Maple School - District 30
Maple School - District 30
MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCH DIST 30 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION School & District Information 1. RCDT Code Number: 050160300022003 School Name: MAPLE SCHOOL District Name: NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCH DIST 30 Principal: DR. NATHAN CARTER District Address: 2374 SHERMER RD School Address: 2370 SHERMER RD. City/State/Zip: NORTHBROOK, IL 60062-6795 City/State/Zip: NORTHBROOK, IL 60062-6772 Contact Person: DR. EDWARD TIVADOR Telephone #: (847) 400-8900 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 2. Type of Submission: Original Submission 3. Is this for a Title I School? Yes 4. May ISBE use this SIP as a model? No MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCH DIST 30 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. DATE APPROVED by School Board: B. ASSURANCES 1. Strategies and activities have been founded in scientifically based research as required by NCLB, Section 1116(b)(3)(A)(i) and as defined in NCLB, Section 9101(37). 2. Technical assistance provided by the district serving the school is founded on scientifically based research (NCLB, Section 1116(b)(4)(C)) as defined in NCLB, Section 9101(37). 3. The plan includes strategies and activities that support the implementation of the Illinois Learning Standards and reflect the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment with the Illinois Learning Standards. 4. The school will spend at least 10 percent of the funds made available under Section 1113 of NCLB, for the purpose of providing teachers and the principal high-quality professional development. (Title I schools only.) SUPERINTENDENT'S CERTIFICATION By submitting this plan on behalf of the district, the district superintendent certifies to the Illinois State Board of Education that all the assurances and information provided in this plan are true and correct and that the improvement plan has been duly approved by the local school board. __________________________________________ Signature of LEA Superintendent 2 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCH DIST 30 School Support Team Name Title Nate Carter Principal Chris Brown Assistant Principal Robyn Kogan ELA Department Chair Eleni Kartsimas Mathematics Department Chair Mario Gurgone Social Studies Department Chair Decima Panitch Allied Arts Department Chair Ben Chin PE/Wellness Department Chair Julie Fleisch World Languages Department Chair Robyn Kogan Gifted Coordinator/Differentiation Specialist Blake Zweig Student Services Department Chair Sam Friedman Secretary Kery Obradovich Science and Mathematics Coordinator Sam Kurtz 6th Grade Science Teacher 3 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 Section II - PLAN DEVELOPMENT, REVIEW, AND IMPLEMENTATION Part B. Stakeholder Involvement The School Improvement Team facilitates the development of a plan and monitors the implementation of it so that the school’s mission statement can be achieved. The committee meets throughout the school year: During the meetings, progress toward the school’s goals was monitored, staff development activities were planned and results of assessments were discussed, and school climate was referenced as well. Parents review the SIP goals at a PTO or PTAC meeting and through the district’s website. Historically, each October the School Report Card, which is posted on the district Web site (, describes the SIP planning process, updates the goals from the previous year, and identifies the goals and activities for the current year. Academic frameworks are reviewed each year as well. Each year we also publicly present our School Improvement Plan to the Board of Education at a Board meeting and sign assurances to the State of Illinois that we have complied with the School Improvement process. The School Improvement process is dynamic and continues throughout the year. As specific activities are planned and completed, we involve parents and others at the appropriate times to keep them apprised of the efforts to improve our school. 4 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 Section II - PLAN DEVELOPMENT, REVIEW, AND IMPLEMENTATION Part C. Teacher Mentoring Process New teachers are supported through new teacher orientation, mentoring, new teacher resource materials, and seminars throughout the year. Following is the schedule of seminars for 2012-2013. New Teacher Program 2012-2013 August 15, 16, & 17 —New Teacher Orientation 9:00 am-3:00 pm Introductions of Administrators/Teachers Information from the Business Office/Student Services/Special Ed., ELL, Gifted/Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Bus Tour of the local community Parent Communication and Technology In-service Introduction to Induction and Mentoring Program Requirements Classroom time with mentors 6 Scheduled Workshops 2012-2013 year one staff 1. Charlotte Danielson’s September 12 3:45-5:15 pm 2. 