Elizabeth Rodrigues General Manager Here is Building the Greater Paris Orly-Rungis 2nd largest economic centre in the Paris region GRAND PARIS EXPRESS Pierre PAUMELLE François Pays Inward Investment Director Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 08 [email protected] English speaking contact Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 06 [email protected] Line 15 by 2022 Line 14 to Paris Orly Airport by 2024 quality of life Linlin Lu Mandarin speaking contact : Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 14 [email protected] Axel Ouvrard English & Spanish speaking contact Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 18 [email protected] Laurent Ponce Innovation project manager Tel. +33 1 43 90 43 11 [email protected] Laura Bourquin 22 parks and over 2,550 hectares of forest Spanish speaking contact Su contacto español : Tel. +34 625 86 43 50 [email protected] THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY PRICES in the PARIS region Dominique Parganin Innovation project Director Tel. +33 1 43 90 64 07 [email protected] Kathy Baudez Head of Communication and Marketing Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 17 [email protected] Crédit photos de couverture : ©Gerard Launet/ - Aéroports de Paris - 2014 Fabien Meddour / suburbanstudio - CDT 94 / Didier Adam - David Lees/ The Val-de-Marne Development Agency is a receptive and experienced multidisciplinary team whose primary aim is to ensure that you receive a proper welcome and benefit from its expertise and abilities in all your activities. EST An international team at your service AT THE HEART OF THE GREATER PARIS DYNAMICS PARIS VAL DE MARNE IN PARIS VAL DE MARNE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Paris Val de Marne AT THE FOREFRONT OF GREATER PARIS Val-de-Marne is the first area in which the project of the Greater Paris Express enters its operational phase Christian Garcia, Director of Institutional Relations for the Société du Grand Paris7 2 ©Aéroports de Paris THE MAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN PARIS VAL DE MARNE An exceptional and growing transportation network •4 highways, 3 subway lines, 5 RER LEGENDE • • Major development projects CENTRAL PART OF LES ARDOINES Grand Paris Express routes and related projects ©D.Grandemange • Planned stations on Lines 14 and 15 of the Grand Paris Express Motorways Railway lines (RER, subway, trams) • Green space 3 4 21 (Regional Express Transportation) lines and tram T7. O ver 140 regular bus lines. T he largest multimodal transport hub in France (road-rail hub) and the second-largest river-borne multimodal hub in the Ile-de-France region, the Bonneuil-sur-Marne harbor. P aris-Orly, the second-largest French airport, with 28.9 million passengers in 2014 and among the top ten European airports. T he first subway line of the Grand Paris Express, scheduled to become operational in 2022. Innovation in motion •2 ,600 researchers and research lecturers. •F rance’s second largest clinical research hub, the world-famous Institut Gustave Roussy, Europe’s leading cancer research centre. • 800 innovative companies listed in our Innovation Atlas. • Innovation events organised by the development agency: les Nocturnes, les Matinales, l’École de l’Innovation. 22 The land of knowledge and talent • 3 significant universities and 18 engineering schools: Université Paris-Est Créteil, École Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, EPITA and EPITECH in KremlinBicêtre, EFREI and Sup Biotech in Villejuif, ESME Sudria and ESIEA in Ivry-sur-Seine, etc. • 55,000 students, including 1,200 PhD applicants. • 154,000 executives and white collar workers, representing 23% of the local working population. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TOTAL AREA PROGRAMME AND KEY DATES CACHAN STATION COMPLEX (Cachan) > 25 – 30,000 m2 Offices, housing, shops: 25,000 – 30,000 m2 > 2020 – 2022 GRAND PARC CAMPUS (Villejuif) Science facilities and office buildings (180,000 m2), healthcare training centre (20,000 m2), amenities, shops, services (30,000 m2), housing (20,000 m2) > 2015 – 2027 SOCIETE GENERALE CAMPUS (Val-de-Fontenay) > 90,000 m2 Offices > 1st semester 2016 CHAMPIGNY CENTRE STATION COMPLEX: Station and related development (Champigny-sur-Marne) > 4,850 m2 / 4,750 m2 / 1 ha Offices: potential to be evaluated, shops: 500 m2 / 150 housing units / 370 housing units > Grand Paris Express station: 