Tommy Stone The Journal of The Rugby History Society Volume1


Tommy Stone The Journal of The Rugby History Society Volume1
Tight Five
Tommy Stone
The Journal of The Rugby History Society
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that little bit extra to your enjoyment of the game of hooligans!
Robert Marshall ....................................................................................................................................3
James Arthur Bush...............................................................................................................................5
Tommy Stone .......................................................................................................................................7
Stephen Brookhouse Richards .........................................................................................................29
Memoirs of a Twickenham Debutante ...........................................................................................32
We Shall Remember Them!..............................................................................................................34
Published by Members ......................................................................................................................36
The Rugby History Society...............................................................................................................37
Robert Marshall
obert Michael Marshall was born on May 18th 1917 the son of Robert and Elizabeth
Marshall,. Educated close to home at Giggleswick School in North Yorkshire the
young Marshall soon showed his sporting prowess. Although only a moderate
cricketer, he more than once saved the school eleven with a defiant century from far down
the order, but it was on the rugby pitch that Marshall soon showed himself to be a force
apart. A dynamic second row his athletic play earned him almost legendary status whilst at
school, and this was a legacy that he would carry with him to Oxford as he went up to Oriel
College in September 1936.
Marshall’s first blue for Oxford came just a few weeks after his arrival at University on
December 8th 1936 at Twickenham, a ground that Marshall was to come to regard as being
close to a second home for both club and country. Played in treacherous conditions Marshall
and his Oxford team mates were eventually pipped by their adversaries from Cambridge by
six points to five in a game that was by all accounts as close as the score would suggest. It is
generally accepted that Cambridge were the better side on the day, but spent most of the
match in defense battered by Oxfords forwards who were as good as their backs were poor.
Three weeks later on December 28th Marshall also made his first appearance for the
Barbarians in their annual Christmas fixture against Leicester. This debut had a more
favorable result for Marshall as the Barbarians found success in the Midlands by twenty
points to five.
Marshall was again picked for the Oxford varsity side the following season, playing at
Twickenham in front of the King on December 7th 1937. Although Cambridge started the
match as favorites Oxford took every attacking chance offered to them, however small,
marking and tackling Cambridge out of the game as they achieved a notable seventeen points
to four win. On the back of this game Marshall was again invited to travel to Leicester with
the Barbarians that Christmas where they enjoyed an emphatic thirty four points to nil
victory on December 28th.
By now Marshalls growing skills on the pitch were becoming all too apparent and he soon
caught the eyes of the English selectors and he joined the English squad as they travelled to
Dublin to take on the Irish on February 12th 1938. England proved to be the superior side in
all areas, running up a twenty three points to nil lead during the first half, before allowing the
Irish the barest glimmer of hope in the second in what was to be a thirty six points to
fourteen win. Off the boil in the second half, probably due to the size of the points cushion
that they had amassed in the first, this result never realistically looked in doubt. Marshall
played well in his first international match went well and this fact did not go unnoticed. As
the Times was to enthuse in its match report “RM Marshall, a new forward in the second row, was a
stupendous success, and that not only because he ran some fifty yards to score the try of the match.”
Once again Marshall’s form spoke for itself. He was now to retain his place in the England
team for every international they played until the outbreak of the Second World War. Prior
to England’s next match he again played for the Barbarians, this time against East Midlands
in the Edgar Mobbs memorial match held on March 3rd 1938. This was a close match that
the Barbarians won by eight points to seven. Marshall returned to Twickenham for his first
home international against Scotland on March 19th which was played in front of the King
and the Queen. This was predicted to be a close match, perhaps with England running out
as slight favourites. Unfortunately these predictions proved to be far from the mark as the
Scots claimed their first win at Twickenham since 1926 also taking the international
championship and the triple crown. In a fast paced match the Scottish pack proved just too
resolute in their twenty one points to sixteen victory, whilst the English backs were distinctly
off form.
Returning to Oxford Marshall was picked for his third blue against Cambridge on December
6th 1938. Oxford started as clear favorites, their pack considered to be a formidable
proposition, but Cambridge rose to the challenge, holding their opponents in both the tight
and the loose as they edged to an eight points to six win. With little time to rue the loss of
his final varsity match Marshall was soon again in action for England, taking on the Welsh at
Twickenham on January 21st 1939. Played in a sea of mud the Welsh made a battle of the
game but were comprehensively outscrummaged as England won by three points to nil.
Although, as has often been the case, the Welsh backs looked sharp, they suffered from a
lack of ball as England maintained a stranglehold on possession.
Although Marshall at times turned out for Scarborough in his native Yorkshire, joining the
club as a sixteen year old and becoming their first international, he was generally better
known as a member of the Harlequins who rapidly began to regard him as one of the best
forwards to ever turn out for the club. His stature was confirmed by the Times, who likened
him to another great Harlequin in the wake of the victory over Wales, “Marshall, again, stood
out for two breaksaway, the likes of which have not been seen since Wakefield retired.”
England again played at Twickenham for the next match, their fiftieth international at the
ground, against Ireland on February 11th. Although England played as well as they were
allowed to, the pace of the Irish undid them along with a further poor showing by the backs
which allowed the Irish to take the match by five points to nil in a surprise victory. Shortly
afterwards on March 2nd Marshall again joined the Barbarians for a fourth and final time as
they played in the Mobbs memorial Match against East Midlands winning by twenty three
points to eleven. He was never to loose whilst playing in the clubs famous black and white
For the final match of the 1939 international campaign England travelled to Murrayfield on
March 18th. In a complete turnaround from the previous year at Twickenham the English
pack was in the ascendant and the Scottish backs hardly saw the ball. Despite a large amount
of possession the English were unable to cross the Scottish line instead relying on kicks to
gain their points. The Scottish tackled fiercely throughout, and one of the few positives that
they could salvage from their eventual nine points to six defeat, one that gave England a
share of the International championship, was that they managed to “prevent a man like RM
Marshall from battering his way through them.”
