Enactus Club- urban farming project


Enactus Club- urban farming project
Enactus Club- urban farming project
Published on University of Nairobi (http://studentlife.uonbi.ac.ke)
Enactus Club- urban farming project
Enactus Club- urban farming project
Start Time: Sat, 2013-06-01 12:00
End Time: Sat, 2013-06-01 17:00
Location: Kayole
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ENACTUS club visited El Roi children's home in Kayole on Madaraka day.El roi children home,whose
director is called Susan Owour, faces many challenges, including lack of enough resources to sustain
the home.It’s with this back ground that ENACTUS university of Nairobi thought it was prudent for
the home to have a stable source of food supply, and this was only possible if the home produced its
own food.
Through partnership with Mazingira Institute Susan was trained on many methods in Urban Farming
such as sack/container gardening and stair case gardening. With the training, Enactus
members,Susan and some of the children in the home went on to use waste cement bags and sacks
to grow food crops such as Vegetables, Kunde, sweet potato, Beet roots, Bamboo seedlings etc. The
sacks are place outside the house on the balconies which the land lord was generous to give to
Susan for this initiative.
DSCN3504.JPG [8]
Contact Person: Enactus Club
Category: Students
Source URL: http://studentlife.uonbi.ac.ke/node/461
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