January 2014 Newsletter
January 2014 Newsletter
City of Milo P.O. Box 111 Milo, IA 50166 Visit us on the web at: www.cityofmilo.com Submit Articles to: [email protected] The City of Milo reserves the right to edit articles submitted for the Milo Newsletter. Milo Newsletter JANUARY, 2014 Volleyball Volleyball will be starting the 1st Sunday of January. Even if you are not playing you are more than welcome to come enjoy volleyball, a good meal, and some conversation. We have some great non-profit groups serving up some delicious free will donation meals again this year. January 5th Little League January 12th 4H January 19th Co-ed Volleyball January 26th Partners in Education February 2nd Super Bowl NO VOLLEYBALL February 9th Explosion Softball www.cityofmilo.com February 16th Lacona Library February 23th Motor Friends Church March 2nd SEW Trap Team March 9th Bakers Baseball Blood Drive Thank you to everyone who helped in any way at the Blood Drive. We had 10 donors and 36 lives were saved. — June Coffman, Blood Drive Chairperson Milo City Council Meeting Milo City Hall - Monday, November 18, 2013 Milo City Council was called to order by Mayor Hitsman at 7:00 p.m. Council answering roll call: Morgan, Graham, Miller, Hall. Hughes arrived at 7:15 pm. Mayor Hitsman asked for a motion to approve the Agenda. Motion by Hall. Second by Graham. AyesAll. Motion carried. Mayor Hitsman asked for a motion to approve the previous Minutes from November 4, 2013 asking if there were any changes or additions. Councilwoman Hall stated that in the Special Meeting Minutes that the name of the minor should be replaced with the name of the parents. Regular Council Minutes. The second on the data technology training should be Miller. Mayor again called for a motion to approve the proposed changes and minutes. Motion by Miller. Second by Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried. to serve on the Planning and Zoning Board for the City of Milo. Mayor Hitsman hereby appointed Garret Chumbley and Chuck Jones to the City of Milo’s Planning and Zoning Board. Wendy Fischer announced she will be resigning after the Board meeting in January 2014. The Planning and Zoning Board will need one other member at that time. During the discussion, it was brought to Council’s attention that the Board of Adjustments is also in need of one additional member. Move Dates of Council Meeting - December 2, 2013 Council Meeting – move to Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - December 16, 2013 Council Meeting – move to Tuesday, December 17, 2013. Mayor Hitsman stated that the Southeast Warren Schools will be holding their Winter Concerts the evening of the regularly scheduled City Council Meetings in December. Mayor called for a motion to move the Monday, December 2, 2013 Council Meeting to Tuesday, December 3, 2013. Moved by Hall. Second by Graham. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Mayor then called for a motion to move the Monday, December 16, 2013 Council Meeting to Tuesday, December 17, 2013. Moved by Hall. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Milo Primary School sidewalk concern per Councilwoman Ann Miller - Councilwoman Miller stated she had been informed by some citizens that the Southeast Warren School District does not want to install the sidewalk along the north side of the primary building to the walking trail. Discussion followed regarding the City’s responsibility. Mayor Hitsman will contact Superintendent Galvin at Southeast Warren Schools concerning the sidewalk and what their position is. Matter tabled until December. Review Doug Hembry performance per Councilman Terry Morgan - Mayor Hitsman addressed Council. Discussion followed concerning current list of items with upcoming due dates. City Park Issues - Mayor Hitsman, Council and Wendy Fischer discussed concerns about City Park issues and her son. Mayor stated that he was acting upon verbal information provided to him by a Warren County Sheriff’s Deputy the evening of the incident on October 25, 2013. When the actual report was received, it did not name the Fischer boy as causing issues at City Park that evening. Mayor Hitsman apologized for the City’s approach to Fischer’s son concerning the incident of Old Business Griggs Demolition Permit 210 South 5th Street – move to December Agenda. Mayor inquired about the closing date of the property. Clerk replied Griggs had