40 years G R A T E F U L F O R T H E P A S T EXCITED A BOUT THE F UTURE “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” M atthew 4:19 1 TA B L E O F CO N T E N T S EvanTell: Ministry Overview1 40 Years of Ministry2 Did You Know?4 The Impact of 40 Years6 What We Are Doing8 Where We Are Going15 Join With Us19 Let Us Help You 20 Board of Directors21 2 3 E VA N T E L L: M I N I S T RY O V E R V I E W MISSION EvanTell’s mission is to declare the gospel clearly and simply, activate believers around the world and prepare upcoming generations to reach the lost. CORE VALUES A clear presentation of the gospel A careful handling of Scripture A core doctrine of grace. VISION Our vision is to see more and more believers share the gospel with more and more people in more and more places every day. MINISTRY AREAS 1. 2. 3. 4. Academic Church Workplace Community • Save the Mother, Save her Child® • Disaster Relief • Generational Transformation EvanTell was started in 1973 by R. Larry Moyer, whose burden and vision was for an evangelistic ministry characterized by a clear presentation of the gospel and a clear explanation of the biblical text. Its official day of incorporation was April 5, 1973, although at that time it was incorporated under the name Encounter International. The ministry officially changed its name to EvanTell, Inc. on September 17, 1975. The name change was necessitated by too many other uses of the name Encounter, which resulted in confusion and hindered its identity. The origin of the name EvanTell is from the Greek word for “gospel” which is evangel—EvanTell is “evangelists telling the gospel.” April 5, 1973 4 1975 1 40 YEARS OF MINISTRY Everything EvanTell does involves declaring the gospel and equipping others to do the same. The core of our approach to evangelism is the thing that motivates us every day. It’s the gospel clear and simple. But God never uses one person or ministry to get the job done. That is why we have been committed to multiplying ourselves through training other people and ministries in evangelism. So as we plan for EvanTell’s future, our goal is to be the training arm for any believer or any ministry that needs our assistance. The time to expand our ministry to the fullest is now. Most people come to Christ in the midst of insecurity, transition or turmoil, loss of a spouse, job, finances, health, etc. Because of our rapidly changing world, people are more approachable than ever. The time to act is now. Join hearts and hands with us and let’s serve one another in this day of opportunity with the gospel. Together, we can impact people so that they live as people prepared to die and die as people prepared to live. While speaking in Pennsylvania in 1979, a pastor said to Larry, “Our people would like to know if you would explain to them how to share the gospel.” Larry taught them the Bad News/Good News approach he had personally developed to help him share Christ with the lost. The pastor later said to him, “I do not know why you are not teaching this to more people. We have people going out and sharing Christ for the first time in their lives and their new converts are sitting in front of me every Sunday.” Larry then began teaching the method to others. The approach met with tremendous receptivity as believers were confident they could master and remember the method. 1979 2 3 DID YOU KNOW? 1. EvanTell has facilitated nearly 500,000 trainings in evangelism over the course of our 40 years, equipping believers to share the good news of Jesus Christ wherever they go. 2. EvanTell has more than 200 Certified Instructors worldwide who are continually equipping believers in personal evangelism and 153 certified SMSC instructors training workers in pregnancy centers to share the gospel with the clients and their families. 3. EvanTell’s outreach and training have resulted in approximately 28 million presentations of the gospel since our inception in 1973. 4. More than 15,000 people have been trained through EvanTell’s Online Training. 5. In 2012, an average of three and a half people heard the gospel every minute because of the work the Lord did through EvanTell. 6. EvanTell has outreach tools in 57 languages and training materials in 25. EvanTell’s resources are approved by the governments of three totalitarian countries, which are closed to outside missionaries. 7. EvanTell now has more than 780 pregnancy centers in our Save the Mother, Save Her Child® (SMSC) initiative resulting in more than 85,000 trainings of staff and volunteers resulting in over 850,000 gospel presentations since SMSC’s inception in 2008. 8. EvanTell has 15 international training hubs around the world where we continually equip and resource indigenous believers to reach their fellow nationals for Christ. 9. Generational Transformation™, EvanTell’s partnership with One by One Ministries provides mentors to come alongside clients of pregnancy centers in the SMSC ministry and connect them to a local church. This will provide mentoring for 30,000 families in parenting and in the faith within the next ten years. 