This, only Marshall’s fifth cap, was to be his last. Throughout the Second World War he
served with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve on motor gun boats, rising swiftly to the
rank of Lieutenant Commander. His exploits in the service of his country in battle were as
exemplary as they had been on the rugby pitch as he was often involved in high risk special
missions. By 1943 Marshal was in command of MGB 607, often taking part in raids on the
Dutch coast that involved protracted battles with the Germans as a diversion for his brother
motor torpedo boats. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross in 1944 after
ramming and sinking a German E boat attacking a convoy, also transferring to the newer
and bigger MGB 503 at about this time.
Whilst in command of this boat he took part in the first Bonaparte mission, where he silently
conned his ship to France to pick up nineteen souls who had evaded the Germans and were
escaping the continent. These were usually downed airmen and these missions prevented the
necessity and danger of a far longer escape via Spain. Later he was awarded a bar to his
Distinguished Service Cross for his exploits. With the end of the war in Europe MGB 2002
was tasked with a special mission to transport Merchant Navy Officers to Gothenburg to
arrange the return of three British merchant vessels. The 2002’s normal captain, Jan Mason,
was away in London being awarded his own Distinguished Service Cross, so Marshall
volunteered to assume temporary command for the mission in his stead. On 11th May 1945
MGB 2002 left Aberdeen and was never seen again. Several days later two survivors were
picked up in critical condition. Robert ‘Mike’ Marshall was not one of them, a post VE Day
victim of a rogue mine cut free by a British minesweeper a few days earlier.
Submitted by Adrian Hunter
James Arthur Bush
Back Row (L-R): E.P.Warren, H.Nash, W.Fairbanks, E.Phillips, W.Strachan, E.J.Taylor, W.S.Paul,
W.R.Webb, J.H.Dunn, J.Curtis, M.Curtis, F.Morris, J.G.Thomson. Middle Row: R.E.Bush,
C.Strachan, A.C.St.Paul, J.D.Miller. In Front: W.R.Gribble, J.A.Bush.
Above Clifton Rugby Football Club 1875-76 with James Arthur Bush.
e was born on the 28th July 1850 in Cawnpore (now Kanpur), Uttar Pradesh, India.
His father was a Major in the British Army. The family returned to England and
James attended Clifton College from 1863 to 1868. He excelled at Cricket and
Rugby and from June 2nd to 4th 1870 he appeared for Gloucestershire CCC in their first
match v Surrey on Durdham Down in Bristol. He went on to be Gloucestershire Wicket
Keeper until the 30th July 1890.
He initially played rugby for Blackheath who he was forced to join because at the time to be
selected to play for England you had to belong to a club that was affiliated to the RFU. As
the RFU had only been in existence for 1 year, and very few clubs were affiliated, this proved
a problem for many players. It was the RFU’s way of forcing the clubs to become affiliated
and standardise the rules. This meant that all the players selected were affiliated to London
clubs. Bush played 5 times for Blackheath and he joined Clifton Rugby Club when it was
founded, 7 months later. He went on to gain 4 further caps for England. His last cap for
England was on the 6th May 1876. This was the last 20-a-side rugby international.
James Bush played rugby for Clifton until 1877. He then played association football as a
goalkeeper for Clifton Association Football Club.
He became the best friend of W.G.Grace and his bestman at his wedding on 9th October
1873 at St.Mathias Church in West Brompton, London. He went on the 1873 MCC tour of
Australia which also acted as W.G’s honeymoon.
James Bush took over the family business in 1905 with his brother George de Lisle Bush.
The family had run a warehousing company since 1700. The warehouse itself was known as
Bush Warehouse. The company passed on to his son, Reginald Arthur Bush in 1926 and was
known as J&R Bush until it ceased trading in the 1960s. The building is now more famous
for being the home of The Arnolfini, a leading centre for contemporary Arts.
He died on 21st September 1924 in Clevedon, nr. Bristol and is buried at Canford Cemetery
in Bristol.
Submitted By Patrick Casey
Tommy Stone
His Life Through His Scrapbook
Plucky Rescue from Glamorgan Canal
“Tom Whatley of Blackweir, Cardiff”
Employed by the Glamorgan Canal Company who dived into the canal and rescued a child
named Stone (inset)”
“Little child in dire peril”. About 4 o-clock Tommy Stone (3) son of William Stone, a
foreman of the canal company was playing with some other children near the lock when he
slipped and fell into the water. The water was running at great pace and the child was
washed through the culvert and out into the water of the canal.
Several people saw the accident and their cries attracted the attention of a youth named Wm.
Whatley who was working some 300 yards away. Whatley ran as hard as he could along the
canal bank and, reaching the spot where the child was being washed backwards and forwards
in the current coming from the weir, he dived in and succeeded in bringing the little child to
the bank.
The child who had been in the water for a full four minutes was unconscious, and, while a
messenger went for the doctor, artificial respiration was resorted to by several men who had
hastened to the scene. For an hour their efforts met with no success but when they were
almost giving up hope they noticed twitching in one of the little boys eyes and doubled their
efforts. A little later the doctor arrived and the boy was taken into his home. An hour later
the doctor reported that due to his good constitution the child was out of danger.
Young Whatley who is 18 certainly deserves recognition for his brave deed. He is very
popular amongst his fellow workmen at the Cambrian yard. As for Mrs. Stone she could
not find words adequate to express her gratitude to young Whatley. All she could say was
‘He’s a brave little hero and I shall never forget him”.
Highfield School Results
(Protestants 4 Catholics 0)
Cardiff Lads 100 Points for 9 Matches
St. Monica’s
From a scrum the ball was sent out to the Highfield threes, and Brown got over for an
unconverted try. Shortly afterwards Stone raced over with another unconverted try. The
visitors were not long in adding to their score, Stone steadying himself dropped a lovely goal.
Prior to to-days game, Stone, the Highfield centre had scored 95 points for 9 games played
and his 7 points this morning made his total so far this season 102, a very creditable
performance. Tom Stone’s try was easily the best. He was the outstanding boy on the field
and should be a strong candidate for international honours again this season.”
Final score: Highfield 11 St. Monica’s 0
St Albans
Last Saturday Highfield met St. Albans in the Ingram Rees cup and ran out winners by 48
points to nil. Tom Stone, who should be an absolute certainty for a Welsh [schoolboy] cap
this season, scored eight tries and converted two.
