RON ROTHERT INSURANCE SERVICES Certified Managing General Agent The Best Service Anywhere We Want Your Business ARTISAN CONTRACTORS APPLICATION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS-IF THEY DO NOT APPLY, INDICATE "NOT APPLICABLE" Applicant's Name Agency Name Mailing Address Agent Address Web Site Address E-Mail Phone PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: From Applicant is: Individual 12:01 A.M., Standard Time at the address of the Applicant To Corporation Partnership Limited Liability Company Joint Venture Other (Specify) LIMITS OF LIABILITY REQUESTED TARGET PREMIUMS General Aggregate $ Premises/Operations Products & Completed Operations Aggregate $ $ Personal & Advertising Injury $ Products Each Occurrence $ $ Damage To Premises Rented To You (any one premise) $ Other Medical Expense (any one person) $ $ Contractors License Number(s): Provide state of operations: Provide details of all your operations: Do you have other business ventures for which coverage is not requested? ................................................... Yes No Yes No If yes, explain and advise where insured: 1. Applicant Operations: Number of Owner/Partners: Owner/Partner Payroll: No. of Trade Employees: Trade Employee Payroll: No. of Leased Employees: Leased Employee Payroll: What % of work is sub contracted: Sub Contractor Costs: If employees are leased, do you use the same employees for every job? 2. Number of Years of Experience: CON-APP-ART (02-05) Number of Years in Business: -1- 3. Indicate percentage of total operations performed by you and/or employees: Asbestos Removal % Electrical % Masonry % Roofing Commercial % Automatic or Power Doors % E.I.F.S. % Mechanical % Roofing Residential % Blasting % Excavation % Mining % Sand Blasting % % Seismic Retrofitting % Carpentry % Farm Equipment Repair % Mold and Spore Treatment or Remediation Carpet/Floor Covering % Fire and Water Restoration % Painting Interior % Septic % Concrete % Framing (Residential) % Painting Exterior % Sewer % Cranes % Grain Elevators % Pile Driving % Shoring/Underpinning % Demolition % Grading of Land % Plastering % Siding % Design % Home/ Inspections % Plumbing Commercial % Street and Road - Public % Drilling % Insulation % Plumbing Residential % Supervisory Only % Drywall % Landscaping % Waterproofing % Tile & Marble % Earthquake Repair % Other % 4. Indicate percentage of total operations performed sub contractors: Asbestos Removal % Electrical % Masonry % Roofing Commercial % Automatic or Power Doors % E.I.F.S. % Mechanical % Roofing Residential % Blasting % Excavation % Mining % Sand Blasting % % Seismic Retrofitting % Carpentry % Farm Equipment Repair % Mold and Spore Treatment or Remediation Carpet/Floor Covering Fire and Water Restora% tion % Painting Interior % Septic % Concrete % Framing (Residential) % Painting Exterior % Sewer % Cranes % Grain Elevators % Pile Driving % Shoring/Underpinning % Demolition % Grading of Land % Plastering % Siding % Design % Home/ Inspections % Plumbing Commercial % Street and Road - Public % Drilling % Insulation % Plumbing Residential % Supervisory Only % Tile & Marble % Drywall % Landscaping Earthquake Repair % % Waterproofing % Other % Previous Year: 5. Receipts/Sales: Current Year: Two Years Ago: 6. Indicate % of operations involving: New Construction: Repair: % % Remodeling: Other: % % Demolition: % (must total 100%) Explain other: Commercial New Construction: Industrial: % % Commercial Remodeling: % Institutional: % Residential New: % Residential Remodeling: % Apartments*: % Commercial Condos: % (must total 100%) CON-APP-ART (02-05) -2- *If residential construction - condos/townhouses (including conversions) % single family or residential dwellings % *If residential remodeling - interior work only % ground up construction % 7. List three current or planned projects: Customer Name and Project Description Cost of Project Duration of Project Cost of Project Duration of Project a. b. c. 8. List five largest jobs in the last 3 years: Customer Name and Project Description a. b. c. d. e. 9. Liability Controls: a. Do you use a written contract with customers? .................................................................................... Yes No Yes No Do your contracts contain a hold harmless agreement in your favor? ................................................. . Yes No If no, explain when not required: b. Do you use a written contract with subcontractors? ............................................................................. If no, explain when not required: c. d. Do you obtain certificates of insurance from all subcontractors? ......................................................... Yes No e. Are you added as additional insured on the subcontractors' liability policies?..................................... Yes No f. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No If yes, minimum Limits Required: Do you have Workers' Compensation coverage in force? ................................................................... g. Do you provide architectural or engineering design services?............................................................. If yes, explain: Do you carry Errors & Omissions coverage for these services? .......................................................... h. Are you a construction/project manager or consultant? ....................................................................... 10. Have you ever had a Construction Defect loss/claim or been involved in a class action Construction Defect suit?................................................................................................................................ If Yes, and loss or suit is older than five years, provide details: ******Please attach separate page reflecting any certificate holders or additional insureds - If additional insured please advise interest***** CON-APP-ART (02-05) -3- PRIOR CARRIER INFORMATION - FIVE YEAR PERIOD Year: Carrier Policy No. Total Premium 11. Is the current coverage being cancelled or non-renewed? Yes No LOSS HISTORY-FIVE YEAR PERIOD Indicate all claims or losses (regardless of fault and whether or not insured) or occurrences that may give rise to claims for the prior five years. Date of Loss Description of Loss Amount Paid Amount Reserved Claim Status (Open or Closed) ***Name & Number of contact for inspection and/or premium audit purposes***: Name: Phone #: This application does not bind the applicant nor the Company to complete the insurance, but it is agreed that the information contained herein shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued. APPLICABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime, and shall also be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars and the stated value of the claim for each such violation. FRAUD WARNING: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and civil penalties. NAME AND TITLE: APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________ AGENT SIGNATURE: DATE: DATE: IMPORTANT NOTICE As part of our underwriting procedure, a routine inquiry may be made to obtain applicable information concerning character, general reputation, personal characteristics and mode of living. Upon written request, additional information as to the nature and scope of the report, if one is made, will be provided. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS-IF THEY DO NOT APPLY, INDICATE NOT APPLICABLE Print Form CON-APP-ART (02-05) -4-