HHS PTSA Newsletter May June 2016
HHS PTSA Newsletter May June 2016
Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Herndon Community: Spring is upon us! It is har d to b elieve th at th e spr ing activities seaso n is com ing to an end. Many of our sports teams have already had their senior recognitions and they are gearing up for their district tournaments. We've also witnessed amazing spring performances by students in our performing arts programs. I love the spring season! The fourth quarter of the 2015-2016 school year brings with it many exciting events and activities. Thursday, June 16, marks the graduation of the Herndon High School Class of 2016. The ceremony will take place at the George Mason University Patriot Center. This is an exciting and emotional time for all. Parents should be on the lookout for graduation information in the mail and on the Herndon High School website. Many students Principal’s Message - - - - - - - - 1 continue to owe fees and dues which must be paid in full in order to participate in President’s Message - - - - - - - - 2 graduation. If you have questions about these fees, please contact the Black office at SOL Test Schedule- - - - —- - - - -3 (703-810-2218). Students may also see Mrs. Cathy Liebenstein, HHS Finance Officer, in ANG News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 the finance office before or after school to pay fees and dues. Contents ANG News — - - - - - — - - - - - - -5 ANG News — - - - - - — - - - - - - -6 ANG News—- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 Special Education News- - - - - - 7 Special Education News — - - - - 8 Band Notes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -9 NJROTC News- - - - - - - - - - - -10 Class of 2017 News - - - - - - - - 10 Orchestra News - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Notes from the Clinic - - - - - - - 11 No-Fuss Fundraiser (Eng) - - - 12 Try Kendo? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -12 No-Fuss Fundraiser (Span) - - -13 Spring Fling Physicals—- - - - - 14 Class of 2019 News — - - - - - - -14 World Language News—- - - - - 14 US Government News—- - - - - 15 Buzzworthy Hornet—- - - - - 15-16 HHS Spirit Wear — - - - - - -16-20 AP Exam Schedule -- - - - - - - - 19 Grocery Rewards Programs—- -21 PTSA Membership- - - - - - - - -22 PTSA Volunteers - - - - - - - - - -23 Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 Northwest Federal Credit Union 24 With the flowers blooming and weather warming, we fully understand that a student’s ability to maintain a laser-like focus on learning can be difficult. Our teachers continue to maintain high standards and expectations and I encourage our students to continue attending classes daily, completing all of their assignments and studying hard. AP exams will be held between May 2nd – May 13th. The end of course SOL exams will be held between May 23rd – May 31st (See Page 3 of this newsletter for the entire SOL schedule). Our school will conduct a SOL prep program for all students needing additional support on their SOL exams. Additionally, some teachers will be holding weekend AP study sessions for students. No matter what time of year it is Herndon always has a lot to celebrate. Please peruse our website and follow our PTSA threads to keep abreast of all of the school’s accomplishments which include teacher of the year nominations and awards received by numerous school groups and organizations such as the science fair winners, student athletes, district orchestra, Pride of Herndon Band, robotics team, Business and Marketing students and art students. This doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of what we are accomplishing at Herndon! As I mentioned before we are well into our spring season for extracurricular activities and athletics. Recently I have enjoyed attending various school activities and seeing our students excel through athletics and the arts. I invite you to come out and see our students in action as they perform in the spring plays and concerts, sporting events, award programs and graduation. Thank you for your support as we work together to close 2015-2016 with much success! All Hornets are capable of success…. NO EXCEPTIONS! Sincerely, William L. Bates Jr. Principal & “Treasure Hunter” Herndon High School Herndon High School PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Congratulations to the Class of 2016 and their families! Good Luck in your future endeavors! This spring has been a busy one and now that it is May our school activities are picking up – AP exams, SOLs and finals are right around the corner. And, of course, the 2016 graduation…. As we publish this last PTSA newsletter of the year I want to recognize all of our Senior Class of 2016 and wish them well with the next phase of their lives. They’ll always be Hornets and I know will make us all very proud! To those parents whose youngest or only child is graduating, congratulations and THANK YOU for your support of Herndon High School over the years. To those of us who will continue at HHS, we welcome your active support and participation of our HHS PTSA programs and events next year. We need your help! It has been a truly remarkable year and a cooperative effort of so many people who have made the year successful: The staff at HHS have b een fantastic suppor ter s of the HHS PTSA throughout the year. Thank you for the energy, enthusiasm, and compassion you give to our students every day! Thanks to Principal William Bates in particular for your continued partnership with the PTSA. Thanks to our Faculty Liaison Dr. Fariba Ghashghaee for her active participation and keeping everyone informed. Thank you to Kofi Annan for putting together the new PTSA Diversity Committee. Between Kofi and Razia Sohail this new PTSA program began exploring how our respective cultural heritages and how our backgrounds unite us as one Herndon High School community. The work of Kofi and Razia resulted in closer coordination between the PTSA and HHS on diversity issues (thank you AP Maria Sneed!), the diversity panel and discussion on April 24, and a