April 10 - Holy Rosary Glenwood
April 10 - Holy Rosary Glenwood
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Fr. Dan Siepker - After hours (712) 527-9115 Email: [email protected] Rev. Mr. Ron Kohn (712) 527-4032 Cathy Evans, Parish Secretary Jane Buckley, Bookkeeper Theresa Romens, Faith Formation Janet Lunning, Montessori Pre-School Ali Crawley, Custodian Anne Smith & Sharon Osterholm, Music Coordinators 24116 Marian Avenue Glenwood, IA 51534 Church Office Phone 712-527-5211 FAX 712-527-3829 E-mail [email protected] Bulletins online: www.holyrosaryglenwood.com Daily Eucharistic Adoration - 5 am - 12 midnight Parish Mission Statement: "To come to Christ and lead others to Christ" Journey Together Spring Clean Up Day is Saturday, April 30, 8:30 - Noon. The Grounds committee and myself decided to do a spring clean up day to try to get a few outside projects done. Depending on how much help we have will determine all the projects we will try to do. We want to clean all the volunteer trees out of the road ditch north of the Church and around the property. So we are looking for lots of warm able bodies to help. Please bring gloves, safety glasses, need a few chain saws, tree trimmers, tree shearers, shovels, rakes. Lunch will be provided. Signs up sheets are in the front entrance to the Church. Mark your calendars for our Adult faith night Tuesday, April 12th. The evening will begin with mass at 6:30 with the presentation from 7:00 to 8:15. The topic for the presentation will be “Places and Things” in the church. Come and learn with us! Dessert will be provided. RELAY FOR LIFE JUNE 4th Walk for the Holy Rosary Team! Sign up April 9th or 10th after Mass or call Lorna Barbour 712-527-9402 or Maggie Osborn 402-637-7461. Living Mercy in the Jubilee Year of Mercy - "Perhaps we have long since forgotten how to show and live the way of mercy," said Pope Francis. Instead, he said, we focus on justice, which is necessary and indispensable. Without mercy, though, life becomes fruitless and sterile. "Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instills in us the courage to look to the future with hope." Your Gift to God and Parish - March 27, 2016 Offertory Envelopes Easter Envelopes Offertory Loose Online Total Weekly $ 6,079.00 $ 150.00 $ 511.00 $ 2,164.00 $ 8,904.00 Year to Date ***** Budget Required +/- Budget $ 7,394.00 $ 1,510.00 $295,760.00 $ 6,764.00 ***** ***** $302,524.00 Mon. April 11 - St. Stanislaus Acts 6:8-15 John 6:22-29 No Mass Tues. April 12 - Third Week of Easter Acts 7:51 - 8:1a John 6:30-35 6:30 pm Mass for Steve Hughes, d. 7:00 pm Journey Together Wed. April 13 - Third Week of Easter Acts 8:1b-8 John 6:35-40 8:00 am Mass for George & Marie Siepker, d. Annual Diocesan Appeal 2016 Goal $45,086.00 Pledges $24,450.00 Paid Pledges $20,100.00 6:30 - 8 pm Faith Formation Grades 3 - 12 Eucharistic Adoration We Contemplate Christ Present in the Blessed Sacrament What is the Importance of Eucharistic Devotion? "This practice, repeatedly praised and recommended by the Magisterium, is supported by the example of many saints. Particularly outstanding in the regard was Saint Alphonsus Liguori, who wrote: ' Of all devotions that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us." Bishops Committee on the Liturgy Congratulations to our First Communion students who received the Sacrament April 4, 2016 Makensie Barrett Spencer Burtch Addison Chickering Ian Connell Dylan Cutshall Kaitlyn Geeser Abigail Hargens Cale Huffman Haylee Hughes Alivia Jones Claire Korver Giovanni Kuhl Calendar of Events & Daily Scripture Tristan Ludwig Clara Lundvall Caleb Schutte Claire Soergel Charli Sorenson Colin Steele Blaine Whitley Anna Wolbach Emily Wragge Kaylee Wray Jack Zak Thurs. April 14 - Third Week of Easter Acts 8:26-40 John 6:44-51 8:00 am Mass for Jerry & Alicia Galvin, d. 6:30 pm RCIA 7:00 pm Catholic Daughters Meeting Fri. April 15 - Third Week of Easter Acts 5:34-42 John 6:1-15 8:00 am Mass for Saundra Lundvall, d. Sat. April 16 - Third Week of Easter Acts 9:31-42 John 6:60-69 4:00 pm Reconciliation or by appointment with Fr. Dan 5:00 pm Mass for