10. EvanTell has trained more than 300 staff and volunteers with Texas Baptist Men’s Disaster Relief and facilitated more than 20,000 gospel presentations to victims of natural disasters in the U.S., the Philippines, Chile, Japan, and Haiti. David Souther, Senior Ministry Director, training indigenous missionaries in Southeast Asia 4 5 T H E I M PA C T O F 4 0 Y E A R S Thank you for your wonderful ministry!! My young son, a Marine, had another retired Marine explain the gospel using your method. My son Danny couldn’t wait to tell me what he had heard and that it was the “clearest” presentation he had ever heard. His smile and excitement confirmed in my heart he was truly the Lord’s child. Six months later in Iraq the Lord lifted my son from the ravages of war and “redeployed” him to heaven. Your ministry to my son has brought me comfort, assurance, and joy in knowing my son is in the presence of the Lord. I look forward to that great day of reunion where I believe his first words will be ‘Mom, it was TRUE, it was ALL TRUE!’ May the Lord continue to bless your fruitful outreach as His grace moves through you to change hearts. God Bless you, Cathie Santee II Tim 1:9, Hebrews 13:14 T H E I M PA C T O F 4 0 Y E A R S I was teaching an Awana class of 30 to 40 boys and girls when Rebecca came to talk to me. Using the little blue tract I was able to lead her to Christ. I gave her a tract to take home to show her parents who were not Christians. Two weeks later Rebecca brought two school friends to Awana and after the class came up to talk to me. She said “I have been showing my friends that little blue paper and they want to talk to you.” That night the two girls trusted Christ. The next week, my last night to teach before going to Nigeria and Ghana, Rebecca brought another friend saying “Mr. Wessels I have been showing my friend this little blue paper and she wants to talk to you.” That night Avery put her trust in Jesus. This 11 year old girl who came to Jesus through the little blue tract used it to help lead her 3 friends to Christ. Two months later I was doing some work in an office building where we rent space to some realtors, and one of them said to me “I see you are back from Nigeria.” She told me that Avery, her daughter told her I was in Nigeria. She said Avery came home from Awana and said “Mom and dad, I know we are religious but now I am a saved religious person”. Tears came to the mother’s eyes and mine as well. I am sure we will all hear many more such stories in heaven some day. Thank you for “May I Ask You A Question” and your ministry at EvanTell. Duane Wessels Master Certified Instructor It took Larry only a few years in evangelism to notice that one of the biggest reasons people were not talking to others about the Savior was that they had forgotten how simple the message was and did not know what to say. EvanTell soon took on a training dimension in addition to the reaching dimension. Larry put his new seminar on video which was named You Can Tell It! and released in 1984. 1984 6 EvanTell’s Bad News/Good News approach of presenting the gospel was so popular that individuals across the country requested that it be put in a booklet form to be shared with non-Christians. The May I Ask You A Question? tract developed in 1991 would soon be translated in other languages and circulated across the world. 1991 7 ACADEMIC EvanTell currently has solid partnerships with several key Christian academic institutions including Dallas Baptist University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Wheaton College, and Word of Life Bible Institute. W H AT W E A R E D O I N G Through ongoing efforts at additional campuses, EvanTell hopes to continue providing more teaching, resources, and comprehensive programs on more campuses each year. Already in 2013, there are commitments from at least an additional half dozen institutions to utilize EvanTell’s staff and materials to equip their students for a lifestyle of evangelism. OVERALL MINISTRY EvanTell’s ministry continues to be to train and equip believers to share the gospel clearly and simply. At the core of our training is to instill boldness and know-how in believers to become champions for the gospel in their spheres of influence. This includes outreach through churches, community service ministries, pregnancy resource centers, schools, workplaces, mission trips, or wherever the Lord sends our partners in ministry. With our focus on developing resources that are flexible and adaptable for a wide variety of needs EvanTell’s approach to evangelism has proven ideal for the academic world. Appealing to the Christian liberal arts colleges and universities, Bible colleges, as well as seminaries, EvanTell develops a targetoriented plan for any Christian higher education environment. Our goal for the future is to increase the number of people who hear the gospel every minute by increasing our ministry partnerships and through the EvanTell Institute expanding our evangelism tools and training. The goal of the academic ministry is to increase yearly the number of Christian higher education institutions that utilize our staff, training, and materials to prepare their students for a life of evangelism. We also desire to see the Evangelism Initiative Conference for Christian Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities be held every few years or as frequently as appropriate. 