21st Century Learning November 14 3:45-5:15 pm 3. Collaboration/Teaming January 16 3:45-5:15 pm 4. Assessment February 20 3:45-5:15 pm 5. Professional Connections March 13 3:45-5:15 pm 6. End of the Year/Transition Procedures (TBD) Scheduled Workshops 2012-2013 year two staff-cohort 1. Intro. to Yr. Two Prog. Requirements September 18 1:00-3:30 pm 3. Reflection and Sharing 2. Cohort Collaboration Meeting January 15 8:30-11:00 am 4. Monthly Stretch Goal work sessions (TBD) 5 April 23 1:00-3:30 pm MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 Section II - PLAN DEVELOPMENT, REVIEW, AND IMPLEMENTATION Part D – District's Responsibilities District administration works with the school building administrators in a variety of ways to support the school improvement planning process. Assessment data are analyzed and shared with staff in a timely fashion. Staff development opportunities are provided at the district level and supported at the individual buildings. Technical assistance in professional development requirements such as recertification and professional growth utilization is an ongoing process provided to staff throughout the school year. 6 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCH DIST 30 Section III DATA AND ANALYSIS Part A.1. Adequate Yearly Progress Report for 2012 Updated Report Card and ISAT info posted in October Is this School making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)? No Has this school been identified for School Improvement according to the AYP specifications of the federal No Child Left Behind Act? Is this School making AYP in Reading? No 2012-13 Federal Improvement Status Is this School making AYP in Mathematics? Yes Percentage Tested on State Tests Reading Student Groups State AYP Minimum Target % Met AYP 95.0 % Met AYP 95.0 2012-13 State Improvement Status Percent Meeting/Exceeding Standards* Mathematics Reading % Other Indicators Attendance Rate Mathematics Safe** Harbor Target Met AYP 85.0 % Safe** Harbor Target Met AYP 85.0 % 100.0 Yes 100.0 Yes 95.7 Yes 97.7 Yes White 100.0 Yes 100.0 Yes 95.1 Yes 97.2 Yes 100.0 Yes 100.0 Yes 96.4 Yes 98.8 Yes 100.0 Yes 100.0 Yes 74.1 No 83.3 Yes 96.0 Black Hispanic Native American Multiracial /Ethnic LEP Students with Disabilities 82.8 7 Met AYP 91.0 All Asian/Pacific Islander No 95.9 Graduation Rate % 82.0 Yes Met AYP MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 Section III DATA AND ANALYSIS Part C---Local Assessment Data Maple School maintains a consistent student population profile. There continues to be a low mobility rate. Our community is well educated and committed to high quality educational opportunities. Students demonstrate growth from year-to-year and have a wide variety of experiences and interests. The building is on a regular maintenance program and is in good condition. Maple School was built in 1960, a major renovation occurred in 2001 which included a traffic flow upgrade, new door locks and ADA handles, a new applied technology lab, new orchestra room, and new kitchen and dining facilities. The building is used by a number of community groups including the Northbrook Park District. Maple staff uses a number of additional methods of data collection to develop the School Improvement Plan. Local assessments, classroom assessments, school-wide behavior management systems and parent feedback from committees are other examples used in planning. As a staff, we use this additional information to examine our instructional practices, community relationships, and overall effectiveness. This information is an integral piece to developing sound activities and goals. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is an online adaptive assessment administered twice each year (Fall and Spring) in the areas of reading, language usage, and mathematics to all students in Grade 1 through Grade 8. (Grade 1 only tests in math; Grade 2 adds language usage in the spring.) MAP is an adaptive assessment that measures student academic growth. This assessment is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards and provides student-level information in specific goal areas to support instructional planning. These data are used to form flexible groupings within and across classrooms to support differentiation of instruction. Curriculum Based Measures (CBM) are one minute reading prompts administered to all students in Grade 1 through Grade 5 and to targeted groups in Grade 6 and Grade 7. These data points provide information about reading fluency and comprehension and are used to facilitate appropriate literacy groupings within classrooms. Edformation/ Early Literacy Measures (ELMS) are a set of standardized, individually administered measures of early literacy development. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills (phonemic awareness, letter naming, and onset fluency). Fountas and Pinell Benchmarking Assessment is administered to each first grader during a one-on-one, student-teacher assessment conference. Optimal learning levels for small group instruction are determined for Team Read placement. The test is administered in the fall and the spring. 