better understanding of how the PTSA can help facilitate discussion to make HHS the best it can be for all our students. Thank you to the PTSA Officers: Yelena Barth, Deborah Altman, Rose Malatesta, Vivian Luo and Cinthia Drake for all your hard work and dedication. Special thanks goes to Yelena for also serving as the Volunteer Coordinator, and to Vivian who is finishing her two-year term as Treasurer. This is truly a team effort, thank you officers! A big thank you to our All Night Grad Chair Lisa Alden who stepped up last year and with her committee is making a wonderful, safe, drug and alcohol free All Night Grad Party a reality for our seniors. Thank you to our Hospitality Chairs Shareem Kilkenny, Erika Margraf, Anne O’Flaherty Pharr for planning our final event: The Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on May 4th to honor our staff. Thank you to all of our Class Parent Liaisons and Boosters Liaisons for keeping all the parents informed of May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter what is going on at HHS with respect to your individual Classes and groups – Shakira O’Neil (2016), Stephanie McClellan (2017), and Melanie Mulcahy (2018), Suzy Orr (Band), Luz Gomez (Guitar), Aura Velasquez (Hispanic parent liaison), Lori Gerlaugh (Landscaping), Melissa Lippmann (NJROTC), Greg Griffin (Reflections), Jennifer James-Samuels (Robotics and much more!), and Gabrielle Aucella (Special Education). And big THANK YOUs go our to our membership chair Claire Bartalos, to Barb Wells for maintaining our web page, to our store programs chair Julie Saylor for making sure we access local retail fundraising opportunities, and to Razia Sohail for producing a great student directory! And most of all, thanks to Jeannie Johns for all her great work producing this wonderful PTSA newsletter. You will be missed Jeannie! We are so grateful that many of you will return next year! We have a wonderful community here at HHS, and together we can continue to build upon the exceptional quality of programs, events, clubs, and activities next year and beyond. We are losing some “PTA Veterans” with the Class of 2016, so now is the time for the younger generations to step forward and lead! Our two biggest needs are a PTSA Treasurer and a 2017 All Night Graduation Coordinator. Other needs will be flagged through the PTSA email list and on the PTSA website located at www.herndonptsa.org. Thank you in advan ce. We have great parent support of our Booster Clubs, PTSA, Student Clubs, SGA, etc, and it is important to keep this support going – please continue your involvement and support. Parental involvement is vital to our children’s success in high school. We’ll see you in September for another exciting school year. Go Hornets! Walter Alcorn HHS PTSA President FINAL PTSA MEETING The final PTSA meeting will be Thursday, May 12, at 7 p.m. in the HHS cafeteria. We will hear from our “new” Student Resource Officer Tassey to discuss safety and security issues at HHS and in the community. We will also present the Slate of PTSA Officers for 2016-17 and we still need a volunteer to serve as Treasurer. Please consider helping out! Contact Deborah Altman at [email protected] or me at [email protected] if you ar e w illing to ser ve o r have questions. If you have any questions, ideas or concerns, please let me know at [email protected]. Walter Alcorn 2 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Editor’s Note: This is the last HHS PTSA newsletter edition for the 2015—2016 school year and my last time editing the newsletter. Thank you for sending me articles and photos of our Hornet family over the last several years. I loved publicizing everyone’s accomplishments. Next year Katie de la Paz will be the newsletter editor. Katie will send out a call for articles in the late summer to kick off the 2016—2017 school year. She may be contacted at [email protected]. Jeannie Johns 3 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter CLASS OF 2016 NEWS www.herndonang.org www.herndonang.org 4 Herndon High School 5 May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School 6 May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Thank you to the following families for their generous donations in support of All Night Grad: PARENT INFORMATION RELATING TO SPECIAL EDUCATION All these opportunities are free unless noted. The FCPS Parent Resource Center (PRC) helps parents of students with disabilities. It sponsors workshops, has a lending library, and has Parent Liaisons to help parents solve problems. www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc. English: 703-204-3941; Español: 703-204-3955 Autism Spectrum Disorder Resource Guide www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc/documents/2016ASDRESOURCEGUIDEFINAL.pdf. List of Special Needs Summer Camps 2016 http://www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc/resources/additional/summer_camps/index.shtml Materials from the FCPS 11th Annual Special Education Conference Now available at www.fcps.edu/dss/conference/2016/materials/. ABLE Accounts, Special Needs Trusts, & Financial Planning Monday, May 2, 7:30 ― 9:00 p.m. in the Community Room B, McLean Bible Church, 8925 Leesburg Pk., Vienna, VA,. Jessica Pannell, Attorney, will present information on the differences between ABLE accounts and special needs trusts, including when they should be established. RSVP appreciated but not required: [email protected] or 703-770-2938. Youth and Young Adults: Stronger Together Alternate Tuesdays through May 2016 (May 3 & 17), 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in Fairfax. Sponsored by Formed Families Forward, this peer-to-peer support group for youth ages 14 - 22 meets twice a month through May. Parents, caregivers and guardians have their own meeting at the same time in the same building. Light dinner of pizza and salad will be served. Register: formedfamiliesforward.org/youth-together-peer-group/ or (703) 539-2904. Introduction to Special Education Tuesday, May 3, 7 - 9 p.m. FCPS Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Rd., Entrance 1, Dunn Loring, VA. This workshop will help parents understand the special education process, build a network of support, collaborate with school staff, and develop an understanding of how to help their child. Registration required: www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc or 703 941-5788. Webinar: Fun Ahead: Creating Your Family’s Summer Bucket List Thursday, May 5, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Get ready for a healthy, happy summer with this presentation by kinship expert Dr. Kathy Dial. Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1384638454764461825 or 703 539-2904. (Special Education continued on page 8) 7 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter (Special Education continued from page 7) Diagnosing Decoding Issues in Students of All Ages Saturday, May 7, 9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Siena School, 1300 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, MD. Learn about and practice using Really Great Reading's Diagnostic Decoding Survey, which is an easy and efficient way to detect when students are having word-level reading difficulties and to pinpoint specific decoding weaknesses. Register: http://dcida.org/events. Beyond Consequences Saturday, May 7, 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Lutheran Church of the Abiding Presence, 6304 Lee Chapel Road, Burke, VA. Learn how to help a child at his core emotional level during times of defiance, aggression, and disrespect so that you can connect with even the most difficult and resistant child. Register: http://www.beyondconsequences.com/#!washington-dc/c16fx. $20 includes book. Medicaid Waiver Redesign: What Does it Mean for Me? Tuesday, May 10, 7-9 p.m., Arc of Greater Prince William, 13505 Hillendale Drive, Tr. Room 2, Woodbridge, VA. Moms in Motion will explain how changes in the Virginia Medicaid long term care waivers will affect many families. Child care is available only with registration. Register by email: [email protected] Coping Strategies for Anxious Children Ages 8 - 17: What Parents Need to Know Friday, May 13, 10:00 a.m. – noon, FCPS Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Road, Entrance 1, Dunn Loring, VA. This presentation will cover the science and biological roots of anxiety, how to change anxious thinking, and current treatment options, including medications and cognitive behavioral therapy. Register: www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc or 703 941-5788. World of Possibilities Expo Saturday, May 14, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Holiday Inn, Arlington at Ballston, 4610 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA. This Caring Communities Expo will include a wide variety of disability related resources, including local agencies and support groups, exhibitors, demonstrations, book signings, and repair services. More information: http://expo.caringcommunities.org. Learning about SSDI, SSI, Medicare & Medicaid Sunday, May 15, 1 - 3:30 p.m., Trinity Presbyterian Church, 5533 N.16th Street, Arlington, VA. Learn how SSDI, SSI, Medicare & Medicaid might be helpful to you or a family member. An introduction will be followed by a panel presentation and Q&A. www.nami-northernvirginia.org. Building on Independence through Transportation & Mobility Workshop Thursday, May 19, 7-9 p.m., JCNV, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA. Services in Northern Virginia that help individuals with disabilities navigate various forms of transportation will be presented. A resource fair with public and private providers is included. RSVP: [email protected] or 703 865-6502. Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool! Session 4 Friday, May 20, 10:00 a.m. – noon, Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Road, Entrance 1, Dunn Loring, VA. Put your own oxygen mask on first to become the cool, calm, connected parent your child really needs to develop the mutually respectful, cooperative, and loving relationship that you crave with your child. Registration required: www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc or 703 941-5788. Summer Mindfulness Friday, June 3, 10:00 a.m. - noon Dunn Loring Center, 2334 Gallows Road, Entrance 1 Dunn Loring. Learn mindfulness tools that you can teach your children this summer to help them manage stress and difficult emotions, reduce anxiety, and increase the ability to self-calm, focus, and sustain attention. Register: www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc or 703 941-5788. CHADD: Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Alexandria Parent Support m eets th e 4th Mo n day each m on th 6:30 -7:30 p.m. at Aldersgate UM Church, 1301 Collingwood Road, Alexandria, VA. Contact: Jenny [email protected]. West Fairfax Parent Support Group m eets each 2nd & last Thur s. at 7:30 p.m . (M ay 12 & 26) Fair fax Church of Christ, 3901 Rugby Road, Fairfax Contact Sharon [email protected]. Oakton ADHD Parent Group m eets on th e 4th Tuesday each m onth at 7:30 p.m . at Oakto n Lib r ar y, 10304 Lynnhaven Place. Contact Maureen Gill: [email protected]. Support Group for High School Students with ADHD m eets th e fir st S unday of each m onth 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. 4031 Univ. Dr. Fairfax. Enter on South Street. No parents! Call 703-403-3335 to enter the building. Contact: [email protected] (703) 641-8940. NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for those affected by mental illness. Family Support Groups: www.nami-northernvirginia.org/families-and-friends.html OCD Family Support Group 1st Monday of each Month, 7:30 p.m. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 4000 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, Virginia. Contact: 202-215-5859 [email protected]. 