4 Here are areas where EvanTell is at work declaring the gospel and equipping believers to reach people for Christ. AC A D E M I C C H U R C H CO M M U N I T Y W O R K P L AC E AJ Rinaldi, Ministry Director, speaking at Montreat College in Montreat, NC In 1993, after twenty years in crusades, Larry observed two things. One, it was more difficult than ever to get people to attend a crusade during the week and two, it was more difficult than ever to get non-Christians to a church. Convinced the message never changes but the method has to, Larry switched to a weekend outreach format called Operation Friendship. The bottom line is to ensure that more and more people hear the good news in more and more places. 1993 8 9 CHURCH Our church ministry helps congregations become more evangelistic throughout every aspect of the church’s life. Each outreach weekend incorporates training in personal evangelism to assist the local church in growing by conversion. Our goal is to expand our church partnerships worldwide so that more churches are growing by conversion by reaching more people in more places every day with the gospel message. Church leaders who have sponsored EvanTell’s Wild Game Feast comment, “This is the easiest thing to invite a non-Christian to in 2013.” People who will not consider coming to church, often come to a friendship dinner at a restaurant. You Can Tell It! Certified Instructors “ EvanTell has made a huge difference in our church’s evangelism outreach. They have been a key part of training our staff and lay leadership, as well as preparing our members for mission trips. Only eternity will tell how many people have been reached for Christ through the use of EvanTell’s training. I wholeheartedly recommend their ministry and training to any church that is serious about reaching unbelievers for Christ. Bryant Wright, Senior Pastor Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Marietta, GA ” EvanTell begins to certify instructors for You Can Tell It! 1996 10 11 COMMUNIT Y EvanTell’s community ministry equips believers around the world to share the gospel as they meet the physical and emotional needs of hurting people in their communities. Here are three examples of how EvanTell is doing this. DISASTER RELIEF Through our partnerships with national ministries like Texas Baptist Men and Victim Relief Ministries, EvanTell equips members of the Body of Christ to share the gospel as they respond to natural disasters or any situation involving trauma, both in the U.S. and around the world. S AV E T H E M OT H E R , S AV E H E R C H I L D ® ( S M S C ) SMSC is EvanTell’s evangelism training and equipping ministry for the staff and volunteers of faith-based pregnancy centers. SMSC provides a full range of online, webinar, and in-person training customized for this challenging environment. Our goal in Disaster Relief is to provide specialized evangelism training and materials to every Christian organization that responds globally or domestically to disaster and/ or victim relief. Life Evangelism School, Hungary, designing customized training for their individual SMSC centers. Our goal is to partner with over 1,000 pregnancy centers around the world as God provides the funding so that more and more people hear the gospel and choose life for their babies. G E N E R AT I O N A L T R A N S F O R M AT I O N Through this mentoring ministry partnership with One by One Ministries, our desire is for this initiative to serve four major metro areas by the end of 2014, and expand nationwide by 2018. Specialized training and gospel resources have been created for use in unique deployment and mission work, including manuals printed on waterproof paper. Impacting families through Generational Transformation. The goal of Generational Transformation is to help those who choose life in SMSC pregnancy centers to hear the gospel, create a wholesome family, grow in their faith, and achieve the best developmental success for their baby from birth to three years old. 1996 and 1997 marked a substantial increase in ministry due to the release of new materials. Among these publications was Larry’s first book Free & Clear followed by 31 Days with the Master Fisherman and Larry Moyer’s How to Book on Personal Evangelism. 1997 12 Seeing itself as a service association to other ministries and with the philosophy that “together we get the job done” EvanTell began partnering with ministries on a more extensive level. Organizations making use of the ministry include Care Net, for whom EvanTell became their official training arm, East/West Ministries, BEE World, Texas Baptist Men, SERVE West Dallas, Word of Life International, and many others. Partnering with other ministries became one way EvanTell extended its outreach to millions. 