8 NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 30 ASSESSMENT CALENDAR 2012-2013 Date(s) MAP (both assessment and screener) K X Math only X Math only 8/27 – 9/17 Fall 4/22 – 5/10 Spring ISAT 3/4 – 3/15 ACCESS 1/14 – 2/15 CogAT 4/15 – 4/19 Terra Nova 12/3 – 12/7 1 X X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Rdg/LA only X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9 NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 30 ASSESSMENT UNIVERSAL CALENDAR 2012-2013 Universal Screeners Date(s) MAP (both assessment and screener) TEL (Test of Early Literacy) TEN (Test of Early Numeracy) SEL (Social/Emotional Learning) Fountas and Pinnell (Literacy Measure) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8/27 - 9/17 Fall X Math only X X X X X X X 4/22 - 5/10 Spring X Math only X X X X X X X (All sections) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Fall/Winter/Spring LNF, LSF, (Administered until achievement score within the national percentile of 50%) Fall/Winter (Administered until achievement score within the national percentile of 50%) Fall (End of September)/Winter/Spring Fall X X (Fall only) X X X X Spring X X Fall Reading Fluency Math Facts In A Flash (Computational Fluency) K Spring X X X X X X X Fall (Administered once per year if a student attains 85% accuracy level of the grade level expectation) X (Winter) X X X X X X RtI Performance Criteria: Tier I - 50th percentile & above nationally Tier II - 26-49th percentile nationally Tier III - 25th percentile or below nationally 10 X MAPS-STUDENT GROWTH SUMMARY-READING 11 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 MAPS-STUDENT GROWTH SUMMARY-LANGUAGE USAGE 12 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 MAPS-STUDENT GROWTH SUMMARY-MATH 13 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 Section III DATA AND ANALYSIS Part D---Communication At the District level there are a variety of ways that the parent community can be involved. Some examples are Board of Education * Presidents’ Council District 30 Foundation * Communication Task Force Citizens’ Curriculum Advisory Committee * Parent Action Committee Families in the community have an active role in supporting student learning through the school improvement process. Parents and community members have opportunities to participate in committees to plan and execute action plans. At Maple, parents have this opportunity through school committees and the Maple PTO and Maple’s PTAC. The community takes an active role in implementing beautification projects, organizing school activities, supporting classroom activities and providing critical feedback for improvement. District 30 staff informs families and community members using many resources. Each building communicates through weekly newsletters and monthly PTO bulletins, consisting of school information and PTO information. District 30 has a comprehensive web site, which covers all programs and procedures of the district. Opportunities for family involvement occur throughout the year based on the action plans developed through a community effort. The communities of Northbrook and Glenview support student learning throughout the year. With the help of District 30 Foundation, resources are purchased for the students and the schools. Other local agencies in the Northbrook and Glenview communities partner with the schools in varying projects to support student education, health, and safety. Parent involvement at the buildings includes PTO- Parent Teacher Organization PTAC- Parent Teacher Advisory Council Curriculum Night Parent Teacher Conferences Classroom Volunteers 14 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 ACTION PLAN In conjunction with the Board of Education goals, the Maple staff has identified the following goals for the 2012-13 school year: Goal 1: Implement and evaluate Advisory program, which has components of executive functioning and Character education programming in relation to the Illinois Social Emotional Learning Standards (SEL) at Maple School. (Pillar I, A., B, C; Pillar III, B; Pillar IV, A., B; Pillar V, B.) Goal 2: Implement, and evaluate behavioral Response to Intervention program. (Pillar I, A, C; Pillar III, B; Pillar IV, C.; Pillar V, B.) Goal 3: Continue to provide extensive and varied staff development opportunities for Maple School teachers specifically related to the implementation of Northbrook/Glenview School District 30’s new appraisal system. (Pillar V A, B; Pillar VI, A, B.) Goal 4: Develop, implement, and evaluate ELA curriculum and instruction to align with the Common Core State Standards. (Pillar I A, B & C; Pillar III B, Pillar IV A & B, Pillar V B) Goal 5: Revise and develop an ongoing recognition program to provide for a positive climate and culture at Maple School. (Pillar I A; Pillar III A) Goal # 6 – All subgroup categories, as measured by ISAT, will meet or exceed state minimum AYP targets in reading. (Pillar I A; Pillar III A) 15 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES Goal # 1 - Implement and evaluate Advisory program, which has components of executive functioning and Character education programming in relation to the Illinois Social Emotional Learning Standards (SEL) at Maple School. (Pillar I, A., B, C; Pillar III, B; Pillar IV, A., B; Pillar V, B.) ACTIVITY Activity #1 Implement New Advisory Curriculum across all three grade levels as created by Advisory review committee. Activity #2 Evaluate the district's curriculum and adjust Advisory curriculum as is necessary. TIMELINE August 2012 – June 2013 August 2012– June 2013 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Director of Student Services Mrs. Pepi Silverman, Advisory Committee, classroom teachers, , instructional assistants, specialists, Maple students and principals Director of Student Services Mrs. Pepi Silverman, Advisory Committee, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, Maple students and principals 16 MEASURES FOR THE ACTIVITY RESOURCES FOR ACTIVITY Implementation of curriculum in all Advisory classrooms Rush Executive Functioning Curriculum, Calendar, technology, creative students and