informed City the closing date will be in a week. Add to December 3, 2013 Agenda. Departmental Reports - Doug Hembry stated that last week during his absence there was a water main leak on Monday morning. Vanderpool Construction repaired the leak. Mayor inquired as to amount of water lost. Hembry replied about 30,000 gallons. Hembry informed Council he will be gone part of this week to a Water / Waste Water Workshop in West Des Moines. New Business Dale Miller of MidAmerican Energy - grant money presentation - Dale Miller presented a $250 grant check to the City of Milo for the betterment of the community. Mayor Hitsman then presented the check to Dick & Betty Lamb and Lynda Richards of the Ackworth Garden Club for use in the garden located west of Milo at the entrance to the Walking Trail. Discussion followed concerning the permanent sign that the $250 will go towards. Motion by Hall that the City of Milo takes care of the installation of the permanent sign at the garden west of town at the entrance to the walking trail. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Zoning Board – Appoint Garrett Chumbley per Board Member Wendy Fischer. Zoning Board – discuss possibility of appointing Charles Jones. Wendy Fischer, Zoning Board Member, stated that both Garrett Chumbley and Charles Jones are willing (Continued on page 3...) 2 Milo City Council Meeting Milo City Hall - Monday, November 18, 2013 (...continued from page 2) October 25, 2013. Mayor Hitsman called for a motion that the notice sent to the Fischer’s concerning their son and City Park Issues be rescinded at this time because he was not involved the evening of October 25, 2013. Motion by Hughes. Second by Hall. Ayes-Hughes, Hall, Miller. NaysMorgan, Graham. Motion carried. Approval Of Accounts Payable November 5 – November 18, 2013, in the amount of $18,441.62. A motion was made by Hughes to approve November 5 – November 18, 2013 accounts payable in the amount of $18,441.62. Seconded by Graham. Ayes-all. Motion carried. Mayor Hitsman presents retiring councilman Stan Hughes a plaque recognizing his service to the City of Milo for his years of service on the City Council. Milo Lions News Propositions And Remarks From Council Councilwoman Hall informed Council that the Excellence in Business Awards for Warren County Thursday, November 21, 2013. Councilwoman Hall was asked to be a presenter at the event to represent the City of Milo in the Warren County Economic Development Corporation. Christmas and the New Year mark a time of grateful reflection and hopeful expectation, a time of long goodbyes and new beginnings. Absences and lacks in our lives weigh heavier, and kindness seems to count for more. Yes, our club is pleased with progress on our pedestrian/bike trail, but we cannot help but think of those who will not walk it with us. I didn’t know Harriett McLarnand, wife of 50 Year Lion Albert McLarnand well. What I knew, I liked. Denise Nash Bougher, sister of Lion Dan Nash, treated so many people, including me, like favorite cousins. Lights in the community Elzora Town, Henry Bechtel, Clifford Becker, and Raelene Best, shine for a different court now. News of the passing of Deloris (Brown) Goering, wife and best friend of Lion Darrell Goering II, reached me just before our club’s Christmas dinner meeting, which was hosted at Motor Friends Church. The Motor folks put on a fine meal, but I have to say that the beautiful heartfelt Christmas and gospel music of Carol Oliver, Sharon Seuferer, and Craig Wright served as the medicine I needed. I spoke of Deloris as an eminently kind lady, of whom I never heard a harsh word. Carol Oliver told me later that Deloris’ whole family could be described in the same way. I wasn’t a bit surprised. I’m glad that Deloris is still in good company, and so too are they. Some of you, many whom I do not yet know, will, in the months and years to come, step in and step up. Like Olympic runners, a bright warm torch passes to you. Let’s see if what you have to offer can equal or exceed what came before. The New Year is ours. Let us take possession of it and do great things. Thank-you. Adjourn A motion was made by Graham to adjourn at 7:37 pm. Seconded by Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried. — By order of the Milo City Council Milo Library News Now that the crazy holidays are over we will try to get back to normal at the library. We will have teen