Ninian Park
The first few minutes of the game when these two schools met were full of incident.
Norman Fender opening the scoring for the Park with a try wide out. Whilst Tom Stone
brought the scores level a minute later with a fine try. No further scoring took place until
about ten minutes before the end when Tom Stone, after being tackled practically on the
line, dropped a smart goal although having very little room to work in.
Final score: Highfield 7 Ninian Park 6
St. David’s
Highfield had had the better of the exchange in the opening half, but failed to press home
their advantage. Early in the second half Tom Stone, the Welsh international full back
playing at centre in this game dropped a pretty goal which decided the match.
Final score Highfield 4 St. David’s 0.
Disgraceful Scenes at the Park
The replayed match between Highfield and St. David’s Schools in the final for the Cardiff
Schools Rugby Shield at the Cardiff Arms Park on Monday evening, were productive of
scenes almost without parallel in the history of schoolboy rugby. A small rowdy element
amongst the spectators made it’s presence felt during the game and especially so, at the
conclusion of the game.
The match ended in a win for Highfield by a dropped goal to nil after a keen struggle
between to fairly evenly matched sides and the result was a fair reflection of the game.
However, the decision did not please the section already referred to and there ensued scenes
which were a disgrace to the fair name of the sport, and which might have had serious
results. As it was the referee was roughly handled by hooligans before he could obtain
assistance and he was escorted off the field by members of the scholastic profession.
The boys of the winning side were also subjected to maltreatment and a stone was thrown at
Tommy Stone whose dropped goal gave Highfield the victory and was carried off shoulder
high by his colleagues. Another lad was tripped from behind and thrown heavily. So
threatening was the behaviour of certain of the spectators that the police had to be sent for.
The ill humour of the hooligans also found expression in threats and bad language used
towards the headmaster of Highfield.
The scenes were such as should never be repeated, if rugby and especially the schoolboy
game is to retain its hold upon the players an spectators and it is to be hoped that
precautions will be taken to prevent any such occurrence on future occasions.
Cardiff Boys
Schoolboy Trial
Cardiff Lads prepare for Mountain Ash. Although not in his accustomed place at three
quarter, Stone the B full back, was a tower of strength to his side and repeatedly saved them
by some keen tackling and long touch finding.
Final score B Team 0 A Team 22
Cardiff v Mountain Ash
T Stone selected to play for Cardiff boys against Mountain Ash
First Round
The tit bit of the first round match, occurred about three minutes before half time when
Cardiff scored through their full-back, Tom Stone. Play was near mid-field when the
Cardiff full-back received the ball. Instead of kicking to touch, he elected to test his vis-à-vis
with a big kick and a smart follow up. The Mountain Ash full-back was tackled by Johnny
Ring and fumbled, Tom Stone got possession and dashed for the line evading a would be
tackler on his way and scoring a remarkable try. Stone played a fine game, kicking and
tackling superbly.
Second Round.
Cardiff defeat Mountain Ash in the second round. Had Cardiff paid more attention to
scrumaging the probabilities are that the score would have been a good deal heavier than it
was. As a compensating factor there was the brilliance of Stone the Highfield full-back.
Dewar Shield Final
The Cardiff boys fought gamely with Stone playing finely but the All Blacks win the Dewar
Mid Glamorgan v Cardiff Supporters
The outstanding player was Tommy Stone, the schoolboy international full back who played
in the unusual position, for him, as outside half.
Wales Boys
Welsh Schoolboy’s Trial
Tom Stone, probable full back, is the captain of the undefeated Highfield school team. He
was reserve full back for Wales last season.
Cardiff Boy Rugby Player Tom Stone, who is captain of the undefeated Highfield School
team, has scored 140 points this season in twelve games. For his school he plays centre
three-quarter but as Cardiff’s full back he has made himself famous. He was reserve full
back for Wales last season and is well in the running for his cap again this season.
He is playing in the preliminary Welsh trial, East v West, at Treherbert on February 23rd. The
Welsh schools Rugby Union recognised his abilities last season, and if he keeps up his
present form there is no doubt that further honours await him this season.
Stone selected in probables for final Welsh trial at Abertillery.
T Stone, a fine footballer and particularly safe in fielding the ball, is an accurate kicker, and a
most resourceful player. He has scored 140 points this season playing at full back and
centre, a performance that speaks highly of his all round abilities.
Stone has played some brilliant games at full back for Cardiff’s Rugby Schoolboys and last
Saturday distinguished himself in the East side.
Best Rugby Club in the Country
“Full back Stone was in fine form, his handling and kicking left nothing to be desired for
one who is on the small side, being clean, and of a good length. While he rarely fails to find
“Tom Stone at full back for Cardiff played excellently, fielding the slippery ball, accurately
tackling well and kicking a fine length. Everything he did stamped him as a footballer of
great promise.”
Fixture Reports
Stone electrified the crowd with a “Remarkably fine display on a quagmire”.
Stone saved his line on numerous occasions when under pressure from forward
rushes. Stone’s play is not far below the best international standard, and he is as
good as any other Welsh full back except Bassett.”
“In the opening minutes of the half, Stone electrified the crowd of 20,000 with am amazing
run in which he covered 60 yards after fielding the ball in his own 25. The full back darted
clean through the opposition, but when he finally passed a Newport man snapped up the
ball. Stone’s brilliant effort, however paved the way for a Cardiff score, and this was
obtained in the next movement when A T Thomas dashed over in the corner after B R
Turnbull had paved the way. Stone failed to convert.
Final score: Newport 0 Cardiff 5.
Contender for international honours
“Stone the Cardiff full back was great and he should certainly become a contender for
international honours.”
Tommy Stone, the Cardiff full back, was outstanding in the match won by Cardiff by two
tries to nil at Newport on Saturday. Many are the fine games he has played for his club, but
the probability is that he has never before shown such perfection in positional play, such
accuracy in fielding and kicking and such sound judgement on when and whom to tackle
Final score Newport ? Cardiff ?
Stone dropped a truly great goal
Though beaten by Newport for the second time this season, Cardiff had one consolation.
