Steam generators EUROSTEAM
Steam generators EUROSTEAM
EUROSTEAM - ESM OVER 50 YEARS OF PROGRESSIVE COIL BOILER DEVELOPMENT UPTO 4 t/h STEAM STANDARD FEATURES EUROSTEAM - ESM MODEL 2000 8 High reliability & availability 8 Rugged pedigree & provenance 8 World benchmark Aftersales Service 8 Quiet in operation 8 Low Emission Burners 8 High Efficiency - over 90% 8 Double insulated air & mineral wool 8 Cold to full steam in 5 minutes 8 High steam dryness 8 PED Approved 97/23-CE by Lloyds 0038 8 Fully Packaged & works tested 8 Inverter varispeed drives for precise control of feed water, fuel & combustion air 8 Safe design. No large pressure vessels 8 Sealed rotary positive displacement feed pump 8 Gasoil/LPG/Nat gas fuels 8 10, 15 and 20 bar operating pressures EUROSTEAM is a fully featured advanced design of once through coil type steam generator technology designed for the needs of industry in the 21st century and to comply with the anticipated legislation on efficiency and emission control. BS EN ISO 9001 1994 OPTIONAL FEATURES 8 Exhaust gas recirculation for lowest emissions 8 Fully modulating burner and feedwater control 8 Automatic control for unattended operation 8 Turnkey design and installation 8 Steam separator for certain applications Cert. No. FM 29856 ABOUT US BCEMA Babcock Wanson is part of the International CNIM organisation World leaders in environmental and energy industries. SERVICE AND PLANT CARE Babcock Wanson worldwide specialise in Service and plant care with particular accent on preventative maintenance for all areas of our business. In the UK our large team of fully qualified Service Engineers is able to provide the essential aftercare needs of the wide variety of equipment available from our Group from Boilers to Thermal Oxidisers and from Air Heat Systems to Water Treatment and Thermal Fluid Systems. These service facilities are available from our other Group Companies throughout Europe and major industrial areas across the world. EUROSTEAM PERFORMANCE AND DIMENSIONS B A EUROSTEAM MODEL C ESM 1000 ESM 1250 ESM 1500 ESM 1750 ESM 2000 ESM 2500 ESM 3000 ESM 3500 ESM 4000 Steam Output F & A 100oC kg/h 1118 1400 1678 1958 2237 2797 3356 3915 4475 At 10 bar from feed at 60oC kg/h 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 kW 700 875 1050 1225 1400 1750 2100 2450 2800 80 82 100 103 120 123 140 144 160 165 200 205 240 246 280 287 320 329 kg 2850 2850 2900 2900 2900 5000 5000 5050 5100 mm 356 356 406 457 457 508 508 610 610 A mm 1760 1760 1820 1820 1820 2050 2050 2270 2270 B mm 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2400 2400 2400 2400 C mm 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980 4300 4300 4300 4300 Fuel consumption gasoil Natural gas (G20) Weight full Recommended stack i/dia Dimensions litres/h m3/h COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS Babcock Wanson complementary products include Air Heating Equipment for space and process applications, Thermal Fluid Heaters and systems for advanced energy and operational saving, coil type Steam Generators up to 8t/hr, Fire Tube Steam Boilers, Thermal Oxidisers and VOC Abatement Equipment together with all associated equipment plus the Turnkey option. “125 years of Babcock – 75 years of Wanson – 47 years of Wanson UK. There is no substitute for experience.” Babcock Wanson UK Ltd 7 Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1SA, UK Tel: 020 8953 7111 Fax: 020 8207 5177 email: [email protected] Web. Sales and Manufacturing facilities in United Kingdom, France, Italy, Morocco, Central Europe, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. The Babcock Wanson Organisation operates in more than 50 countries. This network makes it possible to offer services to Babcock Wanson customers anywhere in the world. Babcock Wanson Company’s policy is one of continuous improvement and the right is reserved to change specifications and dimensions at any time without notice. EUROSTEAM UK/02/03/GPR/JN.2521/QT.2K
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Babcock Wanson Company’s policy is one of continuous improvement and the right is reserved to change specifications and dimensions at any time without notice.