group on January 7th at 6:30 pm. We are making a switch to Tuesday night. We would love to have any teen join us. We usually have supper at 6:30 pm and discuss our book that we have focused on from last group session. We also try to do some kind of fun activity. We are going to be having a BINGO night sometime in January. This will be after school. I will hang flyers in town and get Patty Harrington information to put in Primary School Newsletter. Help Wanted The Milo Public Library is looking to hire an assistant librarian. Please bring resumes to the library by January 3rd. For more information on the position please contact Renee at the library during library hours. — Alan S. Gardner, President, Milo Lions Club 3 Milo City Council Meeting Milo City Hall - Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Milo City Council was called to order by Mayor Hitsman at 7:00 p.m. Council answering roll call: Morgan, Hughes, Graham, Miller, Hall. Mayor Hitsman indicated two changes to the Agenda. John Thompson should reflect 180 day review and add February 4 – April 1, 2013 for Mayor Pro-tem service for Scott Graham. Councilwoman Hall asked to add Website under old business. Mayor Hitsman asked for a motion to approve the Agenda. Motion by Morgan. Second by Hall. AyesAll. Motion carried. Mayor Hitsman asked for a motion to approve the previous Minutes from November 18, 2013 asking if there were any changes or additions. Councilman Hughes stated that appointment of persons to the zoning board the date should be changed from 2013 to 2014. Mayor called for a motion to approve the proposed changes and minutes. Motion by Hughes. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. closing date of December 13, 2013, so we may review it at the next meeting. Second by Morgan. AyesMorgan, Hughes, Graham. Nays-Hall, Miller. Motion carried. Departmental Reports Update – New Wastewater Discharge Permit Discuss Engineering Firm to hire - Doug Hembry addressed Council concerning the draft we received for Milo’s Wastewater Discharge Permit. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has created a set of requirements. Once the permit is issued, the timetable is five years to complete the project to be in compliance. Anticipated permit approval is January 2014 with the self assessment matrix and work record request are due within three months. An engineering firm will be needed to determine where we will proceed at the beginning. The firm will help with the assessment and guide the City as to our plan of action. The areas of concern are the discharge water that flows to the creek. DNR is requiring the ammonia and nitrogen levels are lower. Hembry also stated that the dissolved oxygen limit has to be maintained and the E.Coli needs to be absent, so it will need to be disinfected before it flows to the creek. Hembry informed Council that common ways to achieve this is with chlorine and ultra violet(UV) radiation. An engineering firm will help in this process and design of the new system that will be specific to Milo’s needs so we will be in compliance with federal and state guidelines. Council tabled and moved to December 17, 2013 agenda. Old Business Griggs Demolition Permit 210 South 5th Street – move to December Agenda. Griggs closed on the property the end of November 2013. Griggs contacted Chief Bales concerning the demolition and controlled burn of the home. Chief Bales has been in contact with the proper authorities to ensure the demolition and controlled burn is within the DNR guidelines. Motion by Morgan to approve Griggs Demolition Permit for 210 South 5th Street. Second by Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Website - Councilwoman Hall addressed Council concerning the City of Milo Website and allowing Jason Cross to format it for content. Cross has already given the City of Milo a discount of $600 because he did not charge for the custom page design. Cross quoted $720 for the addition of the content to the website. This would place all current information on the website so that it can be maintained and updated as needed. Mayor asked for discussion on the matter. Discussion followed concerning obtaining bids for adding content to the website. The bid would be for adding content only because the maintenance of the website is a separate issue. Hall motioned to pay Nolasoft $720 to place the content on the website and so it is operable online. Second by Miller. Ayes-Miller, Hall. Nays-Morgan, Hughes, Graham. Motion failed. Motion by Hughes to post an advertisement to see what may available by somebody else with a New Business Richard Coffman Building Permit Application Motion to approve by Morgan. Second by Graham. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Approval of Casey’s General Store - Liquor License Renewal - Motion to approve by Graham. Second by Morgan. Ayes-Morgan, Graham, Miller, Hall. Nay-Hughes. Motion carried. Approval of Snow Removal Bid for 2013 – 2014 Season - City of Milo received one bid from Jeff Turner. Motion to approve by Graham. Second by Morgan. Ayes-All. Motion carried. John Thompson – 180 Day Review - Council asked Doug Hembry if there were any concerns with John Thompson work performance. Hembry stated he has had no issues with Thompson’s work. Discussion followed. Motion by Graham to increase (Continued on page 5...) 4 Milo City Council Meeting Milo City Hall - Tuesday, December 3, 2013 (...continued from page 4) John Thompson’s pay from $10 to $12 / hour due to his 180 day review. This increase will begin with December 2013 payroll. Second by Hughes. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Set pay of Mayor Pro-Tem for service from 02/04/2013 – 04/01/2013 and 08/19/2013 – 10/19/2013 - Motion by Hall to pay Scott Graham, acting Mayor Pro-Tem the amount of $5.47 per diem during 02/04/2013-04/01/2013 and 08/19/2013-10/19/2013. Second by Morgan. Ayes-Morgan, Hughes, Miller, Hall. Abstain-Graham. Motion carried. Galvin providing the grant information and asking for a date of completion. Copies are to sent to the SEW Primary School Principal, Dan Dow and to the Milo Lion’s Club. Milo Newsletter Delivery Person Council discussed the hand delivery of the newsletter to each home. This position will begin the month of December for January Newsletter Delivery and continue each month thereafter. The amount to paid is $50 per month. Motion by Hall to approve Ben Cumings as the delivery person for the Milo Newsletter. Second by Morgan. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Motion to set monthly pay to $50 for the delivery of the Milo Newsletter by Morgan. Second by Graham. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Adjourn A motion was made by Graham to adjourn at 7:37 pm. Seconded by Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Garden Recommendations for 2014 Robbi Mozak submitted garden recommendations for 2014. Several saplings died and will need to be removed and possibly replaced. Landscaping fabric needs replaced on the path and in the area with the sign. Another item of concern is the plaques on posts; kids tear them out of the ground. Mozak suggested replacing them with metal plaque holders or cement them into the ground. Discussion followed concerning the pricing of the recommendations. Council asked that Robbi Mozak obtain informational pricing from the Garden Center to be used for the budget evaluation in January. Council voted to table the matter until then. Honorable Mention Dave Minton and Diane Alexander Verle and Sharon Young Approval Of Accounts Payable November 19 – December 5, 2013, in the amount of $27,741.27. A motion was made by Hughes to approve November 19 – December 5, 2013 accounts payable in the amount of $27,741.27. Seconded by Graham. Ayes-all. Motion carried. Propositions And Remarks From Council — By order of the Milo City Council, Misti Kosman, City Clerk Country Christmas Contest Winners Lighting Contest Results 1st Place - Johnny and Mary Ulin 2nd Place - Jon Nutting 3rd Place - Frank and Lori Nutting Lighted Parade Results Overall Best - Milo United Methodist Church Best Float - Marcy and Darcy Hoch Best Theme - Laura Benesh Photo Contest Black and White - Paul and Carolyn Lundburg/ Cassandra Mosher Color - Sarah Hansen/Cassandra Mosher Youth - Scott and Samantha Benesh Primary School Building Sidewalk Estimate Mayor opened discussions concerning the sidewalk which is to be built along the North side of the Southeast Warren Primary School. This sidewalk would connect to the Milo Walking Trail. Mayor spoke with SEW Superintendent Delane Galvin concerning the sidewalk and the cost. Mayor researched and located an available of a grant through the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT). Discussion followed. Council requested that the City Clerk send a letter to SEW Superintendent Biscuits and Gravy Biscuits and Gravy will be served January 5th from 7:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. For only $4.00, you can get a great hot breakfast. If you have never attended a biscuits and gravy breakfast, you don’t know what you are missing! 