二、 閱讀前提問設計與參考答案


二、 閱讀前提問設計與參考答案
Guess How Much I Love You
Feelings & Emotions
教學重點: Re a ding comprehension
適用年段: 中年段
作者 Author: S a m McBr a tney
繪圖者 Illustrator: Anit a Jer a m
出版者 Publisher: W a lker Books
主題 Subject: Feelings & Emotions
要旨 Main Idea / Theme: When you love someone very, very, very much, you w a nt to find
a w a y of expressing how gre a t your feelings a re. But it’s not
e a sy to me a sure LOVE.
主要角色 Main Characters: Big Nutbrown H a re a nd Little Nutbrown H a re
英文大意: It’s a story a bout love. Little Nutbrown H a re w a nts to show a nd ensure th a t
Big Nutbrown H a re knows ex a ctly how much he is loved before bedtime. Love,
the gre a test of mysteries, is ver y h a rd to me a sure, but it’s one of the most
import a nt things in our life.
中文大意: Little Nutbrown Hare 想要表達對 Big Nutbrown Hare 的愛 , 藉由晚上睡覺前的相處時刻 ,
透過溫馨的對話 , 顯示彼此是多麼的深愛對方。傳遞愛是一生中最重要的情感 , 並且是無可
二、閱 讀前提問設計與 參 考 答 案
Wh a t’s the n a me of the book?
Guess How Much I Love You.
Who is the a uthor?
S a m McBr a tney
(T 代 表 老 師 S 代 表 學 生, 若 學 生
English E a sy Go VI
Who is the illustr a tor?
Anit a Jer a m.
Look a t the cover. Wha t do you think this book is a bout?
R a bbits.
Wh a t do you see on the cover?
Four r a bbits.
Are they r a bbits?
Yes, they a re. / No, they a ren’t. / I’m not sure.
Do you know a ny f a mous r a bbits or h a res?
Answers m a y v a ry. (Moon R a bbit, Ja de R a bbit, Peter R a bbit, Miffy, Melody,
Ea ster Bunny, Bugs Bunny, 卡通小熊維尼裡面的瑞比兔 R a bbit、「愛麗斯夢遊仙
How do you sa y “ 龜兔賽跑 ” in English?
I don’t know.
「龜兔賽跑」這個故事的英文是 The Ha re a nd the Tortoise , 在 Guess How Much I
Love You 這本故事書當中 , 主角也是 ha re, 而不是 ra bbit。
Wh a t a re the simil a rities between h a res a nd r a bbits?
01 Both r a bbits a nd h a res h a ve short t a ils.
Both r a bbits a nd h a res molt a nd then grow new h a ir.
Both ra bbits a nd h a res give birth to 4 to 8 b a bies e a ch ye a r.
Wha t a re the differences between h a res a nd r a bbits?
I don’t know.
01 Hares are generally larger and faster than rabbits.
Hares have longer ears and larger feet than rabbits.
Hares have longer and stronger hind legs than rabbits.
Hares have black marking on their fur.
Hares have not been domesticated, while rabbits are often kept as house pets.
H a res usu a lly try to esc a pe from their enemies by le a ping a w a y r a pidly.
Rabbits usually try to hide from enemies.
Rabbits are born blind and hairless. Hares are born with hair and are able to
see. Young hares are able to fend for themselves very quickly after birth.
Rabbits prefer soft stems, grass or vegetables. Hares eat more hard food: bark
and rind, buds, small twigs and shoots.
Wh a t is the little h a re doing on the cover?
The little h a re is t a lking.
Wha t is the big h a re doing?
The big h a re is listening.
English E a sy Go VI
三、閱 讀中提問設計與 參 考 答 案
Look a t this p a ge (the second opening). Why does Little Nutbrown H a re
hold on tight to Big Nutbrown H a re’s e a rs?
Little Nutbrown Hare wants Big Nutbrown Hare’s full attention. He has something
important to say.
Wh a t does Little Nutbrown H a re s a y to Big Nutbrown H a re?
as I can I love you as .
Wh a t does Big Nutbrown H a re s a y to Little Nutbrown H a re?
But I love YOU this much.
I love you as
as I can
I love you all the way
Does Big Nutbrown H a re underst a nd how Little Nutbrown H a re loves him?
Yes, he does. Big Nutbrown Hare understands how Little Nutbrown Hare loves him.
Does Little Nutbrown H a re underst a nd how Big Nutbrown H a re loves him?
Yes. But Little Nutbrown Hare thinks that Big Nutbrown Hare loves him more.
Why do Little Nutbrown H a re a nd Big Nutbrown H a re me a sure a ll the time?
They use larger and larger measures to quantify how much they love each other
in answer to the question “Guess How Much I Love You”.
四、閱 讀後提問設計與 參 考 答 案
為什麼 Big Nutbrown H a re 要等 Little Nutbrown H a re 睡著後 , 才告訴他:I
love you right up to the moon – AND BACK.
Answers may vary.
因為太晚了 , Little Nutbrown H a re 已經累到睜不開眼睛 , 如果再繼續下去 , Little
Nutbrown H a re 就不能睡覺了。
Little Nutbrown Hare was almost too sleepy to think any more.
What’s the relationship between Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare?
Answers may vary.
Although many see Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare as father and
son, they are never referred to as such. We never know the exact relationship
between the hares. They could be parent and child, grandparent and grandchild,
siblings, uncle and nephew or even just friends.
Wh a t’s your bedtime routine?
Play a game. Have a chat. Read a (bedtime) story. Sing a lullaby (a song). Play
some music.
Do you like your bedtime routine?
Answers may vary.
Do you s a y “I love you” to someone you love?
Always. / Often. / Sometimes. / Seldom. / Never.
English E a sy Go VI
How do you show your love?
Answers may vary. (Hugs, kisses, help around the house.)
How do you know th a t the person you love loves you too?
Answers may vary.
Wh a t lesson do you le a rn from this story?
Love is not an easy thing to measure.
Love is a promise, once given, never forgotten.
(建議教師利用特殊節日 , 如:母親節、父親節、情人節 , 介紹這本故事書 , 讓學生表達對
F o r Yo
ation 與兔子相關
Quick like a bunny! (Hurry up!)
He pulled a ra bbit out of a ha t. (He did something amazing.)
Ma d a s a Ma rch ha re (completely mad)
Ha rebra ined scheme (foolish plan)
Breed like bunnies/ra bbits (to have many children)
Ra bbit food (raw salad vegetables)
Multiplying like ra bbits (increasing rapidly)
To go down the ra bbit hole (to enter a fantasy world)
Cl a ss
N a me
Write and Draw
De a r
I love you a s
Love ,
English E a sy Go VI
Cl a ss
N a me
Read and Match
Little Nutbrown H a re s a ys ...
I love you all the
w a y up to my toes!
I love you right up to
the MOON.
I love you a ll the w a y
down the lane as far
a s the river.
“I love you this much,”
s a id Little Nutbrown H a re,
stretching out his a rms a s
wide a s they could go.
Big Nutbrown H a re s a ys ...
I love you a ll the w a y
up to your toes!
I love you across
the river a nd over
the hills.
Big Nutbrown H a re h a d even
longer a rms. “But I love YOU
this much,” he s a id.
I love you right
up to the moon -AND BACK.