayman
In Memory of Melvin Riches
Cindy Todd
Ridge Animal Hospital
Thurston and Maryellen Dale
Kniland Dairy Farms
In Memory of Sidney Riches
Pauline, Jim and Renee Broadwell
In Memory of Italo Rita
Michael and Mary Campbell
In Memory of Robert Johnson
John Kasprzyk
In Memory of James Rodden
Lynn Rawleigh
Eva Kinsey and Edward Forys
Robert Barrus
Diane Cacia
In Memory of Geraldine Rogers
William and Ruth Covis
Virginia Davis
Alex and Louise Felso
Doloris Carter
Gloria Ross
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Charles and Shirley Walter
Bonnie Vagg
Donald and Joann Melfi
Jeannette Neal
Jeff Denson
Jean and Coley Brooks
Carol and John Williams
Charles Buck
Dorothy Neal and Family
Jean Shervin
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Mary D Sanderson
Harry and Elizabeth Tower
David and Louise Monaghan
Cheryl Ross and Family
Edward and Arlean Snyder
Francis and Walta Troy
Robert and Alice Roth
Doris Kelley
Elizabeth O'Connor
Leah Gibbs
Richard and Betty Lou Standish
CSEA Local 261 NYS Police Troop A
Randy and Pauline Jurs
Roland Rogers
Gary and Doris Antinore
Marion Marshall
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 14
In Memory of Geraldine Rogers (cont’d)
Geraldine Cook
Kenneth and Natalie Pettine
Genevieve Breed
Scott Rogers
Doris Kelley
In Memory of Donna Rowley
David and Darlene Krull
Tom and Karen Riviere
In Memory of Eleanor Rush
James and Renee Broadwell
In Memory of Phil Russo
Paul and Helen Splain
In Memory of Helen Salvatore
Gary and Doris Antinore
In Memory of Samuel Santillo
James Telga
Sandy and Marcia Stornelli
Edwin and Ann Kanerva
Bruce and Jeannette Groulx
Frank and Mary Lewandowski
In Memory of Merwin Staines
Jean Brooks
John and Grace Denniston
Lucille Bloom
Carl and Carol Petronio
In Memory of Fred Stelianou
Leonard and Bonnie DeFazio
Joy Bohnet
James and Renee Broadwell
Mildred Leonard
Gary and Doris Antinore
Paul and Margo Schuner
Jacqui, Kevin and Kati Young
Robert and Joan Barry
Donna Eckler
Elton and Mary Hellert
Carl and Carol Petronio
Richard and Janell Stelianou
Donald and Dorothy Bentley
Alan and Gail Foss
In Memory of Florine Stewart
David and Veronica Barhite
In Memory of Shirley Stratton
William and Ruth Covis
In Memory of Bruce Sartwell
Ed and Elinor LeClaire
In Memory of Gladys Strickland
Michael and Nancy Donahue
In Memory of Holly Sartwell
Ed and Elinor LeClaire
In Memory of Pam Stritzel
Narby's Superette & Tackle
In Memory of Carol Schultz
Crusaders Motorcycle Club
In Memory of John Sylvester
Gerald and Diane Fermoile-McAvoy
E & R Machine, Inc.
Roland and Jean Howell
Orleans Niagara BOCES
Learning Center Staff
Marie Conley
Patricia M. Kennedy
BOCES PE: Rick Hilts, Jim Behnke,
Liz Baker, Jen Scheps, Diane Macevoy,
Kate Mccarthy
BOCES Teachers Association
In Memory of David Schuth
Marietta Schuth
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scibetta
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Frank Seitzer
Darwin and Cheryl Sills
In Memory of Joyce Shoemaker
Lettie Davey and Susan Tournour
In Memory of Lynn Smith
Barton Smith
In Memory of Mame Smith
Elio F. D'Andrea
In Memory of Robert Snow
The Gray Family – Paul, Deanna, Carmela,
Nicole, David and Nicholas
In Memory of Janice Thaine
Barbara B. Thaine
John and Judy Bacon
Dick and Betsy Hoffman
Velma Roth
David and Patricia Bellucci
John and Louise Henderson
Vaughn and Edna Bates
Brian and Lisa Christiaansen
Anna Murray
Ronald and Kathleen Webber
In Memory of Janice Thaine (cont’d)
Lee and Maureen Blackburn
Gary and Barb Gross
Ellen Napiorski
Shirley Tower
Elaine Thaine
Bob and Joyce Wilson
Virginia Klotzbach
Barbra Titus-Canham
The Thaine Family
Ted and Mary Fuszara
Allied Frozen Storage
Ronald and Nancy Good
Scott Schmidt and Family
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
American Federation of State County and
Municipal Employees Local 392
Cropsey & Cropsey
John and Loretta Long
Jane Henion Avery
Gary and Laura Simboli
Neil, Joanne and Sarah Johnson
In Memory of Marion and Berl Thaine
Gus and Barbara Revelas
In Memory of Berl Thaine
Lee and Maureen Blackburn
In Memory of Sarah Thompson
Shirley Gorman
Susan Howard
Town of Albion –
Dan Strong, Sarah Basinait, Mike
Neidert, Dennis and Sara Stirk
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
In Memory of Eldoune Thornton
Gerald and Dorothy Maley
James and Kathy Durei
In Memory of Robert Thorsby
VanDeMark Chemical Inc.