2022, related projects: 2017 – after 2022 CHAMPIGNY UNION JAURES (Champigny-sur-Marne) > 4 ha Offices: 180 m2, housing: 310 units, shops: 4,000 m2 > After 2016 – 2020 CHOISY PORT (Choisy-le-Roi) > 172,000 m2 on 12 ha Housing (830 units delivered), amenities (delivered) Business units: 105,000 m2 including 73,000 m2 of offices > Before 2016 GASTRONOMY CENTRE (Rungis) > 7.5 ha Cultural amenities (20,000 m2), training centres, accommodation, shops, services > 2023 (approx.) COEUR D’ORLY > 160,000 m2 Offices: 65,000 m2 (20,000 m 2 delivered 2015: Askia), hotels, shops CRETEIL DUVAUCHELLE EST (Créteil) > 37,000 m2 on 14 ha National Handball Centre: 13,200 m2 (approx.), hotel: 7,000 m2, offices: 17,000 m2 > Handball Centre and hotel to open Sept. 2018 CRETEIL L’ECHAT GPE STATION (Créteil) > 22,000 m2 Student and tourist accommodation: 7,500 m2, housing 8,000 m2, offices: 6,000 m2, services and shops > Grand Paris Express station: Sept. 2016 – 2022 (approx.) Related projects: 4th quarter 2017 – 2024 PORTES D’ORLY ECO-DISTRICT: Anatole France URP + Triangle des Meuniers URP (Chevilly Larue) > 175,000 m2 on 10 ha Business units: 99,200 m2 including 94,000 m2 of offices 1 hotel (4,000 m2), shops, services, housing, public amenities. > Anatole France URP: 2014 - Triangle des Meuniers URP: 2016 IVRY CONFLUENCES (Ivry-sur-Seine) > 1.3 million m2 on 145 ha Housing: 7,900 units Business units: 650,000 m2 including 455,000 m2 of offices > 2013 – 2025 MARAIS DE GAULLE (Champigny-sur-Marne) > 7 ha Mixed development, predominantly business: 100,000 m2 > After 2016 GEOSCIENCES CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE (Saint Mandé) > 3.2 ha Offices: 25,000 m2 (approx.), public facilities: 1,000 m2 (approx.), business incubator > Before 2012 PLANT AREA (Champigny-sur-Marne) > 4 ha Business units, housing > After 2020 CHERIOUX URP (Vitry-sur-Seine) > 170,000 m2 Housing: 15,000 m2, business units: 36,000 m2 > 2015 – 2020 BORDS DE MARNE URP (Champigny-sur-Marne) > 4.7 ha Offices: 15,000 m2, hotel: 6,500 m2, 112 bedrooms, amenities > 2004 – after 2017 CHAPERON VERT URP (Arcueil) > 1.3 ha Offices: 15,000 m2 > 2017 – 2018 COTEAU URP (Arcueil) > 4.9 ha Business units, housing COTEAU URP (Cachan) Crafts workshops: 12,000 – 20,000 m2 ARDOINES STATION URP (Vitry-sur-Seine) > 660,000 m2 Business units: 400,000 m2, of which 80,000 m2 of non-office units, housing: 3,200 units >2017 – 2025 NOTRE DAME URP (la Queue en Brie) > 24 ha Business units, shops PAUL HOCHART URP (l’Haÿ les roses) > 70,000 m2 Offices: 25,000 – 45,000 m2 > 2015 – 2016 PORTE de GENTILLY URP (Gentilly) Offices: 5,000 m2, housing, amenities, shops > 2015 – 2018 PORTES de SUCY URP (Sucy-en-Brie) Business units ROUGET DE LISLE URP (Vitry-sur-Seine) > 130,000 m2 Housing: 850 units Business units: 69,000 m2 including 30,000 m2 of shops > 2015 – 2020 SEINE STATION, VITRY URP (Vitry-sur-Seine) > 435,000 m2 Business units: 125,000 m2 including 65,000 m2 of industrial premises, housing: 285,000 m2 > 2017 – 2025 5 THE GRAND PARIS EXPRESS IN PARIS VAL DE MARNE Development projects around the new stations: Line 15 1 Arcueil-Cachan Project: shops, offices and housing. LINE 15 2 COMES INTO OPERATION IN 2022 Villejuif – Institut Gustave Roussy Grand Parc Campus Project: science facilities and offices, amenities, shops, housing. 3 Villejuif – Louis Aragon Project: shops, housing. 4 Les Ardoines Project: serviced accommodation and student residence. Ardoines Station Urban Redevelopment Project: offices, housing. 5 Le Vert de Maisons Project: shops, offices. 6 10 8 7 Consisting of four new Métro lines and the extension of existing lines 11 and 14, the Grand Paris Express will serve the capital’s economic hubs as well as districts undergoing development. In total, 200 kilometres of track, 68 new stations and six maintenance sites will be delivered by 2030 for an overall investment of €22.6 billion. 1 2 9 6 3 L’Échat – Créteil Consultation launched in November 2014 Successful team designated in July 2015: Nexity, Michel Guthmann Architect, 5+1AA and BASE Mixed development covering 22,000 m2: student accommodation, starter housing, offices and a public car park with 200 places. 7 Saint-Maur Créteil Project: housing, shops. 5 8 Champigny Centre Consultation planned Mixed development: student residence, housing, business/ industrial units. 