chamber to host candidates forum - Columbus
chamber to host candidates forum - Columbus
e-Commerce, Technical Sales & Education Continued from Page 1 plan. The girls developed a presentation which is a business plan for a new website. Adam Kearns, placed first in the state in the Technical Sales event. He developed a sales presentation for purchasing new computers. Katie Patton placed third in the state in the "role playing" event. In this event students are given information on two cases that involve selling, customer relations, management or problem solving. They are given twenty minutes to prepare a solution and make a presentation to the judges. The Whetstone DECA Advisor is Ken Kibby. Also as part of the Education theme of our April luncheon, the three Thomas B. Leavitt Scholarship winners will be announced. The luncheon will be Tuesday, April 15th, 11:15-1:00 at the Clintonville Woman's Club. Please make your reservation early. Call the Chamber at 262-2790 or email, [email protected]. CHAMBER TO HOST CANDIDATES FORUM Three Clintonville Area Commission seats will be up for election on May 3, 2003. The three CAC Districts are #4, #5, and #7. The Clintonville Area Chamber of Commerce will host a "Candidates Forum" on Thursday, April 24th at 7:30 p.m. at the North Broadway United Methodist Church. All candidates will be invited to the forum, which will be moderated by the Chamber's Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman, Phil Moots. It will be open to all chamber members and residents. Those who live in or have businesses in the three districts are encouraged to attend. Each candidate will make a brief statement followed by a question and answer session. District boundaries can be found on page 15 of your new 2003 Clintonville Community Directory. Ernest J. Hartong, Executive Director Jeannette Nini, Program Director Sherry Kauffman, Bookkeeper Staff Mary Ann Meyers, President Don Falcoski, Vice President Brenda Pinnell, Secretary Glenn Culler, Treasurer Sharon Daye, Past President Shari Carroll Judy Davis Bill Good Nora Huber Luba Istocki Jacquelyn Lucas-Murphy Phil Moots Kristi Roumeliote G. Scott Smith Paul Weber Board of Trustees 4219 N. High Street Columbus, OH 43214 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID COLUMBUS OH PERMIT NO 5827 NEWS OF THE CLINTONVILLE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHAMBERnotes MARK YOUR CALENDARS Thursday, April 3 Clintonville Area Commission meeting, 7:00 PM at Whetstone Library Friday, April 11 Mid-Month Mixer, Shops along High Street are open, 7:00 - 10:00 PM Tuesday, April 15 CACC Luncheon at the Clintonville Woman’s Club, 11:30 AM Thursday, April 24 Business After Hours hosted by Beechwold Veterinary Hospital, 5:30 - 7:30 PM Clintonville Area Commission Candidates Forum at North Broadway United Methodist Church, 7:30 PM Friday, April 25 Breakfast with the CACC President at the Chamber office, 8:30 AM. Coffee, donuts and conversation. RSVP to 262-2790. PHONE: 614.262.2790 FAX: 614.262.2791 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: “Dedicated to promotion & continuing development of the Clintonville area business community.” APRIL, 2003 e-Commerce, Technical Sales & Education Focus of April ne of the most important links between the business community and education is the DECA program. DECA gives students an opportunity to experience "real world" business issues and enhance their interpersonal skills necessary in today's business environment. Whetstone High School has the reputation and tradition of having an excellent DECA program. This year the tradition continued. At the recent State DECA competition, five Whetstone students earned the chance to compete at the National DECA Conference in Orlando, FL, April 26-30. Clintonville Chamber members will have the opportunity to help these students prepare for the Nationals and possibly pick up a tip or O Whetstone competitors in National DECA Conference, (L-R) Katie Patton, Jenna Hardesty, Beth Rea, Mary Dzwonczyk, and Adam Kearns two they can use in their own business. The students will make the winning presentations at the Chamber's April luncheon. Mary Dzwonczyk, Jenna Hardesty, and Beth Rea will present an e-commerce business Continued on Page 4 Geiger to MC Spring Concert You may know him as the Ohio State University Director of Athletics, but Columbus jazz fans known him as the host of "Classic Jazz Masters" on Smooth Jazz 103.5 on Sunday nights. Yes, Andy Geiger is a jazz aficionado and he will be the Master of Ceremonies for the Chamber's Annual Spring Concert on May 31st, featuring Erin McDougald and the Columbus Jazz Quartet. Geiger has been a jazz fan "since I was 13 and my mother gave me several albums for my birthday," he told the Chamber Notes. When he asked about his "favorite" artist, he was quick to say "there is no such thing, I just love the music." He did say he is partial to the tenor sax. Tickets for the event, which will include dinner and the show, are on sale now. Individual tickets and tables of eight are going fast. You can select your table by visiting the Chamber's web site at and click the "Spring Concert" link. The 2003 Concert Chairperson is Brenda Pinnell of Bernie's Garage. HOST A STUDENT The Chamber's 6th Annual Student Citizen Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, May 13th at the Ramada Plaza, 4900 Sinclair Rd. Your company can sponsor one or two students for this event. You will host the students and their parents at the breakfast and present them with their award. Sixteen companies had already signed up to sponsor a student, as the Chamber Notes went to press. The sponsorship cost is $60, which includes breakfast for the student, their parents, and a representative from your company. Two students from each of the seven Clintonville public and private Middle Schools will be honored at the event. Key note speaker for the Student Citizen Breakfast will be Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, President and CEO of COSI-Columbus. For your business would like to sponsor a student, contact the Chamber's Program Director, Jeannette Nini at 262-2790 or email