Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility I Caring about community, people and the environment Stobart Group Limited Registered in Guernsey, registered number 39117. Old Bank Chambers, La Grande Rue, St Martin’s, Guernsey, Channel Islands GY4 6RT. ©2013 Stobart Group. Designed/produced by Carne Whitney 01228 596 895 Photography Printed on environmentally friendly paper. Environmental Responsibility Business Integrity Current Achievements Current Achievements ■ Highly efficient utilisation of the road haulage fleet ■ Emissions data integrity and management displaying significant reduction in CO2e per £m turnover ■ Energy efficiency projects for Group buildings ■ Dual fuel research and development ■ Increased recycling at all major UK sites ■ Public reporting improvement plan ■ Improve CDP reporting Future Goals ■ Setting of Group-wide emissions reduction targets ■ Climate change action plan Future Goals ■ Carbon Trust Standard certification ■ Inclusion in the FTSE4Good series of companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards ■ Increase the representation of women on the Board of Directors in line with Lord Davies’ report Introduction I Ben Whawell, CFO Stobart Group is a diverse and innovative business specialising in the logistics industry with successful divisions operating in the civil engineering, estates management, airport operation and biomass industries. Across the Group we recognise the importance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and are committed to conducting our business in a way that achieves sustainable growth and fulfils all legal and moral obligations. Following on from the adoption of our Group CSR strategy last year, this year we have taken a much more proactive approach to our CSR strategy. Having already integrated CSR into our long-term strategic approach for the business; reducing waste, improving the welfare of staff and engaging local communities; we have committed to a work programme that drives the changes necessary to bring to life the policy and visualise its meaning for every Stobart stakeholder. Stobart People Community Current Achievements Current Activity ■ Well established programme of employee training and development, supported by a dedicated training facility ■ Employee health and wellbeing workgroup ■ Employee engagement in business planning through the ‘Your Say’ employee survey and action plan ■ Revision and extension of the Group’s existing charity and sponsorship policy ■ Establishment of an employee donation scheme Future Goals ■ Further increase employee engagement ■ Development of the Group’s ‘Project Affinity’ customer engagement tool ■ Implementation of new performance appraisal management system Future Goals ■ Development of positive external partnerships with local and national charities ■ Introduction of a volunteer hours donation scheme ■ Nomination of a dedicated community champion at every Stobart Group site The Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility Work Programme: By mapping our current activity we are able to provide a visual display of our initiatives benchmarked against industry standards. The future goals indicate Stobart Group’s positive plans for further improvement across all four areas of our Corporate Social Responsibility. We believe that by taking this proactive approach we can deliver strategy within the remit of CSR and what it means to our business. As a group operating in diverse industries the direct implication of CSR has a different meaning for each of our five operating divisions. The subject of CSR can often be confusing to many and is seen as a business minefield with no clear path to follow. Changes to legislation for FTSE listed businesses, such as the mandatory reporting of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions announced at Rio20, are beginning to provide guidance, but there are still many areas of CSR that are not so clear. Stobart Group firmly believes that innovation is the key to delivering a successful business model. We have applied this ethos to our CSR strategy, ensuring that we adhere to legal and moral obligations whilst ensuring the solution fits our business model and core aim of driving shareholder value through all of our Divisions. Having clearly defined the work programme required to deliver the strategy, we have created a three year plan that provides the framework and structure necessary to fit our diverse business model. We are currently one year into this plan and are already seeing substantial benefits and improved levels of reporting. Throughout the Group we know that we have been carrying out CSR initiatives and delivering cost-effective solutions to our customers for many years, as well as making considerable donations to a number of charities and encouraging our employees to engage with local communities. This year we have implemented a structured reporting process that continues to encourage this activity by offering support and guidance from a dedicated CSR officer. Having appointed the CSR Committee in 2012, regular meetings are taking place covering a wide range of topics, but most importantly focussing on the production of the work programme and agreement on our CSR strategy going forward. A constant theme within the framework is the enhancement of our brand and investigation of the way in which CSR can add depth to the core values that have made the Stobart name such a firm favourite, enabling us to apply our brand power whilst delivering corporate success. Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 1 The CSR Committee How the Committee Operates Stobart Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSRC) was constructed upon adoption of the Group CSR Policy last year. The Stobart brand is extremely important to us and in an effort to emphasise the weight a brand carries, we have created a logo that is featured in all CSR communications that provides an instant visual aid and also assists with internal reporting. This year the Committee has kick-started our strategy and created a transparent work programme that visualises a three year plan detailing current activity levels and future plans covering all aspects of CSR for the Group. The committee is chaired by the Chief Financial Officer, who has main Board level responsibility for CSR, and includes senior executives within the Group with specific areas of expertise and responsibility ensuring that all divisions and employees are represented. By colour coding the four areas we have highlighted under our CSR agenda; Environmental Responsibility, Business Integrity, Community and Stobart People, we have created a user friendly approach that ensures the CSRC are tackling issues and developing initiatives in each area. This colour coded system has also been implemented in benchmarking exercises, enabling the Group to concentrate its efforts in line with similar businesses and competitors. We have found this has also provided guidance into the balance of activities undertaken in each area and has helped us to prioritise the initiatives chosen. The CSRC meets every three months alternately at the Group’s major sites, Carlisle, Appleton and Widnes. Attendance stands at 100% of committee members at each of the three meetings held during the 2012-2013 Financial Year. Ben Whawell Chief Financial Officer Kate Willard Corporate Affairs Director Neil Marston Health & Safety Head Phil Spittle Fleet Compliance Head Richard Laycock Group Financial Controller George Floyd Business Systems Head Collette Butterworth CSR & Funding Officer A Qualified Chartered Accountant, Ben spent nine years at Grant Thornton before joining Eddie Stobart in 2004, overseeing the merger with Westbury Property Fund forming Stobart Group in 2007. He has played a key role in several successful acquisitions, that have seen the business triple in size over the last five years. Ben received the North West Financial Director of the Year Award in 2009 and the Large Company Finance Director of the Year Award in 2012. With a background in economic regeneration and European affairs, Kate Willard joined Stobart Group six years ago working across divisions to secure funding, implement corporate governance and help all of our of people achieve their full potential. Kate is also leading the national industry skills collaboration, Smart Business Academy, on behalf of the Group. Kate is a Non Executive Director of both Liverpool City Region LEP and Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust and is a Churchill Fellow and FRSA. A Qualified Chartered Health and Safety Professional, Neil joined the business in 2002, adopting a common sense approach in managing the health & safety of all staff within the Group. In 2010 Neil launched the Stop Think Act campaign which was aimed at improving the health and safety performance throughout the business. As a result of the successful Stop Think Act campaign Neil received on behalf of Eddie Stobart the award for Best H&S Achievement in Transport and Logistics at the SHP IOSH Awards in 2011. Phil has had a lifelong career in transport and distribution, in both hire & reward and own-account operations. In addition to traditional fleet management services, Phil’s focus is on emission reduction and sustainable distribution. He is also active in delivering carbon reduction through new technologies and alternative fuels through collaboration with vehicle manufacturers, fuel suppliers and industry groups. Phil is a Board member of the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership and a Freight Transport Association Council Member. Richard has managed the Group’s Finance function through the last five years, including close involvement in several major acquisitions and meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse group. His team manages the financial information and key performance indicators for the Group monthly and through to the Annual Report, keeping the Board and stakeholders up-to-date. Trained at Arthur Andersen, Richard brings over 15 years’ practice experience in previous roles and is now an ICAEW Fellow. George joined the company in 2010 as Head of Business Systems, Process Quality and Internal Comms. Prior to this he spent 33 years in the Civil Engineering Industry where he was responsible for leadership in developing controls to meet business, contractual, legislative and quality needs. Since joining the Company he has led several projects and guided the Group in strengthening its management systems; obtaining ISO9001 and British Retail Consortium (BRC) accreditations across the divisions. A graduate of Stobart’s own internal Management Development Programme, Collette was one half of the project group responsible for the development and implementation of Stobart Group’s CSR policy. A natural progression into her current role now sees Collette responsible for environmental reporting and she is the main point of contact for all Corporate Social Responsibility-related activity within the Group. Stakeholder Engagement: We are fully committed to engaging all our stakeholders, including shareholders, customers and employees, as well as local, national and international communities. Shareholders: Employees: ■ Individual dialogue with institutional shareholders carried out by the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer ■ The ‘Your Say’ employee satisfaction survey was circulated to every employee within the Group ■ Annual and biannual results presentations ■ ■ Board members have periodic meetings with institutional investors and analysts ‘The Gateway’ internal intranet online communication tool is available to every employee ■ Shareholder enquiries are dealt with by the Company Secretary and his team ■ ‘Stobart News’ employee magazine is circulated to every employee. Regional Drivers’ Representatives’ meetings are held monthly with Depot Managers, ensuring every driver is represented ■ National Drivers’ Representatives’ meetings are held biannually with the Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director, ensuring every driver is