5 Gift Basket Raffle Winners Tree of Lights Recipients Thank you to everyone who visited the Primary School during Country Christmas; it was a busy and profitable day for the Partners in Education group. We appreciate our volunteers and the donations of cookies for the cookie walk. The holiday gift baskets looked great. • John and Madeline Neiman, Parents of Nancy Neiman • Frances Lundberg, Mother of Paul Lundberg • Florene Arnold, Mother of Carolyn Lundberg • Warren Doss, husband of Rose Doss. • Doug Doss, son of Rose Doss • Bill Keeney, husband of Ardelle Keeney • Merle Baumgarten, Husband of Geraldine, Father/Grandfather of Kevin, Deb, April, & Jackson Baumgarten, Great Grandfather of Kaleb • Minnie and Allen Young, parents of Verle Young • William and Elizabeth Conn, parents of Sharon Young • Bill Graham and Bradley Graham, submitted by Betty Graham and family • Clifford Becker, Bryten Becker, Kayla Becker Simmerman, family of Merna Becker • Lowell Fuller, Father of Marjorie White and Grandfather of Rita Fleener • Raymond Burns, Son of Marjorie White and Brother of Rita Fleener • Bob White, Husband of Marjorie White • Denise Nash Bougher, daughter of Jean Nash • HONOR - Dave and Sharon Benesh, Parents to Allen(Deb), Chris, Kathy, Steve, Laura. Grandparents to Dallas, Dakota, Nolan, Samantha, Scott • Dirk King, Husband of Chris King, Father of Dakota and Nolan • Giles and Blanche Seuferer, Grandparents of Rande and Linda Seuferer & Matt and Jennifer Lane • Leonard Van Syoc, Husband of Patricia, Father of Aaron • Rene & Anna Konrad and Lester & Ina Dittmer, Parents of Flavian and Ruth Konrad • Gerry Putney, Mother of Judy Allison, Grandmother of Jill Fredricks & Joel Allison, Greatgrandmother of Sadie & Suzi Fredricks • John &Louise Jacobs, Parents of Marlene, Verla, and Mary • Mary Jacobs Graham Vaughn, Sister of Marlene Jacobs Fouche and Verla Jacobs Mann • Evelyn Coffman Boucher, Dearest friend of Marlene Jacobs Fouche • Don & Betty Hensel, Uncle & Aunt of Marlene Jacobs Fouche The winners are – Crafts & Activities – Kathy Ohnemus Home for the Holidays – Luke Chumbley Movie & Game Night – Terry Davis Baking – Diane Anderson Disney – Jordan Harrington Hunting – Terry Davis Winter/Snowmen – Donna Clay Bedtime – Erica Wadle Pirates/Princess – Jan Wadle House Divided – Jill Williams Game Night – Heather Dawson Automotive Help – Terry Davis Chocolate – Zoey Sherman Iowa Hawkeyes – Margaret Rowe Camping – Lynnea Young Super Heroes – Kurt Douglas Crayola/Crafts – Charles Olsasky Thank you to everyone who donated items, volunteered to work at the school, or bought tickets. The profits, from these baskets, are used to pay for our field trips. Milo Memories Museum If you haven’t been to the museum for a while, come have a cup of coffee and a pastry and look around. There has been a group of local citizens working diligently to display the wonderful antiques we have been given. They are Melvin Hayward, Ron & Kristen Fridley, Ann & Chester Crouse, Carolyn & David Caskey, Verle & Sharon Young, Don & Linda Pierce, Henry Nutting, Ruth Konrad, Pat Gruefe, Terry Davis, and Norm & Karan Wadle. We want to thank every one of you and especially Shirley for taking the time to help with this project. Remember the museum is always looking for antiques to help preserve the memories of local citizens, our community and its heritage. Thank You!! — Submitted by Mary Jo Ohnemus 6 The Small Town Country Christmas committee wants to thank everyone who helped make our event successful. We couldn’t of done it without you! Milk Money Scholarship Fund In August of 2007, the Milo United Methodist Church established a Milk Money Scholarship Fund to help families pay for afternoon (snack) milk for kindergarten to third grade students at the Southeast Warren Primary School. Donations received from local churches, the Milo Lions Club and private citizens funded afternoon milk at the Southeast Warren Primary School for thirty students. The afternoon snack milk is optional for all students and is usually served in the classroom mid-afternoon. There is no reduction of the price for afternoon milk based on