8 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter BAND NOTES The Pride takes Boston On March 31, more than 100 members of The Pride traveled to Boston for 2 jam-packed days full of culture and history. The group walked the Freedom Trail and saw sights such as Paul Revere’s house and the Old North Church. They shopped and dined at Faneuil Hall, and they toured the Salem Witch Museum. On day two, they toured Fenway Park as well as Boston’s Symphony Hall where they were treated to a masterclass and then attended a BSO concert. The students and the Band Parents Association would like to extend their sincerest thanks to everyone who donated money and supported our fundraisers to help make this trip possible for so many deserving musicians. National Cherry Blossom Parade Another highlight of the spring was the Pride of Herndon’s participation in the National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade on April 16. After submitting pictures and videos to the selection committee, the band was just one of 14 groups selected to march in the parade. The band warmed up that morning in front of the National Air and Space Museum, right next to a bunch of huge balloon floats, and also spent time hobnobbing with Miss Maryland and Miss District of Columbia, whom they were marching behind. The hearts of HHS parents and friends swelled with pride as the band marched past the National Archives playing “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and “America, The Beautiful”. And those who watched the event on television were treated to a prerecorded introduction provided by Julia Picchiotino, a S en ior Dr um Majo r , and Rachel Azzinaro, a Senior clarinet player. It was a truly memorable experience, especially for the seniors who were marching with the Pride for the very last time. All-Virginia Band During the weekend of April 7, two members of our band participated in the All-Virginia Band and Orchestra event at George Mason University. Senior Jacob Reeves was third chair percussion in the entire state, and Sophomore James Adams was principal percussionist for the second band. Virginia has 16 districts, and only the top percussionists from each district may audition for a spot. The students put on an absolutely amazing performance under the direction of Colonel Michael Colburn. The band performed “George Washington Bicentennial by Sousa”, “Asphalt Cocktail” by John Mackey, “Toccata and Fugue in D minor” by Bach, “Lincolnshire Posey” by Percy Grainger, and “Adventures on Earth from ET” by John Williams. Open Positions on Band Parents Association Board and Subcommittees There are several Board and Subcommittee positions that will be vacant next year. If you will have a child in band next year, please consider volunteering. This is a wonderful way to get involved, share many rewarding experiences with your child and make new friends too. Please go to the Herndon High School Bands website at www.herndonband.org for descriptions of the available positions and information on how to sign up. Upcoming Events: May 13 – United States Navy Band concert at 7 p.m. Free and open to the public. May 24 – Spring Concert at 7 p.m. June 13 – Band Awards Banquet at 6 p.m. 9 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter NJROTC NEWS Herndon NJROTC Hosts Freshmen Drill Meet The Cadets from the Navy Junior ROTC hosted a drill meet on April 23 for area JROTC units to compete at Herndon High School in what turned out to be an extremely successful event. The upper classmen have spent months planning this event and coordinating hundreds of details while at the same time the freshmen and first year Cadets have been practicing after school to compete in this once per year event. Schools from Virginia and Maryland began arriving in the early morning of 23 April while 15 Active duty Marines from Helicopter Marine Squadron One (HMX 1), also converged on Herndon to perform the difficult task of judging 11 Teams from Navy, Marine and Army JROTC units. HMX 1 was established 1 December 1947 at Marine Base Quantico, Virginia, as an experimental unit tasked with testing and evaluating military helicopters when rotary wing flight was still in its infancy. Founded to test tactics, techniques, procedures and equipment, HMX-1 has since then, become synonymous with helicopter transport of the President of the United States. Each school fielded a team that performed armed drill, unarmed drill, color guard and uniform inspection. The Marines judged each event to exacting standards and high levels of military bearing for which Marines are famous. The final event was a “Drill Knock Out” in which Marines call out drill commands while Cadets with drill rifles are required to respond immediately without flaw. Any mistake or delay results in the Cadet being cut until the best of the best remain. The three top Cadets won medals for enduring an almost unending string of commands that shook many into mistakes. The closing ceremony included the awarding of trophies for overall best school, best in each category of drill and the Cadet with the most impressive command voice also won a medal. Cadets and their families had a fun and exciting day watching each other perform after months of practice and determination. Herndon High’s Navy Junior ROTC is for anyone interested in real leadership experiences, teamwork, and/or high-level competition. There is no military commitment. To learn more about this outstanding program, please contact David Adler, Captain, USN (retired) at (703) 755-5710 or [email protected]. Herndon HS Cadet escorts a guest school to their event Marines from HMX 1 grade Herndon first year cadets in armed drill Note: Photographs by NJROTC Cadet, Isabella Geis. Three Marines quiz a Cadet on Chain of Command, Orders to the Sentry and Uniform regulations CLASS OF 2017 NEWS Mrs. Michelle Campiglia is o ur new assistant principal at H er ndo n High School, supporting the Red Office and overseeing the HHS Class of 2017. Michelle spent the last three years as the FCPS HS ESOL Specialist. To date, one of her major assignments has been leading the development of rigorous standards-based curriculum to support Enhanced HS ESOL Programming. Herndon HS will embark on this new model for the 2016-2017 school year. Other accomplishments include organizing the ESOL Online Summer School and managing the Balanced Literacy iPAD Grant Pilot program. Her strengths include hiring