represented Customers: ■ ■ ■ 2 Monthly operational review meetings with Account Managers Quarterly review meetings to align customer strategy and Stobart Group strategy to enhance service delivery involving the Senior Team and Account Managers. Bespoke equipment and facility construction tailored to customer operational fit involving the Senior Team, Account Managers, Stobart Infrastructure & Civil Engineering Division Biannual internal Account Manager Strategy Days comprising Managing Directors, Senior Team and Account Managers and including Director level delivery of business overview and shared best practice providing two way customer feedback ■ Integrated team building by shared presence at staff development events for the Senior Team and Account Managers ■ Sharing cost efficiencies through the in-house ‘Time Based Planning’ management tool, comprising Senior Planning Team and Account Managers Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility Communities: ■ A comprehensive list of contact details are provided on the Stobart Group website, providing easy public access for a wide range of enquiries, questions and requests ■ Educational projects, such as Working with Schools programme and Work Experience opportunities ■ Employee fundraising covering local charitable activity ■ Local SME’s working alongside small local businesses to deliver our business model Environmental Responsibility I Looking after the Planet In this section we will cover all aspects of our environmental impact including; emissions, external verification and standards achieved, environmental efficiency projects and initiatives and how we engage our employees in delivering our environmental goals. In formulating commitments on environmental responsibility Stobart Group engages with a broad spectrum of stakeholders ranging from independent consultants to Defra and CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project). Working in close partnership with customers to deliver a cost-effective solution is a key factor in the Group’s success. However, underpinning cost factors, the Company drives to identify and deliver environmentally responsible solutions throughout the multi-modal logistics offering. A typical example of this environmental approach is the modal shift of Tesco freight from road to rail by Stobart Rail. This process delivers considerable reductions in CO2 emissions, whilst also removing over 12 million lorry miles off the UK’s congested roads in this year alone. One of the single largest challenges we face as a logistics provider is the emissions that result from our activities. Transport forms approximately 95% of the Group’s operations and, with a 3,000strong fleet of trucks, we simply cannot avoid being a large-scale consumer of fuel. With this in mind, the CSR Committee have endorsed a range of projects to tackle the issue which are detailed later in this section. Emissions Emissions data has been prepared using the ‘operational control’ guidance issued by The Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Defra. Under this approach the Company is considered responsible for the dayto-day operations of the assets and resource consumption that the business has effective operational control over. Having set the boundaries of measured emissions, the Committee has identified significant indirect Scope 3 emissions and plan to implement more robust capture of this data as part of our CSR work programme in years two and three. Following exhaustive research into the most appropriate significant threshold for Stobart Group, the CSR Committee are currently working on developing a relevant recalculation policy for emissions data. Once these steps have been completed, the Committee will then tackle the challenge of setting a reduction target. External Verification Carbon footprint verification by the Carbon Trust Standard has been achieved for the previous three years data covering all Scope 1 and 2 Stobart Group emissions as detailed below. Having already achieved carbon footprint verification with the Carbon Trust Standard, Stobart Group aims to work towards achieving Carbon Trust Certification in 2014 to further develop our carbon management strategy and implement a hands-on approach across our five Divisions. Eddie Stobart Limited has an extensive environmental management system (EMS) in place that has been produced in line with ISO14001 standards with a plan in place to work towards accreditation.The Eddie Stobart Limited Fleet Department equates to approximately 0.8% of all employees, covers all aspects of fleet administrative processes, impacts largely on the efficiency and development of our fleet utilisation and reporting and is ISO14001 accredited. Stobart Rail Limited, our Infrastructure & Civil Engineering business, which is ISO14001 accredited, equates to approximately 1.9% of annual turnover. Group Emissions Data CO2e - 2009 Base Year (tonnes) Scope 1 Scope 2 Tonnes per £m Turnover CO2e - 2013 Current Year (tonnes) Scope 1 Scope 2 Tonnes per £m Turnover UK Ireland International Group Total 235,300 8,470 2,830 16 7,270 4 245,400 8,490 589 UK Ireland International Group Total 256,077 10,910 17,640 210 6,660 1 280,377 11,121 472 Emissions data presented for 2013 has been verified by the Carbon Trust Standard. Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 3 Energy Efficiency I Minimising Waste Faced with the challenge of achieving an ambitious emissions reduction target in a business that relies on fuel consumption to carry out its activities, Stobart Group has developed an energy efficiency pilot project that will deliver short-term CO2 savings until a broader business decision is taken in relation to the Group’s 3,000-strong fleet of trucks and the emissions they release. The ‘Driving Down Energy Consumption’ project was established as a direct result of a CSR Committee brainstorming session that was initially centred on establishing an emissions reduction target. The CSR Committee agreed unanimously that, in order to set a meaningful target for the Group and its stakeholders that also challenged consumption levels, serious scrutiny of our fleet operation was required. Importantly Stobart Group’s Transport & Distribution division already consistently outperforms its competitors in fleet utilisation, so the next steps which need to be considered were the potential positive outcomes of the ‘Dual Fuel Pathfinders’ project. CSR Committee members, Neil Marston; who will sponsor the project; and Collette Butterworth; who will manage the Driving Down Energy Consumption project; have engaged customers, employees and external stakeholders in this process to create a pilot project that encompasses lighting and heating efficiencies, as well as behavioural changes. Research into the various energy usages across the business will deliver vital data and assist with the making of informed decisions on the reduction target and the solutions required to achieve them. The management of this data will then be centralised, making it much easier to maintain and utilise going forward. Other project outcomes include; employee engagement, improved stakeholder relations and creation of ‘best fit’ models that can be disseminated across the Group for sites large and small. Driving behavioural change in any organisation is a challenge for everyone involved; we believe that our employees hold the key, after all who is better placed to understand what really works operationally at a site than the people who work there day-in and day-out? As part of the overall project scope of ‘Driving Down Energy Consumption’ four mini projects teams have been created to foster behavioural change in a way that adds a fun element, helping employees to get on board by engaging them and exciting them about this initiative. A launch event is planned for the new financial year. Employees will be invited to come along and find out what we are trying to achieve, and to sign-up for involvement in this scheme. Stobart Group will accommodate time out for these employees to work on the project teams detailed below over a twelve month period, with the aim of delivering a genuine best fit solution for behavioural change in our business. Dual Fuel Pathfinders Stobart Transport & Distribution division’s Eddie Stobart business has been testing a small fleet of Volvo dual fuel vehicles on delivery operations for selected clients. The dual fuel units utilise Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to replace up to 70% of the diesel consumption. The award-winning programme uses standard Volvo engines incorporating a specialist dual fuel management system. In the event of the vehicle running out of LNG, the engine has the ability to automatically switch to diesel mode. Getting with the Programme 4 Employee Engagement Team Columbo The Power Rangers Batteries Not Included Tree Huggers Just like the great investigator himself, Team Columbo will be responsible for all research and development related to the CO2 footprint and will investigate the potential cost savings that energy efficient lighting and heating solutions may offer our sites. Even the ‘mighty morphing’ Power Rangers need to rest, so this team will carry out research and development into poweringdown during operational rest periods and roll out an action plan to implement best practice. Not everything can be powered by plugging into the mains, so this team will audit the equipment that is battery powered. They will then provide a cost benefit analysis of implementation of rechargeable batteries and chargers versus a recycling option for disposable batteries. SAVE OUR FORESTS! Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility Our team of ‘tree huggers’ will implement the use of recycled paper, investigate how to promote best practice in printing and research how best to maximise this behaviour change to fit our operation. Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 5 Energy Efficiency I Minimising Waste Despite the environmental benefits that this new technology offers, expansion of the dual fuel vehicle fleet demands considerable investment; not only in the vehicles themselves, but also in specialist LNG refueling facilities. Currently there are only a small number of LNG fuelling sites in the UK, significantly limiting the range of dual fuel vehicles and curtailing the potential carbon savings as a result. Stobart Group and BOC, the UK’s largest provider of compressed and liquefied gas, have been selected by the Government to receive funding to help stimulate the market for environmentally-friendly dual fuel trucks. The funding provided by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) will be matched by an investment from Eddie Stobart, enabling the expansion of its Volvo dual fuel fleet and allowing BOC to install an LNG refueling station serving both Group and third party vehicles at one of Eddie Stobart’s major transport hubs. The trial aims to test the potential for substitution of up to 70% of the diesel by LNG. This in turn will reduce carbon emissions by as much as 15%. The new system also promises to avoid the potentially substantial loss of gas vented by conventional systems during refueling. The stringent field testing of the new vehicles and refuelling technology forms an integrated part of developments that will enable refinement of the technology, providing significant new opportunities to help drive sustainability forward in the logistics sector. Results of the testing will inform a business decision that we hope will ultimately dramatically reduce fleet emissions and change the face of sustainable logistics for Eddie Stobart. Ongoing Achievements Stobart’s Transport & Distribution division is the sole driver for the efficiency of our fleet and our excellent utilisation statistics. As a founding member of the Freight Transport Association’s Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme (LCRS) we are committed to reducing carbon emissions throughout our operations in line with the FTA’s targets for 2015. At any one time around 86% of Stobart vehicles on the road are