4 Development and construction projects are planned and underway around the new stations. In total, 140km2 of urban area will be impacted by these new development projects (more than the area of inner Paris). Line 15 South, running from Pont de Sèvres to Noisy Champs, will be the first to come into operation in 2022. It will serve 16 stations 10 of which are located in the Val-de-Marne. Line 14 South, running from Olympiades to Paris-Orly airport, will serve seven new stations by 2024. By 2030 Line 15 East, running from Champigny Centre to Saint Denis Pleyel, will serve 12 new stations, including three in the Val-de-Marne 9 Champigny industrial site Project: shops, housing, business/ industrial units. 10 Bry - Villiers - Champigny Project: housing, student residence. LEGENDE Grand Paris Express routes and related projects Stations on Line 14 STATIONS ON LINE 15 Two maintenance sites are planned in the Val-de-Marne, eventually generating 850 jobs: the Maintenance and Storage Site (SMR) and the Traffic Control Centre (PCC) at Champigny-sur-Marne and the Infrastructure Maintenance Site (SMI) at Vitry-sur-Seine. Motorways Railway lines (RER, Métro, light rail) Green space 6 7 The Main assets of Paris Val de Marne A86 N34 12 10 D3 8 A4 Leisure, natural and cultural activities 17 6 Villejuif 1Bonneuil-sur-Marne Harbour: the second-largest hub harbor in the Ilede-France region. 9 15 y 21 A6 3 Rungis International Market: the world’s largest agribusiness platform, with a turnover of €8.8 billion, 1,200 businesses and 12,000 employees on site. Important sites of tertiary industry activity 22 13 A86 A86 11 5 20 2 Paris-Orly International Airport: the second largest airport in France, with 28.9 million passengers in 2014, with worldwide connections and €1,2 billion worth of investment before 2016 (new terminal, Cœur d’Orly). 11 The banks of the Marne. 04 16 Key infrastructures 10 The Château of Vincennes. 7 N1 18 9 The Mac Val contemporary art museum. 14 1 N4 13Essilor International European R&D center / Créteil: 10,000 m2, 900 employees. 3 14Sanofi Campus / Gentilly : 50,000 m2. 15Casino group tertiary site / Vitry-sur-Seine: 30,000 m2, 1,400 employees. 19 4 16LCL headquarters / Villejuif: 70,000 m2. N20 4Rungis Sogaris Platform: 214,000 m of multimodal logistic surface area, with 80 businesses on site: transporters, logistic service providers, freight forwarders, industrial companies, exporters/importers and distributors. 12Société Générale campus / Fontenay-sousBois: 90,000 m2, 5,000 employees. 2 17Ivry-Port/Charenton-le-Pont: headquarters of LECLERC, FNAC and Crédit Foncier. 2 A10 18Orange headquarters / Arcueil: 3,600 employees. A6 N6 D1 Teaching and research N7 5UPEC (Université multidisciplinaire Paris-Est Créteil): 30,000 students. N19 6 G ustave Roussy: the leading cancer research center in Europe. IGR is made up of 29 research teams composed of 270 researchers and 240 engineers. 20L’Oréal R&D center / Chevilly-Larue: 700 employees. 21Sanofi production and R&D center / Vitrysur-Seine: a large pharmaceutical group: oncology, chemistry, biotech, preclinical studies, 2,000 employees. 7Alfort National Veterinary School: a center of excellence in animal health, higher education, research. 22Pernod headquarters / Créteil: 8 Audiovisual National Institute: education, research, production, images and sound editing and sales, 5,000 professionals trained each year. 8 19ICADE Park Paris Orly-Rungis: the largest single-owner business park in Europe. 408,000 m 2 of business properties. Headquarters of Ricoh, Système U, Lidl, presence of Thalès, Danone, Nestlé, Abott Laboratories, Centro de Negocios (a business center for Spanish businesses), etc. 680 employees, 13 leading brands covering almost all segments of the French wine and spirits market. 9 The Innovation Arc (Arc de l’Innovation) fulfils three functions: economic development, urban transformation and job creation in working-class neighbourhoods bordering the Paris ring road (Boulevard Périphérique). Stretching from Porte Pouchet in the northwest to Porte de Vanves in the southwest, this long arc encompasses about twenty local authorities, including Paris, which have chosen to support the transformation of these neighbourhoods by committing to a comprehensive investment strategy in urban, economic and social innovation. INCUBATION AND INNOVATION REAL ESTATE Rungis&Co Rungis Agribusiness 12 NE W A86 N34 9 Haut Val-de-Marne Business Hotel D3 Chennevières-sur-Marne Generalist A4 11 2 1 A dense network of incubators and business hotels