at [email protected]. Combined Chamber’s Trade Fair and Business After Hours Once again the Clintonville Area Chamber of Commerce will be joining the Worthington, Powell, Westerville, Dublin and Upper Arlington Chambers at the Worthington Mall for the 2003 Combined Chambers Trade Fair. The event will be held on Thursday, June 19th, from 4:30-7:00 p.m. Last year over 110 Chamber members exhibited their products and services at the event. In addition to food, drinks, door prizes and fun, this event is a great way for your business to reach a broader market. There are only 120 spaces available for the 2003 Trade Fair, so sign up soon. The enclosed flier will provide you with additional details about the Trade Fair. If you have any additional questions, contact the Chamber's Executive Director, Ernie Hartong, at 262-2790 or email at [email protected]. FIRST Robotics Competition A Success For All Students and teachers at Whetstone High School and members of the Clintonville business community recently had the unique experience of working with Chief Lugnut. He is the robot that was recently entered in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics regional competition in Cleveland. Team Lugnut finished 10th out of approximately 60 robots. It was the first time that Whetstone High School had entered a team in the contest. William Kautz, an Industrial Technology teacher and physics teacher Carolyn Lake advised the team from the high school. A number of individuals from the community mentored the team. Russ and Kathryn Alexander of The Design Factory, Inc., Tam Salt, an engineer from The Ohio State Reach a Target Market; Advertise with the Chamber! For information regarding advertising in the Chamber Notes or on the Chamber website, contact the Chamber Office at 262-2790 or email [email protected]. University, Phil Gardner, a retired teacher and Charles Walker all donated time to the project. The Alexander's got involved when Kautz came to his office to gauge his interest in helping the team. "They wanted some mechanical engineering expertise to mentor the students. Kathryn assisted with elements of the competition such as Web site design and articles that had to be written about their project," Alexander said. According to Alexander, being involved with the competition was a lot of fun and a worthwhile experience. "The energy level at the competition in Cleveland was just incredible. It's a great thing to be involved with and I'd like to think we gave at least some of the students a glimpse into engineering and design," Alexander said. Continued on Page 3 Member Profile: Steve Swartz Steve Swartz Columbus Sports Connection 4264 N. High St. General Business profile: We are basically a fullservice fitness facility, offering a wide range of health-oriented activities. When we move into our new building, just south of our current location, we'll be offering message therapy, chiropractic care and x-ray facilities, classes in spinning, aerobics, yoga and pilates, in addition to our current weight training and aerobic equipment. We will continue our popular day care facility and offer members full shower facilities with amenities, and personal training. Our market is very diverse, ranging anywhere from 1855 years of age. Personal background of owner: I started several years ago coaching kids and competed frequently in body building and other individual sports. Really, what prepared me for this business when I started 14 years ago was my upbringing. I believe that 90% of my success has been in developing personal skills and being service oriented. I run my business with the philosophy that we are here to help individuals learn what they need to do to become more fit. We explain this in understandable terms. We take the holistic approach that physical fitness is a lifestyle choice, putting your entire life into perspective, rather than just building muscles. First job: My first job was right out of high school when I started a construction business. I have always been very entrepreneurial, and I enjoyed taking care of people the way they'd like to be treated. So that's why I eventually started the Columbus Sports Connection combining my concern for people and interest in total health. How has your industry changed: Basically, the personal fitness industry has become more mainstream and more diverse in the types of people that it comprises. More and more facilities are popping up in the area, and newcomers to those facilities are typically friends of current members. What is your vision for your business: My vision for the Columbus Sports Connection is to try to encourage more people of all ages to develop a healthy lifestyle. What is your vision for Clintonville: Clintonville is a great market for us because it's a proactive community. Our members are not only Clintonville residents but also come from a 25-mile radius around our facility." I think Clintonville's centralized location, friendly atmosphere and stable economic base have helped my business to grow. What do you do to relax: I workout myself. I actually find my job very relaxing because my staff keeps everything in order. — By Jill Baltes, Chamber Communications Committee Life & PUTNAM Putnam Health Agency Thomas J. Paplaczyk, President Chamber’s Anthem Health Plan 4161 N. High Street ✦ Columbus, OH 43214 Phone: 447-3221 ✦ Fax: 447-3220 Welcome these Members Cat Welfare Association Jill Baltes 741 Wetmore Road Columbus, OH 43214 Phone: 268-6096 Liggett Brother Construction James Liggett 2280 W. Henderson Road Columbus, OH 43220 Phone: 451-4742 Property One, Inc. Eric Osborn 1335 Dublin Road Suite 200-A Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 486-7000 First Robotics Competition Continued from Page 2 "I do plan on doing it again next year for sure." If anyone would be interested in being a mentor for next year's team, especially if you have programming expertise, contact Russ Alexander at 268-0228 or William Kautz at Whetstone High School. For more information on the competition, check out — By Kim Huhn Bumgarner, Chamber Communications Committee
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