carrying a load, compared to an industry average of 71.3% as reported by the FTA. The additional 14.7% utilisation equates to a saving in excess of 38 million miles, or 56,000 tonnes of CO2. For every 1% of increased Eddie Stobart fleet utilisation, carbon emissions are reduced by around 3,000 tonnes. Stobart’s ‘Driving Fuel Efficiency’ initiative is playing a key role in helping to reduce Stobart Group’s carbon footprint. Unlike most Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving programmes (SAFED), which merely rely on a ‘pat on the head’ to encourage best practice, Stobart’s cash incentive ensures drivers are genuinely rewarded for their positive contribution to the environment and the cost savings that fuel efficiency delivers. The system, which is based on on-board telematics, records and transmits four key causes of raised fuel consumption in real-time. Drivers directly benefit from their own driving efficiency, with bonuses paid on a sliding scale that reflects best practice. In 2012 the Group entered into a contract with Biffa waste that set a target of 50% reduction in waste to landfill in the first year. We are pleased to report that this has equated to over 1,088 tonnes of waste being recycled that would have previously been destined for landfill in this year alone. 6 Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility London Southend Airport has implemented a number of environmental initiatives. These include shorter air journey times to mainland Europe through closer proximity and quicker landing times, opening of a dedicated airport train station that encourages passengers to leave cars at home, rainwater harvesting, solar powered LED runway lighting, an air source heat pump, motion activated lighting and use of extensive glazing to reduce need for artificial lighting. The Group’s rail freight operation which now comprises five UK train services each day and continues to make a major contribution to reducing carbon emissions, pollution and road traffic. Increased train lengths on the Barking to Magor services have also increased capacity. This significant modal shift has taken over 12 million lorry miles off our roads and reduced CO2 emissions by more than 15,000 tonnes. Stobart Biomass is at the leading edge of the sourcing and distribution of renewable biomass fuels, a key contributor towards meeting the UK’s drive for more sustainable power generation. This operating division has performed well in 2013, transporting some 650,000 tonnes of fuel to renewable power generation plants. Much of the raw materials processed into biofuel would have been destined for landfill. The Group has also recently secured planning permission for a 20MW biomass plant to supply heat and power to its Mersey Multimodal Gateway site in Widnes. Business Integrity I Transparency Welcome to the Business Integrity element of Stobart Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report. In this section we will detail our approach to business integrity and the way in which it underpins the Group’s values of transparency, mutual dependency, collaboration, professional application, innovation and sustainable profit growth. The Group’s CSR Committee (CSRC) has concentrated its efforts on increasing public reporting for 2013 by implementing an internal structure that has enabled the centralisation of data, providing a main point of contact for all CSR-related enquiries and interaction through the appointment of the Group CSR Officer. Stobart Group has long been at the forefront of new developments and legislative changes and is committed to ensuring this cascades throughout our complex and diverse Group. By appointing a central contact, the CSRC has been able to create a structured improvement plan to increase public reporting that will begin to take shape late in 2013 which will consider long-term goals for inclusion in the Group’s numerous sustainability and best practice indices. Stobart Group is committed to the implementation of policies that provide the framework for our business integrity and values. These are fully detailed on the company website and include Stobart Group Quality, Whistle Blowing, Ethics and Anti-Bribery & Corruption. Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Stobart Group is committed to detailed, robust and compliant governance. We ensure that we are at the forefront of excellent practice across all levels of statutory, regulatory and legislative compliance through the Company Secretary and his team and our broader industry intelligence. We understand that this approach brings real benefits to our business and ensures that our operations, services and people are safe, sound and highly professional at all times. Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 will see Stobart Group’s CDP disclosure brought in-house for the first year since its original inclusion. As part of the strategic plan put into place by the CSR Committee and appointment of the Group’s CSR Officer, Stobart Group now has a central point of contact for reporting and strategy management. The Group anticipates a considerable improvement in this year’s rating from CDP and has plans in place to continue the development journey that CDP inclusion and reporting naturally cultivates. Representation of Women at Board Level Following the publication of Lord Davies’ report on Women on Boards, the Board of Stobart Group approved the following interim statement at their meeting of 13 October 2011; “The Board of Stobart Group welcomes Lord Davies’ report. Whilst, as a Board, we will continue to appoint on merit, we recognise the real importance and significance of taking gender and broader issues of diversity into account in these decision making procedures and will continue to do so. We will ensure that the findings of this report are fed into the current review of succession planning across the Group’s operations and at all levels of seniority.” The Future Having already achieved carbon footprint verification by the Carbon Trust Standard, Stobart Group aim to work towards achieving Carbon Trust Certification in 2014, providing a basis from which we can further develop our carbon management strategy and implement a hands-on approach across the five operational divisions. By 2015 Stobart Group aims to be included within the FTSE4Good index and is in the process of mapping its strategic activity and policy development to align with the required aspects of this globally recognised best practice climate change criteria listing. Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 7 Community I Working with our Neighbours In this section we will talk about the donations we make to charities, not only at a Group level, but we’ll also discuss some of the fantastic local initiatives we encourage our employees to become engaged with. Stobart Group’s CSRC are revolutionising the way we manage our charitable activity and community engagement. This new process and policy implementation will deliver a transparent operation for all involved that embraces meaningful relationships with charity partners and is solely focused around employee engagement initiatives for all our staff. Further development of this is currently underway and once the final policy and process is released there will be a publication made on the company website. We know that we do a great deal of work with charities and a number of great causes that are close to the hearts of many of our employees and senior executives. We believe that by implementing a policy that is centred around our employees we can not only continue this great work but also provide our employees with a structured engagement programme that will raise funds and, equally as important, raise awareness of issues that could affect any of our staff at any time. Time is Precious Our employees have been involved in a wide variety of fundraising events and activities this year and have logged over 1,000 hours so far in their local communities. All of these hours have been donated to very worthwhile causes; for example Royal British Legion, Cancer Research UK, Children In Need and have covered a number of activities and events, such as Clay Pigeon Shooting, Macmillan Coffee Morning and Red Nose Day. Volunteer Hours Donation Scheme We are currently in the process of piloting a volunteer hours donation scheme to engage our employees with their local communities and are working closely with Halton Borough Council to deliver this. Due to the operational peaks and troughs naturally associated with our logistics business model, we have chosen to donate some of our ‘down time’ to worthwhile causes and local council led initiatives. This project will provide a structured environment for our employees to engage in with the pilot committing 270 hours which equates to a cash equivalent donation of over £4,000. Working with Schools As part of Stobart Group’s internal Management Development Programmes all participants are required to take part in the Stobart’s ‘Working with Schools’ initiative. There are four elements to this initiative: Road Safety Campaigns in conjunction with ‘Brake’, ‘Young Enterprise’ mentoring, Stobart depot visits and ‘Inspiring the Future’ career talks. Since September 2012 104 employees have engaged with schools through these programmes donating a total of 400 hours. This hugely successful and popular initiative has brought benefits to the individual working on the project as it allows them to put into practice the skills that they have acquired throughout the course of the Management Development Programme. To further assist and support education we have also developed a teacher resource section on our website. This provides teachers with lesson plans and accompanying resources covering many areas of the curriculum including Literacy and Numeracy. “The work we are doing with Stobart Group, led by Collette Butterworth and Peter McCann, is adding significant value to communities in Halton and to our colleagues from Stobart, who are giving their time and expertise free of charge to improve the lives of Halton people. This is yet another example of our strong private/public partnership between Halton and Stobart Group.” David W. Parr LLB, Chief Executive, Halton Borough Council 8 Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 9 Charitable Work I Helping Those Who Help Others Stobart Group’s 2012-13 charity of the year was Cancer Research UK. December 2012’s Emerald and Ivy Ball held in London saw the Group make a donation of £150k to this fantastic entirely public-funded charity which is working to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. Win-Win! Injured Jockeys Fund Stobart has successfully developed a number of positive partnerships and has cemented its bond with the public through a series of effective brand building exercises. Stobart Group sponsorship is enabling the Professional Jockeys Association to re-introduce Career Ending Insurance (CEI) for its members. Stobart is matching funding for the CEI scheme poundfor-pound with the jockeys themselves. The ‘Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers’ television documentary on Channel Five has been highly successful, whilst the Professional Jockeys Association ‘Injured Jockeys Fund’ which provides safety net insurance against career-ending injuries sees ‘Stobart’ emblazed on jockeys’ breeches. These partnerships undoubtedly deliver positive brand exposure for the Group, however we have also made a conscious effort to utilise these relationships as a vehicle for successful fundraising and heightened awareness for our partner organisations at the same time. Eddie Stobart Truckers and ‘Help for Heroes’ Autumn 2012 saw the Eddie Stobart drivers swap their steering wheels for microphones with the recording of a special Christmas single in support of the ‘Help for Heroes’ charity. A group of ten drivers, including many well-known faces from Channel Five’s hit ‘Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers’ TV documentary, spent two days recording the track at the world-famous Sarm Studios in London. The Company has