staff, parent volunteers New curriculum based on the SEL standards and NMSA standards Materials from CHARACTER COUNTS!, research materials, SEL standards MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES Goal # 2 - Implement, and evaluate behavioral Response to Intervention program. (Pillar I, A, C; Pillar III, B; Pillar IV, C.; Pillar V, B.) TIMELINE ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES MEASURES FOR THE ACTIVITY Activity #1 Conduct behavior benchmarking assessments for all students. October 2012, January 2013, May 2013 School Psychologists, Teachers Matches SEL standards. Students will reach personal and small group goals. Behavior Rating forms, AimsWeb Activity #2 Design a structure for implementing services for Tiers 13. October 2012June 2013 Counseling Team, District Administrators Services match the behavioral benchmarking data Evidence-based intervention curricula Activity # 3 Behavior Data Days will be conducted to review benchmarking data and progress. Quarterly around the time of interims Psychology team, RTI committee, Teachers, Specialists Review data to ensure that students receive supports that match their data. Students are making progress toward goals. Data Days, AimsWeb, Progress Monitoring Data, Benchmarking Data ACTIVITY 17 RESOURCES FOR ACTIVITY MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES Goal # 3 - Continue to provide extensive and varied staff development opportunities for Maple School teachers specifically related to the implementation of Northbrook/Glenview School District 30’s new appraisal system. (Pillar V A, B; Pillar VI, A, B.) ACTIVITY TIMELINE ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES MEASURES FOR THE ACTIVITY RESOURCES FOR ACTIVITY August 2012 Staff on Evaluation Committee will conduct a related professional development activity. Staff members will do a self-reflection. Evaluators conduct reflection conferences Reflection Conferences with evaluators for those staff members being actively evaluated this year. District 30 Framework for Teaching adopted and adapted from Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching August 2012– June 2013 Staff & Evaluators will refer to the framework in assessing professional practices. Staff feedback, questions, and conversation notes/artifacts. District 30 Framework for Teaching adopted and adapted from Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Activity # 3 The Evaluation Committee will conduct ongoing training in order to familiarize staff with the Framework for Teaching and how it is best used to impact professional practices. August 2012– June 2013 Staff on Evaluation Committee will design and conduct professional development activities in coordination with building administrators. Activity Log, artifacts, training notes. District 30 Framework for Teaching adopted and adapted from Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Activity #4 Administrative Staff will be trained and assessed in their appraisal system knowledge in order to become certified evaluators under the new appraisal system. July 2012November 2012 Building Administrators Online assessment completion Training modules, District 30 Framework for Teaching Activity #1 Staff will review the District 30 revised version of the Framework for Teaching and conduct self-reflection about personal professional practices. Activity #2 Both formal and informal observation conversations will compare teaching practices with the Framework for Teaching. 18 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES Goal # 4 – Develop, implement, and evaluate ELA curriculum and instruction to align with the Common Core State Standards. (Pillar I A, B & C; Pillar III B, Pillar IV A & B, Pillar V B) ACTIVITY Activity #1 Training with Carol Jago on CCSS across curriculum areas Activity #2 Participate in the district's curriculum review to determine the scope and sequence of the District 30 ELA programming Activity #3 Participate in district training and integrate Reader's and Writer's Workshop into District 30 ELA programming TIMELINE ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES MEASURES FOR THE ACTIVITY RESOURCES FOR ACTIVITY August 2012 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Melissa Hirsch, Leadership Team, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, Maple students and principals Cross-curricular integration of reading strategies Carol Jago, CCSS September 2012 – June 2013 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Melissa Hirsch, Leadership Team, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, and principals New curriculum maps for the ELA program Materials adapted from Nancie Atwell, Penny Kittle, and Carol Jago. September 2012 – June 2013 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Melissa Hirsch, Nadine Lee, Leadership Team, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, and principals New curriculum maps based on CCSS and Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop Materials from Nancie Atwell’s Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops 19 MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES Goal # 5 – Revise and develop an ongoing recognition program to provide for a positive climate and culture at Maple School. (Pillar I A; Pillar III A) ACTIVITY Activity #1 Implement Caring Tree Awards as a Positive Behavioral Support System within our school Activity #2 Review