and supervising personnel, finance, communication and assessment and data analysis. She is an advocate for schools and communities and has facilitated many discussions with Hispanic parents about strategies for school success. She co-chaired a community outreach committee and initiated a newsletter for Hispanic parents and coordinated a Family Literacy program while serving as a teacher at Stuart HS. She has served as an ESOL Department Chair and Instructional Support Teacher for Alternative School Sites. Her teaching experience is diverse and includes leadership at Lee HS, Stuart HS, Stone MS and Poe MS. In 2007 Michelle was recognized as Teacher of the Year for Transitional ESOL High Schools. In 2012 Michelle was awarded the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching to Argentina, and in 2010 she was published in the Journal of the Greater Washington Reading Council. Finally, Michelle is a multilingual educator who speaks French and Spanish! 10 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter OCHESTRA NEWS The HHS Orchestra performed a Pre-Assessment Concert for family and friends on March 3 in the HHS Auditorium. District XII Assessments w er e h eld o n M ar ch 11 -12 at Kenmore Middle School, and both orchestras received Superior Ratings ― the highest form of recognition! On March 16, members of the HHS Chamber Orchestra players performed during the opening reception for the “Mind, Heart, Vision” exhibit at ArtSpace Herndon featuring the works of Herndon HS Senior visual arts students. It was a wonderful evening highlighting a variety of artistic talent in our community. On March 30 – April 3, thirty orchestra students travelled to Nashville, Tennessee, alongside HHS chorus students. It was a whirlwind, jam-packed four days! Some of the highlights of the Spring Trip included: line dancing lessons at the Wild Horse Saloon; a tour of the Schemerhorn Symphony Center; a clinic at Belmont University; a visit to the Country Music Hall of Fame; enjoying a Friday night show at the Grand Ole Opry House; a day at Dollywood; and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a recording together in the Historic RCA Studio B where Elvis Presley recorded his songs! Back in Herndon, the high school orchestras performed in the annual Herndon Orchestra Pyramid Concert on April 28 with the Area Elementary and Herndon Middle School Orchestras. The final performance of the 2015-16 school year for the HHS Orchestras will be held on June 6 at 7 p.m. in the HHS Auditorium. Herndon Orchestra performances are always free and open to the public. Please join us! NOTES FROM THE HHS CLINIC Dear Parents, There are a few end of the year issues for you to remember. Those of you whose children have medication in the clinic will need to pick up your student’s medication. Y ou sh ould be getting a KIT note if your child has meds. If medication is not picked up by the end of the school year, it will be disposed of since w e cannot k eep m edicatio n in the clinic th r ough th e su m m er . Since this is High School, your student may carry over-the-counter medication only home with them at the end of the year. As a reminder, you need a new medication form for next school year. On www.fcps.edu you can click on Forms and it will take you to the page for forms. You may also call the school to pick up a new form. Also, remember that there are 3 different forms: medication, inhaler and epinephrine. We do need a provider’s signature for all medications except over-the-counter meds for pain ONLY. Th e clin ic w ill be op en for h alf a day in late August to accept medications. The date will be in your back to school packet. With the news about the Zika virus and other mosquito borne diseases, I would like to remind you that the health department wants you to check your yards for mosquito breeding places. + Mosquitoes can breed in as little as a couple of tablespoons of water. Check your yard and dump out any water you find. + Turn anything that can hold water upside down or cover it. These simple tips will help to control the spread of West Nile Virus and other mosquito borne diseases. Please go to www.fairfaxcounty.gov for infor m atio n abo ut these diseases and how to “fight the bite” and avoid being bitten by an infected tick or mosquito. Also, remember to use your sun screen, hats and cover up to avoid exposure to UV rays this summer. Sunburns carry unhappy consequences for your skin in terms of skin cancer and premature ageing. Virginia Wilkinson MSN, RN, NCSN, School Public Health Nurse Robin Weinstein School Health Aide 11 Herndon High School TRY KENDO? Kendo, the art of traditional Japanese samurai fencing, str ives to b r ing one’s mind, body, and spirit together as one. Kendo class has been offered at Herndon Community Center for nearly 8 years. This class emphasizes a strong understanding of the practice basics, including etiquette, and Japanese culture. For more information about the program see www.KendoDC.com. 12 May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School 13 May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter HHS SPRING FLING PHYSICALS HHS Spring Fling Physicals will take place on MONDAY, MAY 23rd and will be valid for all summer conditioning/ workouts and all of school year 2016-17. Athletes can NOT participate in any team events for next year without a valid physical after May 1st. Physicals include additional screenings for flexibility and strength ― information will be given to all attendees on how to improve “problem” areas to help to prevent injuries. This is our big fundraiser for the year ― it helps fund all the supplies (band-aids, gloves, gauze, ice bags, rehab equipment, etc.) we need to take care of our student-athletes. Please come and support the cause! If you can't make it to HHS, check out one of our neighboring schools ― a full calendar of dates can be viewed at the link below. We promise that everything (assuming a healthy physical from the doctor ― if they refer you on for something specific, that’s for your child’s safety and needs to be addressed) on your physical paperwork