long had a close affinity with the armed forces, with numerous Eddie Stobart drivers coming from a military background; indeed two of the singers on the Stobart Christmas single, Matt Ekins and Lee Dowling, actually served together in Bosnia in the Royal Logistics Corp. There were a whopping 14,898 downloads up to December 2012 raising just short of £11,000. The Injured Jockeys Fund came about following the horrendous accidents suffered by Tim Brookshaw, and four months later Paddy Farrell in the 1964 Grand National. Both falls resulted in severe paralysis and immediately ended two careers. To-date the fund has helped over a thousand jockeys and remains true to its founding principal of helping injured jockeys whenever needed. Furthermore, the Injured Jockeys Fund has played a valuable role in heightening awareness of the risks of competitive riding. As a result the racing authorities have implemented numerous safety initiatives that are improving protection for professional riders. Carlisle Youth Zone Having spent their youth in Cumbria, Stobart Group Chief Operating Officer, William Stobart and Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Tinkler donate their personal time as Board Members of the Carlisle Youth Zone. Cumbria is the birthplace of our iconic Eddie Stobart name and as a Group we give back to our home community in many ways. One of which is our annual donation to Carlisle Youth Zone where Stobart Group matches funds raised by the Youth Zone up to a maximum of £50,000. The Youth Zone represents a modern, engaging, exciting and relevant take on the youth clubs of the past. It serves the social, recreational and emotional needs of young people of the area whenever their schools are closed. “The Stobart Enterprise Room has always been one of the most utilised spaces in the building for the young people who attend the Youth Zone. The invaluable contribution that Stobart Group makes to change the lives and welfare of these children means that we can supply media equipment, with qualified Youth Workers in a safe environment. New to 2013; year three of the agreement will see the Enterprise Room change to the Stobart Media Suite as requested by the members. They have recognised an entrepreneurial opportunity to develop a Youth Zone Newsletter – which will be designed and printed for monthly distribution. The additional graphics board and facility to create their own on-line streaming will further develop their skills set shaping their creativity.” Clair Fidler, Commercial Manager, Carlisle Youth Zone. 10 Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 11 Warehousing BTEC People I Building a Positive Working Environment This section is dedicated to the way in which we bring to life the statement made by Chief Executive Officer Andrew Tinkler “Stobart Group’s success is in our ability to make sure we have the right people in the right roles, with the right resources at the right time to deliver consistently high performance for our customers and the Group”. Stobart Group offers a variety of training and development to our employees from delivery of qualifications, training courses and structured development programmes to bespoke best fit approaches encompassing all aspects that are individually catered to individual delegates. The execution of these courses and programmes demands a variety of resources across the Group, ranging from the Eddie Stobart Training Academy and Stobart Rail’s Training Suite to the work of the 3P (People, Performance, Progress) team. We also work closely as a Group with external training providers and associations. Ensuring our employees have all the tools to not only do their job but develop their careers is essential to us and providing a healthy and safe working environment plays a large part. We actively encourage all of our employees to engage with internal health and safety schemes which has helped us deliver award winning results. The Eddie Stobart Training Academy Now into its third year, this bespoke facility continues to develop an impressive reputation as a flagship training centre within the Transport and Logistics industry. Driver training is managed and delivered at the Academy, with all new Eddie Stobart drivers attending a two day induction course upon joining the Company. Health & Safety The safety of our employees is paramount concern, and providing a healthy and safe workplace remains top of the business’ agenda at all times. This year welcomed the implementation of the Group’s new Drugs & Alcohol policy which has been developed in partnership with leading testing provider, Concateno. The new policy helps provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment, free from the risks posed by the misuse of alcohol or drugs within the workplace. Over 170 Operational Managers are now trained to the benchmark IOSH (the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) ‘Managing Safely’ standard, further bolstering the Group’s robust record in reporting, recording and investigating accidents, incidents and near-misses. During the year, the award-winning ‘Stop, Think, Act!’ campaign was extended to encompass vehicle incident trends within Stobart Transport & Distribution. This was particularly centred on reminding Eddie Stobart drivers of the special risks around the operation of large good vehicles, trailers, reversing and the use of equipment. Stobart Group health and safety audits were also revised and refreshed during 2012-13. The new audit process is carried out at least once a year at every Stobart site. All non-driving staff attend an Employee Induction at the Academy, which also houses technical training covering a broad spectrum of courses ranging from IT training to ‘Train the Trainer’ courses. “The talent in Stobart Group is exceptional and the Leadership Development Programme is one of the (if not THE) best talent identification and development programmes I have witnessed in my experience of organisation development. The LDP is more than a training programme, it is a strategic commitment from the