They had the most popular and admirable player on their side and he contributed the most
spectacular incident of the match. He was their full back, Tommy Stone, who played a
perfect game and dropped a truly great goal. He was severely tested by Newport’s kicking
to the open and by the dashing work of the Newport forwards but his sense of position was
sure, his fielding excellent, and his touch finding accurate”
Final score Newport 11 Cardiff 4.
Great Tackles by Tommy Stone
“Newport, specially in the first half, frequently had the Cardiff defence running in the wrong
direction. But always, there was little Tommy Stone or Hughes, both grand defenders to
crop up and bring off a decisive tackle”
Final score Newport 3 Cardiff 3.
“Tommy Stone, the Cardiff full back was the best man on the pitch and almost won the
game for them”
“Tom Stone saved Cardiff several times with his fine tackling” .
Final Score Upper Rhondda 0 Cardiff 3.
Splendid game at Torquay Stone plays well at full back and did much stylish work in the
second half.
Final score Torquay 8 Cardiff 11.
Bristol Defeat Cardiff but the outstanding man on the field was Tommy Stone, who was
magnificent in all he did. The Bristol full back was eclipsed by the great display of Stone
who was loudly applauded by the crowd at the close.
Tommy Stone, the youthful and versatile Cardiff Rugby player originally operated at outsidehalf but lately, due to the injury to Trevor Lee has played phenomenal football at fullback.
Then came a delightful piece of work by Stone, the visiting full back, who darted away from
the scrum, beating several opponents. So elusive was his running that he got almost under
the posts before being stopped”
“Cardiff were splendidly served by T Stone, whose form at full back make it difficult to
understand why he has failed to find favour with the Welsh selectors.”
Final score Bristol 6 Cardiff 4
Stone and Bowcott shine in a thrilling game. Perhaps the outstanding feature in the play of
Cardiff’s back contingent was the display given by young Tommy Stone. Last week we had
occasion to call attention to his magnificent exhibition at Torquay, and he kept up the high
standard in no uncertain way at Bristol, adding to his good defence and kicking qualities, by
some unorthodox attacking movements, in one of which, he nearly got through the whole of
the Bristol team, after a run of nearly half
the length of the field. There is no questioning the fact that Stone is a bundle of versatility
and able to adapt with uncanny fitness to any position among the backs. Final score Bristol
5 Cardiff 0.
Tommy Stone, who will play for Cardiff against Llanelly on Saturday, is one of Cardiff’s
own. He played for the Highfield School and secured his schoolboy cap at full back in the
same year he was one of the outstanding successes of the Cardiff boys’ team. Leaving
school he became one of the stars of the supporters ex-schoolboys. Not yet twenty years of
age he has figured for the Cardiff premier team this season
Stones Brilliant defence
“Stone was playing a magnificent game at full back for Cardiff, his touch finding being
faultless. On at least half a dozen occasions in this half he got his side out of difficulty by
clever pick-ups and lengthy kicks to touch”
Final Score Llanelly 5 Cardiff 3.
Stone in International form against Llanelly.
“Stone plays brilliant game at full-back. A tussle between the Llanelly attack amd the Cardiff
defence ended in a win for the Scarlets by a dropped goal. Stone was in brilliant form at fullback for the Taff siders. The Scarlets fully merited their victory. Had they piled on another
10 points no one could haggle over the result. From start to finish the game was one long
tussle between Llanelly’s attack and Cardiff’s Defence. Stone, the Cardiff full back played a
miraculous game; he was here, there and everywhere to frustrate the Llanelly’s attacking
“There was, however one Cardiff back who added to his reputation. This was diminutive
full back Tommy Stone. Cardiff owe a good deal to him, and how many Llanelly attacks he
pulled up I can not count. More that once he was not content to kick to touch. He started
perhaps the most dangerous Cardiff attacks which the game produced.”
“I watched Cardiff last Saturday at Llanelly. Then they were a side which had lost all the
sparkle and lustre I have seen them show. They had one great player in this match, this was
young Tommy Stone their full back. Very many worse men have worn a red jersey, and
Wales could be quite safe with Stone in the last line. Stone is not afraid of the unorthodox.
It is extraordinary when you think how the vast majority of our full backs are wonderfully
content with just the defensive side of football.”
Final score Llanelly 4 Cardiff 0.
Stone never wavered
“There was great merit in Llanelly’s display on Saturday; adopting tactics suitable to the
muddy ground and slippery ball, the Llanelly forwards directed the trend of play throughout.
Their fierce yet well concerted rushes swept aside the Cardiff defence time after time, and it
was only the heroic play of Tommy Stone, the diminutive Cardiff full back, which repeatedly
saved the visitor’s line. He was harried by the fast Llanelly forwards as, probably never
before, yet he stuck to his task magnificently.
Final score Llanelly 15 Cardiff 5.
OM Taylors
Stone at his best, was the greatest stumbling block to the visitors, repeatedly gathering the
ball at their feet and driving them back with long touch kicks. His display all through was
Final score OM Tailors 3 Cardiff 27.
“T Stone defies Swansea, Cardiff full back stands out.
Cardiff were slightly the better side and just deserved their 3 points to nil victory. There
was not much to choose among the forwards but the Cardiff backs were faster and handled
better. The outstanding player of the whole game was T Stone the Cardiff full back, who
proved a veritable stone wall through which the Swansea attack could not penetrate. He was
always ready for the ball and nearly always got touch with a good length.”
Tom Stone takes his chance, Swansea mistakes help Cardiff.
The game was robbed of a great deal of interest by the conditions, which were so bad that
only 20 minutes play was possible in the second half. Stone, at full back for Cardiff, was the
outstanding player, his kicking and fielding being particularly clever.”
“Stone and Herbert both fielded the treacherous ball magnificently and, Stone in particular,
kicked with Bancroftian accuracy and length.”
Final score Swansea 6 Cardiff 6.
Stones Great Try for Cardiff.
Gloucester outplayed in second half. Tommy Stone played a great part in a Cardiff victory
over Gloucester at Kingsholm to-day, for besides scoring a remarkable try which he also
converted, the full back also added the extra points to tries by Thomas and Jones. A
remarkable triumph was then secured by Stone. He fielded a punt, broke clean through the
Gloucester defence , and ran half the length of the field . He then punted and there was a
great race to the Gloucester line . Mackay fumbled and Stone who was at his heels beat him
and scored one of the finest tries seen at Kingsholm for a long time. He was loudly cheered
for his great exploit.”