will be complete and ready to go ― the easy school/team paperwork to be done before the first practice. Physicals are $50 and by appointment only ― walk in appointments will be on a first come, first serve availability if time allows, there are no guarantees a walk in will be seen. To be ensured an appointment, schedule one now at www.fcps.edu/sports. We can accept cash or check - no credit cards ― the night of physicals. We are also accepting parent and/or medical volunteers ― if you are interested in helping, please sign up through the same link. Thanks again for your continued support of our Hornet Student-Athletes! Lisa T. Petruzzi, MEd, ATC, VATL, ITAT Head Athletic Trainer, Herndon High School 703-810-2327 [email protected] NEW 2019 CLASS PARENT LIAISON “Help Me Build our Class Email List!” Hello fellow 2019 Parents! My name is Pam Tyrrell and I volunteered to take on the role of 2019 Class Parent at the April PTA meeting. With the end of the school year quickly approaching, I would like to build our class email database so information pertinent to our class may be communicated to all of you! I am also going to begin thinking about ideas to help organize our class in preparation for next year as well as our kids next three years at Herndon HS. I have a few thoughts but would love to hear yours! Please send me any email addresses you have for 2019 Parents, let me know if you have suggestions for our class, and indicate if you would like to assist with 2019 Class Planning. Pam Tyrrell 2019 Class Parent Liaison [email protected] WORLD LANGUAGES The World Languages Department would like to congratulate the following students who will participate in the highly selective Governor’s Foreign Language Academies this summer! Your language teachers are proud of you and we know that you will represent HHS well! • Michael Doucette was selected for the Spanish Academy. • Alyssa Luehring w as selected for th e Jap an ese Academ y. • Mary Ogborn w as selected for th e Latin Academ y. We would also like to commend Misha Barth, who was selected as an alternate for the French Academy, and Christina Ngo, who was selected as an alternate for the Latin Academy. We wish all of our students the best of luck on the Language AP exams. The French Department will hold its annual French Awards Ceremony and French Honor Society Induction Ceremony on June 2nd. Letters will be sent at the end of May to invited families. Ophélie Butts World Languages Department Chairperson French Honor Society Sponsor 14 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter GOVERNMENT NEWS HHS Seniors Invade Capitol Hill! Capital Building still under construction Supreme Court HHS Students Honor Elderly Veterans Library of Congress ONE OF HERNDON’S BUZZWORTHY HORNETS While running and playing soccer with cousins on his grandfather’s cow farm in El Salvador, Juan Barahona hadn’t yet distinguished himself. It wasn’t until he came to the United States in November 2014 with his mother, that his life gained traction. Juan’s characteristics would set him apart from his peers, including two cousins who have been in jail. “That is an example, you cannot follow,” insisted his father who left him and his family in El Salvador in 2008. The oldest of three children, Juan, (16 years old) is now united with his entire nuclear family. His brother, Francisco (14 years old), arrived this past Friday from El Salvador. Because of heightened gang activity in his village, it has been dangerous for youth to travel to school. That explains why Juan only attended 2 years of schooling, before coming to us here at Herndon High School. “Education in El Salvador is not good. We are erasing our professionals for our future in El Salvador. Eight years ago I thought maybe they could study in El Salvador, and in just 8 short years I have seen the country deteriorate. Even the food isn’t good,” said Juan Antonio Rodriguez, Juan’s father. (BUZZWORTHY HORNET continued on page 16) 15 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter (BUZZWORTHY HORNET continued from page 15) “To help another person is a huge honor in your life,” stated Juan’s father. “If he wants to go anywhere, I help him. Juan is not materialistic. Sometimes I can’t buy him what he desires. It’s OK Dad.” Instead Juan saved all his money to send to his brother. Watching the news frequently, he knows all too well what is happening in El Salvador. Most especially while his brother was still in country with his aunt. Juan saw a lot when he live there, and he hasn’t forgotten what it is was like. That is why he would rather give his money to his brother, instead of spending it on himself. Juan is an observant, quiet, shy student, who smiles easily. Lately, however, Juan’s confidence has been growing. He was recognized this week at Herndon’s Buzzworthy Hornets Breakfast, accompanied by his fellow classmates who stood in for his family members. Juan has embraced the school’s Kids at Hope Pledge. It was evident by his attentive demeanor while listening to Mrs. Thomas explain the Kids at Hope Program, in my classroom. Much like my recording of those sessions, Juan took it all in. His peers have certainly noticed. Statements such as “Juan is becoming famous,” can be heard echoing through conversation, as they first watched Juan get his picture taken and then listen to Juan’s latest track and field experience. His classmates are genuinely interested in what Juan is doing next. While in class Juan exhibits enthusiasm toward learning and is always ready to learn. He dislikes being absent. Very much aware of his surroundings, Juan doesn’t like to miss anything. Yet patience is another descriptor that applies to Juan. Coupled with being systematic and methodical, we can see a powerful alchemy begin to surface in Juan. During the WIDA test, I witnessed him use his mouse over each and every word on the screen. It caught my attention because I saw no other student in the room do that. But on that day Juan would stand out in a different way - outside. A fellow proctor took students already finished with the WIDA test out for a refreshing run in