2000 13 WORKPLACE EvanTell equips workers worldwide with the customized tools and training they need to declare the gospel within the context of their workplace culture and relationships. WHERE WE ARE GOING Diversify H O W W E T R A I N A N D I N C R E A S E LO C AT I O N S W H E R E W E T R A I N EvanTell’s goal over the next few years is to recruit and support a key partner and workplace/ business-oriented organizations with training and materials adapted for their members. EvanTell envisions a day when Christian workers all over the world use their Workplace Evangelism training to reach people with the gospel who might never enter the doors of a church, so that more people hear the gospel every day. EvanTell will continue to transfer our 40 years of evangelistic wisdom and knowledge into training and tools that clearly and simply communicate the gospel in ways relevant in today’s fast-paced, multisensory world. Enlarge O U R I N T E R N AT I O N A L O U T R E AC H With 95% of the world’s population (over 6.5 billion people) living outside of the United States, the need for clear and biblically accurate training in international locations is overwhelming. The demand is greatest in developing countries which lack clear and biblical evangelism training. Because of impoverished conditions in these developing countries, EvanTell funds a large portion of our international outreach through the generous contributions of our donors. EvanTell has long been involved in evangelizing overseas through our network of certified instructors. Workplace Training Dallas, TX With 15 “in country” training networks and partners that continuously train and equip believers to share the gospel, EvanTell is in a position to more than triple its evangelistic impact internationally. Expand T H E E VA N T E L L I N S T I T U T E At any time our strategic partners, laypersons, or certified instructors will be able to access a wide variety of content and training tools from the EvanTell Institute’s section of the website. The impact of making these resources readily available in any language needed will be exponential! With the unanimous support of the Board or Directors, Larry led EvanTell towards the goal of going beyond himself, so that the ministry would continue to thrive for many years to come. 2004 14 In the fall of 2007, the Board was restructured. EvanTell’s Board of Directors is a Governance Board with the Board deciding the “what” and the staff deciding the “how”. An Executive Committee of the Board was established along with the Development, Finance, Human Resource, and Governance Committees. This allows the Full Board to meet two half days each year while committees accomplish much of the work and bring major items before the entire Board for approval. 2007 15 Boost O U R D I G I TA L CO M M U N I C AT I O N S AND ONLINE TRAINING Given the fact that 2.4 billion people are online worldwide, EvanTell is focused on increasing our digital production of evangelism tools and training. This includes expanding our online presence with webinars, print-on-demand resources, smart phone apps, and other digitally interactive tools. It will expand our capacity to reach people overseas in key languages. Develop M O R E C R E AT I V E TO O L S A N D Multiply PA R T N E R S H I P S EvanTell is continuously seeking strategic partnerships with churches, parachurch ministries, and academic institutions to help strengthen their evangelism-oriented objectives making them more effective in sharing the gospel. By combining our individual strengths and infrastructure, we are able to build great momentum, reduce costs, and have a much broader reach than a single organization could accomplish on its own. We have adapted and created specific training and outreach materials to meet a wide array of partners’ needs around the world, including Care Net, Texas Baptist Men, One by One, Wheaton College, Life International, Word of Life Fellowship, and many more! What we have done for Care Net and other ministries we want to do for every ministry or association that wants our assistance. Through partnering together we reach more people than one ministry or association alone could ever do. R E S O U R C E S F O R E VA N G E L I S M Our plans are to expand our resource base, including customized materials for our partners in each of our ministry segments. “The Evangelism Bible”, to be released in 2014, will be a unique resource containing notes, tips, and over 400 features, including in-depth articles, trainings, and devotionals that equip believers in evangelism. MINISTRIES, INC New books train pastors in evangelistic speaking, new online training equips workers to share their faith at work, and various resources equip pregnancy centers both here and abroad. 