Outstanding Full back
At the end of the match the name of T Stone, Cardiff’s full back, was on the tongue of most
of the spectators. He gave a scintillating display, and without exaggeration might be said to
have played the principal part in Cardiff’s victory.. His positioning and fielding were perfect
and he kicked a good length with excellent judgement, but it was the manner in which he
eluded would-be tacklers and gained large slices of ground by clever running, which was the
feature of his play.”
Gloucester face a gifted back in Stone.
The outstanding Cardiff player was Stone the full back. His touch finding was perfect and
his try which resulted from a run almost the length of the field ending in a clever punt over
an opponents head was a great effort.
Final score Gloucester 3 Cardiff 15 points”
“Tommy Stone was the hero of a keen and fast clash in which the Gloucester side played
desperately but unsuccessfully against a sound defence. It was a great day for Tommy
Stone. He was always in position and what few attacks Gloucester made found him ready
and able to clear. He fielded cleanly, and cleverly eluded Gloucester’s rushes. He also used
the touch line to advantage
Cardiff lose their record, Stone plays superb game. There were two outstanding features and
both were to the credit of Cardiff. Tommy Stone played a superb game. No words can fully
do him credit. He never put a foot wrong; his fielding and kicking were grand and his
tackling saved at least two tries in the first half when Aarvold and Tallent were all but
“Little Stone played a great game, fielding, dodging and kicking safely and employing a sense
of anticipation to such effect that repeatedly the Blackheath people looked to be feeding him
with direct punts”
Final score Blackheath 6 Cardiff 3.
T. Stone the Strong Man of Cardiff.
Final Score Cardiff 3 Blackheath 0.
“Radcliff, the home full back played quite a good game, and yet in comparison with Tommy
Stone, the Londoner was outclassed. In fielding high kicks in a treacherous wind, in kicking
and in defense, Stone was a host in himself and was given an ovation by the sportsman like
“In commenting on his play the London critics stated that Stone’s display was masterful, and
if Wales had better full backs they are lucky.”
Final Score Blackheath 5 Cardiff 6
Plymouth Albion
Full back Stone a Fine Stand –Off
“Plymouth Albion, with a clear lead of 6 points at the interval seemed likely to beat Cardiff
comfortably but in the second half , T Stone, the visiting full back and Gabe-Jones the stand
off half, changed places, and the transfer and stones’ brilliance won the game for Cardiff.”
Final Score Plymouth Albion 6 Cardiff 8
Stone in Form
Cardiff had a remarkably good ‘midget’ back in Stone with a kick out of all proportion to his
inches and a bulldog tackle.
The marking and tackling were as keen as anyone could
imagine, and there was no one more sure or certain in his tackles than Stone, who played a
great game for his side. Stone had a lot to do with movements at the end of the game when
the Cardiff backs gave a glimpse of their real selves in several delightful bouts of passing,
one of which sealed the Albion’s fate.”
Final Score Cardiff 8 Plymouth Albion 3.
The home team got no fewer than sixteen of their 23 points in the concluding stages, and
Tommy Stone, the full back, had the distinction of figuring amongst the getters. Stone again
came to his side’s rescue when Webber put in a kick ahead. The Cardiff full back took the
ball easily dodged two would be tackles, and found a long touch. Stone a great little full back
particularly impressed with his positional play.”
Final Score Cardiff v Richmond.
Full back scores clever try
The home forwards gradually wore the opposition down and following a remarkably fine try
by Bassett easily the fastest man on view, Cardiff ran riot and tries were scored in quick
succession by Brown and Spence whilst in the last minute was obviously the most popular
try of the day was scored by Stone who converted it.
Final Score Cardiff 23 Richmond Park 3
Tommy Stone magnificent
Cardiff had the honour of taking Neath’s ground record on Saturday, and were able to
perform the feat b exhibiting an all-round superiority in every position at forward, which was
not represented in the final score. The hero of the game was Tommy Stone, the Cardiff full
back who was magnificent in all that he did and a rock upon which the fierce rushes of the
home forwards spent them selves in vain. “No custodian playing the game could have
improved upon the display given by Stone in this match.”
“I must not forget Tommy Stone, Cardiff’s wonder full back. He was definitely one of the
heroes of the game, and his pluck forced Neath to cheer.
Final Score Neath 3 Cardiff 6.
Cardiff and Coventry draw blanks. The rival lines of threes seldom made much headway, yet
one brilliant movement was only held up when Stone brought the house down with a
beautifully timed tackle that prevented Roberts making full use o a pass from Campbell.
Final score Coventry 0 Cardiff 0.
“Stone was taken off with an injured ankle but returned a little later, playing in the three
quarters. Stone played his usual sound game.”
Final Score Falmouth 3 Cardiff 22.
Penzance did better for a time but responding to calls of ‘ Come on Tommy Stone’ Stone
had a go at scoring on his own, being brought down within inches of the line
Final Score Penzance 0 Cardiff 23
T Stone acts as giant killer to Aarvold.
The talent of four nations combined to make the Barbarians a formidable side against
Cardiff and the football they played was quite in keeping with their reputation. Except
perhaps at full back where little Tommy Stone played grandly for the home team, the visitors
were superior in all departments. T Stone was outstanding for Cardiff, and the way he
tackled Aarvold, who was nearly twice his size was a joy to the fine holiday crowd of
“ Stone continued to be the star man of the Cardiff side, his safe hands, and splendid sense
of position gaining him many rounds of applause. He was admirably safe with his kicks but
was a little ambitious when he attempted to drop a goal from half way.”
Final Score Cardiff 8 Barbarians 14.
Representative Games
“The wings, too gave no cause for complaint in any direction but Bayliss had a most
unhappy afternoon. Stone at the other end made several glaring errors and occasionally
sliced the ball, but he was along way in front of Bayliss.”