February. ESOL teacher Marvin Rodriguez, an experienced runner himself, decided to challenge the students on Herndon’s track. “That’s odd,” thought Marvin, when he noticed Juan beat him at his own running. Marvin proceeded to get Juan all the equipment and paperwork that Juan needed to enter Herndon’s Track and Field Team. In his own subdued way, Juan had a strong statement to make on that February day, still with that humble but winning smile of his. Always the responsible son, Juan has consistently helped his family without having to be told. He calls his father to let him know he is still at school for track practice and follows up by telling him when he arrives back home. Perhaps it’s a leftover habit from living in El Salvador. Regardless of the reason, he’s interested in keeping busy. Juan has helped his siblings since he was very young, as is the custom for the oldest in a Hispanic family. His father polishes hardwood floors for work, and he can count on Juan to help him whenever he is pressed for time or needs an extra hand. In fact, Juan prefers to be in his father’s company whenever he can. “I came just like you. But you have the opportunity in your hands and you can’t throw that away,” says his father. Juan Antonio gets emotional when he thinks about his son Juan. He is very aware and appreciative of Juan’s good behavior because he’s never been disobedient. Yet he can’t really explain why his son is the way he is. “He never gives up,” says his father. “All three children are well mannered, and always want to be with me. They give me enthusiasm,” says his father Juan Antonio Rodriguez. But the father admires another quality in his oldest son. As a self-starter, he has noticed Juan take chances in speaking whenever he can in public and it helps the whole family get things done in his community. Father and son share a special bond. “I never imagined having a son like Juan. I know other teenagers have nothing but excuses. I would like to see him as a professional in this country and not be just like me. When you study and learn and continue. you will be successful” is the message he’s imparted to Juan. So far, Juan has made sure to follow through on his father’s most fervent wish. But now everyone is protected. It is very emotional for Juan’s father to have the whole family together.” In this country you can live in peace. There is no reason to complain. If you complain in this country, it is because you look for trouble. Money doesn’t change life in my country. Youth cannot live in El Salvador.” Carmen Danies ESOL Instructor HHS SPIRIT WEAR Herndon High School Sports Boosters offer a wide variety of Herndon High spirit wear and car stickers for sale. Browse the next four pages to see pictures of many great items that are for sale. You may print out and return the order sheet on page 12 or go to the sports booster website. Hot off the press and available now are the new HERNDON ALUMNI and youth tees! 16 Herndon High School 17 May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School 18 May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Hornet Baseball Hornet Basketball Hornet Cheerleading HHS Class of 16 Hornet Family Hornet Field Hockey Hornet Football Hornet Golf Hornet Robotics Hornet SGA Hornet Soccer Hornet Softball HHS Class of 17 Hornet Gymnastics State Champions HHS Class of 18 Herndon Hornets Hornet Step HHS Class of 19 Hornet Color Guard Hornet Ice Hockey Hornet Indoor Track Hornet Swim-Dive Hornet Swimming Hornet Cross Country Hornet Lacrosse Hornet Tennis Hornet Dad Hornet Latin Club Hornet Track-Field Hornet Dance Team District Champions Hornet Mom Regional Champions Hornet Volleyball Hornet Wrestling 2016 AP EXAM SCHEDULE DATE - TIME - EXAM - LOCATION Monday, May 2 - 8AM - Chemistry - Room 100 Monday, May 2 - 8AM - Environmental Science - Lecture Hall Monday, May 2 - 12PM - Psychology - Aux Gym Tuesday, May 3 - 8AM - Computer Science A - Lecture Hall Tuesday, May 3 - 8AM - Spanish Language - Aux Gym Tuesday, May 3 - 12PM - Physics 1 - Aux Gym Wednesday, May 4 - 8AM - English Literature - Aux Gym Thursday, May 5 - 8AM - Calculus AB - Aux Gym Thursday, May 5 - 8AM - Calculus BC - Aux Gym Friday, May 6 - 8AM - German Language - Room 136 Friday, May 6 - 8AM- US History - Aux Gym Friday, May 6 - 12PM - European History - Lecture Hall Monday, May 9 - 8AM - Biology - Aux Gym Monday, May 9 - 8AM - Music Theory - Lecture Hall Monday, May 9 - 12PM - Physics C: Mechanics - Lecture Hall Tuesday, May 10 - 8AM - US Government - Aux Gym & Lecture Hall Tuesday, May 10 - 12PM - French Language - 217A Tuesday, May 10 - 12PM - Spanish Literature - 136A Wednesday, May 11 - 8AM - English Language - Aux Gym Wednesday, May 11 - 12PM – Macroeconomics - Lecture Hall Thursday, May 12 - 8AM - Comparative Government - Lecture Hall Thursday, May 12 - 8AM - World History - Aux Gym Thursday, May 12 - 12PM - Statistics - Lecture Hall Friday, May 13 - 8AM - Human Geography - Aux Gym Friday, May 13 - 8AM - Microeconomics - Lecture Hall 19 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School 2015-2016 Sports Booster Order Form (if more than 1 color choice listed please mark 1st and 2nd choice in case supply/size is out of stock) Item Description Adult Shirts Circle Size Circle Color Price Short Sleeve (Hornet) Short Sleeve (Herndon Mom) S, M, L, XL, XXL Ladies S,M,L,XL,XXL Black, Red, Gray Red (shirt is a v-neck) $10.00 $15.00 Short Sleeve (Herndon Dad) Men M, L, XL, XXL Red $15.00 Short Sleeve (Herndon Alumni) S, M, L, XL, XXL Red $15.00 Long Sleeve (Hornet) S, M, L, XL, XXL White, Red, Black $15.00 Polo Shirt Short sleeve Ladies S,M,L,XL,XXL Men M,L,XL Red/Black Accent $35.00 S, M, L, XL, XXL S, M, L, XL, XXL S, M, L, XL, XXL S, M, L, XL, XXL White, Gray, Black Black, Red Red Black or Red $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 S, M, L Red $10.00 S, M, L, XL, XXL Black $15.00 Black Red Black White Black Black $12.00 $20.