7300 Blanco Road, Suite 501 San Antonio, Texas 78216 210.524.2411 Fax 210.524.2412 www.onebyoneusa.org Increase F U N D I N G As EvanTell ministers around the world to declare the gospel and activate believers to do the same. We also want to connect believers with opportunities to support what the Lord is doing through EvanTell. EvanTell seeks to raise additional funds—one-time or monthly gifts—which will maintain current ministry activities and position the ministry to respond to new opportunities. EvanTell has developed tools and other resources for equipping believers worldwide to share the gospel, train and encourage others in evangelism, and follow-up with new believers. Some of these tools and resources includes our CrossTalk and Welcome to Heaven tracts, Good News Wristband, and Seedlings for working with children. 16 EvanTell gave birth to its Workplace Ministry to train employers and employees to evangelize those they work with everyday. Online training, workplace webinars, and the EvanTell Institute were put into place to support this endeaver. 2010 17 JOIN WITH US In P R AY E R • • • • We need 24/7 prayer cover for the gospel. Choose your time and pray. Pray for the EvanTell Institute and our new initiatives. Pray for our staff and Certified Instructors. Pray for indigenous pastors and workers’ safety, success, and salvations as they share the gospel. In PA R T N E R S H I P S • • • • Encourage your church to grow by conversion. Ask us to help! Tell your company about EvanTell and ask them to sponsor our workplace training. Do you serve in leadership in an organization that should be our partner? Let’s talk! Give your alma mater more than money! Connect them to our academic ministry. In G I V I N G • • • • • Larry Moyer, Founder and CEO, talks with a North Dakota pastor about the results of EvanTell’s Wild Game Feasts 18 Provide monthly support of $25 or more to help increase the number of people who hear the gospel. A designated gift of $200 a month to our International ministry provides materials for 20,000 gospel presentations a year. Underwrite ongoing development of multi-media evangelism resources. — $500 - $1,000. Underwrite the startup fee for a church and 10 mentors to serve new and expectant parents through Generational Transformation — $4,200. Underwrite interactive online training in Spanish — $25,000. Our hope is that you will prayerfully consider how you can join with us to ensure the declaration of the gospel around the world. 19 BOARD OF DIRECTORS LET US HELP YOU There are 1 2 3 4 4 2012 - 2013 ways we would love to serve you. Let us know how we can pray for you. Our staff meets each Tuesday morning for a time of prayer together. Let us train you in evangelism through our various resources - books, DVDs, seminars and online training. Statistics say only five percent of all believers ever lead someone to Christ. The reason is they rarely speak to anyone about Christ. We want you to be part of that five percent who have had that delightful experience through consistently sharing the gospel. David Cook Andy Coticchio William Dawkins Rex Eatmon Greg England Taylor Gardner Bart Humphrey Larry Moyer Julie Parton W. Paul Tiefel Managing Director, Sperry Van Ness Spyglass Equities President, EvanTell Vice Chairman of the Board Pastoral Care Ministries, Stonebriar Community Church Chief Financial Officer, H.I.S. BridgeBuilders President/Owner, Humphrey Oil Corporation Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Chairman of the Board Founder and CEO, EvanTell Let us certify you to train others. As a certified instructor you can multiply your evangelism efforts many times over. Let us be your resource to help you reach unbelievers. We have materials in more than 50 languages to equip you to share Christ wherever the Lord leads you. We can create or customize tools and training for the specific evangelism needs of your ministry. Adjunct Professor, Dallas Baptist University Petroleum Engineering Consultant PA S T B O A R D C H A I R M E N 1973-1979 Dr. R. Larry Moyer 1999-2005 Mr. Vaughn Pearson 1980-1984 Dr. Harold Hoehner 2006-2008 Mr. John Stephenson 1985-1987 Mr. George Cramer 2009Mr. Andrew Coticchio 1988-1991 Dr. Harold Hoehner 2010-2012 Dr. Taylor Gardner 1992-1995 Mr. Howard Byrnes 2013- present Dr. R. Larry Moyer 1996-1998Mr. Jack Reaves 20 21 Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1 22 EvanTell is committed to being a trustworthy steward of your generous contribution. EvanTell is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). We also have been recognized multiple times as a “Shining Light” by MinistryWatch.com for our efficiency, financial transparency, and unashamed focus on evangelism. Your gift to EvanTell will be used for our collective ministry efforts unless designated to a specific project. EvanTell is a 501(c)(3) organization, and your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 23 Evan ell PO Box 741417 Dallas, TX 75374-1417 800.947.7359 www.evantell.org 24
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