Final score Glamorgan 26 Monmouthshire 9
East Midlands v Barbarians
One of he most coveted honours in Rugby has been offered to Tommy Stone, the Cardiff
full back, who has accepted it. Barbarians have written to the Cardiff club offering Tommy
Stone a place in their team to play East Midlands in the Mobbs memorial match on March
Little Stone with a Great Heart
Critical Match. Interesting contrasts are provided in the Cardiff team. The forwards, who
include such famous Welsh caps as A Skym and B Barrel average 18 stone, but the full back,
T Stone, is at 5 foot 2 inches the smallest man playing first class rugby in this position.
Stone is, however strong and sturdy, a plucky tackler and a good kick
Twice in the first half, when Cardiff were the better side a sprinter might have rounded off
the attack, while on a third occasion, a minute or two before the interval, Stone (who played
his best game of the season and did not suffer in comparison with Brand) with the assistance
of Barrel and Skym, ran for over half the length of the field and failed to find a speedy man
on the right flank to accept a pass when all the defence had been left behind.
“Cardiff as a team played nobly and Stone and Boon played heroically”
“Little full back’s amazing pluck, went down to rushes of giant forwards. Although
Cardiff did not beat the South Africans, they made them go all out to win by 2 goals and one
try to 1 goal. Over 30,000 spectators attended. The man who caught the most, though was
Stone, Cardiff’s diminutive full back He did not miss-field a single ball and went down to
rushes in plucky style. On this display he must be the best full back in Wales to-day”
Final score Cardiff 5South Africa 13
Stone deserves a glance
Tommy Stone, Cardiff’s diminutive full back was born in Llandaff North. He attended
Highfield school and in 1924 gained his Welsh School boy international cap. He began his
career in senior football through the medium of the Cardiff supporters XV. Stone was then
outside half and it was such that he first appeared in the Cardiff first XV in 1926. He
alternated between fly-half and full back before eventually settling in the last line from where
he is now making a serious bid for a cap. Though on the small side, this does not prevent
him being a splendid player. Stone is a fine kick, a full blooded tackler, and if he has one
fault it is that of being unnecessarily daring in endeavouring to defeat oncoming opponents “
“Cardiff’s brilliant full back. If he is judged by his form against Newport, T Stone the Cardiff
full back is bound to be considered for a place in Wales match against England at
“For years Stone has been playing up to international standard without getting the honour so
richly deserved. I have been following rugby for over 45 years and have never known
another player so treated Newport Supporter.”
“Tommy Stone, the Cardiff full back deserves a glance. There are of course Scourfield,
Bayliss and Bassett ready to hand; Stone has one advantage over these three ; his former
experience as a fly-half makes him a much more constructive back than any of them. I am
tending to the opinion that the great full back of the future is going to be a very real part of
the attack. Full backs ignore attack too much. Someone will arise one day and alter that.”
Welsh Trial
Gwyn Bayliss (Pontypool) v Tommy Stone (Cardiff)
More problems for the selectors as Possibles beat the Probables. The second Welsh trial
match at Cardiff provided a surprise, the Possibles beating the Probables by fifteen to ten,
and the run of the play indicated that the selectors have been set more problems to solve.
Tommy Stone, with his speed and his kicking showed Bassett to be an ‘old man’.
“The man of the moment who could slip into Bassett’s shoes, and fill them with some
considerable credit is Tommy Stone of Cardiff. I have seen him play half a dozen times this
season, and I go as far as to wonder whether or not he is Bassett’s equal. In my view Stone
stands out above all the candidates and, provided he retains his form, I hope to see him gain
his first cap.”
Final score Possibles 10 Probables 15.
Stone Ignored
Mention of the full back position brings up the topic of Tommy Stone. Perhaps we of
Newport have been unlucky (or lucky enough to praise without bias) in that Stone almost
invariably has shown his best form in Cardiff Newport games. That was the case yet again
on Saturday and I do not think there is any doubt that Newport followers generally believe
that Stone is still quite easily the best full back in Wales. Yet he is still only a reserve for the
Swansea trial.
There must be some prejudice in the selector’s minds against Stone, perhaps they are fearful
of his audacity, preferring stodgy efficiency, but if the little Cardiff full back ends his carer
without winning a Welsh cap it will be possible to say with perfect truth that he is one of the
finest uncapped man who has ever played. When we remember the questionable credentials
of so many internationals honoured even in Stone’s time, we can not but sympathise with a
grand little player.
Stone Selected
Tommy Stone, the Cardiff full back is to play for Wales against Ireland at Belfast on
Saturday. The official announcement was made on Wednesday. Stone has been on the
fringe of international honours for several seasons. He secured them now through the
chosen full back, V J G Jenkins, having intimated that he will be unable to play owing to a
sceptic knee. Until this season, Stone has been one of the most unfortunate of players in the
matter of the highest honours. Although he played in many Welsh trials it was not until
January that he secured a final trial cap.”
“Of all the honours accorded to Cardiff men none has given such satisfaction as that of an
award to Tommy Stone. True, he secured the coveted honour by being brought in from the
reserve list instead of as an original selection, but that matters little. For years Cardiff
supporters have urged that Tommy Stone really deserved a cap. Doubtless, he would have
had it ere this had it not been for the fact that he happened to be playing at a time when
Wales was particularly well off for full backs. The honour has come, somewhat belatedly,
though it Is non the less welcome, and it can be safely asserted that the satisfaction felt at the
inclusion of Stone in the Welsh side is more wide spread than had been the case in regard to
any other player in recent times.
“ I learned yesterday that the admirable club full back, Tommy Stone, has never been given a
final trial cap. This, in my opinion is an injustice to one of the most consistent players in the
Football team at wedding, Guard of honour for vice-captain an bide. The bride was Miss
Marjorie Smith of Radyr Road, Llandaff North, given away by her brother Mr Gwyn Smith
she wore a gown of ivory ring velvet with a draped corsage, with embroidered tulle veil and
wreath of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of flame tulips and this was the colour
chosen for the velvet gowns of her two bridesmaids, Thelma Cook and Joyce Smith. Mr
Bert Walters, brother in law of the bridegroom was the best man.
“I have not had my International cap, but what does that matter when compared with the
kindness I am receiving from my club mates. This was the reply made by Tommy Stone, the
Cardiff full back, when he was presented with a canteen of cutlery and a Westminster
chiming clock by the players and committee men of the Cardiff Rugby Club at Cardiff on
An International who never was.