business to find and liberate talent. Stobart Group recognise that it is great people that build great businesses and their investment and activity in this area is worldclass. The programme is high impact and involves not only the delegates and expert tutors, but also the Executive Team of the business. This offers the opportunities for the leaders of today to engage with, and work with, the leaders of tomorrow; a critical success factor in my opinion. It is evident that the LDP has a very high profile across the organisation, which in turn raises the aspiration level of all staff as well as underpin the positive ‘Stobart Can-Do’ culture. It is refreshing to see a business in Logistics offer staff such clear progression pathways and who invest so heavily in people development.” David Harper, Chairman, HarperCo and Talent Training 12 Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 2012-2013 saw the Group embark upon a journey with our warehousing staff to deliver a Warehousing BTEC qualification in association with Talent Training. The course comprises workshops, observations and guided discussions, with 93 candidates achieving Level Two and Three qualifications. “The attitudes of the candidates were fantastic – they all had such a positive outlook and all really wanted to succeed. Many candidates commented on the fact that at times, they do not challenge why they do certain things in certain ways; but the workshops really made them think about their role and the impact they have on the business. The shift supervisors would also go above and beyond their call of duty to help us (Training Advisors) and candidates. I have thoroughly enjoyed delivering the programme, it has been a real pleasure to work with such brilliant people. Since we launched the programme, there have been many colleagues asking to enrol onto the next intake due to the positive experience of their peers.” Sue Barker, Training Advisor Talent Training 3P’s emerging leaders share their success “I am proud to have been one of the first Stobart Group 3P programme graduates from 2010-2011. It was both educational and inspiring, giving me fantastic exposure to the Group, filling me with confidence and the core skills to build a successful career. As a result for the past two years I have been responsible for a team of Account Managers, currently delivering the strategy and customer responsibility for the Soft Drinks unit within Transport & Distribution.” Paul Twining, Strategy Development Manager, Soft Drinks Division, Stobart Transport & Distribution “When I joined Stobart Group I knew that this was the company that I wanted to commit to and grow my career with, and I saw the 3P programme as a great opportunity to further my development. One of my aims was to increase my confidence when presenting; just a year later I was presenting to 250 people on the Stobart Brand. The 3P programme supported me through leading my first team, setting and managing budgets, and negotiation – all skills that helped me progress into my current role.” Rachael Roberts, Strategy Accounts Manager, High Volume Division, Stobart Transport & Distribution 3P - People, Performance, Progress ‘3P’ is the vehicle we use to identify and nurture our talented emerging leaders of the future. The People, Performance, Progress suite of programmes is open to anyone in the business who has the desire, drive and commitment to continuously grow and develop within the Group. This suite of learning and development programmes is the key to driving business activities forward, as well as forming a cornerstone of the Group’s succession planning. Every programme has been developed to ensure that delegates develop in line with their individual needs and learning styles, as well as the Group’s strategy. 3P programmes have been designed with our strategy in mind; listening and responding to the on-going needs and aspirations of the business. Using our own experienced trainers who understand and share our mission to deliver these programmes in-house, enables delegates to effectively apply learning back into the workplace. The formal training courses are interactive, with focus placed on sharing of learning drawn from work experiences. Training materials are dyslexia friendly and we now have seven work-based dyslexia assessors working throughout the Group to support our employees. We have used the tiered approach to management training to create three programmes that facilitate training and development to all levels of Stobart Group’s Supervisors, Managers and emerging Leaders. The ‘Leadership Development Programme’ is a flagship programme that has been designed to identify, nurture and develop our emerging leaders. “Following graduation from the 3P programme I have been able to put into practice the skills gained in my new role as Stobart Estates Manager. The programme provided me with the opportunity to assess my own personal areas of strength and those requiring development. This has enabled me to put an effective plan in place to ensure my personal career goals are met whilst being driven by achieving results for Stobart Group.” Allan Tindall, Estates Manager, Stobart Estates “The 3P programme exceeded my expectations and afforded me access to courses that were beneficial in both theoretical and practical content. The subjects were delivered by enthusiastic and motivational tutors and were easily translated into my everyday working life. Overall the programme was very enjoyable and I fully believe it provided me with the opportunity for career advancement within the Group.” Stephanie Dey, General Manager, Stobart Ireland, Stobart Transport & Distribution ‘Introduction to Leadership’ has been developed to provide training opportunities for existing managers who wish to improve and enhance their existing leadership skills, whilst ‘Introduction to Management’ is ideal for employees who are new to management and wish to improve their managerial skills. Stobart Group Corporate Social Responsibility 13
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