and revise Mustang Awards to include specified criteria for the award Activity #3 Evaluate addition of Caring Tree Awards as a Positive Behavioral Support System within our school TIMELINE ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES September 2012 – June 2013 Leadership Team, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, Maple students and principals Caring Tree exhibited in the lunchroom Caring Tree Leaves, Tree Art, PBSS September 2012 – December 2012 Leadership Team, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, Maple students and principals Team meetings with developed, uniform criteria Character Counts! criteria, input from staff April 2013 – June 2013 Leadership Team, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, Maple students and principals End of the year staff/student/parent evaluation of new PBSS Student Awards, Parent Communication, Maple Marquee, Student and Parent Survey 20 MEASURES FOR THE ACTIVITY RESOURCES FOR ACTIVITY MAPLE SCHOOL-NORTHBROOK/GLENVIEW SCHOOL DIST 30 ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES Goal # 6 – All subgroup categories, as measured by ISAT, will meet or exceed state minimum AYP targets in reading. (Pillar I A; Pillar III A) ACTIVITY Activity #1 Teacher Training with NWEA MAP testing specialist Activity #2 Student and Teacher MAP goal setting for individualized improvement Activity #3 Investigate use of midyear MAP assessment to identify students who would benefit from additional intervention. TIMELINE ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES MEASURES FOR THE ACTIVITY RESOURCES FOR ACTIVITY October 2012 Maple students and principals, Pepi Silverman, classroom teachers, student services team Development of Goal Setting Worksheets, Identifying target subgroups NWEA Specialist, Goal Setting Worksheets October 2012 Maple students and principals, Pepi Silverman, classroom teachers, student services team Goal setting in classes Individual student MAP data September 2012 – June 2013 Maple students and principals, Pepi Silverman, classroom teachers, student services team MAP data analysis Individual student MAP data, Goal setting meetings and reviews 21 Maple School 2012-2013 School Improvement Plan “At-A-Glance” Goal #1: Develop, implement and evaluate executive functioning and Character education programming in relation to the Illinois Social Emotional Learning Standards (SEL) at Maple School. (Pillar I, A., B, C; Pillar III, B; Pillar IV, A., B; Pillar V, B.) Action Plan: Utilize Maple’s Leadership Team to develop a school-wide Climate/Culture Committee. Participate in the district's curriculum review to determine the scope and sequence of the District 30 Character Education programming. Implement Second Step Curriculum in Advisory program at Maple so that it aligns with the needs that have been identified through the curriculum review process Goal #2: Develop, implement, and evaluate behavioral Response to Intervention program. (Pillar I, A, C; Pillar III, B; Pillar IV, C.; Pillar V, B.) Action Plan: Conduct behavior benchmarking assessments for all students. Designing a structure for implementing services for Tiers 1-3. Participate in district training and integrate Reader's and Writer's Workshop into District 30 ELA programming 22 Goal #3: Continue to provide extensive and varied staff development opportunities for Maple School teachers specifically related to the implementation of Northbrook/Glenview School District 30’s new appraisal system. (Pillar V A, B; Pillar VI, A, B.) Action Plan: Staff will review the District 30 revised version of the Framework for Teaching and conduct self-reflection about personal professional practices. Both formal and informal observation conversations will compare teaching practices with the Framework for Teaching. The Evaluation Committee will conduct ongoing training in order to familiarize staff with the Framework for Teaching and how it is best used to impact professional practices. Administrative Staff will be trained and assessed in their appraisal system knowledge in order to become certified evaluators under the new appraisal system. Goal #4: Develop, implement, and evaluate ELA curriculum and instruction. (Pillar I A, B & C; Pillar III B, Pillar IV A & B, Pillar V B) Action Plan: Training with Carol Jago on CCSS across curriculum areas Participate in the district's curriculum review to determine the scope and sequence of the District 30 ELA programming Participate in district training and integrate Reader's and Writer's Workshop into District 30 ELA programming 23 Goal #5: Goal # 5 – Revise and develop an ongoing recognition program to provide for a positive climate and culture at Maple School. (Pillar I A; Pillar III A) Action Plan: Implement Caring Tree Awards as a Positive Behavioral Support System within our school Review and revise Mustang Awards to include specified criteria for the award Evaluate addition of Caring Tree Awards as a Positive Behavioral Support System within our school Goal #6: Goal # 6 – All subgroup categories, as measured by ISAT, will meet or exceed state minimum AYP targets in reading. (Pillar I A, B & C; Pillar III B, Pillar IV A & B) Action Plan: Teacher Training with NWEA MAP testing specialist Student and Teacher MAP goal setting for individualized improvement Investigate use of midyear MAP assessment to identify students who would benefit from additional intervention. 24