Picked by Wales and never capped. That was the bitter blow dealt out to stubby and
powerful Tommy Stone, who played nine seasons at full back and fly half for Cardiff
between 1928 and 1937. It was in his last season for Cardiff that Tommy received the news
that every player cherishes – he was picked to play for his country.
Selected to appear against Ireland in 1937 in place of the injured Vivian Jenkins, Stone even
made the journey across the Irish sea only for the fickle weather to prevent him wearing the
coveted red jersey. Heavy snow falling on the Ravenhill ground wiped out all possibility of
the match being played and Stone, together with his team mates returned to Wales empty
handed. By the time the rearranged international was played a few weeks later Stone, in his
disappointment had gone north an Walter Legge of Newport stepped into the breach to win
the first of his two caps.
“The scouts had been after me for years” he explained “and in my disappointment in not
playing in Ireland I thought I might as well get something out of the game so I signed for
Barrow at a fee of £300.” He turned out to be one of Barrow’s most costly buys. After no
more than a dozen games for the rugby league club he strained the ligaments in his knee and
was unable to play another game of rugby.
The last word?
Cheery and imperturbable Tommy, his chubby face constantly creased with an engaging grin,
has only one regret about his rugby carer - that he did not turn professional earlier. “ I was
27 years old when I went north and that was too late” he points out. “I could have gone as a
youngster to either Leeds or Salford for £560 but my father was very ill and I thought it
better to stay at home.”
He has one outstanding memory about his playing days and that goes back to the time when
he was an outside half for Highfield school. “We won the schools cup at Cardiff Arms Park
for three years in succession” he recalls. ”and each time it was through a dropped goal that
went through the same posts.” It is with some reluctance that Tommy admits that it was he
who dropped the match wining goals
G V Wynne Jones 1974
Tommy was ahead of his time
“It is a matter of getting the right mixture of individualism and discipline. If I had a son
who was keen to be a threequarter I would want him to watch Wilf Wooler but learn from
Bleddyn Williams. Wilf was the great individualist, the completely natural player. Bleddyn
was a player who did all the orthodox things well, who could play the team game to
perfection and then decide the match with one magnificent side step..
The changes in the game today would have appealed to the people I played within the
1930’s. Tommy Stone would have been in J P R’s class as an attacking full back. Tommy
who started as a fly half was regarded as too much of a risk as an international full back
because he came up with his threequarters too often. They’d have said the same thing about
J P R had he been playing then. Now he is rightly regarded as the best full back in the
Submitted by Adrian Stone
Stephen Brookhouse Richards
e was born on the 28th August 1941 in West Kirby. He was educated at Clifton
College in Bristol. He started his club rugby at Clifton before going to Oxford
University in 1959. He was in the 1962 Oxford side that lost to Cambridge in 1962.
Standing (L-R): R.J.Bradford, D.F.Saunders, R.A.M.Whyte, S.Richards, M.Wallington,
J.G.S.Young, M.McClaren, J.Parrott, T.Garrett. Sitting: M.Skelton, G.Jones (Vice Captain), Col.
G.S.Castle (President), M.J.Moss (Captain), R.Blake. On Ground: W.Painter, I.French, A.Lewis.
Above the Clifton 1st XV of 1960-61 with future England Hooker Steve Richards. He had
just started at Oxford University.
Standing (L-R): J.A.Collingwood, S.B.Richards, B.M.Stonehouse, P.K.Stagg, I.C.Jones, R.M.Wilcox, D.M.Sachs,
P.MW.Stafford. Seated: G.W.Hines, N.Silk, J.J.McPartin (Captain), J.G.Wilcox, M.A.Ware. On Ground:
R.H.Lamb, A.J.A.Lewin.
Above the Oxford team of 1962 with Steve Richards.
He represented England on their 1967 tour of Canada. He was taught rugby at Clifton
College by two former England players, the Rev P.W.Brook and J. MacG K. KendallCarpenter. He had a dramatic rise to prominence in 1965 winning a regular place for
Middlesex and England from Richmond second team.
He won 9 caps for England from 1965 to 1967. His last game for England is memorable as
being the debut for Wales of an 18 year old Keith Jarrett. The Newport player had only left
Monmouth School a couple of months earlier finding himself selected in the unaccustomed
position of full-back. He kicked 7 penalties out of 8 and scored a 50 yard solo try. At the
time this equalled the Welsh International record for most points (19) scored in a match.
Standing: D.H.Easby (Touch-Judge), R.D.Hearn, D.M.Rollit, J.Barton, D.E.J.Watt, M.J.Coulman, S.B.Richards,
D.J.C.McMahon (Scotland)(Referee). Seated: R.Webb, D.P.Rodgers, P.E.Judd (Captain), R.W.Hosen,
C.W.McFadyean,. On Ground: K.F.Savage, R.D.A.Pickering, R.B.Taylor, J.Finlan.
Above the England side that played Wales on the 15th April 1967. Steve Richards last match
for England. Wales won 34-21
Steve Richards moved to Sheffield and went on to play for Sheffield RUFC and Yorkshire.
He is now retired and living in Oxfordshire.
Submitted By Patrick Casey
Memoirs of a Twickenham Debutante
ighteen years old and six weeks into my University studies at St Mary’s in
Twickenham. To this day I maintain that my choice of college had more to do with
the courses offered than it’s proximity to the home of English rugby. To this day my
parents still have their doubts. Even prior to arrival I knew that Australia were coming to
town. Here we are then. A perfect chance for my debut visit to see England play in the flesh.
A ten minute drive to the ground and a ticket in the old north stand was mine. Saturday
November 5th 1988, well, lets hope for some fireworks on the pitch then.
Disaster strikes. In a fit of first year enthusiasm I had signed up for the annual history
fieldtrip around the sites of most medieval interest contained in Southern England. Naturally
this clashes with match day, and equally naturally I didn’t notice this until double booked.
Luckily the history Professor is very understanding agreeing that I must get my priorities
straight and go watch the men in white, “although you will still pay for your place on the bus
of course.....” Deciding that this is just the sort of emergency that my newly obtained
overdraft was designed for the disaster is averted and the game is on.