Audrey Mingo, d. Sunday, April 17 - Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52 Psalm 100:1-2, 3, 5 Revelations 7:9, 14b-17 John 10:27-30 Sun. 8:00 am Mass for Roger Wyant, d. 8:50 - 9:50 am Faith Formation Sun. 10:00 am Mass for Parishioners 6:00 pm Prayer for Peace RAGBRAI 2016 Looking for anyone who may be interested in coordinating a meal to be serve here following an outdoor Mass on Saturday night, July 23. please contact Father Dan. Celebration of Lives Touched by Cancer When May 6, 2016 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm A Wonderful Evening for Relay for Life Where Holy Rosary Catholic Church 24116 Marian Ave Glenwood, IA 51534 International Wines Fantastic Hors d’oeurves Decadent Desserts Please buy tickets by April 29th Silent Auction and Raffles Tickets will be on sale At Holy Rosary after Masses April 9th- 10th $25 per person To buy tickets or for questions call Maggie Osborn 402-637-7461 712-520-9121 Lorna Barbour 712-527-9402 BLUM BROTHERS Construction REX BRISTOW TRI-STAR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 527-5291 GLENWOOD STATE BANK Bob Blum Dave Blum 712-624-8434 712-526-2488 712-520-6663 712-520-0899 I Think It's Time For An Auction! PETERSON MORTUARY MARK HUGHES RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION (712)-624-8766 56205 302nd St Malvern, IA 51551 Sneedart.com Loess Hills Funeral & Cremation Center Continuously Serving Southwest Iowa Since 1899 402-672-3621 www.alhughesauctionservice.com Located on the northwest corner of the Pomerenke Painting & town "square" Deck Staining 32 North Walnut Michael Pomerenke, Owner 712-527-3157 712-527-5055/402-206-7571 George B. & Sandra K. Peterson Allan and Korrina Hughes Georgeanne Peterson-Williams 63088 Levi RD Glenwood IA 51534 212 S Locust 527-4805 Mary Sneed's Fine Art & Custom Framing Exterior & Interior Painting, Kitchen cupboards, Caulking, Dry Wall Patching, Puttying, Scraping, & Wallpaper removal. Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates, References Available, & Insured. Scott Erickson Funeral Director Carson 712-484-2283 Glenwood 712-527-5241 Malvern 712-624-8444 Prayer Meeting first Sunday of the Month after the 8 AM Mass With spiritual educational videos based on DFOT books. For further information: www.directionforourtimes.org ALL ARE WELCOME! Branch Banks Drive-in Banking Mineola 526-2131 Main Bank The Plaza 527-3423 The Plaza Tabor 712-629-2438 Email: [email protected] Flat Iron Laundry Precision Auto Wash 603 S Locust Glenwood, IA 712-527-3285 Hours: Carwash Open 24 hours Laundry: Fri-Mon 7:30 am - 6 pm Tues-Thurs 7:30 am - 7 pm PO BOX 111 Office 712-527-1000 Mobile 402-616-4501 Owned by Neuhalfen Family Severn Pest --Family-- Management Severn Owner Chiropractic Dodd 712-527-0327 Cell Kenkel Sears Mfg. Homes If you need a new home, please give us a call. Tom Kennedy & Family 407 Sharp St 712-527-5003 Glenwood, IA BEIER CUSTOM HOMES ALFRED BEIER 712-526-2066 or 712-520-6114 Dr. Mike Kenkel (712) 527-5800 Fax: 527-2065 Council 6977 Meets 1st Thursday of the Month at 7:30 PM Jim Hughes Mark Hughes Bob Hughes Allan Hughes David Hughes Anne Steele Dale Rogers Tina Stouder 712-520-7300 402-616-4501 402-690-1100 402-672-3621 402-670-8807 402-216-6811 402-297-3337 402-306-4317 Deanna Fuller Mark Sneed Todd Wright Susan Wright Mary Ann Sell Diane Knox Julie O’Hara Emily Swinford 712-527-1390 Home [email protected] Residential & Commercial Paul Andrew Clapper Memorial Golf Outing Glenwood Golf Course For information call 712-629-3815 712-520-4740 712-527-0475 712-520-4361 402-658-4361 402-616-4992 402-618-4718 712-215-1506 712-520-4237 Tom Demory Kristin Williams Kelly Stangl Kathryn Aistrope David Sieck Maddi Sieck Evan Sieck Betty Stanley www.jimhughesrealestate.com - 712-527-3114 402-660-8074 712-310-8333 402-889-0632 402-690-3752 402-690-5207 402-618-0776 402-689-2358 402-669-9319 Tim O’Connor Kelly Boles Dan Holliman John Hausen Merrill Heard Sandi Winton Nancy Vanatta Jay Wise Scott Zenor 712-370-1356 712-242-8697 712-350-0012 712-303-9967 402-690-1626 712-520-8548 402-917-3811 402-657-2239 402-203-7318