dedicated to innovative companies development. N1 04 5 Villejuif Descartes Business Hotel 8 Limeil-Brévannes Generalist A6 Ivry-sur-Seine Biotechnologies, Gerontechnologies 1 y 3 Silver Innov Charles Foix platform NE ©DR 11 4 N4 A86 W 10 7 A86 © Silver Valley 12 6 ©DR 10 N20 Creative Valley IGNfab A10 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Digital technologies Saint-Mandé Digital technologies, Geoservices 2 A6 9 N6 D1 NE W N7 ©DR N19 Arcueil ICT, Telecom Villejuif Biotechnologies, Life Sciences Orly Digital technologies, Image ©DR ©Fernando Urquijo/Sadev 94 4 10 5 Créteil Eco-activities, Renewable Energies, Digital technologies 6 Bio&D Créteil Biotechnologies, Life Sciences 8 7 ©DR 3 CITEC 11 ©DR Institut Georges Méliès ©DR Cachan Digital technologies Villejuif Bio Park ©Fernando Urquijo/Sadev 94 La Fabrique Télécom SudParis Entrepreneurs Incubator MAJOR INVESTMENT DEALS 2013 ©DR Paris Val-de-Marne welcomes more and more international companies and major groups which find ideal conditions for their development. SEPTODONT GROUP R&D CENTER IN SAINT-MAUR-DES-FOSSÉS © 2012 The redevelopment of a 1,650 m2 building for the installation of a new laboratory and state-of-the-art R&D technology for this dental pharmacy leader... SYSTÈME U HEADQUARTERS IN RUNGIS CONSOLIDATION OF SUPPORT FUNCTIONS FOR CASINO GROUP, FRANPRIX AND LEADER PRICE BRANDS IN VITRY-SUR-SEINE 25,000 m2 of office spaces for purchases, supply chain, IT and marketing on the “Port à l’Anglais” site on the banks of the Seine. 12 SANOFI’S HQE AND BREEAM CAMPUS IN GENTILLY A 50,000 m2 building that houses 3,000 employees. LIDL’S PARISIAN HEADQUARTERS IN RUNGIS ©DR ©jgourlay ©A. Da Silva/Graphix-images © 15,118 m2 of office spaces and 5,482 m2 of showroom in the ICADE Paris - Orly - Rungis park. 11,700 m2 for this operating center served by one of the three stations of the new tram T7. BRED HEADQUARTERS IN JOINVILLE-LE-PONT The 17,670 m2 Urbagreen building is ideally located across from the Joinville-le-Pont RER station and houses 1,100 employees. 13 MAJOR INVESTMENT DEALS ©DR ©ArteFactory Lab 2015 Paris-Orly airport and the Cœur d’Orly business district A new 90,000 m2 campus at Val de Fontenay, including 77,000 m2 of office space and 13,000 m2 of related services. The creation of an additional 100,000 m2 for ParisOrly airport and the development of the Cœur d’Orly business district with the arrival of Lines 14 and 18 of the Grand Paris Express. 16,000 m2 of office space has just been delivered and the Accor hotel complex (with a total of 700 rooms) is due to open in 2017. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL R&D CENTre IN CRÉTEIL 19,500 m2 of activities with 5,000 m2 of office spaces in the urban development zone (ZAC) Val Pompadour. A 10,000 m2 building inaugurated in Créteil to settle the European research center. ©Greg Lenormand DPPI pour IDEC ©DR TRANSGOURMET HEADQUARTERS IN VALENTON ©PLASTICINE ©DR ©DR 2014 Société Générale at Val de Fontenay 14 THE CARTIER EYEWEAR PRODUCTION FACILITY A 9,000 m2 building that houses 250 employees, from design to production of Cartier eyewear. The organic food hall at Rungis Market and the “Rungis 2025” plan The Duvauchelle East development project at Créteil The 5,600 m2 Hall D6 dedicated to organic foods opened at the end of December 2015. The “Rungis 2025” plan involves the construction of 264,000 m2 of new facilities, the demolition of 132,000 m2 of cold storage capacity and the renovation of 88,000 m2 of market buildings. Opening of Rungis&Co incubator. The initial phase of this project involves the construction of the 13,200 m2 National Handball Centre, scheduled to open in September 2018. A 220-room hotel will also be opening its doors close to the Handball Centre, while an office complex of up to 17,000 m2 will complete the development of the site. 15 THE BEST REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES L’ELYPS, FONTENAY-SOUS-BOIS 29,600 m2 of office space Cœur d’Orly L’Elyps is a new generation office building located in the heart of the Val de Fontenay business district right next to the A86 motorway. It is seeking HQE® (High Environmental Quality), BREEAM and EFFINERGIE + certification. commercial setting. 65,000 m2 of office space Both an innovative green business district and a new living environment, this urban development highlights the economic potential of the Orly centre. IVRY CONFLUENCES 100,000 m2 of office space An operation at the confluence of the Seine and the Marne which aims to reclaim the banks of the Seine and combines social interaction with environmental quality. 