The day arrives. Being a sensible chap and having already discovered the futility of
attempting to drive around Twickenham on match days I decide to walk. A nice half hour
bracing stroll. Just the thing to work up a thirst! Past the traditional landmarks, the Cabbage
Patch and the train station to join the milling throng on Whitton Road. Over the A316 and
the Stadium looms into sight.
First things first, a quick glance at the program. England look to have a good side, Rendall,
Moore, Probyn, Dooley, Richards, Robinson, Andrew and Underwood included. Three new
caps in the starting line up, Morris, Ackford and Harriman. A contentious choice of new
Captain in the young whippersnapper Carling, only twenty two and the youngest to shoulder
this responsibility for fifty years. He may have a future.... Australia also look strong,
especially their half back line with Farr-Jones and Lynagh. That bloke Campese can play a bit
as well. Just time for a quick couple of pints and then join the procession into the stand early
to get a good spot.
At last the kick off. A rapid start. Only seven minutes in a penalty chance for Webb as
Australia kill the ball in the ruck. The kick is good, 3-0. Soon after the Australians reply with
a try near the posts by their fullback Leeds converted by Lynagh, 3-6. Lynagh kicks again as
Morris is caught offside, 3-9. This in all honesty is not the start that I had hoped for
although Morris soon makes up for his earlier transgression with a try himself from a
Robinson charge down. Webb converts and the score reaches 9-9. With everything evenly
balanced at half time I wonder if there is time to nip to the toilets. Given the crowds
probably not. Damn those pints that I had, but I’m not missing any of the action.
The crowd surge back into the north as the second half begins. True to form Campese
scores on the break, his twenty seventh international try. The man is a genius, although he
has been caught a couple of times by the English defence trying this earlier in the match.
Lynagh misses the conversion. 9-13. Parity is soon restored as Underwood takes a pass from
Andrew and scampers into the corner. Webb also misses his conversion attempt so it is
thirteen all. Andrew follows this by crossing the line after he intercepts. Pandemonium
reigns as the try is disallowed for a double movement as he grounds. The tension in the
ground is now palpable and rising. Underwood forces his way in at the left corner again, try
number thirteen for England and his second today. Webb slots the conversion and follows it
shortly after with a penalty as Australia again infringe at the ruck. 22-13 and England appear
in control until true to form the Wallabies counter with a try by Grant. Lynagh gets the
conversion and the massed fans in white just want the agony to end with the final whistle.
England still attack. Halliday is set free with a break by Carling and scores his debut try for
his country. Webb is once again dependable and adds the conversion, but Carling is down
following the last move. He is led from the pitch obviously shaken but he doesn’t want to
go. This is not the way he should be finishing his first match as captain. 28-19 and the final
whistle goes at last. England are victorious, although the final score perhaps flatters them a
The crowd begins to disperse and I join them on the reciprocal track back to whence we
came. Most head for the train station, others for the pubs of Twickenham to celebrate or
drown their sorrows depending on their allegiance, but these or either closed or so overfilled
as to deter all but the most determined imbiber. I bide my time eventually popping into the
Popes Grotto well on the road back to St Mary’s for a swift half or so myself. What a day of
high emotion. This may have been my debut, something that on some level I will always
share with Ackford, Morris and Harriman, but I am now an addict. One thing is for certain.
I will be back......
Submitted by Adrian Hunter
We Shall Remember Them!
osslyn Park FC was founded in 1879. In the Great War of 1914-18, rugby players
were quick to set a 'glorious example', with tragic results.
Rosslyn Park 1913-14
This amateur sporting club from South West London lost over 70 young members, and 80+
wounded, a remarkably high toll of casualties for a single club. 350 members served in the
War and decorations awarded were: 2 Victoria Crosses, 11 DSO (2 with bar), 63 Military
Crosses, 1 Military Medal, 4 DSC, 1 DCM, 1 KBE, 2 Croix de Guerre
Picture courtesy of F. Humbert
Since that era, Park has moved its ground and clubhouse to its present home in
Roehampton, London. A lost generation of rugby-playing soldiers, sailors and
airmen are remembered in their home towns, or where they fell on the field of battle, but
they have no fitting memorial at the Club they represented on the sporting field. Two years
ago, former player Richard Cable started a project to record their names.
Almost a century later, when the final surviving human links with the First World War are
sadly severed with the passing of Harry Patch and Henry Allingham, we are launching an
appeal to honour the memory of those Rosslyn Park fallen with a new clubhouse memorial.
In October 2009, Rosslyn Park's U15 Youth team will inaugurate an exchange partnership
with RCC Compiegne, France, site of the Armistice signing on 11th November 1918. This
first tour will honour the fallen members of both clubs, and launch the appeal for funds for
the new War Memorial at Rosslyn Park.
Future exchanges will build a lasting friendship between the clubs and provide new chances
for young French and English players to meet in some corner of a foreign field, enjoy a
game of rugby, and remember those players who made the greatest sacrifice of all.
Please visit for the full story.
We hope that you will be touched by the story of these brave young men who left the field
of play in England never to return. Please consider becoming a supporter and help us ensure
that they are not forgotten.
If you would like to make a donation or comment, or if you have information about the
Park players who died in the Great War, then please email [email protected]
Submitted by Stephen Cooper
Published by Members
For College, Club & Country - A History of Clifton Rugby
Football Club
By Patrick Casey and Richard Hale
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all started with which has now become the largest rugby club
history website in the world.
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Pre-orders are being taken on Amazon
The Rugby History Society
This is a new society that aims to preserve and extend the knowledge of the
History of the sport of Rugby Union
As with any Society it will only be as strong as its membership. You can help
the Society in four ways:
Join the Society
Submit your research for publication
Engage in debate in the Societies Forum
Advertise the Society at your Club
It is intended to publish an electronic journal of the Society Bi-Annually known
as "Tight Five". This will be available to members
Membership fees have been kept as low as possible and have been designed to
cover the cost of maintenance of the website and administration
1 Years Membership - ₤2.00
3 Years Membership - ₤5.00
How the Society will operate in the end is open to debate amongst the
membership. Feel free to use the Forum to air your ideas
Above all please read and enjoy the articles that have been submitted to
the Society.
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