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Red $5.00 $12.00 $5.00 $4.00 $5.00 $4.00 $12.00 $40.00 (Embroidered/wicking material) QTY Total Hoodies, Sweats, Jackets Hoodie-Herndon Crewneck Sweatshirt (Hornet) Crewneck Sweatshirt (w/out hornet) Jacket, (Embroidered) Youth/Children Shirt Short Sleeve (Hornet) Shorts Mesh long shorts Hats/Scarfs Fleece Headband (Hornet) Baseball Hat Deluxe (H) Baseball Hat Adjustable (H) Sun Visor Knit Ski Cap (H) Scarf, Fleece (H) Other Items License Plate Holder String Backpack Herndon Lanyard Hornet Car Magnet Vinyl Car Sticker Window Decals/Stickers Infant Onesie Hornet Blanket (4 in 1) (limited supply) while supplies last (Round) Herndon Hornets w/Hornet White specify sport/ “class of” 12m, 18m, 24m (cushion/pillow/blanket/tote) White Item is red & black Name:___________________________________________________TOTAL DUE:________________ Phone number:_________________________Email:________________________________________ To order: Mail completed form with payment to: In Stock clothing orders and payment received by Friday, can be picked up the following Monday after 2:00pm at HHS Main Office. Julie Saylor 1364 Butter Churn Drive Herndon, VA 20170 *You will be emailed if something is out of stock/if there is a wait for your items* Checks are to be made payable to HHS Sports Boosters. Payments cannot be left at HHS Main Office and must be mailed. [email protected] Questions? Contact Julie at: [email protected] or 703-444-5897 20 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter REGISTER YOUR SHOPPING REWARDS CARDS FOR 2015-2016! Hey Hornet families, Now is the time to register your shopping rewards cards! HHS earns lots of money and rewards from these annual programs but you need to register each and every year. Don’t waste a minute because the money HHS earns adds up quickly from your shopping! Programs that have cards you can link to HHS are outlined below. Harris Teeter – Together in Education/TIE: Pr ogr am r uns fr o m 8/ 1/15 – 5/31/16. Please register your VIC card now at: http://www.harristeeter.com/community/together_in_education/link_to_your_school.aspx. **Thru September 29, Harris Teeter is running a Re-Link your VIC card sweepstakes** Additionally, Harris Teeter has a special opportunity for HHS to earn an extra $50 if you: a) Link your VIC card to HHS; and b) shop in the Express Lane between September 9 and November 3 spending $100 with in a single visit each week for five weeks (out of the eight week time period). If you are linked to more than one school (5 schools is the maximum), the $50 will be split among the schools to which you are linked. Giant – A+ for the students: Program runs from 10/9/15 – 3/17/16. Please register your GIANT card now at: https://giantfood.com/aplus/register/?_requestid=1885890. Target Red Card – Take Charge of Education: Program runs year round. Please register your TARGET Red card now at: https://www-secure.target.com/redcard/tcoe/enroll. As of September 7th, HHS PTSA has already accumulated $736.72 towards our next check from Target! The Number of Target Red Card holders who have designated HHS PTSA is 80. Remember - The more people that designate HHSPTSA, the more FREE MONEY we can earn! AMAZON.COM: If you use our link to make purchases at Amazon.com, a portion of each purchase price can be donated automatically to Herndon PTSA, at no cost to you! This is a FREE way to support the kids! IT IS EASY! Check it out at: smile.amazon.com and be sure to designate HHS PTSA! If you have any questions or need help registering your card, please contact Julie Saylor at [email protected] o r 703-444-5897. Thank you for your support! 21 Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter http://herndonptsa.org/membership/ 22 Herndon High School 23 May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School May / June 2016 PTSA Newsletter NORTHWEST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Business Partner HERNDON HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR (Events subject to change, please consult HHS PTSA website for latest upd ates.) May 2016 5 12 13 3rd Quarter Report Cards mailed PTSA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., cafeteria No-Fuss Fundraisers donations due, Black Office 21 Prom, 8 p.m.—12 a.m., Marriott Hotel 23 Spring Fling Physicals 24 Band Concert, 7;00 p.m., Auditorium 30 Memorial Day, No School, Student Holiday May 30-June 3 Course change requests window June 2016 6 9 16 23 Orchestra Concert, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium PTSA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., cafeteria Graduation, 9:30 a.m., George Mason Patriot Center Last day of school PTSA Member Benefit Northwest Federal Credit Union, a Herndon High School business partner since 2008, offers student services such as certified education loans, free First Checking, FirstCard Visa Platinum, 33,000+ free ATMs and 5,100+ locations nationwide. Members of the Herndon High School PTSA and their families may join Northwest Federal by opening a savings account with $5 or more. Join online at www.nwfcu.org and select “Herndon High School PTSA” as your qualifying organization. Call 844-709-8900 with questions or visit Northwest Federal’s Herndon Branch at 200 Spring Street. Northwest Federal Credit Union Foundation NWFCU and the NWFCU Foundation are proud to partner with HHS. The NWFCU Foundation supports the teachers, staff and students at HHS with an annual grant to fund staff professional development and technological upgrades. Since the partnership was formed, the NWFCU Foundation has awarded over $30,000 in grants to HHS. The NWFCU Foundation also provides volunteers for test proctoring and supports numerous other events throughout the school year. All Hornets Are Capable of Success, No Exceptions! Scholarships The NWFCU Foundation awards scholarships to deserving students who demonstrate leadership, dedication and commitment in school, at home and in the community. Since 2006, 13 HHS graduates have received $60,500 in Ben DeFelice Scholarships a w a r ded by NW FCU Foundation. For scholarship information, please visit www.nwfcufoundation.org. NWFCU Foundation 200 Spring Street Suite 130 Herndon, VA 20170 844-709-8900 24
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