free or reduced status. The price is the same for everyone. Every semester we have families that struggle to pay the afternoon milk fee. The fee is $31.50 per semester, which works out to be 35¢ per day. The scholarship fund continues but every year it is a challenge to raise enough money to cover the need. The first semester of this year the fund paid for milk 38 students, about 26% of our student population. This percentage is comparable to our free/reduced lunch percentage. The total cost for the first semester for these 38 students was $1,197.00. The Milk Money Scholarship Fund is run through the school’s hot lunch fund. All money is deposited and a semester of student milk is deducted at one time. A separate account has been established and it is audited with the rest of the lunch accounts yearly by the state. It operates in a similar fashion to the way school lunches are debited to lunch accounts electronically. All money donated is used to directly pay for milk, there is no profit or mark up on milk. Any money left over from this year is carried over to next year. Thank you for your support of the Milk Money Scholarship Fund – Donors for the 2012_2013 school year Liberty Center United Methodist Church Arlan & Karen Becker Sarah Olsasky St. Augustine’s Catholic Church Dianne Chambers Bernice Weeks Janet Smith Verna Sevcik Motor Ladies Aid Chet Crouse Early Out Wednesdays The Southeast Warren area Methodist Churches are beginning a program called Methodist Early Out Wednesdays (MEOW). Basically a Sunday School type setup - snack, lesson, crafts and activities - on the early out Wednesdays that occur for our school district. This will be for kids in grades 1-6. It will take place on early out Wednesdays, beginning January 8th, and will run from 2:00 until approximately 3:30. It is open to any children interested in participating, not just those who are members of the Methodist churches in the area. Parents will be responsible for notifying the schools of any changes in their child’s dismissal routine so they could attend MEOW, and would be responsible for picking up, or arranging for someone else to pickup their child from MEOW at 3:30. At least one adult from MEOW will come to the Milo building to walk children from the school to the Milo United Methodist Church. Children should be in the late walker line so that they would walk over with any students riding the bus from Lacona to Milo to attend MEOW. Donors for the first semester Milo Coffee Club Sarah Olsasky Milo United Methodist Church St. Augustine’s Catholic Church John Riley Chet Crouse Liberty Center United Methodist Church Milo United Methodist Women Green Plain United Methodist Church Medora United Methodist Women Donors for the 2012_2013 school year Milo Coffee Club Howard & Virginia Agan Green Plain United Methodist Church Milo United Methodist Church Whoville Shirts Available We still have this year’s Whoville t-shirts available in short sleeve and long sleeve styles. Sizes are limited. Please contact Jackson Baumgarten at 515.720.7883 to get yours today. 7 Milo Small Town Country Christmas Survey We had such a great year with our 21st annual Milo Small Town Country Christmas we want to hear from you!! Please take a few moments to fill out this survey to help our committee make Country Christmas an even better event for you! Once filled out please drop off at Milo City Hall, Milo Public Library, or All American Hair. Please have these filled out and returned by the 15th of January. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jackson Baumgarten 515.720.7883. What attractions or additional activities would you like to see at our event? On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate our Breakfast with Santa? (1 being lowest and 5 being highest) 1 2 3 4 5 On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate our Youth Winter Wonderland Dance? (1 being lowest and 5 being highest) 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 How would you rate our event overall? (1 being lowest and 5 being highest) 1 2 3 Additional comments/concerns Suggestions on themes for the years to come We thank you for taking the time to filling out our survey we appreciate all feedback. Interested in joining our small committee? We meet the last Sunday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Milo Community Center. 8
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