16 ©PERSPECTIVE 3D ©INFIME ARCHITECTURE ©Hubert Godet/Sadev 94 ©François Leclercq architecte/Sadev 94 ©ArteFactory Lab ©BOISSESON DUMAS VILMORIN & ASSOCIES Paris Val-de-Marne offers real estate opportunities with the latest environmental standards with a good accessibility and real quality of life. THE PORT DISTRICT IN CHOISY-LE-ROI ICADE OTTAWA PARK, PARIS-ORLY-RUNGIS SUCY OUEST ECO PARK, SUCY-EN-BRIE 73,000 m2 of office space 14,000 m2 of office space 55,000 m2 of business units A true link between the city and the Seine, this pleasant living and working space also houses more than 800 new homes, public spaces, businesses and restaurants. The 2nd phase of the Quebec-Ottawa complex comprising a five-storey building and situated in extensive landscaped gardens. It is seeking HQE and BREEAM certification. An eco park with 55,000 m2 of floor space offering turnkey solutions. The site is in a sought-after district 12 km from Paris, served by Line A of the RER and a dedicated bus link to the Métro line 8 (Balard Créteil). 17 PARIS VAL DE MARNE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Communication • Producing press releases • Connecting the business with the media • Publicising our clients’ success stories • Promoting businesses on our website and social media networks Services for international companies Networking • Introducing companies to the key economic and institutional stakeholders in Val-de-Marne and Paris Region. • Dedicated specialists on hand from the target country: Spain, China, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Austria • Event organisation: the “Grand Evénement”, Meet Innov evening networking sessions, etc. • Connecting businesses with a network of institutional and corporate contacts: embassies, bilateral or international Chambers of Commerce, universities and specialist training schools, bilingual lawyers and accountants, recruitment agencies etc. © Stephane Laure Transport and travel • Putting you in touch with public transport operators and organisations (RATP, STIF etc) to ensure the new site is readily accessible Services for innovative businesses Your partner Premises • Intellectual property advice • Researching potential business locations To create wealth, jobs and innovation, this is the concern we share with our business partners. Our team is keen to help you at every stage of your investment project and of your development. • Overview of the real estate market and offer • Identifying the best public or private funding options for the project, putting you in touch with funding and assisting with the application process 145 • Online searchable real estate directory (Immo Flexible for co-working spaces and short term solutions, & Immo Val de Marne for office rentals and buildings) Human resources companies received our services in the last 11 years. • Helping with recruitment established companies managed by managed by us in the last 10 years. 77% companies set ups were international in 2014. 97% declared being fully satisfied with our services (based on 2013 satisfaction survey). • Putting you in touch with innovation support organisations (BPIfrance, Scientipôle Initiative, Paris Region Entreprises (PRE), INPI (French National Intellectual Property Institute), Réseau Entreprendre, the Val’Angels investor network, VMAPI etc), academic partners (UPEC, engineering schools), manufacturers and competitiveness clusters across Paris Region © Benjamin Barda 427 • Local background information: transport networks, planned developments etc. • Helping your staff to settle in: giving an overview of the surrounding area, producing a welcome pack etc. • Researching specific incubator and start-up sites or premises ready for development • Helping to find accomodation • Helping recruit high-tech staff • Supporting the set up of shared crèches and packaged services for company personnel • Searchable online directory – the Innovation Atlas with 800+ innovative companies , laboratories and research centres • Organisation of talks, workshops, and business conventions dedicated to innovation and perfect for networking: the Meet Innov evening event, the Innovation School, Meet Invest sessions 14 15 PARIS VAL DE MARNE THE BEST PLACE FOR INVESTMENT IN GREATER PARIS The most attractive