In Memory of Sharon Tinkous
Charles A. Roth
Betty Zgirbar, Eileen Eddy and Nancy Dotts
Larry and Norma Joy
In Memory of Paul Tomski
Lilia R. Bunnell
In Memory of Mark Turner
Orleans County Democrats
Hospice of Orleans News | Summer 2013 | Page 15
In Memory of Bill Vogt
Richard and Irene Braley
Lynn and Betty Carson
Livonia Non Teachers Organization
Linda P Joseph
Quail Summit, Inc.
In Memory of James Wagner
Delores Lowman
Mildred Gavenda
In Memory of Gary Watson
Brian and Lisa Christiaansen
Thomas and Nancy Watson
Doreen Goffe
Edwin and Margaret Washak
Suzanne Metzo
John and Janice Williams
Donald Bensley
Carol Lonnen
In Memory of Harley Webber
Albion Middle School Social Committee
In Memory of Joanne Wehling
William Wehling
In Memory of Jeffrey Welch
John and Kathleen McCarthy
Eric and Lorraine Gillette
The Seidel Household
Donna and Maria Montesanti
In Memory of John Williams
William Murphy
Richard Snell
Amy Diltz
Robert and Alice Roth
Margaret Buell
Bonnie Vagg
Dotty Dusett
John and Grace Denniston
David and Sheila Royal-Nixon
Ellen Germeo and Jerry Baron
Anna Murray
Carl and Carol Petronio
Our Village Optician
Judy Ernenwein
Valerie Niederhofer
In Memory of Henry Wisniewski
Joan Smith
Lindsay Good
Ronald and Nancy Good
Shaun and Elissa Smith
In Memory of William Woolston
Jean Shervin and Family
In Memory of Marian Woodworth
Beverly Wetzel
Holley Sports Booster Club, Inc.
Kathleen Bates and Family
James and Barbara Zimmerman
Helen Oosterveen
Dee Smith and Family
In Memory of Evelyn Yaskivich
Edward and Peggy Silkowski
John and JoAnn Petronio
Santa Calles
Judith Watson
Eleanor Stanton
Edwin and Margaret Washak
Alex and Louise Felso
George and Sue Lepkoske
John Pahura
Virginia Klotzbach
Marian Cuff
Susan Kingsley
Orleans Community Health
James Lawson
Janet Johnson
Lucille Rice
Honorary Gifts
January – June 2013
In Honor of Hospice
LuAnn and Tim Tierney
Penny and David Nice
In Honor of William "Bill" McNulty
Cora Goyette
In Honor of Joyce O'Connor's 80th Birthday
Frank and Nancy Mack
In Honor of Bonnie Grimm Weisberg's
Helen Anita Shafer
In Honor of Cora Goyette's Retirement
William and Cecelia Feldman
Frank and Nancy Mack
In Honor of All Those With Cancer
Jeffery Daryl Bragg
In Honor of Tony McMurtrie and
The Pillars Estate
Brian and Lisa Christiaansen
In Honor of Eileen McElwain's 70th Birthday
Darnise Annable
Michael and Jean Ferri
Linda Furness and Family
Kay VanNostrand
In Honor of John Dellaquila
Mary Dolan
In Appreciation of John Sawyer's Kindness
John and Grace Denniston
General Contributions
January – June 2013
Christopher and Patrice Birner
Barre Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary
Cindy Applegate
Henry and Susan Beamer
Pamela Bennett
Monsanto Fund
Orleans County Town Highway
Superintendent Association
Justin Boehm
Corrine Boyce
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Jacquelyn Donahue
Mark and Maureen Elmore
Amy Freeman
Randy Fries
Jacqualyn Gardner
Susan M Gifaldi
Deborah Grager
Michael Hadick
Wendy Hill
Faith United Methodist Church
Norm and Joan Ireland
Lakeside Homemakers
Paul Kenyon
Henry and Irene Kozody
Diane Lamming
Thomas Lewis
Trinity Lutheran Church
Judy Maine
Ronald and Karen Meiers
Rochester Genesee Valley Funeral Directors
Gaines Carlton Community Church
Clarendon Lions Club
Kimberly Prell
Barre Center Presbyterian Church
Dan and Elaine Specht
Marilyn Staines and Kathy Staines
Florence Surdi
Kathy Swabb
James Thompson
First Niagara Bank of Albion
Residence Donations*
January – June 2013
Karen Collette
Terry and Brenda Cook
Lawrence and Marion Nicastro
*Beyond Capital Campaign