prices in Greater Paris In the heart of Europe’s leading economic region • Average rent for new offices is €192/m2/year (tax excluded), less than the Ile-de-France average. • A tertiary real estate market composed of 3.8 million m2, with office spaces which meet the latest environmental standards. • A creation rate for new businesses higher than Ile-de-France’s rate: +3.6 % in a year. • Provides access to a market of 500 million French and European consumers. • Paris Region: 30% more international headquarters than London. • Rungis: the world’s largest agribusiness platform, with a sales figure of 8.8 billion. • Gustave Roussy: the leading cancer research centre in Europe. 20 ©Aéroports de Paris THE MAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN PARIS VAL DE MARNE An exceptional and growing transportation network •4 highways, 3 subway lines, 5 RER LEGENDE • • Major development projects CENTRAL PART OF LES ARDOINES Grand Paris Express routes and related projects ©D.Grandemange • Planned stations on Lines 14 and 15 of the Grand Paris Express Motorways Railway lines (RER, subway, trams) • Green space 3 4 21 (Regional Express Transportation) lines and tram T7. O ver 140 regular bus lines. T he largest multimodal transport hub in France (road-rail hub) and the second-largest river-borne multimodal hub in the Ile-de-France region, the Bonneuil-sur-Marne harbor. P aris-Orly, the second-largest French airport, with 28.9 million passengers in 2014 and among the top ten European airports. T he first subway line of the Grand Paris Express, scheduled to become operational in 2022. Innovation in motion •2 ,600 researchers and research lecturers. •F rance’s second largest clinical research hub, the world-famous Institut Gustave Roussy, Europe’s leading cancer research centre. • 800 innovative companies listed in our Innovation Atlas. • Innovation events organised by the development agency: les Nocturnes, les Matinales, l’École de l’Innovation. 22 The land of knowledge and talent • 3 significant universities and 18 engineering schools: Université Paris-Est Créteil, École Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, EPITA and EPITECH in KremlinBicêtre, EFREI and Sup Biotech in Villejuif, ESME Sudria and ESIEA in Ivry-sur-Seine, etc. • 55,000 students, including 1,200 PhD applicants. • 154,000 executives and white collar workers, representing 23% of the local working population. Elizabeth Rodrigues General Manager Here is Building the Greater Paris Orly-Rungis 2nd largest economic centre in the Paris region GRAND PARIS EXPRESS Pierre PAUMELLE François Pays Inward Investment Director Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 08 [email protected] English speaking contact Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 06 [email protected] Line 15 by 2022 Line 14 to Paris Orly Airport by 2024 quality of life Linlin Lu Mandarin speaking contact : Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 14 [email protected] Axel Ouvrard English & Spanish speaking contact Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 18 [email protected] Laurent Ponce Innovation project manager Tel. +33 1 43 90 43 11 [email protected] Laura Bourquin 22 parks and over 2,550 hectares of forest Spanish speaking contact Su contacto español : Tel. +34 625 86 43 50 [email protected] THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY PRICES in the PARIS region Dominique Parganin Innovation project Director Tel. +33 1 43 90 64 07 [email protected] Kathy Baudez Head of Communication and Marketing Tel. + 33 1 43 90 64 17 [email protected] Crédit photos de couverture : ©Gerard Launet/ - Aéroports de Paris - 2014 Fabien Meddour / suburbanstudio - CDT 94 / Didier Adam - David Lees/ The Val-de-Marne Development Agency is a receptive and experienced multidisciplinary team whose primary aim is to ensure that you receive a proper welcome and benefit from its expertise and abilities in all your activities. EST An international team at your service AT THE HEART OF THE GREATER PARIS DYNAMICS PARIS VAL DE MARNE IN PARIS VAL DE MARNE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Paris Val de Marne AT THE FOREFRONT OF GREATER PARIS Val-de-Marne is the first area in which the project of the Greater Paris Express enters its operational phase Christian Garcia, Director of Institutional Relations for the Société du Grand Paris7 2
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